Sometimes a successful film or TV series can play a cruel joke on an actor. They begin to identify him exclusively with one role and therefore close the doors to many other projects.

Actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk found herself in a similar situation. Her role in “My Fair Nanny” was received with tremendous delight by the audience. In the image of "nanny Vicky", the star began performing on various shows and festivals.

For the time being, she fully enjoyed the fame she received. But when it came time to move on, it turned out to be quite difficult to get rid of the previously received cliché. We will have to find out further how the actress dealt with this problem.

Born into the world of art

Nastya was born in 1971, in Astrakhan. Her family belonged to the creative elite. Father - Yuri, a famous TV director, worked on several federal channels, and author of his own programs.

Mother - Valentina, famous actress Youth Theater, teacher theatrical arts. It is not surprising that in such a family the daughter became a famous actress.

WITH youth the girl was accustomed to high art. Famous friends often came to visit my parents. During evening gatherings, new theatrical performances or musical works were born.

Little Nastya was always aware of all events. She liked to participate in discussions with adults and sometimes suggest endings to famous works.

But the girl’s first hobby was not related to the acting profession. She really wanted to become a famous ballerina and even attended a dance club.

My father didn't like this idea. He quickly dissuaded his daughter, using weighty arguments - ballerinas worked very hard and sacrificed a lot for their careers.

The decision was taken. Anastasia is going to enroll in Moscow, at a prestigious theater university- GITIS. Oddly enough, she fails the entrance exam. It was the collapse of all hopes and a great disappointment. She, the daughter of famous parents, was unable to enter the theater school.

The obvious choice was to return to her homeland, but here again her father helped. He advised not to give up and try your hand at something else educational institution- Moscow Art Theater School.

As it turned out, it was wise advice, because Anastasia not only goes to study, but also receives an offer to work in the famous theater of O. Tabakov. Thus began the career of a young Russian actress.

In the world of theater and cinema

As a student, Nastya is invited to star in the film “Mashenka”. In subsequent years, two more films with her participation were released - “The Seagull” and “The Dashing Couple”. But these films cannot be called successful.

Since 1993, the actress has devoted herself entirely to the theater. In "Snuffbox" she played in 22 productions. The most significant was the first role - the girl Varya in the play “The Passion of Bumbarash”.

As often happens, fate gives us the chance of a lifetime in the form of a lucky break. This happened in Zavorotnyuk’s career.

She was invited to participate in the casting for the main female role in the new comedy series “My Fair Nanny.” Having no idea about future work, she went to the audition, where success awaited her.

Soon the whole country saw the good-natured and cheerful nanny Vika on their TV screens. Truly " folk character" won millions of fans. At one point, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk became popular.

Filming of the series lasted 4 years. During this time, the actress received whole line prestigious prizes and awards. In 2005 she won the category " best actress", the most prestigious television award in Russia - TEFI.

She is recognized as the most sexy girl of the year according to Glamor magazine. Photos of the “beautiful nanny” have not left the covers of magazines for several years.

Was and back side medals. Too much for a long time Anastasia could not get rid of the image of Vika. New filming offers often did not live up to expectations.

A striking example here was the action movie “Code of the Apocalypse,” which became the most disastrous film of the year in terms of box office receipts. However, the actress continues to act.

Participates in various television programs as a presenter - “Dance on Ice”, “Two Stars”, “Minute of Fame”. She doesn’t leave the theater stage either. Therefore, one can only expect new successful roles of this wonderful actress.

A little about personal life

IN love affairs the star has experienced many disappointments. But there was also a lot happy moments. The most significant event for her it was the birth of children - a daughter - Anna and a son - Michael. The father is businessman Dmitry Stryukov.

Nastya was married to him for several years. But during this time she had to be torn between America, where their business was, and Russia, where the filming took place. By the way, this was the actress’s second marriage. The first time she was married for only one year, to the German Olaf Schwarzkopf.

“My Fair Nanny” also influenced the brunette’s personal life. She started dating her partner Sergei Zhigunov.

The actor even left the family, which caused a barrage of criticism against him. But ultimately, their relationship with Zavorotnyuk ended after 2 years, and he returned to his wife again.

In 2008, the star married for the third time. Her chosen one was the famous figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev.

