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Speech disorders are various disorders of speech activity that interfere with full verbal communication and social interaction. Speech disorders are spoken of if there are deviations in the functioning of the psychophysiological mechanisms of speech; discrepancy in the level of speech development age norm; Speech deficiencies cannot be overcome on their own and can negatively affect the mental development of an individual. The pedagogical science of speech therapy, as well as related sciences of the medical cycle (neurophysiology, neurology, otolaryngology, dentistry, etc.), deals with the study and overcoming of speech disorders in children and adults.

Modern classifications consider speech disorders from the standpoint of etiopathogenesis (clinical and pedagogical classification) and in the aspect of disorders of the psychophysical organization of speech activity (psychological and pedagogical classification).

The whole variety of causes causing speech development disorders can be divided into biological and social. Thus, biological factors that cause speech disorders can act during different periods of ontogenesis. At the stage of intrauterine development and childbirth, the most adverse effects on the maturation and subsequent functioning of the child’s brain structures are caused by fetal hypoxia, intrauterine infections, birth injuries, etc.; in the first months after birth - injuries, brain infections. Speech disorders in older people are usually associated with vascular lesions of the brain (stroke, rupture of a cerebral aneurysm), severe head injuries, and neurosurgical interventions.

Social and psychological factors leading to impaired speech development in children can be expressed in the lack of proper attention to the formation of children's speech on the part of adults; incorrect speech of others; the need for a preschool child to simultaneously master two language systems; excessive, inappropriate stimulation of the child’s speech development, stress, etc.

Predisposing conditions for the occurrence of speech disorders in children are the so-called critical periods in the development of speech function: 1-2 years, 3 years and 6-7 years. These periods are sensitive for the development of speech: at this time the most intensive formation of the psychophysiological basis of speech occurs, and nervous mechanisms regulation of speech activity is extremely vulnerable. Therefore, any, even seemingly insignificant biological or social factors operating during critical periods can lead to speech disorders.

Speech disorders are persistent and, having arisen under the influence of one factor or another, do not disappear on their own, without specially organized speech therapy assistance. In addition, speech disorders negatively affect the development of the intellectual sphere, behavior and personality as a whole. At the same time, in most cases, speech disorders are reversible, and targeted and timely correction allows a person to return the joy of communication and prevent the development of secondary mental layers.

Speech therapy assistance to persons suffering from speech disorders is provided in the education system (specialized preschool educational institutions, speech therapy groups, speech therapy centers, schools for children with severe speech disorders, etc.), in the health care system (speech therapy rooms at clinics, dispensaries, hospitals, specialized medical centers , children's homes, etc.), private development centers. In these institutions, speech therapists provide consultations, comprehensive diagnostic examinations and correction of speech disorders.

Well speech therapy sessions is carried out according to a special program in accordance with the specifics of speech impairment. Classes for the correction of speech disorders use speech exercises, articulation and breathing exercises, speech therapy massage, logorhythmics. Speech therapy for speech disorders is actively combined with drug therapy, psychotherapy, massage, physiotherapy, physical therapy, and, if necessary, surgical intervention.

Prevention of speech disorders actually begins from the moment a new life is born and continues after birth, throughout life. It includes care for the favorable course of pregnancy, neuropsychic and physical health pregnant women and children, early identification of risk factors for speech disorders and their elimination. The speech environment is of utmost importance in the prevention of speech disorders in children.

You can get acquainted with the main types of speech pathology and forms of speech therapy in the sections “Speech disorders” and “Speech therapy” on the “Beauty and Medicine” website. We also offer you a catalog of organizations providing speech therapy assistance, a convenient service for finding a speech therapist in Moscow with the ability to make an online appointment for consultation and treatment.

Speech disorders in modern world occur quite often in both adults and children. For the correct functioning of speech, in addition to the absence of problems in the vocal apparatus itself, the coordinated work of the visual and auditory analyzers, the brain and other parts is necessary nervous system.

A speech disorder is a disorder of speech skills that can be caused by various reasons. Let's look at the most common diseases:


Stuttering, or logoneurosis, is one of the most common deviations. This disorder is expressed in the periodic repetition of individual syllables or sounds during a conversation. In addition, convulsive pauses may occur in a person’s speech.

There are several types of stuttering:

  • Tonic appearance – frequent stops in speech and prolongation of words.
  • Clonic - repetition of syllables and sounds.

Stuttering can be triggered and aggravated by stress, emotional situations and shocks, such as speaking in front of big amount of people.

Logoneurosis occurs in adults and children. The causes of its occurrence may be neurological and genetic factors. With timely diagnosis and initiation of treatment, it is possible to completely get rid of this problem. There are many treatment methods - both medical (physiotherapeutic, speech therapy, medication, psychotherapeutic) and traditional medicine.


A disease characterized by slurred speech and problems articulating sounds. Appears due to disorders in the central nervous system.

One of the characteristic features of this disease is reduced mobility of the speech apparatus - lips, tongue, soft palate, which complicates articulation and is due to insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus (the presence of nerve endings in tissues and organs, which ensures communication with the central nervous system).

  • Erased dysarthria is not a very pronounced disease. The person does not have problems with hearing and speech apparatus, but has difficulties in sound pronunciation.
  • Severe dysarthria - characterized by incomprehensible, slurred speech, disturbances in intonation, breathing, and voice.
  • Anarthria is a form of disease in which a person is unable to speak clearly.

This disorder requires complex treatment: speech therapy correction, drug intervention, physical therapy.


Tongue-tied is a disease in which a person pronounces certain sounds incorrectly, misses them, or replaces them with others. This disorder usually occurs in people with normal hearing and innervation of the articulatory apparatus. Typically, treatment is carried out with speech therapy intervention.

This is one of the most common speech disorders, which is found in about 25% of preschool children. With timely diagnosis, the disorder can be corrected quite successfully. Preschool children perceive correction much more easily than schoolchildren.


A condition that often occurs in people who have had an epileptic seizure. Characterized by poor vocabulary or simplified sentence construction.

Oligophasia can be:

  • Temporary – acute oligophasia caused by an epileptic seizure;
  • Progressive - interictal oligophasia, which occurs with the development of epileptic dementia.

The disease can also occur with disorders in the frontal lobe of the brain and some mental disorders.


A speech disorder in which a person cannot understand someone else’s speech and express his own thoughts using words and phrases. The disorder occurs when the centers responsible for speech are damaged in the cerebral cortex, namely, in the dominant hemisphere.

The cause of the disease can be:

  • cerebral hemorrhage;
  • abscess;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • thrombosis of cerebral vessels.

There are several categories of this violation:

  • Motor aphasia – a person is unable to pronounce words, but can make sounds and understand someone else’s speech.
  • Sensory aphasia - a person can speak, but cannot understand someone else's speech.
  • Semantic aphasia – a person’s speech is not impaired and he is able to hear, but cannot understand the semantic relationships between words.
  • Amnestic aphasia is a disease in which a person forgets the name of an object, but is able to describe its function and purpose.
  • Total aphasia - a person is unable to speak, write, read or understand the speech of another.

