The same faces flicker on the TV screen, so interest in them quickly disappears. But Oksana Fedorova is a unique person who deserves special attention.

Difficult childhood

The biography of Oksana Fedorova begins in 1977, when the famous TV presenter was born.

She spent all her childhood and youth in the city of Pskov. Life was sometimes unfair and cruel to her, but Oksana did not lose heart, and the difficulties had a positive effect on the formation of her character: perseverance and patience became great helpers in achieving the set goals. When Oksana was very young, her father left their family. Mom worked as a doctor and could not devote much time to the child. Together they had a hard time, but they coped with dignity and did not break.

Dream of a militia

After graduating from school in 1995 with a medal, Fedorova decided to make her dream come true and entered the police college of law.

The biography of Oksana Fedorova is not eventful. Her life flowed smoothly and measuredly, she confidently moved towards her goals, achieving them.

In 1997, young Oksana graduated from college with honors. She has a desire to work in her specialty, help people, and even manages to work a little as an investigator. This is where Pskov life ends and begins new stage in the making famous TV presenter. She decides to continue her studies and enters the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg, which she then graduates with. This allows her to get a job at Pulkovo Airport.

Start of the Star Trek

The biography of Fedorova Oksana is no different from the biographies of a million police officers, but only until the moment she decides to participate in the Miss St. Petersburg beauty contest.

To maintain good physical shape in free time Oksana attended shaping classes. The trainings took place in the gym that belonged to the St. Petersburg Shaping Federation, which, in turn, became the organizer of the popular Miss St. Petersburg contest. The girl decided that participation in the competition would not harm her service in the police, and applied. She won, becoming "Miss St. Petersburg" in 1999. Then there was a significant victory at Miss Russia, and then Miss Universe.

Worldwide competition

It should be noted that the trip to the Miss Universe contest did not take place in 2001, as

was planned by the organizers, but in 2002. This is due to the fact that Oksana was still studying at the institute, and exams fell out at the time of the international competition. A year later, after graduating from high school, the girl took part in Miss Universe.

The biography of Oksana Fedorova includes such an item as winning the Miss Universe contest, despite the fact that everything did not go quite smoothly and there was a scandal. Winning the prestigious title international competition, the girl received the crown (worth $ 200,000), many awards (total amount of $ 250,000), a large number of lucrative contracts, the opportunity to study at the American School of Film and Television, as well as apartments in Manhattan. Despite bright prospects and an abundance of prizes and contracts, Oksana refused to participate in the filming. She returned to Russia to continue work on her dissertation. So science became more important for her than prestige and fame. After 4 months of her rejections, Oksana was stripped of her Miss Universe title.

Life after the competition

Despite the fact that Oksana Fedorova lost her prestigious title, she is still considered the winner in her homeland. She rightfully deserves the love and respect of her fans. After participating in the competition, Oksana becomes a public person, takes an active part in the filming of television programs. She becomes the host of a popular children's program " Goodnight, kids ”, as well as the programs“ Subbotnik ”and“ Saturday Evening ”. For several years, she hosted the well-known entertainment program Fort Boyard. For several years, Oksana managed to star in the series "Don't Be Born Beautiful" and in the film "Sophie". And in 2008, her book "Formula of Beauty" was published with tips on choosing a style. Political career the girl did not work out, she did not manage to get into the Duma of the Russian Federation.

ups and downs

The famous TV presenter, singer and actress Oksana Fedorova, whose biography is not replete with love events, has been looking for her happiness for a long time. The girl's personal life did not develop.

Due to the lack of reliable information, Fedorova's personal life has been surrounded by rumors like a snowball since her return to St. Petersburg after the Miss Universe pageant. The refusal of the Russian beauty from the title gave rise to a lot of gossip and questions, and Oksana's comments were short and dry. Many said that her lover, who was 20 years older, forced her to give up the title. Information appeared in the media that Oksana lives with Vladimir Golubev, a well-known St. Petersburg businessman (married). He did not want to have children, as he already had two from his legal wife. Divorce was also not included in his plans. Oksana repeatedly complained to her friends about limited freedom, the absence of a full-fledged family and children. In 2006, Fedorova broke off relations with Golubev.

