Despite the fact that alcoholism is often found among disadvantaged people, the world knows famous alcoholics. Sometimes even great people (politicians, rulers, actors, writers) could not resist addiction. Many of the greatest people ended their days in poverty, oblivion and disease due to alcohol addiction, but others were able to overcome addiction and become popular and loved again. When you are a rich and famous person, alcoholism becomes a shameful stigma that deprives you of work, friends, and fans. In our article we will look at the fates of the most famous people in our country and around the world who suffered from alcohol addiction.

The most famous male alcoholics

Many people were unable to give up alcoholic beverages. famous people, some great generals, writers, reformers and even modern politicians. So, the greatest drunkards in the world are the following people known to many of us:

  1. The first on the list of great people who are not indifferent to the bottle was. Alcohol killed him at the age of 33.
  2. The greatest philosopher Diogenes could never deny himself a drink. However, oddly enough, alcoholic drinks did not at all prevent him from learning the truth, making new discoveries and thinking logically. This man, despite his addiction, was able to live to the age of 85.
  3. Such greatest commander and the Tsar of Russia, like Peter the Great, also could not refuse alcohol.
  4. Even Joseph Stalin was a big fan of feasts with alcoholic libations. His favorite alcoholic drink there was wine. He could drink it almost every day. And this did not prevent him from solving important state issues.
  5. The famous Turkish commander Mustafa Kemal Ataturk made a great contribution to the creation of modern Turkey. But death overtook him not in battle, but through the fault of alcohol, since alcohol destroyed his liver.
  6. Another fan of Bacchus can be called Prince Vladimir, who was very fond of entertaining feasts with drinking alcohol.
  7. Bogdan Khmelnitsky did not disdain alcohol. He was convinced that wine should be drunk as a cure for various problems. That is why he became famous in history as a lover of drunken celebrations.

Perhaps great writers, rulers and politicians drink alcohol because they are constantly under stress and their lives are quite busy and complex, and alcohol allows them to relax. As for our time, the following famous people of our time suffered from alcoholism:

  • Quite often, Ukrainian politician Yuriy Lutsenko became the hero of jokes, press jokes and humorous shows due to his alcohol addiction. Although today we can say that this man was able to cope with his addiction and take the path of a sober life, which allowed him to continue a successful political career.
  • Suffered from alcohol addiction and great actor times Soviet Union Radner Muratov. Many of us remember him for his role in the film “Gentlemen of Fortune.” The life of this famous man ended in loneliness and poverty due to his passion for alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol has ruined many talented writers and poets of our country:

  • Since the age of 24, Sergei Yesenin has been an ardent fan of Bacchus. But, nevertheless, this did not stop him from writing wonderful poetry. He repeatedly tried to cope with his addiction, undergoing treatment in a clinic and turning to psychiatrists.
  • The writer Edgar Poe died due to inflammation of the brain due to severe alcohol intoxication when he drank to the point of insanity.
  • Among famous writers who suffer from alcohol addiction, it is worth mentioning Remarque and Ernest Hemingway. These people didn’t even try to hide the fact that they were drinking and drank from the bottle regularly. It is known that Hemingway committed suicide. Alcohol is considered to be the culprit of this tragedy.
  • The well-known drinking poet Omar Khayyam also could not refuse alcohol and drank from the bottle regularly, which did not stop him from writing wonderful works.
  • Among the famous people addicted to alcohol, it is worth mentioning the writer Jack London.

Such famous Russian and Ukrainian writers as Alexander Kuprin, Taras Shevchenko, Alexander Blok also drank a lot. If we talk about famous foreign alcoholics, we can name Stephen King, who claims that he created most of his great horror films precisely in a state of alcoholic delirium.

You can also mention the great artist Vincent Van Gogh, who more than once went to psychiatric clinics for treatment of alcohol addiction. Alcohol was to blame for the death of the famous composer Modest Mussorgsky, which brought the person to a state of delirium tremens. One can only guess how many wonderful, great works these people could have created if they had not been hampered by alcohol addiction, and if alcohol had not taken their lives.

Great Women Alcoholics

We all know that alcoholic celebrities are not only men but also great women who are addicted to alcohol. Among them are many Russian celebrities and world-famous stars:

  1. Worldwide famous singer from France Edith Piaf became addicted to alcohol in her youth. She often drank to the point of unconsciousness, which was the cause of her death in her youth.
  2. History knows another alcoholic woman - Galina Brezhneva. Due to her passion for alcoholic beverages, she lost her mind, which led to death within the walls of a mental hospital.
  3. Famous Russian actress Tatyana Dogileva still drinks. The reason for his addiction to alcohol was deep depression. This subsequently led to alcohol addiction.

Important: everyone knows that female alcoholism develops much faster and is more difficult to treat, however, there are famous women who were able to cope with alcohol addiction and continue successful career and a full life.