Since aphasia is not a mental disorder, to treat it it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease.


A speech disorder, which is characterized by the replacement of necessary words with words that are similar in sound, but not suitable in meaning.


A psychiatric speech disorder characterized by speech fragmentation and incorrect semantic structure of speech. A person is able to form phrases, but his speech does not make any sense, it is nonsense. This disorder is most common in patients with schizophrenia.


A speech disorder in which a person confuses individual letters or words and replaces them with the wrong ones.

There are two types of violation:

  • Verbal - replacing words that are similar in meaning.
  • Literal – caused by sensory or motor speech problems.

Expressive language disorder

A developmental disorder in children in which there are deficiencies in the use of expressive means of speech. At the same time, children are able to express thoughts and understand the meaning of someone else's speech.

Symptoms of this disorder also include:

  • small vocabulary;
  • grammatical errors - incorrect use of declensions and cases;
  • low speech activity.

This disorder can be transmitted at the genetic level, and is more common in men. Diagnosed during examination by a speech therapist, psychologist or neurologist. For treatment, psychotherapeutic methods are mainly used; in some situations, drug treatment is prescribed.


A disease expressed in the periodic repetition of syllables or individual words.

This disorder is provoked by problems with contraction of the muscles that are involved in the speech process. Muscle spasms are repeated one after another due to deviations in the rhythm of contractions. This disease can accompany Alzheimer's disease, progressive paralysis, and encephalitis.

Most speech disorders can be corrected and treated if detected early. Be attentive to your health and contact a specialist if you notice any deviations.

Make an appointment with a doctor:

Speech difficulty is a speech disorder that interferes with a person's normal verbal communication and social interaction with others. We can talk about the presence of disorders when there are deviations in the functioning of the psychophysiological mechanisms of speech, if the level of speech development does not correspond to the age norm, or with speech deficiencies that negatively affect mental development and cannot be overcome independently. Speech therapists, as well as neurophysiologists, neurologists, otolaryngologists and other specialists study and treat speech difficulties in adults and children.

Symptoms and manifestations

This pathology can be expressed either in a complete absence of speech, or in a violation of the pronunciation of specific phrases and words. In addition, the following symptoms are present:

  • speech is unclear and slow, it is unintelligible;
  • the patient has difficulty choosing words and naming things correctly;
  • speech is possible quickly and without hesitation, but completely meaningless;
  • there is haste and incoherence of thinking;
  • a person strongly separates syllables and places stress on each of them.

Causes in adults

Speech impairment may develop suddenly or gradually. There are the following main reasons that can lead to this pathological process:

  • improper functioning of the brain (in particular, the basal ganglia - those parts of the brain that are responsible for the movements of the body muscles and speech);
  • brain injuries caused by stroke or thrombosis;
  • head injuries;
  • the presence of tumors in the brain;
  • the presence of degenerative diseases in which cognitive functions are impaired (these include dementia and Alzheimer's disease);
  • Lyme disease;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • weakness of the facial muscles, for example, Bell's palsy;
  • too weak or tight fastening of dentures.

Types of speech disorders in children

All speech difficulties in children are divided into two types:

  1. Phonation (external) design of the utterance - this includes speech pronunciation disorders;
  2. Structural-semantic (internal) design of a statement is a systemic or polymorphic speech disorder.

Disturbances in the speech process of phonation design of utterances can be either individual or combined. Based on this, speech therapy distinguishes the following types of disorders:

  1. Aphonia and dysaphonia are a disorder or complete absence of phonation due to various pathological changes in the vocal apparatus. This condition is characterized by a violation of the strength, pitch and timbre of the voice or a complete absence of phonation. Aphonia and dysaphonia can be caused by functional or organic disorders of the voice-forming mechanism and occur at various stages of child development.
  2. Bradylalia is a pathological slowing of speech rate. A characteristic feature is the slow implementation of the articular speech program.
  3. Tachylalia is a pathological acceleration of speech rate. Characterized by accelerated implementation of the articulatory speech program.
  4. Stuttering is a disorder of speech organization in which the muscles of the speech apparatus are in a convulsive state. The pathology is centrally determined and appears, as a rule, in the process of the child’s speech development.
  5. Dyslalia - pathology is a disorder of the pronunciation of sounds, in which hearing remains normal, as well as the innervation of the speech apparatus. Clinically manifests itself in the form of a distorted sound design of speech, with incorrect pronunciation of sounds or their replacement and confusion.
  6. Rhinolalia is a violation of the pronunciation of sounds and voice timbre, caused by anatomical and physiological disorders of the speech apparatus. Characteristic is a pathological change in voice timbre, accompanied by the passage of a vocal stream of air during exhalation and during the pronunciation of sounds in nasal cavity. This leads to the formation of resonance in the latter.
  7. Dysarthria is a pronunciation disorder, the distinctive feature of which is insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus. For the most part, this pathology develops as a result of cerebral palsy, which appeared in early age child.

Speech difficulties of structural and semantic design are divided into two types: alalia and aphasia.

  • Alalia is the absence or insufficient development of speech, provoked by damage to the areas responsible for speech located in the cerebral cortex during fetal development or at an early age of the baby.

It should be noted that alalia is one of the most severe speech defects, which manifests itself in violations of the selection and analysis operation at all stages of birth, as well as the reception of speech utterances, as a result of which the child’s speech activity is not fully formed.

  • Aphasia is a complete or partial loss of speech, which is caused by local brain lesions. The ability to speak normally may be lost due to traumatic brain injury, neuroinfection, or brain tumors after speech is formed.


First of all, it is necessary to analyze the complaints presented by the patient, as well as the medical history. It is important to take into account how long ago complaints of quiet, slow speech and difficulties in pronouncing words and phrases arose, and whether the patient’s immediate relatives have similar manifestations.

Then it is necessary to undergo an examination by a neurologist, which consists of checking the mandibular and pharyngeal reflexes, examining the pharynx, and the presence of thinning (atrophy) of the tongue muscles. In addition, it is important to check the reflexes of the lower and upper extremities.

You need to undergo an examination by a speech therapist; the doctor will be able to evaluate speech indicators, determine the presence of tempo disturbances, as well as difficulties in pronouncing specific sounds.

An examination by an otolaryngologist helps to exclude various space-occupying processes (ulcers and tumors) in the nasal cavity, as they can also affect the voice.

Using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the head, it is possible to conduct a layer-by-layer study of the structure of the brain and determine the cause of dysarthria (these could be tumors, areas of impaired blood circulation, ulcers, areas of myelin decay - the main protein of nervous tissue).

In some cases, it is additionally necessary to consult a neurosurgeon.


Therapy for speech disorders consists of treating the main disease that provoked dysarthria:

  • the tumor must be removed surgically;
  • resection of a hematoma (hemorrhage) is possible if it is located on the surface;
  • surgically remove ulcers from the cranial cavity, and then prescribe antibacterial drugs to stop the infectious process as soon as possible;
  • normalize blood (arterial) pressure, use drugs that improve metabolism and cerebral blood flow (nootropic drugs, angioprotectors) in case of violation cerebral circulation.

