Recycled raw materials

materials and products that, after initial full use (wear), can be reused in production as raw materials. The most important species V. s. are scrap; waste of ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals; waste lubricating oils; defective parts; obsolete products made of polyethylene, etc.; worn tires; spent sulfuric acid; waste paper, etc. To V. s. also include machines and equipment and their parts that are out of order due to wear and tear; metal parts obtained from dismantling buildings and old ships; ferrous and non-ferrous metals contained in consumer and household items unsuitable for use, final production waste, which for of this enterprise are irrecoverable losses (for example, ash at power plants, etc.). Most important for the national economy, both in terms of the size of the resources and in their value, have a variety of secondary metals, which are formed in the form of depreciation scrap and industrial waste. The resources of depreciation scrap are determined by a number of factors: the size of the country's metal stock, its age, material structure, etc. Due to the increase in the vehicle fleet, the regeneration of old rubber is becoming increasingly important for saving rubber. Regeneration also plays an important role lubricants(especially in mechanical engineering), recovery of volatile solvents, recovery and reuse of spent sulfuric acid, catalysts containing precious and rare metals, etc. The value of V. s. increases. in food and other industries.

Use of V. s. V various industries industry is important for further development national economy of the USSR as a source of additional material resources, as a factor in reducing production costs and specific capital costs, as well as to accelerate the rate of production growth. In the USSR, specialized organizations have been created that are engaged in the collection (buying points), procurement, sorting, cutting, and primary processing of vegetables. These organizations either carry out its further processing and processing themselves, or send the collected V. for this purpose. to enterprises using these raw materials. Collection and use of V. s. are planned in the USSR.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what “Recycled raw materials” are in other dictionaries:

    secondary raw materials extracted from waste- (eg from Wastewater) [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Topics of energy in general EN salvageable commodities ...

    raw materials- I/; Wed, collected see also raw material Extracted or produced material intended for further industrial processing and manufacturing finished product. Raw materials for industry. Strategic raw materials. Agricultural raw materials. Sources... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Raw material, an object of labor, for the extraction or production of which labor was expended ( iron ore for metallurgical z de, cotton on the text. fka, grain at a flour mill, etc.). According to their origin, industrial products are distinguished. and s. X. S. Prom. S. is subdivided... ...

    secondary energy raw materials from biomass- (eg waste from the woodworking industry, agricultural waste, etc.) [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN secondary biomass ... Technical Translator's Guide

    RAW MATERIALS, I, Wed, collected. Raw materials intended for further processing. Strategic p. Agricultural village Secondary s. | adj. raw material, oh, oh. Raw material base. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    I; Wed collected Extracted or produced material intended for further industrial processing and production of a finished product. S. for industry. Strategic p. Agricultural village Sources of raw materials. Secondary s. ◁ Raw materials,… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    RAW MATERIALS, materials that are subject to further processing during the production process. There are primary (mined ore, coal, raw cotton, etc.) and secondary (scrap metal, waste paper, etc.) raw materials... Modern encyclopedia

    Garbage container with compartments for different types glass containers Recycling glass containers this use glass containers for any purpose after its primary contents have already been drunk or eaten... Wikipedia

    Raw materials, an object of labor that has already undergone a known change under the influence of labor and is subject to further processing. S. in the production process forms the material basis, the “main substance” of the finished product or... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Materials and products that are available after complete initial use (wear) can be reused in production as raw materials. V. s. are scrap, waste of ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals. metals, used lubricating oils, defective parts,... ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary


recyclable materials
- statement;
- passport and TIN;
- constituent documents IP;

recyclable materials;


Items reception payments began to bring great income to their owners when the opportunity arose in addition to cellular communications They can also be used to pay for Internet, cable TV, public utilities and even fines imposed by the traffic police. At the same time, the organization of the point reception payments, as before, is not at all as expensive as one might imagine at first glance; even a novice entrepreneur can open it.

