All aquarium lovers know the small viviparous guppy fish. Both in the USSR and abroad, guppy exhibitions and competitions are held annually, at which aquarium breeders demonstrate their achievements in improving existing and breeding new breeds of this fish, which is extremely variable in shape and color.

Unlike males, females of this species do not differ in beauty. Therefore, amateurs dream of mastering methods that would allow them to obtain more beautiful, bright males and fewer plain, plain females.

In order to consciously and successfully breed new breeds of guppies and find ways to control the sex ratio in the offspring, you need to know the basic laws of heredity, as well as the factors that determine the development of the female and male sexes and the resulting characteristics of shape and color.

The chromosomes located in the cell nucleus are directly related to the phenomena of heredity. When the mother cell divides, the substance of the chromosome is divided equally between the two daughter cells.

Each organism has a certain even number of chromosomes characteristic of its species. The number of chromosomes contained in body cells is called diploid or double, in contrast to sex cells (gametes), which contain half or haploid (single) number of chromosomes.

Individual small sections of the chromosome that have a specific biochemical function that has a specific effect on the development of individual characteristics of an individual are called genes.

Chromosomes that have genes that play a decisive role in determining sex are called sex chromosomes; chromosomes that do not have such genes are called autosomes.

In the sex cells that have a haploid set of chromosomes, guppies, like most animals, have no more than one sex chromosome, and in the body cells that have a diploid set, there are two sex chromosomes: one from the mother, the other from the father.

In guppies, in the body cells of females and in all eggs (eggs) of a given species, sex chromosomes have the same shape and are called X chromosomes, and in males, sex chromosomes are of two types - X chromosomes, which have the same shape as in females, and Y chromosomes, which differ in shape and size from X chromosomes. Spermatozoa always have one sex chromosome - either X or Y.

It has been established that from eggs fertilized by a sperm carrying a Y chromosome, a male develops, and from eggs fertilized by a sperm with an X chromosome, a female develops.

In the male gonads, the testes, the same number of sperm are produced with the X chromosome and with the Y chromosome. Therefore, an egg has an equal chance of being fertilized by a sperm carrying an X or a Y chromosome. Therefore, on average, the same number of males and females are born.

Thus, each female has two X chromosomes in the cells of her body, one of which is received from the mother, and the other from the father. The male receives the X chromosome only from the mother, and the Y chromosome only from the father. Chromosomes that have genes that play a decisive role in determining sex are called sex chromosomes, and chromosomes that do not have such genes are called autosomes.

Autosomes in guppies are responsible for the inheritance of body color in males and females, the size and shape of the body and fins. If a female with a golden body is crossed with a purebred gray male, or, conversely, a gray female is crossed with a golden male, then all the offspring will be gray. The gray coloration trait seems to suppress the golden coloration trait. Such traits that are suppressive during crossing are called dominant, and the phenomenon of suppression of one trait by another is called dominance. A trait that does not appear when crossed (in this case, golden coloring) is called recessive.

Usually, individual signs are inherited independently of each other. The only exceptions are those whose development is determined by genes located close to each other on the same chromosome. They seem to be linked to each other and transmitted together.

For guppy lovers, the sex-linked traits are of greatest interest. The genes responsible for the development of these characteristics are located on the sex chromosomes Y and X. The former are necessarily transmitted directly from father to son. There is no need to talk about dominance here, since there is no second X chromosome in the male’s cells (this type of inheritance is called paternal inheritance). Characteristics linked to the female sex (maternal inheritance) are more difficult to transmit.

To understand the process of inheritance of traits associated with the female sex, let’s take a male guppy that has a red stripe running along the lower edge of the caudal fin (this trait is remarkable in that, being invisible in young females, it appears and becomes noticeable not only in males, but also in old females), and cross him with a female from a breed lacking this trait. The red stripe will not be inherited by any of the sons, but it will not disappear. She will be inherited by her daughters. Let's not wait until they get old. To speed up the appearance of the red stripe, we put the females in a weak solution of methyltestosterone (a synthetic substitute for the male sex hormone). (0.1 gram of methyltestosterone is dissolved in 100 cubic centimeters of 70 percent alcohol. This solution is poured into 900 cubic centimeters of water. This solution is added to the aquarium every other day at the rate of 10 drops per 15 liters of water.). After about three weeks, they will begin to develop red stripes on the lower edge of their caudal fin. When such a female is crossed with a male who does not have this trait, half of her sons will have a red stripe along the lower edge of the caudal fin. Why half? Because the mother has one X chromosome, containing the gene that determines the development of a red stripe on the tail, she inherited from her father, who had this trait, and the second X chromosome - from her mother, who did not have such genes.

To make it easier to understand the process of inheritance of sex-linked traits, imagine that females are treated with methyltestosterone. When they are contained in a solution of methyltestosterone, only dominant traits are revealed that are inherited according to the type of maternal heredity, and dominant traits, the development of which is determined by genes located in autosomes. Recessive traits in hybrid individuals can only be identified by crossing (hybridological analysis).

Sex-linked traits in guppies have been well studied and described by geneticists. The conclusions of geneticists are confirmed when females are tested using methyltestosterone. Many sex-linked color traits were described by the Danish scientist O. Vinge and the Soviet geneticist V.F. Natali.

According to F.M. Polkanov, the red rug in the middle of the caudal fin is transmitted by the maternal type of inheritance, and the main features of emerald guppies are transmitted by the paternal type of inheritance.

So, we found out that the sex of a guppy fry is determined at the moment of fertilization and depends on which sperm fertilized the egg: those carrying an X chromosome or a Y chromosome. We also found that female guppies, under the influence of male sex hormones, display a number of characteristics that, regardless of whether they are sex-linked or not, are usually noticeable only in males.

It is known that methyltestosterone is more strong effect effect on young females than on old ones. Embryological data indicate that differentiation of the gonad in guppies begins in the egg several days before the hatching of the fry from the egg. Finally, physiologists, more precisely endocrinologists, have established that sperm contain hormone-like substances, and in sperm with a Y chromosome, substances that resemble female sex hormones predominate in their effect on animals, and in sperm with a Y chromosome, they are male.

I have a question: is it possible to intervene in the process of gender formation and, with the help of hormones, change the direction of its development?

In doing so, I proceeded from the assumption that it is easier to interfere with the “choice” of a direction in the development of sex by a fertilized egg than to change it once it has already begun. I planted full females in a solution of methyltestosterone, and after hatching the fry, I raised them in a solution with the same concentration for 20-60 days. When the sex was determined, it turned out that males predominated in all litters (65-70 percent), while in the control the number of males in any litter did not exceed 52 percent.

Based on their appearance, the males could easily be divided into two groups. Approximately two-thirds of the males had the usual colors, and one-third had only those color features that usually appear in females under the influence of methyltestosterone.

To make sure that I actually succeeded in completely turning the females into males, I placed two males with the coloration of the methyltestosterone-treated females and one virgin golden female in separate jars. After a month and a half, only gray fry appeared in all five banks, and when they grew up, it turned out that there was not a single son in the offspring of these males. This is understandable; none of the males had a Y chromosome, since by origin they were supposed to become females.

Thus, I learned to get only females. In order to get more males, and also normally colored ones, you need to learn how to turn males into females.

Theoretically, this can be done with the help of female sex hormones.

The Japanese scientist Yamomoto, who conducted experiments with a small medaka fish (a family of egg-marking toothy carps), was successful in this experiment. He turned the males into females and crossed them with normal females to produce 25 percent females and 75 percent males.


Guppies are very beautiful, colorful viviparous aquarium fish of the poeciliaceae family. The popularity of this variety of fish is explained by their unpretentiousness in care and maintenance. At the same time, if you are a novice aquarist and want to breed this type of fish, you need to know how to determine that a fish is pregnant and how guppies give birth. How do pregnant fish behave when the females are separated from the males?

How to find out and understand that a fish is pregnant?

Guppy pregnancy is the period during which the fish bears fry. At the same time, very often novice aquarists or those who have not kept this type fish, can easily confuse pregnancy with overeating. Therefore, we will consider the main signs that will allow us to determine that the female is bearing offspring.

It is equally important to know what day the female should give birth and what the guppy’s behavior is before giving birth. This will not only avoid stress, but also protect the fry, since small defenseless fish can simply be eaten by other, more predatory inhabitants of the aquarium.

Female guppies can become pregnant at the age of 1 month, while full puberty occurs in fish of this species at 3–3.5 months, and at this age females can mate with males. Reproduction of fish can occur in a general aquarium or in a special spawning tank, which must be prepared in advance. How can you tell if a guppy is pregnant? What does a pregnant female guppy look like? Let's consider the main signs of determining pregnancy in females.

It is very easy to determine that a guppy is pregnant visually external signs, changes in behavior. The expectant mother has a round, large abdomen, which before the birth itself becomes slightly rectangular or takes on a square shape. In addition, due to the enlarged belly, the head of pregnant fish takes on a more graceful shape. You can tell that a guppy is about to give birth by the dark birthmark on its belly. The outline or black eyes of the fry may be visible through the thin skin on the peritoneum.

Note that in some varieties of guppies (endlers) the maternity spot is less noticeable, the tummy does not take on a square shape, but the swelling before birth remains unchanged.

Important! The behavior of not only female guppies changes before giving birth, but also males. A fish bearing offspring behaves more calmly and peacefully in the aquarium. Males actively swim after females, poking their noses into the abdomen. Before giving birth, females show anxiety, try to hide in algae, secluded corners or other shelters in the aquarium, and swim closer to the bottom.