After Oksana Fedorova's participation in the Dancing with the Stars project, rumors spread about her romance with her partner Alexander Litvinenko, but the couple soon broke up.

In 2007, Oksana met Philip Toft. Soon they played a wedding, but life in different countries failed: Fedorova's husband lived in Germany, and she lived in Russia. The pair failed the distance test. Oksana - public person, and in the absence of Philip ( legal spouse) at social events and parties, she began to appear, accompanied by Nikolai Baskov. After some time, they, without hesitation, kissed, hugged and allowed themselves frank dances. The marriage with Philip Toft quickly fell apart, and relations with Baskov did not work out.

New life, happy family

Fate smiled at Oksana Fedorova only in 2011, when she, unexpectedly for everyone, married Andrei Borodin. From that moment on, the personal life of the TV presenter became closed to the press. Oksana Fedorova's husband is not a public person, but the "Russian beauty" herself is so immersed in family life that disappeared from the field of view of journalists for almost a year.

Complete family

In 2012, the first-born was born in the family of Oksana and Andrey, who completely changed the life of the TV presenter. She devoted herself entirely to the upbringing of the child. Fedor, that was the name of the boy, became a long-awaited happiness for Oksana. The second child appeared a year later - in 2013. Now Fedorova and Borodin have a complete family - a son and a daughter.

The children of Oksana Fedorova are the weather, and they require a lot of attention. She is helped by her mother and mother-in-law, who are happy to raise their grandchildren. But the young mother herself tries to take an active part in the life of the kids. Daughter Lisa has a calmer character, unlike her older brother. Fedor is growing inquisitive and active, as a future defender should be, because he now has not only a beautiful mother, but also a little sister.

You should not shift the upbringing of children to a nanny, says Oksana Fedorova. The biography, in which children now occupy an important place, will become less saturated, but, having created a full-fledged family, the girl does not forget about her career. She plans to surprise the audience with the release of a new hit.

With the birth of children, Oksana Fedorova began to appear less on the TV screen, but continues to engage in creativity and self-realization, which means that we are waiting for new songs and programs with the participation of our favorite TV star.

Oksana Gennadievna Fedorova(born December 17, 1977) - Russian fashion model, TV presenter, actress and singer, winner of beauty contests " Miss St. Petersburg - 1999», « Miss Russia - 2001" and " Miss Universe - 2002". PhD in Law and Police Captain.

Oksana Fedorova (Oksana Fedorova): photo, video, biography

Since 2001, she taught civil law at the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, became an associate professor at the Department of Civil Law. Oksana Fedorova- one of the leading programs for children " GOOG night kids!", as well as programs" Subbotnik" and " Saturday evening". In 2007, Fedorova published her book " Style Formula ". In addition, she is a partner International Foundation helping children UNICEF in Russia. As a singer Oksana Fedorova recorded several songs, including duets with artists such as Nikolay Baskov and Dima Bilan .

Oksana Fedorova was born in 1977 in Pskov. Her father left the family when she was still very young, and Fedorova was raised by her mother, a doctor by profession. Oksana studied well at school and at the same time always kept herself independent and avoided all kinds of school gangs. She first realized that she had an attractive appearance when she was noticed by the most a handsome boy in class.

Choosing future profession, Oksana decided to follow in the footsteps of her great-grandfather, who worked in post-war years chief of the Pskov militia. She entered the police school, which she graduated in 1997 with a gold medal. After that, Oksana went to St. Petersburg, where she entered the faculty of heads of city district bodies of internal affairs University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was there that she decided to try her luck and participate in a beauty contest " Miss St. Petersburg - 1999". The victory in this competition changed Oksana's life dramatically. Now she, confident in her abilities, decided to cover the whole world with her beauty.

After graduating University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Oksana Fedorova took part in the competition Miss Russia - 2001”, which also won, and in 2002 received the prestigious title“ Miss Universe - 2002". However, four months later, Oksana refused the crown, with which she received a lot of contracts and obligations. Fedorova admitted that it was not easy for her to combine the duties of Miss Universe, involving participation in many events, and the defense of her Ph.D. thesis. Title Miss Universe moved to Justine Pasek from Panama.

