Original taken from billfish561 in Beautiful, but dangerous inhabitants of the seas and oceans.

There are quite a lot of creatures living in sea and ocean waters, an encounter with which can cause a person trouble in the form of injury or even lead to disability or death.

Here I have tried to describe the most common sea inhabitants that you should be wary of when you encounter them in the water, while relaxing and swimming on the beach of a resort or while diving.
If you ask any person "...Which inhabitant of the seas and oceans is the most dangerous?", then we will almost always hear the answer “... shark..." But is this so? Who is more dangerous, a shark or an outwardly completely harmless shell?

Moray eels

It reaches a length of 3 m and a weight of up to 10 kg, but as a rule, individuals are found about a meter long. The fish has bare skin, without scales. They are found in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, and are widespread in the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Moray eels live in the bottom layer of water, one might say at the bottom. During the day, moray eels sit in crevices of rocks or corals, sticking their heads out and usually moving them from side to side, looking for passing prey; at night they get out of their shelters to hunt. Moray eels usually feed on fish, but they also attack crustaceans and octopuses, which are caught from ambush.

After processing, moray eel meat can be eaten. It was especially valued by the ancient Romans.

Moray eel is potentially dangerous to humans. A diver who has become a victim of a moray eel attack always somehow provokes this attack - he sticks his hand or foot into the crevice where the moray eel is hiding, or chases it. A moray eel, when attacking a person, inflicts a wound that is similar to the bite mark of a barracuda, but unlike a barracuda, the moray eel does not immediately swim away, but hangs on its victim like a bulldog. She can grab the arm with a bulldog death grip, from which the diver cannot free himself, and then he can die.

It is not poisonous, but since moray eels do not disdain carrion, the wounds are very painful, do not heal for a long time and often become inflamed. Hides among underwater rocks and coral reefs in crevices and caves.

When moray eels begin to feel hungry, they jump out of their shelters like an arrow and grab a victim swimming by. Very gluttonous. Very strong jaws and sharp teeth.

Moray eels are not very attractive in appearance. But they do not attack scuba divers, as some believe; they are not aggressive. Isolated cases occur only when moray eels are in mating season. If a moray eel mistakes a person for a source of food or he invades its territory, then it may still attack.


All barracudas live in tropical and subtropical waters of the World Ocean near the surface. There are 8 species in the Red Sea, including the large barracuda. There are not many species in the Mediterranean Sea - only 4, of which 2 moved there from the Red Sea via the Suez Canal. The so-called “malita”, which has settled in the Mediterranean Sea, provides the bulk of the entire Israeli catch of barracudas. The most ominous feature of barracudas is the powerful lower jaw, which protrudes far beyond the upper jaw. The jaws are equipped with fearsome teeth: a row of small, razor-sharp teeth dot the outside of the jaw, and a row of large, dagger-like teeth inside.

The maximum recorded size of a barracuda is 200 cm, weight is 50 kg, but usually the length of a barracuda does not exceed 1-2 m.

She is aggressive and fast. Barracudas are also called “living torpedoes” because they attack their prey with great speed.

Despite such a formidable name and ferocious appearance, these predators are practically harmless to humans. It should be remembered that all attacks on people occurred in muddy or dark water where the swimmer's moving arms or legs were mistaken by the barracuda for swimming fish (This is exactly the situation the author of the blog found himself in in February 2014, when he was on vacation in Egypt, Oriental Bay Resort Marsa Alam 4+* (now called Aurora Oriental Bay Marsa Alam Resort 5*) Marsa Gabel el Rosas Bay . A medium-sized barracuda, 60-70cm, almost bit off the first f alangu index finger on right hand. A piece of a finger was hanging on a 5mm piece of skin (dive gloves saved me from complete amputation). At the Marsa Alam clinic, the surgeon put 4 stitches and saved the finger, but the rest was completely ruined ). In Cuba, the reason for attacking a person was shiny objects such as watches, jewelry, knives. It will not be superfluous if the shiny parts of the equipment are painted dark.

The barracuda's sharp teeth can damage the arteries and veins of the limbs; in this case, the bleeding must be stopped immediately, since blood loss can be significant. In the Antilles, barracudas are more feared than sharks.


Every year, millions of people suffer from “burns” from contact with jellyfish while swimming.

In the waters of the seas washing the Russian shores there is not much dangerous jellyfish, the main thing is to prevent these jellyfish from coming into contact with the mucous membranes. In the Black Sea, the easiest jellyfish to encounter are Aurelia and Cornerot. They are not very dangerous, and their “burns” are not very strong.

Aurelia "butterflies" (Aurelia aurita)

Cornermouth jellyfish (Rhizostoma pulmo)

Only in the Far Eastern seas does it live enough cross jellyfish, dangerous to humans, the poison of which can even lead to the death of a person. This small jellyfish with a cross pattern on its umbrella causes severe burns at the point of contact with it, and after a while causes other disorders in the human body - difficulty breathing, numbness of the limbs.

Cross Medusa (Gonionemus vertens)

consequences of a cross jellyfish burn

The further south you go, the more dangerous the jellyfish are. In the coastal waters of the Canary Islands, a pirate awaits unwary swimmers - the “Portuguese man-of-war” - a very beautiful jellyfish with a red crest and a multi-colored bubble-sail.

Portuguese man of war (Physalia physalis)

The "Little Man of Portugal" looks so harmless and beautiful at sea...

And this is what the leg looks like after contact with the "Portuguese man-of-war"....

Many jellyfish live in the coastal waters of Thailand.

But the real scourge for swimmers is the Australian " sea ​​wasp". It kills with a light touch of multi-meter tentacles, which, by the way, can wander on their own without losing their murderous qualities. At best, you can pay for getting acquainted with the “sea wasp” with severe “burns” and lacerations, and at worst, with your life. The sea wasp jellyfish killed more people than from sharks. This jellyfish lives in the warm waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, is especially numerous off the coast of Northern Australia. The diameter of its umbrella is only 20-25 mm, but the tentacles reach a length of 7-8 m and they contain venom similar in composition to cobra venom, but much stronger. A person who is touched by a “sea wasp” with its tentacles usually dies within 5 minutes.

Australian box jellyfish or "sea wasp" (Chironex fleckeri)

burn from jellyfish "sea wasp"

Aggressive jellyfish also live in the Mediterranean and other Atlantic waters - the “burns” caused by them are stronger than the “burns” of Black Sea jellyfish, and they cause allergic reactions more often. These include cyanea ("hairy jellyfish"), pelagia ("little lilac sting"), chrysaora ("sea nettle") and some others.

Atlantic cyanide jellyfish (Cyanea capillata)

Pelagia (Noctiluca), known in Europe as "purple sting"

Pacific sea nettle (Chrysaora fuscescens)

Jellyfish "Compass" (Coronatae)
Compass jellyfish chose the coastal waters of the Mediterranean Sea and one of the oceans - the Atlantic - as their place of residence. They live off the coast of Turkey and the United Kingdom. These are quite large jellyfish, their diameter reaches thirty centimeters. They have twenty-four tentacles, which are arranged in groups of three each. The body color is yellowish-white with a brown tint, and its shape resembles a saucer-bell, which has thirty-two lobes, which are colored brown at the edges.
The upper surface of the bell has sixteen brown V-shaped rays. The lower part of the bell is the location of the mouth opening, surrounded by four tentacles. These jellyfish are poisonous. Their venom is potent and often leads to the formation of wounds that are very painful and take a long time to heal..
Yet the most dangerous jellyfish live in Australia and its adjacent waters. Burns from box jellyfish and Portuguese man-of-war are very serious and often fatal.


