In the section on the question How to find the annual temperature amplitude? given by the author Caucasian the best answer is Temperature - Geography - Pictures
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Answer from hospitality[active]
annual amplitude - 20-23Gy C

Answer from Andrey Nevermind[guru]
Smart people use the term amplitude only for periodic oscillations. And you only led to consideration for one year. I hope the hint is clear
I have no idea how weather forecasters think this, but if you are interested in a specific formula according to some standard, write so, so as not to fool people’s minds and not offend them later by leaving the answers to a vote.
According to the definition of the concept of amplitude, something like this: Take the arithmetic mean of two deviations - positive and negative from the average annual temperature
minimum = 20, maximum = 23, arithmetic average of temperature for the year = 21+20+21+21+21+21+20+20+20+21+22+23 /12 = 20.92 degrees
average the top and bottom:
(|20-20.92|+|23-20.92|) /2 = 1.5 degrees!
And if you just sum it up and don’t divide by 2, you’ll get the RANGE and not the amplitude and it will be = 3 degrees

During the day the air temperature changes. The lowest temperature is observed before sunrise, the highest - at 14-15 hours.

To determine average daily temperature, You need to measure your temperature four times a day: at 1 a.m., at 7 a.m., at 1 p.m., at 7 p.m. The arithmetic mean of these measurements is the average daily temperature.

The air temperature changes not only during the day, but also throughout the year (Fig. 138).

Rice. 138. Head course of air temperature at latitude 62° N. latitude: 1 - Torshavn Denmark (sea mud), average annual temperature 6.3 ° C; 2- Yakutsk (continental type) - 10.7 °C

Average annual temperature is the arithmetic average of temperatures for all months of the year. It depends on geographic latitude, the nature of the underlying surface and the transfer of heat from low to high latitudes.

The Southern Hemisphere is generally colder than the Northern Hemisphere due to Antarctica being covered in ice and snow.

The warmest month of the year in the Northern Hemisphere is July, and the coldest month is January.

Lines on maps connecting points with the same air temperature are called isotherms(from the Greek isos - equal and therme - heat). Their complex arrangement can be judged from maps of January, July and annual isotherms.

Climate on the corresponding parallels Northern Hemisphere warmer than similar parallels in the Southern Hemisphere.

The highest annual temperatures on Earth are observed in the so-called thermal equator. It does not coincide with the geographic equator and is located at 10° N. w. This is explained by the fact that in the Northern Hemisphere large area is occupied by land, and in the Southern Hemisphere, on the contrary, by oceans, which waste heat on evaporation, and in addition, the influence of ice-covered Antarctica is felt. The average annual temperature at the parallel is 10° N. w. is 27 °C.

Isotherms do not coincide with parallels despite the fact that solar radiation is distributed zonally. They bend, moving from the continent to the ocean, and vice versa. Thus, in the Northern Hemisphere in January over the continent, isotherms deviate to the south, and in July - to the north. This is due to the unequal heating conditions of land and water. In winter, land cools, and in summer it warms up faster than water.

If we analyze isotherms in the Southern Hemisphere, then in temperate latitudes their course is very close to parallel, since there is little land there.

In January, the highest air temperature is observed at the equator - 27 ° C, in Australia, South America, central and southern parts Africa. The lowest January temperature was recorded in northeast Asia (Oymyakon, -71 °C) and at the North Pole -41 °C.

The “warmest July parallel” is the parallel of 20° N latitude. with a temperature of 28 ° C, and the coldest place in July is South Pole with an average monthly temperature of -48 °C.

The absolute maximum air temperature was recorded in North America(+58.1 °C). The absolute minimum air temperature (-89.2 °C) was recorded at the Vostok station in Antarctica.

Observations revealed the existence of daily allowances and annual fluctuations air temperature. The difference between the largest and lowest values air temperature during the day is called daily amplitude, and during the year - annual temperature range.

The daily temperature range depends on a number of factors:

  • latitude of the area - decreases when moving from low to high latitudes;
  • the nature of the underlying surface - it is higher on land than over the ocean: over oceans and seas the daily temperature amplitude is only 1-2 °C, and over steppes and deserts it reaches 15-20 °C, since water heats up and cools down more slowly than land ; in addition, it increases in areas with bare soil;
  • terrain - due to cold air descending into the valley from the slopes;
  • cloudiness - with its increase, the daily temperature amplitude decreases, since clouds do not allow earth's surface get very hot during the day and cool down at night.