And, of course, patients with any kind of speech difficulties need to go to a speech therapist to correct the existing defect with the help of specially selected exercises.

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Speech Impairment

Speech disorders consist in the appearance of various forms of speech function disorders, which results in the formation of a certain kind of obstacle to full and adequate speech communication, as well as to the corresponding social interaction. That is, with normal hearing and the patient’s level of intelligence, the process of formation of semantic and sound structures of speech organization is subject to disruption in this kind of disorder.

Can contribute to the development of speech disorders various factors, affecting the body, the result of such an impact is a violation of a certain number of links in the chain of speech formation.

The main reasons provoking the development of speech disorders are exposure to psychological factors(stress, fear), endogenous factors (for example, hearing impairment), exogenous factors (head injury, etc.), organic factors (areas of the brain responsible for the process of speech formation are affected, which can happen with a stroke, tumor, etc.) . Separately, we can outline the role of a purely functional factor, the relevance of which refers to the inability of the speech apparatus to implement the corresponding functions, that is, to pronounce sounds.

Complex disorders are accompanied not only by incorrect pronunciation, but also by a violation of the ability to distinguish between sounds by ear. This is accompanied by a significant limitation of the vocabulary perceived by ear and used in conversation. In turn, current problems lead to the process being subject to disruption correct construction phrases and whole sentences, stuttering develops.

With speech disorders, the ability to clearly express one's own thoughts is lost (or does not develop in a normal way), in general, speech becomes blurred and slurred, and it becomes difficult for most people to understand it. Mooing becomes a frequent accompaniment of attempts at explanation. Severe cases of speech disorders are accompanied by the complete disappearance of speech.

The main diseases in which speech disorders occur:

  • dysarthria;
  • mutism;
  • stuttering;
  • aphonia;
  • logophobia;
  • alalia;
  • rhinolalia;
  • birth injury;
  • neurotic pathologies;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • schizophrenia;
  • epilepsy;
  • attention deficit;
  • head injuries;
  • long-term course of somatic diseases, etc.

“Speech impairment” is observed in diseases:

Adentia is a disease that consists of a defect in dental units, which is expressed in their partial or complete absence. The disease can be diagnosed in both adults and children. Since such a deviation can be primary and secondary, it is natural that the reasons in each specific case will differ. There are quite a few predisposing factors, ranging from the death of tooth buds to a wide range of dental pathologies.

Alcohol intoxication is a complex of behavioral disorders, physiological and psychological reactions that usually begin to progress after drinking alcohol in large doses. The main reason is the negative impact of ethanol and its breakdown products on organs and systems, which cannot leave the body for a long time. This pathological condition is manifested by impaired coordination of movements, euphoria, impaired orientation in space, and loss of attentiveness. In severe cases, intoxication can lead to coma.

Angioma (red mole) is a benign tumor that consists of lymphatic and blood vessels. Most often, the formation is formed on the face, skin of the trunk and limbs, on internal organs. Sometimes its appearance and development may be accompanied by bleeding. In most clinical situations, this pathology is congenital and is diagnosed in newborns in the first few days of their life.

A cerebral aneurysm (also called an intracranial aneurysm) appears as a small abnormal formation in the blood vessels of the brain. This compaction can actively increase due to filling with blood. Until it ruptures, such a bulge is not dangerous or harmful. It only exerts slight pressure on the organ tissue.

What is arterial hypertension? This is a disease characterized by blood pressure readings above 140 mmHg. Art. in this case, the patient experiences headaches, dizziness and a feeling of nausea. Only specially selected therapy can eliminate all the symptoms that have arisen.

Atypical autism (syn. autism spectrum disorder, infantile autism) is a psychoneurological disease that causes impaired perception and understanding of the surrounding reality. The disease can lead to permanent mental retardation, or ILD. The development of such a pathological process is caused by a violation of brain structures, which in most cases is irreversible.

Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative brain disease that manifests itself in the form of a progressive decline in intelligence. Alzheimer's disease, the symptoms of which were first identified by Alois Alzheimer, a German psychiatrist, is one of the most common forms of dementia (acquired dementia).

Niemann-Pick disease is a hereditary disease in which fat accumulates in the various organs, most often in the liver, spleen, brain and lymph nodes. This disease has several clinical forms, each of which has its own forecast. There is no specific treatment, high risk of death. Niemann-Pick disease affects both males and females equally.

Pick's disease is an irreversible pathological process that leads to complete atrophy of the cerebral cortex, most often in the frontal and temporal lobes. This ultimately becomes the cause of dementia. The disease is usually diagnosed after the age of 50, but there may also be cases of younger or older people being affected. Treatment, in most cases, is palliative in nature and is aimed at improving the patient’s quality of life.

Fabry's disease (syn. hereditary dystonic lipidosis, ceramide trihexosidosis, diffuse universal angiokeratoma, Andersen's disease) is a hereditary disease that causes metabolic problems when glycosphingolipids accumulate in the tissues of the human body. It occurs equally in men and women.

Botulism is a fairly serious disease of a toxic-infectious nature, the course of which leads to damage to the nervous system, spinal cord and medulla oblongata. Botulism, the symptoms of which appear when botulinum toxin-containing products, aerosols and water enter the body, as a result of a complex of processes also leads to the development of acute and progressive respiratory failure. As a result of the lack of proper treatment for botulism, death cannot be ruled out.

Vibration disease is a pathological process that occurs against the background of prolonged exposure to vibration on the body, which ultimately leads to changes in the receptor apparatus and some parts of the central nervous system.

The cleft palate is an abnormal structure of the palate, in the middle of which a gap is clearly visible. This pathology is congenital, in the presence of which newborn babies cannot eat properly and their respiratory function is somewhat impaired. This is due to the fact that there is no septum between the oral and nasal cavities, which causes food and liquid to enter the nose. Very few children are born with this disease; out of every thousand babies there is only one who has this syndrome.

Hemiparesis, or central paralysis, manifests itself in limited movement of the muscles of the right or left half of the body. This disease progresses due to the negative impact on neurons and axons of the brain. The stage of the lesion is determined by the doctor based on the identified symptoms. Pathology manifests itself in right- or left-sided, upper or lower limbs.

Hemiplegia (syn. hemiparesis) is the absence of voluntary movements in one half of the body, which is a consequence of a disruption in the process of transmission of nerve impulses directly from higher centers to the working muscles. In addition to the top and lower limb, the pathology may involve the muscles of the trunk and face on the affected side.

Hemorrhagic stroke - dangerous condition, which is characterized by bleeding in the brain due to rupture of blood vessels under the influence of critically elevated blood pressure. According to ICD-10, pathology is coded in category I61. This type stroke is the most severe and has the worst prognosis. Most often it develops in people aged 35–50 years who have a history of hypertension or atherosclerosis.

More than 80% of the world's population is infected with the herpes simplex virus, but in the body of most people it lies dormant and is activated only during periods of decreased immunity. Herpetic infection primarily affects the mucous membranes of the eyes, lips, external genitalia and skin, and at first glance seems quite harmless, since it is relatively easy to treat, but in particularly severe cases of the disease it can disrupt the functioning of the central nervous system and cause the development of encephalitis.

