Anti-personnel and anti-tank mines of NATO countries

Course work

St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University

Military department

Saint Petersburg



Mines and land mines are divided into:

for tactical purposes - for anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-vehicle (road), anti-landing, booby traps (surprises);

in terms of damaging effects - on those damaging by a blast wave (conventional and volumetric explosion), cumulative, fragmentation, shrapnel, incendiary (thermal) and others;

according to the principle of action - into controlled ones (which can be detonated or put into a combat position at any time at the request of the user) and automatic (which explode when directly impacted or after a certain, predetermined period);

by methods of actuation - mines of push, pull (tension), time and combined action;

by validity period - for instant action mines and delayed action mines;

according to the body material - metal, plastic, wood, paper, glass and without a body (made of stamped explosives);

by installation level - suspended (attached) higher than human height (above tank turrets, car cabins); at ground level (by the silhouette of a person, vehicles, armored vehicles); buried in the ground (built into buildings or technical objects); installed at the bottom of reservoirs or in the underwater part of the shore; floating in the water.

Anti-tank mines are now increasingly being used as open-frame mines with plastic fuses. Such mines are not detected by induction mine detectors, but they usually do not pose a danger to reconnaissance personnel, since they are triggered by pressure weighing at least 180-200 kg.

Anti-tank mines are intended for mining terrain against tanks and other mobile ground vehicles. military equipment enemy.

Anti-personnel mines are designed to mine areas against enemy personnel. According to their destructive effect, they are divided into high-explosive and fragmentation, according to the principle of actuation of mines by push or pull action.

Anti-personnel mines

1. Multi-purpose light ammunition (SLEM) M2, M 4

(M2, M4 Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition (SLAM))

Multi-purpose engineering ammunition, developed by Alliant Techsystem Inc (formerly Honeywell) to carry out the tasks of destroying, damaging, disabling various enemy objects (pipelines, storage tanks for petroleum products with a capacity of up to 38 cubic meters, equipment and ammunition), his vehicles (cars, lightly armored vehicles, helicopters and airplanes in parking lots), inflicting losses on enemy personnel in places where they are concentrated (units in the ranks, barracks, at entertainment events).

The M2 ammunition is designed specifically for Special Operations Forces (SOF) units. Other units and branches of the military are prohibited from using M2 ammunition. It turns green. The picture shows it in the anti-aircraft mine position.

The M4 ammunition is designed for light, airborne, air assault, rapid deployment and crisis response units. The warhead is painted black, the rest is green. The figure shows it in the anti-bottom mine position.

The ammunition was adopted by the US Army, Corps Marine Corps USA in March 1990.

Can be used as an anti-tank anti-bottom magnetic cumulative mine, as an anti-tank anti-aircraft cumulative (shock core) mine; as an object mine with a cumulative jet and impact core hitting the object, activated by a delayed action fuse or by command from the control panel

At its core, the ammunition is a scaled-down model of an anti-tank anti-aircraft mine such as the Soviet TM-83, Swedish Type 14 or French MAH mod.F.1 and hits the target with a shock core. The multi-purpose character of the mine is given by a universal fuse, which has magnetic and infrared sensors, a timer and an impact fuse.

The miner chooses one of the types of mine operation:

*using a mine as an anti-bottom mine. The mine is placed on the ground with the cumulative funnel facing up. The magnetic sensor works, and the passive infrared sensor is covered with a cover. The combat operation time of the mine is set to 4, 10, 24 hours, after which the self-destructor makes the mine safe (M2) or detonates the mine (M4). A mine explodes when the vehicle is above the mine.

* using a mine as an anti-aircraft mine. The magnetic sensor, although it remains turned on, does not participate in the operation. The mine is placed on the side of the road with a cumulative crater towards the road. The cover is removed from the passive infrared sensor and it reacts to changes in temperature (thermal radiation coming from the car's engine) and detonates the mine. The combat operation time of the mine is set to 4, 10, 24 hours, after which the self-destructor makes the mine safe (M2) or detonates the mine (M4).

*using a mine as an object mine with slowdown. A mine is installed against an object like an anti-side mine, on or under an object like an anti-bottom mine (directing a cumulative funnel towards the object). The timer is turned on for a slowdown time of 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes, after which the mine explodes.

* using a mine as a demolition charge. The mine is installed in the same way as the previous method, but the explosion is carried out by the miner from a safe distance using a mechanical or electric fuse attached to the impact fuse.

Tactical and technical characteristics of M2 and M4 ammunition

Ammunition type................................................... ............multi-purpose, cumulative (shock core)

Frame................................................. ...........................metal

Total weight................................................ ..................1 kg.

Armor penetration ..................................................... ....up to 40 mm. mild steel

Time of combat operation in daytime modes. etc. on board.....4, 10, 24 hours

Timer setting time in "object" mode.........15, 30, 45, 60 minutes..


M4........................................ ....self-detonation

M2........................................ ....self-neutralization

The mine cannot be neutralized in the “anti-aircraft” and “anti-watercraft” modes. An explosion occurs when trying to move the mode selection switch to the "safe" position. At the same time, in principle, the mine in the “anti-bottom” mode remains removable. It can be removed from its installation site and taken to the side, but it cannot be made safe. In the "anti-aircraft" mode, approaching a mine is dangerous, because The infrared sensor can react to the heat of the human body at a short distance.

2. M18 anti-personnel mine A 1 "Claymore"

(Anti-personnel mine M18A1 Claymore)

Directional anti-personnel fragmentation mine, controlled. Designed to disable enemy personnel. A person is defeated by wounding the body with ready-made lethal elements (balls or rollers). Adopted by the US Army in 1964

Type of mine…………………………………......anti-personnel guided fragmentation fragmentation

Weight……………………………………....…..1.6 kg.

Mass of explosive (C-3)….........….682 g.

Length………………………………….......…..21.5 cm.

Height……………………………………9 cm.


Affected area................................................... sector 60 degrees, radius 50m, height from 10cm. up to 4m.

Temperature range of application.........-40 --+50 degrees.

The mine has the appearance of a curved parallelepiped. The convex side is set towards the enemy. On the inside, along the convex edge, there are 678 ready-made killing elements in the form of steel balls or rollers with a diameter of 5.5 mm. When a mine explodes, a beam of lethal elements is formed, flying at a distance of up to 50m. in a sector of 60 degrees. Beam height up to 4 meters at maximum range. Safely remove your soldiers to the rear at least 35 meters. The figure shows the mine's affected area.

In the Field Manual FM 20-32, the radius of the affected area is specified as 100 meters and the height of the affected area is up to 2 meters, however, tests conducted in 1966 at a training ground near Moscow showed that the affected radius does not exceed 50 meters, and the height of the affected area reaches 4 or more meters, and the probability of defeat at a distance of 50 meters is no more than 0.007.

For friendly troops, safe distances are 250 meters forward, 100 meters to the rear and lateral.

Minimum permissible distances from other mines:

*50 meters in front of or behind another M18A1 mine;

*3 meters to the side to the adjacent M18A1 mine;

*10 meters from anti-tank mines or anti-personnel fragmentation mines;

*2 meters from high explosive anti-personnel mines

The mine does not have its own fuse. In the upper part there are two sockets for electric detonators. Initially, it was assumed that the mine would be used exclusively as a controlled mine and that it would be detonated from the operator’s control panel at the moment when enemy soldiers were in the mine’s affected area. To install a mine and determine the affected area, there is a sight at the top of the mine. The mine is installed on four legs on the ground or, using the clamp included in the mine kit, it can be attached to local objects. During operation, tension or break-action fuses began to be fitted to this mine, or, using the second socket, they began to be used as a double-action mine (controlled and tension (break)).

According to the Field Manual FM 20-32 mine M18A1 belongs to mines special purpose and is intended primarily for the Special Operations Forces (SOF), known here as “Green Berets” or “Black Berets.”

3. Anti-personnel mine M25 "Elsie"

(Anti-personnel mine M25 "LC")

Anti-personnel cumulative push-action mine. Designed to disable enemy personnel. A person is defeated by a cumulative jet piercing the lower part of the leg (foot) when a mine charge explodes at the moment of stepping on a mine container containing a very small explosive charge (only 9 grams), which simultaneously plays the role of a target sensor. Usually, when a mine explodes, the foot of the leg with which the enemy soldier stepped on the mine is significantly damaged. Death can occur from painful shock, blood loss due to untimely provision of first aid (however, this rarely happened). Adopted by the US Army in 1962.

The mine can only be installed in the ground, in the snow, manually. This is caused by the shape of the mine, which does not allow it to remain upright when trying to place it on the surface. When installed in the snow, a wide ring with a hole in the middle is placed under its upper part so that when stepping on the mine, it does not sink into the snow, but an explosion occurs. In anticipation of the need to clear a minefield of M25 mines, their sappers used a metal ring when installing the mine. This was done so that mine detectors could detect the mine. Installation by means of mechanization was not provided.

The combat life of the mine is not limited. It has no elements of non-recoverability, non-neutralization or self-destruction.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the mine

Mine type…………………………………......anti-personnel cumulative pressure action


Weight……………………………………....….90 gr.

Mass of explosive (tetryl)…..…..9 g.

Diameter…………………………………...…..3 cm.

Height…………………………..……9 cm.

Target sensor diameter……………………….1.5cm.

Sensitivity………………………….....7 - 10 kg.

Temperature range of application….....-40 --+50 degrees.

The mine is triggered by stepping on a container with explosives protruding above the hull, spring-loaded by a mainspring. In the figure, the top cover of the container is visible above the safety bracket (indicated by the number 2), hugging the container body. The container can be freely removed from the mine body. The mine does not have any fuses. When in use, the container and the mine body are carried separately. Before installing the mine, the sapper makes a hole in the ground with a special punch-template, inserts the body into it, then a container with a safety bracket on it is inserted into the body. After masking the mine, the bracket is removed.

