Principle there is an initial position, a rule of action arising from the law. Principles of organization – This general rules(provisions) for the formation (self-formation) of systems in nature and society, ensuring their orderliness and expediency of functioning.

Principle and laws, in fact, reflect the same fragment of reality, but reflect it in different shapes: law - in the form of an image (positive knowledge), principle - in the form of a certain requirement (regulatory norm). Also, the principle can be formulated on the basis of not one, but several laws, as well as one or another universal form of being, one or another property of material and ideal formations.

Principles of modern organizations- these are the historically established basic starting points that underlie their formation and functioning. Based on each principle, certain requirements and recommendations are derived, violation of which or neglect of which inevitably leads to a decrease in the economic and social efficiency of the organization.

Rice. 1.9. General classification of organizational principles

Table 1.4

Classification of organization principles

Classification sign Name of the principle Definition of principle, example
1. According to the degree of validity: scientific formulated on the basis of knowledge of the laws and regularities of the organization and contain certain requirements for the thinking subject, orienting him towards cognitive activity.
ordinary rules and actions formulated by a person based on his own perception of reality, traditions and intuition. They are almost all subjective.
2. 2. By degree of versatility: universal (general) reflect the rules for the formation of a wide variety of systems in nature and society
specific operating in certain areas of natural and human activity
situational those that operate in specific situations.
3. By implementation method: realized by nature, without any human participation
in the interaction of nature and man
only with human participation carried out through individual, collective and cumulative social activities
4. By scale of action: valid only in individual elements of the system principle of individual work
between system elements within an enterprise the principle of correlative connection between the subject and the object of control, the principle of feedback
between systems between enterprises, sectors of the national economy

Chain link principle states that any connection of complexes occurs through common links that form a chain link. The set of common, coinciding elements between complexes included in a chain link forms a “connection”. “A chain connection can unfold indefinitely in a variety of directions and with constantly changing connecting elements... A drop of water reminds of the sea, the sea of ​​the sky, the sky of its luminaries, of astrology, then of the death of people, the death of the universe, the law of entropy. .. and so on, endlessly, with a different basis for the concatenation of images for each case. The everyday connection between people in society unfolds similarly: A and B connect common tastes, B and C connect general tasks, S with D general misfortunes, etc.: the chain twists, intertwines, gets entangled with another chain, forms a ball, embracing millions of people, the vast majority of whom do not even know about each other’s existence.”

But for the chain connection of two complexes, they need to be changed in such a way that they have common elements that are appropriate for the task that this organizational process serves. This is achieved through organizing complexes that contain common elements with those being organized and “enter” between them. Hence the name of the method itself - ingression, i.e. "entry".

The principle of ingression precisely consists in the fact that the formation of a chain link is carried out by the entry of intermediary complexes between the organized ones.

An example of the application of the principles of chain communication and ingression is a complex system machines, organized into a production line and working in a single rhythm. A long and complex chain of ingression is needed so that the water entering the hydroelectric turbine blades generates electricity and drives machine tools, electric locomotives, lighting fixtures, etc. “Ingression,” according to A.A. Bogdanov, “there is a universal form of chain communication.”

The principle of selection (selection) is a fundamental principle of organization. He states that “every event, every statement can be considered as the preservation or multiplication of some activities, the strengthening and strengthening of some connections, the elimination, reduction, weakening of others in one or another complex, in one or another system.”

This principle reduces organizational processes to a dilemma: preservation or destruction of various integral entities. “Legular preservation or destruction - this is the first scheme of the universal regulatory mechanism,” which is selection. “The universality of this principle is such that it is applicable to every complex and to every part of it, at every moment, for it is essentially just a certain point of view from which one can approach any fact.”

Examples of the use of the principle of selection are found everywhere: in the spontaneous activity of nature natural selection, arising from the struggle for existence, described in the theory of Charles Darwin, and in the social struggle for life, reflected in the doctrine of Malthus, and in Crookes’ theory of the development of matter. Humanity constantly uses the principle of selection in its practice, performing artificial selection, selecting animals, plants, etc. In human activity, selection is associated with representation, i.e. with a conscious generalization of useful properties that are most often found in the mass of phenomena under consideration.

is closely related to the fact that organizational forms are never preserved in a simple and pure form. Conservation is simply the result of the fact that each of the emerging changes is immediately balanced by another opposite to it - it is the moving balance of changes. Any organism in the process of life constantly spends and loses its activities, giving them to the environment in the form of energy, its own organs, and its constituent substances. However, this does not prevent it from remaining practically the same for some time, i.e. preserved by receiving food and energy from the external environment in return for what was expended. This is a moving equilibrium. It is endlessly widespread in nature.

Thus, principle of mobile equilibrium lies in the fact that any preservation of forms should be considered as their mobile equilibrium and any mobile equilibrium - as a practical relative equality of two processes: assimilation - disassimilation.

Using the principle of moving equilibrium, it is possible to formulate a new understanding of the principle of selection, which more deeply characterizes both the progressive development of complexes and their relative decline. It is more appropriate to express it by the term “ progressive selection: positive when the sum of activities of the complex increases, i.e. the preponderance of assimilation over disassimilation, and negative when the sum of activities decreases, i.e. the prevalence of disassimilation."

The weak link principle follows from the tectological law of least. Therefore, without dwelling on it in more detail, we will only emphasize that the organizational integrity of any system is determined by the stability of its relatively weak link. Guided by this principle, you can solve important problems military tactics, economic, political activity. Identifying weak links, bottlenecks and developing effective measures to eliminate them represent one of the most important organizational functions of management at any level. No wonder A.A. Bogdanov considered this principle to be of enormous vital and scientific significance.

Thus, we considered principles of organization represent a set of initial provisions and rules reflecting the mechanisms of formation, regulation and preservation of organization various forms the reality around us (Fig.1.9). The principles of organization can be divided into 3 groups:

1) principles of organizational statics (static organization), defining the rules for constructing structures (structuring): goal-setting, priority of functions over the composition of links, priority of an object over a subject, adaptability, complete coordination of the functioning of all components, minimum complexity, full-scale, limits of autonomy, a combination of centralization and decentralization, mutual coordination of vertical and horizontal connections, unity of management, range of control;

2) principles of organizational dynamics (dynamic organization), as general rules for the formation of organizational processes: focus, directness, effectiveness, efficiency, receptivity, information content, reliability, efficiency, flexibility, parallelism, rhythm, synchronicity;

3) principles of rationalization, as general rules for improving the statics and dynamics of an organization: conceptualization, algorithmization, normalization, systematization, classification, concentration, specialization, standardization, unification, personification and regulation

Principles of organization
Chain link principle The principle of ingression The principle of selection (selection) The principle of moving balance The weak link principle
every connection of complexes occurs through common links that form a chain link the formation of a chain link is carried out by the entry of intermediary complexes between organized ones, for example, a production line - machines working in a single rhythm fundamental principle of organization, i.e. everything useful is summarized and everything useless is swept away the object, giving up its strength and energy, can continue to function; organizational forms are never kept simple and pure the organizational integrity of any system is determined by the stability of its relatively weak link

Rice. 1.10. Tectological (fundamental) principles of organization


1The concept of organizational principles

2The approach proposed by E.M. Smirnov

3Approach proposed by Belyaev A.A. and Korotkov E.M.

4The approach proposed by R.A. Fatkhutdinov

5Approach proposed by A. Fayol

6The approach proposed by V.V. Shcherbina

1Brief description of IP “Rulevoy”

2Analysis of the state of the enterprise

3Measures for the further development of IP "Rulevoy"



Annex 1

Appendix 2


The relevance of this topic lies in the need to study the principles of organization and use them in practical work, regardless of the field of activity, at a minimum, to simplify the analysis and optimize control actions on individual elements and the organization as a whole.

The object of the study is IP "Rulevoy".

The subject of the study is the principles of organization.

The purpose of the course work is to study the basic principles of organization and their implementation in the enterprise.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

· Define the concept of principles of organization

· Consider existing classifications principles of organization

· Consider the characteristics of the principles of organization at a particular enterprise

When studying a theoretical issue and writing a term paper, the analysis method, the synthesis method, and the comparative method were used.

Textbooks on organization theory, teaching aids, Internet resources, as well as regulations.

The first chapter reviews existing classifications of organizing principles and describes them in detail. The second chapter gives a brief description of of the enterprise under consideration, the state of the enterprise is analyzed in the context of the course topic and given own recommendations.

Chapter 1. Theoretical basis principles of organization

1.1Understanding the principles of organization

A principle is an initial position, a rule of action resulting from a law. The principles of organization are the general rules (provisions) for the formation (self-formation) of systems in nature and society, ensuring their orderliness and expediency of functioning.

