In any organization, letters are composed most incoming and outgoing documentation. There are many types of these documents, and for each of them there are a number of rules for execution. Since letters are the most in mass form management documentation, it is extremely important to know how to compose them correctly.

From this article you will learn:

Correct formatting of letters is the success of the entire company

Business (or official) letters are those that serve to communicate the company with external structures. Moreover, even after some verbal agreement has been reached between the head of the organization and a business partner or client, the rules of etiquette provide for confirmation of this agreement. This, in turn, can already be considered a guarantee.

Types of business letters

1. Informational - created in order to convey some information.

By functions performed

1. Initiative - are divided into those requiring a response and those that do not require a response. Examples: request, complaint, notice, reminder, .

2. Letters of response.

Based on the addressee

1. Regular - usually sent to only one recipient.

2. Circular - those that one sender sends to several recipients.

According to the form of departure

Structure of a service letter

The text of a well-written business letter consists of: appeal, introductory and main parts and conclusion.


This is the most significant part for communication purposes. Thus, thanks to the correctly chosen form of address, you can not only attract the attention of the addressee, but also set the general tone for further communication. If the letter is not addressed to a specific person, the address can be omitted, in other cases it is customary to use standard language formulas - for example, “Dear Sergei Ivanovich!”, “Mr. Chairman of the Government!” The appeal is written in the middle of the line.

Introductory part.

At the beginning of the letter, it is necessary to indicate the reasons and grounds for its preparation; it is often necessary to confirm the information with references to third-party documents and facts. If there is a need to indicate references, this should be done in the following sequence: title of the act, author, date, registration number, title.

Main part.

The main part of the letter indicates the main purpose of the letter. This part describes in detail the necessary events, provides evidence or analyzes the situation.


In conclusion, it is customary to make conclusions in the form of requests, proposals, refusals or opinions. It is believed that a service letter can contain only one final part. As a rule, they end with standard expressions - for example, “I hope for further cooperation”, “With Best wishes" The politeness formula is placed before the “signature” attribute, and is separated from the position by a comma.

When submitting to the author it is important to take into account aspects such as:

  • the degree of acquaintance and the nature of the relationship with the addressee;
  • the public position of the addressee and its relationship with the position of the author;
  • the situation in which communication takes place - its formality or informality;
  • etiquette and standards adopted in a particular company.

Letter format, sample:

Formatting letters according to GOST

Service letters must be issued on special forms in A4 or A5 format depending on the size of the text. It is allowed not to use forms only in cases where the authors are several companies at the same time.

Requirements for letter forms, as well as the composition of details and design rules are contained in GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

In general, companies have the right to independently develop letter forms, since the specified GOST is advisory in nature, however, the implementation of its provisions indicates a high culture of working with documents in the organization. For some organizations GOST R 6.30-2003 is mandatory: for example, federal bodies executive power must always comply with this standard.

01 - National emblem Russian Federation;

02 - Coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

03 - Organization emblem or trademark (service mark);

04 - Organization code;

05 - Main state registration number (OGRN) legal entity;

06 - Taxpayer identification number/reason code for registration (TIN/KPP);

07 - Form code;

08 - Name of company;

09 - Reference information about the organization;

10 - Name of the document type;

11 - Date of;

12 - Registration number;

14 - Place of compilation or publication;

15 - Addressee;

16 - Approval stamp;

17 - Resolution;

18 - Title to the text;

19 - Control mark;

20 - Text of the document;

21 - Mark on the presence of the application;

22 - Signature;

23 - Approval stamp;

24 - Visa approval;

25 - Seal imprint;

26 - Mark on certification of the copy;

27 - Mark about the performer;

28 - A note on the execution of the document and sending it to the file;

29 - A note on the receipt of the document by the organization;

30 - Electronic copy identifier.

Formatting a letter according to GOST, sample:

Formatting a letter with an attachment, sample:

Rules for writing business correspondence

Business correspondence involves the use formal business style communication. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the participants are usually legal entities that must adhere to fairly strict rules communication adopted in an organization (or several organizations).

There are several requirements that apply to this species communication.

Standardization of presentation. Today there are many terms, special phrases and formulas that are specific to business correspondence. Their use allows you to significantly reduce preparation time, and ready-made designs help you avoid wasting time searching for terms suitable for a particular situation. Standardization significantly facilitates the perception of any texts and optimizes the entire document flow process.

Neutral tone. Restraint and rigor when writing letters is the norm in official communication. A neutral tone implies an almost complete absence of expressive or emotionally charged words. The information is of a purely official nature; for this reason, it is necessary to exclude from the text, for example, words with diminutive suffixes or interjections. Emotional subtext may be present, but it should be hidden behind a neutral tone of presentation.

