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Direct educational activities cognitive development in senior group. Topic: “Giants of the past” Prepared by: teacher of the senior group of the preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 2 “Sun” Yaroslavtseva T.V.

Common features theropods: - walked on powerful hind legs - ate meat - Mouth armed with many sharp, inwardly curved teeth Diet: Meat of other dinosaurs Alioram

Anteosaurus Probably lived in thickets along the banks of reservoirs, young individuals (with a long and low snout) could feed on small prey in the water or on the shore, adults hunted large vertebrates from ambush.

Megalosaurus Prey for Megalosaurus could include sarcolesta, lexovisaurs and cetiosaurs. It is assumed that, along with predation, he could obtain food by picking up carrion.


Parasaurolophus Common features of hadrosaurs: - walked on four legs, but thrived on two - fed on vegetation - head with a duck-shaped beak - mouth with many teeth for grinding plant foods. Food: ferns, coniferous vegetation

Anatotitan Common features of hadrosaurs: - walked on four legs, but felt good on two - fed on vegetation - head with a duck-shaped beak - many teeth in the mouth for grinding plant food Diet: ferns, coniferous vegetation

Pachycephalosaurs These animals lived in large herds and ate plant foods. Stegosaurs They had huge bony plates on their backs, and their tail was covered with sharp spines. Ankylosaurs were protected on top by a bony shell. The tip of the tail was a bony outgrowth in the form of a cone with spikes. It served as protection against attacks by powerful predators.

Dinosaurs ruled our planet for 130 million years - 100 times longer than the human race has existed on Earth. And 65 million years ago, dinosaurs went extinct.

Thank you for your attention!

Lesson on cognitive development

for older children preschool age

"Giants of the Past"


-To form an idea about dinosaurs, deepen and systematize knowledge about their living conditions.
-Develop in children the need for knowledge about prehistoric animals, the characteristics of life, nutrition, body structure and types of dinosaurs.
-Formate cognitive skills in children:
- compare, analyze, draw conclusions, classify, build judgments based on establishing cause-and-effect relationships;
-observe, conduct experiments;
-reflect the picture of the prehistoric world in creative activity etc.
- cultivate attention, concentration, sensitivity, responsiveness.
- cultivate a culture of behavior, observation, a sense of mutual assistance, support, the ability to work in a group and alone.

Educator. (Slide) The clock is counting down. Minute by minute passes. A minute has passed - it can no longer be returned. Time only moves forward! But people don’t want to say goodbye to their past, people want to remember it and know it. The past is what happened and passed; It's gone and you won't get it back. Everything that goes into the past becomes history. People want to know history, they want to know their past. We know a lot, but we want to know even more.(Slide)

Trying to restore events and life in the past, people plunged further and further into antiquity. And we reached such ancient times when there were no people on earth. But someone lived on our planet beforethe appearance of people or not?

Answers - children's assumptions

The period when dinosaurs lived is called the era of dinosaurs. Guys, do you want to know what dinosaurs inhabited the earth, what they looked like and what they ate?(slide)

Educator . People were very interested in everything that was connected specifically with their life on Earth. And they for a long time they were almost not interested in what was happening on our planet before their appearance. But the moment came when the distant past made itself felt.

Listen to what happened in England in the 19th century. The doctor was called to the patient. While he was examining the patient, his wife was walking in the park. It was spring, the birds were chirping cheerfully, the first flowers were blooming. Suddenly the young woman's gaze stopped on the stones strange looking, and she decided to tell her husband about them. The young doctor determined that these were not stones, but the teeth of some animal that most likely lived millions of years ago. The doctor named this animal "Iguanodon".

This is the first of those discovered later in different countries dinosaurs. Today we already know a lot about them. What can you say about dinosaurs?

Children's guesses answers.

(Slide) " dinosaur poster"

Educator invites you to look at posters depicting dinosaurs.

What do you think about these animals when you look at them? appearance?

Children's answers and assumptions.


Educator . The word “dinosaur” translated means “terrible lizard,” but do you think dinosaurs are scary?

