A spider bite, in addition to a local allergic reaction on the skin, can cause deterioration in health, cardiac arrest, and suffocation. The development of symptoms depends on individual characteristics body, dose and composition of the poison entering the blood. If you are bitten by a spider and feel worse after 15 minutes, you should seek help from a specialist.

What does a spider bite look like?

Most live in the wild, but in search of food, in the process of migration, they may end up in human possessions, his home. Often predators bite people in nature, after they have quietly climbed into things, shoes, and clothes. They bite unnoticeably.

Dangerous spiders in our area

Due to global warming and dry summers, there is a migration of southern individuals to northern regions. In Russia, poisonous creatures have become common, the bite of which leads to death if timely treatment is not provided. medical care.


The most dangerous spider in our area. The bite of a poisonous spider provokes instant pain, a local allergic reaction, and after 15 minutes the general symptoms of poisoning described in the section above develop.

Medium sized predator. The female reaches 2 cm, males - 70 mm. Long black legs, 13 red spots on the abdomen. With age, the color becomes more uniform, the spots disappear. They live in arid places and build burrows underground.

South Russian tarantula

The most common poisonous specimen in our area. A bite on a person’s skin causes an immediate allergy, and after 20 minutes a deterioration in well-being is observed. If timely medical care is not provided, death may occur. Most dangerous for children.

The size of the female, together with the leg span, reaches 35 mm; males are half that size. Color: beige, brown, white with dark streaks.

On a note!

A distinctive feature of the poisonous one is its dark head. The limbs are long, powerful, the whole body is covered with hairs.


An exotic, bright creature with a memorable appearance. Other names: heyracantium, yellow. A medium-sized predator, females are about 1 cm, males are even smaller. The legs and abdomen are amber-yellow, the cephalothorax is red or orange.

On a note!

Powerful jaws, chelicerae in the form of curved fangs. Quietly bites through a person's nail plate.

The animal is timid and does not have an aggressive disposition; if a yellow sak bites, this means that it had to defend its own life. An instant, burning pain appears, followed by redness and swelling. After a bite, children, people with weak immunity, and a tendency to allergies develop weakness, malaise, and symptoms of intoxication. Medical attention required.

Black fathead

The bite is dangerous allergic reaction varying degrees intensity. It is classified as poisonous. Marks on the skin disappear within 2 weeks. General malaise is present for the first few days. If a severe allergic reaction occurs, medical attention is required. A red spider bite does not lead to death.

Males have a bright color - the legs and cephalothorax are black, velvety, the abdomen is red with four black spots. Females are larger in size - 1 cm, the whole body is black.

Black widow, false black widow

Is the most poisonous creature on the ground. belong to the karakurt family.

The poison is 15 times stronger than the bite rattlesnake. Life-threatening symptoms develop within 15 minutes. The introduction of a special substance is required to neutralize the poison. If a child is bitten by a spider, death can occur within half an hour.

The false black widow is slightly different in appearance and its venom is not as strong. Provokes allergies.

Memorable appearance - black long legs, cephalothorax, abdomen with a glossy sheen. On the lower part there is a characteristic red hourglass pattern; in false black widows it is pink, white and brown.

Poisonous spiders also include,. They bite hard, but not fatally. In most cases, the consequences are limited to an allergic reaction.

What to do if bitten by a spider

It all depends on what type of spider bit. If this is a small non-venomous creature, first aid is sufficient. If the spider bites hard, an allergic reaction on the skin begins; local antihistamines are used. In the event of an attack by an unknown specimen or a general deterioration in health, you should immediately contact a specialist.

  • A house spider bite is treated with antibacterial and antiseptic drugs. The pain goes away within a day, the skin is completely restored within a week.
  • The bite is not dangerous. Symptoms are limited to local allergies.
  • If bitten white spider, you need to wash the wound and treat it with an antiseptic. If you have allergies, use antihistamine ointment.

If spiders live at home as a pet, if handled carelessly, they can bite. Further actions depend on how poisonous the pet is.

First aid for a spider bite

The initial task is to wash away the remnants of the poison, prevent it from spreading through the blood, and reduce the symptoms of an allergic reaction. The choice of first aid depends on the location where the event occurred. If a spider bites you at home or in the immediate vicinity, you can use a home first aid kit, in conditions wildlife use available materials.

  1. You need to wash the bite. Use running water, mineral, spring. At home, you need to use laundry soap.
  2. Disinfect the wound after a bite. Use folk remedies alcohol tincture, hydrogen peroxide, menovazine solution, ammonia, etc.
  3. If the bite hurts a lot, or swelling appears, apply a cold object, compress, ice cubes wrapped in gauze.

To prevent the spread of poison through the blood after a bite from a poisonous predator, a tourniquet is applied over the wound or a bandage is made from a bandage or improvised materials.

You can't squeeze out the poison because this procedure promotes the spread toxic substance blood, the risk of developing a secondary infection and cell death around the affected area increases.

Folk remedies for bites

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms and accelerate the healing of the epidermis, use:

  • Vinegar solution. For a glass of water, 1 teaspoon of the product. Treat the bite site.
  • Pasta from baking soda. Dilute with water to a paste.
  • Juice of lemon, orange, cucumber, onion, parsley, potato, as well as dandelion, plantain, celandine.
  • Toothpaste, shaving foam. Apply to the bite site for 5 minutes and wash off.
  • Aloe vera leaves or juice.

They are used for minor manifestations of allergies or as an aid.

Treatment of a spider bite in humans with medications

To stop the pathological process and neutralize the effect of the poison, local, systemic antihistamines are used.

Tablets, drops for allergies:

  • Suprastin;
  • Claritin;
  • El-cet;
  • Eden;
  • Diazolin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Zodak;
  • Loratadine;
  • Diphenhydramine.