Accuracy and unambiguity of wording. The recipient must clearly understand and interpret the meaning of the material addressed to him. The accuracy of the text, as a rule, directly depends on the correctly constructed compositional structure and the absence of logical errors. The service letter must be clearly thought out.

Conciseness. Thanks to this requirement, the author will be able to significantly reduce the length of the entire document. Conciseness of presentation is, first of all, the elimination of verbal redundancy, economical use linguistic means, absence of unnecessary repetitions and additional information.

Application of language formulas. Templates widely used in business correspondence, are its integral part. Thus, to encourage action, the following formulas are often used: “We ask you to consider the issue...”, “In confirmation of our agreement...”. Often, linguistic formulas are legally significant elements of the text, without which it will not have the necessary force. For example: “We guarantee a return Money in the amount of...", "Control over the implementation of the task is entrusted to...".

Use of terms, lexical and graphic abbreviations. Thanks to the use of terms in correspondence, the author can achieve a clear understanding of the text, which is extremely important feature business communication. The terminology that can and should be used in the field of documentation support for management is regulated by GOST R 51141-98 “Office work and archiving. Terms and Definitions"

Predominance of simple common sentences. Official communication, as a rule, is based on the use of simple common one-part or two-part sentences, which greatly simplifies the process of perceiving the text.

A guide to writing a business letter


Must be printed on paper white or other light colors.

Sheet format - A4 (210 x 297 mm) or A5 (148 x 210 mm).


The sheet must have fields of at least:

20 mm - left; 10 mm - right; 20 mm - top; 20 mm - lower.


The date of the letter is considered to be the date of its signing. It is being processed Arabic numerals, observing the sequence: day, month, year. For example, "02/10/2017".

A verbal-numeric method of formatting a date is also allowed. For example, "February 10, 2017"

Outgoing number

The outgoing number consists of a sequence number, which can be supplemented by an index. The number of a document that was compiled jointly by two or more departments consists of the letter registration numbers of each of these departments, separated by a slash.


The addressee can be a company, its structural divisions or individual employees. It is important to remember that in the latter case, the initials are always indicated before the surname. The name of the addressee company is always indicated in nominative case.

According to the rules, it should not be addressed to more than four recipients.

Also, this detail may include a postal address, and first indicate the name of the organization, and then the postal address.

Text of the letter

The text itself can be formatted as a table, text, or a combination of several structures.

When designing tables, it is important to call columns and rows nouns in the nominative case. If the table continues on the next page, the columns and lines are numbered on it as well.

The text should consist of two parts: the reason/purpose/reason for writing the letter and conclusions/suggestions/recommendations. Also, the text can contain only one final part - for example, a request without explanation.

If the letter refers to acts of other organizations, indicate their details: document title, organization name, date, registration number and title.


A business letter with an attachment should be formatted as follows:

Application: for 2 l. in 2 copies.

If the application is not indicated in the text, then it is necessary to indicate its name, number of sheets and copies. For example:

Appendix: Sales and purchase agreement for 3 l. in 2 copies.

If a document with an attachment is attached, the mark is formatted as follows:

Attachment: letter from the FSS dated October 12, 2017 N 03-2/923 and an appendix to it, 7 pages in total.


The signature requires an indication of the position of the employee who signed the letter and a transcript of this signature.

If several employees sign, the signatures are arranged in the sequence corresponding to the position held.

If the positions are equal, then the signatures should be located at the same level.


The seal certifies the authenticity of signatures of officials on documents related to financial assets or on other documents that provide for the certification of an original signature.


If necessary, indicate the initials and surname of the performer and his telephone number. Usually the mark is placed on the front or back of the last sheet in the lower left corner.

Today, official letters are drawn up in any company on completely different issues related to the activities of both individuals and entire departments. The subject of the letters may be a request, notification, agreement, claim, revocation, change, etc. At the same time, the rules of good form suggest that any document will be drawn up in accordance with all the above requirements. Thanks to this, the letter (no matter in what form it is sent) will become effective tool in the work of each employee and the company’s management as a whole.

Test yourself

1. What kind of letter is called a circular letter?

  • A letter sent by one addressee to several addressees
  • A letter sent by one addressee to one addressee
  • A letter that was not sent for a number of reasons

2. How should an attachment to a business letter be formatted correctly?

  • Application: for 2 l. in 2 copies.
  • Application in 2 copies on 2 sheets
  • Two application sheets in duplicate

3. How many stages are there in preparing and writing a business letter?

4. What does it mean to require a neutral tone in business correspondence?

  • Use of terms, lexical and graphic abbreviations
  • Almost complete absence of expressive or emotionally charged words in the letter
  • Wide use of templates

5. What parts does a business letter consist of?

  • Appeal, introductory and main parts, conclusion
  • Main part, conclusion
  • Appeal, conclusion

Hello again my dear subscribers and blog guests. How do you feel about official documents? Do you like to fill them out? I daresay that most of you will answer in the negative.

