Malaya Kokshaga River in Mari El, a left tributary of the Volga, flows into the Kuibyshev Reservoir. The length of the river is 194 km. The channel is winding, there are many oxbow lakes on the floodplain. Snow food. It freezes in November and opens in April. The capital of the republic, the city of Yoshkar-Ola, is located on Malaya Kokshaga. The river begins in the north of the Mari El Republic, in the Orsha region, on the slopes of the Vyatka ridges. Flows in a southwest direction. After Yoshkar-Ola it turns south and flows along a swampy riverbed among mixed forest. It flows into the Kuibyshev Reservoir near the village of Kokshaysk, 5 km below Bolshaya Kokshagi. The river is inhabited by fish: roach, silver bream, bream, perch, pike.

The Bolshaya Kokshaga River flows in the Kirov region and Mari El, a left tributary of the Volga. The length of the river is 297 km. Powered by snow and rain. Freeze-up occurs from early November to mid-April. The river flows through mixed, and in the upper reaches coniferous, swampy forests. In the lower reaches there are impassable swamps. Within the Kirov region there are urban-type settlements Kiknur and Sanchursk. On the territory of the Mari Republic there are no large settlements in the Bolshaya Kokshaga basin; the Bolshaya Kokshaga nature reserve is located here. The river flows into the Kuibyshev Reservoir near the village of Kokshaysk, several kilometers above the mouth of Malaya Kokshaga. The river is inhabited by fish: roach, silver bream, bream, perch, pike.

The Rutka River flows through the territory of the Kilemarsky and Gornomariysky districts of Mari El and the Sharangsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, a left tributary of the Volga. The length of the river is 153 km. The river is fed mainly by snow, with high water in April - May. The Rutka River freezes in November - early December, and opens in April. The source of the river is southwest of the village of Bolshaya Rudka (Sharangsky district, Kirov region) 12 km southeast of the village of Sharanga. The river flows southwest, after crossing the border with Mari El it turns south. The upper reaches of the river up to the village of Staraya Rudka are treeless, with rare villages along the banks. In the middle and lower reaches the river flows through forests through an uninhabited area. The river is inhabited by fish: roach, silver bream, bream.

Vetlugarka is a river in the center of the European part of Russia, a left tributary of the Volga. It flows through the territory of the Kirov, Kostroma and Nizhny Novgorod regions and the Republic of Mari El. The length of the river is 889 km, the basin area is 39,400 km². The average annual water flow is 255 m³/s in the lower reaches. The left bank is low, the right bank is high (up to 100 m) and is composed of marls and sandstones. The current is slow, there are many oxbow lakes. Tributaries: Neya, Bolshaya Kaksha, Usta, Yuronga - left; Vokhma, Lunda - right. Snow food. Freeze-up from early November to April. Splavnaya. Navigable for 700 km from the mouth. On the river are the cities of Sharya and Vetluga, urban-type settlements Varnavino, Vetluzhsky (Kostroma region), Vetluzhsky ( Nizhny Novgorod Region), Krasnye Baki, Voskresenskoye. The river is inhabited by Pike, ide, chub, asp, pike perch, catfish, bream.

The Kuibyshev Reservoir (its lower part is often called the Zhigulev Sea) is the largest reservoir on the Volga River. Originated in 1955-1957. after the completion of the construction of the Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric power station dam, which blocked the Volga valley in Zhiguli near the city of Stavropol (now Togliatti). It is the third largest reservoir in the world by area. The length of the reservoir is more than 500 km, the greatest width at the mouth of the Kama is 35-40 km, the area of ​​the water surface is 6.45 thousand km² (among rivers - the second largest in the world), the total volume of water is 58 km³, of which 34 km³ is useful. The backwater level at the dam is 29 m, it extends along the Volga to the city of Novocheboksarsk, along the Kama River to the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. The reservoir forms large bays along the valleys of the Kama, Sviyaga, Kazanka and other rivers. The reservoir in the spring near Tolyatti The main purpose of the reservoir is...

The purpose of the lesson:

1. Consolidation of knowledge about land waters;
2. Continue developing skills in working with contour maps;
3. Nurturing students’ environmental culture using the example of their native land.


physical maps of Russia and Mari El,
crossword stand,
a bottle of Klenovogorsk mineral water,
contour maps for the Republic of Mari El.


