Man considers himself the crown of nature. Although he is not the strongest, most agile and fastest creature in the world. By the way, a person also has someone to learn resourcefulness and cunning from. Moreover, cunning skills are better developed not in the strongest animals, but in smaller ones, for which it is more difficult to obtain food. Such animals in the process of evolution have become so adapted to environment that the victim they are hunting for does not even know it. It is quite difficult to rank the most cunning creatures, since their dexterity manifests itself in different ways. Therefore, further in the article the most cunning of them are presented.


Almost all peoples of the world, especially the Slavs, believe that the most cunning animal is the fox. There are sayings and fables about her. The animal is small in size, so the animal will not be able to feed itself, relying solely on its own physical strength.

It’s probably not worth talking about how a fox robs chicken coops, we’ve heard a lot about it. And the animal from South America loves eggs very much large birds, in particular rhea. The animal can wait a long time until the bird leaves the nest, then carefully creeps up to it and steals the egg. However, it is too large sizes, so the fox rolls it to the nearest stone, breaks it against it and eats the contents.


This animal has been living next to humans for many centuries, and it is not for nothing that we consider it the most cunning animal on the planet. In the Middle Ages there was generally a mystical attitude towards rats, because they could destroy entire settlements. Now they do not pose such a threat, but this does not mean at all that the animal has become less resourceful.

In addition to the fact that a rat tolerates increased background radiation - this is more of a genetic mutation, it is quite difficult to poison the animal with food. The rat is a creature that is suspicious of absolutely everything, including new food. They will sniff it for a long time, then bite off a small piece and wait for a while; if it gets bad, they won’t eat. This also happens with traps that they successfully bypass.

Historical facts prove that this animal has the gift of foresight. They flee not only from a sinking ship, but also from any place where something will happen soon. Even during the Second World War, people noticed this, and if rats fled from the house, it meant that a bombing was coming.

The animal easily establishes cause-and-effect relationships, which is manifested in the rapid passage of a maze of any complexity.

Rats still cause a lot of damage to humans today. They are able to penetrate almost any crevice and chew through any objects. For example, in America, rats annually cause damage to total amount$19 million by damaging communications (wires).

Cantilla snake

This is one of the most cunning animals in the world. Central America and Mexico. Externally, the amphibian is very similar to the copperhead viper. A snake bite is very dangerous for humans. If you don't provide it on time medical care, then the kidneys may fail, and everything ends fatal. However, the venom of the snake cantilla saves and uses it only in extreme cases. She has a tip of white or yellow color. During the hunt, she moves her tail, and it seems that it is moving a worm. It is with this trick that the animal attracts its prey: small animals. And the moment the victim approaches a suitable distance, the snake releases venom.


These are cute mammals with intelligence almost like that of a person; the resourcefulness of their mind allows them to be called the most cunning animals.

For example, killer whales (also classified as dolphins) have learned to knock fish into a tight ball and only then eat it. If they decide to attack a whale, then the flock will under no circumstances allow the prey to dive under the water, because they do not know how to dive deep. And if on the ice floe it turns out fur seal, then the killer whale will instantly break his skull so that the victim falls into the water.

Bottlenose dolphins act somewhat differently; they drive small fish into shallow water. Then they create a barrier of sand and foam so that she cannot get out, and they have lunch.

Some dolphins use a sea sponge to avoid injury from sharp rocks by placing it on their snout.

These mammals are capable of learning. So, in dolphinariums they noticed that dolphins can learn to remove garbage from the pool. You only need to reward the animal a couple of times for bringing a dead seagull or other garbage. At the same time, the killer whales went even further. After some time, they began to leave the remains of the fish and catch seagulls with them, then bringing them to people and receiving a lot of fish for this.


Since ancient times, this bird has been the standard of wisdom. But wisdom is not only intelligence and experience, but ingenuity and cunning.