The principle and laws, in fact, reflect the same fragment of reality, but reflect it in different forms: the law - in the form of an image (positive knowledge), the principle - in the form of a certain requirement (regulatory norm). Also, the principle can be formulated on the basis of not one, but several laws, as well as one or another universal form of being, one or another property of material and ideal formations.

Due to the fact that the principles under consideration relate to the theory of organization, the triple nature of the very concept of organization as a system should be taken into account. An organization, firstly, is a social entity (institution) with a certain status and a stationary object that actually exists for some time (during the life cycle); secondly, it carries out functional activities and, therefore, needs management influences that ensure the focus of this process; thirdly, any organization is characterized by a structural ordering of the elements that form it as a system.

The study of organizational principles and their use in the practical work of managers, regardless of their field of activity, is necessary, at a minimum, to simplify the analysis and optimize control influences on individual elements and the organization as a whole.

The principles of organization are very numerous and heterogeneous. This circumstance seriously complicates the task of systematizing them, but at the same time objectively requires its solution. It is no coincidence that modern literature You can find different approaches and views on the classification of organizational principles. The course work examines the approaches of such authors as Belyaev, Korotkov, Smirnov, Fatkhutdinov, Fayol, Shcherbina.

1.2The approach proposed by E.M. Smirnov

principle organization enterprise

The approach consists in identifying four main classification criteria, namely: the degree of validity and degree of universality of the principles, methods of their implementation and the scale of action.

Thus, when dividing principles according to the degree of validity, one should take into account their dependence on two categories (types) of laws - objective, independent of the desires of people, and subjective, expressed in legal norms, traditions and customs of the entire population of the region or individual groups. Thus, this classification criterion reflects the measure of the relationship between objectivity and subjectivity. Scientific principles, accordingly, include those that are a consequence of objective laws and patterns that have not yet received strict rational definition. Such principles do not depend on the will of people and operate equally in any part of the world, in any country or region, area of ​​business, extending to organizations of any size and form of ownership.

In the process of analyzing the principles of organization, a natural question arises: “What is their fundamental difference from the laws of organization?”

Rice. 1. General classification of organizational principles

The main difference is that laws are considered in the form of clear images that characterize established and formalized knowledge, stating the presence of “hard” relationships between phenomena or processes. Ignoring laws or deviating from them is fraught with more significant consequences. When considering and using principles, people rely on some briefly formulated requirements, which are a regulatory (regulatory) norm or a certain condition for obtaining a specific result. It is also characteristic of principles that they can be a consequence and follow from several laws. This circumstance increases the degree of autonomy and practical significance some principles of organization, because they specify the operation of laws, refracting, for example, in the thinking and behavior of individual market subjects - manufacturers, sellers, partners and competitors, potential and actual clients.

In contrast to scientific ones, ordinary principles of organization include those that determine rules and actions arising from legal norms (subjective laws), traditions of the region, history and customs of people. They can vary significantly by place, time, type of goods and services.

Note that there are no sharply defined and expressed boundaries between scientific and everyday principles, although there are characteristic trends in their state and relationships at a certain time (Fig. 2). The number of ordinary principles widely used in the practical work of managers includes only those whose feasibility has been tested and proven experimentally.

Rice. 2. Systemic interconnection of organizational principles

The classification of principles according to the degree of universality allows us to identify and consider some of them that are distinguished by the greatest generality. Universal (general) principles are extremely important, since they are directly related to laws, external and internal environment organizations. Specific principles characterize special phenomena and operating conditions of an enterprise (for example, in connection with the adoption of laws regulating certain types of activities). The situational principles of the organization make it possible to properly evaluate those particular or “single” components that should be taken into account in the practical work of managers.

To reveal in more detail the dialectic of universal, specific and situational principles, we will use the diagram.

Rice. 3. Interrelation of universal, specific and situational principles of organization

Universal principles characterize the requirements for managers and the reliance on them in any country, in various areas of business, regardless of the size of the organization, its profile or form of ownership. They should always be used by all employees of the organization - when working in the office and in production, transport, service departments, in a wide variety of professions, as well as during off-duty time (family, everyday life, leisure).

Specific principles make it possible to specify requirements and improve management efficiency in a particular region, industry and/or market niche, taking into account the specifics of the business, the size of the organization, organizational and legal forms of ownership, features of market segmentation and positioning of goods and services, as well as in relation to a certain stage of the life cycle.

Situational principles make it possible to further concentrate the attention of staff on the distinctive points (both advantages and disadvantages) in the work of the organization. Constant analysis, implementation, performance monitoring and periodic revision of the principles of current activities “refresh” the functioning of the enterprise, prevent stagnation and contribute to the development of relationships with suppliers, clients, and competitors.

Thus, if scientific and everyday principles “work” under the conditions of excluding any of them, then the principles identified by this criterion(degree of universality), complement and clarify each other. They “move”, moving with a set of corresponding requirements from general characteristics system (“area”) to the subsystem (“segment” and part of the “area”), and from it - to each element of the subsystem (“points” in the system). Ultimately, situational principles are requirements for managers to use specific “levers” to improve the efficiency of the organization in “real time”.

The next criterion for classifying organizational principles is the method of their implementation.

Rice. 4. Interrelation of organizational principles depending on the method of their implementation

The classification of principles according to the method of implementation makes it possible to use them in the practical work of an organization manager as a “tool”. Thus, the condition for the self-realization of principles requires their isolation (reduction into a special group), as well as knowledge of the specifics, constant monitoring and accounting in the life of the organization. The condition for the possibility of “interaction” between managers and the “spontaneous” forces of nature puts forward additional requirements - not only to know certain principles, but also to actively take into account the limits of controllability of natural factors. Today, people are obliged to find effective methods, means and procedures for preserving the “nature-society” system and maintaining it in optimal condition. The condition of complete controllability of the principles also brings to the fore additional, more complex requirements in terms of detail and increased activity of managers in their continuous systematic use to ensure the efficiency of the organization.

Thus, the considered principles of organization become the most important link connecting the theory of organization with management and human resource management (personnel management).

Moving on to the analysis of the final criterion, we note that the very sequence of the classification approach can also be used as a kind of methodological installation aimed at improving the professional skills of managers and the art of management.

Unlike the three previous criteria for the classification of organizational principles, where the deductive method was used (the movement of thought from the general to the particular), the fourth criterion - the scale of their action - is more logical to consider based on the inductive method (ascent from the particular to generalizations). First, it is advisable to analyze and use the principles that determine the state and capabilities of the organization itself, and then (after comparative analysis principles characterizing the external environment) begin to directly adapt the organization, “fitting” it into the conditions of the micro- and macroenvironment in the shortest possible time and with the given parameters.

At the initial stages and stages of a company’s existence, guided by the induction method, managers are required to establish and debug the interaction between all structural elements and subsystems - functional, organizational and managerial, information, personnel, technical and technological. The management actions taken must meet the requirements of necessity and sufficiency. Subsequently, the structure optimized for internal components is brought into line with the system of goals - depending on the state and nature of changes in the external environment, based on the principles of cooperation, unification, standardization, etc.

Summarizing the considered classification of the principles of organization theory, it can be argued that its practical use allows you to simplify, streamline and scientifically substantiate the sequence and content of the work of managers.

It should be especially noted that this system principles is a general classification, or a classification approach, since it does not reveal the principles of organization themselves.

3The approach proposed by Belyaev A.A. and Korotkov E.M.

Rice. 5. Classification of organizational principles

Let's consider the general principles of organization, summarized in three main groups (basic, compliance, optimality).

The diagram shows five basic principles of the organization: continuity, innovation, integrity, verification, ambivalence.

The principle of continuity presupposes a deep and comprehensive study of the main ideas, concepts, theories put forward in the past and present, as well as the experience of our predecessors and contemporaries. None of the theoretical and practical heritage should be assessed from a formal logical point of view: as true (true) or false (untrue). Guided by the dialectical doctrine of the universal connection and development of natural, social and mental processes and phenomena, one must carefully analyze what real individuals or organizations “gave new in comparison with their predecessors,” and not what they “did not give in comparison with modern requirements.” . Of course, the second part of the well-known thesis should be perceived dialectically. After all, scientific objectivity involves analyzing the vulnerable sides of any system of knowledge, erroneous conclusions, and false argumentation. This is necessary to develop and improve the latest management concepts and practical solutions current problems modernity.