All the most interesting things about cute and successful women world read on

Many people know Anastasia Zavorotnyuk as an actress from the comedy series “My Fair Nanny.” Others remember her as the host of the popular TV show " glacial period", as well as her personal show "Nastya". About the biography, interesting and unfamiliar details of the life of this bright and beautiful woman will be discussed in this article.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk: biography

Anastasia Yurievna Zavorotnyuk was born in 1971 in Astrakhan. In childhood photos she looks like an open, smart girl with huge dark eyes. Nastya’s parents devoted themselves entirely to the world of art, or rather to theater and cinema. In 2017, her dad and mom are alive and well. Father - Yuri Zavorotnyuk - a famous director, has many awards for his work. Mom - Valentina Borisovna - theater actress, People's Artist, worked all her life at the local Theater for Young Spectators, acted in films.

Therefore, it is clear that the future actress spent her childhood in a theatrical environment. From infancy, she knew firsthand how difficult, but also attractive, the work of an actor is. It is quite natural that Nastya spent her childhood behind the scenes of the theater. She was in the dressing room, trying to apply makeup, and behind the curtain, looking out and watching her mother play on stage. And, of course, the girl dreamed of becoming an actress. She recalls that she still did not know how to pronounce the name of her future profession, when she was asked what she would like to become, but the desire to be an actress was already strong.

Childhood actress

A bohemian atmosphere reigned in the parents' house. Famous actors came to visit them. They held rehearsals and talked a lot. The girl was unwittingly involved in the behind-the-scenes acting life. She knew it all, as they say, from the inside out.

By the way, if anyone is interested in Anastasia’s nationality, it’s worth saying that she is Russian. Apparently, there were people from Little Russia in the family (judging by the last name). But her father and mother are Russian. The zodiac sign under which she was born is Aries. This gave Anastasia’s character emotionality, assertiveness, and initiative. She owes her birth to her older brother. He begged his parents to give him a sister. He was so insistent that my mother took pity and, despite her constant busy work schedule, granted his request.

Nastya studied well at school. In addition, she managed to seriously engage in choreography. Feeling a great desire to dance on stage, the girl wanted to enter the ballet school at the Bolshoi Theater and become a ballerina. However, her parents did not approve of this intention, knowing about the difficulties of being a ballerina.

Anastasia's youth

After graduation high school Nastya, again following the instructions of her parents, entered the Astrakhan pedagogical institute to historical. It is not clear why she did this, because her childhood dream of being an actress still lived in her and strongly made itself felt.

It is quite logical that after a year of studying (and, to be honest, it was torture) at the pedagogical institute, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk simply fled to Moscow, leaving the institute, with the goal of enrolling in a theater university. The father was aware of what was happening, he approved of his daughter’s action. But with my mother it was more difficult. She must have been very angry when she learned about this. Therefore, the mother had to lie that her daughter was going to the excavations with students from the history department. In youth, of course, it is easier to make such decisions. When people grow older, the fervor is no longer the same, and a certain thoughtfulness of actions and caution in actions appears.

So, young Anastasia came to conquer the capital. She quickly submitted documents to GITIS. During the entrance exams, she hid her origins from her famous parents in the world of theater and cinema. But this did not benefit her at all. The girl was so worried that she read the text very poorly. The result is failure. They didn’t take her, she failed miserably.

When she returned home, she was angry and desperate. But the father consoled his daughter and instilled in her confidence in her abilities. He recommended that she make another attempt at admission. After all, this is not the only theater university in Moscow. She did just that. I went back to the capital and applied to the Moscow Art Theater School. This time everything was much more successful. The girl was accepted into the university!

Became her mentor famous actor and announcer Avangard Leontyev. Finally, Anastasia felt in her place! To increase self-esteem, she decided to take the exams at GITIS again. And this time everything went well, she was taken! But Nastya decided to stay at the Moscow Art Theater School.

Film roles

Of course, film roles brought the actress the greatest popularity. Anastasia received her first film role while still studying at a theater university. This was immediately the main role in the film “Mashenka” based on Nabokov’s work. She turned out so well for the aspiring actress that she received numerous offers to star in various films.

Still from the series “My Fair Nanny”

In 1992, the young actress voiced Christopher Robin in the cartoon “Winnie the Pooh.”

Then there were roles in the films: “The Dashing Couple”, “The Heir”. In 2004, the actress received an offer to audition for a role in the new television series “My Fair Nanny.” She went to the studio with absolutely no idea what the role was or what awaited her. But unexpectedly, the actress passed the selection and was approved for the role of nanny Vicky in this series. No one could have imagined that this particular role would bring the actress the greatest popularity!

