Despite the fact that Libras are not very faithful by nature, they like the status of a married man. Libra quickly proposes, and always in the most attractive way: a romantic dinner by candlelight, wedding ring in an expensive box, background music, and of course champagne. However, men of this zodiac sign make similar marriage proposals more than once, and they often have several marriages.

Libra man in marriage: what is he like in family and home life when he gets married?

Girlfriends very often envy the chosen one of their Libra husband. Cultured, polite, always well-groomed and fashionably dressed, he shows interest in science, but primarily in art. He knows what perfume is fashionable now and will take you to a prestigious restaurant to celebrate your wedding anniversary. And what kind of compliments he can give! And this unforgettable, charming smile of his... Just the walking ideal of a romantic and witty lover!

The charm of the Libra husband is combined with a gentle character. It is not the chivalrous attitude towards a woman that makes him nervous; he does not tolerate rudeness, rudeness and any primitivism. This person will never raise his voice against you (and will not forget if you do). He usually makes a good career, most often in law, art or journalism. There are not many such “civilized” men who will voluntarily go with you to the theater or philharmonic, read poetry and get bored watching an action movie rather than a psychological drama.

On intimate relationships With a Libra husband in marriage, you probably won’t complain either. You're not too threatened long sleep in the marital bed. In addition, men of this zodiac sign quickly become virtuosos in the art of love.

But married life with a Libra husband is not as rosy as it might seem. This man understands women very well, but, unfortunately, most often treats them as a tool for realizing his own goals. In addition, he can sometimes be extremely self-centered. His wife not only often gives up her professional ambitions, but is also forced to constantly revolve around him as a faithful companion. He loves his children, but changing diapers or visiting parent meetings too boring for him.

How does a Libra husband provide for his family?

People of this sign are rarely workaholics and perform feats of labor, but at the same time they make a good career and earn, first of all, a comfortable life. By nature, Libra husbands are not misers family life, but there are men in this sign who are too frivolous in financial matters. He often has several marriages, and whirlwind romances are also expensive. Therefore, it happens that a very gray Libra lands with a young mistress with a single suitcase, and the inexperienced chosen one of his heart pays alimony... to several wives.

Is your Libra husband cheating or not, is he jealous or not?

The Libra husband's horoscope is such that they cannot be classified as very faithful and morally stable representatives of the stronger sex. Libra husbands are easily carried away, cheat, and at the same time do not experience remorse that does not let them sleep at night. They are not particularly jealous, but the feeling of competition spurs them on.

Libra man: how to behave with him, how to live, how to be together and keep your Libra husband?

A Libra husband in marriage makes high demands on his wife. She must be beautiful, forever young, smiling and witty. In addition, she should prefer a life full of entertainment and interesting events, travel with Libra to fashionable resorts, where he will shine. Often tired, an ordinary hardworking woman who in the evening after a busy day only wants to sleep, long term will probably “fall out of the game.”

It is very important that Libra is immediately lucky to find a gifted woman to marry strong character, who would be able to properly dispose of this loving comrade. Firstly, she will immediately remove her husband from the pedestal, soberly evaluate his talents and will never demonstrate that Libra has become her whole world. The mere awareness of the existence of competition works like a dope in relation to Libra husbands in family life. You can always bring to the attention of your other half (although this, at first glance, may seem absurd) that there are other men in the world, and it can be replaced with “ best model" But the wife knows the truth about herself: when Libra’s contrite husband comes up and smiles charmingly, her legs will again become weak, and she will again - despite common sense- V Once again forgive him everything...

The sign "Libra" speaks for itself. Almost all of its representatives are calm and balanced people. Quarrels and conflicts are alien to them. Libras are always friendly and smiling. They are happy to help or at least give practical advice.

The Libra man is protected by the element Air. They are easy-going, friendly and have good intelligence. Such a man loves to benefit people. He does this gently, unobtrusively, but with some persistence. Therefore, it is difficult to refuse such a person.

An airy man does not understand his life so well. It takes him time, and sometimes the help of others, to notice his problems. After discovering them, the Libra man takes a long time to figure it out and look for the reasons. The man of the element Air does not like quarrels and omissions. He is often the first to make peace, even if he is innocent.

