How many girls looking at the beauties that are so rich in our cinema, they dreamed at least a little on them to like. They fell in love, they worshiped them, they were idol! However, in life, everything is more complicated ... And although now all the actresses say that they are satisfied with the fate, but they have very different happiness. And it is not always the happiness of a family hearth. We decided to see what the first beauties of our cinema live today ...

Irina Alferova: "Do not be victims!"
Main role: Constance in the film "D" Artanyan and Three Musketeers. "

What today: I became the president of the Family Festival "Faithful Heart", engaged in charity. Plays in performances. 10 years married to actor Sergey Martynov. There is a daughter of Ksenia and grandson.

- Irina, you did not have the desire to completely devote yourself to the family? I asked the actress.
- No, it's very boring. I will not give this advice to any woman. Even the children are proud of you and stretch to you when you show yourself!
Then if you do not have time - you will be forgotten. The main thing is that you do not need to sacrifice anything. We must negotiate. And otherwise you will suffer, and children, because you will take a negative on them.

- And the husband is not jealous of work?
- The first husband (Alexander Abdulov. - Approx. Ed.) I was very jealous, although I did not always led myself. With a second husband, we agreed that there is no jealousy in our family. Well, sometimes it misses me ...
But still return home, and in this free day you can fill everything out! It is better to live a full life and grab everything that is interesting.
Elena Probleova: "I live in harmony"
The main role: Larisa Ivanovna from Mimino.

What is today: Art Director of "Hermitage", was part of the Working Group of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. TV presenter. Removed in the series.

About personal: 19 years married to businessman Andrey. God gave birth to him. In his youth there was the first rapid marriage, in which her daughter gave birth.

The second attempt of marriage also turned out to be unsuccessful. At the target immediately after birth, the twin sons died, and the grief disconnected spouses. "Meeting with Andrei changed everything in my life ... I need a partnership. And I have it, "says the actress.
Natalia Andreychenko - Mary Poppins in the film "Mary Poppins, goodbye!", Participates in charity, goes to the film festivals. Her first husband is composer Maxim Dunaevsky, the second - the actor Maximilian Shell, with which today is divorced. There are two children.
Natalia Andreychenko: "Do not deceive yourself"
Main role: Mary Poppins in the film "Mary Poppins, goodbye!"

Participates in charity, goes to the film festivals. Her first husband is composer Maxim Dunaevsky, the second - the actor Maximilian Shell, with which today is divorced. There are two children.

Andreichenko in real life never sought to similarity with the perfect woman:
- You can deceive everyone around - and children, and colleagues. But sooner or later you will still become yourself. And here is an unacceptable lie. Do not deceive yourself. Similar I have already passed in the US, when I tried to inspire that you need to change - talk without an accent, play American roles. But then I will become another! Not an American - broken Natasha. And suddenly it dawned on me what was not worth doing this. I am Natasha, Russian. Like - Good, do not like - sorry. I decided that I stay with myself.
Natalia Valala
Main role: Nina in the film "Caucasian Captive"

Recent years, Natalia Varley left the movie - the last film in 2006 became "Wolfhounds from the genus of gray pieces."

Today he plays in Antenpuriz, goes on tour. The last six years is not married. First husband was actor Bullyaev. Caring for Natalia Son Minister of Defense Belgium Lucien Harmegins. But she chose another - the son of Vyacheslav Tikhonov and Nonna Mordyukov (from this marriage her eldest son). The name of the father of the second child hides.

For some time he worked in the theater "On Kay". There were 3 compact students with her songs, two collection of poems. Engaged in a dubbing and voice of foreign films and television serials. Led the transfer of "homely trouble" on the RTR TV channel.

In the spring of 2009, in a duet with Nikolai Gnatyuk took part in the TV project "Two Stars".
Elina Bystritskaya: "Because of the men, it is not worth grieving"
The main role: Aksinya in the "quiet don" Gerasimov.

What is busy today: Plays in the Small Theater. Engaged in public work.
Personal life: After 27 years, marriage divorced and from the end of the 90s alone lives. No children.
What gave appearance?
Alas, beauty is not always guaranteed good luck in profession and personal life. For example, in his youth, Elina Bystritsky was proud of his fragile figure. But it was her harmony that became an obstacle in approval on the role of Axigny. Actress had to get better at 15 kg.

In life, her fascinating beauty created a lot of problems. For example, it was excluded from the Komsomol ... for refusing to dance with young men. Bystritskaya said that "it smells like a village." Later, without responding to the director of the Vilnius Theater, she was forced to leave the troupe.

