At 25 years old, it is difficult to believe that beauty is not in youth, and sexuality is not in the absence of wrinkles and an ideal figure. Everyone dreams of finding a secret weapon against the effects of time - operations, injections, diets are used. But only a few manage to look truly good anyway. So, maybe the question is not the number of “beauty injections”, but the correct attitude towards this beauty? FashionTime compiled a list of stars who apparently have the real secret to youth. In our review - 10 celebrities who managed to beat time.

Age: 43 years

Hollywood's favorite, Rachel from the cult series "Friends", ex-wife Brad Pitt and one of the most influential and highly paid actresses of our time. What is noteworthy is that as Aniston ages, so do her fees. Obviously, for the directors, Jen remains young and charming.

Although Jennifer Aniston does not have the appearance of a classic beauty, the girl has more than once been included in the ratings of the most desirable and sexiest women on the planet. A toned body, a magnificent complexion, an open radiant smile - everyone without exception falls under Jen’s inexplicable charm. The main emphasis of her image is amazing naturalness - no obvious interventions plastic surgeons, ultra-sexy outfits, the habits of a “big star,” excessive makeup. “Expensive and rich” is not about her at all. Jen promotes conceptual minimalism in clothing, healthy image life, and is also distinguished by its open positive attitude to the surrounding world.

Her secret: as the actress herself says, she simply doesn’t think about age. “I play cheerful and easy-going girls. And it would be disingenuous to say that in life I am a sad and closed person. My motto is goodwill and sincere interest in everything in the world.” In addition to the right attitude to life, Aniston carefully monitors her diet, attends yoga classes, and dances.

Personal life: after several years of cloudless happiness and subsequent devastating divorce from Brad Pitt in 2005, Aniston tried to build serious relationship with many colleagues on the set. The 43-year-old actress is now engaged to a Hollywood screenwriter. Justin Theroux and obviously absolutely happy.

Monica Bellucci

Age: 48 years old

An actress who, having once appeared in the ratings of the most beautiful stars world, does not leave them, even after crossing the threshold of their 45th anniversary. Say that Mediterranean beauty Monica Bellucci growing old is simply impossible - every year the beauty of the Italian star becomes more colorful and deep. Languid, sultry, sexy, Bellucci is the type of classic beauty with curves who continues the tradition of classic sex symbols of world cinema.

It is obvious that Monica is following in the footsteps of her legendary compatriot Sophia Loren- even at 78 years old she makes men turn around in her wake.

Her secret:“I have always said that over time, nature takes away from us the momentary (appearance) and gives us the eternal (experience and wisdom).” The most beautiful woman of her generation has always viewed her beauty as a gift to be used, not celebrated. Naturally, in Monica's diet - proper nutrition, sports and recreation. But, as the actress herself assures, all this would be useless if not for a philosophical attitude towards age-related changes.

Personal life: Bellucci has been in a relationship with the French actor for almost 20 years Vincent Cassel(officially married since 1999). In this, she also follows the path of Lauren, who all her life, surrounded by hundreds of fans, was faithful to a single man.

Age: 46 years old

Cindy Crawford- legendary model, first to appear on the cover of a magazine Playboy and on 600 covers of popular glossy magazines around the world, becoming a symbol of the 90s and the best fashion model of the golden modeling age. Cindy Crawford lucky - she has been compared to a beauty since childhood Jiei Karanji, A Karl Lagerfeld noticed that in the girl amazingly classic beauty and the charm of the American dream come together.

By 2000, Crawford had graduated professional career model, but did not stop collaborating with the fashion world. To this day, 46-year-old Cindy appears in advertising campaigns for fashion brands, giving young models a head start. Her athletic body is always under the gaze of the paparazzi - a rare star can be seen on the beach in a bikini more often than the queen of the world catwalks of the 90s.

Her secret: Crawford tirelessly hones the amazing proportions of her figure that nature has endowed her with by visiting gyms and fitness classes.

Ex-model developed the whole complex special exercises to restore shape, repeating success "Queen of Aerobics" Jane Fonda.

Cindy opposes plastic surgery and other radical interventions in natural process aging, confident that wrinkles cannot spoil real beauty.

Personal life: marriage of Cindy and actor Richard Gere was called the union of the most beautiful people on the planet, but, alas, lasted only four years.

Crawford met her fate in 1998 - the girl’s colleague, ex-model Rande Gerber, became the father of her two children.

Halle Berry

Age: 46 years old

She is the first black actress to win the award. "Oscar" and began to receive multimillion-dollar fees. In 2007, beauty Halle Berry topped the list of “40-year-old beauties” created by one of the influential US publications, and in the same year gave birth to her second child, which, however, had almost no effect on the star’s stunning figure.

Berry doesn't seem to feel his age at all. True fame found her at the age of 34, and that is why, at the age of 46, Berry is not only not going to stop, but is constantly moving forward. The actress is seriously involved in perfumery, one after another releasing commercially successful fragrances that have been awarded many professional awards.

Her secret: Halle does not like to talk about his age, preferring not to focus on it. However, skeptics claim that Berry’s genes help her “preserve perfectly” - it is known that African Americans are less susceptible to the aging process. It’s hard to agree with this, because the actress gives her all in the gym, doesn’t smoke or drink alcohol, and even tries to completely give up eating meat. The results of her efforts are smooth, glowing skin, a toned figure and incredible grace.

Personal life: Halle can't boast of being happy family life- she has two divorces, deep depression and suicide attempts behind her. Only by 2010 the star began to become serious and, it seems, happy relationship with a French actor Olivier Martinez.