Which woman is suitable for a Libra man?

For such a man, he needs a gentle and sophisticated girl who can understand him. At the same time, she must be able to take the reins of government into her own hands if the need arises. A Libra man expects warmth and harmony from a relationship. Representatives of the air and fire element.

Gemini ladies and Libra ladies can become ideal life partners for such a man. The airy man has a lot in common with them. With such women, a calm air representative will feel in harmony. It is likely that this relationship can lead to the creation of a happy family.

Of the women of the fire element, the Sagittarius woman is most suitable for the Libra man. From her he will receive support and understanding. Such a lady will surround her husband with warmth and care.

How to please a Libra man

Representative air element Almost all his life he has been in search of harmony. He is an idealist and loves everything around him to be beautiful. Such a person always looks good. He strives for purity of thoughts, soul and body. A woman who wants to win such a man must completely correspond to him.

The representative of the air is looking for a companion for life, he is monogamous and believes in strong marriages. A lady who wants to connect her destiny with Libra must be their friend and like-minded person.

The air representative will be attracted to sweet, sophisticated people. It is desirable that they have sharp mind and a good sense of humor. A Libra man will also appreciate appearance ladies. Such a sign will first of all draw attention to a well-groomed girl who knows how to present herself.

How to make a Libra man fall in love with you

  • Be like his mom. They say that we are looking for a life partner who could replace our father or mother. This statement couldn’t be more true for scales. Such a man has a very close relationship with his mother. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to see it, be sure not to miss it. Your further fate. If you cannot establish such a close connection with your future mother-in-law, then try to memorize her manners and character traits. If you are like the mother of your future spouse, there is a good chance of reaching the altar with him.
  • Surround him with beauty. Libras love with their eyes. If you want to win such a candidate, help him see the beauty around him. Have a romantic dinner by candlelight or a bath with incense sticks. Tasty food, a drop of alcohol and, of course, lace underwear.
  • Don't contradict him. The man of the air element is sure that he knows everything better than anyone. It is he who gives good advice, chooses wonderful gifts and knows what dress you should wear. Try not to argue with him; this may hurt and even offend your partner. If you want to be with him forever, trust him.

Marriage to a Libra man

Libras take a long time to decide to get married. Due to their character and natural indecisiveness, this can even be painful for them. However, having tied themselves with the knot of Hymen, such signs become good family men.

The air representative's house is always clean and tidy. He enjoys doing household chores himself, but demands the same from other family members. Libra is an excellent host and hospitable person.

If a woman accepts all the possible disadvantages of her spouse, then the marriage promises to be almost ideal. Such a father does not spoil his children, but does not scold them too much either. Rather, he leaves this opportunity to his soul mate.

Is it possible to make a married Libra man fall in love with you?

As sad as it may be, to take away married man Libra from the family perhaps. Such a husband loves and values ​​his wife and home. But, if another woman decides to achieve him, the natural weakness of the air sign comes to her aid.

Not all Libras are able to withstand the test of betrayal. Falling in love and even protracted relationships with Libra on the side are quite possible. The Air representative will feel guilty, but still cheat on his wife.

How to understand that he is in love with you

You can understand that Libra is not indifferent to you by his appearance. Such a man begins to choose his shirts and ties more carefully, shave every day and will definitely buy a new perfume. There is a possibility that having learned about tastes new passion, he will strive to choose clothes that match her style.

An air representative in love uses all his charm and charms. It is sprayed onto compliments, flowers and candies. Becomes an active storyteller and smiles sweetly all the time.

However, this behavior does not last forever. As soon as this cunning sign realizes that the woman reciprocates his feelings, his strategy immediately changes. He makes completely different plans, slowly drawing the victim into his “web.”

What can turn a Libra man off?

  • Emotions. Excessive emotions can get in the way of a long-awaited relationship with a Libra. A quiet and calm air representative can be frightened by the girl’s violent temperament. He is used to not expressing his emotions in public. And if a lady starts a scandal in the middle of the street or a quarrel with a store consultant, this can plunge a man into shock.
  • Cold. Libra women are also not used to pursuing things for too long. If a woman plays hard to get for a long time and persistently, the interest of this sign may fade. And even easily switch to another candidate.
  • Easily accessible. No matter how strange it may sound, you shouldn’t show your sympathy right away either. If an Air representative sees strong positive reactions from you, he may mark himself as “easily accessible.” And he will immediately lose interest.

