More than half of the Earth's surface is occupied water resources that provide life to everything on the planet. In addition to the seas, oceans, there are also rivers, lakes, ponds, playing no less important role in the existence of humanity, flora and fauna. However, any body of water tends to become polluted, which reduces its functionality. In order to solve such problems, an international holiday was established: Reservoir Cleanup Day. It has been celebrated throughout the world in the month of June since 1995.

History of the holiday International Water Cleanup Day

The event discussed in this article is, in fact, an environmental action. Its organizers advocate for the protection of nature and the safe existence of you and me within its boundaries.

The central event of the International Water Cleanup Day is the holding of a global cleanup day, which is a collection of general cleanings scattered across world regions, “cities and villages”. This process is carried out on the initiative and under the auspices of the PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) organization - the Association of Diving Instructors. The employees of this association are engaged in training those interested in diving, that is, scuba diving. In addition, PADI is the very organization that brings together specialists high level in the specified field of activity.

Currently, members of the organization are physical (instructors, divemasters) and legal entities(about 6,000 dive centers), as well as entire resorts. The goal of the Association is to make scuba diving accessible, interesting, and exciting. At the same time, PADI employees make every effort to ensure the safety of their clients.

How it goes International Cleanup Day reservoirs in ordinary Russian cities and other populated areas? It should be noted, first of all, that ecological holiday this has been celebrated in our country only since 2003, on the first day off (Saturday or Sunday) in June. Responsibility for carrying out specific events lies entirely on the shoulders of club employees scuba diving. Participants include shore support groups and scuba divers - all volunteers. An interesting addition to the main event, that is, a cleanup event, is usually a competition between groups (teams) in one category or another. What is happening is certainly recorded, and then illuminated by means mass media. Anyone can take part in such events as part of International Water Cleanup Day, but, of course, only on condition that an environmental conservation action is carried out in his region/city/village. Important: abroad, that is, in the CIS countries, Reservoir Cleanup Day organized in the fall due to less severe climatic conditions.

Causes of water pollution

A river, a lake and an ordinary pond, especially those that are not large in size, change their nature over time. appearance- and not in better side. Under the influence of various factors, the quality of the reservoir also decreases. Firstly, the coasts are destroyed due to winds and washing out. Secondly, big negative role Vegetation plays a role in deteriorating the attractiveness of a reservoir. Sedges and reeds form entire thickets and “clog” a pond or lake. Well, another enemy of reservoirs is duckweed, because of which the water literally begins to “bloom” and changes its hue to a cloudy greenish or reddish. The process impairs the development of protozoa and various bacteria.

Another big problem of lake and pond pollution is litter. He can be of different origins and appears where it should not - “thanks to” human activity, more precisely, the latter’s indifference and negligent attitude towards nature. In combination with soil and clay brought into the reservoir melt water, the process of decay begins, as a result, hydrogen sulfide is released, poisoning the entire ecosystem as a whole. Of course, this has a more than negative effect on the existence of the inhabitants of the reservoir. As a result, some types of flora disappear, fish die out, and water emanates from the reservoir. bad smell rot and mud. From here it’s a stone’s throw away from turning into a swamp if specialists don’t come to the rescue and start cleaning up natural object. This is necessary, because in the later stages the reservoir is not able to use a self-purification system.

Pollution fresh water It's not always so obvious. So-called invisible pollution often occurs. The reason for this is substances that are soluble in water. For example, magnesium compounds enter a reservoir with floods - they are simply washed out of the soil of meadows and fields, and deal a crushing blow to fish populations. Aluminum compounds invisible to the naked eye, again contained in the ground, have a far from positive effect on the condition of ponds, rivers, and lakes.

There are also very serious pollutants: petroleum products, waste water, foaming detergents. If all this nasty stuff is systematically dumped into a reservoir, it is quite difficult to rehabilitate it, almost impossible. Nature itself plays a significant role in the pollution of fresh waters. For example, acid rain level up toxic substances and heavy metals in water bodies. Human activity also makes its contribution, seemingly bringing complete benefit to society: occupation agriculture, For example. In general, everywhere you look there is danger.