4. Anti-personnel mines M67, M72

(Anti-personnel scatterable mines M67, M72)

Anti-personnel fragmentation mine with all-round impact. Designed to disable enemy personnel. Enemy soldiers are defeated by fragments (ready-made lethal elements) during an explosion at a height of about 1.5 m. an explosive element that is ejected from a mine when a soldier touches one of the four spring-loaded threads. Adopted by the US Army and Marine Corps in 1975

The mine is part of the ADAM remote mining system of the FASCAM mine family, adopted for service in 1975. The mine is installed only on the surface. Delivered to the installation site in a shell artillery system caliber 155mm. The delivery range depends on the range of a particular artillery system and can average up to 18 (M109A1 howitzer) - 24 km (M198 howitzer).

36 pieces of mines are placed in the body of an M692 projectile (M67 mines) or M731 (M72 mines) of an M483 artillery round with a mechanical M577 remote-action fuse. The spread of mines over the terrain from one projectile is up to 600 meters from the aiming point.

The combat life of the M72 mine is fixed - 48 hours, the M67 mine - 4 hours, after which the mine self-destructs by detonation. This is the only difference between the M67 and M72 mines. The mine is triggered when an enemy soldier touches one of the four threads, which, when the mine falls to the ground, are scattered to the sides with the help of springs within a radius of up to 6 m. An electronic contact fuse, which is part of the mine design, is triggered by a change in the position of the mine, which occurs when an enemy soldier gets caught on one of the threads. When the fuse is triggered, an explosive element is thrown to a height of 1.5 m, which, during its explosion, strikes a target within a radius of up to 7 meters with fragments and ready-made lethal elements. The mine is non-destructive and non-removable. The self-destruction period by explosion for the M72 is 48 hours, for the M67 mine - 4 hours.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the M67 mine

Tactical and technical characteristics of the M72 mine

Type of mine…………………………………….....anti-personnel fragmentation fragmentation jumping circular destruction



Mass of explosive (A5)…...................21 g.

Segment radius length.........................6.5 cm.

Segment height………………………….......7 cm.

Segment angle……………...............…….........35 degrees..

Target sensor length (one way)...............600 cm.


Combat work time........................48 hours

Time to transfer to firing position................45 sec - 2 min.

Temperature range of application.........-12 --+50 degrees.

155 mm howitzer shell M692 (M731) in section.

At the manufacturing plant, mines are packaged in shell casings of 36 pieces. The fuses are switched to the firing position automatically 45 seconds to 2 minutes after being ejected from the projectile.

A significant disadvantage of the mine is the inadmissibility of falling on hard surfaces (asphalt, concrete), because in this case, destruction of the mine body or failure of its mechanisms may occur.

5. Anti-personnel mine

(Anti-personnel scatterable mine M74)

Anti-personnel fragmentation mine with circular damage. Designed to disable enemy personnel. Enemy soldiers are defeated by hull fragments during a mine explosion, which occurs when a soldier breaks one of the eight breaking threads, each 15 meters long (breaking force 454 g). Adopted by the US Army and Marine Corps in 1975. It is a striking element of the cluster munition of the M138 mine spreader (Flipper) or the M128 mine spreader of the GEMSS mining system, part of the FASCAM mining family.

5 pieces of mines are placed in a cassette, which is inserted into the M128 spreader drum or the M138 grenade launcher feed system. Mines from the M128 spreader are thrown at a distance of 30-60 meters at 4 mines per second. From the M138 spreader, mines are fired at a distance of 20-30 meters every 10 seconds. After falling to the ground, 45 minutes later, from eight (four on the upper and lower planes) nests, thin broken threads, each 15 meters long, are thrown out to the sides at a distance of about 12 meters. The mine is put into combat position. When an enemy soldier touches any of the threads, it breaks (the breaking force is only 454 grams). As a result of a broken thread, the safety electrical network opens, which causes the mine to explode. The personnel are hit by fragments of the hull, reinforced with ready-made fragments on the sides. The radius of the mine is 12 meters.

The diagram shows a section of the body in red, finished fragments in purple, an explosive charge in yellow, and a control mechanism in turquoise.

The combat life of the mine is 5 or 15 days (set by the operator before the start of mining), after which the mine self-destructs by detonation. This is the only difference between the M67 and M72 mines. 20% of the mines in the spreader are non-removable. The mine cannot be neutralized and cannot be removed. Painted grey-green. There are no markings or inscriptions on the mine.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the mine

Mine type…………………………………......anti-personnel fragmentation all-round damage




Time to transfer to combat position......45 min.

Combat work time.........................................5 or 15 days.

Temperature range of application.........-12 --+50 degrees.

At the manufacturing plant, mines are packaged in cassettes of 5 pieces. A significant disadvantage of the mine is the inadmissibility of falling on hard surfaces (asphalt, concrete), because in this case, destruction of the mine body or failure of its mechanisms may occur. When placing mines in loose deep snow, it can interfere with the scattering of the target sensor threads and the effectiveness of the minefield is sharply reduced. Shrubs, tall grass, melting snow and other surfaces that do not provide a stable position for mines can cause false alarms of sensors and detonation of mines. This especially applies to mines that have a non-removable mechanism, because it is triggered by any change in the position of the mine. Self-destruction of mines begins by the middle of the fifth day of combat work for five-day mines, and the twelfth day for fifteen-day mines.

Freezing of power supplies (ambient temperature below -12 degrees) leads to self-destruction of the min. An attempt to use mines with expired storage periods leads to the self-destruction of the mines immediately after the mine leaves the cassette.

6. Pursuit deterrent ammunition

M86 "Pidibi"

(Pursuit-Deternet Munition (PDB) M86)

At its core, it is an anti-personnel fragmentation fragmentation mine with circular destruction. It is practically a complete analogue of the anti-personnel mine of the ADAM M67 remote mining system, but unlike the M67 it is installed not using an artillery shell, but manually. In this regard, changes have been made to the design of the mine - the mine is transferred to the firing position after 25 seconds. after pulling out the safety ring; the number of target sensors (spring-loaded threads) has been increased to seven versus four for the M67.

The combat work time is fixed - 4 hours (error - 48 minutes).

The mine is placed manually on the surface of the earth. After pulling out the safety pin, up to seven threads, each 6 meters long, are thrown out of the mine in 25 seconds (from two to three threads may not turn around due to the fact that the direction of their release is towards the ground) and the mine goes into the firing position. Enemy soldiers are defeated by fragments (ready-made lethal elements) when a mine explodes at a height of about 2.5 m, which is thrown upward by a special mini-rocket engine powered by liquid fuel. The mine is triggered by any change in its position due to a soldier touching the mine itself or one of the seven spring-loaded threads. If there was no meeting with the target, then after 3 hours 12 minutes - 4 hours 00 minutes. from the moment the mine is transferred to the combat position, the mine self-destructs by detonation.

Adopted by the Special Operations Forces (SOF) of the US Army and Marine Corps in 1999. The main tactical purpose is to hastily mine the escape routes of special operations groups when being pursued by the enemy. This purpose of the mine, as well as the absence of the word “mine” in the name, removes this mine from the jurisdiction of the Ottawa Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the M86 deterrent ammunition

Ammunition type……………………………......fragmentation jumping all-round impact

Tactical purpose.................................containment of the pursuer




Mass of explosive (A5)…...................21 g.

Segment radius length.........................6.5 cm.

Segment height………………………….......7 cm.

Segment angle……………...............…….........35 degrees..

Target sensor length (one way)...............600 cm.


Combat work time........................................4 hours

Time to transfer to firing position................25 seconds.

Temperature range of application.........-12 --+50 degrees.

7. M14 anti-personnel mine

(Anti-personnel mine M14)

High-explosive pressure action anti-personnel mine. Designed to disable enemy personnel. A person is injured by injuring the lower part of his leg (foot) when a mine charge explodes when he steps on the pressure cover of the mine. Usually, when a mine explodes, the foot of the leg with which the enemy soldier stepped on the mine is significantly damaged. Death can occur from painful shock, blood loss due to untimely provision of first aid (however, this rarely happened). Adopted by the US Army in 1962

The mine can be installed both on the ground and in the ground, in the snow, or under water manually. Installation by means of mechanization was not provided.

The combat life of the mine is not limited. It has no elements of non-recoverability, non-neutralization or self-destruction.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the mine

Type of mine…………………………………......anti-personnel high-explosive pressure action


Weight……………………………………....….130 gr.

Mass of explosive (tetryl)…..….30 g.

Diameter…………………………………...…..5.6 cm.

Height…………………………..……4 cm.

Target sensor diameter………………………3.8cm.

Sensitivity…………………………...8 - 25 kg.

Temperature range of application…..-40 --+50 degrees.

The fuse is a structural part of the mine.

The mine is triggered by stepping on the pressure cap. The fuse is switched to the armed (armed), intermediate (danger) and safe (safe) positions by turning the pressure cap with a black triangle pressed on the side surface so that the triangle points to one of the letters (A, D, S) (triangle and letter S clearly visible in the figure). An additional fuse is a fork-shaped safety pin (indicated by number 2 in the figure)

8. Anti-personnel mine M 16A1

(Anti-personnel mine M16A1)

Anti-personnel fragmentation mine with circular damage and jumping out. Designed to disable enemy personnel with hull fragments when it explodes at a height of 0.6 -1.2 meters from the surface of the earth.

The mine can be installed on the ground or in the ground manually. Installation by means of mechanization was not provided.

The combat life of the mine is not limited. It has no elements of non-recoverability, non-neutralization or self-destruction. Entered service with the Army and Marine Corps in 1965.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the mine

Type of mine………………………………….......anti-personnel fragmentation jumping circular destruction of push and pull action


Weight……………………………………...........3.5 kg.

Mass of explosive (TNT or H2)…..........…..450 g.

Diameter…………………………………...………..............10 cm.

Height ………………………….........................…............… 14 cm.

Damage radius................................................... ...................up to 20m.

The length of the target tension sensor……………........................up to 18 m.

Diameter of the target pressure sensor coverage area.........5 cm.

Sensitivity of target tension/pressure sensor....1.4 / 3.5 kg.

Temperature range of application...........................-40 --+50 degrees.

Fuse M403 double action (combined - tension or push). It can be used as a tension fuse, for which a tension wire is tied to a ring pin and the detonation occurs when an enemy soldier touches the wire. Can be used as a pressure fuse. To trigger the fuse by pressure, an axial pressure of 3.5 kg must be applied (step on) at least one of the antennae protruding from the top of the fuse.

The picture shows the upper part of a mine with an M403 fuse and a double-sided tripwire.