Compatible Zodiac Signs

To create an excellent union, and perhaps a strong family, signs such as Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Leo are well suited for Libra men. Relationships between an airy man and such women have a great chance of success.

Libra is the type of man who weighs and outweighs the events of his life one after another. They are scrupulous, often slow and not particularly active. However, they are very charming, cheerful and loving. This good sign and conquering it is, of course, worth a try. If you follow all the tips and our recommendations, then your chances will be pretty good.

The main thing in building relationships with men of this sign is to remember what they want and what is important to them. Harmony and peace are the key to the heart of a Libra. If you can create an atmosphere of beauty and tranquility around them, then an alliance with an air representative is already in your pocket.

Key points

Libra is a classic vampire. To live, he needs to drink someone's blood. There is no need to be afraid; a good half of humanity has an overabundance of bad blood. For them, cooperation (or cohabitation) with Libra is just what the doctor ordered. Well, for those who already have vital energy a little, it is better to refrain from such experiments.

It is believed that Libra is the sign of romantics who spend their entire lives looking for their soulmate. In fact, they spend their entire lives looking for donors. And woe to them if they don’t find it. The drama of the situation is added by the fact that Libra is not given many chances. This Scorpio can marry 6 times and each time more and more successfully. For Libra, the “divorced-drunk-drunk-died” option is more typical. In business, the picture is identical - the loss of a partner too often turns out to be fatal for Libra.

How Libra looks for someone to cuddle with is a separate story. They are not the type to chase prey or build cunning traps. Libra will dress up, put on perfume, put on their magical smile, turn on the charm - and wait. Their way of fighting for the benefits of the world is the hope that someone will appreciate them, love them and bring all these benefits on a silver platter. If you're, say, a Taurus or Capricorn, you might be shocked by this luxurious approach to life, but for a Libra it often works.

Uselessness. You just have to come to terms with this. In practical terms, Libras are most often useless creatures. They don’t like to exert themselves, they leave it to others to fight for a place in the Sun, they avoid difficulties, they don’t believe in the benefits of creative work. Libra is one of those people who are hard to carry and it’s a pity to leave, because they still decorate life.

Career. If there is even the slightest opportunity not to work, Libra will take advantage of it. If not, they will look for a job that is similar to a vacation: so that it is not boring, so that they can talk (preferably about high things) and so that there is zero personal responsibility: lawyers, consultants, art critics, stylists and other professions in which it is impossible to calculate the employee’s efficiency. Libra can start their own business only in partnership with someone; on their own, they will fail even the most win-win business. Libra is not one of those who strain their belly button at work or stay late after six. Discipline, responsibility and corporate ethics are what Libra puts big on. The bosses do not see Libra as a rival and his career growth does not interfere - due to this, as well as due to their charm, lack of conflict and ability to seem like professionals, Libra sometimes makes a career to the envy of everyone. However, they are just as likely to end up among the chronically unemployed.

Money. They don’t know how to earn money purposefully, and they’re lazy. If Libra becomes rich, it always happens very unobtrusively, without effort on his part - pure luck. Could win at a casino, receive an inheritance, find a treasure, or become a partner with someone who knows how to work. But he spends beautifully, on a grand scale and to the last - strangers with the same ease as his own. He doesn’t make any nest eggs and doesn’t humiliate himself with calculations. From the very first salary, he hires a servant, buys expensive clothes and some elegant trinkets, which he then happily gives away to everyone. He doesn’t even remember that he has a rent debt in the process of wasting money. If there is no one nearby who will take money from Libra and hide it in the nightstand, he is doomed to periodically suck his paw.

Health. Doesn't eat junk, avoids stress, physical activity it’s draughty - why would he be sick? However, it happens. Usually this is either an attack of suspiciousness (I read the medical encyclopedia and found symptoms of all incurable diseases), or an inflammation of self-pity (it seemed that he was not loved enough). Like no one else, he is prone to simulation. However, there are also real illnesses: from overeating and drinking too much. When he is sick, he vampirizes with triple strength - he demands the most beautiful doctors, the most delicious pills, the most affectionate nurses, etc. and without this he doesn’t like being sick.


