Angelina Vovk: biography, personal life

One of the most famous and beloved TV presenters of the Soviet Union and Russia can be called Angelina Vovk. Biography: personal life and features creative path the stars are replete with interesting details, which not all fans of the famous “Aunt Lina”, who “put Soviet children to bed” for many years, know about.

Angelina's childhood and youth

Angelina Mikhailovna was born on September 16, 1943 in the small town of Tulun, in Irkutsk region. He doesn't remember his father. He, being a military pilot, died in 1944. Having received a “funeral”, Angelina’s mother decides to move to Moscow, where she gets a job as an accountant at Vnukovo airport.

Since both of the girl’s parents were connected to the sky to one degree or another, she dreamed of becoming a flight attendant. But her mother, worried about her daughter, dissuaded her from such a dangerous profession. And Angelina entered GITIS.

While studying, she worked as a fashion model. After receiving her diploma, she starred in the film “There Lives a Guy Like This”, and then in the film “Farewell”. And, one might say, this is where her acting journey ended. In 1968, Vovk decided to become a director and entered the corresponding department of the Institute of Television. And a year later, she realized that this profession was not for her.

Angelina Vovk found herself on television, where she first worked as a presenter in a news program, and then was transferred to the children's department. On Sundays she came to visit the children along with the Alarm Clock program and every evening she hosted the cult program “ Good night kids."

A little later, the adult residents of the country also fell in love with Angelina Vovk. She delighted them with her creativity as the host of “Blue Light”, “Music Kiosk”, “Morning Mail”, and then “Song of the Year”. Exactly last transmission brought her the most fame and people's love.

Today, the artist, despite her advanced age, continues to be creative, appearing either in “Old Songs about the Main Thing,” or in the show “Dancing with the Stars,” or in some other projects. The celebrity leads an active lifestyle and has no plans to retire.

Personal life of Angelina Vovk

In her youth the spectacular Angelina Vovk there were many fans. But she quickly said goodbye to everyone, marrying actor and CT announcer Gennady Chertov in 1966. This marriage lasted sixteen years - the couple divorced in 1982. The reason for this was serious disagreements in relations. But despite such a sad ending, Vovk calls Chertov the most great love in your destiny.

In the same 1982, the artist tied the knot with a Czechoslovak artist named Inrich Getz. And it was unusual family. The couple saw each other only a few times a year, since neither of them decided to leave their homeland. In 1995, Vovk and Gets broke up forever, after which Angelina Mikhailovna had several more novels. But she never remarried.

Unfortunately, the famous TV presenter, who adores children, never became a mother. The reason for this was health problems. She found consolation in her numerous godchildren, whom she loves like family, and, of course, in her grateful audience.

Angelina Vovk managed to become almost a family member for the little viewers. Without her smile, fairy tales and kind words Millions of Soviet children could not imagine their lives.

Angelina Vovk was born on September 16, 1942 in the city of Tulun, Irkutsk region. There was a military air base where her father served as a pilot during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. After his death at the end of the war, the family left for Moscow.

As a child, Angelina's range of interests was very wide. She wanted to become a ballerina, singer, flight attendant, translator. She was actively involved in sports and dancing, and went to the drama studio at the Palace of Pioneers. In ninth grade, I took part in a competition to become a TV presenter on Shabolovka, but did not make it past the second round.

After school, Vovk entered the acting department of GITIS, which she graduated in 1965, and then for almost a year she starred in the Crimea in a film by aspiring film director Grigory Pozhenyan, which, however, brought her nothing but disappointment. An attempt to get a job in the capital's theaters was also unsuccessful. Then Angelina went to work for Central Television. In 1967, she graduated from announcer courses and joined the announcer department of Central Television. And soon she did not want to change this activity for anything.

During the first years of her work on television, Vovk appeared mainly in news broadcasts or as the host of small programs. But soon, thanks to her beauty and charm, she managed to win the hearts of millions of television viewers and long years to become one of the most beloved presenters of the Soviet period.

On television, Angelina Vovk hosted children's programs "Alarm Clock", "Good Night, Kids!", "Nanny to the Rescue", in 1988-2006 - the festival "Song of the Year" together with Evgeny Menshov, as well as concerts and music programs. She also participated in many other programs, such as “Blue Light”, “Morning Mail”, “Kinopanorama” and others.

Angelina Mikhailovna continues to act as an invited presenter in various programs, as well as at corporate evenings, including in different cities, and participates in various television projects. In parallel with her work on television, Angelina Mikhailovna is also involved in social activities.