Stingrays of the stingray family and electric rays can cause trouble. It should be noted that the stingrays themselves do not attack a person; injury can be caused if you step on him when this fish is hiding at the bottom.

Stingray stingray (Dasyatidae)

Electric Stingray (Torpediniformes)

Stingrays live in almost all seas and oceans. In our (Russian) waters you can find the stingray, or it is otherwise called catfish. It is found both in the Black Sea and in the seas of the Pacific coast. If you step on a stingray buried in the sand or resting at the bottom, it can cause a serious wound to the offender, and, among other things, inject poison into it. He has a thorn on his tail, or rather real sword- up to 20 centimeters in length. Its edges are very sharp, and also jagged, along the blade, on the lower side there is a groove in which dark poison from the poisonous gland on the tail is visible. If you touch a stingray lying at the bottom, it will strike with its tail like a whip; at the same time, it sticks out its spine and can cause a deep chopped wound. A wound from a stingray blow is treated like any other.

The Black Sea is also home to the sea fox stingray Raja clavata - large, up to one and a half meters from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail, it is harmless to humans - unless, of course, you try to grab it by the tail, covered with long sharp spines. Electric stingrays are not found in the waters of Russian seas.

Sea anemones (anemones)

Sea anemones inhabit almost all seas globe, but, like other coral polyps, they are especially numerous and diverse in warm waters. Most species live in shallow coastal waters, but they are often found at the maximum depths of the World Ocean. Sea anemones Usually hungry sea anemones sit completely calm, with tentacles widely spaced. At the slightest changes occurring in the water, the tentacles begin to oscillate, not only they stretch out towards the prey, but often the entire body of the sea anemone bends. Having grabbed the victim, the tentacles contract and bend towards the mouth.

Sea anemones are well armed. Stinging cells are especially numerous in predatory species. A volley of fired stinging cells kills small organisms and often causes severe burns in larger animals, even humans. They can cause burns, just like some types of jellyfish.


Octopuses (Octopoda) are the most famous representatives cephalopods. “Typical” octopuses are representatives of the suborder Incirrina, bottom-dwelling animals. But some representatives of this suborder and all species of the second suborder, Cirrina, are pelagic animals that live in the water column, and many of them are found only at great depths.

They live in all tropical and subtropical seas and oceans, from shallow waters to depths of 100-150 m. They prefer rocky coastal zones, looking for caves and crevices in the rocks for habitat. In the waters of the Russian seas they live only in the Pacific region.

The common octopus has the ability to change color to adapt to its environment. This is explained by the presence in his skin of cells with various pigments that, under the influence of impulses from the central nervous system, can stretch or contract depending on the perception of the senses. The usual color is brown. If the octopus is scared, it turns white; if it is angry, it turns red.

When enemies approach (including divers or scuba divers), they flee, hiding in rock crevices and under stones.

The real danger is an octopus bite if handled carelessly. The secretion of poisonous substances may be injected into the wound. salivary glands. At the same time it is felt sharp pain and itching in the area of ​​the bite.
When a common octopus bites, a local inflammatory reaction occurs. Heavy bleeding indicates a slowdown in the blood clotting process. Usually, recovery occurs within two to three days. However, there are cases of severe poisoning in which symptoms of damage to the central nervous system occur. Wounds caused by octopuses are treated in the same way as injections. poisonous fish.

Blue-ringed octopus (Blue-ringed Octopus)

One of the contenders for the title of the most dangerous marine animal for humans is the octopus Octopus maculosus, which is found along the coast of the Australian province of Queensland and near Sydney, found in the Indian Ocean and, sometimes, in the Far East. Although the size of this octopus rarely exceeds 10 cm, it contains enough poison to kill ten people.


Lionfish (Pterois) of the family Scorpaenidae pose a great danger to humans. They are easy to recognize by their rich and bright colors, which warns of effective means protection in these fish. Even sea ​​predators prefer to leave this fish alone. The fins of this fish look like brightly decorated feathers. Physical contact with such fish can be fatal.

Lionfish (Pterois)

Despite its name, it cannot fly. The fish got this nickname because of its large pectoral fins, a little like wings. Other names for lionfish are zebra fish or lion fish. She got the first due to the wide gray, brown and red stripes located throughout her body, and the second due to her long fins, which make her look like a predatory lion.

The lionfish belongs to the scorpionfish family. The body length reaches 30 cm, and the weight is 1 kg. The coloring is bright, which makes the lionfish noticeable even at great depths. The main decoration of the lionfish is the long ribbons of the dorsal and pectoral fins, which are what they resemble lion's mane. These luxurious fins conceal sharp, poisonous needles, which make the lionfish one of the most dangerous inhabitants of the seas.

The lionfish is widespread in tropical parts Indian and Pacific oceans off the coast of China, Japan and Australia. It lives mainly among coral reefs. lionfish Since it lives in the surface waters of the reef, it therefore represents great danger for swimmers who may step on it and be injured by the sharp, poisonous needles. The excruciating pain that occurs is accompanied by the formation of a tumor, breathing becomes difficult, and in some cases the injury leads to death.

The fish itself is very voracious and eats all kinds of crustaceans and small fish during the night hunt. The most dangerous include puffer fish, boxfish, sea dragon, urchin fish, ball fish, etc. You only need to remember one rule: the more colorful the fish and the more unusual its shape, the more poisonous it is.

Star pufferfish (Tetraodontidae)

Cube body or box fish (Ostraction cubicus)

hedgehog fish (Diodontidae)

fish ball (Diodontidae)

In the Black Sea there are relatives of the lionfish - the noticeable scorpionfish (Scorpaena notata), it is no more than 15 centimeters in length, and the Black Sea scorpionfish (Scorpaena porcus) - up to half a meter - but such large ones are found deeper, further from the coast. The main difference between the Black Sea scorpionfish is its long, rag-like flaps, supraorbital tentacles. In the noticeable scorpion fish these outgrowths are short.

conspicuous scorpionfish (Scorpaena notata)

black sea scorpionfish (Scorpaena porcus)

The body of these fish is covered with spines and growths, the spines are covered with poisonous mucus. And although the scorpionfish’s venom is not as dangerous as that of the lionfish, it is better not to disturb it.

Among the dangerous Black Sea fish It should be noted sea ​​dragon(Trachinus draco). An elongated, snake-like, bottom-dwelling fish with an angular large head. Like other bottom-dwelling predators, the dragon has bulging eyes on the top of its head and a huge, greedy mouth.

sea ​​dragon (Trachinus draco)

The consequences of a poisonous injection from a dragon are much more serious than in the case of scorpionfish, but not fatal.

Wounds from scorpionfish or dragon thorns cause burning pain, the area around the injections turns red and swells, then general malaise, fever, and your rest is interrupted for a day or two. If you have suffered from ruff thorns, consult a doctor. Wounds should be treated like regular scratches.

The “stone fish” or wart (Synanceia verrucosa) also belongs to the order of scorpion fish - no less, and in some cases more dangerous than lionfish.

"stone fish" or wart (Synanceia verrucosa)

Sea urchins

Often in shallow waters there is a risk of stepping on a sea urchin.

Sea urchins are one of the most common and very dangerous inhabitants of coral reefs. The hedgehog's body, the size of an apple, is studded with 30-centimeter needles sticking out in all directions, similar to knitting needles. They are very mobile, sensitive and react instantly to irritation.

If a shadow suddenly falls on a hedgehog, it immediately points its needles towards danger and puts them together, several at a time, into a sharp, hard peak. Even gloves and wetsuits do not guarantee complete protection from the formidable peaks of the sea urchin. The needles are so sharp and fragile that, having penetrated deep into the skin, they immediately break off and it is extremely difficult to remove them from the wound. In addition to spines, hedgehogs are armed with small grasping organs - pedicillariae, scattered at the base of the spines.

