In the program “THEY”, aired on “Echo of Moscow” on May 25, the leader of the LGBT community Nikolai Alekseev live announced the names of high-ranking people who are non-traditional people sexual orientation.

Journalists from TV Dozhd Timur Olevsky and Vladimir Romensky, who were broadcasting, asked a number of questions to Alekseev, after which the latter decided to list these individuals:

“N. ALEXEEV - Do you want me to name them?
V. ROMENSKY - Yes, of course. Let's name it.
N. ALEXEEV - Do you want me to name them? I will now name them on your live broadcast.
V. ROMENSKY - Let's do it.
N. ALEXEEV - Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Putin Volodin Head of Sberbank of Russia Gref is a person of homosexual orientation. Head of Sheremetyevo Airport is a person of homosexual orientation. And do you still need to continue?
T. OLEVSKY - Enough. Why don’t they support you, why didn’t they protect you?
N. ALEXEEV - But they don’t need it. They have all the rights."

AND new science sexology, the first social activists and groups advocating for gay rights began to appear. These processes occurred especially pronouncedly in Germany.

Stonewall. Radicalization of the movement

Goals of the movement

Repeal of discriminatory laws

Cancellation of criminal and administrative prosecution

In the majority modern countries homosexuality or homosexual activity is not considered a crime. In a number of countries in Africa and Asia, homosexuality, manifestations of homosexual activity, or even a hint of it, are considered criminal offenses that are punishable by imprisonment (as in the former USSR) or death penalty, as in modern Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia (Jamaat Al-Shabaab territory), Sudan, Nigeria (northern states) and Mauritania. In such countries, however, open fight for the rights of sexual and gender minorities is absent, since participation in it may pose a threat to freedom and life. At the same time, in many of these countries there is lobbying for a relaxation of criminal laws against homosexuals. The lobbyists are reformist and moderate liberal forces in the leadership of these countries. In particular, former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami spoke in favor of easing legislation regarding homosexuals. In addition, these countries are under international pressure to comply with human rights, and among other issues on the agenda (but not the first or most important) is the issue of abolishing criminal and administrative penalties for homosexuality or manifestations of homosexual activity.

In Russia criminal prosecution was repealed in 1993 as part of the process of bringing legislation into line with European norms, but the victims were not rehabilitated like other victims of the Soviet regime under victim laws political repression, which is currently demanded by LGBT activists and a number of human rights defenders.

Repeal of instructions and regulations defining homosexuality as a medical pathology

The idea of ​​equal rights for gays and lesbians with other citizens presupposes the official recognition of homosexuality as one of the psychological norms in accordance with modern scientific views and official WHO documents (since 1993).

In this regard, LGBT organizations, professional medical organizations, liberal politicians and human rights activists are fighting for the repeal of regulations and provisions defining homosexuality as a mental disorder, and for the adoption official documents(at the level of the Ministry of Health nation states and at the level of national associations of psychiatrists and psychologists), which clearly define homosexuality as a variant of the psychological norm and prohibit any “treatment for homosexuality” or “correction of sexual orientation” healthy people, which is currently recognized as homosexuals, since the harm to patients from such influences has already been reliably proven, and there are still no reliable facts of “orientation correction”.

In many countries, especially democratic ones, the abolition of instructions and regulations defining homosexuality as a medical pathology or as a sexual deviation has already taken place. In Russia, homosexuality was removed from the list of diseases on January 1, 1999 (transition to International classification diseases of the 10th revision, from which homosexuality is excluded.

Cancellation of bans on professions

In some countries there were or are bans on certain professions for people who openly declare their homosexuality. This could be, for example, a ban on representatives of sexual minorities serving in the army or working as a school teacher or doctor. Organizations defending the rights of sexual minorities are seeking (and in some cases have already achieved) the abolition of these prohibitions.

For example, special sociological studies conducted in Western countries have established that the homosexuality of an officer or soldier does not affect combat discipline or the internal psychological climate of the unit. Therefore, there is no reason to deny homosexuals the right to serve in the military.

In Russia, the “Regulations on Military Medical Examination” indicate that the very fact of homosexuality within the framework of this provision is not a disorder and, therefore, is not a disease that prevents military service. According to Article 18 of the Regulations, “sexual orientation in itself is not considered a disorder.” Fitness category “B (limitedly fit for military service)” for homosexuality is applied only in the presence of severe disorders of gender identification and sexual preference that are incompatible with service and the presence of concomitant diseases. Thus, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in relation to military service, such persons have equal rights, however, in practice, some military commissariats of homosexuals military service they don't call.