When I gave a public in love with a state owner - it turned out to be a union. Bystritsky has always had a lot of fans, but married only in the late 60s for the employee of the Translation Department of the Ministry of Foreign Trade. After 27 years, the married life decided to divorce, having learned about the treason of her husband, and since then alone.

"I realized that the divorce began to be crowned when Nikolai Ivanovich began to actively invade my work. I could not afford to command, everything was stopped by everything, except that he was the husband of "the most Bystorka," the actress recalled.

- Elina Abrahamovna, today do not want to arrange a personal life? I asked the actress.
- I have friends-men with whom I communicate. But for me in my house there was a man - I do not want. So it happens: the man disappeared from life, and often a woman begins to think that it is more likely to find happiness. Which other man, or what?

Due to the lost man, it is not worth grieving. So, not for him your skill, your job, your actions ... you need to work a lot to distract after the divorce. It is necessary to implement what is given by nature, God.

For me, the main thing is to be in demand. I am always in the fight. My fate is not easy, but she managed and will still be able to succeed. I also have strength and desire! My life motto: do not change yourself.
Margarita Terekhova: "Happiness in children"
The main role: Milady in the film "D" Artanyan and three Musketeers. "

What is busy today: puts performances in the Native Mayakovsky Theater.
Personal life: the last 20 years is not married. Two children.

What gave appearance?
The beauty helped become one of the favorite actresses of the cult director Andrei Tarkovsky - when he was the first time he accidentally saw Terekhov, exclaimed: "What are your beautiful hair, how beautiful you are!" And called her to himself in the film "Mirror".

But the personal life did not work out. Men appeared in her life and quickly disappeared. "GOB from men was alone - they gave children," Terekhov said once.

Anna's older daughter gave birth from the Bulgarian actor Savva Hishirsov, after which he broke up. The son, whom she gave birth to without her husband, gave the name Turaev and said that his father was a certain tricky Tajik Turaev.
Journalists found director Georgy Gavrilov, who called the true father of the Son of the actress. As a result, the son took the surname of Terekhov, and the actress journalists are mysteriously replied to the question of journalists, it is their family mystery, the main thing is that the Son knows who his mother!

"Be happy! Give birth to children, in this meaning of a woman's life! And men come and go - God with them, "says Terekhov.
Natalia Kustyanskaya: "love gives me strength"
The main role: Natasha in the film "Three Plus Two".

What is today: the cinema is not removed, retired.
Personal life: not married.
What gave appearance?
Kustyansky has always reduced men and lived in the drilling of passion. Actor Nikolay Gritsenko and director Roshal took care of her. Student-director Yury Chulukin, having fallen in love with blonde, tried to seduce her invitation to the role.

- On the third day, Chudukin called me married, - told Kustyanskaya
- In general, I all husbands did an offer on the third day of dating! But I never received the role from Cuulukin. In the comedy "Girl", I wanted to play the mind of Tosu. But Khsovset decided that I had too spectacular appearance for the role of the prov.

On the set of "Three Plus two" from the Koustinskaya nominating novel with the partner Evgeny Zharikov "Tried" in time the actor's wife arrived on shooting. The author of the script of the film Sergey Mikhalkov also had views of Kustyansky, came to her for four days shooting and immediately declared to her in the room. But the actress refused to be Matra, who left with the words: "You will change my mind -".

- Beauty is both happiness, and test. Men betray me - tells Kustyanskaya. - After a betrayal of the first husband, I immediately filed for a divorce. The state of love gave me the strength to live. Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Vladimir Naumov, Muslim Magomayev, Alexey Batalov, were careful for me. But I married Oleg's external worker.

About how Kustyan hurt her husband-cosmonaut Egorov had a friend Fateeva, wrote a lot.
- Again, Egorov offered me on the third day of our dating, it stresses the Kustyan. "But I was then married to Oleg, who, having learned about my novel, tried to poison, but his doctors went out.

However, Natalia's marriage and Oleg collapsed. Kustyanskaya married astronaut, the first treason of which put the cross on their marriage.

"I have a difficult fate," says Kustinskaya. - I buried my grandson first, then my son. The former husband of Egorov died. I thought I could go crazy against pain. But I coped, I found the strength to live on.
And, although the years take their own, I feel attractive. I have a man today, who gives me the strength to live.
Svetlana Svetlynaya: I never knew how to shoot with eyes ...
Main role: Anna Sergeevna in the comedy "Diamond Hand"

What today: filmed in documentary films, in photo shoots for glossy magazines. For more than 10 years not married.

