Rays are the closest relatives of sharks - both of these superorders of fish belong to the class of cartilaginous subclass of elasmobranchs.
What they have in common with sharks is that their skeleton does not consist of bones, but entirely of cartilage.
In ancient times, there was much more external similarity between the fish of these two superorders, but evolution and time changed the rays, adapting them to a bottom existence, giving the body a flat shape and changing the shape of the fins and some other organs. But the main feature that unites sharks and rays - the cartilaginous skeleton - remained unchanged.

In addition to their distinctive flat appearance, stingrays are characterized by the fact that their gill slits are located on the ventral side of the body. Some species can be distinguished from other cartilaginous organisms almost exclusively by this feature. The eyeball of stingrays is attached to the orbit from above. The nictitating membrane is always absent. There is no anal fin. The teeth of stingrays are awl-shaped or are plates, often rounded.
None of them have the sharp, blade-like teeth that are so characteristic of many sharks.

Superorder stingrays (Batoidea) includes 4 orders (eagle-shaped, gnus-shaped, stingray-shaped and sawfish-shaped), which unite about 350 different types these peculiar fish. Basic external signs Everyone knows stingrays.

Stingrays are fish that have a flat body and are fused to the head. pectoral fins. The fins of stingrays are commonly called wings. When a stingray hovers in a layer of water, it... Indeed, it somewhat resembles an eagle soaring in the sky. When moving in water, stingrays of most species use wings rather than the caudal fin, which is usually absent, as propulsion.
The eyes of stingrays are located on top. On top, immediately behind the eyes, there are squirts - the respiratory openings of the gills, necessary for the breathing of a stingray buried in the sand.
The mouth is located below, and stingrays never see what they eat. They smell their prey through both nostrils.
In addition, stingrays, like other cartilaginous fish, have sensors sensitive to electric fields. These electroreceptors allow prey to be located and identified using species-specific electrical fields. If a stingray detects prey, even the strong shell armor will not stop it. The teeth of stingrays are thick plates that are capable of opening even the strong protection of mollusks.

Stingrays, like all cartilaginous fish, have internal fertilization. Most of species belong to ovoviviparous fish, but oviparous ones are also found. The copulatory organ of males is a pair of pterygopodia, each of which is a modified back ventral fin.
Mating of many stingrays occurs in winter. During mating, the male is on top of the female, following her almost closely and, grasping the edge of her thoracic disc with his teeth, inserts one of the pterygopodia into the female’s cloaca.
The fertility of stingrays is low, so fertilized eggs develop in the womb and, in addition to nutrition from the yolk of the egg, they also receive a nutritious liquid, something like milk. This fluid is secreted by special outgrowths located on the walls of the uterus. Such outgrowths penetrate the sputum of the embryos, and the nutrient fluid enters directly into the digestive tract. Newborn babies remain in the mother's body until they turn into small stingrays. Immediately after they leave their mother's womb, young stingrays sink to the bottom, looking for food - worms, crayfish, shrimp.

Stingrays are very widespread in all seas and oceans.
They are found both in the cold waters of the Arctic and Antarctic, and in coastal waters of tropical and subtropical seas. The depth range of habitat of stingrays also varies greatly. Many stingrays live close to the shore in shallow water, but species are also known to live at depths of 3000 m or more.
Stingrays are marine fish, but several species are known that can live in fresh water bodies.

In the waters of the seas washing the Russian shores there are also various species of stingrays. Our most famous stingray is the stingray, called the “sea cat.” This stingray is found in the seas Far East, in the northern Russian seas, as well as in the Black Sea. The harmless “sea fox” stingray is also quite well known.

Different orders of stingrays have their own distinctive characteristics.


Cramp-fish - oldest inhabitant water depths. Stingrays are mysterious creatures. They, together with their closest relatives, are the most ancient residents of the depths of the waters.

These creatures have so many interesting features, which is how they differ from other representatives of the fauna floating in the water. Scientists suggest that in prehistoric times the distant ancestors of stingrays differed little in structure, but the myriads of years that have passed have made these animals in no way similar, and the individuals of both species themselves have undergone significant changes.

Modern cramp-fish(on photo this is clearly noticeable in the animal) is characterized by an extremely flat body and a head, intricately fused with the pectoral fins, which gives this creature a fantastic appearance.

The color of an animal largely depends on its habitat: sea ​​waters and fresh water bodies. These creatures have color upper area The body can be light, for example, sandy, multi-colored, with fancy patterns, or dark. It is this coloring that helps the stingray successfully camouflage itself from observers from above, giving it the opportunity to merge with the surrounding space.

