Yulia Antonova was born on May 11, 1969 in the Primorsky Territory (city of Anthracite). Her father, Vitaly Artemyevich, worked in the criminal investigation department, and her mother, Lyudmila Olegovna, was a dispatcher at an electrical substation. Her parents divorced when Yulia was very young, and her mother remarried. Throughout her childhood and adolescence, the girl studied dancing, in 1985 she graduated from the choreographic school in Vladivostok, after which she set off to conquer the capital. However, Moscow theaters were in no hurry to open their doors to the young dancer with Far East. Yulia returned home and entered the Faculty of Journalism of the Far Eastern University, then got married.

Her husband, Oleg Shilov, had a successful pharmaceutical business, and soon a daughter, Lolita, was born into the family. However, the happiness did not last long - in 1996, when Lolita was only two years old, Oleg died in a terrible car accident; many circumstances indicated that his competitors had a hand in the tragedy.

Yulia Shilova took the business into her own hands and moved to Moscow. At first, things went well, she got married again and gave birth to a daughter, Zlata. However, in 1998, a crisis broke out, and Julia suddenly lost her entire fortune. Her second husband, Igor, turned out to be a weak man, and not only did not support his wife in a difficult situation for her, but also turned the divorce procedure into a real hell. Yulia was left without funds and with two children in her arms, and youngest daughter It was only eight months. In addition, an attack was carried out on Yulia, presumably staged ex-husband, she was admitted to the hospital and underwent several operations.

To get rid of depression, Yulia Shilova began to write. The heroine of the first manuscript was a provincial girl, Yana, who set out to conquer Moscow, but received a maniac husband who became a mortal threat not only to her, but also to her loved ones. The variation of her own biography set out on paper allowed Yulia to find peace of mind.

She wrote another novel, this time about the adventures of two journalists who, in search of a fascinating story, found themselves in the thick of criminal warfare, and decided that it was worth trying to publish them. The first publishing house kept the manuscript for two months and returned it without explanation. After consulting with friends, Yulia learned that publishing houses like to sign contracts for several novels at once, so she decided to cheat with the second publishing house. Placing a floppy disk with text on the editor's desk, she said that she had taken such floppy disks to all competing publishing houses, and that she already had six novels ready. The editor called the next day and offered to sign a six-book deal. Yulia agreed, and, slightly extending the time frame, in record time short term wrote everything that was provided for in the contract.

The first book by Yulia Shilova, entitled “Changing the World, or My Name is Lady Bitch,” was published in 2000 by the publishing house “Ripol Classic” and before today has a high reader rating. Yulia Shilova is not going to slow down the pace set at the beginning of her writing career. Largest number Her novels such as “Even Death Becomes Me” and “Attractiveness” received positive reader responses. married men, or it’s time to call it quits.”

Already a successful author, Yulia Shilova graduated from the National Institute of Business with a degree in law, and a little later she received a diploma in social psychology from the Moscow Humanitarian and Social Academy. The writer lives in a lovingly furnished Moscow apartment with her mother and daughters. Julia has a serious relationship with a successful Swedish businessman, but she is in no hurry to get married. Self-photos that appeared on social networks wedding dresses the writer explains that they were shot for a wedding catalogue. Julia considers the secrets of her beautiful appearance complete failure from sweets, which she has not liked since childhood, as well as active sports - fitness, mountain biking and even boxing.

Yulia Shilova in Once again became a widow. The famous author of detective novels, Yulia Shilova, published on her page in social network sad news - her third husband tragically died the night before. The cause of death of the writer's husband was cardiac arrest, which occurred as a result of a detached blood clot.

For a long time, the personal life of one of the most published Russian writers, Yulia Shilova, was far from in the best possible way. In the 90s, the writer lost her first husband under terrible circumstances. Oleg Shilov died and was shot during business meeting. Julia herself was left with literally nothing. Having lost business deceased spouse, Yulia Shilova and her daughter fled from Vladivostok to Moscow, selling the three-room apartment in which they had lived before for almost nothing.

