On its banks are such wonderful cities as Tomsk, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Mezhdurechensk, Yurga and Seversk - a little-known closed town hidden behind barbed wire. The length of the river is approximately 830 km, and the width of its opening in some places reaches 3 km. It is believed that the name Tom was invented by the Kets - an ancient Siberian people - and literally means “ main river"or even "the center of life." Perhaps no other Russian reservoir has so many amazing legends, how much has been written about her - about Tomi. Let's give one of the most interesting stories and tell you about the possibilities of fishing on the river.

The Legend of Tom and Ushaya

On the high bank of the Siberian river stood the well-fortified town of the brave Toyan, the prince of the Eushta people. Toyan had a son, who was named Ushay. From childhood he grew up as a skilled and fearless warrior. No one could compete with him in cross-country skiing and archery. Not far from the town of Toyana, near a tributary of the river, Prince Basandai lived with his large tribe. And the prince had a daughter named Toma. Many warriors dreamed of marrying her, but Basandai wanted to give her as a wife to the great Siberian Khan. One day, Ushay was chasing an elk in the forest and accidentally ran into the lands of Basandai, where the beautiful princess Toma was walking at that time. The glorious warrior was completely smitten by the beauty and charm of the girl, and Tom was impressed by Ushai’s agility and strength. And they fell in love with each other with all their souls. Since then, Toma and Ushay began to meet in a clearing, where Basandai found them during their next date. The prince became angry and expelled the poor Ushai from his lands in disgrace. In desperation, Toma ran to the river, near which her lover lived, and threw herself into it. Since then, this river has been called Toma (or Tomyu).

This is such a beautiful and at the same time sad legend. By the way, the names of the characters were not invented without reason, because the Ushaika and Basandaika rivers are large tributaries Tomi.

Both the river itself and its tributaries (and especially the mouth) are quite suitable for fishing. Pike, grayling, perch and burbot are found here. In some places, mainly in autumn period, you can also catch taimen. However, its population in Lately decreases sharply. Of the white varieties of fish, roach is often found, and in some places bream.

They prefer to fish with spinning gear. Fly fishing is more suitable for catching grayling - although this fish is not very large, it is not at all easy to catch. It is better to catch pike in deeper places, where the current level is significantly reduced. The Tom River is of great interest to taimen lovers. This fish is quite dexterous and resourceful, but closer to autumn it develops a beastly appetite, making it much easier to lure it. It is best to use a spinning rod and a bait in the form of a small “mouse”, because small rodents are the main prey of especially large representatives.

The Tom River is suitable for both winter and summer, but in the warm season this fish is not particularly active. To catch it, they mainly use ordinary donks, and the bite begins closer to night. In winter, burbot is caught with a fishing rod, and pieces of fish or a lead cone-shaped jig are used as bait.

The Tom River is surrounded by pebble and rocky banks. And only some areas with access to water are suitable for recreation and fishing in summer period. However, due to high level Swimming in the river is prohibited.

Thus, Tom is a river with rich and interesting story. And the possibility of year-round fishing makes it especially attractive among avid fishermen.

Observations of Tomya have been carried out since 1918; water flow has remained virtually unchanged since that time. The water level began to decrease starting in the 1950s, when gravel began to be mined from the river in large quantities. In the 1980s, spring water levels in the Tom fell by about four meters, and summer levels by more than two meters, compared to the 1950s. Now the extraction of gravel is limited, but it will take hundreds of years for the river to restore its former quantity. Freeze-up occurs by mid-November and lasts 119-202 days; the ice thickness in winter is about 1.0 m. Ice drift on the Tom in the Tomsk region on average begins on April 17, in 2001 it began on April 7, in 2002 - April 18, in 2004 - April 16, in 2005 - April 14, in 2006 - April 25, in 2007 - April 12. The last time during the observation period, Tom was opened in 1898 - May 12. During spring floods, the increase in water level ranges from 60 to 185 cm/day. The duration of the rise is from 8 to 54 days, the decline lasts from 37 to 90 days. The total duration of the flood is from 68 to 128 days.


Downstream of Tomsk: Chernilnishchikovsky, Elovy, Isaevsky and many others. etc.

