Over the 30 years since the start of mass production, this main battle tank has undergone numerous renovations and today is the most formidable armored fighting vehicle not only in the armies of the United States, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Australia.
In any case, in 2004, Forecast International named the M1A2 SEP modification of this MBT the best tank in the world.

Chrysler won

Large-scale work on the design of a new main battle tank began in the United States after the joint development of the promising MVT70 MBT with Germany ceased in 1970. In February 1972, a task force was formed in the United States, which included military personnel and representatives of development companies. Their task was to formulate the concept of the future XM1 machine. They prepared the “Material Requirements”, published in August 1972. The new tank was created on a competitive basis. The Pentagon selected two companies to participate in this competition: Chrysler and General Motors. On July 18, 1974, a contract was signed with them for the development and production of prototypes of a new tank. According to the terms of the agreement, prototypes should have been submitted for testing by the beginning of 1976.

After three years of hard work, comparative tests of prototypes began in January 1976 at the Aberdeen Proving Ground. General Motors manufactured the tank, equipped with a 12-cylinder diesel engine with a variable compression ratio AVCR-1360-2 from Teledyne Continental. The vehicle had a combined suspension: hydropneumatic on the 1st, 2nd and 6th road wheels and torsion bar suspension on the 3rd, 4th and 5th. The simplified control system was borrowed from the experimental XM803 tank. And in general, the General Motors car was a deep modernization of the latter.

As for the Chrysler model, the situation turned out to be fundamentally different. Having retained the classic layout, the designers of this company proposed a much more progressive model, and in everything - in terms of power plant, chassis, fire control systems, etc.

Only on November 12, 1976, Chrysler was announced as the winner of the competition for new tank for the US Army. Serial production of the vehicle, officially named M1 General Abrams, began on February 28, 1980, when the first MBT rolled off the assembly line of the state-owned Lima Tank Plant. It was named in honor of General Creighton Abrams, who commanded a tank battalion during World War II, and subsequently led the operations of the American armed forces in Vietnam and was personally involved in the issues of the XM1 project during his tenure as Chief of the General Staff. ground forces USA.

Where it all began

The M1 Abrams had a classic layout with a front-mounted control compartment and a rear-mounted engine-transmission compartment. It was the first American tank since the 1930s to have drive wheels located at the rear.

“Having retained the classic layout of the tank, Chrysler designers offered a significantly more progressive model of the vehicle than competitors from General Motors”

The hull and turret are of a welded structure, atypical for American post-war tank building, with multi-layer armor used in their frontal parts. In the image and likeness of the English Chieftain tank, the driver, with the hatch closed, occupied a reclining position. This made it possible to mount the upper frontal plate of the hull at a large angle of inclination (82°) to the vertical and thus significantly reduce its vulnerability. The vehicle was controlled using a motorcycle-type T-shaped steering wheel. For the convenience of working in a semi-recumbent position, the driver's seat was made of three elements - a pillow, lumbar support and a backrest, located in such a way as to fit the curved back of the tank driver.

The M1 was armed with a 105 mm caliber M68A1 rifled gun (English L7A1 gun, produced in the USA under license), equipped with an ejector and stabilized in two planes. The acceleration of the process of replacing the barrel was facilitated by its quick-release connection to the breech, made in the form of a sectoral multi-start thread. To the right of the gun in the turret were the seats of the commander and gunner, and to the left was the loader’s seat. The gun's ammunition consisted of 55 rounds. 44 of them were placed in the turret niche in two compartments with 22 rounds each. The compartments were isolated from the fighting compartment using armor curtains 20 millimeters thick. Three knockout plates were installed on top of the compartments to relieve pressure when the ammunition exploded. The remaining shots were stored in armored containers mounted in the hull under the turret (8) and on the turret floor under the gun (3).

Along with the gun, the tank was equipped with three machine guns: a 7.62 mm coaxial M240, a 12.7 mm M2NV on the open pin rack of the commander's cupola, and another 7.62 mm M240 on a rack mounted near the loader's hatch. The machine guns' ammunition consisted of 11,400 rounds of 7.62 mm caliber and 1,000 rounds of 12.7 mm caliber. On the sides of the turret are two six-barreled M239 smoke grenade launchers.

The tank had a fairly advanced fire control system. It was equipped with a periscopic, combined GPS sight-rangefinder with an eyepiece for the commander. The rangefinder sight had a day branch with a magnification factor of 3 to 10 and a field of view of 18 and 6.5 degrees, respectively, a night thermal imaging branch, a laser rangefinder transceiver and a gyroscopic stabilizer of the aiming line in the vertical plane. The control system included a digital ballistic computer M21, which continuously controlled the position of the aiming mark and simultaneously monitored the operation of all subsystems of the weapons control complex.

In addition to the main gunner's sight, the tank was equipped with an M919 commander's auxiliary monocular sight. It was installed in the roof of the commander's cupola and was intended to aim a 12.7 mm machine gun at a target when firing at both air and ground targets. The M920 auxiliary monocular telescopic gunner's sight with 10x magnification was used to aim the main weapon when the GPS sight failed.

In a single unit with the transmission and service systems, the tank was equipped with an Avco-Lycoming AGT-1500 gas turbine engine with a power of 1500 horsepower (1100 kW) at 3000 rpm, with a two-stage compressor, a free power turbine and a stationary heat exchanger.

The Allison X-1100-3B hydromechanical two-flow transmission included a single-reactor complex hydraulic transmission with a locking clutch, a four-speed planetary gearbox, a differential two-flow turning mechanism with a hydrostatic control drive and two final drives.

The chassis for one side consisted of seven rubberized support rollers on board, two rubberized support rollers, a rear drive wheel with removable gear rims (lantern engagement) and a guide wheel. Suspension – individual torsion bar. Hydraulic shock absorbers were installed on the 1st, 2nd and 7th suspension units. The T142 caterpillar is rubberized with RMS and removable asphalt pads, each caterpillar has 78 tracks with a width of 635 millimeters, the track pitch is 193 millimeters.

The engine, transmission and chassis allowed a combat vehicle weighing 57 tons to develop maximum speed 72.4 km/h. The highway range was 394–440 kilometers. The crew of the tank is four people.

It is interesting to note that the pace of assembly of new tanks was significantly behind the planned indicators. Thus, by November 5, 1981, the US Army received 203 vehicles out of 352 ordered. One of the reasons for this was the unpreparedness of supplier companies for large-scale production of engines and electronics, mainly due to the lack of qualified specialists needed when expanding production. To eliminate the backlog in the production of the Abrams, it was necessary to attract the giant of the American industry - the company General Dynamics. Her affiliated undertaking Land Systems Division in March 1982 acquired tank production and all rights to further modernize the vehicle. As a result, the rate of Abrams assembly increased to 60 units by November 1982, and in January 1985 it reached its peak - 90 MBTs per month. In total, until January 1985, 2374 M1 tanks were manufactured.

Course for improvement

The modernization of the Abrams began shortly after the start of its mass production as part of the so-called Block I program. The impetus for its implementation was the Lebanon War of 1982 and information received from the Israelis about the new Soviet sub-caliber shells. The result of the first stage of the program was the IP M1 tank (IP - Improved Product), which appeared in 1984 and received enhanced armor for the frontal part of the hull and turret, an improved suspension, a modified transmission, a new T156 track and an additional basket for property in the rear of the turret. . The combat weight of the tank was 55.55 tons. A total of 894 Abrams P M1s were produced from October 1984 to May 1986.

In August 1984, the M1A1 tank was put into service. Its main difference is the 120-mm M256 smoothbore gun, manufactured under a German license. Ammunition in the vehicle was reduced to 40 rounds for the gun and 2,800 rounds for the coaxial machine gun. Two ejection panels of the same size were installed on the roof of the tower instead of three, and in addition to the existing individual protection against weapons of mass destruction, a collective protection system with FVU was installed. Due to the increased weight of the tank, changes were made to the chassis. Since 1988, depleted uranium (M1A1 NA - Heavy Armor) has been introduced into the frontal armor of the hull and turret of some tanks. Combat weight - 57.155 (M1A1) and 62.2 tons (M1A1 NA). In total, by the end of 1993, the Americans had produced 4802 M1A1 MBTs and M1A1 NAs.

The first pair of production M1A1s left the assembly shop of the Detroit plant in December 1985. Tanks were primarily sent to troops located in West Germany. The first unit to receive the new Abrams was the 1st Armored Division of the 5th Army Corps. In 1986, deliveries of 221 M1A1 tanks to the US Marine Corps began. The Abrams for the ILC were somewhat different from their army counterparts, since they were intended to participate in landing operations.

In 1988, a contract was signed between Egypt and the United States for the supply of 555 M1A1 Abrams tanks. 25 of them were manufactured in the United States, and the remaining 530, until 1998, were assembled under license at a factory built for this order in Cairo. Between 2000 and 2004, the Egyptians entered into a series of agreements with the Americans for the supply of another 325 assembly kits. In total, by the end of 2008, the number of tanks assembled in the ARE was supposed to reach 880. In addition to this, it was planned to purchase another 125 sets (2009–2011). Thus, 1005 M1A1 Abrams will be produced in Egypt for the national armed forces. American equipment is intended to gradually replace outdated Soviet-made T-54/-55 and T-62 tanks.