The letter must be read

It is clear that official letters are documents drawn up using a certain sample, sometimes on a special form. Each of you has drawn up such documents at least once in your life. This could be an explanatory note, a statement, a letter of gratitude, a letter of guarantee, a complaint, etc. Therefore, you are familiar with the procedure for completing this type of message.

the main objective business letter – conveying information unchanged to the addressee. If you are writing a letter of gratitude, be sure to indicate the reason in which this or that person helped you. Don't forget to include his last name and initials. A letter sent into the void will never be read, therefore, do not forget to indicate the addresses of the recipient, and ideally the sender.

Please note how emails are sent by means Email:

  • you press the “Write letter” button;
  • compose a message;
  • fill in the recipient's address line;
  • click on the “Submit” button.

Of course, the sequence of actions can be changed (first fill in the address line, then create a letter), but the last action will always be sending. Do you agree? Now tell me: “Is it possible to send a message, if not email address?. Naturally not. Therefore, be sure to find out, remember, and write down data so that you can contact someone important to you at any time.

Remember to put yourself in the shoes of the recipient of your message. This way you can notice the mistakes you made during creation, correct the message itself, remove words that have a dual meaning, etc. Do you think the recipient is pleased to open the envelope, print the letter and see that this message is for him personally. How does he understand this? Quite simply: any letter should begin with an address and greeting (this is what allows the sender to win over the recipient).

If for some reason you were unable to find out the person’s first and last name, then replace them with others: Mr., Director, Respected, etc. Under no circumstances should these words be abbreviated. Otherwise, the author of the message reveals his dissatisfaction, anger and other negative traits character. Therefore, it is not worth talking about the recipient’s predisposition to communicate and perceive information.

I will say right away that even I receive a sea of ​​letters of a dubious nature by email, therefore, I carefully monitor their content. When I open a letter I receive, I try to read it quickly to assess its importance. Do you do the same? While waiting for a special letter, you can spend hours studying the messages you receive, then why not learn how to quickly view them?

The message sent must contain a title (in the electronic version, you need to indicate the subject). Such a simple formality allows the recipient to appreciate the importance of the message. What if it ended up in a distribution center? large organization, then it can be calmly, without unnecessary problems, sent to the recipient. You want your message to reach the recipient as quickly as possible, right?

Letter format and content

Now you know how to make sure that your letter reaches the recipient in the shortest possible time:

  • know his address;
  • indicate the subject of the message;
  • Start your letter by greeting the reader.

However, these are not all the features of creating business letters. Quite a lot important role play: style of presentation, method of presenting information, execution of such documents, etc. Let's further figure out how to make sure that the recipient does not send the letter to the Spam folder in the vastness of e-mail and does not throw your message in the trash.

First what should be - a greeting and an address to the addressee. Note that it would be nice to liberate the reader. To do this, just start with compliments, notice how busy he is, etc. Compose your message so that the recipient agrees with every word, because in this case it will be quite easy to bring him to the conclusion of the deal.

The last comment is perhaps the most important. This refers to the use of words, phrases and expressions that are ambiguous in nature. The whole point is that the sender cannot get into the recipient’s head and find out his level of awareness. This is precisely why, before sending a message, you need to read it several times and, if necessary, correct it, removing the double meaning of statements.

Structure of an official letter

Official letters are written on special forms, which already have some markings. At the top of the form (right corner) there is always a “header” containing a full set of details (recipient’s last name and initials, company address, telephone number, department name, coat of arms or symbols of the company, etc.). Please note that the more clearly all fields are filled in, the greater the likelihood of the message being delivered and read.

If there are several recipients, then their names should be listed in hierarchy order from superior position to subordinates. This is a rule that is not advisable to break. Since there is space left in the upper left part, a mark is placed there by the sender (their initials and date) and the recipient (the same).

As you know, the letter business sample, as well as school essay, must have 3 sections: introduction, main part and conclusion. That’s right, after reading the first part, the addressee will be able to conclude whether this message is urgent, or whether it can be studied a little. Please note that the introduction is written for the electronic version, as an addition to the application. Therefore, to correctly compose one, you need:

  • leave a message and greeting;
  • highlight a portion of compliments;
  • Briefly explain the reason for your request.

An important factor when presenting the material, it is the manner of presentation, completeness and honesty when presenting information (in no case deceive the addressee). Remember, when reading your appeal, the recipient must provide what is described, so details will be necessary, but do not forget to support them with additional facts, dates, etc.