9. Ammunition family

extensive affected area

M93 "Hornet"

(M93 HORNET (Family of Wide Area Munitions - WAM))

Strictly speaking, this family does not exist yet. It is planned that in this family there will be four types of ammunition, differing in the method of delivery toplace of application, ease of handling.

First type:

*HE-Hornet is delivered to the installation site and installed by hand. Cannot be neutralized. Self-destructs by detonation after a specified period of combat work (4, 48 hours, 5, 15, 30 days).

Second type:

*HE-Hornet PIP #1 is delivered to the installation site manually, but is transferred to the firing position from the control panel. From the remote control you can move the ammunition to a safe position and again to a combat position. It is possible to remove it from the installation site and move it to a new location. Self-destructs after a specified period of combat work or at the operator’s command.

Third type:

*HE-Hornet PIP #2 differs from HE-Hornet PIP #1 in that it can be used against unarmored vehicles and is sensitive to human proximity (self-destructs).

Fourth type:

*DA-Hornet is delivered to the installation site by airplane, rocket, helicopter, Air VOLCANO system, Ground VOLCANO system. It is transferred to a combat or safe position, self-destructs from a ground or air control panel using radio commands.

As of 2001, only the first type of HE-Hornet mine was submitted for military trial operation, but already in 1998 the mine was included in the Field Manual FM 20-32.

At its core, the M93 is an anti-tank / anti-vehicle mine that hits a target with an impact core that occurs at the moment of explosion of an explosive charge that has a cumulative crater. The target is hit on the roof of the car.

A mine in a combat position has seismic target sensors turned on. When a mine is detected at a distance of more than 100 meters in any direction of a tank or other armored target, the target’s infrared sensors are activated. Signals from seismic and infrared target sensors enter the information processing unit, where the range to the target, direction to the target, and the nature of the target are determined.

When the target is identified as an armored vehicle" worthy of attention", the guidance unit calculates the flight path of the warhead and begins to point it in the direction of the target.

When the target is in the zone of confident destruction, a command is issued to launch the warhead.

Warhead rising up ballistic trajectory, finds the target with its own infrared target sensor, and when the warhead is strictly above the target, it turns strictly vertically down and is detonated. The impact cannonball hits the target.

The photo on the right shows the moment the impact core hits the target. The impact core itself is clearly visible (a light stripe above the tank).

The mine is small in size and has a relatively light weight - 15.876 kg, i.e. it can be easily carried by one person.

The photo on the left shows the M93 mine (HE-Hornet) in the manual transport position.

The power supply is activated immediately upon insertion of the electric battery into the ammunition body. The active battery life of the power supply is 4 hours, after which the spare battery is activated. The mine can be in a pre-combat state for up to 60 days, in a combat state for up to 30 days. At ambient temperatures above +38 degrees, the pre-combat period is reduced to 30 days, and the combat state to 15 days.

The company is a developer and supplier of Textron Defense Systems. It is planned to supply 15,259 sets to the army as part of the ACAT II program. amounting to about 800 ml. dollars.

M93 is supposed to be used by groups of Special Operations Forces (Units SOF) to carry out terrorist acts against senior enemy commanders, government officials of enemy countries, destruction launchers and transport-loading vehicles for tactical and operational-tactical missiles; rangers against tanks and other armored vehicles on the march, in concentration areas, starting areas, halting and refueling areas.

In addition, the M93 can be used by conventional engineering units as conventional anti-tank or anti-vehicle mines on the battlefield.

Performance characteristics of the M93 WAM mine (HE-HORNET)

Ammunition type……………………………......anti-tank / anti-vehicle cumulative (shock core) high-altitude roof strike

Tactical purpose......................... destruction of tanks and lightly armored vehicles


Weight........................………………………15.876 kg.

Mass of explosive (??)…...............??.

Armor penetration ...................................up to 90 mm.

Dimensions in unfolded position............??

Dimensions in transport position.........??

Target detection range radius...................100m.

Target Sensors:



Warhead target sensor.........infrared

Combat work time........................................4 hours, 48 ​​hours , 5 days, 15 days, 30 days

Time to transfer to combat position......5-6 minutes...

Temperature range of application.........-1 --+50 degrees.

All mines are equipped with a self-liquidator and an anti-removal element.

Installation restrictions:

* maximum inclination of the installed mine is 15 degrees;

* hole depth - no more than 21 cm (preferably on the surface of the earth);

* minimum hole diameter is 91 cm.

* local objects up to 1 m high - no closer than 3 meters from the mine;

Up to 2.5 m - no closer than 5 meters from the mine;

Up to 6.5 m - no closer than 15 meters from the mine;

Up to 25 m. - no closer than 25 meters from the mine.

Tests carried out in September 1997 at Yuma Proving Ground yielded results: out of six mines, only three responded to the T-72 tank, and only one of them hit the target. Tests in January 1998 - out of six mines installed, three mines detected the target. Of these, one mine launched a warhead in the wrong direction, one warhead missed and one hit the target. Tests revealed a significant effect on combat work min of both low and high temperatures, strong wind (more than 5 m/sec.), snowfall, rain, smoke (dust). Also, the operation of the radio control panel is strongly influenced by radio jammers, unauthorized radio emissions (radio stations, television stations, radars, close-working arresters, high-voltage networks, car engine spark plugs, etc.)

10. Anti-personnel mine "Ranger"

(Cassette mine element)

Remotely deployed anti-personnel mine high explosive. Designed to disable enemy personnel. A person is injured by injuring the foot when stepping on the pressure cover of a mine. Entered service in 1977 as a cluster munition for the Ranger minelayer. As of 2001, it is in service in the armies of Great Britain and a number of countries. British Commonwealth nations. According to the English nomenclature, mines do not have any designation, because is considered not a mine, but a striking element of a cluster mineammunition.

The mine can only be installed on the ground by throwing it by ejecting the minelayer from the cassette with a powder charge. One cassette contains 72 mines. It is transferred to the combat position 20 seconds from the moment it falls to the ground.

The combat life of the mine is not limited. Non-removable and non-neutralizing. It does not have self-destruction systems.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the mine

Housing material............................................aluminum

Total weight................................................... ..........120g.

Weight of explosives (gesogen)...................................10g .

Diameter................................................. .............6.2cm.

Height................................................. ...............3.4cm.

Target sensor diameter...................................6.2 cm.

There are 72 mines in a cylindrical aluminum cassette with fuses in a safe position. 18 cassettes are placed in a special container-module, equipped with a control system for sequentially firing mines from the cassettes. This container module can be placed on a car, armored personnel carrier, tank, or helicopter. Such a vehicle, equipped with a container module, is called the Ranger minelayer.

A small amount of explosives contained in a mine (10g of hexogen) is clearly not enough to cause a fatal attack. The result of the explosion, if the victim does not die from shock, is a severe injury to the foot, usually leading to its amputation.

11. Anti-personnel mine DM11

(Deutsch Mine 11)

High-explosive anti-personnel mine. Designed to disable enemy personnel. A person is killed by injuring his leg by the force of the explosion when stepping on the target pressure sensor located in the center of the mine body. Has been in service with the Bundeswehr since 1972.

The mine can be installed in the ground (snow) or on the ground manually or by mechanization. It is transferred to the firing position immediately after the safety pin is removed.

The combat life of the mine is not limited. It does not have non-recovery, non-neutralization or self-destruction systems.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the mine

Mine type…………………………………......anti-personnel high-explosive

Housing material............................................plastic

Total weight................................................... ..........200g.

Weight of explosives (TNT)...................................110g .

Diameter................................................. .............10.2cm.

Height................................................. ...............12.6cm.

Actuation force...................................10 kg.

Target sensor diameter...................................4 cm.

The mine is very powerful, although it is somewhat inferior to the Soviet PMN-type mine. Typically, when a mine explodes, the foot with which the enemy soldier stepped on the mine is completely or partially torn off, and, depending on the distance, the other foot from the explosion site, it can also be significantly damaged or not damaged at all. Death can occur from painful shock or blood loss if first aid is not provided in a timely manner.

Anti-tank mines

1. Anti-vehicle mine Type 13

(Anti-vehicle mine Type 13)

An anti-vehicle mine of a combined type (cumulative-fragmentation) directed destruction controlled. Designed to disable unarmored and lightly armored enemy ground vehicles, low-flying aircraft and helicopters. The vehicle is damaged due to damage to the hull, cabin, and crew members by ready-made lethal elements (balls or rollers) and an impact core formed due to the cumulative effect. Entered into service in 1991. As of 2001, it is in service with the army.Sweden.

The mine can be installed on the ground or attached to local objects (pillars, walls, tree trunks, etc.) manually. Installation by means of mechanization was not provided.

The combat life of the mine is not limited. It has no elements of non-recoverability, non-neutralization or self-destruction.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the mine

Type of mine…………………………………......anti-vehicle fragmentation - cumulative guided directed destruction controlled

Frame................................................. ...............plastic

Total weight................................................... ..........20 kg.

Weight of explosives (hexotol)...........................7.5 kg.

Dimensions........................................................ .............42x10x25 cm.

Number of finished slaughter elements...................1220

Affected area................................................... .sector size 150x100x3m.

Information on other characteristics is not available. The Swedish Ministry of Defense has classified the data.

The mine has the shape of a parallelepiped. The side with the inscription “Denna sida mot fienden” is placed towards the enemy. On the inside, along this side of the edge, ready-made killing elements in the form of steel balls or rollers are placed. When a mine explodes, a beam of destructive elements is formed, flying at a distance of up to 150m. (?). The scattering of hull fragments and lethal elements to the sides is 50 (?) meters to the left and right at the maximum range. Beam height up to 3 meters at maximum range. Safely remove your soldiers to the rear at least 35 meters. Second damaging factor The mine is formed during an explosion due to a cumulative excavation, the so-called impact core. This core is designed to disable lightly armored vehicles.

A smaller version of the mine is the Type 13 R mine. The affected area of ​​this mine is 100x70x3 meters.

The mine does not have its own fuse. In the upper part there are two sockets for electric detonators (in a controlled version) or fuses. The mine is installed on the surface of the ground using stands, and with the help of the clamp included in the mine kit it can be attached to local objects. This mine is suitable for universal fuses with a combined seismic - infrared target sensor, and the sensitivity of the seismic sensor can be set to the positions - special sensitivity, person, car, tank, off. Tension action fuses are also available.