Oksana Fedorova / Oksana Fedorova on television

Oksana Fedorova appeared on television in an unexpected role - she became the host of a program for children " GOOG night kids! ».

Around the same time, she decided to try herself in big politics and tried to get into State Duma Russia. However, this attempt failed.

Next television project, which led to a surge of mass interest in Fedorova, was the show " Dancing with the Stars", where former Miss The universe danced with Alexander Litvnenko. According to rumors, Litvinenko saw in Fedorova more than just a dancing partner, but it did not come to a serious romance. In 2007, Oksana married a German businessman. Philip Toft.

Oksana Fedorova invariably remains a sought-after person on television. On her account as the host of such programs as " Subbotnik», « Saturday evening», « Fort Bayard", filming in the series" Don't be born beautiful"and in the film" Sophie". In addition, Oksana takes an active part in public life: in 2002-2005 she participated in election campaigns Russian party life, and since 2006 has been a partner of UNICEF in Russia. Oksana Fedorova is also engaged in writing. In 2007, her first book, Style Formula ”, and it is also planned to release at least two more books on beauty, style, image and makeup.

Personal life of Oksana Fedorova / Oksana Fedorova

April 2010 Oksana Fedorova divorced her first husband Philip Toft, explaining this by the fact that she and her husband rarely saw each other and actually lived in different countries. Soon after, she officially announced her engagement to famous singer Nikolai Baskov with whom Oksana for a long time formed strong friendships. Exact date marriage is not yet known.

Fedorova Oksana Gennadievna was born on December 17, 1977 in the city of Pskov. Oksana's father, Fedorov Gennady Vasilyevich, worked as a leading design engineer at an aircraft instrument manufacturing plant in Pskov. Oksana's mother, Fedorova Elena Alekseevna, worked as a nurse in a hospital, often disappeared on duty.

On the one hand, Oksana's ancestors were from a noble family, and on the other, from wealthy peasants.

Oksana's great-great-grandmother was from a noble family, her name was Anna. Before the 1917 revolution, Anna lived in St. Petersburg. Oksana's great-grandfather, Vasiliev Mikhail Grigorievich, worked at the Izhora plant before the war. During the war of 1941-1945, he formed the Izhora battalion, which defended the Pulkovo Heights, for which he was awarded the Order of Lenin. After the war, Mikhail Grigorievich was transferred to Pskov with the appointment of the head of the Pskov police. For services to the city, the executive committee awarded Mikhail Grigorievich the title of " honorary citizen city ​​of Pskov.

Oksana's grandfather, Aleksey Trofimovich Kulikov, served in an artillery regiment in the famous Pskov division, at first he commanded a platoon, then he was a parachute jumping instructor. Aleksey Trofimovich finished his service as deputy military commissar of the district military registration and enlistment office.


In 1985-1995 Oksana is studying at the Pskov secondary general education school No. 8, goes in for sports and amateur performances, is the captain of the KVN team, plays for the school's volleyball team, becomes the champion of city competitions, and studies guitar at a music school. Since childhood, Oksana has dreamed of becoming famous model or an actress. At school, Oksana stands out for her external neatness, excellent academic performance and social activity.

Police career

Oksana's police career began from the bottom. At the school where she studied, a police legal lyceum was formed on the basis of the senior classes. Oksana, as a successful student, was taken there to study without exams. The instruction of her heroic grandfather also had an effect. Alexey Trofimovich really wanted someone in his family to continue the tradition of serving the Fatherland.

In 1995-1997 Oksana is studying at the Pskov Special high school militia (now the Pskov Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service).

Oksana Fedorova graduated from the police school with honors, received the officer rank of lieutenant and was assigned to work as an investigator in one of the police departments in the city of Pskov.

In 1997-2000 Oksana is a student at the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the Leningrad Higher Political School Internal Troops and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR). During her studies, Oksana does not leave the desire to become a model. Once she was offered to enroll in a modeling school. After some thought, Oksana agrees. From this moment, police lieutenant Oksana Fedorova begins the path to the title of the most beautiful girl in the universe.