For example, in Japan, these birds lay out nuts at crossings when pedestrians have crossed the road. When in Once again the red light comes on, they are already collecting the split fruits. Isn't this the most cunning animal in the world? A similar thing can be observed here when a raven drops nuts from tall trees.

You can often observe how birds cleverly deceive cats and dogs. While one of them teases the animal, the other eats, then they change places.

Even Aesop wrote about unique intelligence. To confirm this, he said: the crow then took a narrow container with water at the bottom, and he threw stones and other objects inside until the water level rose.

Crows even know how to use foreign objects to get food. They use sticks to remove insects from crevices. They can even curl the wire into a crochet hook to make it easier to use. In the future, they even hide the successful tools in order to use them in the future.

Representatives of felines

We can talk about these animals all the time. In particular, the jaguar is one of the most unique and rare animals on the planet. The animal uses its tail to lure fish, plunging it into a pond and imitating moving fruit or swimming insects. As soon as the fish approaches, wild cat attacks.

Another most cunning feline is the long-tailed margay cat, which also lives in South and Central America. This is a small animal, about the size of a domestic cat, which is not averse to eating monkeys. To lure prey, the margay imitates the baby's voice, attracting monkeys. By the way, they say that the jaguar does the same.

Vulture turtle

This is the most cunning animal living in America in fresh water bodies. To eat fish, the turtle opens its mouth, which has a tongue that closely resembles a worm. By moving it, she attracts fish. As soon as the prey tries to grab the “worm”, the turtle’s mouth slams shut.


What is the most cunning animal? There is also such a bird - the cuckoo, which does not want to take care of its offspring at all. But so that the chicks can grow, she manages to place her eggs in the nests of blackbirds, other birds, and even in the caves of miniature rabbits. At the same time, the unlucky mother, laying an egg, takes one from the nest so that no one notices the substitution.

The chicks themselves, after hatching, also act very insidiously. They simply push other eggs or chicks out of the nest, especially if there is not enough food. Often enough adoptive parents recognize deception, so out of 5 cuckoos, as a rule, only one survives.

Hanuman Langurs

These are the sacred temple monkeys of India. This is one of the most cunning animals on earth. They manage to rob almost every tourist. At the same time, the animal has the status of immunity, so it will not be possible to take away the stolen property; catching them is prohibited in the country.

Temple monkeys only seem to be peaceful at first glance, but if you tease them well, they can get into a fight.


The forest is a gift from our planet, its living miracle. Forests cover most its territory. They not only decorate the Earth, but also clean the air. What could be better than a walk through the forest?!

And in our native forests there live such a large number of different animals that you can’t tell about them all in one book. But let's try to find out something new and interesting about one of them, namely the most cunning one. Red-haired cheat, cunning head, wagging her tail - don’t yawn, save the chickens, save the geese! Can you guess who we're talking about? That's right, about the fox!
Her cunning is a sure thing. The fox is very careful and has an amazing ability to throw off the chase. Did you know that this cunning beast can yap like a dog, howl like a wolf and make sounds reminiscent of the roar of a lion? Foxes can also purr so much that some birds confuse their voice with the song of their relatives and fly straight into the paws sly fox. That is why the image of a fox in fairy tales of many peoples of the world is the embodiment of dexterity and cunning. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Cunning like a fox!”