Educator. (Slide) Dinosaurs are reptiles that inhabited the Earth many millions of years ago. The remains of dinosaurs, among which there are entire skeletons and fossilized eggs of these prehistoric giants, have been discovered in all parts of the world. Many species of dinosaurs of different sizes, structures and lifestyles lived on earth.

(Slide) The most big inhabitants Earth had herbivorous (herbivorous) dinosaurs. (Look at a poster with dinosaurs). Diplodocus 27 m long, weighing 11 tons; brontosaurs 21 m long, weighing 30 tons; brachiosaurs 28 m long, weighing 100 tons.(Slide) Brachiosaurus is one of the most massive dinosaurs: its length reached 25 meters, height - 13 meters,This giant weighed about 80 tons!

Compsognathus is the smallest dinosaur, its length did not exceed 70 cm, and most of accounted for a long tail. Despite its small size, compsognathus was a very dexterous and agile predator.

(Slide) Teacher : There were also carnivorous dinosaurs (predators): theranosaurs, 6 m long, weighing 7 tons; megalosaurs 9 m long, weighing 9 tons; royal theranosaurs(Slide) (the most ferocious) 5.5 m high, 12 m long and weighing 6.5 tons, their teeth reached 18 cm (show 18 cm on the ruler).

Some bodies herbivorous dinosaurs were covered with a thick, durable shell consisting of horny plates. This armor reliably protected them from predator dinosaurs. The most well-known representatives The armored lizards were stegosaurus and ankylosaurus, which could be called living tanks. Some dinosaurs were partially protected, such as horned dinosaurs

(Slide) Dinosaurs laid eggs and hatched babies

(Slide) (Slide) (Slide) (Slide)

(Slide) Didactic game “Imagine”.

Educator. Guys, look, we have figurines of different dinosaurs on the table. Choose one figurine and imagine how this dinosaur lived in the past. Share your ideas with us.

Educator . Well done boys. Your stories and presentations are very interesting

Dynamic pause "Dinosaur"(Slide) (Slide) (Slide)

Educator : in order for us to know what animals inhabited the earth many years ago, scientists - paleontologists and archaeologists are engaged in research and excavations. (Slide)

Paleontologists study not only the remains of animals and plants, but also their fossilized traces, discarded shells, and other evidence of their existence.(Slide)

(Slide) draw children's attention to how excavations are carried out

Educator : Paleontologists exhibit their finds in museums, and you and I can see them(Slide)

Educator : Who remembers the name of the profession whose people are engaged in excavations and searches for antiquities? (archaeologists) I invite you to be archaeologists. To do this, you will need to split into pairs and approach the table, “the place of our excavations.” You are archaeologists who are looking for dinosaur bones and assembling a skeleton according to the proposed schemes. Archaeologists use brushes in their work. Be careful, first you need to collect the bones, and then lay out the skeleton on colored paper in accordance with the proposed diagram.

Educator : Have you finished your work? I propose to count how many bones each group of archaeologists found. Which group of bones had more?

Educator. Guys, who did we talk about in class today? (we were talking about dinosaurs)

Who are the “giants of the past”? (these are large animals that were called dinosaurs).

What is the name of the period when dinosaurs lived? (the period when dinosaurs lived is called the era of dinosaurs).

Name the dinosaurs you remember?

Educator: And now the descendants of dinosaurs live on earth. These are turtles, crocodiles, lizards, snakes. They mainly live in hot countries where the climate is hot and humid.(Slide)

Abstract educational activities ON cognitive development in preparatory group kindergarten No. 215 “Dinosaurs - giants of the past.”

Completed by the teacher of MBDOU No. 215 “Spikelet”, Ulyanovsk

Lunetskas Olga Mikhailovna

Program content:

Introduce children to dinosaurs and the science of paleontology. Deduce the concept of “past” using the example of representatives of the animal world that lived in the distant past and became extinct.

Show children that time cannot be turned back, cannot be stopped, it moves forward regardless of us.

