What is an army? For those who only know her from American films, she is a commando on a mission in the jungles of Vietnam. For those who served, it is their own mother; for conscripts, it is the sword of Damocles. For the state, it is a guarantor of security and security itself. For me, all my life the army has been a snow-white Tu-95 plane, growling dully over the horizon at dawn.

In March, during a trip to Belarus, we were able to attend artillery firing, where systems were fired at targets volley fire Hurricanes and Belgrades.

Jet system salvo fire "Hurricane"

The 9P140 combat vehicle is built on the chassis of a four-axle all-terrain vehicle ZIL-135LM (8×8 wheel arrangement). The artillery unit includes a package of sixteen tubular guides, a rotating base with guidance mechanisms and sighting devices, as well as electrical and hydraulic equipment.

2. Crew of a combat vehicle - 6 people (in peacetime - 4): BM commander, gunner (senior gunner), driver, crew number (3 people). When driving on the highway with a full load, the car reaches speeds of up to 65 km/h, and the fuel range is 570 km. The capacity of the main gas tank is 300 liters, there are two additional 100 liters each. Without preliminary preparation, it overcomes fords with a depth of 1.2 m.

3. Firing range
Minimum, m - 8 000
Maximum, m - 35,000
Damage area, sq.m - 426,000
This time it was planned to fire at a distance of 8.5 kilometers, half a package - 8 missiles.

4. I was allowed to climb in and look death in the face. Friends, I’ll tell you that the shells sticking out of the guides look very creepy... The shell is a cluster shell, that is, it will separate in the air, which allows you to cover large area. One such blank covers several football fields...

5. By the method of elimination, I came to the conclusion that the Uragan was loaded with a 9M27K rocket with a cluster warhead with fragmentation warheads. Designed to destroy manpower and unarmored vehicles in places where they are concentrated. Weight: projectile - 271 kg, combat element - 1.85 kg, explosive BE - 0.3 kg. Length - 5178 mm. Firing range: maximum - 35 km, minimum - 7.5 km.

6. I didn’t want to come close to this setup anymore. When the familiar command “333” sounded and Hurricane suddenly began to spit fire, I really wanted to dig into the fertile soil of the Belarusian fields. Go deeper. Guys, I was impressed for another week. This is pure horror. No, not pure, it’s a wild mixture of horror and admiration. A hundred meters from the salvo the air stirred. There was a roar of shells that flew out of the guides at wild speed. Like turtles, we buried our heads in our shoulders and pressed our cameras tightly to our faces.

7. The deafening roar of the shells was hypnotizing. At that moment I envied the fighter who pressed the button (pulled the lever, I don’t know what it was).

8. Half the package flew away almost instantly, but for some reason these seconds seemed very long. This is a damn stunning, frightening and delightful sight. Then for a long time I tried to describe in words and sounds what a Hurricane salvo was, but I couldn’t make anything other than wild sounds))

9. Here they are - the shells are flying towards the target. A few moments later they could be heard falling to the ground. Never, not for anything in the world, would I want to be in this place.

Multiple launch rocket system "Grad"

10. Slightly stunned, we move again, this time to BelGrad. Well, we are already seasoned guys, we have seen everything, we know everything)

11. BelGrad - an analogue of Grad, but based on MAZ. The fact is that the MAZ-6317 has almost twice the length of the cargo platform compared to the Ural-375D (6250 and 3900 mm, respectively). This made it possible to install racks for 40 missiles between the cabin and the artillery part (the option of racks on 80 shells), reload the launcher without using a transport-loading vehicle and thus reduce the preparation time for the second salvo.

12. A trench was dug near each crew, into which we immediately dived. The fighter looks with bewilderment at the invasion of unknown people)

13. And it seemed like we saw the launch of the Hurricane, but at such a distance - about 20 meters - I still wanted to bury myself in the sand. And then all the installations fired. The buzz was incredible!

14. This is how the first half day in the Belarusian army passed. It was powerful. Incredible. Scary. At the moment of launch, I was terribly jealous of the person who pressed the button. The only thing I’ll add is that all this will be used only in exercises. I am sure that together we will live in peace if we make a little effort.

15. Also see Rest in Peace: Abandoned Military Sites and Aircraft Carrier George W. Bush.

9K57 Uragan multiple launch rocket system

The 9K57 Uragan multiple launch rocket system has a caliber of 220 mm. It is designed to destroy any group targets, the vulnerable elements of which are open and covered manpower, unarmored, lightly armored and armored vehicles of motorized infantry and tank companies, artillery units, tactical missiles, anti-aircraft systems and helicopters in parking lots; command posts, communication centers and military-industrial structures. Entered service in 1976.

The combat vehicle has sixteen guides for unguided rockets. The ammunition includes 9M27F rockets with a monoblock high-explosive warhead, 9M27K with 30 high-explosive fragmentation elements, 9M27K2 with 24 anti-tank mines, 9M27KZ with 312 anti-personnel mines and 9M59 with 9 anti-tank mines.

The complex includes: fighting machine 9P140, transport-loading vehicle 9T452, set of special arsenal equipment and tools 9F381, training facilities, complex automated control fire (KAUO) 1V126 “Kapustnik-B”, topographic survey vehicle 1T12-2M and radio direction-finding meteorological complex 1B44.