Up to 29 years old. Heaps of friends, bunches of chicks competing for the attention of Libra, parties and get-togethers without a break for rest. Many Libras at this age indulge in poetry or pretend to be artists, some turn to alcohol or indulge in extravagant, nonconformist antics. Studies naturally moves on, so does work, if it doesn’t fit into the entertainment schedule. Starting a business, immediately abandoning it and taking on another is in the order of things.

In a successful scenario, by the end of this period, Libra, despite their innate sloppiness and tendency to a questionable lifestyle, will have a family and friends who will support them for the rest of their lives, and some source of income.

29-35 years old. Time for a second chance. During this period, marriages often break up or business partnerships collapse, both of which are painful. But you can still fix everything: enter into a second marriage, trying to avoid the mistakes of the first, and try again to earn money. Fate will be favorable, there may be moments of luck, help from friends and even random people. But you just have to do everything up to the age of 35, because then there may be no more chances.

After 35 years. A time of stability, gluttony and hedonism. By this age, Libra already either lives on a percentage of what he earns (as an option, supported by his wife) or occupies a well-fed and dust-free leadership position. His life is organized, his social circle is outlined. He can start a hobby, start building a library, collecting paintings, or have themed parties on Thursdays at home. But for those Libra who were unable to acquire either money or a family, the prognosis is unfavorable. It will only get worse.

After 45-50 years. A disgusting age for Libra. The charm is gradually fading away. Idealism mimics into tediousness, pettiness and dissatisfaction with everything around. It is becoming increasingly difficult for Libras to find balance, and their already not very outstanding sexual potency suffers from this. If Libra does not find something to do outside the home (for example, social activity or teaching), his loved ones may hate him and it is difficult to blame them for this.

Lonely Libras are deeply unhappy people, their lot is regret about missed opportunities. But even in the most desperate situation, Libra can always count on the help and support of the weaker sex.

What to expect from him

Cold, fixated on the external - he does not fall in love, he selects a suitable picture. The selection is long and painful. He can’t stop at just one, so he shuffles the whole deck.

Shakespeare's passions with suffering and problems frighten him. He needs love that is beautiful and unburdensome. Women of the “I’m so sudden, contradictory...” format don’t attract him at all.

At the courtship stage, Libra is all charm. Gives gifts, writes poems and fulfills (small) wishes. But all this with dignity. No one has ever succeeded in turning him into an errand boy.

The transition from the bouquet to the bed period of the relationship may be delayed, and in some cases it may not take place at all - he is already having fun. Libra is a classic Don Juan. He loves love more than the object of love.

He never advertises his novels and is in no hurry to introduce his girls to his friends and parents. After all, among the girls with whom he is friends are his former, present and future lovers. And somehow he feels that it is better for these women not to cross paths.

Some people think that Libra is willing to put up with infidelity. This is not entirely true. He just doesn’t spend time on total control, so he often doesn’t notice the obvious. His loyalty depends on the circumstances, but on the wave of romantic love is very possible.

If you don’t present Libra with any special requirements, don’t try to get into his soul and don’t put pressure on him, then the novel will be very pleasant. Long-term relationships are fraught with many more pitfalls.

By the way, the groom who does not show up for the wedding is most often a Libra. His inability to make decisions and fear of offending someone often lead to the fact that between the options “quietly sleep and be silent” and “explain yourself, humiliate yourself,” he chooses the first.

And in bed

Everything will be beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, slow and gentle, like in a movie. He will admire you, and then give you the opportunity to caress him. He himself, of course, will also do something (and very skillfully), but most likely he will try to throw the leading role onto you.

Libra is not particularly passionate, and if his partner without clothes turns out to be less attractive than he expected, he may become completely lazy.

But if nothing offends his aesthetic sense, he is very resilient and is able to make love for hours. Its quantitative capabilities in favorable conditions simply amazing. He is gentle, creative, in no hurry and sincerely wants to please his partner. You will be the first to be exhausted, and he will still be ready to continue.

