Character is the manifestation of an emotional reaction in a person’s behavior in various relationships and specific situations. Character a certain person and all its features of manifestation of qualities are a consequence of upbringing and living conditions in a social society.

Of course, individual adjustments and various life circumstances influence human psychology, but the formation and development of higher mental functions and genetic characteristics is laid and formed in the womb, so when a person is born, almost from the first days he shows his individual characteristics. Any person can be characterized and assigned a certain personality type.

You can also pay attention to the manifestation of characteristic typical signs different nations, i.e. exist general definitions specific nationalities. For example, the character of the Russian is clearly different from other national mentalities.

Temperament of a Russian person:

  • “Breadth and generosity of soul”, which is absent among most peoples.
  • Patience, perseverance and endurance.
  • Craving for justice and compassion.
  • Among the negative ones: laziness, pessimism, hypocrisy and foul language.

It is easy to identify a Russian person by temperament; foreign nations associate a Russian person as someone who loves to go out in a big way; they have always been amazed by the generosity, resilience and dedication of the Russian people. Only a Russian person has an original sense of humor, which bewilders his foreign brothers. Many foreign men believe that a Russian woman is the best companion for life, as she is responsive, humane, faithful and compassionate.

Also, a decent barrier for foreigners is learning the Russian language, it is considered the most difficult due to excessive emotionality and double meaning identical words. The qualities in people of the Russian type, their attitude towards other people in their social environment tend to be more respectful religious traditions. The attitude towards Christianity and the observance of religious rituals begin with the origins of the formation of the Slavic race.

8 SIGNS THAT YOU ARE BEING LYING! How to recognize a lie?

Individual characteristics in people, identifying their signs indicator true face Russian person, what qualities and abilities can manifest themselves in non-standard situations social society. The psychology of the Russian person, flexibility of mind, extraordinary endurance, selflessness, love for the fatherland, and manifestation of compassion have more than once convinced opponents of their strength and steadfastness.

Classification of character traits

Character traits
Emotional Strong-willed Moral Intelligent
Emotionality Perseverance Honesty Curiosity
Cheerfulness Independence Responsiveness Quick wits
Impressionability Uncertainty Kindness Resourcefulness
Determination Cruelty frivolity
Courage Thoughtfulness

Psychology varying degrees manifestations of the character of each person are individual and are formed throughout life, changing depending on the social environment. There is a certain classification into which a particular person can be classified.

List of manifestations in human behavior and assessment of qualities in social situations.

  1. Volitional qualities are features of the properties of a particular person that manifest themselves in non-standard situations (restraint, patience, stubbornness, courage, cowardice, courage, discipline, etc.)
  2. Emotional manifestations are the duration of mental processes in a certain person in specific situations (negative, positive, dynamic, neutral, statistical, unconventional).
  3. Smart Features individual person, the quality of a person’s thinking (breadth, depth, flexibility, criticality, stupidity, etc.)

List of manifestations of human qualities

Attitude to the surrounding world is divided into four types:

  • I am good - everyone is good.
  • I am good - everyone is bad.
  • I'm bad - everyone is good.
  • I am bad - everyone is bad.
  • Attitude towards one’s personality (self-respect, self-criticism, arrogance, self-esteem, etc.).
  • Attitude to work (laziness, hard work, accuracy, tolerance, negligence, punctuality, responsibility, etc.).
  • Attitudes in groups of the social environment (sociability, isolation, truthfulness, deceitfulness, politeness, rudeness, etc.).

Types of human temperament

Temperament is permanent features individual behavior of a particular person, which are equally manifested in various activities. There are four types whose definitions are:

  1. Sanguine, characterized by increased mobility, performance, and has pronounced facial expressions. emotional manifestations in facial expression, responsiveness, sociability, poise, optimism, cheerful disposition, fast fatiguability from hard work, carelessness.
  2. Choleric – sudden changes in mood, short temper, hysteria, quick response, impetuosity, outbursts of anger.
  3. Melancholic – anxiety, pessimism, vulnerability, excessive worries about any reason, restraint, self-control, lack of trust in others.
  4. Phlegmatic - cold-blooded, low activity, prudence, creates an impression wise man, always gets things done.

Human temperaments. 4 types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic

Manifestations of character traits in men and women

Manifestation of character traits in men

The same character trait in men and women, their attitude to actions manifests itself in different emotional reactions, causing completely different feelings.

For example, a woman’s touchiness manifests itself in a man in the form of angry outbursts.

  • Women are characterized by manifestations of excessive emotionality, sensitivity, understanding and compassion; practicality, they are more susceptible to sudden changes in mood. The psychology of men, their attitude to values, is based on restraint and the desire for power and leadership. Each period of an era is characterized by the presence of certain qualities in men and women.

Manifestation of character traits in women

  • So, for example, the quality in modern people have minor differences, more and more associations of men's and women's professions. Today it is not uncommon to find the fair half of humanity driving, and a man being a stylist, hairdresser or conductor, which several decades ago would have greatly surprised them.