MLRS Hurricane has high performance characteristics. Critical temperature (from -50 to +50 °C), high humidity air (98% at a temperature of 20-25°C), dust content of ground air (up to 2g/m3) - normal operating conditions of the complex. Such indicators allow the Hurricane to be used in any climatic conditions. The complex allows firing at altitudes up to 3000 meters above sea level and ground winds up to 20 m/s.

Performance characteristics

    Caliber, mm 220

    Firing range, km:

    • Maximum 35

      Minimum 10

    Number of combat vehicle (BM) guides, pcs. 16

    Projectile mass, kg 270..280

    Volley time, s 20

    BM calculation, people 4

    Calculation of the transport-charging machine, persons 3

    BM loading time, min 20

    BM deployment time no more than, min 3

    Coagulation time of the complex no more than 1.5 min

Composition of the MLRS

The Uragan MLRS includes the following combat weapons:

    BM 9P140 combat vehicle (see diagram)

    Transport-loading machine 9T452 (see diagram)


    Automated fire control complex (AFC) 1V126 “Kapustnik-B”

    Educational and training facilities

    Vehicle for topographic survey 1T12-2M

    Radio direction-finding meteorological complex 1B44

    Set of special arsenal equipment and tools 9F381

The 9P140 combat vehicle is built on the chassis of a four-axle all-terrain vehicle ZIL-135LMP (8x8 wheel arrangement). The artillery unit includes a package of sixteen tubular guides, a rotating base with guidance mechanisms and sights, balancing mechanism, as well as electrical and hydraulic equipment. Guidance mechanisms equipped with power drives make it possible to direct the package of guides in the vertical plane from 5° to a maximum elevation angle of +55°. Horizontal guidance angle ±30° from the longitudinal axis of the machine. To improve stability launcher When firing, two supports are mounted in the rear part of the chassis, equipped with manually operated jacks. Missiles can be transported directly in the guides. The BM is equipped with communications equipment (radio station R-123M) and a night vision device.

MLRS Hurricane. Rear installation view.

Tubular guides are smooth-walled pipes with a screw U-shaped groove along which the pin of the rocket slides when fired. This ensures the initial spin of the projectile to give it the necessary stability in flight. When moving along the trajectory, the rotation of the projectile is supported by the blades of the drop-down stabilizer, installed at a certain angle to the longitudinal axis of the projectile. A salvo of one combat vehicle covers an area of ​​more than 42 hectares. The main method of shooting is from a closed position. It is possible to fire from the cockpit. BM 9P140 crew - 6 people (in peacetime - 4): BM commander, gunner (senior gunner), driver, crew number (3 people).

The package of guides is mounted on a cradle - a welded rectangular platform (see layout diagram). The cradle is connected to the upper machine by two semi-axes, around which it rotates (swings) when aimed at the elevation angle. The totality of the package of guides, the cradle, a number of parts and assemblies of the locking mechanism, the ignition system, the sight bracket, etc. makes up the swinging part. The rotating part of the BM serves to give the package of guides the required azimuth angle and includes a swinging part, an upper machine, balancing, lifting and turning mechanisms, shoulder straps, a gunner's platform, a manual guidance drive, a locking mechanism for the swinging part, a hydraulic lock for the swinging part, a locking mechanism for the rotating part . The balancing mechanism serves to partially compensate for the moment of the weight of the swinging part and consists of two torsion bars and fastening parts. The lifting and rotating mechanisms are used to guide the package of guides along the elevation angle and in the horizontal plane. The main method of guidance is by electric drive. In case of failure and during repairs, a manual drive is used. Locking mechanisms secure the moving parts of the unit when moving. The hydraulic lock of the swinging part prevents the aiming from being lost in the elevation angle and relieves the load on the lifting mechanism when firing.

The combat vehicle is equipped with a D726-45 mechanical panoramic sight. The standard PG-1M gun panorama is used as a sighting and goniometric device in the sight.

The BM 9P140 launch system provides:

    safe operation of the crew servicing the BM during firing,

    conducting single and salvo fire when the crew is in the cockpit,

    conducting single and salvo fire when the crew is in cover at a distance of up to 60m from the combat vehicle,

    firing when the main units of firing circuits and power sources fail.

The launch system provides the possibility of salvo firing at a constant rate (all 16 missiles are launched at a rate of 0.5 s), as well as the so-called. “ragged” rate of fire (the first 8 missiles at a rate of 0.5s, the remaining 8 missiles at a rate of 2s). Thanks to the use of a “ragged” rate of fire, it is possible to significantly reduce the amplitude and frequency of BM vibrations, and, consequently, improve the accuracy of fire.

MLRS "Hurricane" Loading machine

The launcher is loaded using the 9T452 transport-loading vehicle, developed on the same wheeled chassis as the combat vehicle. Each TZM 9T452 carries 16 rockets and provides loading and unloading without special preparation of the position, incl. from any transport vehicle, from another vehicle and from the ground. The reloading process is mechanized and takes 15 minutes. The lifting capacity of the TZM crane is 300 kg.

The TZM equipment consists of a frame, a tray with a rammer, a crane, cargo trolleys, an operator platform, a load-handling device, a docking device, a crane rotation gearbox, a rod, an alignment mechanism, electrical equipment, and spare parts. The tray with the rammer is a folding beam along which the pusher with the rocket moves. The alignment mechanism is designed to align the axis of the rocket located in the tray with the axis of the guide pipe. The left and right carts are designed to accommodate missiles. The TZM has three electric drives: lifting (lowering) missiles, turning the crane, sending missiles into the guides.