I sea ​​urchins not dangerous, but causes burning pain at the injection site, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and passing paralysis. And soon redness and swelling appear, sometimes there is loss of sensitivity and secondary infection. The wound must be cleaned of needles, disinfected, and to neutralize the poison, hold the damaged part of the body in very hot water for 30-90 minutes or apply a pressure bandage.

After meeting a black “long-spined” sea urchin, black dots may remain on the skin - this is a trace of pigment, it is harmless, but it can make it difficult to find the needles stuck in you. After first aid, consult a doctor.

Shells (molluscs)

Often on the reef among the corals there are wavy valves of bright blue color.

tridacna clam (Tridacna gigas)

According to some reports, divers sometimes get caught between its doors, like in a trap, which leads to their death. The danger of tridacna, however, is greatly exaggerated. These clams live in shallow reef areas in clear tropical waters, so they are easy to spot thanks to large sizes, brightly colored mantle and the ability to splash water during low tide. A diver caught in a shell can easily free himself by inserting a knife between the valves and cutting the two muscles that compress the valves.

Poisonous Clam Cone (Conidae)
Do not touch beautiful shells (especially large ones). Here it is worth remembering one rule: all mollusks that have a long, thin and pointed ovipositor are poisonous. These are representatives of the conus genus of the gastropod class, having a brightly colored conical shell. Its length in most species does not exceed 15-20 cm. The cone injects with a needle-sharp spike that protrudes from the narrow end of the shell. Inside the thorn there is a duct of the poisonous gland, through which very strong poison is injected into the wound.

Various species of the genus conus are common on coastal shallows and coral reefs of warm seas.

At the moment of the injection, a sharp pain is felt. At the site where the spike was inserted, a reddish dot is visible against the background of pale skin.

The local inflammatory reaction is insignificant. A feeling of acute pain or burning appears, and numbness of the affected limb may occur. In severe cases, there is difficulty speaking, flaccid paralysis quickly develops, and knee reflexes disappear. Death may occur within a few hours.

In case of mild poisoning, all symptoms disappear within 24 hours.

First aid consists of removing thorn fragments from the skin. The affected area is wiped with alcohol. The affected limb is immobilized. The patient is taken to the medical center in a supine position.


Coral, both living and dead, can cause painful cuts (be careful when walking on coral islands). And the so-called “fire” corals are armed with poisonous needles that dig into human body when physical contact with them.

The basis of the coral is made up of polyps - marine invertebrate animals measuring 1-1.5 millimeters or slightly larger (depending on the species).

As soon as it is born, the baby polyp begins to build a cell house in which it spends its entire life. Micro-houses of polyps are grouped into colonies from which a coral reef ultimately appears.

When hungry, the polyp sticks out tentacles with many stinging cells from its “house”. The smallest animals that make up the plankton encounter the tentacles of the polyp, which paralyzes the victim and sends it into the mouth. Despite their microscopic size, the stinging cells of polyps have a very complex structure. Inside the cell there is a capsule filled with poison. The outer end of the capsule is concave and looks like a thin spirally twisted tube called a stinging filament. This tube, covered with tiny spines directed backwards, resembles a miniature harpoon. When touched, the stinging thread straightens, the “harpoon” pierces the victim’s body, and the poison passing through it paralyzes the prey.

Poisoned coral harpoons can also injure humans. Dangerous ones include, for example, fire coral. Its colonies in the form of “trees” made of thin plates have chosen the shallow waters of tropical seas.

The most dangerous stinging corals from the genus Millepora are so beautiful that scuba divers cannot resist the temptation to break off a piece as a souvenir. This can be done without “burns” and cuts only with canvas or leather gloves.

Fire coral (Millepora dichotoma)

When talking about such passive animals as coral polyps, it is worth mentioning another interesting type of marine animal - sponges. Typically, sponges are not classified as dangerous marine inhabitants, however, in the waters of the Caribbean there are some species that can cause severe irritation the swimmer's skin upon contact with them. It is believed that the pain can be relieved with a weak solution of vinegar, but the unpleasant consequences from contact with the sponge can last several days. These primitive animals belong to the genus Fibula and are often called touch-me-not sponges.

Sea snakes (Hydrophidae)

Little is known about sea snakes. This is strange, since they live in all the seas of the Pacific and Indian Oceans and are not among the rare inhabitants of the deep sea. Maybe it's because people just don't want to deal with them.

And there are serious reasons for this. After all, sea snakes are dangerous and unpredictable.

There are about 48 species of sea snakes. This family once left land and completely switched to an aquatic lifestyle. Because of this, sea snakes have acquired some features in the structure of the body, and in appearance they are somewhat different from their terrestrial counterparts. The body is flattened laterally, the tail is in the form of a flat ribbon (in flat-tailed representatives) or slightly elongated (in swallowtails). The nostrils are located not on the sides, but on the top, so it is more convenient for them to breathe, sticking the tip of the muzzle out of the water. The lung stretches throughout the body, but these snakes absorb up to a third of all oxygen from the water with the help of the skin, which is densely permeated with blood capillaries. A sea snake can stay underwater for more than an hour.

The venom of the sea snake is dangerous to humans. Their venom is dominated by an enzyme that paralyzes nervous system. When attacking, the snake quickly strikes with two short teeth, slightly bent back. The bite is practically painless, there is no swelling or hemorrhage.

But after some time, weakness appears, coordination is impaired, and convulsions begin. Death occurs from paralysis of the lungs within a few hours.

The great toxicity of the venom of these snakes is a direct result of their aquatic habitat: to prevent the prey from escaping, it must be immediately paralyzed. True, the venom of sea snakes is not as dangerous as the venom of snakes that live with us on land. When a flattail bites, 1 mg of poison is released, and when a swallowtail bites, 16 mg is released. So, a person has a chance to survive. Out of 10 people bitten by sea snakes, 7 people remain alive, of course, if they receive medical assistance in time.

True, there is no guarantee that you will be among the last.

Among other dangerous aquatic animals, especially dangerous freshwater inhabitants should be mentioned - crocodiles living in the tropics and subtropics, piranha fish living in the Amazon River basin, freshwater electric stingrays, as well as fish, the meat or some of whose organs are poisonous and can cause acute poisoning.

If you are interested in more detailed information about dangerous species of jellyfish and corals, you can find it at http://medusy.ru/

Fortunately, there are not so many dangerous inhabitants of the abyss in the Mediterranean Sea. If we compare their number and degree of danger with tropical seas, then relaxing and swimming on the Mediterranean coast is tens of times safer. The likelihood of meeting such dangerous predators, like a shark or moray eel are so small that even experienced scuba divers sometimes cannot find them. Moreover, in the waters of the Mediterranean there are only White shark, the blue shark has not been seen here for a very long time, and cases of shark attacks on humans over the past few decades are rare. However, the likelihood of encountering smaller sea creatures that are found in the Mediterranean Sea and can cause a lot of trouble is quite high.

One of the basic rules for swimmers and divers is “If you don’t know, don’t touch”. Often it not only saves you from unpleasant feelings or memories of an unexpected meeting, but also becomes the key to a relaxing holiday by the sea. It should also be borne in mind that the more dangerous the sea animal, the calmer it behaves, allowing a curious tourist to get as close as possible. After all, the animal thinks that everyone around him knows about her “bad character” and will not bother her.

Wild beaches with single vacationers and stone beaches overgrown with algae require special caution in behavior. In such places you need to protect yourself with special rubber shoes. It will perfectly protect against hedgehogs, corals, sharp stones and algae. The latter, by the way, on some beaches of Cyprus, especially near Protaras, can sting like nettles; the redness can last for several hours, itch and get in the way. If you encounter such algae, you should lubricate the burns with an anti-allergy product as quickly as possible.