Hyperesthesia (syn. increased sensitivity) may indicate increased mental excitability or excessive susceptibility skin, less often - teeth, parts of the head, to external stimuli. Pathology can develop in both adults and children.

Brain glioma is a neoplasm formed from a variety of glial cells, which in turn is the tissue that covers neurons and ensures their adequate functioning. The development mechanism and predisposing factors leading to the formation of such a neoplasm remain completely unknown, despite the development of neurosurgery technologies.

Deep bite - is a violation of dental development, characterized by the overlap of the lower dental units by the upper dentition. A similar pathology in orthodontics occurs in every second patient.

Purulent meningitis is an acute inflammatory disease that affects the soft membrane of the brain. Such a dangerous disease can strike a person at almost any age. But the most susceptible to purulent meningitis are people with a weakened immune system, who have previously suffered severe infectious or inflammatory diseases, or with head injuries. Premature babies are also at risk.

Dementia defines an acquired form of dementia, in which patients experience a loss of previously acquired practical skills and acquired knowledge (which can occur to varying degrees of intensity of manifestation), while at the same time a persistent decrease in their cognitive activity. Dementia, the symptoms of which, in other words, manifest themselves in the form of a breakdown of mental functions, is most often diagnosed in old age, but the possibility of its development at a young age cannot be ruled out.

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a general medical term that is used to designate a group of motor disorders that progress in infants due to trauma to various areas of the brain during the peripartum period. The first symptoms of cerebral palsy can sometimes be identified after the birth of the child. But usually signs of the disease appear in infants (up to 1 year).

Diabetic coma is an extremely dangerous condition that develops against the background of diabetes mellitus. If it progresses, metabolic processes in the human body are disrupted. This condition threatens not only the health, but also the life of the patient.

Diabetic polyneuropathy manifests itself as a complication of diabetes mellitus. The disease is based on damage to the patient’s nervous system. Often, the disease develops in people 15–20 years after it developed diabetes. The incidence of progression of the disease to a complicated stage is 40–60%. The disease can occur in people with both type 1 and type 2 disease.

Diastema is a disease that is characterized by the development of a visible interdental space separating the central incisors. The upper dentition is affected several times more often than the lower one. The main reasons for the development of pathology remain unknown, however, after studying many observations, clinicians came to the conclusion that genetic predisposition is a fundamental factor.

Diathesis in adults and children is a hereditary predisposition of the body to the manifestation of certain ailments or pathological reactions. Most often, this pathology manifests itself in early childhood, but its primary manifestation is possible in adults. Based on what type of diathesis has begun to progress in a person, he may have a tendency to progress to illnesses of an infectious nature, allergies, failure of the metabolic process, etc.

Dysarthria is a type of pathology, the development of which is caused by organic damage to the central nervous system. Dysarthria, the symptoms of which differ from other forms relating to pronunciation, manifests itself in the form of a disorder in the patient’s entire speech, and not a disorder noted in pronunciation individual types sounds.

Distal occlusion is a pathological violation of occlusion, in which the upper part of the teeth protrudes strongly forward in relation to the lower dentition. This pathology can lead to a slanted chin, facial deformation, non-closure of the lower and upper dentition, and, as a consequence, impaired speech and swallowing function.

Discirculatory encephalopathy is a disease characterized by impaired functioning of the brain due to improper blood circulation through its vessels. Pathological changes affect both the cortex and subcortical structures of the brain. The disease is accompanied by impaired motor and mental functions, combined with emotional disorders.

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Speech disorders: causes, types

Without a doubt, these diseases have existed as long as the human word. This is a fairly common phenomenon among both children and adults.

What is this?

Speech disorders have been known since ancient times. Without a doubt, these diseases have existed as long as the human word. This is a fairly common phenomenon among both children and adults. The Greeks and Romans, for whom the public word played an important public role, and teaching elegant speech was included in the range of subjects general education, already had an understanding of many speech disorders.

This was reflected in the large number of terms used to designate them. Already in Hippocrates there are references to almost all forms of speech disorders known to us: loss of voice, loss of speech, tongue-tiedness, slurred speech, stuttering, etc.


The causes of speech impairment can be various factors or their combinations:

  • difficulties in distinguishing sounds by ear (with normal hearing);
  • damage during childbirth to the speech area located on the top of the head;
  • defects in the structure of the speech organs - lips, teeth, tongue, soft or hard palate. An example would be a short frenulum of the tongue, a cleft palate, popularly called a “cleft palate,” or an abnormal bite;
  • insufficient mobility of lips and tongue;
  • delayed speech development due to mental retardation;
  • illiterate speech in the family, etc.

What's happening?

With the most serious speech disorders, not only the pronunciation of sounds suffers, but also the ability to distinguish sounds by ear. At the same time, the child’s active (used in speech) and passive (the one that the child perceives by ear) vocabulary is limited, and problems arise with the construction of sentences and phrases. All these violations, if not corrected in time, cause difficulties in communicating with others. In the future, they can lead to the development of complexes in the child, preventing him from learning and fully revealing his natural abilities and capabilities.

According to the severity, speech disorders can be divided into those that are not an obstacle to learning in a public school, and severe disorders that require special training. The most common severe speech disorders are alalia, various types of dysarthria, some forms of stuttering, etc.

Alalia is a complete or partial absence of speech in children with good physical hearing, caused by underdevelopment or damage to the speech areas of the brain. With sensory alalia, the child does not understand someone else’s speech well, and does not recognize the sounds of speech: he hears that the person is saying something, but does not understand what exactly. This is similar to how we do not understand speakers of an unknown language. foreign language. With motor alalia, the child cannot master the language (its sounds, words, grammar).

Dysarthria (anarthria) is a pronunciation disorder that occurs as a result of damage to the nervous system. With dysarthria, it is not the pronunciation of individual sounds that suffers, but the entire speech. A child with dysarthria pronounces sounds unclearly, blurredly, his voice is quiet, weak, or, on the contrary, too harsh; the breathing rhythm is disturbed; speech loses its fluency, the pace of speech is abnormally accelerated or too slow. Often, children with dysarthria have impaired fine movements of the hand and are physically awkward.

Children with erased forms of dysarthria do not stand out sharply among their peers, and do not even always immediately attract attention. However, they have some peculiarities. So, these children speak unclearly and eat poorly. They usually do not like meat, bread crusts, carrots, or hard apples as they find it difficult to chew. After chewing a little, the child can hold the food in his cheek until adults reprimand him. Often parents make concessions to the baby - they give soft food so that he can eat. Thus, they, unwittingly, contribute to a delay in the child’s development of movements of the articulatory apparatus.