The image of a fox in the culture and traditions of the peoples of the world

Let's take you back to ancient times. Lived in Ancient Greece one narrator. His name was Aesop. He wrote fables and stories in which the heroes were a variety of animals, but at the same time they were always symbols of certain qualities of human character. For example, in the fable “The Fox and the Grapes,” the fox had traits such as pride and cunning. Ask your parents to read Aesop's fables to you and see for yourself that the animals there are just like people.
Our ancestors had special treatment to the fox. They even made special metal amulets on which the Fire Fox was depicted. The amulets helped hunters find their prey and return home safely.
In Russians folk tales The fox is not only cunning, but also an evil, insidious character who deceives other animals, hunts a hare, and sometimes tricks a wolf, a bear and even a person. What fairy tales do you remember about the fox? As soon as they don’t call her in our fairy tales: the fox-sister, the fox-cheater, the Fox Patrikeevna, the gossip, and the red-haired deceiver. Do you know where the fox got such an interesting middle name? Patrikey is an ancient name that comes from the Latin word "patrician", which means aristocrat. In Rus', this name was given only to children of the princely family. About seven hundred years ago, in the city of Novgorod, there lived a prince named Patrikey. He became famous for his resourcefulness and cunning. Over time, his name became synonymous with a cunning, deceiver, and dishonest person. And since the fox has long been considered the most cunning and cunning animal, the Russian people gave it the patronymic name Patrikeevna.
Residents of the East, namely the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese, revere this beast so much that in their legends they attribute to it the ability to transform into other animals or people. Who is your favorite hero that you transform into during the game? In Eastern legends ordinary fox can transform into a magical fox with nine tails and have magical powers. In some versions of these legends, foxes can even be the spiritual mentors of the ruler of a state during the most difficult periods of its existence. If suddenly it starts to rain suddenly on a sunny day in Japan, it is called fox shower.
In China, the fox has always been a symbol of women magical power, and in Scandinavia and Ancient Rome Red fox symbolized the demon of fire.
In fairy tales of other peoples of the world, the fox is associated with some cunning woman who sleeps and dreams of stealing something from her neighbor.
Maybe your parents or grandparents watched the legendary film “Zorro”? So, in Spanish “zorro” means fox. Therefore, the name of the main character of this film is translated as “fox,” which characterized him as a cunning and dexterous person.
In ancient times, the inhabitants of Finland believed that the northern lights were caused by foxes, which, while hunting, rubbed their tails against rocks, and sparks from the friction flew into the sky. That's why Finns still call the northern lights Foxfires. Look on the Internet for photos of this amazing natural phenomenon, maybe you’ll also see a fox behind the rocks.
Although red-haired cheat never misses an opportunity to climb into a chicken coop and feast on chicken, residents of all corners of our planet admired the fox for its beauty and ingenuity. “The fox will lead seven wolves”, “When the fox gives sermons, drive your geese” “The fox even counts chickens in a dream” - such sayings were invented about the most cunning animal thanks to robberies and theft of poultry. Sometimes a fox’s tail is also called a “pipe,” hence the expression “pipe tail,” which means “don’t be discouraged, life is wonderful.” A tropical palm tree, whose leaves resemble the tail of a red-haired gossip, is even named after the fox's tail.
There is a very interesting tradition in Armenia - stealing a chicken during wedding ceremony. the main role in this game belongs to the wedding Fox, in which the most dexterous young man is dressed up, attaching a fox tail to his clothes.
On the wedding day, the Fox must steal a chicken from the chicken coop of the bride's house, as if the groom were stealing the bride. At the same time, the bride herself and her girlfriends do their best to prevent him. In case of a successful theft, the Fox must come to the house of the bride's parents and notify them of the groom's imminent arrival. This ritual dates back hundreds of years, and modern newlyweds still try to perform it.