2. Anti-tank mine M15

(Anti-tank mine M15)

Anti-tank anti-track mine. Designed to disable enemy tracked and wheeled vehicles. Defeat to enemy vehicles is caused by the destruction of their chassis when a mine charge explodes at the moment the wheel (roller) hits the pressure cover of the mine (fuze M603) or the fuse is tilted (fuze M624). According to the American classification, it belongs to the M-Kill type mines (i.e., damaging only a vehicle). Adopted by the US Army in 1953

The mine can be installed both on the ground and in the ground, in snow, under water, manually or using a trailed minelayer M57 (developed in 1972).

The combat life of the mine is not limited. When the metal body of a mine is destroyed by corrosion, the sensitivity of the mine increases from 150-338 kg. up to 3-5 kg. The mine is not equipped with a self-destructor. On the side wall of the case there is an additional point for installing a non-removable fuse.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the mine



Weight........................………………………13.6 kg.

Weight of explosive (type “B”)…..….9.9 g.

Diameter……………………………....…….....32 cm.

Height…………………………....……...….....12.4 cm.

Target sensor diameter (press cap)...22 cm.

Sensitivity (M603)……………...........158 - 338 kg.

(M624).........................1.7 kg.

Temperature range of application…..-12 --+50 degrees.

Chemical pressure fuse M-603 (the figure above shows an M15 mine with an M603 fuse).

The M624 fuse can be used, which is used as an inclined-action fuse (with an extension rod) or as a push-action fuse (the extension rod is not inserted into the fuse socket). The picture on the left shows the top of a mine with an M624 fuse without an extension rod.

The figure on the right, taken from Field Manual FM 20-32, shows the installation procedure for the M624 fuze in the extension rod version.

On the side surface and on the bottom there are sockets for M5 or M142 fuses with M1 intermediate detonators. These fuses ensure that the mine is not retrievable

Mines are packed in boxes of 1 piece. (gross weight 18 kg) not fully equipped (without fuse and fuse).

The mine (with M603 fuse) is triggered when it hits the pressure cap. In the figure, the fuse sensor is conventionally highlighted in red. The fuse is switched to the armed (armed), intermediate (danger) and safe (safe) position by turning the knob with an arrow drawn on it so that the arrow points to one of these words.

If the mine is used with an M624 fuze, which is screwed into the main socket instead of a plug with a rotary handle, then the mine is triggered when the tank track tilts the fuze directly or by tilting the rod.

M5 or M142 fuses are triggered when attempting to remove a mine from the installation site. The M5 fuse is unloading, and the M142 is a tension fuse.

3. M21 anti-tank mine

(Anti-tank mine M21)

Anti-tank, anti-bottom/anti-track mine. Designed to disable enemy tracked and wheeled vehicles. Defeat to enemy vehicles, when the mine is used as an anti-bottom mine, is caused by piercing the bottom of the vehicle with a cumulative jet when the mine charge explodes at the moment when the vehicle with its body deflects the pin target sensor from the vertical position by 10-12 degrees.

Defeat to enemy vehicles, when the mine is used as an anti-track mine, is caused by the destruction of 1-3 tracks of the caterpillar and damage to the vehicle roller by a cumulative jet when the mine charge explodes at the moment when the caterpillar presses on the fuse with a force of at least 130.5 kg.

Adopted by the US Army and Marine Corps in 1980

The mine is installed in the ground, in the snow, or under water manually.

The combat life of the mine is not limited. The mine is not equipped with a self-destructor, elements of retrieval and non-neutralization.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the mine

Mine type…………………………………......anti-tank



Weight........................………………………7.8 kg.

Weight of explosive (type "H6")......4.5 kg.

Diameter……………………………....…….....23 cm.

Case height………………………….......11.5 cm.

Target sensor height (pin)....................51.1 cm.

Sensitivity (with pin)………….....20 degrees from vertical with a force of 1.7 kg. or more.

Pressure sensitivity........................130.5 kg.

Temperature range of application…..-30 --+50 degrees.

Mechanical fuse M-607. Can be used as a pressure fuse (option A). In this case, the pin is not screwed into the fuse. Can also be used as an inclined fuse (option B). In this case, a pin 51.1 cm long is screwed in. In the picture on the left there is an M607 fuse in two versions.

The mine is installed in a hole 22-25 cm deep, so that only the target sensor (pin) is above the ground surface, the height of which must be at least 50 cm from the ground surface. Before final camouflage of the mine, the locking ring of the fuse is pulled out and the fuse is removed, which is a hollow metal half-cylinder that prevents the pin from deflecting in a safe position. The fuse does not have a temporary fuse and is in the firing position from the moment the fuse is removed. This is a significant disadvantage of the mine, because The final camouflage of the mine with turf or soil should be carried out with extreme caution.

When the pin is deflected by the vehicle body by 20 degrees (the applied force is 1.7 kg) or the tank track is pressed with a force of 130.5 kg (if the fuse is without a pin), the powder expelling charge is first detonated, which throws off the cover from the mine and throws out the soil located on top of the mine. This frees up space for the formation of a cumulative jet. Then the main charge explodes and the cumulative jet pierces the bottom.

Mines are packed 4 pieces per box. Box weight 41 kg.

4. Anti-tank mine mine M19

(Anti-tank mine M19)

Anti-tank anti-track mine. Designed to disable enemy tracked and wheeled vehicles. Enemy vehicles are defeated due to the destruction of their chassis when a mine charge explodes at the moment the wheel (roller) hits the pressure cover of the mine.

The mine can be installed both on the ground and in the ground, in the snow, or under water manually.

The combat life of the mine is not limited. The mine is not equipped with a self-destructor. On the side wall of the case there is an additional point for installing a non-removable fuse.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the mine

Mine type…………………………………......anti-tank



Weight........................………………………12.7 kg.

Weight of explosive (type “B”)…..….9.5 g.

Dimensions……………………………....…….....33x33 cm.

Case height……………………………......7.6 cm.

Target sensor diameter (press cap)...26 cm.

Sensitivity…………………………...136 - 180 kg.

Temperature range of application…..-50 --+50 degrees.

Mechanical fuse M-606.

Mines are packed in boxes of 4 pieces. (gross weight 67 kg.) finally equipped.

The mine is triggered when it hits the pressure cap. In the figure, the fuse sensor is conventionally highlighted in red. The fuse is switched to the armed (armed), intermediate (danger) and safe (safe) position by turning the knob with an arrow drawn on it so that the arrow points to one of these words.

5. Anti-tank mine


(Anti-tank scatterable mine BLU-91/B)

Anti-tank anti-bottom mine. Designed to disable enemy tracked and wheeled vehicles. Enemy vehicles are defeated by penetrating the bottom of the vehicle with a cumulative jet. The defeat is caused by splashes of molten armor from the bottom of the vehicle, and fragments of exploding tank ammunition. According to the classification of damaging properties, the mine belongs to the K-Kill type (destruction of a tank and crew). Adopted by the US Army and Marine Corps in 1979.

Installed only on the surface.

Included in the VOLCANO remote mining system. The M87 cassette holds 5 BLU-91/B mines and 1 BLU-92/B anti-personnel mine. The mine delivery vehicle is a mine spreader (4 containers and a control unit) on a truck, M548 tracked transporter or UH-60 "Black Hawk" helicopter.

It is also an integral part of the Gator aircraft mining system. The 1000-pound CBU-89/B aerial bomb can accommodate 72 BLU-91/B mines plus 22 BLU-92/B anti-personnel mines, and the 500-pound CBU-78/B aerial bomb can accommodate 45 BLU-91/B mines plus 15 anti-personnel mines BLU-92/B.

Bombs can be attached to A-10, F-4, F-15E, F-16, F-111, B52, A-6, A-7, F-18, AV-8B aircraft. The number of suspended cassettes depends on the type of aircraft. For example, the F-4 can carry up to 22 bombs. Six CBU-89/B bombs create a minefield measuring 650x200m. The delivery range can reach 2400 km.

The BLU-91/B mine, when used in the Gator aircraft mining system, is placed in a lightweight metal casing, ensuring uniform distribution of mines over the area after the bomb is deployed in flight.

A mine explodes when the machine's magnetic field influences the fuse. The deceleration time is calculated so that the explosion occurs under the middle of the vehicle body. All mines are equipped with a non-removable element, which causes the mine to explode when an attempt is made to change its position (move, move, rotate, lift). The fuse is a non-contact electromagnetic fuse, which is part of the mine design. The mine is indestructible.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the mine

Mine type…………………………………......anti-tank


Dimensions of the light body………...................14.5x14.5x8 cm.

In appearance, design and explosion-weight characteristics, the mine is no different from the M70, M73, M75, M78 mines

6. Anti-personnel/anti-tank mine


(Anti-personnel/Anti-tank scatterable mine Volcano)

Actually, under the symbol "Volcano" there are two mines - anti-tank and anti-personnel. Both mines are identical in size and shape. There are no markings on the mines. In English-language documents and literature, these mines may be designated by the abbreviations APM Volcano and ATM Volcano. Also, in some American sources (not literary), the author found the designation of these mines as ATM M88 and APM M88, AT Scatmine Volcano and AP Scatmine Volcano, AT Scatmine M88 and AP Scatmine M88, but in regulatory documents FM 20-32 and FM 5-102 these mines are referred to only as Volcano.

First option. Anti-personnel fragmentation mine with circular damage. Designed to disable enemy personnel. The damage is caused by fragments of the mine body during its explosion. Adopted by the US Army and Marine Corps in 1994 for the Ground Volcano mine system and in 1995 for the Air Volcano system. The appearance is no different from the BLU-92/B anti-personnel mine, except that on the side surface of the body there are two spring-loaded brackets, which eliminate the possibility that when the mine falls off the ground, it will remain on the ground not with its bottom, but with its side. While the mine is in the cassette, the staples are pressed to the side surface, leaving the mine in the cassette. the staples open.