Dyslalia is a violation of the pronunciation of various sounds; another name for this type of speech disorder is tongue-tiedness. Types of tongue-tiedness are very diverse. To designate them, they usually use the Greek names of those speech sounds whose pronunciation is impaired: the distorted pronunciation of the sound “r” is called rhotacism, the sound “l” is called lambdaism, whistling and hissing sounds (“s”, “z”, “c”, “ w”, “g”, “g”, “sch”) – sigmaism (from the Greek letters “rho”, “lambda”, “sigma”). If the pronunciation of all consonants and sound combinations with the exception of “t” is impaired, so that speech becomes completely incomprehensible, then the term “thetism” is used (from the Greek name for the letter “t” (theta)).

Stuttering is a violation of the tempo, rhythm, fluency of speech, caused by convulsions, spasms in various parts speech apparatus. In this case, the child experiences forced stops or repetitions of individual sounds and syllables in his speech. Stuttering most often occurs in children between the ages of two and five years. It is very important not to miss the first signs of stuttering: the child suddenly becomes silent and refuses to speak. This condition can last up to several days. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Often the cause of stuttering is fear or prolonged mental trauma. Speech disorders in preschool age, in the absence of correctional work, will inevitably lead to problems at school, in particular, dysgraphia may develop - a writing disorder, the so-called tongue-tied writing. As a rule, it appears when the child begins to learn to read and write. The cause of this disorder is underdevelopment or impairment of phonemic hearing. By the way, saying out loud all the operations when writing a letter in the right sequence is a fairly effective means of teaching a child to think correctly about an action, that is, it can prevent the occurrence of graphic errors in younger schoolchildren.

In the first grades, a child may also develop dyslexia (alexia) - a violation of the process of reading or mastering it when various parts of the cortex of the left hemisphere are damaged (in right-handed people). Depending on which specific areas are affected, different types of alexia are distinguished.


Some speech disorders disappear with age, some of them can be eliminated with a little help from a speech therapist working with parents or at a speech center, in a children's clinic or in a regular kindergarten. Children with severe speech impairments require mandatory long-term assistance from a speech therapist. speech groups speech therapy kindergartens. Moreover, the sooner you turn to a speech therapist for help, the more successful correctional work will be carried out with your child.

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What are speech disorders? What are its causes, signs, types, diagnosis and treatment? What could cause this symptom? Definition: speech disorders or speech disorders are problems and deviations in speech and disorders of verbal communication and other related areas, in particular speech motor skills. The symptoms of these disorders are very diverse - from the inability to perceive speech to logorrhea or speech incontinence. In addition, these symptoms can appear in both children and adults. In this article we will talk about the signs, types and classification of speech disorders, how to diagnose and treat these disorders.

Speech disorders

Causes of speech disorders

The causes of speech disorders are many and varied, and vary depending on the trigger of the disease. Among organic reasons, which include all those associated with damage to the speech organs, can be distinguished:

  • Hereditary causes: when speech disorders are inherited from parents.
  • Congenital causes: when speech disorders are caused by taking medications or complications during pregnancy.
  • Perinatal reasons: Speech disorders are caused by complications during childbirth.
  • Postnatal causes: Speech disorders appear after birth, for example as a result of premature birth.

In addition to organic, there are also functional reasons, i.e. pathologies of the organs involved in speech. Endocrine causes are mainly related to the psychomotor development of the child. Causes, Related environment , can also occur and influence speech - a person’s linguistic characteristics are influenced by his environment. And finally psychosomatic reasons also play important role in the development of speech disorders, since our thoughts have power over us and can provoke abnormal oral speech. Conversely, difficulties and speech disorders can negatively affect thinking. All this makes it difficult to speak correctly and understand speech.

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Symptoms of speech disorders

Depending on the type of speech disorder and the area affected, there are various symptoms that indicate a possible speech disorder. Speaking about the classification of common symptoms of speech disorders, the following types of symptoms can be distinguished:

  • Symptoms of expressive language disorder: In this disorder, the vocabulary is very limited, and the person has difficulty remembering and pronouncing long phrases.
  • Symptoms of expressive-receptive speech disorder: in addition to the symptoms observed in the previous case, there are also problems associated with perception, understanding of speech, words or phrases.
  • Symptoms of a phonological disorder: characterized by the inability to use individual sounds when speaking; there are errors in pronunciation, reproduction and/or use of sounds.

In addition, perhaps one of the most noticeable disorders is stuttering - a violation of the smoothness, rhythm and organization of speech.

Although speech is a complex process, and there are many different speech pathologies, certain signs can be identified that generally indicate the possible development of a speech disorder. Talking about speech disorders in children, the following signs can be noted:

  • Expressive language disorder: This problem may be evidenced by the child’s meager vocabulary compared to children of his age and underdeveloped speech. It is difficult for a child to remember new words, he confuses the tense forms of verbs, uses generalizing words in conversation (things, this, etc.) instead of specific names, speaks little, pronounces meaningless phrases, although he is able to pronounce words correctly, uses certain sentence structures or constantly repeats the same phrases when speaking.
  • Receptive language disorder: with this speech disorder, the child often does not feel interested in talking in his presence, it is difficult for him to follow directions or understand what is said to him, asked, and also understand what is written.

Below you can watch a video about the development of human speech. Don't forget to turn on subtitles in Russian.

Speech disorders: classification and types

Talking about general classification existing types of speech disorders, the following can be distinguished:

1- Dysarthria:

These are pronunciation disorders caused by damage to the muscles of the speech apparatus.

2- Dyslalia:

Dyslalia is a sound pronunciation disorder characterized by the absence, substitution, confusion or distortion of phonemes and sounds in oral speech. There are several types of dyslalia:

  • Physiological dyslalia: Children often pronounce sounds incorrectly - this is due to the insufficient development of speech organs in childhood. This is absolutely normal and should not worry parents - unless the problem does not go away on its own over time.
  • Audiogenic dyslalia: As the name suggests, this disorder is associated with a child's hearing impairment, which prevents him from correctly recognizing, imitating and reproducing sounds. It is logical that if a person has difficulty hearing, he will also have difficulty speaking.
  • Functional dyslalia: Long-term physiological dyslalia, which has already been preserved when the speech apparatus has been formed, can develop into functional dyslalia. With this type of dyslalia, the structure of the organs is not disturbed, but the child mixes, distorts or replaces sounds.
  • Organic or mechanical dyslalia: this type of dyslalia is also called dysglosia. They are associated with structural defects of the speech organs. Let's take a closer look.

3- Dysglossia

Dysglosia (not to be confused with diglossia or a variant of bilingualism) is a speech disorder, as we mentioned above, associated with defects (clefts) of the organs involved in speech. The following subspecies are distinguished:

  • Lip dysglossia: associated with changes in the shape of the lips, cleft lips. The most well-known pathologies of this type are cleft lip and cleft palate.
  • Dysglosia of the jaw: caused by irregularities in the shape, clefts of the upper, lower or both jaws.
  • Dental dysglossia: speech disorder due to gaps between teeth or improper positioning of teeth.
  • Language dysglosia: caused by clefts and other tongue defects. Pathologies that may be the causes of these disorders are ankyloglossia (short frenulum of the tongue), macroglossia (abnormal big tongue), also unilateral or bilateral paralysis.
  • Nasal dysglosia: associated with pathologies that do not allow air to enter the lungs correctly.
  • Palatal dysglosia: caused by cleft palates.