The BM is loaded from the upper tier in the following sequence: lift the rocket and place it in the tray, unhook the load-handling device and load the rocket into the guide (see diagram relative position BM 9P140 and TZM 9T452 during loading and the layout of the BM battery at the firing line).

A special feature of the four-axle wheeled chassis of the ZIL-135LMP vehicle is the location of the power plant behind the four-seat crew cabin. This power plant consists of two V-shaped eight-cylinder ZIL-375 carburetor engines. Each of these engines at 3200 rpm develops a maximum power of 180 hp. With. The transmission is made according to the on-board scheme: the wheels of each side are driven into rotation by an independent engine through a separate gearbox, transfer cases and final drives. The wheels of the first and fourth axles are steerable and have an independent torsion bar suspension with shock absorbers. The wheels of the middle axles are close together, do not have elastic suspension and are rigidly attached to the frame. The machine is equipped centralized system regulating air pressure in tires. The vehicle has very high maneuverability and good speed characteristics. When driving on a highway with a full load, it reaches speeds of up to 65 km/h, and can overcome fords 1.2 m deep without preliminary preparation. The fuel range is 500 km.




One of the artillery formations of the Western Military District (WMD), stationed in the Moscow region, received 8 Uragan multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) and 16 transport-loading vehicles as part of the rearmament program. The head of the press service of the Western Military District, Colonel Igor Muginov, told TASS.
“These complexes will significantly increase combat capabilities artillerymen during defensive and offensive operations. MLRS are designed to destroy any group targets, open and hidden manpower, lightly armored and armored military equipment, artillery units, tactical missiles, command posts, communications centers and other infrastructure of a mock enemy,” the officer specified.


The latest multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) “Tornado-S” (caliber 300 mm) and “Uragan-1M” (220 mm) are already entering service with the Russian army.
This was announced on Saturday by the head of the department for ensuring state defense orders (GOZ) of arms and military equipment. general purpose and means of interspecific support of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the provision of state defense orders, Colonel Mikhail Osyko on the air of the Russian News Service radio station.
“Today, instead of the MLRS “Grad”, “Uragan” and “Smerch”, we are now entering service with new complexes: instead of “Grad” - “Tornado-G”, instead of “Uragan” - “Uragan-1M”, instead of “ Smercha" - "Tornado-S". They operate at higher ranges, they have more powerful rockets"- said Osyko.
The effectiveness of their defeat, according to him, is much higher.
RIA News

MLRS (multiple launch rocket system) "Hurricane" is intended to destroy manpower, armored and lightly armored vehicles of enemy tank and motorized infantry units on the march and in concentration areas, destruction of command posts, military infrastructure facilities and communication centers, remote installation of anti-personnel and anti-tank minefields in combat zones at a distance of 10 - 35 thousand m.

Taking into account the adoption of the M-21 Field Rocket System in 1963, the Tula State Research Institute of Precision Mechanical Engineering in 1963-1964 proactively carried out search work in order to study the possibility of creating a longer-range and more powerful system in terms of the number of explosives in a salvo, with the help of which it would be possible to decide promptly combat missions at ranges from 10 to 40 thousand m.

In June 1964, the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering submitted for consideration the “Project of a field multiple launch rocket system “Uragan”, which has a projectile range of 35 thousand m. The project proposed a system with high maneuverability, a travel speed of up to 70 km/h, high cross-country ability and the ability opening salvo fire in a short period of time. This system can be used to destroy openly located or hidden in field structures manpower, fire weapons, tanks, nuclear and chemical and other enemy targets and objects at ranges of up to 40 thousand m.

Based on the order of the Ministry of Defense Industry (MOP), dated December 28, 1966, in 1967 they began scientific research work “Creation of a missile high-precision complex multiple rocket launcher "Hurricane" (NV-121-66). The work was completed in December 1967 with confirmation of the possibility of obtaining the specified characteristics, carrying out theoretical studies, bench tests of engines, separation mechanisms, delayed deployment of the stabilizer, aerodynamic purges and fire with model projectiles. The system was recommended for R&D (development work).

The results of the work carried out were approved by subsection No. 1 of section 1 of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Defense Industry and the topic was recommended for development work after eliminating the identified deficiencies.

Based on the order of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering and the Ministry of General Engineering No. 18/94, a preliminary design was developed in 1968 missile complex salvo fire "Hurricane". In September of the same year, the work was recommended for development work (from a TULGOSNIITOCHMASH (Tula) document from the early 1970s).