A woman with a “log” design does not excite him. He needs confirmation that you are happy and that he is doing everything right. You will make things easier for him if you give him hints on how to please you. Libra will not be offended, Libra will take note. And you will get practically ideal lover. Just don’t try to rush him or order him in the bedroom - harmony, only harmony!

He will never try to force you to do anything you don't want or force you to use contraceptive methods that you don't like. You can always come to an agreement with him. But don’t demand the impossible from Libra; daily sex is not for him; he needs time to recuperate. And in general, relationships based only on sex quickly begin to weigh on Libra.

A couple in which a girl and a guy were born under the same zodiac sign are doomed to quarrels and separation. There is such a stereotype. The explanation is as follows: in a relationship there will be both “pluses”, and for harmony “plus” and “minus” must be combined. But astrologers have a different opinion on this matter. Not all marriages where spouses celebrate name days within a few days of each other are hopeless. This, in particular, is proven by the tandem compatibility of the Libra woman and the Libra man.

People born under the stars of Libra are characterized by duality of character. Libras are changeable in opinions and moods. Throughout their lives, Libras seek balance. They are so difficult to understand! And by and large, only “our own people” can do this.

In many respects, the compatibility of the pair Libra guy - Libra girl is explained by the vibration of the bowls of Themis’s instrument in their characters. Their “plus and minus” is achieved through constant trying on new images, searching for balance and Libra’s desire for new emotions and experiences.

The compatibility of Libra is also confirmed by examples of star unions. So American actress Susan Sarandon, known for the film “The Witches of Eastwick,” and her colleague Tim Robbins, whom many know from the film “The Shawshank Redemption,” lived together for 21 years. This Libra couple has two children together.

Who are Libra people?

After NASA's statements about the global shift of the Earth's axis, another zodiac meaning has appeared in some astrological layouts. Now there are 13 characters. So, I pushed aside my “colleagues” new Ophiuchus. As a result, there was a shift in dates in horoscopes.

It is now recommended to consider that Libras are born from October 30 to November 23 inclusive. However, many prefer to find out the fate of Libra in the old way, focusing on the period from September 24 to October 23. These same dates are still taken into account when calculating the compatibility of zodiac signs.

What brings good luck

Libra in both the old and the new zodiac circle the only inanimate name. The patrons of Libra are Venus and Saturn. Libra is an air sign symbolizing justice. His attributes are scales and a book.

  • Numbers. For Libra, two, six, seven, eight, nine and the number 15 are considered lucky.
  • Colors . Pastel colors should prevail in Libra's clothes and the interior of their home. Green options are also suitable for Libra. And also blue, but not bright.
  • Precious minerals. Libras are recommended to wear jewelry with emerald, sapphire, coral, and crystal.
  • Flowers . The ideal plant for Libra is a rose. Violet and calendula marigold also give Libra good energy.
  • Talismans. Items made in the shape of hearts and books. Or objects depicting these symbols.

If we evaluate the marital compatibility of two Libras as a percentage, then we can talk about an indicator above average. The corresponding astrological table predicts a 69% probability of success for such a union in which the man and woman are Libra.

Libra woman and Libra man: character traits

The gender factor makes its own adjustments to the fate of Libra. Therefore, it cannot be said that a Libra man and a Libra woman have absolutely identical character traits. It has its own characteristics.

She's a gorgeous lady with a cunning

She loves expensive things, perfumes and cosmetics. Libras invest a lot of time and money into their appearance. By the way, it is in the fashion market that a Libra girl can make a successful career. But considering a Libra woman a pretty dummy is stupid. She is so smart that she can beat any man at chess. And she is so cunning that she will never do this if she has a personal interest in him. What other qualities are inherent in the Libra young lady?

  • Eloquence. Easily maintains a conversation on any topic. Even the one about which he understands absolutely nothing.
  • Good taste . Her ability to dress and present herself evokes the envy of her friends.
  • Wisdom. The Libra beauty calculates ten moves ahead. And a man should listen to her advice. Even in business, she can see things that a specialized expert will not see.
  • Loyalty . The Libra girl will not waste her time on affairs. She has global goals: to find her man and get the most out of her relationship with him.
  • Devotion . With her man, the Libra girl is ready, as they say, to die on the same day. But if she was betrayed at least once, she will leave in an instant and without regrets.