The magnitude of the daily amplitude of air temperature is one of the indicators of the continental climate: in deserts its value is much greater than in areas with a marine climate.

Annual amplitude temperature has patterns similar to the daily temperature amplitude. It depends mainly on the latitude of the area and the proximity of the ocean. Over the oceans, the annual temperature amplitude is most often no more than 5-10 °C, and over the interior regions of Eurasia - up to 50-60 °C. Near the equator, average monthly air temperatures differ little from each other throughout the year. At higher latitudes, the annual temperature range increases, and in the Moscow region it is 29 °C. At the same latitude, the annual temperature amplitude increases with distance from the ocean. In the equator zone above the ocean, the annual temperature amplitude is only G, and above the continents it is 5-10°.

The different heating conditions for water and land are explained by the fact that the heat capacity of water is twice that of land, and with the same amount of heat, land heats up twice faster than water. When cooling, the opposite happens. In addition, water evaporates when heated, which consumes significant amount heat. It is also important that on land heat spreads almost only in the top layer of soil, and only a small part of it is transferred into the depths. In the seas and oceans, significant thicknesses are heating up. This is facilitated by vertical mixing of water. As a result, the oceans accumulate much more heat than land, retain it longer, and expend it more evenly than land. The oceans are warming more slowly and cooling more slowly.

The annual temperature range in the Northern Hemisphere is 14 °C, and in the Southern Hemisphere - 7 °C. For globe The average annual air temperature at the earth's surface is 14 °C.

Heat zones

The uneven distribution of heat on Earth depending on the latitude of the place allows us to highlight the following thermal belts, the boundaries of which are isotherms (Fig. 139):

  • the tropical (hot) zone is located between the annual isotherms + 20 °C;
  • temperate zones of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres - between the annual isotherms of +20 ° C and the isotherm of the warm month+10 °C;
  • the polar (cold) belts of both hemispheres are located between the isotherms of the warmest month +10 °C and O °C;
  • Perpetual frost belts are limited by the 0 °C isotherm of the warmest month. This is the kingdom eternal snow and ice.

Rice. 139. Heat zones Earth

You will need

  • - thermometer;
  • - data on maximum and minimum temperatures:
  • - calculator;
  • - watch;
  • - paper and pencil.


To determine the amplitude of daily outdoor temperatures, take the most ordinary outdoor thermometer. In Russia, alcohol thermometers with the Celsius scale are usually used as thermometers. Other countries also use the Fahrenheit or Reaumur scale. You can often find two-scale ones. In this situation, it is important to take readings on the same scale.

Decide over what period of time you will take readings. Meteorologists usually do this every three hours. The first measurement is taken at 0 o'clock, then at 3 o'clock in the morning, 6 and 9 o'clock in the morning, at noon, at 15, 18 and 21 o'clock. It is better to count according to astronomical time. Take and record readings.

Find the highest and lowest temperatures. Subtract the minimum value from the maximum value. This is the amplitude of daily outside air temperatures.

Determine the monthly and annual temperature ranges in the same way. Take readings constantly, at regular intervals. It is very convenient to use a special calendar for this. Divide the sheet of paper as you would normally do in pocket calendar. Divide the cell allocated for each day by the number of time intervals. Record your readings systematically, noting each day the highest and highest low temperature.

At the end of the month, write down all extreme values. Find the highest temperature for the entire period, then the lowest. Calculate the difference between them. If you have to operate with negative numbers, perform arithmetic operations with them in the same way as when solving ordinary mathematical problems. For example, if +10°, and the minimum is also 10°, but below zero, calculate the amplitude using the formula A=Tmax-Tmin=10-(-10)=10+10=20°,

The temperature amplitude can be clearly observed on the graph. Divide the horizontal axis into equal segments, mark the measurement time on each. Select the length of the vertical axis segment - for example, 1°. Next to each time stamp, write the temperature values. Connect the points of the curve. Find the highest and lowest points. The distance between them along the ordinate axis will be the amplitude - in this case, the outside air temperature.

To determine the amplitude of average daily temperatures, first find the average values ​​themselves. To find the average daily temperature, add up all the readings and divide the sum by the number of measurements. Carry out this procedure for all days of the week or month. Find the maximum and minimum values. Subtract the first from the second.


  • air temperature amplitude

To find the amplitude, you need to take a ruler or other device for measuring distances and measure the largest deviation from the equilibrium position. In the case of a mathematical pendulum, you need to measure its length and height of rise. To measure the amplitude values ​​of voltage and alternating current, you will need to obtain readings from a voltmeter and an ammeter.