Age: 44 years old

Julia Roberts- first Hollywood actress, who earned $25 million for the film and thereby initiated the practice of paying multimillion-dollar fees to screen stars. Award winner "Oscar", who was not afraid to disappear from the frame for a long time in order to return triumphantly to the Hollywood Olympus after a creative break.

Roberts seemed to have stopped time, remaining forever Vivien Ward from the legendary film "Pretty Woman". Julia's long brown hair, gorgeous glowing skin and famous signature smile do not fade over the years - only in 2010, the actress was included in the list of the most beautiful people on the planet according to the magazine. People.

Her secret: Julia has a very easy and joyful attitude towards life, preferring to trust the natural course of events. Roberts has never gone under a surgeon's knife, avoids beauty injections, and instead uses natural remedies. The actress professes Hinduism and lives according to the laws of Ayurveda. Vegetarianism, monthly fasting and hardening help her stay in great shape.

Personal life: the stormy romances of young Julia at the beginning of her career excited the whole of Hollywood - they got into her network Matthew Perry, Keeter Sutherland And Liam Neeson. Afterwards, the actress had a short-lived union with the singer Lyall Lovett. Already more than ten yo Roberts lives in a bark with Daniel Moder, the couple has three children.

Age: 43 years

JLo - American singer of Puerto Rican origin, who placed Latin American music on the pedestal of the pop industry. Living icon of modern show business , Jennifer Lopez (Jennifer Lopez) looks like a real energizer. Singing success was only the beginning, after which the star began acting in films, performing on TV, creating perfumes, sewing clothes and doing charity work.

Jennifer for real amazing woman, catchy, bold, not afraid of condemnation and public assessment. Everyone knows Lopez's predilection for sultry men much younger than her, but this circumstance does not prevent her from enjoying life.

Her secret: desperate self-confidence and invincible workaholism. Lopez does not spare himself during long hours of training, works hard at the ballet barre, and strictly limits the consumption of sugar and meat. “I always knew that beauty requires sacrifice - it’s pain, sweat and tears. But it’s worth trying for this! There is nothing better than feeling sexy, desired, better,” says the singer.

However, Lopez’s appearance is often criticized by skeptics, which, of course, does not bother her at all. “You can't please everyone. Love yourself. It’s corny, but still love yourself!”

Personal life: A series of absurd romances and short-lived marriages cemented Jennifer's reputation as a hunter of backup dancers. The most serious relationship connected Lopez with the singer Mark Anthony- from their union, the couple had twins. Now the star is having an affair with a young man Casper Smart.

Age: 46 years old

The most successful Mexican woman who has completely conquered the Hollywood hills, an award nominee "Oscar" and the beloved woman of a French millionaire Francois Henri Pinault. From 23 years old Salma Hayek, from the age from which big cinema recognized her, has not changed, as if time had stopped. Petite as a figurine, with perfect almond-shaped eyes, a shock of almost black hair and a seductive high bust, Hayek is considered one of the most charming Latinas in the world.

Her secret:
Salma is a person of amazing calm and self-control, who does not allow herself to get irritated, complain or worry about trifles. She doesn’t panic over a couple of extra pounds, doesn’t limit herself to her favorite treats, and assures that she simply doesn’t have time to visit beauty salons. Of course, one can suspect Hayek of deceit, because, comparing her photos from twenty years ago with today, even the most picky skeptic will not notice the difference. But the actress steadfastly keeps her secrets of youth - the star was never suspected of abusing Botox, and Salma said categorically no to plastic surgery.

Personal life: Hayek experienced a dizzying romance with Hollywood actorEdward Norton. But the main relationship in Salma's life is a long union, and then a successful marriage with Francois Henri Pinault, from whom the actress had a daughter Valentina.

Lisa Edelstein

Age: 46 years old

Vegan, yoga practitioner six days a week, animal rights activist, activist and beauty Lisa Edelstein known to the general public primarily for her role as Dr. Lisa Cuddy from the TV series "Dr. House". Throughout all eight seasons, fans of the TV show have enjoyed not only the wit and cynicism of Gregory House, but also the impeccable figure and stunning charm of the hospital's chief doctor. Princeton-Plainsboro Cuddy.

Her secret: Lisa Edelstein He really gives his all to keep himself in tip-top shape. "Yoga for me - real life, from practice I draw inspiration and strength to create and act further. Every time after classes I am a new person, reborn, active and happy,” says the actress. An exceptionally healthy lifestyle allows Lisa to maintain a wonderful figure and beautiful complexion. But it’s not even about radiant and smooth skin, but about the internal strength that the star develops after many hours of practice.

Personal life: Lisa Edelstein has never been married, and prefers to keep her romances and hobbies secret from the media and the public. But still, some details ended up in print: it turns out that in this moment the actress is dating her co-star Robert Russell.

Kristin Davis

Age: 47 years old

The famous Charlotte from "Sex and the City", the most sophisticated and touching of the popular four friends, thanks to the actress Kristin Davis looks like a girl out of time. Meanwhile, Kristin recently celebrated her 47th birthday. And if you look at today’s photographs of the actress, you will not find a single difference with the photographs of fifteen years ago: the same gorgeous hair, slender figure and sparkling smile.

Few people know that perfect beauty Davis were serious problems with alcohol, However, the mistakes of the past did not affect her impeccable appearance and allowing you to always look young, the baby-face type.

Her secret: After Christine overcame addiction, she devotes all her time to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, monitors her diet, stopped eating meat and dairy products, and moved from bustling New York to coastal Los Angeles. “I am far from what you imagine me to be. “Charlotte does not exist, there is only me with all my shortcomings and imperfections,” says Davis.