Included in the VOLCANO remote mining system (ground and air versions). The M87 cassette holds 1 Volcano anti-personnel mine and 5 Volcano anti-tank mines. The M87A1 cassette contains only 6 Volcano anti-tank mines. The mine delivery vehicle is a mine spreader (4 containers and a control unit) on a truck, M548 tracked transporter or UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter.

The combat life of the mine is fixed for 4 hours, 48 ​​hours or 15 days, after which the mine self-destructs by detonation. The duration of combat work is set by the operator before the start of mining, when the mines are already loaded into the carrier. Self-destruction of mines begins:

for mines with a 4-hour combat life in 3 hours 12 minutes,

for mines with a 48-hour period of combat operation after 38 hours,

for mines with a 15-day period of combat operation after 12 days 14 hours.

After falling to the ground in two minutes, 4 weights with threads will be thrown out of the mine to the sides at a distance of up to 15 meters (actually there are eight weights with threads, but four of them will end up on the lower plane of the mine and will not work). An explosion occurs when the position of the mine changes, when an enemy soldier, clinging to a broken thread, breaks it (breaking force 454 g). or move the mine from its place. The same fuse plays the role of an element of non-removability. The mine is equipped with a backup seismic sensor, which will cause the mine to explode when the target approaches closer than 3-4 meters. Fuzes are part of the mine design. The mine is non-destructive and non-removable.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the Volcano anti-personnel mine

Mine type…………………………………......anti-personnel fragmentation all-round damage

Break-type action Housing…………………………………………........metal.

Weight........................………………………1.44 kg.

Weight of explosive (B4).......540 g.

Diameter...........................…….................... .......12 cm.

Height...................................6 cm.

Target sensor length (one way)...............15m.

Damage radius........................................12 m .


Time to transfer to combat position......2 min.

Combat work time........................................4 hours, 48 ​​hours, 15 days.

Temperature range of application.........-12 --+50 degrees.

Second option. Anti-tank anti-bottom mine. Designed to disable enemy tracked and wheeled vehicles. Enemy vehicles are defeated by penetrating the bottom of the vehicle with a cumulative jet. The defeat is caused by splashes of molten armor from the bottom of the vehicle, and fragments of exploding tank ammunition. According to the classification of damaging properties, the mine belongs to the K-Kill type (destruction of a tank and crew). Adopted by the US Army and Marine Corps in 1994 for the Ground Volcano mine system and in 1995 for the Air Volcano system. The appearance is no different from the BLU-91/B anti-personnel mine, except that on the side surface of the body there are two spring-loaded brackets, which eliminate the possibility that when the mine falls off the ground, it will remain on the ground not with its bottom, but with its side. While the mine is in the cassette, the staples are pressed against its side surface, and when the mine leaves the cassette, the staples open.

Included in the VOLCANO remote mining system (ground and air versions). The M87 cassette holds 1 Volcano anti-personnel mine and 5 Volcano anti-tank mines. The M87A1 cassette contains only 6 Volcano anti-tank mines. The mine delivery vehicle is a mine spreader (4 containers and a control unit) on a truck, M548 tracked transporter or UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter.

The combat life of the mine is fixed for 4 hours, 48 ​​hours or 15 days, after which the mine self-destructs by detonation. The duration of combat work is set by the operator before the start of mining, when the mines are already loaded into the carrier. Self-destruction of mines begins:

for mines with a 4-hour combat life in 3 hours 12 minutes,

for mines with a 48-hour period of combat operation after 38 hours,

for mines with a 15-day period of combat operation after 12 days 14 hours.

A mine explodes when the machine's magnetic field influences the fuse. The deceleration time is calculated so that the explosion occurs under the middle of the vehicle body. All mines are equipped with a non-removable element, which causes the mine to explode when an attempt is made to change its position (move, move, rotate, lift). The fuse is a non-contact electromagnetic fuse, which is part of the mine design. The mine is non-destructive and non-removable.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the Volcano anti-tank mine

Mine type…………………………………......anti-tank



Weight........................………………………1.7 kg.

Weight of explosive (RDX)..............0.585 kg.

Diameter……………………………....…….....12 cm.

Height…………………...................................6 cm.

Target sensor................................................... .......magnetic

Combat work time........................................4 hours, 48 ​​hours, 15 days.

Time to transfer to combat position......2 min.

Temperature range of application.........-10 --+50 degrees.

7. Anti-tank remote munitions

M70, M 73

(Remote Anti-Armor Munition M 70, M73)

At their core, these are two anti-tank mines that are part of the RAAM remote mining system of the FASCAM family of dispersible mines, but since they differ in the method of delivery to the installation site from traditional mines, according to the US Army nomenclature they are given the status not of mines, but of ammunition, more precisely, damaging elements.

Both mines are completely identical in appearance, size, design, explosion-weight characteristics and differ from each other only in the time of combat operation (self-destruction period).

The M70 mine has a combat operating time of 4 hours. 9 pieces of these mines fit into 155 mm. M741 howitzer shell.

The M73 mine has a combat life of 48 hours. 9 pieces of these mines fit into 155 mm. M718 howitzer shell.

Anti-tank anti-bottom cumulative mine. Designed to disable the crews of tanks and other vehicles. The fuse reacts to the magnetic field of the machine and initiates an explosion upon reaching a specified threshold value of the magnetic field strength. The damage is caused by molten splashes of armor resulting from penetration of the bottom by a cumulative jet and fragments of exploding shells from the tank's ammunition (according to the text of the US Army Field Manual FM 20-32). According to the classification of damaging properties, the mine belongs to the K-Kill type (destruction of a tank and crew).

Both mines were put into service in 1975. The mine is installed only on the surface. Delivered to the installation site in a 155mm caliber artillery system shell. The spread of mines over the terrain from one projectile is up to 600 meters from the aiming point. Depending on the required density of the minefield, from 6 to 96 shells are fired into this place. A so-called minefield module is thus formed around the aiming point. Depending on the steepness of the projectile’s flight path, the resulting density of the minefield and the consumption of projectiles, the size of the minefield module is determined to be 200x200 meters or 400x400 meters. This module guarantees a given density, although in reality the dispersion ellipse is approximately 500x1500 meters. The minefield consists of the required number of modules. The range of the minefield being installed from artillery positions depends on the range of howitzers and is up to 18-24 kilometers.

Performance characteristics of the M70 mine

Mine type…………………………………......anti-tank


Weight........................………………………1.7 kg.

Target sensor................................................... .......magnetic

Combat work time........................................4 hours

Projectile brand................................................... .....M741

Tactical and technical characteristics of the M73 mine

Mine type…………………………………......anti-tank

Anti-water cumulative


Weight........................………………………1.7 kg.

Weight of explosive (RDX)….........585 g.

Diameter............................……................... ......12 cm.

Height...................................................6 cm.

Target sensor................................................... .......magnetic

Sensitivity…………………………......100 cm normal to the plane of the mine (on both sides)

Combat work time........................................48 hours

Time to transfer to combat position......45-60 seconds.

Projectile brand................................................... .....M718

Temperature range of application.........-20 --+50 degrees.

At the manufacturing plant, mines are packaged in shell casings of 9 pieces. The fuses are switched to the firing position automatically 45 seconds to 2 minutes after being ejected from the projectile. 20% of mines (1-2 mines in a shell) have an element of non-removal and explode when you try to move them. All mines explode when exposed to the electromagnetic field of a mine detector. All mines cannot be neutralized.

A significant disadvantage of the mine is the inadmissibility of falling on hard surfaces (asphalt, concrete), because in this case, destruction of the mine body or failure of its mechanisms may occur. Self-destruction of mines begins to occur M70 after 3 hours 12 minutes, M73 after 36 hours from the moment of transfer to the combat position. Up to 15% of mines may be scattered outside the boundaries of the minefield. Due to the fact that there are two cumulative funnels (directed to opposite sides), then it doesn’t matter at all which plane the mine lies upward. The tilt of the mine leads to the fact that the path of the cumulative jet increases, and the reduced thickness of the armor increases. This leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the mine. These mines are ineffective against caterpillars, because They just punch a hole in the track.

No markings, decals, holes, covers, screw heads, etc. they don't have mines. Painted grey-green.

These mines do not penetrate the bottom of the Soviet mine clearance combat vehicle BMR-3.


The current stage of development of mine weapons in the 20th century began in 1997, when on September 18 the Ottawa Convention on the Ban of Anti-Personnel Mines was born, the clumsy brainchild of pacifist movements. Outwardly, this Convention pursued a completely good goal - to rid humanity of one of the types of deadly weapons. However, mines are not the type of weapon with which to begin the comprehensive struggle to rid people of the horrors of war. Not many people have died and are dying from mines. The initiators of the Convention slyly attributed to mines all cases of explosions of people in the post-war periods, including in this list cases from unexploded artillery shells, rockets, and grenades. Real statistics show that mines can be blamed for only 10-12% of cases of explosions of civilians in the post-war period.

However, one could agree with the Convention if it were not a powerful impetus for the development of mine weapons, its transition to a qualitatively new level. The Convention itself was drawn up so clumsily and legally illiterate that it leaves many loopholes for states that have sufficient finances to develop and put into service mines that have much higher destructive properties, are much more sensitive, and have the ability to competently and independently select a target and hit it in the most favorable moment, delivered to any point on the planet in as soon as possible. And various types of terrorists can continue to use old mines due to the simplicity and even primitiveness of the device. No articles of the Convention apply to them and no liability is provided for them.

One of the leading designers of mine weapons regarding the Ottawa Convention pointed out the following real results her appearance:

1. Mines are no longer called mines. They are increasingly called “engineering ammunition”, “damaging element”, “cluster destructive segment”, etc. it doesn't change the essence. Yes, a play on words. But this play on words brings out whole line mines from Ottawa's jurisdiction, leaving it with only mossy, outdated samples.

2. Governments have begun to show much more attention to the development of new mine weapons, and funding is growing. Mines have reached a new, higher quality level, at which the consumption of mines on the battlefield is sharply reduced, and their effectiveness increases sharply.

3. The introduction, as a mandatory structural element, of a device for self-destruction of a mine after the expiration of the combat period or upon a signal, ensures an increase in the safety of the actions of friendly troops and an increase in the mine danger for the enemy. In addition, any legal liability for causing harm to civilians, because It becomes impossible to prove that there were mines on one side or another in a given area.