It has also been established that a teacher’s homosexuality does not lead to any complications in relationships with students and does not predispose the teacher to commit indecent acts against students (since homosexuality and pedophilia are fundamentally different things). Therefore, there is no reason to prohibit openly gay people from working as school teachers. The idea of ​​lifting the ban on the teaching profession for openly gay people has been criticized by supporters of conservative views, who believe that the very presence of a teacher with a homosexual orientation in a school teaches children by example, and that in this way homosexuality is “promoted” in school. At the same time, supporters of this point of view do not have any scientific data proving that schools where homosexual teachers work lead to larger number homosexual graduates, or that homosexual teachers are more likely to commit indecent acts against students, or that they teach children worse or cannot build normal relationships with them in the “teacher-student” paradigm.

Lifting the ban on donation

In some countries, there is a ban on blood and organ donation from members of sexual minorities. LGBT organizations are making attempts to challenge this norm and achieve the abolition of discrimination. In 2006, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation undertook to prepare an amendment to repeal this discriminatory policy. On April 16, 2008, the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation Tatyana Golikova issued an order “On introducing amendments to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2001 No. 364 “On approval of the procedure for medical examination of a blood donor and its components.” Since May 13, 2008, homosexuals have been excluded from the list of contraindications for donating blood and its components.

Respect for human rights regarding LGBT people

Even in those countries in which criminal and administrative penalties for manifestations of homosexuality have been abolished, the practice of human rights violations against homosexuals has persisted for a long time.

LGBT organizations have fought and are fighting not only for the formal abolition of criminal penalties for homosexuality, but also for changing actual police and administrative practices. Including that the concept of “violations” public order” was equally applied (or not applied) to same-sex and opposite-sex couples kissing or hugging in public places, and raids on “drug dealers or passport violators” were carried out non-selectively in places where homosexuals congregated.

LGBT organizations are also fighting for the observance of such human rights in relation to homosexuals as the right to peaceful public meetings (including gay pride events), the right to create public organizations, the right to cultural self-release, the right to access information, the right to freedom of speech, the right to equal access to medical care, etc. In Russia, these rights are regularly violated: the police, under various pretexts, raid gay clubs, maintain “lists of gays,” not a single public action in defense of LGBT people has been sanctioned by the authorities, LGBT organizations are denied registration, cultural events of gays and lesbians are often disrupted , there are no programs to implement HIV prevention among gay men.

Passing anti-discrimination laws

LGBT organizations also advocate for explicit reference to sexual minorities in anti-discrimination laws (or for the adoption of separate anti-discrimination laws for sexual minorities). They also seek direct mention of sexual orientation and gender identity in the relevant articles of the Constitutions, guaranteeing equal rights to all citizens regardless of gender, age, religion, or nationality.

Right to register marriage

IN last years There is a growing movement in support of same-sex marriage. The fact of registering a marriage secures for a same-sex family such rights as: the right to joint property, the right to alimony, inheritance rights, social and medical insurance, preferential taxation and lending, the right to a name, the right not to testify in court against a spouse, the right to act as a proxy on behalf of the spouse in the event of his incapacity for health reasons, the right to dispose of the body of the spouse in the event of death, the right to joint parenthood and upbringing of adopted children and other rights that unregistered couples are deprived of.

Opponents of same-sex marriage argue that according to tradition and religious norms, only a man and a woman can enter into marriage, and therefore the demands of gays and lesbians to recognize the same right for them are absurd and we are not talking about equality of homosexuals and heterosexuals, but about providing homosexuals with a new unprecedented law. Supporters of same-sex marriage point out that marriage registration is a legal action, independent of religious norms (in most modern states, legal and church registration marital relations occur separately), and that the law should follow social changes leading to the elimination of inequalities between people - as has happened over the past centuries, when previously existing prohibitions on registering marriages (for example, between spouses belonging to different faiths or races). Additionally, the American Psychological Association states that denial legal law gay marriage is a source of tension for same-sex couples, which has an extremely negative effect on their psychological state. Other researchers note that in those countries where same-sex marriage was legalized, there were no significant upheavals in society.