The main character traits of a person are the prevailing stable, innate or acquired qualities that are constantly manifested in the behavior of an individual. Having found out what signs correspond to a certain person, you can create psychological picture, attitude and opinion about him, as well as assign a type of temperament (choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic).

Classify which individual qualities are characteristic in order to determine positive and negative character traits and make general conclusions. This will help, for example, when applying for a job, in choosing a position, and sometimes in choosing a life partner, by determining the criteria that you value.

Negative and positive human character traits

The psychology of any person is the continuous formation of character qualities, depending on what conditions, therefore it is common for him to exhibit negative traits, they can change depending on what conditions, for the worse or for the better.

There are also constant negative qualities that appear in an individual person, which do not change throughout life.

Negative character traits cannot always be regarded as negative; their characteristics and qualities can emphasize advantages:

  1. Self-confidence - self-satisfaction, can provoke a craving for performance and improved performance, to realize self-satisfaction.
  2. Stubbornness provokes the achievement of the goals set for oneself.
  3. Selfishness - ignoring others is bad, but trying to please others is not always beneficial. Sometimes you need to think about yourself in order to be able to help others.
  4. Envy, some people may provoke them to want to achieve best result than others.

There are such character traits in people as cruelty, deceit, hypocrisy, laziness, stinginess, rudeness, gloominess, etc., which will never provoke them to good deeds.

Positive and negative character traits are present to a greater or lesser extent in every person. Positive ones can cover up negative character traits of an individual. For example, people can be lazy, but good-natured, or selfish, but neat and hardworking, rude, but sympathetic and generous, etc.

List of positive qualities and their signs:

  1. Endurance and patience.
  2. Gratitude and morality.
  3. Initiative and originality.
  4. Cheerfulness and talent.
  5. Sensitivity and optimism, etc.

The main character traits of women

List of predominant qualities and their distinctive properties:

The main character traits in men

List of predominant qualities and their properties:

4 main psychotypes of personality. How to determine and recognize a person’s character?

Someone is stuck in a traffic jam and nothing happens, and you honk your horn madly and “fire” all the car owners around, and at the same time pedestrians who are inopportunely crossing the road. And if something happens at the wrong time, the meeting is postponed, the courier with the order is late, someone accidentally stepped on your foot, and the child brought a bad grade from school, then this may be tantamount to the end of the world. As a rule, irritable people themselves suffer from emotional incontinence. There are not so many of those for whom irritability is an innate personality trait - only 0.1%. In all other cases, this character trait is a consequence of some problems.

Causes of irritability:

Depression, stress, overwork, sleep disturbances, experiencing a traumatic situation.

What to do?
If you have driven yourself to a critical state, then it’s time to ask: “Why am I doing this?” Shock workers are held in high esteem, although they live a difficult and short life. Maybe it's time to think about taking a vacation, changing jobs, or adjusting your activities so that you have time for proper rest. There are no irreplaceable people, so don’t entertain yourself with illusions. As for problems with sleep, you just need to get enough sleep.

Hormonal imbalances, vitamin deficiency, thyroid diseases, traumatic brain injuries, epilepsy, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease.

What to do?
Vitamin deficiency is the easiest thing to deal with. It is enough to consult a doctor and take the prescribed vitamins. As for hormonal imbalances as a result of menopause, PMS or pregnancy, many books have been written about these conditions. It all depends on whether you want to justify your behavior current state, as well as from the patience of loved ones. Problems with thyroid gland are not always obvious, so instead of turning to an endocrinologist, a person goes to a psychologist for a long time, but the problem is not solved. In case of injuries and illnesses, there is a direct path to specialists who will help correct behavior. In addition, good sleep (7-8 hours), walks on fresh air and telling loved ones honestly how you feel.


Constant criticism of others

2. Constant criticism of others

People criticize each other because it is simply impossible to agree on everything, and sometimes the truth is born in a productive dispute. Criticism loved one, on the one hand, can be beneficial, but most often it looks like attacks and a desire to insult. By the way, phrases like “You’re a fool if you don’t understand this” or “Your hands are growing in the wrong place” are insults, not criticism. Constructive criticism differs from insults in that it appeals to what was not liked in a person’s action, while an insult is aimed at the person’s personality as a whole.

Reasons for being picky:

Often a child who has been criticized for any wrongdoing grows up and begins to use the same behavior model. As an adult, he uses this ineffective method of communication, if only because he does not know another. Everyone gets it: loved ones, colleagues and even random people.

What to do?
It's not always important What they say otherwise How They say. If those around you have been putting up with your communication style for so long, then maybe you should become a little softer and more generous. Whenever you want to criticize, put yourself in the other person's shoes. The person will gladly take into account all your valuable comments, but will never forgive humiliation, especially publicly. Choose someone you trust as your assistant. Ask him to inform you as soon as you begin to cross the boundaries, let him share his feelings at the moment when you attacked him with criticism. Ask him how you can reframe what he said so that he feels different emotions. Find other options yourself.