Fox as a pet. Fox training

In 2011, a group of scientists carried out excavations in Jordan. In one place, they discovered the burial of ancient people, which is almost more than 11 thousand years old, along with stone tools, bone spoons and fox bones. Judging by these and other finds, scientists have concluded that the fox could be the most ancient domestic animal.
But other scientists believe that if the domestication and taming of foxes did occur, then most likely they were not hunting assistants or guards, like dogs, but were kept for hunting small rodents in the house and the area adjacent to the house. In the south of Europe, for example, ferrets, stoats or weasels were tamed to fight mice in the house, in Africa - mongooses, and in India snakes were used for these purposes. Watch a wonderful cartoon with your parents or read the book “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” by Rudyard Kipling and you will find out who mongooses are.
Remember, what animals are doing this work now?
In 1950, scientists in our country experimented with fox breeding. After long and hard work, they managed to breed a breed of completely tame foxes. The Institute of Cytology and Genetics still operates in Novosibirsk, which breeds such foxes. According to scientists, the animals they raised can not only learn to do various tricks and carry out commands, but also become everyone’s pet. If any of you wants to buy such an animal for yourself, then do not forget to take it for a walk, otherwise it will try to dig a hole for itself right in your house.
Surely, each of you has been to the circus at least once or only dreams of going there. Usually in the circus arena we can see trained bears, lions, tigers, horses, elephants, cats and dogs. I've been to the circus so many times, but I've never seen trained foxes! And you? Scientists are divided on whether it is even possible to train a fox to perform various exercises. Some people think this is completely impossible, others say that training foxes is no more difficult than training cats. There are many examples in the world when people brought fox cubs home, raised them, and they, in turn, became practically pets. However, you are unlikely to be able to get the same obedience from a fox as from a dog. The fox is too capricious and capricious. In addition, the fox is used to living alone.

Characteristics of a fox

Probably everyone has seen at least once in pictures what a fox looks like living in our native land. Both in fairy tales and in reality, the fox looks the same. This is a very beautiful animal with a lush, long tail. Foxes in our forests have red coats, white belly, a roguish narrow muzzle, Brown eyes and pointed ears. Foxy is a big fashionista. She has two fur coats: a luxurious, fluffy winter one and a more modest summer one.
Northern foxes have a fiery color, almost red, and those that live in the steppe are gray-yellow, so it’s easier for them to be invisible against the background of burnt grass. True, some foxes have black-brown fur, which is considered the most beautiful, so silver foxes are bred on regular farms.
Just imagine, foxes adapt to their environment so well that they can be found in our forests, in the forests of America, and even in Africa. Foxes also live in specially protected areas - nature reserves. For example, among the predators of the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve in the Moscow Region, foxes are the most numerous.
Despite some similarities with dogs, foxes are still, in their habits and some distinctive features more like cats. Nature made sure that foxes could get their food at night. They see well in the dark because their eyes have special cells that not only reflect light, but also double the brightness of the image. Did you know that foxes are excellent climbers? Just imagine: they can climb trees and roofs of houses in order to feast on birds! Some foxes can even sleep in trees! The fox gait also resembles the gait of a cat in its grace and elegance. In addition, foxes, like cats, have spines on their tongues and sensitive whiskers on their faces that help them maintain balance.