Among the countries that have granted same-sex couples the full right to marry are, for example, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, Denmark, Brazil, France, Uruguay, New Zealand, Luxembourg, USA, Ireland, Colombia and Finland. Same-sex marriages also take place in England, Wales, Scotland and some states in Mexico. In addition, in many countries, so-called “same-sex unions” are concluded, which are some semblance of marriage, but do not have all the rights that married spouses have. IN various countries such same-sex unions may be called by different names. The list of rights and obligations enjoyed by members of such unions also differs (from a full set of marriage rights to a minimum).

Closely related to the right to register a marriage or union is the right to immigration; Thus, in the United States alone, about 36,000 couples are separated territorially because federal immigration laws do not recognize same-sex marriages or unions.


The LGBT movement is seeking the right to adopt a child of one partner by another partner in same-sex families, the possibility of adoption by same-sex families of children from orphanages, for the possibility of equal access to assisted reproductive technologies for same-sex and opposite-sex families. It should be noted that in many countries where same-sex married couples broad rights are granted, these issues are considered separately.

In accordance with Russian legislation, adoption can be issued for one citizen or for married couple. The law makes no mention of a citizen’s sexual orientation as a basis for refusing adoption or guardianship, but in practice homosexuals often face refusals. Sexual orientation is also not a limitation to access to assisted reproductive technologies, but a same-sex family has problems establishing the parenthood of a child.

Social activities

LGBT organizations are engaged social activities, such as organizing various cultural events (film festivals, sports competitions, music competitions and concerts, photo exhibitions, theatrical performances, installations, flash mobs, etc.), the purpose of which is social adaptation LGBT community, developing its cultural potential, establishing cultural dialogue with the rest of society. In addition, as a rule, any event is educational in nature.

Various books, magazines are also published, and even radio and television broadcasts are conducted.

Separately, there is the organization of services - affordable and high-quality specific psychological, legal and medical assistance to representatives of the LGBT community, helplines, mutual help groups.

Gay nationalism

A special variety in the movement for the emancipation of gays and lesbians is gay nationalism, which proclaims the LGBT community new nation which has its own culture and historical destiny.

Nowadays, every person can defend their rights. To do this, he only needs to join a community of interests (as one of the options) or common views on different things. There are many associations of people who strive to improve their lives or... prove a point. Communities of this type direct their activities to achieve certain results, goals, or to combat emerging problems.

Beyond specific communities, there is the concept of “movement.” It also consists of various groups people who are united general views for life or certain things. They strive to prove their point of view to the world and want to be heard. Among such groups are LGBT. Who it is, or rather what it is, is not known to everyone. So let's try to figure it out.

What is LGBT?

One thing is clear - this is an abbreviation. Among tens of thousands of different communities, there are many whose names consist of only a few letters. But what do they mean? For example, many are interested in what LGBT stands for. In simple words, is a group of people united by their views and principles of life. They are often called gay communities. They include representatives of various communities, communication groups, movements, neighborhoods and organizations.

But why LGBT? The decoding is simple: a community of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people. All people who consider themselves to be part of this formation are united common problems, interests and goals. In any case, LGBT representatives consider themselves full members of society, which they try to prove to others, since many do not recognize their views and way of life.

LGBT movement

In addition to the community of gays, lesbians and other representatives of sexual minorities, there is a special LGBT movement. It consists of the same people with gay but they lead active work, aimed at proving their rights and living as full-fledged individuals in today's society.

Video: “LGBT” - True transcript - “Educational program” (Announcement of a series of programs).

The LGBT movement, whose acronym consists of the first letters of four words - lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, stands for equal rights of citizens, sexual freedom, tolerance, respect for human rights and, of course, the eradication of xenophobia and discrimination. In addition, the main goal of the participants is the integration of people with non-traditional orientation into society.

Community history

The history of the LGBT movement dates back to the Second World War. Yes, yes, oddly enough, but at a time when asking the question of how LGBT stood for was not only shameful, but even scary, a society of gay people already existed, and every day there were more and more supporters. People slowly gained courage and stopped being afraid of society's reaction to them.

Video: decoding abbreviations

In general, the history of society is divided into five long periods: pre-war, post-war, stonewall (gay liberation uprising), AIDS epidemic and contemporary. It was after the second stage of the formation of LGBT people that the ideology in society changed. Post-war period became the impetus for the formation of gay neighborhoods and bars.