3. Envy

She killed many people, as a result of which she served as inspiration for many great works. The apples in your neighbor's garden always seem sweeter, and your friend's wife is more beautiful. An envious person often proceeds from superficial ideas about the success of the object of envy. Did your relative find a great job? And I want the same! Has your friend lost 20 kilograms? But I can’t lose weight! But no one thinks about the fact that a relative had to study a lot and knock on a hundred doors before he found a suitable option, and a friend goes to the gym and, with a heroic effort of will, refuses flour and sweets.

Reasons for envy:

A person tends to compare himself with others and through this realize what he is like. There is a very interesting psychological theory Fritz Haider, who developed a balance approach to envy. A person can envy not only what another has, but also the fact that he simply has something, which means I should have it too. Haider calls this the desire to achieve the same fate, the same outcome in life. As a result, the following reaction arises: I don’t know what he has, but it’s better that I have it too. That is, envy can be seen as a reaction to uneven distribution. By the way, advertising also provokes envy. I want to have something that someone else has, that everyone else has, I should have too. This is how the market develops thanks to envy.

What to do?
Each person has his own path. It’s not for nothing that the Spaniards have a saying: “If you want to know what your neighbor is like, walk in his shoes all day.” Don’t be shy to talk to someone whose life causes envy and ask in detail how he managed to achieve certain results and what he had to go through. Any success is achieved through some kind of restrictions. In this case, it is worth shifting the focus from “Why does he have it, but I don’t?” to “If he can do it, maybe I can do it too.”

Also imagine what you will do when you achieve what you want. Otherwise, you risk finding yourself in the role of a person who suddenly wins the lottery and wastes the money received senselessly. Think about what and who exactly you envy. If for everyone, then it makes sense to think about your own self-esteem. Make a list of what you actually did. Write a list of what you want now, in a year, in 5 years. Then write down the ways you can get there. Focusing on these actions will make your life so rich that there will be no time left to compare yourself with others.



4. Inconsistency

Many people mistake it for its versatility and proudly tell how, while in school, they went to ballroom dancing, then to an aircraft modeling club, then they became interested in poetry and learned a little to play the violin and flute. If by adolescence the range of interests is not defined, then what follows is a change of universities, attending a huge number of trainings and endless transitions from one job to another. Inconsistency in activities often leads to inconsistency in interpersonal relationships, which turn into a kaleidoscope of diverse partners.

Reasons for inconsistency:

Once again, it comes down to parental behavior patterns. If the mother or father behaved in a contradictory manner. Let's say, as a punishment today they did not let a child go to visit a friend, but tomorrow they calmly allowed him to walk so that he would not get in the way, then the child does not develop an understanding of how it should be. In addition, by jumping from one circle to another with the consent of the parents, the child simply does not learn to set certain goals for himself and achieve them, overcoming certain obstacles. in the most impartial terms, and put them on public display. Good humor does not spoil the mood, but sarcasm can cause negative emotions. It is a socially acceptable form of verbal aggression. When we cannot afford to say everything we want to our interlocutor, we choose him as a target for jokes.

Reasons for sarcasm:

One of the reasons may be the desire to attract attention. This is typical for children from large families. And also to those in whose families, adults interact with each other through ridicule. In another case, sarcasm may be a cover for low self-esteem. We make fun of someone in advance and attack so that our feelings remain unhurt. It is paradoxical that such people really really want to be understood, but a wall of deadly jokes and remarks only leads to distance from other people.

What to do?
If you sin with evil wit, then think about it - why are you doing this and what do you want to achieve with it? After all, there are many other ways to express yourself. If the statement of a colleague, friend or loved one seems stupid to you, you are tempted to say something caustic, then this can be done with the help of clarifying questions: “Why do you think that?”, “How do you look at this and that?” then?”, “Is this option possible?” You will show yourself to be an attentive person, and your interlocutor will maintain his self-esteem. Don't look for threats where there are none. After all, while you are building walls, everything remains nearby less people, ready to understand and support you.

Every person is endowed with a unique, personal character from birth. A child can inherit certain traits from his parents, some show them to a greater extent, while others are completely different from any of the family members. But character is not the behavior of parents projected onto the child; it is a more complex mental phenomenon. The list of positive ones is very long. In this article we will try to highlight the main character traits.


Translated from Greek language the word "character" means " distinguishing feature, sign". Depending on the type of their psychological organization, people find their soul mates, establish relationships, and build their entire lives. Human character is a unique set of mental characteristics, personality traits that play a decisive role in different aspects a person’s life and are manifested through his activities.

To understand the character of an individual, it is necessary to analyze his actions en masse. Judgments about morality can be very subjective, because not every person acts as his heart tells him. However, individual stable character traits can be identified by studying behavior for a long time. If a person is in different situations makes the same decision, draws similar conclusions and demonstrates a similar reaction, then this indicates that he has one or another trait. For example, if someone is responsible, then his behavior both at work and at home will meet this criterion. If a person is cheerful by nature, a one-time manifestation of sadness against the background of general positive behavior will not become a separate character trait.