Types of dysglosia (in order). Photo: trastleng

4- Dysphemia

Dysphemias are speech disorders characterized by impaired articulation with repeated interruptions and repetitions of speech caused by poor ideomotor brain coordination. An example of dysphemia is stuttering.

5- Aphasia

This type of speech disorder can manifest itself at any age, since it is associated with local damage to the parts of the brain involved in speech and represents the absence or impairment of already formed speech.

  • : Broca's aphasia or efferent motor aphasia is caused by damage to the motor speech center or Broca's center and adjacent areas. Characterized by great difficulties with articulation and telegraphic speech (very in short phrases). Speech expression suffers the most (hence why it is also called expressive aphasia), while speech understanding is preserved or suffers less.
  • Wernicke's aphasia or sensory aphasia: speech impairment caused by damage to the left temporal lobe, adjacent to the auditory cortex. It is characterized by fluent but uninformative (paragrammatic) speech, impaired phonemic hearing, and problems distinguishing the sound composition of words. Sufferers of this disorder also have difficulty understanding speech.
  • Conductive or wire aphasia: This type of motor aphasia is caused by damage to the arcuate fasciculus and/or other connections of the temporal and frontal lobes. The disorder is characterized by an impairment in the ability to repeat words and sentences, while maintaining understanding and fairly fluent spontaneous speech. Conductive aphasia often causes problems with reading, writing, and remembering names.
  • Transcortical sensory aphasia: this type of speech disorder is caused by damage to the connections between the parietal and temporal lobes and is associated with impaired comprehension of single words, although the ability to repeat is relatively intact.
  • Transcortical motor aphasia: This speech disorder is caused by subcortical lesions in areas below the motor cortex and is associated with disturbances in spontaneous speech, while memory for names is not affected.
  • Anomic aphasia: associated with lesions in various areas of the temporal and parietal lobes and is characterized by disturbances in the pronunciation of individual words.
  • Global or total aphasia: complete loss of the ability to speak and understand speech. All language functions are impaired.

6- Dyslexia


7- Specific speech disorder

Specific language or language development disorder is a delay in the learning and use of language or the inability to use it in the absence of brain damage, normal mental development, adequate sensory development and the absence of psychopathology. Often children with a specific language disorder also show signs of dyslalia and the other disorders mentioned above.

8- ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD is associated with language impairment and also causes learning and communication problems. Research shows that children with ADHD experience difficulties with syntax and phonological organization of speech. They also have problems with semantic organization and auditory memory. Currently, tools have been developed for neuropsychological testing of ADHD, neuroeducational programs to address learning difficulties in school, and games for cognitive stimulation of children with ADHD.


9- Dyscalculia

Despite the fact that this disorder does not affect speech (as much as others), in this case the understanding of another language - mathematical - suffers. Dyscalculia affects the ability to work with numbers and understand mathematical terms. People suffering from dyscalculia do not understand the logic of the mathematical process. Currently there are professional tools for neuropsychological testing of dyscalculia and games for cognitive stimulation of children with dyscalculia.

Diagnosis of speech disorders

To diagnose a speech disorder, you need to follow certain recommendations and conduct special tests. It is important to focus on studying cases of speech disorders in children to try to identify problems that may lead to the development of pathology and follow a series of strategies.

Before making a diagnosis, it is necessary to request information first of all from the parents and the school where the child is studying. These are the most important sources of information about the child’s behavior and the development of his problems. Then you need to talk to the child himself, use recordings, and conduct audiometry. In addition, to complete the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct neuropsychological and specific tests, as well as a survey of parents, caregivers and teachers.

Speech disorders: how to help your child at home

As we have already learned, there are no definite and clear symptoms of speech disorders, since they are very diverse, of varying degrees of severity and bring various problems to the people who suffer from them. Below we will give some general tips that you can use at home if your child has a speech disorder.

Since we are primarily talking about communication problems, try to communicate with your child as much as possible. Listen to music together, sing, listen to him and definitely don't interrupt him, give him time to say what he wants, be patient.

Reading is also very useful, and it is better to read in an interactive form. Discussing what you read, drawings, coming up with different endings to a book - all this is very useful for the development of speech.

And finally the most important step– identify, what exactly is the child's problem? and then contact the appropriate specialist.

For more specific diseases such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, specific speech disorder, a different, more in-depth intervention is required. Which one exactly - you can find the answer by following the links provided above.

Speech disorders: how to help your child at school

IN educational institutions important to use special programs to detect speech difficulties, which makes it possible to apply early intervention if necessary. There are neuro-educational platforms that can be very helpful.

Teachers play a vital role in the normal development of a child as they mediate the learning process and facilitate the child's adaptation to school.

With the help of a suitable educational program, you can achieve successful learning

“Guide to teaching children with oral and written language disorders” makes the following recommendations:

The educational institution must provide conditions conducive to the development of speech and social interaction of students.
Help should come primarily from teachers.
School counselors should support this function, not replace it.
Must be included in curriculum subjects that promote the development of oral speech.
Management educational institution must ensure that all teaching staff, both teachers working with oral and written language impairments and support staff, work in a coordinated manner to maintain a unified approach and work together.

Translation by Anna Inozemtseva German

“Aphasia is not a disease,” say neurologists, speech therapists, and neuropsychologists. — Systemic speech disorder.” But is it only? Aphasia occurs along with other neurological and physiological disorders in patients who have suffered a stroke or traumatic brain injury. But it is not always possible for a specialist, but, for example, a relative of the patient, to notice this disorder the first time. “There are studies that show that it is speech and language disorders that entail the most serious and severe disability. Psycho-emotionally, this is the hardest thing,” says Maria Ivanova, senior Researcher neurolinguistics laboratory High school economy.

Of course, the psycho-emotional state of a person who has suffered a stroke should not worry the surgeon. His job is to save lives. It is impossible to rehabilitate patients in rehabilitation treatment units within 2-3 weeks of hospitalization, much less restore speech to a person. And if only speech is impaired, then such patients are not kept in hospitals, there is no disease. State rehabilitation centers for people with speech disorders are just a dream of an aphasiologist (a specialist who restores speech). How long has it been since you saw a neuropsychologist or speech therapist in your clinic? As a result, the rehabilitation of patients seems to be a matter for the patients themselves and, at best, for their relatives.

Therefore, if you have money, then you will have appropriate rehabilitation: in St. Petersburg you can contact speech disorder centers, private speech therapists, and aphasiologists. No money? Well, you are alive, rejoice.

On your own

Aphasia is not easy to recognize. Symptoms depend on the location of the affected area of ​​the brain. It is not always easy for even a specialist to determine exactly why a patient cannot speak. There are words in consciousness, but the “aphasic” simply cannot select a word from those that pop up in consciousness, or the volume of auditory-verbal memory is so narrowed that the holistic perception of the meaning of speech is lost. In Russian practice, seven types of aphasia are distinguished, each of them requires a special approach to treatment.