  1. Introduction to the game situation:
  2. 1.Teacher’s message about the topic of the lesson and main goal: “Get acquainted with the rivers and lakes of the Mari region and draw largest rivers to the contour map. This lesson somewhat unusual, this is not just a lesson, but an auction lesson. The word “auction” comes from the Greek “auctio” - the sale of goods at a public auction, in which the goods are first put up for inspection. Today, the product remains a secret until the end of the lesson. In order to purchase this product you must show your knowledge. Your knowledge will be assessed with tokens of different values ​​- 3 euros, 2 euros, 1 euro, depending on the correct answer and the cost of the question. My assistant will hand out tokens to you throughout the lesson. At the end of the lesson, you will have accumulated capital - a certain amount - and you can purchase this product with your own money.

  3. Conducting an auction and performing work on the contour map.

1) The first part of the auction is solving a crossword puzzle. But first, a few questions:

  • What land waters are there on the territory of our republic? (Rivers, lakes, swamps, groundwater);
  • Do you think the rivers of our republic belong to the basin of which river? (Volga).

2) Now we move on to the crossword puzzle and at the same time work on the contour map

  1. The river, a tributary of the Volga, is second in size only to the Kama and Oka (Vetluga);
  2. It flows in the northeast of the republic with a very stormy current in the spring. The largest slope (Nemda);
  3. Is there a lot of swamp ore flowing along the banks in the west of the republic? (Rutka);
  4. The river does not freeze in winter; it flows along Klenovaya Mountain (Ilet);
  5. Most large influx Ilet (Yushut) rivers;
  6. The longest and most abundant river in Europe (Volga);
  7. It occurs in the area where the coldest rivers are (Lazh).

Now let's find the river on which the capital of our republic, Yoshkar-Ola (M. Kokshaga), is located, and the Bolshaya Kokshaga river is 50 km longer than Malaya.

3) Let's do it conclusions:

All the rivers of the republic are predominantly snow-fed with spring floods and they all belong to the Volga River basin. The river fall is small.

3.1 The rivers of our region are beautiful, but the Mari lakes are even more beautiful. Most of them are located in picturesque places and have scientific and health value.

Let's remember!

  • What groups are lake basins divided into by origin? (Glacial, tectonic, dammed, karst or sinkhole lakes, oxbow lakes, volcanic, residual);
  • What kind of lakes based on the origin of the basins can be found here? (Karst, oxbow lakes).

3.2.The deepest lakes of our region are karst or failed. There are most of them on the Mari-Vyatsky Uval, which is composed of limestone rocks. These lakes were formed as a result of karst processes. What are these processes? (Destruction rocks groundwater). The most deep lake republics - Tabashinskoye or Zriv - its depth is 56 m (shown on the map. Orsha district), and the largest in area is our Yalchik - 150 hectares, 1.81 sq. m.

3.3. Floodplain lakes or oxbow lakes located in river valleys. The largest oxbow lake is Mangach, in the valley of the Sura River.

  • Why are lakes called oxbow lakes? (Old river beds).

3.4. And finally, in the Mari Lowland there are many shallow inter-bottom lakes - they occupy basins between the hills of this lowland - one of the largest such lakes is Sorocha - the east of the Mari Lowland.

3.5. About 30 lakes of the Mari region are recognized as natural monuments and measures for their protection have been determined. Have you noticed how strict it has become with travel to Lake Yalchik and Lake Glukhoe? And the reason is that Lake Glukhoe, rightfully considered one of the most beautiful lakes in the republic, has become shallow by 3 meters over the past 10 years. Scientists have found out the reason - soil compaction due to a large number of tourists - the number of groundwater– there was less water in the lake.

3.6. They play an important role in the water content of rivers and lakes. swamps We have a lot of them, especially in the western part, in the Mari Lowland. But over the past 50 years, due to deforestation and development of peatlands, the number of swamps has sharply decreased, which means the water content of rivers and lakes has decreased. An example of the Nemda River, even 10 years ago, not to mention 20 years ago, this was the fastest river in our region. Now the speed of the current has dropped by 2 times - the reason is the drainage of the swamps in the area.

