We are accustomed to the fact that on major holidays Moscow parades and festivities are not overshadowed bad weather. The technology for local weather improvement is well developed today, although the history of this trend goes back centuries.

Everything depends on the weather

Any news includes a weather forecast, too much depends on it. Our ancestors prayed for rain and tried to make the clouds rain by ringing bells. With the advent of artillery, they began to shoot at clouds carrying hail in order to save the harvest. But the success of these attempts was unpredictable: sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. Modern science I learned to control the weather, at least locally. Many are interested in the question of whether they are actually doing this over Moscow? Is it possible in any other place? Isn't this harmful? Doesn't this deteriorate the climate in neighboring areas?

Ahead of the rest of the planet

Russian researchers have learned to control the weather better than others. Foreign countries only adopt domestic experience. The issue of weather control was closely addressed in the Soviet Union in the 40-50s of the last century. At first, the dispersal of clouds was purely utilitarian in nature: in the spirit of that time, they wanted to make the sky pour over agricultural land. The work went well, and weather control ceased to be a utopia.

The accumulated knowledge came in handy later during the Chernobyl disaster. The goal of the scientists was to save the Dnieper from radioactive contamination. The attempt was successful. If it were not for the efforts of scientists and military personnel, the size of the disaster would have been much greater.

How are the clouds clearing over Moscow today? In general, the same as 60 years ago.

Cloud acceleration technology

The first step is to establish how far from the right place there are rain clouds. Required accurate forecast 48 hours before the expected time, for example, before the parade. Then the composition and characteristics of the clouds are studied: each of them requires its own reagent.

The meaning of the technology is that a reagent is placed in the center of the cloud, onto which moisture sticks. When the amount of concentrated moisture becomes critical, it begins to rain. The cloud is shed before the place where the cloud was directed along the air currents.

The following substances are used as reagents:

  • dry ice (carbon dioxide) in granules;
  • silver iodide;
  • a liquid nitrogen;
  • cement.

How do clouds clear over Moscow?

To do this, clouds are processed at a distance of 50 or 100 km from the place where rain is not needed.

Used for stratus clouds closest to the ground. This composition is poured onto the clouds at an altitude of several thousand meters. Special navigation is applied and processed clouds are marked to prevent re-exposure.

The nimbostratus clouds located above receive liquid nitrogen, or rather crystals of its vapor. Special high-capacity ones are installed on airplanes and sprayed above the cloud. This is how clouds are dispersed in Moscow using the well-known chemistry.

Silver iodide is placed in special weather cartridges and fired at high rain clouds. These dense clouds consist of ice crystals and their lifetime does not exceed 4 hours. Chemical structure Silver iodide is very similar to ice crystals. Once caught in a rain cloud, pockets of condensation quickly form around it, and rain soon begins to fall. At the same time, there may be a thunderstorm or even hail, this is the property of these clouds.

However, this is an incomplete answer to the question of how the clouds clear over Moscow. Sometimes dry cement is used. The cement package (standard paper bag) is attached to a hook. Impact air flow gradually tears the paper, and the cement is gradually blown out. It combines with water and drops fall to the ground. Cement is used to treat air to stop cloud formation.

Is it harmful to disperse clouds?

This issue is constantly discussed by residents of regions bordering the Moscow region, especially the Smolensk region. The logic is simple: just as the clouds disperse over Moscow on May 9, it rains endlessly.

It would seem that the reagents cannot do much harm; these substances have been well studied for a long time. However, to disperse clouds, up to 50 tons of reagents are used at a time. To date, there are no studies that could prove or disprove the harm caused to nature. Environmentalists claim that the chronology of precipitation is being disrupted, and that’s all.

There have even been lawsuits for moral damages, but not a single claim has been satisfied yet. The dissatisfaction of residents of the Moscow region can be explained very simply: they feel like unequal citizens. Residents of cities and towns surrounding Moscow are forced to spend all more or less significant holidays with rain, even if there was no precipitation according to the forecast.

At the same time, people recognize that clearing clouds is simply necessary in the event of a threat to crops or housing, when a hurricane or hail is expected. U large number Residents are disgusted by the way the clouds are cleared away in Moscow on holidays, because their same holiday turns out to be completely ruined.

good, sunny weather V last years certainly accompanies all major capital holidays. Now you can “order” the weather. Clouds easily disperse and unfavorable weather conditions do not spoil the holiday. Today, May 8, aviation began shaping the weather over Moscow: At the Ramenskoye and Chkalovsky airfields near Moscow, specialists from the Russian Air Force and the Roshydromet Atmospheric Technologies Agency began loading aircraft with reagents.

First attempts to make good weather were undertaken back in the Soviet Union, and today Russian service It is considered the best in the world for cloud acceleration. Other countries are just taking our experience into account.