Being in severe depression, Yulia Shilova was in dire need of love and care. It is not surprising that the writer’s second marriage turned out to be very unsuccessful - Julia actually married the first person she met. The views on life of the writer and her second husband, Igor, turned out to be diametrically opposed, as a result of which they soon separated. The situation was not helped by the fact that they had a daughter together, who was almost a year old at that time.

Completely desperate to improve her personal life, Yulia Shilova unexpectedly found woman's happiness in Montenegro. While vacationing with friends, Julia met a local politician named Bo. According to Yulia Shilova, it was with him that she was able to feel like stone wall. The death of her lover was even more of a blow for the writer. Despite the fact that the writer shared this sad news on social media. network, she did not go into details of the tragedy, and asked her fans to give her some time to be alone.

The famous writer became the unwitting culprit of a great family tragedy. Yulia Shilova found herself in a very difficult and ambiguous situation. Recently, her phone has received calls from an unknown woman who accused the writer of allegedly stealing her husband from her. Simultaneously with these calls, the tires of Yulia’s car were punctured twice in a week. Wanting to understand what was happening, Shilova turned to her security guard with a request to establish round-the-clock surveillance of the car. That same night, a security guard noticed in the courtyard of the writer at the Lenin trial, sneaking towards the car... Yulia herself! “I was almost speechless,” said Shilova’s security guard. - Imagine, under the cover of darkness, I see Yulia Vitalievna in the yard walking towards her car with a screwdriver in her hands. I immediately jumped out of the car from which I was conducting surveillance and rushed towards her shouting “Yulia Vitalievna, what are you doing!?” She tried to run away, but I managed to catch up with her. Up close, I saw that it was, of course, not Yulia Vitalievna, but a girl very similar to her. She started crying. I put her in my car and immediately called Yulia Vitalievna and told her about what happened.” Despite the rather late hour, Shilova asked the guard not to call the police, but to go up to her apartment with the captured girl. The writer decided to figure out on her own what was happening. “When I opened the door, I was simply stunned,” Julia admitted to Paparazzi. “My guard was standing on the threshold, and next to him was a girl absolutely similar to me. She was shaking all over, she could not utter a word. I cried all the time. I gave her tea and only 20 minutes later she began to tell me her story. The girl's name is Katya. She has been married for 12 years. Relations with her husband have always been good, but a few years ago her husband became my fan. I bought all the books and started collecting all the publications about me in the press. After some time, he asked his wife to dye her hair White color, kept giving her me as an example. I asked to do similar makeup and dress in my style. At first, Katya was calm about her husband’s strange requests, but after a while he even sometimes called her by my name. The family started constant scandals. The girl's nerves went away. Of course, the calls with accusations came from her. In desperation, in order to somehow repress her resentment, she found out where I lived and punctured the tires of my car twice. We talked almost all night. Katya realized that I was not a monster or a monster who wanted to deprive her of her husband. Actually, I am not guilty of anything. The girl understood all this, and she felt better. I asked if she wanted to divorce her husband? She answered in the negative, she loves her husband, and her husband loves her madly. As it turned out, my husband doesn’t have any feelings towards me personally. love feelings, just wants his beloved wife to be like me. Of course, by morning my head was already spinning. I really wanted to help Katya. I left her to spend the night at home, and the next day we went with her to a psychologist. I don't know what it's about closed doors they spoke with the doctor, but after leaving the office, Katya smiled for the first time, hugged me and thanked me. She said that now she knows how to behave so that she family life returned to normal. I promised Katya that I would give her everything necessary help and support that she can contact me at any time. I really hope everything will be fine. I think that in soon Together with Katya, I will meet with her husband, and together we can return peace and harmony to their family. I really believe in this."

Writer Yulia Shilova is one of the most famous authors of detective novels. She has more than eighty of them, and they come out in millions of copies. But Yulia doesn’t have to invent the stories of her heroines - she herself has lived a lot women's destinies. She overcame poverty and hunger, plunged into the world of criminal warfare, was a daughter abandoned by her father, a runaway bride, a widow after her husband was shot by bandits, and a wife who was “ordered” by her own husband...

