I'll try to explain in other words. Literally not so long ago, in pursuit of certain humane goals, in accordance with the instructions received, on the basis of guidance documents, the troops received an order: - “In order to improve military skills, acquire established skills and theoretical knowledge, send military personnel under a contract to “Survival Courses.” Classes will be held within a specified period of time in three stages. I warn you that the issue of sending military personnel should be approached in the most serious manner. Those military personnel who refuse to participate in "Survival Courses" dismiss under the article of non-compliance with the terms of the contract on the part of the serviceman"

The instructions were distributed among the troops, in accordance with the established procedure. The order has been received and must be carried out. There's nothing to be done about it. The commanders of units that have such servicemen have begun to form lists for sending contract servicemen. Contract servicemen, which include not only men, but also women, were not very happy. After it became known that the planned event would be held in Spartan conditions, people generally hung their noses.

For our not-so-infantry troops, these exercises in the field have always been something special. The concern of higher authorities for such contract servicemen is understandable. Today society wants to see a highly professional army that is capable of fighting in any conditions, including the field.

The idea itself is not bad, but taking into account the details and trifles of this company, I will simulate a completely normal situation, to which, our fathers-commanders, are especially sorry for the high Unzhi.

Let's imagine that you contract soldier and you have five years left to serve until retirement. You have three children of different ages. You are a female military personnel without a husband. You have served for a long time and during your service you have become an excellent specialist in your field. A true professional in combat work, able to read and draw maximum amount air targets simultaneously. Due to health reasons, he is still capable of service. He knows how to serve for himself and for that soldier who managed to avoid being drafted into the army. Ready to be on duty for a sick colleague at any time. Having positive grades for passing control classes, the final test for the period of study of the academic year. Passed the standards for physical training not lower than “satisfactory”. This list could be continued further, but the task is to arrive at the “Survival Course”. You need to take all the necessary equipment and go to the designated area to gain knowledge and experience.

At first glance, everything is simple. I received the order and began to carry it out. There’s just something you don’t really want to do when you have a sedentary lifestyle and service is just around the corner age limit, and family matters so much that these courses are like a bone in the throat. Now we have to choose what is more important and where it is - the moment of truth.

However, nothing can be done. The commander's attempts to delve into his personal problems do not work. The command stands its ground. And it's so clear. New times and new demands make it difficult to delve into the family and personal problems of their subordinates. Here, as in a game without rules, whoever has more rights is right.

And so, you leave the commander’s office in tears and covered in snot with only one decision - to leave on a business trip, but you don’t want to leave. Everyday life doesn't let me go. Problems, loans, sick mother, and you need to go for three and a half weeks. To the fields, in difficult conditions, to survive. Become even more professional than you really are. Learn to dig a trench under an armored personnel carrier, light a fire without matches, acquire special forces radio engineering skills Air Force Russia, so that it has something to celebrate the centenary of the Russian Air Force. Not all of yesterday's contract soldiers are ready to make such sacrifices.

You will have to put a dismissal report on the table so that the unit commander feels more confident than he actually is. The time has come when the army can throw away specialists in their field. To replace yesterday's contract soldiers The newly minted sergeants are already on their way. They are trained and always ready for unpredictable orders from military leadership. Because they know that they receive high monetary compensation for their military work. It will be enough for them to live in conditions as close as possible to combat conditions. They are sure that there will be enough money to order themselves a pizza with mushrooms, which will be delivered straight to the trench for the armored personnel carrier. This money is enough for him to complete his duffel bag. The rest of the funds will be used to pay off the car loan and for every little detail of official activities.

Let me give you another example. He was a conscript soldier. Signed a contract. He attended sergeant school. I was on business trips in the Caucasus. Young, healthy, not married. The service and everything else suits me, but now I need to go to the “Survival Course”. Suddenly there's something inside contract soldier breaks and prevents him from going into the fields. Such a serviceman will also be fired under the same article. Contractor writes a report.

In this case contract soldier young and full of strength. In the first case contract soldier I’m not young and I don’t have much strength. Two different specialists, but the same solution - dismissal due to non-compliance with the terms of the contract on the part of the serviceman. Essentially everything is correct. There is no desire to follow orders, so quit, period. It turns out everything is simple. Today no one is holding anyone back. They won't wipe your runny nose. There is a desire to serve, but there is no desire to follow orders, quit. This statement is being heard more and more often by our bosses. It's as if they were bewitched. One gets the impression that one of the bosses does not have enough money to live on, and they are trying with all their might to squeeze their subordinates out of action as much as possible. Survival courses are not for the sake of professionalism, for the sake of fulfilling the dismissal plan. Many people see it this way.