Outstanding Libra women: British Prime Minister “iron” Margaret Thatcher, Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva, French actress Brigitte Bardot, Italian film star Monica Bellucci, Russian actresses Inna Churikova and Chulpan Khamatova, American singers Toni Braxton and Gwen Stefani, British film star Kate Winslet.

He is a skilled lover and esthete

It won't be boring with a Libra man. He knows how to create the right impression of himself. He is well-read, has an extraordinary mind and a good sense of humor. Libras are creative people. Therefore, future musicians, writers, and actors are often born under the sign of Libra. A sharp tongue and a heightened sense of justice help Libra in diplomatic and social work, in a career as a lawyer. What else makes this man different?

  • Intuition. Sometimes the Libra man literally guesses events. Can make successful bets.
  • Indecisiveness. Possessing good intuition, he does not always trust it. He often doubts, which is why he avoids ambiguous situations and delays making difficult decisions.
  • Kindness . A Libra man will never intentionally offend. And if you need help, you won’t stand aside.
  • Dedication. Ready to do anything for the sake of my beloved. Maybe even get a star from the sky. And this manifests itself not only in courtship, but also in bed.
  • Falling in love. While the Libra man is not ringed, he experiments. Women are as much a passion for him as art. He loves bright, well-groomed girls with whom he can not only have fun, but also have a heart-to-heart talk. But everything changes radically after meeting the one and only one.

Famous men born under the sign of Libra: Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian poets Mikhail Lermontov and Sergei Yesenin, German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi, American actors Will Smith and Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Two “on the scales”: love at first sight

The relationship between a Libra man and a Libra woman is likely to develop rapidly. In order for a Libra couple to succeed, not much is needed: good external characteristics of the partners and conditions for one-on-one communication.

Literally immediately Libra sees a soul mate. And a Libra romance becomes simply inevitable. And after the first intimacy, you can’t just quarrel with this Libra couple: they have categorical sexual compatibility.

If the Libra girl is not yet from poor family, almost 100% she will soon receive a marriage proposal. The fact is that Libra men want to live large. But they don’t like to be zealous very much... This will not be a typical marriage of convenience, but a marriage of convenience - definitely.

In order to constantly maintain a man’s interest, a girl in a Libra pair should maintain intrigue and periodically change her images. Moreover, the role of a “peasant young lady” is not appropriate here. A woman-lighter, a woman-fire, a woman-energy - this is how the Libra man wants to see his chosen one.

Happy spouses, reliable partners and worthless friends

At the same time, astrologers make up a very favorable horoscope Compatibility between Libra woman and Libra man. It is believed that each of the partners in the Libra union achieves balance and finally finds its second “I”.

  • Family and marriage. Libra has an excellent psychological compatibility. There is an understanding in this couple; the Libra spouses feel well and complement each other. In love and family life, Libras will be happy together.
  • Business sphere. Women and men of this zodiac sign also have good business compatibility. Libras are interested in working together, they support each other in the implementation of any project. Libras are excellent colleagues, partners, and can even comfortably work subordinate to each other.
  • Friendship . But an ordinary friendship between a Libra girl and a Libra man will not work. They can communicate over common interests, maintain relationships, and even drink coffee together from time to time. But if Libra is not connected by intimacy or money, Hard time both will simply dissolve.

In love and marriage, Libras are never bored with each other. This is an emotional couple, and sometimes passions just flow. Which can lead to conflicts for Libra in everyday life, but will not cause a breakup. Moreover, reconciliation will be so stormy that it will only add color to the relationship.

Convergence of interests and goals

Good tandem compatibility between Libra men and Libra women is also explained by the similarity of interests and goals of the partners. Libra spouses strive for a beautiful, expensive life. They create, care about comfort in the home, and love money.

Libras are interested in art. They are easy-going, enjoy traveling and attending social events. Both Libra spouses have a sharp mind, are well-educated, and carefully take care of themselves.

Libra tolerates insults more easily than others and quickly “removes” unpleasant events and emotions from memory. Libra spouses are excellent conversationalists. They can chat for hours in the kitchen. Sometimes the whole night flies by discussing a new production at the local music drama.