4) Water, like the forest, national wealth of our Mari region. And it is no coincidence that the knowledge about water among the Mari people is reflected in riddles and sayings:

Students give examples of such riddles and sayings.

  • Flows, flows will not flow (river);
  • Undresses - roars, dresses - crackles
  • The water is close, but the mountain is slimy
  • The water covers everything, and the shore digs
  • I eat, I eat - there is no trace, I cut, I cut - there is no blood, I chop, I chop - there are no chips (water), and others.

Students' guessing is assessed with tokens.

5) Teacher’s conclusion: “The Mari region is a land of rivers and lakes; these words are not accidental. And I think in the lesson you were convinced of this. And the number of folk sayings and riddles, their deep meaning, speaks of the great role of water in human life. We just have to find out how many rivers and streams flow through the republic, how many lakes there are in our region?” (476 rivers, more than 5 km long; 200 lakes).

Students call out numbers and receive tokens for correct answers.

III. Summarizing.

1. The teacher continues the lesson and asks the students the following question:

  • What is the most expensive and valuable water in the republic?

After reasoning, students come to the answer “Klenogorsk mineral water.”

  • So the product is visible? Let's start the auction.

Initial price -...!

Who is bigger?

When the bargaining is over, the student who has earned the most euros receives a bottle of water and a “5” grade, the rest exchange their “euro” for other grades (“4” and “5”, optionally “3”) depending on the amount accumulated.

IV. Homework.

  1. Create a contour map.
  2. Read the article in the textbook on Mari El “Nature Conservation”. Page _____

Lake Bolshoi Igirier is located on the left bank of Malaya Kokshaga, approximately 5-6 km from the mouth of the Maly Kundysh River. Around the lake there are extensive swamps, streams, small forest lakes and canals.

Big Kasyar (Kas-Yar)
Lake Bolshoi Kasyar is located between the Bolshoi Kundysh and Arda rivers in the moss pine forest. The lake is one of the large reservoirs in the studied area.

Big Martin
One of the largest bodies of water in the region is Lake Bolshoi Martyn, located near the 31st kilometer of the Kokshay highway.

Big Marier (Mar-Er)
Lakes Big and Small Maryera are located in the Rutka-Bolshaya Kokshagi interfluve in the Zvenigovsky district. Apparently they are last places habitat in Mari El.

Lake Bryukhan is located in the Rutkinskoye forestry district of the Gornomarisky district. The area of ​​the lake is 6.3 hectares. The lake is small but beautiful and has a round shape. A white water lily grows along the perimeter of the lake.

Vasyar (Vas-Yar)
Lake Vasyar is located among a moss swamp in a pine-birch forest. The round lake, with an area of ​​23 hectares, has a regularly deepening basin with a maximum depth of 3.5 m.

Wild Lake
The wilderness lake is located on the territory national park"Mari Chodra". The length of the lake is 950 m, the greatest width is 100 m. The shape of the lake is narrow, crescent-shaped.

Lake Ergezh-Er is 350 m long and 150 m wide, and has a depth of 13 m. The water temperature at a depth of 12 m is 5°C, which indicates that the lake is fed by underwater sources.

Izyar (Iz-Yar)
Lake Izyar, with an area of ​​4 hectares, is located on the left bank of the Arda River, from the north there is a forest close to the water, on south coast deforestation and only the southwestern coast is swampy.

crucian carp
Lake Karas is located between the Bolshaya and Malaya Kokshagi rivers and has a karst type of lake basin, maximum depth 46.1 m, length 597 m, average width 426 m, area 19 hectares.

Lake Karasyar is similar in many characteristics to Nuzhyar, which is explained by their close location. It is interdune in origin, with a secondary karst failure.

Lake Kichier is of karst origin, reaches a length of up to 2.5 km and a width of up to 400 m. The greatest depth of the reservoir is 16 m. In the southern part, the Size River flows from it.

Kogoyar (Kogo-Yar)
Lake Kogoyar is located on the left bank of the Volga River, on the territory of the Republics of Mari El and Chuvashia, 17 km northwest of the city of Cheboksary and 4 km northwest of the village of Severny.