Pay attention to the speech and style of presentation of the material. If this is an official document, then the letter is written in a business style. It is worth guessing that the addressee receives a lot of such letters, and he will not have enough time to get to know each one in detail. Therefore, the material must be presented briefly, compactly, without unnecessary exaggeration and color. Only in this case can you count on a quick response from the recipient.

In conclusion, you need to indicate your own wishes (sometimes with a request), to summarize all that has been stated. It turns out that after reading this part official letter, the addressee should see your proposal for a way out of the current situation (problem). He can only agree with it, or choose his own option.

An official letter ends with a mandatory signature and date of preparation. You can see this by examining a few samples. official letters.

Before sending, be sure to re-read the document, check that the details match, and that the message is formatted correctly. Don’t forget to evaluate the literacy of the presentation, what font the text is printed in (is it easy to read), etc.

That's all. It turns out that drawing up an official document is not so difficult. To do this, just take the required form, where certain characteristics have already been applied, fill it out in accordance with the rules described above and send it to the addressee. If you still have questions, you can get answers to them by posting them in the “comments” section.

Have you already told your friends and acquaintances about how to properly prepare official documents? If not, please share the link to this review with them. To do this you need to click on the keys social networks in which you are registered, and agree to the addition of information on your personal page. By carrying out these manipulations, you will allow people to see this review, familiarize themselves with it and learn how to fill out all kinds of documents correctly.

I do not say goodbye to you, but say: “Goodbye.” I will be glad to see you again as readers of my creations. information business. I hope that my reviews inspire you to great deeds and help you get useful information.

Best regards, Elena Izotova.



Business letters have certain rules for compilation and execution, they are subject to requirements due to their belonging to information and reference documents. When composing a letter, the author must think in detail about the purpose for which he is composing the letter, and what he expects as a result of its consideration. He must clearly clarify for himself what the addressee knows about the subject of the letter, what he can rely on as a starting point and what new information, not yet known to the addressee, for the sake of which the letter is being written. The nature of the argument and the composition of the text will depend on the target setting of the letter. The following stages of preparing and composing letters can be distinguished:

  • Studying an existing issue
  • Preparing and writing a draft letter text
  • Coordination of the draft letter
  • Signature by the manager
  • Registration
  • Dispatch
  • Let's look at these stages. Studying the essence of the issue involves: collecting sufficient information on this issue, if necessary, studying the legislation on the essence of the issue, analyzing previous appeals on this issue and the responses received to them. Then they begin to compose the text of the letter.

    Structure of the text of a business letter

    Writing the text of a letter is a labor-intensive process. An important task when composing a letter is its information saturation, i.e., inclusion in it required quantity information. Writing can be single-aspect or multi-aspect. One aspect of the letter usually makes up the content of the entire letter, and most often these are letters that do not require a response. The text of multi-aspect letters may consist of: the following aspects: sections, clauses, sub-clauses, paragraphs. The presentation of each aspect must begin with a paragraph. Business correspondence is characterized by a tendency to compose predominantly multifaceted letters. The letter is usually composed according to the following scheme: introduction, main part, conclusion. The introductory part contains: a link to the document, its individual points that served as the basis for drawing up the letter; a statement of fact, which indicates the purpose (reason) for drawing up the letter. When referring to a document, its data is indicated in the following sequence: name of the type of document, author, date, registration number of the document, title, for example: In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2004 No. 620 “On approval of the Model Regulations... » The main part contains a description of the event, the current situation, their analysis and the evidence provided. It is in this part that it is necessary to convince, prove that in the meeting (conference, round table) it is necessary to participate, that the products produced or services performed are the best, that the request must be fulfilled, etc. The conclusion of the letter represents conclusions in the form of requests, proposals, opinions, refusals, reminders, etc. The letter can contain only one final part. The main questions of the letter must be clearly formulated and arranged in a sequence that is most optimal for perception. After drafting and writing, the service letter must be edited. A business letter almost always begins with an address. This small part of the text is extremely significant for communication purposes. A correctly chosen address not only attracts the attention of the addressee, but also sets the desired tone for the correspondence, helps to establish and maintain business relations. The importance of the appeal is determined by the author of the letter; the appeal allows you to secure a listener. The punctuation mark following the address deserves special attention. A comma after an address gives the letter a casual character, while an exclamation mark emphasizes significance and formal style. The writer of the text must take into account the following factors:

    1. The social position of the addressee in relation to his own;
    2. Degree of acquaintance, nature of the relationship;

    3. Formality/informality of the communication situation;
    4. Etiquette permissions valid in a given speech group.

    When printed, the appeal is centered:

    Dear Mikhail Petrovich!

