“Nothing in the world can replace perseverance. Talent will not replace it; the world is full of talented losers. Genius cannot replace perseverance; underrated genius is almost a proverb. Education will not replace it either; quite a lot educated people finds himself on the margins of life. Persistence and determination are omnipotent. The motto is “don’t give up trying” or in another way; "'Just Carry On' is and always will be the solution to the problems of the human race."

................................................................................ Calvin Coolidge

The importance of the thumb in palmistry is difficult to overestimate. This finger is so important in all respects that it requires special attention.

Thumb- personifies the energy of the Almighty, is considered the main finger on the hand and is called the “finger of Vishnu”.

Determination and determination (stubbornness) are determined by the structure and rigidity of a person’s thumb.

Persistence determines a person’s success, which is why in the Vedas and other cultures there are gestures based on raising the thumb up; (Everything is fine).

The Romans gave a thumbs up if they wished to grant life to a defeated fighter.

There was a widespread custom among many nations: if a captive, when presented before the victors, hid his thumb in his fist, it meant that he was surrendering to the mercy of the enemy and asking for mercy.

It is interesting to note that among the first Christians, the thumb played an important role, since it represented God the father, the index finger - Christ, the exponent of the will of God, and the middle finger represented the Holy Spirit.

IN latest research psychologists have found that the thumb of today's youth is changing due to the spread of computer technology. The structure of the hand and habits previously associated with the use of the index finger undergo changes.

The thumb becomes the main finger on the hand. The muscles that serve it undergo significant development.

Young people even began to use their thumb where the index finger was traditionally used. Researchers have shown that pressing door bell the coming generation will be exclusively thumb. Moreover, the activity of both fingers becomes the same, which doubles the person’s egoism.
This suggests that a person is truly, but slowly moving from a cognitive position to an egoistic one. The desire to become a Boss (using the thumb) replaces the desire to develop spiritually (using the index finger - the finger of the soul).

The changing habits have become so noticeable that young people in Japan even have a nickname: the “thumb tribe.”

Idiots, born as such, have very weak, undeveloped thumbs. And in general, all weak-minded individuals have undeveloped thumbs.

A man or woman who holds their thumbs in a fist while talking is likely to be insecure.

It is not useless to observe the hands of dying people. One can see how, as death approaches and the mind fades, the thumb loses all strength and falls sluggishly. But if the mind fades only for a while, the thumb retains its strength and, therefore, there is hope for recovery.

In medicine, the thumb is known as the "thumb center" of the brain. A unique feature of our fingers is the radial nerve, which is made up of the same nerve fibers as central part our brain. The same nerve fibers run through the human spine. The radial nerve shows our ability to analytical thinking, which distinguishes humans from all other living beings on the planet.

Man is the only creature in nature endowed with a strong opposable thumb.

The hand of the chimpanzee, which is closest to man in development, has a similar hand shape in all respects, but its thumb is poorly developed and does not reach the base of the index finger. From this we can conclude: the higher and better the thumb is located, the higher the intellectual capabilities of a person, and vice versa.

This position can be verified with the slightest observation. A person with short, clumsy, thick thumbs is rude and ignorant in his thoughts, his animal instincts predominate. And a man or woman with long, beautiful thumbs is intellectual and refined; when achieving what they want, they use their intelligence, as opposed to the brute force that a person with a short and thick thumb would use.


In the East, it is believed that the size of the thumb is directly related to the level of success that a person can achieve. This interpretation may seem overly fatalistic, and yet there is no doubt that it is people with large thumbs who are more likely than others to occupy leading positions in society. It is known that Napoleon had unusually large thumbs, and this is not surprising. The longer the thumb, the more significant success a person can achieve in life. The thing is that he is more purposeful, ambitious and persistent than others.

The length of the thumb is determined as follows: Place your thumb on your index finger and see where the tip of the finger is, relative to the upper line of the first phalanx of the index finger. If the big one is above the line of the first phalanx, then it is long. If it is at the level of the base line of the index finger or slightly higher, such a finger is considered short.

If you happen to meet a person with a very long thumb (see picture above), know that he is capable of taking on the role of leader in any situation. This person is smart, determined and has tremendous willpower.
Typically, people with long thumbs are much more persistent and persistent in achieving their goals.

People with short thumbs (see picture above) usually lack perseverance and willpower. They can be extremely stubborn, but often without reason and for no particular reason. A short thumb shows an insecure person, often having various complexes or a weak Sun in the horoscope.

The thumb is medium long;

If the tip of the thumb is approximately in the middle, between the line of the base and the line of the first phalanx of the index, then the thumb is of average length.

People whose thumbs reach medium length are fair, independent and can stand up for themselves. They think clearly and have significant willpower.
In a study of the thumbs of people who have achieved serious success, it was found that almost all of them had thumb lengths that fluctuated within the average range.


Each finger on the human hand is divided into three parts, which are called phalanges. Although it seems that the thumb has only two phalanges. The Mount of Venus - a fleshy section of the hand at the base of the thumb, surrounded by the line of life - is its third phalanx.

Ideally, the length of the first and second phalanges of the thumb should be the same (Fig. 90). The first phalanx on which the nail grows symbolizes the will of a person, and the second - his logic.

When both phalanges reach the same length, this indicates a person who has both logic and willpower in equal measure. He is capable of giving birth good idea and has the necessary will and energy to realize it.

If the first phalanx is longer than the second, this indicates the predominance of willpower over logic. Such a person will make a lot of mistakes, but not one of them, no matter how serious, will be able to force him to abandon his intended goal.
Even after the most crushing blow, he will find the strength to rise and continue moving forward. This combination of phalanges indicates a person who is extremely purposeful and persistent. He is ready to work hard and long for his goal. Tends to suppress others and dominate them.

In most people, the second phalanx is longer than the first. This indicates the predominance of logic over willpower. A person with this combination is full of ideas, but is not able to find the strength to realize at least one of them. He thinks, and thinks, and thinks, and then thinks some more. He has everything except determination and motivation. This explains why most of us achieve only a small fraction of what we are capable of. Too much logic, too little will.


Most often, the thumb, in a relaxed state, is located at an angle of 45° relative to the hand. This indicates a person’s ability and desire to maintain traditional social principles and his moderate conservatism. IN general outline, the larger this angle, the more generous the person.

Accordingly, this angle is sometimes called the "generous angle"

If the value given angle less than 45°, this indicates a person’s selfishness. Most likely, he is cruel, narrow-minded and proud. His look at the world very narrow.

If this angle exceeds 45°, this indicates an energetic, open person with the ability to charm and influence others. He loves adventure and always strives to learn something new and unusual.
If, in a relaxed state, the thumb is kept at a great distance from the others, this indicates a calm, open, sociable and carefree person. If the thumb and index fingers are spaced wide apart, then you are dealing with a generous, sociable, and independent person.

The utility angle is the angle formed on the outside of the thumb where it meets the palm.
You will soon discover that most hands do not have this angle, while some people have a noticeable bulge in this place. The larger this convexity, the more practical the person is. These people are what we call jacks of all trades; they are skilled and dexterous and enjoy activities that allow them to actively use their hands. This angle is also known as the time angle because it gives a person a particularly keen sense of time. Such people are always punctual, they know how to seize the right moment and pause brilliantly.

