The martial eagle is the largest eagle in Africa, has a wingspan of up to 2.6 m and reaches a weight of up to 6.2 kg. A very aggressive predator, it feeds on everything it can catch (other birds, baboons, lion cubs, and even antelopes). Unfortunately, martial eagles occasionally attack lambs and young sheep, which is why local farmers consider them pests. It is for this reason that they are shot and poisoned. Today, this magnificent bird is very rare in nature.

The Steller's sea eagle (a relative of the famous American bald eagle) lives in Russia and Japan. It feeds mainly on fish, but sometimes attacks other large birds such as cranes and swans. This is the heaviest eagle, as well as one of the most dangerous birds in the world, weighing up to 9 kg, and a wingspan of almost 2.5 meters. Compared to other eagles, the Steller's sea eagle has the most powerful and largest beak. Unfortunately, this bird is in danger of extinction.

The barred fish owl is the largest owl in the world. Lives in Siberia and Japan. This magnificent bird has a wingspan of 2 meters and weighs up to 4.5 kg. It feeds (as you may have guessed) mainly on fish.

Lives in North America, Eurasia and North Africa. It is one of the most formidable aerial predators, as well as one of the fastest birds in the world. They feed mainly on rabbits, hares and large birds; They also hunt other birds of prey. Despite the fact that the golden eagle is a fairly powerful bird that can kill a person, it has never attacked people. The golden eagle can weigh up to 7 kg and have a wingspan of 2 meters. Females are larger and more aggressive than males. Fossils found in Europe suggest that prehistoric times, several thousand years ago they were even larger.

The Philippine eagle is one of several large eagles adapted for hunting in wooded areas. This magnificent species is found exclusively in the Philippines, where it is national symbol. It can weigh up to 7 kg and has a 2-meter wingspan. It feeds mainly on monkeys, flying lemurs, large bats, and even pigs and dogs. The Philippine eagle is protected by law. For killing this bird you face twelve years in prison. However, despite this punishment, the Philippine Eagle is considered an endangered species, today wildlife there are only 200–400 of them.

The South American harpy is often called the most powerful eagle in the world. Its weight can reach up to 9 kilograms. The claws of this bird are longer than the claws of a bear; without much difficulty, it can break a person’s limb or even pierce the skull if it wants to. Fortunately, harpies have never attacked people (unless they are defending their nest). They feed mainly on monkeys, sloths, and large birds such as parrots. On occasion also iguanas and boa constrictors. Currently, the number of these large South American eagles is constantly decreasing. The main factor for this is considered to be the destruction of forests in the harpy nesting areas, as well as distinctive features breeding - a couple raises only 1 chick. IN certain places Mexico, they are so rare that local residents They are considered semi-legendary birds.

Bird Bearded Vulture

The lambshead lives in Europe, Asia and Africa. It can weigh up to 8 kg, and its wingspan reaches more than 3 meters. Bearded vultures mainly feed on carrion, largely bones, which they split by throwing them from a height (several times if necessary) onto rocks or stones. Catches turtles, which it breaks in the same way.

The American Eared Vulture is one of the largest vultures. The body length reaches 115 cm, the wingspan is up to 3 meters, and the weight of this bird is 10–14 kg. Lives in North Africa and is distributed from Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea, as well as on the Arabian Peninsula, to the south - along Indian Ocean to end South Africa. They feed primarily on carrion, but these birds have been known to kill young gazelles and antelopes, as well as prey on flamingo colonies. He steals eggs and chicks from other birds. Very aggressive. Even the cheetah prefers to stay away from the dangerous beak of this vulture.

The Eurasian eagle owl lives in the forests and mountains of Asia and Europe. Weighing up to 4.3 kg, with a wingspan of up to 2 meters. These owls are among the largest and most powerful birds, and although they feed primarily on rodents, rabbits and hares are also well known for killing and eating other birds of prey, both diurnal and nocturnal (including some eagles).