Using experiments, clarify the mechanisms of adaptation to the life of cold-blooded animals, identify the structural features of birds that help them stay in the air.

Activation of words: paleontology, paleontologist, past, dinosaur, reptile, herbivores, carnivores.

Previous work:

Visiting the Museum of Local Lore, watching filmstrips, cartoons, making a model of a prehistoric forest, making models of dinosaurs, looking at a frog (the offspring hatches in water, finds food on land, cannot live far from a reservoir - the skin must be moist, the body temperature must be cold).

Materials for classes:

  1. Illustrations depicting dinosaurs, books, atlases, encyclopedias of relevant content.

    Model of a prehistoric forest, models of dinosaurs.

    Puzzle games (dinosaurs).

    Rocks and fossils depicting a shell.

    For experiments: Small and large containers with hot water, wing models, weights different weights, bird feather, magnifying glass, paper, cardboard, thin paper, illustration of the first birds (very large body and small wings).

Progress of the lesson:

Today we will take you on an unusual journey. We will go with you to the past. Everything that happens at this moment is real.

What is the past? (children's answers).

Yes, this is something that has passed and cannot be returned.

Where did you vacation this summer? (children's answers).

All this is a thing of the past. The clock is counting down. Minute by minute passes. Whether she was good or bad, she cannot be returned. Time only moves forward. But people don't want to say goodbye to their past. People want to remember him and know him. The past is what happened and has passed, gone and cannot be returned.

You and I had a holiday, it has already passed. We can remember it by looking at photographs (display). This is our past. From photographs you can remember what you were like when you were little or what your mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers were like.

Everything that goes into the past becomes history. People want to know their history, they want to know their past.

What is the past? Has there always been life on earth?

Was man the first to appear on earth? (No).

Trying to restore events and life in the past, people plunged further and further into antiquity. And we reached such ancient times when there were no people on earth. But who lived on our planet before people appeared? (children's assumptions).

Millions of years ago, strange reptiles called “Dinosaurs” reigned on earth.

They most likely appeared about 210 million years ago and became completely extinct about 65 million years ago. There were no people on Earth then. The first people appeared on earth about 2 million years ago. For millions of years, our planet was inhabited by hundreds of different species of dinosaurs, but none of them have survived to this day.

How did people know that dinosaurs existed on earth and what did they look like? (children's answers)

People were very interested in everything that was connected specifically with their life on Earth. And for a long time they were almost not interested in what was happening on our planet before their appearance. But the moment came when the distant past made itself felt.

Listen to what happened in England in the 18th century. The doctor was called to the patient. While he was examining the patient, his wife was walking in the park. It was spring, the birds were chirping cheerfully, the first flowers were blooming. Suddenly the young woman’s gaze fell on very strange-looking stones and she decided to tell her husband about them. The young doctor determined that these were not stones, but the teeth of some animal that most likely lived millions of years ago. The doctor named this animal "Iguanodon".

This is the first dinosaur discovered in different countries. Today we already know a lot about them. The science that studies dinosaurs, ancient animals, is called paleontology. And the scientists who do this are paleontologists.

Animals and plants that died long ago have mostly decomposed. But sometimes their hard parts, such as bones, are preserved as fossils in rocks. From fossils one can judge what plants and animals were on the earth many years ago, and what certain extinct creatures looked like during life.

Bones preserved in rocks are called fossils.

Look at this stone (showing and looking at the stone with the image of a shell).

This is a stone from our river, the Volga, and traces of an ancient shell are clearly visible on it.

Do you agree to go back in time? How will we go back in time? (by time machine)

Children come to the table where there are models, books, etc. (music sounds).

We found ourselves in the past, where there were no people yet.

Listen to the sounds (there is a musical pause: the voices of birds, the buzzing of insects, the howling of the wind, the murmur of water, the sound of a guitar can be heard against this background).

What sounds of living creatures did you hear?

What sound is missing here? Why? (children answer)

What other sound have you heard?

Which of these sounds were the first to appear on the planet?