You will need

  • ruler, tape measure, voltmeter and ammeter for alternating current


Measuring voltage amplitude and current For the AC network, the greatest interest is maximum values current and voltage (amplitude values) at a given consumer or circuit section. To do this, take a voltmeter and switch them to measure alternating current. After this, connect the ammeter to the circuit in series, and the voltmeter in parallel, connecting its terminals to the ends of the circuit section where the consumer is connected. Take readings from . These are the effective or effective values ​​of current (ammeter) and voltage (voltmeter). In order to obtain the amplitude values ​​​​of voltage and current, multiply each of them by 1.4.


  • how to reduce amplitude

Amplitude is the difference between the extreme values ​​of a particular quantity, in this case temperature. This important characteristic climate of a particular area. The ability to calculate this indicator is also necessary for doctors, since strong fluctuations temperature during the day may indicate the presence of certain diseases. Biologists, chemists, nuclear physicists and representatives of many other branches of science and technology constantly face a similar problem.

You will need

  • - thermometer or thermograph;
  • - calendar of observations;
  • - watch with stopwatch.


Determine the time interval in which measurements will be taken. It depends on the purpose of the study. For example, to determine the fluctuation temperature outdoor air must be measured within 24 hours. At weather stations, observations are usually recorded every 3 hours. The most accurate measurements will be if they are carried out according to astronomical time.

Others use a different periodicity. When studying combustion performance, measurement is required temperature at intervals equal to the engine cycle time, which is thousandths of a second. In these cases, either electronic recorders are used, or temperature changes determined by the amplitude of infrared radiation. For paleontologists and geologists, the temperature range over entire geological epochs, which is millions of years, is important.

The temperature difference can be determined either by sampling or by thermographic method. In the first case, divide the required period of time into equal sections. Take your temperature at these times and record the results. This method is good when counting over years, months or hours.

When considering this topic, it is necessary, first of all, to decide what amplitude is in general. Amplitude represents the difference between extreme values ​​of certain quantities. In this particular case, we will consider the amplitude of temperature fluctuations. This characteristic climate is important for any area. With the ability to calculate this indicator face people of such professions as biologist, nuclear physicist, chemist and others. This number also includes doctors, since significant temperature fluctuations throughout the day may indicate the presence of various types of diseases. That is, the amplitude of air temperature fluctuations is, in fact, the difference between the maximum and minimum air temperatures. We can give the following example: the highest air temperature during the day is 180° C, and the lowest is 90° C, therefore, the amplitude of air fluctuations will be equal to 90° C (180 – 90 = 90). The nature of the earth's surface influences the amplitudes of temperature fluctuations per day. On cloudy days, the daily amplitudes of temperature fluctuations decrease. The annual amplitudes of air temperature fluctuations depend on the latitude of the area: the smallest is at the equator, is 10 ° C, the largest is in the middle latitudes, it is 280 ° C. And if we compare places located at the same latitude, then the influence is mainly influenced by range ocean, the closer to , the lower the annual amplitude of temperature fluctuations.

How to determine the annual amplitude of temperature fluctuations? It’s very simple, you need to determine the difference between the averages of the warmest and, accordingly, the coldest months of the year. You can give the following example: indicator average temperature air temperature in July is +34°C, and in January - 15°C. 34 + (-15) = 49°C - this is an indicator of the annual amplitude of temperature fluctuations. It is also important to measure the amplitude of air temperature fluctuations in heated rooms in the winter; this indicator is also determined by calculation. The indicator of the amplitude of air temperature fluctuations in a heated room with periodic heating operation is an indicator of the thermal stability of the structures enclosing this room.
It was calculated that amplitude of fluctuations in air temperature in the room with stove heating above 3° C. The need to take into account heat transfer in building heating engineering in non-stationary conditions arises when solving such issues as: calculating the amplitude of air temperature fluctuations in rooms relative to the unevenness of heat transfer by the heating system; determining the attenuation of temperature fluctuations in the fence relative to fluctuations in air temperature outside or under the influence of radiation emitted by the sun; heating and cooling of volumetric enclosures, etc.
In the case when the average hourly heat output of a stove, determined by laboratory tests, corresponds to the heat loss of a certain room, then before installing this stove, it is necessary to determine the amplitude of fluctuations in the air temperature in the room for this stove. Disadvantages of stove heating:
- the area required to store fuel, as well as difficulties in delivering it;
- a loss usable area occupied by furnaces;
- danger of fire if requirements are not met fire safety;
- contamination of premises that occurs when cleaning the stove from ash and soot;
- in comparison with centralized heating, a higher amplitude of air temperature fluctuations throughout the day;
- if the rules for operating the stove are violated, there is a danger of poisoning carbon monoxide.
There is such a thing as heat resistance of external fencing. This is the ability of a fence in which it produces a smaller or larger temperature change inner surface when the indoor air temperature or outdoor temperature fluctuates. Moreover, the greater the change in temperature of the inner surface of the fence at the same amplitude of air temperature fluctuations, the less heat-resistant it is, and vice versa. The greater the thermal capacity of room enclosures, the more these enclosures absorb excess heat, and this leads to a decrease amplitude of air temperature fluctuations. Afterwards, the influence of the uneven heat transfer of the furnace on the change in air temperature in the room is determined. It should be noted that when using identical stoves in rooms of different design, the air temperature fluctuations in them differ significantly. Therefore, all calculations are supplemented by checking the thermal stability of the room, which is characterized by the amplitude of fluctuations in air temperature in the room.