If there is a sharp deterioration in health with difficulty breathing, arrhythmia, or increased blood pressure, it is prohibited to treat the bite yourself. For an antidote, doctors administer a special serum or a combination of several drugs with different effects.

Preparations for treating the skin after a bite:

  • Fenistil-Gel;
  • Psilo-Balm;
  • Advantan;
  • Betamethasone;
  • Elokom;
  • Dermovate.

You can use any cream or ointment with an antiallergic or antihistamine effect. For minor allergies, use Zvezdochka balm, Calendula ointment, Menovasin, Bepanten cream. Treat the bite 1-4 times a day.

If you are attacked by spiders and abscesses appear after the bite, you need to see a dermatologist or allergist. Treatment will be prescribed by a specialist. In the presence of abscesses and ulcers, therapy is carried out with local antibiotics or combined agents - Elokom S, Tetracycline ointment, Levomekol, etc. If a spider bites you in the neck, you need to immediately go to the hospital without waiting for anxiety symptoms. The body's reaction can be unpredictable.

According to International classification diseases - ICD 10, poisonous spider bites, their consequences, treatment are discussed in section T63.3. Deadly poisonous spiders in our area include 2 species - karakurt and tarantula.

Spiders (arachnids) are silent killers that, if attacked, cause instant death to their victim. Patient and calculating arachnids (all spiders belong to this class) weave trapping, killing webs from invisible sticky threads. Up to 30 thousand species of spiders are known. They live next to humans - in houses, forests, fields, and ponds. And, of course, a spider bite is not uncommon, especially if a person is in the habitat of spiders.

All spiders are poisonous. Venom glands are located on two head appendages - chelicerae. They need poison to kill and digest their prey. The main prey is insects. Some tropical spiders have a web with a diameter of 2 m and can even interrupt the flight of a small bird. They feed on frogs, mice, small birds, fish and even their own brothers - cannibalism among spiders is quite common. Most spiders are not capable of causing significant harm to humans. Although the venom is strong, its small amount and poorly developed injection mechanism limit the number of species dangerous to humans. The only dangerous ones for people are those that can pierce the skin. The most common species include karakurt (black widow), tarantula, scorpion, hermit spider, cross spider, tarantula spider, house spider.

spider bite the next day

Most spider bites have General characteristics, such as not big bubble(blister) in the middle, swelling and swelling surrounding the bite site and large redness in the form of a circle. On the outer side of the bite site the redness is paler. It's important to note that a spider can only bite once, so if you have multiple bites, it's likely that it was someone else who bit someone other than a spider, or that multiple spiders bit you at once. A typical spider bite goes away within a few days and, in most cases, does not require special attention.
However, if the bite site looks different - a large bubble appears, bright redness quickly spreading to the sides, blue discoloration of large areas of the skin - these are serious signs that you need to react to immediately and contact a medical facility immediately.
In the photo you can see the differences - what a bite from a safe spider looks like and a bite that is dangerous to health.

What to do if bitten by a spider

  1. First of all, don't panic! Although all spiders look scary, there are only about 12 species whose bite has a serious impact on people or animals. The two most dangerous are the black widow spider and brown recluses.
  2. Check the wound. After a bite, pay attention to the site of the bite - whether there is redness, swelling and burning pain. There may be abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, fever, dizziness. The most dangerous reactions are difficulty breathing and shock. If there is anything more than just a bite mark, slight redness and pain, you should call ambulance or consult a doctor.
  3. Spider identification - if possible and safe. Some spider bites require serious treatment, including antitoxins. If you are unable to identify the spider, this will be helpful in determining appropriate treatment. It will help a lot if you can catch the spider in a jar or box (just remember to be safe). Or at least take a photo of it and show the photo to the doctor.

First aid for a spider bite

  1. To reduce blood flow in the affected area, it is necessary to secure the arm or leg with a belt or scarf - as if there was a fracture. This will prevent the poison from quickly spreading into the blood and spreading throughout the body.
  2. Wash the bite with soap and water. Regardless of whether the spider is harmless or poisonous, it should be washed thoroughly as soon as possible. Even an ordinary spider can cause an infection in the wound when bitten.
  3. Apply to the bite site cold compress or ice.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids - this will ensure that the poison is quickly eliminated through the kidneys.
  5. Take a pain reliever - for example, analgin or ibuprofen.
  6. And also an antihistamine that will reduce allergic symptoms - itching, burning, rash.

If you suspect you have been bitten by a poisonous spider, you can apply a tight bandage above the bite if it is on an arm or leg, making sure you do not completely cut off the circulation.

The goal is to slow the spread of the venom, not stop blood flow to the extremities. If the bite is on another part of the body, apply ice and get to a medical facility immediately. Hospitalization is required for most of these types of bites.

Recluse spider bite

One of the four spiders whose bite poses a danger to humans is the recluse spider. The brown recluse is generally not aggressive and generally bites people as a means of defense mechanism, usually when a person's leg or arm accidentally gets too close.

The brown recluse has a clear fiddle pattern on its back in the midsection of its body - pictured.

The venom of the recluse spider contains powerful cytotoxins and hemolytic enzymes that destroy red blood cells. Although the sting is not usually painful at first, there is a burning sensation similar to a bee sting for the first few minutes after the sting.
A small white blister may also appear at the site of the bite.

Additional symptoms usually develop two to eight hours after a recluse spider bite. Sometimes it takes up to 12 hours until symptoms of the bite develop. Signs:

  • severe pain at the site of the bite
  • severe itching
  • nausea
  • vomit
  • fever
  • muscle pain

Local symptoms

Initially, you may see slight signs of redness at the site of the spider bite.

In most cases, the skin at the site of the bite then hardens and scar tissue may take several days to form. More severe local reactions also occur and can cause blistering, discoloration of the skin, and necrosis of the skin area.