Community symbols

The LGBT community is a formation that was formed by people who have the same views and interests, namely non-traditional orientation, which in our time is perceived in completely different ways. As development progresses unusual organization its own symbolism appeared. These are special signs that have meaning and a unique origin. They help you navigate society and distinguish your like-minded people and supporters. Additionally, the symbolism demonstrates the pride and openness of the community. It is quite clear that it plays a special role for every gay person.

Signs symbolizing the LGBT community include the pink triangle. Of course, these are not all designations, but they are the most common.

Previously, during the Second World War, it was considered a major crime for which the government punished and the person was prosecuted by law. Homosexuals were forced to hide. LGBT community as public organization was founded by the US government in 1960, after which the lives of all sexual minorities have improved significantly.

Equality for sexual minorities!

"LGBT - what is it?" - many people ask, and after learning the decoding, they perceive such unions as something frivolous. In fact, the strength and agency of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community should not be underestimated. After all, it is thanks to him that all LGBT people can now make legal contracts and no one has the right to condemn them for this.

Throughout the existence of the community, it tried to change legislation in favor of sexual minorities. After all, the main goal of LGBT people is to protect human rights and it should be noted that this organization was once opposed by the anti-homosexual movement, which does not recognize LGBT representatives as equal members of society, or religion does not allow them to accept them.

In addition to the fact that sexual minorities fought for human rights, they all long dreamed of marrying each other. Previously this was unacceptable! In this regard, same-sex civil partnerships did not suit gays and lesbians; they needed official legitimation of relationships and a family. Even the possibility of adopting a child was not excluded. Ultimately, permission to enter into same-sex marriage was received by thousands of gay couples.

Right to Adoption

Not many people know what LGBT stands for, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't be interested in it. Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender people have fought and continue to defend their rights. And it’s not in vain. After all, after a lot of effort, they were finally allowed to enter into same-sex marriages. A little later, gay couples began to desire. Thus, another problem arose - adoption. LGBT people are seeking the right to have a child, and in some countries, members of sexual minorities can do this. The only problem is identifying the parent. Many social services do not understand how to register mom and dad as guardians when they are both female or male.

Activities of the LGBT community

It should be noted that LGBT (an abbreviation whose meaning is now clear to you) is successfully engaged in social activities. The community organizes various events, including original film festivals, competitions, concerts, sports competitions, photo exhibitions and flash mobs, theatrical performances, etc. The purpose of these events is the adaptation of people with non-traditional orientation. A special feature of the event is its educational nature. It should be noted that LGBT people publish magazines, books, and also appear on television and radio. Community representatives provide amazing psychological, legal, medical and other types of support and assistance to their like-minded people.

Cancellation of bans on professions

Now you know what LGBT is. Note that this formation is often mentioned in connection with social activities. Surprisingly, there were times when gay people were prohibited from working in certain positions. For example, they could not serve in the army, be a teacher or a doctor. Today, most of these prohibitions have been lifted, and all this has been achieved by representatives of sexual minorities. Of course, what LGBT stands for is known only to those people who are interested in this issue. In other cases, they prefer to remain silent about such formations.

Lifting bans on donation

When asking the question of what LGBT is, a person with a traditional orientation wants to receive a normal, satisfying answer. But not everyone “likes” reality and the whole truth contained in deciphering this concept. Thus, there were times when lesbians and gays were prohibited from becoming donors. Their blood was considered “dirty”, unworthy of an ordinary person. It is quite natural that sexual minorities were extremely offended by this attitude, and they began to fight injustice. Nevertheless, today there are still countries that continue to prohibit homosexuals from having organs.

Video: What is the Business Youth Community?

So, we looked at what LGBT is. Who they are and what goals they are pursuing have also been clarified. The main task of this community today is to eradicate negative attitude towards people who are different from the majority.

Attention, TODAY only!

Associated with the so-called LGBT community. We believe that not all (and this is wonderful) Russian citizens know how this abbreviation stands for. The LGBT community is a community, God forgive me, of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people who fight for their rights, forgetting that their struggle often violates the rights of the rest of the planet’s population, whose representatives, thank God, are still the majority. The LGBT movement itself, which its opponents often refer to as the movement of sodomites, began to be actively cultivated in the West in the middle of the last century. However, the real, let’s say, heyday of sodomy propaganda occurs precisely at the time in which we live. And if earlier gay parties, gay parades, lesbian marches and other similar events seemed something distant for Russia and did not cross the borders of the state, then in recent years the propaganda of homosexuality and other manifestations of rampant sodomy (even for the conclusion of same-sex marriages and training schoolchildren the basics of same-sex relationships) is increasingly trying to wedge itself into Russian society.