The following gave us a wonderful example of successful recovery from addiction: famous women:

  • TV presenter and actress Larisa Guzeeva was very fond of holidays and fun parties, where she could not refuse alcohol. She became addicted to alcohol during her marriage to her drug-addicted first husband. However, later she was able to completely overcome her addiction and continue working on television.
  • Another TV presenter who was able to cope with her addiction is Lera Kudryavtseva. She became addicted to alcohol after her first divorce, which plunged her into deep depression. But then the girl was able to give up alcohol. Now she does not drink alcohol even on holidays.
  • Despite her successful career and fame, Drew Barrymore also became addicted to alcohol. But then the girl was able to control herself and completely gave up drinking alcohol, which allowed her to get rid of alcohol addiction.
  • Another famous woman who has successfully recovered from alcohol addiction is Kelly Osbourne. Kelly maybe a clear example how much a person changes when he gives up alcohol and takes the path of a sober life. Before that, she was quite plump and unattractive, but after giving up alcohol she took care of her appearance, lost weight and became a very beautiful and successful girl.
  • Everyone knows the singer and actress Britney Spears, who after her divorce found solace in alcohol and drugs. But later she came to her senses, recovered from her addictions and continued her successful career. Her personal life also improved.
  • If Kristin Davis had not drunk alcohol, she would have been able to build a career as an actress much earlier. But at the age of 25, she simply couldn’t imagine life without alcohol, and only after getting into the group Alcoholics Anonymous, she was able to completely get rid of addiction and become successful.
  • Previously, Paris Hilton was repeatedly detained for drunk driving. But Lately She was able to overcome her craving for alcohol and no longer appears in public drunk.
  • The famous fashion model Lara Stone, due to frequent stress and a busy life, quite often relaxed with the help of alcohol. But after she realized that she had developed an addiction, she turned to specialists and completely got rid of her addiction.

Not many great and famous people have overcome alcoholism. Unfortunately, there are not many examples of celebrities being able to cope with addiction. Many of them do not admit that alcohol has completely taken over their lives and are not going to seek treatment. So, today unbridled drunkenness has captured actress Courtney Love and Lidsay Lohan.

Famous alcoholic actors in Russia and the world

It has been proven that every third celebrity is prone to alcohol abuse. Most likely, this is due to great popularity, awareness of their greatness and substantial fees. Alcoholism is especially widespread among actors:

  1. The famous actor, singer and poet was treated many times and still could not cope with his addiction. Due to alcoholism, he had repeated episodes of cardiac arrest. Despite the fact that everyone knew about the addiction, even after his death there are fans of Vysotsky’s work.
  2. Such people have been noticed to be addicted to alcohol: famous actors, like Andrey Panin, Yuri Bogatyrev, Vladislav Galkin. The last of them died due to alcoholism in all alone at the age of 39.
  3. Numerous life shocks caused actor Georgy Yumatov to become alcoholic in old age.
  4. Some talented Russian celebrities still cannot cope with their addiction. These are Alexander Domogarov, Mikhail Efremov, Marat Bashirov, Alexey Nilov.

Alcohol has a significant impact on the image of famous people because they are constantly in the public eye. As a result, such celebrities may lose their health, popularity, and good appearance. Over time, their careers decline due to lack of demand in professionally. Often this contributes to even greater dependence, as the person begins to seek solace in alcohol.

Irina Rodnina became an alcoholic as a child, and the drug clinic is crying for Lolita Milyavskaya

A drunken mother means grief in the family, people say. Female alcoholism is revealed late, when the lady has already reached the end of her rope, and the life of her loved ones has turned into hell. Representatives of the fair half often drink secretly and alone, without admitting their vice for a long time, which aggravates the trouble. And even after undergoing a course of treatment, they often break down.

Alcoholism - chronic illness. Anyone can be at risk, regardless of merits and titles, profession and social status. Many famous women know this firsthand.

Drunken childhood of Irina Rodnina

In 2007, Olympic champion Irina Rodnina raced around Moscow in an Audi. Traffic police officers stopped the car - the ex-skater fell out from behind the wheel. The star reeked of alcohol. Irina Konstantinovna refused to undergo a medical examination. Having sobered up, she rushed to make excuses. In numerous interviews she convinced me that she only drank a couple of glasses of wine. But then she told the whole country about problems with alcohol:
- Two glasses are nothing for me. From the age of eight, my parents poured me red wine at dinner!
The head of the women's drug addiction department of the Yaroslavl Regional Clinical Hospital, Alexey Medvedev, concludes: the parents themselves got Irina drunk.
“The child was in a state of chronic alcoholism,” explains the doctor. - In childhood, the enzymatic system is poorly developed, alcohol leaves the body more slowly. The fact that two glasses of wine is no longer perceived as the dose necessary for intoxication indicates the onset of tolerance. Initially, a person needs a little to feel relaxed and desire to communicate. Then there is a build-up of tolerance, where the body requires an increase in dose in order to experience the same condition. Then there comes a moment when the growth of tolerance stops, and the plateau phase comes - the use of consistently high doses.
Rodnina admitted that she became heavily addicted to alcohol while in immigration. The tears of the Olympic champion on the podium in 1980 are remembered by the whole country. This was the last “gold” of the great athlete and a touching farewell to big sport. Later, Rodnina cried, washing down defeats in her coaching career with cognac and family drama. This was already in the USA, where Irina and her family moved at the invitation of one of the figure skating centers. The great athlete did not speak a word of English, she had no coaching experience, and at first strong athletes did not want to work with her. And at home it was even worse: her husband Alexander Zaitsev, with whom she performed in pairs, left for someone else and threatened to take the children through the court.

