Modern experimental psychology treats physiognomy as a pseudoscience, but everyone decides for himself what to believe. Hypotheses not yet confirmed today may become scientific breakthroughs tomorrow.

Physiognomic studies claim that somatic changes indicate mental characteristics, therefore, the character of a person and his emotional state can be determined by facial features and body movements, if you have certain knowledge.

Psychosomatics considers the proven relationship between the state of the psyche and the disease that has arisen, and physiognomy studies similar processes, only in healthy person. According to physiognomy, the shape of the nose and the character of a person are closely related.

How are the shape of the nose and the character of a person related?

Even Galen and Hippocrates argued that individual facial features can give an impression of the character and lifestyle without resorting to personal communication.

AT Ancient Greece there was an opinion about the existence of a relationship between the bodily and the spiritual, but specific evidence was not given. Therefore, most people considered this science to be a chimerical art, and in the modern sense, this is another esoteric teaching.

Psychosomatics - promising direction in medicine, proving the relationship between the state of the psyche and the external structure.

For example, the nose of newborns is approximately the same shape, but over time it transforms and acquires individual characteristics.

The appearance of a person is laid down at the gene level, and the psyche can be formed under the influence external factors. In this way, modern science recognizes not only the influence external environment on the psyche, but also the relationship between the spiritual and the physical.

Physiognomy + photo

In medicine, it is believed that the proportional structure of the face - marker good health, good genes. If by appearance damn now you can draw conclusions about the state internal organs, then personality, character traits, mental characteristics can be determined by the shape and structure of facial features.

From the point of view of anatomy, the state of the natural openings on the face is due to the configuration of the muscles responsible for chewing and facial expressions, the ends of which are fixed near these openings.

Consequently, each nostril and nasal tip, even the bridge of the nose, carry information about the habits, inclinations and most frequent emotions of a person. With age, the face changes more and more, and each feature receives data that is very valuable for an experienced physiognomist.

Putting the signs together, the specialist draws conclusions.

The basic rule for the study of facial features take into account the totality of physiognomic data and the gender of a person, rely on their knowledge and experience.

Then any, even the most secretive nature will become accessible to understanding. The study of the photo makes it possible to examine the face without being influenced by impressions, charm, emotions. This is the purpose of the present study.

How to determine the character of the back of the nose?

The bridge of the nose is not the most informative area. Accept that the hump speaks of the extraordinary nature. But she might be hallmark ethnicity or the temper and dominance of nature.

A woman with a wide and high back of the nose is stubborn, distinguished by an iron will and a desire for leadership. By the convex back of the nose, others can guess about the working capacity and endurance of its owner.

Among other things, it testifies to the denial of authority and intolerance to orders.

What can the tip of the nose say about the personality

This is an eloquent feature that is usually judged arbitrarily:

  • "eagle's beak" can mean natural cunning or vindictiveness;
  • curved down and pointed tip will remind you of the necessary caution in dealing with its owner;
  • small nose hic, raised with the tip up, speaks of impressionability, a tendency to make impulsive decisions;
  • a slightly curved tip indicates the prudence of the owner;
  • the owner of a pointed and raised tip is mercantile, wants to accumulate wealth, but such an achievement is beyond his power.


If they are large and round, then they can mean openness and generosity or ambition, along with arrogance and rancor. The owner of small nostrils is tight-fisted, money is the main thing for him, and success is measured by their number.

Love is an inaccessible feeling for the owners of narrow and long nostrils. Close people for them are a source of emotions, a means of nourishing their own soul, which is poor in feelings.

The character of a person by the length of the nose

There are several types of long nose, and in order to correctly decipher the character, you should pay attention to the tip and bridge of the nose.

direct form - evidence of logic and consistency, bony speaks of quarrelsomeness. A prominent tip indicates a tendency to secrecy.

Types of noses in girls

Despite the 14 types of noses identified by scientists, physiognomy considers only Roman, African, Greek, classical, aquiline, potato and snub-nosed to be typical in girls.