You will need

  • 1. Registration of individual entrepreneur or legal entity
  • 2. Agreement with the payment system
  • 3. Renting a small space
  • 4. Office equipment and mobile communications
  • 5. Two cashier-operators of the collection point
  • 6. One or more automatic payment terminals


Select item format reception payments – there are two main methods, although they may well be combined at one point. The first is an automatic payment system, located on the street or in any place visited by people - a commercial or business cinema, or a cinema. The second method is accepting payments using, sending funds through a computer or mobile phone connected to a WAP site.

Enter into an agreement with a payment system that is a dealer - a variety of products for which you will accept payments. There are several such systems, the standard conditions for cooperation with each of them are different, as are the technical means, used by each of them in their work. Before choosing, carefully study the offers of each system, looking for the most profitable option from the possibilities that you have.

Rent a small room in a busy place if you decide to set up a point reception payments with an operator sending information using a computer or telephone. Purchase office equipment and software that meets the requirements of your chosen payment system. It costs two shift cashiers to hire for this job.

Buy a payment terminal that will be located autonomously or inside your location where the operator works. In the second case, the terminal will significantly speed up the service process; in addition, nothing interferes, having its own stationary point reception, place several terminals in different places. When choosing, pay attention to its resistance to temperature, as well as various external influences (“anti-vandal” equipment), and the number of available functions.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

If you see that the terminal is bringing in little profit, try moving it to another location that may be more successful - without losing anything.

Remember that when choosing a terminal with a large number provided services that can be provided with its help, you choose a terminal that will “freeze” more often and need maintenance more than simple.


  • Article dedicated to business on payment terminals

While still schoolchildren, many of us collected waste paper and scrap metal. Now this is not a pioneering impulse of enthusiasm, but a completely grown-up business. Moreover, one of the most profitable: there is enough garbage and waste on our planet. Therefore, to open paragraph reception recyclable materials, no special investment required. True, if you want to legally engage in reception recyclable materials from the population, you will have to draw up a special package of documents.


The registration period for a private legal entity or LLC usually takes no more than 5 days. If you plan to hire more than 15 people, then the extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs/Unified State Register of Legal Entities must indicate OKVED codes, in accordance with information about the main types of work. Registration of OKVED will take you from 2 to 4 days. Order stamps for your business.

Find and rent (or buy) a space (or several) where you can store and accept recyclables. Receive positive opinions on the satisfactory condition of the premises from the environmental expert commission, sanitary and epidemiological inspection and fire service.

Due to the fact that many types recyclable materials to class IV waste hazard, obtain a license from the local branch of Rostechnadzor to provide its reception. Submit the following documents:
- statement;
- passport and TIN;
- constituent documents of the individual entrepreneur;
- a list of waste (of all hazard classes - from I to IV), which you plan to receive;
- a copy of the environmental impact assessment report;
- copies of lease or purchase agreements for premises where collection will be made recyclable materials;
- a copy of the conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological inspection on the proper condition of the premises.


  • how to start a business using recycled materials
  • Business idea: How to open a scrap metal collection point?

Dry cleaning of the new, European style is not yet very common in Russian sphere household services enterprise, which is why the market for dry cleaning services is still far from saturation. Many experts, however, tend to believe that mini- dry cleaners in the near future they will become a popular alternative to home washing for representatives of not only the wealthiest strata of society, but also the middle class.

You will need

  • - premises in a separate building with an area of ​​150 square meters;
  • - a project agreed upon with a number of licensing authorities;
  • - a set of equipment for mini-dry cleaning.


Try to find a ready-made room that meets all the requirements for mini-equipment dry cleaners, so as not to invest too much in the construction of a new building from scratch. Dry cleaning can only be located on the ground floor, only in a separate building and only at a distance of 100 meters from residential buildings. In this case, of course, it would be wrong to take the dry cleaning to the industrial area, since the reception and delivery of items will have to be carried out in the same place where they are processed. Minimum room area for mini- dry cleaners together with point reception and delivery - 150 meters.

