If a conscript is found to have some non-serious health problems, he will be assigned a category of fitness for service in the army “B” - fit with restrictions. This category involves the possibility of military service in the ranks Russian army. The group of diseases due to which this fitness category can be assigned includes a large number of diseases from the document “Schedule of Diseases”, which is used by members of the medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office in the process of determining conscripts their fitness categories. In connection with this situation, a concept such as “purpose indicator” was introduced, which divides category “B” into four separate subgroups.

Assignment of category “B” at the medical examination

Most often, young people who undergo a medical examination within the walls of the military registration and enlistment office are assigned one of the modifications of the “B” fitness category.

Initially, it is necessary to accept the fact that without passing medical examination the military registration and enlistment office cannot register a young man, much less send him to conscript service to Army. Members of the medical commission, who are doctors from different medical fields, based on the results of the initial examination of a potential soldier, can decide to assign him one of existing categories suitability. According to the current rules and regulations, doctors of the medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office cannot independently determine the diagnosis; they only have the right to state the presence of a particular disease in a conscript based on available medical documents, certificates and extracts, as well as based on the results of the examination.

In some cases, to confirm doctors’ suspicions about the presence of a certain pathology in a conscript, he may be sent to undergo an in-depth examination within a clinical hospital. Only after receiving the final results of diagnosing the young person’s health condition, members of the medical commission make a decision on assigning a fitness category. If the conscript does not agree with the final verdict of the medical board, then he can appeal it in court. It is worth noting the fact that when a trial begins to challenge the results of a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, the guy cannot be sent to the army exactly until the court decision is made.

The process of examination by doctors at the medical examination involves focusing on the external manifestations of pathologies and diseases, as well as on the available medical certificates and outpatient cards of the conscript. In addition, members of the medical commission must examine the results of tests such as:
  • Blood and urine analysis;
  • Fluorography;
  • Extracts from the medical record;
  • Other certificates and documents that can be obtained based on the results of the surveys.

After each doctor completes his stage of examining a potential soldier, the conscript’s fitness category is indicated in the conscript’s file. The head of the medical commission, based on the assessments received from various doctors, makes the final decision on granting the conscript his category of suitability for military service. In the event that different members of the commission have different opinions regarding the conscript’s fitness category, then he will be assigned the lowest of those determined by the doctors. If all the doctors gave the guy category “B”, and one of them decided to give him “B”, then the conscript will be assigned category “B”. After approval by the commission members of the final category, it will be included in the conscript’s military ID.

Fitness category “B1”: Diseases and which troops

To be assigned to the “B1” subgroup, the conscript must have certain minor health problems. Among such pathologies, the most common are lungs allergic reactions, as well as non-serious diseases that do not create problems for a person to live a normal life.

A conscript, when assigned category "B1", can be drafted into such Russian troops as:

Fitness category “B2”: Diseases and which troops

If a conscript receives category “B2” based on the results of a medical examination, then apparently he has some diseases that do not have a serious impact on his daily life, and also not negatively affect the functioning of the main organs and systems of the body. In such circumstances, the conscript will be allowed to serve in the army.
  • Submarine and surface fleet;
  • Tank forces.

These branches of the military enlist guys who have good physical training in the absence of serious pathologies and diseases. Bole detailed information can be found in the document “Schedule of Diseases”, which is used by members of the medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office in the process of determining the category of suitability.

Fitness category “B3”: Diseases and which troops

Subgroup “B3” enjoys the greatest interest among the majority of conscripts. This is due to the fact that this category includes almost all diseases and pathologies that are included in common list"Schedules of illnesses." This category is assigned in the presence of minor health problems arising from allergies, fractures and other diseases. All conscripts with category “B3” are fit for military service, but with certain minor restrictions.

Ranks of troops where a conscript with category “B3” can serve:

  • Crew member or driver of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, as well as launch systems for missile parts;
  • Guard units, as well as other units internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Special parts of fuel and lubricants, as well as chemical units;
  • Troops involved in the management and maintenance of anti-aircraft missile systems.