4. There is a reason to get rid of huge stocks of physically and morally obsolete mines, which are still impossible to use.

The new century is just beginning and what it will be like is hidden from us by the fog of the future. Making forecasts and building prospects is a thankless and dangerous task. Today, the prophet risks coming under the fire of criticism from optimists and the angry shouts of those who are afraid to take a realistic look at today, who live not in the real world, but in an imaginary world. Tomorrow the forecasts may turn out to be wrong and the prophet risks becoming a target for ridicule.

But here is what the American historian, Major of the US Army Corps of Military Engineers William Sneck writes: “Some of the technologies being developed for the Department of Defense within the framework of the Ballistic Missile Defense Office can be considered as orbital space mines.”

That's it. Mines crawl into space.

And further: "...examined the origins of military mines and the ingenuity of the engineers who developed these weapons. The development of these necessary but unglamorous weapons continues. Anti-aircraft mines, anti-helicopter mines and possibly anti-satellite "mines" will almost certainly appear in the future. So far, history has shown that any time when new type weapons appear in the attacker's arsenal, military engineers respond with a defensive countermeasure.

With the development of civilization, the means of destroying people, the means of armed struggle, become more and more sophisticated, more destructive and more and more terrible.

According to one version, the name “mine” comes from the French mine - undermining. We are apparently talking about charges that were used in medieval wars to collapse fortress walls after digging under them. But modern mines are not always just mines. This is a complex, accurate and largely high-tech weapon designed to destroy enemy forces in various conditions.

In the time that has passed since their invention, these means of combat use have not lost their relevance and are present to this day in all armies of the world without exception.

Alexey Egorov will talk about what mines are in use and are being prepared to be put into service in the Russian army, what their combat potential is in the next episode of the “Military Acceptance” program, aired on the Zvezda TV channel.

Unique "Medallion"

New domestic anti-personnel mine POM-3(its working title is “Medallion”) is called the most modern and most advanced in its class. The troops do not yet have this weapon, but the mine has already passed all the necessary tests and is ready to enter service. The Medallion does not have tripwires; you do not need to step on it to activate it. Combat use is carried out using sensitive sensors. These same sensors do not allow the mine to be neutralized using modern mine clearance equipment.

A kind of prototype of POM-3 was the “Ohota” system, tested by sappers of the Limited Contingent Soviet troops in Afghanistan. A clear algorithm for using this device did not allow the Mujahideen to “neutralize” minefields by grazing livestock on them. The device responded only to human steps, was triggered sequentially, and when attempting to neutralize the electronic unit self-destructed.

According to the head of the department of the Research Engineering Institute (JSC "NIIII") Andrei Popov, today the "Hunt", built on the principle of human step selection, has been replaced by a more technologically advanced and smart device, used just on the "Medallion".

The combat filling for the POM-3 is a single destructive element made in the shape of a disk. When detonated, it shatters into its component parts, each of which twists in flight, ensuring energy conservation. In addition, this shape (in the form of teeth) encounters less air resistance and, when hitting the target, provides a more effective hit.

Within the radius of mortal danger

But the main know-how of Medallion is its electronic component. It is she who determines the type of target (human or animal), and she who also makes the decision to self-destruct when trying to clear mines. By the way, using an electronic device you can remotely set the cancellation time combat position mines, adjust it or return the mine to transport mode.

According to Igor Smirnov, General Director of JSC NIII, the entire elemental component base of the new mine is Russian.

« We have analogues of basic matrix crystals, in which we put up to five or six microcircuits,” notes Igor Mikhailovich. – This is one of the elements artificial intelligence. And no imported components».

The family of anti-personnel fragmentation mines of the POM series was developed on the basis of the already mentioned Scientific Research Engineering Institute. The POM-2 mine has circular principle defeats. Due to fragments of the body and ready-made killing elements (balls or rollers), placed along the walls with inside, it is capable of ensuring defeat at all 360 degrees.

At the moment when a person, hooking his foot, touched one of the eight target sensors (thin broken wires), an explosion occurred. At the same time, a tension of only 300 grams was enough for the detonated mine to cut with fragments all living things within a radius of more than one and a half ten meters.

Remote mining control

« POM-2 can be placed both on forest and mountain paths, and on an ordinary road,” notes Mikhail Zhukov, head of the department at NIII JSC. – The orientation device allows, when installed, to orient the hull on the ground and provide fragmentation flow only in the direction of the possible location of the enemy. Not a single fragment flies into the ground or up: everything is only horizontal».

POM-2 mine target sensors can be installed on any surface. In this case, the mine is placed only by means of remote mining. This can be a universal minelayer (UMZ) or a rocket containing cassettes with POM-2. One UMP installation is capable of scattering up to 180 min from six containers. According to the developers, such a minefield can be installed at a time over an area of ​​several kilometers.

By the way, the wheelbase for UMP has also been improved. It is now mounted on the chassis of an armored KamAZ, and the process of laying mines can be controlled without leaving the cab: using a remote control

In all the elements

The first domestic anti-personnel mines appeared in Russian-Japanese war. These were the so-called “stone-throwing land mines”, which were laid on the paths of the enemy’s possible advance and were detonated using electric cords. The filling for these landmines were, as you might guess, stones.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Red Army already had about 40 types of mines. Some of them worked on a unique principle. For example, in anti-landing mines marine applications the fuse was…sugar. The mine was transferred to the firing position after it was dissolved in water. True, such mines were contact mines and could explode from an accidental collision with any object.

A new word in anti-landing mining is non-contact mines. For example, the PDM-4 mine is immersed in water to a depth of 3 to 10 meters and is in standby mode. The detonation of enemy landing craft is carried out after the closure of the anchor device (float) located on the surface of the water. Moreover, the fuse is triggered by fixing the magnetic field of the enemy’s floating equipment, say, an armored personnel carrier or infantry fighting vehicle.

Hitting a larger object (for example, a submarine) by mining is possible using a mine operating on the principles of an anti-submarine guided bomb. This aircraft munition, codenamed “Zagon-2,” combines the functions of an aerial bomb, a mine, and partly a torpedo. A bomb dropped from an airplane is lowered by parachute and, after splashdown, takes up a position at a shallow depth.

Fixing in place with the help of a float, “Zagon-2”, after detecting the target, independently approaches it. Hunting for a submarine is carried out using a special acoustic guidance head, which “feels” the target at a depth of up to 600 meters. Just one such mine is enough to pierce the hull of any submarine. At the same time, it is impossible to detect the mine itself using echolocation: it has no engine and no steering devices.

According to the first deputy general director of JSC "NIIII" for scientific work, chief designer Viktor Popov, the mine moves towards the target silently, under the influence of its own gravity, and actually sinks. Trying to jam, as in the case of, say, a torpedo, is useless in this case.

Operation Self-Destruction

The strength of new domestic mines is their ability to clearly distinguish objects of potential destruction and the ability to act remotely. For example, the PTM-4 anti-tank mine “feels” disturbance in the Earth’s magnetic field, classifying it as the movement of heavy equipment. At the same time, the mine is capable of distinguishing a tank from, say, a truck, triggered only by a significant magnetic mass.

The system for countering attempts to clear this mine is also unique. The fuse detects the slightest change in orientation in the magnetic field, classifying it as a dismantling attempt. Immediately after this, the command to detonate is given. In addition, all such mines are equipped with a so-called “ball contactor”. As soon as you move it a little, the mine comes into firing position and explodes.

If we talk about POM-3, then, according to representatives of the Research Engineering Institute, there are no anti-personnel fragmentation mines in the world that have the same non-contact target sensors as its one. Moreover, and importantly, all modern Russian mines meet the requirements of the Geneva Convention. This also applies to remote-launched engineering ammunition. The fact is that, according to the algorithm introduced into their electronic filling, a few hours after installation they either self-detonate or are deactivated, turning into a harmless piece of iron.

When you hear the word “mine,” your imagination immediately pictures an explosive device buried in the ground. First appearing in French, this word was originally associated with land and meant “mine”, “undermining”, which were often used during siege warfare. During military operations, fortified and protected cities were attacked with the help of trenches and approaches dug into their walls, followed by the placement of explosive charges filled with gunpowder. At first, a mine was used to describe an underground horizontal mine near the enemy’s walls; later, this word began to be used to refer to the explosive device itself. The word “sapper” also appeared in French. It was the name given to the person who undertook and undermined enemy fortifications.


The use of explosive mechanisms filled with destructive elements in many wars has proven one hundred percent effectiveness of their use in eliminating fortified structures, enemy infantry and military equipment. Discoveries in the field of chemistry: the appearance of xyloidin, pyroxylin, liquid nitroglycerin, TNT and saltpeter - as well as the rich experience of warfare already available to mankind served as a good impetus for the improvement of explosive devices.

Primitive bookmarks under enemy walls with use are a thing of the past. Their place was taken by modern products using special capsules - detonators and electric ignition systems.

Due to their secrecy, explosive mechanisms buried in the ground have always been considered very dangerous. But time has shown that their effectiveness is not one hundred percent, since the mine directly eliminated only the object that came into contact with it, and left others undamaged. Much best result could be achieved if the mine were above the ground. But in that case it would be visible. This shortcoming in the mine field required an immediate solution, which was the device called OZM-72. Let's take a closer look at it.

Mine OZM-72: performance characteristics (tactical and technical characteristics)

The type of device belongs to anti-personnel fragmentation explosive mechanisms that jump out with circular damage.

Steel is used to make the mine body.

The total mass is 5 kg, of which 660 g is explosive.

Diameter - 10.8 cm, case height - 17.2 cm.

The OZM-72 mine is designed for a weight of 1 to 17 kg, the temperature range of use is from -60 to +60 degrees, the damage radius does not exceed 30 m. The combat service life is not limited. The mine is not equipped with self-destructors and does not contain elements that would not allow it to be removed or neutralized.

Fuzes MUV and MVE-72

The fuse can be a mechanical MUV or an electromechanical MVE-72. The mechanical one is very sensitive, which makes the process of clearing a mine with it very dangerous.