Baptism of fire

Its Abrams received it during the Gulf War, an operation of multinational forces against Iraq, which captured Kuwait in 1990. The first tanks (modifications M1 and IP M1) arrived in Saudi Arabia from Europe as part of the 24th Mechanized Division in August 1990. By November, their number reached 703 units (580 - M1, 123 - M1A1).

However, cars of early modifications had disabilities to ensure the protection of the crew from weapons of mass destruction (the Iraqis were expected to use chemical weapons). In addition, the low destructive properties of 105-mm guns in a possible meeting with the Soviet-made T-72M and T-72M1 tanks, which were available in the elite formations of the Iraqi army, were of concern. Therefore, the command decided to use the M1 and IP M1 Abrams in the second echelon. In the first one, it was necessary to use M1A1 and M1A1 NA vehicles with a collective system of protection against weapons of mass destruction, an effective 120-mm cannon and stronger armor. Units of the 7th Army Corps and the US Marine Expeditionary Force units involved in Operation Desert Storm urgently received such tanks. By February 1991, American troops in Saudi Arabia had 1223 M1A1 Abrams and 733 M1A1s.

In 1993, four Abrams tanks (M1A1) were delivered to Somalia as part of the UN peacekeeping operation Restore Hope. They took part in the battle once - on January 7, 1994, they supported an attack on the separatist fortified point of Michel Aidid with fire and armor.

The M1A1 and M1A1 NA Abrams were deployed as part of peacekeeping forces in the territory of the former Yugoslavia.

On September 22, 2006, the first M1A1 tanks entered service with the 1st Tank Regiment of the Australian Army. Until March 2007, the Americans delivered 59 Abrams to this country. Work commissioned by Canberra began in June 2005, when the tanks selected by the Australian military arrived at the US Army storage base in Anniston, Alabama. Here they were completely disassembled and reassembled, bringing them to a “zero” state: “mileage – 0 kilometers, operation – 0 hours.” After this, the machines were sent to the customer.

Keep up with the times

The Americans carried out the last large-scale modernization of the Abrams as part of the Block II program. The result of its implementation, aimed mainly at improving the radio-electronic filling of the tank, was the M1A2 modification, which appeared in 1994. The tank received a new stabilized commander's all-round thermal imaging device CITV, a ballistic computer with increased memory capacity, and a laser rangefinder on carbon dioxide, an integrated on-board information system IVIS and a thermal imaging device for monitoring the driver. In hull structures, armor protection elements made of depleted uranium are more widely used, and anti-cumulative screens are installed on the roof of the tower. The tank's combat weight reached 63.1 tons.

Only 62 vehicles were initially produced for the US Army: 32 were transferred to the test group, and the rest were distributed among training and testing centers. However, such a small batch threatened the existence of factories in Detroit and Lyme. The order was urgently increased by 44 units and a long-term program for the modernization of M1A1 tanks was developed. At the same time, the cost of the newly manufactured Abrams was approximately 4.5 million dollars, and the modernized one - 2.5 million.

The reorientation of the tank program until 2007 from production to modernization of the Abrams and the agreements concluded in 1992 with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait for the supply of 315 and 218 M1A2 tanks to these countries, respectively, allowed the plant in Lyme to remain operational; the plant in Detroit had to be mothballed.

However, even one enterprise is quite capable of coping with the implementation of the next modernization program, called SEP and started in 1999. We are talking about creating a kind of “digital” version of the M1A2 tank. The update provided for equipping the MBT with improved third-generation armor without uranium filler, a new fully digital fire control system, a second-generation thermal imaging system (2nd Gen FLIR) for the gunner and commander with significantly improved target detection capabilities day and night, an auxiliary power unit for the operation of electronic systems when not working main engine and thermal control system for crew air conditioning and electronic equipment. The most modern information Technology, including color maps, network communications, increased amounts of computer memory and powerful processors to improve target engagement efficiency. The 2nd Gen FLIR system is said to have 70 percent improved image clarity, 45 percent faster shot time and increased accuracy. The commander's all-round thermal imaging device CITV has also been improved.

Deliveries of the first M1A2 SEP began in August 1999. The program provided for updating 1,150 previously released M1A2s. Saudi M1A2s have also been upgraded to the “digital” standard (the contract for the modernization of the first 60 vehicles was signed in 2006, implementation began in November 2007).

In June 2004, Forecast International recognized the General Dynamics Land Systems M1A2 SEP tank as the best in the world. Second place in the ranking was awarded to the Israeli Merkava Mk.4, third to the Japanese Type 90, fourth to the German Leopard 2A6 and fifth to the British Challenger 2.

Long term prospects

However, American experts did not stop there: on October 6, 2008, the first modernized tank M1A2 SEP V2 (Systems Enhancement Package Version 2).

This is the latest and most advanced digital modification of the American M1 Abrams main battle tank. The previously released M1A1 are being updated to the “digital” SEP V2 standard. The new vehicle differs from previous versions in improved color displays to display the tactical situation, sights with electro-optical and infrared channels, a modified power plant and new communications equipment compatible with networks of infantry units and formations. In addition, the modernization includes the introduction of a number of technologies developed under the Future Combat Systems program.

General Dynamics received a long-term contract for the modernization of M1A1 tanks to the M1A2 SEP V2 standard in February 2008. It is reported that after the completion of the program, the entire tank fleet of the US Army will be brought to the “digital” standard. Completion of the modernization work is expected in June 2013.

Electronics are electronics, but as a result of studying the experience of combat operations in Iraq, the TUSK (Tank Urban Save Kit) program was born - “Tank Urban Rescue Kit”. It includes, in particular, mounted remote sensing of the front part of the sides, additional protection for the stern and roof of the tank, an armor shield for the loader’s machine gun, devices designed to detect and destroy snipers and grenade launchers, another large-caliber machine gun mounted above the gun barrel, thermal imaging observation devices for the mechanic - driver, commander and loader, mine protection, loudspeaker installation, etc. In total, it was planned to equip 505 tanks from units located in Iraq in this way.

In conclusion, we can state: the modernization reserve of the Abrams tank, serial production of which began in 1980, has not yet been exhausted. It is considered by the US military leadership to be the main battle tank. American army up to 2040.

1. Photos

2. Video

3. History of creation and production

The development of the tank, which was subsequently given the designation M-1, began after the XM-803 program was closed in 1971. To reduce the level of technological risk, it was decided to create a new tank according to the classical design, using a high-ballistic gun as the main armament and with a crew of four people. After the tests were completed, a competition was established to build 462 tanks. As a result, Chrysler and General Motors became possible manufacturing companies. As a result, Chrysler became the winner with a version of the tank equipped with a gas turbine engine. At the beginning of 1981, the tank, designated "105-mm cannon tracked tank M1" became part of the US Army. Production of this model ended in 1995. Work is currently underway to modernize the Abrams tanks. Improved tank models are intended not only for the US Armed Forces, but also for export.

4. Modifications

  • XM1-FSED - designed for test purposes. 11 units were produced.
  • M1 is a basic model with 55 rounds of ammunition and a 105 mm rifled cannon.
  • M1IP – strengthening the frontal armor of the turret, electric release of the anti-aircraft launcher, modernization of the transmission and suspension.
  • M1A1 – 40 rounds of ammunition, 120 mm smoothbore cannon, reinforced hull front armor, collective WMD protection system with air conditioning.
  • M1A1HA - first generation uranium armor, turret armor enhancement.
  • M1A1HC – second generation uranium armor, 42 rounds of ammunition, improved digital engine control and some other changes.
  • M1A1NA – second generation uranium armor, strengthening the armor of the turret forehead.
  • M1A1D - improvement of digital components, digital distribution panels for the fighting compartment and chassis.
  • M1A1AIM - major modernization and repair.
  • M1A1AIM Block I - major upgrades and repairs. ZPU thermal imaging sight, second generation thermal imaging camera for the main gunner's sight, integrated system for self-diagnosis of on-board systems, FBCB2-BFT terminal.
  • M1A1AIM Block II /M1A1SA - third generation uranium armor.
  • M1A1FEP is an analogue of M1A1AIM Block II for the USMC.
  • M1A1KVT is a modification of the M1A1, equipped with a complex for simulating tanks produced in the USSR.
  • M1A1M - for export to the Republic of Iraq.
  • M1A1SA - for export to the Kingdom of Morocco.
  • M1A1 Block III - uninhabited fighting compartment with an automatic weapon system, new layout of the internal volumes of the hull, new radio-electronic equipment and power unit. Experimental version.
  • M1 SRV is a weight simulator of a monitor-mounted turret. An experimental prototype on the chassis of the M1 tank to study a new arrangement of units inside the tank hull.
  • M1 TTB - an armored capsule designed for three crew members in the front of the tank, an uninhabited turret, an ammunition load of 44 unitary projectiles, placed in a two-row carousel magazine with a vertical arrangement of cells with an automatic loading system, an M256 smoothbore gun of 120 mm caliber. An experimental prototype on the chassis of the M1 tank, which was modified after testing the M1 SRV.
  • M1 CATTB - 140-mm smoothbore tank gun with a multi-sensor target detection system and automatic loader, a hydropneumatic suspension system in the balancer, an improved integrated power unit based on a diesel engine. Experimental project.
  • M1A2 - a new gunner's sight with an eye-safe rangefinder and stabilization in two planes, a thermal imaging observation device for the driver, an independent thermal imaging panoramic sight for the commander, an IVIS combat information and control system, a commander's cupola with 8 periscopes. Strengthened turret armor by filling the frontal parts with uranium armor of the 2nd generation and increasing their size. The gun's ammunition capacity is 42 rounds.
  • M1A2 SEP – 2nd generation thermal imaging cameras mounted in the commander’s and gunner’s sights, FBCB2 troop control system. The frontal parts of the turret are filled with 3rd generation uranium armor, which increases resistance against cumulative weapons. Air conditioning, color displays.
  • M1A2 SEP V2 - sights with infrared and electro-optical sights, advanced color displays to display the tactical situation, a power plant subject to modification and communications equipment compatible with information and combat networks of infantry formations and units. Technologies developed under the Combat Systems of the Future program have been introduced.
  • M1A2S is an upgrade of the M1A1 and M1A2 for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Gas turbine engine LV-100-5, reinforced armor for the frontal projection of the turret and hull, dynamic protection of the chassis. Replacement of fire control and communication systems, 120 mm M-256 cannon.
  • TUSK - thermal imaging sight for the turret installation of the M240 machine gun loader, shields to protect the commander and loader during observation from open hatches, a complex of dynamic protection to increase the protection of side projections from cumulative weapons, spaced armor of the bottom, a headset for communication with infantry, an additional M2 machine gun on installation (placed on the gun mantlet), remote-controlled installation, thermal imaging sight of the commander's ZPU.
  • M1A3 - Improved road wheel suspension, lightweight 120mm cannon, lighter armor, improved roller durability, long-range precision weapons, gearbox and improved engine. Under development.