When solving new theoretical and applied problems, a modern manager must also implement the principle of innovation. The strategy, tactics and technique of professional activity should not be eclectic. When performing standard production or management procedures, the forms and methods used can and should vary and include elements of uniqueness and originality. An effective organizational and management system is born not as a result of copying “alien” patterns of thinking and behavior, but as they are consciously “processed” and adopted. The mechanism for searching for the main direction of development of an organization and selecting methods, techniques, and means for solving emerging problems is likened to the profession of a manager to the work of a bee, collecting nectar from thousands of flowers to produce a small amount of honey. The fruits joint activities many individuals turn the hive into a very respectable “enterprise”.

Determining the role and significance of the principles of continuity and innovation, it is legitimate to state that scientific management- these are the rational “grains” of predecessors plus “know-how”.

The principle of complexity (integrity) is manifested in organizational and management systems in three dimensions: objective, subjective, subject. Firstly, any organization should be considered in relationship and interaction with “external” (material and spiritual) factors. Secondly, the attitude of the administration towards the staff as a whole and each employee personally is extremely important, based on an analysis of the natural and cultural potential (i.e. the capabilities of the subject). Thirdly, at the intra-company level it is necessary to apply a differentiated approach based on the actual results of the activities of individuals, groups (divisions) and the workforce.

The principle of verification (from the Latin verus - true and facio - I do) requires experimental confirmation of conceptual ideas and the implementation of strategic, tactical and operational plans of the organization. Many advanced ideas and achievements at one time were rejected by colleagues and scientific communities, and brilliant writers, artists, musicians did not always become prophets in their homeland, and often died in poverty and oblivion, without receiving due public recognition. Also, millions of production and management initiatives “from below” did not receive support from middle management and “at the top”. The main reasons are trivial: human selfishness and envy, acute competitive fight between organizations, conservatism of public consciousness). And yet, real practice is the main “customer”, dictating the “rules of the game” and influencing the formation of the overall development strategy and specific business plans of the organization. It is also a training ground where the viability of “desktop” projects and programs at any level is tested.

The principle of ambivalence indicates the duality and inconsistency of all processes and phenomena in the life of society. When making a specific management decision, a modern manager must understand that it was selected and recognized as the best with some convention (in the current market situation, for some time, based on available resources) and is not without shortcomings. Moreover, it is important to remember that the number of arguments “for”, if desired, can always be balanced by the same number of arguments “against”. This is the true dialectic of life.

Let's move on to consider the principles of compliance (goals and resources, command and subordination, production efficiency and economy).

The principle of matching goals and resources confronts the manager with the task of fully and timely provision of resources for the strategic, tactical and operational goals of the organization.

The principle of correspondence between management and subordination establishes a procedure where any employee of an organization, when performing a specific task, can be simultaneously subordinate to several functional managers, but only to one linear manager.

Rice. 6. Scheme for implementing the principle of correspondence between command and subordination.

The principle of correspondence between production efficiency and economy determines the priority of efficiency (results) over costs:

E = (Results / Costs) x 100%

Now let’s reveal a group of principles of optimality (combinations of centralization and decentralization, straightness, rhythm, synchronization).

The principle of combining centralization and decentralization of production and management requires managers at all levels rational use administration and collegiality capabilities (depending on the size and structure of the organization, performance results, external conditions).

The principle of direct flow guides employers and personnel to minimize production and management operations while maintaining technology and guaranteed quality of products.

The principle of rhythm ensures the planned (“cruising”) functioning of all elements of the organization, eliminating the alternation of periods of “calm” and “rush,” which are very familiar to many generations of Russians.

The principle of synchronization (systematicity) contributes to the rapid restoration of the desired mode of functioning of the organization in the event of various deviations from the norm. By decision of the administration, special “anti-crisis” powers can be vested (on a permanent or temporary basis) in any division of the organization.

Principles of the static state of an organization

Let's consider the principles of the static state of the organization (the highest priority of the goal, the priority of functions over structure and the subject of control over the object).

The principle of the highest priority of the organization's goal(s) provides for the establishment of a “direct” sequence (chain) of system elements: “goal - task - function - structure - personnel.” In the context of the creation, reorganization (for example, downsizing or merging) and liquidation of a company, the everyday rule “measure twice - cut once” should be raised to a higher level: “up to seventy times seven”.

The principle of priority of functions over structure is implemented in the process of creating a company by those who do not seek to copy “someone else’s” structure, because, firstly, they are not afraid to experiment and, secondly, they are determined to create a unique “structure” for a “set” of specific functions, leading to the achievement of set goals.

The principle of the priority of the subject over the control object is expressed in the sequence of creation structural elements(divisions) of organization, selection and placement of personnel. First you need to select a manager (specialist) with sufficient experience, capable of performing the prescribed functional duties and organizing the work of the staff, and then entrust him with forming a “team”.

Principles of the dynamic state of the organization

Let's consider the principles of the dynamic state of the organization (the highest priority of personnel, the priority of structures over functions, the object of control over the subject).

The principle of the highest priority of personnel provides for the establishment of a “reverse” sequence (chain) of system elements: “personnel - structure - task - function - goal”. When the mechanism of production and management of an organization is “launched,” a person becomes its main productive force and highest value. The contribution of each employee to the common cause is a decisive factor in achieving the goal, no matter what supporters of technocratic management claim in this regard.

The principle of priority of structures over functions in operating companies is expressed in the constant optimization of its structural components. Some of them “die out” over time, others undergo significant changes, and new divisions are created. This flexible structure allows the best way redistribute functions and tasks between departments and individual employees to increase labor efficiency. This also diversifies professional activities and creates new opportunities for personnel development.

The principle of priority of the control object over the subject “comes into effect” when replacing managers structural divisions(branches, workshops, sites, departments, services). In most cases, when deciding on personnel appointments, the administration must take into account the opinion of the workforce. After all, subordinates are the main resource of the organization, which often exceeds the total potential of the leader. (Without detracting from the importance of this principle, I would like to wish novice managers to maintain the “golden mean”: do not act out of the blue and do not follow the lead of their subordinates.)

Principles of Organizational Rationalization

The most important prerequisite scientific analysis principles of rationalization is to clarify the meaning this term(Latin rationalis - reasonable, ratio - reason) as “improvement, more expedient organization of something” and the main directions of rationalization at the level of a modern enterprise.

The principle of sequential connection is implemented in a differentiated manner, namely: the development of a general philosophy of transformation (plan, goals and strategy) should be carried out by specialists with a sensational (sensual) type of thinking, the specification of principles and tactical methods of implementing transformations should be carried out by specialists with irrational thinking, and the transformations should be directly designed and implemented must be specialists with a pronounced rational type of thinking.

Interrelation of the main stages (procedures) of rationalization

Characteristic features Main stages (procedures) of transformation Development of philosophy and strategy Definition of principles and tactics Design and implementation Optimal type of thinking Sensualism Irrationalism Rationalism Main problems Formulation of main goals and objectives Selection of models and solutions Algorithmization of actions Main questions What and why should you achieve? How to achieve what you want? How exactly to act?

The principle of comprehensiveness of input information requires that the information coming from the transformation object (for example, structural unit) the information reflected all the main parameters characterizing its structure, processes and performance results.

The principle of comprehensive recommendations for the rationalization of the company is implemented directly by the manager, who makes decisions about which of the developed projects, in what sequence and how they will be implemented in practice. Such projects can be divided into main ones (for example, “Strategy for the development of the organization, formation and improvement of the management system”, “Adjustment of the basic rules of the organization, regulations on divisions and job descriptions”, “Adjustment of the organizational structure of the enterprise”, “Assortment policy and tasks of the marketing service” , "Main directions foreign economic activity enterprises") and auxiliary ("Reducing costs", "Reducing excess inventories", "Improving incentives for various categories of personnel", "Reorganizing the system of training and advanced training of personnel").

The principle of internal rationalization is the most important for any organization and its consideration here as a last resort should not be misleading. Perhaps this is the case when “there are last who will be first.”

No, even the most advanced achievements will take root in the work collective if they do not organically harmonize with the interests of people and psychological characteristics labor collective, its internal reserves. It seems that the “Soviet” experience of “total” intra-organizational rationalization, almost forgotten in Russia today, requires revival, renewal and further development. Unlike the USSR and Russia, quality circles at enterprises in Western Europe and Japan have not lost their relevance and are still actively funded and effective. Mass innovation is a well-proven form of stimulating the initiative and creativity of workers, increasing labor productivity, involving personnel in management and “constructing” the organization as a single organism, a family.

Theoretical analysis of the principles of organization in conjunction with real practice management shows that the principles of compliance and priority occupy a central place in this system. They are constantly used when studying the potential and functional activities of any organization. Any element of potential must correspond to the system as a whole (organization), and when compared with others, it must be a priority in the manager’s work or less significant at a given time. (For example, priority attention may be given to personnel, technology or management system; the role of material or moral incentives; implementation of a project. The principle of correspondence - the price of a product and/or service to the level of their quality; employee expectations and actual remuneration for work performed, etc. .d.)