Immediately before giving birth, females develop a small triangle on the cloaca. Having noticed this, you should separate the fish from the rest of the inhabitants of the aquarium. In about an hour or two, she will begin giving birth (spawning).

If the female is not separated and separated from other aquarium inhabitants, if there are no thick algae or decorative coverings in the aquarium, the fry will be eaten within the first two days.

Considering all the above signs, you can understand that the female guppy is pregnant. This will help prepare for childbirth.

How long does a guppy's pregnancy last?

The gestation period usually varies from general conditions contents, temperature conditions in the aquarium. Its duration also depends on the general condition of the female. Guppies can have a gestation period of 21–42 days, but on average they carry their offspring for 22–24 days.

Warming the water in the aquarium to 24–26 degrees shortens the gestation period of fish. At the same time, if a pregnant guppy feels danger or experiences severe stress, the gestation period is shortened.

Childbirth of a guppy: preparation for when you need to place a pregnant fish

For spawning, you can select a separate section in the aquarium, enclosing it with glass, if, of course, its volume allows. But, according to experienced aquarists, a few days before giving birth, it is best to move a pregnant female guppy into a separate small aquarium with a volume of 5–10 liters before throwing. IN as a last resort, the expectant mother can be moved into a three-liter jar or special plastic containers or trays that can be attached to the aquarium, thereby creating familiar living conditions for the expectant mother. Remember: Severe stress can delay labor.

Using separate containers or aquariums, do not forget to prepare the water and create the necessary conditions for the fish and its offspring.

Advice! If the aquarium is inhabited exclusively by guppies, there are many shelters in the form of ceramic figurines, driftwood, stones, algae; pregnant fish do not need to be transplanted, since some of the fry will certainly survive.

As already noted, if there are other fish in the aquarium, it is best to remove the pregnant guppy while it is throwing, and then release it back into the aquarium after giving birth. In addition, she herself can eat part of her offspring, so the babies should be immediately moved to a small aquarium planted with algae to protect the babies while they are with their mother.

During childbirth, the female's tail trembles and she freezes for a few seconds. Live, nimble fry emerge from the anus and immediately begin to actively swim.

The number of fry depends on the age of the guppies. As a rule, young fish produce from 8 to 10 fry, and adult, mature fish are capable of producing from 30 to 100 or more fry.

It is also worth noting that postpartum guppies can become pregnant a few hours after the fry are born. In this case, females can store sperm from males for 10–12 months. It all depends on the conditions in the aquarium. During its life, a guppy produces about 2,000 fry.

Raising fry

The fry are raised in a separate container. A nylon stocking is put on the internal filter, and a foam rubber prefilter is placed on the external filter to prevent the fry from being sucked in. You can use regular tulle with small holes 1–2 mm in diameter made in it, which is placed on a wire frame. This way, the fry, falling through them, will remain completely safe.

In the first week after birth, the young can be kept in a small container or a small fish tank. From the second week it is worth moving small fish to a more spacious “house”.

The fry grow quite quickly and after about 10–12 days they reach 2 cm in length. During this period, fish can be sorted by gender. In small females, a dark spot will be clearly visible at the bottom of the abdomen, at the base of the anus. Light breeds will not have a black spot, but a barely noticeable light small spot.

The most important period in the life of fry is the first 3–5 days. At this time, fish need high-quality food and good lighting. It is equally important to monitor the temperature of the water in the fish tank or aquarium. Food should be plentiful, around the clock. The fry are fed live dust, brine shrimp, microworms, and rotifers. For full growth and health, small guppies must receive protein, so as a feed, experts recommend giving the fish a solution of boiled egg yolk, which is diluted in a tablespoon of aquarium water.

Important! From 2 weeks to two months of age, guppy fry are fed 3-4 times a day, giving the fish equal portions of food. Do not overfeed babies.

During the first week the lighting is not turned off. The water temperature should not fall below 23–22 degrees.

If the fry do not receive high-quality nutrition and sufficient protein, they may suffer from scoliosis (curvature of the spine). Therefore, if you plan to breed guppies or other aquarium fish, create optimal living conditions for your pets.

Reproduction of fish, like any other animal, is a very complex physiological process, which is always accompanied by a number of features and is influenced by the environment, both natural and artificial.

Fish that are ready for reproduction after fertilization often need to be kept in special facilities, but for this it is important to correctly determine whether the fish is really a fish. Each breed of fish has its own characteristics, which are expressed both in a change in the color of the females and in an increase in the abdomen.


Female swordtails are ready to mate from the age of 8 months, because it is at this age that these fish end puberty.
If a female swordtail is pregnant, a dark spot appears on her belly, and the belly itself takes on a rounded shape. Closer to childbirth, the tummy increases and takes on a square outline.


Such as the guppy, which is also viviparous and very similar to swordtails, has its own reproductive characteristics. So that the female guppy does not need the constant presence of a male, this fish can throw fry several times from one mating.

It is quite easy to understand that a fish is pregnant: its sides and abdomen increase significantly. Just like in swordtails, a dark spot forms at the back, which increases in size closer to birth. Thus, the only difference between guppies is the repeated throwing of fry from one partner, while in swordtails it occurs once, and the female is immediately released.

Betta fish

In the breed fish - sexual maturity occurs at 4 months, hallmark During pregnancy, the female develops a white spot, not a dark one, like hers, and, of course, a rounded belly.

A peculiarity of female cockerels is the birth process itself: the male builds a nest from plants, and when the time comes, he and the female freeze in this nest, then smoothly descend to its bottom, where the eggs are released. After this, the male protects the eggs from which the fry emerge for several days, and then he is removed, just like the female who gave birth.

Parrot fish

Bright and funny parrot cuttings are very popular among hobbyists today. These fish do not reproduce well, so they need special conditions. For example, for mating, the water in the aquarium is made warmer, and for throwing, a shell or shelter house is installed. Pregnancy of the fish is expressed by the usual signs - a swollen abdomen and a dark spot near the tail, but the behavior also changes: the female increasingly tends to the bottom and moves away from the light.

Swordtails are small, peace-loving fish that decorate any aquarium. This type of fish is viviparous, so determine whether the female is pregnant swordtail, pretty easy.


Swordtails reach sexual maturity at 6-8. If you purchased fry, be sure to ask the seller how many months the fry are, and starting from the age of puberty, keep an “observation diary” in order to remove the female from the aquarium on time if you want to breed fish. But even if you did not get the fish for breeding, you should still place the female in front of them, since immediately after them she is too weak, and both her and the fry can be enjoyed by other aquarium fish with pleasure.

Fertilization occurs inside the female and takes about 2 days, and the remaining sperm is stored in her body until the new eggs mature. Pregnancy lasts for 4-6 weeks. Its duration is greatly influenced by the water temperature (should be at least 20-25°C), the duration daylight hours and feeding schedule.

Guppy is a freshwater viviparous fish. Guppies have pronounced sexual dimorphism - males and females differ in size, shape and color. The body size of males is 1.5-4 cm. They are slender, purebred individuals, often with long fins, and the color is usually bright. Males have a specialized reproductive organ, the gonopodium, which is rarely found in fish. The size of females is 2.8-7 cm. The fins are usually significantly smaller than those of males. Females from natural habitats and many breeds are gray with a pronounced rhombic mesh of scales, for which the species received its name: reticulum from lat. - mesh, mesh. The most popular and unpretentious aquarium fish. IN home aquarium inhabits all layers. In captivity, it lives longer and grows larger than in nature. Aquariums most often contain different breeds of guppies or the result of their arbitrary crossing.

The secret of guppies' popularity is very simple.
The content is accessible even to a novice aquarist. The beauty and variety of shapes and colors pleases the eye. There are very large differences between breeds of guppies, and even in one breed it is difficult to find two completely identical males. By nature, these fish are cheerful, easy-going, and active. But the main thing, however, is that they produce live, fully formed fry. It is for these properties that aquarists love guppies.

History of the species

Guppies were first brought to Europe in the last century and immediately became widespread due to their unpretentiousness, ease of obtaining offspring and a huge number of color variations. Guppies can be kept with anyone peaceful views fish, however, their veiled and therefore sedentary forms cannot be kept even with such non-aggressive fish as barbs. Guppies are omnivores, but prefer live food. They should not be overfed, as fish are prone to obesity and then lose their ability to reproduce. Any soil and plants are undemanding to the volume of the aquarium. A couple can live and reproduce well in a three-liter jar.

Guppies got their name in honor of the English priest and scientist Robert John Lechmere Guppy, who in 1886 made a report to members of the Royal Society in which he spoke about fish that do not spawn, but give birth to live young. After this he was laughed at. Guppy is also the first fish to go into space.

Initially, especially when carrying out scientific research, to keep a couple of guppies, not only aquariums were used, but also battery jars made of glass with a capacity of 25-36 liters. These battery banks became the reason for the emergence of a common name in colloquial speech aquariums "banks". As all-glass battery jars fell out of use in the aquarium hobby in particular and for their intended purpose in general, the mention in literature or conversation about keeping fish of the term “jar” led to a widespread persistent misconception that it does not mean a battery jar, but a canning jar.

Guppies prefer aquariums with fresh, regularly replaced water, sufficient space for swimming, a slight current, plants with finely dissected leaf blades or dense floating roots, and a variety of live food. Guppies are unpretentious, but can reach their maximum size only under favorable conditions. The offspring of the most thoroughbred parents in poor conditions will not achieve either their brightness or their luxuriance of fins. Guppies can live in a glass of water, but this is more of an existence than a life.