But let's look at this problem from the other side. If the state is ready to pay a decent salary, it means that on your part there should also be a more sensitive attitude towards fulfilling your duties. In principle it is logical, but in reality it is somehow not so. It turns out that it’s not a matter of monetary allowance. Maybe it has a different meaning and is difficult to understand, although if attempts had been made to do this, maybe the solution itself in the approaches would have been different.

There is a rotation for officers, contract soldiers"Survival Courses" I think that's fair. All military personnel have to make a choice. But whether such activities will be of any use will be shown to us by the next military turmoil. Experience is hard to drink away, but you can lose it. So in order not to lose it, you need to decide for yourself what is more important, military experience or the civilian everyday life of a “soldier of fortune.”

To a greater extent, such experiments will affect those who have dreamed of quiet service for themselves. It will no longer be calm for us. Interesting times are coming every day. You need to be prepared for official “troubles” so that you can then march across the parade ground as a winner.


Combat Training Directorate of the High Command

Ground Forces

intensive combined arms training

with a "survival" course
(for military personnel accepted for military service under contract)



This Program was developed by the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Ground Forces and is intended for training in military training units of military personnel who entered military service under a contract (who have previously completed military service).

When developing the Program, the following were taken into account: new directions in combat training of combined arms units, modern requirements for the content and scope of training tasks, requirements of the Combat Manual for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat (BUPVOB), experience of combat operations and training of units during local wars and armed conflicts.

1. Combat training is the main content daily activities troops in peacetime. It is organized and conducted on the basis of the requirements of General Military Regulations Armed Forces Russian Federation, the Battle Manual for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat, orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, his deputies, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces; organizational and methodological instructions for operational, mobilization and combat training of the Ground Forces; thematic plans public and state training and organizational and methodological instructions of the Main Directorate for working with personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; orders and directives of the military district commander; instructions, courses, manuals, collections of standards, methodological recommendations and this Program.

The learning objectives are: training contract military personnel (cadets) for independent actions when performing combat missions in the complex environment of modern combined arms combat; education of high moral and combat qualities.

2 . Serviceman trained must correspond qualification requirements for military professional training (military personnel contract service) approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces.

3. The duration of training is 6 weeks, with 286 hours allocated for classes in the subjects of study (30 hours (10.5%) for theory, 246 hours (86%) for practical classes and 10 hours (3.5%) reserve time).

Training sessions are held 6 days a week: 5 weeks ( 5 days length of the school day - 8 hours, 1 day (Saturday and before holidays) length of the school day – 6 hours); 6- I'm school week ( 5 days control-comprehensive lesson (field trip) with a “survival” course, 1 day the length of the school day – 6 hours), school hour - 50 minutes. When conducting field classes or outings, the duration of the school day can be increased, without time restrictions.

Classes with personnel are organized and conducted on the scale of a training platoon (company) in relation to the daily routine (Appendix No. 1) , in specially equipped classrooms, at field facilities of the UMB, at educational and training facilities (UTF), with weapons and military equipment. At the same time, no less 50% All field activities are carried out using personal protective equipment and night time. Night classes are planned and carried out without any restrictions.

During training with military personnel, actions are practiced that are regulated by the requirements of combat regulations, manuals, courses, a collection of standards and instructions, taking into account the international obligations of the Russian Federation, the requirements of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the “Manual on International humanitarian law for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

When conducting classes, along with acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, by creating an appropriate environment and conditions, the following tasks must be solved: psychological training of trainees; their readiness to overcome the dangers and difficulties of a combat situation; developing the ability to withstand high neuropsychological and physical exercise that may arise during preparation and during combat. This is achieved by introducing into the course of the training elements of tension and surprise, danger and reasonable risk inherent in a real combat situation, repeated training of cadets in performing the learned techniques and actions, and instilling confidence in their commanders, weapons, military equipment and protective equipment.

In addition to regular commanders, officers of the management and headquarters of the training battalion, heads of the branches of the armed forces and services of the training military unit (district training center) should be involved in conducting classes with cadets of training units.

The commander of a training company, when drawing up a schedule of classes for a week, is given the right to clarify the number and numbers of standards recommended by this book of the Program for testing during classes, taking into account the fact that by the end of training each cadet must be assessed based on the results of fulfilling all standards defined Collection of standards for combat training of the Ground Forces.

4. Combat training planning carried out by headquarters based on the decision of the commander, with his personal participation.