- You have always surrounded beautiful men. Is there any secret, how to attract the attention of the opposite sex?
- I love beautiful men. Loved and I will love. But this does not mean at all that if I see a handsome, I will immediately hang on his neck. My eye knows how to see beauty. But I have never used the female tricks for all my life, so that the man pays attention to me. I never knew how to shoot eyes.

She is the first of the Soviet actresses naked on the screen. Shyly covering your chest, Svetlana Svetlane shouted: "I am not guilty!", And all men believed it unconditionally.

Only thanks to her, or rather, her heroine, a fashion appeared on black arrows and perfume "Chanel". Today, Svetlana Svetlynaya is published together with a young stylist Ruslan Tatianin. According to her, it was he who helped her again believe himself.

- Svetlana Afanasyevna, you are called the first Soviet sex symbol. Do you flatter this title?
- I calmly treat him. Well, I wanted to give me something like this, and for God's sake. Previously, even the words of this - "sex symbol" - did not know. Today, alas, everyone became such.
Sex symbol - such a scratched concept! I have neither hot or cold. It was much nicer to hear that I had a soul without wrinkles. This is proud of this and I will be proud to the end of my days. And all because I'm not angry, I forgive everyone.
His offenders have long forgiven from a pure heart. In general, I can not keep offense for someone for a long time. I always feel sorry for all. Once in Epiphany frosts, I went to the temple to take the Holy Driver. There was a meal man, he was shaking from the cold. I scored water, and on the way home thought that it was necessary to bring at least hot tea at least hot tea. And I did it!
Until now, I am proud of your act. Seeing me, he cried and said: "I remembered you on the header." The poor fellow could not believe for a long time, I asked everything: "Is that you returned because of me?"
Personal life was not happy. In 1995, he buried the famous husband - Vladimir Ivashov. I experienced lack of money, strong depression.

Help her to cope with the difficulties of two sons and friends-actors. Unfortunately, last year the actress buried one of the sons. Despite all the vitality, it does not lose
Evgenia Simonova - "I donated little for work"
Main role: Princess in the film "Ordinary Miracle"

What today:
Removed in the cinema, plays in the Mayakovsky Theater. It is recognized: He found women's happiness with the second husband by director Andrei Eshpay. There is a daughter from the first marriage with Kaidanovsky, grandson.

"Well, what should I tell about this? I'm not a Vamp woman. I never elected a sex symbol, even our entrance, not to mention other scale," I once answered Evgeny Simonov to the question about the fact that the public Wishes to know the secrets of her personal life.

In fact, "secrets" to recognize any and do not want, and "vamp" in the domestic film is enough, moreover, almost every of the representatives of this class is voluntarily or involuntarily causes associations with the famous TEFFI story "Demonic Woman".
But who is truly feminine, this is the heroine of Simonova from the legendary film Mark Zakharov "Ordinary Miracle."

Evgenia Simonova, which appeared on June 1, 1955 in Leningrad, unlike many comrades in the acting shop, treats him calmly.
"But what to hide, if the pictures, for which, I hope, remember me the audience, came out more than thirty years ago. So, how much about me, everyone guess," says Evgeny Simonova. "And as for the appearance ... I never It was madly good, so about the appearing wrinkles not very worried. "
Evgenia Simonova known to the whole country began after the film was released by the film Georgy Deloi "Afonya" (1975). Katya's nurse, sincerely having loved the unavailable mechanic of Borschov, was for many symbol of a real woman, which, with all his "quietness", has a large inner force.
The success of the film was huge. Evgenia Pavlovna fans literally covered with letters. She admired, confessed in love, offered hand and heart.
It would seem that Evgenia Simonova had to turn the head from the All-Union Glory that had fallen on it. Not there was something.
"I never had the illusions regarding myself," says the actress. "Now I am reviewing my old films, it seems that I don't have so bad and played. And then it seemed to me that I did everything badly, worried, cried. What mom screamed : "Yes, you need to go to a psychiatrist!" Apparently, all these experiences associated with low self-esteem have become a good vaccination against the "star disease".

Evgenia Simonova does not like loud words. I will not hear from her: "I threw everything for the sake of the profession!" On the contrary, she claims: "Honestly, I donated little for the sake of work.