The crowned eagle lives in tropical forests Africa. They reach approximately 90 cm in length, with a wingspan of up to 2 meters. It is known that they hunt animals weighing up to 35 kg. This powerful and aggressive eagle is known among Africans as the “air leopard”. His main weapon is his deadly claws, which are strong enough to crush the skull of a monkey (his favorite prey). In prehistoric times, these eagles hunted our Australopithecus ancestors. Even in modern times, the Crowned Eagle views humans as potential prey. It is rightfully considered the most dangerous bird in the world.

In Zambia, a seven-year-old boy was attacked by a crowned eagle on his way to school and suffered serious injuries to his head, chest and arms; the predator unsuccessfully tried to carry him away until a woman came to the rescue after hearing the boy's cries. Later, after exploring the area, scientists did not find the eagle's nest. In addition, the eagle turned out to be a “minor,” this fact means that it was not defending its nest, but attacked in order to feast on it.

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We associate birds with something calm and beautiful: light, independent from the disturbances of earthly life, they have always aroused in humans something like a little envy. However, do not rush to relax - Mother Nature still has something to surprise us with. Among the huge variety of bird species, there are some that we do not advise anyone to encounter.


The goshawk is a very beautiful bird and, like all other members of the family, selfless. You shouldn’t even think about approaching the nest of this proud man: the hawk will fearlessly rush to attack the “guest”, regardless of his size.


Making an ostrich angry is not the smartest decision. These birds jealously guard their territory and attack every intruder. The speed of an ostrich can reach eighty kilometers per hour, so it will not be possible to escape. To top it all off, the ostrich has sharp claws on its paws, with one blow of which it can rip through the belly of anyone.

Bicolored Pitohui

These strange small birds live in the forests of New Guinea. Hunting them is deadly: skin, feathers and internal organs Pitohui dichrous contain great amount batrachotoxin - a poison that is a hundred times stronger than strychnine. Scientists still cannot understand the reasons for this trick of nature, because this bird is far from a hunter.

Griffon Vulture

The usual diet of vultures is carrion, and this is common knowledge. However, a study published in 2011 in the journal Nature demonstrated that there may be exceptions to the rule. Griffon vultures living in northern Spain began to hunt livestock, moving from scavengers to predators. A wounded person may well be the victim of such a bird: last year, a young woman fell off a cliff and broke her leg - and the vultures managed to get to her before the rescuers.

blue jay

Blue jays seem to be quite harmless creatures. They feed on insects and nuts - but are not averse to stealing the eggs of other birds. To approach a blue jay's nest is to knowingly risk your eyes. This small bird defends its territory with courage African lion: Ornithologists know of cases of jays attacking hawks, raccoons, cats, squirrels and snakes.


Apart from the ostrich, the cassowary remains the only bird to have killed a human. Middle finger The cassowary is equipped with a long, sharp claw that can easily rip out the intestines of its prey. Of course, you would have to be very unlucky to meet a cassowary in its habitat - however, theoretically it is quite possible.

Red cardinal

And another small bird that can become a source of big trouble. Male cardinals are extremely aggressive, especially during mating season. They are ready to defend their territory to the last drop of blood - especially from their brothers. Red cardinals often crash to death against the glass of houses, mistaking the reflection in them for a rival.

Birds are a symbol of peace and goodness. We can immediately name several dangerous animals, insects and even reptiles, but we are unlikely to easily remember birds that are deadly to humans. But they exist.


In appearance, this bird is completely harmless, but it is original and “elegant”. In fact, the cassowary is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most dangerous bird on the planet. Sensing a threat (or simply seeing a person on the territory of his possessions), this flightless inhabitant tropical forests New Guinea and northeastern Australia are immediately attacked.
Cassowaries' legs are very strong, and their dagger-like claws are capable of causing fatal injuries.
The “bird” has a rather bad character; the cassowary flies into a rage for no apparent reason.
This fact was even highlighted among the American and Australian military during World War II, emphasizing the fact that it was better to avoid meeting the colorful feathered monster. By the way, cassowaries are rarely kept in menageries - due to their unpredictable temperament, zoo workers were most often injured from this creature.