Below is a list of the most common hazards to humans. sea ​​creatures, which can be found in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Perhaps their description and some recommendations from experienced scuba divers will help tourists avoid meeting them or respond correctly to the behavior of the animal.

Sea ruffes, electric rays and stingrays

Since the encounter with a blue or white shark in the Mediterranean Sea is reduced to almost zero, the top rating is occupied by smaller inhabitants of the sea. The stingray has a powerful weapon, poisonous spines on its tail. The electric ray defends itself by delivering an electric shock to its attacker. In sea ruffs, the entire body is covered with spines and spines, at the base of which there is poison, which the ruff injects into the attacker. Sea ruffs are also called small scorpionfish; they are difficult to distinguish among multi-colored stones and algae and can be mistaken for a pebble. When poison gets on the body, inflammation appears at the puncture site, which can develop into an abscess. Drinking an antihistamine in a timely manner promotes rapid restoration of the skin. However, it would be better not to touch unfamiliar animals, attractive stones and corals with your hands. In 100% of cases, ruffs and stingrays do not use their poisonous weapons for hunting, solely for protection.

Sea eels and moray eels

A person's behavior with these two creatures must be very careful. There is no need to give in to the desire to treat the fish with a treat; the consequences of their bite can be serious. Moray eels and eels have powerful jaw With sharp teeth. In a moment of danger, animals will try to defend themselves and bite the attacker.

Fire worms

Fireworms are quite beautiful due to their bright orange color and white fluffy bristles covering the entire body of the worm. They often reach 15-20 cm in length, but there are individuals 35 or more centimeters long.

The worm is perhaps the slowest of the dangerous inhabitants of the sea; it will not attack its offender. However, it is not worth being near it, much less touching it with your hands. The fireworm's venom is contained in white bristles, which, in case of danger, are detached from the animal's body and sting a novice scuba diver. After an encounter with a worm, small burns may remain on the body, similar to stinging nettles.

Most often, fireworms live on the wild beaches of Cyprus. Rubber shoes and common sense will save lovers of secluded shores from worm burns.

Mediterranean Sea Jellyfish

Jellyfish are not often found off the coast of the island of Cyprus, but encountering them is not excluded. Because of sudden warming on the planet and rising water temperatures in the Mediterranean Sea colonies of dangerous jellyfish in last years become impressive. The most dangerous species is considered to be the glowing purple jellyfish, which lives mainly off the coast of Italy. However, often after strong storm These jellyfish can also be seen off the coast of Cyprus. Their long thin tentacles reach 50 cm, and their round transparent body is about 10 - 15 cm in diameter. The burns of these jellyfish are extensive and painful. The burn site should be immediately lubricated with an anti-inflammatory anti-allergenic agent and an antihistamine should be taken. To the great joy of the scuba divers, his meeting with such a beautiful and dangerous inhabitant of the sea does not threaten him with trouble; the thermal suit, goggles and gloves reliably protect the body from strong bites.

Sea urchins

Vacationers in Cyprus most often encounter sea urchins. Rocky bottom warm sea– a paradise for this animal. Hedgehogs often live on the rocky slopes of wild beaches in entire colonies. Fortunately for careless swimmers, there are no poisonous sea urchins in Cyprus. The only trouble when meeting a hedgehog is the hedgehog's needles stuck in the skin, which can cause inflammation and suppuration.

It will be useful for a novice tourist to know that sea urchins are not found on sandy or pebble beaches. There are no necessary stones or breakwaters for them. But on the wild beaches, on which whole blocks of stone lie, hedgehogs have freedom.

If you still cannot avoid “acquaintance” with a hedgehog and the needles are firmly embedded in your arm or leg, you need to do the following:

Once the needle has entered the body, you need to try not to break it off, and hedgehogs’ needles are very brittle;

Before the needle is pulled out, the leg or arm must be soaked in very hot water;

Treat the wound periodically with an antiseptic.

Sea dragon

The sea dragon is the only dangerous fish in the Mediterranean Sea, which can attack a person first, even if it is not touched. The dragon has poisonous spines that contain a strong toxin that can cause long-term pain.

It is not easy to see this fish on the bottom. She often buries herself in the sand and suddenly jumps out of it towards her prey. In any case, if you are bitten by this fish, you need to remain calm, do not panic, take an antihistamine and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Anemones or sea anemones

On the rocky bottom in shallow water off the coast of Cyprus, sea anemones are found, resembling algae in appearance, only more fleshy and larger. Most of them live in one place and cannot move. Upon contact with them, a person may feel a slight burning sensation, which quickly passes.

The greatest danger is posed by the sorceress sea anemone. This species is able to move. The tentacles of this sea anemone are long and poisonous. For a person, an encounter with such an anemone will cause a noticeable burn, and for most marine plankton and small inhabitants its poison is fatal.

Many of our compatriots love to relax on the Mediterranean coast, in Greece, Italy, Croatia, Spain, Montenegro, Cyprus, Sardinia and other wonderful places where there is a lot of sun, sea, and beautiful scenery.

But few tourists suspect what troubles can await them in the waters of this warm, gentle and seemingly safe sea. However, this is far from the case, and it is quite possible to turn such a long-awaited and pleasant vacation into unpleasant, painful torment if you do not know what kind of troubles you can encounter in the waters of this sea. After all, a very dangerous fauna for humans exists and thrives in it, which can not only undermine his health, but in some cases lead to fatal outcome. Dangerous fauna of the Mediterranean Sea , can wait for you on the beach, while diving or fishing. But if a person knows where to expect danger and who can be its carrier, the chances of getting into an unpleasant situation are significantly reduced.


It has a very picturesque appearance; the body of this creature consists of a large number of segments with a bright orange-red color. Each segment has a certain number of bristles. The length of the fire worm is 30-40 cm. If you disturb the worm, it releases its bristles that dig into your body, and you get a burn similar to a nettle burn.

These creatures are very slow and do not attack anyone first. There are quite a lot of them on the beaches, especially wild ones. Therefore, it is not recommended to walk on water barefoot, but to wear special rubber slippers. However, of all the dangerous inhabitants of the Mediterranean Sea, they are perhaps the least dangerous, and certainly the slowest. Simply put, when you meet this beautiful creature, do not try to pick it up or step on it.

Anemones (anemones)

Dangerous inhabitants of the Mediterranean Sea are very diverse. They can be fish and algae, mollusks and arthropods. Sea anemones are widespread along almost the entire Mediterranean coast. They can grow in colonies or singly. It looks like a completely harmless algae. Often found in the surf, touching them evokes feelings similar to a nettle sting, but this soon goes away, however, these algae can give you a few unpleasant minutes.

Sea urchins

Sea urchins especially cause problems for tourists on the beaches of the island of Cyprus. More than everyone else dangerous inhabitants Mediterranean Sea combined. Sea urchins often form numerous clusters on rocks with inclined planes. Vacationers going ashore or simply wandering over rocks in the water often run the risk of grabbing a hedgehog with their hand or stepping on it. Of course, in this case you can get hurt and the pain can be noticeable, fortunately it does not live in Cyprus poisonous hedgehogs. It’s also good that there are practically no hedgehogs on sandy and pebble beaches; they are found among the stones in the breakwaters.