Taking into account the tasks of training cadets, when planning combat training, the head of the district training center, commander of a military training unit, commanders of training battalions are required to make a decision to clarify the training time for each subject of training for training units and command training of sergeants: in the training center and training military unit - in writing, as an attachment to the training plan; in the training battalion - in thematic calculation of hours.

The decision is made on the basis of orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, his deputies, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces; organizational and methodological instructions for operational, mobilization and combat training of the Ground Forces; thematic plans for public and state training and organizational and methodological instructions of the Main Directorate for working with personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; orders and directives of the military district commander; instructions, courses, manuals, a collection of standards, methodological recommendations, this Program and the capabilities of the educational material and technical base.

When planning combat training, the following are developed:

at the district training center (military training unit)– preparation plan for academic year with attachments and a calendar plan of main events for the month; summary schedule for the month;

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Survival courses

I signed a contract in February, took a survival course, can I transfer to another branch of the military and will I need to take the course again?

In order to transfer to another branch of the military, you need to obtain a relationship in the unit to which you want to transfer. In addition, you will also need to obtain permission from your unit commander. Survival courses will not be repeated. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 16, 1999 N 1237 (as amended on February 21, 2019) “Issues of passing military service"(together with the "Regulations on the procedure for military service") Article 15. The procedure for transfer to a new place of military service...

You can transfer at the discretion of the leadership - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237 (as amended on February 21, 2019) “Issues of military service”

In accordance with paragraphs 1, 5 of Article 15 of the "Regulations on the procedure for military service", approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237 "Issues of military service", a serviceman can be transferred to a new place of military service from one military unit to another (including located in another area) within the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (other troops, military formations or bodies, military units State Fire Service) in the following cases: on official need; in order of promotion; In your case, if all the above conditions are met, there is no need to take survival courses for health reasons in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission; for family reasons at personal request (for military personnel serving under contract); at personal request (for military personnel performing military service under a contract); in connection with organizational and staffing events; in connection with a planned replacement (for military personnel performing military service under a contract); in connection with enrollment in a military educational institution, postgraduate studies, military doctoral studies; in connection with expulsion from a military educational institution, postgraduate studies, military doctoral studies; if, taking into account the nature of the crime committed, the serviceman who has been sentenced to a restriction on military service cannot be retained in a position related to the management of subordinates. Thus, for a transfer it is necessary to have a vacant position, a request for transfer from the commander of the military unit where you plan to serve, a report on the transfer with a positive resolution from your commander of the military unit, since the right to choose in case of transfer at a personal request remains with the commander i.e. e. he can either refuse or agree. Specific deadlines for the transfer have not been established - it all depends on the personnel department and the time for consideration of the report and documents by officials. In your case, if all the above conditions are met, you do not need to take survival courses.

Hello Svetlana! According to the order of the Ministry of Defense "On measures to implement legal acts on the organization of military service under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" In particular, paragraph 11 states that a serviceman has the right to propose his candidacy for appointment to a vacant or vacant military service for consideration by the relevant certification commission job title. At the same time, he submits a report to the commander (chief) of the military unit with a request to consider his candidacy for appointment to a military position. The serviceman's report is reviewed by the certification commission of the military unit, which prepares proposals to the commander (chief) of the military unit on the advisability of appointing the serviceman to a military position. A serviceman whose application is rejected is notified by the certification commission of the military unit about the decision taken in writing. In this case, you will need permission to transfer from your immediate commander (supervisor)

In accordance with paragraphs 1, 5 of Article 15 of the "Regulations on the procedure for military service", approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237 "Issues of military service", a serviceman can be transferred to a new place of military service from one military unit to another (including located in another area) within the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (other troops, military formations or bodies, military units of the State Fire Service) in the following cases: on official need; in order of promotion; for health reasons in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission; for family reasons at personal request (for military personnel serving under contract); at personal request (for military personnel performing military service under a contract); in connection with organizational and staffing events; in connection with a planned replacement (for military personnel performing military service under a contract); in connection with enrollment in a military educational institution, postgraduate studies, military doctoral studies; in connection with expulsion from a military educational institution, postgraduate studies, military doctoral studies; if, taking into account the nature of the crime committed, the serviceman who has been sentenced to a restriction on military service cannot be retained in a position related to the management of subordinates. Thus, for a transfer it is necessary to have a vacant position, a request for transfer from the commander of the military unit where you plan to serve, a report on the transfer with a positive resolution from your commander of the military unit, since the right to choose in case of transfer at a personal request remains with the commander i.e. e. he can either refuse or agree. Specific deadlines for the transfer have not been established - it all depends on the personnel department and the time for consideration of the report and documents by officials.

I'm taking survival courses, can I go on leave? Local registration.