Because The reaction to a recluse spider bite can be sudden and severe; it is necessary to contact a specialist to prescribe treatment. A visit to the doctor should not be delayed until symptoms appear; see a doctor as soon as possible.
If possible, the spider should be caught and brought to a doctor or emergency room for evaluation.

There are no known antivenoms for bites brown recluse, so your doctor may prescribe painkillers, antihistamines to relieve itching, or recommend icing the bite to reduce pain and swelling.

Cross spider bite

Cross - harmless to humans small creature, which lives quietly, hunting insects that fall into their nets. The sharp poisonous fangs of the spider are primarily a tool for hunting and serve to protect it from other spiders. The victim, falling into the trap, is quickly paralyzed by the poison, and then the spider devours it.
The cross spider looks quite harmless - it is distinguished by its characteristic cross pattern on its back. The color varies from green to gray, depending on the habitat. The cross is very common - it lives almost everywhere.

A human bite can only be accidental. Their teeth are not able to damage hard skin, but thinner areas of the body are not a problem. Most often, this situation can arise while walking in the forest, picking mushrooms or traveling. Cross plants grow quickly and can reach impressive sizes in late summer.

They stretch webs of webs between trees at a height human face. An inattentive mushroom picker falls into the network being laid and completely destroys it. Then the insect, willy-nilly, tries to escape or hides under clothing. IN this moment, we can accidentally crush an insect and then the spider bites.

Sometimes such situations occur during sleep. Spiders are nocturnal creatures and often move around in search of good places for hunting. A sleeping person, feeling a slight tingling sensation on his body, instinctively trying to scratch himself, crushes it, exposing himself to a bite. Erythema or swelling may occur on the body in the area of ​​the spider bite. Usually these symptoms go away on their own.

The poison of the cross does not cause any harm to humans. However, people with allergies or sensitive to spider toxins should consult a doctor.

Tarantula bite

The bite of a tarantula (Lycosa, Theraphosidae) does not pose a danger to humans, but may be accompanied by pain and swelling. After being bitten, the animal performs a defensive maneuver, while shedding hairs from its abdomen. Small hairs getting into the eyes and skin cause pain and urticarial rash. A type of tarantula is the tarantula spider.

Tarantula spider bite

There are 400 species of tarantulas of different colors. From cobalt blue to gray or dark brown, sometimes black. The tarantula reaches sizes from 9-10 to 17-23 cm, although its body is no more than 10 cm. The rest is on the legs.
Tarantulas live a very long time - from 25 to 40 years, but this depends on the gender of the spider. He is one of the most scary spiders(externally) - its weight is 80 grams! The tarantula spider does not spin a web like other spiders, but pursues prey with its long legs and paralyzes it with venom. It feeds on small insects - grasshoppers, beetles, spiders, and even small lizards.

Incredibly, the spider has eight eyes - two in front and two on the left, right side and behind! They usually dig holes in the ground and build a house there.

Tarantulas are poisonous, but most types of venom are not strong enough to seriously harm anyone.

A tarantula bite can be compared to a wasp or bee sting. In most cases, this is harmless, although a person who has an allergy may react like a bee sting.
IN Lately some began to keep the tarantula spider as a pet. A human bite can happen due to negligence when a spider tries to escape from a terrarium.
First aid for a tarantula bite is no different from other bites - you should consult a doctor if you have an allergy or signs of wound infection.

Karakurt bite

Karakurt (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus) - a poisonous spider, lives in Moldova, Crimea, Central Asia. Females that have a pair of tubular poisonous glands located on the upper jaw are dangerous to humans. The poisonous segment (chelicerum) ends in a movable sharp claw with an opening for the duct of the poisonous gland. The female has a spherical, dense black abdomen with reddish spots. The length of the karakurt is about 10 mm.

Symptoms of poisoning with karakurt poison

After a bite, a small, quickly disappearing spot is formed. After 10-20 minutes, severe pain develops at the site of the lesion, which spreads to the abdomen, lower back, and chest. Severe mental agitation, headache, dizziness, suffocation, nausea, vomiting, weakness, shortness of breath, cyanosis, tachycardia, arrhythmia are observed. Severe drooling may begin. Possible respiratory arrest.

Black widow bite

The black widow spider (Latrodectus mactans) of the genus Latrodectus lives in the United States. The females of this species are very large: the paw span reaches 5 cm, and the body length is 1.5 cm. There is a red hourglass pattern on the black back.

Males are smaller, with a white mark on the back, the small size of the venomous apparatus and mild aggressiveness make them practically harmless to humans. When disturbed, they fall to the ground, fold their paws and pretend to be dead. Female black widows are poisonous from the moment they are born. If they are guarding laid eggs or feel threatened, they prefer to attack. Spiders use their venom to paralyze prey, from which they then suck the hemolymph.

The period of post-copulatory passivity of the female allows the male to escape from his partner if she is not very hungry. If the female is hungry, then after mating she eats the “wife”, which is why she is called a “widow”.

Karakurt poison - protein with molecular weight 130 000. Under the influence of poison in presynaptic membranes nerve cells Ion channels are formed through which Ca 2++ ions enter the cell. Under the influence of the toxin, exocytosis of synaptic vesicles is facilitated and the release of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), norepinephrine, and acetylcholine is enhanced.

Changes in intracellular homeostasis and an increase in the content of biologically active substances in the blood affect the functional state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

In case of poisoning with karakurt poison, clinical manifestations develop within 30 minutes. The victim usually feels the sting and describes it as a "puncture". In the area of ​​the spider bite, severe pain is noted, erythema and increased local sweating gradually increase.

Karakurt bite degree

When bitten by a black widow, there are three degrees of severity of the disease.