Personal life: Kristin does not share details of her personal life with fans or journalists. It is known that Davis recently adopted a newborn baby. As for love interests, the actress is dating the director Nick Leone.

Ornella Muti

Age: 57 years old

Apparently, a wonderful appearance, which lasts until old age, is in the genes of all Italian actresses. 57 year old Ornella Muti, known for films "The Taming of the Shrew", "Poor Rich Man" And "Life is Beautiful", is one hundred percent confirmation of this. An incredible toned figure, sparkling eyes, beautiful hair, perfect posture and the ability to present herself erase Muti's age and make you believe that this woman will forever remain beautiful.

What is her appearance worth? last movie Woody Allen's "Roman Holiday". At the premiere, the audience simply could not believe that Ornella Muti I have never visited a plastic surgeon. The most that the Italian beauty can allow herself is monthly vitamin injections and facial massage.

Her secret: The Italian beauty takes monthly vitamin injections and facial massages, strictly monitors her diet and does morning exercises every day.

But Ornella’s main secret, according to her own assurance, is a positive outlook on the world and goodwill. “Say no to envy, say yes to laughter, learn to find joy in simple everyday details, don’t be afraid of wrinkles around your eyes, laugh from your heart and never grow old,” assures Muti. And, looking at Ornella, there is no reason not to believe in her recipe for beauty.

Personal life: the actress was married twice, but the main intrigue unfolded between her and the symbol of Italian cinema, the charismatic Adriano Celentano. Journalists all over the world wondered whether the stars were connected by something more than on-screen love. Ornella kept this secret for 30 years, and only in 2011 she admitted that she and the actor still had an affair.

Age: 54 years old

Beautiful intellectual Sharon Stone included for life in all lists and ratings dedicated to the most desirable and sexy women peace. It's not about the number of wrinkles and the right makeup, it's just that the actress has the valuable ability to carry herself like a king. Sharon is not afraid of her age, appears in advertising campaigns dedicated to anti-age products, cheerfully celebrates her birthdays and makes young lovers to the envy of all social gossips.

Her secret: fearlessness and wisdom to recognize one's true age and appreciate every year. “Only a fool would rely on appearance. All this is so fleeting and secondary, I don’t even understand how one can comment on it. Has everyone heard about inner beauty? Does this seem trivial to you? Try to find it in yourself and see how others will look at you.” Of course, Stone does not deny that he uses the achievements of modern cosmetology, but he does it so carefully and appropriately that he is not criticized by a fighter for natural aging.

Personal life: Sharon has been married twice and is the mother of three adopted children. Now the actress is enjoying life in the company of her lover, who, according to envious people, is old enough to be her grandson. However, there were no complaints from the star’s young boyfriend.

Naturally, a universal fountain of youth that guarantees eternal beauty and grace, does not exist. But it is clear that the point is not how perfect the skin looks, how slim the figure seems. The secret is the right attitude towards beauty, both internal and external. Be beautiful!

In the 1930s, Hollywood became a virtual dream factory for millions of people. After all, during the difficult period of the Great Depression, cinema was the only entertainment they could afford. Spectators took seats in beautiful and spacious cinema halls and, from the first frame of the film, were immersed in a wonderful world, forgetting about their problems.

Hollywood stars instantly became role models. Women wanted to style their hair or sew a dress like their favorite actress. And men bought spectacular postcards that depicted popular film stars. Of course, for ideal images There is a whole film crew standing on the screens. But without talent and personal charm it is impossible to captivate the hearts of millions.

We offer you 20 photographs of magnificent artists of those years.

(Total 20 photos)

1. Judith Barrett (1909-2000)

A screen star who starred in leading female roles from the late 20s to the early 40s. Another creative pseudonym for Judith is Nancy Dover.

2. Priscilla Lane (1915-1995)

The youngest of the Lane sisters, popular American film actresses in the 1930s, Priscilla had a good career in film. But in 1942 she got married, after which her acting career came to an end.

3. Alice White (1904-1983)

The debut of this actress with French and Italian roots took place in 1927. Over the next two decades, the actress starred in several dozen films, but gradually her career faded away and she returned to work as a secretary.

4. Ida Lupino (1918-1995)

British and American actress. Ayda became one of the first female directors in the history of cinema.

5. Francis Drake (1912-2000)

Having started her career as a dancer, Frances quickly moved to cinema, where she continued to successfully act in the period from 1933 to 1942. In February 1939, Drake married Lieutenant Cecil John Arthur Howard and soon retired from the screen.

6. Edna Callahan (1912-2007)

Popular Hollywood film actress of the 1930s.

7. Thelma Todd (1906-1935)

The winner of beauty contests, Thelma ended up in a big movie. She played mostly supporting roles, appearing in more than a hundred films. Thelma successfully made the transition from silent films to talkies, achieving great popularity in the early 1930s with a series of comedy films.

On the morning of December 16, 1935, Thelma Todd's body was found in her own car. Death was caused by poisoning carbon monoxide. There were rumors that the actress was killed by New York gangster Lucky Luciano because she refused to meet with him. There was also a rumor that her ex-husband Pat DiCicco was involved in her death.

8. Victoria Winton (1912-1980)

Film actress who became widely famous in the period 1932-1940.

9. Gail Patrick (1911-1980)

While studying at the university, she took part in a national selection at the Paramount Pictures studio, which ultimately led her to cinema. Her debut took place in 1933, and she achieved real success by the end of the decade, thanks to the roles femme fatales, intriguers and villains in opposition to the main heroines.