Konan-Er (Konaner, Konanier, Konanyer, Kononier) is a lake located on the eastern slope of the remnant hill - Maple Mountain. Located on the territory of the Mari Chodra National Park.

Kugu-Er (Big)
Lake Kugu-Er (Big) or Shem-er is located in the lower part of the Petyalka River bed, has a length of 1500 m with a depth of 7-8 m. The lake basin consists of lake depressions.

Lake Kuzh-Er is located at the foot of the steep eastern slope of the Kerebelyak Upland and is part of a chain of karst-sinkhole lakes in this area. Kuzh-Er is connected by a narrow channel to Lake Krugloye.

Lake Kuznechikha is located in the Zvenigovsky district of the Krasnoyarsk forestry, on the left bank of the Bolshaya Kokshaga River. The Novocheboksarskaya highway runs near the lake (500 m to the south).

Forest fairy tale
Lake Forest fairy tale located in pine forest 4 km. west of the village of Surok. It has an oblong oval shape. The water is clear, 6-7 meters of visibility.

Lake Linevoye belongs to a group of little-visited lakes located in the Kromsky forestry. Located east of Lake Ereksha, south of the lake Shalamumer and Bezymyanny lakes.

Lisye (Lisinoe)
Lake Rybyzh-er or Lisye (Lisinoe, Lisyanoe) is located 5 km from Lake Pucheer. The banks are a low moss swamp with pine and rare birch. There are no tributaries, no drainage.

Luzhiar (Luzh-Yar)
Lake Luzhiar is located on the right bank of the Bolshoy Kundysh River. The lake is a typical forest reservoir; a pine forest mixed with spruce and birch grows on its flat, swampy shores.

Maloe Stepankino
Lake Maloye Stepankino is located 1.5 km west of Lake Bolshoye Stepankino. It has irregular shape, consists of three separate pools.

Small Igirier(Igir-Er)
Lake Maly Igirier is located on the left bank of Malaya Kokshaga, approximately 5-6 km from the mouth of the Maly Kundysh River. The lake is an ordinary forest reservoir; a pine forest grows on its swampy shores.

Maly Kasyar (Kas-Yar)
Lake Maly Kasyar is located north of Lake Big Kasyar, into which it flows. This is a small lake with a water surface area of ​​1 hectare.

Maly Martyn
Lake Maly Martyn is located 2.5 km west of Lake Bolshoi Martyn. The shape of the lake is somewhat elongated. From the south, east and west the lake is surrounded by a sandy low ridge.

Small Marier (Mar-Er)
Lakes Big and Small Maryera are located in the Rutka-Bolshaya Kokshagi interfluve in the Zvenigovsky district. Apparently, they are the last habitats in Mari El.

sea ​​eye
Sea Eye is a lake located near the village of Shariboksad, Volzhsky district of the Republic of Mari El. The lake is interesting for its location on the mountainside.

Mushan-Er (Mushender Lakes)
The Mushender lakes are located in a chain on the northwestern slope of the hill. Lake Bolshoye Mushenderskoye, 1160 m long and 220 m wide, has a sinkhole.

Nuzhyar (Nuzh-Yar)
Exactly this transparent lake The Volga region is located in the Gornomarisky district of the Mari El Republic, in the southern taiga region of the Mari Lowland.

Lake Okunevo is located in the Gornomariysky district. It is located at the intersection of the borders of two forest districts: Kromskoye and Yurkinskoye. Surface area 35 hectares.

Olanga (Okunevoe)
Lake Olanga is typically round in shape and has a diameter of up to 400 m. greatest depth 30 m. The lake is located in the floodplain of the Maly Kundysh River, the depth of which is only 2 m.

Orier (Or-Er)
Lake Orier is an interdune lake, deepened by a small karst hole, located near Lake Shilmy, and is very similar to the latter.

Lake Pos-Yar is located on the right bank of the Bolshoi Kundysh River (in the Parat River basin near the village of Kulonga, Kilemar district) in deciduous forest from birch, aspen, alder.