Make a project dry cleaners(it’s best to order it from a specialized company that carries out this type of work), and then coordinate it with representatives of the architecture and urban planning department of the city administration. It is also important that the project is approved by firefighters, that is, fire inspectors, and Rospotrebnadzor, which is especially sensitive to establishments of this type close attention.

Study the market for mini-dry cleaning equipment, try to find options that suit you and contact potential suppliers. It’s worth looking for an economical option in the form of used cars only if you simply don’t have enough money for new equipment, but if you have the opportunity to purchase new technology Yes, it’s better to do this, because with it you will receive high-quality professional installation and warranty service. Minimum set of equipment for mini- dry cleaners includes two or three machines that process clothes using perchlorethylene, a cabin with a stain remover gun and several steam-air mannequins.

Secondary raw materials are products and materials, after their primary use, they can be used in production as raw materials. Recycled raw materials can be divided according to several criteria:

  • application (unused or used);
  • technologies (allowing or not allowing processing);
  • state of aggregation(gaseous, liquid, solid);
  • chemical composition(inorganic or organic);
  • toxicity (non-poisonous or poisonous);
  • place of use;
  • by place of generation (production and consumption waste);
  • size of volumes, etc.

Types of waste processed

According to the “Sanitary Rules for Collection, Storage, Transportation and primary processing secondary raw materials", as well as based on established practice, secondary raw materials are divided into the following types:

  • liquid waste;
  • waste containing mercury;
  • batteries;
  • rubber;
  • instruments and other equipment containing precious metals;
  • substandard and expired products;
  • medical waste;
  • textiles and footwear;
  • waste paper;
  • glass;
  • animal bones;
  • concrete and concrete production waste;
  • hard polymer materials;
  • radioactive waste.

Polymer materials

Recycled polymer materials are used in the manufacture wide range products: from car parts to bottles. Production from recycled plastics allows you to meet market needs, reduce environmental pollution, and reduce production costs.

Concrete production waste

When working with concrete mixtures, fresh concrete remains in concrete trucks, mixers, pumps, machines, containers and forms. All this equipment is cleaned with water. Waste water includes:

  • liquid chemical additives;
  • cement laitance and water;
  • inert fillers.

Radioactive waste

Radioactive waste is waste that includes isotopes chemical elements, not applicable in the existing condition. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has formulated the basic principles for radioactive waste management:

  • Installation safety;
  • Ecosystem protection;
  • Health protection;
  • Protection regardless of national borders;
  • Interdependence of Education radioactive waste and handling them;
  • Legal support at the national level;
  • Comprehensive production control;
  • Protection of future generations;
  • Responsibility of future generations.

Shoes and textiles

Perhaps the oldest type of waste that has been recycled is textiles. Since time immemorial, ragpickers' carts have traveled all over the world. The rags were sorted to separate what could still serve the poor, and the actual waste that went into recycling. The fabrics were used to make paper back in China. The recipe was brought to Europe by Marco Polo during his first visit to the Middle Kingdom. Fabrics of different composition are subject to different processing. So, denim and other cotton waste is used in paper production. The fabric is crushed and soaked, and further production differs little from the use of cellulose, but does not cause damage to the Earth's biosphere.

Shoes are sorted according to a similar principle, taking into account the type of material with which they are sent for recycling.

Batteries and accumulators

Batteries and accumulators are recycled regardless of whether they can be recharged or the remaining charge of the battery. There are several specialized battery recycling plants in Europe according to the following classification:

  • alkaline;
  • nickel-cadmium;
  • nickel metal hydride;
  • lithium-ion.

The effectiveness of the processing process is determined by the ratio of the incoming and resulting material. It is taken into account that the final result is influenced by the composition of the material and its combination with other substances and materials.