A story about Aliska the fox
Do you want me to tell you how the most cunning animal lives in our forests? Then sit back and listen.
Spring is red with flowers, summer with sun and mushrooms, autumn with golden rain, and winter with snowstorms and snowdrifts. You can breathe well and freely in the forest at any time of the year, but first things first. In spring, nature wakes up from a long winter sleep. The snow is gradually melting, cheerful streams will soon begin to gurgle, and fragrant, sticky leaves will appear from the buds of the trees. Just like this ordinary forest Once upon a time there lived a fox. It was good for the fox: there were plenty of hares and mice that she hunted. Winter is over, the blizzards and blizzards no longer froze the fox, the time has come to make a home for future fox cubs. At the edge of the forest, under the roots of a large spreading spruce, a fox began to dig a hole. It was difficult for her: the ground was dense, and she had little strength after the winter. But the fox was helped by the fox. So they took turns digging a hole and resting. In the hole, the couple made two more exits, this in case of danger. The expectant mother was well prepared for the birth of the fox cubs: she placed dry moss and leaves at the bottom of the hole so that the babies would not freeze and would sleep comfortably.
However, foxes do not live in burrows all the time. Basically, they need this home to raise their offspring, then they leave it and live on open spaces. Foxes love to settle wherever they want, they have practically no sense of home, that is, they do not miss their hole and can run away from it for a long distance when the fox cubs grow up and leave the hole.
Sometimes cunning cheats occupy other people's holes. It happens that a fox occupies a hole in which a badger already lives. Gradually she begins to push him out of there, the badger endures and endures, and then he leaves, unable to stand such a neighbor. If the fox is old, then it may have several holes where it takes refuge in case of danger.
Our foxes' hole is already ready, and fox cubs have appeared in it. They are so small, funny and not at all like mom and dad. Their fur is short, gray, their eyes can’t see yet, just like kittens, but the tip of their tail, like adults, is white. They are so helpless! If a person stumbles upon them in the forest by chance, they cannot be taken, otherwise the fox will smell the person and refuse to raise their babies. Mom and dad share equally in their upbringing. Curled up in a ball, the fox cubs snuggled closer friend to a friend to make it warmer, and sleep. Our little fox was caring mother: She washed her fox cubs with her tongue, licking their faces, fed them and warmed them. Now they have eaten their fill of mother’s milk, snuggled closer to her and sniffled through their noses again.
At this time, the fox prowls the forest, looking for food for himself and the fox. The fox is a great hunter. He is not only very observant and smart, but also has an excellent visual memory, good sense of smell and hearing. This is a dexterous, cunning animal that knows how to confuse its tracks and resort to various tricks during the hunt.
A fox can watch a mouse, a vole or a black grouse for a very long time, and then quickly attack them. Foxes often hunt hares and rabbits, and after rain they dig worms out of the ground and catch fish and crayfish in the river. Sometimes after a bad hunt you have to be content with only berries or forest apples. He, like his other relatives, has his own hunting area, which he jealously guards.
Having moved a short distance from the hole, the fox begins to move more confidently. Here the cockchafer flies by, in one leap the fox overtakes it and grabs it with its teeth - the hunt begins nicely today. But can you satisfy your hunger with one May beetle? Suddenly the fox stopped and looked around. I moved my ear a little - a vole was squeaking somewhere nearby. The fox ran a little forward, carefully bent down so that he was almost invisible behind last year's grass, stopped, listened, and pressed himself close to the ground. A few seconds later, his fiery red tail shot up like a rocket, another throw - the mouse was in his teeth. The fox eats its prey with appetite. Then he continues to walk around his possessions. After trotting a little more along the edge of the forest, the animal notices a small clearing in which black grouse have gathered, muttering something. It was only thanks to the sensitive nose of the red-haired hunter that he came to this place. And here all the fox’s cunning comes into play: he slowly walks by, barely touching the branches near the growing bushes, and pretends that he is not at all interested in the birds. Here the fox lay down, as if dozing, and at this time the black grouse continued their games. The fox slightly, barely noticeably crawled even closer. He is not only a good actor, but also very patient hunter. One, two lightning-fast jumps, and the black grouse, as if scalded, rise into the air, but no such luck, the fox will not miss his goal, and the hunt ends with his victory. Proud of himself, the red rogue carries his prey into the hole in his teeth. But it doesn’t happen day after day, sometimes the fox has to chase game with a tucked belly that cramps from hunger. But today was a good day.
The fox is already waiting for him in the hole. She eats fresh poultry meat with pleasure, but does not chew it, but swallows it in whole pieces. How good it is for her: she doesn’t have to leave the foxes, and she’s been fed! Two weeks passed, the cubs' eyes opened and their teeth began to emerge. One day, the mother fox took one fox cub by the collar and carried him out of the hole. The little fox closed his eyes against the bright light, his muzzle poked into the grass, but gradually his eyes got used to it, and he looked around. What grace! Breathe easily and freely. The others crawled out after him. Like ordinary children, they began to play and frolic in the sun. These are very nimble and restless naughty creatures. So one of the six grabbed his brother by the tip of his tail and, well, bit him. And the brother does not lag behind, quietly biting his sister on the side. She whines in pain, but continues to play.