In March 2012, she was elected to the Council of Deputies of the Arbat municipal district in Moscow for a period of five years.

Vovk is also the founder of the Russian Support Fund children's creativity to help talented children and the organizer of the children's festival "Song of the Year", which for several years now has been held annually in the summer on the Black Sea coast in the All-Russian children's center"Eaglet", and in which children from all over the country participate. She also leads great job on propaganda and revival of Russians folk traditions, crafts, crafts, oral and musical folk art.

People's Artist of Russia, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, holder of the Order of "Key of Friendship" - Angelina Vovk continues her creative and social activities, she is full of optimism and creative plans, and the smile still never leaves her face.

Personal life of Angelina Vovk

First husband - Gennady Chertov (born 1940), actor, announcer of Central Television, classmate at GITIS. The marriage lasted sixteen years, from 1966 to 1982.
The second husband is Jindřich Getz, an artist at the Czech film studio Barrandov, an architect. The couple lived in different countries ah: Vovk is in Russia, and Jindrich is in Czechoslovakia. The marriage lasted thirteen years, from 1982 to 1995.
He has no children of his own; he considers the children of his godchildren as granddaughters: Angelina (born 2001) and Anna (born 2002).

Vovk's hobbies are winter swimming, alpine skiing (from 60 years old). Swims in the pool, loves being outdoors, grows his own summer cottage flowers and vegetables.

Awards of Angelina Vovk

State awards and titles

honorary title"Honored Artist of the RSFSR."
2006 - honorary title " National artist Russian Federation».

Public awards

2006 - laureate of the All-Russian Prize “National Treasure” in the nomination “For Contribution to Culture”.
2007 - Knight of the public Order of St. Alexander Nevsky “For Labor and Fatherland.”
2007 - Medal St. Sergius Radonezh I degree and diploma of the Russian Orthodox Church.
2007 - Medal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "90 years of the Great October Socialist Revolution."
2007 - Knight of the Order of the International charitable foundation“Patrons of the Century” - for helping low-income children.
2012 - Knight of the Order of the Key of Friendship, one of the highest awards Kemerovo region- for many years of successful creative activity, the highest professionalism, great personal contribution to the development of culture, dedication to one’s work, many years of fruitful cooperation with the Kemerovo region.

For many years she was the permanent presenter of “Song of the Year”, and every evening she met with Aunt Lina in “Good night, kids!” Thousands of boys and girls were waiting. She appeared on screens with a constant smile on her face. In the life of Angelina Vovk there was great happiness, endless international calls, and even clinical death.

Gennady Chertov

Angelina Vovk in the film “There Lives a Guy Like This,” 1964. / Photo:

In GITIS, a fragile blonde with expressive gray eyes I was just bathing in love. She was always open and smiling, and also very kind. The boys fought for the right to take her home after class, and her classmates were proud of their friendship with her.

Gennady Chertov in the film "Mother's Heart". / Photo: www.kino-teatr.rf

Despite the many fans, she fell in love with the one who did not notice her at all. Gennady Chertov was handsome, like Gerard Philip, he has a girlfriend and he became a celebrity after filming the film “Mother’s Heart”, where he played the role of Alexander Ulyanov, younger brother Lenin. Angelina Vovk, by her own admission, simply went crazy about him and tried in every possible way to attract his attention.

It turned out that he deliberately ignored the darling of the entire course, although he had long been sympathetic to her. Weddings took place immediately after graduation. He was invited to the Gogol Theater, and she was invited to the Mayakovsky Theater. And here for the first time the young husband showed his domineering character. He decided: theater stage doesn't suit her.

However, he decided a lot in life for her: what dress to buy, where to go to work. Angelina did not complain or grumble, she loved her Genochka very much and was ready to obey him and obey him in everything.

A television

Gennady Chertov did not allow her to film in Odessa, believing that a three-month separation would harm their family. But he personally brought her to television. He became an announcer and helped his wife master this profession. True, Angelina Vovk herself first enrolled in a directing course at the Institute for Advanced Studies at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. But after the first internship, I switched to the announcer course.

She came to Shabolovka, as Valentina Leontyeva once said, as an enthusiastic puppy. She really really liked it Magic world television.

Angelina Vovk, "Good night, kids!" / Photo:

News programs were not for her. Angelina Vovk could not maintain an impartially serious expression on her face for long; she smiled all the time. Thanks to the programs classical music, she became popular among the musical intelligentsia; on Sundays, children hurried to “Alarm Clock,” which she hosted. And after that, many music festivals and programs were associated with Angelina Vovk.

