Ural Socio-Economic Institute

Academy of Labor and Social Relations

Department of Management


on the topic: " Formation of corporate culture»


student group MSZ 302

Novikov V.A.

Chelyabinsk 2012


Types of organizational cultures

Types of organizational cultures, subcultures

Ways to transfer culture

Changing the culture of the organization

Formation of corporate culture

Practical example


List of used literature


Purpose of writing control work is to consolidate theoretical knowledge about corporate culture, its origin and application in Russian conditions.

A few years ago, the phrase corporate culture was little known, although in fact it, of course, has always existed. However, she was. And elements of the corporate culture of many Western companies with rich traditions had their analogues in the USSR: boards of labor leaders, badges, certificates of honor, and so on are a classic expression of corporate culture.

Corporate culture is a set of the most important assumptions accepted by the members of the organization, and which are expressed in the values ​​declared by the organization, which give people guidelines for their behavior and actions.

Corporate culture (sometimes called organizational culture) consists of ideas, attitudes, fundamental values ​​that are shared by the members of the organization. It is generally accepted that it is values ​​that are the core that determines the corporate culture as a whole. Values ​​determine both behavioral styles and communication styles with colleagues and clients, the level of motivation, activity, and more. Therefore, only a set of certain external features, such as uniforms, rituals, etc., cannot be taken as corporate culture.

Considering organizations as communities with a common understanding of their goals, meaning and place, values ​​and behavior, gave rise to the concept organizational culture.The organization forms its own image, which is based on the specific quality of products and services provided, the rules of conduct and moral principles of employees, reputation in the business world, etc.

The term "organizational culture" covers most phenomena of the spiritual and material life collective: material values ​​dominating in it and moral standards, the accepted code of conduct and ingrained rituals, the manner of staff dressing and the established quality standards for the product being produced. We encounter manifestations of organizational culture as soon as we cross the threshold of an enterprise: it determines the adaptation of newcomers and the behavior of veterans, is reflected in a certain philosophy of the managerial level, especially top managers, and is implemented in a specific strategy of the organization.

1.Types of organizational cultures

Power culture. In this culture of the organization, the leader, his personal qualities and abilities play a special role. Organizations with this kind of culture tend to have a rigid hierarchical structure. Recruitment and promotion through the hierarchical ladder are carried out quite often according to the criteria of personal loyalty. This type of culture allows the organization to quickly respond to changing situations, make decisions quickly and organize their implementation.

role culturecharacterized by a strict functional distribution of roles and specialization of sites. This type of organization operates on the basis of a system of rules, procedures and standards of activity, the observance of which should guarantee its effectiveness. The main source of power is not personal qualities, but positionThe occupied in the hierarchical structure. Such an organization is able to operate successfully in a stable environment.

Task culture.This type of culture is oriented, first of all, to solving problems, to implementing projects. The effectiveness of organizations with such a culture is largely determined by the high professionalism of employees and the cooperative group effect. The most powerful people in such organizations are those who are currently experts in the leading field of activity and who have the maximum amount of information. This culture is effective in cases where the situational demands of the market are decisive in the activities of the organization.

The culture of personality.An organization with this type of culture brings people together not to solve some problems, but so that they can achieve their own goals. Power is based on proximity to resources, professionalism and the ability to negotiate. Power and control are coordinating.

2. Types of organizational cultures, subcultures

Organizations can be divided into dominant cultures and subcultures. Dominant culture expresses the core (central) values ​​that are accepted by the majority of the members of the organization. Subcultures are developed in large organizations and reflect common problems, situations faced by employees, or experience in resolving them.

Features of the subculture of each structural unit organizations influence each other and form a common part of the culture of the organization.

It is necessary to distinguish between strong and weak culture. Strong culture characterized by the main (core) values ​​of the organization, which are intensively supported, clearly defined and widely disseminated. The more members of an organization who share these core values, recognize their importance, and are committed to them, the stronger the culture. Young organizations or organizations characterized by a constant rotation of opinions (concepts) among their members have weak culture . Members of such organizations do not have sufficient joint experience to form generally accepted values.

3. Methods of transferring culture

In addition to the obvious orientation and training programs, culture is passed on to employees in other ways. The most effective are information, traditions, symbols and language.

Informationcontains a description of the events associated with the formation of the organization; key decisions that determine the strategy of the organization in the future; top management. It allows you to measure the past with the present, provides an explanation of the current practical activities of the organization.

Traditions.The observance of established traditions is a means of transmitting culture, since the main values ​​​​of the organization are associated with traditions.

Symbols.The design and layout of the territory and buildings, furniture, leadership style, clothing are material symbols that are transmitted to employees. The degree of equality in the organization is also important, provided top management, types and types of behavior that are considered acceptable.

Language.Many organizations and their divisions use language as a way of identifying members of an organization with its culture or subculture. By studying it, the members of the organization testify to their acceptance of this culture and in this way help to preserve it. The terminology adopted by the organization acts as a common denominator that unites the members of the organization on the basis of a recognized culture or subculture.

4. Changing the culture of the organization

The culture of an organization may be appropriate for a certain period of time and conditions. Changing conditions of external competition, government regulation, rapid economic changes and new technologies require changes in the culture of the organization, which hinders the increase in its effectiveness. It takes a long time to create a new organizational culture, as the old organizational culture takes root in the minds of people who remain committed to it.

The following factors influence the possibility of culture change:

organizational crisis.It challenges existing practices and opens up opportunities for the adoption of new values. Examples of a crisis can be a deterioration in the position of an organization, its financial takeover by some other organization, the loss of major customers, a sharp breakthrough of competitors in the organization's market.

Change of leadership.Since top management is a major factor in shaping the culture of an organization, the replacement of its top leaders contributes to the introduction of new values. But new leadership alone is no guarantee that workers will embrace the new values. New leaders must have a clear alternative vision of what the organization could be and be in a position of authority.

Stages of the life cycle of an organization.It is easier to change the culture of an organization during the transition periods from its inception to growth and from maturity to decline. When an organization enters the growth stage, major organizational culture changes will be needed. The culture of the organization has not yet taken root, and employees will accept changes if:

· the previous success of the organization does not meet modern conditions;

· employees are not satisfied with the general state of affairs in the organization;

· the image of the founder (founder) of the organization and his reputation are in doubt.

Another opportunity for culture change occurs when an organization enters the decline stage. At this stage, it is usually necessary to reduce staff, reduce costs and take other similar measures that dramatize the mood of workers and indicate that the organization is in crisis.

The age of the organization.Regardless of the stage of an organization's life cycle, the younger it is, the less established its values ​​will be. Culture change is more likely in a young organization.

Organization size.It is easier to change the culture in a small organization, because in it the communication between managers and employees is closer, which increases the opportunities for spreading new values.

culture level.The more widespread the culture in the organization and the greater the cohesion of the team that shares common values, the more difficult it is to change the culture. A weak culture is more susceptible to change than a strong one.

5. Formation of corporate culture

organizational culture corporate ethics

Public Relations in last years are successfully developed and actively applied in practice, especially by large organizations. They contribute to the survival of companies in the market, help not only to maintain, but also to increase the market segment in which the enterprise operates. Small business owners and managers often act as public relations specialists. They are involved in the process of interaction with the media, society, employees, customers, suppliers, financiers, as well as in political relationships.

Such efforts promote and protect small businesses and increase their profitability and profitability. Public relations should act as a recipient of subtle information that signals public needs, should provide information that contributes to improving the efficiency of the corporation. Public relations are designed to improve public attitudes towards a particular organization; designed to show that the firm is trustworthy; are designed to reflect the attitude of the corporation to the individual on the scale of the whole society; are designed to convey the desire and will of the organization to lead society to favorable changes.

Public relations technologies are most widely and frequently used by large corporations. Businesses are forced to deal with and adapt to a dynamic and increasingly complex environment. Public relations governs relationships with different sections of society and seeks to strike a balance between competing needs. They face a number of complex and constantly pressing issues: business ethics, equal opportunity, the quality of working conditions, consumption, environmental protection, global commerce and many others.

Large corporations have significant resources that can underpin public relations efforts. However, they will not invest until they are convinced that their investment will bring a large return.

Public relations techniques are used by all managers in their activities, and not just those for whom this is a profession. Senior executives spend great amount time and effort on matters within the purview of public relations. However, while the status of public relations in the business community was rising, specialists in this field, with only traditional skills, risked being limited in their activities to the extent of performing purely technical functions.

In business use:

media relations - intermediary relations (getting support and approval in the sales market for printed and television products; creating a positive advertising image; producing a legend; minimizing negative reactions). , improving the quality of services provided, supporting and reinforcing business initiatives, improving the quality of life of employees and managers). sales and marketing).relations - financial relations (creating opportunities to raise capital at a minimum interest rate, ensuring compliance with the needs of the investor, guaranteeing competent work with financial funds).affairs - relations with government agencies and (interaction with public authorities on different levels). Regulation, tax policy, labor laws, trade policy are just some of the government actions that can affect business decision making and its successful operation. labor Relations, assistance in attracting and hiring competent employees, ensuring effective communication between employees, developing creativity among employees and stimulating output and improving product quality, increasing morale and improving work attitudes, improving customer service, increasing productivity).

Public relations (in the narrow sense) is a means by which a business seeks to improve the possibilities for its own functioning and the formation of the desired environment. The effectiveness of public relations contributes to the progressive development of the company, increases sales figures, and facilitates the company's adaptation to the requirements and needs of society.

The requirements for large corporations are weighty and varied.

The activities of organizations must meet certain standards, and at the same time, the company must successfully compete in the domestic and foreign markets.

In order for public relations efforts to create and maintain the desired public attitude towards private corporations to be effective, corporate public relations efforts should focus on the following factors:

trust in the corporation and corporate management;

greater public understanding of the economic realities of corporate life, including profits, productivity, pricing, issuance of money;

the willingness of a part of the business to contribute to solving the problems of society;

demonstration of the corporation's interest in each person.

Any company that has just appeared on the market, or has been working and known for a long time, is interested in bringing information (naturally, positive) about itself to its direct customers. A competent leader of the organization will use the slightest information occasion for this.

For example, in business publications, along with smiling fashion models, you can always find several photos CEOs companies with their statements.

Meanwhile, investing a lot of money in image advertising, managers often forget that their employees are the same carriers of information about the company, and in some cases it is they who represent the company in a customer service situation. Of course, such a dismissive attitude towards consumers, as in pre-perestroika times, is practically nowhere to be found. But, as before, a cleaning lady in a supermarket can wipe the customer's shoes with a dirty rag, a security guard, checking documents, can bring the visitor "to a white heat" ... Examples can be continued. And discuss your personal and family problems while working in the presence of outsiders, it seems that Russian personnel will never unlearn. Why do we constantly face this? What is the reason for such indifference to their potential customers? The behavior of the staff in relation to customers, as in a mirror, reflects what orders are established in the company.

If the psychological climate leaves much to be desired, there are many contradictions and conflicts between superiors and subordinates, this will inevitably affect the treatment of customers and, as a result, the company's image. How can the head of the organization determine that the internal image of the company needs more serious attention? Manifestations can be varied, but visible to the naked eye:

decrease in staff loyalty (employees stop staying after work to finish unfinished business, tend to leave early, come back later, are not at all interested in work and plans, mugs, pens, etc. presented on the occasion immediately disappear or are taken home);

work is performed very poorly, requiring coordination and coordinated actions of representatives of several departments, different departments "pull the blanket" on themselves, work as if there are no others or they are their competitors;

the orders of the management issued in the company hopelessly "slip", the staff discusses them for a long time and carefully, actively resists, in the end, the authorities simply "talk";

employees go to work in dark monastic robes with gloomy faces, gloomy and unfriendly, get tired quickly or get sick often, etc.

There can be many reasons for such behavior of personnel in an organization, many of them are related to the ongoing personnel policy and ignorance of the basic foundations of a civilized business.

The axiom of a successful civilized business is simple: the main achievement of the company is its staff. At all times they tried to encourage the worker to work better. In the Soviet era, honor boards, free vouchers, bonuses, the thirteenth salary were used. Currently, many managers are once again beginning to realize that qualified personnel is a wealth that needs to be protected and increased.

There are many theories of motivation. Traditionally, they are divided into content theories and process theories. The former analyze incentive motives and do not consider the process of motivation. The latter explore the process of motivation, describe and predict its results, but do not touch on the specific content of motives.

One of the well-known theories belongs to A. Maslov. It assumes that human activity is conditioned by numerous needs that can be arranged in a certain order. Maslov identified five types of such constructions:

Physiological needs are the most basic. The employer must take into account such of them as the need for heat, air, wages that ensures survival.

The need for security is expressed in the desire for comfortable and healthy physically and emotionally living and working conditions. This desire can be satisfied by periodic promotion, a guarantee of employment.

The need to belong to a certain social circle. A person needs the recognition of a team, a boss, he wants to have friends, to be loved.

The need for appreciation is the desire to have one's own positive image well received by others. To improve his image, a person is ready to take on more responsibility, in return he expects gratitude and encouragement.

One of the active emerging areas in public relations is an intra-corporate PR, the formation of a corporate culture.

The concept of "corporate culture" came into use developed countries in the twenties of this century, when it became necessary to streamline relationships within large firms and corporations, as well as understanding their place in the infrastructure of economic, trade and industrial relations.

Formation of corporate culture is facilitated by the use of original standards of corporate ethics, mandatory for all employees of the norms of conduct. The formation of a corporate culture involves the creation of such social, domestic, psychological and other conditions for a working person in a company in which he feels comfortable. To do this, along with material incentives, it is necessary to recognize the importance of the role of each employee in common affairs, expand their participation in management, involve them in contract negotiations. This also includes the employee's loyalty to the company, its ideology and practical activities. The indifference of the company to employees will turn into indifference of these employees to the company itself, which will lead to a decrease in the efficiency of all its work.

Corporate culture cannot be reduced only to external and even some organizational aspects, its essence includes those values ​​that managers and all employees of the company follow in their work. At the heart of the company's activities is necessarily a corporate philosophy - a complete, detailed, detailed presentation moral, ethical and business standards, principles, creeds that guide the company's employees. Corporate philosophy performs the function of an internal organizing principle, formalized by a social contract.

In many credos such concepts as "quality", "trust", "perfection", "pride", "care", "mindfulness" are key. Here are five principles that guide the work of the Mars Corporation:

Quality. Our owner and director is the consumer, our work is quality, and the production of products worth the money paid for them is our goal.

A responsibility. As individuals, we demand full responsibility from ourselves; as partners, we support the responsibility of others.

Mutual benefit. Mutual benefit is distributed benefit, and such benefit acquires permanence.

Efficiency. We make full use of our resources, do not overspend and only do what we can do better than others.

Freedom. We need freedom in order to build our future, we need profit in order to remain free.

Whatever the principles, they will not be implemented on their own, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of commitment to them. Employees must learn about them, understand them, appreciate and support them, only then people will follow these principles. In this they should be assisted by a PR manager who will combine the indicated positions into a single whole and plan their implementation.

One of the important means of such a connection is corporate training, which involves continuous training of employees in a better understanding of the principles and their subsequent use in practice, as well as the ability to easily and painlessly adapt to changes. For example, Procter & Gamble has a corporate monitoring program that includes more than 20 educational courses.

It should be noted that corporate rules and laws should not contradict existing state laws and regulations, although quite often the corporate philosophy directs employees to comply with requirements that are more stringent than those provided for by the code of laws.

For example, Procter & Gamble's BUSINESS CODE OF CONDUCT states that it "goes beyond the requirements of law and industry practice" in some respects. For example, if persons in the service received bribes, gave certain sum of money persons in the service of the customer, they will be severely punished by the laws of the company, even in those countries where "such actions from a formal point of view may not be considered illegal."

And yet, “under no circumstances may you accept in connection with your work any invitations to entertainment, travel, sporting events, as well as accept gifts, tickets, paid vacations, personal offerings in cash, etc. Of course, this does not apply to such low-value items as cheap pens and calendars. You can accept tickets if you pay for them yourself. Business meetings are possible in restaurants if, in some cases, a Procter & Gamble employee pays the bill ... ".

The rules also state that "an employee and his immediate family should not have a property and financial interest in the activities of any competing company or in the activities of a supplier or customer company with which this employee interacts in the course of his work ...".

An employee of the company is obliged to bring to the attention of management that any employee violates the law or the principles of the company. If he wants to remain anonymous, he can call " Hotline..." An official investigation will be conducted on the presented fact.

This kind of rigidity of requirements determines the strength of the "corporate house", which the PR manager is called upon to maintain through the formation of a corporate culture.

. Practical example

Ways of forming new values ​​of corporate culture on the example of the company "Mirax Group"

Description of the situation

The successful ten-year history of the company "Mirax Group" is the history of the implementation of its "signature" style of work: focus on unique/super-difficult tasks, strong energy, incredible pace of work. This style is a manifestation of the corporate culture, which was originally formed under the decisive influence of the personal characteristics of the founders of the company. This culture is based on the values ​​of activity and vigor, competition with leaders, non-standard solutions, focus on results. The reverse side of its advantages is the rejection of regulation, the instability of the processes of activity and the tendency to "emergency", the mobile emotional background of the atmosphere, and weak control. The intensive development of the company and the level of business challenges required significant internal changes. In terms of organizational theory, it is necessary to move from the entrepreneurial period of development of the organization to the stage of regular management. Goals and objectives of the project

The task of personnel management was to shift the emphasis in corporate culture from entrepreneurial values ​​to the values ​​of technological stability and effective teamwork. . The image of the company as a "friendly family of stars" in the perception of employees must be transformed into the image of a "single super-professional team". At the same time, it is important to maintain the high energy and creative atmosphere of the company, since

these features of the corporate culture provide the company with a competitive advantage

they are characteristics of the management style of the president of the company and the top management team.

To implement such a project, from our point of view, is possible only based on the principles of continuity of new elements of culture in relation to the previous stage of developmentcorporate culture and a systematic approach to the implementation of programs that should cover all key elements of corporate culture: basic values; standards of behavior and activities of employees, traditions and symbols.

Short description project

The implementation of the project began in early 2004 and is ongoing. Within the framework of the project in the company the following programs are being implemented:

1. Company rebrandingheld in internal and external environment as a sign of the company's transition to a new stage of development. The brand change entailed a change in corporate symbols. The new symbols are used to the maximum extent in corporate souvenirs (on jackets - windbreakers, T-shirts, baseball caps, stationery, children's gifts).

2. Creating an original employee handbookas a key document that establishes the basic standards and norms. The handbook includes the texts of the company's Constitution, corporate rules of business interaction, and a collection of motivating aphorisms. New content elements of corporate values ​​and norms are formulated in an energetic and emotional form, actively using humor, which supports the traditional communication style in the company.

3. Creation of an internal site (Intranet)as a virtual communication environment that allows company employees to receive a positive effect of interpersonal interaction without significant time costs and personal contacts. The intranet provides access to informal communication forums, corporate news and films, general databases (telephone directory, birthdays of employees, brief information about employees with their photos, documentation of corporate computer programs, corporate canteen menu for the current day and a picture from a webcam, installed in the dining room), etc.

4. Creation of a corporate "Kunstkamera", which presents samples of incompetence and unprofessionalism of the company's employees. Thus, a standard of mandatory quality of work is introduced.

5. The use of competitive models in the selection of candidates for positions.The company has created professional tests (MiraxTestPro program), business games are actively used. Competitive selection, in addition to purely economic benefits, gives new employees an idea of ​​the company's requirements for their level of professional training.

6. Program of induction seminars for new employees, which includes a story about the regulations and norms, a tour of the facilities under construction, showing videos about the history and activities of the company, corporate leisure.

7. Attracting talented university graduates to work in the company. Graduates and students of the 4th year through competitive selection are enrolled in internship programs, upon successful completion of which a decision is made on admission to the state. Internship companies allow you to "pour" young energy into the company, as well as influence the formation of professional and personal competence of interns in accordance with the requirements of the company.

8. Formation of personal involvement of employeesto the overall performance of the company. Among the most successful ideas are a joint "subbotnik" of employees and owners of housing at the facility (residential complex) and the Council of Young Professionals, created in order to influence the formation of corporate norms and standards in the interests of the young. On the Intranet, with the help of modern IT technologies, events in the company are actively and sincerely discussed, employees began to adhere to the dress code rules for four days of the working week and admit that now they are going to work on a "free" Friday with great pleasure.

9. Maintaining a corporate tradition- bright, prestigious, non-standard holidays. Unique scenarios include surprises (theatrical performances with the participation of employees, the arrival of "twins" of celebrities, beloved musical group hero of the day, etc.), which are remembered for a long time and form an emotional involvement in the company.

Results achieved.

At present, we can talk about the achievement of the main result - clarified the internal value context of the company. Key values ​​are reformulated taking into account the new stage of its development:

1.activity and vigor for technologically stable work,

2.competition with leaders for their own development,

.focus on quality results

.non-standard solutions to improve technology,

.dialectics of personal and common responsibility.

A dynamic atmosphere and positive components of informal communication between employees have been preserved. Clients and partners of the company note that in the office atmosphere one can feel dynamics and cheerfulness, and at the same time efficiency, professional competence and prestige.


The effectiveness of the transition to a new stage in the development of the company is directly related not only to economic and technological changes, but also to the renewal of the value context of the corporate culture. Practice confirms theory!


Organizational culture- this is a system of socially progressive formal and informal rules and norms of activity, customs and traditions, individual and group interests, behavioral characteristics of the personnel of a given organizational structure, leadership style, indicators of employee satisfaction with working conditions, the level of mutual cooperation and compatibility of employees with each other and with the organization , development prospects. The organizational culture of a person is influenced by habits and inclinations, needs and interests, political views, professional interests, moral values, temperament. The elements of the components of organizational culture include the following personality traits: positive reaction on people in power, the desire to compete, the ability to convince, the desire to play a role informal leader tolerance for routine administrative work.

Organizational culture in an organization can be formed in four ways:

· long term practice.

· activities of the head or owner (own OK).

· artificial formation of organizational culture by specialists of consulting firms,

· natural selection of the best norms. rules and standards introduced by the leader and the team.

Organizational culture may have features depending on the type of activity, form of ownership, position in the market or in society. There is an entrepreneurial, state organizational culture, an organizational culture of a leader, an organizational culture when working with personnel, etc.

List of used literature

1.Ansoff I. New corporate strategy. - St. Petersburg: PiterKom, 1999.

2.Goncharov V.V. In Search of Management Improvement: A Guide for Senior Managers. - M.: Souvenir, 1999.

.Drucker P. Tasks of management in the XXI century. - M.: William, 2000.

.Kravchenko V.F. Organizational Engineering: Textbook. - M.: PRIOR, 1999.

.Fatkhutdinov R.A. Organization of production. - M.: INFRA-M, 2000.

.Web page: #"justify">. Kuznetsov I.N. Business ethics. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2007.

.Petrunin Yu.Yu., Borisov V.K. Business ethics. - M.: Delo, 2004.


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The discovery of the fact that a particular culture is formed and developed in organizations very quickly led to numerous studies and the emergence of a separate branch of consulting on the creation of custom corporate cultures.

Corporate culture from recognized experts, this is certainly prestigious. But the term "culture" itself is used in completely different contexts. Researchers argue among themselves and offer various ways descriptions of organizational cultures and their classification, looking for ways to improve management efficiency through building strong corporate cultures.

And all this time, being in fashion or not, being a management tool or not, the company's culture always exists in the organization, sets its uniqueness and affects business results. The creation of a corporate culture, if this is not done on purpose, occurs spontaneously, it consists of the fragments of cultures introduced different people from previous bands, and often does not match the desired model.

If the first person is not involved in the processes of influencing the corporate culture of the company, we can say that all the efforts of the HR service will be in vain

Real top managers in real companies, embarking on the issue of forming a new corporate culture or correcting what is, as a rule, have an alternative: either create new rules of the game and squeeze a resisting team into them, or pave the already trodden paths.

There are advantages and disadvantages in both the first and second approaches, and the working solution lies somewhere in the middle and requires a long and persistent effort. Who should make these efforts? You can often meet directors who believe that the formation of the corporate culture of the organization is the “toys” of the HR manager. And, of course, the HR manager can play this “game” only when all the “basic” tasks are completed. This approach is fundamentally wrong.

If the first person is not involved in the processes of influencing the corporate culture of the company, if there is no support from top management, we can say that all the efforts of the HR service will be in vain. Moreover, the same head of the company will be the customer and the main supplier of ideology for the formation of corporate norms and values. Visionary leaders of successful enterprises see the corporate culture of the organization as a powerful strategic tool to orient all departments and individuals of the company towards common goals and values, mobilize team initiative, ensure dedication to the cause and the company, facilitate communication and achieve mutual understanding.

If your company has come close to the processes of corporate culture management and the company's management understands the need and importance of its conscious formation, then most likely you are thinking about where to start? The corporate culture for the team is like air for people - it is everywhere, but it is very difficult to see, let alone measure. And in order to learn how to manage the process, you need to learn how to measure it.

Visionary CEOs of successful businesses see the organization's culture as a powerful strategic tool.

Therefore, the first steps in the process of forming a new corporate culture will be aimed at understanding what kind of corporate culture exists in your company today. And there are many ways to do this: research - tests, questionnaires, questionnaires, conversations, observations.

Managed Values

Each organization structures the environment differently, evaluates itself according to various criteria. In scientific organizations, the first in importance are novelty, creativity, usefulness, in production - manufacturability, feasibility, compliance with standards and quality criteria. In commercial structures, profit, compliance with market requirements, customer orientation, etc. are most often in the first place. Rules of conduct and requirements for people are built according to these values. Very often, the culture of an organization is based on the experience and values ​​of the founders or the first persons of the company.

The corporate culture of the company represents certain values ​​and norms shared by the employees of this organization. These values ​​are embodied in symbols, legends, heroes, mottoes and ceremonies.

Strong corporate cultures those that have the following elements are considered:

  • — strong, unifying corporate philosophy and mission;
  • - a leader who trusts others and who is believed in;
  • — open communication channels and access to top management;
  • — special attention is paid to people and productivity;
  • — special attention is paid to customers and service;
  • - in the organization, the sense of satisfaction and belonging inherent in all employees is especially noticeable;
  • - the presence of ceremonies, rituals, customs supported by the team;
  • - general emotional upsurge regarding work and the future;
  • - a sense of satisfaction associated with performance skills, efforts and rewards invested in a common cause.

Corporate culture of the company— values ​​and standards of behavior and work accepted in the company. The official corporate culture is reflected in the corporate code of the company (sections of the code: mission, vision, slogans, values, goals, rules and norms of internal and external behavior and interactions). The informal corporate culture is manifested in the managerial style and real interactions between employees. The mismatch of official and informal corporate culture leads to a deterioration in the adaptation of new employees, increased employee anxiety and burnout.

signs weak corporate cultures:

  • - "heroes" of the organization are destructive;
  • - the rituals of everyday life are unorganized;
  • Weak cultures do not have clear values ​​and beliefs;
  • - weak cultures are characterized by a short-term, self-directed (inward) strategy;
  • - there are problems of an interpersonal nature, confrontation between individual units, lack of a team and a sense of ownership.

Diagnostics of the existing corporate culture

To determine the characteristics of the corporate culture of the organization, it is necessary to analyze:

  • - Typical behavior of people that differs from the behavior of employees in other organizations (the so-called "oddities") - behavior in an informal setting, in a smoking room, corridors, manners and style of dress, attitude towards strangers, lunch time, people's language of communication and even design office - all this indicates the standards of the company, the accepted attitude towards the client or product.
  • — Compliance with agreements and time limits, respect for the personal time and space of employees. The way the office space is distributed speaks volumes about the organization's priorities.
  • - Norms and rules - here you can analyze: these rules are written down or stored in tacit interpretations, created authoritarianally or developed jointly, carried out by everyone or exist for different groups, violations are punished or desired behavior is encouraged, the declared norms coincide with those that actually operate or not, etc. Special meaning has something for which and how to punish or reward in the organization.
  • - Efficiency criteria - here we pay attention to what is valued in the first place, and what - only later, on the basis of what indicators people evaluate the quality of their work, etc. For the sake of what values ​​​​employees perform certain actions.
  • - Myths and attitudes, which almost all employees firmly believe in: “our product is not sold via the Internet”, “no one will work on other conditions”, “with our specifics ....”.
  • - Legends, heroes, symbols and rituals of the organization. The heroes of the organization are the bearers of the values ​​of the organization, and the rituals are a way of transmitting these values ​​through generations of employees.

The corporate culture of a company is often not understood by employees, but it can greatly influence the making of fundamental decisions. Therefore, at the stage of diagnosing the existing culture of the organization, it makes sense to invite external observers, consultants who are able to identify the cultural characteristics of the company and help the company's managers to become aware of them, respectively, management risks can be reduced.

The corporate culture of the company is often not realized by employees, but can greatly influence the adoption of fundamental decisions.

Suppose you have determined for yourself what are the strengths and weak sides the existing corporate culture of your organization, traced the sources of influence on the existing norms of behavior and you have a vision and understanding of what kind of organizational culture should be in your company. Now we can begin to manage this culture - carefully and with love, taking into account the characteristics of the team and its individual constituents. At the same time, one must understand that success requires long-term and coordinated work.

The task of managers interested in the positive development and prosperity of the company is the process of forming all the components of the corporate culture. And the main result of this process should be an increase in the effectiveness of the company.

Creation of a corporate culture model and a program for its implementation

Step 1. Creating a vision of the "ideal company of the future" built on the mission of the organization. It is very important to involve the creative forces of the company's employees in this process: you can hold various competitions, strategic sessions, trainings, use all the possibilities of internal PR.

Step 2. The developed new rules, criteria, identified values ​​and other important agreements for the company and its employees should be included in the corporate code of the enterprise (“Corporate Book”, “Guiding Philosophy”, “Corporate Charter”, etc.).

Step 3. Conduct a large-scale PR with the active support of top management explaining the need for this step and future possible changes in company. In order for people to support this initiative, they must understand why such transformations are being made, see a perspective for themselves and readiness to follow the new rules on the part of the leadership.

Step 4. Develop a program for the introduction of new standards.
Sometimes it is enough to hold a small number of local events (explanatory meetings or conferences, training of middle managers, introduction of new procedures for working with a client, etc.). To consolidate such changes, regular staff assessments conducted in the company for a specific purpose can serve. In this case, compliance with new standards and norms falls into the employee evaluation criteria. As a rule, after the first assessment, changes begin to be felt in the organization. But in order for these rules to be firmly "embedded" in people's behavior, a longer period of support is needed (from six months to a year).

The program may also include fairly large events: changing the organizational structure, redistributing powers and responsibilities, introducing new decision-making procedures, changing the motivation system. Such global changes can support themselves, but their adoption by the team will be more difficult and require more effort on the part of management.

Step 5. Make changes to the recruitment policy. It depends on the warehouse of the individual, compliance with his internal standards in the field of communication that have developed in the company, whether he can adapt to this corporate culture new employee how his relationship will develop in the team and with the management, how effectively he will eventually work. Hire people who have the attitude and behavior you want.


How can you make a person jump off a bridge?

To an American: "Citizen, you get a million dollars if you jump off a bridge into a river."

The American requires the signing of a contract and an advance payment, after which he calmly jumps into the water.

German: "You'll get a million dollars if you jump off a bridge."

The German does not agree, says that he has business, family, duties.

Him: "But there is a strict order from your leader to jump off the bridge."

The German immediately jumps.

Russian: "You get a million dollars if you jump off a bridge into a river."

Russian in response: "I sneezed on your millions," and goes on.

Him: "Your boss ordered you to jump off the bridge."

Russian: "I sneezed at the boss and at the orders."

Him: "You know, it's actually forbidden to jump off this bridge."

The Russian climbs over the railing and, with the words “I sneezed at your prohibitions,” jumps.

The procedure for accepting and introducing new employees should include determining the values ​​of the candidate, comparing them with the values ​​of the company, familiarizing the employee with corporate rules (corporate code) before making a decision on hiring. give worthy of attention an employee during the adaptation period in order to correct his behavior and perception of norms in the company. In this regard, the experience of companies using the “employee adaptation program” is interesting.

During the passage of such a program, a group of newly hired employees undergo an adaptation course, during which they get acquainted with the enterprise, its ideology, working principles, people, information about the structure of the company, performance indicators, etc. The best employees act as teachers, not necessarily leaders. As a result of such an intensive “introduction”, a new employee feels like a member of the team from the first days, the time before the start of his productive work is reduced from several months to 2-3 weeks.

Step 6. Personnel changes. Promote to managerial positions employees who are carriers of a new corporate culture or who are capable of quickly adapting to changing conditions.

It may be necessary to part ways with the active agents of the old mindset, who will not be able to accept change and will show low performance. With high-value employees who are successful in achieving high performance, but do not accept change, conduct individual work, negotiate, involve, offer them to become conductors of new thinking.

A consciously built corporate culture will connect the divisions and people of the company and make your organization strong and long-lived

Step 7 Debugging of internal corporate communications. Traditionally, firms cultivate respect not only for management, but for all colleagues. Relations between people within the company are built on the principle of “colleagues are internal customers”, and the quality of work with external ones depends on how we treat internal clients!

Creating an effective corporate culture is possible when:

  • - there is a clear vision of the direction of the organization;
  • — top management is actively committed to new values ​​and is aware of the need for change;
  • - leaders with all their actions and behavior symbolize the changes taking place in the culture of the organization;
  • - cultural change must be supported by all existing systems in the organization;
  • - Created a team of like-minded people.

Thus, we see that the creation and strengthening of corporate culture is not an easy and rather lengthy process that requires significant efforts. And this process is exciting, creative and results in a significant increase in the competitiveness and efficiency of the enterprise. Just as cement binds bricks together and makes the walls of a house strong, so a consciously built corporate culture will connect departments and people of the company and make your organization strong and long-lived. Good luck in building the most effective team.


An organization is a complex organism, the basis of the life potential of which is organizational culture: that for which people became members of the organization; how the relationship between them is built; what stable norms and principles of life and activities of the organization they share; what, in their opinion, is good and what is bad, and many other things that relate to values ​​and norms. All this not only distinguishes one organization from another, but also significantly determines the success of the functioning and survival of the organization in the long term. The corporate culture is not so clearly manifested on the surface, it is difficult to “feel” it. If we can say that an organization has a "soul", then this soul is the corporate culture. Corporate culture is the basis of the image of the organization, its authority in the external environment and in the eyes of employees, which is very important for the organization, for its effective operation. The attitude of suppliers and its partners to the organization, as well as the attitude of buyers and customers to the organization and its product depends on the image of the organization. The demand for products depends on the corporate culture, and in general, corporate culture affects all the activities of the organization as a whole, to the point of the question of the existence of the company.

The issue of corporate culture is relatively new and little studied in our country and abroad. Even in the United States, the study of this problem began only in the 80-90s, and in Kazakhstan even later. Therefore, the time has come to seriously study the activities of the organization from the position of organizational culture. The interest in this problem is evidenced by the requests of managers and specialists, as well as the real orders of organizations for the implementation of research projects.

The growing dynamism and volatility of the business environment creates a need for organizations to constantly communicate with partners, consumers, employees. The growth of education, qualifications, awareness of employees and the public as a whole requires management to use more complex and subtle methods management. To control events, it is no longer enough to control the behavior of people. Today it is necessary to manage what people think and feel, to shape public opinion and mood. Such management involves the establishment and maintenance of targeted systematic communications with various groups of the public - with partners, with the general public and with the means mass media, with the local community and government agencies, with the financial community and, of course, with employees. In working with the latter, there is a need to create a unified system of values, norms and rules, i.e. corporate culture to achieve effective work, focus on achieving the goals of the company, and self-realization by the employees themselves. This is where public relations specialists come to the aid of "managers". Indeed, their competence includes not only work with the external environment, but also with the internal one, in order to create a favorable image of the company and among its employees.

In Kazakhstan, the concept of "corporate culture" was practically not used until recently, but this does not mean that there are no organizations with a developed corporate culture in our country. There are many such enterprises in the banking sector, engineering, energy, mining and other leading sectors of the economy. These are fairly large organizations with a long history of existence and large numbers employees. It's just that most organizational cultures have historically been implicit in nature, since their role and influence on the work of enterprises as a whole has not been emphasized. Recently, in a highly competitive and dynamic business environment, more and more people began to talk about the importance and necessity of forming a company's philosophy and developing a corporate culture.

Since culture plays a very important role in the life of an organization, it should be the subject of close attention from management. Management not only corresponds to the corporate culture and is highly dependent on it, but can in turn influence the formation and development of corporate culture. To do this, managers must be able to analyze the corporate culture and influence its formation and change in the desired direction.

The term "corporate culture" is relatively recent. It means the system common opinion and values ​​shared by all members of the organization. In the case of an organization with a strong culture, it begins to exist independently of each of its members. Thus, organizations have value in themselves, regardless of the type of goods and services they produce. This provides them with long-term recognition. If the original goals of the organization are no longer relevant, the organization is still in business. Most likely, it will be transformed and modified in accordance with new needs.

The relevance of the topic is due to the growth of competition in the service sector, the production of goods and services, and it is necessary to form competitive advantages, one of which is corporate culture.

The purpose of this work is to study the formation of corporate culture in the organization.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks will be required:

1) consider the theoretical foundations of the formation of corporate culture and its content. Consider the types, types, and main elements of corporate culture;

2) Conduct an analysis of the formation of a corporate culture at the enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan (on the example of Kazkommertsbank JSC)

3) Consider the main ways to improve the corporate culture at the enterprise.

It is these questions that we will consider in this paper. Many people are currently working on this problem, it will develop and remain relevant for a very long time.

The object of study of this work is the corporate culture of the organization, and the subject is the process of forming a corporate culture.

The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the work of foreign and Kazakhstani specialists in the field of management on the problem under study, the analysis of modern practice in the formation of corporate culture. When writing the work, reference and methodological manuals and regulatory documentation were used.

1 Theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of corporate culture at the enterprise

1.1 The concept, essence and role of corporate culture in the organization

Professionals in the field of organizational management believe that organizations, like nations, have their own culture. The process of forming a corporate culture is interesting for the organization, first of all, by the possibility of regulating the behavioral attitudes of personnel based on those values ​​that are acceptable to the organization, but are not a priority, and sometimes deviate from the values ​​that have developed in society.

In modern literature, there are quite a few definitions of the concept of "corporate culture". Like many other terms of organizational and legal disciplines, this one does not have a single interpretation. In modern educational and scientific literature there are about 50 concepts of "corporate culture". Consider the most common:

Corporate culture is a system of material and spiritual values, manifestations that interact with each other, inherent in a given company, reflecting its individuality and perception of itself and others in the social and material environment, manifested in behavior, interaction, perception of oneself and the environment.

Corporate culture is a specific, characteristic for a given organization system of connections, interactions and relationships carried out within the framework of a specific business activity, a way of setting up and doing business.

Corporate culture is a system of principles, customs and values ​​that allows everyone in the company to move in the same direction as a single entity.

Corporate culture is a set of the most important provisions accepted by the members of the organization and expressed in the values ​​declared by the organization that give people guidelines for their behavior and actions.

Corporate culture is the unique overall psychology of an organization.

Corporate culture is a set of assumptions, beliefs, values ​​and norms that are shared by all members of an organization.

Corporate culture is a complex set of assumptions accepted without evidence by all members of a particular organization, and sets the general framework for behavior accepted by most of the organization. Manifested in the philosophy and ideology of management, value orientations, beliefs, expectations, norms of behavior. It regulates human behavior and makes it possible to predict his behavior in critical situations.

Corporate culture is the ideas, interests and values ​​shared by a group. This includes experience, skills, traditions, communication and decision-making processes, myths, fears, hopes, aspirations and expectations that you or your employees have actually experienced. Your organizational culture is how people feel about a job well done, and what allows equipment and staff to work harmoniously together. It's the glue that holds, it's the oil that softens... That's why people do different jobs within the company. This is how some parts of the company see other parts of the company and what forms of behavior each of the departments chooses for itself as a result of this vision. She manifests herself openly in jokes and cartoons on the walls, or is kept locked up and declared only as her own. This is something that everyone knows about, except perhaps only the leader.

4.2 Stages of formation of corporate culture

The process of forming organizational values ​​is tied to the life cycle of the organization.

At the first stage of creating an organization - the organization is at the stage of formation, the life cycle of products is being formed. At this stage, all the morals, customs, basic style of activity, as well as the success or failure of the organization subsequently adopted in the organization, are laid down by its founders. They see the mission of the organization and what the ideal organization should be. In their activities, they are guided by previous experience in creating an organization and its cultural values.

Initially small in size, usually characteristic of a new organization, allows the founders to impose their views on its members. Offering new idea, the founders are guided by certain personal prejudices about its practical implementation. Thus, organizational culture is the result of the interaction, on the one hand, the personal assumptions and prejudices of its founders, and, on the other hand, the experience of the first employees of the organization.

Once established, through the growth and deceleration phases, the culture is maintained by the organization's existing practices and procedures that shape the appropriate experience for the staff. Many HR procedures reinforce organizational culture. These include: selection process, performance evaluation criteria, reward system, training and career management, promotion. All these procedures are aimed at maintaining those who fit this organizational culture and punishing, up to and including dismissal, those who do not.

Building a corporate culture is a long and complex process. The main (first) steps of this process should be: defining the mission of the organization; definition of core core values. And already based on the basic values, the standards of behavior of the members of the organization, traditions and symbols are formulated. Thus, the formation of corporate culture is divided into the following four stages:

1. Definition of the mission of the organization, basic values;

2. Formulation of standards of conduct for members of the organization;

3. Formation of the traditions of the organization;

4. Development of symbols.

It is very convenient and expedient to describe all these steps and their results in such a document as a corporate manual. This document is especially useful in situations of hiring and adaptation of new employees and makes it possible to understand almost immediately how much a potential employee shares the values ​​of the organization.

At each of the stages of the formation of corporate culture, the organizer faces certain difficulties - I will briefly dwell on some of them.

Stage 1. According to managers, the creation of a corporate value system is the answer to the questions:

What are we doing?

What are we good for?

What are we capable of?

What are our attitudes in life?

What is our plan?

What is the interest of our business for customers, employees of the company, our partners?

Where is my personal place in the overall development plan?

Values ​​must respond to people's need to be reassured that the cause they are doing matters beyond a particular business, a particular position, a particular co-worker, or a particular salary.

In other words, the strength of an organizational culture is determined by at least two important factors: the degree of acceptance by the members of the organization of the core values ​​of the company and the degree of their devotion to these values.

Stage 2. The difficulty of maintaining the required level of organizational culture lies in the fact that newly hired employees bring with them not only new ideas and individual approaches to solving professional problems, but also their own values, views, and beliefs. The individual personal values ​​of employees can significantly shake the established cultural values ​​within the organization. To maintain the existing system of cultural values ​​of the organization, it is necessary to constantly influence the formation of the value orientations of employees in order to bring them as close as possible to the values ​​of the organization itself.

As noted above, the intensity of a person's inclusion in a group can be different: from purely formal belonging and formal orientation to complete acceptance and conscious adherence to the philosophy and ideals of the organization, the values ​​accepted in it, group norms and rituals. The task of officials responsible for maintaining organizational culture, in my opinion, should be to clearly distinguish between those employees who only externally declare solidarity with the cultural values ​​of the organization and those who internally deeply share and clearly follow these values ​​in their behavior .

And one more important point, which, in no case, should not be forgotten. After making a decision to hire a person, the question arises of determining his “unique” place in the team, that is, creating such a situation for organizing the work of this employee, in which his qualities are revealed with maximum benefit for the organization. The professional use of the potential of organizational culture in an enterprise or firm is already visible when the HR manager devotes a lot of time to talking about what is accepted in the company and what is not. This can make life much easier for a person, make him feel the benefits of what it means to be a "player on this team." In continuing to help new hires in some culturally "advanced" companies, they are usually assigned to an experienced staff member who becomes the newcomer's "big brother" for the first two weeks. The first day of work in the company begins with a traditional introduction, when the "elder brother" or "sister" introduces the new employee to all the employees of the company, to the formal and informal rules of life in the company. It is at this stage that the purposeful formation of a person’s attitudes begins, his immersion in the culture of professional activity in a given organization.

Stage 3. An important part of the formation of corporate culture is the creation and support of the traditions of the organization. Here are some examples of traditions, external features that can be used to judge the corporate culture of organizations:

All employees go to work in office-style clothes;

No negotiations are scheduled for Friday, because traditionally on this day everyone dresses “at ease”;

Everyone has the same and expensive pens of a well-known company;

- "You work for a healthy lifestyle - do not smoke";

The company's founding day is a stormy holiday with a trip out of town;

If employees are late overtime - at the expense of the company they are treated to pizza with beer;

A certain bonus is paid for each year worked;

Everyone communicates on you and by name (this is the setting);

No receptions - the door of the President is open, you can go in and ask your question;

Be sure to use (at least in public) the products (cosmetics, photos, accessories) that your company sells.

Stage 4. Despite the seeming formality, the development of symbols is milestone formation of corporate culture. Even the simplest preference in interior decoration and appearance employees of the "leading" color of the company - plays an important role in shaping the unity of the team. The use of symbolism is a two-way process. On the one hand, it forms the external image of the organization, allowing partners and consumers to easily recognize the corresponding symbol in a series of many, and on the other hand, the symbolism allows the employees themselves to feel the internal idea of ​​the organization.

4.4 The main principle of the formation of corporate culture

Summing up the chapter, the following should be noted: the main principle of the formation of a corporate culture should be its compliance with all elements of the management system:

For example, in many Russian industrial enterprises The relationship orientation of employees and the habit of working all their lives at one enterprise allowed the company to survive in difficult years and retain most of the specialists. However, what played positive role in the past, does not correspond to the current situation and hinders the development of the company today. So, changes are needed.

In practice, this principle means that when designing or implementing changes in strategy, structure, and other elements of the management system, managers should assess the degree of their implementation within the existing culture and, if necessary, take steps to change it. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that culture is inherently more inert than other elements of the management system. Therefore, actions aimed at changing it should be ahead of all other transformations, taking into account the fact that the results will not be visible immediately.


A few years ago, the phrase “corporate culture” was little known, although in fact it, of course, always existed, and elements of the corporate culture of many Western companies with rich traditions had their analogues in the USSR: boards of labor leaders, badges, certificates of honor, and so on. are a classic expression of corporate culture.

The phenomenon of corporate / organizational / culture has always existed, regardless of whether its carriers were aware of it or not. The most important feature of managing a modern company as a social system is the continuous search for a productive compromise between the interests of the enterprise and the interests of the individual. The formation of regulations or business rules should be supplemented by the formation of the desire of the staff to accept and comply with them. This is objectively connected with the processes taking place in a civilized society.

Corporate culture exists in any organization - if it is not consciously formed, it grows spontaneously, like weeds in an abandoned garden. Often spontaneous and unconscious corporate culture is an obstacle to achieving the company's strategic goals - if you do not manage the corporate culture, it begins to manage you. But if the corporate culture is created in accordance with the strategy and mission of the company, it becomes a universal means of development and achievement of the set goals.

The corporate culture of the company is not a synonym for the concept of "team climate". It itself implies the climate, values, style, relationships in the organization. Its concept includes: some constantly repeating characteristics of people's behavior, for example: rituals, forms of deference, behavior, norms of production groups; philosophy that defines the organization's policy towards employees or customers; "rules of the game" that must be followed in order to succeed in the organization.

Corporate culture cannot be reduced only to external and even some organizational aspects, its essence includes those values ​​that managers and all employees of the company follow in their work.

The corporate culture is a complex developed and recognized by the staff of the organization social norms attitudes, attitudes, stereotypes of behavior, beliefs, customs that make a person, a group behave in certain situations in a certain way. At the same time, at the visible level, the culture of a group of people takes the form of rituals, symbols, myths, legends, linguistic symbols and artifacts.

At present, corporate culture is considered as the main mechanism that provides a practical increase in the efficiency of the organization.


1. Abramova S.G., Kostenchuk I.A. On the concept of "corporate culture". - M., 1999.

2. Bochkarev A.V. The mechanism of formation of corporate culture. Personnel management, No. 6, 2006.

3. Vlasova N. Corporate culture // Affairs, people XXI, No. 10, 2001.

They are included in the activities of employees, taking into account the specifics and features of OJSC AK SB RF of the Rostov branch savings bank 5221. The role and strategies for joint activities of management, staff and organizational consultant are defined; there is a learning activity in the process of development and formation of the corporate culture of a banking organization. 7. Trained in Organizational...

They can have a significant impact on employee productivity. CONCLUSION Summarizing this thesis, we can conclude that the goal of the work has been achieved - we have considered corporate culture as a factor in personnel management and possible ways to increase its role. So, corporate culture is a large area of ​​phenomena of material and spiritual life...

Corporate culture is formed under the influence of natural and directed factors. The former include the external environment in which the enterprise operates, including social norms, the market and economic situation, and the place of the enterprise in society. The second includes purposeful actions of management and ordinary employees to form a corporate culture.

Of course, it is easiest to create a corporate culture from scratch. But this is possible only with the formation of new enterprises. Most of the enterprises operating in Russia have existed for more than a dozen years and have an already established system of internal value orientations, beliefs and rules of conduct. When forming a corporate culture, its elements should be adjusted (replacement of undesirable / outdated values, norms and rules with elements that meet modern realities). Moreover, this should be done gradually and tactfully in order to avoid sharp resistance and rejection of innovations on the part of employees (especially those with a long work experience in this organization).

Key Factors that influence the formation of the corporate culture of the enterprise:

The personality of the leader;

Business area, technology features;

Norms and requirements of the environment;

Stage of development of the enterprise.

Before proceeding with the adjustment of the corporate culture, it is necessary to diagnose the existing corporate culture as a whole and each of its components separately.

The system for the formation and development of the corporate culture of the enterprise is presented in Appendix A.

Consider the stages of formation and development of corporate culture.

1. Definition of the mission of the institution.

Diagnostics of the corporate culture of the enterprise should begin with the definition of its mission. It means the main purpose of the enterprise, the purpose of the creation and the very existence of the organization. Defining a mission is important for both small and large businesses. It helps the first to feel the significance of their activities for society, despite their small size and modest opportunities. The latter, thanks to this, can unite and see the general meaning and final results of their work behind the separate fragmented processes taking place in each structural unit.

2. Evaluation of the norms of official etiquette.

One of essential conditions successful functioning and development of any organization is its positive image in the eyes of the public. And the creation of a favorable external image is impossible without internal coherence between team members, compliance with official etiquette by all employees and maintaining a single corporate style. Service etiquette means a set of rules for business interaction in labor communities (people's behavior in various situations that arise in the workplace). Service etiquette is based on generally accepted norms of etiquette, such as the rules of greeting (for example, the youngest should greet the elder first, the subordinate should greet the boss, etc.), the features of negotiating (including telephone), etc. , but taking into account the specifics of a particular enterprise.

3. The presence of a corporate style.

The next component of organizational culture - corporate style - includes the company's symbols (logo, slogan), the presence of uniform easily recognizable elements in the design of buildings and in the interior of internal premises, a unified uniform for staff (dress code). The last one is worth a closer look.

Dress code (from the English dress code - dress code) - the form of clothing required when visiting certain events, organizations, institutions. It is also used to denote a dress code that shows a person's belonging to a particular professional group or a specific organization.

In some organizations, the requirements for the clothing of employees are expressed in the form of wishes and are advisory in nature, in others - detailed description form and style of clothing is included in the employment contract, and sanctions may be provided for non-compliance with it. The dress code usually includes a list of clothes that are not allowed at the workplace.

After a complete thorough diagnosis of the corporate culture, you should begin to correct it.

The stages of adjusting the corporate culture of an enterprise include:

1. Formalization of enterprise values.

2. Analysis of the management system and documentation support of the management process.

3. Analysis of the internal communications system.

4. Analysis of the motivation system (material and non-material factors).

5. Analysis of informal interaction (traditions, rules, habits, etc.) of personnel.

6. Study of the level of satisfaction and identification of the actual needs of the staff.

The Corporate Code fixes the key points on which the corporate culture of the enterprise is further built:

Strategic perspective;

Priority directions of development;

General principles of corporate conduct;

Traditions and symbols.

The main result of successful work on the formation and development of the corporate culture of the enterprise is the commitment of employees. Commitment is the identification of a person with his organization, expressed in the desire to work in it and contribute to its success.

Key components of commitment:

1. Integration is the appropriation of organizational goals by employees, the unification of employees around the goals of the organization.

2. Engagement is the desire of an employee to make personal efforts, to contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals.

3. Loyalty is an emotional attachment to your organization, a desire to remain a member of it.

To form the commitment of employees to the goals and values ​​of the enterprise, various methods are used:

1. Components of commitment: branding, corporate media, corporate standards.

2. Involvement: training and development of personnel, corporate conferences, seminars, competitions, encouragement of initiatives.

3. Loyalty: social programs, benefits and privileges, corporate holidays, congratulations, family programs, sports, culture, charity, ecology.

Corporate culture is built as a powerful strategic tool that allows all business units and employees to be oriented towards the implementation of common goals. The formation and development of a corporate culture as an attempt at value-oriented management, which has its own advantages in comparison with regular management, creates the effect of "social relief".

Modern workers strive not only to succeed financially, but also to feel psychologically comfortable in an enterprise whose corporate values ​​correspond to their personal value orientations. Identification with corporate values ​​helps employees come to terms with the inevitable sacrifices that they make in order to become members of the team.

As for the formation of a corporate culture, if the mission and strategy are developed by the management of the enterprise, then the value system cannot simply be “lowered from above”, just as it is impossible to force it to be followed by order. At the beginning of the existence of an enterprise, its system of values, as a rule, coincides with the value orientations of the founders and owners. However, as soon as hired managers replace the latter in operational management, this direct connection is interrupted. And only by consciously defining and affirming values, this imbalance can be avoided.

It should be noted that the corporate culture is strictly individual, i. each organization has its own. It depends on a large number of factors: the cultural traditions of a particular state, its ideology, the scope and direction of development of a particular company, the gender and age composition of its employees, the location of the office, and much more. All these factors form the main component of corporate culture - its values. They have different manifestations within a given organization.

Corporate values ​​should be gradually introduced and also gradually, harmoniously accepted by employees. This will allow achieving stabilization in activities and major successes in the field of organizational development.

Inherent in any organization, corporate culture is both a means of management and a lever for motivating employees. Forming loyalty to the enterprise, it directly affects productivity and efficiency. labor activity, on the quality of work, on the nature of industrial and personal relations at the enterprise, on the creative potential of people and the enterprise as a whole.

Values ​​are a fundamental element of corporate culture. They appear throughout the organization and are reflected in its goals and policies. It is the values ​​shared and declared by the founders and the most authoritative members of the enterprise that often become the key link on which the cohesion of employees depends, the unity of views and actions is formed, and the pursuit of common values ​​can unite people into groups, creating powerful force in achieving the set goals. Mottos and slogans have a normative value in the corporate culture, which in a concise form emphasize the significant guidelines and attitudes of the enterprise.

Important role myths and legends also play at the enterprise, which can be formed both by the conscious efforts of its leaders, and spontaneously from below. They exist, as a rule, in the form of metaphorical stories, anecdotes that are passed down from generation to generation of workers and employees.

They are connected with the history of the emergence of the enterprise, its further development, the life and work of the "founding fathers" and are called upon to convey corporate values ​​to employees in a visual, figurative, lively form.

However, not all corporate values, realized and even accepted by an employee as such, really become his personal values. That's why necessary condition This transformation is the practical inclusion of the employee in the activities of the enterprise, aimed at realizing this value. Only by acting on a daily basis in accordance with corporate values, observing the established norms and rules of conduct, an employee can become a representative of the enterprise that meets intra-group social expectations and requirements.

Full identification of an employee with the enterprise means that he not only realizes the ideals of the company, strictly observes the rules and norms of behavior at the enterprise, but also internally fully accepts corporate values. In this case, the cultural values ​​of the enterprise become the individual values ​​of the employee, occupying a firm place in the motivational structure of his behavior.

In accordance with the corporate culture of the enterprise, employees adhere to the rules and norms of behavior. A set of rules and norms of conduct, standards of relations between employees, as well as between them and managers or management of teams, divisions of the enterprise is expressed in official documents, codes of honor, codes of corporate conduct, etc.

The business code most often contains rules that indicate what should never be done in a given organization, rules that say that it is necessary to do in a given organization, and rules that it is desirable to do.

To maintain the existing system of cultural values ​​of the enterprise, it is necessary to constantly influence the formation of the value orientations of employees in order to bring them as close as possible to the values ​​of the enterprise itself.

In order to achieve full identification of employees with the enterprise, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of successive measures, starting with the careful selection of candidates for employment in the organization.

Another of the measures to maintain organizational culture is the recognition and promotion of those employees who can serve as role models for other members of the enterprise. By singling out such people as exemplary employees, the enterprise encourages other employees to follow their example. A similar approach to the formation role models in companies is considered one of the most effective and permanent forms of promotion of corporate values.

You can also introduce incentives for compliance with corporate rules and regulations and punishment for neglecting them. Written mentoring in the form of memos, instructions, standards, policies, slogans in the workplace, on the territory and in the back rooms and various rituals remind people of corporate values, rules and standards. This educates employees and facilitates the adaptation of newcomers.

So, methods of maintaining the corporate culture of the enterprise:

1. Documents adopted by the company: mission, goals, rules and principles of the organization.

2. Behavioral norms, style and way of communication between management and subordinates.

3. External paraphernalia, including a reward system, status symbols, criteria underlying personnel decisions(rewards and privileges).

4. Stories, legends, myths and rituals associated with the emergence of the enterprise, its founders or prominent members.

5. What (what tasks, functions, indicators, etc.) is the subject constant attention management.

6. Behavior of senior management in crisis situations.

7. The personnel policy of the enterprise, including the entire cycle of work with personnel: hiring, promotion and dismissal of employees is one of the main ways to maintain a culture in the enterprise.

Of course, this is far from complete list factors that shape corporate culture, however, it gives a general idea of ​​the role of management in its creation, as well as the fact that the culture of the enterprise is a function of purposeful managerial actions of top management.

Any change in corporate culture requires considerable effort and a long time for employees to accept new values ​​and adapt to new working conditions.

When analyzing the likelihood of successful changes in corporate culture, the following factors should be considered:

Personal changes in management;

The phase of the life cycle of the enterprise;

Enterprise age;

Enterprise size;

The strength of the existing culture and subcultures.

Efforts to align the corporate culture in accordance with the strategy of the enterprise include diagnosing the existing corporate culture, determining the required strategic objectives corporate culture or program of necessary changes in the sphere of organizational values, systems, symbols and behavior, identification of contradictions between the existing and desired corporate culture and implementation of the changes themselves.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The corporate culture of an enterprise is a set of beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, rules, approaches to work, ways of communication, consciously or unconsciously accepted and observed by the majority of employees of the enterprise.

Corporate culture can be described as the expression of core values ​​and norms in organizational structure, corporate governance system, personnel policy, carried out within the framework of a specific business activity.

Formation of corporate culture includes:

Development of an enterprise philosophy;

Management of organizational communications;

Formation of highly organized teams, collectives;

Leadership development;

Personnel performance management.

The formation of corporate culture is influenced by: the culture of the society within which the enterprise operates, the culture of the top management of the enterprise, the assertiveness of the leadership in introducing new norms of behavior, ideas, attitudes, and ideologies.

An effective corporate culture should adequately respond to changes in the internal and external environment of the enterprise, ensuring its sustainability and competitiveness.

The content of the corporate culture is developed in the course of practical entrepreneurial activity as a response to the problems that the external and internal environment poses to the enterprise. The content of the work, the personality of the leader and the style of leadership, the characteristics of the psychological climate - these and other factors affect the corporate culture of each enterprise.