The lower parts of these flat creatures are usually lighter than the upper parts. On this side of the animal there are organs such as the mouth and nostrils, as well as five pairs of gills. The tail of such water inhabitants has a whip-shaped shape.

Stingrays are a very large group of aquatic animals that have nothing to do with mammals. Scatis it a fish or more precisely, a creature belonging to the category of elasmobranch cartilaginous fish.

In size, these inhabitants of the depths also differ significantly from each other. There are individuals only a few centimeters long. Others are meter, and in some cases more (up to 7 meters) in size.

The body of stingrays is so flat and long, resembling a pancake rolled out with a rolling pin, that the edges on the sides of the creatures look like wings, representing pectoral fins. In some cases, their scope reaches two meters or more.

An example of this is the stingray, which is a member of the bracken family, the body length of which reaches up to five, and the span of its peculiar wings is up to two and a half meters. Scatcartilaginous fish . This means that its insides are not built from bones, like those of sharks and other animals, but from cartilage.

The coloring of the stingray gives it the ability to camouflage itself on the seabed

The habitats of stingrays are as vast as their diversity. Such animals can be found in water depths throughout the entire planet, even in the Arctic and Antarctic. But with the same success they inhabit tropical waters.

The depth of the reservoirs that serve as shelter for animals similarly varies greatly. Stingray fish lives and is able to successfully take root in shallow water, but also perfectly adapts to exist at a depth of 2700 m.

Character and lifestyle of stingray fish

Amazing properties various species of stingrays boggles the mind. For example, on the coasts of Australia you can see “flying stingrays”. There are also electric fish stingrays.

In the photo there are “flying” stingrays

And such strength, given to them by nature, turns out to be an excellent weapon in the fight for survival. Such creatures are capable of paralyzing the victim using their own electricity, which is produced by all stingrays, but it is this type produces it in quantities up to 220 volts.

Such a discharge, which is especially strong in water, is quite sufficient to paralyze certain parts of the human body, and even lead to fatal outcome. The most interesting of species stingray fishnautical devil. This animal huge size, weighing more than two tons.

Sailors created the most incredible legends about such creatures, the reasons for which were the unexpected appearance of such monstrous in size marine stingray fish from the abyss before the eyes of stunned travelers.

They jumped headlong out of the water and then disappeared into the depths, flashing their pointed tail, which often caused panic. However, the fears were groundless, and such creatures are completely harmless and even peaceful in nature.

In the photo there is a stingray "sea devil"

And cases of attacks on people for for a long time was not recorded. Quite the contrary, people often ate their nutritious and tasty meat, which is still a component and integral part many dishes, as well as a wide variety of exotic recipes.

But the process of hunting for a sea devil can turn into a dangerous activity, because the size of the animal allows it to overturn a boat with fishermen. The main part of the life of stingray fish passes at the bottom of reservoirs. These animals even rest by burying themselves in mud or sand. That is why respiratory system These animals are different from other fish.

They do not breathe through gills, but air enters their body through devices called squirters, which are located on its back. These organs are equipped with a special valve that helps protect the stingray’s body from foreign particles that enter from the bottom of the reservoir. All unnecessary debris, particles of sand and dirt are removed from the spray bottle released by the ramp using a stream of water.

Stingrays also move in a curious way, not using their tail at all when swimming. They flap their fins like butterflies, and their peculiar body shape helps the animals practically float in the water, which is why they are excellent swimmers.

Stingray nutrition

Cramp-fish- a predatory creature. Its main food is fish: salmon, sardines, mullet or capelin. Larger species may be tempted by such prey, as can crabs. Small varieties are content with plankton, as well as small fish.

The diversity of stingrays and their amazing capabilities also manifest themselves in obtaining food. To hunt for your victims different kinds These fantastic creatures use the weapons that nature has provided them with.

An electric stingray, having overtaken its prey, hugs it with its fins and stuns it with an electric discharge, awaiting its death. And the weapon of the spiny-tailed stingray is its tail, studded with spines, which it thrusts into the enemy. When eating mollusks and crustaceans, it uses special protruding plates that replace teeth for this creature, grinding its prey with them.

Reproduction and lifespan of stingray fish

Some species of stingrays are viviparous, while others lay eggs in capsules. There are also varieties that perform their reproductive function in an intermediate manner, being ovoviviparous.