Judge about female character based on the general type - a reckless step. It is necessary to take into account both the features of the structure and the location in the general architectonics of the face.

Types of noses in men

In men, there are two types of long (sometimes three), snub-nosed and potato, two types of short nose and asymmetric. However, the matter of physiognomy is not classification according to type, but reading according to the totality of features.

The shape of the nostrils, wing, bridge of the nose (back) and tip should be taken into account. All together will say a lot to a person who can read from the face.

Proportions of the ideal nose + photo

For determining perfect shape some calculations are required. But even they will not give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bperfection, because each race, ethnic community and cultures have their own concepts of beauty.

the only common feature - symmetry in relation to the rest of the facial features and the exact location in the center.


Man getting at the genetic level characteristics appearance, at the same time inherits some features of the psyche. The owner of a nose of a certain shape automatically acquires specific features and attitude towards others.

He is instilled with concepts peculiar to the nation or race in which he lives. However, experienced physiognomists believe that only the type of the external respiratory organ should not be considered. The architectonics of the face matters, mutual arrangement its components, harmony and distance between them.

There is such a relatively young, popular science as physiognomy. Engaged in the study of facial features, their correspondence to the character of a person. In fact, it is deeply rooted in the past. Hippocrates himself used this term in his writings. AT Ancient China the nose was especially respectful. In one of the treatises, he is called the "emperor of the face." Physiognomy believes that the characteristics of the nose can tell a lot about a person.

photo from the site

The shape of the nose is varied and individual for each person, despite the fact that everyone is the same. Nose shapes can be divided into certain types. Among them, the most elegant - a thin nose - a sign of intelligence and refined taste. Natures have a certain innate aristocracy and nobility. A person is sensitive to himself and to others. Able to work hard. Love is approached responsibly. Able to listen and hear other people. He values ​​his time and the time of those around him.

Classic shape

There is also a generally recognized classical (ideal) form. As follows:

  • The bridge of the nose is straight, without tubercles;
  • No wrinkles in the area between the eyes;
  • Smooth, rounded tip shape;
  • Nose with symmetrical nasal wings;
  • Medium sized nostrils.

Nose sharp

For persons with a sharp nose, “sharp”, “sharp” character traits are also characteristic. This is the most obvious example when the nose shows the character of its owner so much. Such people are quick-tempered, harsh in communication, categorical in judgments. Sometimes it is impossible to negotiate with them because of their stubbornness. They stand their ground until the very end. They are ready to get what they want no matter what. They love (and they are good at it) “to make jokes”. However, they have tendencies to be leaders, condescending to strangers. weak points. They are generously endowed with musical talents.

upturned tip

A nose with an upturned tip is inherent in gullible and ingenuous people. They love communication, they are always ready for it. Natures are impulsive. There is impressionability. They are no stranger to curiosity. The upturned tip speaks of the extravagance of nature, the difficulty in accumulating money.

Roman nose

The owners of the Roman form inspire confidence and reliability. You can really rely on them. They are serious, principled, it is pleasant to deal with them. In addition, they are proud and independent, they know what they want and move straight to the goal. Persons with a nose with a Greek shape are leaders and dictators. They are loyal to friends, ruthless to deceivers. Good family men, know how to manage finances. They tend to be sarcastic.

Nose "potato"

A nose with a tip in the form of a potato speaks of the openness, simplicity of a person. His friends love him for his kindness. He is responsive. Knows how to run a business. Likes comfort, convenience. Most often, these are phlegmatic natures. They are non-conflict, try to avoid quarrels and squabbles. In childhood, they are slow, often get sick. Popular with the opposite sex.

aquiline nose

The nose with the shape of an eagle's beak belongs to personalities prone to analysis. They are demanding of themselves and require the same from a partner. Attractive. In a relationship, calm, balanced. show high level erudition. Self-confident, firm in decisions. These are purposeful natures. They skillfully manage finances. Good friends and partners, interesting interlocutors.