Typically, the volume of a guppy aquarium ranges from 20-50 liters, with a side height of about 5-7 cm to prevent fish from jumping out, and if the aquarium is closed with a lid, it is important not to forget about forced aeration, but at the same time, many do not comply with these parameters and They try to keep fish in very small aquariums with a volume of up to 10 liters.
Due to lighting, guppies, like many other domestic animals, as well as in unsuitable living conditions, grow poorly and are poorly colored. It is better to place the aquarium so that direct rays of the sun briefly fall into it in the morning or evening, then unpretentious plants, such as vallisneria and hornwort, will grow well. An aquarium with guppy should be decorated with soil, coarse sand or small pebbles, with plants planted in it. These fish do not burrow at the bottom and do not damage plants. They are almost completely peaceful. The design of the pond should be such that there is enough space for swimming. It is permissible to keep only male guppies in a decorative aquarium when offspring are not required.

It is important to take into account the impossibility of guppies living alone for a long time. Therefore, these fish must be placed in the aquarium in pairs or groups. The optimal constant water temperature is the range of +24-26 °C, and the permissible temperature range is +23-28 °C. These fish survive in the range from +14° to +33 °C.

Guppies are practically omnivorous fish; in addition to ciliates and cyclops, they willingly eat dry food, finely chopped meat, squid fillets, and cereals. Live food should predominate in the fish’s diet, which it is advisable to alternate regularly: daphnia, small bloodworms, brine shrimp, sometimes you can give tubifex, moine or coretra. In small quantities, the inhabitants of the aquarium are given plant food, can be fed with compound feed. The main thing is not to add too much food, otherwise some of it will settle to the bottom and pollute the aquarium, and also change the water regularly.

Guppies swim in the upper and middle layers of water, so it is quite possible to add peaceful schooling fish of the characin family, corydoras, neons, zebrafish, and platies to them. Also, guppies and those fish that prefer lower layers of water to live will not interfere.

At low temperatures, guppies grow larger and live 3-3.5 years, but they can easily get sick. The gestation period of females lengthens, the fry are born large. At water temperatures below +18 °C, the development of eggs may stop altogether and the reproductive function becomes dormant. At high temperatures, guppies live 1 year or less and grow small. The duration of pregnancy for females becomes shorter, and the fry are born small. When kept in the upper temperature range of +30-33 °C, “self-sterilization” is possible due to the loss of activity and ability to fertilize sperm.

It is hardly possible to name any other group of fish in which for many decades there has been a constant interest of a significant part of both novice and experienced aquarists. This unfading interest is explained not so much by the peculiarities of the biology of reproduction: viviparity, ovoviviparity, attractive paint, ease of keeping and breeding of most species, but by the large number of varieties created through crossings and selection. All this provides an opportunity not only to admire beautiful fish and material for interesting observations, but also a chance in a relatively short time to achieve success in breeding new varieties that differ from existing ones in color, as well as in the shape of the body and fins. Therefore, having become interested in breeding viviparous fish and observing the birth of live fry, and this is always a holiday even for an aquarist with extensive experience, he often unwittingly becomes a breeder.

Breeding and reproduction

Guppies are called viviparous fish because, unlike many other species, they spawn fully formed individuals rather than eggs. That is why the development of eggs in the female’s abdomen is carried out only due to the nutrients that were in the egg before fertilization, and during the development process, nutrients do not enter the egg from the mother’s body.

Fertilization in guppies, like most fish, is internal. The sperm is introduced into the female using a modified anal fin in males called a "gonopodium". This is a copulatory organ, which consists of three anterior rays of the anal fin rolled into a tube. The anal fin of immature males is in no way different from the anal fin of females. Only as it grows older does it change its shape: first it turns into a triangle, and then into a tube. Due to its mobility, the gonopodium can take any position to inseminate the female.

Spermatophores, the so-called containers with sperm, having entered the female’s genitals and fertilized the eggs, are partially deposited inside the mother’s body and remain viable for several months. It often happens that after one fertilization, guppies can have from 6 to 11 litters (sometimes more). Thus, when breeding these fish, it can be difficult to determine which male produced the offspring if the female was fertilized by one male, and after spawning by another. However, behavioral studies of guppies have found that when mating, females prefer partners with a bright, visible caudal fin.

One of the most serious problems that reduce guppy offspring is cannibalism. The loss of fry from being eaten by the female among viviparous poeciliids reaches 50% of the offspring. The lack of parental care in guppies forces aquarists to vigilantly monitor the birth of fry and remove them from the female as soon as possible. If a second aquarium is not available, the juveniles' chances of survival are increased by adding plenty of cover and plants to the tank.

Many aquarists use a container with holes as a depositor for breeders. Through small holes, the offspring swims to another section of the aquarium and thus hides from the female. Relatively recently, a modification of this method was proposed, based on the behavioral characteristics of guppies. The fact is that all poeciliids are visual feeding fish, that is, the female must see the fry in order to eat them. On the other hand, juveniles tend to the illuminated areas. Based on the evidence, researchers in Israel added LED lights to the hatcheries, which illuminated only the central area where the fry congregate. Dividing the container into darkened and illuminated zones made it possible to increase the survival rate of juvenile guppies.

The female must be transferred to another container when the maturity spot at the anus becomes brown-black or black and the abdomen becomes rectangular.
For this, you can take a liter jar, fill it with water and leave it floating in the aquarium. This is done so that the temperature of the water in the fish tank and the aquarium is practically the same. Although experience shows that it is better to keep the female in a 5-liter jar, and after the birth of the fry, remove her and remove most of the stones and plants. The litter should be left to rear until the sex of the fry can be determined. As for the water in the fish tank, it should not contain iodine and salt, and its level should not exceed 12 cm.

Mistakes of beginner guppies

The main mistake that beginning guppy lovers make is keeping several breeds at once (“compote”) in one aquarium, which results in a low-value cross between the offspring.

Another group of common mistakes made by beginning guppy lovers is keeping fish in too cramped living conditions, using containers with an insufficient volume of water for normal life activities, excessively high stocking density of fish, sudden changes in biological and chemical indicators of water and conditions for keeping guppies.

It is important that in some cases, color genes are associated with the size and shape of both the fish themselves and their fins. That is, in other words, if you cross blue long-finned guppies with guppies that have the same long fins, but a different color, for example, red, it is not necessary that the offspring will have fish with the same fins. There is a high probability that the result will not be very good.


Black Prince - This is one of the famous breeds of guppies. It is distinguished by a special rich black color of almost the entire body. Females are slightly less bright than males. The Black Prince guppy has a whitish head and belly. This breed is often passed off as a Moscow Blue.

Moscow blue is a Russian breed of guppy, which is also very popular abroad. Its peculiarity is a beautiful blue-turquoise color in males, gray in females (ladies have black fins). The abdomen and voices are light, and the tail is triangular in shape. The female is distinguished from the male upon reaching the age of 1 month. The color of the fish may darken with age.

Red blond- distinguished by the bright red color of the tail and fin on the back and white-pearl scales on the head. When representatives of this species swim, they seem to shimmer. In females, the color is slightly dominated by a light shade.

Leopard– the name of the breed speaks for itself. All fish of this species have a pronounced “cat” color. Black spots and stripes are scattered on a yellow background. Moreover, they cover the entire body of the male and only the tail of the female.

Hispanic has a very rich and beautiful color. The body of the fish is dark in color, and the tails are red-orange with black dots scattered over it. There may be white pearlescent spots at the base of the tail. The rich dorsal fin is also orange with light color accents.

Red cobra- one of the most beautiful types of guppies. On a yellowish background there are spots scattered in color, reminiscent of the skin of a snake. The edges of the tail and dorsal fin are painted bright red. Some individuals may have orange spots instead of black and yellow. Males are distinguished by rich, bushy tails and dorsal fins.

Berlin view widespread and often found in aquariums. It has three main colors: black, orange and turquoise. In this case, the body is colored in the first, the tail in the second, and the dorsal fin in the third. Various variations of colors and shades are possible - for example, both fins can be orange-red.

Veiled guppies is a group of breeds that are united by the presence of a rich, lush caudal fin. There are several forms of it: forked, skirted, flag-tailed, train-shaped and others. When these fish move, their tail looks very beautiful in the water, moving very gently. By the way, the colors of the veil tail can be very different. An example of the Tuxedo or black and white veiled guppy that can be seen in the photo.


Due to the peaceful nature of pets, it is worth considering the possibility of keeping them separately from other fish, but if you still want to make an aquarium with many types of fish, then carefully select your neighbors. Under no circumstances should they be placed with predators.

Guppies get along well with some catfish, gourami, tetras, loaches and some types of characin fish; corydoras are also suitable. But in practice it has been proven that even among them there are cocky individuals who strive to offend guppies.

Thus, be attentive to your neighbors for such gentle and defenseless fish. Leave stereotypes and carefully study the approach to both the owners of the aquarium and their neighbors. Guppies get along well with peace-loving fish, but categorically do not accept fighters. Pay close attention to the behavior of all pets. If you notice aggression from another fish during feeding, then you should try increasing the dose of food. It is hunger or lack of free space that can turn ideal neighbors into worst enemies, which will lead to injury and stress. When choosing neighbors, read as much information as possible and consult with other breeders about whether the new inhabitants will eat the viviparous guppy fry.

Guppy diseases

Guppies are extremely hardy fish with good immunity. Their unpretentiousness and adaptability allow them to survive in the most seemingly unsuitable conditions. But, unfortunately, there are diseases of guppies, to which veiled varieties and breed forms with complex colors are especially prone.