Poshkoljar (Poshkol-Yar)
Lake Poshkolyar, with an area of ​​82 hectares, is located on the right bank of the Bolshoi Kundysh River in a pine forest with a rare admixture of spruce and birch and a thick moss cover.

Lake Puzhan-Er consists of three sinkholes, the deepest being the eastern one, 17 m deep. The total length of the lake is up to 920 m.

Pucheer (Berezovskoye or Olenye)
Lake Pucheer (Berezovskoye or Olenye) is located a few kilometers from the Bolshaya Kokshaga River, within the Cheboksary region. The shape is wrong.

Serebryanoye (also Poshym-er, Kombo-er (Gusinoye)) is a lake in the Zvenigovsky district, Mari El, Russia. It is located on the territory of the Suslongersky military forestry enterprise. The lake is located in the Yushut River basin.

WITH reindeer
Salt Lake is located on the left bank of Bolshaya Kokshaga (2 km from the river) in a pine forest with a significant admixture of spruce and alder along the swampy northern shore.

Lake Soroche has a second name - Sherenge-er; it is located 1 km southeast of Lake Okunevoe. It is surrounded on all sides by a marshy, mossy, shifting swamp.

→ Marmot
The lake is located in a basin on the territory of the village of the same name, with a railway station on its very shore. Water transparency is 3.5 m. The lake is of karst origin with sandy beaches.

Tabashinskoye (Zryv)
Lake Tabashinskoe, or as it is also called Zryv, is located in the Orsha region, the village of Tabashino. One of the unique and most beautiful lakes in the entire middle Volga region.

Lake Tair is one of the most beautiful lakes in the republic, located 42 km south of Yoshkar-Ola and 14 km north of the village of Kokshaysk. There is an asphalt road going east to the lake.

Lake Tot-Er is located southwest of Lake Shut-Er, has an average width of 100 m and a depth of 24 m. Apparently, this is a relatively young karst formation, since the surface of the lake is not overgrown.

The main rivers are the Volga and Vetluga. In the recent past, four rivers of the republic: Ilet, Yushut, Bolshoi Kundysh, Bolshaya Kokshaga - were among the ten most clean rivers Europe. The development of industry and agriculture has led to a deterioration in the condition of surface and groundwater.

The cleanest rivers are: Lazh, M. Sundyr, B. Sundyrka, B. Kokshaga, B. Kundysh, Rutka and Ilet. The most polluted rivers of the republic remain the Ronga (Sovetsky settlement), Turechka (Mari-Turek settlement), Serdyazhka (Sernur settlement), Paranginka (Paranga settlement), Nemda (Kuzhener and Novy Toryal settlements) and the river. Nuzh (Mikhailovsky settlement). Among the pollutants discharged into water bodies, easily oxidizable substances according to BOD5, ammonium nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, metal compounds, phosphates and petroleum products predominated. Of the lakes, the cleanest are Lake. Crucian carp and Thorn.

Most of water bodies classified as class 3 moderately polluted waters.

For quality river water Most of the water bodies of the republic, as well as the Cheboksary and Kuibyshev reservoirs, were still affected by transboundary pollution that came from the territories of neighboring constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Despite the last years measures, the state of the republic's surface and groundwater continues to be alarming. Thus, the condition of small rivers is catastrophic - their flow is decreasing, and the quality of the water does not meet environmental and sanitary-hygienic requirements. Surface water to a greater extent than underground ones, they are susceptible anthropogenic impact. The influence is especially great Wastewater industrial, agricultural and municipal enterprises and surface runoff from fields, agricultural facilities, environmentally and sanitary areas of populated areas and industrial facilities. The water quality of most water bodies does not meet regulatory requirements, there is a trend increasing pollution water resources, in connection with which the requirements for the efficiency of wastewater treatment plants are increasing. Wastewater treatment at wastewater treatment plants is ineffective due to non-compliance technological regulations operation of treatment stations. In recent years, the republic has witnessed unsystematic diversion land plots for construction of objects social sphere without taking into account the protection of water bodies from pollution.

More than 30% of the pollution of water bodies comes from the pulp and paper industry enterprises of JSC Mari PPM in Volzhsk, as well as treatment facilities of the housing and communal services of Yoshkar-Ola. The discharge of wastewater from the plant has bad influence per condition aquatic ecosystem R. Volga, as it worsens the hydrochemical condition of the Kuibyshev reservoir for a number of pollutants.