Design Features

The elements of OZM-72 are:

  • Guide glass. Steel is used for its manufacture. At the bottom of the glass there is a special chamber intended for attaching a tension cable connecting the glass to the impact mechanism. The glass contains a housing with an explosive charge and fragments.
  • Charge. TNT is used as a charge for the OZM-72 mine, which fills the internal cavity of the clip. Located at the top of the central hub.
  • Explosive charge. Designed to push an explosive device out of the ground to a height of 1 m. To make an expelling charge, black powder collected in a fabric bag is used. The charge is contained in a special tube.
  • Impact mechanism. Located at the bottom of the central hub.
  • Detonating capsule. It is placed in the socket of an additional detonator and is mounted only at the moment when the OZM-72 mine is directly installed.
  • Carbines and cables. Designed for attaching explosive mechanism pins with guy wires.
  • Wire stretchers. When installed, they are wound into coils and reach a length of up to 15 m. They are intended for arranging tripwire traps.
  • Pegs made of wood and metal. Wooden stakes are used for arranging guy wires, and metal stakes are used for securing mines in frozen ground and installing a cable with carabiners. For the production of metal stakes, a duralumin corner is used.


OZM-72 is intended for complete elimination or temporarily disabling enemy infantry. The degree of damage from fragmentation elements, which are metal balls, can be different: from eliminating one soldier to several. This became possible due to the fact that OZM-72 anti-personnel mines are hidden in the ground and are not visible from the outside. And the expelling charge in their mechanism throws up the device, which explodes above the ground at a height of 1 m with a circular lesion of up to 30 m.

How does the OZM-72 mine work?

The principle of operation of the mine is to eject, with the help of an expulsion charge, from a guide cup to a meter height an exploding steel shell consisting of metal, cylindrical pieces that, after an explosion, can scatter within a radius of up to 30 meters. The mine is detonated upon contact with a trip wire attached by pegs and connected to the fuse pin.

It could be MVE-72. In this case, it is enough to touch the electrical wire connected to the pin. Also, an MUV is used as a fuse, which uses mechanics rather than electricity. To trigger a mine, the enemy needs to hook a stretched wire - a trip wire connected at one end to the fuse. Subsequent detonation produces an ejection above the ground from the charge cup, which is represented by a steel shell filled with TNT. When explosives interact, the shell forms round and cylindrical destructive elements that fly off in all directions.

Bookmark stages

How is OZM-72 laid? The explosive mechanism is installed manually into the ground or snow.

The bookmarking process consists of the following stages:

  • arrangement of a hole with a diameter of up to 200 mm with further placement of a mine in it;
  • installation of a detonating capsule;
  • installing a metal peg at a distance of 50 cm from the mine;
  • fastening the cable with carabiners to the guy wire;
  • installing one wooden peg with a wire passed through it for the entire length; the end of the guy rope must be attached to the top of the second peg; It is imperative that the wire between the wooden stakes sag a little - 20-30 mm is enough;
  • unscrewing the protective cap covering the mine igniter;
  • bringing the fuse pins into combat condition;
  • connecting the prepared trip wire to the fuse pin using a carabiner;
  • camouflage of an installed mine.

  • The metal peg should be driven into the ground so that its upper part is not visible. To do this, its top with the wire threaded through it should protrude no more than 150 mm above ground level. In this case, you need to dig it in towards the enemy. This can be easily determined by the special recess in the metal peg. When installing an explosive device, it must be directed towards the mine.
  • It is recommended to pull the safety pin out of the fuse only after checking the reliability of holding the combat pin.
  • Once the carbine is hooked onto the pin, it should not be pulled out. If this happens, it means that the metal peg is driven in poorly and moves to the side, thereby reducing the tension of the guy wire.
  • Installation of the OST-72 anti-personnel mine is easily carried out in soft soil in the summer, and in winter - in frozen ground with further camouflage with snow. If you have to work with very soft soil, which is typical for swampy areas, it is recommended to use boards no more than 15x15 cm. Their thickness should be 25 mm. The use of boards guarantees the reliability of the shell coming out of the steel cup.

The modern development of military production makes it possible to take into account all the strong and weak sides explosive devices. Thanks to this, mines are now in service in great variety: from the simplest products with primitive fuses and weak explosive fillers to the most complex remote-controlled mechanisms, the development of which uses the latest scientific achievements.

A soldier could fight off the effects of edged weapons with a bayonet or saber if he had the proper training. From bullets, bombs and shells, even the heaviest ones, he could hide in trenches, dugouts or other shelters. From chemical weapons a gas mask could have protected him. But there is simply no protection from ordinary landmines.

Landmines are munitions that are planted shallow underground or on the very surface. They are activated by the proximity, presence or direct influence of a person or moving vehicle. There are two types of mines - anti-personnel and anti-tank. Moreover, the latter are dangerous primarily for heavy equipment, while anti-personnel mines pose a serious threat to the civilian population: they kill or disable old people, women and children. It was this fact that served as the reason for the ban on anti-personnel mines.


Anti-personnel mines were banned by a document that came into force on December 3, 1997. As of November 2010, 156 countries have signed the treaty.

Main prohibition document: the Ottawa Treaty, or the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention. This treaty provided for a ban on the use, stockpiling, release and transfer of anti-personnel mines, and also provided for their gradual destruction.

The agreement signed in Ottawa provided complete failure countries from the use of anti-personnel mines. The destruction of already created stocks of these weapons had to occur within a four-year period (the exception was the minimum stock of mines, which was necessary to develop methods for their extraction, detection or destruction). Also, within ten years, all existing minefields were to be cleared.

The signed text of the agreement provided for the presence special measures inspections by the UN with transfer Secretary General this organization reports on the measures taken. Anti-tank mines, as well as fragmentation guided anti-personnel mines of directed destruction, which include the famous American Claymore mine, were not covered by the treaty.

As of November 2010, 156 countries have signed the Ottawa Treaty, and two more countries have signed the treaty but have not ratified it. 37 states of the world are not parties to this treaty. The countries that did not sign this treaty include three permanent members of the UN Security Council: Russia, the United States and China. In addition to them, India and Pakistan, as well as a large number of Middle Eastern countries, did not sign this agreement. At the same time, some countries declared their fundamental agreement with the provisions of the document and expressed their intentions to join its implementation within a “reasonable time frame.” The first country in the world to become free of anti-personnel mines was Rwanda in 2009.

Anti-personnel mines

The main significance of anti-personnel mines is the mining of terrain directed against enemy personnel. According to their damaging effect, anti-personnel mines are divided into fragmentation and high-explosive mines. And according to the principle of triggering mines by tension or pressure action. When installing anti-personnel mines, it is very great importance has the characteristics of the affected area.

For example, circular mines are most often installed on open area, and directional mines are usually placed to block narrow passages (corridors, paths, clearings, ravines, doorways in buildings). Very often, directional mines are used by snipers, who thus try to protect their rear.

The method of installing mines determines their design features - invisibility among vegetation, the ability not to be damaged when falling from a height, automatic arming of the fuse into the firing position, and much more. In this case, anti-personnel mines can be installed either manually or using special mechanized means (mine layers) or using remote mining equipment (rocket and artillery systems and aviation).

Anti-personnel mines can be used in a variety of ways: it is possible to install single mines, including booby traps, as well as create continuous minefields. Typically, minefields are organized in such a way that the troops that laid them can completely view and shoot through these fields, preventing the enemy from making passages in them.

Minefields can be used in both long-term and field fortification, and quite often they are used with wire and other types of barriers. Minefields can be created from only anti-personnel or only anti-tank mines, and can also be mixed.

The worst thing about anti-personnel mines is the overwhelming horror of realizing that you yourself can become your own killer. Just one step or movement, which is difficult to classify even as awkward or incorrect, and you activate a mine. This fear of mines can deprive any soldier, from veteran to rookie. Most often the most strong impact mines have an impact specifically on experienced warriors who have already witnessed someone’s death on mines.

The main merit of anti-personnel mines is the ability to stop the advance of even numerically superior enemy forces. Often, after soldiers learned that there was a minefield in front of them, they refused to move forward. Neither the field gendarmerie nor the commissars with revolvers could move them. It is worth noting that the probability of being hit in a two-row minefield of pressure-action anti-personnel mines is 7%. That is, out of 100 soldiers who fall on him, only 7 will be hit. However, this is quite enough to disrupt the enemy’s attack. Often soldiers simply refuse to go forward, their fear of mines is so great.

Anti-personnel mines flourished in the 20th century. They were widely used during the First World War and were ideal for it. After its completion, experts considered anti-personnel mines to be weapons that were unique to the past conflict. All the attention of specialists was focused on three new products - tanks, airplanes and poisonous gases. This is why the beginning of World War II was characterized by very little use of anti-personnel mines. German troops successfully attacked and did not particularly need such weapons, and the French and British had practically no mines at all.

However, the further course of hostilities led to the massive use of anti-personnel mines by all parties involved in the conflict. Was created great amount samples of very different uses and levels of perfection. Very often it was enough to leave 3-4 mine boxes on a completely safe field, scatter wrapping paper around, as well as several installed or simply lying “Mines!” signs. This was enough to stop the advance of the enemy infantry, which was awaiting the arrival of sappers.

At the same time, the attitude towards mines on the part of the United States and European countries changed significantly during the Korean War in 1950-1953. It turned out that North Korean fighters, not having the number of tanks, planes and artillery that the UN contingent had, inflicted significant losses on the enemy with ordinary mines, which were often simply primitive. The results that were summed up after the end of the conflict showed that mines accounted for about 38% of all personnel losses.

During the Vietnam War, anti-personnel mines, which were used by the Viet Cong, became the mainstay of their fighting against the American army. It is necessary to understand that the Viet Cong could only oppose the most modern means of warfare with mines and weapon. It turned out that even with these simple means, often truly primitive, in some situations it is possible to very well neutralize the enemy’s superiority in any other type of weapons.

During this conflict, mines already accounted for 60% to 70% of all casualties in the American army, mainly wounded and maimed. The USSR army, which in 1979 was drawn into the conflict in Afghanistan, was not in a better position.

It was the Vietnam War that pushed the United States to further develop anti-personnel mines. The war showed that the lack of heavy weapons and tanks can be compensated for by the active use of infantry, as well as by waging guerrilla warfare. An additional argument was made by military operations in the jungle, during which american army systematically lost control over significant areas of South Vietnam.