The pitch angle, or angle of sound, is located at the very base of the palm under the thumb, where it connects to the wrist.
The height angle indicates a person who feels rhythm and has an ear for music.
Gifted musicians, dancers and singers in most cases have pronounced angles of height and practicality. The practicality angle gives them a sense of time and tempo, while the pitch angle gives them an ear for music and a sense of rhythm.


The thumbs can be placed on different heights in relation to the palms, therefore they are divided into high-set and low-set.

The thumb is considered high-set if it starts high above the wrist. People with such fingers are distinguished by originality, openness and optimism. They are typical extroverts.

People with low-set thumbs, on the other hand, are reserved and cautious.

In most cases, the thumb position falls somewhere between high and low.


............. Wide thumb tip

The wide tip indicates a cautious, thorough person who has his own convictions. Such people are usually calm, reasonable and do not act on emotions. Every action is thoughtful and balanced.

............. Scapular tip of thumb

If the tip has a spatula shape, this indicates an energetic, businesslike and active person. But sometimes such people can be annoying with their assertiveness or have dictatorial habits.

............. Tapered thumb tip

If the tip has a conical shape, this indicates a sensitive and sophisticated person. Very often artists, actors, dancers have a hand with long, conical fingers.

............. Tapered thumb

Often the conical tip is combined with a second phalanx that is tapering and concave on both sides. This indicates a person’s diplomacy and tact. When he says no, he does it so politely, kindly and intelligently that it is impossible to be offended by him.

............. Pointed thumb

The pointed tip of the thumb indicates a subtle and insightful person who will be able to present even the worst news gently and calmly.

............. Square thumb tip

If the tip of the thumb is square, it indicates a person who is practical, simple, down to earth and fair. Such people always try to play fair and expect the same from their partner.

............. Clubbed big toe

There are also cases where the first phalanx of the thumb takes on an almost spherical shape with a very short nail and hard skin. This is not a typical finger structure, but sometimes it occurs in some quite healthy people. Due to its appearance, this type is called the ball finger (or killer finger).
This finger identifies an obsessive and “heavy-handed” person, often prone to violence. However, under the influence favorable environment such wild qualities may never emerge.
Owners of such fingers, however, are dangerous companions; jokes directed at them can turn against you.
The name “killer finger” should not mislead you: its owner has not necessarily committed or will commit a crime. His temperament is not as destructive as many palmists try to present.
Despite this, you should not ignore the warning of the thumb and forget about the natural inclinations of this type.


The thumbs are divided into inflexible and mobile. If the finger bends freely back at the joint, it is considered mobile.

A person with mobile thumbs is open, positive, and optimistic. He does not tolerate pressure and in conflict situations prefers to retreat without entering into an argument or causing a scandal.

If the thumb has little mobility and does not bend back at the top joint, it is called inflexible. A person with this type of thumb is reliable, constant, stubborn, persistent and purposeful. He rarely backs down, even when under intense pressure.

Pay attention to the mobility of the thumb using the example of a famous Russian actress.

This lady's finger has phenomenal mobility


In palmistry, each finger of the hand corresponds to one of the planets that rules the zodiac. The shape, length and other structural features of the fingers can tell a lot about the character of their owner.

Fingers are a real treasure trove of information about a person; by analyzing the fingers, one can determine both a person’s abilities, preferences and character traits, and the combined analysis of the hills of tubercles and lines of the hands allows one to correct and clarify the image of a person.

Palmistry, like astrology, is a deductive fortune-telling technique based on a variety of data that must first be extracted, and then analyzed and generalized. Do not forget that left hand- this is the hand of fate, and the right one is of free will, and pay close attention to the three phalanges of each finger of the hand.

The first phalanx, the one closer to the palm, speaks of the attitude towards material values.
The second phalanx, the one in the middle, indicates the practical component. The third phalanx, or the tip of the finger, speaks of mental abilities. Of course, the thumb has only two phalanges, so the material and practical components are more pronounced. Nevertheless, they rely on the emotions inherent in a given person, which are indicated by the Mount of Venus.

The meaning of the thumb shape

In palmistry, the thumb is called the finger of Mars. Character traits the thumb is similar to the properties of Mars: energy, strength, power.

A short thumb speaks of an impressionable, weak-willed, indecisive person, whose feelings occupy a significant place in his life.

Thumb Meaning

Short and broad: This person is extremely affectionate material benefits, this makes him very stubborn, selfish and dependent.

Short and thin: This person lacks willpower, energy and self-confidence.

Long thumb: An ambitious, strong-willed and balanced person with the right concepts about life.

Long and wide or very long: indicates an energetic and ambitious person, but an authoritarian, one might say, tyrannical character, capable of doing anything to achieve his goal.

Long and thin thumb: a person sacrifices his own physical and spiritual needs for the well-being of others or devotes himself to a higher goal.

Inflexible: emphasizes the decency and prudence of a person who at the same time behaves like a strong personality, but without cruelty, is self-confident, does not doubt his strengths and capabilities.

Flexible Thumb: Denotes a person whose actions are full of good will, but who may react harshly to something. He is able to abandon his intentions or reconsider his attitude towards something.

If the outstretched thumb forms a right angle with the palm of the hand: this is an honest, decent, fair and conscientious person.

If the retracted thumb does not form right angle with a palm, such a person lacks generosity, open-mindedness and even decency.

The first phalanx (at the base) is wide and thick: excellent reserves of energy, primarily aimed at acquiring material wealth.

The first phalanx is small and thin: lack of vitality, poor health.

The second phalanx (closer to the tip of the finger) is wide and thick: developed practicality, good self-control.

The second phalanx is small and thin: sleight of hand, innate diplomacy.

The first phalanx is larger and thicker than the second: sharp, impulsive, ferocious character; touchiness, fits of anger.

The second phalanx is larger and thicker than the first: soft, pliable character, honest, open and productive actions.

The first and second phalanges are similar in shape and size: the balance of a person.

The shape of the index finger in palmistry

The index finger is called the Jupiter finger. The characteristic features of the index finger are similar to those of Jupiter: cheerfulness and comprehensive development personality.

Short index finger: this person lacks self-confidence, cheerfulness, optimism, and may be characterized by naivety.

Long index finger: this is an optimistic, friendly person, open to the whole world, ready to give the world the best that he has.

Thick: Indicates an extremely stubborn person with a determined and ambitious character.

Subtle: speaks of a person who is more capable of making plans than of carrying them out.
Longer than the ring finger: thirst for success and power.

Index finger shape

If the index finger is shorter than the ring finger: innate organizational skills, responsibility, methodicalness.

Same length as the unnamed one: optimism and self-confidence.

Almost or the same length as the middle finger: authoritarian character.

The third phalanx is slightly inclined towards the middle finger: a commercial vein.

The vertical folds of the connection of the first and second phalanx are deep: the desire for independence.

