Problems and prospects of informatization

modern preschool institution

In all areas of activity of preschool institutions, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has become relevant. These technologies have made significant changes in the work of preschool institutions, which allows the teacher to be an active participant in the educational process. Various Internet resources, such as: Federal portal "Russian Education", Catalog of educational resources on the Internet for schools and kindergarten, Single window of access to educational resources etc., are currently extremely necessary to improve the psychological and pedagogical knowledge and qualifications of teachers preschool education. It's no secret that now in preschool institutions there is a large percentage of teachers who do not have the skills to work not only on the Internet, but also on the computer. This mainly disrupts the process of adaptation to new reforms of informatization of a modern preschool institution and the introduction of new educational programs and technologies.

There is another important problem - the reluctance or inability of teachers to work on introducing ICT into the educational process when working with preschool children.

Currently, there is another difficulty associated with the technical equipment of preschool institutions - insufficient material support, which does not fully provide the opportunity to purchase computers and other multimedia tools, and therefore provide access to information resources for educational institutions located in geographically inaccessible places.

Therefore, one of the main conditions for the introduction of ICT into the educational process of a preschool institution is, first of all, that teachers who know technical capabilities computers, multimedia equipment, as well as those who have work skills, strictly comply with sanitary standards and rules for their use in educational institutions.

Mastery of information and communication technologies helps a teacher feel comfortable in new socio-economic conditions, and an educational institution to switch to a mode of functioning and development as an open educational system. Informatization of preschool education opens up new opportunities for teachers to widely introduce new methodological developments into pedagogical practice, aimed at implementing innovative ideas in the educational process.

Currently, computer technologies have begun to be actively used in the educational process. Many simple and complex computer programs are being created for children of older and younger preschool age, aimed at developing cognitive and research processes, which in turn gives the teacher the opportunity to implement various creative projects. Depending on the age of the child and the programs used, the computer can act as an opponent in the game, be a storyteller, a tutor, or an examiner. There are various computer tools aimed at developing various mental functions of children, such as visual and auditory perception, attention, memory, verbal and logical thinking, etc., which can be successfully used in teaching preschool children. One of these technical means is an interactive whiteboard, the use of which makes it possible for children to learn younger age more attractive and interesting. Interactive and multimedia tools are designed to inspire and encourage children to strive to master new knowledge.

In our group, our kindergarten, we successfully use multimedia technologies in classes with children. With the help of a projector and a computer, we study the basics of mathematical knowledge, listen to the sounds of music, nature, model, learn the beauty of painting, etc. Game components included in multimedia programs activate cognitive activity students and enhance their learning of the material.

It is a pity that not all kindergartens have such an opportunity, and I would like to hope that in the wake of this reform, preschool institutions, like schools, will be computerized and interactive teaching aids, such as interactive whiteboards, computers, will become excellent helpers in the diagnosis of children: development of attention, memory, thinking, speech, personality, skills educational activities.

Introducing to information culture is not only the acquisition of computer literacy, but also the acquisition of ethical, aesthetic and intellectual culture. There is no doubt that children can master the methods of working with various electronic and computer innovations with enviable ease; At the same time, it is important that they do not become dependent on the computer, but value and strive for live, emotional human communication.

The use of ICT in the classroom allows us to move from an explanatory and illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject, and not a passive object of pedagogical influence. This promotes conscious assimilation of knowledge. ICT also makes it possible to simulate various situations; monitor and summarize results. Evaluation of the results of a child’s activities can even be carried out with the help of cartoon images, but negative evaluation is excluded in order to create a situation of success and form a positive attitude in children.

It is worth noting that the informatization of a modern preschool institution in a special way brings work with parents to new level communication. By organizing an electronic journal in each group: for example: “How we spent the day”, it gives each parent the opportunity, by logging into the group page, to find out what his child was doing, and also posts Additional Information about the life of the group, pedagogical recommendations for parents are posted. Good experience for us is interaction with parents through the “Question-Answer” dialogue on the kindergarten website page. There, pressing issues are discussed with parents: the upbringing and development of children, the successes of teachers and gratitude from parents, as well as congratulations and wishes are noted.

To summarize, we can say that informatization and further development of a preschool institution is a long and painstaking process.

The transition from one state to another, of a higher level, requires special conditions and knowledge from teachers in order to fulfill the assigned information and pedagogical tasks.

The reform of informatization of a modern preschool institution, in our opinion, should take place under the motto “Do no harm”!

Kuzub Irina Nikolaevna,

Art. teacher

Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Education

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov

Informatization of preschool education:

increasing the communicative competencies of preschool teachers

The current state of preschool education is characterized by the fact that one of the most significant directions in its reform and modernization is the replacement of traditional values ​​of child education with the values ​​of personal development. Unlike education in other age stages development, preschool education is considered as a system in which the central place is occupied not by content and forms, but by the process of interaction between the teacher and children (E. G. Yudina). The teacher acts for the child not so much as a carrier of some personal experience as an exponent of the universal human principle, an authorized representative of culture. (L.S. Vygotsky)

But at the same time, a preschool teacher is a key figure in the implementation of the tasks of the comprehensive development of a child in the first seven years of life. The basis of his professional characteristics includes the ability for functional adaptation in various areas of pedagogical activity, the willingness to independently design and implement educational routes for the child’s development, and the ability to work according to new programs.

The process of informatization in preschool educational institutions is determined by the requirement of a modern developing society, which needs its members to be ready to work tens of times more productive and creative, which is ensured by the knowledge intensity of all information means - from personal computers to global Internet connections. In accordance with the Concept of introducing new information technologies In preschool education, the computer should become the core of the developing subject environment in kindergarten. It is considered not as a separate educational gaming device, but as an all-pervasive universal information system capable of connecting with various areas of the educational process, enriching them and radically changing the developmental environment of the kindergarten as a whole, ensuring the interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family at modern level. Domestic and foreign studies on the use of computers in kindergartens convincingly prove not only the possibility and expediency of this, but also the special role of the computer in the development of intelligence and the child’s personality in general (S. Novoselova, G. Petku, I. Pashelite, S. Peipert, B Hunter and others).

Research by scientists shows that a very small number of preschool institutions use computers to work with children. Moreover, such work is unsystematic in nature, the selection of program content is carried out by teachers at their own discretion, and the conditions do not always meet the psychological, pedagogical and sanitary-hygienic requirements for conducting classes using computers for children 5-6 years old.

One of the leading reasons influencing the introduction of computer technologies into the work system of preschool educational institutions is computer illiteracy of the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions. Almost the absolute majority of educators do not own a computer and, therefore, do not imagine the possibilities of using it.

In the context of the transition to the information society, new demands are placed on all specialists, especially specialists in the field of education, since the educational level of society as a whole depends on them. The search for approaches, conditions and methods of preparing a person for life in the information society is an urgent task of modern pedagogical science. This creates a need to constantly develop and improve the training of every specialist in the field of education, including preschool. At the same time, the issues of professional training of teachers in modern studies are covered and disclosed quite fully, and the professional training of preschool teachers in the field of information and pedagogical competence is not sufficiently considered.

In practice, information technologies in education mean the use of a variety of modern technical means of storing, searching, reproducing and transmitting information to organize the educational process, directly for training or for self-education. This also includes audiovisual technologies, but mainly computer ones, because a modern computer actually contains all audiovisual capabilities. Therefore, the terms “information technologies” (IT), “new information technologies” (NIT), “information and computer technologies”, “information and communication technologies” are often used synonymously.

S.G. Vershlovsky notes that information technologies in the educational process contribute to:

More complete disclosure of the intellectual abilities of the individual;
individualization of the learning process;

Diagnostics and self-diagnosis of professional qualities based on the use of testing programs;

Wide access to reference, bibliographic, archival and other materials;

Use of virtual social and professional space in the learning process;

Conceptual monitoring of professional status using local and global networks, including the Internet;

Communication skills in a professional environment at the micro and macro levels, including teleconferences and publications on networks.

New information and communication tools are changing the principles of the organization and functioning of education: they significantly facilitate the transfer of the center of gravity from lecture forms to independent meaningful educational activities of students, from pedagogical support independent work students to self-education. These processes in the vocational education of adults are proceeding at a rapid pace, provided that adults have basic computer literacy and access to computer and telecommunications tools (S.G. Vershlovsky).

Social transformations associated with the transition to the information society actualize the problem of the formation of a new education paradigm, characterized by a redistribution of emphasis from educational activities to self-educational ones. “The individual-personal process of converting information into knowledge (self-education) is becoming the leading activity in the information age.”

Solving the problem of training specialists of a new quality, who have not only mastered all the achievements of modern science and culture, but also are capable of further continuous self-education and research activities, which in a broad sense are based on methods of obtaining, assimilation, processing and transmission of various information, is possible only on the basis of new methods of education. Their creation and dissemination in the system for improving the communicative competencies of teachers will make it possible to fulfill an important condition for improving the quality of education - the development of information and pedagogical competence of a practicing teacher.

Based on this, the problem of developing the information and pedagogical competence of preschool teachers in the context of advanced training acquires special theoretical and practical significance.