Terrible thoughts of Tatyana Vasilyeva

Tatyana Vasilyeva began pawning collars while still in theater school. Over a glass they celebrated creative successes, relieved fatigue, drowned sadness, being left without major roles.
- Alcohol in small doses acts as a sedative. But with regular use in large doses, aggression and irritability appear, states Alexey Medvedev. - Fighting depression in this way is dangerous. The next morning the oppressive feeling gets worse. What do you want in this situation? Drink more and forget. Vicious circle.
Tatyana Grigorievna admits that she did not notice when her first husband, Anatoly Vasilyev, had an affair on the side. Having found out, the actress relieved her melancholy in the usual way. She mixed alcohol with medications.
“There were thoughts of jumping down - we lived high, on the 14th floor,” Vasiliev’s frankness is shocking. - I could drink vodka in the morning. There was such a “disintegration” inside. More and more alcohol was needed. I remember that period with horror.

Strange pirouettes of Tatyana Dogileva

Tatyana Dogileva, they say, still breaks down. Although everything is fine in her profession: she stages plays and produces. In the 90s, when theater and domestic cinema were on their last legs, there were more reasons for despair.
“I couldn’t sleep, the sleeping pills didn’t work,” Dogileva recalled. “My teeth were chattering, my hands were twitching. It even seemed like I was going crazy. She started crying on stage.
“The Green Serpent” became the reason for her divorce from playwright and screenwriter Mikhail Mishin. The actress almost stopped being cast, and rare roles were “silent”, as in the series “Crazy Angel”: they say that Konstantin Ernst doubted that Tanya was able to remember the text.
The local police officers nicknamed the actress “the blonde under the fence.” Dogileva recalls with indignation how she was dragged by her feet in the prefecture, where she came to protest against the construction of Nikita Mikhalkov’s hotel on Maly Kozikhinsky Lane next to her house. The drunken actress lay down on the floor in the corridor. In the clinic for the mentally ill, where Tatyana Anatolyevna was admitted more than once, she was diagnosed with deep depression. The body has stopped producing serotonin - the hormone of joy. There Dogileva learned to fall asleep without alcohol. But she celebrated her birthday and found herself in a hospital bed again.

“I became the main alcoholic in Russia,” the actress admitted.
The last time she appeared drunk on the floor of the Ukrainian version of the TV show “Dancing with the Stars” was in 2011. Strange steps, indistinct pirouettes, hanging on a partner and the final half-split left no doubt: Dogileva was under attack again. The actress demanded that the jury recognize her as a cinema legend, downing two glasses of water from the judge's table in one gulp.
“It is impossible to completely recover from alcoholism, you can only achieve long-term remission,” explains narcologist Alexey Medvedev. - After drug treatment touching alcohol is prohibited. It seems that you are able to control yourself, but this is an illusion.

The main sin of Ekaterina Vasilyeva

Today wonderful actress Ekaterina Vasilyeva is a parishioner of the Moscow Church of Sophia the Wise God. ABOUT stormy youth prefers not to remember, although he does not hide: yes, she drank, yes, she cheated, she had abortions. Once upon a time, her second husband Mikhail Roshchin took her son away from her. Before his death, Mikhail Mikhailovich gave a frank interview.
“I told her: “Katya, the fact that you drink, smoke, have abortions and swear are all ordinary sins. Major sin- dislike of people and great love to yourself".
Roshchin explained the reason for the divorce from Vasilyeva as follows:
- We had to part, sharply and categorically. Katya drank so much that there seemed to be no escape. The poet Vasiliev, Katya's father, was a famous drunkard. It's hereditary. What clinics did she not receive treatment in? But I met the priest Father Vladimir, and he helped. I think she became a sincere believer, otherwise nothing would have happened. A year ago, when we met, she had just sipped champagne. I gave her my son, and she began to drag him to church.
Dmitry Roshchin became a priest in the same church where his mother works as treasurer.
- Conversion to faith often becomes salvation for alcoholics - they replace one addiction with another. In this case, harmless and creative, says the narcologist. - Some people find a new hobby. This is also a way out.

New “doping” of Natalia Andreichenko

Having met Maximilian Schell on the set of the film “Peter the Great,” the charming “Mary Poppins” actress Natalya Andreichenko left for the USA. But Hollywood didn't accept her. And soon a breakdown appeared in the relationship with her husband. Natalya Eduardovna entertained herself as best she could. People around her said that the actress indulged not only in whiskey, but also in narcotic powders. In this state, she got behind the wheel and breakneck speed crashed into a truck. Andreichenko ended up on the surgical table in a state of clinical death - the doctors literally assembled the body in parts. Natalya Eduardovna was faced with a choice: quit drinking or die. Now she has a different joy - she catches the energy of space. She grows flowers, grows vegetables, and tries to be closer to nature.
“I can hug a tree, and I feel better,” the actress reveals the recipe for the new “doping.”

Nightmare of Larisa Guzeeva

Larisa Guzeeva also does not hide the fact that she was close friends with the bottle. The binge began during the years of creative downtime, at the very peak of youth and beauty - following her first husband, who turned out to be a drug addict, Larisa sank to the bottom. Realizing that she was going downhill, she shut herself down for a year.
- How did this happen to me? There were friends who were always ready to hand over a full glass, and there were those who were glad that I was dying,” the actress shared. - As soon as I had a drink, a different person woke up in me. I wanted to become trash and shout: “Yes, that’s how trash I am!” And it carried me through all the troubles. Either she kicked everyone out of the house, or she went into some strange company. It’s just a nightmare what she did.
Fortunately, fate sent her a second loving husband- Kahu Tolordav, who helped get out of the abyss.