About fifteen years ago I came from Moscow to my homeland, to the small Far Eastern town of Artem, - I wanted to visit my mother.

I am walking with my daughter along the streets familiar from childhood - so cheerful, dressed up, in high heels, in an expensive coat. Walking past beer stalls, I see a tipsy man - pot-bellied, flabby, with dirty, unkempt gray hair. He sits near a vegetable box, on which a newspaper with roach is laid out, and sips beer from his throat. Our eyes met, and suddenly in this degraded drunkard I recognize Dima, my first love! It made me shudder. I see that he recognized me too, but he looks at me with such hatred, as if he wants to kill me with his cloudy gaze. I squeeze Lolita’s hand tighter and speed up my pace. And he throws a roach at my back and hoarsely yells at the whole street: “You bitch, you are such a creature (profanity), you ran away from the wedding, you reptile!

If I catch you, I’ll tear out your legs!!!” I grab the child in my arms and run home. I come running, trembling with disgust, tell this story to my mother, and she says: “Don’t pay attention to him. He hangs around the beer tent all day and drinks from morning to evening. A completely lost little man...” I sat down in a chair and thought: “What a horror, because once upon a time this man almost became my husband! God, how could my life have turned out!” And I became so scared...

My mother Lyudmila Andreevna worked at an electrical substation as a dispatcher, my father Vitaly Olegovich was an investigator in the criminal investigation department. My parents divorced when I was very young. Moreover, the father went not to a beautiful lady, but... to a murderer.

He fell in love with his defendant, who killed her husband, and did everything to get her out. They still gave her a sentence, but it turned out to be much less than it would have been without her father’s help. The investigator followed his passion to the colony... On the day he was leaving, my mother, leaving for work, said: “Take whatever you want.” And when I returned in the evening, I discovered that only sockets were left in the apartment - my dad drove a truck and took everything clean away. Mom filed for alimony, but father paid pennies: he registered paternity for his daughter new wife and provided certificates that he receives pennies... Because of his crazy love, the father abandoned not only his family - he lost his job, friends, and party card. While his beloved prisoner was serving time in the zone, he got a job as a legal adviser in the same area. After her release, they never left the exile settlement.

She started working as a salesperson, my father was given an apartment... When I turned 20, I decided to visit my father, sort of like getting to know him again, but I didn’t remember him at all. It would be better not to do this!.. There is barbed wire, poverty and scary people. And dad is a complete stranger. A pathetic, sick, emaciated old man. He took me around his insignificant apartment and boasted: “This closet was made by prisoners! And this table and the lampshade! All of this made me cringe. Then my father asked permission to take a ride in my foreign car. I watched with what delight he turned the steering wheel, and thought: “How can you voluntarily live your whole life in a zone?..” We never saw him again. Eight years later he died...

When I was five years old, my mother got married. Stepfather turned out to be a good man- He was very kind and attentive to me.

Photo: Photo from family album

In my opinion, he loved me even more than his children from his first marriage. And for some reason Oleg Nikolaevich believed that some special fate awaited me. Despite the fact that it was clear: nothing good was going to happen to me in our small mining town. By that time, the mines were closed, people were either drinking themselves to death or selling Chinese clothes at the market. And I dreamed of the capital, oh beautiful life and most of all - about the Bolshoi Theater! I imagined myself dancing main role in Swan Lake. Every day I practiced in the ballet studio until exhaustion. Once I wrote to the magazine “Soviet Ballet” - they say, I want to be a ballerina, send me the phone number of the best Moscow teacher, I will come to him and show him how beautifully I dance. And they answered me! With what trepidation I opened the envelope from Moscow itself!

