"Undersea world"
Elves, fish and small animals live in the underwater world. They visit each other every day. When visiting, they play, fly around the room, run on the ceilings. One day an elf wanted to fly to the moon, and the next day they flew to it on their wings. The elves arrived and met the aliens. The elves invited them to visit. When the elves returned to their home, a great feast began, and they lived happily ever after.
Lisimenko Danil.
4th grade, school No. 1

"Undersea world"

Once upon a time there were frogs and they spoke the other way around. They slept in small, comfortable bubbles. The inhabitants of this country were different: fish that could sing, octopuses that played the piano, googly eyes (these are sea urchins with big eyes) and Morchiki with their pets. Morchiki are little people. They have different pets. Some have turtles, some have jellyfish, and some have the most dangerous animals: sharks!!! This city also has taxis (these are stingrays) and treasures!
Anastasia Dobrotina
4b grade school No. 1

"Undersea world"

Frogs, fish and harmful leech live in the underwater world. One day the king's son and the frog's son went for a walk and found a meadow. Seeing the meadow, they took their ball and began to play. As they were playing, the ball hit the glass. It's good that it didn't break! But a harmful leech came out of the house and began to swear. The children felt ashamed, because they didn’t do it on purpose! They are gone. The dads saw them and calmed them down. They explained everything to the children. Then we went to the harmful leech. Seeing the leech, the dads began to explain to her that it was forbidden to swear at children. The leech understood everything, decided to stop being harmful and apologized. Everyone lived happily.
Happless Diana
4b grade, school No. 1.

"The Tale of undersea world»

Two friends lived in the same sea, whose houses were nearby. They never quarreled! One lived in algae, and the other in corals. They decided to swim into the underwater desert and suddenly they saw there a large whale that their mother had told them about. He was big, but didn't eat fish at all. He was also very kind. Two fish dreamed of meeting him. He was their idol. Two months passed and two fish walked with the whale. The three of them were friends! And every day they drank tea and pies at the whale's.
Tarasova Nastya
4b grade school No. 6

"Undersea world"

In the underwater world live pongs, burgs, malysalds, bolds and other creatures. They live in small houses that were high on the algae. If they want to visit each other, they move around in bubbles to do so. One day, when Pong wanted to visit Maml, a nasty, angry and always dissatisfied leech appeared. When the pong was floating home in a bubble, the leech took and pierced the bubble. Pong immediately guessed that it was a leech. Pong waited for the leech at the house, and when the evil one swam up to the house, Pong immediately caught it. Pong talked to the leech, and after this conversation she became more cheerful because she felt ashamed


He lives at the very bottom
On terrible depths -
Goes to sea without boots
Octopus Kalmarych Octopus!
(G. Kruzhkov)
Octopuses do not have a hard skeleton. Its soft body has no bones and can bend freely in different directions. The octopus was named so because eight limbs extend from its short body. They have two rows of large suction cups, which the octopus can use to hold prey or attach to rocks at the bottom.
Octopuses live near the bottom, hiding in crevices between rocks or in underwater caves. They have the ability to change color very quickly and become the same color as the ground.
The only one hard part Octopus bodies have horny jaws similar to beaks. Octopuses are true predators. At night they get out of their hiding places and go hunting. Octopuses can not only swim, but also move along the bottom by rearranging their tentacles. The usual prey of octopuses are shrimp, lobsters, crabs and fish, which they paralyze with poison from salivary glands. With their beak they can break even the strong shells of crabs and crayfish or shells of mollusks. Octopuses take their prey to a shelter, where they slowly eat it. Among octopuses there are very poisonous ones, the bite of which can be fatal even to humans.
Octopuses often build shelters from stones or shells, using their tentacles like hands. Octopuses guard their home and can easily find it even if they have gone far away. For a long time, people have been afraid of octopuses (octopuses, as they called them), writing terrible legends about them. The ancient Roman scientist Pliny the Elder talked about a giant octopus - polypus, which stole fishing catches. Every night the octopus climbed onto the shore and ate the fish lying in the baskets. The dogs, smelling the octopus, started barking. The fishermen who came running saw the octopus defending itself from the dogs with its huge tentacles. The fishermen had difficulty coping with the octopus. When the giant was measured, it turned out that its tentacles reached a length of 10 meters, and its weight was about 300 kilograms.
Don't you know me?
I live at the bottom of the sea,
Head and eight legs -
That's all I am... (octopus).