Guppy infertility. Female guppies become unable to give birth to fry. The color of the fish fades, especially shades of red disappear in the color. This is due, first of all, to prolonged over-lighting in the aquarium. “Daylight” for guppies takes no more than 10-12 hours a day. By adjusting the lighting in the aquarium, the owner can hope that bright colors will return to the fish, but infertility, alas, is incurable.

Poor growth of males. It happens that fry, especially male guppies, grow poorly, do not reach their full “adult” size, and their color becomes faded. This is due to the fact that during the period of intensive growth they are in an aquarium with poor aeration. Before maturity, the situation can be partially corrected by adjusting the water supply in the aquarium.

Hermaphroditism. A phenomenon in which females develop a testis, a male organ, along with the ovary. There may be cases of self-fertilization of such fish. The overwhelming percentage of offspring, as a rule, have the same “bisexual” characteristics. And a small number of males are born sterile. The phenomenon and its causes have been little studied.

Dropsy (ascites). Dropsy is an intestinal disease. The main symptoms that characterize dropsy are a swollen abdomen and ruffled scales. The fish tries to go down and hide. Dropsy also causes bulging eyes. Dropsy – viral disease, which is treated with antibacterial drugs and frequent water changes.

Tetrachymenosis is a specific disease of guppy that is rarely found in other fish. The causative agents are tetrahymena, small ciliated ciliates. Tetrahymena feed on both microorganisms and tissues of multicellular creatures, which invariably entails the possibility of infection. Tetrahymena infects the most vulnerable parts of guppies - the slimy gills and fins. On the surface of the body of a fish that has been struck by tetrahymena, a white mucous coating is clearly visible, which then slides off in flakes, the scales become ruffled and the gills protrude. Later, tetrahymena penetrate deeper into the “host’s” body and begin to devour it from the inside. At this stage, patients may experience bloating. Tetrahymena fry can be eaten almost completely. Tetrahymena are destroyed by furazolidone and biseptol, which are dissolved in water. The drugs are harmful to plants, so it is better to treat them in a nursery. Tetrahymena are dangerous not only for guppies, but also for their neighbors - for example, labyrinth fish. Therefore, healthy pets are recommended to undergo prophylaxis by adding furazolidone to their food.

Fin rot. Rot affects the fins and is expressed in the disintegration of the interray tissue. At an early stage, rot can be difficult to notice - it simply looks like a slight clouding along the edge of the fins. However, it is at the very beginning that it is easiest to cope with the disease. It is enough to improve the conditions of keeping the fish, add salt and change the water more often, increase the oxygen supply in the aquarium and the quality of food for fin rot to go away. In more advanced cases, fin rot is treated by adding antibacterial agents to the water - streptocide, biomycin, bicillin-5. Fin rot takes a long time to cure – up to three months. Keep in mind that an outbreak of this disease usually indicates poor aquarium maintenance. Guppies are sensitive to aeration and freshness of water. Fin rot usually begins when the water stagnates for a long time and begins to deteriorate.

Mycobacteriosis or fish tuberculosis is a dangerous and extremely contagious disease. A fish that has been affected by tuberculosis rapidly loses weight, sucks in its stomach, hunches over, becomes dull, becomes apathetic and tries to hide, and swims down to the bottom. Tuberculosis has another obvious sign - the eyes turn black. Tuberculosis is considered incurable. Pets affected by it should be destroyed and the aquarium should be disinfected. However, many amateur aquarists argue that tuberculosis can be stopped by the use of antibiotics mixed into fish food. There is no exact scientific data on this issue, but cases of rapid improvement in the condition of “patients” affected by tuberculosis have indeed been recorded. However, keep in mind that a fish that once contracted tuberculosis will never regain full health. physical fitness. In addition, her immunity will be undermined and tuberculosis may return at any time.

Trichodinosis. The disease can be difficult to identify in its early stages. Its main symptom, a grayish-blue coating that appears on the surface of the body, the stomach, affecting the gills of the fish, is barely visible. Therefore, it is easier to diagnose the disease by the behavior of the fish: they go down, rub against stones and decorations, try to swim into aeration bubbles, as if they are itching. Guppies can also stand still while swaying. Trichodinosis is especially dangerous for juveniles and fry of guppies. It is treated by heating the water to 33-34 degrees, adding salt or methyl blue to the aquarium. It is imperative to increase the aeration of the aquarium: in warm water, oxygen dissolves much less well, if its supply does not increase, the fish may simply suffocate.

Plistophorosis is another incurable disease. The main sign: guppies swim vertically, with their heads raised and tail down. Pets lose their appetite, the color of the body surface becomes faded, and the stomach retracts. Plistophorosis cannot be treated; all sick fish should be destroyed, the container where they lived should be thoroughly disinfected, and the soil should be boiled.

Red scab. The disease affects male guppies, starting from the tail, manifesting itself in the form of red rashes on the surface of the fin and its splitting. Treatment is possible if the red scab affects no more than half of the tail. The diseased part of the tail should be removed with a sharp blade, and the fish should be placed in salted water. This is done so that the injury on the tail heals faster. Aeration in an aquarium with a sick fish should be increased as much as possible - its living conditions should be optimal in order to quickly recover from the “surgery” of the tail. Even if you have recorded a case of tail disease in only one fish, be sure to pay attention to the tails of others after it has been cured in order to prevent an epidemic in time.

Scoliosis or curvature of the spine. The disease occurs in guppy fry and is a curvature of the fish’s spine, its smaller size, and a retracted abdomen. This is a congenital defect that presumably occurs due to insufficient aeration of the aquarium in which the pregnant female is kept and inadequate nutrition. Spinal curvature cannot be treated. A spine bent by disease remains that way forever. As a rule, fish with a curved spine are smaller and weaker than their peers, and are more susceptible to infections. Guppies with deformities are discarded from selection.

Ichthyophthirius multiphyliis or guppy disease. Characteristic specifically for this type of fish. Affects the body, stomach, and gills of guuppies. In the early stages, the fish show signs of itching, then whitish rashes appear on the surface of the body. The rash increases over several days. When the rash affects the gills, respiratory function is impaired. Lethargy, apathy, and loss of appetite also appear. The fish may tend to go down, closer to the bottom. Scales rise on the surface of the body. It is treated with specialized medications or formaldehyde baths. In the case of formaldehyde treatment, it is important to use a fresh solution each time - “old” is poisonous to fish.

Endler's guppy

Endler's guppies are considered endemic to the coastal lagoons of northern Venezuela, particularly Buena Vista and Campoma, east of the city of Cumana, and Laguna De Patos, in the western part of Cumana.

In captivity, the life expectancy of fish is 3-5 years. Due to their small size, they cannot be recommended for multi-species decorative aquarium, especially if breeding is planned. Neighbors are usually peaceful small species, such as dwarf corydoras, tetras and iris. In the Endler's guppy population, males are generally peaceful while females exhibit territoriality. It is better to keep fish in large groups.

The fish are omnivores; in nature they feed on zoobenthic organisms and detritus. In captivity, they consume any small food with the addition of plant components.

Breeding these fish is not difficult. They will reproduce without any effort on the part of the aquarist in a community aquarium. In this case, the main question is not how to breed the species, but when the fry will appear. It is necessary to provide the aquarium with plenty of hiding places and aquatic vegetation. As a rule, every 23-24 days, females give birth to 5-25 fully formed fry. The number of offspring depends on the age and size of the mother. Adults rarely eat juveniles, but it is better to place the pregnant female in a separate container, and subsequently raise the offspring separately. The fry are fed 2-3 times a day and they grow very quickly. At 3-4 weeks of age, males develop adult coloration, while females become sexually mature by 2 months.

Latin name: Poecilia reticulata.

Description: body length of males is 2-3 cm, varied in color: red, blue, green, white, black, yellow, golden, etc. Many black and colored spots are scattered throughout the body. The shape of the tail and dorsal fins can also vary. Females reach 4-5 cm in length, the color is gray, gray-blue, gray-olive, gray-yellowish, sometimes there are black specks on the fins or they are faintly colored pink, blue, yellow and other colors.

Behavior: peaceful, calm fish, can suffer from larger and more aggressive neighbors in the aquarium. They swim in all layers of water, but most often in the upper layers. Perhaps the most unpretentious and common aquarium fish.

Breeding: viviparous. Pregnancy lasts 3-5 weeks, its sign is an enlarged abdomen in the female. Before giving birth, the abdomen becomes almost square, pregnancy spots located near the anus increase and turn black, sometimes the female can hide in dark and quiet corners of the aquarium. 10-100 fry are born at a time. The quantity depends on the size and age of the female. The initial food for the fry is rotifers, ciliates, and “live dust.” If the offspring of guppies are undesirable for you, then the pregnant female does not need to be removed from the general aquarium: the born fry will become live food for other fish. Otherwise, the female needs to be placed in another vessel and immediately after birth returned to community aquarium. Guppy fry can also be grown in a three-liter jar, but you need to remember that their size, brightness of color and growth rate depend on the size of the container, water temperature and quality of food. The smaller the container in which the fry are kept, the slower they will grow and the smaller they will reach when they become adults. Puberty in guppies occurs at the age of 2-4 months, depending on the conditions of detention.

Guppies are very easy to keep and breed. For beginner aquarists, this is an excellent opportunity to gain experience; for more experienced ones, it’s easy to carry out breeding experiments, since guppies can be of almost any color, and the results of crossing are sometimes very interesting

Guppy fish

Guppies have always been considered the most unpretentious aquarium fish in our country and therefore enjoyed enormous popularity. And this popularity is absolutely deserved, just look at the huge variety of color variations and shapes!