Determination of character by the shape of the nose

When determining the nature of a person, the science of physiognomy focuses on the form, which includes such a characteristic as proportionality.

Exist different types nose depending on the type of face, the shape of the nostrils, proportionality and other characteristics.

  • A short, small size speaks of the openness of its owner, kindness, cordiality;
  • Thin and long betrays sensitive natures, respecting themselves and others. They are serious. Have an innate sense of dignity;
  • Upturned is characteristic of capricious, frivolous personalities. They are impulsive, impulsive, sociable;
  • A nose with a deflection distinguishes extraordinary, very talented individuals. Modern, easy-going, creative. They are inherent in self-control, flexibility, adaptability;
  • Asymmetric - in natures of a complex device. They are unstable, large quantity talents. Having found harmony with themselves, such individuals are able to “move mountains”;
  • A nose with a “potato” is a sign of thriftiness, love of convenience. Such people are distinguished by warmth and friendliness.

How to determine the nature of the back of the nose

Did you know that the nose has a back? It is the outer area just below the bridge of the nose. It is the junction of both nasal sides. The structure of the back can tell a lot about its owner.

  • The back with a hump is typical for creative, extraordinary people. They are constantly producing new ideas. Erudite. There is a nuance in the localization of the hump.

With its close location to the tip, its owner is mobile, able to quickly make decisions and act.

When located in the center - its owner is noble, he has a sense of justice. Able to support those in need.

When the nasal bend is located at the bridge of the nose, such a nose speaks of a person as capable of aggression, ready to stand up for himself.

  • The convex back characterizes an inveterate individualist. A person quite successfully works alone, not obeying anyone. He does not tolerate power over himself. Hardy, ready to work hard, which he does.
  • The high, wide back distinguishes the well-known " Greek nose". First of all, these individuals are strong-willed, purposeful. They clearly understand what they want and achieve it. There is a certain amount of stubbornness that decorates them more than it is a hindrance. Excellent leaders.

What is the tip of the nose silent about

An important element in characterizing a person is the tip of the nose.

  • Curved up characterizes an impressionable, emotional person. Pay attention, if he is pulled up very high - do not trust your secrets to this person;
  • Pointed up speaks of extravagance, a frivolous attitude to money;
  • The tip directed downward indicates the suspicion, prudence of the owner. It is good to do business with such people.
  • If your interlocutor has a sharp downward tip, be extremely careful and careful when communicating. This form often betrays people who are tough and selfish;
  • There are tips like an eagle's beak, which gives a person the image of a "predator". This is no accident. They are very cunning, capable of revenge. You also need to be careful with such people;
  • When the tip looks like sagging, this may indicate a person's preoccupation with sexual issues;
  • There are split ends. They belong to individuals who are in constant search, often changing jobs. It is very important for such a person to be emotionally satisfied with his labor activity. Inherent modesty and shyness;
  • Pointy-nosed individuals are characterized by self-control, reflection. They are often musically gifted.

What do the nostrils symbolize

  • Nostrils of small size distinguish a person who is not wasteful. He is careful with money. For him, a sufficient amount Money. The motto is: “There is never too much money”;
  • Large nostrils are distinguished generous person with great ambitions. He is inherently vindictive, arrogant. Sometimes takes on more than he can do;
  • Round nostrils are inherent in individuals capable of self-giving. They are generous without requiring payment for this generosity;
  • Nostrils in the form of a rectangle speak of the conservatism of its owner. He's got it all right with money;
  • Triangular nostrils are inherent in stingy and extremely thrifty people;
  • Narrow and long are characteristic of people who are able to support emotionally. They have empathy. They are good friends.

It is impossible to say unequivocally: is it a “beautiful nose” or is it a “correct nose”. Yes, there is a standard that does not speak of beauty at all. Each is beautiful in its own way, namely with its individual “irregularities”, asymmetry.

So, now you understand a little and can determine the character of a person by the shape of his nose. Put this knowledge into practice. Observe people from the position of physiognomy. You'll see, it's very interesting.