In 1969 - early 1970, work was carried out to compile and adjust the technical specifications for development work: “Army MLRS” “Grad-3” (at the beginning of 1970 it was changed to “Hurricane”). Apparently, these are the tactical and technical requirements No. 0010 of military unit 64176. The system should have included a combat vehicle, a command vehicle, a transport vehicle and arsenal equipment. It was proposed to use the following types of projectile warheads: cluster fragmentation, high-explosive (has a predetermined fragmentation of the body), cassette, intended for remote mining. The decision to develop other types of warheads (incendiary, cumulative, agitation, with special filling) should have been made by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering in the second quarter of 1970 based on the results of the preliminary design. In the design of the projectiles it was supposed to use one solid propellant for all warheads. jet engine with an unregulated nozzle over the entire operating temperature range. There were no replacement nozzles. It was proposed to use the ZIL-135LM chassis as a base for the MLRS. During the preliminary design, options for a combat vehicle and a transport vehicle on the tracked chassis of the MT-S transporter-tractor (option Tactical and technical requirements for the multiple launch rocket system "Grad-3" ("Hurricane") and technical specifications for the modification of the command vehicle). The number of guides should have been 20 pieces. when using a chassis from ZIL-135LM and 24 pcs. on the MT-S chassis. But the exact number of guides had to be clarified after reviewing the preliminary design. For the transport vehicle, the Kraz-253 wheeled chassis was also considered as a base.

From a letter from Ganichev A.N. (TULGOSNIITOCHMASH) Elagin (GRAU) in military unit 64176 learned that the following contractors for the Grad-3 multiple launch rocket system were approved by the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering and the Ministry of Defense Industry:

Ministry of Mechanical Engineering:
Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Technology (PO Box A-7210, Moscow Region, Lyubertsy) for testing powder charge and ignition systems;
The Krasnoarmeyets plant and the State Instrument Engineering Design Bureau (PO Box B-8475, Leningrad) for testing ignition means;
Kazan Research Institute chemical industry(PO Box B-2281, Kazan) for an expelling charge for a cassette warhead;
Maslennikov Plant (PO Box R-6833, Kuibyshev) to create a contact fuse for a high-explosive warhead, a mechanical-type remote tube for a cassette warhead;

Institute "Geodesy" (PO Box R-6766, Moscow Region, Krasnoarmeysk) tests and evaluation of the effectiveness of the warhead;
Research Institute "Poisk" (PO Box B-8921, Leningrad) to test a contact fuse for the combat element of a cluster warhead;
Krasnoarmeysk Research Institute of Mechanization (PO Box A-7690, Moscow Region, Krasnoarmeysk) to test the equipment of a high-explosive warhead, an explosive charge for the combat element of a cluster warhead;
Orsk Mechanical Plant (PO Box R-6286, Orenburg Region, Orsk) for the manufacture of housings for combat units and engines.

Ministry of Defense Industry:
Perm Machine-Building Plant named after V.I. Lenin (PO Box R-6760, Perm) for transport and combat vehicles;
All-Union Scientific Research Institute "Signal" (PO Box A-1658, Vladimir Region, Kovrov) for the modification of the command vehicle.

Work on the creation of the Uragan MLRS was carried out on the basis of Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 71-26 of 01/21/1970 (order of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering No. 33 of 01/28/1970).

In order to check the activities associated with work to increase the firing range, 30 firings were planned for January-February 1971. with Uragan MLRS shells from a ballistic launcher placed on the ML-20 carriage. Shells were to be supplied with three types of fins:
- knife type, feather thickness 7 millimeters, feathers opening to the longitudinal axis of the projectile at an angle of 90°;
- according to the Grad shell scheme;
- combined (combining the tail of a knife-type projectile and a “Grad”).

During the purging at the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, variants of projectiles with three types of fins were obtained positive results. At the same time, the stability margin was about 12 percent.

In 1972, the Tula State Research Institute of Precision Engineering carried out work on the topic NV2-154-72 “Single-channel angular stabilization system for Grad and Uragan projectiles” (1st quarter of 1972 - start of work, 2nd quarter of 1973 - completion) .

In 1972, the research for a single-channel angular stabilization system was carried out in two directions:
- based on an angular velocity sensor using gas-dynamic actuators;
- based on a contact angle sensor using powder pulse actuators.

According to the report of the Tula State Research Institute of Precision Engineering on work in 1972, this year they carried out theoretical calculations, modeling on analog electronic machines, experimental laboratory research single-channel angular stabilization system, as well as its elements for unguided rockets of the Uragan and Grad types. We determined the basic requirements for the system and system elements.

The stabilization system included an electronic converter unit, an angular displacement sensor, executive bodies gas-dynamic type or pulse type.

It was determined that the use of a single-channel stabilization system in the Uragan and Grad projectiles improves their fire accuracy characteristics by 1.5-2 times.

Drawings were developed for the elements of the angular stabilization system, prototypes were made and tested in laboratory conditions. At the time the report was compiled or submitted, a batch of blocks of a single-channel angular stabilization system was being produced for flight testing.

In 1972, on the basis of the order of the head of the Second Main Directorate of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering No. 17 dated December 20, 1970, TulgosNIItochmash carried out research work on the topic “Research on ways to create long-range projectiles for the Uragan and Grad systems” (NV2-110-71g ).

In accordance with the target task, theoretical and experimental work was carried out, demonstrating the possibility of increasing the firing range of projectiles of the Uragan and Grad systems through the use of high-impulse fuel and durable materials for the manufacture of the body.

In 1972, factory testing was completed, and the system was presented for field testing consisting of:
- unguided rockets with cluster fragmentation (weight 80-85 kg) and high-explosive (weight 100-105 kg) warheads;
- BM 9P140 installed on the chassis of a ZIL-135LM vehicle;
- transport-loading machine 9T452 installed on the chassis of a ZIL-135LM vehicle;
- arsenal equipment.