Meaning of the shape of the middle finger

The characteristic features of the middle finger are similar to those of Saturn: maturity, high ability to concentrate, self-control.

Straight and longer than the index and ring fingers: peacefulness and serenity, independence, prudence and prudence, sometimes wisdom and perseverance, success in long-term affairs.

Straight and equal length with index and ring fingers: sense of duty, responsibility, honesty, straightforwardness, serious approach and severity.

If the middle finger is straight and slightly longer than the index and ring fingers: introvert, skeptic, fatalist, pessimist.

Not quite straight and longer than the index and ring fingers: strong character, restraint.

Meaning of the middle finger shape

Short middle finger: more intuition than judgment.

Tolstoy: a serious person, but with a tendency to complicate everything, fatalism.

The third phalanx is slightly inclined to the right: good self-control.

The third phalanx is slightly tilted to the left: this person lacks self-control and maturity.

The third phalanx is slightly inclined towards the palm of the hand: a tendency to feel sorry for oneself.

The second phalanx is noticeably longer than the other two: a sign light hand, this person loves nature, simple and healthy image life.

Ring finger shape

The ring finger in palmistry is called the finger of the Sun. The characteristic features of the ring finger are similar to those of the Sun: willpower, authority, thirst for fame, ambition.

Short ring finger: tendency to underestimate oneself, self-centeredness.

Long ring finger: pride, arrogance, sense of vanity, desire for success.

Direct: good psychological and moral balance.

If the ring finger is crooked and disproportionate in relation to the other fingers: there is little willpower, internal and emotional balance.

Inclined towards the middle finger: impatient and distrustful nature, always on the alert; relationship problems, tendency towards secrecy.

Slanted towards the little finger: lack of one's own ideas or beliefs. The same length as the index finger:

Ring finger shape

a generous, friendly, pleasant and sociable person, successful in life.

If the ring finger is the same length as the index and middle fingers: a strong character, entrepreneurial spirit, but the presence of egocentrism.

The first phalanx is shorter or thicker than the other two: in life this person love, marriage and affective connections occupy a dominant position.

The second phalanx is longer than the other two: the ability to create.

The third phalanx is longer than the other two: the tendency to live beyond one's means, extravagance, love of luxury.

All three phalanges are about the same size: spontaneous, but not excessive goodwill.

Little finger shape

The little finger has many analogies with the properties of Mercury: intelligence, sociability, ability to maintain connections.

Short little finger: lack of flexibility, poor memory, narrow view of the world, tendency to obsessive ideas.

A long little finger signifies open-mindedness, curiosity, generosity, sociability, creativity, imagination, and resourcefulness.

Direct: honesty, integrity, seeking truth and justice. Not very direct: restless, contradictory character, stormy and sometimes treacherous; tendency to complicate things, inconsistency between words and actions true feelings and beliefs.

The third phalanx reaches the top of the second or the base of the third phalanx of the ring finger: high intelligence, desire for knowledge, gift of eloquence, ease of writing, sociability, love of teaching.

The first phalanx is shorter than the other two: justice, frankness and sincerity.

The first phalanx is longer than the other two: the tendency to deceive, duplicity and hypocrisy.

The second phalanx is shorter than the other two; commercial spirit, but narrowness of thinking and views of the world.

Little finger shape

The second phalanx is longer than the other two: innate abilities for commercial activities, a practical mindset aimed at solving specific problems.

The third phalanx is shorter than the other two: a stubborn person who is unable to listen to other people's ideas.

Third phalanx longer than the other two: rich inner world, success thanks to high intelligence.

All three phalanges are relatively the same length: balance and common sense, the ability to give prudent advice, and also to accept advice from more experienced people.

Hills in the palm of your hand

Fingers and hills

The fingers on the hand also have their own names. Their names depend on those planets that rule the nearby territory, which indicates the connection of palmistry with astrology. The thumb is Venus, the index finger is Jupiter, the middle finger is Saturn, the ring finger is Apollo, and the little finger is Mercury.

Each planet carries a symbol: Venus- love, love of life; Jupiter- power; Saturn- time, fate, fate; Sun(Apollo) - success, gifts and talents; Mercury- trade, practical activity, intelligence.

There are fleshy pads on the palm - hills (a bulge located under the finger). Each finger of the hand has its own “planetary hill”. Lumps show hobbies and human interests, they also judge the psycho-emotional state of a person.

Mercury: spiritual energy, intelligence, moral strength, practicality. Apollo: compassion, love of beauty, creative talents, the ability to succeed. Saturn: seriousness, prudence, despondency, prejudice.

Jupiter: leadership, honor, ambition, religiosity. Small Hill of Mars: moral spirit, ability to control oneself.

Great Hill of Mars: ability to resist, composure, calmness and courage. Venus: kindness, love, modesty, passion. Moon: sentimentality, imagination, selfishness.

Palmists identify lines, signs, patterns and other indicators on the hands. Each finger has its own line:

Big- life line, index- heart line, Average- line of fate, Nameless- line of happiness, Little finger- line of mercury.

In addition, additional lines are distinguished: line of mind, line of Mars, line of intuition, lines of influence and other small lines.

There are also main types of signs: cross, star, quadrangle, dot, circles, islands, triangles, lattices. Palmists determine the meaning of each sign based on cumulative factors. Depending on which line the sign is located on (for example, a cross is a bad sign on a good line and a good sign on a bad one. A star is the best lucky sign, no matter where it is on the palm).

Fingers of the hand- are the most mobile part of the palm, fingers are constantly involved in the thought process and emotional life of a person, thanks to the fingers of the hand there is a transformation in our imagination and the work of the brain in material values. A person, unconsciously gesturing with his fingers on his hand, tries to more clearly express his thoughts and ideas using the language of hand gestures.

A person does the main work with the Thumb and Forefinger. The middle finger acts as the first assistant for more responsible work. The ring finger and little finger, as substitute players, participate only in hard work when it is necessary to use the entire physical reserve of arm strength. The thumb reveals the driving force behind a person's actions.

Jupiter finger (index finger)- the most mobile finger on the hands, which is located on the Eastern active part of the hand; they are shown the way and threatened in case of disobedience. The finger symbolizes determination, self-confidence, ambition and selfishness.

Finger of Saturn (average)- is an assistant to the index finger in performing important work, and is also located on the active side of the hand, and expresses the inner world of a person. The degree of his responsibility, prudence, introspection and privacy. It is known that the planet Saturn is called upon to organize, discipline and plan a person’s actions in life.

Apollo finger (ring finger) and Mercury finger- play a supporting role in the active work of the hand. They are used as a reserve, as they are located on the Western side of the passive part of the hand.

Each finger of the hand can be compared to a soldier, everyone has positive traits and negative, and depending on the nature of the hand, he is free to do whatever he wants, if not held by the thumb, standing separately, being a commander, and using logic and willpower, he holds back the aspirations and ambitions of his subordinates.

Mercury finger (little finger) belongs to the passive part of the palm and mostly remains aside, and participates in the thought process, since it represents reason and science, while the other fingers work, it participates in ingenuity and quickness of thought.