Netherlands. Amsterdam. April 8. Action of the LGBT community against the arrival of Vladimir Putin. (EPA/ITAR-TASS/ROBIN UTRECHT)

So, what was happening at the beginning of April? It all started with another action of the LGBT community in Russia. The action took place from April 1 to April 7 and was called “Week against homophobia and transphobia 2013.” The coordinator of the action is the Russian LGBT network, which decided to present about fifty different projects dedicated to “informing the population” that gays, lesbians and other citizens with non-traditional sexual interests are, you see, like everyone else, and demand that they rights were not violated in Russia. They say that the laws adopted in the regions of the country banning the promotion of homosexuality are from the evil one...

The website of the LGBT Network of Russia published a whole list of events that were held in different Russian regions during the “Week against Homophobia and Transphobia 2013”. In addition to various information events and concerts, LGBT representatives also conducted trainings, which is directly indicated on the network’s website. As they say, I don’t even want to think about how to try to connect the topic of homosexuality propaganda with the planned trainings in a more or less decent way... What did the “disadvantaged rights” train at these events? It could be how “men” should properly wear thongs under a business suit... Or how to satisfy their sexual needs for representatives of the bisexual LGBT community: man-woman-man-woman or man-man-woman-woman...

We present a selected list of events that took place within the framework of the “Week”, organized by the above-mentioned organization in different regions countries. This list will demonstrate the motives that guided these gentlemen in their struggle. But the sodomites don’t call their actions anything other than a struggle... It turns out that we, you know, live here, work, give birth and raise children, and don’t even suspect that someone else intends to fight with us... Yes, how! Purely creative: seminars, parades, trainings, flash mobs and other things. And also with indispensable appeals to Western “brothers”.


LGBT picnic, discussion table on the topic of LGBT support.

A comment immediately arises. Well, okay, another picnic: we got together there, excuse me, snorted a glass or two, kissed each other and went home and to work: some to the theater, some to the office, some to show business, and some to the local legislative assembly ... But it turns out that someone else must definitely support it... Without support, apparently, there is no way. All this is reminiscent of the system with the well-known chain letters. Something like: “After receiving this letter, you must become one of the LGBT people yourself and persuade ten others to do so by sending out 10 similar letters. If you become one of us, and even send out letters, then you will be happy in heels and a sea of ​​smiles from guys in thongs, and if you don’t send them out, then the hellish abyss will open up before you and...”


Presentation of an exhibition of paintings by LGBT teenagers.
Evening of games and acquaintances.
Parent meeting.
A conference for LGBT activists, civil activists and journalists dedicated to forms of protest.

It is noteworthy that the same people managed to appear at the teenage exhibition, and at the evening of games and acquaintances, and even at the “parents” meeting. And those journalists who were sent by the editors of the publications to cover this, so to speak, action, and who were clearly not related to the LGBT network, felt somewhat awkward in the circle of the LGBT brethren, nervously fidgeting in the allocated chairs.


“Marriage boycott” campaign.

The essence of this event was that homosexual couples visited Samara notaries in order to conclude agreements on the registration of marriage relations between people of the same gender. Some notaries clearly did not understand what was happening and tried to explain to those who came that there was a law in force in the region that emphasized the social inequality between traditional and non-traditional relationships married. However, it was important for LGBT gentlemen not to receive some kind of notarized confirmation of their “marriage” or “marriage,” but to organize a PR campaign to attract public attention to their “problems.”

Saint Petersburg

Presentation of the film “Same as you...”

Sorry, but you don’t need to decide for everyone - they are not the same, not at all the same...

Seminar “What Does the Bible Really Say About Homosexuality?”

Well, what can I say... It’s a pity that a round table was not held on the topic “Lines about the LGBT community in Marx’s Capital,” or “What does the compromising material actually say about gays?”


Campaign “Maybe you are next...”

God forbid...

Press conference “Homophobia and hate speech.”

Well, this, apparently, also applies to materials like ours...

