The Indian state of Goa does not have clearly defined 4 seasons; the whole year here is divided into two seasons: the dry (high) season and the rainy season (monsoon). The dry season in Goa lasts from October to April - this is the best time to holiday in Goa. The rest of the time, this Indian state is flooded with rain. Of course, in Lately It is not uncommon for the season to shift by a month in one direction or the other, so such natural surprises must also be taken into account.

The weather in South and North Goa is the same because this state is not that big: only about 100 km from north to south.

Weather in Goa in season (November to March)

November in Goa is the beginning of the season, so it can still rain quite often. When we lived for 3 weeks in November, we observed rain about three times a week. Most often they walked at night, so they weren’t too stressful. But the sand on the beach will be wet from morning to lunch.

In November, there are still quite often waves, so it will be unsafe on the beaches of Goa on such days with small children.

But you can ride the waves on a body surf

The air temperature during the day is +30+32°C, at night +22°C. Water temperature +27°C.

Based on the high probability of precipitation, many tourists are looking for reviews on the Internet: is it worth going to Goa in November? Our answer is definitely yes! I think this is best month for a holiday in Goa: the weather has already stabilized (rains at night are considered a blessing). At the same time, a lot of tourists have not yet arrived, which is why there is a good chance of finding suitable housing for little money (for example, here is an article about how we). Prices for package tours in November are also not yet high.

Calm sea at sunset


In December, the probability of rain decreases, and usually this month it rains no more than 5-6 times. But it is worth remembering that the weather is an unpredictable thing: there is always the possibility of some kind of stray typhoon. We encountered one such unexpected typhoon, called Okhi, while on vacation in December 2017.

Strong waves and wind: stray typhoon in Goa in December 2017

Rain and wind drove all the tourists away from the beach, and only the ubiquitous Indian cows didn’t care

We arrived in Goa on December 5, and the weather was not pleasant then: daily strong winds that blew away umbrellas on the beach and strong waves, because of which the beach lifeguards did not allow us to go further into the sea than waist-deep.

Rescuers keep an eye on vacationers and do not allow them to go deep into the sea

But a week later this stray typhoon passed, and December in Goa showed itself in all its glory: hot and cloudless.

Average daily air temperature in January +32°C, night +21°C. The water in the sea warms up to +28°C.

The end of December and the beginning of January is the peak tourist season in Goa. Prices in December are already the most touristy. It is almost impossible to rent housing for a reasonable amount: it is all already booked or costs inadequate money. Tours in December are still not too expensive (except for those tours whose dates fall on New Year). For example, we went on a package tour in early December for 104 thousand rubles for three from Samara, and in January the same tour cost 20 thousand more.

Find the best hotels in South Goa with discounts:


January is a great month to travel to Goa. The weather is hot and dry. The probability of rain is almost zero (according to weather service statistics, the amount of precipitation in Goa in January is 0 mm).

Average air temperature in January - +32°C during the day and +19°C at night. Sea water temperature - +26°C.

January is the height of the high season, and in January all Russians have 10 days New Year holidays. All this affects prices: holidays in Goa in January are more expensive than in any other month. Not only are tours from tour operators more expensive: local residents also raise prices for rental housing in January. And plane tickets to India from Russia are starting to cost 30 percent more. Therefore, for independent travelers, a holiday in Goa in January will also cost an order of magnitude more.


February, like January, is the height of the high, dry season. The weather in Goa in February is pleasant: the probability of precipitation is practically reduced to zero.

Average air temperature in January +31°C during the day and +20°C at night. Sea water temperature +26°C.

Since February is high tourist season in Goa, house prices remain high. But compared to the beginning of January, prices for tours and air tickets are slightly reduced.


A good month for a holiday in Goa. The influx of tourists has already decreased significantly, and the weather in Goa in March is still good. Average daily air temperature +35°, night +23°. The sea is warm - the water temperature is on average +27°. There is very little or no rain. Home prices are also falling slightly as demand begins to fall.


April is the last “tourist” month in Goa. As summer approaches, Goa is getting hotter. In April it will no longer be very comfortable to live in rooms without air conditioning, so all these paradise bungalows on the beach turn into a torture chamber. Daytime air temperatures can reach +35°, which is difficult to bear in high humidity. Beach cafes and bungalows are already starting to be dismantled until next season.

Bungalow houses on the beaches of Goa: built for one season

Low season weather (May to October)


For Russians, May is no longer considered tourist month: the real one begins in Russia warm spring, and in Goa the hellish heat begins before +45°C during the day. Considering the almost 90% humidity, not everyone can relax in such a bathhouse. Almost all beach cafes and bungalows have already been dismantled: they are being built on high season every year anew, and before the rainy season they are dismantled.