  • I degree; moderate pain at the site of the bite, no general clinical manifestations of intoxication, all laboratory parameters are normal.
  • II degree: muscle pain in the bitten limb. Pain spreading to the abdomen when a leg is bitten or to the chest when an arm is bitten. Profuse sweating at the site of the bite. Vital signs are normal.
  • III degree: generalized muscle pain in the back, chest, abdomen. Strong mental agitation. Headache, dizziness, suffocation, nausea, vomiting, weakness, shortness of breath, cyanosis, arterial hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmia. General profuse sweating. Severe drooling. Possible respiratory arrest. Blood tests show increased levels of creatine phosphokinase (CPK), leukocytosis, and proteinuria. In the absence of treatment, the maximum severity of symptoms lasts for 12 hours, the duration of intoxication is 48-72 hours.

in the photo on the left - the bite at the beginning, on the right - on the 3rd day

Muscle spasms and muscle tension in the anterior abdominal wall sometimes cause misdiagnosis of peritonitis and unnecessary laparoscopy.

Scorpion sting

The scorpion spider (Centruroides sculpturatus) is a poisonous spider widely distributed in the world. In Russia it lives in southern latitudes. A structural feature of the scorpion, unlike other arthropods, is the presence of pedipalps with claws; at the end of the abdomen there is a curved sharp sting where the duct of the poisonous glands opens. The most dangerous is the black scorpion, its size is 50-100 mm.

Scorpion venom binds to sodium channels in cell membranes, causing neurons to re-activate. This is accompanied by a prolongation of the neuronal action potential at the synapses of the autonomic nervous system, which leads to an increase in the blood levels of catecholamines, renin and aldosterone.

Symptoms of poisoning from a scorpion sting

The bite causes severe pain, which quickly spreads along the nerve trunks. The victim screams in pain, severe weakness develops, cramps of individual muscle groups occur, and the arterial pressure, the body becomes covered with cold, sticky sweat. A urticarial rash appears in the bite area. In severe cases, motor agitation develops, arterial hypertension turns into hypotension, tachyarrhythmia, ventricular extrasystoles, vomiting, profuse sweating, priapism, and salivation occur.

Increasing visual impairment, ptosis, involuntary contractions of the tongue muscles are noted, and speech becomes slurred. Within 2-3 hours after the poison is introduced into the body, breathing is impaired and pulmonary edema develops. Death occurs due to symptoms of increasing acute cardiovascular and respiratory failure.

When assessing the degree of toxicity of arthropod venom, the following was noted:

Spider bite treatment

To reduce the spread of venom from the bite site throughout the body, immobilization of the limb is indicated. The pain is relieved by performing a novocaine blockade, and painkillers are administered: non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics. Cold is applied to the bite area.

Hormones, antihistamines are administered: blockers of H1 receptors (promethazine (diprazine), chloropyramine (suprastin), etc. and H2 receptors (cimetidine, ranitidine (acylok), etc., vitamins. When excited, benzodiazepines are prescribed. If a karakurt is bitten, an anti-karakurt drug is administered subcutaneously serum. In severe cases, horse immunoglobulin (IgG) is administered. Antitoxin (from horse serum) prevents the venom from binding to presynaptic membranes and remains effective even 46 hours after the bite.

When a scorpion stings, calcium channel blockers and ACE inhibitors are prescribed. Propranolol (anaprilin) ​​effectively and quickly stops tachyarrhythmia, but does not improve hemodynamic parameters. In case of respiratory depression, oxygen is supplied; in case of acute respiratory failure, artificial pulmonary ventilation (ALV) is performed.

In nature, spiders are very common; there are many thousands of species. They prefer to live in warm climates. Often these arthropods move into a person’s home as an uninvited guest or pet. What types of these creatures can most often be found in the house?

Spiders in the house: is it dangerous?

As a rule, arthropods are absolutely safe for people, but their very appearance often causes disgust. Although they help clean the apartment from cockroaches, bedbugs and other pests. At the same time, spiders reproduce slowly, so you don't have to worry that in a matter of days your home will turn into their colony.

Important! If there are spiders in the house, it means that something is attracting them. Most often these are insects that form food for arthropods: flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches. If you take them out, the spiders will disappear.

Most arthropods can be observed in spring and summer, since these creatures love warm and dry climates.

Almost all types of house spiders are predators, that is, they use other living organisms as food, primarily insects. In order to catch the victim, they weave their web and lurk nearby . As soon as the unfortunate insect falls into a trap and becomes entangled, the spider injects its poison, causing the death of the prey, which it devours immediately or leaves as a reserve.

In apartments and private houses The most common arthropods you can find are:

  • black;
  • grey;
  • haymaker;
  • window;
  • tramp.

How can you recognize them?? Features black spider are:

  • Miniature body size, average length about 1.5 cm.
  • The web has the shape of a tube.

The window has a body length of no more than 1 cm, an oval or round abdomen, and 8 long legs. It prefers to weave webs in dark corners or under window sills. Black spiders often have yellowish patterns on their bodies, which are densely covered with hairs. . There are several pairs eyes, but arthropods focus primarily on other senses.

Gray ones are also small, up to 15 mm. After the prey is caught in the web, the spider restores the web; it is mainly females who weave it.

The black hobo spider does not spin webs, but is large in size. He can enter the home through a door or window. It is distinguished by long legs and an elongated body. How does this giant hunt? It rushes at the chosen victim, injects poison, eats it and moves on. This is why such black arthropods will not become regular guests of your apartment. Having rid it of insects, they will continue on their way.

The haymaker spider is often also called the long-legged spider or the pigtail spider. The most remarkable thing about its appearance is its long legs (their length reaches 5 cm with a body length of only 1 cm). Number of legs: eight . The web is not sticky, but it is so cunningly intertwined that the caught insect has no chance of freeing itself. And the waiting hunter is already running towards his prey, ready to inject a lethal dose of poison into its trembling body.

