Victoria Morozova was born on May 22, 1973 in Vitebsk. Her parents were military personnel. Younger sister- Monica.

The future singer spent her childhood in military garrisons in Belarus and the Baltic states. From the age of 5, Vika performed on stage. Morozova graduated from the conducting and choral department of the Vitebsk Music School, and later from GITIS with a degree in stage and mass performance director.

To improve her singing skills, the future star studied with vocal coach Elena Sergeevna Chaplygina. Having moved to Moscow, he began to study solo career: recorded several successful videos that were often shown on television (“Hug”, “Someone”).

For several years, Victoria sang as a backing vocalist in the English-language group “Andy's Band.” She was also involved in the circus musical project of Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. “His Majesty the Fairy Tale,” in which she performed 88 performances.

In 1999, Morozova was invited as a soloist to the musical “Metro,” in which she performed until 2002. While auditioning artists to participate in this musical, Victoria met actor and singer Anton Makarsky. A day later, Anton proposed marriage to Vika.

Victoria Makarskaya: “Anton and I met exactly twelve years ago in Moscow. Long before that, he arrived from Penza, entered the Pike, and served in the army. And I arrived from Vitebsk, where my parents settled

Anton and Victoria Makarsky, who are expecting the birth of their second child, spoke about the long journey to becoming parents and about the relationships in their family. About how the exclusive photo shoot for HELLO! in Paris, we have already told you, now we present the shooting itself and the interview with Anton and Victoria.

They didn’t see each other for almost three weeks - Anton was in Moscow recording the part of Aladdin for ice show, Vika visited the doctors in Tel Aviv and was only surprised: well, it’s impossible to be so healthy in the fourth month of pregnancy that they wouldn’t even prescribe vitamins? All this time we communicated via Skype, and here was a gift - a meeting in Paris, which both consider the city of love not just because it is so customary: 11 years ago, having barely become a family, Vika and Anton flew here a few hours after registering their marriage and since then Since then, they have loved the French capital almost as much as their native one.

True, in winter, when the wind pierces through and the rain reaches even under the famous local bridges, it is much more pleasant to look at the Eiffel Tower hidden behind the clouds from the window of Le Cafe du Trocadero, taking coffee with cream in cups more reminiscent in size of soup and surrounded by delicious tarte de framboise and krambol, which in this place match the drinks - each serving is quite capable of replacing breakfast.

- Victoria, Anton, you first flew to Paris 11 years ago, on the same day that you got married.

Victoria. We have the most fun memories of Paris! Antosha and Sasha Golubev, who performed the role of Frollo in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris", having drunk cider, cognac and wine, climbed the outside of the Eiffel Tower.

Anton. Then “Notre Dame” was just taking off, the song sounded from every electrical device. And here comes a delegation from Yakutia, the guide says: “On the right is the Eiffel Tower, on it are the performers of the role of Frollo and Captain Phoebus de Chateaupert.” The Yakuts were not surprised. They only asked: where was Quasimodo Petkun, who played, because the three of them sang the Belle aria... (Laughs.) But in general, for me, going to the registry office was only to make it convenient to travel: they often asked at international airports why Vika and I were together all the time, especially in Israel we suffered.

- There is another version. It’s as if you, Anton, went to Victoria’s concert, where satirist Lion Izmailov called you Morozov, and it offended you so much that almost immediately they took the girl to the registry office.

Victoria. This is the correct version!

Anton. Well... It happened. Under New Year For the first time I accompanied Vika to a concert. I had never gone before because of stupid youthful complexes that it was not I who provided for the family, but my wife. And everyone knew that the singer Morozova had a husband - some kind of artist of Penza origin. And so we walk, hugging each other, and then Lion Izmailov - he conducted that concert - comes towards us: “So that’s what he is, Morozov!” I'm already green!

Victoria. And only after that Anton took me to the registry office. This is not a joke or an anecdote. Thank you, dear Lyon!

Anton. Coincidence.

Victoria. And it's not a coincidence. I just started asking at the registry office: “Antosha, can I sign up at least Morozova-Makarskaya?” He looked at me so that, without even finishing the sentence, I said: “Okay, just write Makarska.” But at the same time, what’s funny is that my husband still calls me Morozova.

- Anton, did you really earn so little at that time?

per month in best case scenario I received 200 dollars and immediately paid them for a rented apartment near Arbat, in Starokonyushenny Lane. And he paid so little only because the owner was a big fan of the series." Poor Nastya", which was incredibly popular then. The rating reached 70 percent, cities died out when a new episode was shown. And the woman, coming for payment, became the queen of the court, having learned from me all the details: who will be with whom in the next episode and who from whom gets pregnant.