This is what the bungalows look like after the season

Package tours in May are cheap ( from 21 thousand rubles. for 10 days from Moscow), which may attract few Russian tourists here.

June July August

The summer months are the low season in Goa. Muddy, stormy sea, heavy rains and suffocating humid heat. Also, in summer, cafes and hotels are closed in Goa, because in such conditions there are no tourists here (with rare, rare exceptions).

Something like this often happens in Goa in the summer

Daytime temperatures can reach +40+43°C heat, which with incredible humidity (it rains almost every day) gives you the feeling of a steam room in a Russian bath.


It rains very often, but less than in the summer months. The sea is muddy, with strong waves, rescuers do not allow you to go further than waist-deep. The first tourists are already starting to come to Goa, but there are very few of them, so housing prices are still low. There is still practically no infrastructure on the beaches: cafés and cafés will begin to be built en masse only from the end of October, but you can find a few restaurants. On large beaches like Arambol in the north, shops and stalls are starting to open, but there are very few of them.

But, according to eyewitnesses, there are undeniable advantages to vacationing in Goa in September. For example, the absence of annoying beach vendors, cheap prices and deserted beaches. If you combine these factors with some kind of opportunity to swim in the sea, a pretty good picture emerges.


In October, the first winterers begin to arrive, and the season is officially considered open. Although it still rains quite often in Goa in October (mostly at night), and the sea is still rough. Its humidity is not as noticeable as in summer months, and the temperature begins to drop to “comfortable” +32°C during the day and +24°C at night.

Beach cafes and beach “paradise bungalows” with outdoor amenities are being actively built. More and more shops and benches are opening - tourist life in Goa is being revived at an active pace.

Many tourists strive to go to Goa in October - when there are still very few people visiting Goa, and the infrastructure and weather already fully correspond to tourist demands.

In October you can see it in its full glory. In summer, during the monsoon, it is impossible to get to it due to washed-out roads; in winter, during the dry season, the waterfall becomes less spectacular due to the drying up of rivers.

Road to Dudhsagar waterfall in November. In summer you can’t overcome it even in a jeep

Conversations often begin with a discussion of the weather. So, first of all, we’ll talk about the climate in Goa and the favorable time to visit this wonderful land.

The climate in Goa is tropical and distinct. The tourist season lasts exactly six months: from mid-October to mid-April. It's almost always nice in Goa at this time! Moreover, even during these 6 months the weather is noticeably different.

The most fertile time to visit Goa is almost three months: from November 10 to February 5. During this period, the weather in Goa is incredibly stable and comfortable! For three months there are almost no clouds in the sky. Daytime temperatures are always around 28-30 degrees; night 20-22 degrees. Strong wind, there are no rains, storms or other bad weather at this time of year in Goa. The ocean is calm, clean, transparent, warm, gentle; small waves only sway slightly, without interfering with swimming as much as your heart desires! Water temperature 25-30 degrees.

All those who came to Goa for the first time between mid-November and early February forever believe that Goa is Paradise! I myself belong to them. The fact is that air temperature, humidity, Atmosphere pressure and all other climate indicators at this time of year in Goa are so comfortable that the body never experiences conflict with environment, he always feels good: day and night; on land and in water.

But Paradise lasts exactly a little less than three months: from November 10 to February 5. At other times the weather is not so ideal. I'll tell you more about this.

Second half of October. In October it sets in Goa good weather and the tourist season begins. At the same time, in October there are still showers, the sky is often overcast, and the air is quite hot. Daytime temperature - 32-34 in the shade; at night - 30-32 degrees.

November. Until about November 10th it is still a bit hot. By the way, I am writing these lines on November 6th. The thermometer outside the window shows 32 degrees. At night, its scale does not drop below 29. It’s hot!

From February 6th. Coming strong winds. Waves constantly flow across the surface of the ocean: small but disturbing, sometimes larger, but still not dangerous for swimmers. At this time, sky surfers appear on the beaches of Goa, for whom wind and waves are the ideal combination.

After a period of strong winds, in the second half of February the temperature rises and becomes hot during the day.

March. In India summer time different from Russian. Summer in India is March, April and May. March is the first month Indian summer. As you might guess, summers in the tropics are hot. Goa in this sense compares favorably with many other places in India. And yet Goa is part of India. Daytime temperatures in March are 32-34 degrees in the shade. At night - 28-30 degrees. There are still no clouds in the sky! The sun becomes more active.