    The text of the letter may end with an expression of the expectation that the request will be fulfilled (guarantees, representations, invitations, reminders), as well as a politeness formula, for example:
    I express my gratitude for the assistance provided and assure that the information you provide will be great importance in the development of mutually beneficial cooperation.
    I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the invitation...
    I express my hope for fruitful cooperation and active participation in solving problems, in developing and implementing our further program actions.
    The politeness formula is located before the “signature” attribute, printed from the paragraph and separated from the position by a comma. The job title is written in capitals or lowercase letter depending on how the position is stated in the constituent or regulatory documents of the organization. If the letter is issued on the letterhead of an official, then the name of the position is not indicated in the “signature” attribute.

    In official correspondence, an official business style is used.
    Business style is a set of speech means, the function of which is to serve the sphere of official business relations.
    Features of business style, specific features The inherent stylistic norms of this type of language took shape under the influence of the conditions in which business communication takes place. These conditions are as follows:
    1. Participants in business communication are predominantly legal entities - organizations, institutions, enterprises, represented by those acting on behalf of managers and other officials;
    2. The nature and content of information relationships between organizations are quite strictly regulated;
    3. The subject of business communication is the activities of the organization: managerial, production, economic,
    scientific, technical, etc.;
    4. The vast majority of management documents are focused on a specific recipient;
    5. Most situations that arise in the activities of organizations and require written documentation relate to recurring, similar situations.
    The considered conditions of business communication form certain requirements for management information. To ensure effective information exchange in the field of management, information must have certain properties.

    She must be:
    1. Official in nature, which emphasizes the business basis of the relationship, their non-personal nature, and also indicates a certain distance that exists between the participants in business communication;
    2. Addressed, since the management document is always intended for a specific recipient, official, organization, group of organizations;
    3. Up-to-date, since the document must contain exactly the information that is needed in this moment time to take effective management decision or
    other uses in management activities;
    4. Objective and reliable, since effective management activities require an unbiased, unbiased assessment of events, facts, and phenomena;
    5. Convincing, reasoned, since the task of business communication is to encourage the addressee to do (or not to do)
    certain actions;
    6. Complete and sufficient for making management decisions. Lack of information may necessitate
    additionally request information, generate correspondence,
    lead to unjustified losses of time and money.
    Business style has a set of specific features that distinguish it from other styles of language - scientific, journalistic, colloquial, and the language of fiction.
    The main requirements for business style are:

  • standardization of presentation;
  • neutral tone of presentation;
  • accuracy and certainty of wording, unambiguity and uniformity of wording;
  • conciseness, brevity of text presentation;
  • use of language formulas;
  • use of terms;
  • use of lexical and graphic abbreviations;
  • the predominance of passive constructions over real ones;
  • the use of phrases with a verbal noun;
  • use of designs with consistent submission words in the genitive and instrumental cases;
  • predominance of simple common sentences.

  • Standardization business speech covers all levels of language - vocabulary, morphology, and syntax. By now, business speech has accumulated huge number terms, phrases, formulas. The use of ready-made constructions allows you to avoid wasting time searching for definitions that characterize standard situations. Standardization of business speech significantly increases the information content of documents, significantly facilitates their perception, which helps to optimize document flow in general.
    The neutral tone of presentation is the norm of official business communication, which is manifested in the most strict and restrained nature of the presentation. The neutrality of the tone of presentation excludes the possibility of using expressive and emotionally charged language means (colloquial vocabulary and interjections), figurative means and words used in a figurative sense in the texts. The information contained in the text of the letter is official in nature. For this reason, the personal, subjective element in documents should be kept to a minimum. Words that have a pronounced meaning are excluded from the language of documents. emotional coloring(words with diminutive suffixes, with suffixes of exaggeration or diminution, interjections).
    However, one cannot assume that an official document is completely devoid of emotions.
    The purpose of most documents is to interest the addressee, convince him, and encourage him to act in the direction desired by the author. A management document will not achieve its goal if it is devoid of emotional overtones, but emotionality should be hidden and achieved not by language, but by content. It should be hidden behind an external calm, neutral tone of presentation. Accuracy of presentation presupposes an unambiguous understanding of the content of the document.
    The clarity and accuracy of the text is determined primarily by the correctness of the compositional structure of the text, the absence of logical errors, the thoughtfulness and clarity of wording - stable phrases, the absence figurative expressions.
    Laconic presentation of the text is achieved by the economical use of linguistic means, excluding speech redundancy - words and expressions that carry additional meaning.
    The requirement for conciseness, or brevity, of the text is directly related to reducing the volume of the text. The requirement of brevity forces us to more clearly formulate the topic of the document, use linguistic means sparingly, and eliminate unnecessary words that do not carry any meaning. necessary information, unjustified repetitions and unnecessary details.
    The letter must be convincing, regardless of who it is sent to, and contain exact dates, indisputable facts and conclusions.
    One of the features of business speech is the widespread use of linguistic formulas - stable (template) phrases used unchanged. To motivate a particular action, the following expressions are used:

    We inform you that from... to...;
    - We inform you that as of...;
    - We send you the agreed...;
    - We ask you to consider the issue of...,
    - The inspection established that....;
    - Due to the lack of financial assistance...;
    - Due to the difficult economic situation...;
    - In accordance with your letter...;
    - In order to carry out joint work...;
    - In accordance with the protocol...;
    - In confirmation of our agreement...;
    - In order to strengthen responsibility... etc.

    Linguistic formulas are the result of the unification of linguistic means used in repeated situations. In addition to expressing typical content, language formulas often act as legally significant components of the text, without which the document does not have sufficient legal force:

    We guarantee loan repayment in the amount...,
    - We guarantee payment. Our bank details...,
    - Control over implementation is assigned...

    A term is a word or phrase to which a specific or special concept is assigned. A set of terms in a particular field of knowledge or professional activity composes terminology, or terminological system.
    The use of terms in a strictly fixed meaning ensures an unambiguous understanding of the text, which is very important in business communication.
    The terms used in management documentation are industry terminology that reflects the content of the subject area to which the content of the document is devoted, as well as terms that have developed in the field of documentation support.
    The correctness and stability of the use of terms in practice is achieved by using terminological dictionaries and standards, which establish a strictly unambiguous system of concepts and terms and help streamline terminology. The terms used in the field of documentation support for management are recorded in GOST R 51141-98 “Office work and archiving. Terms and Definitions".

    When using a term, you must ensure that it is understandable to the recipient. If the author of the letter has doubts about this, then it is necessary to do one of the following:

    Give an official definition of the term;

    Decipher the meaning of the term using neutral vocabulary;

    Remove a term or replace it with a commonly understood word or expression.

    Difficulties in using terms are also due to the fact that the terminology system is in constant change: the content of existing concepts changes, new ones arise, some concepts become obsolete, and the terms denoting them fall out of use.
    When using polysemantic terms (synonymous terms), it should be taken into account that in one document a term can be used only in one of its meanings. For example, the terms “agreement”, “contract”, “agreement” are synonymous terms, but they differ in the practice of their application. IN labor legislation we're talking about O employment contract(contract); in civil law - two and multilateral transactions are called contracts; In foreign trade activities, the term “contract” is more common; agreements in a number of other areas are fixed in agreements.

    Another feature of business speech. Abbreviations are used in business speech. There are two main types of word abbreviations:
    1. Lexical (abbreviations) - complex abbreviated words formed by removing part of their constituent letters from parts of words: CIS, LLC, Ministry of Emergency Situations, NPP, GOST, GUM, Roskomzem, chief accountant, head, deputy, special forces.
    2. Graphic - abbreviations for words used in writing: gr-n, tchk, zh-d, kv. m, etc.

    Letters should only use officially accepted abbreviations, designations and terms. Names of institutions, organizations and positions, titles, units of measurement, geographical names and others must correspond exactly to the official names.

    Another feature of business speech is the use of constructions with sequential subordination of words in the genitive or instrumental case:
    - We offer you options for solutions (what?) for the reconstruction of heating, ventilation and sanitary installations of residential buildings and administrative buildings.
    - We fully share the need (what?) for further discussion of specific issues of possible cooperation.
    - According to the list of main activities approved by the President of the Russian Federation (what?) for the preparation and holding of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War...

    According to the staffing schedule...

    Business speech is characterized by the use of phrases with verbal nouns. In business speech, constructions from verbal nouns with the meaning of action are used instead of verbs: to assist (and not to assist), to provide assistance (and not to help), to clean (and not to clean), to provide support (and not to support), to make repairs (not repair).
    Simplicity of presentation and the predominance of simple, common sentences are important for writing. A feature of business style is the predominant use of simple common sentences, one-part (with one main member - subject or predicate) or two-part (with two main members - subject and predicate) with isolated phrases (participial, adverbial, separate definitions), introductory words and suggestions, for example:
    - Due to the extremely low efficiency of use of city property included in charter capital JV "MIO", as well as the insufficient workload of the motor vehicle fleet and its unprofitability, we ask you to resolve the issue of transferring the city's share to the financial and economic management of the City Hall.