- Life is still much more interesting. Did you really think that by the age of 40 you would become a dad for the second time?

I only dreamed about it. Judging by all the signs, it will be Ivan Antonovich.

- Why didn’t they do an ultrasound for a long time?

Victoria. I didn’t want to go to the doctor without Anton, and we just met him in Paris, we haven’t seen each other for almost three weeks.

Anton. I was recording songs for the new ice show "Aladdin and the Lord of Fire". He voiced the role of Aladdin, and the role of the princess was performed by singer Jasmine.

- Victoria, how did you live without your husband for so long?

Victoria. I do not know. Before, separation was completely unthinkable for us; we were together all the time, 24 hours.

Anton. As in that joke: “She followed him into exile - and ruined his entire hard labor.”

Victoria.(Laughing.) Joker! You yourself constantly drag me along on film expeditions...

- But now it turns out that you are the one running away from your husband all the time.

Victoria. Because he is a despot and a bore! (Laughs.) You see, we couldn’t get pregnant all our lives, although we both wildly wanted children. And when, after 13 years, this happened and we skipped and ran to the doctor in Moscow, we were killed by the very first question: “Are you going to save it?” I was almost 39 years old, and the doctor hinted in every possible way that a defective child would be born and at that age I shouldn’t give birth, and it was time to go to the cemetery. When I took the tests, she said: “You are in a pre-miscarriage state - nothing will definitely work out.”

Anton. Vika left the clinic in tears. And our friend, a monk from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, who was visiting us at that time and later became Mashenka’s godfather, bought her tickets to Israel. Vika came with all her fears to the Israeli doctors, and they said: “What are you, girl? What kind of old-timer are you?”

Victoria. I flew to Tel Aviv for just a week. But Anton’s mother didn’t let me go from there. As in that joke: “Why is a Jewish mother worse than an Arab terrorist? At least you can come to an agreement with the latter.” And so I live in Israel for a month, I live for two, and my Moscow anxiety begins to go away, the stress goes away, I look around and think: “Yes, I live in paradise.” Every morning I walked along the seashore for six kilometers on foot, and that’s why I kept my waistline before the maternity hospital.

- Is this where the rumors started that you used the services of a surrogate mother?

Anton. This gave rise to ridiculous rumors. Who in Russia will believe that 11 days after caesarean section Is it already possible to bounce on stage for nine concerts in a row?

Victoria. Medicine in Israel is completely different. It is impossible to explain to anyone who has not encountered this. They even gave me a special injection so that my stomach would go away instantly, and not in six weeks, as usual. I fit into concert dresses, but I had to embroider eight centimeters in the chest area... How I fell in love with Israel! Although I couldn’t imagine that I could ever leave Russia. And when I returned after giving birth, I realized: I can’t live in the center of Moscow - my daughter immediately turned green under her eyes.

Anton. But the Israeli climate doesn't suit me. I'm cold-loving. I love winter, I love snow, I dream of a beard and I want felt boots. In Moscow, our windows overlook Butyrsky Val. That's where I come to life, and as soon as I get to environmentally friendly places, I ask you to bring me to the exhaust pipe...

Victoria. And in Moscow, after the sea air, I’m just dying. She cried for a month and three weeks, and then said: “Masha is running out of baby food, I urgently need to fly to Israel!" Anton: "Keep in mind, we're only going for three days, we'll get vaccinated, buy everything - and go home." We arrived, and I quickly rented an apartment with windows overlooking the sea: I knew that this was the only thing possible. will attract your husband.

Anton. Even if I insisted that they stay in the capital, I would still be constantly running around filming. So let them live better where they feel good. And where do they bloom?

- It’s amazing: the blonde feels good in Israel, but the brunette talks about his love for Russia and felt boots.

Victoria. Appearances are deceptive: according to local laws, I am considered more Jewish than Anton, despite my Siberian dad! Plus I have Lithuanian, Latvian blood and a little Tatar.

Anton. And in addition to the Jewish quarter, I have Georgian, German, Cossack and Polish blood. It’s not surprising that they ask: who did Masha turn out to be so big-eyed? She has absolutely Georgian round eyes.

- If it’s so nice on the seashore, why did you buy yourself a large townhouse in Sergiev Posad?