On the set of “Blue Light” Angelina Vovk lost consciousness. She was barely saved after peritonitis. She has undergone several surgeries and clinical death. After several months of illness, she learned to walk again and hold a spoon. Her husband, mother and close friend were constantly on duty near her bed. As soon as the presenter recovered, she was overtaken by new blow: Due to the illness she suffered, she will never be able to have children.

Jindrich Goetz

After her illness, she was sent to Japan for a whole year to host the program “Speak Russian.” She fell in love with this country and even climbed Mount Fuji.

The Japanese business trip was followed by a trip to Czechoslovakia, to film the educational film “Russian Language Lessons” in Prague.

There she met Jindřich Goetz, the chief artist of the Barrandov studio. It was love at first sight. Later, Angelina Mikhailovna admits that the despotic character of her first husband also played a significant role in this. If he hadn't put so much pressure on her about everything, she might not have had the need to change anything in her life. For a long time she could not decide to divorce. But she also considered herself not entitled to live by deceiving her husband.

Angelina and Henry became husband and wife, each continuing to live in their own country. He did not want to live in Russia, and she could not leave her country. Her whole life was here: work, friends, mother. At that time, marriages with foreigners were not encouraged, but for the sake of love, Angelina Vovk was ready to endure any oppression.

In 13 years family life they talked on the phone more than they lived together. Henry was always waiting for her to move in with him. Something was bothering her all the time. Work, then fear of leaving my mother.

And then he stopped waiting. He got another woman.

Never-ending optimism

After the divorce, Angelina Mikhailovna’s problems began to grow like a snowball. At first they wanted to close “Good night, kids!” She found sponsors for this program and convinced the management to keep the program on the air. True, Aunt Lina was no longer invited to the role of presenter in the updated studio. Then there were problems with “Song of the Year,” and she again managed to defend her right to host the song festival until 2006.

At 75 years old, Angelina Mikhailovna is energetic, full of strength and optimism. She goes winter swimming, skiing and swimming.

Angelina Vovk on the project "Dancing with the Stars". / Photo:

She celebrated her 70th birthday on the floor, taking part in the TV show “Dancing with the Stars.” She is the author, organizer and presenter of the children's music festival “Liver of the Year”, held annually in “Orlyonok”.

Angelina Vovk did not adapt to the system and married a foreigner, her colleague masterfully bypassed strict rules Soviet television.

Name: Angelina Vovk

Age: 75 years old

Place of Birth: Tulun, Irkutsk region

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 64 kg

Activity: actress, model, TV presenter

Family status: divorced

Angelina Vovk - biography

One of the famous TV presenters in the Soviet Union. Children were waiting for her appearance on the TV screen to fall asleep at the end of the program “Good night, kids!” And after the popular “Song of the Year,” viewers could no longer imagine another presenter.

Childhood, family

Angelina was born in war time in one of the cities of the Irkutsk region. My father flew on military planes. While performing a combat mission, his plane crashed in the skies of Yugoslavia in 1944. Already at the age of two, the girl’s biography began to take shape very sadly. The father died, the mother raised her daughter alone. She left with little Angelina for the capital of Russia and began working in the accounting department at Vnukovo airport. Thus, the girl dreamed of linking her destiny with the sky. Angelina wanted to become a flight attendant. English language was not only the most necessary, but also a favorite item.

Mom was against her daughter's choice. And the biographical page about Angelina Vovk’s further education began at GITIS. She was lucky enough to study with direct students of Nemirovich-Danchenko and Stanislavsky. But this did not really inspire the student, since Vovk had never been a fan of cinema. The girl was beautiful and statuesque by nature, so the All-Union Modeling Agency immediately became interested in her.

Fashion was not in favor Soviet society, but the trendsetters of fashionable and beautiful clothes worked on Kuznetsky Most. Working at an agency and studying at the institute often exhausted the student, and fitting and fitting clothes lasted for hours. Angelina went through five full-fledged clothing shows, where she was trusted to demonstrate sports outfits.

There are not many films to the credit of actress Angelina Vovk. You can count them on one hand, since the actress failed to make friends with feature films. Angelina takes the next step: she enters the VGIK directing department. Studying for a year showed the girl that directing was not suitable for her. She decides to complete the announcer course.