5. Vehicles based on the Abrams tank

  • M1 Grizzly CMV - engineering armored vehicle: a crew of two, a 4.5-m bulldozer blade, a 6.3-m switch excavator up to ten meters long, a 12.7-mm machine gun.
  • The M1 Panther II is a remote-controlled and guided armored mine clearance vehicle.
  • M104 Wolverine - tank bridge layer.
  • The M1ABV is a mine clearance assault armored vehicle for the USMC.
  • M1 Armored Recovery Vehicle - ARV prototype.

6. Performance characteristics

6.1 Dimensions

  • Combat weight, t: M1 – 55; M1A1 – 57.15; M1A2 – 62.5
  • Length, m: 7.92
  • Length with gun, m: M1 – 9.77; М1А1, М1А2 – 9.83
  • Width, m: 3.66
  • Height. m: 2.43
  • Equivalent thickness of the hull forehead, mm: M1 – 550; М1А1, М1А2 — 650
  • Equivalent to the resistance of frontal hull armor (BOPS), mm: M1 – 450; М1А1, М1А2 — 550
  • Equivalent to the resistance of the frontal armor of the hull (KS), mm: M1 – 550; М1А1, М1А2 – 650
  • Hull sides, mm: 20 (35 before MTO)
  • Hull stern, mm: 20
  • Equivalent thickness of the tower forehead, mm: M1 – 700; М1А1 – 800; M1A2 – 900.
  • Resistance equivalent of turret frontal armor (BOPS), mm: M1 – 380; М1А1 – 500; M1A2 – 700.
  • Equivalent to the resistance of the turret frontal armor (KS), mm: M1 – 500; М1А1 – 700; М1А2 — 900
  • Roof, mm: 70
  • Ground clearance, mm: 483…-432.

6.2 Booking

  • Type of armor: projectile-proof, rolled combined and steel
  • Active protection: AN/VLQ-6 MCD (experimentally, on single copies of M1A1)
  • Dynamic protection: ARAT (optional).

6.3 Armament

  • Gun: M1 – 105 mm M68A1; М1А1, М1А2 – 120 mm М256
  • Gun type: M1 – rifled; M1A1, M1A2 - smoothbore
  • Barrel length, calibers: 50.92 for M68; 44.2 for M256
  • Sights: gunner's main sight: combined (all-day) periscope monocular with built-in laser rangefinder. Anti-aircraft: periscopic monocular Kollmorgen Model 938. Reserve: telescopic articulated Kollmorgen Model 939
  • Machine guns: 1 × 12.7 mm M2 HB and 2 × 7.62 mm M240
  • Ammunition, rounds / 12.7 mm / 7.62 mm rounds: M1 – 55/900/11400; M1A1, M1A2 – 40 (17 of them belong to the first stage)/900/11400.

6.4 Mobility

  • Engine: Avco Lycoming AGT-1500 gas turbine engine 1500 hp
  • Engine power, hp: 1500
  • Specific power, hp/t: M1 - 27.6 (22.6); M1A1 - 27.1 (22.3); М1А2 — 23.80
  • Maximum speed on the highway, km/h: M1, M1A1 - ~65; М1А2 — ~67
  • Cruising range on the highway, km: M1, M1A1 – 440; M1A2 - 465
  • Suspension type: individual torsion bar
  • Specific ground pressure, kg/cm²: M1 - 0.93; M1A1 - 0.95; M1A2 - 1.07
  • Ditch to be overcome, m: 2.7
  • Wall to be overcome, m: 1.2
  • Fordability, m: 1.2 (2.0 with OPVT).
  • A reliable and powerful engine, combined with a transmission and modern suspension, gives the tank greater or equal mobility compared to lighter tanks from other countries, if the ground can support the weight of the tank.
  • The presence of M829A3 shells with high penetration (M1A2SEP) is considered a record holder for armor penetration.
  • There is an opinion that the exhaust of a gas turbine engine significantly unmasks the tank for thermal vision due to its higher temperature than other analogues, but this has been refuted. We can say that a number of MBTs (Merkava, Leclerc) have the engine exhaust located under the turret, therefore facing the enemy, but because of this they are not considered highly visible in these parameters.
  • 9.2 Disadvantages

    • The sides of the hull are significantly thinner, even compared to most tanks from the Second World War. They are reinforced only by a bulwark made of mild steel with filler. Because of this, they are easily vulnerable to enemy fire and older models of grenade launchers. This problem was resolved only on TUSK with the help of remote sensing.
    • Unlike most modern tanks, there are no guided weapons.
    • Due to the lack of an automatic loader, the vehicle’s rate of fire is not high enough, because the loader quickly gets tired and his work efficiency decreases. In addition, in cases of failure of the automatic loader on other tanks, the loader’s duties have to be taken over by one of the crew members under less comfortable conditions. This makes the absence/presence of a loader a relative disadvantage/advantage.
    • The vehicle does not have the ability to conduct regular artillery fire. IN best case scenario it can fire grapeshot at unarmored targets at minimum ranges, or with cumulative projectiles, which are as effective as anti-tank guided missiles. And, for example, the English tank Challenger 2 has ammunition equipped with plate (armor-piercing high-explosive) shells. For example, in the English Challenger 2 there are armor-piercing high-explosive shells (they are also plate shells). The Israeli Merkava 4 has a controlled OF. Tanks produced on the basis of Soviet developments are always equipped with OFZ and have been successfully used in wars for over 50 years.

    Much has been written about this tank today. The articles are very different: from enthusiastically laudatory to humiliatingly critical. This is understandable; any article, willy-nilly, will have a certain amount of subjectivity, depending on the point of view of the author. It is no secret that the same facts can be presented in different ways.

    We invite you to get acquainted once again with the history of the creation of one of the famous main tanks of our time - Abrams (), get acquainted with the history of its creation and with the modifications of the combat vehicle that are in service with the armies of some states.

    If we consider the point of view of American researchers and chroniclers of the history of the creation of the Abrams main tank (OT), then some of them present the history of this vehicle as a further development of the M48 Patton II medium tank. This is exactly how the history of the creation of a new American OT is interpreted in the work of the American researcher R. R. Hunnicutt, “A History of the American main battle tank.”

    Research work to develop a project for a new American tank began in 1951. In fact, the birth of the famous Abrams resulted in the consistent implementation of three main programs to develop the tank of the future.

    The first of these was a program to develop the T95 tank, which was based on more early works to create an experimental T42 tank. The purpose of this R&D was to create a prototype vehicle with a relatively low mass, armed with a medium-caliber cannon. In parallel with the development of the T95, another program was initially developed - the T96, which provided for the development of a tank with heavy cannon armament.

    Later, both projects were combined based on the T95 tank chassis. As part of this R&D, a total of 13 vehicle projects were developed, starting with T95 and ending with T95E12, as well as T96. However, the development of the T95EZ project was completely completed; all other versions were partially built or existed only in the form of mock-ups. When developing the T95 program, many innovations and concepts were developed, such as the use of a rigidly mounted smoothbore gun and new fire control systems.

    Many of the concepts developed at that time require further development at the present time. These difficulties encountered, combined with the changing views of the military on the concept of the tank of the future, led to the closure of the T95 program. Instead, a program to improve the M48 Patton medium tank was urgently initiated. Such a rush was caused by the appearance in the USSR of medium tanks T-45A and T-54B, armed with a stabilized 100-mm cannon and superior in all characteristics to the American medium tanks M48 “Patton”. As a result of work to improve the M48 in the United States in 1960, the M60 tank with a 105-mm rifled gun was adopted.