However, modern research reveals a number of contradictions:

Between the rapid pace of growth of knowledge in the modern world and disabilities their assimilation by practicing teachers;

Availability of a large amount of information, educational and scientific materials in electronic format and the lack of technologies that develop skills in working with information and the ability to present it in the retraining of preschool education specialists;

Between modern requirements for the professionalism of preschool teachers, including information and pedagogical competence as one of the most important components of a teacher’s professional competence, on the one hand, and the lack of developed approaches to the targeted process of developing information and pedagogical competence, on the other;

Between modern understanding scientifically - research work teacher of a preschool educational institution as a theoretical and experimental development of a project for solving an actual psychological and pedagogical problem and often its spontaneous, unsystematic implementation in the practice of preschool education.

Thus, the organization of information support for the educational process does not contribute to the development of information and pedagogical competence of teachers. Information computer technologies make it possible to modernize the organization, conduct, and information support of the educational process.

1. Vershlovsky S.G. Continuing education as an object of research / S.G. Vershlovsky //Andragogy: materials for the glossary. – St. Petersburg, 2005.
2. Kopytina M.G., Korchalovskaya N.V. The development of pedagogical creativity in the system of advanced training using ICT is a condition for the quality of preschool education /Internet
3. Kutuzova I. Advanced training of teachers of preschool educational institutions in the modern pedagogical space // Preschool education. № 9 - 2005.

4. Matyushkina M.D. Information technologies in adult education / M.D. Matyushkina //Andragogy: materials for the glossary. – St. Petersburg, 2005.
5. Pashkevich T.D. Changing the professional position of a preschool teacher educational institution in conditions of advanced training: abstract. dis... cand. ped. Sci. Barnaul. –2002.
6. Tkachuk T.A. Formation of information and pedagogical competence of future preschool teachers in the process of organizing research work: abstract of thesis. dis... cand. ped. Sciences: Petrozavodsk, 2007.

7. Shuklina V.A. Towards a new paradigm of education in the 21st century: from education to self-education // Education and Society. No. 3. - 2004.

Labutina Elena Vladimirovna,

Art. teacher

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

Faculty of Education

Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov

On the issue of the development of creativity during organized educational activities in kindergarten

Modern preschool educational institutions are institutions that can not only ensure that a child stays outside the home with maximum safety and comfort, but also organize his education before the start of systematic schooling. Highly qualified and passionate about their profession, educators in the process of classes broaden the child’s horizons, teach him to correctly perceive the world of objects, people, human relationships around him, develop memory, thinking, imagination and form the behavioral skills necessary for future educational activities.

Organizing the educational activities of a preschooler is not an easy task, because... it is necessary not only to take into account age characteristics, but know the interests of each child. Children of all ages love to play, but preschoolers live by playing, so it is most effective to conduct classes in a playful way or by incorporating game elements into the structure of the lesson. However, the exercises that are offered to children are not always of a creative, exploratory nature, where the child is required not only to find and demonstrate correct solution, but outline a different way of working, a different solution to the proposed problem. And, meanwhile, it is precisely such tasks, which involve many options for work and several possible correct answers, that make it possible to maintain the child’s interest in a new, complex intellectual activity.

A modern teacher should pay special attention to the development of creative abilities (creativity) of preschoolers. The concept of “creativity” is used to denote the creative abilities of an individual, characterized by a readiness to create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking and are included in the structure of giftedness as an independent factor. It originates from two English words: “create” - to create and “creative” - constructive, creative.

Most often, when talking about the creativity of a person, they mean his ingenuity, the ability to get out of hopeless situations, to achieve his goal in an unconventional way, using completely traditional everyday means in an unusual way.

Interest in the problem of creativity arose in the 60s of the last century in connection with the establishment of the fact that there is no connection between research on the level of intelligence and the success of solving problematic problems. People with identified high intelligence solved problems that required an unconventional approach worse than might be expected. At the same time, A. Maslow noted that the original creative orientation is characteristic of everyone and is lost by most people in the course of life, as a rule, under the influence of the environment.

In domestic practice, the essence of the concept of “creativity”, the mechanisms of creative activity and thinking were considered by P.Ya. Galperin, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, Z.I. Kalmykova, G.S. Altshuller (P.Ya. Galperin, 1969; D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, 1983, 2002; Z.I. Kalmykova, 1981; G.S. Altshuller, 1979), in foreign countries - E. Torrance, I. Guilford studied divergent thinking , K. Taylor, G. Grubber, I. Hein, A. B. Schneder, D. Rogers (E. Torrance; D. Guilford, 1967; K. Taylor, 2009).

The creative search activity of a child is impossible without the participation of thinking and imagination, and a child can solve the same problem both with the help of imagination and with the help of thinking, depending on its nature, the characteristics of the situation, the amount of time, the level of knowledge and its organization.

Initially, for the development of imagination, purposeful activity is necessary, that is, setting before preschoolers a specific practical task, the solution of which is not obvious and requires invention and fantasy. For the correct organization of this purposeful activity and the development of imagination, it is necessary to remember that this is facilitated by: situations of incompleteness, encouragement of questions emanating from the child, stimulation of independence and autonomy, attentive attitude towards the child on the part of adults. They hinder the manifestation of fantasy and the development of imagination: the conformity of adults, an intolerant attitude towards manifestations of fantasy (not fantasy, but a lie), rigid gender-role stereotypes that significantly narrow the child’s role repertoire and opportunities for self-expression, the separation of play and learning and the tendency of an adult to quickly change his point of view under the influence of authoritative opinion.

I. Guilford (J.P. Guilford, 1967), along with the concept of “imagination,” used the term “divergent thinking” (from the Latin divergere - to diverge). The implication is that divergent thinking is the search for multiple solutions to the same problem. This way of thinking allows a person to express his individuality, to come up with a different way out from the one already proposed. Creative thinking is stimulated by questions from an adult addressed to a child in a problem situation: “How else can you solve the problem?”, “What other way can this be done?”, “How else could this story end?” and so on.

Divergent thinking is combined with convergent thinking, which involves the precise use of a previously learned method of solving a problem or action (from the Latin convergence). A similar intellectual approach prevails in the domestic educational system, which is justified, because a child must be taught to act systematically, follow algorithms, and subsequently independently plan his activities and follow this plan, but only creative thinking generates interest and brings intellectual pleasure to a person.

Many people, at one time or another in their lives, have experienced a feeling of joy, satisfaction, success, personal mastery, happiness that a difficult but interesting problem has been solved. This state is called “flow” (M. Csikszentmihalyi in “Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience”).

Teachers and educators working with children at all stages of growing up should focus on the formation of creative thinking, creating a “flow” state for the child in the learning process, and achieve this daily with the means available to them.

List of used literature:

    Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. Intellectual activity as a problem of creativity. -Rostov n/d: State University, 1983.

    Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. psychology of creative abilities. M.: Academy, 2002.

    Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. - M.: Education, 1991

    Galperin P.Ya. Teaching methods and mental development child. – M., 1985.

    Kalmykova Z.I. Productive thinking as the basis of learning ability. – M.: Pedagogy, 1981.

    Nikolaenko N. N.. Psychology of creativity. Series: Modern textbook. - St. Petersburg: Speech - 2007.

    Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. - 1998.

    Guilford J.P. The nature of human intelligence. McGraw-Hill, 1967.

    Egan, Kieran Imagination in Teaching and Learning. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.

Sidyacheva Natalya Vladimirovna,

Candidate of Psychological Sciences

associate professor of the department

pedagogy and psychology use of computer technology, information And communicationtechnologies. ...

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    ... usinginformation And communicationtechnologies useinformation And communicationtechnologies... about efficiencyuse V... before ... resources ... management ...

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    ... usinginformation And communicationtechnologies. © IIO RAO, 2010 Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….4 Methodology useinformation And communicationtechnologies... about efficiencyuse V... before ... resources ... management ...

  • Dn (m) f 3 “information and communication technologies in science and education”


    Competencies in the field useinformation And communicationtechnologies in research... informational space providing efficientinformational interaction of people, their access to world informationalresources ...

  • Marina Vlasova
    Project “Informatization of the educational space of the kindergarten MBDOU”

    Project "Informatization of the educational space of the kindergarten MBDOU "Kindergarten "Zvezdochka"

    Vlasova M. M., head of MBDOU “Kindergarten “Zvezdochka”, Roslavl

    Relevance of the project.

    In recent years, there has been a massive introduction of information and computer technologies not only into school, but also preschool education. The process of informatization in preschool institutions is determined by the requirements of a modern developing society, where the teacher must keep up with the times and use new technologies in upbringing and education.

    In the context of modernization of the education system, new problems and tasks appear that teachers will have to work on solving. One of the problems is the decline in preschooler’s motivation to learn. What is the best way to solve this problem?

    Now the winner is the teacher who makes the course of direct educational activities visual, entertaining, bright, interesting, emotional, and memorable. That is, the material must contain elements of the extraordinary, surprising, unexpected, arousing interest in preschoolers to the educational process and contributing to the creation of a positive emotional learning environment, as well as the development of thinking abilities. After all, it is the reception of surprise that leads to the process of understanding.

    Modern research in the field of preschool pedagogy by K. N. Motorina, S. P. Pervin, M. A. Kholodnoy, S. A. Shapkina and others indicate the possibility of children aged 3 to 6 years mastering a computer. As is known, this period coincides with the moment of intensive development of the child’s thinking, preparing the transition from visual-figurative to abstract-logical thinking.

    A computer in our time is no longer perceived by a child as something rare and exotic, but ICT has not yet become a well-mastered tool for teachers.