Parents bring them either a half-dead mouse or a cockchafer so that the fox cubs try to catch them, thereby acquiring hunting skills. One of the cubs ran too far from the hole, the mother fox was sitting not far away, but suddenly she heard a suspicious noise, she quickly grabbed her naughty son by the collar and carried her to the hole. Then she barked quietly - the rest of the foxes rushed after her and disappeared into a safe home. This is how she taught her offspring to be obedient, careful and disciplined. How did the fox sense the danger? In this she was helped not only by her excellent sense of smell and hearing, but also by thin, barely noticeable hairs on her paws, thanks to which she senses the direction of the wind. Suddenly, with the wind from the outskirts of the forest, the faint smell of a person flew in, who might accidentally stumble upon a fox hole. If he gets closer, the fox will immediately lead all the cubs out of the hole through the emergency exit to a safer place. But everything worked out, the fox calmed down and continued to sleep, sensitively guarding her cubs.
Foxes, like other animals, can easily become prey for predators. Therefore, they also have their own ways of protecting themselves from enemies, namely from wolves and bears. Foxes are not only very cunning, they are also very careful. A fox can zigzag from side to side for a long time, unexpectedly jump into the grass, spin around in place, curl up and roll to another place. All this is done in order to confuse the enemy and lead him down the wrong trail. Before falling asleep, the fox changes its location several times and, only after making several intricate movements, goes to bed, covering the tip of its nose with its tail. The fox also chooses a special place to sleep if it does not have to sleep in a hole, since it digs a hole mainly for fox cubs. The fox prefers to sleep in clearings and hillocks so that it can open up good review around. If he suddenly senses danger, he jumps up sharply and quickly runs away, confusing his tracks. In some ways, its running is reminiscent of the running of a cheetah, which also covers considerable distances in large leaps. Now the fox sensed the faint scent of a person and became wary. But everything worked out.
Day after day, the fox cubs grew, became stronger and gained strength. Every day they certainly improved their hunting skills. This is a tradition among foxes that is passed down from generation to generation. This is how the younger ones learn to be invisible, avoid danger and be dexterous while hunting. They are always on the move, playing, frolicking, pestering their parents, who in turn quietly push them away, carefully listening to all the sounds in the forest.
One of the fox cubs was the most curious. So he stuck his black nose where it shouldn’t! Either he will climb into the tall grass so that the mother fox searches for him for a long time, then he will chase a butterfly and fly into a prickly raspberry bush as fast as he can, or he will taste what kind of mushroom. That's how he ran and ran and met unusual beast. The muzzle is narrow, the legs are short, and he looks like a Christmas tree. Can you guess who it is? That's right, it's a hedgehog! And our little fox only recently began to emerge from the hole and has not yet met any animals. And here is such a miracle! As soon as he touched it with his paw, he immediately whined in pain - they are such hedgehogs! The hedgehog didn’t play with the fox, he curled up in a ball and pretended to be offended. Why be offended? No need to inject drugs, then others will be friends with you. The little fox waited a little, suddenly the hedgehog changed his mind, but he just twisted the thorns in all directions, and the little fox left with nothing. I barely found my way home, the fibers on my paws helped, like a compass worked!
Closer to November, the fox cubs became completely independent and left Father's house. Soon they will scatter in different directions, choose for themselves hunting area and they will establish their own rules there.
It was at this time that trouble happened to the mother fox. She was once running through the forest, not touching anyone, and then - bam - her paw fell into a trap set by poachers. The fox spins and spins, no, she can’t free herself. She began to call for help: she whines pitifully and pitifully, no one hears her. Several hours passed, and then the old forester Savelich, as his name was, unexpectedly came across the fox local residents. He took the fox to his place, freed his paw, and called the veterinarian. Everything ended well, the paw was cured, but the lameness remained, where will the fox go now, is it possible to catch up with a hare with a sore paw? So she stayed with the forester, settled in a haystack not far from the house, and Savelich was only happy, even though he had a lot of work, but everything was more fun. And so this unusual friendship between a man and a red-haired mischief began. And although the fox did not become a pet in the full sense of the word, it still helped its owner, destroying small rodents in the field that belonged to the forester. Savelich fed the fox, sometimes she even took bread from his hands, and for this the forester affectionately called her “my Aliska.” And although by fox standards our fox was no longer young (she was 4 years old), she lived with Savelich for a long, long time.