Creation technique favorable conditions weather technology began to be widely used in 1995. Early morning aerial reconnaissance clarifies the situation, then planes take off from one of the airfields near Moscow. Dry ice is sprayed against the stratus forms of the lower cloud layer from a height of several thousand meters, and liquid nitrogen is sprayed against the nimbostratus clouds. The most powerful rain clouds are bombarded with silver iodide, which is filled with weather cartridges. Once in the clouds, the reagent particles concentrate moisture around themselves, “pulling” water from the clouds. As a result, over the area where dry ice or silver iodide is sprayed, heavy rain. On the way to Moscow the clouds clear.

The cost of such flights can reach several million rubles. According to rough estimates, one event to create good weather costs the city treasury a total of 2.5 million dollars.

Nevertheless, Muscovites will apparently celebrate Victory Day under umbrellas: although weather forecasters promise warm weather, but do not rule out rain and, in some places, thunderstorms. “Short-term, local rains are expected in the capital on May 9 in the afternoon; the dispersion of clouds will not significantly affect the air temperature,” said Dmitry Kiktev, deputy director for science of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia.

The head of the public environmental organization Ecodefense, Vladimir Slivyak, is confident that “the artificial removal of natural precipitation over Moscow often leads to the fact that rain can pour in buckets for a very long time.” This happens when the air humidity changes sharply, and the direction of movement also changes. air fronts. This picture was observed after the clouds cleared over Moscow in honor of Russian Independence Day - June 12, 2005.

According to meteorologists themselves, all the talk about the negative aftereffects of reagents has no basis. Head of Department active influences Roshydromet Valery Stasenko says: “The conclusions of ecologists regarding the fact that rainy weather is a consequence of our activities, this is nothing more than speculation. We know the periods of existence of clouds, we know the patterns of precipitation and formation."

The reagent exists in the atmosphere for less than a day. After entering the cloud, it is washed out of it along with precipitation, meteorologists are sure.

Coordinator climate program Russian branch of the World Fund wildlife Alexey Kokorin also stated that dispersing clouds using reagents does not threaten the environment. “Dispersing clouds with the help of reagents can affect the weather, but this is a local effect - the rain that will fall on Moscow after using reagents will occur somewhere in the region. But for the climate as a whole, flora and fauna there is nothing terrible,” he said Kokorin.

In the early morning of May 8, there was excitement at the Chkalovsky airfield in the Moscow region. The boards were prepared for the flight, which were supposed to provide cloudless skies on the day of the Victory Parade. I had no idea how to do this before, so I decided to sacrifice sleep and went to look.

Employees of the press service of the Russian Air Force and a small group of journalists: we are moving to the sites where there are aircraft that will carry out meteorological control and, if necessary, release reagents to eliminate cloudiness.

In total, up to 10 An-12 and An-26 transport aircraft are involved in the work to ensure favorable weather conditions.

While we were waiting for the action to begin, I went to climb around the plane.

Entrance to the cabin. Crew humor.

The An-12 first took off in 1957. Mass-produced until 1973. So everything here is “old school”, no fancy LCD screens.

Navigator's cabin. Probably the one here best review. I have long dreamed of filming from such a cabin in flight...

PIC location.

The dashboard is high, because of it little is visible even to a person tall. In other words, there is a navigator for this.

Flight engineer's seat?

Guess what it is.

Oxygen cylinders: the plane takes off to an altitude of up to 9000 meters, some reagents are released through an open hatch, while the crew uses oxygen masks.

Former gunner's cabin. The An-12 was originally a military transport aircraft.

Navigator's cabin.

An-26 cockpit.

Finally, movement began: a truck drove up to one of the planes and they began to unload something from there.

These were cylinders with liquid nitrogen, one of the reagents used to disperse clouds.

The cylinder is connected to a “fine ice particle generator.” A spray tube is installed outside the side. Under pressure, a stream of deeply cooled air is ejected through it, with a temperature of -90°C, the moisture from which the cloud consists of crystallizes and falls out in the form of precipitation.

Next, boxes of cement powder are loaded. They are thrown out high altitude manually over an area of ​​vertical cumulus clouds.

When falling, such a box opens and the cement contained in them, crumbling, performs two functions: firstly, it creates a force opposite to the rising air currents, due to which such clouds develop upward, and secondly, the particles of this powder collect moisture, become heavier and carry drops of water with them , causing precipitation and thus destroying the cloud.

This method is used not only against “high” cumulus clouds, but also against so-called warm ones: liquid nitrogen is ineffective at temperatures environment above -0.5°C.

Clouds can not only be made to rain. If you overdo it with reagents, they will last longer than usual. Sometimes they do this if there is a risk that during acceleration precipitation will occur exactly where it is not necessary, but there is a greater likelihood that the wind will carry the clouds oversaturated with reagents away from the “protected” territory.