Character Formation

The process of character formation begins in early childhood, in the first social contacts child with parents. For example, excessive love and care can later become the key to a stable characteristic of a person’s psyche and make him dependent or spoiled. That is why many parents are especially attentive to instilling positive character traits in their children. They get pets so that the baby can feel what responsibility is, assign him to do small chores around the house, teach him to put away his toys and explain that not all wishes and whims can be fulfilled.

The next stage is kindergarten and school. The child already has the basic character traits, but at this stage they can still be corrected: you can wean the little personality off greed and help get rid of excessive shyness. In the future, as a rule, the formation and change of character traits are possible only when working with a psychologist.

Character or temperament?

Very often these two concepts are confused with each other. Indeed, both character and temperament shape human behavior. But they have fundamentally different nature. Character is a list of acquired mental properties, while temperament has biological origin. Possessing the same temperament, people can have completely different tempers.

There are 4 types of temperament: impetuous and unbalanced choleric, unhurried and imperturbable phlegmatic, easy and optimistic sanguine and emotionally vulnerable melancholic. At the same time, temperament can restrain certain character traits, and vice versa, character can compensate for temperament.

For example, a phlegmatic person with a good sense of humor will still be stingy in showing emotions, but this will not prevent him from demonstrating a sense of humor, laughing and having fun in the appropriate society.

List of positive human qualities

List of positive and negative qualities huge person. Initially, all definitions regarding the nature and essence of a person, his behavior are subjective. Society has established certain norms that allow us to determine how positive or negative a particular personality trait or action is. However, there are top quality person, demonstrating his virtue and good intentions. Their list looks like this:

  • altruism;
  • reverence for elders;
  • kindness;
  • fulfillment of promises;
  • moral;
  • responsibility;
  • loyalty;
  • perseverance;
  • moderation;
  • responsiveness;
  • honesty;
  • sincerity;
  • selflessness and others.

These qualities, along with their derivatives, constitute the nature of the true beauty of a person's character. They are laid down in the family; in the process of upbringing, children copy the behavior of their parents, and therefore a well-educated person will have all these highest qualities.

List of negative human qualities

The list of positive and negative qualities of a person can take a long time to form, since there are a lot of them. Attributing to a person the presence of a negative character quality based solely on his action or behavior will be completely wrong. You can't put labels on anyone, even the most well-mannered may actually believe that they are endowed with, say, greed or arrogance. However, if this behavior is a pattern, then the conclusion will be obvious.

The list of negative traits, as well as positive ones, is huge. The most basic and common ones look like this:

  • lack of will;
  • irresponsibility;
  • harmfulness;
  • greed;
  • malice;
  • deceit;
  • hypocrisy;
  • hatred;
  • selfishness;
  • intolerance;
  • greed and others.

The presence of such character traits in a person is not a diagnosis; they can and should be dealt with even in adult, conscious age, and correct behavior.

Character traits that manifest themselves in relation to other people

We have compiled a list of positive and negative human qualities. Now we will talk about character traits that manifest themselves in relation to other people. The fact is that depending on in relation to whom or what a person performs an action or deed, a specific individual feature of him is revealed. In society, he can demonstrate the following qualities:

  • communication skills;
  • responsiveness;
  • sensitivity to other people's moods;
  • respect;
  • arrogance;
  • egocentrism;
  • coarseness;
  • isolation and others.

Of course, a lot depends on the conditions in which a person finds himself: even the most open and sociable person can experience problems communicating with a strict, closed and heartless person. But, as a rule, polite people, endowed with positive qualities, easily adapt to society and suppress their negative traits.

Character traits manifested in work

Building a person’s career directly depends on the qualities of his character. Even the most talented and gifted people can fail because they are not responsible enough for their work and their talent. By doing so, they only harm themselves and do not give themselves the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Or, on the contrary, there are cases where the lack of talent was more than compensated for by special diligence in work. A responsible and careful person will always achieve success. Here is a list of the main character traits:

  • hard work;
  • responsibility;
  • initiative;
  • accuracy;
  • sloppiness;
  • laziness;
  • negligence;
  • passivity and others.

These two groups of character traits actively overlap with each other, since work activity and communication between people are inseparably linked.

Character traits manifested in relation to oneself

These are the traits that characterize his self-perception in relation to himself. They look like this:

  • feelings of self-worth or superiority;
  • honor;
  • arrogance;
  • self-criticism;
  • egocentrism;
  • self-adoration and others.

Character traits manifested in relation to things

Attitude to things does not affect the alignment social connections a person, but demonstrates and reveals the best or unsightly qualities of his nature. These are traits such as:

  • accuracy;
  • thrift;
  • scrupulousness;
  • sloppiness and others.

Mentality, qualities of a Russian person

Mentality is a very subjective concept, and it is based on stereotypical thinking. However, it cannot be denied that certain traits are inherent in one or another nationality. Russian people are famous for their cordiality and hospitality, and cheerful disposition. The Russian soul throughout the world is considered mysterious and incomprehensible, since Russians are not distinguished by the rationality and logic of their actions, and are often influenced by mood.