In the Mediterranean Sea, the only jellyfish that poses a danger to humans is the Portuguese man-of-war. Externally, this jellyfish looks like soap bubble with tentacles. Its swim bladder is brightly colored and looks like the sail of an old Portuguese ship. Burns from this jellyfish can cause severe pain and are characterized by the appearance of blisters on the skin and enlarged lymph nodes. In approximately 30% of cases, after a burn from this jellyfish, people are hospitalized. The Portuguese man-of-war lives off the coast of Spain, Portugal and France. Many people suffer from being hit by a Portuguese man-of-war because of their curiosity, having sailed to close quarters approaching this jellyfish, a person risks falling within the reach of its poisonous tentacles. This jellyfish with its poison is capable of killing fish 2-3 times its size.


A predatory fish belonging to the eel family. Not much more than 200 species of this species live in the world's oceans. predatory fish. It has a snake-like body, reminiscent of the body of an eel. Mediterranean moray eels are not very large, maximum length these fish are about 1.5 meters long and weigh 8-12 kg. But mostly individuals weighing 4-6 kg and about 1 meter long predominate.

Such a negative attitude towards the moray eel has developed because of its appearance. A snake-like monster with a mouth dotted with sharp teeth is unlikely to evoke positive emotions in anyone. There is a lot of talk about the bloodthirstiness of this predator terrible rumors, which, however, are 90% untrue.

And although this fish is very voracious and curious, it is never the first to attack people. She can only attack when she is defending herself or when she is wounded. For ordinary people relaxing on the beach, it is not dangerous.

It poses a great danger to diving enthusiasts when they invade its territory and try to get to know it better. Some even try to touch it, without knowing anything about the habits of the moray eel. Inexperienced fishermen also often suffer from moray eel teeth. Having caught a fish on a fishing rod and not knowing how to handle it correctly, they try to remove it from the hook, and at this time it can quite seriously injure the fisherman. So, when they go to catch moray eels, they take a special mallet with them. A caught moray eel is hit on the head with a mallet and only when the fish is immobilized is it removed from the hook.


Today in the Mediterranean Sea, sharks do not pose a particular danger, especially off its European coast. However, off the coast of Egypt or Tunisia you can find such a dangerous predator as the white shark, reaching a length of up to 6 meters. Just as dangerous Tiger shark, which is still occasionally found in Mediterranean waters. It is as big as a white shark and weighs about 900 kg.

The mako shark is no less dangerous, although it is smaller than the two previous monsters, its length is 4 meters, and its weight can reach 0.5 tons. But this shark is very fast and sharp. However, today in the Mediterranean Sea today it is necessary to protect sharks from people, and not vice versa.

Other interesting materials:

Danger - Sun:

The main source of danger in the Greek seas is... Sun. Don’t laugh, hundreds of times more people get sick from sunstroke and overheating than from any other disease.” natural hazards" The Greek thermonuclear sun, especially for northern residents unaccustomed to it, can cause a lot of problems. What you need to do, how to behave in the heat, and what food to eat you can read. And in addition to this material, I will note a few basic rules:

  1. Try not to go out into the sun at noon or the next 3-4 hours after it.
  2. Use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.
  3. In addition to sunscreen, don't forget a bucket hat, a T-shirt and sunglasses. Regarding the latter, try to use high-quality glasses with 100% UV protection. By the way, in any Greek optical store, you can check for free whether your glasses really protect as it was written on the label, or whether you got a fake.
  4. Keep children out of direct sunlight. Exposing a child to the sun without protection can lead to serious illnesses in the future. Under the age of 3 years, child exposure to the sun is not recommended.
  5. Drink plenty of water. The minimum required to maintain normal water balance in the body is 1.9 liters of water per day at an average air temperature of 26 degrees, 3 liters - at 32 degrees to 4 liters at 35(and in Greece this is not uncommon). I also recommend reading what you can drink and what you shouldn’t.

Danger - marine fauna

“The most important principle of behavior with unknown representatives of the plant, animal and underwater world is not to disturb. They have their own lives, in which they are quite capable of standing up for themselves in response to any action regarded as a threat. It’s better to enjoy your holiday in an idyll with nature!”

There are very few dangerous inhabitants in the Mediterranean Sea that can harm humans, at least much less than in tropical seas. The threat of encountering a shark is so rare that for many years in none of the zones of the Mediterranean Sea, even in its most secluded corners, has anyone who went under the water seen one (except from the mouths of fishermen and “yellow press” reporters). However, sometimes even seemingly harmless animals can pose a danger to humans.
We will not exaggerate this danger, but we will still try to acquaint you with the problems that may arise from too close contact with marine life.
Marine inhabitants are of considerable interest to vacationers. It is always very funny to watch them, but we should not forget that some underwater inhabitants can cause us very significant harm: injure, bite or inject poison.
Whether you will encounter this misfortune during your vacation or not is unknown. In any case, you need to know the enemy by sight.

Danger -
Sea urchins:

The second place of honor on Greek beaches is occupied by sea ​​urchins. Here they are called ahinu (αχινού). On “cultural” beaches, these “hedgehogs” are quite difficult to meet, but once you step outside the “cultured” zone, they are right there. Meetings with sea ​​urchins with unpleasant consequences for both sides, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Mediterranean sea with salty and warm water- simply a paradise for hedgehogs. They often form large clusters on inclined rock surfaces, starting from the shallowest water near the shore. A careless swimmer crawling ashore or wandering along the rocks along the water's edge risks stepping on, or even grabbing, a sea urchin. The author of this material has repeatedly had the opportunity to deal with these creatures and even step on them several times. There was also “pleasure” from this...

Prevention: In hedgehog habitats, it is best to go into the water in rubber slippers. The approximate cost of swimming shoes is 5-15 € per pair, and the author recommends choosing products with a sole thickness of at least 1 centimeter. If you think that wearing flippers on your feet will allow you to safely step on these “cute little animals,” I will disappoint you. I checked it personally - sea urchin needles easily pierce even the plastic soles of flippers. And let’s not even talk about rubber ones. So, it’s better to go around or swim past. By the way, when swimming in shallow water, you can catch “hedgehogs” not only with your foot, but also with other parts of the body.

What to do: best medicine from hedgehogs - vigilance! Before entering the sea in an unfamiliar place, take a closer look; fortunately, the water is clear and the black dots of urchins are clearly visible.

If contact with the hedgehog cannot be avoided, you will most likely have to consult a doctor. Fortunately, first aid in public hospitals is free.

If for some reason you cannot get to the hospital, then remember - the hedgehog’s spines are very sharp and at the same time fragile. They easily penetrate the body and then break off just as easily. It is quite difficult to pull out the fragments, and since there is no talk about the sterility of hedgehog thorns, the affected area can fester. Sometimes the wound heals, and the broken thorn remains in the body, from where it can come out (or maybe remain in the body forever) several years later.

  • soak your foot in very hot water (but don’t overdo it, you won’t get burned!), and then try to pull the needle out.
  • Regularly treat the wound with antiseptics and carefully monitor so that suppuration does not begin.

A local recipe is to lubricate the damaged area with olive oil (read cream or Vaseline) and gradually squeeze out the thorns. I tested it myself - IT WORKS!!!

Local pharmacies also sell special tweezers for pulling out sea urchin needles, as well as a special ointment. By the way, I recommend using it for any contact with biting or prickly sea inhabitants, and it also helps against mosquito and mosquito bites.

Danger -Jellyfish:

In third place in terms of the frequency of “natural problems” created in the Greek seas are jellyfish.
There are practically no poisonous jellyfish in the Greek seas (unless they accidentally swim from the Atlantic or the Red Sea), most of those that you might come across sting no worse than nettles, and the mucus they secrete is harmful only if it gets into your eyes. An encounter with a purple jellyfish is especially unpleasant - the thunderstorm of the Adriatic is called Pelagije nocticulice. When you see the purple back, it is better to go around the jellyfish.
Touching the jellyfish's tentacles causes a burn that will go away in a few days or weeks.