Methods for cleaning water bodies

The easiest way is to free the affected pond or lake from biogenic debris, that is, “garbage” that has settled there naturally without the direct participation of human activity, with the exception of targeted littering with objects from natural materials, for example, paper, metal. For this purpose, primarily a mechanical cleaning method is used. It consists of implementing the following activities:

  • pumping liquid out of a reservoir;

  • removing sediment from the bottom of a pond/lake;

  • lining the bottom of the reservoir with special waterproof clay;

  • return of pumped water to the reservoir.

In the event that this method is not feasible for a number of reasons, an integrated method is used as an option. To do this, perform such manipulations as establishing circulation of the reservoir fluid, clearing the bottom of settled debris, improving the quality and species composition microflora living in the reservoir, enriching the water with oxygen. This method especially suitable for cleaning ponds covered with duckweed.

About gifts for the holiday “International Water Cleanup Day”

The best gift you can give to specialists taking part in cleaning up water bodies on the International Day is to show solidarity, that is, to join their ranks, at least for one day. If we talk about more significant gifts, then it would be nice to make a surprise related to the water theme. Present a Neptune figurine to a dive club employee or environmentalist who deals with similar problems, jewelry With precious stone– aquamarine or blue sapphire. And, of course, encourage your friends and family to help clean up water bodies every year, and maybe not just on holidays. Let ponds, lakes and rivers always be clean!

More than half of the Earth's surface is occupied by water resources, providing life to everything on the planet. In addition to seas and oceans, there are also rivers, lakes, and ponds, which play an equally important role in the existence of humanity, flora and fauna. However, any body of water tends to become polluted, which reduces its functionality.

In order to solve such problems, an international holiday was established: Reservoir Cleanup Day. It has been celebrated throughout the world in the month of June since 1995.

There is also such a holiday on our planet as International Water Cleanup Day. The main event of this day is a large-scale cleanup day. Since 1995, it has been held in many countries around the world under the auspices of PADI, the professional Association of Diving Instructors. The PADI representative office also operates in Russia.

In Russia, International Water Cleanup Day appeared eight years later than throughout the world - in 2003. The date of its holding has also changed. Abroad, the event takes place in early autumn, and in Russia, where in many regions climatic conditions more severe - on the first Sunday in June. This is the official date, but sometimes the cleanup day can completely take over the first weekend of June.

Basic masterminds, organizers and participants " festive events» International Reservoir Cleanup Day in Russia – divers. On this day, regional diving clubs go to local reservoirs to clean the banks and bottom. In a number of cities, these events are held with the support of local administrations.

Participation in the Reservoir Cleanup Day is voluntary. In order to maintain people's passion for sports and give the cleanup day a holiday spirit, competitions between teams are usually organized during cleanup work.

Russian Reservoir Cleanup Day - what you need to know: causes of water pollution

A river, lake and ordinary pond, especially those that are not large in size, change their appearance over time - and not for the better. Under the influence of various factors, the quality of the reservoir also decreases. Firstly, the coasts are destroyed due to winds and washing out. Secondly, vegetation plays a large negative role in deteriorating the attractiveness of a reservoir. Sedges and reeds form entire thickets and “clog” a pond or lake. Well, another enemy of reservoirs is duckweed, because of which the water literally begins to “bloom” and changes its hue to a cloudy greenish or reddish. The process impairs the development of protozoa and various bacteria.

Another big problem of lake and pond pollution is litter. It can be of different origins and appears where it should not - “thanks to” human activity, or more precisely, the latter’s indifference and negligent attitude towards nature. In combination with soil, clay, and melt water brought into the reservoir, the process of decay begins, resulting in the release of hydrogen sulfide, which poisons the entire ecosystem as a whole. Of course, this has a more than negative effect on the existence of the inhabitants of the reservoir. As a result, some types of flora disappear, fish die out, and an unpleasant smell of rot and mud emanates from the reservoir. From here it’s a stone’s throw away from turning into a swamp if specialists don’t come to the rescue and start cleaning up the natural site. This is necessary, because in the later stages the reservoir is not able to use a self-purification system.

Freshwater pollution is not always so obvious. So-called invisible pollution often occurs. The reason is substances that are soluble in water. For example, magnesium compounds enter a reservoir with floods - they are simply washed out of the soil of meadows and fields, and deal a crushing blow to fish populations. Aluminum compounds invisible to the naked eye, again contained in the ground, have a far from positive effect on the condition of ponds, rivers, and lakes.