A friend brings her to the casting of "Miss St. Petersburg 1999". Having passed the selection, Oksana goes to the final of the competition and quietly wins it. The head of the university was sympathetic to Oksana's achievements and subsequently supported her creative innovations.

Higher Educational establishment militia Oksana finishes with a gold medal in the rank of senior lieutenant. After university, she worked for several months as an interrogator in the linear department of internal affairs at Pulkovo Airport. In 2001, Oksana returned to the university, entered the postgraduate course. She is preparing a dissertation on the topic “Civil-legal regulation of private detective and security activities in Russian Federation". In parallel with her studies, Oksana teaches civil law to university students.

In the same year, Oksana participates in the Miss Russia 2001 contest as Miss St. Petersburg and wins.

In 2007, due to the inability to combine service in law enforcement agencies with work on television, Oksana retired to the reserve with the rank of police major.

Miss Universe Contest

In 2002, Oksana became the winner of the 51st Miss Universe pageant in Puerto Rico. Later at the press conference, Oksana will say that she is happy mainly because Russia has won this competition for the first time.

But what happened next surprised the whole world. For the first time in the history of the contest, the current Miss Universe is relinquishing the title. Oksana returns the precious crown along with all honors and advertising contracts. She travels to St. Petersburg to defend her dissertation and complete her postgraduate studies. The contract with Oksana Fedorova was terminated. The title of Miss Universe automatically passed to Justina Pasek from Panama.

Oksana Fedorova returned to Russia already with the rank of police captain. She successfully became a candidate of legal sciences, and continued to teach at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and was already working on her doctoral dissertation. But the victory at the most prestigious beauty contest and the events that followed it could not but affect her life.

Work on TV

In 2002, Oksana accepted the offer of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company to become the host of the popular children's television program Good Night, Kids! . Oksana was also the host of the Subbotnik, Saturday Evening programs on Russian television. In 2003-2004 leading Russian version telegames "Fort Boyard" paired with Leonid Yarmolnik. She starred in the television series "Don't Be Born Beautiful" and feature film"Sophie", and also voiced the characters of the animated films "Fairies" (USA, 2008), "Sly Jack" (2009) and "Toy Story. The Great Escape (2010).

Social activity

In 2003, Oksana became a candidate for the State Duma on the federal list of the Life party (now A Just Russia). In 2003-2006, Oksana took part in the work of the All-Russian Youth social movement"The energy of life". At the same time, she collaborated with Vneshtorgbank in the long-term charitable project World Without Tears.

Since 2015 - Member of the Board of Trustees of the Children's City Clinical Hospital. PER. Bashlyaeva and the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after A.I. Dima Rogachev.


Oksana is always in a state of creative search and tries her hand at cinema, journalism, and literature. In 2008 she made her debut as a writer. In the fall of that year, the Eksmo publishing house released Oksana Fedorova's first book, Style Formula: Tips and Tricks on Beauty and Style. The book also contains autobiographical inserts and photographs from Oksana's personal archive. She recorded several music videos "one step" (2010), "It's all because of you" (2011), "My Doctrine"(2012), "Rights of Love", in 2013 she released her first music album"On the edge of love". Oksana's voice can be heard on the radio, in feature and animated films.

Since 2010, he has been the editor-in-chief of the ModaTopical magazine.

In 2014 she made her debut as a designer, her first collection of clothes under the OFERA by Oksana Fedorova brand was published.

From 2015 to 2018 was the President of the Children's Arts Festival "Kinotavrik".

From March 2017

  • member of the Writers' Union of Russia
  • member International Union musical figures
  • Goodwill Ambassador of the Volunteer Association of Moscow "Mosvolonter"
  • Director of IEC "Museum of Fashion"


Oksana's path in charity began in 2002 - as Miss Universe she visited Kenya, Indonesia, Canada, where there were meetings in hospitals, hospices, orphanages and with volunteers, and with those they help.

In 2005 Oksana Fedorova is the Supreme Council of the Russian Club of Orthodox Patrons and is one of the initiators and an active participant in the revival of the tradition of measured icons, holder of the Order "For Good Deeds", 1st degree.