Angelina Vovk - television

After completing the courses, Vovk was assigned to Central Television. The first was news, which had to be read from a page. This was somewhat difficult for Angelina, since she had to wear glasses to read due to poor eyesight. And reading from the screen with glasses was humiliating for her. And there was too much officiality in the news broadcasts.

This is how the young announcer turned out to be in the children's department, which brought her incredible popularity. Aunt Lina was good friend for the kids who sat on the other side of the TV screen from Sunday mornings and every evening.

TV shows “Alarm Clock” and “Good Night, Kids!” were the most popular. With experience came recognition from the adult category of viewers. She co-hosted “Morning Mail” with Yuri Nikolaev, “Blue Lights” and eighteen episodes of “Song of the Year” with Evgeny Menshov.

In biography famous TV presenter There were a number of equally popular TV shows, but the most surprising was her next participation in the show project “Dancing with the Stars.” More than a year worked with Gennady Malakhov in the “Good Health!” program. At seventy years old, Angelina Vovk took to the dance floor together with Oleg Vechkasov.

Angelina Vovk - biography of personal life

The TV presenter got married twice. For the first time she was married to her broadcasting partner Gennady Chertov. Their union existed for sixteen years, it was real love. But misunderstandings began in family life, and the couple divorced. The reason for the divorce was Angelina’s reluctance to have children; for her, only her career came first.

Second husband Vovk chose a foreigner. The husband was from the Czech Republic and was an artist and architect by profession. They lived with Jindřich Getz for thirteen years in an official marriage. Unfortunately, none of them dared to leave their homeland for each other. And rare meetings served as a reason for the coldness of relations and divorce.

There was another short-lived romance in the life of the presenter. It was civil marriage, which left a mark on her heart. Living with her men, Angelina never became a mother. The actress is loved by many, so she is often invited as a godmother; she already has twelve godchildren, whom she considers to be her own grandchildren. This disappointment in family life does not prevent you from leading a full, active lifestyle.

Angelina Vovk takes care of her health, sticks to a diet, goes swimming, alpine skiing, winter swimming. Angelina Mikhailovna does not hide the fact that she takes special care of her appearance. She's done it many times already plastic surgery, boldly tries different new cosmetology products. She teaches the art of public speaking at the Institute for Young Children, so she herself must be a role model.

Awards and community service

Since 2006, Angelina Mikhailovna has been awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Every year, the former All-Russian children's camp "Orlyonok" holds its own festival "Song of the Year". Angelina Vovk – President of the Russian Foundation for Culture and Art. For her, it is a matter of honor to revive the traditions and musical culture of the Russian people.

“A lot of what I dreamed about has come true in my life. Take this country house: my first husband, Genochka (famous television announcer Gennady Chertov in the 1970s - TN note) and I wanted exactly this. When we started dating, I lived with my grandmother, mother and stepfather near Vnukovo in a village for officers: my stepfather, like my father, who did not return from the flight in 1944, was a pilot. Our wooden house, standing almost in the forest, both me and Gene really liked it. But

he had to be handed over to the state in order to get a room in a communal apartment in Moscow. My husband and I often remembered it, and when we came to visit one day, we saw that the house had been demolished, and in its place there were pieces of logs, fragments of boards, and stones lying around. It was a pity how Living being... I consoled both my husband and myself: “It’s okay, Genochka, we’ll build new house, we’ll put a fence around it, plant lilacs, jasmine, apple trees, all sorts of flowers on the plot... And we’ll have a dog, a shepherd.” Everything came true, I brought everything to life: there is a house, and around it there are lilacs, jasmine, roses, peonies. In the booth is the most loyal half-breed shepherd dog that we rescued several years ago. I have everything that Gena and I dreamed of, but Gena himself is not nearby. If someone had told me then that my dream would come true with such a nuance, I would have died. I loved him terribly.

It was love at first sight. Cupid chose not the most romantic place for shooting - a bus. He was supposed to take us, first-year students of the GITIS acting department who had not yet gotten to know each other, to the collective farm to harvest potatoes. And when a young man who looked like Gerard Philip got on this old bus, it instantly became clear to me: this is the man with whom I want to live my entire life.

life. I saw him with both my eyes and my heart - what struck me more than his beauty was his intelligence and independence. I can’t stand pretense, I don’t like obsequious people of the “ours, yours, we’ll dance for two kopecks” type. He was not one of those. I liked everything about him. But, of course, I didn’t show it. And he very quickly started dating another girl from our course. I still remember her name - Klara Gildyeva. Every time I looked at him, she came into my field of vision - and I even liked their relationship! One day she was insulted, and Gena rushed to her defense like a lion. I was glad: he does not let his woman be offended.