Prevention: Avoiding drifting nippers is almost impossible. But it is known for sure that they wash ashore after a storm. The special anti-jellyfish Israeli lotion SafeSea, which acts as a mosquito repellent or its analogue Bites Reliever, will help to avoid accidental contact.

What to do: Touching the tentacles of a jellyfish causes a burn, similar in appearance to nettles.

First, you need to remove the remnants of the tentacles from the skin; do not rinse the damaged area with water - neither salty nor fresh. Sea water will revive dried stinging cells, and if it gets on them fresh water they will burst, releasing poison abundantly. The affected area can be lubricated with food grade vinegar, alcohol, or a special “pencil” containing Bites Reliever ammonium. Subsequently, lubricate the affected area with a special Fusidin ointment (antibiotic). In particularly severe cases, an injection of anesthetic may be required.

Danger - Octopuses:

It’s only in the movies that huge octopuses attack people and sink ships. In fact, specimens larger than 3 meters long and weighing more than 30 kg are never found in the Mediterranean Sea. The real cephalopods that you may come across are undersized, up to 30 cm long and weighing up to 2 kilograms. At the same time they never They do not attack people and generally carefully hide from them. In case of an unexpected meeting, such a “giant” (if he could not escape) will only release an ink cloud and wave his tentacles threateningly - beware, they say!

How dangerous is an octopus for humans?

The scariest thing about a cephalopod is its appearance. By nature, he is very timid and when a diver or scuba diver approaches, he usually hides under rocks. True, cases of an octopus attacking a person are extremely rare. This can happen to a diver when inspecting the hold or cabin of a sunken ship where a cephalopod is hiding. He has nowhere to go and, in defense, involuntarily attacks the person. Therefore, inexperienced divers in places where octopuses are found should avoid grottoes and underwater caves, which usually serve as shelter for animals. There is a danger, although small, that, having entered such a cave, the diver will be caught by an octopus if its tentacles can stay on the smooth surface of the diving suit. Finding himself in such a situation, a scuba diver should not panic - he has a knife, and this is a fairly reliable weapon in case of an octopus attack. You should not start the fight by cutting off the tentacles. To quickly free yourself from the “embrace” of the octopus, specialists scuba diving It is recommended to strike his brain, located between the eyes. As long as the nerve center is not destroyed, the suckers and tentacles of the octopus will act, no matter what wounds are inflicted on it.

More real danger represents octopus venom. The octopus's mouth is equipped with two powerful chitinous jaws, shaped like a parrot's beak. With them, the cephalopod bites its prey, holding it with its suction cups. In this case, the poison of the salivary glands from the throat and mouth enters the wound. The beak bite leaves little damage, but since saliva prevents blood from clotting, bleeding can be quite prolonged. The severity of the lesion depends on the type of octopus and, apparently, on its size. The first signs of poisoning: stabbing pain and burning at the site of the bite. Subsequently, these sensations spread to the entire limb. The tissue around the wound swells. When the poison is absorbed into the blood, breathing becomes difficult, the voice weakens, and the body temperature rises. As a rule, recovery occurs within 3-4 weeks.

What to do: If you are bitten, call a doctor, and before he arrives, try simply urinating on the bite site. Don’t laugh - this time-tested remedy turns out to be very effective, well, at least it will help you avoid more serious consequences.

Video of Russian tourists communicating with octopuses:

Dangers: Fish:

Girls, that is, fish, come in different colors - yellow, white, red. Of the fish in the seas surrounding Greece, the most common is the stingray (sea cat), which, although not particularly poisonous, is always ready to strike with its spiked tail - a laceration with stuck needles and mild poisoning are guaranteed. The difficulty is that the stingray often buries itself in the sand and is easily mistaken for an ordinary pebble. Well, the scorpionfish, or sea ruffe, is not at all pleasant, a meeting with which can put you in a hospital bed.. But the following fish, although much less common, can cause much bigger problems.

Sea dragons (Trachinus)

- bottom fish with an elongated body, no more than 45 cm long. They belong to the Trachinidae family and are one of the most poisonous fish temperate zone. They live mainly in bays and bays with a flat sandy or muddy bottom and usually burrow into soft soil so that only top part heads, mouth, eyes and dorsal fin spines. Their lower jaw is longer than the upper, their mouth with small conical teeth is directed obliquely upward. Eyes on the top side of the head. These fish have two dorsal fins: the first is short, with 5-7 spines, the second dorsal and anal are long, with 21-24 rays each. When the baby dragon lies half-buried in the ground, this black fin is clearly visible at a considerable distance. If the fish is irritated, the gill covers spread out, the fin rises and unfolds, which serves as a warning to the predator. The little dragon can instantly jump out of its hiding place and, with unerring accuracy, plunge the poisoned spine of the gill cover into the intended object.
The long sharp spines of the gill covers and the first dorsal fin are covered with skin, only their tips protrude. The spines have deep grooves. Venom glands are located in these grooves and at the base of the spines. There is no channel for poison. Probably, when pricked by a thorn, the glandular cells are torn, the poison is released and introduced into the wound along the grooves, like a syringe needle. The venom of dragons is very strong. Like the venom of some snakes, it acts as a neurotoxin and hemotoxin. With an injection poisonous thorn Excruciating, sharp, burning or stabbing pain occurs, which, without treatment, lasts for several hours or even the whole day. The affected limb becomes inflamed and very swollen. Other symptoms included loss of consciousness, palpitations, slow heart rate, fever, headaches, delirium, severe vomiting, convulsions, and difficulty breathing. In severe cases, death may occur. Morphine usually does not provide relief.
Due to their hidden lifestyle, aggressiveness and highly developed venomous apparatus, dragonets are very dangerous for anyone who swims near the shore, dives or wanders barefoot in shallow water, for fishermen and amateur fishermen.
Never, under any circumstances, handle a live dragon. Even a dead dragon must be handled very carefully so as not to be pricked by its thorn, which can cause dangerous wounds.

By the way, according to local residents, the baby dragon may end up in the sand far from the shore. They get there in this way: seagulls catch them from the water, eat the tasty and safe parts, and throw the rest wherever necessary. Even dead fish, as mentioned above, remain poisonous for several more days.

What to do: If you receive a poisonous injection, you should immediately seek professional medical help. It is recommended to inject a few drops of a 5% solution of potassium permanganate into the wound with a syringe to destroy the poison. This provides immediate pain relief and prevents inflammation. If this was not done immediately and inflammation began, cooling lotions or hot poultices should be used. It may take several months for complete healing. The damaged part of the body must be immersed in very hot water as much as you can tolerate, and dissolve some oxidizing substance in water, for example, potassium permanganate, which neutralizes the poison. In addition, the victim is prescribed cardiac analeptics and adrenaline with cortisone.

Danger - environmental pollution:

And finally – pollution environment. Although Greek beaches are considered among the cleanest in the world, this does not apply to all beaches. Many beaches - especially within the Athens metropolis, as well as near cities and towns - can pose a danger due to the presence of garbage, broken glass and all kinds of sharp and cutting objects in the sand. If you or your loved ones are unlucky enough to cut your leg or other part of your body on the beach with glass, first make sure that there is no glass or other foreign object in the wound.
If not, then the wound needs to be treated: rinse with water, hydrogen peroxide (alcohol or alcohol-containing liquid), lubricate with iodine (in Greece it is called “Betadine”) and bandage.
If it bothers you greatly, go to the hospital. Maybe the doctors decide that a stitch is required.