    Formulation of the problem. In this regard, we are faced with a problem - insufficient knowledge of information and communication technologies by teachers and the ability to apply these technologies in the educational process. This condition is one of the main requirements for staffing, which is regulated by the Federal State Educational Standard. Experience has shown that the use of ICT in preschool educational institutions is necessary; this is determined by both the time and the requirements of the new generation. This includes storing and transmitting a large amount of information, electronic document management, monitoring education, working with parents and much more. Therefore, we decided to develop and implement the project “Informatization of the educational space”

    Objective of the project:

    Creation unified system the use of information computer technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions, with the participation of children, parents, teachers and communities.


    other information space of the preschool educational institution;

    Training personnel for the effective use of ICT in the educational process;

    Providing participants in the educational process with free access to computer technology and information resources;

    Integration of ICT in the process of management, education, education and training;

    Selection and study of methodological literature on the use of ICT in preschool educational institutions;

    Creation of a bank of computer training programs, a media library with presentations, didactic and methodological materials on the use of ICT in working with preschoolers;

    increasing the interest of parents in their interaction with preschool educational institutions;

    Project type: innovative

    Project implementation timeline: long-term (2014-2015)

    Project participants:

    1) Head Vlasova M. M. - organization of work on the implementation of the project: ensuring a strategy for interaction between preschool educational institutions, parents and other city institutions, coordinating the actions of management and pedagogical structures;

    2) Deputy Head of Educational Work Borisova T. A - project development, forecast of the need for new types educational services, software and methodological support;

    3) Creative initiative group (kindergarten teachers) - creation multimedia presentations, slide shows, video clips for use in organized educational activities, creation of new means of transmitting information for the development of children.

    Project applicants - advice from the parent community - facilitating the establishment of trusting contacts between parents and preschool educational institutions; ensuring the creation of a unified educational space family - preschool educational institution; implementation of pedagogical propaganda and exchange of experience in family and public education:

    MBDOU general developmental type kindergarten "Teremok" Desnogorsk -

    for teachers it is an exchange of professional experience, for children it is a harmonious involvement in new technologies.

    Expected results of the project:

    Increasing the efficiency of the learning process.

    Activation of children's cognitive activity.

    Increasing the level of professional skills of preschool teachers.

    Identification of the level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents.

    Unlocking the personal potential of pupils in educational system Preschool educational institution and family.

    Implementation of personal and professional growth of teachers.

    Activation of the pedagogical and cultural consciousness of parents, teachers and other specialists to create a unified information environment.

    Creation of an active, workable system for supporting family education through the use of information and communication technologies.

    Participation of parents in the educational process of kindergarten.

    Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

    Step-by-step project implementation plan:

    Stage 1 – Organizational: Development of a regulatory framework;

    Creation of a creative group at a preschool educational institution.

    Working with teachers:

    1. Study of scientific and methodological literature and regulatory documentation;

    2. Development of a structure for the introduction of ICT into the educational process in preschool educational institutions;

    3. Formation of a bank of methodological ideas on the project topic;

    4. Conducting a survey of teachers to analyze the level of knowledge of working with ICT.

    Working with parents:

    1. Hold a meeting on the topic: “Use of ICT in teaching preschool children”

    2. Conduct a survey “Computer and Child”

    Stage 2 - Implementation: testing and implementation of ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

    Working with teachers: 1. Introduce teachers to multimedia software.

    2. Organize consultations on problematic issues.

    3. Improve computer literacy; teach teachers how to use multimedia equipment.

    4. Continue training teachers in advanced training courses.

    5. Organize research and project activities. Creation of “Online excursions” projects.

    6. Create a personal portfolio for the teacher, a group portfolio, and a portfolio for each child. Learn how to develop presentations on a PC using Microsoft Power Point and present a personal project.

    7. Use at work Windows program Movie Maker 2.6, for creating videos using photo material, sound, video. Create a video “Film dedicated to Culture Day”

    Working with parents:

    1. Organize consultations on problematic issues.

    2. Improve computer literacy.

    3. Introduce parents to the website of our preschool educational institution, its structure, rules for posting information, and photographs of their children’s lives.

    4. Create photo presentations for various holidays, concerts, participate in various competitions using ICT.

    Work with children: 1. Introduce computer equipment, with rules of safety and behavior in classes using ICT.

    2. Start developing computer literacy. Organization of the work of the “Fun Informatics” circle (as part of additional education for preschoolers).

    3. Continue to teach how to solve spatial and logical problems.

    4. Collect a card index of multimedia children's drawings;

    5. Create black and white layouts for coloring books.

    Stage 3 – Effective: analysis of results, implementation of ICT in preschool educational institutions, adjustment of content, generalization of work experience, prospects for the future.

    Working with teachers:

    1. Conduct comparative monitoring of the level of knowledge of teachers in mastering ICT;

    2. Create a bank of OOD notes using ICT, presentations in various areas, slide shows, video clips, audio recordings, multimedia materials for working with children and parents;

    3. Develop a creative idea for creation innovative project“Virtual Museum “Russian Izba”

    Working with parents: Creating a portfolio for a preschooler.

    Work with children: Conduct comparative monitoring of the level of development of children:

    Gaming activities;

    Cognitive activity;



    Logical thinking; speech.


    Experience has shown that the use of ICT in preschool educational institutions is necessary; this is determined by both the time and the requirements of the new generation. Today it is no longer possible to imagine the work of teachers and parents, managers, accounting departments, and personnel without ICT. This includes storing and transmitting a large amount of information, electronic document management, monitoring education, and much more.

    In our age of information technology, a person with early age must be able to navigate well in the variety of information, be able to filter it, sort it and select the necessary one. Our task is to help preschoolers acquire skills in using information.

    But the computer is not set as a priority task for our preschool educational institution; the main thing is the harmonious combination of modern technologies with traditional means of child development to increase the effectiveness of raising a harmoniously developed personality of a preschooler using information technology.

    Galina Kudinova
    Main directions of informatization of educational institution management




    G. I. Kudinova, head of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 16 of the Kyiv municipal village education Krymsky district .

    annotation: This article analyzes main directions of informatization of management of an educational institution. The effectiveness of use has been revealed educational institutions based use of computer programs.

    Keywords: innovation; information Technology; information educational environment; person-centered interaction; management informatization; subjects educational process; teacher's portfolio; informationally-communicative competence of the manager; individualization of the pedagogical process.

    Modernization of preschool education involves the introduction of innovations in management of a preschool educational institution(DOW). To change the old system management, to make it flexible and effective in the new conditions of reform, such innovations are needed (eng. innovation, which will qualitatively increase the level of development institutions. The kind of innovation that seriously improves efficiency management activities, which means it contributes to the development institutions as a whole, currently considered information Technology(IT). Most often under informational technologies understand the technologies of active use of a computer. According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, informational technology is a complex of interrelated, scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods of effective organization of labor of people employed processing and storage of information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as the social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this.

    Process optimization issues processing management information were considered in the works of A. E. Kapto, Yu. A. Konarzhevsky, L. I. Fishman, T. I. Shamova. A. D. Khomonenko in his articles proves that informational technology is one of the integral components of effective management information support. She reveals the issues of automation of provision management and improving documented management. Current developments to create information model of an educational institution(Yu. Yu. Baranova, E. N. Bogdanov, A. B. Borovkov, K. P. Volokitin, L. V. Zhilina, N. V. Kisel, D. Sh. Matros, E. A. Tyurina, V V. Khabin, A. A. Chadin, etc.) do not consider issues of administrative improvement - management activities, do not contain specific recommendations for the use of new information technology manager-user. However, implementation problems remain unresolved informationally-communication technologies in the activities of preschool directors educational institution. Being our assistant, the computer performs painstaking processing and storage of huge volumes information, freeing the manager from the process of obtaining information in favor of its analysis and adoption of operational management decisions. It has been proven that management informatization makes it possible to create an information and educational environment, which includes hardware, software, telecommunications tools that provide access to information for children, teachers, parents, leaders educational institution and the public, and also creates conditions for person-oriented interaction of all participants educational process. It is obvious that the spheres informatization of preschool educational institutions management is quite diverse:

    Educational institution passport ( general information about the educational institution, logistics and methodological support, generation of preschool education reports, etc.);

    Personnel (keeping personal files, recording the movement of employees, maintaining a book of orders for personnel, tariffs);

    Pupils and their parents (maintaining personal files, recording attendance, monitoring development, forming individual educational child development routes, etc.);

    Schedule of types of children's activities (automated compilation of options for scheduling types of activities with the ability to select the optimal one);

    Library (accounting for the library collection and its demand, maintaining electronic library catalogs);

    Medical office (conducting medical records children, medical support);

    Accounting (accounting for financial, economic and statistical reporting);

    Methodological service (electronic portfolio of educators, as a means of storing information about the successes and achievements of teachers, presentation of experience, electronic reports, etc.)

    Despite such a range of possible areas of IT application, preschool educational institutions found themselves somewhat disconnected from modernity. As practice shows management, analysis of periodicals, preschool directors institutions experience serious difficulties associated with the implementation information educational technologies in educational and management processes.

    Analysis of this situation made it possible to identify a number of contradictions between: increased need for use information technologies in progress management and unpreparedness of managers for this activity;

    new requirements for the level of professionalism of a manager and a lack of readiness to create information and educational environment in a preschool institution;

    the need to form informationally-communicative competence of a leader in the field practical application information technology in its management activities and the low efficiency of the process of advanced training, which most often comes down to the formation of the basics of computer literacy.