4The approach proposed by R.A. Fatkhutdinov

In this classification, the principles of organization are divided into 4 groups:

The essence and priority area of ​​manifestation of the general principles of organizing structures and processes according to this classification are as follows:

· A systems approach (system principle of organization) is an approach in which any system (object) is considered as a set of interconnected elements (components) that has an output (goal), input (resources), connection with the external environment, and feedback. This is the most complex approach. The systems approach is a form of application of the theory of knowledge and dialectics to the study of processes occurring in nature, society, and thinking. Its essence lies in the implementation of the requirements of the general theory of systems, according to which each object in the process of its research should be considered as a large and complex system and, at the same time, as an element of a more general system;

· The principle of relativity - a system is not such in general, not universally, but only in relation to any specific activities, resistances, energies. The area of ​​manifestation of the principle is any system;

· The principle of the weak link means that the system is reproducible in proper quality if the stability of the relatively weak link is ensured. It appears and is taken into account when designing structures and solutions to any issues;

· The principle of continuity - the world is seen as being in continuous change, there is nothing permanent in it. Manifests itself in the organization of processes, functioning and development of any systems;

· The principle of a chain connection - any connection of complexes (systems) occurs through common links that form a chain connection. Appears when designing structures;

· The principle of focusing any activity on the consumer (marketing approach) is that first it is necessary to ensure that the needs of consumers are met, and then - your own. Manifests itself in the design of structures, their functioning and development;

· The principle of standardization of any objects is the expedient ordering and unification of any types of activities, documentation, terms, systems of measures and measurements, information systems, technical systems, control systems, etc. manifests itself in the design, operation and development of any systems;

· The principle of automation of production and management is the reason for the manifestation of objective global trend to increase the share of the service sector in the structure of social production, the share of free time in the structure of the worker’s day is complex system automation. Manifests itself during the design, operation and development of any systems;

· The principle of globalization of systems development is the orientation of social and production systems towards global (international) competition, the development of transnational and international companies, and the tightening of international competition. Globalization is objective in nature and is determined, first of all, by the rapidly progressing internationalization of aspects of the life of countries and peoples. The current stage of globalization has led to the transition of the function of human integration to the media. The media makes possible the exchange between cultural patterns on a global scale and at enormous speeds. People in different parts of the world are increasingly becoming aware that they live in one world.

1.5The approach proposed by A. Fayol.

Problem development scientific management at the beginning of the 20th century, focusing on the activities and specialization of the leader, she was faced with the need to analyze the construction of the organization as a whole and formulate the principles of its functioning. The answer to this practical need was the work of Henri Fayol, who proposed a number of organizational principles that he considered useful for managing a large coal mining company in France. He viewed the art of management as the selection of appropriate principles applicable to a given situation.

A. Fayol proposed 14 principles, although he argued that there could be many more. The grouping of these principles according to various criteria is given in Table. 1.

Structural principles underlie the creation of a system of interrelated tasks, rights and responsibilities. Organizational functions include breaking down tasks into smaller subtasks, regrouping these tasks into interrelated departments, appointing a head of each department and transferring rights and responsibilities to him, and, finally, connecting the departments with a chain of targeted commands. Let us consider in more detail each of the basic principles of management organization.

)The principle of division of labor. According to Fayol, division and specialization of labor is a natural way to produce more products of better quality with the same effort. Through specialization, the number of objects to which the worker's attention and efforts must be directed is reduced. As Fayol noted, specialization is seen as the best means of utilizing individuals and groups of people. At the same time, the division of labor has its limits, which cannot be exceeded. Work simplification methods such as work standards and action and time research emphasized the technical aspects of work rather than the behavioral ones. Later, in the early 1930s, an approach emerged that described human relations and allowed a more in-depth consideration of the division of labor in organizations, taking into account the influence of the human factor.

)The principle of unity of purpose and leadership. The types of work that arise as a result of the division of labor must be coordinated and directed towards a common goal. The process of grouping tasks according to certain characteristics is called departmentalization. Fayol did not provide a basis for departmentalization, but he did develop a general direction according to which activities that have common goal, must be carried out according to a single plan and managed by one leader. The principle explains the need to appoint a leader to coordinate interdependent activities.

)The principle of the relationship between centralization and decentralization. This principle is associated with an increase or decrease in the amount of power of a leader, which allows us to talk about varying degrees of centralization and decentralization. The principle states that for each situation there is an optimal balance between centralization and decentralization and that this balance cannot be determined without taking into account the abilities of the manager who coordinates the activities of the departments (divisions).

)The principle of power and responsibility. This principle states that there must be a connection between the responsibility of a leader and the power with which he is vested. The desired relationship is the equality of these two factors. Assessing this relationship, especially when studying the tasks of top-level managers, is very difficult. The essence of the matter is that since responsibility is transferred to the leader, then he must be given both the right to give orders and the power to demand their execution.

)Circuit principle. The natural result of applying the previous four principles is the creation of a subordinate chain of leaders from the highest levels of management to the lowest levels. A chain is a path for vertical connections in an organization. Accordingly, all communications from the lower level must pass through each manager in the chain of command. And connections coming from above must pass through each subordinate unit before they reach the required level. Such a chain will be effective to the extent that: 1) tasks are uniquely defined; 2) the activities of departments are based on a clearly established basis and certain criteria; 3) powers are specifically transferred to lower levels of management. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of the existence of horizontal connections. It is often necessary for a manager to communicate with other co-workers at the same level of the organization.

The five principles discussed above identify the main issues that need to be addressed when creating a task and power structure. They are not fixed rules in detail, but only outline the leading directions in the activities of managers.

Process principles focus on the actions of managers to direct the activities of the organization, especially when managers communicate with subordinates. Fairness of managers is considered as the main factor in motivating employees to conscientiously perform their tasks. The principle of fairness is also reflected in fair remuneration. This principle states that remuneration should be commensurate with the volume and quality of work performed.

The principle of discipline refers to the practice of establishing stable agreements between a manufacturing organization and its employees. At the same time, it should provide for the application of sanctions in case of non-compliance with agreements. The application of sanctions must be carried out in accordance with the principle of fairness and the subordination of personal interests to general ones. This means that in conflict situations, common interests must prevail over the interests of the individual.

According to the principle of unity of command, a manager should never demonstrate superiority in communication with subordinates or break the chain of command. It is believed that any performer should report to only one boss. Such communication and interaction are taken into account when forming organizational structures.

Outcome principles define the desired characteristics of an organization. A well-planned and directed organization's activities should be characterized by order and stability, and workers should be proactive in carrying out their tasks. These attributes of organizational performance, according to Fayol, can stem from the tangible use of the principles of structure and process.

6The approach proposed by V.V. Shcherbina

In his work " Social theories organization" Shcherbina V.V. gives the following principles of organizations:

· Principle of unity of command

This is one of the basic principles of organization and management, put forward within the framework of the classical school. Although this principle has been used in management for many centuries and the traditional linear structure was built on its basis, it was Fayol who first formulated it as an imperative. The principle of unity of command in the “classical” theory implied the administrative responsibility of one person, or, in other words, the prohibition for one person to obey two leaders at once.

· The principle of maximum delegation of authority in the organization

This principle comes in two aspects:

.This is one of the basic principles and normative requirements developed within the framework of classical organization theory

.This is a management imperative that complements the principle of unity of command and determines the logic of the vertical division of labor and the formation of hierarchy under the formal system of regulation of administrative organizations.

As a result of the application of this principle and the management of an organization, a multi-level hierarchical structure of the organization is formed according to the scalar principle, as well as a type of coordination called “coordination by means of hierarchy.”

· The principle of minimizing coordination costs.

This principle determines the logic of the formation of the organizational structure and modern rational theoretical models of organization and management practice.

· The principle of ensuring consent.

This is one of the basic systemic principles of the effective functioning of an organization and ensuring social order within it, formulated by representatives of the school of social systems. In accordance with it, the manager is instructed to focus on ensuring consistency between the type of organizational control and the level of personnel development. Such agreement is considered as a condition for the effective operation of the organization and its survival.

· The principle of isomorphism

Manifests itself in two aspects:

.One of the system models is based on it, explaining the logic of ensuring the balance of the organization with the external environment, and on this basis, various types of organizations and organizational structures are considered

.This is a basic principle of modern organizational ecology

· The principle of balance

This is one of the basic principles of the functioning and development of an organization in system models. Within the framework of the universal model of the functioning of social systems proposed by T. Parson, this principle is interpreted as necessary condition their survival.