The size and thickness of the thumb serves as a powerful argument, as it expresses one’s own “I”, and is used both in the active process, together with the index and middle finger, and in the mental process, strengthening them with logic.

If there is a need to apply great force, he gives the command to the remaining fingers, he is the commander and gathers his fingers into a fist, covering and supporting them from above, without him it will not be possible to be strong driving force. The angle of deviation of the thumb is an indicator of the sociability and isolation of the individual, as well as tolerance and tolerance.

Phalanges of fingers

The fingers are divided into three phalanges, each of them representing an active part of the three main worlds that make up and shape the personality.

In other words, it expresses the triplicity represented by the three worlds, and the twelve in four represented by the four fingers (seasons) divided into twelve joints (months).

Upper phalanges of the finger nails, represent the divine world of man or his ideas and dreams, which bring man closer to a world other than ours, which gives him inspiration.

Middle phalanges of fingers show how we can turn our ideas and dreams into reality and represent the mental world.

Lower phalanges of fingers– the material world, what a person receives from making his dreams come true is reflected on the lower phalanges of the hand.

The lower phalanx of the thumb is not visible because it is part of the Mount of Venus and fuses with the lower part of the palm; it is considered as the Mount of Venus, which relates to the material world and part of the palm and is limited by the line of life, one of the main lines responsible for human capacity and longevity.

Fingers carry extensive information about the character of their owner, his abilities, aspirations and potential capabilities, which can be determined by comparing and analyzing the length and smoothness or knobbiness of the fingers, as well as the distance between them and the bend of the phalanges.

An important key to revealing identity secrets will be fingerprints, from which a lot of information can also be read.

The predominance of any of the three principles in a person is judged by the greatest development of one of the joints.

People with short fingers have the ability to perform administrative activities. People with long fingers are not suitable for such activities. They are more patient, more caring, gentle and much calmer than people with short fingers. Too short fingers big hand indicate mental limitations.

In the same way, fingers that are too long indicate negative type people who get lost in details and have a narrow outlook.

Well-developed, mobile fingers indicate intelligence. Undeveloped fingers, inactive and inflexible, indicate a slow mind. The hardness or softness of the fingers also plays an important role, and does not always correspond to the hardness or softness of the hand.

Solid fingers- a sign of frugality and perseverance, soft - impulsiveness and frequent changes moods, as well as hypersensitivity, fat and thick fingers, indicate sensuality, the desire for pleasure in life.


Finger shapes

Knobby fingers(Figure No. 1).

The severity of the node indicates a tendency towards systematic thinking and balance; energy and vital vibrations passing through the finger collide with the vital force of the individual in the joint node, which they cannot immediately overcome, receiving resistance and mixing there. Such a knot in palmistry is called a philosophical knot of reflection. People with philosophical nodes are distinguished by administrative abilities, endowed with a clear and sober critical mind and a penchant for philosophizing, as well as a somewhat militant attitude.

In the case of the expression of the second joint of the finger, it speaks of pedantry, love of calculations and order in the everyday sense, in such a person everything should be laid out on shelves and lie in its place, it is not uncommon for such individuals to become bores, such a node is called material.

This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the spirit of order can only be inherent in people who think strictly logically; in them even love should be in order, sometimes reaching complete insanity in small things - especially when there are several knots on the hand. If both nodes on the finger are clearly expressed, this indicates a person’s desire for great orderliness in everything and the presence of mathematical abilities.

The philosophical knot, located on the finger not on the side, but as if on top (thickening), indicates ingenuity, thoughtfulness and a tendency to fantasize. In general, people with knobby fingers are usually prone to deep analysis of phenomena and events, to great job thoughts, follow the development of science, politics, love literature.

Square fingers (angular)(Figure No. 2).

This form of fingers characterizes people inclined to the exact and social sciences, logic, dramatic art, as well as publicly accessible forms of various useful activities. In angular fingers, the nail joint is the same width at the tip of the fingers and at the joint, so the owners of such fingers prefer the accuracy and perfection of things and beauty. They like to be guided more by theoretical reasoning than to act impulsively or based on calculation.

The owner of quadrangular knobby fingers follows the achievements of modern science, loves and appreciates literature. Such a person always acts only according to a deliberate scenario. His thoughts never reach a high poetic height, but they turn out to be progressive in practical skills and in the exact arts. These are people who attach great importance to little things,

Conical fingers (pointed)(Figure No. 3).

This finger shape always indicates a penchant for the arts, interest and ability in the humanities, and for external spectacular effects. The type of fingers is named after the shape of the upper outer joint, which resembles a cone, and the finger itself is usually round in shape.

These are people of first impressions, they see the world in the big picture and do not pay attention to little things because of their impatience.

If the fingers are also smooth, then their owner can be assumed to have an ability for painting, sculpture, and sometimes poetry. Such a person admires the external beauty of forms. He cannot stand intense mental work, he is romantic and easily falls in love, but just as easily disappointed, security is not in the foreground (unlike square fingers), he is freedom-loving, avoids boring discussions or questions for him. These are contemplative people, the first impression they receive is considered the only correct one, which is why they often make mistakes in life, are prone to idealism and are not practical in material matters, and feel the need for love.

Spade fingers(Figure No. 4).

These are fingers whose nail phalanges are wider at the tip than at the articulation, and which are thus more or less shovel-shaped, from which they get their name.

Spade-shaped fingers indicate the predominance of passions over reason. People with such fingers look at life from a utilitarian point of view - more practical than ideal. They are distinguished by an innate understanding of all material things, instinctive knowledge practical life, respect for physical strength, abilities for the art of illusion, sometimes show interest in the natural sciences and their practical application on practice.

If the spade-shaped fingers are smooth, then it can be assumed that their owner is guided primarily by sensory knowledge, instinct and passion. If they are knotty, then by calculation.

Such people willingly take on practical sciences. A person with smooth spade-shaped fingers will assert himself in cases where quick assimilation of information and quick wits are required, but if the spade-shaped fingers are knobby, then there is good ability in military affairs and engineering sciences: applied mechanics, construction.

Distance between fingers

If you look at your hand in a freely open form with your palm facing you, you will notice that the distance between the fingers is different, and this is valuable information. If there is the greatest distance between the index and middle fingers, this is a sign of the predominance of thought over action, independence of reasoning. If the greatest distance is between the ring finger and the little finger, this indicates the predominance of actions over thought, that is, independence in action. If the index finger and little finger are very far from the two middle fingers, then the person is characterized by self-confidence.

If the ring finger (Apollo) fits tightly to the middle finger (Satun), this indicates a secretive nature. The tilt of the developed little finger towards the ring finger is a sign of a pronounced ability for entrepreneurship.

The tilt of the ring finger towards the finger of Saturn expresses a personality that sometimes withdraws into itself and a tendency to be sad.

If the index finger is slightly bent towards the middle finger, this is a sign of ambition.

If you close all your fingers together, and at the same time there are gaps between the fingers, that is, gaps, this indicates a person who is a spender; the larger the gap, the faster the money runs away from the individual’s hands.