Actress on the set of the film "Apocalypse Code"

By the way, one and a half thousand people tried to get into this role! And only Anastasia passed by. And she played the role brilliantly. The actress borrowed the Khokhlatsky accent from her Ukrainian colleague, an actress from the Tabakov Theater. It took Anastasia an amazing amount of time and effort to shoot the film. We had to film for 15 hours. But despite this, the actress was simply happy. Of course, I felt pleasantly tired.

It was for her role in this series that Anastasia received two serious awards. The first is “Golden Ostap”, the second is “TEFI - 2005”.

Still from the film “I'm Not Afraid Anymore”

In the same year, a photo of the actress appeared in the glossy magazine Glamor, where she was named television actress of the year. Came to Anastasia real success in young age. Then the actress starred in films of various genres (comedies, action films, melodramas).

Anastasia appeared as a bright, fighting, brave woman in the film “Code of the Apocalypse”, where she played together with Sergei Zhigunov. There she completely changed the image of a “beautiful nanny” to a superwoman-action hero.

Still from the film “Happy New Year, Mom!”

In 2006, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. In 2007, the actress starred in the comedy film “Shakespeare Never Dreamed of.” Sergei Zhigunov again became her partner. The following year, a film with her participation, “An Imperfect Woman,” was released.

In 11, Anastasia perfectly performed the role of Olya in love in the film “ Love affair at work. Nowadays". The next year was marked by the release of two films with her participation: “Mom”, “Mistress of the White Nights”, “The Hunt for the Gauleiter”. Everywhere the actress showed different roles and the ability to transform. In 2015, the series “Alien Darling” was released with her participation. Her last role to date is in the TV series “Sleepers.”

Working on television

Anastasia began working on television after leaving the Tabakov Theater. In 2005, she began hosting the show " Good songs", replacing Tina Kandelaki. Then she hosted the TV shows “Dancing on Ice”, “Kitchen for Dummies”, “Dancing with the Stars”. In 2008, Anastasia began hosting the popular show “Ice Age” together with Marat Basharov. Since 2010, she has been co-host of D. Dibrov in the show “Marriage Games”. Then she hosted “Ice and Fire”.

Then Anastasia took part as a jury member in the Ukrainian competition “People's Star”. She was also on the jury in the shows “Surprise Me” and “Golden Leaf”.

On the set of the program “Nastya”

Together with Mikhail Boyarsky Anastasia participated in the show “Two Stars”, where she showed her good vocal abilities. In 2012, her personal comedy show “Nastya” was released on Channel One. However, it was soon closed due to low ratings.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk also had an unpleasant story related to television. Last news they said that the actress was suing the Rossiya TV channel. Allegedly, she violated the signed contract, which required her to comply with strict conditions, including that the actress should not appear on other channels at this time. The management of the Rossiya channel requires her to pay a fairly large amount. Time will tell how the trial will end. Anastasia herself denies signing such an agreement.

Petr Chernyshov carefully monitors his health and appearance his wife. The demanding skater is sure that his wife must be in excellent shape in order to set an excellent example for all other women. Therefore, Chernyshev even sometimes acts as a personal trainer for Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. The athlete wakes up the actress in the morning so that she does not oversleep yoga, swimming pool or other sports activities.

“Sport is very important to me. And it is especially important for my husband, because he understands how much I need sports. I don’t always meet his high standards,” the actress laughs.

Apparently, Zavorotnyuk’s supervision of her husband is only beneficial. Since the release of the first episode of the series “My Fair Nanny” on television, Anastasia, it seems, has not changed at all, but almost twelve years have passed. “You need to take care of yourself, it’s worth it,” says Zavorotnyuk, showing off an almost model-like figure.

In addition, the skater sometimes advises his wife what to wear to the premiere. And the “beautiful nanny” pleases her beloved husband in everything. Anastasia even admits that she likes this arrangement. “I don’t like female leadership, I don’t understand any sense in it,” says the star.

As for the children of the famous actress, Zavorotnyuk prefers not to make trouble with them either. Raising 20-year-old Anna and 16-year-old Michael, Anastasia tries to do without orders or strict prohibitions. That’s why she always knows who her heirs are communicating with or meeting.

“I have never read my children’s correspondence. This is not accepted among us. My children and I - great friends, I hope that they will not disappoint me... My girl does not need to be controlled. I wasn’t controlled as a child, and I don’t need it,” the actress said on the NTV channel’s “You Won’t Believe” program.