In 1948, after her third marriage, Patrick left filming. In 1957, together with her husband Cornwell Jackson, she became a producer of the popular TV series Perry Mason, which aired until 1966.

10. Alice Fay (1915-1998)

An actress and singer, Alice Fay made her Broadway debut in 1931 and three years later made her way to the movies when her musical was adapted into a film. This was followed by new successful film roles, where Faye performed not only as an actress, but also as a singer. Her career continued to develop successfully until 1944, when, after a conflict with management, she left the Fox studio. After 1945, Fay did not act in films for 17 years, appearing on screen only in 1962 in a small role in the film State Fair.

11. Rochelle Hudson (1916-1972)

Famous American actress who actively acted in films from the 1930s to the 1960s. The peak of his career came at the height of the Great Depression. She was married three times.

12. Sari Maritsa (1910-1987)

British actress who starred in popular films in the early 30s. She tried to make a career in Hollywood, but the public did not accept her warmly enough. The artist's career ended after her marriage in 1934.

13. Fay Wray (1907-2004)

She began acting in films in 1919. The peak of her career was marked by her performance as Ann Darrow in the film King Kong (1933), which made her one of the iconic characters in the history of popular cinema, “Kong Girl”. She stopped acting in films in 1942, after marrying screenwriter Robert Riskin. After Riskin's death in 1955, she returned to cinema for a while, but finally gave up her film career in 1958.

14. Karen Morley (1909-2003)

Beginnings acting career from the theater in Pasadena and immediately achieved serious success, playing roles in the films “Mata Hari” (1931), “Scarface” (1932) and other MGM films. In 1934, she left the studio and began acting less in leading roles. Her career finally collapsed in the late 1940s, when, due to her involvement in communist party In the USA, she ended up on the Hollywood Black List. Subsequently, Karen Morley returned to filming only in the mid-1970s, playing several small roles on television.

15. Juliet Compton (1899-1989)

She began her career during the silent film era. She danced in the Ziegfield Follies show. She filmed first in Britain and then in the USA. The most famous sound film with her participation was the film “Lady Hamilton” (1941).

16. Bess Erhardt (1916-1975)

Bess starred in musicals and dramas and was famous for her ability to skate, including roller skating. The most famous film with her participation became “Ice Madness” (1939) about the life of figure skaters.

17. Amo Ingram (1909-1983)

A talented actress and dancer, Amo acted in films from the late 20s to the early 40s, but mostly she played small roles as chorus girls. She never married and lived out her remaining days in Santa Monica, California.

18. Pat Royal

Having started her career in the 20s, Patricia Royal acted until the late 30s.

19. Muriel Angelus (1909-2004)

Scottish-born Muriel Angelus began her stage career in London, where she became famous for her strong and beautiful voice. Having moved to the USA, the actress continued her journey into cinema and starred in a lot of films, the most significant of which were “The Lights Out” (1939) and “The Great McGinty” (1940). She left the world of cinema in the late 40s after marriage.

20. Joan Blondell (1906-1979)

During the Great Depression, Joan was one of the highest paid actresses in the United States. Starting from the 40s, she began to act less often and mostly in supporting roles. But at the same time she was nominated for an Oscar in 1951 and continued her career as an actress until the end of her life.

It's no secret that foreign divas spend millions on their appearance. Our stars' fees are more modest and in a different currency. Nevertheless, Russian women are famous throughout the world for their beauty for good reason. Here's your proof. Our review includes Russian and Hollywood stars of the same age who are over 40.

1975, 41 years old

Tatyana and Charlize are blonde beauties, luxurious women who have achieved certain heights in the professional sphere. But in the personal life of our Tanya, luck smiled, and Charlize cried loudly, and not because she dropped a ball into the river. Firstly, the actress has never been married: she is simply pathologically lucky with scoundrels. And secondly, the Hollywood star does not have any children of her own - only an adopted boy from South Africa named Jackson and a dark-skinned girl, Augusta, from the USA.

Tatiana Navka (photo on the left) and Charlize Theron (photo on the right)

1975, 42 years old

Looking at Yana’s figure, it’s hard to believe that she is the mother of three children, the youngest of whom is only three years old. Evgeni Plushenko's wife is in excellent shape and even on vacation does not forget to look at Gym. Looking at Angelina, you can’t help but think that she forgets to eat. Exhausted, almost on the verge of anorexia and a nervous breakdown, the actress evokes sympathy instead of admiration. Fans around the world are worried: if Brad Pitt's wife continues in the same vein, then by the age of 45 she will either disappear completely or turn into a decrepit old woman.

Yana Rudkovskaya (photo left) and Angelina Jolie (photo on the right)

1971, 46 years old

Winona has always been a slender, big-eyed brunette with huge eyes. But any natural gift must be supported and developed, but over the years the actress began to neglect herself. Anita, on the contrary, at 45, realized that a healthy lifestyle was just beginning in these years, and now she looks better than ever.

Anita Tsoi (photo left) and Winona Ryder (photo on the right)

1969, 47 years old

Jennifer threatens that she will still wear a bikini in retirement. Of course, a beautiful body is a simple matter, especially with the money of the star of the TV series “Friends” and taking into account the fact that Aniston did not give birth. Evelina does not throw such words to the wind: she simply posts juicy and bright photos herself in a swimsuit and enjoys life, thereby motivating all mothers. Let's take an example from Evelina!