In 2006, cooperation began with UNICEF - the United Nations Children's Fund - as a Goodwill Ambassador, Oksana visited more than 20 countries in Asia and Africa through the promotion of modern norms healthcare. In 2007-2009, Oksana took part in the Amway-UNICEF One by One program for inclusive education. The goal of the program is the widespread introduction in Russia co-education disabled children with their peers in mainstream schools.

In 2009 Oksana created her own charitable foundation helping children, youth and the elderly "Hurry to do good!". The name of the fund reflects the rule of life of those active, socially responsible people who understand: who does not hurry to do good, he will not do it. The mission of the foundation is to create and promote cultural and educational programs and projects aimed at supporting and popularizing family values, patriotic and sports education, as well as the provision of targeted assistance to people in a difficult life situation.

In 2012 Oksana Fedorova became a laureate of the BIAF international award for her contribution to charity (Lebanon, Beirut), and a month later she organized a charity concert in the Kremlin "On my birthday with love", which was attended by more than 5 thousand people, of which more than 3 thousand children from large families and low-income families, as well as orphans and children with disabilities.

Program launched in 2013"Between us, girls" in the format of the Festival, aimed at developing a culture of motherhood and family values ​​among children from orphanages. And since 2014, a project has been launched as part of the program “ bright days”- the Orthodox camp“ Blagovest ”providing holidays on the Black Sea for children from low-income families.

In 2015- in honor of the anniversary of the Victory in the Great patriotic war, 2 large-scale projects were launched at once: “Women - Knights of the Order of Glory”, dedicated to the women hero of the Second World War, as well as the project “Little Heroes big war"- the publication of the first book about children who showed courage, defending their homeland from the Nazis.

In 2017, the Foundation was among the winners of the competition Presidential Grants with the project “Little Heroes of the Great War”: in 2018, within the framework of the grant, the first All-Russian online lesson of courage, the All-Russian creative competition "Thank you to the little hero", in which more than 3.5 schoolchildren from all over Russia took part, and more than 100 schools planted memorial Alleys in honor of hero children.

Charity festival "Between us girls" became the winner of the Committee's Subsidy Contest public relations city ​​of Moscow, within the framework of a grant in September 2018, 150 girls from the capital's orphanages took part in the festival.

Every year, the Oksana Fedorova Foundation provides targeted medical care children with complex medical diagnoses, pays for treatment and rehabilitation. And within the framework of the "Culture and Education" program, together with the Foundation for the Support of National Culture. Tchaikovsky Oksana Fedorova is a co-organizer of the competition-festival for composers "Tchaikovsky-Heritage".

A family

Oksana is married and has two children. In 2012, the son Fedor was born, and a year later, the daughter Elizabeth. She admits that today she feels happier than ever: “I always dreamed of a big friendly family and a cozy home.

From childhood, Oksana Fedorova was distinguished by her strong character and courage. She was tempered by the difficulties that Oksana's family had to face when the girl was little. Mom, who worked as a doctor, was forced to raise her daughter alone, since Oksana's father left her. But both she and Oksana, who was growing up, coped with all the difficulties: the girl brilliantly graduated from school with a medal, and also studied at the police-legal lyceum.

Fedorova always dreamed of continuing the work of her relatives, whose career was connected with law enforcement agencies, and becoming a policeman. She wanted to benefit people, protect them from trouble. In her native Pskov, she was able to get to know the work of an investigator more closely, but she still lacked professionalism. Therefore, she entered the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, received higher education and became a graduate with a red diploma, which allowed her to get a job at Pulkovo Airport.

beauty queen star trek

It goes without saying that a policeman must be in excellent physical form. Therefore, in her free time from work and study, Oksana was engaged in shaping. The gym that she attended belonged to the Shaping Federation, which acted as the organizer of the Miss St. Petersburg contest. Oksana considered that participation in it would not harm her career at all, and decided to try her luck. In 1999, she became the winner of this competition, which opened her direct path to the Miss Russia contest.

In 2001, she was recognized as the most beautiful girl countries, after which Oksana went to represent Russia at the Miss Universe contest, which was held in 2002 in Puerto Rico. The Russian beauty conquered the jury and received the title of Miss Universe, which, however, she was deprived of after four months. Oksana did not want to do what the crown and the prestigious title obliged her to do - that is, to do charity work and take part in various projects around the world. She preferred the defense of her dissertation in St. Petersburg to this.