According to Zavorotnyuk, her daughter is now studying at a US university and is seeking great success. Anna even receives a scholarship for her excellent studies. The heiress Zavorotnyuk is also growing up to be a real beauty; she is constantly compared to Anastasia. When they are together, they look more like two sisters than a mother and daughter. Anna has already tried herself as an actress: the girl starred in one of the episodes of the series “My Fair Nanny”, as well as in the series “Closed School”.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is a Russian television star, a beautiful and talented actress, TV presenter, born on 04/03/1971 in the city of Astrakhan.

Childhood and parents

Anastasia’s family was creative, so it is not surprising that from childhood the girl dreamed of becoming an actress, certainly famous. Her mother began her career at the Astrakhan Theater for Young Spectators, and her father was a fairly famous TV director, who later headed one of the Russian TV channels.

A bohemian atmosphere always reigned in the house of the Zavorotnyuk family; people often appeared talented actors and directors. Mom always found time for the children (Nastenka also had an older brother, it was he who begged her parents for a sister) and contributed in every possible way to the development of their talents. She took Nastya to dances and to music school and did not dissuade the girl from dreaming of the stage.

The father had a different opinion on this matter and believed that his daughter needed to get a normal profession. Under his pressure, she nevertheless enters the history department of the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute, but after studying for only a year, she gives up her unloved occupation and sets off to conquer Moscow.

First steps

The first attempt was unsuccessful. Anastasia chose the most prestigious theater university in the country, GITIS, and successfully failed the entrance exams. Disillusioned with life and having lost confidence in her own abilities, the ashamed Nastya was about to return home. But then the father again said his weighty word. He forbade his daughter to give up and literally forced her to try again. This time at the Moscow Art Theater School.

Having gained invaluable experience in the first exams at GITIS, Anastasia already felt much more confident than those beginners who tried their hand for the first time. And the girl’s dream nevertheless came true - she was enrolled in the course of the talented teacher Avangard Leontyev. By the way, she tried to enter GITIS again and succeeded on the second attempt, but she had already settled down at the Moscow Art Theater and did not want to change anything. She just needed to regain her confidence.

The beautiful and talented girl was noticed quite quickly. Already in her third year she played her first main role in the film “Mashenka” based on Nabokov’s novel. The film did not become too sensational and her acting debut did not bring Anastasia the fame she dreamed of. After graduation, she was invited to his theater, where she successfully played for more than 10 years.

Lovely nanny

The actress became famous and beloved throughout the country by the comedy series “My Fair Nanny”, in which she brilliantly played the main role in partnership with such stars as Sergei Zhigunov and. Moreover, she got into the series by pure chance.

They called her and invited her to audition, without even really explaining what the series would be about. But, accustomed to playing every role the best way, Anastasia, without expecting it, wins the casting, and then completely immerses herself in work.

Filming the series made it almost impossible to work in theater and other projects, and a short time Zavorotnyuk completely devoted herself to the series. Perhaps this also helped her to get used to the role so much that the whole country, with bated breath, experienced every turn in the fate of nanny Vika and literally prayed that her wedding with famous producer still took place.

This role became her favorite and brought not only national fame and the love of millions of viewers, but also very prestigious acting awards - “Golden Ostap”, “TEFFY” and the title of best television actress of 2005. In fact, it was nanny Vika who carried out all the most cherished dreams Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Big screen and TV shows

Having become famous and beloved, Zavorotnyuk began to receive invitations to lead roles in full-length domestic films. From 2007 to 2015, she successfully played in more than 20 films and because of this, she practically abandoned work on the theatrical stage. Most of the films were warmly received by the audience, and Zavorotnyuk’s roles became bright and memorable.

After filming ended, Anastasia began to be constantly invited to the most popular television shows, first as a participant and then as a presenter. She stayed the longest in the Ice Age project, which she led for several years together with other stars.

She also hosted “Kitchen for Dummies,” “Dancing with the Stars,” “Ice and Fire,” and “Dancing on Ice.”

Several times she was a member of the jury in the TV show “People’s Star” and even tried to host her own humorous television program. This project was not successful and was closed after a few months. Currently, Zavorotnyuk is co-hosting the popularly loved show “Two Stars.”

In addition to her career as an actress, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk also actively began to develop as a TV presenter. A successful project was working in the show “Ice Age”. In addition, Anastasia was also repeatedly invited as a jury member in such projects as “People’s Star”, “Surprise Me” and “Golden Leaf”.

Already in September 2012, the talk show “Nastya” appeared on television screens, which received the status of humorous. After that, Anastasia was a co-host in the show “Two Stars” for two years in a row, in 2013 and 2014. Also, in 2014, the actress starred in the film “I'm Not Afraid Anymore.”