The most important thing - gave birth and raised two daughters (the eldest daughter of Zoya - from the first husband of Simonova - actor and director Alexander Kaidanovsky). And for me it was always in the first place. "
Galina Belyaeva: All my children - from loved ones ...
Main role: Olenka in the film "My gentle and gentle beast"

What today:
He plays in Antenpuriz, is engaged in yoga to maintain the figure.
15 years old are married to businessman Sergey, who for five years of her younger. Daughter's daughter Anna gave birth to him. (There is a son from the first marriage with the director Lotyan and the Son from the second, civil, marriage with the doctor.)

Rarely, some of the actresses are driving a maximum of two children. Three is at all the feat, which is capable of Demi Moore in the presence of Bruce Willis.
So, our Russian actress Galina Belyaeva, who played the main roles in the films "My tender and gentle beast", "Ah, Waterville, Waterville ...", "Anna Pavlova", imagine children four! Already for one thing, it is possible to give a rule.

- Usually actresses sacrifice personal life in favor of a career ...
- When I want a child, I have it. I don't even think about the profession. Children are treasures. What they are more, the more I want.
- But it is important that they are from a loved one.
- Sure. Babes should be only from loved ones.
Ah, these "roots" eyes ...
Emil Lotyan was looking for an actress on the role of Olenki Skvortsova in the film "My tender and gentle beast":
- I need a Russian type of girl. Something between Savelieva and Samoylova.
Assistants found a 15-year-old dancer in the Voronezh Choreographic School. Lyuan saw on black and white photo of her "roof" eyes ... and immediately called the girl to Moscow.
The film drives at Gali Belyaeva came out terrible. Next to Oleg Yankovsky in front of the camera, she terribly Orobla. But it still approved it humbling.

the donkey of the release of the film on the screens of Belyaev woke up famous. Her Olenka Skvortsova loved on the screen as if it was all worth it.
- In fifteen years, I have not had the men with whom I would have kissed so frankly, I recall the actress.
In fact, then she was in love. Only not in Oleg Yankovsky, but in the director Emil Lyuan.
It was a beautiful novel. Soon they got married. Galya moved to his one-room Moscow apartment, where they had a son. He was named after Father - Emil.

- Galina, why did you break up with the lot?
- When you get married for the first time, you think that forever. Lotanu is my first man. I met an interesting person, loved. For me, the divorce was the most real tragedy. Moreover, the general child ... And Emil Vladimirovich did not want to divorce. Rather, I did not have enough everyday wisdom.

- How are managed with so many children?
- Sometimes I am in despair that I do not know how to educate them. I have everything with character.
- You did not want to remake something in your life?
- Not. In the play "Islestry" one heroine says: "I was married three times. But I do not regret anything. We must live to survive everything. " If I had no past life, there would be no real. I really raise what I have. And I do not want anything else.
Anastasia Vertinskaya: Laziness - companion of talented people

What today:
Anastasia Vertinskaya has not been filmed in the cinema for several years and does not play the theater. The actress unexpectedly began to do kitchen in the restaurants of her son, Stepan Mikhalkov. It happens on the international forums of the restaurant business, takes over the experience.

By the way, I stopped being removed when the film "Master and Margarita" with her did not see the audience. The actress starred in this film nude, after filming, he was sick and then he left movies at all.

- In recent years, the actress Vertinskaya made the public a few gifts - "Imago", "Bremen Musicians", "Mirage, or the Russian Pierrot Road." But the audience interest in you does not disappear ...
- In the theater, as in the structure, I do not want to work anymore, this stage is passed. Playing entrepreneurship performances are interesting if there is a decent play. But, as a rule, for the entrepreneurs take the plays western, written twenty years ago: people are not discussed from our lives. This is not what you want to play. I have no creative plans. Rada would be called, yes nothing.