This creature prefers to settle in dry warm places, especially near windows and in hard-to-reach corners, most often hangs upside down. It is interesting that the haymaker tries with all his might to prevent a large insect from getting into his net; in case of danger, he begins to swing the web.

Jumper. This special kind jumping domestic arthropod, owner of eight eyes placed in three rows. May vary wide variety of body color and abdominal pattern. Due to the presence of tiny hairs and claws on its paws, this arthropod moves easily on glass surfaces. It is interesting that this spider is an exception among its fellows; it is not a predator, preferring to eat acacia flowers.

Arthropods are also often kept as pets, they are loved and cared for. The most popular types include the following:

Are house spiders dangerous?

As a rule, the species found in our houses and apartments are absolutely harmless, since they do not emit poison. Certain danger may represent black tramps living in regions with a hot climate - they often cause allergic reactions. More precisely, not the spiders themselves, but the secretion of the oral gland they secrete. Accidentally brought from the southern regions to middle lane, such creatures also pose a danger.

An accidental bite from a house spider is harmless to humans, since the venom of these arthropods is dangerous only for insects - their victims. But still, for the purpose of prevention, doctors recommend treating the bite site with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.

How to get rid of house spiders

The first step is to remove those insects, which serve as food for spiders, which is why first of all it is necessary to destroy cockroaches, bedbugs, flies and other unpleasant insects.

You can fight cobwebs with an ordinary broom. However, if arthropods a large number of , this may indicate the presence of masonry, which can be removed with the help of household chemicals– these creatures do not tolerate strong aromas. If possible, surfaces regularly inhabited by arthropods can be painted.

Also, if spiders begin to appear frequently, you can place containers with flavored liquids around the room. Thus, arthropods cannot tolerate the aromas of chestnut, citrus, mint, and eucalyptus. The number of spiders will sharply decrease, and after some time the unpleasant neighbors will leave your home.

However, if the spiders managed multiply, you will have to purchase special chemicals aimed at destroying them. First of all, these are products based on pyrethroids.

An excellent preventive measure would be to keep the room clean and regularly remove dust and dirt, especially in hard-to-reach places. It’s not for nothing that spiders are considered indicators of cleanliness: in those rooms where a lot of them have accumulated, the conditions are far from complete sanitation.

A spider bite - this unpleasant event can darken the lives of many of us: summer residents and gardeners, lovers of picking mushrooms and berries in the forests, fans of picnics and active rest Outdoors. The season for such incidents usually occurs in the spring and summer months, and everyone should know how to prevent a spider attack or help the victim.

Today, scientists know about the existence of approximately 40 thousand species of these arthropods. However, only some types of spiders are dangerous to humans. Severe poisoning is usually caused by bites of karakurts and brown spiders (for example, brown recluse). The most deadly is the vinegar of the female karakurt, which is called the “black widow”. Brown spiders live in Central, Western, Middle and Southern parts United States of America. In addition, such dangerous arthropods are often brought by tourists along with their luggage from different countries.

The venoms of a number of spiders have already been well studied. The main importance when assessing the danger of bites is usually those substances that can provoke the development of neurotoxic reactions and necrosis. For example, the effect of a peptide (the most poisonous component of karakurt venom), which is capable of disrupting the transmission of neuromuscular impulses, is very dangerous.

Spiders usually live in places where humans rare guest. They hide in closets, sheds, in hay, in last year's dry grass, under a layer of dry leaves, soil, etc. As a rule, a spider bite is not an attack. This action is a defensive reaction of the arthropod. For humans, the greatest danger in such an incident is the toxicity of the poison, which can provoke the development of allergic and toxic reactions, necrosis and infection of the bite wound.

Is every spider poisonous?

Essentially, every spider is poisonous. But not every poison is dangerous for humans.

Essentially, every spider has venom. After all, all these arthropods are predators and poison for them is a weapon with which they kill their prey. However, only some species of spiders are poisonous to humans. The bite of this arthropod can be simply unpleasant or life-threatening for us.

Almost all spiders have venom-producing glands. Conventionally, spider venoms are divided into:

  • neurotoxic - substances that can paralyze nervous system;
  • hemolytic - components of such toxic substances cause damage or destruction of blood elements - red blood cells.

More often among poisonous spiders there are arthropods that secrete neurotoxins. Those spiders that are small are not dangerous to humans. This point is explained by the fact that they are simply not able to bite through the skin of an animal or person. Even if they can do this, the dose of poison released is very small and is not capable of causing any problems. Poisonous spiders larger sizes are always dangerous for humans and a bite from such arthropods should always be a reason for immediate assistance to the victim and contact a doctor.

What are the symptoms of a spider bite?

A spider bite is felt and visualized as follows:

  • at the moment of the bite, the person either does not feel anything, or the feeling that arises is similar to an injection with a thin needle;
  • at the site of skin puncture a White spot small size (no more than a 5-kopeck coin) with pinkish or red edges;
  • after 5-20 minutes, the victim experiences the first symptoms of exposure to the poison (muscle pain, swelling or redness of the face, convulsions, etc.).

Depending on the type of spider, the bite may look like this:

  1. Karakurt. The bite of this spider is usually invisible to the eye. It is accompanied by sensations that are similar to those of a mosquito or flea bite. Sometimes a small red spot appears on the victim’s body, disappearing literally before our eyes.
  2. Brown recluse spider. A blister appears on the skin with a white, red, or bluish-purple border. Sometimes such a bite is called a “target” or “bull’s eye”, since the appearance of such bites is similar to these images. Over time, the resulting bubble increases in volume and opens. A wound surface in the form of an ulcer remains at the site of the bite.
  3. Tarantula. A spherical swelling appears on the body. The skin around such a formation swells like a blister and becomes pale with a reddish outline. An hour later, the bubble opens and a wound appears at the site of the bite. If such a wound surface is not treated, then an eroded wound appears on the skin.