April. Everything is like in March, but the heat is intensifying. During the day - 34-36 degrees in the shade, at night - 30-32 degrees. However, many tourists from Russia do not even notice that it is hot in Goa in March or April. They say that after cold winter Goan summer is just right in Russia! There is definitely nothing critical. You can swim and sunbathe. The main thing is not to spend time in the open sun from 12 to 16 hours.

May. Everything is like in April, but the heat intensifies even more. During the day 36-40 degrees, at night - 32-34. It's almost impossible to sleep without air conditioning this month: it's very hot!

June. The sky is overcast. The sun disappears for 4 months. The monsoon begins. Streams of water fall from heaven to earth, as if from armored boats. Water floods everything around. For weeks it is impossible to even leave the house. The heat is replaced by freshness.

July. Water falls from the sky in full force. Water streams wash away all the dirt and garbage accumulated by Goans and tourists into the ocean. There are almost no beaches anywhere in June, July and August. They are flooded dirty water rivers, lakes and rain mixed with the ocean. They form a mess, which is very dangerous to enter! The sun is thermonuclearly active at this time of year. If it peeks out from behind the clouds, you need to hide from it so as not to get burned. But the sun rarely appears in July!

August. Goa is still deserted, there are almost no tourists. From June to September, almost all restaurants, hotels, guest houses and discos are closed in Goa. The sun is not visible behind the clouds. It's raining. It's stuffy. The beaches are littered with an incredible amount of dirt and look like garbage dumps. At this time of year, no one would call Goa Heaven, rather hell!

September. Showers are still very heavy! Sometimes it pours from the sky like a bucket, without stopping, for four days. People sometimes can’t even go out to the store because streams of water knock down their motorcycles and knock them down. Casual tourists have absolutely nothing to do in September except sit in their rooms and swat mosquitoes on themselves.

First half of October. Munsun (rainy season) is ending. The sky clears up at times and the sun comes out. After abundant watering, all vegetation in Goa becomes a lush, bright green color. The nature of the tropics blooms with vibrant colors. Goa is ripe for the new tourist season!

What's the weather like in Goa? When is the best time to go:

Indian state of Goa, like most Asian coastal areas, is subject to the influence of monsoons. When planning a trip to Goa, so that your holiday is not overshadowed, you should familiarize yourself with the weather and best time for visits.


In May, the tourist season comes to an end. The last cafes are closing. The sea is becoming rough. If the beginning of May in Goa still leaves some hope for beach holiday, but from mid-May the weather worsens significantly. At the same time, the weather is hot, reaching +35 degrees.


The rainy season begins in Goa in June. The number of cloudy days is compared with the number of sunny days. The weather becomes very humid.


July in Goa is very windy and rainy. This time of year sees maximum rainfall. It rains almost every day. Humidity is approaching 90%.


In August, the monsoon season in Goa begins to subside a little and the endless rains are replaced by cloudy days. Humidity decreases slightly. The winds are still strong. Daytime temperatures are about +29 degrees, at night around +25°C.


September in Goa is still cloudy. During the day the weather reaches 31 degrees, at night it is slightly cooler than in August. As October approaches, there is less rain, and sunny days more.

The length of the day in Goa does not fluctuate much, unlike Russia. In summer it is twelve hours, in winter - eleven. Therefore, tourists will have enough time not only for swimming in the sea, but also for sightseeing.

Goa is the smallest Indian state, but at the same time the most popular among tourists. From November to the end of March it is densely populated by visitors. But closer to mid-April, travelers leave. The thing is that the climate in this part of India is subequatorial. The dry and wet seasons are very distinct. From mid-April, and sometimes even from the first days of April, it begins to rain. And if the first few days the precipitation comes intermittently, and sometimes the sun comes out, then starting in May it rains almost around the clock.

During the monsoons, the temperature remains quite high - in May it reaches 33-35 degrees. Water spilled from above actively evaporates, which ensures constant high humidity. It is not at all comfortable to vacation in Goa at this time. Not only that, rain can start suddenly, catching travelers on the road or on the beach. Due to high humidity, mold begins to form in the premises, which often affects not only the walls, but also clothing. Things in such conditions always remain a little wet and quickly deteriorate.

Goa is a former Portuguese colony in India. In this state you can see abandoned forts with old guns, Catholic churches, houses of European architecture. This makes Goa very different from other Indian states.

Precipitation increases sharply in June - 868.2 mm compared to 112.7 mm in May. Maximum amount precipitation falls in July - 994.8 mm. Then their number gradually decreases. In August it is already 512.7 mm, in - 251.9, in October - 124.8. The monsoons stop abruptly, and in November the amount of precipitation does not exceed 30.9 mm. Rains during this period are rare, perceived local residents like an anomaly.