When carrying cubs, the mother’s body nourishes the embryos with peculiar outgrowths that penetrate into oral cavity. A female sea devil is capable of giving birth to only one cub, but its size is very impressive, and its weight is about 10 kg. But a female electric ray, which gives birth to live cubs, is capable of increasing the genus of rays by sometimes 14 individuals.

Newborns are only 2 cm in size, but from the very first minute of their existence they are able to produce electricity. The lifespan of stingrays most often depends on size. Small species live on average from 7 to 10 years. The larger ones live longer, from about 10 to 18 years.

Some varieties: the electric stingray, as well as a number of others, for example, living in the Cayman Islands, where the most favorable conditions exist for such representatives of the fauna. favorable conditions, live their lives for about a quarter of a century.

The electric stingray is a marine cartilaginous fish, distinctive feature which is the presence of paired electrical organs. The order of electric stingrays consists of 4 families and more than 60 species.

Electric ramp - characteristics and description.

The body of the electric stingray is disc-shaped with a slight extension in the form of a tail, there is a caudal fin and one or two upper fins. The body size of the stingray can reach 50 centimeters. However, there are also major representatives, maximum length whose body reaches 1.2 meters and weighs approximately 100 kg. Sea fish stingray can have different colors: from the simplest, discreet color to bright and colorful designs and patterns. The eyes of the electric stingray are located on top, so anatomical structure causes rather poor vision in this species of fish. On the sides of the disc-shaped body are kidney-shaped organs that produce electricity, they are located between the head and pectoral fins. Electric organs stingrays Designed for self-defense and catching prey purposes. With their help, the stingray releases bundle-shaped electric ranks power from 6 to 220 volts. Thus, the fish strikes prey or an enemy and attacks him.

Where do stingrays live?

The habitats of stingrays are quite different. The electric ray lives on reefs, clay bays, and in areas sandy beaches. Sometimes the stingray can live in the depths of the seas and oceans; the maximum diving depth of the stingray is approximately 1000 meters. Find this fish is possible only in the waters of temperate and tropical climate zones.

From birth, baby stingrays carry electric charge. An adult female electric stingray can give birth to 8-14 babies. The body length of a newborn stingray is negligible and is approximately 2 centimeters.

Sea fish stingray In addition to his electrical ability, he has another undeniable talent. These fish are excellent swimmers, due to their body shape adapted for this. Rounded fins allow stingrays to seem to float in aquatic environment, without spending much effort on covering long distances. This helps stingrays in the process of searching for food for themselves and their newborn babies.

What does the electric stingray eat and how does it hunt?

The electric stingray feeds mainly on fish and carrion. Smaller representatives of stingrays prey on small sea plankton in the form of small fish, crabs, and octopuses. Larger species feed on fish. For example, mullet, salmon. When hunting, the electric stingray catches up with its prey and hugs it with its fins. A row is launched at the victim electrical discharges, as a result of which she dies.

The report about stingrays, summarized in this article, will tell you a lot useful information about this animal.

Message about stingrays

Stingray is a marine cartilaginous fish, which differs from others in the presence of electrical paired organs. The stingray order includes 4 families and 60 species of fish.

Description and characteristics of the electric ramp

The body of the fish is disc-shaped, which is slightly elongated at the end in the form of a tail. It has a tail fin and one or two upper fins. The body of the stingray can reach up to 50 cm in size. But in nature there are also larger representatives, whose body length can reach 1.2 m and weigh 100 kg.

Skat is sea ​​fish and it has a variety of colors: from a discreet simple color to a bright color with motley patterns and patterns on the body. It is noteworthy that their eyes are located on top, so this species of fish has relatively poor vision. The disc-shaped body is equipped with kidney-shaped organs on the sides that are capable of generating electricity. They are located between the pectoral fins and the head. These organs are designed for catching prey and self-defense. With their help, electric rays release electric beam-like discharges with a power of up to 220 volts and hit their prey.

Where do stingrays live?

Stingrays live on reefs, in areas of sandy beaches, and clay bays. Sometimes they can settle in the depths of oceans and seas. Maximum depth habitat - 1000 m. The fish prefers to live in the waters of tropical and temperate climate zones.

From birth, baby stingrays can already produce an electrical charge. One female can give birth to 8 – 14 babies.

In addition to electrical abilities, these fish have another talent: they are excellent swimmers. Thanks to their rounded fins, they seem to float in the water and overcome long distances with special efforts.

What do stingrays eat?