I'm taking survival courses, can I go on leave? As the commander (chief) orders, so must be done.

Dismissal issues are decided by your immediate commander (chief). So contact him.

If you received a certificate from a survival course with grades of 2, then K was sick for the last 8 days. Will they send me again?

Federal legislation does not regulate this issue. Refers to internal affairs the relevant department and is regulated by it.

Can they be fired from the Armed Forces for failing survival course exams? Is it possible to retake?

This is not directly regulated by legislation; everything depends on the internal acts of the department. But failure to comply (failure to pass) survival standards will be considered a violation of the terms of the contract.

Does he have the right to send a combat veteran to survival courses?

Good afternoon. Your question is not entirely clear. Who sends whom and within what framework?

She served in the army and took survival courses. Then she quit and didn’t serve for two years. Now I'm applying for a contract again. Can they send me to survival courses again?

Hello, they will send 100% If there was a gap between the contracts, then they will send.

I am serving for the third year under a contract, I am being sent to survival courses, can I refuse and what are the possible reasons for refusal?

Hello, your groundless refusal will most likely be regarded by the command of the military unit as a failure to fulfill the terms of the contract. Illness can be cited as a valid reason (if you are really sick during this period).

I signed a second contract, they sent me back to survival courses, my commanders told me to write a report for expulsion, and back to the unit where I serve, in the unit where I took the course, they told me to write a report due to my reluctance to serve in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces, they gave me an extract from the order, send to PPD to terminate the contract, can they fire me for this?

Hello. Of course not.

I’m a contract worker, I’ve been serving for 3 years, when I joined the service I was sent to survival courses, everything would have been fine if there hadn’t been 32 on the street, we lived in tents in the forest, we arrived not only with a cold, but simply simply sick with cystitis, and inflammation, etc. etc., after that they started serious problems in gynecology with an already diagnosed chronic sulpengo-oophoritis. On this moment commanders are threatening to fire me under the military military order, BUT I acquired this disease in the army - here! How can I prove this, that before admission I was absolutely healthy and am I entitled to compensation for a disease acquired for life with unknown consequences...?
Thank you!

Hello. In this situation, you don’t have to worry, you will be referred to the military medical service and if the military military commission accepts that you are sick and naturally you also had medical training before entering the service and were healthy, then you got sick during the service, and you should be paid insurance and probably housing, you need more did but will talk.

I am entering into a second contract with the Russian Federation, will they send me to survival courses again?

If the contract requires this, then yes, if the contract does not, then no.

Do I need to take survival courses when concluding a contract without military service if I have a military ID?

This is not regulated by law, it is just one of the forms military service, is regulated, accordingly, only by internal departmental documents and decisions of commanders.

I took a survival course, then went to maternity leave, has now left it. Do I need to take these courses again?

What kind of courses are these? What specialty? If you were there there should be documents confirming this.

How can you not go to survival courses without consequences.

Hello, Guest. To answer your question, you need to know what kind of courses these are and who sends you there.

In Russia, the principle of freedom of contract applies (Article 431 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), therefore you cannot be forced to enroll in any courses, except in cases provided for by law. With respect, lawyer in Volgograd - Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

Should I go to survival courses if I am a combat veteran, is there an article or where is this stated?

You have not indicated who or what obliges you to take these courses. Please check.

Is a soldier entitled to days off after completing a survival course and how many?