    Generally informatization Preschool education is understood by practitioners one-sided: the problem of equipping with computer equipment is in the first place, and the issues of the content side of these tools are not given the necessary attention. However, there is an important objective reason why informational technology is not an effective means of making operational decisions managerial solutions is the lack of computer programs adapted for the activities of preschool educational institutions. All this hinders innovative processes associated with the activation informationally-technical mechanisms in management of a preschool educational institution.

    So way, the main goal of an innovative leader is the implementation and use information technology as management resource in its activities. Main tasks should become:

    Update, replenishment information resources in the management process of preschool educational institutions;

    Design and testing of new proprietary computer programs and automated systems adapted for preschool educational institutions allowing effective interaction of all subjects educational process;

    System development self-education leader in matters of raising the level informationally-communicative competence as a holistic personality education, including a set of knowledge, skills, motivational and value orientations and professional and personal qualities that ensure the success of his activities in the conditions informatization of preschool educational institutions management.


    If the preschool educational institution creates conditions for information environment, then the preschool system education will be able to achieve qualitatively new high results.

    The main condition for achieving the set objectives is the personal interest of the manager in the use of modern information technologies. Efficiency of use information technology in management activities of preschool leaders educational institutions can be considered using the example of a municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 16 in the village of Kyiv municipal education Krymsky district. Federal State educational standards impose requirements both on preschool educational institutions and on the organization of educational educational process, and to the selection of personnel. General project focus, implemented from 2010 to 2014, consists of organizing an innovation space and other forms management, educational technologies, improving the quality of preschool education and the status of preschool educational institutions in society. Implementation of the project “Model information and educational environment of a preschool educational institution in the context of modernization education", implied systematization and structuring educational environments with well-coordinated methods processing significant volumes information. Were introduced: an electronic queue that allows you to track the priority in admission to kindergarten, an electronic portfolio of teachers that allows you to adjust and systematize your teaching experience, a preschool educational institution website has been created, which is necessary for awareness parents about the work of preschool educational institutions, the PUBLISCHER program is used to create a quarterly newspaper for parents "It's fun to walk together". To date, the program has been introduced "Network City. Education» – a computer program with an automated database, designed for the operational work of the methodological service, ensuring internal document flow, and also allowing for the fastest possible process information O professional activity teachers, on the results of monitoring with students, on the organization of internal control over the activities of educators, on the results of development institutions as a whole. Planned to introduce "EMK" (electronic medical record)– a computer program that allows for operational control over the frequency and timing of the medical examination by all employees of the preschool educational institution, and an Excel program for preparing menu requirements for the preschool educational institution.

    Results of data implementation information technologies can be formulated as follows way. From point of view qualitative assessment we state:

    1. documents acquired a unified structure, logical completeness, aesthetic design, and competent content.

    2. conditions have been created for the individualization of the pedagogical process in terms of creating individual routes for the professional growth of teaching staff and educational institution as a whole

    So way, qualitative changes affected documents of different types and types: the possibility of creating electronic systems for annual activity planning educational institution, the work of preschool teachers and specialists; ensuring intra-garden control over the quality of educational educational process and activities of teachers; creation of a system for monitoring the results of assimilation educational programs for preschool pupils; formation of an electronic portfolio of pedagogical achievements and professional skills of employees; creating a cyclogram of the manager’s activities for the year; organization of course training and personnel certification, automated treatment results of teaching activities, building teacher ratings. Information technologies provide: availability of a single database, one-time data entry with the possibility of subsequent editing, multi-user mode of data use, use of the same data in different processes. So way, the optimal level of formation has been achieved informationally-communicative competence by the head of the preschool educational institution, which allows effective manage various streams information. From a quantitative point of view, one can Mark:

    There was an increase in the volume of document flow with a decrease in labor costs for specific types of technical work with documents;

    There has been a significant increase in the efficiency of document creation from several days to several hours.

    So way, in general in institution quality has improved information required for adoption managerial decisions of a strategic and tactical nature due to such characteristics information,

    How: speed processing, reliability, objectivity, timeliness of receipt, reflection of the dynamics of changes in the object controls, etc.. d.

    Using computer technology, a manager can process large amounts of information quickly and accurately, with minimal effort and time.

    It can be stated that within one educational institution information technology has become powerful management resource, allowing the head of the preschool educational institution feel comfortable in the current socio-economic conditions.


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    Federal State Educational Institution

    higher vocational education

    "Krasnoyarsk State University named after. V.P. Astafiev" faculty





    Relevance. Currently, there is an active process of informatization of preschool educational institutions, as our society is rapidly developing towards the transition to an information society, in which information resources play a key role. An effective mechanism for improving the quality of education, upbringing, and management of preschool educational institutions is the introduction of modern information educational technologies, including the use of the latest electronic educational resources.

    Informatization of preschool educational institutions - the process of providing preschool educational institutions with methodology and practice of development and optimal use modern means ICT, focused on the implementation of psychological and pedagogical goals of training, education and their use in management activities.

    Object of study: informatization of preschool educational institutions.

    Subject of research: features of the development of informatization of preschool educational institutions.

    Purpose of the study: to determine the need for the development of informatization of preschool educational institutions.

    Hypothesis: it is assumed that informatization of preschool educational institutions can lead to increased efficiency of educators, heads of preschool educational institutions; to increase the effectiveness of upbringing and education.

    Research objectives:

    .Identify the possibilities of informatization of preschool educational institutions as a means of increasing the effectiveness of upbringing and education;

    .Identify the possibilities of informatization of preschool educational institutions as a means of increasing the efficiency of the activities of educators and managers of preschool educational institutions;

    .Identify problems of informatization of preschool educational institutions.

    Research methods:

    .analysis of theoretical sources on the research problem.


    1.1 The main goals and objectives of informatization of preschool educational institutions

    If we describe the process of informatization of preschool educational institutions formally, then it can be represented as a sequence of transitions of an educational institution from one state to another. This transition, as a rule, requires special efforts from teachers, which must be organized in one way or another: these can be one-time events or an entire program of work.

    Informatization of preschool education is the process of its development. To evaluate it, it is necessary to determine to what extent the new state of the preschool educational institution differs from its previous state.

    · The process of informatization of preschool educational institutions is discrete in nature: educational institutions are, as it were, dragged from one state to another.

    · Informatization of preschool educational institutions is developing unevenly along with educational institutions, where this process is just beginning, there is a preschool educational institution, where informatization has led to the cherished transformation in the educational process and in the management of preschool educational institutions. It can be assumed that in reality, all stable (available in today’s conditions) states of informatization of preschool educational institutions out of many possible ones are observed.

    · In the space of informatization states, there are groups of states close to each other. Preschool educational institutions that are in these states solve the same (or similar) problems, face similar problems, and use similar methods for solving them.

    · The degradation of educational institutions is socially prohibited. In the process of informatization, the preschool educational institution may remain in its previous state or move to a new one. In the new state, the results of its work should be no worse than in the previous one.

    When developing an informatization program, preschool educational institutions employees strive to change the resources, conditions and rules of behavior of participants in the process in order to improve their “pedagogical quality” and thereby transfer the preschool educational institution to a new state.

    The task of informatization of preschool educational institutions is still defined too one-sidedly: the problems of equipping with computer equipment and connecting to the Internet remain in the foreground, and the substantive side of using these tools is not given due attention.

    Technical support, of course, is a necessary, but insufficient basis for the informatization process. Informatization of preschool educational institutions can fully form a unified information educational space only on the basis of the development of a clear concept that defines priority goals, determines the priority goals of informatization and the means of achieving them, taking into account the specifics of a particular preschool educational institution.

    At the same time, the first goal assumes that the informatization of preschool educational institutions should lead to more effective implementation of social educational and educational orders.

    The second goal involves the development of general skills in the use of information technology, both for educators and students, to improve the efficiency of their activities.

    The third goal involves the development of preschool educational institutions management in modern conditions; development of information technologies in the professional activities of educators.

    Improving the quality of training;

    Information integration with higher management bodies of the external environment.

    The process of informatization of preschool educational institutions is stage-by-stage (multi-level) in nature, its goals and objectives are to a large extent determined by the features of a specific stage of implementation. Thus, at the first stage, the main goal should be to involve all participants in the educational process in the process of informatization. It is advisable to rely on already widespread approaches to informatization of educational institutions, take into account the current situation in the field of informatization of a given preschool educational institution, information needs and the degree of psychological readiness for informatization of participants in the educational process.

    To date, two main approaches to informatization of preschool educational institutions have become widespread. The first is the informatization of a preschool educational institution as an enterprise: a preschool educational institution is considered as a multifunctional institution, a significant part of the work of which is based on the laws of the activities of an ordinary enterprise. In this case, first of all, financial and economic activities are automated: accounting, material and technical accounting, personnel accounting. This approach does not contribute to the creation of a full-fledged information educational space, and it is applicable only in those institutions where there is a basis for informatization of administrative and economic work (for example, they have their own accounting department).

    The basis of another approach is the informatization of the educational process, where the formation of a unified information space of preschool educational institutions is carried out through the informatization of pedagogical activities.

    The creation of a full-fledged unified information space of a preschool educational institution requires a combination of different approaches to informatization with mandatory consideration of the specifics of a particular preschool educational institution.