Natural populations of guppies are widespread in fresh and brackish waters of Venezuela, Guiana, north of the Amazon, in northern Brazil, on the islands of Barbados and Trinidad.

Even in our country, with its harsh climate, the population of wild guppies lives in the Moscow River, in places where warm waters drain.

Guppies adapt well to hard water and tolerate salinity well. They prefer fresh, clean water with regular changes and little current. When they are kept in old water with rare changes, the luxurious tail fins begin to cut and tear, and the fish fall into a depressed state.

Guppies also prefer aquariums with thickets of live plants. They do not live very long in aquariums - 3-3.5 years, at high temperatures even less due to increased metabolism.

Although guppies are unpretentious, they look most bright and impressive when the most favorable and comfortable conditions content. To demonstrate bright colors, it is recommended to use bright lighting with rays of a certain spectrum.

These foods rich in protein components include:

Although guppies are hardy creatures, they are susceptible to the same diseases as other tropical fish. Most often they get sick:

The basic rule to remember: it is better to prevent a disease in advance than to treat it. That is why, first of all, you need to provide the fish with everything they need, and try to bring the artificial conditions of the aquarium as close as possible to their natural habitat. It is also important to remember that before being planted in your aquarium, all fish must undergo quarantine in a fish tank.

Guppies exhibit pronounced sexual dimorphism. Females differ from males in color, brightness of color, fullness and size: females are much larger than males. Puberty occurs at approximately three months.

Females with species differences

Guppies give birth to absolutely mature, viable fry. It would be more correct to say that they are not viviparous, but ovoviviparous. The fry develop from eggs, but development occurs in the mother’s body and they feed not due to the connection with the mother, as in placental mammals, but due to the nutritional properties of the eggs themselves.

In organism female guppies The eggs ripen, they ripen as if in clusters. Fertilization of eggs occurs inside the female's body. During the process of fertilization, the male inseminates the ripe bunch and the development of eggs begins.

Embryos develop inside the egg and receive nutrients from the yolk's reserves. When the fry are formed, they emerge from the eggs into the mother's body, after which they exit the mother's body into the water - “birth”. Then the development of the next fertilized bunch begins. Gestation lasts for different types from 18 to 60 days.

Fry are born viable, without a yolk bladder, and can feed themselves and hide from predators.

It's important not to confuse KINDS And BREEDS guppy There are only 8 species of guppies:

The common guppy has more than 60 selective (artificially bred) breeds. The remaining species do not have breeding breeds.

Poecilia reticulate was once introduced into most developing countries to combat malaria, because these fish are very successful in exterminating larvae and adult mosquitoes Anopheles that carry malaria.

There are certain standards developed by the International Guppy Breeding Council, which primarily concern morphological characteristics. This Council regularly (about 6 times a year) provides all its representatives with various types of information about the results of competitions, new directions in guppy breeding and genetics, organizes various international events, and also improves evaluation criteria guppy. International exhibitions and championships are constantly held in Europe, America and Asia, which are now world centers for the mass, commercial breeding of guppies for export.

Endler's guppy

This species of guppy was discovered by a travel explorer John Endler in one of the reservoirs in Venezuela. It later turned out that this small, fast fish lives in only a few places in this country and nowhere else in the world. wildlife does not occur.

In appearance and structure it is very similar to ordinary guppies, only it is much smaller and does not have a large fan-shaped tail. These varieties of guppies easily interbreed with each other, with the smaller and nimble Endler males having a noticeable advantage over the females. This suggests that we are dealing with a local branch of guppy, which developed in isolation and, perhaps, unfavourable conditions existence reduced the size of the fish.

Breeds and breed types of guppies

    Voile (Train): Emerald, Dark-tailed, Dark-tailed carpet type.

    Fantail: Scarlet, Blue.

    Carpet: Velvet, Carnation, Spanish.

    Green Smooth: Moscow Blue-green is a type that is not very stable.

    Red-tailed Half-black (Berlin): Many intra-breed types - Very stable breed.

    Scarf: Moscow Scarf, Half Black Scarf, Mesh Scarf, Colored Scarf - The dorsal fin is elongated and widened, hanging to the side.

    Voile-scarf— The dorsal fin is in the form of a scarf, the caudal fin is in the form of a veil.

    Ribbon-scarf— The dorsal fin is in the form of a scarf, the caudal fin is in the form of a ribbon.

    Tape— The caudal fin is elongated at the bottom in the form of a long ribbon. In the best specimens it is longer than the body; sometimes there is a ribbon on the upper blade of the caudal fin. The middle of the tail is almost always colorless.

    Half black or leopard print.

    Mesh- Marriage from half-blacks.

    Mesh gold.

    Smaragdoyava or Winner's guppies.

    Emerald gold.

Guppies also differ in the shape of their tail fin. Here are the basic standards for fin shapes.

How do guppies reproduce in an aquarium? Peculiarities

To breed guppies, you should select several females and one male (more are possible, but one is enough), who will constantly pursue the females and fertilize. During such a period, it is better not to disturb him - this is a condition successful breeding.

The aquarium must have clean water; the fish are fed generously during this period. After pregnancy becomes noticeable in female guppies, will they have an enlarged belly (closer to childbirth, it resembles a trapezoid) and a darkening spot in the anal area? they are placed in separate spawning aquariums with a volume of approximately 5 liters. This is done so that the fry do not become food for neighbors.

The female carries the eggs in her stomach for about a month; this period can be extended to 7 weeks - it all depends on the type of fish and the conditions of detention. Since the guppy is a viviparous species, it does not lay eggs: an already formed fry is born.

Before giving birth, the female refuses to eat, moves little, tries to swim to the heater in the aquarium, and her tail trembles. Usually, during the first spawning, the female brings up to 25 fry, and in subsequent births several times more.

Pregnant and postpartum female guppies should have vegetation in their aquarium. Mother guppy can eat her fry, and aquarium plants will give the babies a place to hide. However, in order not to risk the offspring, it is best to separate the female guppy from the babies into a common aquarium immediately after giving birth.

Caring for guppy fry

Babies are born as fully formed fish, so caring for baby guppies is no more difficult than caring for adults.

Leftover food should be carefully removed. To do this, you can add, for example, ampularia to the aquarium, which will collect the remains of food without touching the fry. It is important that there is clean water in the aquarium, but it is not recommended to make large changes - it is enough to change 10% of the water every two days.

The water temperature should be in the range of 24-26.5°C.

At good care Guppy fry grow quickly and begin to color by 4-6 weeks. Grown-up babies are transplanted into a common aquarium. At about 4 months, guppies become sexually mature.

Endler's guppies: breeding in an aquarium

Unlike ordinary ones, in dwarf guppies, guppi/endler's guppy, reproduction has the following features:

1. The birth mark of female Endler guppies is somewhat lighter than that of ordinary ones.
2. The belly of pregnant females remains round before giving birth.
3. Endler's guppies do not eat their fry, so they are reared only to provide the babies with proper nutrition.
4. Pregnancy in a female Endler guppy lasts 22-23 days.
5. At the same time, from 5 to 25 fry are born.
6. By two months, females become sexually mature.


  1. Guppies prefer to settle in Brazil, South America, as well as on the islands of Tobago and Trinidad. These named places are considered the homeland of guppies. They prefer clear, free of impurities water.
  2. They can live in brackish springs, but not too salty like sea water. By natural features They eat bloodworms, larvae, worms, as well as small insects that fall into the water.
  3. Due to their ability to eat mosquitoes, guppies began to be artificially introduced into the habitats of malaria mosquitoes, because fish eat their larvae. In terms of their characteristics, male guppies are bright, females are more inconspicuous and large.
  4. The color of these fish is the result of the work of the discoverers, who had to create inhabitants that would be as close in color as possible to the natural biotope. Often fish become victims and need to hide.
  5. As for the dimensions, we have already mentioned. Females are large, males are smaller. Their length can reach 4-5 cm, but this is rare. The average lifespan of small aquatic pets hardly exceeds 3 years.
  6. It is difficult to describe the appearance of these representatives. Since guppies have been used for quite a long time in breeding and creating new species, their color and body shape defy description. There are individuals that are completely different from each other.
  7. Fish breathe oxygen in the water. They do not take in atmospheric air, so guppies need a carefully prepared aquarium. It is important to install filtration and aeration.
  8. Many people are interested in the maximum life span of these fish. Due to the fact that they love warm water, all metabolic processes are accelerated. The fish die quickly. Therefore, the duration of existence directly depends on water parameters. The higher the temperature, the shorter the life.

Is it difficult to keep guppies?

  1. The fish is suitable for keeping in aquarium conditions for beginners. It is small, moderately active, and does not require special preparatory measures for reproduction and care. It would seem that the list of positive qualities could be continued for a very long time.
  2. However, it is important to know that not all guppies are so easy to keep at home. It is important to choose the right option for yourself during the purchasing process. If all the fish look like carbon copies, then you should refuse them. To identify breeder fish, you need to carefully examine them. If they look the same, like clones, and even the fins are the same shape, then these pets will be difficult to care for.
  3. In cases where all the fish are different in some way, it means they were born naturally and will feel great in the aquarium. It is important that family members have complete different colors, the shape of the body and fins in particular.
  4. Such difficulties are caused by serious crossbreeding, which is why pets become more beautiful (possibly), but also lose immunity. They are sensitive to changes in water and its quality, react negatively to vegetation, etc.
  5. Therefore, if you are just trying yourself as an aquarist, purchase the simplest and most varied guppies. Such fish are no worse than pets bred through repeated crossings.