In 2015, the melodrama “Someone else’s Darling” appeared on television screens, where Anastasia Zavorotnyuk played the main role - Natalya Kapustina, a cook in the school canteen.

In the winter of 2016, together with her husband, Anastasia hosted the morning show “New Morning”, and also hosted a large number of various New Year's shows.

After this, the actress’s career took off significantly, she played several leading roles. Most likely, it was precisely because of this that the actress began to be closely watched, every now and then accusing her of being overweight and plastic surgery, which the actress refuses to comment on in any way.

Personal life and husband of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Although Anastasia Zavorotnyuk never specifically advertised her personal life, nevertheless, it was quite stormy and began quite early. The actress entered into an official marriage three times. The first to take her down the aisle was the German businessman Olaf Schwarzkopf, but this union fell apart just a year later.

Anastasia's second marriage, with American businessman Russian origin, lasted almost 10 years. During this time, she gave birth to a daughter and son, whom she considers herself strong love and the main achievement in my life. But living in two countries was incredibly difficult, and the relationship with my husband did not develop the way I wanted. That's why final decision Zavorotnyuk was about to get a divorce and return back to Moscow.

It was there, during the filming of the series “My Fair Nanny,” that a stormy romance broke out between its main characters. It is difficult to say what was the real reason for this. Either what they most During this period, they spent their lives together on the set. Is it because both of them weren’t the best? better relationship with their then partners. But they failed to hide the relationship from the ubiquitous paparazzi.

With Sergei Zhigunov

Unwittingly, Sergei Zhigunov faced a difficult choice. When his wife found out about their affair with Zavorotnyuk, she categorically demanded to either break up or stop this affair that disgraced their family. To the surprise of everyone, Zhigunov made a choice in favor of Zavorotnyuk and for almost two years the couple lived openly together. However, this relationship did not last long. Zhigunov returned to the family, and Anastasia soon began a new relationship.

On the set of the show “Ice Age” she meets the famous figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev. Charter of close attention press and national discussion of his personal life, this time Zavorotnyuk carefully hides his new relationship from everyone. The couple does not appear together in public and categorically denies any hints of a relationship between them.

With Pyotr Chernyshov

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk (eng. Anastasiya Zavorotnyuk) is a woman who excited the male part of the Russian population and forced the female part to look more critically at their reflection in the mirror. Her relaxed behavior, revealing outfits and unique charm left no one indifferent who had watched the comedy series “My Fair Nanny” at least once.

  • Real name: Anastasia Yuryevna Zavorotnyuk
  • Date of birth: 04/3/1971
  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Height: 164 centimeters
  • Weight: 50 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 61 and 89 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 36 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Brown, brunette.

As if by magic magic wand, few people famous actress, mother of two children Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, has turned into an object for imitation and outright adoration on the one hand, and a target for criticism and harsh condemnation on the other. Because the topic of discussion was not only the role in the series and professional acting qualities, but also the no less exciting plot details of what happened outside film set and in the personal life of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Who is she? A homewrecker, a predator who uses men for her own selfish purposes, as some believe, or Strong woman who just wants the best for her children and herself? The question is rhetorical. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk herself, not paying attention to all sorts of gossip, continues to be at the peak of her professional career, and on the personal front, everything seems to be going well for her.

Zavorotnyuk Anastasia was born in Astrakhan. Little Anastasia’s entire family was in one way or another connected with the acting profession: her father is a television director, an honorary member of the Academy of Russian Television; mother - People's Artist of Russia Valentina Zavorotnyuk, actress of the Theater for Young Spectators.

It is clear that such famous family was the object of attraction for the local bohemia of provincial Astrakhan, where Anastasia Zavorotnyuk took place happy childhood surrounded by actors, musicians and artists who were frequent guests of the family. From birth, every day of the little girl passed in an atmosphere of creative debates and conversations about art.

Of course, this could not but affect Zavorotnyuk’s further biography and her life guidelines. The first attempt to realize her ambitions and talent was participation in a dance ensemble, where little Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, as she herself recalls, showed some promise, but her parents did not want her to become a ballerina, full, as they believed, of hardships and hardships.

This explains the attempt to obtain a teacher’s education at the history department of the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute. Or maybe it’s Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s love for children? Be that as it may, as they say, the music did not play for long and a year later the future star understands that Zavorotnyuk teaching children to be smart is not what she wants to do for the rest of her life.