    The process of informatization in preschool educational institutions includes a number of indicators:

    The readiness and ability of teachers to work effectively in a new information environment and changing organizational conditions (pedagogical ICT - competence of educators);

    Changes in the classes of co-organization of participants in the educational process (changes in regulations, procedures, work of preschool educational institutions);

    Changes in methods and organizational forms of work of children, individual teachers and teaching staff Preschool educational institutions in general (dissemination of ICT methods and organizational forms academic work) .

    One of the directions of informatization of preschool educational institutions is informatization as technical equipment DOW.

    Several years ago, when the process of informatization was just beginning, it was considered as a process of equipping a preschool educational institution with new information technologies (number of computers, Internet connections, etc.). The presence of technology looks like evidence of the well-being of the preschool educational institution, its administration, teaching staff, and students .

    On the one hand, this is true: without the appearance of a technological infrastructure in an educational institution, there is no need to talk about its informatization. However, in themselves, indicators of technical equipment only indirectly indicate the development of informatization processes. Practice has shown that a strong technical base was not always used in the educational process, but was focused on solving organizational issues and maintaining automated document flow.

    A significant factor in computerization is the understanding by heads of institutions, teachers, and parents that the computer and the Internet are tools that give effect only if they are included in the interior of a preschool educational institution as tools. Then the content and organization of the educational process, as well as its results, change.

    Modern means of information technology for last decades made it possible, real and convenient to collect various types information about the surrounding world. Developing skills in using collection tools and digital collection and digital input information is already feasible for preschool children and becomes an important element of primary education.

    A preschool child collects digital images of the world around him using a digital camera. Gradually, he acquires ICT qualifications for obtaining high-quality images in parallel with ICT competence, expressed in the precise selection of an object for shooting, the selection of images in accordance with a given purpose, the choice of names for images and folders where the images are stored. The child gains subject-matter competence in the field of literacy and speech development, expressed in the correct spelling of folder names and the ability to construct a story based on a photograph.

    Digital microscope is a microscope equipped with a device for converting an image into a digital signal for input into a computer. At the same time, changes in the image can be recorded on the computer, for example, the movement of microorganisms, resulting photographs and video clips can be mounted in a presentation, etc.

    A scanner is a necessary digital tool for the educational process. It allows you to freely use existing non-digital information sources, including the visual works of the children themselves, pictures they found, etc.

    A digital projector serves as a powerful tool for direct, personal communication in almost any activity. Even preschoolers can successfully use it, editing a sequence of photographs or video clips they have created into a presentation and then telling listeners in a group about what they see on the screen. Of course, the teacher also needs a projector, because... it significantly increases the comfort of the performance for him and enhances the clarity and emotional component for preschoolers.

    Interactive whiteboards allow the teacher to include an on-screen presentation of handwritten notes, notes, etc. right during the performance, highlight individual objects on the screen and much more.

    The possibility of using printers and copiers in conjunction with a computer is beyond doubt. However, in preschool educational institutions it has its own specifics. One aspect of this specificity is that many preschool educational institutions cannot afford uncontrolled printing due to the cost of materials. Another aspect is that preschool educational institutions need not only the most common, but also less standard printers. Color also turns out to be not a luxury, but a means of learning and self-expression.

    A necessary condition for the implementation of all these areas is the provision of an appropriate material and technical base:

    Installation and Maintenance computer equipment and software in classrooms and groups;

    Providing technical conditions for access to the Internet.

    The next direction that is envisaged by the informatization of preschool educational institutions is the use of ICT in management activities. It is known that if a leader is interested in using modern educational technologies, then they will be used in preschool educational institutions.

    The areas of informatization of preschool educational institutions management are quite diverse:

    Passport of the educational institution (general information about the educational institution, logistics and methodological support, preparation of a preschool educational institution report, etc.);

    Personnel (maintaining personal files, recording the movement of employees, introducing a book of orders for personnel, tariffs);

    · pupils and their parents (keeping personal files, recording attendance, monitoring education and training, psychological and pedagogical support, etc.);

    · class schedule (automated preparation of class schedule options with the ability to select the optimal one);

    · library (accounting for the library collection and its demand, maintaining electronic catalogs for the library);

    · medical office (entry of children’s medical records, medical support);

    · accounting (accounting financial documents, introduction of financial, economic and statistical reporting).

    One of the most basic directions of informatization of preschool educational institutions is changing the forms and methods of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

    The use of modern information technologies as teaching tools and management of the educational process shows the shortcomings of traditional school practices. The computer takes over the functions of receiving information, copying it, storing reproductions, as well as solving problems according to the algorithm once described, leaving the choice of goals, analytics, design, and organizational tasks to the person. social conditions obtaining and using the results obtained. Information management and management based on its qualified use becomes relevant for the administration of preschool educational institutions, teachers and children. Understanding the meaning of activities, a conscious search for information, setting goals and objectives, organizing contacts, business processes, calculating opportunities and risks - these are the conditions for the development of preschool educational institutions and, at the same time, an expression of the quality of modern education.

    The use of microelectronics for the automatic collection, transformation, storage, search and transmission of information of any kind over a distance is becoming a necessary part of people’s culture, a condition for socialization, and quality of life. Information and communication tools provide new opportunities for accumulating and transmitting relevant methodological information. In educational authorities and preschool educational institutions, conditions appear for the creation, maintenance and development of integrated virtual educational tools, each segment of which is provided with resources, united interests in the common subject of teachers, methodologists, scientists, authors of project ideas and external students working in different teams.

    Therefore, now there is a need to organize the learning process on the basis of modern information and communication technologies, where electronic media are increasingly used as sources of information.

    An effective mechanism for increasing the accessibility of quality education is the introduction of modern information educational technologies, including the use of the latest electronic educational resources.

    Information educational technologies refer to all technologies in the field of education that use special technical information tools (computer, audio, cinema, video) to achieve pedagogical goals.

    Increasing the accessibility of quality education can be helped, not least by new pedagogical and also information technologies. It is impossible to separate one from the other, since only the widespread introduction of new pedagogical technologies will make it possible to change the very paradigm of education, and only new information technologies will make it possible to most effectively realize the opportunities inherent in new pedagogical technologies.

    During recent years is underway collaboration on informatization and computerization of preschool educational institutions. Federal educational portals have been created, most preschool educational institutions are equipped with computers. Many educational institutions have Internet access. More and more teachers are mastering computer and Internet user skills and taking courses on the use of new information technologies in the educational process and educational activities.

    Informatization of education is the process of providing the education sector with the methodology and practice of developing and optimally using modern information technologies focused on the implementation of psychological and pedagogical goals of training and education.

    Even more high level Information culture of a person is represented by information competence - computer literacy and the ability to search for information, use and evaluate information, mastery of computer communications technologies, the ability to master and use the capabilities of information technology to solve problems.

    Changing requirements for the quality of training and education, due to ongoing socio-economic processes and the globalization of the informatization process, predetermines the need not only to revise and update the content of training, but to develop new pedagogical technologies that ensure the formation and increase of the level of competence, key competencies declared by the education development strategy as new type educational result.

    The main areas of use of new information technologies in the educational process are:

    The direction that is used to present new material. Demonstration encyclopedic programs and computer presentations can be used in this direction.

    A direction that aims to conduct experimental work using multimedia

    Direction when consolidating the presented material. This is the use of a variety of learning programs and laboratory work.

    The direction used for control and verification. These include assessment testing and monitoring programs.

    Informatization of preschool education is the process of its development. To evaluate it, it is necessary to determine to what extent the new state of the preschool educational institution differs from its previous state.

    Based on the above provisions, we can propose a model based on several assumptions.

    · The process of informatization of preschool educational institutions is discrete in nature.

    · Informatization of preschool educational institutions is developing unevenly along with educational institutions, where this process is just beginning.

    · In the space of informatization states, there are groups of states close to each other.

    · The degradation of educational institutions is socially prohibited.

    In publications devoted to informatization of preschool educational institutions, at least three main tasks of informatization of preschool educational institutions are identified:

    increasing the effectiveness of upbringing and education;

    development of information culture.

    development of preschool educational institutions management using information technology.

    The most important goals of informatization of preschool educational institutions are:

    Improving the quality of training;

    Improving scientific and methodological literature;

    Improving the management of the educational process.

    The following main directions of informatization of preschool educational institutions are currently being considered:

    informatization as technical equipment of preschool educational institutions;

    informatization of preschool educational institutions as the introduction of new information technologies in education and upbringing;

    informatization of management activities of preschool educational institutions.

    informatization preschool computer pedagogical


    2.1 Use of ICT in management activities

    For example, a preschool educational institution can be used to create an integrated automated system(IAIS). IAIS is being developed as an independent educational complex consisting of several interconnected subsystems. Software implementation is performed using Visual FoxPro DBMS tools.

    For the priority implementation of IAIS at the initial stage, the following subsystems are identified:

    · admission to preschool educational institutions (personal data of incoming children and their parents, their personal files, attendance records, monitoring records) - affects the educational process, covers the informatization of children and their parents, educators, additional education teachers, and administration.

    · Personnel (personal files of employees, tariffs) - in addition to the administration, involves all employees of the preschool educational institution in the process of informatization.

    ICTs have made significant changes to the methodological work of preschool educational institutions. The server contains subject areas that contain materials on classes in various areas of knowledge. In addition, most teachers have their own personal folders containing teaching materials, which are open to everyone, and include the teacher’s electronic portfolio - a compact, convenient means of storing information about the successes and achievements in the teacher’s activities.

