Starfish. Facts for children

Articles about starfish for children is the best way let them learn about these amazing sea animals.

It's fun to introduce facts about starfish to children as they are always interested in learning new things. The starfish is a kind of organism that can keep children interested and occupied for a long time, as there are at least 2000 species of starfish. known to man. Marine scientists named the starfish Protoreaster Nodosus. Starfish do not have scales, fins or gills, but like other fish they get oxygen from water and they may not swim. For this reason, marine biology does not consider starfish to be fish. The following lines are a list interesting facts about starfish for children preschool age, as well as for those children who want to know more and more about this amazing creature.

Starfish Facts and Information

The sea star looks like a star in the sky and belongs to the sea. Stars can be of different colors and different sizes. The body of starfish has, depending on the species, from 5 to 40 arms. Whoever called them stars may not have known that they could actually walk. If you turn the star on its back, you can see more than 15,000 tube legs. Isn't it funny how the legs are attached to the arms of animals? These legs have suction cups at the end that stick to surfaces to climb or crawl along them. Now let's see some interesting facts about starfish:

  • Stars along with other sea animals such as sea urchins, sea cucumbers, etc. classified according to the phylum of echinoderms of the class Asteroidea.
  • Anyone interested in the anatomy of a starfish can see that their body plan can be described as a central organ and 5 sections located around it. The term "echinoderm" is used for organisms that have spiny skin. The skin on the top side of the star consists of plates of calcium carbonate. The presence of spine-like structures is an attempt to protect starfish from enemies. Fish, sea otters, birds and humans are its natural enemies.
  • The star's tube legs are used to catch food such as shellfish.
  • On average, a starfish grows up to 20 cm in length (from the tip of one hand to the tip of one hand). opposite side body). However, some stars have been recorded to reach 3 meters in length.
  • The starfish has two stomachs and one of them opens like the mouth of a star in the center of the lower part of the body. The mouth can extend beyond the body and open wide to absorb food and then transfer it to the other stomach.
  • Oysters and clams, worms, sea urchins and crustaceans are the food of the starfish.
  • Stars use leg tubes and other tubes that are present on the body to breathe air.
  • One of the interesting facts about starfish is that most of them have the ability to regenerate arms in case they lose one or two as a result of attack by some predators.
  • Each star's arm has special cells that can detect light or darkness.
  • Starfish can be found in all oceans of the world. However, they prefer coastal areas, coral reefs and warm shallow waters.
  • Female stars can lay about 2 million eggs. Of these, the number of eggs laid simultaneously ranges from 1 to 1.3 million. When a starfish egg is fertilized by a male, it becomes a larva. This stage life cycle the starfish lasts for 3 weeks and then begins the transition to its intended starfish form.
  • The amazing thing about starfish is that they can change their gender if necessary. If certain conditions such as temperature, food availability, etc. are favorable, then many male stars change sex and lay eggs to increase their population size.
  • Not all eggs laid turn into stars. Many of them eat fish and other marine animals, preventing uncontrolled population growth.

Global warming and pollution sea ​​water threatens the habitat of this sea ​​creature. Along with the corals, this fantastic sea animal is losing the battle for survival. These were starfish facts for kids that I hope you found helpful.

Mysterious animal - Starfish. First of all, STAR. Where else can you find such a natural configuration? Secondly, for some reason it initially seemed to me that it was some kind of algae or coral. Look at the variety and beauty of these stars! However, look further at the video about how they feed :)

(Total 28 photos)

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1. Starfish are veterans of the seabed; they appeared more than 450 million years ago, ahead of many forms of modern inhabitants of the underwater depths.

2. They belong to the class Echinodermata, being relatives of sea cucumbers, brittle stars, sea ​​lilies, holothurians, sea urchins - currently there are about 1600 species of them, having a star-shaped or pentagonal shape.

4. The starfish, despite its inactivity and the absence of a head as such, has a well-developed nervous and digestive system. Why, exactly, “echinoderms”? It's all about the hard skin of the starfish - on the outside it is covered with short needles or spines. Conventionally, these bizarre creatures can be divided into three groups: ordinary starfish; feather stars, named for their writhing rays (up to 50!), and “fragile” stars that cast off their rays in case of danger.

5. True, it will not be difficult for this animal to grow new ones, and new stars will soon appear from each ray. How is this possible? - Thanks to characteristic feature the structure of the star - each of its rays is structured identically, and contains: two digestive outgrowths of the stomach, performing the function of the liver, a red eyespot at the tip of the ray, protected by a ring of needles, radial bundles of nerves, olfactory organs (they are also suckers and a method of movement), located in a groove on on the ventral side of the papules - skin gills in the form of thin short villi, located on the back and producing gas exchange processes of the genital organs (usually two gonads on each ray); a skeleton consisting of a longitudinal row of vertebrae inside, and hundreds of calcareous plates with spines covering the skin and connected muscles, which not only protects the animal from damage, but also makes its rays very flexible. The bodies of starfish are 80% calcium carbonate.