    The second prototype of the T95 tank with a 90 mm cannon at Fort Knox

    Tests of the 120-mm Delta gun installed on the first prototype of the T95E8 tank with registration number 967052

    Chassis of the T95E1 tank, on which a model of the turret is installed, a tank that will become a new prototype - MVT70

    The second prototype of the MVT70 tank with registration number 09A002 67

    A prototype of the XM803 tank with a 152 mm gun-launcher

    A prototype of the Chrysler XM1 tank with registration number JEOOO during competitive testing

    A prototype of the XM1 tank from General Motors

    The first prototype of the Chrysler XM1 tank at the Detroit plant in February 1978. Second from left is Dr. Philip Lett

    The first production M1 Abrams tank, built at the Detroit plant. March 31, 1982

    After the closure of the T95 program, the development of some new systems and components still continued. Everyone understood that sooner or later a new program would be launched in the United States to develop a promising main tank, new basic concepts of a battle tank. At the same time, in the USA and some NATO countries, the emphasis in the development of the main weapon of the tank changed somewhat.

    The military's attention was no longer drawn to tank guns firing high-velocity armor-piercing shells kinetic action, and the guns are launchers capable of firing guided missiles with a cumulative warhead. A laser rangefinder and other new components for the fire control system appeared as technical innovations that could be used to create new tanks.

    On August 1, 1963, an agreement was signed between the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany to jointly develop a new main tank for production and use in both countries. The project was named MBT70 - “Main Battle Tank 70”.

    In the MVT70, the designers implemented many technical innovations, such as hydropneumatic suspension, an automated fire control system, automatic gun loading, and combined armor. It should be noted that similar armor and automatic loading in the USSR by this time had already been implemented on the mass-produced T-64 and T-64A tanks. So American designers, without even knowing it, played the role of “catching up” in the world tank building.

    The introduction of advanced technical innovations in the MVT70 also led to an increase in the cost of the combat vehicle. The US Congress has revised a number of programs for the development of advanced technology in the direction of reducing the final cost of samples. The MVT70 program was also not included here. The promising tank was considered too expensive and complicated. In addition, there were many disagreements among American and German designers regarding the need and design of a number of systems and components of a promising tank. This led to the cessation of joint work on the car and each country went its own way.

    In the United States, in order to reduce costs and increase reliability, the design of the promising tank was simplified, but the 152-mm gun-launcher was retained as the main weapon in the new project, designated the XM803 main tank. However, in the West, by the beginning of the 70s of the last century, priorities regarding the main weapon of the tank began to change again. Again, preference began to be given to guns capable of delivering fire with high-velocity armor-piercing kinetic projectiles. In addition, the new XM803 tank being developed was not much cheaper than its predecessor MVT70.

    In December 1971, the US Congress terminated work on the XM803 project. At the same time, the need to develop a new tank for the army was recognized. The necessary funding was also allocated for this. We must not forget that the USSR was already armed with the T-64A medium tanks, armed with a 125-mm smoothbore tank gun capable of firing armor-piercing sub-caliber shells with an initial speed of 1800 m/s. New vehicles were on the way: T-72 Ural and T-80.

    The “go-ahead” and funding from the US Congress for the development of a new American tank became the third attempt to create a new American tank, which was successful.

    A working group was organized in the US Army to develop specifications for a new tank. The development of the TTZ for the tank of the 80s, designated XM1, began in January 1972. The TTZ prepared by the Ministry of Defense proposed using developments on the MVT70 and XM803. However, many uncertainties remained and there was even a moment when the option of abandoning the XM1 program in favor of further improving the M60 was considered.

    The final requirements for the new tank and the timing of the program were formulated in January 1973. Most of all, when developing the TTZ, the financial side of the issue was taken into account, which limited the cost of one production vehicle to just over 500 thousand USD when ordering 3,300 tanks. For the first time in the United States, the development of a new tank was decided to be carried out on a competitive basis by General Motors and Chrysler Corporation.

    The XM1 development program included three stages: 1974-76. – evaluation of the concept and selection of a prototype based on the results of comparative tests of prototypes from General Motors and Chrysler; 1977-80 – finalization of the prototype, preparation of serial production, production of the pilot batch, acceptance into service; 1981-90 – serial production and modernization. The Pentagon transferred the TTZ and signed contracts with General Motors and Chrysler Corporation for the development and creation of prototypes of the tank in June 1973.

    True, in October some provisions of the TTZ had to be adjusted after a thorough analysis of the experience of the Arab-Israeli war “ doomsday" This experience required increasing the effective range of fire against armored targets, increasing the ammunition load of the main weapon, enhancing the vehicle's security, reducing the time to prepare the vehicle for combat use, increasing the reliability of systems and assemblies and their maintainability.

    One of the most controversial issues in the development of the new American main tank was the choice of the main weapon. At that time, USSR tanks already had 125-mm smoothbore guns; the new Leopard 2 tank being created in Germany was planned to be equipped with a 120-mm gun created in Germany. Why did the M1 Abrams go into service in the United States with the 105-mm M68 cannon (a licensed version of the British L7 cannon, developed in the second half of the 50s)?

    The answer to this question was given to the author personally chief designer"Abrams" Dr. Philip Leah, during one of the meetings in Nizhny Tagil. It was he who proposed installing on the new tank a 120-mm Rheinmetall L44 smoothbore gun, developed in Germany for the new Leopard. And the American military insisted on the 105-mm M68 cannon, justifying their choice very simply: “in warehouses a large number of ammunition for the M68 cannon, they need to go somewhere. Then we’ll get back to talking about the 120 mm gun.”

    Tank XM1 on display at the War Museum in Aberdeen

    To participate in comparative tests, prototypes of the XM1 tanks were presented by competing companies in February 1976. Both tanks had a classic layout: a control compartment in the bow of the vehicle hull, a fighting compartment in the middle part of the hull, and a motor-transmission compartment in the stern. Tower with a cannon of circular rotation.

    As a power plant, General Motors used a V-shaped diesel engine "Teledyne Continental" AVCR-1360-2 air-cooled with turbocharging, developing a power of 1500 hp. This engine is an improved version of the diesel engine used on the MVT70 and XM803 prototypes.

    The car presented by Chrysler was equipped with an AVCO Lycoming AGT-1500 three-shaft gas turbine engine? Also with a power of 1500 hp.

    The chassis of competing tanks also had differences. On the General Motors tank, the chassis consisted of six road wheels per side, three of which were on hydropneumatic suspension, and three on torsion bar suspension. On the Chrysler car, the chassis had seven road wheels per side with an individual torsion bar suspension.

    In terms of weight, both prototypes fit into the TTZ and did not exceed 53 tons. Tests of prototypes of competing companies were carried out at the Aberdeen Proving Ground (Maryland), and then at Fort Knox and Fort Hood. The winner of the competition was determined on November 12, 1976. It was the Chrysler prototype, which was selected by the leadership of the US Army for further development as the future main tank of the US Army.

    M1 Abrams tank during Operation Desert Storm in February 1991. To enhance protection, tank crews hung sandbags on the armor

    At the same time, attempts to cooperate with German designers to create a single main tank were resumed to a certain extent. On December 11, 1976, a memorandum of understanding in the field of tank building was signed between the United States and Germany. The document provided for comparative tests of the XM1 in the United States and the adoption of the vehicle that would win these tests. The winner was to be determined by a joint commission consisting of specialists from the USA and Germany. At the same time, the Germans were skeptical about the gas turbine engine of the American car, and the American military on the Leopard did not like the weapon system with a 120-mm smoothbore gun.

    Ultimately, the stumbling block in choosing a single combat vehicle was economic problems. As often happens, American and German manufacturing companies did not agree on the amount of profit received during the implementation of the project. As a result, the US armed forces and the Bundeswehr received different cars. Attempts to unify tanks by individual systems and units, such as the main weapon, power plant, chassis, did not lead to success.

    The Military Commission of the US Congress insisted that work on maximum unification of components and systems would lead to a delay in the implementation of the program, its increase in cost and a decrease in the characteristics of the XM1 tank. In 1978, after the Americans refused to test the XM1 tank with a German diesel engine, the memorandum of understanding sank into oblivion.

    To continue testing, the Chrysler company built a stage of 11 prototypes of the XM1 tank, which in the second stage took part in technical and military tests that took place from March 1978 to September 1979 and from May 1978 to February 1979, respectively. .

    Even before the completion of the second stage at the end of 1978, Chrysler received the go-ahead from the Pentagon to build an pilot batch of 110 tanks intended to participate in tests of the third stage and for training personnel of tank units.

    American tank "Abrams" M1A2

    During the tests, as one would expect, when fundamentally tested new car, a number of shortcomings were identified in the design of the machine and the operation of its systems and components. Serious complaints were caused by the unreliable operation of the gas turbine power unit (GTSU). The gas turbine unit worked so unreliably that the average time between failures of the gas turbine engine was no more than 210 km. In this regard, it was even proposed to replace the gas turbine engine with a German diesel engine from “Leopard 2” or a British diesel engine “Rolls Royce” CV12. Engineers quickly had to carry out a whole range of work to improve the experimental machines, which had a positive effect.

    During tests that were carried out in the second half of 1979, the modernized prototypes reached an average time between failures of the gas turbine engine of about 480 km. A number of representatives of the state commission for testing the XM1 insisted on delaying the adoption of the tank and the start of its mass production, suggesting that Chrysler engineers begin full-scale development of a diesel version of the XM1 tank.