Cunning... this quality is inherent even in animals, but who is the most cunning animal on Earth? We'll talk about this further...

People are accustomed to consider themselves the crown of creation of planet Earth. But what in reality? Let's look around: we are not the strongest, not the most dexterous, not the fastest... and not even the most cunning! In nature there are a lot of creatures that can beat us in everything in no time. As for resourcefulness, here is a list of the most cunning animals to prove it.

No. 1 – Fox

For more than one generation, fairy tales have been written, legends and rumors have circulated about the cunning of this beast. Take, for example, the South American fox, which simply loves to steal rhea eggs. But the rheas themselves are not small birds, so the red-haired cheats do not dare to enter into open confrontation with them. What are they doing?

The South American fox is a lover of rhea eggs.

They wait patiently for the hen to leave the nest. At this moment, the fox pushes out the egg, but since it is large and it will not be possible to carry it in its mouth, it pushes its “prey” with its nose until a stone comes across a stone along the way. The egg breaks against the barrier, and the fox quickly drinks the inside contents.

No. 2 – Rat

Gray rat- a fast and cunning rodent.

These sneaky creatures not only know how to quickly evade pursuit, they also cause harm in the process. When do they manage to do everything? No one can answer this question, the fact remains that populations of which reach incredible proportions, cause great damage, while remaining undetected.

No. 3 – Chameleon

Chameleons are animals that skillfully use their natural abilities.

A chameleon is not so much a cunning animal as it is a resourceful one. Well, who else is also capable of quickly changing color to escape from an annoying enemy? Scientists have found that the chameleon’s “color games” serve not only as a means of camouflage from a predator, but also as a way of expressing its own mood. If an animal is angry, or it is afraid, or even wants to attract the attention of the opposite sex, then a change in skin color comes to its aid.

No. 4 Vulture turtle

Who said that a turtle is a slow, clumsy creature leading a measured lifestyle? This is far from true, an example of this is. She uses her tongue to hunt... yes, yes, this animal is a predator, despite all its cuteness. So, the tongue of the snapping turtle looks like a small pink worm. Swimming up to such bait, an unlucky fish can easily become a turtle's lunch.

No. 5 - Virginia Possum

This cunning animal has acquired an unusual skill in the course of evolution: it knows how to pretend... what’s so surprising about that, you say? The Virginia opossum can pretend to be... dead, it even smells like a dead carcass. Moreover, the animal looks so believable that confused predators pass by the “carrion” without any interest, not even realizing that they were simply “duped.”

The Virginia opossum demonstrates its ability to "die alive."

No. 6 – Cuckoo

The tricky part of our next candidate for the role of “brilliant deceiver” is his... irresponsibility.

The most cunning animals

Our smaller brothers have various interesting skills, some of which even people lack. Some of the representatives of the animal world are distinguished by amazing cunning from birth.

This quality helps them stay alive and eat well. So which of the fauna representatives is the most cunning? We learn this from the article below.

The cunning of foxes has long been reflected in the proverbs and sayings of all the people with whom these amazing animals live. However, South American foxes have the greatest intelligence. Their favorite treat- eggs of birds living nearby. To get food without fighting with the owners of the eggs, foxes patiently wait until the bird leaves the nest. After which, the fox sneaks up and steals the egg.