In general, as Anastasia Zavorotnyuk recalls her childhood, in her acting ambitions she received the full support of her father, in contrast to her mother’s cool attitude. And when the failed teacher decides to go to Moscow with the aim of enrolling in some theater university, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk resorts to deceiving her own mother, saying that she is leaving on an archaeological expedition.

However, as it shows further biography Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, this was not the last deception in her hectic life and it’s easy to verify this by typing in a search engine the words: Zavorotnyuk biography Anastasia.

Moscow life

It all started according to a scenario so familiar to the capital. Full of bright hopes and pleasant excitement, Anastasia Yuryevna Zavorotnyuk sets foot on Moscow soil. This happens every day when provincial young dreamers land at Moscow train stations, confident in their exclusivity and incredible talent. How this usually ends is well known, but Anastasia Zavorotnyuk turned out to be not so simple.

Although she received the obligatory cold shower for such cases, in the form of a failure when entering GITIS, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk does not abandon the seemingly fantastic dream of conquering the capital and a miracle happened, she gets into the Moscow Art Theater School. After some time, the newly minted student even begins acting in films. The filmography of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is not worth special attention; you won’t find any cinematic masterpieces there, but Zavorotnyuk’s personal life during this period of time is filled with important events.

Anastasia’s first husband, the German Olaf Schwarzkopf, fell into the aspiring actress’s love network after seeing her in Oleg Tabakov’s “Snuffbox.” Again, an attentive reader may notice the implementation of a very popular plan for that time among a certain contingent of young girls. Namely, marry a foreigner at any cost. But, of course, this in no way applies to Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. Let's call what happened love at first sight.

It’s true that love at second sight didn’t take long to arrive. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s second husband, businessman Dmitry Stryukov, had a wife and children at the time of the meeting with our irresistible heroine, enjoying a calm family life. Naturally, the future All-Russian nanny was also married. But how can children left without a father stop Anastasia Zavorotnyuk if we're talking about about the omnipotent feeling called love, that the truth in her case is not until the grave.

Nanny Vika

Time passed as usual, the family of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was replenished with two new members - in happy marriage she gave birth to a daughter, Anna, and a son, Michael (Mikhail in Russian), and suddenly in 2004, an event occurred that changed the lives of many people and became the reason that today we know about Anastasia Zavorotnyuk in principle. Accident, many will think; luck, others will say. But you and I have already seen that when it comes to our heroine, we can talk about a pattern.

Having beaten many competitors in a tense struggle, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk was approved for the role in the remake of the American series “My Fair Nanny.” Prolonged applause would be appropriate here, because from now on, naturally and easily, the caring mother of two children and zealous guardian hearth and home, miraculously turns into a sexy and not particularly picky in the methods of achieving her goals, a hunter of famous and rich men. And this applies not only to the series.

In later interviews, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk told how hard it was for her, and how she suffered from constant stress on the set, how she exhausted herself by not being able to see her family. And all of course for the sake of art. The attentive reader remembers that everything that Anastasia Zavorotnyuk does pursues only noble goals.

You can have different attitudes towards both the series itself and the acting. This is definitely a matter of taste. But the fact that it became an event in television life country, there is no doubt. It is clear that the series brought a lot of new things to the life of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. We won’t list the numerous awards for playing the role of nanny Vicky, but let’s just say that the series “My Fair Nanny” deservedly expanded Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s filmography.

The main role in the series was played by Sergei Zhigunov, a famous actor, influential producer and exemplary family man. Doesn't remind you of anything? It probably seemed like it. The great feeling called love again covers the famous nanny. And how do we remember that nothing can stand in the way if Anastasia Zavorotnyuk succumbs to the charms of cunning and selfish men. Therefore not own family, and even more so, not Zhigunov’s wife and children, did not prevent Nastya from immersing herself in another novel.

The lover Zhigunov made a mistake by arranging his new passion on the show “Dancing on Ice”, where Anastasia Zavorotnyuk makes another somersault, literally and figuratively, this time finding herself in the arms of her future third husband, the famous and rich figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev.


Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is now 47 years old. She continues to act in films and participates, as a presenter, in various television shows. Today one can hardly recognize in her the hopeful young Nastya who came to conquer the capital back in 1989.

And no matter how you evaluate her, it is necessary to admit that this woman knows how to achieve her goal, which is true, often without regard for others. Whether this is right or wrong is not the topic of our article. For some reason, we remain convinced that we will still hear about the biography of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and will again discuss the details of the next novel.