    It is advisable to prepare a letter on one issue. If you need to contact an organization simultaneously on several different issues, it is recommended to write separate letters for each of them.
    In the text of one letter, you can express requests or other questions if they are transferred to one person for execution.
    In addition to traditional language formulas, business correspondence contains foreign words and phrases. In practice, they play the role of linguistic formulas. Some of them are well known, some are less common. It should be kept in mind that the use foreign words gives off a slight old-fashioned feel, but at the same time leaves good impression from a partner who knows these words and allows you to confuse an outside reader.







    There are also letters of request, letters of request, letters of notification, letters of response, letters of invitation, etc. Each type of letter has its own characteristics in drafting and design.

    Letters of invitation

    Letters of invitation with an offer to participate in seminars, meetings and other events are usually addressed to the head of the organization, a specific official, but can also be addressed to the entire team. The letters indicate the conditions of participation, the place and time of the events, and, if necessary, the dress code. The letter usually contains the details “attachment”, which informs about the program of the event.

    Letters of guarantee

    Letters of guarantee are written to confirm certain promises or conditions and are addressed to an organization or individual. Payment for work performed, quality, delivery time of products, payment for goods, rent, etc. can be guaranteed. Such letters use standard expressions: “the company guarantees, we guarantee, we ask you to send it to us by cash on delivery (type of guarantee), we guarantee payment, We guarantee delivery times, we guarantee the quality of products...”
    The letter usually indicates the payment details of the organization providing payment guarantees.
    It is advisable to coordinate the text of the letter with the legal service. In addition to the signature of the head of the organization, the signature of the chief accountant can be issued. The signature is certified by a seal.

    Letters of request

    Exists great amount situations that give rise to requests on behalf of enterprises, organizations, institutions. The text of this letter is usually structured in the following form: the main part of the content contains a statement of the reason that prompted you to make the request; statement of the request itself; the final part expresses hope for the expected result. Requests are usually expressed with the words “I ask, we ask”;
    Please provide assistance...;
    Please send to our address...;
    Please take part...;
    Please inform...;
    I ask you to liquidate the debt...;
    Please take action...

    The main purpose of this letter is to convince, to prove the need to fulfill the request, therefore, the text of the letter provides convincing evidence, attaches calculations, estimates and other supporting grounds, which are formalized as an “attachment”.

    Reply letters

    The text of the response letter usually begins with a repetition of the request. Next, the results of consideration of the request are stated, the refusal is motivated (if it is a refusal letter) and the refusal itself is stated.
    The nature of the information in a business letter usually implies alternativeness to the expected information in the response letter, i.e. in business correspondence there is a principle of parallelism in aspects of content, which is reflected in the language of the response correspondence. It means:
    1. The presence in the response letter of a link to the original letter and its subject;
    2. Use of the same linguistic means of expression (primarily terminology) in both letters;
    3. Comparability of volumes of information and aspects of content in both letters;
    4. Compliance with a certain sequence in presenting aspects of the content.

    The texts of response letters must correspond to the tasks recorded in the resolutions of managers.
    The first and basic rule is do not delay your answer, do not make your correspondent wait. If circumstances are such that you cannot give an answer within the established time limit, inform the addressee about this, as well as the time frame within which you can give a definitive answer. Be sure to apologize for the delay, indicating its objective reason.
    The response letter indicates the number and date of the document to which the response is given. This data is not entered in the text of the letter, but in a designated place on the form or before the heading of a document not drawn up on a form.

    Are used following forms Statements of refusals:
    - Your proposal is rejected for the following reasons...

    The draft agreement on joint actions sent to you is rejected for the following reasons...
    - We are sorry, but our company cannot accept your offer...

    Thanksgiving letters

    IN Lately Letters of gratitude have become widely used in business correspondence.
    Letters of gratitude are the rules of good manners in relationships between partners. In partnerships, you need to be able not only to ask, but also to thank for services rendered, for jointly holding any events, for sending congratulations, for organizing a reception, etc.

    The letter can be drawn up on letterhead or on colored letterhead) thank you letter. If the letter is drawn up on letterhead, it is registered in in the prescribed manner. A letter drawn up on the form of a letter of gratitude is not subject to registration; a stamp may be affixed to the “signature” detail. Since the letter is personal in nature, it is not recommended to include the “performer” attribute in it. The texts of the letters use standard form statements:
    - I express my gratitude...;
    - I am sincerely grateful...;
    - We note with gratitude...;
    - Thank you...;
    - Thank you for...

    Cover letters

    Covering letters are drawn up to inform the addressee about the sending of any documents. The text of the letter consists of two parts: a message about the material being sent and clarifying information (attachments). Typically, the text of a cover letter is very short, fits on A5 format and does not have an independent heading. Cover letters usually begin with:
    - I am sending information...; - We are pleased to offer (recommend) you...;
    - We are offering to you...;
    - We are sure that you will be interested high quality products..;
    - We inform you that...;
    - We inform you that...;
    - We hope for further cooperation...