But Fedorova could not get away from the popularity that came to her after winning the international competition. She was invited to television, and she could not refuse such an opportunity. Oksana became the host of the programs “Good night, kids!”, “Saturday evening”.

For two years, she acted as the host of the Fort Boyard show. She simultaneously continued further education in her specialty and received the rank of police major. But so far this has not been useful to her: she left her career in the organs.

In 2008, Fedorova decided to show herself in a new capacity and write a book. “Formula of Style” was the title of her publication. Then she tried to become successful in politics, was elected a deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma, but she could not get into the State Duma. Oksana also recorded her own songs and acted in films. These endeavors supported her popularity.

Personal life of Oksana Fedorova

The first beauty of the world needed a worthy groom, who was found only by 2010, when she married German businessman Philip Toft.

But already in 2011, their marriage broke up when Oksana announced her engagement.

They broke up with the singer, and in the same 2011, Oksana remarried to official Andrei Borodin. In 2012, their son Fedor was born. And on July 22, 2013 Oksana Fedorova gave birth to a daughter, Elizabeth.

Photo by Oksana Fedorova:

Oksana Gennadievna Fedorova (according to her passport - Borodina). She was born on December 17, 1977 in Pskov. Russian TV presenter, fashion model, actress and singer.

Mother - Elena Alekseevna Fedorova.

Maternal grandfather - Alexei - was a retired military man, served in the Pskov police, died in 2007.

Father - Gennady Vasilyevich Fedorov - left them with his mother when she was very young. Later, Oksana tried to find her father, but he had already died by that time.

Mother remarried. Oksana's relationship with her stepfather did not work out. “By and large, I am fatherless,” she said.

She graduated from the police-legal lyceum of Pskov (formerly secondary school No. 8) with a gold medal.

In 1997 she graduated from the Pskov Secondary Specialized Police School with a gold medal and worked for several months as an investigator in one of the district departments. In the same year, she entered the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the faculty of heads of city and regional internal affairs bodies.

In 2000 she graduated with honors from the university, received the rank of senior police lieutenant and worked for several months as an interrogating officer in the Linear Department of Internal Affairs (LOVD) of Pulkovo Airport.

While still a student in 1999, she won the Miss St. Petersburg contest.

A few months after graduating from the university, Fedorova successfully passed the entrance exams and entered the postgraduate course.

In 2001 she became the winner of the Miss Russia contest, in 2002 - the Miss Universe 2002 contest, held in Puerto Rico.

Oksana Fedorova at Miss Universe 2002

Four months later, Oksana was stripped of the Miss Universe title, which was passed to Justine Pasek from Panama: (the owner of the organizing company), explained the transfer of the title by the fact that the winner was obliged to participate in advertising and charity events around the world, and Oksana practically did not leave Russia.

Oksana herself said that she could not fulfill her duties as Miss Universe, since she needed to defend a dissertation on the topic "Civil-legal regulation of private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation."

In addition, after receiving the title of Miss Universe 2002, Oksana found herself in a scandalous situation when, at the initiative of Trump, she took part in the Howard Stern TV show in the United States. Not being informed about the essence of the show, Fedorova was forced to answer the host's questions, which, in accordance with the transmission format, were extremely naturalistic and concerned intimate life invited guests.

Oksana Fedorova in the Howard Stern show

Since 2001, Oksana has taught civil law at the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, became an associate professor at the Department of Civil Law and received another title police captain.

In 2002-2005, she took part in the election campaigns of the Russian Party of Life. Since May 2006, he has been a partner of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Russia.

Host of the program for children "Good night, kids!", programs "Subbotnik", "Saturday Evening" on Russian television. She starred in the television series "Don't Be Born Beautiful" and the television movie "Sophie". For two years she was the host of the Fort Boyard television game paired with.

In 2006, she studied at the doctoral program of the faculty of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and received the rank of police major. Next - in stock.

Since 2007 he lives with his mother in Moscow.

Candidate of Legal Sciences (2007), the topic of the dissertation is “ Public policy in the fight against poverty in Russia: historical and legal research”.