Hot and humid climate quite suitable for dinosaurs and other reptiles.

Who are dinosaurs? (terrible lizards)

Children are invited to assemble dinosaurs from puzzles.

There are so many dinosaurs around us: big and small, kind and fierce, predatory and herbivorous.

What do herbivores eat? (children's answers). What about the predatory ones?

Herbivores eat plants. Animals that eat meat are called carnivores or carnivores. If both are omnivorous. (Examining materials, puzzles, books, illustrations, etc.).

This is a “brachiosaurus” lizard. It was longer than two buses put together, and you could sit in its footprint. This is the biggest one of all famous dinosaurs.

This is a “stegosaurus”. Look at his tail. Stegosaurus used its tail as a weapon. He was 7 meters long, his brain was only the size of Walnut.

This is “tyrannosaurus rex,” which means “tyrannosaurus rex.” He was the largest predator that ever lived on Earth. He had teeth the size of daggers.

The upper part of the pachycelosaur's skull was harder than brick and the size of a man. It was very convenient to butt enemies with such a head.

How did dinosaurs reproduce? Dinosaurs laid hard, leathery eggs in the sand.

Were there flying dinosaurs? No. Dinosaurs couldn't fly. However, flying reptiles, like pterodactyls, lived with them at the same time.

Why didn't the first birds fly? (Children look at illustrations of the first birds. Very large body and small wings).

Children choose materials for the experiment: paper, weights (torso). Wings are made from cardboard, thin paper, wings with weights; check how different “wings” glide and come to the conclusion: with small wings large birds it was difficult to fly.

During the age of dinosaurs, most of the Earth had a very hot climate. The land was covered with vast swamps and tropical thickets. This habitat was quite suitable for dinosaurs and other reptiles.

Many dinosaurs were very large. Do you know why?

Experience: Why dinosaurs were so big.

Scientists suggest that dinosaurs were as cold as frogs. During this period, the temperature on the planet was not constant and fluctuated sharply.

Look at these containers. Imagine these are dinosaurs that have warmed up from high temperature on the planet.

An adult pours hot water into containers of different sizes, and children touch them. After some time, the children again check the temperature of the containers by touch and conclude that the large jar is hotter - it needs more time to cool.

What size dinosaurs were able to cope with the cold easier? ( big dinosaurs retained their temperature for a long time, so they did not freeze in cold period when they were not heated by the sun).

Are all dinosaurs big? Not all. Some, such as “compsognathus,” were no larger than a large turkey.

Why did dinosaurs become extinct? Nobody really knows why they died out. Most probable cause Their extinction could have been caused by climate change, leading to a shortage of food for dinosaurs.

Physical education for a minute:

And now Everyone stood up one after another, crouched down, arms to the sides, and a little in a circle. (give background music) What common ancestor of insects are we now similar to? (for a centipede).

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. (The cheerful song by Gennady Gladkov “Dinosaur” sounds).

Where we were? What do you remember most? (children's answers).

And now - attention!

If you know that animal beings appeared on our planet in different time, guess who is the odd one out in the following threes (pictures are shown):

1 Hedgehog, man, dinosaur

2 Stegocephalus, crocodile, bird

3 Hippopotamus, gorilla, brachiosaurus

4 Crane, pterodactyl, wagtail

Well done! This is where our unusual journey into the past ended.