During factory testing, we obtained system characteristics that satisfied the basic tactical and technical requirements:
- the greatest firing range of high-explosive projectiles combat unit- 34 thousand m., cluster warhead - 35 thousand m.;
- accuracy of fire:
a projectile with a high-explosive warhead: in the direction Vb/X = 1/174, in the range Vd/X = 1/197;
a projectile with a cluster warhead: in the direction Vb/X = 1/152, in the range Vd/X = 1/261;
- reduced area of ​​damage by a projectile with a cluster warhead when the combat element approaches the target at 85-90 degrees:
manpower located openly - 22090 m2 (Eud. = 10 kgm/cm2);
military equipment - 19270 m2 (Eud. = 135 kgm/cm2);
- reduced area affected by a projectile with a high-explosive warhead:
military equipment - 1804 m2 (Eud = 240 kgm/cm2);
- funnel size:
depth 4.8 m;
diameter 8 m.

The combat vehicle has 18 guides; salvo time - 9 seconds, ammunition carried on the transport-loading vehicle - 1 set.

The combat vehicle was developed under the leadership of chief designer Yuri Nikolaevich Kalachnikov.

The system is constantly being modernized - for example, today there are a number of modifications of rockets, as well as warheads for these projectiles.

Currently, the 9K57 Uragan MLRS is in service in the Russian, Kazakh, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Yemeni armies, and also, probably, in the Syrian army.

The Uragan multiple launch rocket system was widely used in combat operations in Afghanistan. In the early 1980s, it was deployed and used by the Syrian military during the initial stages of the war with Israel. The system was used by federal troops in Chechen Republic. According to open data last time The system was used by Russian troops in 2008 during the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict.

In Ukraine, work was carried out to install an artillery unit on the KrAZ-6322 chassis modified for its installation. The time for the work has not been established.

The Uragan multiple launch rocket system includes:
Combat vehicle 9P140;
Transport-loading machine 9T452;
KAUO (automated fire control complex) 1V126 "Kapustnik-B";
Educational and training facilities;
Topographic survey vehicle 1T12-2M;
Radio direction-finding meteorological complex 1B44;
Set of arsenal special equipment and tools 9F381

The 9P140 combat vehicle was built on a four-axle chassis of the ZIL-135LMP vehicle with high cross-country capability and an 8x8 wheel arrangement. The artillery unit consists of a package in which sixteen tubular guides are assembled, a rotating base with sighting devices and guidance mechanisms, a balancing mechanism, as well as hydraulic and electrical equipment. Guidance mechanisms equipped with power drives make it possible to direct a package of guides in a vertical plane from 5 to +55 degrees. The horizontal guidance angle is ±30 degrees from the longitudinal axis of the combat vehicle. To increase the stability of the launcher during a shot, there are two supports in the rear part of the chassis, which are equipped with manually driven jacks. Missiles can be carried directly in the guides. The combat vehicle is equipped with a night vision device and communications equipment (radio station R-123M).

Tubular guides are smooth-walled pipes with a U-shaped screw groove along which the rocket pin slides during a shot. Thus, its initial spin is ensured to give the projectile the stability necessary in flight. The projectile, when moving along the trajectory of rotation, is supported by the blades of the drop-down stabilizer, which are installed to the longitudinal axis of the projectile at a certain angle. A salvo of one combat vehicle covers an area of ​​more than 42 hectares. The main method of shooting is fire from a closed position. It is possible to fire from the cockpit. Crew of the 9P140 combat vehicle - 6 people (4 people in peacetime): commander of the combat vehicle, driver, gunner (senior gunner), crew numbers (3 people).

The package of guides is installed on the cradle - a rectangular welded platform. The cradle is connected to the upper machine using two semi-axes, around which it swings (rotates) when aimed at elevation angles. The combination of the cradle, the guide package, a number of components and parts of the locking mechanism, the sight bracket, the ignition system and others makes up the swinging part. Using the rotating part of the combat vehicle, the package of guides is given the desired azimuthal angle. The rotating part consists of a swinging part, an upper machine, a balancing, lifting and turning mechanism, a shoulder strap, a gunner's platform, a manual guidance drive, a locking mechanism for the swinging part, a hydraulic lock for the swinging part, and a locking mechanism for the rotating part. The balancing mechanism partially compensates for the moment of weight of the swinging part. It consists of fastening parts and a pair of torsion bars. The rotating and lifting mechanisms are used to guide the package of guides in the horizontal plane and along the elevation angle. The main method of guidance is an electric drive. During repairs and in case of failure, a manual drive is used. Locking mechanisms secure the moving parts of the installation during movement. The hydraulic lock of the swinging part unloads the lifting mechanism during firing and prevents the aiming from being confused at elevation angles.

The combat vehicle has a D726-45 panoramic mechanical sight. The standard PG-1M gun panorama is used as a goniometric and sighting device in the sight.

The launch system of the 9P140 combat vehicle provides:
- safe operation of the crew that serves the combat vehicle when firing;
- conducting salvo and single fire while in the crew cabin;
- conducting salvo and single fire when the crew is in a shelter at a distance of up to 60 meters from the combat vehicle;
- firing in the event of failure of power sources and main units of firing circuits.