In 2009, she was a doctoral student at the faculty of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In 2008 she made her debut as a writer. In the autumn of that year, the Eksmo publishing house published the first book by Fedorova "Formula of Style": tips and advice on beauty and style. The book also contains autobiographical inserts and photographs from Oksana's personal archive.

Since 2008, Fedorova has been the face of the well-known jewelry company Magiya Zolota. Oksana takes an active part in the design of jewelry models.

In 2008, she tried herself as a performer. First she sang with, then with Nikolai Baskov. She also recorded several solo songs.

Oksana Fedorova - My Doctrine (2012)

In 2009, she founded the charitable foundation for helping children, youth and the elderly "Hurry to do good!"

In 2010, speaking in Pskov, she made large charitable donations, which made it possible to restore the ensigns of the Pokrovskaya Tower and the tower of the Holy Gates.

At the Christmas auction in 2011, funds were collected for the children of military heroes who died in the line of duty, posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. At the summer charity auction in 2011, funds were raised to restore the Nikita orphanage that burned down in a fire at the Church of the Great Martyr Nikita in the Pavlo-Posad district of the Moscow region. Funds were also raised for the construction of a burned-out Vologda region home for the family of a heroic ten-year-old girl, Lera Shlyamina, who saved her younger brother and sister from a fire.

In July 2012, together with the Russian Club of Orthodox Patrons, Fedorova presented an exhibition of measured icons in Kaliningrad. After the presentation of the exhibition, Oksana held a charity auction, the proceeds of which were donated to the Museum of the World Ocean for the development of the Ships for Unique People program for disabled children.

In 2012, she became a laureate of the BIAF international award for her contribution to charity (Lebanon, Beirut), and a month later she organized a charity concert in the Kremlin “On my birthday with love”. The guests of the holiday were five and a half thousand people, of which more than three thousand children.

In 2013, the Hurry up to do good! in order to develop a culture of motherhood and family values, he organized a charity festival "Between us, girls" for girls from orphanages.

In 2015, Fedorova launched the project "Women - Knights of the Order of Glory" - a reprint of a book about women heroes of the Great Patriotic War, and also publishes the first book in the series "Little Heroes of the Great War" - about child heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

The growth of Oksana Fedorova: 177 centimeters.

Personal life of Oksana Fedorova:

For 7 years, she had a relationship with St. Petersburg businessman Vladimir Golubev, known in criminal world like Barmaley. He is 22 years older than her.

In one of her interviews, Oksana noted that Golubev played a “huge role” in her life and that he was close to the image of “the most perfect man in the world".

In 2004, there were rumors about their wedding, but in 2006 she announced that "the period of our romantic relationship has passed."

After parting with Golubev, she had an affair with a partner in the show "Dancing with the Stars" Alexander Litvinenko.

Oksana has been married to German businessman Philip Toft since 2007.

In 2009, having not yet filed an official divorce, Oksana announced her engagement to Nikolai Baskov.

On April 19, 2010, it became known that Fedorova divorced her husband, German businessman Philip Toft.

On September 16, 2011, Oksana announced that six months ago she had married an FSB officer, now an employee of the presidential administration, Andrei Borodin. Fedorova said more than once about this marriage that she had found her own woman's happiness and feels with her husband as if behind a stone wall.

March 6, 2012 Oksana gave birth to a son, Fedor. She spoke in print about her desire to raise her son in Orthodox traditions and for him to follow the military line.

On December 6, 2012, she said in an interview for the press that she had taken her husband's surname, and now she is Borodina in her passport.

Filmography of Oksana Fedorova:

2005-2006 - Don't be born beautiful - cameo
2006 - Christmas tree
2007 - Sophie - Sophie
2008 - " gold fish»

Voiced by Oksana Fedorova:

2010 - Toy Story. big escape- Barbie
2008 - Fairies (USA, animation) - Queen Clarion

Video clips of Oksana Fedorova:

2008 - Your love (together with Dima Bilan) (musical "Goldfish")
2009 - Rights of love (together with Nikolai Baskov)
2010 - One step
2011 - All because of you
2012 - My doctrine