Victoria. We really hope that God will send us many children! The house is huge, we will equip everything there: a studio and an office, so that we can leave less often. Our children, Anton is sure, will go to school only in Sergiev Posad.

- Anton, are you ready to travel from there to work for three hours?

Anton. Cinema now for the most part They are not filming in Moscow. And our apartment in the center is not going anywhere, we can stay sometimes. But I don’t mind standing in traffic jams in order to see my family every day. The main thing is that Sergiev Posad is the spiritual heart of Russia, Masha, as I already said, has a godfather - a monk from the Lavra. Plus an Orthodox gymnasium and a monastery with own production, where you can buy quality products without chemicals. Our windows overlook the church at the boarding school for deaf-blind children, with whom we came here to Paris.

Victoria. This charitable pre-Christmas event is dedicated to the memory of the Baptist of Rus', the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir; celebrations in honor of the millennium of his repose will begin in Russia in January. In the meantime, we brought the kids to Paris, where they performed with us in Russian center science and culture. Masha stayed with Anton’s mother because of the Parisian cold; usually her daughter flies with us.

- Victoria, how does your husband sometimes allow you to live for a long time without him in a country where every blonde is worth its weight in gold?

I love my husband very much, and Antosha trusts me. And his mother is nearby all the time. (Laughs.) In Moscow I was a completely average woman, but in Israel they explained to me that I, it turns out, was the standard of beauty. As soon as I came, I was offered to be the face of two leading companies - a cosmetics company and a clothing manufacturer. If a woman like me arrives, she immediately gets married, and on the very first day. (Laughs.) I have a week before giving birth, and men kept coming and coming and making proposals. They thought she was lonely: it was so hot that due to swelling they had to take off their wedding ring.

- Not everyone will understand why, having the opportunity to choose, you chose not a luxury clinic, but an ordinary Jerusalem clinic, where you will give birth for the second time.

Anton. We came to give birth, not to relax. Plus we wanted there to be as few people as possible who recognize us. And in this hospital no one recognized us except the head nurse and the doctor, who turned out to be Russian. In Israel, all the most talented doctors are from Russia! My dream is that people all over the world, when planning to undergo treatment, would say: “No, I will only go to Russia.” So that the best minds and hands remain in their homeland. Yes, Vika and I now have two citizenships, but we have one homeland. And personally, I want to live only in Russia.

Victoria. I grew up in damp and cold, in Baltic military towns. All my life I considered myself a very sick person. And in Israel it turned out that I was absolutely healthy. I haven’t even been to a cosmetologist for a year and a half, and I look like I’ve never been able to look in Moscow... But as much as the Israeli climate suits me, it doesn’t suit Anton. He can't stand the heat at all.

Anton. I immediately swell up, start mumbling loudly and become a mega boring person. Only horizontal bars and alcohol can save you.

Victoria. I have already resigned myself, I understand: I will follow my husband, even to Siberia, even to Sergiev Posad. My life near the sea cannot last long. But for now...

Anton. Until I started the year of henpecked again. (Laughs.)

Victoria, the official record is pregnancy at 67. Try it again - you can live where you want for another 25 years.

Victoria. There is no other way out. (Smiles.) In Moscow, I was missing half of the periodic table, and now they don’t even prescribe a single vitamin. They say: you can be plowed, you are as healthy as a horse. So I’m gaining health, so that later I can bring joy to every small town in Russia with our positive concert.

Anton. Without bargaining and without making money. Despite the fact that our “Live Concert” is always sold out, in Russia everything is structured in such a way that almost all the money is spent on simply organizing the concert with dignity and at a high professional level. My main income is from cinema. And concerts are an outlet. I tried to leave the acting profession a couple of times, but they didn’t let me. Those people whose opinion is valuable to me said: you have no right to serve people in the place where the Lord put you.

- Maybe acting is like a marriage? You tried to leave Vika too.

Three times in the first year. I thought I wasn’t worthy of such a “princess”. But Vika brought me back with everyone possible ways, and sometimes completely trampling his pride. Do you know what helped us overcome all the obstacles? The fact that after the very first most difficult year we got married and realized that now we are one, regardless of any circumstances.

Text: Kirill Litmanov


The girl spent her childhood in secret military garrisons in the Baltic states. The parents dreamed of making their daughter a celebrity, albeit a local one. They saw Victoria working in a Belarusian orchestra. By the way, the future star has been performing there since she was fifteen.