Dangerous financial factor

From the outside it seems that Libra lovers have ideal relationship and everyday life But troubles happen, like everyone else. It’s just that Libra spouses never wash dirty linen in public and, united, easily cope with adversity. Unless troubles concern family budget... Libras experience lack of money more difficult than other zodiac signs.

The paradox is that the same unifying craving for a prosperous life can ultimately ruin the relationship between a Libra man and a Libra woman. Quarrels, reproaches, hysterics are inevitable if financial difficulties arise. And since both spouses are not capable of working hard for pennies, working physically and exhaustingly, there may simply be no one to solve the money issue.

The Libra man is considered one of the most vague, but at the same time simple constellations. Possesses the characteristic features of friendliness, prevailing in any endeavor. Libra men are a very cheerful and laid-back sign. But in terms of relationships, everything is not so simple for them. Libra can rush around in front of two women for a long time, and ultimately, weighing the pros and cons, they will never come to an agreed decision. Not all women are able to resist such a sign as Libra. This constellation provides its owner powerful energy and great thinking. Such male representatives always manage to attract the attention of most women, but this is how they create a problem for themselves.

The character of Libra men in family life

In a male representative under the sign of Libra, one can identify absolutely the same number of both positive and negative qualities character.

In what characteristics Libra:

  • Feeling of modesty. The Libra man does not at all have a sense of increased pride and openness; such a sign is quite modest in its type.
  • Good character and charm - any situation, regardless of one’s own living conditions, provokes Libra to show up and lend his or her own shoulder to a person who so needs Libra’s help, and the charm of the sign can attract many women.
  • Sense of justice - a man under this constellation has a good sense of justice. Sometimes this feeling can even lead to negative consequences for the owner of this quality.
  • Elegance and sociability - a man with the sign of Libra is very sociable and it will not be particularly difficult for him to find new friends and allies.

Among the negative qualities you can often find the following:

  • Uncertainty, the presence of eternal doubts - this quality is precisely characteristic of representatives of Libra, since they can weigh the pros and cons several times, but in the end never come to any decision.
  • Indecision is the same concept as uncertainty.
  • Laziness - representatives of this sign are quite lazy. Instead of them active rest It’s better to provide a sofa and a remote control.

If we summarize all the data about Libra in a male face, then it is possible to say that negative sides This sign in male form can be significantly manifested. Such aspects are considered even more negative for the person himself than for the people around him.

In addition, Libras are considered excellent strategists; they can calculate their actions a couple of steps ahead. Before taking on any task, they will weigh it 100 times, calculate several steps forward, and only then take on the task. Despite the fact that Libra has such a feature as laziness, if they have a goal in front of them, they will work for wear and tear. But once the goal is achieved, they may immediately lose interest.

Career for a Libra man

Such a sign for a man will provide big number success in the work sphere. Even despite their apathy and reluctance to do anything, Libra takes their work quite seriously. Often the work team becomes a family for Libra, and workplace- second home. Ability to achieve your goals short term, and extraordinary performance for the sake of desired goal provide the opportunity to climb career ladder behind shortest period. Libras will be held in great esteem by their employees and management. Men of this sign will carry out work activities only in a team, because they do not like to make decisions on their own.

What areas of work are suitable for a Libra man:

  1. Activities related to constant movement(they don’t like monotonous and boring work);
  2. Management;
  3. Jurisprudence.

Signs that suit Libra in family relationships

Despite the lazy and indecisive disposition of a representative of this sign, not every woman with a certain sign can be suitable for him to form good union. Character traits the dispositions of disparate characters form negative situations, in which the man himself will suffer to a greater extent. For this reason, such unions are condemned to a short existence.

The following are considered impeccable signs for a long and prosperous relationship:

  • Virgo - such a marriage can be durable, because it is pragmatic and purposeful Virgo capable of dragging along such a lazy person as Libra;
  • - such a union will be the most tender, the Cancer girl will be protected and cherished by the sign of Libra;
  • Scorpio - a girl with the sign of Scorpio is able to suppress the constant doubts and indecision of Libra with her energy.