There are also very serious pollutants: petroleum products, waste water, foaming detergents. If all this nasty stuff is systematically dumped into a reservoir, it is quite difficult to rehabilitate it, almost impossible. Nature itself plays a significant role in the pollution of fresh waters. For example, acid rain increases the level of toxic substances and heavy metals in water bodies. Human activity also makes its contribution, seemingly bringing complete benefit to society: farming, for example. In general, everywhere you look there is danger.

Russian Reservoir Cleanup Day, what you need to know: methods for cleaning up water bodies

Technogenic pollution of water bodies with oil products, household and industrial wastewater leads to disruption of the natural life activity of the hydroecosystem, its eutrophication, and a decrease in biological diversity and makes the reservoir dangerous for coastal ecosystems and impossible to use for recreation. These pollutants accumulate in the bottom sediments of water bodies. During summer season bottom sediments warm up and silt microorganisms release these substances, which immediately cause microalgae to bloom. Rapid algal blooms lead to rapid depletion of nutrients, which leads to mass death microalgae that lack nutrients for nutrition.

Decomposition huge amount organic matter algae for short period over time leads to a drop in the concentration of oxygen dissolved in the water, and this causes fish to die and, as a result, leads to rotting of the water. In addition, blooms caused by blue-green algae make the pond too toxic for most organisms.

Traditional methods of combating biogenic pollution are very expensive and their use is not always possible. To restore ponds and small lakes, mechanical cleaning is usually used: first, the water is pumped out, then bottom sediments are mechanically removed, after which the bottom is lined with special waterproof clay - if necessary, the bottom is covered with sand and gravel and the reservoir is refilled with water. This one is very expensive, but radical method has a number of disadvantages. Many bodies of water cannot be cleaned in this way because it is sometimes impossible to pump out the water from big lake or from a lake fed groundwater, and in other cases it is undesirable to use heavy equipment on reservoirs of ancient historical parks, etc. In such cases, an integrated approach to cleaning a reservoir, or in other words, restoring its ecosystem is possible. For example, it is possible to create water circulation, remove bottom sediments, saturate water with oxygen, artificially change the species composition of microorganisms, etc.

Thus, for degraded reservoirs: overgrown, silted and covered with duckweed, measures are needed to restore their ecosystems and, as a result, improve water quality.

Russian Reservoir Cleanup Day, what you need to know: gifts for this holiday

The best gift that can be given to specialists taking part in cleaning up water bodies on the International Day is to show solidarity, that is, to join their ranks, at least for one day.

If we talk about more significant gifts, then you can make a surprise related to the water theme.

There is such a holiday on our planet as International Water Cleanup Day(English: International Cleanup Day). The main event of this day is a large-scale cleanup day.

Since 1995, it has been held in many countries around the world under the auspices of PADI - the Professional Association of Diving Instructors. The PADI representative office also operates in Russia.

In Russia, International Water Cleanup Day appeared eight years later than throughout the world - in 2003. The date of its holding has also changed. Abroad, the event takes place in early autumn, and in Russia, where climatic conditions are more severe in many regions, it takes place on the first weekend.

The main ideological inspirers, organizers and participants of the “celebratory events” of the International Water Cleanup Day in Russia are divers. On this day, regional diving clubs go to local reservoirs to clean the banks and bottom. In a number of cities, these events are held with the support of local administrations (which, for example, organize garbage collection).

Participation in the Reservoir Cleanup Day is voluntary. In order to maintain people's passion for sports and give the cleanup day a holiday spirit, competitions between teams are usually organized during cleanup work.

On June 3, 2017, a large diving family in many countries of the world will gather together with a common goal - to make our reservoirs and coastal zones cleaner. All together, one big and friendly family

There is something in the mysterious Slavic soul that has forced us to celebrate holidays together since ancient times. New Year and Christmas with family or friends, professional holidays- among colleagues, and the Reservoir Cleanup Day Celebration - in the Diver Family.
On June 3, 2017, for the 16th time, the large diving family of Ukraine will gather together with a common goal - to make our water bodies and coastal areas cleaner. All together, one big and friendly family.
Come too, no matter what level of diving certification you have, whether you are diving or just about to dive, you can help change our world for the better underwater and on the shore. Well, if you like it with us, we will be happy to welcome you into our large, friendly diving family.
I sincerely wish the guests and participants of the events to clean up water bodies Have a good mood, new friends, pleasant emotions and bright impressions, of course, good luck to everyone! Good luck with the weather, with interesting finds, with new impressions. On June 3, I propose to make a trip to the Pyatikhatsky quarry, divers will clear the underwater part of debris, and non-divers will clear the surrounding area. It is advisable to have garbage bags and divers nets for collecting debris.