After loading, the gas station attendants arrived.

Airplanes can stay in the air for up to 9 hours.

The weather did not foretell precipitation, but several reconnaissance aircraft still had to be in the air on May 9 in order to eliminate even the slightest chance of precipitation before the fireworks display.

Does everyone know how the clouds clear over Moscow?

We are accustomed to the fact that on major holidays, Moscow parades and festivities are not marred by bad weather. The technology for local weather improvement is well developed today, although the history of this trend goes back centuries.

Everything depends on the weather!
Any news includes a weather forecast, too much depends on it. Our ancestors prayed for rain and tried to make the clouds rain by ringing bells. With the advent of artillery, they began to shoot at clouds carrying hail in order to save the harvest. But the success of these attempts was unpredictable: sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. Modern science has learned to control the weather, at least locally. Many people are interested in the question of how they disperse the clouds over Moscow and whether they actually do it? Is it possible to disperse clouds in any other place? Isn't this harmful? Doesn't this deteriorate the climate in neighboring areas?

Ahead of the entire planet!
Russian researchers have learned to control the weather better than others. Foreign countries are only adopting domestic experience. The issue of weather control was closely addressed in the Soviet Union in the 40-50s of the last century. At first, the dispersal of clouds was purely utilitarian in nature: in the spirit of that time, they wanted to make the sky pour over agricultural land. The work went well, and weather control ceased to be a utopia. The accumulated knowledge came in handy later during the Chernobyl disaster. The goal of the scientists was to save the Dnieper from radioactive contamination. The attempt was successful. If it were not for the efforts of scientists and military personnel, the size of the disaster would have been much greater.
How are the clouds clearing over Moscow today? In general, the same as 60 years ago.

Cloud acceleration technology.
The first step is to determine how far the rain clouds are from the desired location. An accurate forecast is needed 48 hours before the expected time, for example, before the parade. Then the composition and characteristics of the clouds are studied: each of them requires its own reagent. The meaning of the technology is that a reagent is placed in the center of the cloud, onto which moisture sticks. When the amount of concentrated moisture becomes critical, it begins to rain. The cloud is shed before the place where the cloud was directed along the air currents.

The following substances are used as reagents: dry ice (carbon dioxide) in granules; silver iodide; a liquid nitrogen; cement.

How do clouds clear over Moscow?
To do this, clouds are processed at a distance of 50 or 100 km from the place where rain is not needed. Dry ice is used for stratus clouds that are closest to the ground. This composition is poured onto the clouds at an altitude of several thousand meters. Special navigation is applied and processed clouds are marked to prevent re-exposure. The nimbostratus clouds located above receive liquid nitrogen, or rather crystals of its vapor. Special large-capacity Dewar flasks are installed on airplanes, and liquid nitrogen is sprayed over the cloud. This is how clouds are dispersed in Moscow using the well-known chemistry.

Silver iodide is placed in special weather cartridges and fired at high rain clouds. These dense clouds consist of ice crystals and their lifetime does not exceed 4 hours. The chemical structure of silver iodide is very similar to ice crystals. Once caught in a rain cloud, pockets of condensation quickly form around it, and rain soon begins to fall. At the same time, there may be a thunderstorm or even hail, this is the property of these clouds.
However, this is an incomplete answer to the question of how the clouds clear over Moscow. Sometimes dry cement is used. The cement package (standard paper bag) is attached to a hook. The impact of the air flow gradually breaks the paper, and the cement is gradually blown out. It combines with water and drops fall to the ground. Cement is used to treat rising air currents to stop cloud formation.

Is it harmful to disperse clouds?
This issue is constantly discussed by residents of regions bordering the Moscow region, especially the Smolensk region. The logic is simple: just as the clouds disperse over Moscow on May 9, it rains endlessly. It would seem that the reagents cannot do much harm; these substances have been well studied for a long time. However, to disperse clouds, up to 50 tons of reagents are used at a time. To date, there are no studies that could prove or disprove the harm caused to nature. Environmentalists claim that the chronology of precipitation is being disrupted, and that’s all.

There have even been lawsuits for moral damages, but not a single claim has been satisfied yet. The dissatisfaction of residents of the Moscow region can be explained very simply: they feel like unequal citizens. Residents of cities and towns surrounding Moscow are forced to spend all more or less significant holidays with rain, even if there was no precipitation according to the forecast. At the same time, people recognize that clearing clouds is simply necessary in the event of a threat to crops or housing, when a hurricane or hail is expected. A large number of residents are disgusted by the way the clouds are dispersed in Moscow on holidays, because their same holiday turns out to be completely ruined.

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