Upstream of Tomsk: Zyryanovsky, Seredysh, Bektalinsky, Bolshoy, Sosnovy and many others. etc.


Within the city of Tomsk, there are two bridges across the Tom - the old southern Communal Bridge and the northern new bridge in the Seversk area. There are other bridges outside the city and region, upstream.

Tomsk River Station

Emergencies, disasters

River pollution

Anthropogenic pollution is associated with wastewater emissions industrial enterprises cities located along the riverbed, primarily industrial Kuzbass. Due to contamination exceeding standards MPC Since the mid-1970s, water intake for drinking needs in Tomsk became impossible and the city switched to using artesian water.


Spring river floods periodically reach disaster proportions. This type of flood, for the first time in the past 100 years, will probably be the spring flood of 2010. As a result of the fact that at the beginning of November in the Tomsk region, a 20-degree frost had already frozen the river with ice, and in the upper reaches of the river there was suddenly a swell-like flow of water (showers in Altai and China?), the swell passed down the riverbed and broke, chaotically distorting the ice . Harsh winter 2009-2010 the river then froze in places greater depth. All these unique circumstances contribute to the likely rise in flood water levels to 9 meters, which will flood a vast area, including villages and city areas.

Rafting on the Tom River (Tomsk region)

Route No. 1

In the village Kurlek, located 35 km up the Tom River from Tomsk, can be reached by bus, which departs from the bus station (Tomsk-1 station) every 2 hours. In the spring, when there is no pontoon crossing, the bus stop is located on the left bank of the river. Tomi on the highway going to the town. The traffic schedule remains the same.

In the village Kurlek you can buy groceries in stores located near the bus terminus. The camp can be set up above the village. Kurlek along Tom, walking along the highway for 5 km. It is best to set up camp not on the very bank of the river. Tomi - the problem of firewood arises, and in pine forest on the bank of the stream, for which you need to go to the right along an abandoned road, not reaching the descent of the main highway into the lowland 500 meters. An excellent place to camp on the right bank of the stream, behind the bridge that stands on an abandoned road.

The duration of the route is the same as in the first case, if you choose Samuski as the end point - 5-6 days. In the case of rafting to Tomsk - 1-2 days.

Tom originates on the western slope of the Abakan ridge at the foot of Mount Sak-Toiga. The length of the river is 798 km, the basin area is 61.03 thousand km 2 - the 7th largest tributary of the Ob in terms of basin area and the 9th longest tributary of the Ob.

Main tributaries: Usa, Lower Ters, Middle Ters, Upper Ters, Taydon (right), Mras-Su, Kondoma, Unga (left). Upper part of the pool –. Near the city of Mezhdurechensk, the river enters the Kuznetsk Basin, crosses the Kolyvan folded region, and in its lower reaches flows within the Kolpashevo depression, which occupies the southeastern edge of the West Siberian Lowland. In the area of ​​Tomsk there is a well-defined boundary between the geological structures of the Kolyvan-Tomsk zone and the West Siberian lithospheric plate.

In the upper reaches, the river flows through a narrow valley, has a rapids bed, and on rocky rifts the depth does not exceed 35 cm. Within the Kuznetsk Basin, the valley expands, a floodplain 2–3 km wide appears, and the river takes on the features of a flat stream. From Novokuznetsk to Tomsk (515 km) the main banks of the river are cliffs 100 m high. The river bed is incised with deposits of pebble material. Current speeds reach 3 m/s. Closer to Tomsk, the river bed becomes wide-floodplain, with depths on the rifts of 0.4–0.6 m, and in the reaches - up to 10 m. The average slope of the riverbed is 0.24‰. The channel is divided into numerous branches and floodplain channels.

Turbidity of water in the river. Tomi: average 174 g/m 3, maximum 260 g/m 3. Sediment runoff near Tomsk: suspended – 3.4, transported – 0.43 million tons/year. According to the chemical composition, the river waters belong to the hydrocarbonate class and calcium group, and are characterized by low mineralization (100 mg/l or less). The river waters are polluted by industrial wastewater.

The Tom River used to be navigable from the mouth to the city of Novokuznetsk, now - from the mouth to the city of Tomsk. In the Tomsk region, gravel and pebbles are extracted from the riverbed. This led to a drop in water levels by almost 2.5 m, degradation of floodplain landscapes, and exposure of a rocky threshold in the river bed. Rock paintings were discovered on the banks of the river (Tomsk pisanitsa) ancient man; There are a large number of geological natural monuments.

On the banks of the river are the cities of Mezhdurechensk, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Yurga, Tomsk, Seversk.


Tom is a tributary of the Ob. It originates in the Khakassian Autonomous Region on the western slope of the Abakan ridge. It flows through the Kemerovo region and in the Tomsk region joins the Ob. The river's feeding is mixed with a predominance of snow. The average water flow 580 km from the mouth is 650m 3 /sec, and at the mouth 1110m 3 /sec, the maximum is 3960m 3 /sec. The length of the Tom River is 827 km, with a catchment area of ​​000 km 2. The river freezes at the end of October – beginning of November. It opens in the second half of April - the first half of May. In its upper course - mountain river, below it flows within the Kuznetsk Basin, and then along the West Siberian Plain. The river has many rapids, the width of the floodplain reaches three kilometers. On the Tom River there are cities - Novokuznetsk, Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo, Tomsk. The largest tributaries of the Tom: Mars-Su, Kondoma, Unga - on the left: Usa, Upper Ters, Middle Ters, Lower Ters, Taydon - on the right. The river is raftable. Navigable to Tomsk, in high water - to Novokuznetsk.

Hydrological sketch of the Tom River - Mezhdurechensk,

F= 5880 km 2.

1. Brief physical-geographical and climatic characteristics.

The Tom River is a transit river, originating in a mountainous region. It flows through mid-mountain, low-mountain regions, rugged plains and ends at the mouth in the taiga region Western Siberia, flowing into the Ob. The mid-mountain region occupies an altitude of over 1000 meters Mountain Altai, Kuznetsk Alatau and Abakan ridge. The relief is highly dissected. There are individual mountain peaks up to 2000 meters high. However, their contours are softer. Alpine surfaces, kurumniks, significant screes and alluvial fans are developed. There is a system of carts occupied by snowfields and lakes. The mountains are covered with grass and woody vegetation. The saddles of the mountains are swampy.

The longitudinal profile of the river has a stepped character. There are many waterfalls, rapids and rapids. Atmospheric precipitation falls in excess of 1000 mm per year, resulting in very high runoff modules in the mid-mountain region. The presence of large falls in the terrain causes intense snow and rain floods. Maximum water levels and flow rates are usually of rain origin and occur in July. The river receives mixed nutrition: snow, rain and groundwater. Slush transit predominates on the river, after which congestion occurs, and the water level remains elevated throughout the winter, sometimes rising by three meters. Costs fall sharply due to depletion of reserves groundwater, and as a result of losses due to ice formation. Water belongs to the carbonate class. Total mineralization increases to 100 mg/l.

Although the relief of the low-mountain region is mountainous, the height is 100 - 500 meters, the steepness of the slopes and slopes of the river valleys are less than the previous region. Flush rocks exceeds the intensity of weathering, flows cut into bedrock stable rocks. The channel therefore has the greatest stability. They are also composed of coarse material. Thresholds are formed at the intersection of various geological structures.

The slopes of the mountains and river valleys are covered with woody vegetation and heavily turfed, as a result of which the destructive activity of temporary flows is weakened. In this area, alpine surfaces are also developed, consisting of fractured rocks, as a result of frost weathering and almost do not provide surface runoff. Atmospheric precipitation and melt water are almost completely absorbed by chars and screes, as a result of which thick soil and The groundwater, leading to the formation of karst and increased mineralization of the Vaucluses and the river.

Atmospheric precipitation falls 600 - 700 mm, and the river flow is lower than the previous region, but the share of winter flow is slightly higher. Maximum levels and flow rates of water are of both snow and rain origin. In autumn, ice jams occur on the rivers. Levels are therefore elevated throughout the winter. Congestion breaks up during the spring ice drift. Annual maximum levels are often jammed.

The rugged plain, whose height is below 500 meters, is a complex geological structure. Its base is of tectonic origin, overlain by clays, heavy loams, sands and pebbles of Quaternary age. The river valley is tectonically adapted, formed through the evolution of ravines. The entire territory is cut up by a very dense network of ravine-beam systems, overgrown with trees, shrubs and herbaceous vegetation. As a result of deforestation and plowing of slopes river valley Gully activity has intensified again. The river is winding, there is a large contrast of speeds on the reaches and rifts.

Passing along a rugged plain, the level atmospheric precipitation is reduced to 500 - 600 millimeters per year. The river also has a mixed supply: snow, rain and ground. Moreover, the main food is snow. The maximum water flow occurs during the spring flood and in a friendly spring, and the maximum level, as a rule, is of jam origin. The river's winter feeding is stable. There are numerous groundwater outlets that cause landslides along the river banks.

Most large rivers our region are Tom, Kiya, Yaya, Chumysh, Chulym. All rivers belong to the Ob River basin, which ranks first in Russia in terms of drainage area. Most of our rivers originate on the mountain slopes of the main ridge, the western and northern slopes of the Kuznetsk Alatau and the Salair Ridge. Almost all of them flow from south to north. The largest and deepest river in the Kemerovo region is the Tom, the right tributary of the Ob. The second largest river in the region is Kiya.

Found in Kuzbass mineral water. Most large deposit carbonated waters, not inferior in their medicinal qualities to the famous Borjomi water, is located in the valley of the Upper Ters River. This water was called “Tersinka”. Among the mineral waters discovered in the region, the Borisov deposit stands out. Has firmly entered the life of Kuzbass residents mineral water“Borisovskaya”, similar in its qualities to the North Caucasian “Essentuki”, its reserves were discovered in the area of ​​​​the village of Borisovskoye, Krapivinsky district.

Tom River

TOM, a river in the southeast of the West. Siberia, right tributary of the Ob. Splavnaya. Navigable from the mouth of Mras-Su. On the Tom River there are the cities of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Tomsk, etc.

The largest and deepest river in the Kemerovo region is the Tom, the right tributary of the Ob. From its sources to the place where Mras-Su flows into it, the Tom has the character of a typical mountain river.

The Kuznetsk Basin somewhat pacifies Tom’s temperament, and access to its shores becomes accessible. At the very mouth, at the confluence with the mighty Ob, resembling its own older sister, Tom turns into a truly flat river, with a measured flow

The Tom River has more than 115 tributaries. The largest of them are Belsu, Usa, Mras-Su, Kondoma, Taydon, etc. All of them are located on the territory of our region.

Tom is a river with character, a river with difficult and rich biography, a river with great merits and important problems. Tom quenches the thirst of cities and towns, industrial and agricultural enterprises, it is a transport route and a source of electricity. Tom is the basis of the fishery industry. Tom is a place of rest, it provided us with its beaches and islands, its shores for Michurin gardens, dachas, holiday homes, tourist camps. Now we can no longer consider water an inexhaustible gift of nature.

Kiya River

Kiya, a river in the southeast of Western Siberia, a left tributary of the Chulym. It originates in Kuznetsk Alatau. Kiya is distinguished by recklessness and unbridled mountain prowess. Only then does it become a more balanced and reasonable, flat river, with incredible clean water. Kiya is lucky; there are no large industrial enterprises on its banks and in its clean water, at the bottom, nelma spawn, in the lower reaches of sturgeon and sterlet.

Kiya is one of the most fish rivers in the south of Western Siberia. In summer and autumn, caravans sail along Kiya rubber boats, kayak. It is the residents of Kuzbass and many who travel along their favorite river remote places. Kiya is known as the most beautiful river in Siberia. The river has served people for many years. A river with incredibly clear water. It’s as if she doesn’t have any water at all. It seems that multi-colored flat stones are literally lying on the surface. But you step from the shore and find yourself knee-deep, waist-deep in icy water.

Yaya River

Ya?ya is a river in the Kemerovo and Tomsk regions, a left tributary of the Chulym. The source is located east of the village of Yashkino. It is fed by snow. Freeze-up from early November to April. Sudokhodna. On the Yaya River there is the village of the same name Yaya.