6. Thus, each ray of a starfish, once separated from its body, is completely viable and quickly regenerates. Well, connected together, the rays form closed systems in the center of the animal: the digestive system passes into the stomach from two sections and opens with a button-shaped disk, which serves as the mouth; bundles of nerves unite into a nerve ring. Main system the starfish, which we deliberately left “for dessert”, is ambulacral. This is the name given to the water-vascular system, which serves the echinoderm simultaneously for respiration, excretion, touch and movement, together with the muscles providing musculoskeletal function. Canals extend from the perioral ring into each ray, from which, in turn, lateral branches lead to hundreds of cylindrical tubes on the surface of the body - ambulacral legs containing special ampoules and ending with suction cups. An opening on the back, called the mandreoporous plate, serves to connect this system to the external aquatic environment.

7. So how does the ambulacral system work? – It is filled with water under slight pressure, which, entering through the mandreoporous plate into the perioral canal, is divided into five ray channels and fills the ampoules at the base of the legs. Their compression, in turn, fills the legs with water and stretches them. In this case, the suckers of the legs are attached to different subjects seabed - and then sharply contract - the ambulacral legs are shortened, and thus the animal’s body moves in smooth jerks.

8. Starfish are voracious predators, although there are exceptions in the form of herbivorous species that feed on algae and plankton. In general, the favorite delicacies of these animals are clams, mussels, oysters, scallops, littorinas, barnacles, reef-forming corals and various invertebrates. The star finds prey by smell. Having discovered a mollusk, it attaches itself with two rays to one shell valve, and the remaining three to the other valve, and a many-hour struggle begins, which the starfish always wins. When the mollusk gets tired and the doors of its home become pliable, the predator opens them and literally throws its stomach onto the victim, turning it outward! By the way, food digestion occurs outside the animal’s body. Some starfish are even capable of digging out prey hiding in the sand.

9. As for reproduction, most starfish are divided into males and females. Fertilization occurs in water, after which free-swimming larvae called brachiolaria are formed. Unlike adult individuals, their structure is subject to the laws of symmetry, and includes a ciliary cord necessary for collecting food particles (exclusively unicellular planktonic algae), stomach, esophagus and hindgut. Usually the larvae swim close adult starfish of the same species - and after several weeks, under the influence of its pheromones, they undergo a metamorphosis: having fixed themselves on the bottom, they turn into tiny (0.5 mm in diameter), but already five-linked starfish. But these babies will be able to give birth only after two or three years. If the larvae serve as species dispersers and drift long distances, they are able to delay their transformation into adults and not settle to the bottom for several months - and they can grow up to nine cm in length. Among the starfish there are also hermaphrodites - they carry their young in a special brood pouch or cavities on their backs.

10. Taking into account the large number of starfish, it is clear that they also influence the growth of populations of species that are hunted. Nobody risks hunting them, since their bodies contain extremely toxic substances– asteriosaponins. Being virtually invulnerable, starfish are at the top of the marine food pyramid and can therefore have a lifespan of up to 30 years. According to scientists, these brightly colored legendary inhabitants of the seas also make a significant contribution to the recycling process carbon dioxide, produced including by industrial facilities on the planet - their share is about 2% CO2, that is, more than 0.1 gigatons of carbon per year, which, you see, is not at all weak for such seemingly small creatures!

It turns out that there are stars not only in the sky, but also under water. And it is worth noting that underwater stars are much more diverse and beautiful than heavenly ones. Not only that - they are also alive! Yes, yes, a starfish is an animal. All species of starfish belong to the class of invertebrate animals and are representatives of the type: “echinoderm”.

The structure of starfish

Based on the name, this creature has a structure similar to the generally accepted image of a star - i.e. five-pointed figure. The body structure of this animal is scientific world called "ambulacral".

Its essence lies in the fact that inside the starfish has channels and cavities in which water is located. By pumping fluid from one part of the body to another, the starfish makes movements. Except interesting shape The animal has prickly spines on its body. The mouth is located in the center of the lower part of the body (abdomen).

The starfish breathes with the help of skin outgrowths, because nature did not provide this creature with gills and lungs. Because of this respiratory features the animal suffers greatly when there is not enough oxygen in the water.

But the starfish can boast of pretty good digestive system, consisting of two gastric pouches, and excellent ability to regenerate.

These creatures vary in size - from the smallest (1.5 cm) to decent (90 cm). A starfish lives for 20 years, and sometimes more.

Distribution on the planet

These wonderful inhabitants of our planet inhabit almost all seas and oceans. They can only live in salt water. Starfish live even in northern waters, despite low temperatures. Although in warm seas there are many more of them.