Another feature of the Russian people is sentimentality. A Russian person instantly adopts the feelings of another and is always ready to share emotions with him and lend a helping hand. One cannot help but mention another trait - compassion. Historically, Russia has helped its neighbors at all borders of the country, and today only a heartless person will ignore the misfortune of another.

When they talk about a person’s character, they mean a set of mental properties that determine the behavior of an individual in society. There are no two identical people. Each has its own characteristics. One person manages to get along well with others and make new acquaintances, while another has a hard time communicating even with family and friends. It all depends on temperament and certain character traits.

What determines a person's character?

Scientists have been studying human behavior in various life situations for a long time. Numerous studies have shown that people's character traits depend primarily on genetics, and only then on upbringing. In addition, some aspects of behavior are determined by a person's body type. Thus, the famous scientist Ketchmer was able to describe three body types of people with certain character traits.

Skinny tall people with elongated facial features belong to the group of asthenics. They have underdeveloped muscles and poor physical fitness. Asthenics are always serious and do not adapt well to new conditions. To my inner world Such people practically do not let anyone in. Bad character traits of an asthenic person are anger, stubbornness, rudeness, greed. At the same time, people with this body type are distinguished by high mental development. Great amount scientists belong specifically to the group of asthenics. Most of them devote a lot of time to their careers, but do not pay attention to ordinary human relationships. Many people prefer to live alone and never start a family.

Athletics are broad-shouldered people with good physical fitness and beautiful figure. Most of athletes belong specifically to this group. These people have a pleasant appearance. They are rarely impressionable and practically do not show their emotions through facial expressions. The character traits of people from this group are quite diverse. Athletes are often selfish. They know that in any case they will get what they want. On the other hand, they are very kind. They rarely leave loved ones in trouble.

Several groups of character traits

Based on the fact that human behavior is formed due to several factors, experts have identified several groups of character traits. First of all, a person’s attitude towards other objects of society is formed. Character traits kind person- this is responsiveness, desire to help, sociability. Bad personality will be rude, selfish, cynical and soulless. Sometimes one person can have contradictory character traits at the same time. He can easily find mutual language with others, but will not rush to help a friend who is in trouble.

They identify character traits of people that show their attitude to work. It is these qualities that determine how a person can earn a living. To succeed, you need to be hardworking and have creative thinking. Good businessmen are proactive, persistent and conscientious people. The list of negative character traits of a person is laziness, passivity, irresponsible attitude towards work. Some seek to make money through dishonest means. In this case, both negative and positive character traits work simultaneously. Such people cannot be called conscientious. At the same time, they are persistent and have creative thinking.

It is very important to understand how an individual feels about himself. Good character traits of a person are self-esteem, good attitude to reasonable criticism, modesty. Opposite traits include egocentrism (the desire to always be in the center of attention), shyness, the presence of complexes, and excessive touchiness.

It is also important how a person relates to the things around him. People's character traits are sloppiness, greed, and a careless attitude towards things. Positive qualities include thrift, accuracy, and thrift. All these qualities can be cultivated in a person. It all depends on the model of behavior in the family. If parents are used to throwing clothes around and are in no hurry to wash their shoes after going outside, the child will do the same.

Dependence of character traits on temperament

Very often the concepts of “character” and “temperament” are confused. In fact, these are completely different things. Temperament is a complex of mental characteristics of a person that are innate and influence a person’s behavior in society. The main character traits of a person are formed in the process of his communication with others. At any moment, a person can be re-educated. But temperament cannot be changed. This is a special soil with the help of which the mental qualities of a particular individual develop to one degree or another.

From birth, a person has a certain style of behavior. Character traits are not determined by temperament. At the same time, there is a very close relationship between the two concepts. It depends on temperament which positive or negative character traits of a person will manifest themselves to a greater extent. In addition, the same quality is found in people with different model behavior manifests itself in different ways. So, sociable sanguine people will be able to find a topic for conversation with any person. Phlegmatic people are also sociable. But they are revealed only in a narrow circle. All types of temperaments with their own characteristics will be discussed below.

Melancholic people

These are people with weak nervous system. They rarely find a common language with others and almost never share their problems. Positive features The character of a person of this type is that they are neat, they like everything to be in its place. Melancholic people are never late. You can trust them with any secret. A person with such a temperament will rarely lie. Talented scientists very often belong to the group of melancholic people. Such people devote themselves completely to their work. Thanks to their hard work and talent, many manage to use the latest discoveries technology.

Melancholic people have special treatment to people. Character traits are formed from early childhood. Children with this temperament rarely play with their peers. They prefer to be in their fictional world. The child will spend a long time examining the structure of the toy - he will take it apart and then put it back together again. Melancholic people are absolutely not interested in active games.