And there were also LGBT rallies in Tomsk, Astrakhan, Far East, in Murmansk, Perm, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Arkhangelsk.
In this regard, the question arises: how much does it cost?.. It’s not that we are going to count other people’s money. Not at all. I would just like to know how much sports facilities could be built, how much new medical equipment could be purchased, how many educational institutions be equipped with new multimedia tools, how many dilapidated houses could be renovated with the amounts allocated by certain structures for the propaganda of outright sodomy in Russia?..

Well, if we consider that the coverage of LGBT events has affected literally all of Russia: from Nakhodka to Murmansk, then LGBT lobbyists have a considerable budget, which the LGBT network calls for to be replenished through its official website. Here, for only 300 rubles, everyone can forever be tied to their “vicious” heterosexual past and “untie” other sexual preferences, or even simpler: 300 rubles - and you are one of the sympathizers... And how many such sympathizers are there in Russia? But there are also obvious “subsidies” from outside the country.

Strangely enough, the April LGBT campaign continued with President Putin’s tour of the countries of democratic Europe. In Germany and the Netherlands, the Russian leader was literally attacked with questions about human rights violations, and most often these questions related strictly to certain group people, namely, the same gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people. In Amsterdam, while Putin was answering questions about how things are going with LGBT rights and freedoms in Russia, all sorts of rallies and demonstrations took place. At some, they called on Putin not to violate the rights of homosexuals and to allow same-sex marriage in Russia, at others, they called on the Russian president to stop persecuting dissidents, at others, they held rallies in support of Russia’s position on Syria, at others, they thanked Putin for the fact that Russia remains a stronghold of traditional family relations . In general, Holland...

Considering all this, one gets the impression that what is brewing in Europe is not an economic crisis at all, but a domestic employment crisis. In other words, many Dutch and Germans have too much free time. And as soon as a person has a lot of free time, he begins to painfully think about what to do with himself. This, apparently, is what brings to mind the desire to definitely register a same-sex marriage, wearing a veil over a baseball cap, and the need to vaccinate to the younger generation foundations of same-sex “ethics”, about bare breasts and many other things from the same series, and also about the fact that you must definitely go to a meeting with the leader of a foreign state and tell him about your attitude towards him. And it also seems that Europe was waiting for President Putin only to discuss the most painful topic for itself. Is there no other topic, gentlemen of the Europeans?

Well, really, what's the problem? The fact that gays, you know, are not allowed to get married everywhere, or is it that someone is trying to commit another economic scam, hiding behind an imaginary desire to protect the rights of LGBT people. Don’t the representatives of this community themselves realize that supporting their sexual whims is a big business project, behind which lies real geopolitical tectonics... And do they really think that raising questions about the “protection of the rights of homosexuals” top level in Europe - is this for real?.. Well, no...

When will gentlemen with rainbow flags and pink fishnet tights wear hairy legs They will understand that their very presence and their “problems” are used by certain forces to solve much more serious problems. And they themselves are a motley (rainbow) screen. This is from a series of tales about the fight against global warming or protecting Europe from Iranian nuclear...

But, apparently, the LGBT community is still far from understanding this fact. Well, time dots the i's...

1. What is LGBT?

LGBT (LGBT) is an abbreviation formed from the first letters of the names of groups of representatives of sexual and gender minorities. It denotes a community of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people united by common interests, issues and goals. The LGBT movement is a movement for human rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

2. How to talk about LGBT people correctly?

The words “homosexuality” and “homosexual” should be avoided as they carry negative connotations. emotional coloring. In Soviet medicine, these terms were used to designate sexual perversion to be treated, and in criminology - a crime to be punished.

Since these approaches are now fundamentally outdated, the use of the word “homosexuality” is incorrect in essence and offensive in form. Think about the fact that there are no words “heterosexual” and “heterosexuality”, but there are “heterosexual” and “heterosexuality”. Therefore, when it comes to sexual orientation, it would be correct to say “homosexual” and “homosexuality” - these are the terms that correspond to their Western European counterparts (English: “homosexual” and “homosexuality”).

In the early 2000s, the neutral word “gay” began to be used more and more actively in everyday life. However, this term does not always correlate with sexual behavior: it means self-identification. Gay is a person who accepts his homosexual orientation, is aware of his belonging to the gay community and culture, as well as the need to defend his rights. By the way, in the West the word “gay” refers to homosexual people of both sexes - both men and women. Moreover, it is often used as an adjective. For example, “gay woman” (“homosexual woman”) or “gay girl” (“homosexual girl”).