    Conducting pedagogical councils, meetings, meetings of methodological associations of teachers today is impossible without the use of computer technologies - these are charts, graphs, summary tables, diagrams, presentations.

    Electronic reports on the quality of education and upbringing of children, which are filled out by teachers at the end of each quarter, make it possible to conduct monitoring studies of the quality of education and upbringing of children, predict results, and change ways to achieve set goals.

    ICT competence of teachers allows the educator to be an active participant in the teaching and educational process. Various electronic publications, reference books, encyclopedias are necessary to improve the skills of the teaching staff. All this is possible thanks to unlimited access to the Internet.

    The opportunity to show your pedagogical skills to the parent and pedagogical community allows you to publish methodological magazines, the editing and design of which was carried out using special computer programs and technologies.

    The use of the Internet, various databases, processing of huge volumes of information - all this made the work of the administration and preschool teachers more efficient.

    Despite the positive impact of the use of ICT in management activities, many preschool educational institutions are faced with the problem of developing the ability to train administration, teachers and other preschool educational institutions employees to use a computer. For this it is necessary to create appropriate conditions. And until the teachers and administration of the preschool educational institution are able to receive the required minimum knowledge in the field of using information technologies and verifying them from your own experience practical value, computer and information technology will be viewed by them as something alien.

    2.2 Technical equipment of the preschool educational institution

    Currently, one of the important problems is the technical equipment in preschool educational institutions. Unfortunately, the use of computers in preschool educational institutions encounters problems: material and organizational problems, poor financial provision of preschool educational institutions, primarily with computers that can be successfully used in teaching, etc. Typically, the main organizational problems of computerization of preschool educational institutions include objective and subjective ones. The first include, first of all, material and technical problems (small number of computers in preschool educational institutions, outdated equipment, weak software).

    Subjective problems associated with the introduction of computers into the educational process may include the reluctance or inability of teachers to work on introducing computers into the education and upbringing of children. Teachers' reluctance to work with computers may depend on their lack of readiness for any innovations, fear of computers, low level of motivation for professional activities in general, and other conditions. Often, computer training for children of older preschool age is higher than the training of a teacher. Some teachers assess this situation as threatening their professional status and are afraid to use computers in the educational process.

    Due to the different training of preschoolers and different technical equipment at home, this sometimes makes it difficult to develop uniform curricula and tasks for learning.

    One of the most important problems that has not been solved today is ensuring access of educational institutions located in hard-to-reach, from a geographical point of view, places to information resources located in virtual space, as well as the poor speed characteristics of the access channels used today in most preschool educational institutions. Internet .

    2.3 Problems of using computer technology in the educational process

    The current generation of children lives and is formed in an informatized environment. Among children, computer games have long replaced occupational games, outstripping television viewing in popularity. Informatization of preschool educational institutions is an urgent requirement of reality, everyday life.

    But the specifics of preschool educational institutions strictly regulate the use of computer technologies and the time of work on a personal computer in order to comply with one of the key areas - preserving the health of children. In order for a teacher to have the opportunity to conduct classes using ICT technologies, using electronic educational materials, numerous digital centers, and his own development of classes using a computer, it is necessary to take into account the main directions of health savings of preschoolers in this direction. The constant rule is to adhere to the established time spent in front of the monitor screen, which, as is known, has a negative impact on the child’s somatic health. There are also long-term consequences of exposure to electromagnetic fields and static electricity, and a sedentary lifestyle, if one develops.

    But no less serious problems can arise with the child’s psychological health if he develops “ computer addiction" However, such a problem does not face the school psychologist as acutely as computer games. For Internet addiction to occur, a large number of conditions are necessary, which are quite rare for a preschooler: the presence of a good configuration PC, an Internet connection, good computer skills and, in particular, Internet navigation, etc. Typically, the problem of Internet addiction occurs in school.

    As a result of prolonged immersion in the virtual world, the socially adaptive capabilities of an individual may decrease during the main period of development of collective communication skills. Success in this direction can only be achieved through close cooperation with the children’s parents. Thus, it becomes important to inform parents about measures to prevent health problems, about the organization of children’s workplace, about time restrictions for staying in front of not only a computer screen, but also a TV.

    2.4 Use of ICT technologies in preschool educational institutions

    The teacher is psychologically and technically ready to use information technology in teaching. Any stage of the lesson can be revived by the introduction of new technical means. The inclusion of ICT in the educational process allows the teacher to organize different forms of educational and cognitive activity, to make this activity active and purposeful. ICT can be considered as a means of access to educational information, providing the ability to search, collect and work with a source, including on the Internet, as well as a means of delivering and storing information.

    The use of ICT in the educational process makes it possible to improve the quality of educational material and enhance educational effects. One of the results of training and education in a first-stage preschool educational institution should be the readiness of children to master modern computer technologies and the ability to update the information obtained with their help for further self-education. To achieve these goals, there is a need for teachers to use information and communication technologies in the educational process.

    The use of ICT in various classes allows: to develop the ability of preschool children to navigate the information flows of the world around them; master practical ways of working with information; develop skills that allow you to exchange information using modern technical means; activate their cognitive activity. Thanks to the use of ICT, the teacher moves from an explanatory and illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject of learning activities. This promotes conscious learning by children. ICT arouses interest in preschoolers; animated fragments bring the processes being studied closer to the life of a child.

    Thus, the work spent on managing cognitive activity with the help of ICT tools justifies itself in all respects: it increases the quality of knowledge; promotes the child in overall development; helps overcome difficulties; brings joy to a child's life; allows for training and education in the zone of proximal development; creates favorable conditions for better mutual understanding between teacher and students and their cooperation in the educational process.

    In classes at preschool educational institutions, the use of ICT allows us to raise the process of learning and education to a qualitatively new level: modern child It is much more interesting to perceive information in this form. The inclusion of animation and video fragments in multimedia makes it possible to enhance visual perception and facilitate the assimilation of educational material.

    Great influence children's work with a computer, including computer games, the motivational sphere is affected, the cognitive sphere associated with the activity of cognitive processes, and the child’s personality are also influenced. There is quite contradictory data in the literature about the impact of a computer on the development of a child’s mental characteristics. This is explained by the place of the computer in the structure of activity, the nature and duration of work with the computer, the age of the children and a number of other important conditions. An analysis of literary data shows that working with a computer affects almost all basic mental phenomena: sensations, perception, memory, thinking, imagination, communication, character, abilities, etc. In a number of cases, these qualities were formed purposefully.

    Important species ICT used in the educational process:

    Electronic encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries. Their main advantage is the information they contain. They are suitable for obtaining accurate factual information about individuals and events, for defining concepts, etc.

    Bibliographic resources - the entire range of sources reflecting information about the literature. This includes books and articles from newspapers, magazines, maps, magnetic tapes, etc.

    A computer presentation is a sequence of slides replacing each other, each of which may contain text, photographs and drawings, various graphs, and diagrams. All this can be accompanied by sound design. Computer presentations have great appeal for self-study and, testing your knowledge, and classes with the direct participation of the teacher.

    Educational programs allow you to make the learning and education process interesting and visual. Develop thinking and creative activity students. These programs can be used to study various subjects. The programs allow the teacher to demonstrate the material being studied.

    Computer testing. Tests allow you to obtain assessments of the level of knowledge and skills and identify gaps in the preparation of preschoolers.

    The use of ICT has become relevant in all areas of preschool educational institutions. One of the leading ones remains the control unit. For the effective management of preschool educational institutions, the main criteria for selecting information were identified: completeness, specificity, reliability, timeliness.

    It is advisable to begin informatization of management by highlighting the tasks of organizing the educational process that most require the use of computer technologies.

    Despite the positive impact of the use of ICT in management activities, many preschool educational institutions are faced with the problem of developing the ability to train administration, teachers and other preschool educational institutions employees to use a computer.

    Currently, one of the important problems is the technical equipment in preschool educational institutions. Unfortunately, the use of computers in preschool educational institutions encounters problems: material and organizational problems, poor financial provision of preschool educational institutions, primarily with computers that can be successfully used in teaching, etc.

    Other problems associated with the introduction of computers into the educational process may include the reluctance or inability of teachers to work on introducing computers into the education and upbringing of children.

    One of the most important problems that has not been solved today is providing access to information resources for educational institutions located in geographically inaccessible places.

    The next problem of informatization of preschool educational institutions is the health-saving function of children. In order for a teacher to have the opportunity to conduct classes using ICT technologies, using electronic educational materials, numerous digital centers, and his own development of classes using a computer, it is necessary to take into account the main directions of health savings of preschoolers in this direction.

    But no less serious problems can arise with the child’s psychological health if he develops a “computer addiction.”

    The use of ICT in various classes allows: to develop the ability of preschool children to navigate the information flows of the world around them; master practical ways of working with information; develop skills that allow you to exchange information using modern technical means; activate their cognitive activity. Thanks to the use of ICT, the teacher moves from an explanatory and illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject of learning activities. ICT arouses interest in preschoolers; animated fragments bring the processes being studied closer to the life of a child.


    During the course work, theoretical sources on the research problem were analyzed. As a result, it was revealed:

    Informatization of preschool education is the process of its development; the sequence of transitions of an educational institution from one state to another. This transition, as a rule, requires special efforts from teachers, which must be organized in one way or another: these can be one-time events or an entire program of work.