Victoria was assigned to the capital Musical Theatre. But as soon as the girl arrived in Moscow, she simply ended up at the Belorussky railway station. In desperation, the provincial woman tried to get a job at the Bolshoi Theater, but the personnel department was closed. The fate of the young artist was decided by chance. An Englishman approached her and offered to work as a soloist in his band.

Meet Anton Makarsky

However, there are many blank spots in the biography of Victoria Morozova. The artist is reluctant to talk about herself in interviews. Lately she pays no attention solo career, and the career of her husband – the star of the most popular musical “Notre Dame de Paris” by Anton Makarsky. And to almost all meetings with representatives of funds mass media the couple comes together.

But Anton and Victoria talk about their love story and their meeting with enthusiasm. Makarsky recalls how he participated in auditions for the musical “Metro.” During the casting, an unknown woman came into the audience, but beautiful girl in a short T-shirt, a miniskirt and shoes with a huge platform. Moreover, this young lady was very similar to Anton Makarsky’s grandmother. The artist claims that he fell in love with Victoria literally at first sight.

At that time, Victoria Morozova had already had enough famous singer and graduated from the directing department of GITIS. The artist’s video was constantly played on TV - these were two videos for the songs “Hug” and “Someone”, and singer Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. just took her into his music project"His Majesty's Fairy Tale".

By the way, by this time Victoria Morozova had managed to work in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. There she worked for 88 performances in a row. At the same time, the girl flew under the dome and almost crashed.

However, during the first meeting, Victoria did not pay attention to her future husband.

“I started working at Metro, and at that time there was a very difficult period in my life, and, of course, I didn’t notice anyone around me at all. Anton, on the contrary, immediately drew attention to me, probably because I came “on huge platforms and with a bare stomach,” recalls Victoria.

She was able to take a closer look at the young man only at a party that took place after the end of the casting. The young man, according to Victoria, was inimitable and charming. The result of the meeting was solitude in Morozova’s house on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. The young man stayed overnight.

Victoria Morozova on video

And in the morning Anton Makarsky proposed his hand and heart to Victoria. The picture looked quite solemn. Anton addressed Vika with the following speech: “I have no right to make you proposals. I clearly understand where you are and where I am. Now I only have two T-shirts and jeans, and my possessions include a guitar and a razor. But if you become my wife, then you will have everything.” Despite everything, Victoria agreed.

Victoria was amazed by Anton with his sensitivity. Morozova told Makarsky about the crazy love of Marc Chagall and Bella. He was so moved that he even cried. “At that moment I realized that I had been looking for this kind of romance all my life. And at that moment, I probably fell in love with him,” says Vika.


By the way, everyone around was just talking about the fact that Makarsky and Morozova were not a couple. Vika's friends openly mocked Anton. But the only one who singled out young man and supported the lover, it was Boris Krasnov. He once even said to the singer: “Vika, is your boyfriend that handsome, muscular Jew over there? He is very talented! He's great!

A year later, Victoria and Anton got married. But they had a real wedding only three years later. This happened just when Makarsky was offered the fateful role of Phoebus in the musical “Notre Dame de Paris”, which made the man a celebrity. However, after this, Victoria Morozova’s career began to decline.

Victoria says that on stage she doesn’t just sing, she plays her songs like little stories. The girl chooses the works she likes, works on them and creates a face loving woman, which is capable of joy, sadness and suffering. At the same time, the artist is sure that it is necessary to produce only positive music so that people leave the concert with a huge charge of positive energy.

The girl says that the reason for leaving the stage is the loss of her voice. The artist toured a lot. She went on stage even with a high temperature. And once, at a solo concert in Kharkov, she lost consciousness. However, this happened several months before meeting Anton. The girl was then called “ ambulance“and it turned out that I had pneumonia for a month now. The singer's health worsened after the musical "Metro". There Victoria needed to take very high notes. Sometimes the girl could not utter a word, but she sang.

Since 2002, Victoria Morozova became Anton Makarsky’s assistant, his right hand, and completely devoted herself to producing it.

For quite a long time, Vika managed all the affairs herself. But one day the management of the Moscow International House of Music insisted on a joint concert of the spouses. The Makarskys approached the preparations responsibly; many organizational and creative issues had to be resolved. Victoria assured her husband that she probably wouldn’t be able to return to the stage, since they didn’t have a producer or PR director. However, the performance was destined to take place, and it took a completely unique and original form. Since then, the couple have gone on tour exclusively together. They have seven musicians in their group different ages– from 19 to 42 years old. And everyone is united by the desire to make high-quality music and sing it only “live”.