When is the best time to go to Goa?

The sunniest months in Goa are January and February. They are also optimal for visiting this Indian state. By this time, not a trace remains of the effects of the monsoons. All hotels and guesthouses have been put in order, walls have been cleaned of mold, and washed-out roads have been restored. Goa is becoming a cozy and comfortable place to relax. By the end of December, the water in the sea warms up to a maximum of 28-29 degrees. And it remains like this throughout the winter months.

If you want to visit one of the exotic and Europeanized resorts of India, enjoy sandy beaches in the Bounty style, swim in the clean and transparent sea, have fun at exciting parties and do inexpensive shopping, then you need to go to Goa.

Tourist holiday season

Holidays in Goa can be very different, since it is designed both for wealthy tourists, fans of a luxurious beach holiday, with a place of settlement in the south of the region, and for undemanding people, lovers of youth parties, who prefer the north of the resort.

South Goa and North Goa are complete opposites, both in its concept and in the cost of tours. And this is the beauty of this resort, as it can offer a varied holiday for tourists with different income levels.

When is the high season for holidays in Goa?

Many tourists are interested in the question: when is the best time to vacation in Goa? Starting from December, the weather is starting to get better and Dabolim airport is working in enhanced mode. Every day several regular and charter flights arrive here from various countries peace. It is in November that the full-fledged tourist season begins and “ southern tourists» lie on the golden beaches of the resort, covered with an even tan. And adherents of the north are rocking it at another club trance party.

Russian tourists fell in love with Goa so much that family holiday became permanent here, and many resorts turned into “Russian settlements.” Recently, travel companies have noted a high percentage of growth in interest in Goa married couples with kids. And this was influenced by the opening of a large number of hotels with an all-inclusive system of a high European level. The child will be able to get an unforgettable experience here during the beach and excursion season.

But also youth holidays for two are no less popular, since New Year's tours are sold out several months before the holiday, although their cost is quite high and the price will not decrease in 2018. But if you need a cheap holiday in Goa, then you need to take a chance and fly to the island from May to September at the beginning of the low season.

In May, the number of tourists in the north of the resort begins to decrease, and hotels in the south become empty. The weather is deteriorating sharply, there is suffocating heat outside, and rain pours from the sky every day and this is a big disadvantage of vacation at this time of year. A beach holiday is almost impossible, since the water in the Arabian Sea is too “hot” and very often they roll in big waves. Tours at this time are not in demand, so they are quite cheap, this also applies to the cost of air tickets and accommodation, and to travel by taxi or public transport to Goa.

Beach holidays in Goa

Where is the best place to relax in Goa (India) to avoid getting caught? bad weather and waves? Wide tropical beaches in the southern part of the resort attract a large number of lovers of a good beach holiday. All year round the water in the ocean does not drop below +25°C, but the main swimming holiday lasts only from November to March during the dry season, when the climate stabilizes and the rainy season ends.

If you are going on a beach holiday in Goa, then you need to know its secrets and features: these are the morning low tides and the evening high tides.

Every tourist should know the exact tide schedule and usually their schedule hangs on information boards in every hotel. Basically, the water drop in the ocean is about two meters. During the summer months, swimming is great danger, since at this time there are strong undercurrents and large waves in the ocean, which can carry a person far from the shore in a few minutes. also in low season the water becomes cloudy, and swimming in it (especially for children) is not very pleasant.

Excursion holidays

When to go to Goa so that you can see all the sights of this resort, and at the same time the weather is quite comfortable? This Indian resort is not only about beaches and entertainment. Although this is a small state, it is very ancient. You can go on a tour of the historical monuments of old Goa, colonial architectural sites of Margao and Panaji, Mapusa temples, etc.

Also, the most popular excursion programs are night tours North Goa, a trip to the Savoy spice garden and a cruise on the ocean liner “Gold of Vasco da Gama”. Best period to get acquainted with historical and cultural attractions - this is from October to March.

Tourists should definitely visit such a place as the beautiful Dudhsagar waterfall.

Also, together with excursion programs, many wealthy tourists decide to improve their health and therefore try new complex Ayurvedic health procedures, which are carried out according to ancient Indian medical systems. Ayurveda is taking over everything lately. larger number its adherents from various countries of the world and India is one of those countries where they are very actively practicing this method treatment of various diseases.

The best time for healing in specialized SPA hotels is wet summer season. Usually effective treatment is about 2–3 weeks.

The advantages of a holiday in Goa are the combination of a beach, sightseeing and health holiday.