Danger - Snakes:

There are far fewer dangers on land. There is only one in the country poisonous species snakes (viper, "fidi" in Greek), whose bites are easily countered by antivenin. Local scorpions ("scorpii") are nocturnal inhabitants and are rarely seen by tourists, but they like to sit on dry stone walls houses and rocks, where daytime warmth persists for a long time. When walking on rough terrain with an abundance of bushes, you should wear boots with socks and long trousers and under no circumstances put your hands into cracks and holes.

Danger - Insects:

In some mountain forest areas there are a lot of ticks, so here measures to protect against them, however, like any other blood-sucking insects, will not be superfluous. IN Lately There is evidence that local ticks are infected with Lyme disease, but due to the small number of tourists in the interior of the country, there are still no reliable statistics on this matter.

Local mosquitoes ("kunupia", "kunupya") are not carriers of malaria, and traditional repellents are quite sufficient to protect against them - in most cases, window screens are not even required. However, when traveling through Aetolia, Acarnania, Thesprotia, the western regions of Elis and Attica, you should choose places to stay with screens on the windows and even doors. The more dangerous Asian mosquito (Aedes albopictus), which spreads several viruses at once, lives in some mountainous areas in the north and west of the country. Therefore, here, in addition to thicker clothing and nets on the windows, it is necessary to provide for the presence of repellents. Sand fleas, active at night on many beaches, can also spread leishmaniasis and other dangerous infections, but due to the small number of sandy beaches this danger is not very relevant (however, repellents are quite effective against them).

Bees and especially wasps, which are quite active from August to October, usually cause much more trouble. They curl around tables and glasses with liquid, get into your eyes, get hidden under motorcycle helmets, and are generally very annoying. There are no generally accepted means of protection against these insects, but the Greeks themselves quite effectively use the smoke of burning coffee beans or simply dried coffee grounds. To relieve pain from bites, it is better to use aspivenin, sold at any local pharmacy.

Danger - Flora:

There are practically no poisonous plants in the country, except for wild figs, the “milk” of which can cause moderate skin damage (can be countered with lemon juice followed by rubbing olive oil). But there are quite a few sources of allergens, starting from mountain pine (April-May) and ending with numerous cereals (from April to June). Local pharmacies sell a wide range of antihistamines, but it's best to carry a certain supply (especially if you don't know the local names of the drugs).

My leg cramped
Pinch your arm or leg as hard as you can, pressing very sharply and firmly into the cramp with your thumb. Try straightening your cramped leg with your hands. Inhale and exhale deeply several times to improve blood circulation.

How to avoid. Don't swim for long cold water. When you get hot under the sun, do not dive straight into the water: a sharp temperature change provokes convulsions.

Choked Most often, children swallow water involuntarily. Bend the baby over your knee so that the head is lower than the buttocks, tap on the back so that he clears his throat. If the child has lost a lot of strength, place him on his side.

How to avoid. Make sure the child stays on the surface of the water.

Sunstroke If a person suddenly feels unwell, headache, lethargy, it became difficult to breathe - he overheated in the sun. The victim must be taken to the shade, covered with a wet towel or a cool compress on his head, and create a flow of air (fan him with a hat or newspaper). Then call " ambulance».

How to avoid. Relax in the shade of a tree or a beach umbrella, wear a hat, and drink still water. Most often, sunstroke affects children under one year old, people with cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, hypertensive patients and those who are overweight.

Poisoning The first signs are weakness and nausea, headache, diarrhea. You need to rinse your stomach by drinking 2-3 liters at once in quick sips. boiled water. Then you need to induce vomiting. And so three or four times. If possible, consult your doctor. Calcium gluconate will strengthen the gastric mucosa and reduce the allergic reaction (usually the drug is taken 3 times a day).

How to avoid. Pay attention to the expiration date of the product and the appearance of the establishment where you buy food.

Cut yourself on glass This is the most common injury among amateurs sea ​​holiday. Rinse the cut with clean water; if you have vodka or cologne on hand, you can treat the wound with them. Then apply a clean bandage. To do this, it is better to have a bandage or at least a clean scarf with you.

How to avoid. Choose the “right” beach. If there is garbage and broken bottles on the shore, then the same thing will happen in the water. In unsafe places, do not walk barefoot and swim in special rubber slippers.

Banana ride This marine activity often becomes a source of injury. Sometimes "bananas" turn over, some "drivers" do this on purpose - without warning. On the beach, as a rule, people ride catamarans, jet skis, boats, etc. at the same time - collisions happen. Victims of water activities with fractures and wounds are often brought to resort hospitals.

How to avoid. Do not neglect your life jacket; fasten it carefully. If you are afraid of depth, then this entertainment is not for you.

Child safety rules
1. Never leave a child alone in the water.

2. Locate your resting place in the shade.

3. Buy your baby bright clothes, a Panama hat. In case of danger, you will quickly find your child.

4. Do not leave your child in a wet swimsuit to avoid catching a cold.

5. It is better to have inflatable rings with different inflatable sections - if one deflates, the others will keep the child afloat.

A little about medical care and rescue services in Greece.

Emergency phone number 112 or 199.

Remember, not available in Greece special service rescue, its functions are performed by local firefighters. Often they do not know or cannot provide first aid, since in recent years almost everyone has been recruited into this service. In any case, call 199 (112) and try to report (in English or Greek) that trouble has happened to you. If something happens, they will call an ambulance themselves.

Ambulance EKAB (ΕΚΑΒ)

Fire service - rescue service

Coast security

Road assistance

Air Police

Police - information

Drug Abuse Service

Forest guard

Lifeline (type of helpline) - SOS

Information about hospitals, clinics, doctors, and pharmacies

Tourist police

SOS Doctors (Athens)

Road assistance

Road assistance ΕΛΠΑ

Road assistance Εxpress Service

Road assistance Hellas Service

Interamerican Road Assistance

Perhaps this phrasebook will help you find a common language with your doctor:

Theme "At the doctor's"
Στο γιατρό

I'm not feeling well estAnume Ashima Αισθάνομαι άσχημα
I'm sick Ime Arostos(Arosta) Είμαι άρρωστος (άρρωστη)
I need to go to the doctor prEPi on pAO stoytO Πρέπει να πάω στο γιατρό
Please give me the doctor's phone number or address ParakalO, d'Oste mutotylEfono I yidEftynsi tu yatra Παρακαλώ, δώστε μου το τηλέφωνο ή τη διεύθυνση του γιατρού
Please call a doctor (ambulance) fonAkste, parakalO, tonyatrO (toastEnoforo) Φωνάξτε, παρακαλώ, τον γιατρό (το ασθενοφόρο)
Invite a doctor home zitYste naErty oyatrOs one hundred sleeps Ζητήστε να έρθει ο γιατρός
Where can I find a doctor who speaks Ukrainian? pu na vro toyatro pu milai ukranikA Πού να βρω το γιατρό που μιλάει ουκρανικά;
Which doctor should I see? Se pyo yatrO prEPi na pAO Σε πιο γιατρό πρέπει να πάω;
Can I go to the doctor? Boron on Bo standO Μπορώ να μπω στο γιατρό;
Please wait a little perimEnete ligAki, paracalO Περιμένετε λιγάκι,παρακαλώ
Go to the office perAste mEsa Περάστε μέσα
What are you complaining about? apo you ipoferete Από τι υποφέρετε;
Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated? you sas poAi Τι σας πονάει;
I don't feel well, I'm freezing estAnome Ashima, estAnome rIgos Αισθάνομαι άσχημα, αισθάνομαι ρίγος
What is your temperature? you are a pirate O Ekhete Τι πυρετό έχετε;
I have high temperature Echo PirateO Έχω πυρετό
I feel dizzy HallIzome Ζαλίζομαι
My ____ hurts... me ponAi... Με πονάει .
head throat heart stomach t okefali mu olemOs ikardya toastAkhi το κεφάλι μου ο λαιμός η καρδιά το στομάχι
I have a (severe) cough Echo (dynato) in Ikha "Έχω (δυνατό) βήχα
I got food poisoning Epata dyilityrIasi Έπαθα δηλητηρίαση
I'm sick mu Erhete emetOs Μου έρχεται εμετός
Have you been sick for a long time? apo kero iste arostos Από καιρό είστε άρρωστος;
When did you feel unwell? pote estantiykate Ashima Πότε αισθανθήκατε άσχημα;
This night,
Last night a week ago
sImera tynIkhta htES tovrAdy prin myavd'omAd'a Σήμερα Τη νύχτα Χτες το βράδυ Πριν μια βδομάδα
Have you turned white recently? prosfata Ikhate kapya arostya Πρόσφατα είχατε κάποια αρρώστια;
  • Telephones: first aid, emergency services, road assistance
  • Embassies and consulates of the countries of the former USSR in Greece