The manifestations of spider bites are varied, and their nature and severity depend on which particular arthropod introduced the poison into the body. Even if a person is not sure that he was bitten by a spider, he should consult a doctor to clarify the condition - the doctor will be able to differentiate the bite of this arthropod from the bites of other insects.

The following symptoms require mandatory consultation with a specialist:

  • in the bite area, a bluish interspersed or purple area appears, bordered by a white and red ring (toxicologists call this symptom “red-white-blue” and its presence indicates the bite of a very poisonous brown recluse spider);
  • on skin a rash appears;
  • numbness occurs in the area of ​​the bite, and the skin thickens (such manifestations are characteristic of a tarantula bite);
  • muscle spasms or cramps in the limbs;
  • increasing headache and sudden development of fever with manifestations of myalgia and arthralgia;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium (usually occurs with a karakurt bite);
  • uncharacteristic color of urine (usually reddish or pink).

Manifestations of a brown spider bite

Such bites usually occur in the United States. In some cases, the victim feels severe pain that spreads to the entire limb and develops over half an hour or an hour. At the site of the skin puncture, erythema occurs, hemorrhage with a diameter of up to 3 mm (ecchymosis), in some people it appears, which in some cases can spread throughout the body.

A bubble (“target” or “bull’s eye”) often appears in the area of ​​ecchymosis. Also, the area of ​​damage may resemble the symptoms of gangrenosis. Later, the bubble increases in volume, fills with blood and opens, exposing an ulcer on the skin. Subsequently, a black scab forms on this wound surface, which is rejected over time. After most bites, a scar remains on the victim’s body, but in a number of clinical cases, when it is not involved in the pathological process muscle, such consequences do not arise.

Sometimes, 24-72 hours after the bite, the victim develops a systemic syndrome provoked by the penetration of poison into the body, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • fever;
  • rash;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • chills;
  • convulsions;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • hemolysis;

Manifestations of a female karakurt (black widow) bite

The most dangerous bite for humans is the bite of a female karakurt, which is popularly called a black widow.

It is the black widow's bite that is considered fatal and the most dangerous. After such an incident, the wound on the human body remains practically invisible, and the puncture of the skin itself is felt like a light prick with a needle. The main insidiousness of such a bite is that its first manifestations do not appear immediately, but after several hours.

After about 1-2 hours, the victim begins to feel local pain. It can be sharp or dull. Redness occurs at the site of the bite. After this, the manifestations of the systemic syndrome caused by the neurotoxic poison gradually increase:

  • sweating;
  • general weakness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • anxiety;
  • excitation;
  • increased salivation;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • ptosis;
  • widespread rash;
  • increased skin temperature in the bite area;
  • swelling of the arms and legs;
  • pain and spasms in the muscles of the chest, back, abdomen and shoulders.

Abdominal pain can be similar to an attack.

The most effective method neutralizing the effect of the venom of this spider is the introduction of a special serum. However, unfortunately, it is not always available in the first hours after the incident.

After 1-3 days, the manifestations of poisoning gradually subside. However, after a karakurt bite, a person may experience residual symptoms such as weakness, anxiety and convulsions for a long time. These manifestations may bother the victim for several months or weeks.

Fatalities after a black widow bite occurs very rarely.

Symptoms of a tarantula bite

Usually, stories about bites by this spider greatly exaggerate the essence of the problem. Fatal outcomes after such incidents are extremely rare, and the poison causes death only in cases where the victim has other pathologies of internal organs.

Tarantula bites are rare. After biting the skin, the victim feels pain and burning. When bitten, a spider can shed needle-shaped hairs, which, after entering the tissues of the skin or eyeballs, can provoke degranulation of mast cells and a pseudo-allergic reaction in the form of bronchospasm or arterial hypotension.

The victim experiences swelling in the bite area and may develop a small rash. If a person is bitten by a large spider, then severe weakness, headache, fever, and paresthesia are felt. Typically, symptoms of a tarantula bite disappear after 3-5 days.

Death from tarantula bites is extremely rare. It is usually triggered by a condition that occurs in response to exposure to toxins.

Manifestations of a spider bite

Such bites are not uncommon, since the cross spider lives everywhere. This arthropod has a characteristic mark on its body, which is how it got its name. The color of the spider can vary depending on its habitat.

The bites of the cross spider are dangerous for many animals, as its venom contains a substance that causes the destruction of red blood cells. To a greater extent, this toxic substance is dangerous for small animals, and large dogs, horses, cattle and sheep remain resilient.

If a cross spider bites a person, then such an incident is not life-threatening. Due to exposure to poison, the victim may experience:

  • headache;
  • burning at the site where the skin is broken;
  • aches and pains in the joints.

The poison is quickly eliminated from the human body, but swelling in the bite area can persist for several days.

Manifestations of a tarantula spider bite

The poison of this arthropod is also not dangerous to human life. IN last years There is a new fashion trend for keeping such pets, but all the bitten owners remained healthy after the bites. As a rule, they go to the doctor mostly for preventative purposes. possible complications, since not everyone knows about the harmlessness of their pet.

Tarantula spiders are dangerous to their victims in nature - lizards, frogs and other small animals. This arthropod usually bites a person using the so-called dry method and does not release poison into the bitten skin. The relative danger for the owner in such cases is the possible infection of the bite area by bacteria. To prevent such complications, it is enough to treat the wound with an antiseptic solution and apply a protective bandage.