The very first thing you need to pay attention to is the general appearance of the hands:
the ratio of size to a person’s height and figure;
width and fullness;
color of the skin;
finger length and shape;
joint flexibility and mobility.

Hand size

Small hand found in people who are ambitious and painfully proud, but are unable to translate their plans into reality. If, in addition, the hand is smooth, then this indicates a quick reaction.

Big hand belongs, as a rule, to a person who is thorough, reasonable and unhurried. Before making any decision, he thinks long and scrupulously about all the options, possibilities and ways of execution.


If the hand has an oval shape, then this indicates impressionability, passion and sensual impulses.

If the hand is thin and bony, then this indicates cowardice and indecisiveness. The owner of such a hand is not made for fighting.

The average value, and moreover strictly proportional to the size of the body, indicates a balanced character.

A long and wide brush indicates the dexterity, cunning and predatory nature of its owner.

A short hand is a sign of bad character, while a long and thin one indicates a tendency to various manias and pettiness.

A thin and ugly hand indicates a short life.

Long, skinny, bony tells about the selfishness, despotism, grumpiness and quarrelsomeness of its owner.

People with short, thin hands are stingy, envious and talkative.

Short and wide hands are usually found in people who are hardworking, loyal and easy-going.


His gestures at rest and when he is excited can tell a lot about a person.

If a person is constantly fiddling with something, then this indicates nervous tension. If he waves his arms and makes broad gestures, then this is a sign of sociability, talkativeness and an open, generous soul.

A handshake immediately characterizes a person. If he shakes his partner’s hand as hard as he can, he clearly wants to give the impression of a strong and confident person, although he is not one.

A limp and weak handshake indicates an insecure character. Very often this indicates spoiledness, capriciousness and effeminacy.

A quick and sharp handshake is typical for people who are always in a hurry and indifferent to other people's problems.

Vicious and deceitful people hide their palms from prying eyes, since evil thoughts live in their souls.

An open and honest person who “does not carry a stone in his bosom” always extends his hand with his palm up. If your palm is facing down, then it immediately becomes clear that you are shaking the hand of a stupid, narrow-minded and arrogant person.

The position of the hands when walking is also important. If the arms hang freely along the body, and the fingers are slightly clenched, then this means that this is a prudent and trustworthy person with a calm and peaceful temperament.

Hands dangling at the sides of the body mean gullibility and slowness in thoughts and actions.

If the palms are clenched into fists, then it means a bully and a brawler is coming.

The habit of keeping your hands relaxed and moving them back and forth is characteristic of people with uncontrolled emotionality.

Hand shape

There are seven types of hands, differing in shape and appearance. It should not be assumed that the distinctions here are clear and defined. On the contrary, the boundaries are quite blurred. Here you need to understand that the hand of each individual person is a fusion of two, three or more forms. However, with careful analysis, it is possible to identify certain traits that carry information about the temperament, character and behavioral reactions of a particular individual.

Elementary hand (Fig. 1)

Wide, heavy and strong. She has short, inactive and seemingly dull fingers. Irregularly shaped thumb. It is so short that it ends at the base of the index finger. The palm is rough-skinned, fleshy and square.

Such a hand belongs to a person with low intelligence. He has a poor imagination and is not interested in anything other than natural physical needs. These include sex and hunger. There is a tendency to bad habits(alcohol, drugs).

When enraged, the owner of an elementary hand displays unjustified cruelty. In difficult situations, he is prone to attacks of melancholy and depression. Can commit serious offenses with a tragic ending.

Square or practical hand (Fig. 2)

This hand is characterized by a square-shaped palm, hard and curved. Knobby fingers and knuckles. The thumb is very developed. The owner of such a hand is persistent, tenacious, prudent, truthful, disciplined and patient. He looks at life realistically and soberly and never rushes to extremes. Emotionally reserved, unable to dream and devoid of fantasies. The imagination is underdeveloped, but he is ready to help at the first call, so he has many friends. This is normal psychological type doctor, lawyer, engineer, financial worker.

Spade hand (Fig. 3)

A wide hand, similar to a shovel: the palm is wide at the base and tapers towards the fingers, or vice versa. The fingers are short and almost equal in length. Their ends are blunt, as if chopped off. Strong and short thumb. Such a hand can be soft and sluggish or hard and rigid.

The owner of such a hand is active, brave, easy-going and easy to communicate with. He is energetic, active, original, persistent and achieves success in everything. He has a practical mind and strives for big and serious goals. If the fingers are smooth, then the person strives for everyday amenities and comfortable delights. In business, such a person is unreliable as a partner. But in matters of the heart he is faithful and constant.

Philosophical hand (Fig. 4)

Long, angular, fingers with knobby joints. The upper phalanges of the fingers are half square, half conical. Both phalanges of the thumb are equal in length. This indicates that logic and will are inherent in the owner of such a hand to the same extent.

A person with a philosophical hand is very attentive to details, has an increased ability to analyze, has an analytical mind and a restless character, is very critical of himself and is somewhat withdrawn in communication. This is the hand of writers, sages, poets, preachers, philosophers.

Artistic or conical hand (Fig. 5)

It resembles a cone in shape. The palm is not wide, the fingers are smooth, flexible and graceful. Nails are oblong. The thumb is poorly developed. The owner of such a hand is an impractical person and endowed with great talent. This is an enthusiastic nature, capable of giving herself completely to some kind of art.

If a person has a conical hand, but with thick, graceless fingers, then, despite his sensuality and sentimentality, he is prone to lies and extravagance. Such an individual lives only to satisfy his needs.

When the thumb is well developed, then a person is not devoid of prudence and the desire for wealth. He is able to find his own benefit everywhere and always.

The owner of a conical hand has a chaotic nature. He easily makes choices and very often does not think about the consequences. As a companion he is ideal, but lacks caution and forethought. Also, such an individual is prone to sudden mood swings and impulsive actions.

Spiritual hand (Fig. 6)

It is long and narrow. The fingers are tender, smooth, conical in shape. The nail joints are long and thin. The thumb is well developed. It is graceful and narrow.

The owner of such a hand is predisposed to idealize the surrounding reality. He is indifferent to material wealth. He lacks logical thinking. Self-discipline and punctuality are not up to par. Such a person is not able to defend his opinion. He strives to see love and beauty in everything and has a dreamy, gentle character. True. Such individuals have a craving for the occult, mysticism and religion.

Mixed hand (Fig. 7)

This form occurs quite often. It demonstrates the versatility of interests and abilities. Here there is a mixture of characters of different types. A mixed hand does not correspond to any of the listed types and is a mixture of two or more varieties.

A man with a mixed hand is missing stars from the sky. He has average abilities and broad interests. But being interested in many things, he does not achieve mastery in anything, remaining an amateur in all areas.

The toes can be conical or pointed, square or spade-shaped.

Conical fingers (Fig. 8)

People with conical fingers are kind, peaceful, and independent. They can boast of good mental abilities, and their spiritual development is at a very high level. This type includes artists, thinkers, artists.