And there it was written approximately as follows: “The capital has enough of its own ballerinas, and you, girls from the provinces, have no chance; better take up folk dancing.” For me, the world collapsed, because I was simply raving about ballet... At the age of 14, I went to Moscow with my class and finally saw the city of my dreams. I was fascinated by looking at the streets, shop windows, huge houses from the bus window and thinking only about one thing: “How can I get through here?!” I was especially shocked by the illuminated streets and windows. In Artyom, the lights were on by the hour, and at six in the evening life stopped - no watching TV, no walking, no reading. Sitting in a dark apartment, with every fiber of my soul I hated the city where my life passed so aimlessly. I felt very bad among this poverty and dirt... After that trip, I began to rave about Moscow, I just kept telling everyone: “I’ll leave, I’ll leave...” But when I was in the ninth grade, I “fell in love.”

Writer Date of birth May 11 (Taurus) 1969 (50) Place of birth Artem Instagram @yuliashilovaofficial

Yulia Shilova is one of the five most popular contemporary writers in Russia according to publishing house ratings. Such success came to her thanks to her innate hard work and wide range of interests. Shilova herself is interesting not only for her erudition, but also for the diversity of her interests. She is a psychologist, lawyer and former ballerina. Julia draws ideas for her books from life and personal experience.

Biography of Yulia Shilova

Future famous writer detectives was born in small town Artem, in the Primorsky Territory. Maiden name Yulia - Antonov. Her father worked in the criminal investigation department, and her mother worked in the control room at a local electrical substation. A couple of years after Julia was born, her parents divorced.

Shilova went to a regular high school. IN free time she attended ballet lessons. She dreamed of becoming a ballerina early childhood. That is why Yulia went to Vladivostok after school and entered the choreographic school. She graduated from it in 1985 and then left to enroll in Moscow.

Having been refused in all the theaters of the capital, Shilova decided to radically change her occupation. She returned to Vladivostok and went to study as a journalist at the Far Eastern University. At the same time, Yulia met her first husband, Oleg Shilov. In 1994, the couple had a daughter, Lolita.

The husband's successful pharmaceutical business gave no rest to his competitors, and in 1996 he died in a car accident while mysterious circumstances. At the same time, Shilova took control of the business into her own hands and moved to Moscow. A year later she married again and gave birth to a second daughter, Zlata.

In 1998, with the advent of the crisis, the business had to be curtailed due to unprofitability. At the same time, Yulia’s husband, Igor, filed for divorce and left Shilova with two children with virtually no means of support. Their daughter Zlata was just under 9 months old. In addition to the lengthy divorce proceedings, Yulia was subjected to an armed attack. After this, she had to undergo several operations. Direct evidence of guilt ex-spouse, Igor, was not found in the incident. But many of Shilova’s acquaintances are confident of his involvement in the attack.

Being in a state of severe depression after a divorce and hospital, Shilova decided to write a book. Her debut detective novel was a story about a girl from the provinces who left for Moscow. There the heroine gets married, but soon finds out that her husband is a maniac. This autobiography, interpreted by Julia, brought her significant mental relief. And almost immediately Shilova wrote a second book.

Having two finished works, Julia brought them to the publishing house. But there, after a couple of months, the manuscript was returned to her without any explanation. The next time, on the advice of friends, Shilova cheated. At another publishing house, when submitting a manuscript, she said that she had six finished works, and copies of the novels were already being reviewed by competing editors. The very next day she was invited to sign a contract for six books. In the contract, Julia slightly extended the deadline for delivery and wrote four more works in a couple of months.

The first book went on sale in 2000 and immediately became one of the best-selling, according to independent reader ratings. Until 2010, the writer had already published more than 80 detective novels.

Already famous, Shilova graduated from the Faculty of Law in National Institute business. After that, she received a diploma in social psychology after successfully studying at the Humanitarian and Social Academy of Moscow. Her mother helped her take care of the children at this time.

Personal life of Yulia Shilova

From her first two marriages, Shilova had daughters Lolita and Zlata. For a long time after the collapse of the second union, Julia did not start Serious relationships. The writer met her third husband in 2014 while on vacation in Montenegro. Shilova has her own home there. Her new chosen one Bo is a businessman and member of parliament.

For a long time the couple just talked, but in the spring of 2015, during a joint trip to Venice, Bo proposed to his chosen one. They got married there. A year later in September the couple got married in Orthodox church in Montenegro.