  1. Guppies are unpretentious in their diet; they do not require fancy food. Typically, adults are fed dry, frozen or live food. The fry eat the same ground food. You can choose flakes, granules, or other varieties. As for live food, they usually give tubifex, bloodworms, coretra, and brine shrimp.
  2. It is worth remembering forever that these representatives of the aquatic family oral cavity small, the same can be said about the stomach. Therefore, it is necessary to feed the fish often, but in small portions. Typically, food is given three times a day; a guppy should take a maximum of 3 minutes for one meal.
  3. Guppy has poor motor skills digestive system, therefore, it is additionally necessary to provide foods with a high concentration of plant compounds. Twice a week they are given food that is rich in vitamins and everything necessary.
  4. It is worth highlighting dry food separately. Give daphnia, which is sold by weight in stores and markets. Such food is given no more than once a week, because at its core, daphnia is just dry shells. They are useful in moderation, but in large quantities they can cause significant harm.
  5. If you feed your little guests three times a day, and one of the meals remains uneaten or the fish do not finish it completely, then the feeding needs to be changed. Give the fish food twice a day in the same portions. Try to feed the guppies at the same time so that they get used to it and are not in search of food. Otherwise, these fish will eat their fry.


  1. The fish does not cause trouble in the neighborhood and has a good-natured temperament. You cannot add representatives of the aquatic family, which are famous for their predatory instincts, to it. Guppies are constantly perceived as food, so they approach the choice of roommates with all responsibility.
  2. Also, you cannot choose as neighbors those fish that bite off their fins. This category includes kissing gouramis, Indian knives, fire barbs etc.
  3. Guppies get along best with congos, neonfish, rasboras, catfish, cardinals and other small fish. Because they are non-conflict, problem-free.
  4. In some aquariums you can find catfish living happily next to guppies. Small representatives of the family are chosen from catfish, because large ones are predators. The exception is the cockroach; it will get along with these pets without eating them in no time.

  1. The fish are tropical species that prefer to swim in warm water. The temperature should not go beyond 22-25 degrees, this is enough for the fish. However, in nature, pets live at 19-29 degrees, which negatively affects their lifespan. IN hot water the fish die quickly, and in cold weather they get sick.
  2. For non-breeding guppies, the parameters of the aquatic environment are not of fundamental importance. They quickly adapt to vibrations, so they easily transfer movements from one tank to another. Stick to hardness levels between 12-18 units and acidity levels between 7-8.5 units. However, the parameters may differ; this will not prevent the guppies from reproducing.
  3. One more positive feature This type of fish is considered to be unpretentious in terms of tank volume. They require 20 liters. for 5 individuals. That is, 4 liters each. for one fish. However, these pets love to swim, so any additional room for maneuver will be received positively.
  4. Fish do not always require plants; by nature, guppies swim in dark places. The plants in the tank need light to prevent them from getting sick. Plant the aquarium with plants because they will provide the necessary shade. At the same time, take care of diffuse lamps so that the vegetation does not die.
  5. If you have an external filter in use, it will suit your guppy. But with a small number of individuals in the aquarium, the fish feel great with an internal filter equipped with a sponge. If the filtering mechanism is powerful, then cover the holes in it with a net so that the fish do not get sucked in.
  6. There is no point in keeping guppies in the amount of a couple of individuals, much less one at a time. It looks sad, aquatic inhabitants are practically invisible among the vegetation and shelters. They look beautiful in schools, so buy a lot of fish at once.
  7. The aquarium environment must be arranged in such a way that it has shelters. Because guppies will not survive without it, especially the fry.

How to distinguish a male from a female

  1. Sexual differences in the individuals in question are obvious. It is for this reason that you will not have any difficulties with this.
  2. Males are much smaller than females. They are also noticeably slim. In males you can see a large caudal fin.
  3. The females of the species in question are quite large. They have a fairly large and rounded belly. Also, females have a less bright color.
  4. Even younger individuals can already be distinguished. It's all pretty obvious. The fry, which earlier began to acquire a brighter color, grow up to be males.


  1. The presented individuals reproduce in the aquarium without any problems. You don’t even need to create special conditions for this. Breeding will be very simple. Guppies are viviparous water world.
  2. After birth, the fry are immediately able to swim independently. In rare cases, young animals appear in the aquarium as eggs. The little one immediately tears it apart and begins to exist independently. The bottom line is that the female carries the eggs inside herself. Then viable fry are born.
  3. Literally a few hours later, the young animals begin to feed on their own. Until this moment they will hide and adapt. In order to start breeding these fish, you just need a male and a female. Nothing more is required from you.
  4. Breeders recommend having several females for one male. In this case, no problems arise at all. In this case, breeding will be more than successful. If desired, it is allowed to have more males. Same-sex individuals do not fight among themselves.
  5. Do not panic ahead of time if you notice that the male is tirelessly pursuing the female. This behavior is considered normal. This can be characterized by the male impregnating the female. It’s just worth knowing that young animals will soon appear in the aquarium.
  6. In order for the fish to feel as comfortable as possible, it is necessary to provide them with clean and fresh water. also in favorable environment Reproduction will occur better. During such a period, it is especially important to provide individuals with abundant and high-quality feeding.
  7. For breeding, individuals of different sexes will be required. In this case, the representatives in question do not even need to be transplanted into a separate aquarium. They reproduce well in a common container. Only here there are some subtleties. The fry will be eaten by all and sundry. Even parents eat their own offspring.
  8. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to temporarily transplant the pregnant individual into a separate container. If you don't know how to tell if a female is pregnant or when she's about to give birth, you need to rely on some facts.
  9. Typically, females produce fry once a month. In addition, the timing may vary greatly. The reason for this may be various conditions water content and temperature. You need to remember the moment when the female last gave birth. After this, periodically observe the individuals.
  10. A female who is preparing for a new birth will have a darker spot. Thus, the eyes of the fry begin to be visible. Each time the stain will darken more. Be prepared for the female to give birth soon.
  11. Your task remains to transplant the female into a separate aquarium. Keep in mind that the conditions in the tank should be exactly the same as in a general aquarium. The fry should have no problem hiding in the algae and feel safe.
  12. After the female gives birth, transfer her to a community aquarium; if this is not done, she may eat her own offspring. The maintenance of fry is practically no different from that of adults. You can feed the young animals with the crushed food that you gave to the parents.
  13. Breeders, of course, recommend purchasing special food for fry or dry egg food. This food consists of dried cyclops and daphnia. The product can be purchased at any pet store without any problems.
  14. Among other things, the aquarium of young animals must be cleaned frequently. Otherwise, waste from fish and food will quickly pollute the water. As an alternative, it is allowed to introduce snails to the fry. Individuals will not conflict with each other. In turn, the snails will clean the aquarium.
  15. Keep in mind that the fry’s water should always be clean. Only here there are some subtleties. Do not change large quantities of fluid at once. Such conditions can be dangerous for the fragile organism of young animals. Maintain the water temperature within 25 degrees.

Guppies are one of the most common aquarium fish. It is very easy to keep such individuals in a common container with other representatives of the aquatic world. When breeding, it is recommended to use a separate aquarium. In order for individuals to live comfortably and for a long time, try to provide the most comfortable conditions.

Duration of pregnancy

Pregnancy in viviparous fish begins after mating. The female can store the male's milk for a long period of time, so if the fish was purchased at a pet store, and males swam in the same aquarium with the female, then most likely she will be pregnant.

The duration of pregnancy is 21-40 days, the higher the temperature, the shorter the gestation period, but the size of the fry will be smaller, so the optimal temperature range is considered to be 24-26 ° C.

How to determine pregnancy

The female's pregnancy will not be visible at first, she will be vigorous and eat well, and her abdomen will grow.

You can determine when to expect offspring using the “birth spot,” which is located next to the anus and anal fin. The larger and darker the birthmark, the closer the birth.

Guppies are unpretentious fish, but during such a delicate period they also require more care than usual.

In order to provide proper support to emerging young animals, you need to follow a few simple tips:

Behavior before childbirth

In order to remove the guppy from the general aquarium in time, you need to watch it. Usually, before giving birth, she begins to behave restlessly, seek shelter, or, conversely, lie motionless on the stones.

When and where to plant

Before accepting offspring, you need to prepare a container. A small aquarium of 10-20 liters or a 3-5 liter jar is suitable as a spawning tank. You need to fill the reservoir a few days before giving birth so that the water can settle and a bacterial balance can form in it. To fill the spawning tank, it is better to use some fresh water and a little (14) old water from the general aquarium.

To prevent the “guppy” from feasting on its own offspring, you need to create shelters. It is best to use hornwort for these purposes. The fry can easily hide in it, but the female will not see them.

If it is not possible to provide the female with a spawning ground:

  • It is enough to create dense thickets in a community aquarium, which will increase the fry’s chances of survival.
  • In addition, you can pay attention to special depositors that are sold in pet stores. They consist of a plastic frame and fabric with a very small mesh, through which the fry will not be able to penetrate into the general aquarium. This device will help save space.

The birthmark and the shape of the abdomen will help determine the appropriate time for depositing:

  • Before birth, the spot becomes very dark and large.
  • The abdomen becomes very large, with convex sides and takes on a rectangular shape. You can correctly assess the shape of the abdomen before morning feeding, on an empty stomach.