Evelina Bledans (photo left) and Jennifer Aniston (photo on the right)

1968, 48 years old

Emma Sjoberg (Wiklund), the blonde Petra from the Taxi films, now looks like a successful copy of herself, created by the hands of plastic surgeons. Alika looks like a successful and happy woman. Overweight? They give the actress's figure appetizing roundness.

Alika Smekhova (photo left) and Emma Wiklund (photo on the right)

1967, 49 years old

Nicole Kidman never talked about her hobby. But we see everything: there is no breast, but there is one, and then it has disappeared again. Miracles? No, good job surgeons It’s the same with wrinkles: they say that the actress now even has difficulty smiling - everything is so tight on her. Our Renata is not like that. It seems that once she found her style, she stopped time. And now her 14-year-old daughter Ulyana looks like hers younger sister, and not Litvinova, like Kidman’s age.

Renata Litvinova (photo left) and Nicole Kidman (photo on the right)

1964, 52 years old

Just as the white and black queens are not alike, Taisiya and Monica are completely different. Luxurious women who, if they knew each other, would compete with each other. And so - each of them divides and rules on its territory. And yet our gentlemen prefer blondes.

Taisiya Povaliy (photo left) and Monica Bellucci (photo on the right)

1962, 54 years old

At 53, Jodi looks like a chemistry teacher: strict and reserved for her age. She lives quietly with her wife Alexandra Hedison and has two sons. Alena quiet life not to my liking. At 53 years old, the singer does not shy away from stylish experiments that inspire even her young colleagues.

If you compare their photographs taken two decades ago with today, the difference will be almost unnoticeable. Looks like some Hollywood actresses have discovered the source eternal youth. In our review - phenomenal women over whom time has no power.

Elizabeth Hurley

The actress seemed to turn back time. The photo on the left was taken in 1997 - Elizabeth Hurley is 32 years old. More than 15 years later she is still the same brunette with blue eyes and luxurious brown hair. In the photo on the right, Elizabeth Hurley is 48 years old. The actress's name became famous after her whirlwind romance with handsome Hugh Grant and the role of a sexy siren in the films about Austin Powers. Elizabeth Hurley has since given birth to her son Damian in 2002 and, nevertheless, remains one of the most sultry actresses in Hollywood.

Andie MacDowell

TO former model and the face of L'Oréal Paris, success came in the 90s after the release of such films as “Residence Permit”, “Groundhog Day”, “Four Weddings and a Funeral” on the big screens. Since then, she has not changed at all: the same A slender figure, luscious curls and a dazzling smile. Today the actress is 56 years old. Andie MacDowell's main secret is to stay stress-free. “Even if I'm really worried about something, I can go to a yoga class and relieve stress,” says the actress. – “I feel great after yoga or horseback riding.”

Minnie Driver

She made her debut in big cinema in the role of the ugly duckling in the 1995 film "Circle of Friends", but, nevertheless, every year in real life The actress is becoming more and more beautiful. In 1998, she was nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in the film Good Will Hunting. Since then, she has dazzled on red carpets. Today, at 44, the actress looks better than ever.

Brooke Shields

The photo on the left was taken in 1982, when the actress was 17 years old. Since then, her hairstyle has changed and facial wrinkles have appeared, but Brooke Shields has not lost a drop of beauty at the age of 48. The actress became famous while still a teenager thanks to her roles in films such as The Blue Lagoon and Endless Love. “Cleanliness, toning, moisturizing the skin,” says the actress about the secrets of her beauty and youth. – “Protect yourself from the sun and drink water.” Well, Brooke Shields certainly has good genes.

Daryl Hannah

In 1984, the blue-eyed blonde appeared on the big screen as a naive mermaid in the comedy Splash, in which she played alongside Tom Hanks. By 1987, when the photo on the left was taken, Daryl Hannah had already played several roles in hit films and became a full-time Hollywood star. More than 25 years have passed since then, but the actress has retained her beauty “as if she had just come from the beach.” “I use natural cocoa (raw chocolate) on my body and hair and olive oil on my face, plus vegan biodegradable soap,” says Daryl Hannah.

Winona Ryder

In the photo on the left, the actress is 18 years old. In the photo on the right, Winona Ryder, whom we love for the films Beetlejuice, Deadly Attraction and many others, looks the same as she did 25 years ago. She is now 42 years old. According to Kim Collea, the actress's makeup artist, it's all about nutrition: "No matter how boring it may sound, Winona eats a lot of salads and drinks huge quantities of water."

Heather Graham

This hot blonde was 21 years old when she hit the big screen opposite John Travolta in Scream and has barely looked any older since. “I try to sleep 11-12 hours a day,” Heather Graham shares her secret to youth. “This is really what I need. Sleep does its job.” The photo on the right, which shows the actress at 44 years old, confirms this.

Gabrielle Union

In the photo on the right, the actress looks as young as she did 16 years ago - in 1998, when the photo on the left was taken. Gabrielle Union is now 41 years old. Last year she was named one of People magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People. “I stay young thanks to my affairs with men younger than me!” says Gabrielle Union.

Carmen Electra

Her hairstyle and dress may change, but the actress herself has not changed one bit since 1997, when the photo on the left was taken. Today she is 42 years old. The secret to her beauty and youth is regularly moisturizing her skin and removing makeup at night. Moreover, she happy man. “When you are happy, it reflects in your eyes and brightens everything up,” says the actress.


It’s very nice to see women at that age looking great. Girls, I recommend everyone to take care of themselves, regardless of age, go to the gym, watch their diet and be princesses))

They turned down about 20, of course. The women in the photo look quite their age. It’s worth taking into account the treatment, of course, personal care, makeup.