Hard rock by Lolita Milyavskaya

The flamboyant Lolita is persistently trying to convince everyone that she had no problems with alcohol. With prohibited substances - yes, but she always controls the dose of alcohol. However, those who see the singer behind the scenes have a different opinion. However, it’s really not easy to distinguish a crazy sober Lolita from a crazy drunk one.
Dancing on the table, passionately kissing transvestites is already a legend. In Odessa, at the celebration of City Day, Milyavskaya appeared on stage in nightgown and, lifting her legs, performed a rock composition. In ecstasy, the singer straddled the tripod.
“Alcohol removes psychological barriers,” explains our expert. - At the first stage, there is a loss of situational control when a person allows himself to get drunk at important events. If you give up on the problem, the second stage begins: physical dependence, when alcohol molecules are integrated into metabolic processes. They go on drinking bouts with a severe hangover. Anxiety, trembling in the body, a feeling of lack of air, a feeling of fear are its symptoms. Next - irreversible processes and personality degradation. God forbid you bring yourself to such a state.

You can't cure it by force
If one of your loved ones has become close friends with a glass, perceive him as sick. There is no need to feel sorry or scold - both are destructive. Do not force help - forced treatment is ineffective, but gently push the alcoholic to the idea that he has a problem with alcohol: he must want to get rid of it himself. Make it clear that you are willing to provide support if asked.

Underline if so:
1. You drink two or more glasses of wine every day.
2. You feel that intoxication is coming later and later, and increase the dose.
3. You are familiar with the condition of a severe hangover.
4. Among close relatives there are people who drink heavily.
5. You have problems with metabolism and blood vessels.

If you have noted more than two signs, be careful: you are at risk!

Famous alcoholics - who are they? Even the greatest and most famous people in the World: rulers, politicians, actors, writers could not protect themselves from alcoholism. In some cases, alcohol addiction has caused health problems and poor old age. How is it possible, being a famous and rich person, to suddenly become an alcoholic that no one needs? Let's consider which famous people of the world and Russia are remembered for their addiction to alcohol.

Great people and alcoholism

Men are alcoholics

In the history of mankind, there are many famous people who were addicted to alcohol. These are both modern politicians and great commanders, reformers and writers.

Here is a list of alcoholics:

  1. Alexander the Great. He is known as the first great person who liked to drink. It was alcohol that ruined his life; he died at only 33 years old.
  2. Diogenes. Despite the fact that he was a philosopher, he could never give up wine. Drinking alcohol did not prevent him from thinking logically and discovering new theories. He lived to be 85 years old, despite his addiction.
  3. Peter the First. He was the great alcoholic of Russia. He could never give up alcohol.
  4. Joseph Stalin also loved feasts. He gave preference to wines and could drink them every day, despite the fact that he constantly had to resolve issues of national importance.
  5. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. This famous commander created modern Turkey, and died not in war, but from alcohol, due to which he developed cirrhosis of the liver.
  6. Prince Vladimir. He could not refuse intoxicating drinks and loved fun and holidays.
  7. Bohdan Khmelnytsky. He counted the wine the best medicine from all problems, so he liked to drink. The hetman became famous for his drunken celebrations.

Perhaps constant stress and lack of opportunity for rest were the reasons why great rulers and writers, very intelligent people, became alcoholics.

  • Among modern famous people, one can highlight the Ukrainian politician Yuriy Lutsenko. His addiction to alcohol is constantly noticed by the press and ridiculed in various humorous shows.
  • The great actor of the Soviet era, Radner Muratov (you can remember him from his role in the film “Gentlemen of Fortune”) died in poverty and loneliness, because in his old age he began to drink heavily.

Many talented writers and poets in Russia suffered from alcoholism. Sergei Yesenin began drinking heavily at the age of 24, but this did not stop him from writing. Throughout his life, he was treated in hospital several times for alcohol addiction, and was also examined by psychiatrists.

The world's greatest classics foreign literature, such as Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King, Ernest Hemingway and Erich M. Remarque drank heavily.

  • Thus, Edgar Alan Poe died of brain inflammation due to severe alcohol intoxication. He drank to the point of insanity.
  • Ernest Hemingway and Erich M. Remarque did not even hide their addiction to alcohol; they drank regularly. Since Hemingway committed suicide, his death is attributed to alcohol.
  • Among the world's great alcoholic writers, one can also note Jack London and Omar Khayyam.

Among Russian and Ukrainian writers had an addiction to alcohol:

  • Alexander Blok.
  • Alexander Kuprin.
  • Sergey Yesenin.
  • Taras Shevchenko.

The king of horror, Stephen King, also enjoyed drinking in his younger years. He did not hide his addiction and said that he wrote most of his horror films in alcoholic delirium.

The great artist Vincent Van Gogh treated his alcohol addiction in psychiatric clinic. And the world famous composer Modest Mussorgsky died of delirium tremens.

For many composers and writers, alcohol prevented them from writing. great amount great works.