In the Russian- and Ukrainian-speaking space, such women prefer to call themselves the word “lesbian,” which goes back to the ancient Greek poetess Sappho (Sappho), who lived on the island of Lesbos and dedicated many poems to her love for a woman.

Bisexual men are called bisexuals, bisexual women are called bisexuals. Both of them together are often called the word “bi” (from the ancient Greek “two”).

The correct terms for people whose biological sex does not match their gender identity are “transgender,” “transgender man,” and “transgender woman.”

3. How many LGBT people are there in Ukraine?

According to various studies, there are from 800 thousand to 1.2 million representatives of the LGBT community in Ukraine. Counting is no easy task, as answering openly a question about one's sexual orientation or gender identity remains dangerous in our country. Sociologists argue that in any society - regardless of its political and social structure, approval or disapproval of homosexuality - the proportion of LGBT people is approximately the same and ranges from 7 to 10 percent.

4. Why are gays and lesbians not visible?

For many gays and lesbians, telling their parents, colleagues and friends about their homosexuality is very difficult. And all because great amount myths, stereotypes and various kinds of social stigmas will most likely prevent them from perceiving the information adequately. Relatives are most often afraid of the reaction of others to the fact that there is “such” a person in their family. The question always comes up: “What about the grandchildren?”

In the worst case scenario, loved ones, friends and even parents may stop all contact with the person who has disclosed their homosexuality or transgenderism. Naturally, for this reason, people are in no hurry to let others know the details of their sexual identity.

It is often difficult to admit this even to yourself, because in our society there is a stereotype that to be homosexual or transgender means to be rejected. Alas, this stereotype is difficult to break.

5. Is it possible to change sexual orientation?

History has repeatedly described cases of attempts to “treat” homosexuality using a variety of methods - from electric shock and chemical castration to conversion therapy involving religion.

Needless to say that often such “treatment” was more like torture? In fact, no therapy can change sexual orientation. First of all, because sexual orientation, whatever it may be, is not a disease. This is very easy to understand using the opposite example, imagining a heterosexual man who, with the help of pills, prayers, electric shock and hormone therapy, is trying to make him want other men and feel disgust at the sight of a naked female body. Difficult? That's it.

6. Why hold gay pride parades?

Gay Pride is an entertaining procession in the form of a fun carnival. There were no gay pride parades in Kyiv, nor in soon not planned. Kyiv is not the Brazilian Sao Paulo or the German Berlin: the Ukrainian LGBT community has nothing to celebrate yet by organizing carnivals.

Instead, an Equality March is organized annually in Kyiv, which has nothing in common with the carnival. This is a public action within the framework of the International LGBT Forum-Festival “KyivPride”. The Equality March is a human rights march in which participants ordinary people: representatives of the LGBT community, their friends and human rights activists. Participants in the Equality March are not necessarily homo-, bi-, or transsexual people themselves.

The Equality March is not about entertainment. This is about respecting the rights and freedoms of every person in our country. Sexual orientation and gender identity are a private matter for everyone, but human rights are an issue that is extremely important for the entire society. Because freedom either exists for everyone or does not exist for anyone.

7. What is Pride?

The English word "pride" means "pride". IN English language the connotations of this term may vary, and if a person says “I'm proud to be gay” (literally translated - “I'm proud to be gay”), this does not mean that he considers his sexual orientation more “worthy” " than any other. This phrase should be taken in the context of “I am not ashamed of who I am and accept myself as such.”

LGBT pride can consist of holding public events, for example, the Equality March, as well as various cultural and intellectual events of closed or semi-open content - exhibitions, film screenings, public discussions, educational sessions.

8. Who discriminates against LGBT people?

Representatives of the LGBT community are subject to discrimination in various spheres of life. The most painful is the so-called family discrimination, when young children, sometimes minors, are kicked out of home after learning about their sexuality. Of course, gay and lesbian adults are also familiar with discrimination. Thus, representatives of the LGBT community may be fired from work without reason, denied employment, suddenly terminated a rental agreement, kicked out of a cafe, expelled from a university or other educational institution.