“And you didn’t try to show him with a glance or a hint that there were other girls who needed protection?”

- No, I went on dates and accepted the advances of other fans. As in the song, “ah, I have enough gentlemen…”. Many people fell in love with me. One Bulgarian, who studied with us at the institute, experienced some kind of abnormal feeling. I didn’t want to meet him and didn’t hide it, but he needed to at least just be near me so much that he tried to take me on dates! “Why are you following me again? Don’t go, don’t!” - “No, I’ll go.” He starved me out, but I didn’t think of giving up. Grandmother helped hold the defense. “My granddaughter will not marry you: she will never leave Russia,” she told him. But when our romance finally began, my grandmother accepted Gena right away. She said that this one is good enough to be my husband. We truly were as one - one body, one soul, one consciousness.

For a whole year, Gena tirelessly saved my life. We recorded “Blue Light,” dedicated to , - I hosted it, it was the pinnacle of my career, and I could not have flown with happiness. In the evening, having announced the performance of a Hungarian singer, I sat down at a table - and a minute later I collapsed on the floor, losing consciousness. The temperature rose to forty-one degrees. Ambulance brought me to Sklif - and the doctor who admitted me behaved disgustingly. He said: “Now we will make an incision in the stomach and see if there is internal bleeding. If so, we perform urgent surgery. If not, we’ll figure out what happened in the morning.” I ask: “Will you make the incision under anesthesia?” - “Of course, without anesthesia.” I say: “I can’t stand it.” He replies: “Well, that’s your problem.” He forced me to sign a note that I refused an urgent operation and that in the event of my death no one was to blame. Gena was confused: he had no idea what to do in such situations. They left me in the ward until the morning—in fact, they left me to die. As it turned out later, I had peritonitis and overnight the threat to my life increased tenfold. This morning I had my first operation. In the following months there were several more of them, but, fortunately, no longer in Sklif. For some reason, at the Sklifosovsky Institute, along with excellent doctors, there were many selected animals. I lay there like a squashed frog when the evil nurse dragged me, almost dying, to an x-ray. Winter, frost, in the office where they do x-rays, the temperature is like outside - but she put me right on the cold couch. My body was wildly weakened, so I developed pleuropneumonia. I was in intensive care, and there I suffered clinical death - my soul was just about to leave this mortal coil, but my mother, who was sitting next to me, started screaming throughout the hospital. And the new resuscitator turned out to be my friend! During my student days, he was in love with me and asked me to marry him! So loving people and they didn’t let me fly high into the sky, they left me on the ground. Then help arrived, organized by Valentina Leontyeva. Valentina Mikhailovna turned to the head of the Sechenov Institute, Academician Kuzin, and he took me to his Artificial Kidney department, because my own kidneys, and others internal organs, have almost refused. I was thin, but in a few months I lost 20 kg. I lay without getting up for six months, and all my strength went into eating a spoonful of porridge. I dreamed that one day I would be able to eat a piece of kebab, bite into an apple, walk with my feet in the snow and take a dip in the river. Mom, my closest friend and Gena were with me day and night. First, when I was lying flat, then - when I again learned to move my legs and hold a spoon on my own. Since then I never tire of enjoying this simple things, which previously seemed self-evident to me. In general, my first husband and I went through big test, and I always felt his selfless support.

- Why do such marriages break up?

- Partly because after the operations I could no longer have children, but mainly because evil forces don't sleep. Friends whispered: they say, you should take a closer look at your husband, his acquaintances saw him at an inopportune time in the wrong place... It’s not that I listened much to the words and opinions of those around me, but it had an effect on me. I really started to take a closer look, began to get angry, to find out something. And he gives more and more reasons

for suspicion. Our cloudless relationship began to change: first one cloud crawled into the sun, then another - so our sky began to slowly darken, and it was no longer clouds, but clouds. All the friends who whispered to me about Gena turned out to be friends in quotation marks: each of them had designs on him. One told gossip about another, the other about a third. And one day something deep inside me broke. We still lived together, but Gena looked like a traitor in my eyes. If I had been as wise then as I am now, I probably would have been able to look at what was happening from the outside. But I was young, loved very much and looked at the situation from the bottom up - like Mount Everest. I was so worried that I was afraid of going crazy. And then somehow I got used to it - and that’s not what people get used to. Maybe everything would have healed and they would still be living together - in some ways strangers, in some ways family, in some ways loved and loving, in some ways betrayed, two former halves of one whole. But in 1980 I was sent on a business trip to Czechoslovakia - and another love at first sight happened in my life.