Scientific consultant on aphasia, neuropsychologist Nikolai Klochko is sure that the first task of relatives is to “disinhibit” speech:

— We need to create an active speech environment. Speech, first of all, is a means of communication. Emphasize the aphasic’s personal interest in recovery, help in the search for new goals and life meanings. Practice independently: first - disinhibiting speech, later - forming speech, relying on intact links. Guidelines for speech rehabilitation of aphasics in last decades began to be actively published.

Relatives of patients have to take on the role of a speech therapist, a teacher, even a parent who carefully tries to get the baby to say the first word. Only now it doesn’t matter what this word will be, the main thing is that it finally sounds.

Favorable prognosis?

Success in speech restoration largely depends on the patient’s attitudes, his desire and patience, and his environment. A favorable prognosis for the development of research on aphasia depends only on enthusiastic scientists. “The funding situation in the country is problematic. Because of this, some laboratories that were planning to open were unable to do so,” says Maria Ivanova. Psychologists, linguists, and neurologists, with their own enthusiasm, are trying to develop neurolinguistics as a scientific field. For this purpose, the Summer School on Neurolinguistics was created, which this year for the third time brought together specialists from all over the country and from abroad under the roof of the Higher School of Economics. There are more and more neurolinguist students every year, the popularity of this field is growing, but the issue of funding still remains up in the air. In conditions when the overall funding for practical healthcare is being reduced and spending on science is being cut, it is difficult to hope for the development of this area of ​​rehabilitation. And at what cost to conduct research is not yet clear to either the teachers or the students themselves.

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How to use specialized nutrition correctly?

  • Drinking by mouth - Nutridrink. Administration through a probe or through a specially made hole (stoma) - Nutrizon. This nutrition should not be given intravenously (parenterally)!

  • Observe hygiene rules.

  • Use mixtures at room temperature.

  • When consuming specialized food by mouth on your own, it is better to use a straw and drink it slowly in small sips (200 ml over 20 minutes).

  • If specialized nutrition is used as a supplement to the regular diet, consume it between main meals.

  • Store an opened package or bottle of Nutrizon or Nutridrink in the refrigerator and use within 24 hours. Store the closed bottle at a temperature from +5 to +25⁰С.

  • Make sure that the person who will receive the food has no contraindications: galactosemia, age under 3 years.

Before purchasing, make sure that the expiration date and packaging are intact.

How we missed the stroke

So, my grandmother. A very independent 86 year old man. She has lived alone for many years and manages the housework herself. He actively communicates with his friends and takes part in all public events in the area. We are used to seeing her strong, energetic and respected by everyone.

One day I called her, as usual, to inquire about her well-being, her affairs, to hear about the next council of veterans and preparations for the May Day demonstration. But I heard a strange dull voice, sluggish and slow. To all my questions about her health, she answered that nothing hurt, but her speech was slow and quiet - as if I were talking to a person sitting at the bottom of a well. I asked how she slept. It turned out that she had trouble falling asleep the night before, so she decided to take sleeping pills. I sighed with relief, deciding that such lethargy was due to the influence of sleeping pills, and went about my business.

The next day the story repeated itself. Only depression was added to the slow speech: “I won’t live to see summer,” etc. I thought it would be right to cheer up my grandmother, give her an incentive - my son is finishing school in the summer, there will be graduation - I definitely need to survive.

And again she did nothing. How I scold myself now for this!

When nothing changed on the third day, I ran to my grandmother’s house. She is pale, lethargic, lies all the time, does not eat anything. I called an ambulance. They arrived and within 2 minutes after they entered the apartment, I heard the word “stroke”.

Clear signs of a stroke

· The doctor simply asked the grandmother to stick out her tongue - the tongue deviated to the side.

· He asked me to raise both hands up - one rose, and the other immediately fell down.

· I asked her to tell me her date of birth, but she didn’t remember.

· I ran the tip of a pencil over one hand and the other - it turned out that one hand did not feel anything (exactly the one that the grandmother could not lift).

Such simple signs. Of course, I could have checked it myself, suspected it and raised the alarm earlier...if I had known. I imagined a stroke as a real blow: a person is standing, walking, and suddenly falls on the spot. He loses consciousness and is taken to the hospital where he is diagnosed with a stroke. It turns out that it happens differently.

My grandmother was diagnosed with an ischemic stroke of the brain, which, it turns out, can actually develop gradually. But, as the doctor later explained to me, it is very important to start treatment measures as early as possible. The earlier treatment begins, the less likely there are irreversible changes. Brain cells do not die immediately; they can still be saved for some time, as well as protect neighboring cells from destruction and stop the spread of the pathological process. This is what treatment in the hospital is aimed at.

First, the grandmother was admitted to intensive care, where she stayed for a day. During this time, the condition worsened. When she was transferred from the intensive care unit to the neurological department, my grandmother could not speak or get up, and yet she left the house “on her own two feet.” The doctor asked not to be alarmed and said that this is the normal course of this pathology. And then the treatment began, which lasted 3 weeks. During this time, my grandmother began to speak and walk again, but she flatly refused to work with a speech therapist and did not want to train her arm. And she continued to be very lethargic, sleeping all the time.

The day of discharge arrived. The attending doctor said that everything that they could do in the hospital was done. Now we are moving into the rehabilitation period, and now everything depends on how the grandmother will work to restore lost functions. Of course, they prescribed all sorts of medications, but my grandmother’s indifference and apathy continued to bother me.

Houses and walls heal

But at home, everything changed in a few days. We figured out how to make classes interesting.

He doesn’t want to work with a speech therapist, we’ll sing songs. They started playing her favorite songs, she sang with pleasure, and her speech began to noticeably improve.

She doesn’t want to do exercises for her arm, so they came up with something for her to do: write memoirs. Given a laptop, he sits, typing text. Willy-nilly, the fingers work. Soon I was able to hold a cup and use cutlery.

And most importantly, my mood has improved. Girlfriends come and talk about similar incidents in the life of the Veterans Council. It turns out that many of those around them suffered a stroke. Some recovered better, others worse.

I look at my grandmother and rejoice at her every success: she went out for a walk and baked pies herself. But the feeling of guilt never leaves me alone - if I had realized in time that trouble had happened, perhaps my grandmother’s condition would have been much better. You need to be more attentive to your loved ones!

Human speech belongs to the highest cortical functions, for pronouncing the simple sentence the integrative activity of many parts of the brain and vocal apparatus is required. This is the most important condition for communication, without which it is impossible to communicate with your own kind. Features of speech directly depend on education and horizons. Speech Impairment in an adult always indicates a serious illness. Speech disorders can be congenital or acquired.

Congenital disorders begin in early childhood and accompany a person throughout his life, practically beyond correction. Acquired speech disorders always have a pathological cause, organic or functional. Organic causes include damage to the structures of the brain and speech apparatus. Functional - various factors external environment, temporarily disrupting the functioning of the nervous system. These are stress, infections, trauma, mental illness.