Giants of the past 1st lesson
Goals: to introduce the concept of the past using the example of the animal world that lived in the distant past and are absent today (dinosaurs), to develop interest in the history of the world, to broaden one’s horizons.
Equipment: illustrations on the topic, m/f in the world of dinosaurs, A4 sheets, simple pencils, erasers, wax crayons, paints, brushes.
Progress of the lesson:
The clock is counting down, leaving us minute by minute. Whether it was a bad moment or a good one, you can’t get it back. Time only moves forward! But people don’t want to say goodbye to their past; they want to remember it and know it.
What do you think the past is? (children's guesses answers)
The past is something that was and has passed, gone and cannot be returned. Everything that goes into the past becomes history. People want to know history - their past.
Trying to restore events and life in the past, people learned that there were times when there were no people on Earth, but huge animals lived...
Who knows what they are called? (children's answers)
How do you think people learned about dinosaurs?
Their remains and fossils were found
What do you think fossils are?
What do you know about dinosaurs?
First discoveries:
Robert Plott was the first to find a dinosaur bone in 1677, people mistook his find for the bone of an elephant or a giant, and 145 years later Mantell the doctor came to examine the patient, his wife went with him. While the doctor was examining the patient, his wife was walking around big park. It was spring, spring flowers were blooming, birds were chirping. Suddenly her gaze stopped on some pebbles protruding from the ground. They looked very strange and the wife decided to tell her husband about them. HER husband just collected various fossils; he almost had a museum of various bones at his home. Therefore, at first glance he determined that these were not stones, but the teeth of an unknown animal that lived millions of years ago. The doctor named the animal “iguanodon” because. noticed the similarity of the found remains with the iguana lizard and concluded that the teeth belonged to a huge reptile.
Iguanodon means iguana tooth. This was the first dinosaur discovered. Scientists found his assumption implausible.
In 1841 scientist Richard Owen first stated that all the mysterious bones are the remains of extinct reptiles unknown to science. He called them dinosaurs.
Then they began to recreate the appearance of dinosaurs based on finds and the first exhibitions appeared.
Next is a story about paleontologists and how fossils are found and transported, how fossils are formed from the slides
When the body of a dead dinosaur falls to the bottom of the lake, it sinks into the mud. After millions of years, the reservoir usually dries up and the skeleton is buried under a layer of sediment. Usually during all this time he does not change his position. Over time, loose sediments become compacted under their own weight and turn into solids. rocks, the bones are surrounded by them like cement. Sometimes, as a result of the movement of the earth, these layers come to the surface. Under the influence of rain or wind, the rocks are destroyed, exposing the remains of dinosaurs. Lying in the thickness of sedimentary rocks, the bone is slowly saturated with mineral salts. Therefore, it retains its shape and internal structure, but turns into a monolith - a fossil
What do you think about dinosaurs based on their appearance?
Who knows what the word dinosaur means? (terrible lizards)
Do you agree with this meaning?
Where do you think the remains of dinosaurs are located?
What else would you like to know about dinosaurs?
What new did you learn today?
What do you remember most? What was interesting?
What was the name of the first dinosaur found? Why was he called that? How was he discovered?
Who are paleontologists?
How are dinosaur remains found? How are they transported?
How do you understand the word fossil? How are fossils formed?
Now let's draw dinosaurs






Individual work:

- Monitor children’s speech, achieve complete answers;

— Provide assistance in answering questions;

— Help children during practical work and during experimentation.

Preliminary work:

— Watching the presentation “Making a Pencil” and talking with children;

— Watching the cartoon “Pencil and Eraser”


Set of colored pencils; simple pencils, leads, sharpeners, erasers, observation cards - according to the number of children; various material: napkins, pieces of fabric, paper, ribbons, thread, ice cream sticks; collection of simple pencils; painting – A shepherd tends sheep; canvas depicting a cave, rock paintings and ancient man; mock-up of a fire made from branches; charred branches according to the number of children.

Methodical techniques:

Problem situation: Why doesn't a simple pencil live with all the pencils in one box?

— Dynamic pause;

— Conversation with children “How and with what did ancient people draw?”;

— Exercise “Cave paintings”;

— Teacher’s story “The Story of the Creation of a Pencil”;

Practical work"Graphite Shirt";

— Physical exercise “Fun gymnastics with a pencil”;

— Games and experiments with a pencil. (Symbolic analogy - TRIZ);

— Gymnastics for the eyes with a pencil;

Game exercise"Inventor". (Fantasy binomial - TRIZ);

— Examination of a collection of simple pencils;

— Lesson analysis.

Progress of the lesson:

Children and teacher stand in a circle.