Square fingers (Fig. 9)

If you meet a person who has square (angular) fingers, then keep in mind: he is serious, capable of deep thinking, loves order, has a sharp and critical mind, is self-confident and strives for power over people. Such fingers prevail among successful businessmen and those involved in applied sciences.

Spade fingers (Fig. 10)

This form is inherent in active natures. Along with mental work, they also like physical work. These people value independence and freedom. They are calculating, selfish and incapable of sublime feelings. Such fingers belong to highly skilled workers, farmers, managers industrial enterprises, engineers.

Length of fingers relative to palm

The length of the fingers relative to the palm is paramount importance. The thickness of the fingers, gestures characteristic of a particular person, as well as the location of the fingers on the palm and the distance between them are also taken into account.

Short and thick fingers with a long palm indicate frivolity, laziness, indifference and dishonesty.

Proportionality and placement of fingers

Proportional fingers speak of kindness.

Small and thin fingers are a sign of weak character and insecurity.

Fingers sitting tightly next to each other indicate a good disposition, modesty and secrecy. For such people, common sense prevails in everything. They are thrifty and become stingy in old age.

A sign of a successful person is the habit of holding the middle and index fingers together.

If the middle finger is pressed against the ring finger, then this indicates emotional instability and the need for psychological support.

A protruding little finger clearly indicates an independent character. Such a person shows amazing stubbornness and always tries to insist on his own.

If there is a small space between the middle and index fingers, then this indicates the ability to think originally and independently.

If the little finger does not fit tightly to the ring finger, then this is characteristic feature complete indifference to the opinions of others. Such a person is spiritually free and relaxed in everything, including in relation to gender. Non-traditional sexual orientation is normal for him.

Fingers that can easily bend back indicate dexterity and cunning.

If the distance between the fingers is greater at the base and less at the ends, then such a person has a tendency to wander. He is also prone to financial ruin.

The habit of bending the thumb under the index finger speaks of weakness and insignificance of nature, of powerlessness and a complete lack of will. This gesture is characteristic of babies and dying people.

When the middle finger is very developed, then you know: in front of you is a person who is powerful, energetic and inclined to subjugate others, regardless of their desires.

If the ring finger is larger than the index finger, then a person needs tenderness and affection like air. Moreover, he should receive them constantly, and not from time to time.

When the little finger is large, it indicates ambition and a predisposition to set great goals for oneself.


It must be said right away that among all the fingers, it is the thumb that carries the basic information about energy, vitality and human endurance. It is the most important and can compete with all the other fingers combined.

The normal length of the thumb is the length at which its tip, when pressed against the side of the palm, reaches the middle of the joint of the index finger.

If the thumb reaches or crosses the joint of the lower and middle joints, then this is a sign of strong will.

A short thumb indicates weak will and spinelessness.

A wide thumb indicates courage, intelligence, cunning and strong character.

The nail joint of the thumb is called the will joint. The middle joint characterizes logic. The lower joint is part of the palm.

A good sign is equal length of the nail and middle joints. It indicates the balance of mind and will.

If the nail joint is significantly larger than average, then this is bad sign. In this case, a person strong-willed qualities develop into blind, uncontrollable stubbornness.

When the middle joint is significantly longer, a person will be forever susceptible to indecision.

Thickening on the nail joint speaks of intelligence and love of order. Thickening of the middle joint indicates an active nature.

The third joint of the thumb, which fuses with the palm, is easy to feel. It starts at the wrist, but its size does not have of great importance. Much more important is the Mount of Venus, which lies on this joint at the base of the thumb.

Nails are very important. Their length, color, shape and width are considered. When measuring the length of nails, only the part that cannot be trimmed is taken into account.

Nails can be divided into three types according to their length: normal, short and long (Fig. 11).

Determining your nail type is very easy. A normal nail occupies exactly half of the top joint of the finger. The long one is more than half, and the short one is less.

Those with long nails are quite calm and reasonable. They tend to show restraint even in extreme situations. These people never enter into an argument in vain and do not strive to insist on their own at all costs.

Pinkish, smooth, long nails indicate good health and emotional balance.

If a person has very long nails, then this is a sign of slow-wittedness, secrecy, distrust, and also an inferiority complex.

Short nails indicate discipline, love of order, desire to lead and command people.

Curved, uneven, crooked nails characterize their owner as a willful person with a predatory character.

If thin hands have bent and pointed nails, then they speak of an embittered and restless character. In addition, the owner of such nails has weak lungs.

A grumpy and quarrelsome person has short, thick and hard nails. It also indicates good health and long life.

White dots covering the nails indicate nervousness, cowardice and hysteria.

Shell-shaped nails that are short and flat are a very dangerous sign. They directly indicate a disease of the nervous system, which can lead to paralysis. This is also indicated by triangular nails recessed into the skin.

Long, wide and rounded nails immediately indicate a practical and sober person.

Thick, long and curved nails are found in treacherous and immoral people.

Heart disease is indicated by wide nails edged with a bluish tint.

The combination of short nails and a soft palm indicates an innate craving for criticism. If, in addition, the nails are pale, then the character of their owner is deceitful and weak.

A reddish tint on the nails indicates a tough character.

Wide short nails have inveterate debaters and restless natures.

Square wide nails indicate simplicity, sincerity and optimism.

Thin and brittle nails are the first sign of poor health.

Those with short, narrow and curved nails need to pay attention to the spine, as serious problems can arise with it.

Square small nails indicate an aggressive, but at the same time sociable character.

If in front of you is a person with narrow and soft nails, then there is no doubt that this is a delicate, painful nature, prone to unmotivated stubbornness and nervousness.

Hand color

The color of one's hands can be used to judge a person's health and character.

Red hands indicate poor health. They also serve as a sign of irritability.

Hands of a dark red color, turning almost purple, are not only a sign poor health, but also invincible laziness.

Thin and soft natures have transparent white hands. At the same time, this indicates a weak internal energy. If, in addition, the fingers are pointed, it means the person has an unpleasant, embittered character. It's better to stay away from such people.

Moderate hairiness on the outside of the knuckles is a very good sign. This is a sign of health and flexible disposition.

Hair growth inside palms speaks of longevity and great intelligence.

A hairless hand is characteristic of fickle people, and a disorderly hairline speaks of spiritual poverty.

The pinkish color of the skin with veins visible through it indicates innate kindness and intelligence.

The most good hand: slightly brownish with a faint pinkish tint. This is the color of excellent health and good disposition.

The interpretation of the thumb plays an important role in palmistry. I met Indian palmists who most They made their predictions precisely on the basis of thumb analysis, and this is not accidental. The thumb can tell a lot about a person's character. For example, how he makes decisions and how he implements them.

Man is the only creature in nature endowed with an opposable finger. Chimpanzees follow closely behind humans, but their fingers are very primitive compared to ours. A unique feature of our fingers is the radial nerve, which is made up of the same nerve fibers as the central part of our brain.

The same nerve fibers run through the human spine. The radial nerve gives us unique ability to analytical thinking, which distinguishes humans from all other living beings on the planet.


The larger the finger, the more significant success a person can achieve. It is known that Napoleon had unusually large thumbs, and this is not surprising. There is one useful and exciting exercise: watching the hands of people speaking on television.