NO ONE CANCELED Plastic surgery, Botox, and Photoshop.

09/03/2014 14:11:12, I’ll wait and listen

They look good. They probably spend a lot of time on their appearance

Well, why can’t you look younger than your age? It’s quite possible if you go for it from the very beginning and don’t stuff yourself with all sorts of harmful substances, both in cosmetics and in food. Everything is possible, even the impossible)))

The title of the article is wrong :) You can’t look like 20 at 40. And most importantly, it’s absolutely pointless and doesn’t bring any bonuses.

And photos - they are such photos.... It depends on who takes the photo, how and where. And it will process it :) Yes, you can’t hide your figure, usually. But sometimes Photoshop works wonders with a face :)

And, by the way, I didn’t see any incredible results from anyone. Moreover, I will say that with their capabilities it would be possible for many to look more decent....

Well, yes, we got carried away with twenty, of course. Ordinary well-groomed women forty years old)

They look like they're 40+. There are plenty of such non-actresses.

and also, stem cells work wonders((no, I respect them all infinitely - they have to take care of themselves.. BUT, this is their job.. so for a minute.. look good and continue their career, otherwise they will be easily replaced by fresh heads.

In the photo everyone looks 20)

05/05/2014 12:29:09, Fake

When will women stop wondering why they should try to look 20 at 45-50?
Explain to me, why is this all for????Looking good, well-groomed, etc., of course, is necessary - this is an indicator general health and energy at 50 years old, these are valuable qualities :) but at the same time declaring that everything is exactly “like at 20” .. it just looks pathetic. In life, it’s always awkward to even listen to, let alone assent to..

05/05/2014 11:15:37, reading since 2012

Looks like it’s time for you to see an ophthalmologist: (Or is this just complacency???

Yeah... These photos just confirm that despite the entire arsenal of cosmeology and modern medicine it is impossible to turn back time. Ladies over 40 look good, like very well-groomed and well-behaved forty-year-old women.) But, alas, they are by no means twenty-year-olds..

05/05/2014 08:11:37, Ahh

Despite the layer of plaster and photoshop, none of the actresses in THESE photos look 20.
But don’t be upset, dear editors, add some more plaster and photoshop, and you’ll see, it will work out.

Comment on the article "Actresses over 40 who look like they were 20"

Mourning as fashion Dress in our usual idea of ​​it is the merit of the famous trendsetter Gabrielle Chanel. It was she who at the beginning of the last century “freed” ladies from corsets, frills and uncomfortable long hemlines. Every woman knows about the little black dress, but few have heard about the history of its appearance. Oddly enough, the reason for its occurrence is not a social event, but mourning. In 1925, Chanel's lover crashed Cote d'Azur, but she wears official mourning...

Elena looks normal, like a woman, not a tattered cat. An actress does not have to be well-written. Irina Rozanova looks the worst of this company. Extremely bad plastic surgery. He is blue and passive. 01/25/2017 20:40:35, an acquaintance of an acquaintance fucked him.


Yes, if Dapkunaite had not had any plastic surgery, she would have been older than Yakovleva

01/31/2017 14:57:19, Nata333

Yakovleva always looked bad. The same can be said about her acting. I don't understand people. who admire her

01/30/2017 14:44:08, zhanna6

Then sorry for the spoiler about Mary.) 01/02/2017 13:16:40, cat in the Tardis. The actress looks 40+. Adequate appearance, adequate behavior, adequate clothing. I did not notice. but some people don’t look good even at 15. and at 20.. but at 15 and 20. good/no matter - it’s not younger...

This is if you got married very early and lived with your husband for about 20 years. Yes, for some reason they look older. Despite the fact that in my youth (20-25 years old) I liked men much older than me, now (when I’m almost 40) I wouldn’t Actress Demi Moore is 15 years older than Ashton Kutcher...


Surrounded by 90% of couples are the same age, with marriages at 20-25 years old. These are friends and friends of friends.
IN ordinary life I see different options, but I noticed that if the husband is much older (more than 10 years), then the woman also looks older than her age, as if getting closer to her husband, while she can be well-groomed and beautiful, but older. Moreover, in two cases after the divorce, the second marriage was with peers and immediately the external age was aligned with the present

In the first marriage the husband was the same age, in the second he was 10 years older, but it would be better if he was the same, but according to his passport he was 10 years younger than me)))

31-year-old actress, MP" United Russia"Maria Kozhevnikova gave birth to two sons with a difference of 1 year and 1 week. The youngest, Maxim, celebrated his first birthday a week ago. And the eldest Ivan celebrated 2 years the day before, on January 19. Now the young mother and former gymnast is participating in the extreme show "Without Insurance " - and tells how difficult it was to recover after two pregnancies and childbirth. “I won’t lie, it was difficult to get myself in order after two pregnancies in a row, and even more so...

Conference "Fashion and Beauty". Section: Figure (how to look good at 52 years old). I just see that in my environment, those around 40 who take care of themselves look like this. 08/20/2015 12:16:41 p.m., Pies from Lovett.


And I have such a friend. You can look on Yandex from classmates, you don’t have to go there, look like this *Nadezhda* Guseinova 46* years old *Nizhny Novgorod (remove asterisks) Now she is 46 years old, in the last photos with her granddaughter, she looks in my opinion at most 26, and nothing special He doesn’t, he just eats little all his life.