LGBT people suffer regular abuse, extortion and blackmail from unscrupulous employees law enforcement. Sometimes criminals choose representatives of the LGBT community as potential victims of assaults and robberies, based on the fact that they, out of fear for their reputation, will not complain to law enforcement officers. Moreover, since 2011, legislative initiatives began to appear in the Ukrainian parliament, one after another, which proposed to establish institutional (that is, emanating not from society, but from the state) discrimination based on sexual orientation. It's about first of all, about a number of bills that prohibited the dissemination of information about homosexuality in the public space. In other words, these were documents about legalized discrimination against LGBT people and their transformation into second-class citizens at the level of state policy.

Transgender people are often victims of even greater discrimination because they appearance differs from the majority's idea of ​​what a man or woman should look like. In addition, gender reassignment treatment procedures for transsexuals in Ukraine are extremely burdensome and discriminatory. For example, only those transsexuals who are not married and do not have children can undergo these procedures.

9. Which LGBT rights are being violated?

Unfortunately, Ukrainian society and Ukraine as a whole are still very far from adhering to the implementation of Article 28 of the Constitution in Everyday life. This article states that every citizen has the right to respect for his own dignity. Counting LGBT people second-class, such “sub-citizens”, our compatriots at various levels violate fundamental human rights against representatives of the LGBT community.

The following rights are violated:

1) for housing (parents can kick a gay minor out of the house);

2) on healthcare (it happens that doctors refuse homosexuals, and especially transgender people, adequate medical care);

3) for education (they may be expelled from an educational institution without reason);

4) for work (thrown out of work, not hired without reason);

5) on personal integrity (aggressive attacks on people because of their sexual orientation);

6) impartial treatment (blackmail, extortion by law enforcement officials; refusal to provide any commercial services);

7) non-disclosure of confidential information (information about sexual orientation may be disclosed to third parties);

8) to create a family (people do not have the opportunity to legitimize their family relationships on the territory of Ukraine).

And this is not a complete list.

The problem is that such a large social group as homosexuals and bisexuals of both sexes are almost completely ignored in domestic legislation - as if they do not exist in nature. We have a wonderful anti-discrimination clause in the Constitution, but human rights to equality regardless of sexual orientation are not expressly protected in that clause.

We have a law “On the fundamentals of preventing and combating discrimination in Ukraine,” but it never mentions sexual orientation or gender identity. Our Family Code completely ignores the 150 thousand same-sex partnerships that exist unofficially in Ukraine, when people lead a joint household, living under the same roof as a family and, in many cases, raising children.

In the practice of criminal proceedings, it is believed that a sexual relationship between a 100% gay man and a woman is “natural” for him, but a relationship between two gay men is unnatural for either of them.

It’s good that the State Statistics Service several years ago had enough common sense to cancel the useless statistical registration of “minor homosexuals” (yes, this is exactly the kind of registration that was carried out by the internal affairs bodies at one time!).

So, we need to thoroughly cleanse the legislation of the remnants of Sovietization and bring it into line with current social realities and European norms. Only then will everything begin to change for the better.

10. What does your organization do?

The all-Ukrainian public organization “Gay Alliance Ukraine” has been operating since 2009, has more than 15 regional offices in many regions of the country and successfully implements many interesting projects.

We are currently working with topics such as:

Promoting the implementation of fundamental human rights and freedoms, countering homophobia.

Development of the LGBT community.

Informing society about LGBT and human rights issues.

Helpline for LGBT people.

Support for women's initiatives.

Promotion of development civil society and other useful activities.

We try to be in constant contact with the LGBT community and promptly respond to their requests. Therefore, the projects we carry out are relevant and result-oriented.

11. Who supports you?

LGBT, like many others social groups, face unfair treatment, violation of equality or, in legal terms, discrimination.

In recent years, discriminated groups in Ukraine have become much more supportive of each other. We cooperate with representatives of women's organizations, public figures, advocating for the rights of people with disabilities, the rights of refugees and religious minorities, the rights of people living with HIV, the rights of prisoners, etc. We are supported by our colleagues and like-minded people from many countries of the world, including a considerable number politicians international level. For example, the Council of Europe's High Commissioner for Human Rights, or the head of the European Union's foreign policy department, Baroness Catherine Ashton, as well as outstanding world-class philanthropists like Elton John.

We also receive partial support from the Ukrainian authorities: most recently, the Ukrainian judiciary adopted recommendations according to which people cannot be discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation in the field of labor relations.