You'll probably notice that many actors play roles that... real life completely unusual for them. An example of this is an actor with a small thumb playing the role of a financial tycoon. In India, it is believed that the size of the thumb is directly related to the level of success that a person can achieve.

This interpretation seems too fatalistic to me, and yet there is no doubt that it is people with large thumbs who more often than others manage to take leading positions in modern world. The fact is that they are more purposeful, ambitious and persistent than others.

Charlotte Wolf conducted a study of the thumbs of highly accomplished people and found that almost all of them had thumb lengths that fell within the average range. It's just that people with long thumbs are much more persistent and persistent in achieving their goals.

Long thumb

If you happen to meet a person with a very long thumb, know that he is capable of taking on the role of leader in any situation. This person is smart, determined and has tremendous willpower.

Short thumb

People with short thumbs usually lack willpower. They can be extremely stubborn, often unreasonably and for no particular reason.

Medium length thumb

People whose thumbs reach medium length (reaching at least the middle of the lower phalanx of the index finger) are fair, independent and can stand up for themselves. They think clearly and have significant willpower.

When the thumb, when viewed from the side of the nail, looks wide, this indicates that a person is capable of anything to achieve his goal.

A person whose thumb appears fleshy is harsh and straightforward and may at times appear tactless and even rude. He is stubborn and strives with all his might to always do everything his own way. He will not stand behind the price when it comes to his own independence.


Each finger on the human hand is divided into three parts called phalanges, although it appears that the thumb has only two phalanges. The Mount of Venus - a fleshy section of the hand at the base of the thumb, surrounded by the line of life - is its third phalanx.

Most often, the thumb is located at an angle of 45° relative to the hand. This indicates a person’s ability and desire to maintain traditional social principles and his moderate conservatism. In general terms, the larger the given angle, the more generous the person is.

Generosity Angle

Angle greater than 45°

Accordingly, this angle is sometimes called the “generosity angle.”

If this angle exceeds 45°, this indicates an energetic, open person, with the ability to charm and influence others.

He loves adventure and always strives to learn something new and unusual. If, in a relaxed state, the thumb is kept at a distance from others, this indicates a calm, open, sociable and carefree person.

If the value of this angle is less than 45°, this indicates that the person is selfish. Most likely, he is cruel, narrow-minded and proud. His view of the world around him is very narrow.

Practicality angle

The utility angle is the angle formed on the outside of the thumb where it meets the palm. You will soon discover that most hands do not have this angle, while some people have a noticeable bulge in this place. The larger this convexity, the more practical the person is.

These people are what we call jacks of all trades; they are skilled and dexterous and enjoy activities that allow them to actively use their hands. This angle is also known as the time angle because it gives a person a particularly keen sense of time. Such people are always punctual, they know how to seize the right moment and pause brilliantly.

Height angle (sound angle)

The pitch angle, or angle of sound, is located at the very base of the palm under the thumb, where it connects to the wrist. The height angle indicates a person who feels rhythm and has an ear for music.

Gifted musicians, dancers and singers in most cases have pronounced angles of height and practicality. The practicality angle gives them a sense of time and tempo, while the pitch angle gives them an ear for music and a sense of rhythm.

Take a closer look at photographs of the world's leading musicians and performers of all genres, from classical to popular music, and you will notice how obvious these angles are on their hands. The next time you see a photograph of Elvis Presley, pay attention to his hands - they have a very pronounced angle of practicality and angle of height.


High set thumb

The thumbs can be located at different heights in relation to the palms, so they are divided into high-set and low-set.

A thumb is considered high-set if it starts high above the wrist. People with such fingers are distinguished by originality, openness and optimism. They are typical extroverts.

Low-set thumb

People with low-set thumbs, on the other hand, are reserved and cautious. In most cases, the thumb position falls somewhere between high and low.


Few modern palmists use D'Arpentigny's hand classification system, but the terms he developed are still actively used in the analysis of fingertips, including the thumb.

If the tip of the thumb is square, it indicates a person who is practical, simple, down to earth and fair. Such people always try to play fair.

If the tip has a spatula shape, this indicates a businesslike and active person.

If the tip has a conical shape, this indicates a sensitive and sophisticated person.

Often the conical tip is combined with a second phalanx that is tapering and concave on both sides. This indicates a person’s diplomacy and tact. When he says no, he does it so politely, kindly and intelligently that it is impossible to be offended by him.

The pointed tip of the thumb indicates a subtle and insightful person who will be able to present even the worst news gently and calmly.

The wide tip indicates a cautious, thorough person who has his own convictions.

If the tip is wide and flat, and the upper phalanx resembles a bump, such a finger is called a killer finger. This finger shape is usually hereditary. People with these fingers can be very patient, but sometimes they explode over trifles. There is no doubt that it was thanks to this feature that the “killer finger” got its name.


The thumbs are divided into inflexible and mobile. If the finger bends freely back at the joint, it is considered mobile. A person with mobile thumbs is open, positive, and optimistic. He does not tolerate pressure and in conflict situations prefers to retreat without entering into an argument or causing a scandal.

If the thumb is inactive and does not bend back at the joint, it is called inflexible. A person with this type of thumb is reliable, constant, stubborn, persistent and purposeful. He never backs down, even if he finds himself under very strong pressure.

There was a period in my life when I worked as a salesman, and knowledge of palmistry helped me a lot then. If a customer stood in front of me with flexible thumbs, I could press lightly on him, and, yielding to the pressure, he would make a purchase.

If I had to deal with a person whose thumbs were stiff, I didn't even try to put pressure on him. If I tried to click on such a client, all my attempts would end in failure. Moreover, I would erect obstacles to future success with my own hands.


I have been indelibly impressed by the Indian system of thumb interpretation ever since a Bombay palmist predicted my fate with it more than thirty years ago.

At that time, I myself was a palmist for a living and was amazed that an Indian colleague completely ignored my palm, focused on the thumb, and based his predictions solely on his analysis. Palm readers have read my thumbs on numerous occasions, and I have always been amazed at how accurate and detailed their predictions are.

Unfortunately, the few books that could be used to master Indian system interpretations of the thumb, were written in the local languages ​​- Tamil, Sanskrit and Pali. Some palmists offered to teach me the basics of this art, but I was never able to comprehend it enough to put it into practice.

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to spend a couple of days in New Delhi with my longtime friend Sameer Upadhyay. We also discussed the thumb interpretation system. It was thanks to Samir that I was able to expand my knowledge of palmistry, and I am very grateful to him for his generosity and kindness.


The palmist begins by feeling and examining the thumb and determining what type it belongs to. This is based on a system identical to the Western one. A finger that is inflexible and inactive indicates a person who is stubborn and unyielding. A finger that bends back with ease indicates that the person is flexible and yields when pressure is placed on him.

The shape of the finger is determined based on the D’Arpentigny system, which is actively used by both Western and oriental palmists. In India, the D'Arpentigny hand classification system is also in use. True, in the West today only part of the system associated with the classification of thumbs is used.