Hello! You need to submit a written report to the unit commander, in which you outline the situation and ask for rest time for the business trip, based on the legal norms given below. If positive result does not follow, then you have the right to protest the actions of the commander at a higher authority, in the military prosecutor's office, or in court. Here the choice is yours. In accordance with paragraphs 3, 3.1 of Article 11 Federal Law dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ "On the status of military personnel", combat duty (combat service), exercises, ship voyages and other events, the list of which is determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (head of other federal body executive power, in which federal law provides for military service), are carried out if necessary without limiting the total duration of weekly service time. An additional day of rest, compensating military personnel for participation in these events, on account of the main and additional holidays are not counted and are provided in the manner and under the conditions determined by the Regulations on the procedure for military service. Military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, participating in events that are carried out if necessary without limiting the total duration of weekly service time, at their request, instead of providing an additional day of rest, may be paid monetary compensation in the amount of salary for each additional day of rest required. Payment procedure and conditions monetary compensation are established by the head of the federal executive body in which military service is provided for by federal law. Military personnel undergoing military service in formations and military units constant readiness, transferred to in the prescribed manner for the recruitment of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (hereinafter referred to as formations and military units of permanent readiness), additional rest in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 3 of this article is not provided. Based on paragraph 5 of Appendix No. 2 to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237 “Issues of military service”, the time of involvement of a serviceman performing military service under a contract in events carried out without limiting the total duration of weekly service time is taken into account in days . For every three days of involvement in these activities, the specified serviceman is provided with two days of rest, established by paragraph 3 of Article 11 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” (based on the distribution of service time and rest time in one day - 8 hours and 12 hours). Rest time that compensates for participation in these activities is provided to a soldier performing military service under a contract, as a rule, upon completion of these activities, taking into account the need to maintain the combat readiness of the unit and the interests of the service. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2010 N 80, Moscow “On the procedure and conditions for paying military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation performing military service under a contract, monetary compensation instead of providing an additional day of rest” In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 22, Art. 2331; 2000, No. 1 (Part II), Art. 12; No. 26, Art. 2729; N 33, Art. 3348; 2001, N 31, Art. 3173; 2002, N 1 (Part I), Art. 2; N 19, Art. 1794; N 21, Art. 1919; N 26, Art. 2521; N 48, Art. 4740; 2003, N 46 (Part I), Art. 4437; 2004, N 18, Art. 1687; N 30, Art. 3089; N 35, Art. 3607; 2005, N 17, Art. 1483; 2006, N 1, Art. 1, 2; N 6, Art. 637; N 19, Art. 2062, 2067; N 29, Art. 3122; N 31 (Part I), Art. 3452; N 43, Art. 4415; N 50, Art. 5281; 2007, N 1 (Part I), Art. 41; N 2, Art. 360; N 10, Art. 1151; N 13, Art. 1463 ; N 26, Art. 3086; N 31, Art. 4011; N 45, Art. 5431; N 49, Art. 6072; N 50, Art. 6237; 2008, N 24, art. 2799; N 29 (part I), art. 3411; N 30 (part II), art. 3616; N 44, Art. 4943; N 45, art. 5149; N 49, art. 5723; N 52 (part I), art. 6235; 2009, N 7, art. 769; N 11, art. 1263; N 30, art. 3739; N 52 (part 1), art. 6415) I order: 1. To pay military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation performing military service under a contract (hereinafter referred to as military personnel) who participated in events that are carried out if necessary without limiting the total duration of weekly service time (hereinafter referred to as events), at their request instead of providing additional days of rest, monetary compensation for each additional day of rest provided (hereinafter referred to as monetary compensation). 2. Make payment of monetary compensation at the expense and within the limits of budget funds allocated for the salary of military personnel, and reflect it in the payroll (pay) statement in a separate column simultaneously with the payment monetary allowance for the month following the month of completion of the activities, based on: - orders officials from the commander of the formation (his equal) and above on the involvement of military personnel in the performance of military service duties without limiting the total duration of weekly service time, indicating the need and period for the activities; - orders of commanders of military units (heads of organizations) on the payment of monetary compensation to military personnel, indicating the number of additional days of rest for which monetary compensation is paid, and its amount, issued on the basis of reports from military personnel. 3. Calculate the amount of monetary compensation by dividing the amount of salary for a military position and salary for military rank established by the military personnel on the day of issuance of orders for payment of the specified compensation, by 30 and multiplied by the number of compensated additional days of rest. 4. Recognize as invalid paragraphs 7-9 and 12 of the List of activities that are carried out if necessary without limiting the total duration of the weekly service time of military personnel, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated November 10, 1998 N 492 “On approval of the List of activities that are carried out during necessary without limiting the total duration of the weekly service time of military personnel" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 18, 1999, registration N 1683) as amended by the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated January 20, 2009 N 16 "On amendments to the order of the Minister of Defense Russian Federation dated November 10, 1998 N 492" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 19, 2009, registration N 13408). Excluded items: 7. Carrying out internal, garrison and guard services. 8. Being on business trips. 9. Service by operational duty officers on command posts, control points and as part of operational groups. 12. The presence on ships of 30 percent or more of officers, midshipmen, military personnel serving under contract (depending on the combat duty schedule), to maintain the established combat readiness. That is, additional days of rest are not allowed for these activities if all these activities took place during weekday business hours, not on weekends. According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the status of military personnel”, Article 11, paragraph 4, military personnel undergoing military service by conscription, as well as military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in the military educational institutions vocational education, formations and military units of permanent readiness and training military units are provided with at least one day of rest weekly. The rest of the military personnel performing military service under a contract are provided with at least one day of rest weekly, but not less than six days of rest per month. Rest days are provided to military personnel on weekends and holidays, and when they are involved in military service duties on these days, rest is provided on other days of the week. If on weekends and holidays you are involved in the activities listed in paragraphs 7,8,9 and 12, then you are required to provide an additional day of rest during the middle of the week. If not provided, write a report addressed to the unit commander to provide an additional day of rest, in connection with being called to perform official duties on weekends and holidays, or to add a day to the main leave.

Can I be sent to survival courses if I am sick and have a certificate.

Hello, Nigina. Failure to attend the specified courses, in the presence of an appropriate medical certificate, will be considered survival for you.

Yes, I took survival courses, was discharged from the defense, then called up again, do I need to take these courses if I am a combat veteran?

Unknown. From the point of view of legislation, these are ordinary service moments for military personnel; they are not specifically covered by legislation; perhaps only something is spelled out in departmental acts.

I entered service under a contract a month and a half ago; I haven’t been sent to survival courses yet. In connection with the inspection in the unit from the district, I passed the final control test on all types of training along with everyone else, respectively overall rating 2, because there was no preparation. What could be the consequences? And should I have been involved in this audit at all?

And what, what is the problem, study and train further to become an excellent student in combat training.

I am walking through conscript service and I’m going to sign a contract, do I need to take survival courses if I switch to contract service?

Hello! If you manage to sign a contract before the expiration of the term of military service or on the same day, then you are not required to take survival or military training courses, but if the documents for you are drawn up later, then you will general principles going on a survival course.

I came from a survival course, the final grade was “2,” they called me to headquarters and asked if I wanted to continue serving, if “Yes,” then go at your own expense! If “no,” write a report that you are not ready to travel at your own expense and we will fire you! Can they fire me for what I have?
2 points for courses?

Directly for this - of course not. But, since failure to complete certain training would be considered a dereliction of duty, the contract may indeed be terminated on culpable grounds.

Will you be fired from your contract if you haven’t completed the survival course?!

Question: will you be fired from your contract if you haven’t completed the survival course?! Answer: they won’t fire you; this is not a significant breach of contract.

I am a combat veteran, can I be sent to survival courses?

Good afternoon Anton. The status of a combat veteran in itself is not a reason for you not to be sent to survival courses.

Are there days off after survival courses?

Good day. This point is established exclusively by the commander of the military unit. I wish you good luck in resolving your issue.

In 2015, my husband (a military man), while on a survival course, went to the hospital with a diagnosis of taberulo-interstitial nephritis (in other words, kidney failure). They didn’t apply for insurance that year because they wanted to serve, but now the contract is ending and the question of getting insurance has arisen. Can he apply for insurance compensation after three years? If so, what documents are required besides the IHC. Thank you.

Hello. May apply. Term limitation period- 3 years. Documents confirming the presence of the disease and service are provided. Naturally, identification documents. Other necessary or missing documents will be indicated by the insurance company. All the best to you and successful resolution of your problems.

Are they sent to survival courses with higher education?

Hello! Through these courses, a candidate's suitability for service in the armed forces is tested and his strength is tested.. Therefore higher education has nothing to do with it at all.

I am an orchestra musician, 35 years old, female, sent to survival courses. I know that there is a telegram according to which the personnel of military bands are not sent, but it is from 2012. How to get away with it.

Hello dear visitor, there’s no way to get away with it, especially since it’s a military orchestra. But only if there is a good reason, such as illness. Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

My son is now on a survival course, there is a week left until the end of the course. He held on until the last, he caught a cold at the training ground and had a fever for several days, but he was not going to go to the infirmary and wanted to go to the end to receive a certificate of completion of the course. The situation turned out like this... The son simply shared with his husband about feeling unwell, and my husband shared this with his friend and that’s it. The acquaintance decided to try to help in some way and called some friend of his at this garrison. As a result, everyone was shouting at his son for complaining to his parents, but he didn’t understand why or for what, he was forcibly put in the infirmary and documents are being prepared for expulsion from the courses. My son is in shock, we also don’t know what to do... These courses are simply terrible, this is happening there... If they don’t dismiss you from the army and send you on conscript duty, they will force you to take the courses all over again... After graduating from university, he went under a contract for two years of service, instead of one on fixed-term service. Probation ended yesterday on April 9, but it seems he hasn’t signed the contract yet... Is it really not possible to lie in the infirmary for 2-3 days during a survival course and be immediately written off for it? Moreover, it turns out that they put it in without his desire. What should we expect now?

Hello! There are no grounds for expulsion from courses if you are sick, this is a valid reason and it is written on paper. If the charter does not provide for such rules in all their actions, apparently the lawlessness remains unfounded... All the best to you!

A familiar situation in the MILITARY camps of the early nineties. Apparently they haven’t told you yet what they feed them there. THIS IS LYRICS. Reality. The actions of the Head of the Courses are NOT LEGAL, it is necessary to prepare a complaint to the HEAD OF THE UNIT and it will be possible to recover a decent amount from them. The fact that the contract (agreement) is not signed is also in the order of things. Our entire RUSSIAN ARMY is famous for this. To us graduates military department MSTU "STANKIN", our second copies of contracts with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are still NOT GIVEN OUT. If you complain to the head of the unit, it won’t help, go HIGHER up to the MINISTRY OF DEFENSE. THIS IS LAWNESS PLUS MILITARY HAZING. I speak about this with knowledge of the matter, since I MYSELF WENT TO THE MEDSAMBAT AT A MILITARY TRAINING.

The task of intensified training of military personnel serving in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces on a contract basis is formulated somewhat paradoxically. On the one hand, voluntary service increases professionalism, but on the other, the “professionals” themselves will have to be trained. This situation is explained by the fact that professionalism, often in demand in all law enforcement agencies, is associated not with military training, but with professional activity civilians with military qualifications.

It's no secret that huge number contract soldiers in our army did not even undergo military service. First of all, training courses are aimed at this category of military personnel. And it wouldn’t hurt experienced fighters to go through a training program, which the participants called among themselves a survival school.

For the first time, there was talk of introducing an intensive military training program back in 2012. According to a preliminary plan, it was decided to organize courses not only for new arrivals, but also for those who have been engaged in military craft for several years. Naturally, these courses should have been filled with physical exercises, classes in military training, self-control training and special exercises aimed at suppressing fear, panic, and stupor. The duration of training is six weeks.

Survival school - first combat experience

Many people mistakenly believe that a survival school for contract soldiers is a set of classes in inhumane conditions, where the real main task of a serviceman is to preserve life. Fake sources report deaths during the “school.”

We hasten to assure you that this is not at all the case, because the life and health of a serviceman is important for the state. The term is formulated based on the fact that the course is dominated by methods of behavior in difficult conditions and emergency situations.

It is quite difficult to unambiguously describe the public’s attitude towards innovations in the army. Many saw here a note of humiliation, violation of human rights and even a crime. Excellent combat trainees, on the contrary, believe that everyone must go through this, otherwise there is nothing to do in the army.

The intensive training program has been successfully tested in a number of regions of the Russian Federation, and today regulatory documents, establishing the procedure and obligation for its development. As planned, absolutely all contract soldiers, including women, participate in the training. Refusal to participate in courses is tantamount to a report, since in soon the citizen will be forcibly dismissed from the ranks of the Armed Forces as not having professional qualifications. promises the same outcome.

Statistics on the results of passing the survival school are replete with deplorable values. Among all the military personnel, a certain part turned out to be unfit for service based on the results of a medical examination. Some did not meet the allotted standards. There are also those who wrote a letter of resignation or refused to undergo training. The share of those who completed the course is dominant, but practice has shown that in the army ranks with physical training, not everything is so smooth.

What's included in the program

The basis of the intensive training program is combined arms exercises. The course is characterized by high physical and psychological stress and ends with passing standards. In general, the training intensity is comparable to that of paratroopers or special forces units. Six months of intensive training is more than enough to prepare a soldier even from a civilian who has no military experience.

The survival course for contract soldiers in 2018 will include fire and medical training, tactics and strategy, and training exercises. chemical protection. Physical exercise are carried out at the test site. The soldiers will have to spend a good portion of their time in the “fields” (as military personnel call the training ground), so they will live in tents. This “Spartan” way of life not only leads to the development of endurance, but also strengthens the spirit and promotes team unity.

Planned results:

  • after completing the training course, military personnel must be able to set up a field camp and camouflage it;
  • be able to apply acquired counteraction skills various types attacks;
  • know theoretical material on combat tactics;
  • be able to react to different situations.

The forced march is considered the final part of the test. Despite the fact that it is carried out on foot, and many believe that they can walk any distance without preparation, this stage turns out to be one of the most difficult. The fact is that during a forced march the serviceman is fully equipped, which means tens of kilograms excess weight. In addition, the route itself is designed in such a way that it simulates combat conditions. The length of the route reaches 150 km. Due to the characteristics of the female body, the command is forced to meet them halfway. The requirements for running and marching are significantly reduced.

The psychological component of the school of survival is that every fighter must understand his purpose. Still, treating the army as a way to earn money is not welcome. It is not necessary to defend the Motherland for money, and it is not for money that one will have to give one’s life for it. Anyone who disagrees with this is not breaking the law, but must reconsider before putting on a soldier's uniform. It goes without saying that citizens who are chasing the “long ruble” are being eliminated. It is unlikely that they will agree to undergo such tests for free. Therefore, we can say that, on the whole, the intensive training program lives up to the expectations placed on it.

Disadvantages of the Intensive Training Program

It just so happens that in Russia any law must have a certain time to “run in”, not to mention the program. There were some nuances when organizing a survival school. As can be seen from the program, it consists of several stages. Not a single stage is carried out with the proper degree of objectivity. Beginning with medical examinations, cases of bribery are ubiquitous.

Many soldiers who prove their right to serve under a contract face injustice as a result. They are saved only by the lack of competition, because the candidate must meet the standard. But corruption is a headache for the entire state, so the ways to eradicate it must be centralized.

A significant drawback that does not go unnoticed is the rather weak material support. Already on preparatory stage a serviceman is required to purchase equipment. If there is no motive for this, the amount will seem excessively high. The state has not yet regulated the financing mechanism, since such events in the regions only recently accepted the status of mandatory

In other questions, “School” received positive reviews. Many have actually learned quite useful lessons that help them in their daily activities. Let’s face it, most contract soldiers view courses as a necessity, but for an ideological soldier who dreamed of devoting himself to a sacred profession, it became in a great way test your own strength, willpower and spirit.

In the Southern Military District (SMD), out of nearly six thousand contract soldiers, about a thousand failed the first stage of testing as part of an intensive combined arms training course, during which soldiers must undergo a “survival school.”

According to the district's press service, more than 5.5 thousand military personnel under contract from formations and units of the Southern Military District have successfully completed a course of intensive combined arms training with elements of “survival.” “About a thousand people did not pass the test and will be reviewed by certification commissions for compliance with their positions,” the press service said.

They also reported that the result of the preparation was a 40-kilometer forced march. During the forced march, the cadets acted behind the lines of the mock enemy, and also organized military guarding of the camp and camouflage of military rest areas.

According to the Ministry of Defense, a total of five stages of intensive combined arms training courses are planned in training centers military department. It is expected that by the end of January 2013, all military personnel under the contract of the Southern Military District will undergo such courses.

It is known that during the most difficult tests, military personnel improved their skills in tactical, fire, reconnaissance, engineering, military medical, physical training, military topography, radiation, chemical and biological protection.

The press service explained that as part of the “survival course”, military personnel received the skills to navigate the area using a compass and landscape features, start a fire using improvised means, get water and cook food. In addition, all test participants passed the first aid exam. medical care. Those servicemen who fail to cope with this tough program will not be allowed to serve under contract in the future.

Please note that since May 2012, in several divisions Russian army launched by contract soldiers serving in the ground forces. As noted in the message from the Ministry of Defense, the program includes a survival course, in particular, special sets of exercises for overcoming fear, methods of self-control and psychophysiological self-regulation.

A six-week program for training units for intensive combined arms training of contract soldiers with a “survival” course was approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Colonel General Alexander Postnikov. New program, as experts note, “will add elements of surprise and reasonable risk to the training of military personnel.”

“The study of the basics of survival, embedded in the new training course, includes knowledge about survival factors and autonomous existence in various climatic zones, the influence of temperatures, high altitudes on the body, methods of self-control and psychophysiological self-regulation. “We are learning psychophysical exercises for the purpose of self-conviction and overcoming fear,” said a representative of the press service and information department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for Ground forces Colonel Sergei Vlasov.

It is quite possible that the tightening of requirements for contract soldiers is due to the fact that in January 2012 a law came into force that significantly increased the level of pay for military personnel. The salary of an ordinary contract soldier, depending on his position and length of service, should range from 25 thousand rubles to 36 thousand rubles. In addition, taking into account allowances for special conditions of service, in a number of units of the Russian army, the salary of a contract soldier will be 30-42 thousand rubles.

The issue of significantly increasing compensation for rental housing for military personnel is also being considered. Improving the conditions of contract service, of course, leads to stricter requirements for the selection of applicants for service. A contract employee must have completed secondary education, be at least 19–20 years old and not older than 30, have no contraindications for physical and psychological health, and have successfully completed the required professional aptitude tests.

. “I think that mandatory courses for contract soldiers are almost the only the right decision command. We must have a real capable army. The (unspoken) task of screening (dismissal) is quite adequate from the point of view of the combat readiness of the armed forces,” writes one of the site’s readers. “This is not a survival course, as the higher management called it, it is a screening of contract service personnel. In just one week, more than 20 people have quit. And most importantly, we are sailors surface ships. Why do we need to go to sea? field conditions and march throws?.