When we talk about secondary raw materials, we usually talk about such material resources, which can be reused. This can be consumer or production waste that occurs in the national economy. It is important to understand that not all waste can become secondary raw materials and not all recycled materials are used products.

The classification of secondary raw materials is clear and simple. Conventionally, it can be divided into several separate groups:

1. Secondary raw materials, which can be used as a complete or partial replacement for primary raw materials.

2. Waste acting as a starting product for the production of primary raw materials.

3. Waste in the form of used raw materials, which during the processing process can be used in a fundamentally new technological cycle.

4. Waste that serves as a source for ore raw materials and the extraction of various metals.

Waste paper as secondary raw material

Recycled materials such as old newspapers, notebooks, magazines, books, cardboard boxes, packaging and much more are commonly called waste paper. Waste paper used as recyclable material is usually used to make insulation, roofing, packaging materials, and paper. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in paper production waste paper takes up 40% of the raw materials, since cellulose and wood are more expensive materials in this type of business.

Types of waste paper (what kind it is)

In the territory Russian Federation enterprises that collect and process secondary raw materials accept unsorted waste paper. Only later will it be sorted taking into account the type and brand of waste paper. The highest quality waste paper is considered to be grade “A” waste paper. Waste paper of lower quality will be considered waste of classes “B” and “C”.

Waste paper recycling technology

Recycling waste paper has certain difficulties and, as a rule, is carried out using wet technology. Processing is carried out in several stages.

1. Dissolution of waste paper

Dissolution of waste paper into individual fibers produced in a humid environment in special equipment called pulpers. Certain hydromechanical forces make it possible to completely shred waste paper into individual pieces and then into fibers.

2. The waste paper mass is completely cleared of foreign impurities

The waste paper mass, which after dissolution turns into a suspension, is passed through a sieve in a pulper. After this, all coarse inclusions in the waste paper mass and heavy impurities are removed from it. At the same time, light impurities can be pulled out in the form of a rope.

3. Removal of waste paper and its fine cleaning

Purified waste paper pulp may contain plant fibers, and not just pieces of waste paper. That is why it is sent for subsequent final release, where even more fine cleaning will be carried out.

What is produced from waste paper?

There are a huge number of products in the world made from collected waste paper. We will try to list their most popular types.

1. Ecowool. Today, ecowool is not often used in production and construction, since the current production of this product is too small. Nevertheless, in the future this particular material will be in demand in the construction market, in the world of thermal insulation materials.

2. Paper fiber boards. Such slabs are often used during construction and repair work on interior decoration rooms. They are slabs of carefully dried, compressed waste paper.

3. Roofing materials made from waste paper are environmentally friendly and inexpensive materials. This direction in the construction market is only gaining momentum, but has serious prospects for its development in the future.

4. Packaging materials are the most popular products obtained in the process of recycling waste paper. It is packaging examples that are considered the most a clear example saving quite valuable and environmentally important raw materials.

With proper collection of waste paper and its adequate use on packaging materials, a considerable amount of wood is saved. Annually due to production packaging materials(cardboard boxes, paper and corrugated cardboard packaging, paper wrappers, etc.) you can save up to one and a half thousand hectares of forest. By the way, micro-corrugated cardboard packaging, which has virtually no disadvantages, is made from waste paper by simply machining recycled materials in warm water.

Corrugated cardboard packaging has certain advantages due to its low weight and good strength. When using cardboard with corrugated paper, the resistance of such packaging to tearing increases several times both across and along the sheet.

5. Office paper. In the printing industry, this area of ​​waste paper processing plays a particularly important role. important role because it allows for significant savings.

Ecology and waste paper

The huge amount of paper that is thrown away every day from offices, shops, and homes can be used for environmental benefit. As a result of the development of recycling of secondary raw materials and its proper use, we can save a huge number of trees. For statistics: by recycling only 1 ton of waste paper, we protect about 10 trees, and also save more than 20 thousand liters of water, thousands of kilowatts of electricity, protect environment from the emission of 1700 kg of carbon dioxide!