20.08.2015 11:46:39, [email protected]

The 68th Cannes Film Festival opened last night, with all the stars of overseas and European cinema appearing on the red carpet. For the first time in history, the jury was headed by two people at once - famous directors, the Coen brothers. Just like last year, let's look at best outfits celebrities. 54-year-old Julianne Moore, who this year won an Oscar for Best Actress... ...and Australian actress Naomi Watts chose sparkling dresses with feathers and sequins: Lupita...

40-year-old Hollywood actress Amy Adams, a five-time Oscar nominee, finally got married. The most interesting thing is that the star of “Charmed,” “Julie and Julia” and the future film “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” has been living with her chosen one, Darren Le Gallo, for 14 years. The young people met in 2002: Then, for 8 years, the couple was engaged: And their daughter Eviana is 5 years old. And then the other day a small ceremony took place for those closest to us. On the one side...

The 44-year-old actress and mother of many children Uma Thurman is relaxing with her family on the beaches of St. Barth and does not hide her beautiful figure: 50-year-old Brooke Shields, covering top part body in a sports swimsuit, however, she is so dashingly worn on the surf that it is clear: the beautiful actress will be young for a long time. An actress of the same generation, 46-year-old Ashley Judd, is clearly proud of the results of the work of plastic surgeons, showing off her smooth face and deep cleavage at the premiere of the film "The Divergent Series...

34-year-old actress Kristen Bell (“Veronica Mars”, “House of Lies”, “You Again”, “In Flight”) and her husband, 40-year-old actor Dax Shepard (“Knocked Up”, TV series “The Frame”, “Me”) name is Earl") are happy, but very anxious parents of small daughters - 2-year-old Lincoln and 2-month-old Delta. Even when they had only one daughter, the couple began " crusade" - a campaign against the publication of photographs of celebrity children. "Lincoln may grow up very shy and not want her...

Everyone has bad outfits, but actress Hilary Swank, 40, seems to have won the unspoken worst-dressed celebrity competition. She came to the premiere of her new film “Local” in a dress that is difficult to identify with. It looks as if the actress accidentally took off not only her coat, but also her blouse in her wardrobe. The photos sparked a flood of comments from all over the world, with the most commonly used words being...

The actress showed fresh photos of her sons on the American show The Ellen DeGeneres Show. 27-year-old Megan Fox is the mother of two children. Her eldest son Noah is now one year and seven months old, and her youngest son Bodie is only two months old. Megan Fox stars in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The actress returned to work less than two months after the birth of her second child. She actively starred in the film during pregnancy. “I became pregnant with Bodie two weeks after the start of filming the film...

by this age they will both already look the same and at this age it certainly doesn’t matter - 50 or 70, especially if the woman is 50 and she is not an actress or wealthy. But you must admit that at 20 and 40, both are great and can and want to do everything.


Thanks to everyone who responded.
This suggests the conclusion that this is not such a widespread phenomenon :)

I know one couple, he was 50 and she was approaching 30 when they got married. He is a successful businessman, divorced, very athletic, looked good for his age, she is pretty. 3 years later, when they had 2 small children, his aorta ruptured and was barely pumped out. He only moves wheelchair, has difficulty speaking. Children with his wife, of course. Everything is fine with money there, it’s difficult for my wife, but she seems to be coping. I don't remember any other couples like this.

The French actress with a luxurious figure and a sensual mouth today celebrates her half-century anniversary. The French cinema star can boast of memorable roles and international prizes. In her youth, the actress graced comedies - in the film “To the Left of the Elevator” with Pierre Richard: Later, her works were awarded Cesar awards; in 1995, she sparkled on the Hollywood firmament in the film Mission Impossible, paired with Tom Cruise: And in 2002 for the role of a slutty maid in the detective story "8...

Svetlana Kryuchkova correctly noted that before the age of 30, an actress needs to sleep with the director (for the sake of roles), and after 30 - with And now she is over 40 - she looks at most 30, well, just over 30. We had a course meeting recently, and some my classmates look like they did 20 years ago.


I really like the way Vera Vasilyeva looks. has not changed for decades. my classmate looks now, at 45 years old, much better than when we finished school. I just didn’t recognize it when we met, but then I was in shock. but there is plastic surgery, a lot of money and careful body care

Maria Aronova with youth plays older women. I remember how surprised I was that she was only 72 years old. Just the type of appearance. But, probably, even before retirement it will look approximately the same.

Don't worry, there are people who look a certain age. Moreover, they look like him at 20, and at 40. and at 50. So it seems that those who are in the public eye (singers, actresses) and at 25 get their first lift, then every 10 years. More precisely, they did it before more gentle ones appeared...


In the photo in the videos I would give an unkempt 24-28
In the photo from 17 July - years 25, the one with just the face - about 35 years old, the expression in the eyes is very... I don’t even know how to express it - some kind of age-related fatigue ((I would have given a well-groomed 50, if not for the rest of the photos

I remember once Oleg Menshikov was asked what was the most difficult thing for him when, at the age of 40, he played a boy of 20 in “The Barber of Siberia.” So he replied that it was difficult to return the youthful sparkle in his eyes. Then I took a closer look and compared it with the game at Pokrovsky Gate, where he was 19. Heaven and earth. At 19, you are filled with happiness from the fact that you are alive, that you are young, you still have everything ahead of you, and you don’t have to PLAY, because... it is a way of living and feeling. In "The Barber of Siberia" he played well, although it is clear that this is just a GAME! Now, if only we could bring nature back...

I’m 39, but they often give me around 25. Yes, my skin is young (although a closer look in the mirror shows my problems) by nature. But they often say that it is the clear look, the sparkle in the eyes, and a slightly naive smile that “deceive”. But this also comes from somewhere and from someone I don’t know ;-) I don’t try on purpose, it just happens that way.