Mainly, the starfish is a shallow-water animal, although among the representatives of this species there are deep sea inhabitants. Sometimes starfish are found at depths of more than 9000 meters

Animals move along the bottom very slowly - only 10 centimeters per minute. If necessary, the starfish can “pick up speed” and “accelerate” up to 30 centimeters per minute.


Despite natural beauty and attractiveness, the starfish is a real predator. It feeds on worms, mollusks, and small invertebrates. In addition, some stars can eat plankton and detritus.

How do starfish reproduce?

Representatives of this species of invertebrate animals are mostly dioecious. Their gonads are located at the base of their legs (rays). Some starfish may have gonads of both sexes, and sometimes (in individual species) and can even change gender (from male to female).

Mating occurs by connecting rays. During this process, male reproductive cells and eggs are released into the water. As a result of fertilization, after a certain period of time, small larvae are born.

A feature of some representatives of starfish is the ability to reproduce asexually, namely by division! The body of one star is divided into two parts, and each of them begins to develop and grow independently.

Even if you take this animal and divide it into parts with your hands, it will also multiply. Only due to slow growth, one leg (from which the development of a new individual will begin) will for a long time longer than the others.

The name of this starfish speaks for itself - elegant fromia (Fromia elegans)

Do these beautiful underwater creatures have enemies?

Undoubtedly there are, but there are not many of them. They don't really want to large predators get hurt on the thorny thorns of a star.

And the stars themselves, seeing the enemy, try to bury themselves deeper in the sand as quickly as possible. Among natural enemies sea ​​stars are dominated by gulls and sea otters.

Use of starfish by humans

Some species of these invertebrates are eaten by the Chinese, although not often.

These animals are of no further interest to humans, other than aesthetic ones. Perhaps they were created by nature in order to simply admire them and get a lot of positive emotions from it.

Asteria starfish (Asterias rubens) reaches out to a clam

Starfish are amazing sea animals that have different colour, shape and size, although they all resemble a star. Some are smooth, some have spines on the top surface and smooth with reverse side. If you turn the star over, you can see its tube feet. Learn more about these fascinating animals!

1. Starfish are not fish.


Although starfish live underwater, they cannot be called fish. They don't have gills or fins, and they move very differently. Fish move with the help of their tail, and stars move with the help of tiny tube legs that help them move along the bottom.

2. Starfish belong to the echinoderm type of sea animals.


This means that they have something in common with flat sea ​​urchins, common sea urchins and sea cucumbers ( sea ​​cucumber). All echinoderms are star-shaped, that is, their body is divided into five rays located around the center. If you've ever seen a starfish, you know that it has exactly five arms.

3. There are thousands of species of starfish.


About 2000 species of starfish are known. They live in intertidal zones or on great depth, in tropical or cold regions.

4. Not all starfish have five arms.


Although the five-armed starfish is most commonly known, many other species exist. Some of them can have up to 40 rays!

5. Starfish are able to restore severed rays.


If a predator grabs a starfish by the beam, it can throw it away like a lizard's tail and escape from pursuit. Starfish can generate most their vital important organs in the rays. Even from one single remaining ray can grow new star. However, this will take time. For example, one ray grows for about a year.

6. Starfish have a protective coating


Depending on the species, starfish have a rather tough, leathery or needle-like covering consisting of plates of calcium carbonate with tiny spines on the surface. Sea stars use spines to protect themselves from predators, which may include fish, birds and sea otters.

7. Starfish do not have blood.


Instead of blood, they have a water-vascular system. The star pumps water into itself through the surface of its skin, and its legs help distribute it throughout the body.

8. Starfish move using their tube feet.


Starfish move along the seafloor using hundreds of tube feet. These legs are located on their lower part. The legs are filled with water, which the star absorbs from the surface of the body. A starfish can move much faster than you think. If you find yourself on the seashore at low tide or see a large marine aquarium, watch how these animals move. The tube feet also help the starfish hold onto its prey, such as bivalves and mussels.

9. A starfish can throw its stomach out


Starfish hunt in a very unusual way. Their mouth is known to be located in the lower part of the body. They prey on bivalve mollusks and mussels, as well as small fish, snails and barnacles. Starfish wrap their arms around the shell valves and open them, after which they throw their stomach out through their mouth and plunge it inside the shell. Having captured the victim, the stars place the stomach in place along with the victim. This unique opportunity allows the star to eat well, despite the very small size of its mouth.

The underwater world is full of diversity. Among others, special attention is paid to the animals that live on the bottom - starfish. They can be different forms and flowers. To talk about the most interesting types we have created a selection of 10 of the most amazing starfish.