    However, most experts were in favor of using a GTSU on the tank as a more progressive technical solution. Last third the testing phase of the XM1 tank was completed in 1980 and the tank was put into service under the designation M1 “Abrams” in honor of General Creighton Abrams, former boss US Army Headquarters, who commanded American troops in Vietnam during the final stages of that war.

    The Pentagon placed an order for the construction by Chrysler of the first batch of 352 production tanks (vehicles). First serial tanks M1 Abrams were manufactured in 1980 at the state tank plant in Lima, Ohio, but mass full-scale production of these vehicles began only in September 1981. In 1982, serial production of the Abrams started at another state tank plant - Detroit Arsenal in Warren (Michigan). The total production rate for the two factories was 70 tanks per month.

    A total of 2,374 Abrams tanks of the M1 modification were built, the production of which was completely discontinued in January 1985. By this time, it was in service with the USSR Ground Forces, including in groups of troops stationed in the GDR, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary, as well as in In the Western military districts, there were already thousands of tanks of the T-64B, T-80B and T-72A types, which in terms of their characteristics significantly exceeded the latest American tank. And at Soviet research sites, tests of even newer models of armored weapons were nearing completion.

    Description of the design of the M1 Abrams tank

    The main tank M1 "Abrams" is made according to the classic layout. The tank hull is a welded structure with a large angle of inclination of the upper frontal armored part (VLB). In the bow of the hull there is a control compartment located along the longitudinal axis of the machine.

    The driver's workplace has a height-adjustable seat with soft upholstery, a headrest and lumbar support. In order to reduce the silhouette of the tank, in the combat position the driver takes a reclining position with his legs raised relative to the seat.

    This is approximately how the Abrams driver controls the car when driving in combat mode

    To control the movement of the tank, a T-shaped motorcycle-type steering column and a brake pedal are installed in the control compartment. All the necessary controls - reverse and forward gear selector, fuel regulator - are located on the steering column. The driver can get on and off his workplace only through a hatch equipped in the VLB, which is closed by an armored cover that slides to the right. There is no emergency hatch in the bottom of the hull. Three periscopic observation devices are installed in the driver's hatch cover.

    The fighting compartment of the tank includes the middle part of the hull and a circular rotation turret. The fighting compartment houses the tank's weapons complex, communications equipment, commander, gunner and loader workstations, as well as other equipment.

    Comparison of the overall dimensions of the side projections of the American M1A1 and the Soviet T-72A

    When creating the M1 Abrams tank, attention was paid to significantly increasing its security compared to tanks of previous generations. This problem was solved by reducing the silhouette of the tank and reducing its visibility, increasing armor protection, and using a new type of armor. The tank's hull and turret are all-welded. On the bow of the hull there are units for hanging roller or knife mine trawls, as well as bulldozer equipment.

    The tower consists of outer and inner layers of armor steel, connected by transverse stiffeners, between which are filled with filler packs made of steel and ceramic materials. The chassis is covered with side screens consisting of separate sections of seven pieces per side. The sections have spaced armor, between which there is a filler. The screens are attached to the body on brackets using hinges, and the sections are connected to each other by a hinge-and-loop connection. The most massive front sections are attached to the body rigidly, with bolts. The thickness of each section is about 70 mm, and the total weight of the screens is 1.5 tons.

    In order to increase mine resistance, the armor of the front part of the hull bottom has been strengthened to 30-32 mm, while the thickness of the lower hull plate in the rear part is only 12.5 mm. Differentiation of armor plate thickness is applied throughout the tank, which varies from 25 mm in the MTO area to 125 mm in the frontal part of the turret. However, it should be noted that the armor of the side plates of the hull is insignificant, which does not exceed 35 mm. In general, armor protection accounts for approximately 56% of the total mass of the tank.

    View of the ammunition rack of the Abrams M1A1 tank from the loader's side. It is necessary to have good practice so that the loader can accurately extract the required type of shot.

    The OT M1 "Abrams" weapon system includes primary, secondary and auxiliary weapons; automated fire control system (AFS), ammunition, weapon stabilizer, duplicated manual guidance drives, surveillance devices.

    The main weapon of the tank is a 105-mm M68A1 rifled gun stabilized in two planes.. As additional weapons a 7.62-mm M240 machine gun (licensed version of the Belgian FN MAG machine gun), a 12.7-mm Browning M2НВ anti-aircraft machine gun mounted on the commander's turret, and another 7.62-mm M240 machine gun mounted on the roof of the turret are used. in front of the loader's hatch.

    The gun's pointing angles in the vertical plane range from -10° to +20°, and that of the anti-aircraft machine gun - from -10° to +65°. Turret machine guns do not have remote control; they are fired by the tank commander and loader with the hatches open.

    As auxiliary weapons, there are 12 pieces of 66-mm grenade launchers for firing smoke grenades (6 pieces each on the left and right sides of the turret) with a firing range of 30 m; 5.56 mm M16A1 rifle and M67 hand grenades.

    The tank's ammunition load includes 55 unitary 105-mm rounds for a tank gun, including M735 rounds with armor-piercing finned sabot projectiles (BPOS) with a separable tray with a tungsten alloy core, M774 and M883 with BPOS with depleted uranium cores, M494 with a projectile with ready-made arrow-shaped damaging elements, M456 with a cumulative fragmentation projectile and M416 with a smoke projectile. M737B training rounds with a projectile in inert ammunition can also be used.

    The main part of the ammunition - 44 unitary shots - are placed in an isolated compartment in the aft niche of the turret. The compartment is isolated from the habitable compartment of the tank with opening armor covers and is equipped with ejection panels on top that direct the blast wave when the shots in the ammunition compartment are detonated outward.

    The remaining 11 rounds are placed in armored containers in the tank hull and on the turret floor in front of the loader.

    Ammunition for the machine guns consists of 11,400 rounds of ammunition for 7.62 mm machine guns (1,400 rounds of ammunition for the loader’s machine gun and 10,000 rounds of ammunition for the coaxial machine gun) and 900 rounds of 12.7 mm caliber for an anti-aircraft machine gun. The automatic rifle has 210 rounds of ammunition, in addition, there are 24 smoke grenades and 8 hand grenades.

    The firepower of the M1A1 Abrams tank has increased significantly compared to the M1

    The weapon system of the M1 Abrams tank has an automated control system developed by Hughes Aircraft. When developing the XM1 tank, Chrysler designers abandoned the control system with a combined gunner's sight and a commander's panoramic sight with independent stabilization of lines of sight, which was used in experienced tank XM803. It was considered too expensive and complicated.

    The control system of the M1 Abrams tank uses a periscope monocular combined gunner's sight GPS (Gunner's periscope sight) with independent stabilization of the line of sight in the vertical plane (such stabilization of the line of sight in the USSR was already used on the latest T-62 and T-55 tanks). The GPS sight combines an optical channel with 3- and 10-fold magnification, a thermal imaging channel for night vision and a laser rangefinder.

    The sight is mounted on the roof of the turret under an armored cap and, in the non-working position, is closed by a steel shutter that can be opened from the turret. The thermal imaging channel provides a vision range of up to 2000 m in the dark, a laser rangefinder allows you to measure the range to a target, both from a standstill and in motion at distances from 200 to 8000 m. The sight has an eyepiece for the commander, providing the commander with the ability to conduct aimed fire from the main weapon.

    The control system of the M1 tank uses a digital ballistic computer that automatically introduces corrections to the aiming angles and lateral corrections, taking into account the measured range to the target, the lateral component of wind speed, target speed, roll of the gun trunnion axis, type of projectile, wear of the bore, atmospheric pressure, charge temperature and corrections for sight alignment errors. Data on the type of projectile, wear of the bore, atmospheric pressure, charge temperature and sight alignment errors are entered into the computer manually, the rest - automatically.

    The cannon and the coaxial machine gun are stabilized in two planes. The drives for gun guidance and turret rotation are electro-hydraulic. They provide a maximum turret rotation speed of 40 degrees/s and gun pointing speed of 25 degrees/s.

    As a backup gunner's sight on the M1 Abrams, the M920 monocular unstabilized optical sight with 8x magnification is used. For reference aimed shooting From an anti-aircraft machine gun, the tank commander has an M919 optical sight with 3x magnification. The sight is mounted on the hatch cover of the rotating commander's cupola and is connected to the anti-aircraft heavy machine gun by a parallelogram mechanism.

    To monitor the terrain from the commander's seat, six prismatic observation devices are installed in the commander's cupola; for this purpose, the loader has a prismatic observation device mounted on a rotating support.

    The commander's and gunner's positions are located in the turret to the right of the gun, one behind the other: the gunner is in front in the direction of the vehicle's movement, and the commander is behind him. Workplace The loader is located in the turret to the left of the gun.

    Power unit of the Abrams tank with a GTA-1500 gas turbine engine

    The engine and transmission compartment of the M1 Abrams tank is located in the rear of the hull, occupying more than a third of its length and a volume of 6.8 m 3 . Since the height of the vehicle body was not enough to accommodate all the GTSU units, top part the hull in the MTO area is significantly elevated. The MTO is separated from the fighting compartment by a sealed fire partition. It has a longitudinally installed AVCO Lycoming AGT-1500 gas turbine engine, made in a single unit with an Allison X-1100-3 automatic hydromechanical transmission.