It is best to place the mother in labor immediately before spawning, because alone she will experience stress, since guppies are schooling fish. Another reason why it is better not to rush into jigging is the male. Some individuals may have problems with childbirth, and it is the male, constantly poking the stigma and gonopodium in the birth spot area, that can stimulate the spawning process.

You need to catch the female carefully, without frightening her or putting pressure on her abdomen. The temperature of the water in the spawning tank should not differ much from the temperature of the general aquarium.

After the fish is placed in the tank, it will need to be covered with a dark cloth. This will help calm your pet and prevent her from noticing and eating the fry.

Some time after the transplant, she will begin to give birth. A female guppy, depending on its size, can produce from 10 to 200 fry. The duration of labor depends on the number of fry, which she gives birth to one at a time.

If the female’s abdomen has become flat and she has stopped producing offspring, then the birth can be considered over, and the guppy itself needs to be transplanted into a common aquarium.

Postnatal care for fry

The fry spend the first 2-3 days in thickets or lie on the bottom. They have a yolk sac, so they do not need additional nutrition. After it resolves, the juveniles begin to actively search for food. Suitable food:

  • mashed egg yolk;
  • frozen cyclops;
  • “live dust” (ciliates);
  • decapsulated Artemia eggs and nauplii;
  • finely ground dry food.

The fry should be fed as often as possible and in small portions in order to increase their growth rate.

Guppies are the most common and famous fish that are easy to keep, feed and care for.

Guppy Poecilia reticulata is a freshwater viviparous aquarium fish. The guppy fish belongs to the family Poeciliidae, order Carp-toothed. Males and females can be distinguished visually by shape, color and size.

For beginner aquarists, guuppies are the best the best choice. These are very simple and not picky aquarium fish to keep. They can be kept in both large and small aquariums. Caring for guppies is so simple that if necessary (or this is not possible, for example, a small aquarium), then you can refuse filtration and aeration, just change the water more often. Guppies are often kept in small aquariums, for example, in offices or small rooms, or rooms where you need to create a small living area. Guppies are very suitable if a child wants to keep fish. A small aquarium can be placed in a nursery, for example, 15-30 liters. In this volume of an aquarium you can place 5-8 individuals.

History and origin of guppies

The homeland of the guppy fish is the rivers of northern South America in Venezuela, Guiana, Brazil and the islands of Barbados, Tobago and Trinidad. From where they were distributed throughout the world. Guppies were originally brought to England, where they were introduced by scientist Robert John Lechmere Guppy, and this species of fish was named after him.

In the second half of the 19th century, Europeans noticed that on the Indian islands, where there were a lot of guppies, people actually did not suffer from malaria, which was very widespread at that time due to mosquitoes. After which the guppies were very quickly distributed and transported to other bodies of water and even countries, as a result of which malaria actually retreated. The popularity of Guppy has grown very much all over the world, as soon as the guppy came to Europe it was immediately started by breeders who bred new artificial species these fish. Since that time, hundreds of guppy fish, different in appearance and color, have been bred.

Now in stores where they sell aquarium fish you can find guppies that were bred both in the USSR and Europe.

The difference between a male and a female. Guppy sizes

Male. Males have size up to 1.5 cm. These are dwarf, up to 4 cm. sometimes they grow up to 5 cm. these are already considered giants. Males, unlike females, have brighter and more varied colors. It can be all the colors of the rainbow with multi-colored spots and metallic reflections. The tail and dorsal fin can be xiphoid, scarf, train, ensign, lyre. Currently, there are thirteen varieties of guppies based on their tail shape. Males have a specialized organ for reproduction. The anal fin is transformed into a tubular gonopodium, which serves for internal fertilization. The male's body is elongated, slightly thickened on the sides, and slender. Male guppies in nature differ significantly from those in aquariums. They have a significantly smaller palette of different colors, this is due to the fact that in natural conditions there are predators from which guppies need to hide, so their colors are duller. But still, even in natural conditions, the male is much brighter than the female.

Female. Female guppies are larger than males. Sizes from 2.5 cm to 8 cm. In the anal area, the female's abdomen is enlarged, the fins are always smaller and proportional than those of the male. Females have short tail. Sometimes there may be small bright spots on the tail. The anal fin is round. The body is translucent, also elongated, with a more dense rear part. The coloring is much duller than that of the male; it is gray-brown, with a bluish tint, gray with a greenish or olive tint.

Lifespan. How long do guppies live?

Guppies live relatively short lives. Life expectancy in an aquarium directly depends on the water temperature. The higher the water temperature, the smaller fish the guppy will live. Because the higher the water temperature, the faster all the life processes of the fish will go through and the faster it will die. Basically, Guppies live 2-3 years, this is at a temperature of 20-30 C. If the temperature in the aquarium is about 28 C, then the life expectancy of the fish will be about 1 year. There are also cases where guppies lived for about 5 years.

In subsequent articles you will be able to find out:

  • compatibility of guppies with other inhabitants of aquariums
  • care and maintenance of guppy


Guppy fish can confidently be called the most famous aquarium inhabitants. Almost every aquarium starts with these fish, especially if it was originally bought for a child. Guppies are also interesting because they are viviparous fish.

The name of the fish in Latin is Poecilia reticulata. The species received its Russian-language name, which is widely used, from the name of the English scientist and clergyman Robert Guppy. Mr. Guppy discovered these creatures on the island of Triniad, where he collected samples of soil plants. In 1886, the scientist reported about them to the Royal Society, but was ridiculed - the science of those times did not yet know about the ability of fish to give birth to live fry. But to the surprise of pundits, small fish soon appeared in the aquarium of the British Museum, which multiplied from those brought by the priest.

Guppies appeared in European countries in 1859 - then the German ichthyologist Wilhelm brought them and pointed out their similarity with the Poecilidae family; two years later these creatures were discovered in collections from Barbados. But these discoveries were not known general public, That's why new variety aquarium inhabitants were given the name Girardinus guppyi.

Under natural conditions, guppies live in rivers and freshwater lakes of the United States, the southern and central parts of the American continent. They live in an aquarium for up to three to four years. The most common fish are blue, gray, silver or white. Dots and specks may be scattered throughout the body different colors: black, red, yellow, green, blue or metallic. Guppies have small rounded fins, colorless and transparent in any color variant.

Features of care and maintenance

Fish of this species can be called the most unpretentious and undemanding to living conditions. Caring for them is not difficult.

What should an aquarium be like?

Guppies can be placed in a container of any size. A couple of guppies can even be placed in a three-liter jar, but with this content the fish will not be large. The shape of the aquarium for these fish can be any: rectangular, straight and even round. But one guppy should have at least 2 liters of water space. When keeping purebred specimens, use aquariums of at least 50 liters with a powerful compressor to saturate the water with oxygen and a filter system.

Water requirements

The aquarium is filled with clean water, pre-settled water. The water should not be very hard, but completely distilled water is not suitable for guppies. To regularly purify the water, a filter is placed in the aquarium.

Requirements for soil and algae

Add soil with medium-sized particles to the aquarium with guppies - it should not be too dense. Twice a year it is washed and tested for solubility.

Of the plants for these fish, the Indian fern is considered the most suitable. This algae is capable of purifying water in an aquarium and works as a living filter.


The guppy aquarium should be well lit. The length of daylight for these creatures must be at least 12 hours. It is good if in the morning the aquarium is in the sun for a certain period of time, but too much light can cause rapid development of aquatic vegetation (the water may bloom).

Like many aquarium fish, guppies can safely be considered omnivores. They are fed with ciliates and cyclops, and sometimes given frozen scraped meat and squid fillets. Live food should make up the main part of the diet of fish of this species, but dry mixtures can also be given. The fish menu is diversified, adding plant foods and mixed feed.

The main thing in feeding guppies is not to give a large amount of food. Excess food settles to the bottom and pollutes the aquarium.

The difference between a female and a male

Guppies are one of those aquarium fish that have pronounced sexual differences.

  • individual guppies of different sexes differ from each other in size: the length of the male varies from 1.5 to 4.5 cm, the female grows larger - from 2.8 to 7 cm;
  • the anal fin of the male has been transformed into a holopodium - a special tube with the help of which the male fertilizes the female;
  • All the fins of females are smaller than those of males, but the large abdomen of females is clearly visible.

Sexual differences in guppies appear even in fry. Future males, as a rule, are colored earlier.

Reproduction of fish of this species is not difficult; this process often takes place in a community aquarium.

Guppies reach sexual maturity 3-5 months after birth; these periods greatly depend on the conditions of detention (water temperature and diet). Under normal conditions temperature conditions males live 2.5-3 years, females - 3.5-4 years. Guppies stop breeding a year and a half before the end of their life.

To reproduce and raise fry from a pair of guppies, you need an aquarium with a volume of at least 20 liters and a length of 40 cm.

It is noteworthy that after one fertilization, a female is capable of producing fry up to 8 times. Guppies are viviparous fish, that is, already formed fry come out of the female’s abdomen and can swim and absorb food. Inside the female's body, the eggs are fertilized by the male's gonopodium and their development occurs there.

The fry appear 35-45 days after fertilization; these periods depend on the temperature of the aquatic environment. A young female gives birth to up to 12 fry at a time, an older female is capable of giving birth to up to a hundred young.

Guppies do not have parental instinct - they easily eat their fry if they are hungry. In order to preserve the offspring, before the birth of the babies, the female is placed in a separate container with a lot of small-leaved algae. Before the babies appear, the female’s abdomen becomes somewhat square. After the fry appear, the female is removed to the general aquarium. In good conditions, a large number of fry survive - they hide in the leaves of algae. As they grow, they may not have enough food - then the fish will not be bright.