- I will never play a killer mother and the like. Sit in the frame of grandmother and knit me uninteresting. I, as it was good in choosing roles, remained. But I do not see any drama in this. Rather, I see the drama in the fact that Marina Neelova is not removed, Lena Koreneva is actresses of this level.
In 1966, Vertinskaya married Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov, subsequently an outstanding actor and film director. In the same year they had a son Stepan. Their marriage continued for incomplete four years. Subsequently, Anastasia came out married the singer Alexander Gradsky. But this marriage suffered the same fate. Not married since 1980.
- I think the Lord generally deprived me of this joy - to be happy in marriage. In fact, there are women born for marriage. They can not without it. I love silence, privacy ... If I am not married - it does not mean anything. Loneliness is a higher spiritual state. "
- Do you spend a lot of time to do restaurant business?
- Interior and everyone Opportie my son Stepan. I am committed primarily by the art of the kitchen. Especially Russian cuisine, which I remember in my family and on the family of Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky. Natalia Petrovna Konchalovskaya prepared brilliantly. I study all the time, it is very interesting for me.
- Overcoming the age frontier, when a lot is good and passed, you began to rush to live? Or, on the contrary, exist more measured?
- Oddly enough, my activity rose. In his youth, a lot of sleep meant. In general, I think that the companion of talented people is too lazy. Since I used to work a lot, for me any day of Noschena was tremendous happiness. And now I hate these days, so I download myself from morning to evening.

I would like to see my family at the table. To grandchildren run around. This is the result of life when those who remained to you come to you. Over time, the circle changes.

Friends go, close people - too. Life is very filtered by the environment, although I can not say that there are few people around me. And those who surround me, I really want to see at my day of birth, so that it all it was cozy and fun.

About some performers who in the nineties were kings of Russian school discos, for many years nothing can be heard.

Other stars are still "afloat" - participate in the TV show, write new songs, and then they are experiencing the second wave of All-Russian Glory at all.

We invite you to find out how the life has developed in the poptars of the 90s.

Natalia Vetalitskaya

Natalia Vetalitskaya was one of the most beautiful women in the post-Soviet stage. And also one of the most bolders - it was for her Fedor Bondarchuk removed the clip on the song "Look in the eye", where in one of the frames of the dressup, Pudrit Star Pop. Since 2013, Natalya Vetalitskaya left a career and settled with his daughter in Spain. However, the star does not allow to forget about himself and periodically shares his opinions on the Facebook page.

Natalia Vetalitskaya - "Look in the eye"

Andrei Gubin

The main object of the reebests of all the girls in the 90s, Andrei Gubin spoiled the life of those of them for decades by the decade, who at birth was given the name "Lisa": it is worth introducing himself as the interlocutor immediately begins to hum. Gubin wrote many beautiful songs, however, at some point disappeared from television and radio. In the middle of zero, it turned out: the singer is seriously sick.

Andrei Gubin - "Lisa"

Lyubov Uspenskaya

From the late 70s, Lyubov Uspenskaya sang in a restaurant on Brighton, and in the 90s returned to Russia and began to speak with the songs "Cabriolet", "I disappear" and others. Editorial Finding Office. RF reminds that at the beginning of zero it was almost nothing to hear - while Uspenskaya did not start working in the show of the Channel One. After returning to the show business, her name regularly appears on the pages of the tabloid: Uspenskaya, which is already in 60, foaming numerous plastic surgery and "Prick of Beauty".

Lyubov Uspenskaya - "Cabriolet"


After a super-sleep hit "Wind from the sea, Natalie disappeared with radars for several years. The singer was engaged in raising children and house (she has three sons). However, in zero, she returned to the stage: He recorded a dubious track with Nikolai Baskov, and then repeated the initial success to the impossibility of an attractive song "Oh God, what a man!"

Natalie - "Wind from the sea"

Irina Nelson

Irina Nelson began at the dawn of the 90s under the pseudonym "Diana", but did not have much success. In zero, she became a member of the REFLEX group and, among other things, he recorded the hit "Go crazy". Irina Nelson remembered in 2017, when she completely unexpectedly received the medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II degree with the wording "For merit in the development of culture".

Clip on the song "Go crazy" group Reflex

Yuriy Shatunov

After leaving the "Laskaya May" group, Yuri Shatunov went from Russia, but did not throw music: he received the formation of a sound engineer. After returning to his homeland, he recorded several albums, including the new hit "Gray Night". In 2015, he received a premium for his contribution to the Russian show business. Lives with family in Germany.

"White Roses" - the immortal hit of the group "Lasky May"


Kirill Tolmatsky, the son of the producer, famous in the late 90s under the pseudonym Detsl, has changed much since then. Now he replaced the alias on Letruk, instead of fashionable hip-hop, he writes music in the genre of Dansholl, works with Western and Asian musicians, and at leisure he is being sued with a rapper Bass and swears with him on Twitter.

"Blood My Blood" - one of the main hits of Decla

Sad supplement: On the night of February 3, 2019, Dechl died from a sudden stop of the heart.