If the egg turns out to be so large that it simply does not fit into the animal’s mouth, the foxes skillfully roll the egg to the nearest stone, then break the egg on the stone and feast on its contents

In the Middle Ages, rats inhabited cities and villages and caused fear in people who saw them. Nowadays, attitudes towards rats have changed: now these rodents are often kept in apartments and are considered favorite pets. Studies of this type of rodent show that they are able to easily adapt even to difficult circumstances and preserve their lives even in the most difficult conditions.

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They succeed thanks to their innate cunning and ingenuity. The experience of villages and villages of residents shows that it is difficult to eliminate pest rats, since they first check the food they find. At first, these mammals try only a small amount of bait and observe whether it is harmful to their well-being. Rats are also known to like to avoid unfamiliar objects. Therefore, they manage to avoid falling into traps. Zoologists are also amazed by the foresight of rats. For example, the fact that rats leave sinking ships in advance.

These mammals are distinguished by their remarkable intelligence, the level of which is only slightly inferior to the abilities of humans. Dolphins know how to use their mental abilities with enviable success. IN natural environment habitat, dolphins gather to hunt in large groups. This helps them surround schools of fish, depriving the prey of any opportunity to escape from being eaten.

It is also surprising that dolphins are able to make and use the simplest tools. So, before starting a hunt, they specially put on themselves scraps of sea ​​sponge to avoid injury while searching for and pursuing prey.

In captivity, these amazing animals also managed to impress researchers. In one study, dolphins were taught to retrieve trash from the bottom of pools. For this, the owners gave them tasty treats. Soon, the dolphins began to separate the found garbage into several small parts in order to obtain large quantity treats.

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Crows are the most cunning representatives of the world of wild birds. These birds have repeatedly confirmed their inherent intelligence and intelligence with amazing skills! For example, in Japan, these birds have mastered the art of crossing busy highways using traffic lights and getting their food with the help of passing cars. While the red light is on, the birds lay out on the strip traffic nuts so that they crack under the wheels of passing cars. Then, after waiting for a break in movement, the birds happily collect nuts.

Vladimir | Views: 2,747

Foxes (lat. Vulpes) belong to the canine genus and are considered very cunning and cautious predators. The habitat is very vast, starting from the Far North and ending with the vast territories of Australia.

The fox is considered a medium-sized animal, its body weight is about ten kilograms, its body length is up to one meter. What gives the fox special pride, of course, is the tail; its length is equal to almost the entire length of the predator - more than 60 cm!

Depending on what species the fox is and its habitat, the color of its fur also depends. It can be of various shades, ranging from
fiery red color and ending almost black. Predators living in the North are larger than their relatives living further south and have thicker fur. Foxes hunt mainly in the early morning or late evening and are not picky in their choice of food. The main food is considered to be hares, birds, small rodents, and less commonly River fish. The predator’s diet also includes insects, berries, and fruits.

The animal's muzzle is slightly elongated, its ears are small and very sensitive. The fox accurately determines the location of prey under a thick blanket of snow.

The cunning animal almost never digs holes, preferring to occupy ready-made ones, having previously evicted the owners - marmots or badgers.

During the mating period, several males dispute the right to be with the female, and the latter does not care who is with her, the most important thing is to preserve the offspring. The male very carefully and carefully looks after the female throughout the entire period until the birth of the offspring. After the fox cubs are born, their parents carefully look after them until they begin to move independently. As a rule, after a month, little fox cubs begin to get their own food. First, these are insects and their larvae, then adult food.

Foxes, unlike wolves, have no attachment to a specific territory, thanks to which these animals successfully settle down in any new place. It is this trait of adaptability that helps them survive almost everywhere.

The fox is a valuable hunting object due to its bushy tail and brightly colored fur. But catching this cunning animal is not at all easy, so fox hunting is considered especially interesting and challenging.

The fox is rightfully considered the most beautiful predator, knows well when she is safe, so she does not try to avoid human society, coming close to a dwelling, especially in rural areas. All these features have been well studied, thanks to which the animals reproduce quite successfully in captivity.

Video - Lisa