To feed the fry, use any food with particles of suitable size. To get beautiful specimens, the fry are offered different foods and keep the aquarium clean.

When breeding guppies, you need to take into account one important detail. In young people, sex is determined too early and puberty sets in, and then young males (and they always have an advantage over old ones) fertilize all the females. At this time, it is advisable to transfer the males to another aquarium - this way you can control the fertilization process and maintain the purity of the breed (meaning body color and shape of fins).

Raising fry also deserves attention. The babies grow slowly, but when the male reaches sexual maturity and acquires color, he stops growing. The rate of maturation of males depends on the water temperature: at elevated temperature males mature faster. At a temperature of 30 degrees, males mature in 3 months, but remain small in size. At 22 degrees, ripening takes longer, and individuals grow larger.

Guppy diseases

Among all the inhabitants of aquariums, guppies are considered the most disease-resistant. But some diseases have a severe and long-lasting course, which often ends in the death of the guppies. Let's look at these diseases.

A sick goosefish begins to itch against the algae in the aquarium, and sometimes dull spots appear on the fish’s body.

If a disease is detected, all fish must be destroyed. In this case, the aquarium is thoroughly cleaned, the soil, algae and decorative items are disinfected.

  1. Mycobacteriosis. This disease is otherwise called fish tuberculosis. A sick fish quickly becomes exhausted, the abdomen retracts and the back arches. The disease cannot be treated and sick individuals are destroyed.
  2. Red scab and split fin. This disease is typical only for male guppies. The disease is characterized by the appearance of a reddish coating on the male's caudal fin, which can spread to the entire tail and destroy it. The damaged part of the tail is removed using a sharp razor. You can help the fish if the plaque occupies no more than one third of the tail. For complete healing, it is recommended to add to the water table salt at the rate of 2-3 g per liter of water.
  3. Fin rot occurs in females. In the presence of the disease, disintegration of the interradial tissue is observed. For treatment, use bicillin-5, biomycin or white streptocide. Medicines dissolve in a common aquarium, the course of treatment lasts 1-3 months.

To avoid many possible diseases of guppies, you need to keep the aquarium clean and change the water on time. After purchasing new fish, it is advised to place them in a separate container for a while and observe them. Only after such a kind of “quarantine” are newcomers released into the general aquarium.

Types of guppies

Today, many varieties of these miniature aquarium inhabitants are known. Over several decades, 13 varieties of guppies have been bred. Today there are 8 known color options for guppies, and in total there are about a hundred combinations of colors and shapes of these amazing creatures.

Two types of classification are considered: they are divided into species depending on color (this classification is considered the most subjective) and depending on the shape of the tail and fins.

Classification depending on color

The color of each fish can be divided into three components: color skin, scales and plaque on them. Cell pigment is considered as an addition to coloring. When dividing guppies by color, the main or dominant color is taken into account, which determines whether the specimen belongs to a particular breed. Let's briefly look at the most popular of them.

Moscow guppies can have a green, purple or blue body color with a uniform metallic sheen.

Tuxedo guppies seem to be dressed in a tuxedo (this is how the name of the breed is translated) - rear end dark colored bodies.

Spaniards are half-black guppies with a yellow tail. The caudal fin has a red border and a subtle black pattern.

Panda. The guppies of this variety have a white front part of the body, and a black back part and caudal fin.

Neon guppies are colored in a variety of pearlescent shades that dominate the entire body.

Carpet guppies are distinguished by their tail, which is covered with a mosaic.

Leopard. The coloring of these guppies resembles the skin of this predator.

Blonde – these fish have a light-colored body.

Glass guppies have no color pigment at all. These fish have red eyes.

Galaxy. Guppies of this species have a mosaic coloration.

Savage is a gray-toned variety with spots of different colors all over the body.

Carnation. This species of fish has an orange tail with black patterns.

Japanese guppies are characterized by a semi-black body and light fins in a variety of light colors.

Berlin guppies have a semi-black body and red fins.

The swallow is characterized by highly elongated fins.

Sunset guppies have colors that resemble the sky at sunset (their name translates to "sunset").

German guppies are mostly yellow in color.

As a result of crossing different species, guppy mix was obtained. Representatives of this species have a wide variety of colors and shapes. Distinctive feature species - large females, their maximum size is 6 cm. Males grow only up to 3 cm. Greenish and neon inclusions are scattered over the surface of the entire body.

Classification depending on the shape of the tail and fins

Guppy fish have very different fin and tail shapes. Based on this feature, they are further divided into several varieties. The main ones are discussed here.

  1. Fan-tailed guppies are distinguished by a lush tail fin and a fin on the back that falls to the bottom.
  2. Triangel. The tail of representatives of this species is similar to an open fan or an isosceles triangle. The dorsal fin is wide and raised upward.
  3. Sharp-angled fantails.
  4. Veil-tailed or skirt guppies have a tail in the shape of a closed fan, the fin of the back is directed towards the top.
  5. Flag-tailed guppies have a tail shaped like a flag. The dorsal fin is pointed.
  6. Double sword. The tail fin of these guppies is oval with long rays. The dorsal fin is narrow in shape.
  7. Lower sword. In representatives of this species, the caudal fin has an oval shape, the lower rays, similar in shape to a sword, are elongated. The dorsal fin is narrow, straight with a sharp tip.
  8. Top sword. The fish are similar to the previous variety, only their upper ray of the caudal fin is longer.
  9. Lyretail guppies have a tail fin that resembles a lyre in shape. The dorsal fin is raised upward.
  10. Spear-tailed. Their caudal fin is similar to the tip of a spear, the dorsal fin is curved.
  11. Shovel-tailed - their tail is shaped like a shovel.
  12. Round-tailed guppies have a semicircular tail and a fin of the same shape on the back.
  13. Spine-tailed guppies have a round tail with an elongated ray in the middle. The fin on the back is raised up.
  1. Guppies can reproduce even in a glass of water.
  2. Guppy fish, along with other organisms that have a short development cycle, are often the subject of research by geneticists and help track the laws of heredity.
  3. High sensitivity of fish of this species to pollution environment made it possible for ecologists to use them to study the effect of chemicals and the level of wastewater treatment.
  4. Since the mid-19th century, it has been noticed that in the presence of these small fish, the incidence of malaria sharply decreases. Taking this fact into account, guppies were specially introduced into areas of the West Indies and America where malaria was rampant.

For guppies, breeding in an aquarium? natural process. How often your fish will produce offspring and how viable the fry will be depends on the general conditions of keeping.

Breeding guppies can be a fun activity, as fish of different colors interbreed well, resulting in unique, new colors of guppies.

How to distinguish between a female and a male guppy

In this species of fish, sex determination does not cause difficulties.

Males, as a rule, are smaller than females and slimmer - from 2 to 4 cm, their tail is much larger, and the anal fin has turned into a gonopodium (a tube through which fertilization occurs).

Female guppies are relatively large - up to 6 cm, they have a noticeable belly and are paler in color.

How do guppies reproduce in an aquarium? Peculiarities

To breed guppies, you should select several females and one male (more are possible, but one is enough), who will constantly pursue the females and fertilize. During such a period, it is better not to disturb him - this is a condition for successful breeding.

The aquarium must have clean water; the fish are fed generously during this period. After pregnancy becomes noticeable in female guppies, will they have an enlarged belly (closer to childbirth, it resembles a trapezoid) and a darkening spot in the anal area? they are placed in separate spawning aquariums with a volume of approximately 5 liters. This is done so that the fry do not become food for neighbors.

The female carries the eggs in her stomach for about a month; this period can be extended to 7 weeks - it all depends on the type of fish and the conditions of detention. Since the guppy is a viviparous species, it does not lay eggs: an already formed fry is born.

Before giving birth, the female refuses to eat, moves little, tries to swim to the heater in the aquarium, and her tail trembles. Usually, during the first spawning, the female brings up to 25 fry, and in subsequent births several times more.

Pregnant and postpartum female guppies should have vegetation in their aquarium. Mother guppy can eat her fry, and aquarium plants will give the babies a place to hide. However, in order not to risk the offspring, it is best to separate the female guppy from the babies into a common aquarium immediately after giving birth.

Caring for guppy fry

Babies are born as fully formed fish, so caring for baby guppies is no more difficult than caring for adults.

It is recommended to feed the offspring in the first month with finely ground branded flakes for fry (not to be confused with low-nutrient dry food!) up to four to five times a day. From the second or third month, their diet is exactly the same as that of adults.

Leftover food should be carefully removed. To do this, you can add, for example, ampularia to the aquarium, which will collect the remains of food without touching the fry. It is important that there is clean water in the aquarium, but it is not recommended to make large changes - it is enough to change 10% of the water every two days.

The water temperature should be in the range of 24-26.5°C.

With good care, guppy fry grow quickly and begin to color by 4-6 weeks. Grown-up babies are transplanted into a common aquarium. At about 4 months, guppies become sexually mature.

Endler's guppies: breeding in an aquarium

Unlike ordinary ones, in dwarf guppies, guppi/endler's guppy, reproduction has the following features:

1. The birth mark of female Endler guppies is somewhat lighter than that of ordinary ones.
2. The belly of pregnant females remains round before giving birth.
3. Endler's guppies do not eat their fry, so they are reared only to provide the babies with proper nutrition.
4. Pregnancy in a female Endler guppy lasts 22-23 days.
5. At the same time, from 5 to 25 fry are born.
6. By two months, females become sexually mature.