· Scalar principle of organization structure

The principle manifests itself in two aspects:

.The principle of a hierarchical multi-level structure of the organizational structure as a result of the delegation and distribution of power and authority in administrative organizations

.A method of vertical division of managerial labor in the sphere of coordination of heterogeneous specialized activities, i.e. building a coordination system based on a hierarchical principle.

Chapter 2. Analysis of organizational principles using the example of IP “Rulevoy”

2.1 Brief description of IP “Rulevoy”

Car service "Rulevoy" is located at the address: G. Kopeysk, st. Chernyshevkogo, 12. The organizational and legal form of the enterprise is an individual entrepreneur.

The Rulevoy car service center is a modern technical center equipped with professional equipment for high-precision diagnostics and high-quality repairs of foreign-made cars. The main activity of the technical center is post-warranty maintenance and repair of cars manufactured in 1998.

List of work performed:

· computer diagnostics, adjustment (prevention) and repair of car engines;

· computer diagnostics and repair of vehicle chassis;

· diagnostics and repair of automatic transmissions;

· diagnostics and repair of electrical systems of automobiles;

· the whole complex of fuel system prevention, including ultrasonic cleaning of injectors;

· partial and complete oil change in automatic transmission.

By servicing a car in this service center, clients receive:

· Guarantee of impeccable quality of work performed;

· Discounts on the installation of spare parts purchased at this service center;

· Flexible system of discounts for regular customers;

· Information support from highly qualified craftsmen and experienced specialists.

In addition to the above services, the service offers high-quality installation of alarm systems and other additional equipment in compliance with all manufacturer standards, both for the vehicle and for additional equipment. The company also performs high-quality painting car.

The company has the following resources:

)Skilled workers. Their number is 35 people.

)Workshop with an area of ​​600 sq.m.

)5 lifts of different lifting capacities

)Modern diagnostic equipment

The purpose of this organization is to make a profit.

2.2Analysis of the state of the enterprise

To consider the theoretical issue in practice, I chose a classification in which the principles are divided into 4 groups:

.General principles of organizing structures

.General principles of organizing processes

.Principles for rationalizing structures

.Principles of process rationalization

The essence of the general principles of organizing structures and processes according to this classification is as follows:

System principle of organization

A systematic approach contributes to the rapid restoration of the desired mode of functioning of the organization in the event of various deviations from the norm. By decision of the administration, special “anti-crisis” powers can be vested (on a permanent or temporary basis) in any division of the organization. In the organization under consideration, the head of the workshop is vested with such powers.

The principle of the weak link means that the system is reproducible in proper quality if the stability of the relatively weak link is ensured. The most vulnerable element of an organization is a person, which is associated with his unpredictability, constant variability, and, finally, selfishness. At the enterprise, this principle is expressed in piecework wages for level 3 workers. Because in this case it is necessary to ensure high degree motivation of these workers.

The principle of continuity provides maximum reduction breaks between operations. This principle works in IP “Rulevoy”, since the organization’s working hours are from 8.00 to 20.00 daily.

The principle of chain communication assumes that any connection of complexes occurs through common links that form a chain connection. Otherwise, to form a single whole from several components, it is necessary that these components have something in common, that is, coinciding elements. At the enterprise, managers purchase spare parts for the car service center; these spare parts are used by auto mechanics to repair the car. this way it turns out chain link.

The principle of focusing any activity on the consumer (marketing approach). Organizations depend on their customers and therefore must understand their current and future needs, meet their requirements and strive to exceed expectations.

At the enterprise, this orientation consists of an individual approach to each client. When a client contacts a car service, he is booked for a certain time in order to avoid queues. A short trip is also made to troubleshoot problems. The car is then washed and raised on a lift for diagnostics. At the same time, the cost of the work and necessary parts is calculated. After the diagnosis, the client, if he wants, is given a break to think about the situation, consult at another car service center, adjust his plans, or save money for repairs.

When the finished car is delivered to the customer, the technician who accepted the car brings the owner to it, shows the results of the work and the replaced parts. In addition, it gives recommendations on how to operate the vehicle. After clarification of all questions and elimination of comments (if any), the car service acceptor escorts the customer to the cash desk - the car is issued after full payment for the work.

After two or three days, the technician asks the client over the phone if he has any requests or if the car has any problems.

The principle of standardization of any objects.

Machine producing companies strive to ensure that all dealers comply with uniform requirements for service equipment, repair technology, customer service, accounting and analytical operations, etc. in order to ensure high quality service and a high reputation of the company.

There are standards for service departments. Here are some of them.

Required services:

pre-registration with a short waiting period;

instrumental control for technical inspection;

types of repairs provided for in the dealer agreement;

fast service;

service support and consulting for wholesale clients;

installation of accessories;

cash and non-cash payments.

Services performed by the dealer or subcontractors engaged by him:

body and paint work;

upholstery work;

24-hour service for trucks;

installation and repair of truck bodies, trailers and semi-trailers;

washing and care.

Fulfillment of orders:

orders are placed on the company’s standard form in accordance with the instructions, columns and time standards contained therein, and are signed by the client;

deadlines for completing work are indicated in orders and are observed;

the order is transferred by the receiver to the workshop in advance to ensure preparation;

additions to the ordered work are agreed upon with the client;

completed work is noted in the appropriate columns of the order;

the list and cost of spare parts and services from third-party companies is transferred to the settlement department;

the work is controlled by the foreman during and after execution;

the service book is filled out and service work sheets are used. Invoice preparation:

the invoice is issued in compliance with the requirements and time standards specified in standard forms;

the invoice is given to clients upon delivery of the car;

car delivery:

the car is issued personally to the client, invoice items are explained if necessary;

dismantled parts are transferred to the client at his request;

The car is clean inside and out.

The principle of automation of production and management involves the production of a finished product with full quality control and a guarantee of zero defects, and also contributes to the achievement organic connection between organization and management technology based on comprehensive centralized support for all divisions of the enterprise necessary information and the means of using it locally to make decisions. The car service works with the 1C Enterprise Alfa Auto program, which allows you to organize the work of a warehouse, conduct wholesale and retail trade in spare parts, provide car repair and maintenance services, record payments and track the status of mutual settlements with customers and suppliers.

Users of the program have the opportunity to quickly create Required documents. Management can quickly receive and use data on various aspects of the company's activities. The system provides the information necessary for acceptance management decisions.

The principle of globalization of systems development in an enterprise is as follows: individual entrepreneur learns about new technologies via the Internet, and then makes any decision on the implementation of this technology.

Principles of rationalization:

In any organization, various kinds of changes constantly occur, either on the initiative of management, or on the initiative of ordinary employees, or by coincidence. The conductor of such changes is a person, both at the level of solution development and at the level of execution.

The following areas of rationalization are in effect at the enterprise: improvement of the scientific organization of labor (creation favorable conditions labor, eliminating overload and reducing nervous tension of personnel, improving production aesthetics, minimizing harmful effects on the human body and ensuring comfortable conditions rest, development and compliance with safety regulations); improvement of labor results (improving the quality characteristics of initial, intermediate and finished products, optimizing the system for collecting, analyzing, distributing and storing information, expanding the range of services provided, standardization, unification and modernization of goods produced and services provided); improvement of labor tools (modernization of production, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, reduction of energy intensity) and technological processes(use of automation tools and the latest communication systems, intensification of production and management processes, development, testing and implementation of know-how).

2.3Activities for the further development of IP "Rulevoy"

Having studied the principles of organization using the example of a car service, I would like to make several recommendations for more efficient work organizations:

)Introduction of such a service as calling a car mechanic to your home. (The mobile (mobile) car service is equipped with all the necessary tools and equipment necessary to repair a car at the site of a breakdown, parking lot, or in the garage). This recommendation is aimed at a marketing approach.

)Installation of the latest equipment for diagnosing and adjusting wheel alignment, the so-called 3D wheel alignment. Allows you to take measurements with millimeter accuracy, check the overall geometry of the car and restore the steering angles of the wheels. The wheel alignment stand contains technical information most car models. In addition to adjustments, the car owner also receives recommendations from the experts that will help avoid further problems. This recommendation will affect the principle of rationalization.


Thus, the success of a company or organization is largely determined by the quality of performance of functions and adherence to management principles.

The principles represent an abstraction from the analysis and synthesis of organizational and methodological patterns of functioning and development of an organization, as well as from the justification of the provisions used to use the action of objective economic laws and laws of the organization with the existence of management production processes. Principles are, first of all, basic ideas that reflect the requirements of objective laws of development of organizational systems and the processes occurring in them. They are developed through general patterns of functioning and development not only of the objects under study, but also of the surrounding reality, practical experience.