A star fell from the sky,
She fell into the ocean.
And now there all year round
Slowly crawling along the bottom.
(V. Moroz)
The starfish is a predator that lives on the ocean floor. Typically these animals are shaped like a star with five rays. Brightly colored sea stars crawl slowly along the bottom or burrow into the mud. They feed on mollusks, sea cucumbers, brittle stars and sea ​​urchins. mouth starfish located on the underside of the body, therefore, in order to eat prey, the starfish crawls on top of it.
Starfish have the amazing ability to open the shells of oysters or mussels with their strong rays. Some stars don't even need to open their shells completely. They turn their stomach inside out through their mouth and push it into the hole in the shell. The shellfish is digested right in the shell. Having digested the prey, the star retracts its stomach.
In case of danger, starfish, like lizards, can throw away part of their body. But a new lizard will not grow from a discarded tail. In a starfish, on the contrary, a new animal grows from any part of its body. Scientists conducted experiments - they cut a starfish into several parts. After some time, each part turned into a starfish.
Starfish are relatives of sea urchins. The starfish Asterias even has a calcareous skeleton, and small needles stick out from under the skin. Another species of starfish, accancasters, look like sea urchins - their arms and backs are covered with long and poisonous thorns. Accancasters cause great damage to coral colonies by eating them.
Some starfish feed on their relatives. For example, crossasters. These huge starfish have 12 arms and grow to almost half a meter in diameter. They are able to move quickly along the bottom and catch up with slower starfish. Crossasters themselves may feel safe because they have poisonous bodies.


Like a cactus on the window
The sea urchin grows on the bottom.
A flounder swam by
I poured some water on him.
(Yu. Parfenov)
It turns out that hedgehogs live not only on land. There are also sea urchins. They are not related land urchins, but belong to the class of invertebrate animals such as echinoderms.
The outside of the sea urchin's body is covered with a shell from which numerous spines protrude. The needles are very thin and sharp, with serrations at their ends. If such a needle sticks into a person’s skin, it is very difficult to remove it. Sea urchins are poisonous, and if injected, a person will feel a burning pain.
With the help of needles, sea urchins not only protect themselves from enemies, but also move, as if on stilts, along the seabed. The spear-bearing sea urchin moves at high speed, one might even say that it does not walk, but runs.
Small fish use sea urchin spines for protection. They make themselves a safe hiding place between the needles. In gratitude for the fact that the hedgehog protects them, the fish clean its shell. These fish acquire the same color as the color of their “host” - the sea urchin. At night, the fish leave their shelter for a short time, and in case of danger they hide again between the needles.
Despite their terrifying appearance, sea urchins are often defenseless. Their main enemy is starfish. They can stick their stomach between the needles and digest the hedgehog from the outside.
Large snails living in the Mediterranean Sea have invented an unusual way of hunting sea urchins. They spit on their prey! The saliva of these snails contains hydrochloric acid, which paralyzes the hedgehog and corrodes its shell.
Some predatory fish They release a strong stream of water into the hedgehog from their mouth. The sea urchin turns over with its unprotected belly up and becomes easy prey.
Looks like a prickly ball
Lives deep at the bottom.
(Sea urchin)


Transparent jellyfish
Floats quietly.
If you touch a jellyfish -
It'll burn you like an electric shock!
(N. Migunova)
Jellyfish are close relatives of sea anemones and corals. Unlike these animals, they do not spend their entire lives attached to rocks, but rather swim freely in the sea.
Jellyfish have a translucent, umbrella- or bell-shaped body, similar to jelly. These animals swim by rhythmically contracting their umbrella and pushing water out from under it. They capture prey using tentacles.
The tentacles of jellyfish contain stinging cells that can burn the enemy or even paralyze him. The venom contained in the stinging cells of the small cross jellyfish can cause fatal burns in humans.
Other jellyfish are also dangerous to humans, sea ​​wasp. It looks like an inverted deep bowl, from which twenty tentacles 10 meters long stretch down. They contain a large number of poison.
Jellyfish feed on plankton, small crustaceans and fish.
There are jellyfish different sizes, from a few millimeters to several meters. IN northern seas The largest one is the polar jellyfish. The length of its tentacles reaches 30 meters, and the diameter is two meters.
Jellyfish about the sea
Writes poetry
But only about this
Nobody will know
She has no hands
To hold a pen,
She has no mouth
To read out loud.
The jellyfish composes for herself,
Her silent muse is sad.
(I. Zhukov)
Jellyfish live not only on the surface of the ocean, but also in sea ​​depths. Deep sea jellyfish capable of glowing in the dark. They float towards the light of this living lantern small crustaceans, right into the tentacles of the insidious jellyfish.
Other jellyfish are also glowing. The umbrella and tentacles of the pelagia jellyfish glow with a yellow-orange light. If many Equiorian jellyfish living off the Pacific coast of America rise to the surface, it seems that the whole sea is burning with red fire.

The little sea bass went for a walk. He played a little with his friends and decided to swim away from home, because everything here was familiar and had become boring.

The perch swam and explored the underwater world, at the same time saying hello to the sea inhabitants swimming past him. Cheerful sea turtles swim past and nod to the perch. Perch knew that he would be friends with turtles for a very long time, because turtles live for many years, just like sea ​​bass. They can live even longer than humans.

But his friend is Aunt Mackerel. She went on a journey again. Mackerel lives only in warm water, so it always swims to other shores for the winter. Their sea is too cool for her in winter. Aunt Mackerel waved her fin at the perch and released a couple of welcome bubbles in his direction - Glug-Glug!

Glug-glug! - the small perch answered her and swam further.

Perch spotted at the bottom sea ​​ruffe. Its upper fin consisted of spines. Ruff did not swim anywhere, but hid at the bottom and waited for his breakfast. The little perch knew that the poison that was in the spines of the ruffe was used only when defending itself... and the perch itself had fins covered with needles that contained poison, so the baby was not afraid of it.

And then the perch saw his best friend! True, his friend was not a fish... he was a mollusk - an octopus!

Hello! - the octopus gurgled.

Hello, dear friend! - the perch gurgled in response.

He always called his friend that. And it was not without reason! After all, the octopus had three hearts! Also, his blood was blue!

Suddenly, the friends noticed some suspicious revival around them. All Marine life rushed in all directions.

Shark! - guessed the perch's smart friend - the octopus. And then they saw a mass with gigantic jaws approaching them.

The octopus and the perch rushed away from the shark, but it was stronger and faster than them. The jaws were very close to their friends, another second - and they would end up in the belly of the monster!

And then the octopus released an ink stain into the water - right into the shark’s eye! The predator thought at the spot that this was prey, and closed its jaws on it! This time was enough for the friends to hide.

The shark swam past the stone several times, behind which his friends were hiding, but did not notice them and swam away with nothing!

Hurray!! – the perch gurgled joyfully, “The danger is behind us!”

But then he noticed that his friend was missing one tentacle! When he released an ink blot to distract the shark, it still managed to grab him!

The perch swam up to his friend - What to do now? How are you without a tentacle?

This is bullshit! - the octopus gurgled. - It will grow back on me!

That's great! – the perch was delighted. - But with us, with perches, this doesn’t happen... if you’ve lost something, then it’s forever! Maybe we can go home? Otherwise, my mother is probably already tired of waiting for me! It’s almost night, the shark is already sleeping too, for sure!

Sharks never sleep, answered the octopus. - They have such a peculiarity. But it seems she has floated away, everything is quiet around.

The friends chatted a little more and each sailed to their own homes.

The octopus calmly went to bed.

But the perch could not fall asleep for a long time and remembered everything menacing shark and thought what would have happened to him if not for the help of a friend! - Still, friendship is a great thing! - he thought, and finally fell asleep.

Let's start with lobsters, they really feel pain when they are thrown into boiling water. However, immersing them in water before cooking salt water, you can give them anesthesia.

2. The starfish is the only animal that can turn its stomach inside out. When it approaches its prey (usually representatives of mollusks), the star sticks its stomach out through its mouth and covers the victim’s shell with it. It then slowly digests the fleshy parts of the mollusk outside its body.

3. Newborn barnacle balanus (barnacle) looks like daphnia ( water flea). It is also called sea acorn or sea tulip. At the next stage of development, it has three eyes and twelve legs. In the third stage of development, it has twenty-four legs and no eyes. Balanuses attach to a solid object and remain there for life.

4. When abalones feed on red algae, their shell turns red.
A 10 cm long abalone can hold onto a rock so tightly that two strong man they won't be able to tear it off.

5. Sea worms paired as follows: in mating season females and males gather in a swarm. Suddenly, the females pounce on the males and bite off their tails. The tails contain sperm. When swallowed, it moves through the digestive tract and fertilizes the female's eggs.

6. Snails mate only once in their lives. Mating can last up to twelve hours.

7. When mating, the leech acting as the male (leeches are hermaphrodites and can act as either gender) clings to the female’s body and places a sperm sac on her skin. This sac secretes a powerful, tissue-destroying enzyme that eats a hole in her body and fertilizes the eggs inside her.

8. Leeches belong to the class of animals. They are considered long-lived because... can live more than 20 years. Leeches can survive without food for a very long time for a long time– up to two (!) years. After every meal they grow right before our eyes.
Leeches are very clean and live only in the cleanest bodies of water on the planet, especially in ecologically clean places. Unfortunately, due to atmospheric pollution, there are fewer and fewer leeches with each code. As a result of this, the leech was listed in the Red Book and is now protected by law.
Those leeches that are bred in captivity are much worse at healing various diseases unlike their fellow leeches that live in the wild. Therefore, it is more effective to use special wild leeches for treatment.

9. The breathing of a jellyfish is very different from the breathing of a person or even a fish. The jellyfish does not have lungs or gills, or indeed any other respiratory organ. The walls of its gelatinous body and tentacles are so thin that oxygen molecules freely penetrate through the jelly-like “skin” straight into internal organs. Thus, the jellyfish breathes over the entire surface of its body.

10. Farmers of countries Caribbean They use the poison of a certain type of jellyfish as a poison for rats.

11. The beautiful but deadly Australian sea wasp (Chironex fleckeri) is the most poisonous jellyfish in the world. Since 1880, 66 people have died from its heart-paralytic poison near the Queensland coast, in the absence of medical care victims died within 1-5 minutes. One of effective means protection are women's tights. Queensland lifeguards now wear tights while surfing huge size

12. Heikegani crabs live off the coast of Japan, the pattern on their shells resembles the face of an angry samurai. According to science popularizer Carl Sagan, this species owes its appearance to unintentional artificial selection. Many generations of Japanese fishermen, catching such crabs, released them back into the sea, as they considered them to be reincarnations of samurai killed in battle. By doing this, the fishermen increased the heikegani's chances of reproducing and increasing their numbers among other crabs.

13. Male crabs have one claw that is significantly larger than the other. These crabs got their name because they seem to call females to them by moving this claw. Males of one of the species of lure crab Uca mjobergi went further - if they lose a large claw in a fight with another male, then they grow it back bigger size, although significantly weaker. However, for females its appearance becomes more significant, and other males are afraid to engage in battle with the owner of such a claw.

14. The new kind large squid was discovered by scientists in Indian Ocean in 2009. Representatives of this species reach a length of 70 cm. They belong to the Chiroteuthid family - deep sea squid with a long narrow body.

15. Deep-sea tunicates are one of the strangest prehistoric animals. They are found when the ice in Antarctica breaks up. These meter-long worms are considered the first life forms to colonize the bottom of the Antarctic ocean.

16. Barreleye Fish - the fish can rotate its eyes in all directions, and since the fish's head is transparent, it can also try to see its brain, if it has one. (the black dots above the mouth are not eyes. The eyes are green hemispheres in the head.)

17. The needlefish hunts perfectly in a unique way: it approaches the victim, often hiding behind other fish, and with lightning speed sucks it into its long “beak”. According to its characteristics, the needle fish is very similar to seahorse.

18. For centuries, scientists, starting with the Greek philosopher Aristotle, have tried to understand how eels reproduce. Today it is known that the female lays her eggs in the Sargasso Sea, between Bermuda and the Caribbean islands. Small larvae travel many thousands of kilometers to return to the rivers where their parents come from.

19. Not only stingrays have electrical organs. The body of the African river catfish Malapterurus is wrapped, like a fur coat, in a gelatinous layer in which electricity. Electrical organs account for about a quarter of the weight of the entire catfish. Its discharge voltage reaches 360 V, it is dangerous even for humans and, of course, fatal for fish.

20. A species of starfish called Lunckia columbiae can reproduce its entire body from a 1-centimeter-long particle.

The underwater world is fraught with many mysteries, and humanity has studied the surface of many planets much better than the bottom of the ocean. Amazing, unique sea animals live underwater. All the largest, strongest and most poisonous animals also live in the abyss of the ocean, and not on land.

With some amazing inhabitants Today we will get acquainted with the underwater world.

Pygmy seahorse
This is one of the most well-camouflaged inhabitants of the ocean. It takes a lot of effort to see this tiny creature measuring 2.5 cm among dense thickets corals

Squid on the hunt
Typically, squids measure up to 50 cm, but there are also giant squids that reach 20 meters (counting tentacles). They are the largest invertebrates.

A couple of stingrays
Stingrays are fish, and most of them live in sea ​​water. Special weapons endowed squad electric stingrays, which can paralyze prey electrical discharges from 60 to 230 volts and over 30 amperes. Photograph from the Tuamotu Island Group in Pacific Ocean, related to French Polynesia.

Gastropod- flamingo tongue
Found on many coral reefs Caribbean and Atlantic basins. The mollusk feeds on poisonous sea gorgonians, but their poison does not harm the snail. "Flamingo's tongue" absorbs toxic substances and he himself becomes poisonous. These mollusks leave behind noticeable trails of dead coral tissue.

Eel catfish
The only kind catfish that lives on coral reefs. They have the first rays of the anterior dorsal and pectoral fins They are jagged, poisonous spines.

Fish and sea ​​sponge
Currently, about 8,000 species of sponges have been described. They are animals.

Underwater laboratory "Aquarius"
The only operating laboratory in the world, located at a depth of 20 meters underwater off the coast of Florida.

Humboldt squid
Giant squid or Humboldt squid. These carnivorous predators reach a length of 2 meters and weigh more than 45 kilograms.

Crab and sea urchins
The body of sea urchins is usually almost spherical, measuring from 2 to 30 cm, and the length of the spines ranges from 2 mm to 30 ms. Some species of sea urchins have poisonous spines.

National Park Komodo in Indonesia. Nudibranchs lack a shell. They are one of the most brightly colored and variegated marine invertebrates.

Body fish family
They feed on sea urchins starfish, crabs, shellfish, deftly blowing them out of the ground with a stream of water released from the mouth.

Lipped perches
Schools of these fish move through the ocean as a unit to protect themselves from predators.