The launch system provides the possibility of salvo fire at a constant rate (16 missiles are launched at a rate of 0.5 seconds) and the so-called “ragged” rate of fire (the first 8 missiles are launched at an interval of 0.5 seconds, the remaining missiles at an interval of 2 seconds). Thanks to the use of a “ragged” rate of fire, it can significantly reduce the frequency and amplitude of vibrations of a combat vehicle, and, consequently, improve the accuracy of fire.

To load the launcher, the 9T452 transport-loading vehicle is used, developed on the same chassis as the combat vehicle. Each 9T452 loading vehicle can transport 16 rockets. The machine provides loading (discharging) without special equipment. preparing a position, including from any transport vehicle, from another transport-loading vehicle or from the ground. The reloading process is mechanized, charging time is 15 minutes. Load capacity 300 kg.

The equipment of the transport-loading machine consists of a frame, a crane, a tray with a rammer, cargo trolleys, a load-handling device, an operator platform, a docking device, a rod, a crane rotation gearbox, electrical equipment, an alignment mechanism, and spare parts. The rammer tray is a folding beam along which the pusher with the rocket moves. The alignment mechanism aligns the axis of the rocket, which is located in the tray, and the axis of the guide pipe. The left and right carts are designed to accommodate missiles. The transport-loading machine has three electric drives, which carry out: lifting/lowering missiles, turning the crane, sending missiles into the guides.

The combat vehicle is loaded in the following order from the top tier: lift the rocket, place it in the tray, unhook the load-handling device, and send the rocket into the guide.

A special feature of the four-axle wheeled chassis ZIL-135LMP was the location of the power plant behind the four-seat crew cabin. This power plant consisted of two eight-cylinder V-shaped carburetor engines ZIL-375. At 3200 rpm, each engine produces up to 180 hp. The transmission has an on-board design: the wheels of each side are rotated by an independent engine through a separate gearbox, final drives and transfer cases. The wheels of the first and fourth axles are steerable, with independent torsion bar suspension with shock absorbers. The wheels of the middle axles are close together, do not have elastic suspension and are rigidly attached to the frame. The machine is equipped with a centralized tire pressure regulation system. The vehicle has very high maneuverability and speed characteristics. When driving with a full load on the highway, the maximum speed is 65 kilometers per hour, and without preliminary preparation it can overcome fords up to 1.2 meters deep. The fuel range is 500 km.

The ammunition of the Uragan multiple launch rocket system consists of the following rockets:
- 9M27F having a high-explosive fragmentation warhead;
- 9M27K having a cassette warhead with fragmentation combat elements;
- 9M27S with an incendiary warhead;
- 9M59, 9M27K2, 9M27K3 having a cassette warhead with anti-tank mines;
- 9M51 having head part volumetric detonating action (during the war in Afghanistan it showed high efficiency).

The maximum firing range is 35 thousand m; for destruction at shorter distances, rings are put on the missile that slow it down in flight. The flight range of a cluster projectile with a small ring is 11-22 km, and that of an unguided 9M27F rocket is 8-21 km. In the case of using a large braking range, the flight range of a cluster projectile is 9 - 15 km, and the 9M27F projectile is 8 - 16 km.

The complex can be operated in conditions where the enemy uses nuclear, bacteriological, chemical weapons at different times of the year and day, at an air temperature of -40... +50°C. in different climatic conditions.

The Uragan multiple launch rocket system can be transported by water, rail or air.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the 9P140 MLRS “Uragan”:
The mass of the combat vehicle in combat position is 20 tons;
The mass of the combat vehicle without crew and shells is 15.1 tons;
Dimensions in stowed position:
Length – 9.630 m;
Width – 2.8 m;
Height – 3.225 m;
Wheel formula - 8x8
Number of guides – 16 pcs;
Rotation of guides – 240 degrees;
Recharge time – 15 minutes;
Cruising range on the highway – 500 km;
The time for transferring a combat vehicle from traveling to combat position is no more than 3 minutes;
The time to leave the firing position after firing a salvo is less than 1.5 minutes;
Temperature range combat use– from -40 to +50 °C;
Surface wind – up to 20 m/s;
Relative air humidity at 20..25 °C – up to 98%;
Dust content of ground air – up to 2 g/m3;
Application altitude above sea level – up to 3000 m;
General characteristics of rockets:
Caliber – 220 mm
Weight of solid propellant powder charge – 104.1 kg
Maximum firing range – 35 km;
Minimum firing range – 8 km;
Temperature range for combat use – from -50 to +50 °C;
The temperature range for short-term (up to 6 hours) stay of the RS is from -60 to +60 °C.

Since the times of the USSR, and now in the Russian Federation, missile weapons continue to be the main trump card not only in armed conflicts, but also in international negotiations.

However, it rarely comes to this. Multiple launch rocket systems are much more needed in everyday army affairs. One of the most common is “Hurricane”. MLRS is widely used among troops and is quite cheap to produce. Considering its reliability and unpretentiousness, one should not be surprised at the desire of the modern RF Armed Forces to modernize this complex, the history of which began in the 60s of the last century!

History of creation

It is generally accepted that all domestic developments of this type have one progenitor - the Katyusha MLRS. In a sense, this is true, but we should never forget that modern systems volley fire are radically different from the legendary complex.

For example, domestic designers have long abandoned the rail system as guides: it is unreliable, since the trajectory of the projectile is largely arbitrary, and the chance of the charge converging is quite high.