The electric ray feeds mainly on carrion and fish. Small-sized species of stingrays feed on small sea plankton: fish, octopuses, crabs. Large species They eat capelin, salmon, sardines, and mullet. In pursuit of prey, the stingray spreads its fins. Having caught up with her, he hugs the victim with his fins and uses an electric discharge.

Stingrays: interesting facts

  • IN Ancient Greece electric stingray was used as a painkiller during operations. They became the prototype for the emergence of modern medical electrical devices.
  • The most dangerous creature in the World Ocean - stingray. It has a 15 cm spike in its tail. The fish makes a laceration that is incompatible with life.
  • The Manta Ray can leap from water up to 3 meters high.
  • Female Sea Devil throughout the year she bears only one baby. At birth he weighs 10 kg.
  • The only species of stingray that lives in Ukraine is Catfish. It's poisonous. But its meat is still considered a delicacy. Stingray liver contains a lot of vitamin D.
  • In ancient times, the spines of tail-shaped species of stingrays were used by the tribes of the Pacific Basin as a tip for spears and arrows. They were saturated with poison and were deadly weapons.
  • The sawfish ray is considered the oldest fossil Mesozoic era. Catching them is strictly prohibited. Even in ancient times, it was revered by Asian peoples and the Aztecs.

We hope that the report about stingrays helped you prepare for the lesson. You can leave your story about stingrays using the comment form below.

I fell out of sight for several days, because I am in the period of dreams coming true! For a long time I dreamed of living on the seashore... well, not just on vacation, but “to live.”
So it happened - and all thanks to my friend Tanya (http://audiourokidarom.ru), she found me an apartment in Alushta on the very shore of the Black Sea.

A gorgeous view of the sea from the balcony of my room: every day I watch the sunrise and drink coffee on the platform above the sea. Eh, I can’t believe myself that this can happen!

True, she came under sanctions, and according to “ full program“, I’ll tell you sometime... And now we’re talking about ours, about the “girlish” - how stingray fish

Fish stingray Here they “don’t respect”, they hardly eat and they call her a fox. It is caught in a net, and the fishermen sell it for ridiculous money or even just give it to us, like this... In the evening, our “benefactor” (Volodya rents us an apartment) asks us if we would like to try the fox.

After slight bewilderment and subsequent explanations, we screamed with delight "we want, we want!" - what a heck of a lot of exoticism!

Anyone who has not eaten stingray fish is too weak for sanctions!

Volodya asks: will you clean it? We are delighted: "We will, we will!" ... But when we saw her!

Look what we are saw .

In a word, Volodya cleaned it on the shore with a kind of male gadget “curling” - in a word, this gadget supplies water under high pressure. He butchered it (took out the liver, cut off the fins, but did not remove the skin, because we were not going to fry it), and so did we.

Stingray liver is considered the best delicacy in stingray.
It must be removed carefully so that the gallbladder does not rupture!


Stingray liver (500-700 g)
4-5 eggs (yolks only)
1 onion
½ tbsp. oil for frying onions
salt and pepper to taste


  • Place the liver in boiling water ( you need enough water to cover the liver ).

  • Boil for 5-7 minutes ( depending on the size of the liver ).

  • Boil the eggs, peel and remove the yolks. ( Don't throw away the whites - we'll need them ).
  • Finely chop the onion and fry until slightly golden brown. the onion should be soft .
  • Place the finished liver in a colander and let cool.
  • Grind all the products in one bowl with a fork into a pate.
  • Season.
  • Place in the refrigerator.

Serve with black bread.

The pate tastes better after it hardens in the refrigerator.

Why do we need cod liver if you have stingray liver!

Stingray (peeled and cut into pieces) can be fried, but for 2 reasons we use aspic.

Firstly, we have no place for fish, and secondly, stingray, as we were told, is only suitable for aspic. Well, we believed the local Black Sea residents.


1 slope (pieces)
2-3 carrots
piece of celery root
boiled egg whites
bay leaf, salt and pepper


  • Place pieces of stingray (water level) and vegetables in large pieces into boiling water.
  • Cook for 1.5 hours.
  • At the end add bay leaf.
  • Let cool.
  • Remove the meat and disassemble.
  • Divide into serving dishes.
  • Add egg whites, a little dill and carrot slices.
  • Heat the broth and season.
  • Soak the gelatin.
  • Measure out the broth (we had 1 liter of broth and 2 packs of gelatin).
  • Dissolve the swollen gelatin in warm broth.
  • Pour the broth.