“I dressed silently and went out into the night - and never returned to Gene. With her first husband, Gennady (1966). Photo: From the personal archive of Angelina Vovk

— Where did Cupid watch for you in Prague?

- First, he shot my future husband Henry. The Czechs were choosing a speaker in Moscow for the filming of the educational film “Russian Language Lessons” and decided on me. They sent my photograph to the Barrandov film studio, and Henry, who worked there as the chief artist, saw the photo and said to himself: “It would be better if this woman did not come.” He felt that my arrival would change his life. During these shoots, I also felt that someone liked me, but I couldn’t figure out who! There was a strong feeling: something very important was happening for me, I was surrounded by someone’s love! But whose? Three days before leaving, while preparing for filming, I saw a man who was trying to remain calm, but still rushed about like a tiger in a cage. We met

eyes, and my whole world collapsed, and the thread connecting me with Gena broke. Henry was married, but his relationship with his wife was much worse than my husband’s - I found out about this after leaving Prague. And there we communicated like well-disposed colleagues from different countries. The evening before my departure, we gathered with the whole film crew to sit in a restaurant. Henry joined us, and after dinner he said: “Let’s go, I’ll show you the royal castle in Hradcany.” When I got into the car, it seemed to me that it would explode - it was so electrified. I felt as if every atom, every microbe on the steering wheel and seats, every electronic particle of this car loved me, hugged me and stroked me. And we were silent! When we arrived at Hradcany, we barely came to our senses. My head was literally spinning, but I’m a woman and I won’t throw myself at a man. And he could not rush at me: something very deep and serious was happening, which he was afraid to frighten away with a sudden movement. We silently admired the beauty, and then he suggested: “Let's go to the Charles Bridge.” This is their bridge of lovers. We were walking across the Charles Bridge and suddenly it started to rain. Henry covered me with his cloak - and under this cloak we kissed for the first time. Night, the famous bridge, rain, his cloak, our kiss... It was a fairy tale!

— Nature itself pushed you to take decisive action...

- Yes, she said: “Come on, guys, don’t get lost! I did everything for you.” Nature would not have understood us if we had not kissed then. And in the morning I flew out of the fairy tale to Moscow, to real life. Henry flew to me at the first opportunity. He called, stood under the windows of my house, and I still couldn’t decide to leave Gena. I had too firm an attitude that I needed to get married.

once and for life. But one day, when I was wiping a plate I had brought from Japan, Gena wanted to take it from me and put it in its place. He pulled it towards me, but for some reason I didn’t let go, and the plate in our hands split right down the middle. I didn’t say anything to my husband, but I realized that this was a sign. Internally, I was getting used to the idea that everything was definitely over between us, but even though we were separated from each other by a hundred light years, we still lived in the same apartment, and no decisive words were said. But somehow Henry Once again flew to Moscow and called me. It was eleven o'clock in the evening, we were receiving guests, and for me this call sounded like the signal of a starting pistol. I silently got dressed and went into the night - and never returned to Gene. I think it was a low blow for him, but I couldn’t help myself.

— Czechoslovakia was considered one of the most developed socialist countries, and visiting there at least once was an incredible success. Relations with foreigners in the USSR were always viewed with extreme disapproval, and they could even fire you from your job. What did marriage with a foreigner bring you more - joy, envy, problems at work?

- It was all of the above. Global problems Fortunately, it didn’t arise at work; after all, Czechoslovakia was a socialist country, and it was 1982. But some troubles happened. One day I accidentally left my vacation a day late: when I was returning from Prague,

The plane flight was canceled and we had to fly the next day. I arrive, and high management calls me - Sergei Georgievich Lapin himself, chairman of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. He asks: “Why were you late for work?” - “You know, the flight was canceled, we had to fly later.” “Remind me, you are an Honored Artist of Russia or...” “Russia,” I answer. He says: “It seems to me that you are an honored artist of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. You should probably go there.” - “But I don’t agree with this.” But things didn’t go further than conversation.