Melancholic people tend to depressive states. It all depends on what kind of environment a person finds himself in. If mutual respect and kindness reign around him, the melancholic person will feel great. If a person finds himself in bad company, where everyone is for himself, the development of neurosis is possible. It is very dangerous to be in this state all the time. It is among melancholic people that suicide is quite common. After all, melancholic people are very vulnerable individuals. Even the simplest failures quickly make them angry. Relatives should sound the alarm if a person with a melancholic temperament is in a bad mood for a long time.


A person who has no problem finding a common language with everyone belongs to the group of choleric people. These types of people are always on the move. They strive to try absolutely everything in life. It is very important that the choleric person goes in the right direction. Parents should channel their child's emotions into the right direction. A choleric child from early childhood must attend various sections and clubs and travel a lot. Free time may be sent to negative side. It is choleric people who constantly strive to communicate who fall into bad company and are the first to try drugs.

Cholerics are leaders in life. Often people with this type of character achieve great success in life thanks to their perseverance and perseverance. But some of them, unfortunately, have such a character trait as greed. This leads to the fact that the choleric person seeks to earn a lot of money illegally.

Most of the actors belong to the choleric group. People with this temperament are very talented. They transform easily and play absolutely any role. But there is also poor quality in this domain. Cholerics are excellent at deceiving. They do it so professionally that rarely does anyone suspect anything. At the same time, choleric people learn to deceive from early childhood. A child can easily pretend to be sick in order to avoid going to school or kindergarten.


This group includes people with a balanced nervous system. Sanguine people easily find a way out of any situation. They are not characterized by emotionality. First of all, they soberly assess their capabilities, and only then find a solution to any problem. Sanguine people are always active. They share many character traits with choleric people. People from this group are not used to dwelling on troubles. They are rarely prone to bad habits. They understand what is worth trying and what will harm the body. It is this quality that distinguishes sanguine people from choleric people.

Sanguine people love to be surrounded. They absolutely cannot tolerate loneliness. People from this group have a fear of going crazy. They only need to be alone with themselves for half a day for stupid thoughts to start coming into their heads. But in company, sanguine people feel just fine. They are rarely leaders, but they also do not always give in to influence. Sanguine people are often talkative and have a great sense of humor. People with this type of temperament can turn any disadvantage into an advantage.

Phlegmatic people

People with this type of temperament are distinguished by a stable nervous system and an analytical mind. The main character traits of a person of this type are restraint and equanimity. It is very difficult to understand what a phlegmatic person really feels. People with this temperament rarely open up to others. When they find themselves in a new environment, they can adapt for quite a long time. Characteristic of phlegmatic people are feelings of melancholy and anxiety. Although to complex nervous disorders they, unlike melancholic people, are not inclined. People with a similar temperament have practically no fears. They are only afraid of sudden changes in life. Phlegmatic people are in no hurry to change jobs, even if they fail to earn good income. People from this group in most cases live in one place for decades. Even the opportunity to improve conditions will not force them to move to another city.

The connection between character traits and human well-being

A person’s physical well-being is closely related to his character traits. A person who has fears or experiences anger sooner or later begins to get sick. In the same way, it is easy to understand what the character traits of a person bedridden are. Kindness and compassion are rarely inherent in such a person. Complex diseases often create selfishness, anger, greed and envy in people. Scientists have conducted a number of studies that have helped to find out how bad feeling affects human behavior in society. So, for example, the heart muscle is connected with the emotional component of a person. If there are no problems with this organ, people are always open to others and share their impressions with pleasure. But problems with the cardiovascular system form character traits such as isolation, mistrust, and suspicion.

Kidneys are paired organs. Best feature The character of a person, which is associated with this organ, is openness. If the kidneys are healthy, the individual has no problem sharing his feelings and experiences with others. If a person has a hereditary tendency to urolithiasis, he does not strive to open his soul to his family and friends. Such people tend to keep both joy and anxiety to themselves. Melancholic people often have kidney problems. But sanguine people are rarely aware of the pain associated with renal colic or the formation of stones.

Is character really determined by facial features?

Many studies have proven that appearance largely shows what character traits are inherent in a person. This can also be explained from a physiological point of view. Even by looking at wrinkles, you can determine what character traits a person over 40 has. Melancholic people, who are not characterized by excessive emotionality, often look younger than their age. But for sanguine and choleric people expression wrinkles appear the earliest. Despite this, even in old age, smiling people look much better. Good health affects appearance. People who are in high spirits and easily perceive problems get sick much less often.

People have noticed the connection between facial features and character since ancient times. For example, it was noticed that a thin person with long nose always has cunning and prudence. Such a person rarely gets along with anyone, so he almost never starts a family. But a high forehead indicates talent and high mental development. Unfortunately, it has been observed that people with high foreheads have a tendency to betray. Evil and heartless individuals very often have a square face with expressionless features. People with such external characteristics are prone to violence. But one should not rely on appearance alone to determine a person’s character. A lot depends on the environment in which the individual lives and his upbringing.

Formation of character in a child

It has long been noted that character is formed throughout life. How a person will behave in society depends on his lifestyle and environment. At the same time, a lot depends on the parents. Qualities such as kindness, accuracy, and generosity are formed before the age of 5. The child most often adopts the behavior model of the parents. Therefore, adults must understand that raising a child is a responsible activity. From the early age Children must understand what human character traits are, what qualities to adhere to, and what to avoid.