The architectural center of the face is the nose, which consists of a bone base and cartilaginous tissues that form nasal cavity. In all newborns, regardless of hereditary characteristics, the noses are small and snub-nosed, but subsequently acquire dominant features: hump, flattening, shape, length, and others. It is difficult to imagine Cyrano de Bergerac in infancy with an atypical, absurdly long nose.

The noses are characterized by the shape, width, length, tip, bridge of the nose, wings of the nose, base and back. The variety of all possible combinations of these signs can be easily traced in everyday life and has ethnic and geographical features structures and configurations.

Rice. 18 Base of the nose

The bridge of the nose starts from the deepest point of the bridge of the nose, that is, the root of the nose. The width of the back of the nose in the upper third corresponds in shape to the sutures of the nasal ossicles, and the width of the nose in the upper and middle thirds depends on the width of the pyriform foramen (Fig. 18). The wings of the nose in width touch, with their most protruding edges, conditional lines, which are a continuation of the fangs of the upper jaw; in shape they repeat the lateral sections of the piriform opening in its lower third.

Rice. 19 Nose base options

The base of the nose corresponds to the direction of the nasal spine. In this regard, three variants of the base of the nose are distinguished: horizontal (a), raised (b) and lowered (c) (Fig. 19).
Anthropologists and criminologists distinguish three main shapes of the tip of the nose: wide (rounded - a), thin (pointed - c) and medium between them (b). At the same time, a short nasal spine and a wide pear-shaped opening correspond to a wide, “fleshy” tip of the nose, and a pointed one is observed with an elongated, narrow and pointed nasal spine (Fig. 20).

Rice. 20 Nose Shapes and Angle:
a - horizontal, b - raised, c - lowered

physiognomists important indicator the level of intelligence consider the angle formed by the nose and upper lip. A right angle, with a horizontal line of the nostrils, gives the profile an expression of determination, and testifies to an energetic mind. Nose under obtuse angle in relation to the upper lip, raised slightly upward, is not uncommon, and may belong to a subject with an extraordinary mind.

The search for a description of the "ideal" nose in the literature led to following characteristic. Nice nose with finely defined nostrils, the tip of which is neither too pointed nor too rounded and forms a right angle with the upper lip. Such a nose is a sign of not only physical, but also spiritual beauty. Without relying on tastes and individual perceptions, a beautiful nose should meet the following characteristics:
- equal in length to the forehead;
- the tip of the nose is not "fleshy", but not hard;
- the wings of the nose are clearly defined;
- nostrils rounded at the base of the wings, and thinner towards the tip of the nose;
- the lower third of the nose in profile does not exceed a third of its length;
- at the base of the "ideal" nose should have a small hollow - a recess.

People with such a nose, as a rule, are distinguished by courage, passion, assertiveness and a wonderful character.
In view of the special significance of the nose for characterizing the face and the essence of its owner, I consider it necessary to dwell on the description of some of its “examples”.

A flattened, wide and rounded nose of the correct form often belongs to smart, kind, noble and reliable people.
A nose with graceful nostrils and wings that move when breathing may be evidence of an unhealthy lung.
A sign of pronounced individuality is a long nose with beautifully shaped wings. A long, straight nose with implicitly expressed nostrils belongs to a patient, uncomplaining, calm person. A long, twisted nose speaks of nobility, diligence, perseverance, patience and seriousness of its owner. A long nose, thinning in the middle, testifies to the vivid imagination of a person and his penchant for fantasies. A long nose, with a thickening in the middle, on the contrary, indicates the owner's idle talk and his tendency to chatter.

A large, strongly protruding nose indicates that a person has some strangeness and eccentricity in thoughts and actions.

A long, bony nose is a sign of pride, arrogance and quarrelsomeness, and it is also with a hump - an attribute of a person of a difficult character and gloomy disposition.

A nose with a hump at the very base, with a hard tip, dilated nostrils - a sign of energy, courage and courage.
A hooked large, "fleshy" nose most often belongs to a person - slow-witted, rude, persistent, tough, prone to the use of threats and force.

A thin, graceful, long nose expresses the high sensitivity and giftedness of a person.
A small, plump nose speaks of good nature, peacefulness and the gentle nature of a person with whom it is always comfortable and cozy. An upturned small nose indicates the stubbornness and independent nature of its owner, but such a nose under a high forehead is evidence of a tendency to anger, rudeness and adventures.

Rice. 21 Nose Shapes

Neat, proportional and small noses, as a rule, belong to intelligent, sensual and artistic people. A very small nose, with a sharp back and an angular tip, indicates that its owner is an ambitious, daring and perky person.

Gracefully outlined, with a rounded tip and round nostrils, the nose is an indicator of sociability, friendliness and softness of character.

A short nose with a concavity in the middle, with a rounded and slightly upturned tip, betrays an impressionable, mobile, but timid person.

A small "fleshy" and straight nose with small nostrils, most often belongs to calm and dignified individuals.
The tip of the nose bears special information and expressiveness of some character traits.

An ominous expression is given to the profile of the face by the tip of the hooked nose, almost touching upper lip. Such faces, completely inexpressive, belong to people who are restrained, vicious and lustful.

The pointed tip of the nose and narrow nostrils are inherent in a quick-tempered, mocking person with an iron character, strong-willed and purposeful.

An upturned nose with bulging nostrils speaks of the intemperance, impulsiveness and self-will of its owner, often dissolute and undisciplined.

A forked tip of the nose is a sign of timidity, vulnerability, shyness and suspiciousness of a person, but often not without charm, sound mind and originality.

A large, full tip of the nose is evidence of cordiality and warmth, and a wide square tip is a sign of harsh manners, rudeness and a tendency to bad mood. However, the nature of such people is characterized by: patience and perseverance in achieving the goal.

Among other signs, the nostrils are essential. So, there are small nostrils, usually in people who are weak, timid, compliant and weak-willed; long nostrils - for caring and easily irritated, and large and expressive - for extraordinary personalities.
Wide and, especially, wide-open nostrils are a sign of high conceit, heavy character and disposition. It is noted that if a person's nostrils tremble and swell during a conversation, then he is very stubborn and aggressive.

Proportionality, shape and color of the nose are signs that all physiognomists pay attention to. The most favorable is the soft pink color of the skin of the nose, as an indicator of a person's well-being, and the dark shade indicates the numerous troubles that accompany a person. A red, porous nose is a sign of promiscuity, malnutrition and alcohol abuse; a constantly red nose is a sign of treachery in combination with other unfavorable signs.

Analyzing the nose important detail face, its size, shape and other features should be compared with the whole face, and only in comparison we can talk about harmony, proportionality and proportionality. So, the straight back of the nose, directly ending in an ideal shape with a tip, decorates the face, depriving it of individuality. For women, a slightly upturned tip of the nose, that is, slightly rising above the back, is more suitable. Such a nose rejuvenates the face. Of course, a narrow and thin tip harmonizes with a long and narrow nose; with a wide and short - a thick and wide tip. Wide wings of the nose give the face an expression of energy, inspiration, impulse; thin nose with narrow nostrils expresses concentration; swollen wings of the nose - sensuality, love of life and voluptuousness, and pointed, angular outlines of the nostrils emphasize nervousness.
The nose is characterized by pronounced age-related changes, which are manifested in an increase in the severity of the back, the omission of its base and tip of the nose, in a decrease in the nasolabial angle against the background of deepening of the nasolabial folds.

In conclusion, the generally accepted, favorable criteria for assessing the nose should be emphasized: these are inconspicuous nostrils, full wings of the nose, a large, rounded tip of the nose and a high straight bridge of the nose.

There is such a science - physiognomy, which determines the character of a person by his appearance. Someone believes in it unconditionally, someone treats with prejudice. But do not forget that it originated in ancient times and absorbed practical experience not one thousand years. And information based on experience is somehow undignified to ignore. There must be some truth in them. How big is up to you to judge.

Let's talk today about one of the outstanding (in the literal and figurative sense of the word) human organs - the nose.

Let's start with the beautiful half!

So, straight and classic The olfactory organ in women testifies not only to the fact that her mistress is a beauty (as well as everyone else, I think so!). Such a nose gives out with giblets a lady who is rather restrained in feelings (but this is already a rarity), often even cold. But she is hardworking, stubborn and persistent, it is difficult to confuse her, and the noodles simply do not hold on her ears - breathe evenly, dear men!

They also like to take care of themselves, sparing no expense, so they are very respected by the masters from beauty salons.

snub-nosed girls are adorable! Optimistic, good-natured, sympathetic, feeling someone else's pain - a real type of woman. They are quite energetic, with a developed imagination, which is why they can get involved in dubious adventures - both in everyday life and in love.

Snub-nosed beauties attract the opposite sex with fun, sometimes overflowing, carefree disposition. They can hardly be called very responsible, and, unfortunately, constant in relationships. However, natural femininity attracts men to them like a magnet, and it’s not in vain to admit!

or somewhat large, straight and with a hump in the middle, the lady's nose indicates strong character and beautiful analytic skills. This is a type of business woman - aristocratic, refined, self-confident.

In addition to business, such women choose politics, the exact sciences, they make excellent chess players. It is difficult to piss them off, and natural ambition does not allow them to bow down even under the strongest blows of fate. Who will be the leader in her family is a practically non-negotiable question.

Briefly describe women with a rare for this sex eagle nose - more than anything in the world they love the person who looks at them from the mirror. These are memorable, self-sufficient ladies who have adopted the motto "Life is given only once"!

They care little about the opinions of others, whom they look a little down on. They differ in temperament best sense this word. Having met such a woman, a man rarely parted with her.

Nose potatoes, so often found especially in the Russian outback, belongs to ladies who stand firmly on their feet, prudent, quick-witted, endowed with a remarkable mind. If they have already taken up something, they will go to the end, they will pass through the walls, and they will not hesitate to enter the burning hut. And at a gallop they will stop not only a horse - a whole herd!

Great mothers and wives good friends, but sometimes they are harsh - they can cut the truth-womb!

Ladies with broad, a slightly flattened nose of the African type in our country look somewhat exotic. These are exceptionally passionate, addicted natures - such men go crazy! With their one disarming smile, they bring confusion into the fragile men's hearts ... and how convincingly they can utter their thoughts! True, very often - in the form of fairy tales.

Persistent, stubbornly making a career and not too burdening themselves with household chores. But in their tender fists there is always a piece of a feather - from the Firebird, of course.

Now let's move on to the stronger sex

Nose holders with humpbacked- arrogant and do not like to reckon with the opinions of others. At the same time, they do not have a large arsenal of means to achieve their goals: their element is a dashing artillery attack.

Constancy and commitment are not the most strengths the nature of such a man, but with one caveat: until he meets the one - the only one for whom he is ready to sacrifice his freedom!

The “Romans” are not much different from such men. Owners Roman noses are also somewhat arrogant, even arrogant and very conservative. They prefer to dominate in any relationship, sometimes they can show aggression. Paradoxically, it is not difficult for a smart woman to circle such a type around her finger.

If you prefer soft, kind, quick-witted comrades - look for them among the owners of the nose potatoes. Absolutely non-confrontational, sometimes shy, often religious people.

A woman's favorite item of clothing for them is a certain part of her shoes. You understood me correctly. A real find for ladies who are not inclined to compromise. Yes, I almost forgot: in bed they prefer to work as a “second number” and unquestioningly obey their half.

men, as a rule, are energetic and like to live to the fullest. They are great cheerleaders, and their temperament sometimes overflows. Despite their quick temper, and sometimes excessive harshness, natural intelligence almost always restrains them from rash acts. And the snub-nosed organ of smell smells profit a mile away!

Owners are even more quick-tempered aquiline profile. In addition, they are quite vindictive towards their offenders. And these comrades, rarely found in our country, are distinguished by prudence and stinginess, they love money, and this love is almost always mutual. They have a stormy temperament that knows no boundaries.

men with thin and with a pointed nose, they have a thin, vulnerable, even capricious nature. They are easy to offend, it is not difficult for them to even squeeze out a tear. AT family life are distinguished by reliability and constancy, they are very fond of children.

men with short nose belong to the category of "eternal students". They have inexhaustible optimism, are sociable, cheerful, are the soul of any company. Even at 50-60 years old they look almost the same as at 30. It is difficult to call them careerists, but they are very attached to the family.

Owners direct noses are honest, obligatory, have an even character, quite energetic. They have a penchant for financial transactions.

And finally fleshy the nose is a sign of a person who is successful in all respects: love, career, business - they easily achieve their goals in everything. Thorough and economic, have a good sense of humor. In a word, the ladies are delighted with such!

On this, let me bow. Do not blame me if someone saw himself here not from the most attractive side. Look at life with humor!

Physiognomy emphasizes the shape of the nose as a very significant aspect of reading a person's character traits. The disadvantage of such a diagnosis, and a very serious one, may be the fact of rhinoplasty among people. In this case, we can be very wrong. Although men do such operations much less often, therefore, the features of reading a person’s character in this way will still be useful to you.

To start, let's talk about perfect nose , which is also called the lion. It is of medium length, well-shaped wings of the nose, rounded tip, not too wide bridge of the nose. Such people are courageous, passionate and assertive. Especially if the nostrils are a little larger than necessary.

Big nose betrays courageous, rather conflicting personalities. Such people will not go into their pocket for a word and will defend their own. Such people strive to take a leadership position, they need to be organizers, they always want to make a great contribution to the cause, to steer the process.

A long nose considered a sign high intelligence, a pronounced individuality, although this is also often a sign of conservatism. Such a nose indicates a desire to control everything, to set the rhythm. If the nose is super long, then this is a sign not only of intellectual achievement, but also of capriciousness. long and wide nose speaks of a stable character and a generally calm temperament.

The nose is bony and long- an indicator of pride, sometimes even arrogance and quarrelsomeness.

And here is the nose long, large with hanging tip speaks of the insight of the owner. Such a person keeps other people's secrets and knows the skeletons in the closet. Loves money.

aquiline nose indicates vanity and ambition.

Nose long and straight speaks of the logic, consistency of the owner. Such a person plans well and sees the future.

narrow nose talks about independence. Such people are accustomed to relying only on themselves in life, to work hard. We are sure that nothing is given free of charge and they will always think how much any of your proposals costs.

If a nose short, then it speaks of responsibility and diligence. Such people are not afraid to work, they bring everything to the end and often do meticulous work. Also, a short nose is a sign of optimism and good nature.

At all small nose testifies to jealousy and pettiness.

But snub nose betrays an emotional, often creative nature. They really want others to recognize merit and support. A snub nose, as well as a short one, speaks of optimism, sociability, and gullibility.

Aquiline nose betrays people who are creative, active and practical. Such people seek to control others, consider themselves experts in many ways. They love innovative ideas.

Bony hooked nose shows that the owner is stubborn, often arrogant, proud, but at the same time decisive and even aggressive.

The hump generally says a lot. First of all, self-control.

If a hump located closer to the tip of the nose, this indicates the ability to quickly mobilize, to self-defense, to constantly strengthen their positions.

Hump ​​in the central part of the nose indicates a desire to protect others and heroism. Such people are noble, protect the weak.

The hump is closer to the bridge of the nose speaks of an aggressive and cocky character. Such a person is always ready to fight back.

The ridge of the nose says a lot about a person - its upper part under the bridge of the nose.

If a no spine at all, that is, a flat place under the bridge of the nose, or completely depressed, then this is a sign of a team player. Such a person always works better in a team, but it’s hard to work alone - there is always a need for communication.

But if nose with high ridge when the nose protrudes strongly from above, in the bridge of the nose, a person is used to working alone, on his own. He is responsible, he chooses the rhythm of work, assertive, does not tolerate strong control. At the same time, it is efficient and durable.

Nose with a high and wide ridge, as a direct continuation of the forehead, without notch. Such a nose is also called Greek when there is no nose bridge. People with such a nose are determined, have an iron will. They are stubborn, purposeful, with pronounced leadership qualities.

The nostrils are also a serious indicator that always corrects the first impression of the shape of the nose.

small nostrils talk about conservatism and thrift. Such a person may even turn out to be a miser, he appreciates the energy of money very much. No matter how many there are, they will always be few.

Small nostrils with a rounded tip noses speak of gullibility, conformism and a tendency to show off.

But big nostrils on the contrary, they speak of generosity and ingenuity. Such a person is bold and desperate, often takes risks.

Long and narrow nostrils testify to the emotional generosity of the owner. He provides moral support, likes to share advice.

Huge, flared nostrils talk about energy, self-confidence, even extravagance. Vital energy hits over the edge. A person considers himself a winner, has creative potential. Such a person takes on excessive responsibility, goes from one extreme to another. Not always sustained.

Large nostrils, widely opened say that a person has been working all his life to increase wealth, for him the material aspect is the most important. He loves money, believes that they are the key to a happy life.

Nostrils are rectangular they talk about conservatism in spending: a person does not waste money, but he does not particularly value it either. Calm attitude to financial resources.

Triangular and small nostrils indicate excessive thrift and stinginess. A person is very afraid that there will not be enough money.

Nostrils round talk about generosity and high dedication.

The tip of the nose is characterized by two aspects: the angle of inclination and its shape.

The angle of inclination is the degree of trust. The more strongly the tip of the nose is inclined, the less trusting the person is.

The tip of the nose is turned up betrays curiosity, gullibility and impressionability. A very upturned nose indicates a strong curiosity and attention to the secrets of others. At the same time, it is difficult for such people to keep other people's secrets.

Pointed and upturned nose, in addition to curiosity, it also speaks of extravagance in financial affairs and the difficulty of accumulation.

Nose horizontal when there is no inclination either up or down, it gives out a reliable person, very practical and thorough. He moderately trusts others, but it is extremely difficult to deceive him.

Nose looks like it's bent down betrays strong suspicion and skepticism. The person is prudent, rarely believes in a word, as a rule, he manages finances well.

If a the nose is bent down and has a pointed form indicates selfishness and even cruelty.

The tip of the nose reminds eagle beak speaks of vindictiveness and cunning.

If a the tip of the nose is completely down, almost to the upper lip, then experts regard this as a tendency to betrayal and treachery.

The tip of the nose sags like a piece of meat: the owner is often obsessed with sex issues.

But fleshy nose(potatoes) speaks of the kindness of the owner. At the same time, such a person gives great importance financial success, manages finances well, likes comfort around, often collects something. At the same time, she loves life and knows how to have fun, loves company.

If you notice a groove (or fossa) at the tip of your nose, your nose seems to forked. This person often searches for himself, often changes activities, as he needs work to bring emotional satisfaction. It also speaks of suspicion, shyness, although contact with people and communication is very important to him.

round nose tip(like a small ball) talk about the aesthetics of the owner. A person has an artistic taste, is drawn to elegant things, an esthete.

Nose narrow, as if squeezed from the sides does not save money and easily part with them. At the same time, such a person perfectly understands their price, while treating financial resources as a tool, a means for acquiring something. This is especially true if the tip is thin and the nostrils are wide.

Sharp tip of the nose betrays musical ability and self-control, as well as a tendency to manipulation.

Heart-shaped tip of the nose speaks of stinginess.

As you can already understand from such a significant description, the nose is very important element in physiognomy and in competent reading of a person. The nose, as the most protruding part of the face, can tell a lot of interesting things about the interlocutor. However, it is worth noting that the diagnosis should always be complex, in combination with other facial features. We will talk about this in subsequent notes.

Vadim Sokolov