To the question of how to find the annual amplitude of air temperature asked by the author Gezha the best answer is Annual amplitudes.

Good luck to you!

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how is the annual amplitude of air temperature found?

Answer from Maxim Fedorov[newbie]
I'm gay

Answer from Natasha Morozova[newbie]
Annual amplitudes.
The annual range of surface temperatures is the difference between the maximum and minimum monthly average temperatures. It increases with increasing latitude, which is explained by increasing fluctuations in the magnitude solar radiation. Largest values amplitude reaches on continents; on the oceans and seashores it is much less. The smallest amplitude is observed in equatorial latitudes(2-3°). The largest is in subarctic latitudes on continents (more than 60°).
Determined primarily by latitude. The annual variation of air temperature is the change in average monthly temperature throughout the year. The annual amplitude of air temperature is the difference between the maximum and minimum average monthly temperatures.
There are 4 types of annual temperature variations; in each type there are two subtypes - marine and continental, characterized by different annual temperature amplitudes.
In the equatorial type of annual temperature variation, 2 small maxima and 2 small minima are observed. Maximums occur after the equinoxes, when the Sun is at its zenith above the equator. In the marine subtype the amplitude is 1-2°, in the continental subtype 4-6°. The temperature is positive all year round.
In the tropical type there is 1 maximum after a day summer solstice and 1 minimum - after the day winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. In the marine subtype the amplitude is 5°, in the continental subtype it is 10-20°.
In the moderate type, there is also 1 maximum after the summer solstice and 1 minimum after the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere; in winter temperatures are negative. Over the ocean the amplitude is 10-15°, over land it increases with distance from the ocean: on the coast - 10°, in the center of the continent - up to 60°.
In the polar type, 1 maximum is maintained after the summer solstice and 1 minimum after the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, temperature most years - negative. The amplitude at sea is 20-30°, on land - 60°.
The zonal variation of temperature due to the influx of solar radiation is reflected. Big influence renders movement air masses. Europe is experiencing a return of cold weather due to the invasion of Arctic air masses. Early autumn- heat returns due to tropical air.
Geographically, temperature distribution is shown by isotherms - lines connecting points on the map with same temperatures. The temperature distribution is zonal, the isotherms have a sublatitudinal strike and correspond to the annual distribution of the radiation balance. All parallels of the Northern Hemisphere are warmer than the southern ones, the differences are especially great at the polar latitudes. Antarctica is a planetary refrigerator and has a cooling effect on the Earth. The thermal equator - the strip of the highest annual temperatures- located in the Northern Hemisphere at a latitude of 10° N. w. In summer, the thermal equator shifts to 20° N. w. , in winter - approaches the equator by 5° N. w. The shift of the thermal equator to the Northern Hemisphere is explained by the fact that in the Northern Hemisphere the land area located in low latitudes, more compared to Southern Hemisphere; and she has more than a year high temperatures. The distribution of isotherms is disrupted by warm and cold currents. In the temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, the western shores washed by warm currents, warmer than the eastern shores, along which cold currents pass. Consequently, isotherms along the western coasts bend toward the pole, and near the eastern coasts - toward the equator.
On the map of summer temperatures (July in the Northern Hemisphere and December in the Southern Hemisphere), the isotherms are located sublatitudinally.
On the map of winter temperatures (December in the Northern Hemisphere and July in the Southern Hemisphere), the isotherms deviate significantly from parallels.
Annual amplitudes.
Good luck to you!