The article talks about what bad character is, describes bad traits character and neurotic needs personalities


dear readers and guests my blog!

While an article is being prepared on the topic “ ”, which is a continuation of the article about, I decided to publish a note about the character of a person.

You probably often hear the following expression: “He (she) has a very bad character!”

This is a common diagnosis in everyday psychology.

It is usually used when assessing a person's behavior and relationships with other people.

And if it does not correspond to generally accepted standards and brings inconvenience and suffering to others, then this verbal cliché is used.

IN Lately Another cliché has begun to spread: “toxic person.”

This is the one from which others gain negative emotions.

Who is this

toxic person

or a person with a bad character?

As a rule, he is an aggressive, domineering, stubborn, intractable person who loves to argue and criticizes everyone.

But it is obvious that the phrase “bad character” reflects not only these qualities.

There are other bad character traits and needs that determine a person’s inappropriate and toxic behavior and thinking, but are often hidden even from the professional view of a psychologist.

In this article, we will talk about these hidden needs and traits and find out how they influence the behavior of their owner and the people around him.

This article is a direct continuation of such publications as:

The fact is that a person with a bad character, as a rule, has certain neurotic traits and inclinations.

He has non-plastic (rigid) behavior, he often conflicts with others, and cannot get along with them.

Just like he can’t get along with himself.

He is stubborn and demanding, and often the level of his personal and social development much lower than what was given to him by nature. For example, such a person can...

All these are classic symptoms of neurosis in adults with bad character.

Now let's look at the 8 most common signs (inclinations or needs) of a bad or neurotic character.

In doing so, I will rely on the concept of neuroses American psychoanalyst Karen Horney.

Bad character

and what makes it so?

First, a very important digression 〈 !!! 〉

Pay attention to the well-known joke and saying of psychologists: “If you want to see a neurotic, look in the mirror.”

She says that certain neurotic traits, inclinations and needs can be found in any person without exception.

This also applies to the dark signs of bad character listed below. Almost all of us have them.

But! The point is not in their very presence, but in their strength and level of development.

A need, trait, tendency becomes neurotic, i.e. painful and begins to interfere with the life of a person and those around him if it is overdeveloped, if its strength exceeds average level normality if it begins to control a person’s behavior and thinking.

In all other cases, if it is not noticeable or manifests itself very rarely, then it is not possible to say about a person that he has an intolerable character.

So, …

1. The need for a strong and responsible friend or partner

Such a person wants someone to take responsibility for his life and for most of his key life decisions.

This could be a friend, husband, wife or parents.

He wants such a person to act as an Assistant for him. And he will, receiving certain dividends from this.

For example: managing life, solving everyday and any other problems, finding a job, making money, etc.

At the same time, the master-victim skillfully manipulates his assistant, gradually becoming his pursuer.

Example: sofa husband

As soon as the wife gathers the courage to throw off the burden of the Savior-Helper and stop supporting him and pleasing him, he either begins to get sick and suffer, causing self-pity.

Or, tormenting her with physical and emotional violence.

But he can’t live without her, and neither can she without him. As a rule, there is someone third (child, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, etc.).

Together they create and grow into his neurotic structure.

2. The need for power over others

This is mainly expressed in the need to constantly control everyone.

In an effort to subordinate people and life events to your will and reason. Such a person is afraid of everything that he cannot check and control, even if such control is imaginary and far-fetched.

He does not tolerate a state of uncertainty well. He is devoid of spontaneity and plasticity of behavior.

Such people often bow to authority, power and strong people. At the same time, they despise the weak and dependent.

They strive to achieve superiority over others in order to effectively manipulate them.

If such a person's need for power is not satisfied, he feels very bad.

He is oppressed by anxiety and a feeling of uncertainty. He becomes nervous and irritable.

Dealing with him is always difficult, and sometimes downright dangerous - you can lose.

3. The need to exploit others, using them for one's own purposes

Such a person treats others as a means of satisfying his personal interests and.

At the same time, he does not think about the problems of others, and is even offended if another person does not want to help him and indulge his whims.

This is the one about whom they often say: “He was just using me.”

He is an excellent manipulator, easily makes others dependent on himself, but he himself often depends on someone.

Read more about this in the article:

Such a person is always “charged” with the pursuit of profit. In this case, there may be different areas of effort: money, relationships, feelings, sex, business, etc.

If such a person has not received something from someone, he begins to be “choked by a toad” and oppressed by longing for aimless Lost time and effort.

You can deal with this if you know how to keep your distance, And .

4. Need for approval

Such a person constantly strives to please others and gain their approval. He constantly tries to satisfy the expectations of others and earn their praise, while acting to the detriment of himself.

In triangles interpersonal relationships such a person plays the role of the Savior.

But if suddenly he does not receive approval for his merits and helping others, then very easily he first slips into, drowning in self-pity.