At the end of the event there will be gatherings with tea and diving stories. Prizes and awards await the most active ones. Photos from the last holiday, photo 2015, photo 2014, photo 2013.

June 3, Action “Clean Coast. Clean Sea" in Ushakova gully

Friends! June 3, 2017, Saturday, Association of Underwater Activities of Crimea and Sevastopol, as part of the “Clean Coast. Clean Sea” will hold the second cleanup event this year to clean up garbage under water, on the city beach “Ushakova Balka”! This environmental action devoted to " International Day cleaning water bodies”, which is celebrated in Russia on June 3.

Not only members of the association, but also simply concerned residents of our city with an active civic position can take part in the action. Moreover, as practice has shown, assistance on shore in collecting garbage from the water is also necessary. As before, with this action we want not only to clean our beloved sea of ​​garbage, but also to ensure safe recreation for citizens on the beaches on the eve of holiday season, but also to attract public attention to the problem of sea pollution from household waste.

Control gathering for everyone who wants to support the action on the beach in Ushakova Balka at 9:30.

Event plan:

Control meeting of participants – 9:30
Instruction, preparation, changing into wetsuits 9:45-10:00 (be sure to have a buoy with you)
The garbage collection campaign starts at 10:00
Estimated exit from the water – 11:00-11:30
Loading collected waste into vehicles for removal - 11:15-11:45

We invite all APDKS activists and volunteers who want to join the campaign to clean up garbage on the beach in Ushakova Balka on June 3!

Based on the experience of previous cleanups, the main beach trash is wheels. To automate the process of pulling wheels, we are looking for a rope, cable, halyard with a thickness of 10 mm and a length of about 30 meters. Even if there is no long rope, it will be possible to tie it from pieces. You will also need a small anchor or hook made of reinforcement. Anyone who can help in this matter, please contact me Maxim Alekseev +79788305557,

On this moment it is necessary to submit lists of people who will dive (clean directly under water) to border service cities.
I ask people who have decided that they will participate in the cleanup, “work under water,” please contact me +79788305557,

Traditionally on the first Sunday of summer, which this year falls on June 4, the whole world is cleaning water bodies. IN International Clean Up Day All divers unite against garbage! After all, thanks to our skills, we can make water bodies cleaner and safer!

The Aquanaut club invites caring people on Sunday, June 4, to the pearl of the Moscow region - Lake SENEZH.

Lake Senezh is located in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region. This beautiful place for relaxation with the whole family and simply a paradise for lovers fishing. To be precise, Senezh is not a lake, but an artificial reservoir created at the beginning of the 19th century on the Sestra River. The canal system was built in those days with the aim of delivering stone from the Volga for the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. But everyone has already forgotten about this story and calls Senezh a lake.

The depths here are small, only 4-6 meters. There is a variety of fish, and most importantly, there is a lot of it here. Even the most experienced fisherman takes his breath away when he hears these names: pike perch, pike, perch, grass carp, silver carp, carp, crucian carp and even exotic eel. This place can be called “cool” in every sense. The water in the lake is very clean, the landscape along the banks is truly Russian - Levitan’s last painting, painted here, is called “Lake. Rus".

Traditionally, those who want to help clean the shore, see how divers work, and just have a good time will gather at Lake Senezhskoe. fresh air. The garbage will be collected separately, we will keep records by fractions and enter all the data into the global registry Project AWARE (Project for Conservation, Research and careful attitude to water spaces). You will also have a unique opportunity to take a special course PADI Dive Against Debris(Divers against garbage.

The one-time entry fee (including the cost of the certificate) will go to the Project AWARE Foundation. Course participants are provided educational materials. The course is taught by PADI Course Director Herman Gursky. After we go ashore, a delicious lunch will be waiting for us from the organizers.

Event plan:

10:00 Gathering of participants. We disassemble equipment and park cars

10:30 Briefing and distribution of equipment.

11.00 Grand opening. Divers entering the water. Help from boats on the surface for those who are not diving.