In category “B3”, a young person is not allowed to serve in elite troops and special forces units. For conscripts with category “B3”, a duty regime is provided military service with a significant reduction in the level of physical activity.

Fitness category “B4”: Diseases and which troops

Unlike other subgroups, “B4” is distinguished by an even more seriously reduced volume of permissible load for a soldier undergoing military service. At the same time, if a conscript is assigned the “B4” category, he still will not be able to avoid conscription in any way. True, it is worth noting that in this situation more serious limiting factors arise when choosing possible types of troops. A conscript with this category can be enlisted in the following troops:

  • Radio technical troops;
  • Defense, as well as security of anti-aircraft missile forces;
  • Other types of formations and troops of the Russian army.

If a conscript refuses to accept the final results of a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, he has the opportunity to challenge them in court proceedings.

Such a claim is filed in court before the conscript is sent to military unit for military service. For correct drafting claim, it is highly recommended to seek help from a qualified lawyer, which will help significantly increase the chances of a positive outcome.

Is it possible to change the fitness category “B”

Today, the practice has become widespread when conscripts who have all the indications for receiving category “B” in their file receive a mark assigning them category “B-4” or “B-3”. Most often, such situations arise at the end of the conscription campaign due to the fact that the military commissariat needs to somehow make up for the shortage of conscript soldiers.

To solve this problem, there are several sufficient effective methods. If the conscript has not received the final medical examination certificate, he can administratively submit a request to be sent for additional in-depth diagnostics of the body’s condition. It is worth considering the fact that often a conscript is prescribed an incomplete list of necessary examinations, which can complicate the process of identifying existing pathologies and diseases. Ultimately, this will lead to young man the wrong eligibility grade will be assigned. For this reason, it is extremely important to know the exact list of necessary examinations. It is also recommended to study in detail all medical records in your own medical record.

If the members of the medical commission have decided to assign one or another fitness category, then you can try to appeal their decision with the help of a higher commission. To do this, it is enough to draw up a petition addressed to the military commissar for the appointment of an additional medical commission. If even such measures did not help change the fitness category, then the only way out would be to contact independent medical experts and then submit statement of claim to the court. For getting positive result the conscript will have to study certain laws and regulations governing the conscription procedure. For reinsurance, it would be better to contact a lawyer who understands such matters. It is he who will represent the interests of the conscript in court.

If there are medical certificates and extracts that confirm the conscript’s diagnosis, which does not allow him to undergo urgent army service there is every chance of winning the case and changing category “B” to “C”, which will avoid conscription into the Russian army.

All boys subject to conscription must undergo a medical examination. Based on the results of passing a medical commission, they are assigned categories of conscripts based on health conditions. This is due to the fact that the state of health directly affects the degree of stress to which a soldier will be exposed during service. For example, some branches of the military make excessive demands on health, and not every young man will be able to cope with the task.

Decoding the category of medical fitness allows you to find out whether a person will serve, and if so, to which military units he can be distributed. In this section of our website we will take a detailed look at all the fitness categories of the Russian army, and also talk about how they can affect later life. We hope that this information will be useful to everyone who will soon undergo a medical examination.

Category A

With this category, the conscript is eligible for military service no limits. Most often, this category is assigned to those who do not have any health problems. They are the ones who are sent to serve in the elite troops, which include the marines, airborne troops, submarines and surface ships.

  • category "A1". It means that conscripts do not have any pathologies or abnormalities. In addition, she points out that at the time of the medical examination he did not have any serious illnesses;
  • category "A2". This category is given to conscripts who have had a serious injury or suffered a serious illness. Most often this concerns fractures or concussions. However, this category does not prevent military service in special forces.

Category B

This eligibility category has minor restrictions that apply to service in certain troops. As a rule, this category of fitness for military service is assigned in cases where a young man has minor health problems.

  • category "B1". Upon receipt of this category, the conscript is considered fit for service in special forces units, Marine Corps, airborne and air assault military units, as well as in border troops and federal troops border service RF;
  • category "B2". With this category you can be called up to serve on submarines and surface ships or become a driver or crew member of tanks, self-propelled artillery units, engineering vehicles based on tanks and tractors;
  • category "B3". This category of suitability for military service applies to drivers and crew members of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and launchers missile units. In addition, with this category you can get into the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • category "B4". If a guy is assigned this category, then he is subject to conscription in terms of the protection and defense of military missile systems, radio engineering and communications units, as well as other military formations that do not make serious demands on the health of military personnel.

Category B

This mark on the military ID indicates that the man is partially fit for military service. Most often, this category is assigned in the presence of serious diseases. After receiving category “B”, the young man is exempt from conscription Peaceful time, receives a military ID and enlists in the reserves. When the call begins in war time it will be used to staff parts of the 2nd stage.

If a person does not want to serve in the army, then receiving this category allows him to avoid conscription for completely legally. Our company “PrizyvaNet.ru” has extensive experience in this field. By contacting us, you will receive the help of our specialists, and under their guidance you will undergo an independent medical examination, which will allow you to identify the presence of non-diseases and correctly document your medical history. After this, the collected package of documents is sent to the military registration and enlistment office, opening the possibility of obtaining a military ID and being written off as a reserve.

Our practice shows that many guys have prerequisites for the development of serious diseases. But this is not always possible to detect during a medical examination, which is often formal in nature. That's why important role In setting the category for young conscripts, medical documents play a role, which indicate the frequency of requests for medical care at the place of residence.

Category G

This category indicates that the young man is temporarily unfit for military service due to health reasons. As a rule, a deferment is given for a period of six months to a year, after which a second medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office is required. Most often this happens due to the fact that the young man has a bone fracture, dystrophy, excessive obesity or other health pathologies that may go away after a certain time.

Unfortunately, very often employees of military commissariats use this category for guys who have every right to be exempt from service. As a result, a person who, due to his health status, does not need additional checks, is forced to undergo regular medical examinations. In this case, it is necessary to appeal the decision of the draft commission so that the correct eligibility point is set.

Category D

This category means that, due to health, a person is completely exempt from conscription and from military service in general. When assigned to this category, the young man receives a military ID, which contains a note stating that the army will not threaten him. In addition, a stamp is placed in the passport. In most cases, category “D” is assigned in the absence of a stomach, glaucoma in both eyes, repeated stroke, HIV infection and other serious diseases.

Restrictions related to the conscript's fitness category

Many people do not know that some categories can lead to problems in the future when applying for a job. First of all, this applies to category “B” or “D”. If a young man has such a clause, then he will not be able to work in law enforcement agencies, which include the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, FSIN and FSKN. This is due to the fact that these departments do not hire applicants who have not completed compulsory military service and, accordingly, have the specified degrees of fitness of the army of the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting separately that today there are several myths regarding the ban on receiving driver's license. Some diseases do not prevent this procedure at all. For example, when passing a medical commission to obtain a license, it is not always taken into account whole line diseases associated with the functioning of the heart or stomach. Therefore, a person with these diseases can obtain a driving license without any problems.

Vladimir Mozhaisky

Vladimir Mozhaisky is the author of articles and, perhaps, the best online consultant of the PrizyvaNet company. For more than 9 years, she has been advising conscripts and their parents on issues of legal exemption from the army in accordance with Federal law“On conscription and military service.”

If a young man, after a medical examination within the walls of the military registration and enlistment office, is assigned the fitness category “B”, then he will be released from the obligation to serve in the army in peacetime conditions. In some rather rare situations, the “B” fitness category can be assigned to a conscript already within the framework of the first medical examination. In order to implement such a scenario, it is extremely important to pay special attention to the preparatory stage before directly passing the medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office.

To do this, you will need to collect a package of documents (certificates, extracts, medical reports), which will act as official documentary evidence of the conscript’s serious illnesses, which do not allow him to undergo compulsory military service due to health reasons. During the medical examination, you will have to undergo an in-depth examination, donate blood and urine for testing, take a fluorographic image, and also undergo an ECG.

Procedure for assigning category “B”

Members of the medical examination commission at the military registration and enlistment office, based on the results of the examination, as well as on the basis of available medical reports, certificates and extracts, can assign a young man one or another category of suitability for military service. If during the medical examination any suspicious symptoms are discovered, the conscript may be sent to a medical institution, where, as part of a hospital, he will undergo an in-depth diagnosis of his health condition with a final accurate diagnosis.

To obtain the desired category, it is highly recommended that you first carry out a series of activities, consisting of collecting a package of documents that confirm that the potential soldier has a certain disease or pathology, which does not allow him to serve in the Russian army.

For what diseases is category “B” assigned?

IN current list diseases that are used by military registration and enlistment office employees, there are full list diseases and pathologies, if detected, the conscript must be released from the obligation to perform military service.

The list of diseases that give the right to receive fitness category “B” includes such disorders and pathologies as:
  1. Moderate disturbance in the functioning of cerebral vessels;
  2. Injuries to the brain and spinal cord that led to functional disorders;
  3. Traumatization of the peripheral system, accompanied by disruption of its function;
  4. Chronic diseases of the ear canals, as well as hearing loss;
  5. Aggravated hemorrhoids, accompanied by prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  6. Chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
  7. Absence of 10 or more teeth in the jaw;
  8. Chronic skin diseases;
  9. Curvature of the limbs, as well as flat feet;
  10. Congenital defects;
  11. Uncontrolled urination;
  12. With a height of less than 150 centimeters;
  13. If your body weight is less than 45 kilograms;
  14. Disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys, as well as other organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Impaired organ functions due to previous infectious diseases;
  • Acute venereal diseases;
  • Fungal diseases with damage internal organs, as well as tuberculosis.

16. Previous operations, after which disturbances occurred in the functioning of organs or systems of the body:
  • Oncology;
  • Previous chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
  • Benign neoplasms that negatively affect the condition of the body.

17. Diseases of the circulatory system:

  • Disorders affecting the immune system;
  • Failure of the hormonal system;
  • Functional minor disorders of the glands.

18. Mental disorders:

  • Painful sensations caused by mental disorders;
  • Personality disorders;
  • Various forms of dependencies;
  • Mild mental retardation.

19. Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system:

  • Epileptic seizures;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system of an inflammatory nature;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system due to hereditary factors.

20. Severe diseases of the eyes and tear ducts:

  • Chronic conjunctivitis;
  • Glaucoma;
  • The condition of myopia of vision exceeding 6 diopters;
  • Farsightedness exceeding 8 diopters;
  • Significant loss of visual acuity.

21. Mild form of heart failure:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Damage to the aorta, causing disruption of normal blood circulation.

Can they be recruited to serve in the army with category “B”

Category “B” means that the conscript receives the status of being limitedly fit for military service. Upon receipt of this category, a young man cannot be called up for military service; he is automatically enlisted in the reserves of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

The only situation in which he can be drafted into the army is the introduction of martial law. Only in such emergency circumstances can guys with category “B” be called up for service.

What do categories “B1”, “B2”, “B3” and “B4” mean?

In some cases, when passing a medical commission, a conscript may be assigned the category “B1”, “B2”, “B3” or “B4”. In such a situation, every potential conscript soldier should know that in reality these categories do not exist.

The assignment of such categories of suitability for service is a form of arbitrariness of the military registration and enlistment office employees or elementary negligence associated with confusion between categories “B” and “B”, that is, they are assigned English letter"b" instead of the Russian letter "B". If a conscript is assigned one of these non-existent categories in his case, then he will need to appeal this decision of the medical board.

This can be done either at the military registration and enlistment office itself, by contacting the military commissar with an appropriate written complaint, or through the court. The judge will definitely make a decision in favor of the conscript.

Is it possible to change category “B” to something else?

Since the beginning of 2005, in relation to persons with fitness category “B”, it was decided to exempt them from the obligation to regularly undergo medical examination within the walls of the military registration and enlistment office. After such a decision is made, all young people with category “B” are exempt from military service in peacetime.

In addition, it is worth remembering that with category “B” a person is enlisted in the reserve ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Such a citizen can be drafted into the army only when martial law is introduced.

To determine the ability of a young man to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in general and in particular to serve in certain branches and types of troops, categories of suitability of conscripts for military service were established and legislated. The fitness category of an individual young person is determined when passing a medical commission in accordance with the Schedule of Diseases. The awarded fitness category will determine whether he is fit for military service or will be exempt from military service.

Fitness category A

The conscript is fit for military service, has no health problems, and is subject to conscription without restrictions by branch of service.

  • A1 Passable without restrictions, has no deviations in health or pathologies. He had no serious illnesses.
  • A2 Passable with restrictions on load with subsequent selection, seriously ill, suffered a serious injury (fracture or concussion). Does not interfere with service in special or special forces.
  • A3 Suitable with restrictions on load with subsequent selection, designation indicator 3 means that minor difficulties with vision are detected (for example, myopia of less than 2 diopters).
  • A4 Passable with restrictions on load with subsequent selection, destination indicator 4 means that minor difficulties with the foot have been detected (for example, flat feet of the 1st degree).

Fitness category B

The conscript is fit for military service with minor restrictions.
This fitness category is assigned to conscripts who have diseases that do not qualify them for exemption from military service. The stronger the disease, the lower the group in the category, and any kind of existing disease must meet the criteria in the military medical schedule of diseases and not go beyond the scope of non-combatant types of diseases/not fit for combat duty.

  • B1 Special forces units, marines, airborne, air assault military units, border troops of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation.
  • B2 Submarines, surface ships; drivers and crew members of tanks, self-propelled artillery units, engineering vehicles based on tanks and tractors.
  • B3 Drivers and crew members of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and missile launchers; other units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, guard units; chemical parts, fuel refueling and storage specialists; anti-aircraft missile units.
  • B4 Special facilities, security and defense specialists for combat missile systems; communication parts, radio engineering parts; other parts of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

When distributing conscripts into units for further service, fitness categories, especially B1-B4, are very often not taken into account. The fighters are distributed according to the principle of personnel shortage.

Fitness category B

A conscript is limitedly fit for military service, is exempt from conscription, is enlisted in the reserves and receives a military ID. In wartime, with fitness category B, they are subject to conscription to staff the rear units of the 1st and 2nd lines (based on the reserve military registration group of the RA). They are also subject to conscription for military training. At military training camps, or in a voluntary sequence, a citizen can undergo re-examination and be sent to the Military Military Commission. If your health status changes, your fitness category may also change.

A number of conscripts have symptoms of diseases corresponding to fitness category B. To determine the presence or absence of such a disease, it is necessary to undergo an independent medical examination. The diagnosis must be detailed, with detailed description degree of dysfunction. For a number of diseases, the duration of observation plays an important role. medical organization, frequency of treatment for this diagnosis, availability of inpatient treatment.

Nuance: Until 2005, conscripts with category “B” were required to undergo re-examination every 3 years. Since 01/01/2005, mandatory re-examination has been canceled (based on the RF Regulation No. 886 of 12/31/2004)

Suitability category G

The conscript is temporarily unfit for military service.
A deferment for health reasons from conscription into the army is given for a period of 6 months to 1 year, after which a repeated medical examination is carried out at the military registration and enlistment office. At the repeated military medical commission, the fitness category is again determined, in accordance with which a new decision is made.

Fitness category G is assigned to a conscript if there are deviations in health, underweight, after surgery or injury. A deferment from conscription in accordance with fitness category G can be given for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of a year.

One of the violations committed by military registration and enlistment office employees is the incorrect examination of a conscript and the incorrect assignment of fitness category G instead of fitness category B in cases where there is a corresponding disease confirmed by documentation. In this case, it is necessary to appeal the decision of the draft commission to a higher draft commission or to court.

Fitness category D

The conscript is not fit for military service. This category exempts you from conscription and from military service in general. Conscripts with this category are issued a military ID, which indicates absolute unfitness. In addition, a corresponding stamp is placed in the passport.

Fitness category in the military ID

The conscript's fitness category for military service is indicated on the military ID in a special column. If a conscript is exempt from conscription for health reasons, for example, hypertension, only fitness category B or D will be indicated on the military ID, but without indicating the specific disease for which the conscript was exempt from conscription. The fitness category on a military ID can be challenged in court if the health status of the person liable for military service has changed in better side. However, military commissars do not always meet such people halfway, because a situation may arise when a conscript received fitness category B, was released from conscription, and after 27 years decided to get a job in the law enforcement agencies and wants to receive fitness category A1.

Restrictions related to the category of fitness for military service

When a conscript is assigned fitness category B or D, there will be restrictions on employment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, FSIN, SVR, Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The situation has changed due to innovations in the “Regulations on military medical examination”. Now a repeated medical examination of a citizen is provided in connection with a change in his health status, which previously had a fitness category of B-limited-fit. In cases of successful completion of the repeated medical examination, a mark is made on the military ID, where the new category fitness for military service A-fit, or B-fit with minor restrictions. Thus, restrictions can be partially lifted when recruiting for service in the law enforcement agencies and departments listed above. But this does not mean at all that the military medical commissions of the departments will not request data from the military registration and enlistment offices for what reason this or that citizen was exempted from military service upon conscription. The requested data will also be taken into account when making a decision on the issue of declaring a candidate fit or unfit for service in a particular law enforcement agency.

There are also a number of myths about the ban on obtaining a driver's license. However, most often only serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, sensory organs, mental illness interfere with obtaining a driver's license, for example, cardiac pathologies are rarely taken into account by the medical commission when determining the possibility of obtaining a driver's license. However, some diseases may not prevent you from obtaining a driver's license in general, but from obtaining a driver's license with a separate category or the right to engage in professional activity in this area.

Any questions? Sign up for your first

The category of fitness for service is assigned by a medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office based on the physical and mental condition of the conscript. This criterion indicates how prepared a young person is for the loads that will have to be withstood during military service. Conscription categories are considered A and B. If good health If a citizen is allowed to serve in any branch of the military, he is assigned A. It has four more modifications, indicating insignificant errors in health.

What are there

Fitness category is a specific indicator of the ability to complete military service in the Armed Forces of the country based on physical and mental health parameters. Experts identify five main ones, each of them is assigned based on the Schedule of Diseases. This is a list of diseases, which clearly states in which troops and with what diagnosis you can serve in the army, and which diseases are not conscriptable.

All these parameters are grouped into five main groups, designated by the letter of the Russian alphabet and interpreted as follows:

  • A - excellent health, makes it possible not to limit the type of troops for service, including being sent to the elite. The call is inevitable.
  • B - there are diseases in which physical exercise in the army will not harm your health. There are restrictions in choosing a place of service. A citizen is subject to conscription.
  • B - after examination, the young man is enlisted in the reserves with a military ID in hand. He is considered to be of limited fitness - this means that for a period of peace the citizen is not conscripted into the army and does not undergo military service. In case of martial law, he will be drafted into the army.
  • D - there is a sufficiently serious illness that does not allow military service this period. The citizen is given the opportunity, i.e., a reprieve, to improve his health. If the situation does not change by the next draft commission, he is given another deferment or given a military service.
  • D - physical or mental condition does not allow military service even in wartime. A military ID is issued, and the citizen is no longer called up for conscription.

How to assign

Having reached , the young man receives a summons, according to which he is obliged to come to the military registration and enlistment office to undergo a medical examination. The examination is carried out centrally at the commissariat or medical institution at the place of registration. Based on the results of the medical examination, doctors decide which fitness category to assign to the young person. During the examination, each of the seven specialists preliminarily determines suitability for the army according to his profile. The conclusion is made by the head physician of the commission. It focuses on the most complex disease. So, if six specialists assigned modification A-1 to a conscript, and one specialist assigned modification A-3, then A-3 will be assigned.

The following specialists must participate in the commission:

  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • ENT doctor;
  • dentist;
  • therapist.

During the medical examination, doctors are required to take into account the existing diagnosis of the conscript, which was previously made to him by the attending physician. If the military registration and enlistment office doubts the diagnosis presented, the conscript is sent for additional examination. Suspicion may also be caused by test results or examinations. A secondary medical examination is ordered to clarify the existing diagnosis.

All re-diagnosis is carried out free of charge. Demanding fees for secondary commissions is illegal.

What is A and to whom is it assigned?

Assignment of any category is carried out on the basis of the Schedule of Diseases - this is a reference book where all diseases are registered that do not make it possible to serve or limit the choice of troops. Each disease is assigned to one of five main groups.

If all the specialists of the medical commission assigned the young man fitness A, it means that he does not have any non-conscription health pathologies and can serve in any military unit. In this case, a disease that is at an initial stage and does not yet prevent full military service with physical activity is acceptable.

In addition to examination by specialists, medical examination also includes diagnosis based on fluorographic images, ECG data and test results. Category A is assigned if the citizen does not have the following pathologies during a medical examination:

Where can you serve with A-1?

  • airborne assault;
  • Marines;
  • Special Forces;
  • special purpose missile forces;
  • air assault units.

To get into such military units, you must have excellent health and high physical indicators:


Modification A-2 is assigned to those who have once broken limbs or suffered serious illnesses. But at the time of conscription, these health deviations are absent or there are insignificant residual effects that will not interfere with military service.

In this case, physical indicators must comply with the standards specified in the table.

What troops are recruited for A-3?

  • Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • guard units;
  • APC drivers;
  • armored personnel carrier crew;
  • missile launchers;
  • chemical protection;
  • anti-aircraft units.

In this case, the conscript must meet fairly high physical parameters:

In what cases is subcategory A-4 assigned?

If, during a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, doctors did not find any serious abnormalities in the conscript’s health, then they are assigned A-4. Deviations that are allowed include, for example, mild visual defects or 1st degree flat feet.

A young man with the assigned modification A-4 can join any troops except those listed above. Thus, subcategories limit the ability to serve in some military units. At the same time, the physical indicators generally remain the same as in all modifications of category A.

Is it possible to change one category to another?

There are often cases when a conscript does not agree with the decision of the medical board. Most often this happens if the category is overestimated. But there are examples when a young man strives to get into the elite troops, and he is assigned fitness A 2-4 modifications or B. In any case, the decision of the military registration and enlistment office can be challenged.

Initial registration

For the first time, a fitness category is assigned to a young person during primary. If the doctors’ decision does not live up to expectations, then it is necessary to prepare for the next medical examination. During a subsequent examination, the commission's opinion may change.

If you need to upgrade your category, you need to take your health seriously: undergo a course of treatment, bring your physical indicators to the required standard, for example, lose or, conversely, gain weight.

If a young man does not intend to do military service due to illness, then it is also necessary to contact the attending physician, but for a non-conscription diagnosis. Consulting an experienced lawyer can help with this. Thus, our law firm deals exclusively with the affairs of conscripts. Our specialists will help you avoid the army legally.

Commission after the agenda

If the results of the commission are not satisfactory, then they can be protested by filing an application in court or administratively. You need to do the following:

1. In case of disagreement with the diagnosis of the military medical commission, it is necessary to request additional examination.

2. If after the draft board you are immediately given a summons to leave for a military unit, then you must submit an application immediately with a request to send it to a medical examination (control medical examination).
3. If the control examination is also not satisfactory, then the commissariat and investigative committee are notified of the decision to protest the commission’s results in court. The claim must be filed in court before the day of deployment to the army.

Help from specialists

It is much more difficult to appeal the results of a medical examination when the category is overestimated than to satisfy the requirements to increase the category. The experts of our law firm will help solve the problem with the call. You can get a consultation online or by ordering a call on our website. We will definitely call you back and help solve your problem with the call.