Alcoholic women

Among famous people there are many women who like to drink. These are both Russian celebrities and world stars.

  • Yes, well known French singer Edith Piaf drank herself into unconsciousness and died in at a young age.
  • Another famous woman in history who was remembered as an alcoholic was Galina Brezhneva. Her addiction to alcohol led to complete loss sanity, which is why she died in an insane asylum.
  • Tatyana Dogileva is a Russian actress who cannot give up alcohol. It was deep depression that led to alcohol addiction.

Despite the fact that female alcoholism is a terrible thing, because it is much stronger than male alcoholism, many women managed to recover.

Successful examples The following women recovered:

  • TV presenter Larisa Guzeeva. The woman always loved fun and did not give up alcohol. I started drinking when I lived with my first husband, a drug addict. But she was able to completely overcome her addiction.
  • TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva. The girl started drinking after the divorce and became depressed. But she was able to pull herself together and give up alcohol; now she doesn’t drink even on holidays.
  • Actress Drew Barrymore. Despite her successful career, the girl began to drink, but over time she managed to get rid of her addiction.
  • Kelly Osbourne. The woman coped with her addiction. She became an example of how you can change by leading. From plump woman From a not very attractive appearance, she turned into a slender, beautiful and very successful one.
  • Britney Spears. The singer can also be used as an example. After an unsuccessful divorce, she began to lead a rather wild life, not even without drugs, but the singer managed to get rid of her addictions and return to her career.
  • Kristin Davis is also a former alcoholic. At the age of 25, she had no idea, but after getting into the Alcoholics Anonymous circle, she managed to recover and build an amazing career as an actress.
  • Paris Hilton. The girl has been spotted driving while intoxicated more than once. In recent years, Paris has not been seen by the paparazzi while intoxicated; she probably decided to quit the addiction and not spoil her image.

  • Lara Stone. The fashion model admitted that she could not do without strong drinks. The work caused the girl a lot of stress. Realizing her addiction, Lara turned to specialists for help and was cured.

Unfortunately, the above examples are isolated. Many celebrities do not want to admit that they have problems with alcohol and do not seek treatment, gradually sliding to the very bottom.

Alcoholism among famous women very common. Stars such as Lindsay Lohan and Courtney Love plunged into rampant drinking.

Famous alcoholics of the World and Russia

Almost every third celebrity has problems with alcohol, perhaps the reason for this is substantial fees or awareness of their greatness. Alcoholism is especially common among actors.

  • Often the smell of alcohol could be heard from actors such as Yuri Bogatyrev, Andrei Panin and Vladislav Galkin. It was Galkin who became the captive of the green snake, because he died of depression alone at the age of 39.

  • Also famous singer Vladimir Vysotsky could not cope with his addiction, his heart stopped. Despite the fact that everyone knew about his alcoholism, after his death he still had crowds of fans of his music.
  • Actor Georgy Yumatov experienced many shocks, so in his old age he became addicted to alcohol.
  • Many modern talented people in Russia cannot overcome alcohol addiction. These are Mikhail Efremov, Alexander Domogarov, Alexey Nilov and Marat Basharov.

But not only Russian famous people become drunkards; many foreign stars are also no strangers to this problem. Mostly in the press you can see female names, such as Whitney Houston, Britney Spears (who also overcame her addiction), Demi Moore and many others.

Despite the fact that it is difficult to get rid of alcohol addiction, many celebrities in Russia and the world have been able to do it.

  • Among the singers we can highlight Mick Jagger, Sergei Shnurov, Alexander Rosembaum, Elton John, Valery Kipelov, Kostyantin Kinchev.
  • Among the actors, David Bowie can be distinguished.
  • Mikhail Boyarsky also became an example for all drinkers. At the age of 30, he could drink a liter of vodka. After undergoing treatment, I gave up the addiction forever.

But not all famous people managed to overcome their addiction to alcohol:

  • Famous American actor Christian Slater often goes on binges, which is why he even ended up in the police.
  • Mel Gibson always tries to perform feats while intoxicated, which is why he also has problems with the police. This American actor started drinking at the age of 13. Therefore, he rightfully deserves the title of alcoholic.

Nevertheless, all celebrities remain very talented people. For many actors and singers, alcohol does not interfere with their professional career, of course, if not we're talking about about athletes. Thus, many famous football players cannot resist a bottle of vodka or beer.

Such people include:

  • Paul Gascoigne.
  • Tony Adams.
  • Adriano.
  • Sicinho.
  • Artem Milevsky.

Alcohol ruined their sports careers.

Why do people who have money and fame start drinking, is that really all they lack in life?

Actor Gary Oldman, who was treated for alcohol addiction, said that money is the reason for drinking alcohol. Celebrities drink to gain new sensations, inspiration, relieve stress or to hide from annoying paparazzi.

Alcohol seriously affects the image of famous people, especially those who are forced to go out. They lose their popularity, health and good appearance, so they become unclaimed in their profession, and this leads to even greater psychological dependence drinking alcohol in large quantities. The paparazzi do not leave such stars alone, because they expect a new sensation from them in the form of a drunken prank.

To regain their image, financial status, fans and respect from loved ones and colleagues, celebrities will need a huge amount of time.

Artists and public people, those who died from alcoholism make it clear that this disease does not depend on social status, financial situation or success.

Alcoholic drinks are the best-selling product on modern market. After all, almost every person consumes alcohol to one degree or another. IN general view All people are divided into 3 types: those who do not drink alcohol at all, those who drink occasionally (on holidays) and those who no longer imagine themselves and their lives. The last group suffers from alcoholism.

Alcohol has already ruined many lives. He also managed to put an end to the careers and lives of many famous people. After all, creative people, due to their vulnerable nature, are more susceptible to this craving than anyone else. In their photos you can see the imprint of excessive drinking.

Alcoholism: causes and stages

The disease resulting from excessive drinking is called “alcoholism.” In addition to the fact that it is characterized by a significant deterioration in human health, alcoholism is addictive, which is practically impossible for a person to overcome on his own.

There is still debate among doctors about recognizing alcoholism as a disease, but the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism decided on this issue long ago and consider drunkenness a serious disease that needs to be treated.

After all, it never ends with just addiction. Added to this are cancer, liver diseases, stomach ulcers, nervous and mental disorders, high blood pressure and heart pathology, a high probability of stroke, which, one way or another, will lead the patient to premature death.

Reasons leading healthy person to alcohol abuse are:

  • Dissatisfaction with one's own life;
  • Feeling of loneliness, lack of understanding from society;
  • Low quality of life;
  • Lack of cultural and spiritual development.

Analyzing the above reasons, we can say that it is the absence of loving and understanding people nearby that pushes one to drink. Unfortunately, in modern world a person can very often feel lonely. After all, everyone is running somewhere, in a hurry, no one cares about other people’s problems. And when drinking, a person finds himself in a completely different world - an internal one, where he can have a heart-to-heart talk with several of his “I”s, where he will always be listened to, understood and not reproached for anything.

After leaving this state, realities outside world Once again they “beat” a person, and he has no choice but to return again and again to an ideal environment.

Experts who agree with the point of view that alcoholism is a disease divide it into 4 stages, arguing that, having reached the third stage, there is no turning back:

  1. Unconscious weak dependence. If a person has free time and opportunity - he will definitely fill the void with alcohol; When attention is distracted, the addiction quickly disappears.
  2. Conscious tolerant dependence. Constant obsessive thoughts about drinking, even when there is no time or place for this; the amount that causes vomiting as a natural reaction of the body to poison is constantly increasing.
  3. Physical pathological dependence. When giving up drinking, the patient experiences “withdrawal”, similar to drug addiction; healthy liver cells begin to turn into connective tissue, which indicates the onset of cirrhosis.
  4. Pathological uncontrollable addiction. The only thing an alcoholic worries about at this stage is the next dose of alcohol, and it doesn’t matter if it’s vodka, cologne or glass cleaner. Forced cessation of alcohol can lead to cardiac arrest; only 5% of patients survive this stage, but even they will never get a full, long and happy life.

The main sign by which an alcoholic is distinguished from a healthy person who drinks periodically is the presence of addiction. You can also name such manifestations as prolonged drinking bouts, an increase in the amount of alcohol at which a person experiences a gag reflex, the presence of hangover symptoms; external signals that can be seen even in photographs.

Many famous people also suffer from the problem of alcoholism and struggle with the diseases that it provokes. After all, they are the ones who most often feel lonely and unwanted. Fame, recognition and love from the audience are combined with long drinking bouts, which subsequently ends in death at a young age, when many roles and images have not yet been played.

Perhaps the most famous person who was ruined by alcohol is Vladimir Vysotsky. He is an outstanding poet and musician, talented actor. There is probably not a person in Russia who would not recognize him from his photo. He died at the age of 42 due to excessive drinking and drug use.

Honored Artist of Russia Vladislav Galkin died at the age of 38 from acute heart failure. He was in a state of long-term depression due to problems with women. Shortly before his death, Vladislav was diagnosed with pancreatitis, after which he sat down on strict diet and gave up alcohol. The actor’s father suspects that his son did not die on his own, and even presented to the investigation Required documents and a photo, but the matter never progressed.

The genius of Russian cinema Oleg Dal also suffered from this disease. According to his friends, the reason for this was constant failures in his personal life, in addition, he was too demanding and picky about people. This led the artist to solace by drinking. Oleg died due to cardiac arrest at the age of 39.

Victor Kosykh (hero " Elusive Avengers") died at the age of 61 due to an alcohol overdose. A lethal dose of alcohol led to a cerebral hemorrhage. Experts say that a dose on average equal to 1.5 liters of vodka is considered lethal. However, this indicator depends on individual characteristics body.

More long life was a success for Oleg Efremov, an outstanding director and actor. Throughout his life he struggled with alcoholism, his life was cut short at the age of 72 due to blockage of blood vessels.

Also, Andrei Krasko, Nikolai Eremenko, Georgy Yumatov, Georgy Burkov and many other domestic stars faced a similar fate.

Today, such famous people as Marat Basharov, Alexander Domogarov and a number of other stars are struggling with this disease. Among this list one can also highlight Mikhail Efremov.

Mikhail Efremov, the son of his famous father Oleg Efremov, completely inherited his father’s lifestyle. He is rightly attributed to alcoholism and excessive love for women. And the actor himself does not deny his illness. According to him, he drinks for the sake of a hangover, in which state acting on stage turns out much better. But at the same time, the artist considers his cravings a “black spot” in his life. Despite this seemingly difficult situation, Mikhail’s fourth wife has come to terms with his peculiarities and fully accepts him for who he is. In the photo you can clearly see happy family. The couple had three beautiful children, and they are not going to stop there.

But not all alcoholic stars died from this. Some managed to overcome this addiction. For example, the artist Tatyana Dogileva, whose life almost ended due to constant drinking. The actress's attending doctors prescribed treatment in psychiatric hospital. She had serious depression caused by the lack of the joy hormone serotonin in her body, the production of which was blocked by alcohol. The actress did not want to admit that she was sick, although fans in some of her photos can clearly see all the signs of alcoholism. Despite the fact that it was female, Tatyana managed to overcome it and proceed to full-fledged healthy life, restore your status.

Alcohol is considered a cause of death Soviet actress Natalia Kustinskaya, who died at the age of 75. In the hospital, where she was taken with pneumonia, her heart gave out. Although this is not surprising, because fate presented Natalya with many severe tests, the worst of which is considered the death of his son, after which the star developed a tendency to drink. But this did not last long, the artist was able to pull herself together and move on with her life.

There are also famous people abroad who have suffered from alcoholism. These are, for example, Whitney Houston and Amy Whyehouse. Also, perhaps, many have seen photos of Britney Spears and Demi Moore, in which traces of alcohol are clearly visible. According to official statistics, 8 out of 10 Hollywood celebrities have problems with alcohol.

How to recognize alcoholism from a photo, treatment of the disease

Even without communicating with a person in person, you can see that he suffers from this. It will be enough just to look at a photo of a celebrity.

First of all, this will be noticeable on the face: the skin will be flabby, saggy or swollen, with pronounced redness, traces of broken capillaries, bruises and swelling under the eyes are visible in the area of ​​the nose and cheeks. Sometimes in the photo you can see that the skin has acquired a yellow color. This all occurs due to disruptions in the functioning of internal organs such as the liver, kidneys and gall bladder.

It is believed that alcoholism is incurable disease, companion of a person’s entire life. But modern medical methods make it possible for a person to get rid of the misfortune, the main thing is to really want it. Don't count on traditional medicine- in most cases it is ineffective.

Among the methods of struggle are the following:

  • Aversive treatment - the patient is prescribed drugs that, when interacting with alcohol, cause severe vomiting and an exacerbation of all hangover symptoms. This method is effective even if the patient resists therapy.
  • Cleansing the body of toxins - the patient’s body is completely cleansed of alcohol breakdown products, as a result of which physical dependence on it is suppressed, but cravings are reduced. psychological level doesn't disappear.
  • Psychotherapy will give the desired results only if the patient realizes his addiction and his desire to get rid of it.
  • Social factors - the interaction of an alcoholic with society, his family or people with whom he will not be bored and lonely.

Perhaps the most important thing in treating addiction is the desire of the patient himself, and in order for it to appear, close people need to show how important their family is, how valuable the patient is in his family, and will always receive the necessary support from it.

Alcohol is a harmful habit that affects millions. This is not just about ordinary people, this has affected global problem and brilliant people, celebrities, world-famous stars, idols of more than one generation. It is difficult to understand the reason for the toxic dependence of actors; it is even more difficult to admit that today these talented people no longer alive. Despite the fact that they made a tremendous contribution to the development of world culture and art, ethyl alcohol took them away ahead of schedule.

Famous women with alcohol addiction

Popular in Soviet times actress Elena Mayorova, known for the romantic comedy “Singles are Provided with a Hostel,” died at the age of 39. While intoxicated, the woman doused herself with gasoline and then set herself on fire. The ambulance that arrived at the scene was unable to help the celebrity; Mayorova was buried. As her relatives reported, in this alcoholic way the woman struggled with mental trauma, unrequited love and loneliness.

Life famous actress and British singer Amy Winehouse ended on the 28th in one of the city hotels. The girl was treated for alcoholism several times, but constantly returned to such a destructive habit. Preceded by such a toxic addiction difficult relationships with her husband and the so-called “ creative crisis" In the hotel where the body of a woman was found, three empty bottles from strong drinks, and the doctors’ verdict is unequivocal – alcohol intoxication.

On February 11, 2012, another legendary actress and singer passed away - Whitney Houston herself died. The body of a woman was found in the bathroom of one of the hotels where the celebrity had recently lived. She drowned in her sleep because the day before she had taken a large dose of drugs, antidepressants, and alcohol. It was this explosive mixture that was found in her body after the autopsy; the medical conclusion was alcoholism.

Many great people died from alcoholism, the brilliant French singer Edith Piaf was no exception. The woman’s death occurred after long drinking bouts, which became the norm in everyday life in the fifth decade. While intoxicated, she lost control over her actions, which often caused her to suffer in society and family life.

These are those famous women who have made a tremendous contribution to the development of world culture. They died too early, but in the hearts of fans and in their work they are still alive, loved and not forgotten. Critics and stories put them in the unpromising category of “Alcoholics,” and not a single generation has heard about their exploits while intoxicated. Despite the fact that female alcoholism is rapidly progressing and is practically incurable, history knows examples when the drinking binges of male celebrities led to the inevitable death of legendary people.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at a dispensary, nothing helped. Helped effective method, which was recommended by Elena Malysheva. EFFECTIVE METHOD

Famous men with alcohol addiction

Deceased artists are alive in movies and on screen, but not all loyal fans and admirers know that most of domestic and foreign bohemia suffers from alcoholism, and some have already gone to the next world. These great people, brilliant in their work, were by nature unable to resist the temptations of the “green serpent.”

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What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

The star of “Pirates of the 20th Century” Nikolai Eremenko Jr. passed away on May 27, 2001. He died from a massive stroke, which was caused by a long drinking binge. This information was carefully hidden in the press for a long time, telling the masses that the actor had serious problems with heart.

At the age of 42, the heart of such a legendary celebrity as Vladimir Vysotsky stopped. The Soviet director, bard, singer and actor was only 42 years old at the time of his death. Close circle and fans knew well that Vysotsky suffered from chronic alcoholism, and Vladimir himself did not hide this fact from anyone. The last years of his life, the actor was completely mired in drinking, and binge drinking became a familiar state of body and soul for him.

Another died at the age of 38, already Russian actor and director Vladislav Galkin, who was destined to live only 38 years. The star had serious problems with the pancreas, and drinking alcohol and one form of alcoholism only worsened the disease. Today he joins the list of “Famous People”, and fans live only with good memories.

At the age of 49, another brilliant actor died, who was destined to play the inimitable role of Gena Janissary in the tragic work on a naval theme, “72 Meters.” Other famous works of Andrei Krasko are also known, but fans remember the filmmaker himself only in words and live in good memory. He often abused alcohol, was treated for alcoholism, but then this was how he relieved tension after a working day and stress.

The famous poet Nikolai Rubtsov is practically unknown to modern youth, but historians know that this particular man of genius At one time he suffered from alcoholism. He often drank with his wife, after which both were in a state of unconsciousness. During one of these drinking bouts, in a state of delirium tremens, a woman killed him.

John Barrymore is another actor - an experienced alcoholic who, towards the end of his life, did not spend a day without alcohol. He drank to the point of unconsciousness, went on long binges, and often became the cause of ridicule and gossip among his colleagues. After one of these celebrations, the world cinema star passed away.

Richard Burton is a Swiss actor who, at the age of 58, suffered from chronic alcoholism. Such people cannot stop, and a fatal outcome is inevitable. The star passed away after another hangover, which was more severe than usual and became the main cause of the inevitable death of the body.

The brilliant actor Oleg Dal died at the age of 39. He could not come to terms with the fact that he was publicly kicked out of the theater, so he began to systematically go on binges. On one of these days, his heart failed, and the doctors simply did not have time to come to the rescue. This is how they die famous people with enormous creative potential.

Actor Georgy Burkov became another victim of chronic alcoholism. Your most best years he spent on stage, but only close people knew about the presence of an addiction in his off-screen life. After another binge, the artist suffered a blood clot in his heart, and an autopsy showed that all of them were significantly affected by ethyl alcohol. internal organs and systems. People with chronic alcoholism do not live long, but Burkov was a little more lucky.

Elvis Presley is another experienced alcoholic. There were a great many versions and reasons for his sudden death, but the most common among them were suicide, poisoning, and murder with aggravating circumstances. In fact, the autopsy showed that the fatal dose of sleeping pills that the singer took after his next performance was fatal. Everything would be fine, but at that time there was a huge amount of ethyl alcohol in the blood of the “King of Pop”.

This is exactly how famous people, legendary actors, talented singers, and other artists who were addicted to alcoholism died. Many are still alive, but in their Everyday life this destructive habit is also present. If it is not promptly discarded into the background, it will lead to an unenviable fate. To understand what we are talking about, it’s time to give some eloquent examples of screen alcoholics.

The famous Russian actor and “bourgeois” of Russian cinema Valery Nikolaev began to often appear drunk

Modern celebrities are alcoholics

Yuri Nikolaev is a famous Russian showman, the host of “Morning Star” and does not hide from the press that he has a weakness for alcoholic beverages. For a long time he tried to overcome this destructive habit, but still periodically returns to it. What helps him forget about chronic alcoholism is his job, his young wife and a clear understanding that every year he is no longer getting younger.

His namesake, the famous Russian actor and “bourgeois” of Russian cinema, Valery Nikolaev, also began to often appear drunk. Moreover, under the influence of alcoholic drinks he commits not the best deeds, violates public order, threatens the lives of civilians. Not long ago, the media published information that Nikolaev, while drunk, hit a pedestrian and was detained. He was later released, but he did not stop his illegal actions and was sent to the bullpen again. Today Valery Nikolaev is under investigation, and even former fans are demanding a well-deserved punishment for him.

“Bourgeois” Nikolaev did not settle down, but other actors, after long binges, were able to overcome such a destructive habit. The famous “cop” Alexey Nilov was a chronic alcoholic for a long time, but after he had to experience clinical death, got rid of this destructive addiction forever. Today, the actor considers himself an absolutely sober person, acts in films, and lives a full life.

Actor Alexander Domogarov, despite his rapid and successful career, also systematically abuses alcohol. While intoxicated, he behaves inappropriately, often raising his hand against women, which causes a lot of indignation from his colleagues. Like Nikolaev, he was cited several times for his illegal actions, however administrative penalties did not have the desired effect on him