    GTE AGT-1500 is a three-shaft engine with a two-stage compressor, an individual combustion chamber, a two-stage free power turbine with an adjustable first-stage nozzle apparatus and a stationary ring plate heat exchanger. Air enters the turbine through a two-stage air cleaner. To regulate engine power, the AGT-1500 gas turbine engine uses a hydromechanical fuel supply regulator with an electronic control system.

    The engine is started by an electric starter, which, through the gearbox drive, spins the rotor of the second stage turbocharger. The maximum gas temperature in the turbine is 1193°C, the output shaft rotation speed is 3000 rpm. Dry engine weight – 1137 kg. The engine can develop a maximum torque of 5310 Nm at an output speed of 1000 rpm.

    The gas turbine engine in combination with the transmission provides the M1 tank with acceleration from standstill to a speed of 30 km/h in 6 seconds.

    Automatic transmission "Allison" X-1100-3 two-flow hydromechanical. It provides four forward gears and two reverse gears. The transmission includes a torque converter, a four-speed automatic transmission, service and stopping brakes and a continuously variable steering mechanism with a double differential and hydrostatic transmission, and planetary final drives. The transmission weight is 1960 kg.

    Tank chassis consists of seven gable rubber-coated track rollers on board, four support rollers on board, two guide wheels unified with support rollers, two drive wheels and two tracks consisting of 78 tracks (for each track) type T156 with rubber-metal parallel hinges. Track width – 635 mm. The track roller disks are made of aluminum alloy, the hubs are made of steel; diameter of track rollers – 635 mm. The suspension is individual torsion bar; blade hydraulic shock absorbers are installed on the first, second and seventh suspension units. The full travel of the rollers is 581 mm.

    American tank "Abrams" М1А2 SEP in Afghanistan

    To overcome water barriers There is equipment for underwater driving, providing fording fords up to 2.36 m deep. The equipment includes two air supply pipes and an exhaust pipe.

    The fuel is placed in six tanks with a total capacity of 1907 liters. This fuel supply provides the tank with a highway range of 440 km. Two front and two aft tanks are made of polyethylene; in front of the fenders, between the main side and the outer screen, there are two metal tanks.

    The M1 Abrams tank is equipped with a manually activated protection system against weapons of mass destruction, providing purified air to the individual breathing masks of crew members. Air purification is carried out by a filter-ventilation unit.

    The special equipment includes radiation and chemical reconnaissance instruments. The tank is also equipped with an automatic, fast-acting fire-fighting system, consisting of two subsystems installed in the logistics department and in the fighting compartment. The system includes optical and thermal fire detection sensors, a control unit and cylinders with Halon-1301 fire extinguishing agent. The system's response time to fire does not exceed 150 ms.

    When creating the M1 Abrams tank, the designers paid a lot of attention to improving the operational properties of the tank compared to previous American models of armored weapons. To achieve this, access to the main components and assemblies was facilitated, and quick shutdown of the fuel, electrical and hydraulic systems was provided.

    Development and new modifications

    "Abrams" M1IP

    The M1IP modification (Improved Production - improved) is a transitional version from the base model to the M1A1 modification, on which it was planned to install the 120-mm M256 smoothbore gun - a licensed version of the German Rheinmetall L44 gun.

    The M1IP tank featured all the major improvements proposed for implementation on the M1A1 except for the gun itself, which remained the same - the 105 mm M68. The weight of the improved tank increased by 900 kg compared to the weight of the serial M1. Between October 1984 and May 1986, 894 of these tanks were built.

    Abrams M1A1

    During the period 1982–1984. Work was actively carried out to improve the M1 tank. The main difference between the M1A1 and the M1 Abrams was the installation of a 120-mm smoothbore gun on it. The German Rheinmetall L44 cannon was slightly redesigned in the USA, changing the design of the cradle and breech. Due to the larger size of the gun, the ammunition load for the gun was reduced to 40 rounds, 34 of which are placed in the ammunition rack in the rear niche of the turret, and 6 rounds in the hull in the fighting compartment. The shots are unitary with a partially burning cartridge case and a steel pan.

    The ammunition load of the 120-mm gun included M827 rounds with armor-piercing finned sub-caliber projectiles with a detachable tray with a tungsten alloy core and M829 rounds with BPS with a depleted uranium core. It is also possible to use standard German ammunition used in the ammunition of the Leopard 2 tank.

    In connection with the change in the ballistics of the main weapon, the necessary changes were made to the ballistic computer of the control system; An ammunition consumption counter has been introduced, powered by a sensor that takes into account gun recoils. According to calculated estimates, the range of actual fire when firing on the move for armor-piercing ammunition of a 120-mm gun is 1.9–2 km and 1.7–1.8 km for cumulative ammunition; when firing from a location, the range increases to 2.6–2.8 and 2–2.2 km, respectively.

    In addition to increasing firepower, the M1A1 Abrams tank also increased its security. The specified armor thickness on the new tank was 600–680 mm of homogeneous rolled armor (HARM) in the frontal projection of the turret when fired by armor-piercing sub-caliber shells, and 1080–1320 mm HKB when fired by cumulative shells. For the frontal projection of the hull, these figures are 580 - 630 and 800 - 900 mm, respectively.

    The M1A1 tank is equipped with a new collective defense system with a filter-ventilation unit (FVU) with automatic activation. The FVU creates excess pressure in the tank and provides a supply of purified air to the individual masks of the crew members. The collective protection system is activated only when the gas turbine engine is running and all tank hatches are closed. The pressurization system for the internal volume of the tank is turned on not only in the event of radiological or chemical contamination, but also when firing from a cannon and a coaxial machine gun to remove powder gases from the fighting compartment.

    The installation of additional armor protection, a heavier gun and a new FVU led to an increase in the tank's weight by 2.6 tons. This required strengthening the transmission and chassis, as well as installing more powerful drives for gun guidance and turret rotation.

    Externally, the M1A1 differs from the M1 in the 120-mm cannon with a thermal insulating casing, a sight alignment device and an ejector, as well as the presence of a basket on the back of the turret and two (instead of three) ejection panels in the turret roof above the ammunition; Containers with spare grenades are mounted under the grenade launchers on the outer walls of the tower (six grenades for each grenade launcher).

    In 1982–1984 14 experimental M1A1s were manufactured and tested. Serial production of M1A1 Abrams tanks began in August 1985. The Pentagon ordered 4,199 vehicles. For some time, M1A1 tanks were produced in parallel with the M1IP, which differs externally from the M1A1 only in a different gun and three, rather than two, ejection panels on the turret roof. Production of the M1A1 Abrams was discontinued in 1993; a total of 3,546 vehicles were produced.

    The M1A1 became the first Abrams to be put into service abroad. In November 1988, an agreement was signed between the United States and Egypt on the joint production in Egypt of 555 M1A1 tanks for the Egyptian armed forces within ten years. Subsequently, the number of vehicles ordered by Egypt was reduced to 524 units. Production of tanks began in 1992 at a plant in Abu Zaabal near the capital. Some components and assemblies were supplied from the USA (up to 60%). The first 25 tanks for ARE were manufactured in the USA. The end of production was planned for mid-1999.

    Abrams M1A2

    The active phase of work on creating a variant of the M1A2 tank began in the early 90s. last century. The rapid development of electronics and computer technology made it possible for designers to implement those projects that were not possible to implement when creating the XM803 prototype. In many ways, the impetus for the appearance of the Abrams M1A2 variant was the German concept of the control system, implemented on the Leopard 2.

    The new control system is the main difference between the new Abrams and its predecessors. This control system, built on the MIL STD1553B data bus, includes a combined gunner's sight with an independent line of sight stabilized in two planes, and a panoramic thermal imaging observation device for the commander, which also has a line of sight stabilized in two planes.

    The laser rangefinder has been replaced with a more advanced one that runs on carbon dioxide and has the same operating wavelength as thermal imaging devices. Thanks to the introduction of the MIL STD1553B data bus into the on-board equipment, many elements of the control system are integrated into a single information system, which serves to ensure the organization of interaction and control in combat, and target identification. The innovations introduced on the M1A2 increased its combat effectiveness compared to the M1A1 in the offensive by 1.5 times, and in defense by 2 times.

    The rest of the on-board equipment has also undergone serious improvement. A GPS navigation system based on satellite navigation system receivers has been introduced, and new generation communications equipment has been installed.

    The first M1A2 was converted from M1A1 in September 1990, then 9 more vehicles were converted and passed a series of test tests. In November 1992, serial production of the M1A2 began. By May 1993, 67 vehicles were built. In total, it was planned to build 3,000 M1A2 Abrams tanks for the US Army, but due to a change in the political situation in the world, namely the end of the USSR, these plans were redrawn. M1A1 tanks undergoing major overhaul are being converted to the M1A2 variant. So far, it is planned to upgrade 998 M1A1 tanks to the M1A2 level.

    The Abrams M1A2 SEP (Systems Enhancement Package) tank modernization program initially began to be implemented in 1999 as a “digital” version of the M1A2 as part of the CEEP (Continuous Electronics Enhancement Program) program.