Principles should not be speculatively invented, constructed or derived from the head, but only formulated with the help of the head, based on the real state of reality.

The specialized literature has not developed a unified approach to the formulation of organizational principles. Some researchers interpret individual laws as principles, and principles are elevated to the rank of laws. According to most researchers, a principle is an optimal rule (norm), which is formulated by people and is objective in nature.

Using the example of IP “Rulevoy”, it was shown how some principles operate in practice. By studying the principles of an organization, a leader or manager can optimize control influences on individual elements and the organization as a whole, as well as make the right decisions for the development of the company.


)Akulov V.B., Rudakov M.N. Theory of organization: Textbook. - M., 2003

)Barannikov A.F. Theory of organization: a textbook for universities. - M.: Unity-Dana, 2005. - 700 p.

)Belyaev A.A., Korotkov E.M. Systemology of production. M.: INFRA-M, 2001, 135 p.

)J.K. Lafta. Organization theory: textbook. - M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2006. - 416 p.

)Dyrin S.P. Organization Theory: Textbook. - Naberezhnye Chelny, Publishing House of the Institute of Management, 2003

)Lukicheva L.I. Organization management: textbook. manual/ed. Yu. P. Aniskina. - M.: Omega-L, 2005. - 360 p.

)Milner B.Z. Organization Theory: Textbook. - M., Infra-M, 2002

)Parakhina V. N., Fedorenko T. M. theory of organization: textbook. manual.- M.: Knorus, 2007.-296 p.

)Smirnov E. A. Theory of organization: textbook. manual.- M.: Infra-M, 2006.-248 p.

)Fatkhutdinov R.A. Organization of production. M.: INFRA-M, 2001, 215 p.

)Shcherbina V.V. Social theories of organization. M.: Infra-M, 2000 - 264 p.

Annex 1

Table 1

Grouping of Fayol's principles

Structural principles Process principles Principles of the final result Division of labor Equity Order Unity of purpose and leadership Discipline Stability Relationship between centralization and decentralization Personnel compensation Initiative Power and responsibility Unity of teams Purpose Subordination to the main interest

Appendix 2

Organizational structure of IP "Rulevoy"


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The very issue of organizational principles is very complex, since it is necessary to single out from the variety of organizational elements and their interactions those that are really significant for the organization and involve their action in ensuring its functioning and existence. Such distinguished phenomena, relationships and processes in an organization can include only those that:

  • 1. reflect the most significant, objectively necessary properties and aspects of the organization;
  • 2. have a stable and widespread character, manifested in a huge number formal organizations;
  • 3. are associated specifically with the organization, are constantly carried out in the interaction of people, regardless of what specific types of activities they are engaged in and what technical means they use for this.

The main thing is that the principle of organization must contain the objective basis of the organization and, through its practical action, give it due rationality and efficiency, thereby the principle of organization is a scientific position (it can also be recorded in constitutional and legal form) reflecting objectively existing organizational phenomena , relationships and processes necessary for retention and reproduction and organization as a social phenomenon. Organization Theory: Textbook/ Ed. G.V. Atamchuk. - M.: Publishing house RAGS, 2007, - p.102.

These phenomena, relationships and processes are located in the organization itself, expressing the relationships and interdependencies of the organization with other social phenomena.

To properly understand and use the principles of organization, the following circumstances must be taken into account:

First: an organization is always associated with management and, accordingly, in its structure (structure, relative arrangement of elements) and functioning (behavior and activities of people) depends on the subjects of management - subjects of power who actually own and manage resources, including those created by the power of the organization.

Second: the organization has two (conditionally introduced) sections: static (structural) and dynamic (functional). Such sections are interdependent, and the principles of organization manifest themselves precisely through and in the process of interaction between static and dynamic sections.

Third: in the life of society there are distinct differences: organizations as a certain state of interaction between people as in society and a formal (managed) organization as the interaction of a certain set of people pursuing certain local goals.

Among the principles of organization that meet the noted circumstances and requirements, six fundamental ones can be named:

1. Basic principle: the predominance of internal interactions over external ones. This principle is relevant practically for levels and types of organization. Inconsistency, imbalance, and conflict in internal interactions, not to mention betrayal on the part of its individuals, naturally weaken the organization, make it vulnerable to external interactions, and suppress internal sources resistance and ultimately lead to its destruction. In addition, one must constantly keep in mind that the organization exists in a world of competition, competition, and struggle, in which organizations strive to expand, strengthen, and acquire greater resources and a “field of influence.”

Compliance with the principle of the predominance of internal interactions over external ones is mandatory for every organizational structure. But it is achieved only through control - tension and effort on the part of its subjects.

2. The principle that “the potential of an organization directly depends on its integrity,” that is, only that organization fully realizes its essence in which the interaction of people in various areas (information, socio-economic, technological, etc.) reached the possible completeness and completeness, generates maximum productivity of the organization.

The fact is that the integrity of the organization is ensured through not only statics (structure), but also mainly dynamics (functioning). First of all, the factor of integrity is the person, his professionalism and activity in fulfilling his social role.

3. The principle of correlative relationship between subjects and objects of management.

In any organization there is a subject of its management (in a brigade - a foreman, in a university - a rector, etc.) who is engaged in the development and implementation of management decisions and a managed object - a group (team) of people who implements the mission of the organization in the form of production, goods and services , information and capital, in a more generalized form - the production of material and spiritual products and social conditions life.

The combination and difference in the organization of the subject of management and managed objects gives rise to important consequences for the organization itself. Indeed, in an organization, the structuring and functioning of the subject of management and managed objects occurs according to for various reasons and lead to different social roles in the organization.

Combination presupposes a certain consistency in the organizational parameters of the subjects of management and managed objects within the organization. The distinction requires that management subjects pay sufficient attention to the organizational features of managed objects, which depend on the nature and type of activity. There may be coincidences and contradictions, which is why a strong and constantly operating correlative relationship between subjects of management and managed objects is needed.

In fact, in almost all spheres of society or types of management, the correlative relationships between subjects of management and managed objects are expressed irrationally and ineffectively. Managed objects create large incomes, but they are appropriated by the subjects and are not used for further development of production. Because of this, the organization in many of its manifestations has an illusory quasi-appearance. This is a problem in almost all organizational phenomena, relationships and processes. It must be meaningful from the point of view of the state, needs and interests of society.

4. The principle of specialization and cooperation of both internal and external interactions of people.

The main thing is that in any organizational structure, within, in the interaction between certain links, there is specialization and cooperation of activities, the meaning of which ultimately comes down to high labor productivity and the efficiency of the resources used.

  • 5. The principle of differentiation and specification of human interaction. Its essence is that in the organization of society (and the state as its form), more and more local formal (managed) organizations must, on the one hand, perceive the properties and parameters of the whole (larger organization), and on the other hand, be substantively adapted to to match your legal status and properly realize their legal personality (differentiation). As the organization narrows, it is expected to become more specific, leading to the fact that every person in it knows why and in what way to act.
  • 6. The principle of subordination and coordination of human interaction. Subordination is understood as the unification of power and coordination of efforts, the subordination of some structures to some other, larger-scale ones. In subordination, the moment of vertical interaction is clearly expressed. Coordination means horizontal interaction aimed at obtaining a certain objective result; coordination is relevant, first of all, for managed objects that are designed to produce and consume goods, services and information.

The principle of subordination and coordination of human interaction has a multifaceted content, only the disclosure of which allows us to characterize the organization

Let's consider the general principles of organization, summarized in three main groups: basic, compliance, optimality.

Table General principles of organization

Feedback principle. Socio-economic systems are mainly open and nonequilibrium systems. An imbalance in them is possible for various reasons. Their regulation is possible using the feedback principle. After all, any control system consists of 2 subsystems: control and controlled. There are different communication connections between them, which are channels for transmitting management information from subject to object and vice versa. Feedback can be positive (strengthening the effect of the mismatch signal) and negative. The assessment of information by the subject of management must be prompt and reliable.

Development principle. Development is an irreversible, directed change in a system. There are 2 forms of development:

evolutionary, which is characterized by gradual quantitative and qualitative changes;

revolutionary, which represents a spasmodic unconscious transition from one state of the system, control process, to another.

There is progressive and regressive development (change). Progressive and regressive development may not cover the entire system as a whole, but only one component; only over time will the entire system undergo changes.

Any stage of an organization's life cycle is accompanied by random deviations of instantaneous values ​​from their average value. This ensures the movement of a nonequilibrium system towards the attractor of stability. (Synergetics defines an attractor as a relatively stable state of a system with many trajectories depending on different initial conditions. Attractive factors have a corrective effect on the system as a whole, on the possible trajectories of its movement).