Therefore, the real ancestor of the 9k57 Uragan MLRS should be considered the M-21V installation, which was put into service back in 1963.

Despite the decent characteristics of this MLRS, the military was not completely satisfied with it. Therefore, in 1963, a state defense order was received in Tula for the development of a new promising model that would not have the disadvantages of the M-21B. The military considered these to be relatively low maneuverability, and lethal effect her standard projectile was unsatisfactory. Taking into account the lessons of the Great Patriotic War, our military already well understood that it was advisable to “grind” enemy tank columns ahead of time, and therefore another requirement that was presented to new development, there was an effective action at least against lightly armored targets.

Looking ahead, we note that the 9k57 Uragan MLRS copes with this task perfectly.


From 1963 to 1964, specialists from the Tula Central Clinical Hospital were engaged in a comprehensive study of the task assigned to them. The main problem that faced them then was the creation of an MLRS that would allow them to hit enemy manpower and motorized forces at a distance of up to 40 kilometers.

The result of these studies was the Hurricane project, which appeared in mid-1964. This type of MLRS was intended to defeat the enemy at a distance of up to 35 kilometers. Its advantage was its high maneuverability, which made it possible to quickly fire a salvo from a closed position and escape without being detected by the enemy.

At the end of 1966 - beginning of 1967, a large-scale research work, dedicated to the prospects for adoption new system for service. Its result was a comprehensively developed concept of this complex, which included all the necessary information regarding the characteristics of the projectiles and the conditions for their use.

By 1970, the Ministry of Industry ordered the final design of the new 9k57 Uragan MLRS. It should be noted that by that time engineers and scientists not only from Tula participated in the development. Thus, in the Moscow and Moscow Region Central Design Bureaus a comprehensive study of high explosive charges and fuze systems was carried out. They created it in Kazan knockout charges for shells with a cassette warhead.

Preliminary test result

The uninitiated reader may be surprised at how long it took Soviet industry to create just one prototype this kind of technology. It must be remembered that in those years there simply were no large-scale developments in this area. As a result of hard work and experiments carried out in design bureaus throughout the country, it was obtained unique system"Hurricane". This MLRS is still used in dozens of countries around the world.

In particular, they even use it to fight in Syria. In general, the time that was spent on this research was definitely not in vain. For example, the same Smerch multiple launch rocket system was developed and put into service in as soon as possible precisely due to the fact that lion's share All calculations were already ready.

Let's get back to the tests. In 1972, an almost finished prototype of the system was presented to experts, which passed all factory tests. The main characteristics were as follows:

  • The MLRS was equipped with unguided cluster rockets and high explosive type, which carried 80 and 105 kilograms of explosives, respectively.
  • BM 9P140, for which they nevertheless decided to use the standard ZIL-135LM chassis (due to labor intensity and lack of agreements, the tracked chassis project was rejected).
  • A machine for transporting and loading 9T452, which is installed on the chassis of the same ZIL-135LM.
  • The complex also included equipment for machine repair and maintenance.

A couple of more years of factory testing took place, as a result of which the current “Hurricane” appeared. This MLRS in 1974 had approximately the same performance characteristics as it does now. Finally, in 1976, the complex was finally put into service.

It took two years to eliminate some minor deficiencies. In addition, during this time, experts have developed several new and promising types of projectiles.

What components are included in the finished complex?

  • The combat vehicle itself is 9P140.
  • Machine for loading and transporting 9T452 shells.
  • Reactive charges.
  • Equipment automatic control fire and its correction 1B126 “Kapustnik-B”.
  • Facilities for training and training personnel in conditions as close as possible to combat.
  • Topographic machine 1T12-2M.
  • Complex for direction finding and research of meteorological conditions 1B44.
  • Equipment maintenance and repair kit 9F381.

Most of all systems are duplicated, so even their damage or complete incapacitation by enemy fire is not an obstacle to completing a combat mission. In addition, the bulk of the operations can be performed manually.

Characteristics of the power plant

The car is driven by two V-shaped engines ZIL-375Ya, each of them producing 180 hp. With. The wheels on the sides are driven by their own engine and have an independent gearbox and transmission. Steered wheels are installed on the first and fourth axles.

The machine is equipped not only with a centralized tire pressure monitoring system, but also with the ability to automatically inflate them while driving. Cross-country ability and speed characteristics are very good. On one gas station you can travel about 600 km, giving a maximum speed of 65 km/h. The car easily overcomes water obstacles up to 1.2 m deep without any additional preparation.

Information about calculation and loading

In peacetime, a crew of four people is appointed: the vehicle commander, the gunner and a couple of soldiers who are responsible for manual guidance and Maintenance. IN war time the group is increased to six people, since many operations have to be performed manually.

As already mentioned, the transport and loading of shells is carried out using a special 9T452 vehicle, which is built on the same chassis. Each such vehicle not only carries 16 shells, but also provides their equipment without the use of additional equipment. The process is completely mechanized and takes no more than 14 minutes. A TZM crane is used, which can be used to lift loads weighing up to 300 kg.

By the way, the Grad multiple rocket launcher system uses the same one.

Charging machine equipment

The equipment of the loading vehicle itself includes a frame for transporting shells, a rammer, a crane and cargo trolleys. There is a separate platform for the operator to work; the shells are captured using a separate “claw”. All operations for sending shells, turning the crane and auxiliary mechanisms are performed automatically, but if necessary they can be carried out manually.