    American Abrams M1A2 SEP tanks on the streets of Iraqi cities

    During the work to improve the vehicle, it was planned to equip the tank with a new fully digital fire control system, including thermal imaging devices of the 2nd generation of the gunner and commander 2nd Gen FLIR (2nd Generation Forward Looking Infra-Red sighting system), which have significantly improved detection capabilities targets day and night. The most modern information technologies are also used, including the installation of color monitors, the use of network communications, increased machine memory and processor performance to increase the efficiency of information processing and hitting targets.

    In addition, the improvement included equipping the tank with advanced third-generation armor protection without the use of depleted uranium filler, an auxiliary power unit to ensure the functioning of electronic systems without starting the gas turbine unit, as well as a thermal management system for air conditioning for the crew and ensuring the operation of electronic equipment.

    Deliveries to the troops of the first Abrams M1A2, brought to the SEP level, began in August 1999. In total, the program provides for the renewal of 1,150 previously produced M1A2 Abrams tanks. In addition, M1A2 tanks delivered to Saudi Arabia are being upgraded to the “digital” standard. The contract for modernization of the first 60 machines was concluded in 2006, and in November 2007 the company began implementing it.

    In November 2007, General Dynamics received a contract to modernize 240 tanks from the M1A2 SEP V1 level to the M1A2 SEP V2 level (V2 is the second version of SEP). The SEP V2 level involves the installation of improved color displays to display the tactical situation, the installation of gunner and commander sights with electro-optical and infrared channels, the modification of the gas control system and the installation of new communications equipment compatible with information and combat networks of infantry units and formations.

    The modernization also includes the introduction of other technologies developed as part of the Future Combat Systems (FCS) program. General Dynamics received a long-term contract for the modernization of 435 M1A1 tanks to the M1A2 SEP V2 level in February 2008. It is planned to bring all previously released M1A1 Abrams tanks to the “digital” SEP V2 standard.

    Abrams M1A2 TUSK

    This modification provides for the installation on a combat vehicle of a special set of equipment for operating in urban conditions TUSK (Tank Urban Survival Kit - a tank kit for survival in urban conditions).

    American Abrams M1A2 tank equipped with the TUSK kit

    The TUSK kit includes:
    - ARAT dynamic protection complex, which supposedly provides increased protection of lateral projections from cumulative weapons;
    — thermal imaging sight for the turret mounting of the M240 machine gun loader;
    — armored shields to protect the commander and loader during observation and work in open hatches;
    — spaced armor of the bottom;
    — a headset for communication with supporting infantry;
    — additional 12.7-mm Browning M2НВ machine gun on a CSAMM mount mounted on the gun mantlet;
    - a remote-controlled CROWS installation with a 12.7-mm Browning M2НВ machine gun produced by the Norwegian company Kongsberg (on Abrams M1A2 tanks) or a thermal imaging sight of the commander's ZPU on M1A1 version tanks.

    The TUSK kit can be mounted on a tank in the field, which ensures that combat vehicles can be modified without the need to be sent to repair facilities. On August 29, 2006, General Dynamics Land Systems received an order from the US Army Command to equip Abrams tanks taking part in the operation in Iraq with TUSK 505 kits. total cost The contract amounted to 45 million dollars.

    Almost all modifications of Abrams tanks took part in battles. However, the story about the combat past and present of the American main tank "Abrams", an analysis of its strengths and weaknesses– this is a topic for a separate article.

    is the main battle tank of the United States. The tank is in service with many countries - the USA, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Australia. Serial production of the tank began in the 80s of the last century. Your name Abrams tank The M1 was named after General Abrams Creighton.

    Now a little history of the creation of the M1 tank. The Abrams tank emerged as a result of the third program, which was supposed to replace the existing Patton tanks. Of the three programs, the first two turned out to be unsuccessful, because the T95 and MVT-703 tanks had no superiority either in characteristics or in production cost. The development of a new type of tank began in 1971. Later it received the code name XM-1. Already in May 1973, General Motors and Chrysler submitted applications to participate in the competition. On June 28 of the same year, an agreement was concluded with them to create prototype tanks. The development of the new tank was influenced by many factors. This includes the trip of company representatives to Great Britain to get acquainted with the innovation - Chobham composite armor, and the Arab-Israeli war of 1973, thanks to which companies abandoned the use of the 25-30 mm twin Bushmaster cannon. Instead, it was decided to use a 7.62 mm machine gun. This made it possible to increase the ammunition load of the main gun due to the freed-up volume. The companies conducted joint tests of their creations from January 31 to May 7, 1976. Both cars met the stated requirements. As a result of subsequent competitions about cost reduction and the presence of a gas turbine engine, Chrysler won. The total cost of the order for 462 tanks was $196 million. General Motors offered an amount of 232 million US dollars. The second stage of testing of the M1 tank ended in February 1979. Back in 1978, the Pentagon gave the go-ahead for the construction of the first 110 tanks. February 28, 1980 first two tank XM1 were transferred to the US Army for personnel training and final testing. Then XM1 received the name Abrams tank in honor of Army Chief of Staff Adams Creighton. After final testing, the tank was adopted by the US Army on February 17, 1981.

    Production M1 Abrams tank for the US Armed Forces it was discontinued in 1993. Today, 11 modifications of the M1 Abrams tank are known.

    Design and armament of the M1 Abrams tank

    The classic layout of the Abrams tank provides a control compartment in the front part of the tank, a fighting compartment in the central part and an engine compartment in the rear part. Tank crew - 4 people: commander, loader, gunner, driver-mechanic.

    The hull and turret of the tank are welded, the front parts of which have multi-layer passive armor, reminiscent of the English Chobham. A distinctive feature of the Abram tank is that the upper frontal plate of the hull has a large angle of inclination relative to the vertical plane and a fairly large gap between the tank hull and its turret.

    The 105-mm M68A1 rifled gun was equipped with modifications of the M1 and M1IP tanks. This gun is stabilized in two planes. The combat kit of the M1 Abrams tank consists of 55 unitary-type shells with 5 different types of metal sleeves. Since 1985, M1 Abrams tanks have been equipped with a 120-mm M256 smoothbore gun. As an auxiliary weapon, the M1 Abrams tank used a 7.62 mm M240 machine gun, coaxial with a cannon. In addition to it, the same machine gun was installed as the previous one, but it was located in front of the loader's hatch. The third machine gun is the 12.7 mm M2 machine gun. It was located on the commander's tower.

    was equipped with a fairly modern fire control system from Hughes Aircraft.

    The Abrams M1 tank is equipped with an AVCO Lycoming AGT-1500 gas turbine engine. It is made in a single unit with an Allison X1100-3B automatic hydromechanical transmission. The entire unit can be replaced in case of breakdown in less than one hour. The hydromechanical gearbox has 4 forward gears and 2 reverse gears.

    Seven track rollers with external shock absorption, two support rollers on each side, tracks with a rubber-mechanical joint and a torsion bar suspension combine to chassis tank.

    Now M1 Abrams tank is in service with 6 countries, including the USA, Egypt, Australia, Kuwait, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

    The Abrams tank was used in 4 combat operations, where it received its baptism of fire.

    In general, the Abrams M1 tank is formidable for solving problems of a wide variety of nature.

    Performance characteristics Abrams M1 tank
    Combat weight, t 54,4
    Empty tank weight, t 51,2
    Length, m 7,92
    Length with gun, m 9,77
    Width, m 3,66
    Height, m 2,89
    Equivalent thickness of the hull forehead, mm 600
    Equivalent to the resistance of the frontal armor of the hull (BPS), mm 370
    Hull sides, mm 57 (25 before MTO)
    Hull stern 20
    Equivalent thickness of the tower forehead, mm 700
    Durability equivalent of turret frontal armor (BPS), mm 450
    Roof, mm 70
    A gun 105 mm M68A1
    Machine guns 1 × 12.7 mm M2 HB2 × 7.62 mm M240
    Ammunition, shots / 12.7 mm / 7.62 mm cartridges 55 / 900 / 11 400
    Engine GTE Avco Lycoming AGT-1500 1500 h.p. (1232) kw
    Specific power, hp/t 27,6 (22,6)
    Maximum speed on the highway, km/h 72
    Cruising range on the highway, km 440
    Specific ground pressure, kg/cm² 0,93
    Ditch to be overcome, m 2,74
    Wall to be overcome, m 1,24
    Fordability, m 1.22 (2.29 with OPVT)

    M1 Abrams is the US main battle tank. Serially produced since 1980. It is in service with the US Army and Marine Corps, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Australia. He is a veteran of many military conflicts: from Operation Desert Storm and the UN peacekeeping operation in Somalia, to the 2003 Iraq campaign and Afghanistan. Analysis combat use tank in these conflicts caused a flurry of criticism of its combat effectiveness (especially armor), gave rise to many myths and revealed the lion's share of classified facts. Is this tank really that bad, and is its criticism fair? Let's figure it out.

    The Abrams has powerful passive combined frontal armor that provides comprehensive protection against both kinetic and cumulative threats. The thickness of the frontal projection of the turret of the first M1 (1980) is 663mm (62mm outer steel plate + 500mm combined armor + 101mm rear steel plate), the hull protection is presented in the form of a 563mm dimension (similar in thickness to the rear and outer plates and 400mm composite dimensions). On subsequent modifications, starting with IPM1 (1984) and ending with M1A2SEPv2 (2008), the thickness of the frontal armor of the turret is (62 - 700 - 101) 863 mm, and the thickness of the hull is (62-500-101) 663 mm.