05/08/2007 19:01:50, Olgas

If you really don’t want to, then you won’t bother.
People get crazy even at 25 if they don’t take care of themselves...

Both at 40 and at 20, it’s still worth looking decent :) Looking decent is better than indecent! Vetlitskaya, again, is both blonde and mini. Yes, take our “pops” and actresses - Laima, Ponaroskvaya, Glagoleva, and there are plenty of blondes over 40.


Well, from the height of my age :-) - and after 40 my tail is already dangling - I think that a woman at this age has already developed as a person and can afford not to depend on someone else’s “decent or indecent”, but simply evaluate her by her own sense of comfort . Let me make a reservation right away that I am not currently taking into account the limitations and characteristics of the profession. I feel comfortable changing my hair shades monthly, often quite vibrant. Well, let’s say I haven’t worn mini ones for a long time - I just don’t like them on myself, but bright colors, when they suit me - why not. And I’m not going to figure out whether I’ll attract boys or scare away men...oh, really, I won’t. Maybe because I am aware that if I, due to personal characteristics, arouse men’s interest in my person, then it’s certainly not the length of my legs and the silhouette of my clothes :-) (I do this even at 20, 30... I didn’t shine :-)!) I just have to be comfortable in my daily image, it has to match my pace of life and my sense of myself in space. And - this is my opinion - don’t bother (don’t worry! :-)) You with this: 10 cm or half a tone to the left or right is considered vicious. I think you’re unlikely to go to work in shabby mini-shorts, a navel-length top and flippers on your bare feet :-), and not because your legs are crooked, but simply because that’s how you’ll feel uncomfortable.

03/18/2005 15:01:58, Nat*

1. What does it mean to bleach hair?:) To deprive hair of any color? I like it when hair color varies +/- two tones to natural. This is regardless of age.
2. Different is acceptable :) It rather depends on the type of activity. For liberal professions workers, long flowing hair looks quite harmonious; for office workers, the higher the position, the more modest the hairstyle.
3. Minimum - one and a half palms above the knee. Plus, it’s not paint on, that is, it’s not tight-fitting. The shorter the skirt, the lower the heel.
4. Those that go :) The main thing is that it is beautiful.
5. I like bright things that are rich in color, not neon. Bright colors are always appropriate outerwear(pea coat, jacket) and bags. I’ll write again that this is all IMHO.

in general. I have nothing..(well, I’m embarrassed, understandably.. because after giving birth, not all parts of the body look the way I would like. Is this not enough? 02/04/2003 13:40:24, This and that. If you need advice on composing scenes and the choice of lighting - please contact us;) 02/03/2003 20:38:47, Siniy.


Well, what reasons does the husband have - this is understandable... Firstly, the process itself (and the result) is very exciting, makes you look at a woman a little differently... After all, in the mind such a process is associated with both beauty and depravity.. And it’s not for nothing that men love to look at photos on the Internet and in all sorts of magazines
Secondly, it will be remembered as to “what we were like” :)
Well, thirdly, you can brag to your friends about what a great wife you are;)) or you can brag to your friends yourself:)) or to your lovers;)))
(the third point can be crossed out;))

In general, it’s a useful thing from all sides

When I was young and very pretty in every way, and also when I was on my honeymoon with my first husband, he also expressed a desire to take a Polaroid photo of me.
Imagine my surprise when my friend told me that her husband (who is also a friend of her first husband) told how mine showed him my photos, bragging about how cool she is. I wasn’t just in shock... I was just smeared......
There’s no need to even talk about the fact that my first husband is an idiot to look for. And there is no need to judge everyone like that. But! Think about whether you will always be sure that these photos and video documents will not fall into the eyes of those who should not.
If you are 100% sure (although this, alas, is impossible), then try it.

The famous producer amazes with his beautiful view And perfect figure, and all thanks to the love of sports and complete indifference to sweets. Of Yana's latest hobbies - figure skating with full, hard training.

Tina Kandelaki, 41

Another sports star is Tina. The desire to stay in excellent shape pushes her to the gym almost every day. Such self-discipline certainly produces results.

Valeria, 48

Anita Tsoi, 45

Anita became the real winner in the fight over the imperfections of her figure. The singer managed to lose 40 kg and get her figure in perfect shape. Nothing can stop the singer on her way to her own sense of harmony.

Lera Kudryavtseva, 45

Lera loves desserts and sweets and does not really like playing sports in the gym. In this case, the star remains in in great shape and practically does not change in appearance. The secret is passion for team sports. She, like her husband, became interested in hockey; Lera plays as a midfielder.

Evelina Bledans, 47

Evelina remains the idol of many, including due to her beautiful figure. In order not to stop pleasing yourself and those around you with blooming healthy looking, the star does water aerobics.

Lada Dens, 47

Absolute record holder in the most different types sports from karate to alpine skiing, Lada Dens, with such intense training, is not at all worried about extra pounds or imperfections in her figure.

Angelika Varum, 47

Sports also help Angelica unload her thoughts, find harmony and get rid of any problems with her figure. Rollerblading on fresh air charge her with vigor and vitality.

Alika Smekhova, 48

If a woman knows how to take care of herself, beauty and youth will remain with her for a long time. This is exactly what Alika proves with her example.

Svetlana Bondarchuk, 48

There are no former models, and Svetlana proves this like no one else. Her slender figure and blooming appearance hardly allow us to say about the age and status of a twice-grandmother.