South American harpy

This is the strongest eagle in the world, whose body weight reaches 9 kg. The claws of a huge bird are larger and more powerful than those of a tiger and a bear, and it will not be difficult for it to pierce a human skull.
The harpy usually does not attack a person first; contents itself with monkeys, sloths, boa constrictors and smaller birds for lunch.
The only exception is an attack on the nest of this Mexican eagle. The harpy will selflessly protect the only chick (and these pairs of birds raise only one chick). On this moment number South American harpies is steadily declining, the reason for this was the destruction of forests and the reproductive characteristics of winged predators.

Blackbird Flycatcher

To be deadly to humans, this bird did not have to distinguish itself large sizes And physical strength. The blackbird flycatcher, also known as the bicolored pitohu, is the most poisonous bird on the planet. In addition to the pitohu, there are also three-venomous birds, two of which belong to the same genus (P. kihocephalus and P. ferrugineus) as the bicolor pitohu, and the third was the blue-headed ifrita covaldi.
All three “analogs” are significantly inferior in the degree of toxicity to the blackbird flycatcher. In 1989, ornithologist Jack Dumbacher studied birds in New Guinea. While releasing cute birds from the web, the scientist scratched his finger. Not paying attention to the scratch, Jack instinctively put his finger in his mouth and immediately felt his tongue, mouth and lips go numb.
Subsequently, it was found out that the poison enters the bird’s body along with beetles of the species Choresine pulchra, and then gradually accumulates in the feathers and skin.
As a result of its meals, the flycatcher becomes dangerous to other mammals, although the bird itself has adapted to the poison. It’s funny that the local aborigines have long known about this quality of pitohu, “ greatest discovery“The ornithologist was quite amused by them.

Canada goose

The Canada geese (not to be confused with Canada Goose jackets) is a very beautiful waterfowl of the Anatidae family. The huge duck has an aggressive disposition and desperately defends its territory.
When encountering humans, Canadian hussars often inflicted lacerations, serious fractures and cranial injuries on people.
Federal wildlife scientist Neil Dow conducted field studies and published the results showing the destruction coastline and the destruction of many animals and birds by geese. In addition, geese have collided with airplanes many times. In 1995, in Elmendorf, Alaska, a US Air Force plane crashed into a flock of geese on takeoff and crashed. 24 crew members were killed. In 2009, the pilot of Flight 1549 managed to make an emergency landing after encountering Canadian hussars, and the passengers escaped with minor injuries.


The feathered city dwellers have neither poison nor extreme physical abilities, but they have an amazing presence developed intelligence. An organized flock of crows is capable of acting like a real gang, according to a pre-planned plan.
There are often cases when crows work together to drive their prey - small animals and pigeons - under the wheels of vehicles, and then drag the unfortunates to the side of the road and feast.
Crows can also attack humans. Reports of their attacks on people appear in the press every now and then. Especially in the spring.
Most often, children and old people become victims of flocks, and, surrounding the unfortunate person from all sides, crows are able to inflict significant injuries with their hard beaks, diverting attention to each other.
London runners in Elten Sound Park were forced to change their running route due to an attack by crows. It is noteworthy that aggressive birds attacked mainly blond people. The reasons for the hostility towards blondes have never been clarified.
The consequences of the intelligence of crows were also reflected in mass incidents - in just one month of 1978, nine trains derailed in China. The cause was the rubble that the crows placed on the rails.

We associate birds with something calm and beautiful: light, independent from the disturbances of earthly life, they have always aroused in humans something like a little envy. However, do not rush to relax - Mother Nature still has something to surprise us with. Among the huge variety of bird species, there are some that we do not advise anyone to encounter.


The goshawk is a very beautiful bird and, like all other members of the family, selfless. You shouldn’t even think about approaching the nest of this proud man: the hawk will fearlessly rush to attack the “guest”, regardless of his size.


Making an ostrich angry is not the smartest decision. These birds jealously guard their territory and attack every intruder. The speed of an ostrich can reach eighty kilometers per hour, so it will not be possible to escape. To top it all off, the ostrich has sharp claws on its paws, with one blow of which it can rip through the belly of anyone.