    The effectiveness of armor fillers is different for each modification of the vehicle: m1a1 (since 1985) has a corundum ceramic filler AD92. M1A1HA (since 1988) corundum ceramics AD92 and uranoceramics UO87, (1990) M1A1HA+\D\M1A2 corundum ceramics AD95, and 2nd generation uranoceramics uo100. (since 2000) M1A2SEP\SEPv2\M1A1SA\FEP have AD95 and 3rd generation UO100 uranium ceramics with graphite coating and titanium as the lining of interchangeable armor packages instead of aluminum. Also, in addition to the main armor fillers, Kevlar, fiberglass, titanium, rubber and other materials are used to a small extent.

    Indicators of resistance of fillers against various threats:
    AD90 - 0.84 - 0.95 from OBPS and 1.37 from KS
    AD99 - 1.13 - 1.08 from OBPS and 1.42 from KS
    UO87 - 1.93 - 1.75 from OBPS and 2.9 from KS
    UO100 - 2.67 - 2.4 from OBPS and 4 from KS

    Resistance of frontal armor for various modifications:

    M1 (1980)
    TURRET: 420mm from BOPS / 800mm from KS
    CASE: 380mm from BOPS / 700mm from KS

    IPM1/M1A1 (1984)
    TURRET: 450mm from BOPS / 900mm from KS
    CASE: 470mm from BOPS / 800mm from KS

    M1A1HA (1988)
    TOWER: 680mm from BOPS / 1100-1320mm from KS
    CASE: 630mm from BOPS / 900mm from KS

    M1A1HA+/D/AIM/M1A2 (1990)
    TOWER: 880-900mm from BOPS / 1310-1620mm from KS
    CASE: 650mm? from BOPS / 970mm from KS

    M1A2SEP/SEPv2/M1A1AIMv2/FEP (2000)
    TOWER: 940-960mm from BOPS / 1310-1620mm from KS
    CASE: n/a / n/a

    These figures are typical for areas of the frontal projection equipped with combined armor; in addition to them, a significant part also consists of areas with simple monolithic armor and weakened areas vulnerable to enemy fire. Let's look at them too: very often it is these zones that become the object of criticism and are considered vulnerable to fire from modern PTS, let's look at each zone separately:

    1) VLD and lower part of the NLD housing:
    They have a thickness of 50mm in the driver’s mechanic’s area and 80mm (50mm + 30mm fuel tank protection) on both sides of the driver’s mechanic’s position. They have an inclination of 83 degrees from the vertical. At first glance, this is very weak protection, but in terms of equivalent thickness they are 360mm and 570, respectively. But nevertheless, even the translated data is extremely low for the level of protection of a modern combat vehicle.

    Now let's turn to the properties of anti-tank ammunition. Let's start with armor-piercing ones: even modern OBPS have the ability to ricochet and deviate from the trajectory when overcoming inclined obstacles.

    Projectiles with an OBPS boom extension of 10:1 at a speed of 1.7 km/s ricochet at angles of 78 degrees, 15:1 - 82-83 degrees, 30:1 - 84-85 degrees. (+- 1-2g depending on the OBPS material). Thus, only the most modern OBPS will be able to avoid a ricochet, but will encounter the next obstacle with a deviation from the trajectory. Even a slight deviation of 3-4 degrees. from the direction will lead to the fact that the OBPS arrow will have to overcome twice the distance in the thickness of the armor. Thus, even a 50mm barrier can be extremely difficult to hit. HEAT shells and ATGM combat units also face great difficulties when colliding with an obstacle at an extremely high angle: the damaging factors of the cumulative jet strongly depend on the angle of meeting of the ammunition with the target (at meeting angles that differ by more than 30 degrees from the normal, the jet may be reflected from the obstacle, dissipated and deviation). When contacting armor at such an extreme angle of 83 degrees, about half of the material of the cumulative jet will dissipate into the air from the obstacle, the remaining part will enter the armor, deviating several degrees from the direction, as a result of which penetration can drop by 3 - 4 times. At this angle, it is also obvious that the first thing to come into contact with the armor will not be the head part and the contact fuse, but the side of the ATGM or KS; this will cause deformation of the cumulative funnel, its detonation at an unplanned point and, as a result, the impossibility of forming a cumulative jet. (Only for warheads with contact detonation and its location in the front part).

    2) The upper frontal sheet of the turret, covering the roof up to the commander’s and loader’s hatches:
    has a thickness of 70mm, located at an angle of 84-85 degrees (properties are similar to (1)).

    3) gun mantlet:

    It is also considered a vulnerable area of ​​the Abrams. Russian analysts estimate its durability from 250mm to 300 against OBPS and KS. The smallest thickness to the gun is about 550mm, the greatest - about 70mm. Consists of 2 parts shown in the photo. The outer one has replaceable packages with corundum and uranium ceramics, the rear one is hypothetically represented exclusively by monolithic steel armor, it is not denied that it also has packages with replaceable armor. Behind the gun mantlet, the armor is presented in the form of about 300mm of solid steel with a mechanism for attaching, rotating and stabilizing the gun in the vertical plane. The hypothetical resistance of this area of ​​the frontal projection is estimated at 850-900mm from OBPS and 1100-1200mm from KS (provided that the rear part of the gun mantlet consists of monolithic rolled steel of medium hardness).

    Occupies 8.9% of the frontal projection.
    1) A cutout in the gun mask for the driver’s mechanic’s head (thickness about 300mm).
    2) The cutout between the hull and the turret: represented by the lower frontal part of the turret, extending to the shoulder strap (the thickness gradually decreases from 850mm to 300mm.


    In the driver's mechanic's area, up to the BO, there is a 70mm onboard anti-cumulative shield + 25mm of the main armor with a welded 30mm sheet going to a little further than the middle of the BO + 30mm of the fuel tank armor.
    In the area of ​​the side, up to 1/3 of its part is similar (anti-cumulative shields fall in thickness to 6.5mm - 30mm additional sheet) in the MTO area there is 25mm of the main armor and a 6.5mm anti-cumulative shield.
    As practice shows, up to and including the weakened zone near the MTO, the armor effectively resists the fire of 30mm cannons and old modifications of the RPG7; in the weakened rear part, the armor is vulnerable to fire from 14.5mm machine guns and the very first RPGs.


    It has a thickness from 450mm to 500mm in different areas. The physical thickness on the starboard side is 450 mm, on the left side 450 in the area of ​​the ammunition stowage, towards the frontal armor it increases to (500? mm).

    COMPOSITION: 30mm outer plate of rolled armor steel of medium hardness, 20mm air gap, 3x19mm plates of uranoceramic filler between 2 rubber gaskets in titanium matrices, also a 19mm gap between the plates. Next comes 180mm air and a 120mm rear steel plate. The durability of the latest modifications of the Abrams is 240-250mm from OBPS. At an angle of 60 degrees, it can withstand a hit from a Russian OBPS 3bm32 from 2000m and a hit from a 3bm42 from 1000m. From cumulative, taking into account the effects of 3 uranium plates on the jet, as well as a spaced design with air gaps + correction for the angle of inclination, durability is about 400mm. (takes only RPG7VL (500mm) and tandem (650mm) as well as RPG29 "vampire" (650mm), RPG22 (440mm) and RPG32 (650mm).. for the rest of the range of ammunition RPG7, RPG18, RPG22 such an obstacle is too tough. At the side the tower in the BC area has a different filler. Instead of an external 30mm steel plate, there is an aluminum plate several millimeters thick, and in the air gap between the package and the back plate there is another package of plates at a large angle. The overall durability is about 300mm from OBPS and 500mm from KS. taking into account the spare parts boxes, we add another 5 millimeters from armor-piercing and 50-100 millimeters from ks. In this place, the protection is even more powerful. Also, to protect the side projections, it is possible to install ARAT (for the hull) and ARAT2 (for the hull and turret) dynamic protection complexes, which increases the anti-cumulative protection of the Abrams side projections.


    The hull roof armor up to the ammunition is 50mm and 80mm, the turret roof protection up to the hatches is 70mm and 35mm up to the ammunition rack, the thickness of the ejection panels and the armor covering the MTO is even smaller. Such protection is questionable against cluster ammunition with cumulative subelements. Bottom armor - 80mm 50 and 20, depending on the area, it is possible to install a V-shaped 12.7mm sheet for additional mine protection.

    1) Frontal fuel tanks, built into the protection system, have a wall thickness of 30mm, increasing the resistance of the frontal and side projection. In addition, the fuel itself has the property of extinguishing the characteristics of a cumulative jet by up to 40-45% compared to a steel barrier, and armor-piercing by 10-15%. The fuel tanks inside are designed in the form of a honeycomb. With a frontal penetration, fire is impossible due to insufficient oxygen supply. Only penetration into the side projection can lead to a fire.
    2) Protective walls separating ammunition, fuel and supplies from the crew increase their chances of survival.
    3) Large armor volume over 19 m, minimizes the effectiveness of the armor impact of ammunition that has penetrated the armor. Booking design minimizes lethal effect fragmentation field of cumulative and kinetic ammunition after penetration.
    4) Personal protective equipment for the crew: wearing body armor with ceramic plates and Kevlar helmets is mandatory.
    5) Fire extinguishing system.