Manifestations of a house spider bite

House spiders can be brown, black, gray, etc. Most often, a person has to deal with black ones - Badumna insignis. They can live both outside and inside the house (in cracks in logs or trees, walls, on window frames, etc.). They bite humans very rarely.

After being bitten by a house spider, the affected area begins to hurt, but the pain is not intense. The skin may swell slightly. It is extremely rare for the victim to experience symptoms of intoxication:

  • dizziness,
  • fever,
  • nausea.

To alleviate the condition of the victim, it is enough to apply cold to the bite site. As a rule, after 24 hours all the consequences of the bite completely disappear.

Manifestations of a brown recluse spider bite

The bites of these arthropods are very dangerous to human life and health. Hermit spiders live mainly in the USA and Australia (they were brought to this continent from the USA along with cargo). You can recognize the arthropod by the characteristic pattern on its back - its outline resembles a violin. Their size is small and often a person does not even always see the spider. In the home, they usually live in cracks in floors and walls, in boxes and furniture.

The moment of the bite itself does not cause pain and remains invisible. The first signs of damage to such arthropods appear only after 48 hours, that is, when the poison has already spread throughout the body. Swelling, severe itching and induration appear in the bite area. Then a visible tumor appears on the body, the tissues ulcerate and begin to undergo necrosis.

Ulcers that appear after a bite are difficult to treat and take a long time to heal, as even the deep layers of the skin die. In addition, the venom of the recluse spider provokes the following general flu-like symptoms of poisoning:

  • fever;
  • joint pain;
  • general weakness;
  • cough;
  • runny nose.

With severe intoxication, which develops in some victims, the functioning of the heart and kidneys may be impaired. Such a complicated course of the bite can lead to death.

Complications after spider bites

The most dangerous manifestations of spider bites are:

  • arachnosis - manifestations of rapidly developing tissue necrosis (skin, subcutaneous fat and other soft tissues);
  • systemic syndrome - accompanied by fever, pain in joints and muscles, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, convulsions, hemolysis and heart failure;
  • DIC syndrome is manifested by disseminated intravascular coagulation due to platelet hypercoagulation.

Summarizing all the manifestations of spider bites, we can divide all their consequences into 3 groups.

The most dangerous and alarming symptoms of spider bites are the following:

  • sharp pain that covers the whole body;
  • rapidly increasing swelling of the affected area, accompanied by severe tissue compaction;
  • indomitable diarrhea and other signs of damage to the digestive system;
  • constant feelings of weakness, drowsiness due to a pronounced decrease in blood pressure;
  • signs of kidney failure.

During the week after the bite, the victim may experience the following consequences of the bite:

  • pain, swelling, itching, redness and swelling of the bite area;
  • digestive disorders;
  • general weakness and drowsiness;
  • transient convulsions.

The following symptoms are considered harmless and do not pose a threat:

  • mild pain;
  • skin redness;
  • slight swelling.


Often the victims themselves in vain suspect a spider bite. Diagnosis of such lesions is usually based on an analysis of the patient’s complaints, a story about the fact of the bite, which he could see with his own eyes, and the symptoms that arise.

To exclude an erroneous diagnosis, a spider bite is differentiated from the following conditions:

  • bites of fleas, beetles, ticks, flies;
  • skin lesions: chronic herpes, toxic epidermal necrolysis, etc.;
  • infections: septic embolism, common, etc.;
  • injuries;

Sometimes severe manifestations of systemic syndrome are similar to those of tetanus and appendicitis.

First aid to the victim

To prevent infection of the bite site, you should wash it well with running water and soap.
  1. If the manifestations of the bite are cause for concern and are assessed as severe, then you should immediately call an ambulance or provide fast delivery patient to a medical institution. Particular concern should arise if the victim’s condition quickly deteriorates or if a child under 16 years of age suffered from the bite. Remember! Bites from a karakurt or recluse spider require the administration of a special serum. It is entered only medical workers after performing skin tests and fractional sensitization.
  2. Wash the bite area with soap and water to prevent the wound from becoming infected.
  3. Immobilize the affected limb to prevent the spread of poison.
  4. If a leg or arm is bitten, apply an elastic bandage or other material that can compress the limb above the bite site. This way you can slow down the spread of spider venom throughout the body. It should be remembered that the bandage should not be too tight - the blood supply to the limb should not be disrupted.
  5. Apply cold to the bite site (it is better to use an ice pack, if you don’t have one, you can apply one soaked in cold water cloth, cold water bottle, etc.). When using ice, do not forget about possible frostbite and place it only at a distance of 10 mm from the skin.
  6. Provide the victim with a large volume of fluid, which will speed up the removal of poison from the body.
  7. If fever and headache occur, give the patient Paracetamol.
  8. To ease allergic manifestations, give the victim one of the following: Suprastin, Loratadine, Allergostop, Claritin or Agistam.


In severe cases, after the arrival of doctors, a victim of a spider bite with signs of renal or heart failure is administered (usually intravenously) respiratory analeptics, cardiac drugs, glucocorticosteroids and muscle relaxants. To detoxify the body, infusion therapy is performed - the patient is given drips of saline solutions and glucose. Tissues affected by necrosis (after a recluse spider bite) are processed and removed. After this, the victim is prescribed treatment.

The treatment plan for spider bites is approximately the same for all varieties of arthropods:

  • wound debridement;
  • anesthesia;
  • immobilization of the limb and giving it an elevated position;
  • administration of tetanus vaccine to prevent tetanus;
  • dynamic monitoring of the patient.

All of the above measures can eliminate most local manifestations of bites.

To treat ulcerations, the patient may be prescribed antibiotic-based ointments (Bacitracin + Neomycin, Polymyxin B, etc.). In addition, antihistamines, local glucocorticosteroids (Gyoxisone, Prednisolone, Kremgen) or a combination thereof are used.