Bicolored Pitohui

These strange small birds live in the forests of New Guinea. Hunting them is deadly: the skin, feathers and internal organs of Pitohui dichrous contain huge amounts of batrachotoxin, a poison that is a hundred times stronger than strychnine. Scientists still cannot understand the reasons for this trick of nature, because this bird is far from a hunter.

Griffon Vulture

The usual diet of vultures is carrion, and this is common knowledge. However, a study published in 2011 in the journal Nature demonstrated that there may be exceptions to the rule. Griffon vultures living in northern Spain began to hunt livestock, moving from scavengers to predators. A wounded person may well be the victim of such a bird: last year, a young woman fell off a cliff and broke her leg - and the vultures managed to get to her before the rescuers.

blue jay

Blue jays seem to be quite harmless creatures. They feed on insects and nuts - but are not averse to stealing the eggs of other birds. To approach a blue jay's nest is to knowingly risk your eyes. This small bird defends its territory with the courage of an African lion: ornithologists know cases of jay attacks on hawks, raccoons, cats, squirrels and snakes.


Apart from the ostrich, the cassowary remains the only bird to have killed a human. The cassowary's middle finger is equipped with a long, sharp claw that can easily rip out the intestines of its prey. Of course, you would have to be very unlucky to meet a cassowary in its habitat - however, theoretically it is quite possible.

Red cardinal

And another small bird that can become a source of big trouble. Male cardinals are extremely aggressive, especially during mating season. They are ready to defend their territory to the last drop of blood - especially from their brothers. Red cardinals often crash to death against the glass of houses, mistaking the reflection in them for a rival.

Each representative of the animal world fights for its existence and survives only thanks to the qualities that nature has endowed them with: strength, agility, speed, visual acuity, powerful wings, sharp claws, etc. Today we will tell you about the ten most dangerous birds of prey living on our planet:

10. Eagle owl

This nocturnal killer preys on other birds, small mammals, fish and invertebrates. Their habitat is quite wide - Europe, Asia and North Africa.

9. Martial Eagle

A bird of prey from the hawk family, which lives in Africa, feeds on small and medium-sized mammals, and can even attack a dog.

8. Bald Eagle

The main food of the predator is small mammals, fish and carrion. Mainly hunts in the morning. It lives in Canada, the USA, the island of Miquelon and the island of Saint-Pierre.

7. Steller's sea eagle

Considered a heavyweight among eagles. Like the white-headed one, it feeds on carrion, fish and small mammals. Habitat: Japan and Russia. The species is listed in the International Red Book as vulnerable.

6. Golden Eagle

It chooses the method of attacking its prey depending on the weather. Attacks hares, turtles, ferrets, baby sheep, roe deer, and deer. Lives in the territory North Africa, Europe, Asia and North America.

5. Philippine eagle (or Philippine monkey-eater, or Philippine harpy)

It is the national symbol of the Philippines. One of the rarest, largest and strongest birds on our planet. Attacks monkeys, woolly wings and small mammals. The species is listed in the International Red Book as critically endangered. Protected by local authorities.

4. Bearded vulture (or vulture)

He loves to feast on bone marrow: he breaks bones, throwing them from a height onto stones. The same is done with caught turtles. It also feeds on small mammals and carrion. Lives in Central Asia, Southern Europe and in Africa.

3. South American Harpy

Possesses long claws, which can break the skull of its victim. Attacks sloths, monkeys, anteaters and other mammals. It also feeds on reptiles and other birds. Lives in Central and South America.

2. African long-eared vulture

Is largest representative vulture subfamily. Has an aggressive character. It feeds mainly on carrion, but can attack, for example, antelope. Lives in Africa.

1. Crowned eagle

It is the most dangerous feathered predator due to its powerful paws and wings, sharp claws and beaks, as well as excellent eyesight. It stalks its prey while sitting on a tree, and the victim can be 5 times larger than itself. It feeds on monkeys, small antelopes, foxes, etc. Lives in Central Africa.