The principle of competitiveness, competition. Practice confirms that the viability of a social system depends on the degree of development of competitive principles. Competition reveals the most effective, efficient ways of development. This is expressed in comparison, selection and implementation of the most effective methods management and management. (For some time in economics this principle was ignored, it was believed that competition could cause harm. In fact, the lack of competition led to the inhibition of private initiative, to the fact that the system switched to a “sluggish” run, and then to stagnation. Competitive relations contradictory: the mechanism of competition shapes the social priorities of freedom of choice, active influence to make bold management decisions. But unfair competition is dangerous).

The principle of complementarity. IN organizational systems combine, on the one hand, objective, stable trends, and on the other, random, unstable ones. They complement each other. Their dialectical interaction is defined as the principle of complementarity, the essence of which is an ambivalent approach to revealing the functioning and development of the system (ambivalence indicates the duality, inconsistency of all processes and life phenomena of the organization. When making a decision, the manager must understand that it has been selected and recognized as the best with some conditionality some time that the number of arguments “for” can be balanced by the same number of arguments “against”).

Let's move on to consider the principles of compliance

The principle of matching goals and resources. Key goals adopted in the organization must be provided with resources in a timely manner. This principle corresponds to the software-target technology of the production process and development of solutions. It consists of issuing tasks (goals and objectives) for execution, indicating the means, methods and time of their implementation, with the organization of external or internal control of intermediate states of this implementation. The professionalism of completing a task is determined by the qualifications of the manager who issued the task, and the qualifications of the performer play a secondary role.

The principle of correspondence between command and subordination. Each employee must have one line manager and any number of functional ones when performing a specific job.

A function is considered administrative if, among the procedures that comprise it, the priority is the “Decision Making” or “Decision Approval” procedure. For a technological one, this is the presence, among the procedures and its components, of priority procedures: “Preparation of a decision”, “Approval” or “Organization of the implementation of a decision”. Patronage - when there are no priority functions in the set (they can be assigned to specialists from other companies).

The principle of matching production efficiency and economy. For each organization, a balance must be found between efficiency and costs. The priority should be efficiency.

E=(Results/Costs) ?100%

Let us reveal a group of principles of optimality (a combination of centralization and decentralization, straightness, rhythm, synchronization).

The principle of the optimal combination of centralization and decentralization of production and management requires managers at all levels to rationally use the capabilities of administration and collegiality (depending on the size, structure of the organization, performance results, external conditions).

The principle of direct flow means that production and information processes must follow the shortest path to avoid additional costs and distortions. The principle directs the administration and personnel to minimize production and management operations while complying with technology and guaranteed quality of products.

The principle of rhythm means that production and information processes must proceed with a given level of uniformity during given time intervals. Rhythm ensures the planned functioning of all elements of the organization and eliminates the alternation of periods of “calm” and “rush”.

The principle of synchronization (systematicity) contributes to the rapid restoration of the desired mode of functioning of the organization in the event of various deviations from the norm. (The dynamics of market relations require flexibility in the organization of business processes: something should be temporarily or permanently strengthened, something weakened. This principle contributes to the implementation of another “priority of structures over functions existing organizations" Instead of changing the composition of the structure, it can be reoriented towards new processes).

Static and dynamic state of the organization. Principles of the static state of an organization.

The static and dynamic state of the organization is determined by the stages of the organization's life cycle. These stages can be divided into two groups: static and dynamic.

Static is characterized by insensitivity. The static phase includes the liquidation stage, when companies deal with internal problems.

Dynamic group includes the stages of birth, growth, maturity, aging and rebirth. They are characterized by solving external and internal problems in conjunction.

The principles of the static state of an organization include: the principle of goal priority, priority of functions over structure, priority of the subject of management over the object.

The principle of goal priority. In the “goal - task - function - structure - personnel” system, the goal has the highest priority. It is the goal that must be well developed when creating, downsizing (etc.) an organization. It should be represented by smaller goals by area of ​​activity. Each goal must be specified in the form of tasks indicating deadlines, resources, etc. To solve a set of problems, control functions are formed indicating labor intensity, complexity, and on their basis an optimal organizational structure. The structure serves as the basis for the formation of the contingent of employees of the organization.

The principle of priority of functions over structure is implemented by those who do not seek to copy “someone else’s” structure, but create a unique structure for a set of specific functions leading to the achievement of their goals.

The principle of priority of the subject of management over the object is expressed in the sequence of creation of structural elements (divisions), selection and placement of personnel. First you need to select an experienced leader (specialist), and then entrust the creation of a team.

Principles of the dynamic state of the organization

These are: the principles of the highest priority of personnel, the priority of structures over functions, the object of control over the subject. They are implemented at the stages of inception, growth, maturity, saturation, and decline of the organization.

The principle of the highest priority of personnel provides for the establishment of the reverse sequence of system elements: “personnel - structure - tasks - function - goal.” When the control mechanism is launched, the main productive force and the highest value becomes a person. Everyone's contribution is decisive for achieving the goal.

The principle of priority of structures over functions in existing organizations is expressed in the constant optimization of its structural components (some of the structural elements die off, others are created again). Such a flexible structure allows for better redistribution of functions and tasks among employees to increase labor efficiency. In addition, it diversifies professional activities and creates new opportunities for personnel development.

The principle of priority of the control object over the subject “comes into effect” when replacing heads of structural divisions. In most cases, when deciding on personnel appointments, the administration must take into account the opinion of the workforce. After all, subordinates are the main resource of the organization, which often exceeds the total potential of the leader.

The term rationalization - (reasonable) is interpreted as “improvement, more expedient organization of something.”

This group includes the principle of sequential connection, the principle of comprehensiveness of input information, the principle of comprehensiveness of recommendations for the rationalization of the company.

The principle of serial connection is implemented differentially.

The principle of comprehensiveness of input information requires that incoming information reflect all the main parameters characterizing its structure, processes and results of activity.

The principle of internal rationalization is the most important. Mass innovation is a well-proven form of stimulating the initiative and creativity of workers, and involving personnel in management.


So, in this course work we can draw the following conclusions: Laws play a decisive role in the theory of organization, including forming a theoretical foundation, facilitating the transition from an empirical approach to a professional one, allowing one to correctly assess the situation that has arisen and analyze foreign experience.

The law has a mechanism of action and a mechanism of use. The laws of an organization include the general and the specific. The general part of the law has a mechanism of action regardless of the location of the organization and its field of activity. Special is a part of the law that does not change its essence and reflects the characteristics of the organization as a social system.

In the course work, I especially want to highlight that for each organization, among the many principles, six fundamental ones should be named:

  • 1. The basic principle is the predominance of internal interactions over external ones;
  • 2. The potential of an organization directly depends on its integrity;
  • 3. The principle of correlative relationship between subjects and objects of management;
  • 4. The principle of specialization and cooperation of both internal and external interactions of people in the organization;
  • 5. The principle of differentiation and specification of interaction between people in an organization;
  • 6. The principle of subordination and coordination of people in an organization.

These principles are sufficient to improve the management of formal organizations through their practical application. After all, society and people need material, spiritual and social consequences the functioning of the organization, and not the organization itself as such.

To thrive and be successful, any company must conduct its activities based on the basic principles of organizational management.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Division of labor

The essence of the method is revealed in division and specialization, due to which it becomes possible to increase productivity and improve quality.

Thanks to the division of labor, everyone knows their place in the organization and does their job masterfully, doing it better than other workers.

Unity of leadership

It lies in the desire to achieve one goal, as well as in the balance of centralization and decentralization. There are no “pure” structures. There must be a certain balance in the organization, when one complements the other.

After all, the advantages of centralization lie in the coordination of all parts of the organization, in strict subordination to one control center.

In turn, decentralization makes it possible to transfer part of the powers and responsibilities to lower levels of the structure. And this makes the structure more flexible and increases its adaptability.

Staff stability

Also is important point. In this case, the entire organization benefits because:

  • There is no need to waste precious time on training, adaptation of newcomers,
  • performance indicators are not reduced,
  • The company's income does not decrease.

Motivation and stimulation are the key to success

Every employee will strive to do the job better, faster, and with better quality if he has clear motivation. At the same time, management needs to study their subordinates and understand what incentive is the driving factor for them.

For example, for one employee, material incentives (bonuses, salary increases) are important, while for another, the incentive may be career advancement, praise from superiors, increased authority, and so on.

Striving for mutual well-being

The basic principles of managing an organization should include the desire for mutual well-being. An organization exists for the benefit of its employees, and employees should also strive to increase the well-being of their company.