And then into the role of the Accuser and the psychotic pursuer.

Usually such people have low self-esteem and other bad character traits.

They are afraid of hostility from other people and become depressed if those around them, especially people significant to them, are too dissatisfied with them.

They reject and suppress their feelings and desires and therefore...

5. Narcissism or the tendency to constantly admire yourself

Perhaps this key factor, shaping a person’s bad character. Such a person creates an image of an ideal self in his head and replaces it with the image of his real self, which is always very, very far from the ideal.

He wears a mask that he is in love with, but which actually hides nothing. Because often there is nothing behind it.

He has very high self-esteem. He loves to brag about his achievements and his qualities.

Naturally, it is very difficult to interact with such a person, because he is egocentric and the whole world revolves around his person.

And if you let him know that this is not so, if you even for a second doubt the greatness of such a person, then you will forever become his enemy.

The other (unconscious) side of narcissism is vulnerability, vulnerability and low self-esteem. Therefore, narcissism is often associated with...

6. The need to be perfect

Such a person strives to be higher and better than others in everything. He wants to be flawless and infallible.

This applies to both large and small matters, and personal qualities and characteristics.

Sometimes this is achieved not through real achievements and development, but by belittling the merits of others and artificially inflating one’s own small successes.

Such a person is concerned with who he is and how good and perfect he is, and how well his business is going.

He wants to be the best in everything, but deep down he is very afraid of even the smallest defeat.

Often he, because work becomes a tool for him to achieve perfection.

It is very difficult with him, since even the most correct criticism addressed to him knocks him out of his psychological rut, and begins to take revenge for the weaknesses and imperfections discovered in him.

7. The need for social recognition and prestige

The self-esteem of such a person depends entirely on the opinions of others.

He does everything to look successful and lucky in their eyes and achieve a privileged position.

This manifests itself in everything: clothes, accessories, cars, housing, etc.

In his social circle, he chooses only those who are significant to him from the point of view of confirming his own importance and status.

He peers at others like a mirror, anxiously looking for evidence in them of recognition of his success.

Obviously, communication with such a person is filled with problems and conflicts. Especially if your status is lower than his.

By the way, in our time, most narcissists and people neurotically striving for public recognition and success.

8. The need to be invisible and avoid life

Such a person constantly limits his life and tries to be content with little.

Any changes frighten him; stability is important to him, devoid of any claims to improvement.

He denies his potential capabilities and resources, he is afraid of development, he is afraid to express his desires.

Such people are not demanding and unpretentious; it seems even calm and safe with them.

But the problem is that they react with hostility to any changes.

Moreover, when you are around them, you always feel that you are beginning to limit yourself and suppress your desires.

Collective portrait

person with severe


As you understand, this is difficult to create, since there are so many different signs and manifestations of a bad character, often mutually exclusive.

Nevertheless, the following general proposition can be formulated.

It's uncomfortable and awkward to be with him. There is always tension and anxiety in a relationship with him.

He doesn't like others. Treats others either condescendingly or with servility.

It is very difficult to come to an agreement with him; he either often and unreasonably changes his opinion and plans, or adheres to them with reinforced concrete stubbornness.

Most often, after close and more or less prolonged communication with such a person, you feel tired and overwhelmed, or nervous and filled with negative emotions.

Based on this generalized portrait, three types of people can be distinguished.

Types of people

with a bad character

Aggressive type :

Traits: hostility, conflict, aggressiveness, excessive demands

He is conflicted. Strives to control and subjugate everything. He is straightforward, believes that he is always right and the world should exist according to his rules. He is focused on achievements and success, which he values ​​only if they bring him power and control.

Operating type :

Traits: obsessiveness, criticism, suppression,

Everyone is obliged to him, everyone must indulge his desires and needs. He manipulates others, pursuing his own benefit.

Unlike the aggressive type, he is more flexible in behavior. Takes advantage of others' weaknesses and takes advantage of them.

In relationships, he constantly weaves intrigues and plays on contradictions.

Avoidant type :

Traits: secretiveness, mistrust, avoidance

He prefers to communicate at a distance and does not let anyone approach him. Very suspicious and distrustful. Always expects attack and deception.

It's hard to rely on him because you never know what's on his mind. In addition, he defends himself aggressively if you get too close to him.

The characteristics of all three types can be intertwined, so there is no pure type of person with a bad character.

The trait that all three types share is narcissism, where a person does not love others but adores himself.

Karen Horney called this phenomenon a neurotic claim.

This is when a person wants to be communicated with only in accordance with his majestic ideas about himself. This is done in order to protect the idealized (artificial) image of oneself and from the blows of reality.

Well, this is where I end my article, where I tried to answer the questions: “What is bad character? and what are bad character traits?

At the same time, we have determined that some overly active and strong inclinations and needs of a person should be perceived as symptoms of neurosis in adults.

In conclusion, it is important to note that a person with a severe toxic character is not born on his own. He is the result of a special type of upbringing and the emotional atmosphere that surrounded him in childhood.