Starfish, ever since their discovery, have fascinated humanity. This is also confirmed by their high importance in some cultures and tribes. Perhaps the most common image of a starfish in art is Patrick from the cartoon about SpongeBob, so these crested ones are considered by many to be exclusively pink in color and perfectly proportional. Of course wild nature much more diverse, it offers other shades and shapes.

Among the most beautiful starfish in the world you will even notice those who would never be classified as such a species by eye. In our country they are very rare, because they prefer to live in warm regions, so interest in exotic creatures is only increasing.

1. Royal starfish (Astropecten articulatus)

The habitat of this species is East Coast North America, where they can be found on the beaches without any problems. Previously, they lived only at a depth of about thirty meters, but now they rise higher and higher to find food and avoid predators. In the main part of the body, dark shades predominate, but the rays are most often red, orange or white. They are usually called “gluttons”; researchers have repeatedly noticed a swollen ball in the very center of the creature, which was a full stomach. Absorbing all the caught plankton whole, it is most often not able to digest it completely, so it spits out the remains.


It is false to believe that one of the most unusual starfish on the planet is exclusively square in shape. This form is seen in only one individual out of ten, but even healthy creatures differ significantly from their relatives. Firstly, their rays are not separated from each other, that is, it looks more like a pentagon than a star. Secondly, their extraordinary thickness and shape are more reminiscent of freshly baked cookies or an ottoman for an armchair, which is why they got their name. The point is that in English language biscuit - means exactly cookies, but domestic translators suggested that “gingerbread starfish” somehow doesn’t sound right.


Before you is not only one of the most beautiful, but also the only poisonous starfish. In addition to its danger to humans, it causes significant damage coral reefs, because they are her favorite food. Voracity allows this predator to destroy two square meters polyps in just one day, enveloping each of them with his body, and then dissolving with poison. The number of rays is usually a multiple of five and ranges from 10 to 25, depending on age; blue, green and purple predominate among the shades. Under no circumstances take it with bare hands– the needles will instantly inject poison, which, in the absence of timely assistance, will cause serious disruption of the nervous system.


When planning to go on vacation to Egypt or Israel, be sure to pay attention to one of the most beautiful starfish on the planet. It is elegant, has an ideal five-pointed shape and an unusual color. Even for inexperienced divers, meeting it will not be a problem: individuals can be found already at a depth of five meters. The most common shades are red and orange, diving deeper you can see completely white or brown individuals. It is absolutely safe for humans, so do not hesitate to touch it with your hands.


This creature got its name due to the perfect combination of two pentagons. The inner one looks like a biscuit star, even has almost identical dimensions, and the outer one has rays and gives the starfish a traditional shape. It does not have a clear range or depth of habitat, but the chance of finding it in Indian Ocean extremely high. The color is dominated by shades of beige and gray, and each ray is fragmented into small squares with veins.


At first glance it looks quite ordinary, but if you take a closer look, you will be able to appreciate the whole variety of colors. The body itself is the same color, but the areas in front of the spines create a significant contrast, and the processes themselves are radically different. The horned star is usually chocolate-colored, but white and orange specimens can also be found. Due to their tiny size and strong skeleton, it is quite difficult for them to feed on their own, because a potential victim can simply swim into a gorge where the star cannot reach. This is precisely what becomes the main reason for the frequent death of representatives of this species in artificial conditions, as well as their love for the destruction of small invertebrate animals responsible for the cleanliness of the aquarium ecosystem.


The most beautiful starfish in the world are sometimes very different from their relatives. This type notable for the fact that it can be found in cold waters around the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Externally, the crossaster more closely resembles an octopus; the sphere, which is the body, is most often bright red, but the rays, the number of which ranges from 8 to 11, are pure white. She holds the record for the fastest movement of her family; young individuals can even cover a meter in a couple of seconds. And the diet is very unusual: most often it is a small fish; there have even been cases of attacks on victims significantly larger than the crossaster in size.


Another representative of our homeland, its habitat is limited to Peter the Great Bay in the Sea of ​​Japan, where at a depth of about thirty meters it can be found everywhere. The rays are perfectly straight and extremely mobile, usually reaching as much as twenty centimeters in length, and their tips are bright orange, which contrasts qualitatively with the predominant white tint. The entire body is covered with needles, which perform two important tasks at once: protection from predators and camouflage, because at such a depth it is quite difficult to distinguish Dystolasteria from stones and algae.


Water Dweller South-East Asia will amaze you with the number of shades present in the color. In the center there is a bright spot, red or purple, the rays are covered with tubercles, the color of which is different and extremely rarely coincides with at least one of the shades present on the fromia. However, aquarists who want to acquire such beauty will have to work hard: it does not react at all to artificial food, so they will have to spend about a year creating living conditions close to natural ones, otherwise the life expectancy of Phromia will be less than a year. True enthusiasts are confident that such a demonstration of a natural wonder is worth the effort.