Arkady Ukupnik

Arkady Ukupnik became the legend of the 90s and sample of Kitcha. Who does not remember his immortal hits about the passport and about the "SIM-SIM, Give" (the last, by the way, does the song remind of the song Army of Lovers and deserved a place in our ranking of Russian plagiarism)? The editorial board notes that in zero Arkady, I tried myself as an actor - played in the "Chicago" productions of Philip Kirkorov, and also engaged in the organization of jazz festivals.

Song Arkady Ukupnik "About Passport"

Sasha Zvereva

The cheerful girl who in the 90s sang in the DEMO group about the "sunshine in the hands" gave birth to three children and since 2014 he lives in Los Angeles. Since 2011, Sasha Zvereva has been engaged in solo career as a singer and DJ and managed to record three albums. Big hits on them, however, was not.

Clip group Demo "Sunshine in the hands"

Bogdan Titomir

Bogdan Titomir was a real sex symbol of the 90s. At first he performed as part of the Kar-Main group, and later engaged in a solo career. His biggest hit - "do as me." In addition, there was a popular Caver to Sophia's song "Chervona Ruta" in the framework of the project "Old songs about the main thing" Konstantin Ernst. In the 2010, the Titomir continues to record songs and appear on parties, but large hits have not yet been heard from it.

"Chervona Ruta" - Bogdan Titomir

Tatiana Bulanova

Tanya Bulanov in the 90s was known as the "singer who cries." Among her then hits are the majority - about the grievous female share. At some point, the producers decided to change her image and recorded the cheerful song "Clear My Light" with a deliberate Kitchev's clip: Kokoshniki, spine, other attributes of the Russian woman. In zero Bulanov, he returned to the scene in the show of the Channel One and it turned out that the timbre of her - one to one like Patricia Kaas.

Tatyana Bulanova on the show "At the point"

Alena Apina

The anthem of the 90s - the "Accountant" song "Combination"

Evgeny Osin

Evgeny Osin, the author of hits "crying a girl in the machine" and "I do not believe", so favorite by the yard romantics of the 90s, at the beginning of the career performed under the auspices of the Moscow Rock laboratory, some time sang in the famous group "Bravo", while his Not changed Valery Syutkin, later created the Rock group "Avalon" and only in 1991 he began the solo career. Deciding to play on the nostalgia of listeners on the 70th, he recorded several songs under the guitar with an uncomplicated lyrics: love, girls and treason. Among the fans of the creativity of Evgenia Oskin was the President Boris Yeltsin - at one of the concerts of the singer, he climbed the stage and began to fade to the song "Yalta".

However, with the onset of a new decade, his career went to the sunset. He married, and after birth, the daughter began to drink. The new creativity did not appear, there were no concerts. Osin was interrupted by performances on corporate enterprises, but in the end, the cash flow is dried. The wife went along with his daughter, and the singer rolled into the black abyss of alcoholism. Now he is struggling with addiction from alcohol - with variable success.

Evgeny Osin - crying girl in the machine

The nineties will now forever remain the time of nostalgia for those who are now about thirty. Songs that were annoyed in school years now awaken the warmest memories of youth. Unfortunately, some artists are no longer alive, and they will not guide new hits. Editorial Finding Office. RF proposes to remember the stars that are too early left of life.
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To look attractive on television, the stars are sitting on diets, play sports and undergo rejuvenating procedures. Nevertheless, some celebrities did not spare time. The stars changed to unrecognizable then and now in the material.

Amanda Lepor (1967)

At the aged stars include Amanda Lepor. This woman was an icon of transsexuals in the American TV show, however, the abuse of plastic operations had a serious impact on the exterior of the celebrity. In 2018, Lepor could not get out of the house without makeup, which fans are excessively bright and vulgar.

Igor Livanov (1953)

Alain Delon (1935)

Portraits in youth decorated the walls of fans around the world. He brought particular fame of films "On Bright Sun", "Rocco and his brothers", "Leopard" and "Black Tulip". Nevertheless, today it is also made in the lists of strongly aged stars.

Andrei Gubin (1974)

The star of the Russian pop in the youth stole the hearts of many ladies due to the pretty appearance. He literally "blew up" all musical charts and concert venues.

It disappeared from the scene, it is also suddenly. Gyuba began serious problems with physical and mental health, which could not but affect his appearance.

Brick Bardo (1934)

The French actress was considered an icon of beauty and a sex symbol in his homeland and in other countries of the world. The star glorified the role in the film "And God created a woman," but today Bardo is very much, and only the old filmters are reminded of the former attractiveness of the star.