The rammer itself is a special guide with a pusher mechanism, which launches the projectile into Right place. Thanks to a simple and effective alignment mechanism, the operator is relieved of the need to manually connect the guide and rammer. All mechanics operate from electric drives, the generators of which are completely autonomous, and therefore do not need to start the main engine of the machine to operate.

Projectiles used

It should be noted that what took the engineers the most time was not the design of the chassis, but the creation of fundamentally new types of projectiles. It should be noted that the work on their design turned out to be extremely fruitful. Thus, up to 90% of the accumulated information was successfully used in the development of the Smerch system.

As a result of numerous experiments, eight or nine main types of projectiles were created. Currently, some of them are no longer in use, as they have been replaced by new models. Many of them are classified.

The most common was the 9M27F projectile, equipped with a conventional high-explosive fragmentation warhead. It is universal, designed to destroy both enemy personnel and armored vehicles. The mass is only 49 kg with the weight of the entire projectile being 180 kg.

With approximately the same frequency, the Uragan rocket system uses 9M27K charges, already equipped with a cassette warhead, “stuffed” with destructive elements. They are extremely effective against enemy infantry and light vehicles.

The projectile itself weighs about 271 kg and contains 30 main elements. Each of them contains 350 submunitions with explosives. Even at a distance of 100 meters from the epicenter of the explosion, a shell fragment easily penetrates 2 mm of high-quality homogeneous steel.

The 9M27K1 model, which also uses cassette part with many damaging elements. The only difference is that the separating elements (also about 30 pieces) when hitting the ground additionally jump, increasing the affected area tens of times. In particular, the Tornado multiple launch rocket system, also known as Smerch, is equipped with the same ones.

The highlight of the complex and the real pride of the designers is the 9M27K2 projectile, designed for remote installation of anti-tank minefields. It uses standard PTM-1 anti-tank mines. One shell contains 24 mines. They are designed to quickly install barriers when attacking enemy tanks. A distinctive feature of the mines is that after 3.4 hours they self-destruct, which makes it possible to launch their own tank units into the attack.

The 9M27K3 was developed for approximately the same purposes. The difference is that it uses PFM-1S mines, designed to destroy enemy personnel. One shell contains 312 anti-personnel mines. A salvo of one vehicle covers 60 hectares. I must say that this is very formidable weapon. “Hurricane” has earned many excellent reviews in Afghanistan precisely for its ability to remotely install full-fledged minefields right in front of the enemy’s nose.

The 9M51 projectile was created specifically for the demolition of enemy fortified defensive points. Head part equipped with a liquid explosive intended for thermobaric explosion. The disadvantage of this model is that the maximum firing range does not exceed 13 km.

The 9M27C projectile is incendiary. Specially designed for mass destruction not only the enemy’s manpower, but also valuable material (vehicles in hangars, warehouses with equipment).

As you can see, multiple launch rocket systems (a review of one of them is presented in the article) can be used not only to cover entrenched infantry or equipment on the march, but also to solve more subtle and long-term problems.

Modern prospects and modernization of complexes

As we have repeatedly noted, the complex itself is constantly being modernized, and new types of projectiles are being developed. Today, the Hurricane multiple launch rocket system is in service even with the Yemeni army, not to mention the entire former CIS. The Ministry of Defense annually concludes contracts for the supply and maintenance of these systems around the world, so there is definitely no lack of popularity to speak of.

At one time, the Ukrainians transferred the MLRS to the KrAZ-6322.

Combat use

The MLRS in question showed itself simply excellent in combat conditions. In addition, it was repeatedly used by the Syrian military back in the 1980s during numerous conflicts with Israel. This system has been repeatedly used by our armed forces against illegal armed militant groups on the territory of the Chechen Republic.

As the military themselves say, the last time a multiple launch rocket system of this type was effectively used was during the notorious Georgian events of 2008.

What are the prospects?

Many experts say that the Uragan MLRS are now somewhat outdated. The reason for this statement is the fact that the maximum range of destruction of the enemy is relatively small - only 35 km. The same “Smerch” already gives 80-90 kilometers.

But there is an important note to make here. The fact is that the purpose of these complexes is still different. 200mm shells should not be confused with their 300mm counterparts. The latter (for Smerch) are not only larger, but also much heavier. Their length is a meter or two longer than that of the Hurricane. Accordingly, significantly more time is required for reloading and combat deployment of the complex.

But "Hurricanes" are an excellent alternative to the traditional long-range artillery. Even self-propelled howitzers(like Msta-S) shoot no further than 13-30 km, and the effect of their shells is much weaker. MLRS allows you to deploy a truly lethal system in an extremely short time.

One battery (six vehicles) is capable of destroying several tank companies at once or even “sowing” hundreds of hectares with anti-tank or anti-personnel mines.

It would also not be an exaggeration to say that the maintenance of longer-range MLRS variants is more expensive from an economic point of view, and the training of their operators takes more time.

Being modernized, salvo systems rocket fire"Uragan" not only acquire new aiming and target guidance systems, but can also effectively interact with UAVs. Currently it includes more and more, so this opportunity is definitely not superfluous.

In short, these systems still have a lot of prospects.