- Guys, look at each other, smile at each other. Today we expect a lot of interesting things, many new discoveries, and your attention, resourcefulness, ingenuity and curiosity will be your helpers.

The teacher makes a wish for the children riddle :

I take the magic wands into my hands.

I can draw whatever I want with them.

House, river and mushrooms,

Sun, sky and flowers.

I like sticks, these are the sticks.

Wooden on top and colored on the inside.

- Guys, you guessed correctly, these are colored pencils. Today, I brought you pencils. Look what they are like.

(Children look at what color the pencils are in the box. The teacher draws the children’s attention to a simple pencil).

- Guys, what kind of pencil do I have? (simple) Why doesn't a simple pencil live with all the pencils in one box? (Because only colored pencils live in the box, and he is not colored, but simple). Guys, do you know that the history of colored pencils begins with a simple pencil. Want to know how it was? I invite you to take a journey into the past of the pencil.

Dynamic pause.

We are walking along the road. We go with a pencil.

If we encounter ravines, we will go around the ravines.

If we encounter snags, we will crawl under the snags.

And we will walk on the pebbles, we will cross the stream.

Step by step, little by little, we will go back into the past.

- Guys, look where the pencil took us? What time? (children's answers) This ancient world, and ancient people live here.

The teacher invites the children to sit near the fire. Children look at rock paintings.

The teacher talks with the children.

“I wonder why the pencil brought us to this particular time?” Tell me, did ancient people draw? Where did they draw? What did you depict in your drawings? What did ancient people draw with? (The teacher listens to the children’s answers.) Indeed, ancient people loved to draw. They depicted on the rocks in the caves what they saw, what surrounded them: animals, people, hunting scenes and other events from the life of their tribe. And they drew with charcoal.

Guys, do you want to try to create your own “rock” paintings? There are burnt branches near the fire, take them and draw what you would like to draw.

(Children draw with charcoal on the wall)

- Guys, the pencil invites us on a journey. Let's go further.

Dynamic pause:

We are walking through flowering meadows.

We will make bouquets of flowers.

Somewhere behind high mountains,

Somewhere beyond the distant forests,

Somewhere behind deep seas.

We'll find something interesting.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the picture - a shepherd grazing sheep.

- Why do you think the pencil brought us here?

It turns out that a long time ago, in England, shepherds were tending sheep and saw some dark solid substance on the ground. They picked it up and realized that this substance leaves traces. Then the shepherds came up with the idea that they could mark sheep with this substance so as not to confuse them with someone else’s flock.

This substance was called graphite. Later it became clear that you can draw and write with graphite.

It was inconvenient to use graphite; it got your hands very dirty. Then people began to wonder how to prevent their hands from getting dirty? Guys, what do you think? (children's answers). Well done, you offered many different options. And now I suggest you turn into real masters, go to the workshop and make a “shirt” for graphite yourself. It was not by chance that I said “shirt”, because that’s what people called it.

Practical work.

There are various materials on the table in front of the children: napkins, pieces of fabric, paper, ribbons, thread, ice cream sticks. Children choose material and do the work.

Well done guys, you worked hard, you got some unusual items. What do you think they look like? (children's answers). Indeed, all these objects began to look like a pencil, only a very unusual one. These are the pencils our ancestors used to draw in the 16th century. And this is what a modern pencil looks like. (The teacher offers each child a simple pencil) Let's play with the pencil.

Physical exercise “Fun gymnastics with a pencil”

(self-massage of fingers and palms using a pencil)

I roll the pencil in my hands.

I'm turning it between my fingers.

Definitely every finger

I will teach you to be obedient.

- Guys, now I suggest you become real researchers and find out what properties a pencil has.

The teacher invites the children to go to the laboratory, put on gowns, and do their workplace. Children, together with the teacher, conduct games and experiments with a pencil. (Symbolic analogy - TRIZ: children record conclusions on an observation map using symbols they have invented).

Experiment 1 - What is a pencil made of? (Children are offered a sectional view of a pencil. Conclusion: the pencil consists of a body and a lead.)