The state of surface and groundwater is alarming. The most polluted sections of the Malaya Kokshaga rivers (below the discharge of wastewater from the wastewater treatment plants of Yoshkar-Ola) and Nolka (below the discharge of storm water from Yoshkar-Ola factories).

One of the problems in the republic is the flooding of territories when the level of the Cheboksary reservoir rises, the degradation of ecosystems in the reservoir zone and in the adjacent territories.

The groundwater

The territory of the Republic is located within the Eastern European artesian region. The large thickness of sedimentary deposits and the different lithological composition of the water-bearing rocks determined a wide variety of hydrochemical types of groundwater, among which fresh, mineral waters and brines are distinguished.

The Republic has significant resources of drinking quality groundwater, the reserves of which are estimated at 3.2 million m3/day, which is 4.2 thousand l/day per person. (with a water consumption standard of 200 l/day), despite this, the population’s provision drinking water good quality remains at a low level.

Medicinal mineral waters are represented by 2 types: nitrogen mineral waters that do not contain specific components (chloride-sulfate, sodium-calcium, magnesium-calcium, calcium), which are used as medicinal drinking water by local sanatoriums, and mineral waters with specific components ( ferrous, iodide, bromine, with increased content boron, hydrogen sulfide).

Brines are distributed almost everywhere below the Sakmarian stage of the Lower Permian, however, explored industrial deposits mineral waters not in the republic. Currently, the mud baths of the republic use bromine brines with a high content of iodine and boron, as well as hydrogen sulfide waters.

The mineral waters of the Mari El Republic are of interest for both medicinal and drinking use. Their quality and reserves allow wider use of available mineral water resources for sanatorium treatment and bottling.

On the territory of the republic, two persistent foci of contamination of underground aquifers were discovered in the Medvedevsky district near the village of Kuchki, where the dump of liquid industrial waste of the vitamin plant and the solid waste dump of the city of Yoshkar-Ola are located, and in the Zvenigovsky district, in the village. Suslonger hydrolysis plant.

“Volgo-Vyatka Economic Region” - The region’s market specialization industry, the electrical engineering industry, has also developed greatly. Natural conditions and resources. Agriculture in the Volga-Vyatka region has significant potential. The region's population is multinational. Territory - 263.4 thousand square meters. km. Volgo-Vyatsky district.

“Symbols of Mordovia” - The meaning of the coat of arms. Element of Mordovian embroidery. State flag. Coat of arms. Coat of arms of the Republic of Mordovia. Map of the Republic of Mordovia. Anthem of the Republic of Mordovia. Flag of the Republic of Mordovia. Red fox. The meaning of the anthem. State symbols of the Republic of Mordovia.

“Volgo-Vyatka region” - Chuvash Republic (Cheboksary). Nizhny Novgorod is located at the intersection of railways. Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod industrial hub. Kirov region (Kirov). They pass through the city Railway, highways, oil and gas pipelines. Kirov. Electric power - Gorky hydroelectric power station, thermal power plant - in Nizhny Novgorod, Kstovo.

"Omutninsky district" - Main problems municipality, requiring solutions in the economic sphere. Enthusiasts village Vostochny. Own budget revenues. The main problems of the municipality that require solutions in the field road facilities. Economic structure of the Omutninsky region. The main problems that require solutions with the participation of the Government of the Kirov region.

"Republic of Mordovia" - Constitution. State symbols. What does the constitution say? Questions: What did we talk about today? The Constitution is at the head of the system of laws. Shumbrat Yalgat. Republic. When was the new constitution of the Republic of Mordovia adopted? Constitution of the Republic of Mordovia. The Constitution is a political and legal document.

“Volgo-Vyatka economic region lesson” - National composition VVER regions. Forest is a focal development. Population 7.5 million people. Peoples of VVER. Urbanization 70%. VVER facilities (industry and Agriculture) Reports on VVER regions. Conditions for the formation of VVER. Basic questions of the lesson. Specifics of VVER (EGP, natural conditions) Composition of VVER. Historical development.

There are 11 presentations in total