    The theoretical analysis of literature data on the problem of researching informatization of preschool educational institutions allowed us to consider the problems and prospects of informatization of preschool educational institutions.

    As a result of the course work, the following were identified:

    possibilities of informatization of preschool educational institutions as a means of increasing the efficiency of upbringing and education;

    the possibilities of informatization of preschool educational institutions as a means of increasing the efficiency of the activities of educators and managers of preschool educational institutions;

    problems of informatization of preschool educational institutions.

    Thus, the hypothesis put forward at the beginning of the work was completely confirmed, the tasks set at the beginning of the course work were completed, the goal was achieved.


    B.S. Berenfeld, K.L. Butyagina, Innovative educational products of a new generation using ICT tools, Educational Issues, 3-2005.

    E.I.Bulin-Sokolova, Digital tools for informatization of educational institutions, Educational Issues, 3-2005.

    G.M. Vodopyanov, A.Yu. Uvarov, About one tool for managing the process of school informatization, Education Issues, 5-2007.

    Gershunsky B.S. Computerization in the field of education: problems and prospects, M, Pedagogy, 1997.

    Goryachev A.V. About the concept of “Information literacy”, Computer Science and Education, 3 - 2001.

    Elyakov, A. Information technologies and modern war, Free Thought, 1 - 2008.

    Zakharova, I.G. Information technologies in education, tutorial for higher education textbook Institutions, M, "Academy", 2008.

    I.I. Kalinina, On measures aimed at introducing modern educational technologies, Educational Issues, 3-2005.

    Mashbits, E. I. Computerization of education: problems and prospects, M, Znanie, 1996.

    Mashbits, E. I. Psychological and pedagogical problems of computerization of education, M, Pedagogy, 1998.

    M.M. Mitchenko, T.V. Turanova, Formation of a unified information space: conceptual basis and implementation experience, Computer Science and Education, 11-2005.

    A.L. Semenov, Quality of informatization of education, Educational Issues, 5-2007.

    I.D. Frumin, K.B. Vasiliev, Modern trends in the policy of informatization of education, Educational Issues, 3-2005.

    Informatization of education: directions, means, technologies, Manual for advanced training system, Ed. ed. S.I. Maslova, M, MPEI, 2004.

    The concept of informatization of education, Informatics and Education, 1-1990.

    New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / Ed. E. S. Polat, M., 2000.


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    Research objectives:

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    Informatization of a preschool educational institution - Course project p. 4

    E information media (computer, audio, cinema, video) to achieve pedagogical goals.

    Increasing the accessibility of quality education can be helped, not least by new pedagogical and also information technologies. It is impossible to separate one from the other, since only the widespread introduction of new pedagogical technologies will make it possible to change the very paradigm of education, and only new information technologies will make it possible to most effectively realize the opportunities inherent in new pedagogical technologies.

    Over the past years, joint work has been carried out on informatization and computerization of preschool educational institutions. Federal educational portals have been created, most preschool educational institutions are equipped with computers. Many educational institutions have Internet access. More and more teachers are mastering computer and Internet user skills and taking courses on the use of new information technologies in the educational process and educational activities.

    Informatization of education is the process of providing the education sector with the methodology and practice of developing and optimally using modern information technologies focused on the implementation of psychological and pedagogical goals of training and education.

    An even higher level of human information culture is represented by information competence - computer literacy and the ability to search for information, use and evaluate information, mastery of computer communications technologies, the ability to master and use the capabilities of information technology to solve problems.

    Changing requirements for the quality of training and education, due to ongoing socio-economic processes and the globalization of the informatization process, predetermines the need not only to revise and update the content of training, but to develop new pedagogical technologies that ensure the formation and increase of the level of competence, key competencies declared by the education development strategy as a new type of educational result.

    The main areas of use of new information technologies in the educational process are:

    The direction that is used to present new material. Demonstration encyclopedic programs and computer presentations can be used in this direction.

    A direction that aims to conduct experimental work using multimedia

    Direction when consolidating the presented material. This is the use of a variety of training programs and laboratory work.

    The direction used for control and verification. These include assessment testing and monitoring programs.

    Informatization of preschool education is the process of its development. To evaluate it, it is necessary to determine to what extent the new state of the preschool educational institution differs from its previous state.

    Based on the above provisions, we can propose a model based on several assumptions.

    The process of informatization of preschool educational institutions is discrete in nature.

    Informatization of preschool educational institutions is developing unevenly along with educational institutions, where this process is just beginning.

    In the space of informatization states, there are groups of states close to each other.

    The degradation of educational institutions is socially prohibited.

    In publications devoted to informatization of preschool educational institutions, at least three main tasks of informatization of preschool educational institutions are identified:

    increasing the effectiveness of upbringing and education;

    development of preschool educational institutions management using information technology.

    The most important goals of informatization of preschool educational institutions are:

    Improving the quality of training;


    Krasnoyarsk State University named after. V. P. Astafiev Faculty




    Relevance. Currently, there is an active process of informatization of preschool educational institutions, as our society is rapidly developing towards the transition to an information society, in which information resources play a key role. An effective mechanism for improving the quality of education, upbringing, and management of preschool educational institutions is the introduction of modern information educational technologies, including the use of the latest electronic educational resources.

    Informatization of preschool educational institutions is the process of providing preschool educational institutions with the methodology and practice of developing and optimally using modern ICT tools, focused on the implementation of psychological and pedagogical goals of training, education and their use in management activities.

    Object of study: informatization of preschool educational institutions.

    Subject of research: features of the development of informatization of preschool educational institutions.

    Purpose of the study: to determine the need for the development of informatization of preschool educational institutions.

    Hypothesis: it is assumed that informatization of preschool educational institutions can lead to an increase in the efficiency of the activities of educators and preschool educational institutions managers; to increase the effectiveness of upbringing and education.

    Research objectives:

    Identify the possibilities of informatization of preschool educational institutions as a means of increasing the effectiveness of upbringing and education;

    Identify the possibilities of informatization of preschool educational institutions as a means of increasing the efficiency of the activities of educators and managers of preschool educational institutions;

    Identify problems of informatization of preschool educational institutions.

    Analysis of theoretical sources on the research problem.


    1.1 The main goals and objectives of informatization of preschool educational institutions

    If we describe the process of informatization of preschool educational institutions formally, then it can be represented as a sequence of transitions of an educational institution from one state to another. This transition, as a rule, requires special efforts from teachers, which must be organized in one way or another: these can be one-time events or an entire program of work.

    Informatization of preschool education is the process of its development. To evaluate it, it is necessary to determine to what extent the new state of the preschool educational institution differs from its previous state.

    Based on the above provisions, we can propose a model based on several assumptions.

    The process of informatization of preschool educational institutions is discrete in nature: educational institutions are, as it were, dragged from one state to another.

    Informatization of preschool educational institutions is developing unevenly, along with educational institutions where this process is just beginning; there are preschool educational institutions where informatization has led to the cherished transformation in the educational process and in the management of preschool educational institutions. It can be assumed that in reality, all stable (available in today’s conditions) states of informatization of preschool educational institutions out of many possible ones are observed.

    In the space of informatization states, there are groups of states close to each other. Preschool educational institutions that are in these states solve the same (or similar) problems, face similar problems, and use similar methods for solving them.

    The degradation of educational institutions is socially prohibited. In the process of informatization, the preschool educational institution may remain in its previous state or move to a new one. In the new state, the results of its work should be no worse than in the previous one.

    When developing an informatization program, preschool educational institutions employees strive to change the resources, conditions and rules of behavior of participants in the process in order to improve their pedagogical quality and thereby transfer the preschool educational institution to a new state.

    The task of informatization of preschool educational institutions is still defined too one-sidedly: the problems of equipping with computer equipment and connecting to the Internet remain in the foreground, and the substantive side of using these tools is not given due attention.

    Technical support, of course, is a necessary, but insufficient basis for the informatization process. Informatization of preschool educational institutions can fully form a unified information educational space only on the basis of the development of a clear concept that defines priority goals, determines the priority goals of informatization and the means of achieving them, taking into account the specifics of a particular preschool educational institution.

    In publications devoted to informatization of preschool educational institutions, at least three main tasks of informatization of preschool educational institutions are identified:

    increasing the effectiveness of upbringing and education;

    development of information culture.

    development of preschool educational institutions management using information technology.

    At the same time, the first goal assumes that the informatization of preschool educational institutions should lead to more effective implementation of social educational and educational orders.

    The second goal involves the development of general skills in the use of information technology, both for educators and students, to improve the efficiency of their activities.

    The third goal involves the development of preschool educational institutions management in modern conditions; development information


    Informatization of a preschool educational institution - Course project p. 7

    Other coursework in the subject Pedagogy

    Computer presentations are very attractive for independent study and testing of one’s knowledge, and for classes with the direct participation of a teacher.

    Educational programs allow you to make the learning and education process interesting and visual. Develop students' thinking and creative activity. These programs can be used to study various subjects.

    The programs allow the teacher to demonstrate the material being studied.

    Computer testing. The tests make it possible to obtain assessments of the level of knowledge and skills and identify gaps in the preparation of preschoolers.

    The use of ICT has become relevant in all areas of preschool educational institutions. One of the leading ones remains the control unit. For the effective management of preschool educational institutions, the main criteria for selecting information were identified: completeness, specificity, reliability, timeliness.