The future wife of the famous actor Anton Makarsky, Victoria (nee Morozova), is proud of her Belarusian roots. Born in Vitebsk on May 22, 1973 in a military family, but unlike strict father, the girl grew up as a soft, artistic child.

Already in early age Vika demonstrated a penchant for singing and acting.

Russian fans know Makarskaya, first of all, as the wife of a media actor, which is why it’s doubly offensive, because Victoria at one time received no less popularity than her husband. It’s a pity that her marriage to Anton partially put an end to the girl’s career, making her a family man.

In her youth, Victoria sang with Belarusian orchestras, and as an adult, she successfully graduated from VGIK (directing department).

Having moved to Moscow, the girl sang for some time in the group of an English producer, she was often shown on TV, invited to concerts, singer Vladimir Presnyakov invited her to his program “Her Majesty the Fairy Tale”. However real glory came to the girl after the sensational musical “Metro”.

Unfortunately, Victoria could not stand the tension that fell on her. Fatigue increased, complications began after bronchitis. As a result, in 2002, Vika lost her voice. She had to leave the stage for six years.

Morozova was not sad for long. She chose producing as her next occupation, but the first person Vika decided to introduce into the world of show business was her future husband- Anton Makarsky. It was with him that Victoria began to sing again, found true happiness, and started a family. For a long time Makarska could be called the standard of femininity and natural beauty. But latest trends did not pass her by, Vika decided on plastic surgery and other anti-aging procedures. After them, the girl changed almost beyond recognition.

If you pay attention to old photos of the singer and photos after the changes, the silicone lips are most obvious. The lip augmentation did not go quite correctly; they lost their contour and turned out to be disproportionate. Beauty injections were also negligently carried out, due to which Victoria’s face became swollen and emaciated.

On top of that, Makarska has long had problems with overweight, who also changed the girl a lot. True, the singer claims that it is her husband who does not allow her to lose weight.

When actor Anton Makarsky (Phoebus in the musical Notre Dame de Paris, Prince Dolgoruky in Poor Nastya) met singer Victoria Morozova (songs “Hug Me” and “Someone”), this spectacular blonde was much more famous than He. So, Anton Makarsky and Victoria Morozova.

“I left Vicky several times! - Anton said in one of the interviews. - In the first year of our life together she was a star in the full sense of the word: a professional high level, clips, rotation on the radio... And I was an actor in “Metro”, like “the third boy from the right in red. And, of course, when Vika brought good sums of money from concerts, I had a complex. But after the first incredibly difficult year, we took a very important step - we got married. After that my withdrawals stopped. I realized that no matter what trials fate sends us, we are still together.” Their love is already seven years old, but it is still bright and emotional. Today they themselves tell the readers of “Cleo” the story of their novel.

At first sight

Brief questionnaire:

Do you consider yourself an ideal couple?
Anton: In my mind, " perfect couple“These are two people who understand each other and do not express themselves at the expense of each other. Of course, we are the perfect couple.
Victoria: I absolutely agree with Anton.

Who is the leader in your family?
Anton: I!
Victoria: Of course, Anton is a leader.

What do you admire most about each other?
Anton: I admire Vika in general. Because she... Woman, woman and again woman.
Victoria: I admire Antoshina’s decency.

Is there jealousy in your relationship?
Anton: I believe that jealousy is the stupidest thing. Jealousy kills love; you need to drive it away if you love a person.
Victoria: If I were jealous of Anton for all the actresses with whom he had to play, for all the fans, then I would have gone crazy a long time ago.

“I was participating in the casting for the musical “Metro,” when a girl wearing a short T-shirt and miniskirt, wearing shoes with a huge platform, entered the audience. She was like two peas in a pod like my grandmother... And it was love at first sight.” - This is how Anton Makarsky talks about the first meeting with his future wife, Victoria Morozova.

But Victoria was young and then no one had yet famous actor I didn't like Anton Makarsky right away. She didn't think about family at all and serious relationship Then. Her career came first.

Victoria was already a popular singer then, her videos were played on music channels. And this, as it seemed to her then, was only the beginning of her creative path. The only harbinger future love became a prediction for her famous astrologer Pavel Globa.

“It was right before the start of the casting for the musical “Metro,” recalls Victoria. “I decided to find out what awaits me in the future. Pavel Globa then predicted to me that I would soon meet the love of my life. He said that I would have such a husband that I would not want to sing and would devote myself entirely to family life. Then I treated this prediction with a bit of sarcasm and did not attach any significance to it.”