Of course there was the sea happy moments. Henry loved to shower me with gifts - he liked to see the joy in my eyes, so he carried the outfits in suitcases. I have never encountered such male generosity. In my first marriage, I was the main breadwinner, but at the same time I had to give a strict account of where I spent the money and what dress I wanted to buy. And then mountains of beautiful clothes were thrown at my feet - women still enjoy this now, but in times of total shortage... Many of these wonderful outfits were soon worn by our announcers: I sold them to pay for telephone calls to Czechoslovakia. Just as Henry needed to see my joy, I needed to hear his voice. That's why I talked round sums with Prague. Of course, they envied me. One colleague even openly said: “You are doing so well at work, you under no circumstances need to leave here. Well, why do you need Henry? Give it to me!" My second colleague tried it

seduce This was not very pleasant for the honest, decent Henry. In general, it was not easy for him in Moscow. Let's go to the store together, I'll put him in one line, and I'll run off to see what they're offering in other departments. I return, and he is again the last one standing, explaining: “People are pushing me aside - I won’t make trouble and fight with them.” It would be difficult for a person with his mentality and upbringing to live with us. He immediately said: “I will never move to Moscow.” And I kept waiting for when I would decide to move to Prague. I promised, delayed, but I myself thought: “Mom is sick, and I need to help my brother’s family, and put my nephews on their feet. I’m the main breadwinner, the protector - I’m scared to leave them!”

In addition, for me in Prague, not everything was smooth: the Czechs could not forgive us in the spring of 1968, when they entered Prague soviet tanks. I felt this, although Henry’s friends and acquaintances personally treated me well. I learned Czech: my grandmother is Polish, so I could speak and read Polish, and these languages ​​are similar. But my knowledge of Czech was enough for a maximum of an hour of conversation - during this time I was very tired. And what was I supposed to do while Henry was working? Go shopping and visit?

Such an idle life seemed savage to me.

But Henry tried to lure me to his place. permanent residence everyone possible ways. He is not only an artist, but also an architect, so he bought and rebuilt a beautiful an old house. He did a lot of things with his own hands. Despite problems with his lower back, he drove wheelbarrows with sand. He carries

sand, but I know that he is in pain. I ask: “Let me help, nothing hurts me.” - “This is not accepted here. Go and mind your own business." What business could I have there? Little things. He bought this mansion, having provided for absolutely everything: the house stood in a huge garden, and in the depths of this garden there was a small chapel. There was an airport nearby, and since my father was a pilot, airplanes have always been simply sacred to me. Henry said: “You will grow beautiful flowers here, pray and watch airplanes.” He made the third floor of a house in Prague especially for me. I told him that I didn’t want a bath, but a shower. And my “mean” knight, gritting his teeth, installed a shower for me, although with a shower the water consumption is greater. In my huge room, he painted an entire wall of ancient Moscow - they say, everything is for you, my love, you will be at home in Prague.

Thanks to the “Song of the Year” program, Angelina Vovk entered the Guinness Book of Records. With Evgeny Menshov and Alla Pugacheva. Photo: PersonaStars

In the late 1980s - early 1990s, when Soviet Union was falling apart and it was not clear what this would lead to, he was already begging me: drop everything and come! But the more tense the situation, the more responsible I am for my family. And not only that... I am deeply rooted in our land, I love it. But I also love my husband very much! I understood that this story could not drag on forever and a decision had to be made. And it would probably be better to go to Henry. When I thought about it again at night and cried,

Instead of sleeping, I fell into some kind of oblivion - and saw the face of Christ. He leaned over me and asked, “Do you really need this?” And I realized that I couldn’t go to Prague. And a few days later, when Henry called, I felt that my husband was talking to me in a strange and evasive way. I realized that he had another woman. It was incredibly painful, but I always remembered that that night I had already made a choice myself. I saw his chosen one in the photo, she is a nice woman, a Czech from Austria, an artist.

A couple of years ago I visited our Prague house. I went up to him and cried: he stood so beautiful and so lonely, empty. Huge apples ripened in the garden that no one had picked. Either Henry sold it, or he didn’t want to live in it with someone else. If I had a lot of money, I would definitely buy it - this is such an era of my life!

— You didn’t communicate after the divorce?

- Almost not. And I can't understand it. Henry knew that things had become very difficult for me at work, that I was in a panic - and nothing even stirred in him. Get out however you want. But when things were going well for me, I helped him. If he or Gene needed help now, I would do anything in the world! Because with some part of my soul I love both, but without sexual attraction. I have a feeling that what men call love is intense lust. There it is - there is love, if it subsides - love is over. But this is only an application to love. Well, how come they don’t understand this? Why don't they feel it? But I still remember both of them with kindness and joy. I can imagine how Henry would clutch his head when he saw my clumsy house.