The following types of speech disorders are distinguished:

  • change in tempo - acceleration (tachylalia) or deceleration (bradylalia);
  • nasality;
  • stuttering;
  • dyslalia or tongue-tiedness - “swallowing” of syllables or letters, slurred and unclear speech;
  • aphasia or the inability to speak, which in turn is divided into several types - motor, sensory, -
  • conductive or conductive, acoustic-mnestic, optical-mnestic, total;
  • dysarthria - impaired articulation;
  • oligophasia (“few words”) - a condition after an epileptic seizure, when a person is stunned by the convulsions he has experienced and speaks little and in monosyllables;
  • mutism (silence);
  • dysphonia (hoarseness) or aphonia (lack of voice).

Only a doctor can accurately determine the type of speech disorder; a complete diagnosis sometimes requires a neurolinguistic examination performed by a psychologist and speech therapist. Almost always it is necessary to study the characteristics of blood flow, the affected area, the site of injury, or to identify an infectious or toxic agent.

Change of pace

A normal speech rate is 10 or 14 words per minute. The most common reason for changing tempo is emotion or mental disorders. Stressful influences - an unfamiliar environment, communication with an authoritarian person, an argument - can cause both acceleration and deceleration of the pace. Long-term acceleration of speech is observed in affective psychoses (the old name is manic-depressive), and other conditions when thinking is accelerated. Speech also accelerates in Parkinson's disease, accompanied by shaking paralysis. The rhythm and fluency of pronunciation suffers.

Slow speech with small vocabulary characteristic of persons with mental retardation or dementia that has developed as a result of various diseases of the nervous system. Words and sounds are drawn out, pronunciation is unclear, wording is primitive or incorrect.

Nasality can be a consequence of both a displacement of the nasal septum and paralysis of the muscles of the palate. A transient nasal sound is familiar to everyone; it happens with a severe runny nose. If there is no respiratory infection, then nasality is a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

Stuttering or logoneurosis

Develops in adults after severe fright or unbearable stress against the background of congenital insufficiency of the speech apparatus. Causes may be outwardly harmless, but touch upon concepts that are important to a person - love, affection, family feelings, career aspirations.

The basis is a neurotic disorder. Logoneurosis often intensifies in situations of tension - at crucial moments, when speaking in public, during an exam, during a conflict. Several unsuccessful attempts or tactless behavior of others can lead to a fear of speech, when a person literally “freezes” and cannot utter a word.

Logoneurosis manifests itself as long pauses in speech, repetitions of sounds, syllables or entire words, as well as spasms of the lips and tongue. Trying to “skip” a difficult place dramatically increases stuttering. At the same time, there are no specific words or sounds on which a person stumbles; speech may stop on any word.

Stuttering is always accompanied by respiratory neurosis, when respiratory spasms occur. Almost always, along with the fear of speech, a person is worried about anxiety, decreased self-esteem, internal tension, sweating, and sleep disorders. Additional movements in the form of tics of the facial muscles, arm movements and shoulder girdle. Successful treatment of stuttering is possible at any stage; it is important to consult a doctor in time.


This is a violation of the structure of speech or understanding of its meaning.

Motor aphasia is a sign of damage to Broca's area or the lower parts of the frontal lobe. The person understands the spoken speech, but cannot say anything. Sometimes individual words or sounds break through, often obscene. This speech disorder is almost always accompanied by motor disorders in the form of paralysis of the right limbs. The cause is blockage of the superior branch of the middle cerebral artery.

Sensory aphasia is the inability to understand the meaning of speech, develops when the temporal gyrus of the hemispheres or Wernicke's area is damaged. The person does not understand the spoken speech, but fluently pronounces a set of words devoid of any meaning. The handwriting remains the same, but there is no essence in what is written. Often combined with visual impairments, the person is not aware of his defect. The cause is blockage of the lower branch of the middle cerebral artery by an embolus or thrombus. Conductive or conductive aphasia - a person understands speech, but cannot repeat anything or write from dictation. Speech consists of many mistakes that a person persistently tries to correct, but cannot. The white matter of the brain in the supramarginal gyrus is affected.

Acoustic-mnestic - a person cannot pronounce long complex phrases, making do with a minimal primitive set of words. It is extremely difficult to find a word. Develops with damage to the left temporal region, characteristic of Alzheimer's disease.

Optical-mnestic - a person recognizes objects, but cannot name or describe them. Falling out of use simple concepts impoverishes both speech and thinking. Develops in toxic and dyscirculatory encephalopathies, as well as brain tumors.

Total aphasia - there is no ability to understand speech, nor to say or write anything. Characteristic of cerebral infarctions in the middle cerebral artery basin, often accompanied by paralysis, visual impairment and sensitivity. When blood flow through the middle cerebral artery is restored, speech may be partially restored.

Our doctors


Dysarthria is a violation of pronunciation or articulation due to paralysis of the bulbar muscles, dysfunction of the facial muscles. The motor skills of speech, the pronunciation of sounds, the rhythm of breathing, and intonation coloring are impaired. It becomes difficult to understand what the person wants to say. People around you notice dysarthria. The person slurs his speech, speaks unclearly, and slurs simple words. The meaning and tempo most often do not change, and the strength of the voice is impaired. This disorder is always caused by an organic cause - impaired blood flow, infection or intoxication. With such a disorder in an adult You need to urgently contact a neurologist to find out the cause. There may be a tumor of the nervous system, trauma, hemorrhage or ischemia (oxygen starvation). Dysarthria manifests itself in multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, myotonia, cerebral atherosclerosis, syringobulbia and many other nervous diseases. In healthy people, dysarthria is observed in a state of deep intoxication.

Dysarthria resulting from diseases has several forms:

  • bulbar, caused by damage to the nuclei of the cranial nerves, occurs with cerebrovascular accidents, manifests itself as a single slit sound;
  • pseudobulbar (damage to one side of the speech muscles), which occurs when the pathways from the cerebral cortex to the nuclei in the brain stem are damaged, manifests itself as slurred, slurred speech with the inability to pronounce hissing and whistling sounds;
  • extrapyramidal, when the nerve nuclei located in the subcortex are affected, manifested by involuntary guttural cries;
  • cerebellar - “chanted” speech;
  • hemispheric or cortical, when lesions occur in the cortex, the use of all linguistic means becomes difficult.

Neurologists and speech therapists are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diarthria.


The etiology of mutism is complex - silence develops both in people with intact brain and speech apparatus, and in many brain lesions.

Sometimes mutism is caused by atrophy of Broca's area or other brain lesions that are not immediately detected. Akinetic mutism develops with the loss of all voluntary movements, including speech. Such mutism has been described in coma, AIDS, and neuroleptic syndrome. This is a condition in which a person looks intently into the eyes of his interlocutor, but cannot move or utter at least one sound. A similar condition is observed in the acute period of severe traumatic brain injury, when not only speech is impaired, but also consciousness, coupled with other voluntary functions.

Often the cause of mutism is mental illness, especially hysteria, deep depression, catatonia (special movement disorders when a person looks like a wax doll) with endogenous major psychoses. Hysterical mutism occurs more often in women and is accompanied by demonstrative behavior aimed at achieving one’s goals.


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