The palmist then analyzes the relief pattern skin on the pad of the finger.


Nine lines (rekha) may appear on the thumb. A finger containing all nine at the same time is extremely rare, but at least two of them can be found on every finger. These are the two lines that divide the phalanges. One of them passes between the phalanx of will and logic, and the second - between the phalanx of logic and the hill of Venus.


The horizontal lines begin on the side of the thumb that is closest to the Jupiter finger and, ideally, completely encircle it. It is desirable that these lines be as smooth and even as possible.

Phala rekha (wheat line)

Phala rekha is better known as the wheat line. Sometimes it is also called a rice line. The word "phala" is translated as "fruit" or as "consequence of the result." This term is associated with karma. It should be noted that the phrase “karma-phala” is translated as “the result of an action.”

Accordingly, a good deed gives a positive result. And a bad deed, in turn, gives rise to negative consequences. This line is also sometimes called "pushpa" (flower) because it resembles a flower in appearance. Phala rekha passes between the phalanges of logic and will.

Its absence on the finger is extremely rare. The presence of a line indicates that a person will never go hungry. If there appears to be a grain of rice or wheat hidden within the line, this indicates that the person will live a happy and fulfilling life.

Typically, the wheat line consists of two intertwined lines, representing a man and a woman. This line in most cases begins as a single line, but is soon joined by a second line, which symbolizes a companion or life partner.

Analysis wheat line allows you to determine the time when this fateful meeting will occur (or has already occurred). Minor defects or interference on this line are usually associated with problems in personal relationships.

If the beginning of the wheat line is wavy or there are breaks in it, this indicates a difficult childhood.

If the line is wavy in the middle section, this indicates problems in mature age. And, of course, if the line is wavy at its end, this indicates that the person will have to face difficulties in old age.

Mallika Rekha

Mallika is a small white flower that looks similar to jasmine. Traditionally, it is presented as a gift to the Hindu god Shiva. The Mallika Rekha passes between the phalanx of logic and the Mount of Venus. It must be clear and clearly marked. This symbolizes a happy family and home life. Sometimes this line resembles a single, unbreakable chain. In this case, it indicates a person who is bold, brave, and has a strong character.

Black dots on this line symbolize conflicts between family members over finances.

If this line is noticeably thicker and wider than the wheat line, this indicates that it will be difficult for a person to find ideal partner, and having met him, it is not easy to maintain a harmonious relationship with him. Breaks on this line indicate that a person will experience many ups and painful downs in life.

Four more horizontal lines are located on the logical phalanx. If all four lines are present on the finger, they divide the phalanx into five parts. The first three lines (madhura, mandara and mana) are quite rare. The last, fourth, line of the logical phalanx (rati rekha) is almost always found.

Madhura Rekha

"Madhura" is translated as "having sweetness." Madhura rekha is the line closest to the wheat line. It should be subtle but distinct. This indicates a person who is compassionate and sociable. You can always find a common language with him.

Mandara rekha

Mandara is the name of a sacred mythical mountain. This word is also synonymous with heaven and mirror. Mandara rekha indicates a person's love of travel. Such a person is distinguished by innate tirelessness and endurance, due to which sooner or later he begins to experience a craving for travel.

Mana rekha

Mana is an abstract term for the place where our thoughts, dreams, feelings, emotions and desires reside. This is an unfavorable line. Its presence indicates a person’s propensity for extramarital affairs and infidelity.

Rati rekha

Rati was the wife of Kamadeva, the Hindu god of love. The word "rati" means intimate contact.

Rati Rekha must be interpreted in conjunction with the lines of romantic affection located on the edge of the palm under the Mercury finger. It shows how happy a person will be in love.

Ideally, this line should be clear, clearly marked and there should be no breaks in it. The island on the rati rekha indicates that during the specified period of time the chosen one will be struck by illness.

If the line is broken in the middle, it indicates that the person will be happy for the first half of his life, after which he will have to face problems and troubles. As a rule, they will be caused by the health of the partner.
If the line continues after the break, this indicates that difficulties will be overcome.
If the rati rekha consists of a series of consecutive broken lines, it is a symbol of celibacy.


Three vertical lines may appear on the thumb. The vajra rekha, which bisects the finger, is always the longest of them.

Vajra rekha

The vajra is an ancient weapon that looks like a large metal arrowhead. It was this weapon, according to legend, that Indra, the god of rain and lightning, used. Lightning is considered to be a spark struck by Indra's vajra.

Vajra rekha represents thin line, located on the side of the thumb that faces the finger of Jupiter, and directed towards the mallika rekha. Sometimes the vajra rekha begins on the Mount of Venus. This line is better known as the diamond line because people endowed with it can become very rich.

By the way, the word “vajra” is synonymous with the words “diamond” and “steel”. However, in order for a person to get rich, it must be clear and clearly expressed. If the kesara rekha is also clearly marked, this indicates that the person will make money without much effort. The wavy shape of the vajra rekha indicates that the person will earn his capital through speculative means.

Kesara rekha

The word "kesara" has several meanings. It refers to saffron, a common culinary seasoning in the East. Kesara is also called the pistil of the saffron flower. The same word is used to describe the mane of the Indian lion.

Kesara rekha runs parallel to vajra rekha, but is on opposite side thumb Generally, the kesara rekha is a short line that begins on the mount of Venus and ends on the mallika rekha line.

The presence of this line indicates a gradual increase in family well-being.
If the kesara rekha is thin and difficult to distinguish, this indicates that throughout long period Over time, a person will experience financial success and that his wealth will accumulate over many years.

If the kesara rekha is wide and clearly visible, it means that the person will make money quickly.
If it is deep, clearly defined and extends to the wheat line, it indicates a person born into a wealthy family. Most likely he will be interested in art. People who do not have Kesara Rekha find it difficult to achieve financial success.

Ripu rekha

Ripu rekha begins on the mount of Venus and goes up the thumb to the wheat line. Sometimes it can end at the phalanx of the will.

The word "ripu" is translated as "enemy". Accordingly, this line is regarded as hostile. It is believed that it not only neutralizes the positive effect of any line that it crosses, but also leaves a negative imprint on the corresponding areas of a person’s life.

In addition to determining the type of thumb, analyzing lines and dermatoglyphics, Indian palmists interpret various symbols and signs formed by lines and relief patterns of the skin.

For example, fish indicates that a person will achieve a lot in life. Cancer or Scorpio indicate that a person will serve all his life and will not rise above this position.

The number of options is endless, but to discover them, you need to have not only good eyesight, but also a rich imagination. Due to the fact that this takes us away from serious palmistry, I decided not to include descriptions of these symbols in this book.

Over time, I realized that knowing the meanings of the nine lines of the thumb was an extremely useful addition to my knowledge of practical palmistry. They allow you to know something that cannot be known in any other way.

I recommend starting to study them only after you begin to feel confident in interpreting the main lines of the hand. As you analyze your thumb lines, feel free to ask questions and make notes.

This area of ​​palmistry in the West is considered new and little studied, and perhaps you will be able to make valuable and original comments regarding the interpretation of the thumb. But this will require your attention and patience.