Experiment 2 – Hard and soft pencil.

Experiment 3 – Drawings made in pencil are easily erased.

Experiment 4 - Does a pencil shrink? (Children sharpen a pencil with a sharpener).

Experiment 5 - A pencil can be sharp or blunt.

Experiment 6 - Pencil strength.


The teacher asks the children the question, “What new properties of a pencil have you discovered?” Children answer based on the results of the map - observations.

— Guys, the pencil wants to play the game “Catch” with you. (gymnastics for the eyes “Catch the pencil with your eyes”)

— We found out that the pencil has unique properties. To make the pencil more practical and convenient, people are constantly improving it. Let's think about how we can change it, make it better and more convenient.

Game exercise"Inventor"

(The fantasy binomial is TRIZ: new ideas appear as a result of combining two things. Possible options: system + system - pencil + ruler, pencil + pen; system + anti-system - pencil + eraser, pencil + sharpener).

We realized that there are simple pencils that are easy to use. A round pencil rolls off the table, so they came up with the idea of ​​making it hexagonal. Then, for convenience, an eraser was placed at the top of the pencil. Colored pencils appeared. People began to look for material to replace wood. This is how pencils in plastic frames appeared. A mechanical pencil in a metal case was invented. Nowadays wax pencils are also produced.

I have collected a collection of pencils and I want to show it to you. (Children look at a collection of pencils).

- And now, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten:

Turned right, left,

We returned to kindergarten.

- Here we are back in kindergarten. Guys, let's remember where we were today? What did we see? What new have you learned? What did you like most?

Guys, I have prepared some stars for you. Come and take one star at a time. Arina, who do you think was the most active during the lesson? Give him your star. Timur, who was the most inventive today? Give me your star. Egor, who was the smartest today and quickly completed all the experiments? Give it to him. The rest of the guys, give stars to someone who, in your opinion, deserves them today.

Thank you guys. You did a good job today. I want to give you these “difficult” simple pencils as a souvenir of our journey.

Video lessons

Self-analysis of the teacher

The topic of the educational activity itself: “Journey into the past of a simple pencil.”

The lesson was conducted with children from the preparatory group.

Form of implementation: game - travel.

Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”, “Socialization”.

Target: introduce the history of the appearance of a simple pencil and its evolution.

Based on the goal, I set tasks:


- to form children’s idea of ​​a simple pencil, its various types, qualities and properties, the history of its appearance;

— improve skills unconventional drawing;

— strengthen children’s ability to independently perform experiments and record the results in an observation chart.


- develop memory, attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills;

- develop the ability to take initiative during experimentation, express your assumptions, analyze, draw conclusions;

— develop creative activity and encourage children to independently invent symbols;

- develop coherent speech, enrich children’s vocabulary with words: graphite,


— cultivate independence, confidence in one’s skills, accuracy;

— cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher’s tasks, answer questions clearly and distinctly;

- cultivate interest in learning about the world around us.

Before conducting NOD, I conducted it with children preliminary work:

— Watching the presentation “Making a Pencil” and talking with children about what they saw;

— Creation of a collection of simple pencils;

— Drawing on a free topic with simple and colored pencils.

— Watching the cartoon “Pencil and Eraser.”

GCD structure:

In the introductory part I assumed the organization and psychological attitude of the children towards GCD. I posed a problem: “Why doesn’t a simple pencil live in the same box with colored pencils?” To solve the problem, I invited the children to travel back in time and learn about the history of a simple pencil.

In the main part I introduced the children to the history of the simple pencil. I was offered various tasks, aimed at independent, mental and practical activities of children. Self-massage of fingers and palms using a pencil, eye gymnastics, and dynamic pauses were also included and carried out in the main part. This allowed the children to relieve fatigue and increase their performance.

In the final part GCD analysis was carried out. The children themselves identified the most active and smart ones, etc. and gave them stars.

The children were active and showed interest. I believe that the set goal was achieved and all tasks were solved.

teacher of MADOU KV "Kindergarten No. 51" - "Zainka"

Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation