Javanese kancil(Javanese or Malayan deer) is considered the smallest artiodactyl animal in the world, their height rarely reaches above 25 cm, and their weight is a maximum of 2.5 kg, it is similar in size to a cat or hare. Despite the lack of large branched horns like their larger counterparts, the Javan kanchile has sharp and strong fangs, based on the size of the animal. Externally, the kanchil is very similar to a roe deer: a rather large (relative to its overall size) body, light eyes, graceful legs with small hooves, a beautiful head; wool maybe different colors, but always soft.

These are herbivores different shapes and size, whose descendants are to be regarded as the culprits or clipper ships of Africa and the Middle East. With three divisions there are the first ungulates in North America and Europe. Mammals evolve forms that adapt to life in the sea.

In widespread tropical forests During this period, termites live for the first time. Favorable tropical jungle world, the significant development of birds begins with the number of species, as well as individual numbers. Numerous special forms also appear.

The Javan deer lives in the South - eastern Asia, on the islands of Kalimantan, Java and Sumatra, as well as in India and Ceylon, West Africa and South Asia.

In addition to the fact that the Javanese kancil - the smallest artiodactyl in the world, these animals are considered one of the most ancient: its history of existence begins 50 million years ago, during the formation of orders of ancient ungulates.

The most overwhelming ones experience a significant increase in new species. In the first encounter of the collision, the north-driving frontal Indian subcontinent meets Asia. Around this time, the Afro-Arab table also advanced against Eurasia.

In Messel, near Darmstadt, a tropical lake has landed in the jungle. In its anoxic soil deposits, among many plants, a large number of animal fossils are in excellent preservation. Special meaning have primary horses, the bats, numerous insect eaters, as well as performing animals and "true" predators.

Javanese kanchils do not gather in flocks; they prefer a solitary lifestyle, and only get a pair during the mating period. During the day they usually hide among bushes or in the burrows of other animals, and at night they come out for leaves, herbs and berries - this is what kanchili like to eat. In addition to the above, they are also very good swimmers, which allows them to hunt crabs, shellfish and fish.
The behavior of Javanese kancels when an enemy approaches is usually similar to the behavior of opossums: when the enemy approaches, the deer pretends to be dead, and as soon as the opportunity arises, it jumps out sharply right in front of his nose and runs away.

IN Central Europe lives a subordinate order of teeth, ants. A family of vertebrates otherwise found only in South America is represented here. The first representatives of clown hooves develop from the original hooves. Fossils of amphibians and reptiles, as well as birds of tropical wet biotopes, are especially common. Mighty limestone sediments are deposited in a shallow sea of ​​warm water in the Paris Basin, with well-preserved vertebrate fossils of many species.

Thousands of farm animals, mostly mammals, are trapped in a fossil site near Egerkingen in Switzerland. They die in the karst column and fossilize in large numbers. Ancestors of horses and tapirs, as well as clowns of ungulates, carnivores and primates.

The reproductive characteristics of Javan deer have not yet been fully studied, but most likely, they only give birth to one baby, like most other animals. Newborn kanchili develop quite quickly: an hour after birth they already quickly follow their mother, and at 5 months they enter sexual maturity.
Keeping the Javan kanchila is quite popular in Europe, where they can be kept in captivity, and many owners even send their pets to exhibitions or simply show other people such an unusual animal.

A fossil burial site is being built southwest of Cairo in the Fayoum Valley, with particular interest in development. The Fayoum fossil record includes early mammals, early ungulates, early whales, carnivores, and reptiles. The first remains of primates are also fossils.

During this time, the so-called sedimentation intervals, i.e. failure layers of deposition are widely used. A big wave species dying, especially affecting mammalian fauna Western Europe. At the same time, numerous new families of mammals are emerging.

A distinctive feature of a deer is its love of cleanliness: it constantly licks itself and cleans itself, so those who decide to keep it at home should take into account that the pet’s cage should always be clean.

Its 35 members are spread over large parts of Europe, Asia, Northern and South America. The first "Urhirsche" appears to have appeared in Africa in the early Miocene about 25 million years ago, i.e. on a continent where deer were largely displaced by various antelopes from the antlered family.

In the Late Miocene, early ancestral ancestors spread throughout Africa from across Eurasia, developing big variety forms Today there are 15 people living in the New World various types deer. From the Arctic Circle in Alaska to Magellan in southern Chile, they inhabit a wide variety of habitats. Among New Zealand's herds, the smallest and largest member of the deer family: the Northern Pudu, with a shoulder height of less than 35 cm and a weight of 7 kilograms, is the undisputed dwarf among the Colombian, Ecuadorian and Peruvian Andean Deer.

Small deer, or kancil, or Javan small kancil (Tragulus javanicus) is a species of mammals from the deer family. The smallest artiodactyl on the planet. Lives in South-East Asia.

Small deer length from 45 to 55 cm, height at the withers from 20 to 25 cm and weight from 1.5 to 2.5 kg. The tail is approximately 5 cm long.

AND giant family, Alaska moose, with a shoulder height of up to 2.3 m and weighing sometimes more than 800 kilograms, is also found in northern regions North America. Distributed from Canada to Chile. Additionally, the Opera Stag is found on the island of Curacao, which is located off the coast of Venezuela and is part of the Netherlands Antilles. Thanks to human help, he also managed to conquer whole line other Caribbean islands, including the Greater Antilles in Cuba, Jamaica and Hispaniolla. The species is thus divided into about 37 different subspecies.

The coat color on the upper side is brown. The underside and chin are white. The muzzle is pointed, the black nose is hairless, the eyes are very large. The physique is roundish, the legs, in contrast to the body, look unusually graceful. There are no horns, the upper fangs are enlarged, in particular, in the male they stick out from the mouth like tusks.

However, this was discontinued after studies conducted in the 1970s showed that there were no differences between North American, Central American and South American Weisswedels that keeping them in multiple species would be warranted. The most striking difference between different regional population groups is the average size people who are really very changeable. An adult male from Canada can reach a weight of almost 200 kilograms and a shoulder height of over 100 centimeters, while an adult male from Florida, where the smallest subspecies, the so-called key white-tailed deer, is home to 22 to 25 kilograms of body weight, weighing barely an eighth of the them, and usually amounts to only half the height of the shoulders up to 50 centimeters.

The species' distribution range covers the territory from southern China (Yunnan) to the Malay Peninsula and the islands of Sumatra, Borneo and Java with nearby small islands. It lives in forests with dense undergrowth, often near water bodies.

Very shy animals leading a solitary lifestyle. They are active mainly at night. During the day they sleep in rock crevices or hollow tree trunks. At night they go in search of food, creating tunnel-like paths in the thicket.

In all subspecies, females are clearly smaller and lighter than males. This is discarded after the rut and then reformed. Each of the two parts of the horn consists of a shaft curved outward in a semicircle, usually with six or seven steps. Part 1 of the formula for success is exceptional adaptability to a wide variety of habitats and different climatic conditions. Weisswedel Hirschen seems to be able to live almost anywhere there is plant food. all year round, and where woody plants Somehow they convey some kind of coverage.

The only habitats that they cannot colonize in their distribution area are true dry deserts and tropical forested areas. In fact, when food is abundant in their habitat, a female white-breasted deer may already be pregnant for the first time in adolescence between 6 and 7 months of age and will be born at 13 to 14 months for the first time. Additionally, adult females over 18 months of age give birth to twins and sometimes even triplets under favorable conditions.

They are exclusively territorial animals, with males having a home range of approximately 12 hectares and females approximately 8.5 hectares. For communication, markings of urine, dirt and secretions are used, which is perfect for dense and poorly lit jungles. The fight for territory between males is carried out using long fangs.

With a natural life span of usually over twelve years, a woman can thus produce between 15 and 20 young adults during her lifetime. In less favorable conditions In life, females usually do not begin to grow for the first time until the second year of life, and then usually give birth to "single children". The swing is an exciting time. Although it is quite common for women with white backs to reproduce as teenagers, this is probably the big exception among men. IN wildlife, however, they are prevented by older, more strong men around them due to the massive rivalry during the rut season.

Little deer are primarily herbivores that feed on leaves, buds and fruits. In zoos they also feed on insects.

Females often mate again within a few hours of giving birth and can spend almost their entire lives pregnant. After a gestation period of approximately 140 days, the female gives birth to one, rarely two, cubs, which are fed by an udder with four teats. Within 30 minutes after their birth they are on their feet. After about 10 to 13 weeks they are weaned from their mother, and at about 5 to 6 months of age they become sexually mature. Life expectancy is 12 years.

For most of the year, deer, dressed in white whites, are peaceful creatures that exhibit aggressive behavior in relation to their offspring in exceptional circumstances. During the rut season, which repeats itself every year, this changes radically. Each male then strives to become the dominant "staster", thus gaining the prerogative of mating with resident females. Most of the battles that take place between rival males at this time end quickly, as usually one of them soon admits his submission and leaves soon after.

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A tiny raccoon - of course, you've heard... But a tiny deer... Perhaps you need to look through zoology or watch "In the Animal World". Or you can read... here... about little incredibly interesting and amazing little deer. Meet the Javanese kanchil... yes, yes, there are such miniature ungulates.

Small deer do not have branched antlers, but they do have impressive fangs, based on the size of the animal. Height Javanese kanchili, the smallest representatives of artiodactyls found in Southeast Asia, on the islands of Kalimantan, Java and Sumatra, in India and Ceylon from 20 cm (the smallest) - the small kanchila to 80 cm (the largest) - the African water kanchila. Weight ranges from 1.5 kg to 5-8 kg, respectively. From the mouse, the kanchili got grayish-brown fur with an orange tint, secretive night image life and omnivorousness. Their small size helps them move well in dense thickets, do not “drown” in the swampy soil of the tropical forest.

Kanchili usually give birth to two young and are very territorial, i.e. are permanent “owners” of about 10 hectares of space. During the day, deer hide and sleep, and hunt at dusk and at night. The promiscuity of kanchilas in food comes down to the fact that they eat not only vegetation - mushrooms, fruits, leaves, but also small animals, from beetles to frogs and fish, which are excellently hunted in small stakes. One of the species, the African water kanchile, can even be called an “amphibious mammal”; it spends almost all its time in the water, here it hunts, escapes from predators and swims beautifully. And also... mouse deer eat... carrion. There are only 5 species of these interesting animals on the planet. And in Malay folklore, the kanchili plays the role of a cunning animal, like the Slavs - the fox.

The most ancient artiodactyl animal on our planet is small deer. It is also known as, Javanese small kancil.

Deer appeared on Earth around 50 million years ago and have remained virtually unchanged in appearance. Kanchil is not only the oldest artiodactyl, but also the smallest. The height of the animal reaches 25 cm at the withers, the body length is about 50 cm, and the weight reaches 2.5 kg.

Deer live in tropical rainforests in Southeast Asia and Africa. Mammals are very shy and are mainly nocturnal, but during the day they hide in thickets, tree roots and hollows. It’s hard to believe, but they are able to climb trees on their hooves, and they also finished excellent swimmers- hiding from predators, they can for a long time be underwater.

They feed on leaves and grass, insects, small rodents, fish and crabs. Kanchili do not have horns, but they do have small fangs. Males have longer fangs than females and protrude like tusks. Fangs are used as a weapon against predators and a means in the fight for a female. The mark from the fangs was painful and quite deep.

A tiny raccoon - of course, you've heard... But a tiny deer... Perhaps you need to look through zoology or watch “In the Animal World”. Or you can read... here... about little incredibly interesting and amazing little deer. Meet the Javanese kanchil... yes, yes, there are such miniature ungulates.

Small deer do not have branched antlers, but they do have impressive fangs, based on the size of the animal. The growth of the Javan kanchile, the smallest representatives of artiodactyls, found in Southeast Asia, on the islands of Kalimantan, Java and Sumatra, in India and Ceylon from 20 cm (the smallest) - small kanchile to 80 cm (the largest) - African water kanchile . Weight ranges from 1.5 kg to 5-8 kg, respectively. From the mouse, the kanchili got grayish-brown fur with an orange tint, a secretive nocturnal lifestyle and omnivorous behavior. Their small size helps them move well in dense thickets and not “drown” in the swampy soil of the tropical forest.

Kanchili usually give birth to two young and are very territorial, i.e. are permanent “owners” of about 10 hectares of space. During the day, deer hide and sleep, and hunt at dusk and at night. The promiscuity of kanchilas in food comes down to the fact that they eat not only vegetation - mushrooms, fruits, leaves, but also small animals, from beetles to frogs and fish, which are excellently hunted in small stakes. One of the species, the African water kanchile, can even be called an “amphibious mammal”; it spends almost all its time in the water, here it hunts, escapes from predators and swims beautifully. And also... mouse deer eat... carrion. There are only 5 species of these interesting animals on the planet. And in Malay folklore, the kanchili plays the role of a cunning animal, like the Slavs - the fox.

Javanese kancil(Javanese or Malayan deer) is considered the smallest artiodactyl animal in the world, their height rarely reaches above 25 cm, and their weight is a maximum of 2.5 kg, it is similar in size to a cat or hare. Despite the lack of large branched horns like their larger counterparts, the Javan kanchile has sharp and strong fangs, based on the size of the animal. Externally, the kanchil is very similar to a roe deer: a rather large (relative to its overall size) body, light eyes, graceful legs with small hooves, a beautiful head; the wool can be of different colors, but is always soft.

The Javan deer lives in Southeast Asia, on the islands of Kalimantan, Java and Sumatra, as well as in India and Ceylon, West Africa and South Asia.

In addition to the fact that the Javanese kancil - the smallest artiodactyl in the world, these animals are considered one of the most ancient: its history of existence begins 50 million years ago, during the formation of orders of ancient ungulates.

Javanese kanchils do not gather in flocks; they prefer a solitary lifestyle, and only get a pair during the mating period. During the day they usually hide among bushes or in the burrows of other animals, and at night they come out for leaves, herbs and berries - this is what kanchili like to eat. In addition to the above, they are also very good swimmers, which allows them to hunt crabs, shellfish and fish.
The behavior of Javanese kancels when an enemy approaches is usually similar to the behavior of opossums: when the enemy approaches, the deer pretends to be dead, and as soon as the opportunity arises, it jumps out sharply right in front of his nose and runs away.

The reproductive characteristics of Javan deer have not yet been fully studied, but most likely, they only give birth to one baby, like most other animals. Newborn kanchili develop quite quickly: an hour after birth they already quickly follow their mother, and at 5 months they enter sexual maturity.
Keeping the Javan kanchila is quite popular in Europe, where they can be kept in captivity, and many owners even send their pets to exhibitions or simply show other people such an unusual animal.

A distinctive feature of a deer is its love of cleanliness: it constantly licks itself and cleans itself, so those who decide to keep it at home should take into account that the pet’s cage should always be clean.