In some cases, excision of areas of necrosis is postponed until the process of tissue necrosis is complete. Sometimes this period can be several weeks.

The developing systemic poisoning syndrome is initially relieved symptomatically. After a black widow bite to eliminate joint and muscle pain Muscle relaxants can be used, but if they do not provide the desired result, then the patient is prescribed a 10% calcium gluconate solution injected into a vein. Cardiac monitoring is mandatory during this treatment.

All patients under 16 and over 60 years of age with manifestations of arterial hypertension and severe symptoms of poisoning are subject to hospitalization. In case of severe poisoning with black widow venom, after a skin test, a horse antidote is used, which is administered over half an hour. This drug should be used with extreme caution as it may cause adverse effects. side effects(anaphylaxis, etc.).

If there are signs of damage to the digestive tract, it is recommended to follow a gentle diet. To strengthen immune system Patients are prescribed vitamin complexes.

How to prevent a spider bite?

It is impossible to protect yourself 100% from spider bites, but you can try to protect yourself by following these rules:

  1. Protect your home or tent as much as possible from insects.
  2. Carefully inspect your sleeping area before going to bed at night.
  3. When putting on clothes or shoes in nature, carefully inspect them.
  4. Explain to children that spiders should not be touched with hands.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you suspect a spider bite - local pain, itching, redness and swelling of the skin, rash, fever, headache, disturbances of consciousness, tension in the abdominal and torso muscles, convulsions - contact a toxicologist, resuscitator or traumatologist. After examining the victim and conducting a differential diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the treatment that is necessary in this particular case.

A spider bite is always an unpleasant event. However, in some cases they can be extremely dangerous to the health and life of the victim. The poisons of such spiders as karakurt, tarantula and hermit spider are especially dangerous. That is why, if severe manifestations of such bites occur, the victim should definitely seek medical attention as soon as possible. medical assistance. In some cases, to save the health and life of the patient, special serums are administered that can neutralize poisons and alleviate the symptoms of poisoning.

Absolutely all spiders are poisonous. With the help of poison, they obtain food for themselves, and, if necessary, defend themselves. The venom secreted by the spider's glands can be hemolytic and neurotoxic (paralyzing the nervous system). Small spiders often pose no danger, but large ones can cause serious trouble with their bite.

The karakurt spider and the brown recluse spider are deadly dangerous to humans. Karakurts, tarantulas, and brown hermits do not live in our latitudes, but if you are going to visit exotic southern countries you need to know what the consequences of a spider bite can be.

What does the bite site of dangerous arthropods look like?

  1. The tarantula bite first looks like a spherical spot, then it turns into a blister with red edges, after a while the blister bursts and an ulcer appears.
  2. The symptoms of a brown recluse spider bite are similar to a tarantula bite, but they do not appear immediately. At the site of the bite, a blister appears with a border of bluish-purple, white and red. When the blister bursts, an ulcer forms.
  3. Karakurt leaves virtually no traces after its bite. A very small red spot may appear at the site of the bite, which will disappear very quickly.

What does a bite site from non-dangerous spiders look like?

True, the sensations can be very unpleasant and painful.

  1. Swelling and redness remain at the site of the cross bite for several days.
  2. At the site of “acquaintance” with the black house spider, a small swelling develops.

Possible symptoms

  • Symptoms after bites from house spiders or cross spiders may include nausea, dizziness, elevated temperature, aching joints. But all these unpleasant sensations disappear within a day or two days.

More serious consequences appear after bites of karakurt, tarantula, and brown recluse. The venom of these individuals can be very dangerous, which, if it enters the bloodstream, can be fatal.

  • A karakurt bite is very dangerous; its symptoms appear after a few hours or within an hour. The person experiences severe pain in the affected area, sweating, anxiety, headache, nausea, dizziness, swelling of the eyelids and limbs. There is also general weakness, difficulty breathing, cramps, and abdominal pain.
  • A tarantula bite is not fatal; its symptoms include general weakness, headache, local swelling and rash. Fatal outcome can only be caused by an allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock.
  • Signs of a hermit bite appear on the second day, which poses a particular danger, since the poison has time to spread throughout the body. In the first moments after a bite, a person does not experience pain or discomfort. Then severe itching appears, and at the site of the bite the tumor turns into an ulcer, which is difficult to treat. Necrosis develops on the affected tissues. The patient's general condition is characterized by typical flu symptoms: aching joints, cough, runny nose, high fever. With severe intoxication, the functioning of the heart and kidneys is disrupted, which leads to death.

First aid for spider and bee bites (video)

What to do

The consequences of bites from cross spiders and black house spiders go away on their own within 2–3 days. Toxins that enter the body are eliminated without leaving a trace. But to reduce discomfort, it is recommended to apply cold compresses or ice to the damaged area.

  • Everyone who is going to countries where these arachnids live should know what to do if they are bitten by a karakurt spider, a hermit, or a tarantula. First aid for their bites should be provided immediately. It consists primarily of immobilizing the affected limb. The leg or arm should be pulled with a tourniquet above the puncture site and given an elevated state. After this, call an ambulance.
  • Treatment for arachnid bites depends on the type of venom and symptoms. Victims of karakurt and brown hermit are injected with serum; in other cases, detoxification is carried out using drip administration of medications (saline solutions and glucose).
  • If intoxication of the body is accompanied by cardiac or renal failure, then cardiac drugs, respiratory analeptics, and glucocorticosteroids are administered. Ulcers with necrotic lesions are freed from necrotic tissue, sanitized and bandaged.

Timely correct treatment allows you to completely get rid of intoxication from the body after a spider bite; rehabilitation after adequate therapy is not required. But if the body is severely weakened, the immune system is strengthened with vitamin therapy.