Croatia is a very beautiful country. In addition, today it is considered one of the safestcountries of Europe. The flora, fauna, climate, and population are unlikely to cause trouble for numerous tourists, but still some of the features of this country should be known before the trip. "Forewarned is forearmed"…

Holidays for many of us are the most anticipated and important event of the whole year. We're leavingto hot countries or on educational trips to temporarily forget about everyday worries, change a boring work environment, and gain new impressions and strength. Therefore, it is extremely important that your vacation is a success and not overshadowed by troubles and health problems.

Dangerous inhabitants in the Mediterranean Sea that can harm humans,units, in any case, are much less than in tropical seas. The threat of meeting a shark is so rare that for many years in none of the zones of the Mediterranean Sea, even in its most secluded corners, no one who went under the water saw one. However, sometimes even seemingly harmless animals can pose a danger to humans.

We will not exaggerate this danger, but we will still try to acquaint you with the problems that may arisein too close contact with marine life.

Marine inhabitants are of considerable interest to vacationers. It's always a lot of fun to watch them, but don't forget that someunderwater inhabitants can cause us very significant harm: injure, bite, hit electrical discharge or inject poison.

Whether you will encounter this misfortune during your vacation or not is unknown. In any case, you need to know the enemy by sight.So, there may be danger for you in Croatiarepresent some types of fish and sea urchins.


The threat of meeting a shark is so rare that for many years in none of the zones of the Mediterranean Sea, even in its most secluded corners, no one who went under the water saw one. Quantity potentially dangerous sharks for humans in the Mediterranean Sea is practically reduced to rare specimens of white and blue sharks, and over the years there have been rare cases of their attacks on scuba divers and swimmers off the coast. It is believed that there is not even a chance chance of meeting a man-eating shark. Accordingly, other small inhabitants remain dangerous.

Electric Stingray.

This very rare. But you should definitely remember. Electric stingrays should not be disturbed in any way - their defense system is such that they are capable of giving an electric shock to anyone, leaving them literally lifeless in salt water.

Sea urchins.

Sea urchins - indicators clean water. There are many of them in Croatia. Sea urchins lie on the bottom and, since they are dark in color, they are difficult to distinguish from the rocks on the bottom. The problem is that the needles get into the body and break very easily. They are difficult to remove on your own. Upon contact with a common sea urchin, irritation may occur at the wound site, resulting in swelling of the injured area, redness, and pain. As a rule, the main complications are suppuration, acute pain or inflammation of the skin.

To protect yourself from sea urchins, before traveling to Croatia you can purchase special slippers (they are also called coral slippers).

In these shoes you will be able to swim and, if necessary, walk on the bottom without fear that you may step on the hedgehog. The most comfortable are slippers made of rubber or latex, which fit the foot well and dry quickly. All you have to do is take the usual precautions and watch where you place your foot carefully.

Jellyfish Pelagije nocticulice.

There are almost no jellyfish in Croatia, although the Adriatic thunderstorm is called Pelagije nocticulice and canmeet.There are regular cycles of population explosions of this type of jellyfish. The raging sea brings thousands of these beautiful jellyfish to the Italian coast. Many swimmers remember for a long time the wide redness and scars on the skin left as souvenirs by these beauties. However, such burns do not threaten those going under water at all: it is enough to cover your head and put on a protective suit, gloves and shoes.When you see the purple back, it is better to go around the jellyfish.

Touching the jellyfish's tentacles causes a burn that will go away in a few days or weeks. Remove remaining tentacles from the skin and rinsethe wound can be treated acetic acid or alcohol. But you should not rinse the damaged area with water, neither salt nor fresh. Sea water will revive the withered stinging cells, and when fresh water hits them, they will burst, abundantly emitting poison.

Sea dragons (Trachinus).

Poisonous fish. No one is safe from meeting them. Their weapons can be hidden in the most unexpected places - on the gills, in the ventral fins, in the graceful fin-fan.

Bottom-dwelling fish with an elongated body, no more than 45 cm long. They belong to the Trachinidae family and are one of the most poisonous fish in the temperate zone. They live mainly in bays and bays with a flat sandy or muddy bottom and usually burrow into soft soil so that only the top of the head, mouth, eyes and dorsal fin spines are visible. Their lower jaw is longer than the upper, their mouth with small conical teeth is directed obliquely upward. Eyes on the top side of the head. These fish have two dorsal fins: the first is short, with 5-7 spines, the second dorsal and anal are long, with 21-24 rays each. The pelvic fins are located on the throat. The scales are very small, cycloid, arranged in oblique rows. They feed on small fish, worms and crustaceans. The first dorsal fin of the dragon has an intense black color, sharply different from the pale yellow and brown tones of the rest of the body of this fish and the surrounding sand. When the baby dragon lies half-buried in the ground, this black fin is clearly visible at a considerable distance. If the fish is irritated, the gill covers spread out, the fin rises and unfolds, which serves as a warning to the predator.

The little dragon can instantly jump out of its hiding place and, with unerring accuracy, plunge the poisoned spine of the gill cover into the intended object.

The long sharp spines of the gill covers and the first dorsal fin are covered with skin, only their tips protrude. The spines have deep grooves. Venom glands are located in these grooves and at the base of the spines. There is no channel for poison. Probably, when pricked by a thorn, the glandular cells are torn, the poison is released and introduced into the wound along the grooves, like a syringe needle. The venom of dragons is very strong. Like the venom of some snakes, it acts as a neurotoxin and hemotoxin.When pricked by a poisonous thorn, an excruciating, sharp, burning or stabbing pain occurs, which, without treatment, lasts for several hours or even the whole day. The affected limb becomes inflamed and very swollen. Other symptoms included loss of consciousness, palpitations, slow heart rate, fever, headaches, delirium, severe vomiting, convulsions, and difficulty breathing. In severe cases, death may occur. Morphine usually does not provide relief.

Due to their hidden lifestyle, aggressiveness and highly developed venomous apparatus, dragonets are very dangerous for anyone who swims near the shore, dives or wanders barefoot in shallow water, for fishermen and amateur fishermen. Never, under any circumstances, handle a live dragon. Even a dead dragon must be handled very carefully so as not to be pricked by its thorn, which can cause dangerous wounds.

If you receive a poisonous injection, you should immediately seek professional medical help. It is recommended to inject a few drops of a 5% solution of potassium permanganate into the wound with a syringe to destroy the poison. This provides immediate pain relief and prevents inflammation. If this was not done immediately and inflammation began, cooling lotions or hot poultices should be used. It may take several months for complete healing. The damaged part of the body must be immersed in as hot water as can be tolerated, and some oxidizing substance, for example, potassium permanganate, which neutralizes the poison, must be dissolved in the water. In addition, the victim is prescribed cardiac analeptics and adrenaline with cortisone.