A date of a lifetime

On the occasion of the end of numerous castings for the musical “Metro,” a party was held for all the actors who got the roles. It took place in a huge three-room apartment, which Morozova was then renting. Anton wanted to impress the “lady of his heart,” which Victoria had already become for him, and decided to use his “crown number.”

“I went to the bathroom and came out wearing only a towel. - Anton remembers. “Then he came to the kitchen, where the celebration was going on, sat down next to Vika, started giving her a massage, after which he said that my shoulders hurt and asked her to massage them. In general, I openly “showed” Vika and, oddly enough, it had an effect.”

Then everyone went to bed: the girls in one bedroom, the boys in the other, and Anton in a separate small room. Victoria decided to wish Good night Anton... Since then they have not parted.

The wedding sang and danced...

A year after they met, Anton asked Victoria to marry him. And she agreed. Soon they got married in one of the Moscow churches in the presence of their two best friends. The next day, Anton and Vika decided to celebrate their wedding on a grand scale. And they invited all the actors involved in the musical “Metro” to the forest for a barbecue. Victoria was dressed in regular jeans and a T-shirt. True, there was a pink veil on her head. The groom matched the bride: jeans, a T-shirt with the sleeves torn off, a bandana and a red flower on his chest, the kind that “proper” grooms usually pin on.

Do your tastes match?
Anton: Sometimes they don't match.
Victoria: Anton, for example, likes to listen to Ramstein and Linkin Park, and I adore the group Adeemus. Anton also really loves rap, Eminem, for example. And I absolutely can’t listen to it, rap makes me laugh. And I also laugh when Anton begins to imitate Decl, Eminem: he walks around the apartment and says: “Yo, Yo!” We start laughing together. But we have never disagreed about Anton’s repertoire.

“That day, everyone who met our cheerful group asked us to take a photo with them, but not because we were actors in the musical “Metro.” We just looked very cheerful and perky then,” says Anton.

Stamp in the passport

And only three years after the wedding, Anton and Vika decided to enter into an official marriage. And then, this was done solely so that Victoria from Morozova would turn into Makarskaya-Morozova.

“For Anton it was important at that time,” recalls Victoria. - The thing was that I was more popular than Anton then. And at one of the social gatherings, Leon Izmailov came up to us and called Anton Morozov... He just didn’t know that his husband had a different last name. Anton then turned completely white with anger. And I realized: I can’t hesitate any longer. We need to officially register our relationship.”

Before the wedding, Victoria decided to surprise Anton. He thought that she would come to the registry office in jeans, and he himself was also not going to “show off” just to put a stamp in the passport. In secret from Anton, Victoria ordered a limousine and an incredible blue Wedding Dress, which I hid with a friend. In the morning she said: “Antosh, I need to get myself in order, I’ll come straight to the registry office,” and asked her girlfriend to call Anton and tell him to put on a tuxedo.

"For what? “I want to be in a denim suit,” he objected. “And Vika will also wear jeans!” “She’ll wear something decent,” the friend insisted. “They will take photographs of you there for posterity.” And yet she convinced the groom to wear a suit.

What are the most memorable gifts you have received from each other?
Anton: My best gift from fate and from God is Vika!
Victoria: And for me the most the best gift There was a bag from Anton. One day I was walking past a shop window and just looked at a very funny furry handbag. And I moved on because there was no money. I thought Anton didn’t even notice it. And it was a revelation for me that Anton somehow caught my gaze and felt that I liked this thing. And when he gave me this handbag, I just couldn’t believe it. It was very touching.

What are you dreaming about?
Anton: ABOUT football team, in which Vika and my children would play!
Victoria: And I won't even argue with that!

“I came out of the car in a blue cloud of a veil,” recalls Victoria. - When Anton saw it, I thought he would laugh, because I myself have always called the veil a symbol of innocence. But he was happy, hugged me and said: “You are my beauty!”

Family happiness

For two years the family lived in rented apartments, after which they purchased a two-room apartment in Moscow, not far from the Belorusskaya metro station. Victoria was in charge of decorating the apartment.

Anton recently released a solo album. And his girlfriend played a role in the new musical “Perfume”. True, she is not going to pursue a solo career seriously. “For me now, my husband’s career is more important than my own,” says Victoria herself. “So, one might say, the astrologer’s prediction came true.”

But the main thing is that it’s not an apartment or even a job, but the fact that Anton Makarsky and Victoria Morozova still together and still loving each other just like seven years ago.