Let's remember Japan. There is such a thing as “lifelong employment”, when a person works at one enterprise all his life. At the same time, a person completely devotes himself to the company, imbued with its goals, ideas, and traditions. He “gives his all” and for this he receives certain benefits from the enterprise. An employee's career begins at lower levels, but subsequently he receives a rapid rise in his career, privileges, respect from management and an increase in salary.

With the help of such standards, it is possible to build management systems that are aimed at achieving the goals set by the organization in the field of quality, ecology, labor protection, etc. And this is achieved, among other things, through the application of the principles of management of quality, ecology, safety, etc., which set out in similar standards.

"Principles of Organization"

1. General principles of organization and their characteristics

Let's consider the general principles of organization, summarized in three main groups: basic, compliance, optimality.

General principles of organization

Basic (initial) correspondences of optimalityprinciple of feedback (continuity) of goals and resources combination of centralization and decentralization principle of development (innovation) management and subordination rhythm principle of competitiveness, competition (complexity) production efficiency and cost-effectiveness directness principle of complementarity (verification, ambivalence) synchronization

Feedback principle. Socio-economic systems are mainly open and nonequilibrium systems. An imbalance in them is possible for various reasons. Their regulation is possible using the feedback principle. After all, any control system consists of 2 subsystems: control and controlled. There are different communication connections between them, which are channels for transmitting management information from subject to object and vice versa. Feedback can be positive (strengthening the effect of the mismatch signal) and negative. The assessment of information by the subject of management must be prompt and reliable.

Development principle. Development is an irreversible, directed change in a system. There are 2 forms of development:

evolutionary, which is characterized by gradual quantitative and qualitative changes;

revolutionary, which represents an abrupt unconscious transition from one state of the system, control process, to another.

There is progressive and regressive development (change). Progressive and regressive development may not cover the entire system as a whole, but only one component; only over time will the entire system undergo changes.

Any stage of an organization's life cycle is accompanied by random deviations of instantaneous values ​​from their average value. This ensures the movement of a nonequilibrium system towards the attractor of stability. (Synergetics defines an attractor as a relatively stable state of a system with many trajectories depending on different initial conditions. Attractive factors have a corrective effect on the system as a whole, on the possible trajectories of its movement).

The principle of competitiveness, competition. Practice confirms that the viability of a social system depends on the degree of development of competitive principles. Competition reveals the most effective, efficient ways of development.This is expressed in comparison, selection and implementation of the most effective management and management methods. (For some time in economics this principle was ignored; it was believed that competition could be harmful. In fact, the lack of competition led to the inhibition of private initiative, to the fact that the system switched to a “sluggish” run, and then to stagnation. Competitive relations are contradictory: the mechanism competition forms social priorities of freedom of choice, active influence on the adoption of bold management decisions.But unfair competition is dangerous).

The principle of complementarity. Organizational systems combine, on the one hand, objective, stable trends, and on the other, random, unstable ones. They complement each other. Their dialectical interaction is defined as the principle of complementarity, the essence of which is an ambivalent approach to revealing the functioning and development of the system (ambivalence indicates the duality, inconsistency of all processes and life phenomena of the organization. When making a decision, the manager must understand that it has been selected and recognized as the best with some conditionality some time that the number of arguments “for” can be balanced by the same number of arguments “against”).

Let's move on to consider the principles of compliance

The principle of matching goals and resources. Key goals adopted in the organization must be provided with resources in a timely manner. This principle corresponds to the software-target technology of the production process and development of solutions. It consists of issuing tasks (goals and objectives) for execution, indicating the means, methods and time of their implementation, with the organization of external or internal control of intermediate states of this implementation. The professionalism of completing a task is determined by the qualifications of the manager who issued the task, and the qualifications of the performer play a secondary role.

The principle of correspondence between command and subordination. Each employee must have one line manager and any number of functional ones when performing a specific job.

Line manager (administrative, technological and patronage functions)Functional (technological manager)SUBBODIFIERFunctional (patronage manager

A function is considered administrative if, among the procedures that comprise it, the priority is the “Decision Making” or “Decision Approval” procedure. For a technological one, this is the presence, among the procedures and its components, of priority procedures: “Preparation of a decision”, “Approval” or “Organization of the implementation of a decision”. Patronage - when there are no priority functions in the set (they can be assigned to specialists from other companies.

The principle of matching production efficiency and economy. For each organization, a balance must be found between efficiency and costs. The priority should be efficiency.

E=(Results/Costs) ×10 0%

Let us reveal a group of principles of optimality (a combination of centralization and decentralization, straightness, rhythm, synchronization).

The principle of the optimal combination of centralization and decentralization of production and management requires managers at all levels to rationally use the capabilities of administration and collegiality (depending on the size, structure of the organization, performance results, external conditions).

The principle of straightforwardness means that production and information processes should follow the shortest path to avoid additional costs and distortions. The principle directs the administration and personnel to minimize production and management operations while complying with technology and guaranteed quality of products.

The principle of rhythm means that production and information processes must proceed with a given level of uniformity during given time intervals. Rhythm ensures the planned functioning of all elements of the organization and eliminates the alternation of periods of “calm” and “rush”.

The principle of synchronization (systematicity) contributes to the rapid restoration of the desired mode of functioning of the organization in the event of various deviations from the norm. (The dynamics of market relations require flexibility in the organization of business processes: something should be temporarily or permanently strengthened, something weakened. This principle contributes to the implementation of another “priority of structures over functions of existing organizations.” Instead of changing the composition of the structure, you can reorient it for new processes).

2. Static and dynamic state of the organization. Principles of the static state of an organization

The static and dynamic state of the organization is determined by the stages of the organization's life cycle. These stages can be divided into two groups: static and dynamic.

Static is characterized by insensitivity. The static phase includes the liquidation stage, when companies deal with internal problems.

The dynamic group includes the stages of birth, growth, maturity, aging and rebirth. They are characterized by solving external and internal problems in conjunction.

The principles of the static state of an organization include: the principle of goal priority, priority of functions over structure, priority of the subject of management over the object.

The principle of goal priority. In the “goal - task - function - structure - personnel” system, the highest priority is target. It is the goal that must be well developed when creating, downsizing (etc.) an organization. It should be represented by smaller goals by area of ​​activity. Each goal must be specified in the form of tasks indicating deadlines, resources, etc. To solve a set of problems, management functions are formed, indicating labor intensity and complexity, and on their basis an optimal organizational structure is created. The structure serves as the basis for the formation of the contingent of employees of the organization.

The principle of priority of functions over structure is implemented by those who do not seek to copy “someone else’s” structure, but create a unique structure for a set of specific functions leading to the achievement of their goals.

The principle of priority of the subject of management over the object is expressed in the sequence of creation of structural elements (divisions), selection and placement of personnel. First you need to select an experienced leader (specialist), and then entrust the creation of a team.

3. Principles of the dynamic state of the organization

These are: the principles of the highest priority of personnel, the priority of structures over functions, the object of control over the subject. They are implemented at the stages of inception, growth, maturity, saturation, and decline of the organization.

The principle of the highest priority of personnel provides for the establishment of the reverse sequence of system elements: “personnel - structure - tasks - function - goal.” When the control mechanism is launched, the main productive force and the highest value becomes a person. Everyone's contribution is decisive for achieving the goal.

The principle of priority of structures over functions in existing organizations is expressed in the constant optimization of its structural components (some of the structural elements die off, others are created again). Such a flexible structure allows for better redistribution of functions and tasks among employees to increase labor efficiency. In addition, it diversifies professional activities and creates new opportunities for personnel development.

The principle of priority of the control object over the subject “comes into effect” when replacing heads of structural divisions. In most cases, when deciding on personnel appointments, the administration must take into account the opinion of the workforce. After all, subordinates are the main resource of the organization, which often exceeds the total potential of the leader.

organization leader principle management

4. Principles of organizational rationalization

Term rationalization - (reasonable) is interpreted as “improvement, more expedient organization of something.”

This group includes the principle of sequential connection, the principle of comprehensiveness of input information, the principle of comprehensiveness of recommendations for the rationalization of the company.

The principle of serial connection is implemented differentially.

Characteristic features Main stages (procedures) of transformation Development of philosophy and strategy Definition of principles and tactics Design and implementation Optimal type of thinking Sensualism Irrationalism Rationalism Main problems Formulation of main goals and objectives Selection of models and solutions Algorithmization of actions Main questions What and why should be achieved? How to achieve what you want How exactly to act?

The principle of comprehensiveness of input information requires that incoming information reflect all the main parameters characterizing its structure, processes and results of activity.

The principle of internal rationalization is the most important. Mass innovation is a well-proven form of stimulating the initiative and creativity of workers, and involving personnel in management.


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