The collection and subsequent processing of waste paper makes it possible to open up more and more new opportunities for using unnecessary paper and paper raw materials, saving a lot of resources and money.

The first stages after raw materials for processing enter the sorting center at the enterprise are disinfection and waste sorting. The most valuable of them are metal, waste paper, and plastic.

Gets from general waste magnetic separator. It is further divided into two types: black and colored. Most of this is scrap ferrous metal, accounting for 90%. Scrap is divided into three types: cast iron, steel, iron.

At the first stage of processing, non-metal impurities and debris are removed from scrap metal. Then the pieces are formed into the desired shape and sent to the smelter. The metal then enters the hot rolling shop where the billets acquire their final thickness. After processing, it is used to make products for construction, mechanical engineering and everyday life.

  • Ready rolled products
  • Construction fittings
  • Pipes
  • Cast iron products
  • Technique

Aluminum recovered from recycled materials predominates in non-ferrous metals the most. This metal was discovered 200 years ago, and it immediately found applications in various industries. Unlike iron, it is not subject to corrosion, and the decomposition period of this metal is 500 years, as a result of which products made from it can be melted down and used indefinitely.

In a multi-stage processing process, aluminum products are pressed and shredded - crushed in shredders. Then they are melted in an electric or plasma melting furnace at a temperature of 750 C, formed into briquettes and sent to the factory for production finished products. Aluminum in its pure form is rarely used; aluminum alloys are used more often. For example, with the addition of silicon, magnesium and copper. Such alloys are used in the manufacture of:

  • Engine parts
  • Wheel disks
  • Window frames
  • Aircraft materials
  • Power lines

V full cycle processing begins with sorting and pressing. Sorting is done manually, removing “non-paper” impurities: tape, cellophane, glue. After selecting and disinfecting the more valuable types of paper, they are divided into three categories, which include paper color, fiber length, and dissolution time in water.

  • Category A(high quality) White paper, paper bags, envelopes.
  • Category B(medium quality) Newsprint, wrapping paper, cardboard.
  • Category WITH(low quality) Anything that does not fall into categories A and B.

Using crushers, paper is crushed into pieces with a fraction of 1 to 5 cm. The most important stage is the dissolution of waste paper. The paper is placed in pulpers (rotating tanks) where it is soaked. Next, discoloration occurs; under the influence of chemical reagents, the printing ink is separated from the fibers and no longer sticks to them. Under the influence of these technological processes the paper becomes a liquid fibrous mass, which is passed through a sieve to remove unnecessary particles.

According to the processing technology to obtain raw materials more High Quality, the paper is bleached. Fibers are bleached using hydrogen peroxide. Next, the cellulose is separated from water, which makes up 95% of the total mass. At the end of the process, the dried raw materials are pressed. At the exit from the hot press, paper strips are obtained, which are rolled into rolls and transferred to the cutting department.

With each paper recycling cycle, the fibers become shorter, so the starting material, which is cellulose, is added to the raw material. Repeat recycling paper waste no more than 7 times.

mandatory for recycling since when disposed of by burial, they have a decay period in the soil of 180 to 200 years, and after recycling, which takes a much shorter period of time, they are suitable for manufacturing huge amount different, new things.

  • Household utensils
  • Plastic containers
  • Cloth
  • Technique

Today in the world, recycling of recyclable plastic materials is carried out using mechanical and thermal processing. And it is divided into four main ways.

  • Hydrolysis method
  • Methanolysis
  • Mechanical method (recycling)
  • Pyrolysis

The main method of processing synthetic waste is mechanical.

After passing secondary raw materials cleaning and disinfection stages plastic products end up in the sorting shop. There they are divided by color, degree of contamination and uniformity of the material. Next, sorted plastic waste and polyethylene film crushed to a homogeneous consistency, melted and loaded into an extruder, where the material is formed into granules. The resulting synthetic granules are the raw material for the manufacture of final products.