    It is advisable to begin informatization of management by highlighting the tasks of organizing the educational process that most require the use of computer technologies.

    Despite the positive impact of the use of ICT in management activities, many preschool educational institutions are faced with the problem of developing the ability to train administration, teachers and other preschool educational institutions employees to use a computer.

    Currently, one of the important problems is the technical equipment in preschool educational institutions. Unfortunately, the use of computers in preschool educational institutions encounters problems: material and organizational problems, poor financial provision of preschool educational institutions, primarily with computers that can be successfully used in teaching, etc.

    Other problems associated with the introduction of computers into the educational process may include the reluctance or inability of teachers to work on introducing computers into the education and upbringing of children.

    One of the most important problems that has not been solved today is providing access to information resources for educational institutions located in geographically inaccessible places.

    The next problem of informatization of preschool educational institutions is the health-saving function of children. In order for a teacher to have the opportunity to conduct classes using ICT technologies, using electronic educational materials, numerous digital centers, and his own development of classes using a computer, it is necessary to take into account the main directions of health savings of preschoolers in this direction.

    But no less serious problems can arise with the child’s psychological health if he develops computer addiction.

    The use of ICT in various classes allows: to develop the ability of preschool children to navigate the information flows of the world around them; master practical ways of working with information; develop skills that allow you to exchange information using modern technical means; activate their cognitive activity. Thanks to the use of ICT, the teacher moves from an explanatory and illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject of learning activities. ICT arouses interest in preschoolers; animated fragments bring the processes being studied closer to the life of a child.


    During the course work, theoretical sources on the research problem were analyzed. As a result, it was revealed:

    Informatization of preschool education is the process of its development; the sequence of transitions of an educational institution from one state to another. This transition, as a rule, requires special efforts from teachers, which must be organized in one way or another: these can be one-time events or an entire program of work.

    The theoretical analysis of literature data on the problem of researching informatization of preschool educational institutions allowed us to consider the problems and prospects of informatization of preschool educational institutions.

    As a result of the course work, the following were identified:

    possibilities of informatization of preschool educational institutions as a means of increasing the efficiency of upbringing and education;

    the possibilities of informatization of preschool educational institutions as a means of increasing the efficiency of the activities of educators and managers of preschool educational institutions;

    problems of informatization of preschool educational institutions.

    Thus, the hypothesis put forward at the beginning of the work was completely confirmed, the tasks set at the beginning of the course work were completed, the goal was achieved.


    B. S. Berenfeld, K. L. Butyagina, Innovative educational products of a new generation using ICT tools, Educational Issues, 3-2005.

    E. I. Bulin-Sokolova, Digital tools for informatization of educational institutions, Educational Issues, 3-2005.

    G. M. Vodopyanov, A. Yu. Uvarov, About one tool for managing the process of school informatization, Education Issues, 5-2007.

    Gershunsky B. S. Computerization in the field of education: problems and prospects, M, Pedagogy, 1997.

    Goryachev A. V. About the concept of Information Literacy, Computer Science and Education, 3 - 2001.

    Elyakov, A. Information technologies and modern war, Free Thought, 1 - 2008.

    Zakharova, I. G. Information technologies in education, textbook for higher education. textbook Institutions, M, Academy, 2008.

    I. I. Kalinina, On measures aimed at introducing modern educational technologies, Educational Issues, 3-2005.

    Mashbits, E. I. Computerization of education: problems and prospects, M, Znanie, 1996.

    Mashbits, E. I.

    for the 2013–2014 academic year. G.


    I. Introduction

    Computer science and information and communication technologies occupy a special position in the modern world. Computer skills, the use of information and communication technologies in everyday work, the ability to use the capabilities of the Internet - this is the reality of today.

    Informatization of the preschool level of the domestic education system is one of the trends in the development of the information society. Computerization, constantly penetrating almost all spheres of life and activity of a modern person, makes its own adjustments to approaches to the upbringing and education of preschool children.

    For the first time in human history, generations of ideas and technologies are changing faster than generations of people. Proficiency in information technology is ranked in the modern world on a par with such qualities as the ability to read and write.

    The process of informatization in preschool educational institutions is determined by the requirement of a modern developing society, which needs its members to be ready to work tens of times more productive and creative, which is ensured by the knowledge intensity of all information means - from personal computers to global Internet connections. In accordance with the Concept of introducing new information technologies into preschool education, the computer should become the core of the developmental subject environment in kindergarten.

    It is considered not as a separate educational gaming device, but as an all-pervasive universal information system capable of connecting with various areas of the educational process, enriching them and radically changing the developmental environment of the kindergarten as a whole. Domestic and foreign studies on the use of computers in kindergartens convincingly prove not only the possibility and expediency of this, but also the special role of the computer in the development of intelligence and the child’s personality in general (S. Novoselova, G. Petku, I. Pashelite, S. Peipert, B Hunter et al.)

    Recognizing that a computer is a powerful tool for the intellectual development of children, it must be remembered that its use for educational purposes in preschool institutions requires careful organization and preparation.

    The draft state program for comprehensive informatization of the education system provides for the creation of a unified information educational environment. The formation of computer literacy has become a task not only of the school stage of education, but also of preschool education, as the first stage of the educational system. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has adopted a number of programs aimed at creating conditions in society for the free entry of citizens into the emerging, unified information and educational environment:

    • National educational initiative “Our New School”, approved by the President of the Russian Federation on February 4, 2010 Pr-271;
    • The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r. and etc.

    The experience of our preschool educational institution shows the real possibility of implementing the main tasks of informatization in the practice of preschool education. The pedagogical process is provided by: a deputy head for physical education, a teacher-psychologist, 2 music directors, a physical education instructor, 16 educators (19 teachers in total).

    The preschool educational institution has 4 computers, 3 printers (2 of them color), 2 scanners, a multimedia projector, a home theater, and an LCD TV.

    The activities of preschool educational institutions directly depend on the extent to which the head and his deputies have information, how quickly they can process information and bring it to the attention of participants in the educational process. The use of ICT makes it possible to significantly improve the quality and culture of management activities and create reserves for working in development mode. At the moment, all members of the administration (manager, deputy head for medical medical care, deputy head for medical and chemical surgery, head nurse) own a computer and have it for personal use, work in programs such as Microsoft Ecxel, Microsoft Word.

    The preschool educational institution has access to the Internet.

    E-mail made it possible to establish communication with the Department of Education and other educational institutions and organizations, and increased efficiency when working with incoming documentation, when executing orders, instructions, reports and other documents.

    The preschool educational institution is working to improve the qualifications of teachers in the field of ICT: during 2013-2014 school year A project is being implemented at the preschool educational institution to train teachers in computer literacy. Young teachers entering the workforce already have basic computer literacy.

    The preschool educational institution has a website where information is posted about the life of children in the kindergarten, issues of education and development of children. As part of the website, parents had the opportunity to communicate with teachers.

    However, the following contradictions can be identified:

    Between the rapid development of information technology and the logistics of preschool educational institutions;

    Between the wide field of possibilities for using modern ICT to organize the educational process and the level of computer literacy of some teaching staff;

    The introduction of federal state educational standards dictates a qualitative change in the educational environment of preschool educational institutions:

    The subject environment of the preschool educational institution (in particular group rooms) should be replenished with computer, multimedia, and digital equipment;

    All teachers are required to take courses on working with various computer programs;

    A media library should be created for use in educational classes with children;

    It is necessary to more actively use modern technologies in teaching and educational activities.

    II. The main goals and objectives of informatization of preschool educational institutions

    Program goals:

    1. Creation of a unified educational information environment of a preschool institution, where information and communication technologies play a leading role, making it possible to improve the quality and accessibility of the educational process.

    2. Creation and improvement of conditions for the development of informatization processes in the municipal education system, ensuring the implementation of state requirements for the quality of modern education.

    Program objectives:

    Creating conditions for the comprehensive development of preschool children by forming the foundations of computer literacy;

    Improving the information culture of teachers;

    Improving the unified information educational environment in order to ensure access to information for all participants

    educational process;

    Active involvement of the parent community in the development of informatization of preschool institutions.

    III. Priority directions and mechanisms of informatization of preschool educational institutions

    The development of informatization processes is possible with its targeted resource support, including all the main components: personnel, information, finance, material resources, software, organizational support.

    Training of pedagogical and administrative workers in information and telecommunication technologies on the use of Internet resources and services.

    Dissemination of experience in teaching practice through Internet resources, publications, and participation in webinars.

    Strengthening the material and technical base of educational institutions in accordance with modern requirements for the organization of the educational process.

    Organization and holding of competitions that increase the information competence of teaching staff in the field of ICT

    The source of financing for the program is local budget funds, attracted sources and extra-budgetary sources.

    IV. Indicators of development of informatization of preschool educational institutions

    As a result of the implementation of the informatization program for preschool educational institutions, the following results can be expected by the end of the 2013-2014 academic year:

    Updating the computer equipment of all administration and specialist offices;

    Availability of licenses for anti-virus software;

    Availability of personal professional websites for teachers and administration of preschool educational institutions;

    Availability of electronic document management programs;

    Availability of ICT media library for complex thematic planning, computer programs, educational games for the educational process.

    Informatization plan of MBDOU No. 50 for the 2013-2014 academic year

    Field of activity,