- It’s a nice and cozy house, you shouldn’t talk about it!

— Architects have different ideas about beauty, but here everything is really done unprofessionally. Well, that's how it happened. But my home is also loved and dear to me - in it, as my spiritual sister Svetlana says, every nail is watered with my blood. It hit me hard. I started construction in the early 1990s: my mother then suffered a stroke and had to live outside the city. At first the house was more modest, and only then I added a bathroom and a kitchen so that my mother could feel comfortable in the winter. Now I want to cover the roof and make a winter garden instead of a cold veranda.

But construction could have cost me much less. Do you know how I got this plot? She led a program where a big Moscow boss came. And one day he asked me: “Do you have a dacha?” I say: “No, there’s no way the line is coming.” - “Come to me, we will find a place for you.” I arrived, he opened a map of the Moscow region: “Choose.” I immediately: “Round lake near Lobnya.” He was surprised: “What about Rublyovka?” “No,” I answer, “Round Lake.” My brother’s family lives in Lobnya, my beloved nephews.” Now I think: God, I acted like a fool! She could take land on Rublyovka, then sell it for crazy money, buy a plot here, and use the remaining round sum to build a mansion. One woman told me: “You yourself are turning away from your happiness.” And it’s true... Why didn’t I go to England to see Prince Charles!

- God, how?!

— At the very end of the 1970s, requests began to come in English journalists about an interview with me. But who would then allow me to give interviews to English magazines? They passed questions to me, to which I answered and answered... And one day the head of the department said: “Angelina, tomorrow morning we need to meet with the gentlemen from England.” But I didn’t go: the day before there was a heavy shoot that ended late, and I felt bad. Then they invited not just me, but one of our ladies, and since I didn’t come, another employee went. The head of the department was terribly angry with me. And then I met one knowledgeable person related to the intelligence services, who said that Prince Charles (by the way, he was not yet married to) and his mother really liked me.

— To the Queen Mother herself? Yes, in this situation, you could become Princess Angelina!

“I would be more than a princess: I would host the program “Good night, Russian and English kids!” in two countries.

“One knowledgeable person connected with the intelligence services said that Prince Charles (by the way, was not yet married to Diana) and his mother really liked me. Photo: Arsen Memetov

- Oh, as a former kid, I say thank you very much for the broadcast!

- Yes, many people still come up to me and thank me for it. It’s especially funny when it’s done by respectable men who look like my peers. And I myself have a lot to thank “Good night, kids!”, and the program has a lot to thank me for. After all, in the early 1990s, when the country was in complete chaos, they wanted to close it. But I found bankers who allocated money for it. Things to do in “Good night, kids!” things went well: the studio was renovated, new decorations were ordered, people started receiving salaries... Only they didn’t invite me to host the program. And when I asked one editor why, they answered me: “If you pay, you will lead.” It was a shame to hear this, I did everything, as they say, “for free, that is, for nothing.” But what can you do: such are the times, such are the morals and rules of the game. And with my favorite “Song of the Year” in those years there was a similar situation. It was closed, but I agreed with the management of Gazprom to allocate money for it. They gave me 50 million rubles - in the early 1990s it was astronomical amount! I gave it to people who, it seemed to me, could make a beautiful updated version program - again I didn’t take a penny for myself, and again I was gently but persistently removed from its management. It was painful and unpleasant - I couldn’t imagine myself without “Song of the Year”, I kept it for so long that I even got into the Guinness Book of Records - 35 years! I didn’t know if I would be able to find new job. But I tried not to be offended, I prayed, and new projects began to appear. My spiritual sister Sveta said that I will work until I am 85 years old. Well, I don’t know, probably up to eighty-five is too much. But up to eighty is possible!

Family: nephew - Kirill, engineer; his wife, Yulia, an engineer; goddaughter - Natalya, conductor (lives in Berlin); great-nieces - Angelina (13 years old), Anna (11 years old)

Education: in 1965 she graduated from the acting department of GITIS

Career: hosted the programs “Alarm Clock”, “Good Night, Kids!”, “Morning Mail”, “Blue Light”, “Song of the Year”, etc. In 2012, she participated in the project “Dancing with the Stars” on the Russia channel. On Channel One, from 2012 to 2014, together with Gennady Malakhov, she hosted the program “Good Health!”, and now she hosts the programs “In Our Time” and “Your Business.” She organized the children's festival "Song of the Year", which has been held at the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok" since 2000. People's Artist of the Russian Federation