    Letter form depending on constituent documents organization includes details:

    01 - State emblem of the Russian Federation (02 - coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or 03 - emblem of an organization or trademark (service mark));
    04 - organization code
    05 - main state registration number (OGRN) of a legal entity
    06 - taxpayer identification number/reason code for registration (TIN/KPP)
    08 - name of organization
    09 - background information about the organization
    as well as restrictive marks for details:
    11 - document date
    12 - document registration number
    13 - link to the registration number and date of the document
    And, if necessary, limit marks for upper limits areas where details are located.
    15 – addressee
    18 - title to the text
    19 - control mark
    20 - document text

    The letter form can be made based on the longitudinal or angular arrangement of the details.

    Rice. 1. Location of details (corner version) of the letter form (dimensions are indicated in millimeters)

    Rice. 2. Location of details (longitudinal version) of the letter form (dimensions are indicated in millimeters)

    The most convenient for processing and economical in terms of use of sheet area is the corner form. In this case Right side the top of the sheet can be used to place the details “Addressee”, “Resolution”

    Using a longitudinal letter form is advisable in cases where the name of the organization contains a large number of printed characters, for example, may be the case when the details of the form are given in two or more languages. In this case, the details should be printed in Russian on the left, and in the national language on the right, at the same level. If the number of national languages ​​used is more than one, the details should be indicated in Russian at the top, and in Russian below. national language, extending the line to the edge of the right margin.

    The letter form can be prepared for an organization, structural unit and an official.

    Examples of letter form design:

    Rice. 3. Form of letter from the organization with angular (centered) location of details.

    Rice. 4. Form of a letter from the organization with a corner (flag) arrangement of details.

    Rice. 5. Form of a letter from the organization with a longitudinal arrangement of details.

    Samples general form documents are also provided in the following documents:
    GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation" (Appendix B, Figures B.2, B.3, B.4);
    - Standard instructions for office work in federal bodies executive power, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2005 No. 536 (Appendices No. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18).

    Many people are concerned about how to write a letter of appeal. The pattern is, in fact, almost the same in all cases. Many people send this document to organizations, firms, authorities and other places to resolve certain issues. It must be compiled both by ordinary citizens and various private entrepreneurs. Well, let's put everything in order.

    First thing you need to know

    So, before that, you need to understand on what principle this document is drawn up. Well, when writing such a paper, you must follow absolutely all the rules. The first thing you need to learn is the use of a formal presentation style. It is important to think about the content in advance, compose it convincingly, clearly, logically and understandably. is a text whose essence is presented briefly and optimally. The maximum document length is one page. The main task of a person is to attract the attention of the recipient and interest him in his problem. It is necessary that the recipient immediately makes a decision after reading the message. The letter of appeal should be very significant. The sample is a text in which the author’s position is clearly stated and supported by more than one fact and evidence. It is necessary to consistently present your questions and requests. There is no point in mixing everything together. And, of course, at the end it should be emphasized how important this message is.


    This aspect is also of great importance. Composition is important when writing a letter of appeal. The sample is standard. In the upper left corner, put the date of access. On the right - indicate where and to whom the letter should be addressed. This may be the name of a company, institution, government agency, full name individual etc. Just below, write your details: full name, address, phone number, e-mail - the more information, the better. It is advisable to type the text on a computer, and if you decide to write by hand, then be sure to use legible handwriting.

    Letter of appeal: sample content

    In the middle of the sheet you need to write the text directly. Which appeal should I choose? Definitely official, choose one of the following: revered, comrade, etc. The word must be accompanied by a surname with a given name and patronymic. If a person occupies a position or has a title, then this must also be indicated. To emphasize the significance of the request, it is worth putting at the end And then write the letter of appeal itself. The pattern, as such, exists, but it is different for each case. Well, in general there is a universal option. First of all, the reasons that motivate the appeal are indicated, then the essence of the problem, and then the purpose of the letter is indicated. There should be as many details as possible. They will help convince the recipient that the request will be fulfilled. And besides, it is important to indicate the basis for the appeal. This may be a norm, law, set of rules, regulation or legislative act.


    Many people find it difficult to formulate their wishes or requests. Well, there are a few rules here. First, demands should be avoided. It's better to use more persuasion. The addressee must understand that it is beneficial for him to fulfill the request. You can hint to him about his interest in this matter. The appeal should end on an optimistic note, encouraging action, but as correctly as possible. It’s better to show that the answer means a lot and you can’t wait to get it as soon as possible. And, of course, everything must be signed. After this you can send. All that remains is to wait for an answer.