Starting from the second half of the 1960s, work on the creation of anti-personnel mines simultaneously proceeded in two directions - the creation of remote mining means and minimizing the size of mines. Ultimately, the combination of these two directions led to the creation of new mine weapons, which were even more effective against enemy infantry.

Minimizing the dimensions of anti-personnel mines, which was accompanied by an inevitable reduction in the mass of the charge, and therefore the radius of destruction, is sometimes presented as the implementation of a certain concept of “humane weapons” that do not kill enemy soldiers, but only deprive them of their combat effectiveness. But in fact, the mine developers were guided by more pragmatic considerations.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the significant reduction in cost of the mine itself. If we take into account the fact that, as a rule, no more than 2-3 enemy soldiers fall within the range of action of an expensive and powerful circular fragmentation mine, the guaranteed incapacitation of one soldier with the help of one cheap anti-personnel mine looks quite justified. This also includes reducing the cost of transporting mines - ensuring more min per unit of transported weight.

Also, cheap mines made it possible to organize high-density minefields, increasing the likelihood of hitting enemy soldiers. In addition, the integral reliability in this case increases, since the failure of one simple short-range mine will not entail a significant reduction in the barrier properties of the minefield as a whole. Another feature was the creation of small-sized mines that were placed in plastic cases. Such mines were very difficult to quickly search and clear. It is enough to make only 10-15% of mines non-neutralized in order to create serious difficulties for enemy sappers, while in terms of costs it will be inexpensive.

Another advantage of miniaturizing mines was that the wounding of a soldier provides a lot of problems in evacuating him from the battlefield, as well as with his subsequent transportation to the rear and treatment. Providing assistance to the wounded distracts a large number of qualified military personnel, and also requires significant costs for the training of medical services.

Most often, soldiers who were hit by anti-personnel mines remain disabled for life, they are unable to continue military service and are of little use for employment in the rear. It all undermines the state budget expenses for social security and further treatment, and the large number of war victims has a bad effect on the patriotic mood of society. In addition to all of the above, the miniaturization of anti-personnel mines successfully solved the problem with remote mining methods.

Anti-tank mines are intended for mining terrain against tanks and other mobile ground military equipment of the enemy. The TM-57 anti-tank mine is anti-tracked and consists of a metal body with a pressure cap, an explosive charge and a fuse. The mine can be used with pressure-action fuses - MV-57, MVZ-57 or pin fuse MVSh-57. The MV-57 fuse is used when installing a mine manually, and is transferred to the firing position by removing the safety pin and turning the screw. The MVZ-57 fuse is used when installing a mine using a minelayer. It is transferred to the firing position by pressing a button. The fuse deceleration mechanism ensures automatic transfer from a safe position to a combat position in 40 - 70 s. The MVSh-57 fuse is used to make the mine explosion-resistant when exposed to the shock wave of an explosion. The TM-62 anti-tank mine is anti-track, depending on the material used, it consists of a metal (TM-62M), plastic (TM-62P) or wooden (TM-62D) body, explosive charge, intermediate detonator and fuse.

To install anti-tank mines manually, you need to dig a hole, install a mine in it, move the fuse to the firing position and disguise the mine. The fuse is screwed into the mine directly at the installation site.

Previously installed anti-tank mines should be removed and neutralized in this order: make sure that the mine is installed in the retrievable position, remove the camouflage layer from the mine, unscrew the fuse from the mine, move it from the firing position to the transport position and screw it into the mine, remove the mine from its place installation, clean it of soil and inspect it for damage.

Anti-personnel mines are designed to mine areas against enemy personnel. According to their destructive effect, they are divided into high-explosive and fragmentation, according to the principle of actuation of mines by push or pull action. Most anti-personnel mines are used with MUV and MUV-2 fuses.

The PDM-6M mine is a high-explosive, push-action mine, consisting of a wooden body, an explosive charge (200-gram TNT block), an MUV or MUV-2 fuse with a T-shaped combat pin and an MD-2 or MD-5M fuse. Operating principle: when you press the mine cover, it goes down and pulls out the fuse pin, which causes it to detonate and the mine to explode. A mine with an open cover and a TNT block inserted into it is installed in a hole dug in the ground so that the mine cover protrudes 1-2 cm above the ground surface. Then a fuse is inserted into the mine, the cover is closed and the mine is camouflaged. The safety pin is removed from the fuse after all operations to install the mine are completed. The designers ensured that the mine fuse would not be triggered by a force of less than 1 kg. But if this force is within 1...12 kg, a mine explosion is guaranteed.

The PMN mine is a high-explosive, pressure-action mine, consisting of a plastic body, an explosive charge, a pressure device, a trigger impact mechanism and the MD-9 fuse. Operating principle: when you press the mine, the cover and rod are lowered, the combat protrusion of the rod disengages from the firing pin, the latter is released and, under the action of the mainspring, pierces the fuse, which, when exploding, causes the mine to explode.

The mine is installed in the following sequence: the plug is unscrewed, the fuse is inserted into the mine, the plug is screwed back on; a hole is torn off according to the size of the mine so that the mine installed in it rises above the ground surface by 1 - 2 cm; without pressing on the mine cover, the safety pin is pulled out, after removing which from the MUV-2 fuse, the cutter, under the action of the mainspring, cuts the metal element and the fuse goes into the firing position (cutting time is at least 2.5 minutes, which ensures safe installation of the mine).
Then the mine should be installed in the hole and carefully, without pressing on the mine, mask it.

In winter, when the snow depth is up to 10 cm, the PMD-6M and PMN mines are installed on the ground, and when greater depth- on compacted snow and masked with a layer of snow no more than 6 cm thick. Mines of the PMD-6M and PMN types are prohibited from being removed and neutralized; they are destroyed at the installation site.

So, an enemy infantryman stepped on a mine, and the explosion incapacitated him. Another came, a third. In general, each enemy soldier has his own mine. Is it possible to increase the efficiency of killing manpower? You can use fragmentation mines.

The POMZ-2M mine is a fragmentation mine with all-round damage, consisting of a cast iron body, an explosive charge of an MUV-2 fuse with an MD-5M fuse and a P-shaped combat pin. In addition, each mine includes two or three pegs, a carabiner with a wire 0.5 m long and a trip wire. The principle of operation of the mine: when the tension wire is pulled, the combat pin is pulled out of the fuse, the firing pin is released and, under the action of the mainspring, pierces the fuse, which, when exploded, causes the mine to explode. The mine body is crushed into fragments, which scatter in radial directions, hitting enemy personnel.

The mine is installed with one or two branches of guy wire. To install a mine with one branch of the guy wire, you need to drive a peg so that it rises 12 - 15 cm above the ground surface, secure the guy wire to it and stretch it in the direction of installing the mine; at the site where the mine is installed, hammer in a mounting peg with an elevation of 5 - 7 cm above the ground; insert a combat saber into the mine body with the ignition socket inside the mine and place the mine body with the saber on the mounting peg; connect the MUV-2 fuse to the fuse and screw it into the upper hole of the mine body, hook the fuse to the action pin with a carabiner and, making sure that the pin is securely held, pull the safety pin out of the MUV-2 fuse.

To install a mine with two branches of a guy wire, it is necessary to drive two stakes into the ground at a distance of about 8 m from one another, tie the ends of the guy wire to them at a height of 5 - 8 cm; against the middle of the trip wire, stepping back 1 m from it towards the enemy, hammer in a mounting pin and put a mine body with a 75-gram TNT block on it; roll a loop in the middle of the guy wire and, after trying on the length of the wire piece, tie a carabiner to it. All subsequent operations are similar to those when installing a mine with one branch of the trip wire. It is prohibited to remove and neutralize the POMZ-2M mine with the MUV-2 fuse.

Mine OZM-4 - fragmentation, jumping, all-round damage, supplied in a kit, which consists of an incompletely equipped mine, a special fuse, an unloaded MUV-2 fuse, a guy wire with a carabiner wound on a reel, and two wooden pegs. Operating principle: the mine is triggered by the tension of a trip wire, which pulls the pin from the MUV-2 fuse. When the fuse is triggered, the igniter primer is pierced and a beam of fire is transmitted through the tube to the expelling charge. Under the influence of an expelling charge (15 g), the bottom of the mine is torn off at the site of the threaded connection and the mine is thrown to a height equal to the length of the tension cable (0.6 - 0.8 m). When the cable is tensioned, the firing pin compresses the mainspring and, when released, impales the detonator cap of the fuse. The fuse of the fuse causes an explosion of the explosive charge of the mine. The body of the mine is crushed into fragments, which, when scattered, cause damage.

The procedure for installing a mine is: dig a hole 16 - 17 cm deep and install a mine in it; unscrew the plug with the shackle, insert the fuse into the mine and screw the plug back in; fill the space around the mine with soil and compact the soil; drive a peg 15 - 20 cm high from the ground surface at a distance of 0.5 m from the hole; use a carabiner to hook a guy wire to the shackle of the cork and stretch it, passing it through the slot at the end of the driven peg; at the end of the guy wire, drive in a second peg, tying the guy wire to it with a little slack; unscrew the cap from the nipple and screw it onto the plug; screw the MUV-2 fuse onto the nipple; unfasten the carabiner from the shackle of the cork and disguise the mine; hook the carbine to the fuse pin ring; pull out the safety pin.

It is prohibited to remove and neutralize OZM-4 mines with an MUV-2 fuse; they are destroyed at the installation site.

Basic data of anti-personnel mines Indicators PDM-6M PMN POMZ-2M OZM-4 Total mass, g 490 550 1200 5000 Explosive mass, g 200 200 75 170 Mine dimensions, mm diameter (length) 200x90 110 60 90 height 50 53 107 167 Drive method Push Pull into action Triggering force, H 60 - 280 80 - 250 5 - 13 5 - 13 Radius of continuous damage, m Local 4 13 Housing material Wood Plastic Metal

When installing and neutralizing anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, it is prohibited:
throw mines, expose them to blows, stack them and destroy them by burning, open mine bodies and remove explosives from them, insert and remove fuses, fuses, detonator capsules from mines using force or impact, neutralize and remove mines with damaged fuses, remove mines frozen into the ground (ice) and covered with ice, store, transport and transport mines, detonator caps, fuses, fuses together and without appropriate capping.