Who Libra won't get along with:

  • Twins;
  • Aquarius.

Marriage relationship between a woman and a Libra man

Libra is considered to be a very caring and loving family man. For this representative of the sign, his family will always come first. But often marriage does not bring happiness for Libra due to character traits such as indecision, constant weighing of one’s actions, and suspiciousness.

Libra men can be very demanding of their chosen one. In their companion they look not only for a mistress, but also good friend. A man of this sign is very indecisive, which will prevent him from accepting such important decision like marriage. The man will have to be pushed to do this on his own.

At first it will be quite difficult to get along with Libra, since they are very picky and take a long time to get used to their chosen one. A Libra husband can even behave somewhat tyrannically with his wife. But this is only out of good intentions.

Love and the Libra man

When meeting girls, the Libra man will look after you beautifully and present beautiful surprises. He is not stingy at all; he is ready to give a lot for his beloved, if only she would feel good. But you shouldn’t expect original surprises from a man; he is quite conservative.

IN love relationships Libra wants to keep a measured and calm pace. They love stability. Various changes are difficult to bear.

Sexual life of the zodiac sign Libra

For an Aquarius man, sex comes first, as does getting his own satisfaction. Perhaps even your own satisfaction may be greater than that of others. In sex they do not value banal poses and actions, as they are considered great aesthetes. Before sexual intercourse, the girl is given a lot of caresses and tenderness. Pay special attention to foreplay.

Libras are capable of having several lovers at once, because they cannot decide which partner is the best.

Activity in sex, as a rule, is taken over by the Libra man. They really appreciate the emotional response from their partner. She shouldn't lie silently. If a girl is not at all emotional in sex and does not give praise to her partner, then this will upset the man, and he will again suffer for a long time with the question of how to deal with such a situation.

Fatherly qualities of a Libra man

Libras are good fathers, but they do not want to have a child. Wives almost never initiate pregnancy because they consider it a big responsibility. In relationships with children they behave calmly and measuredly. They do not raise their voices during education, preferring to explain everything calmly, why it is not possible, why it is possible. The wife is also forbidden to raise her voice to the children.

Libra woman in family life

A woman under this zodiac sign is a cheerful, perky, affectionate, gentle, very pretty girl. He has a good mind and innovative thinking. To some, she may even seem like a laugher at first, but when you get to know such a person better, your opinion may change significantly. Such a woman is in some ways even overly infantile and mediocre. Creed of the Libra woman:

  • Fun.
  • Originality.
  • Friendliness.

Characteristics of a Libra woman

Such a woman is constantly the focus of good company. She is the owner of excellent intelligence and has a calculating character. In certain situations, Libra's mental abilities can be amazing. There is always such a girl good mood, she is very sweet, gentle, kind, able to stand out among the entire gray crowd, thanks to her radiance.

Has the following characteristic features:

  1. Friendliness;
  2. Intelligence;
  3. Femininity;
  4. Good nature;
  5. Sociability;
  6. Sincerity.

A characteristic that many people may like about her is that she can be straightforward, but at the same time she is such a winged and airy lady, often with rose-colored glasses on her eyes. Since she has good charm, finding someone to talk to will not be difficult; she easily adapts to any society.

Libras are able to give the impression of defenseless women. And that's true. A Libra woman needs a strong and reliable man.

Work and career

The Libra woman prefers to live in comfort, but often does not like to do anything for it. She is not lazy, but does not like overly intense work, especially any kind of work. hard labour. A Libra woman can find a job related to communications or art.

Libra women can become workers in the following specialties:

  • Preschool, school, social teacher;
  • Designer;
  • Psychologist;
  • Lawyer;
  • Manager.

Compatible signs with a Libra woman

A Libra woman can enter into a strong marriage with the following signs:

  • Twins;
  • Scales;
  • Aquarius.

In such relationships with representatives of these signs, Libra will find harmonious relationships, since they have good compatibility

With certain compromises, it is possible to enter into a marriage with a man of the following signs, but the likelihood of his long-term life is questionable:

  • Virgo;
  • Calf;
  • Capricorn.

Which signs are completely unsuitable for a Libra woman:

  • Fish;
  • Scorpion.

Marriage relationship of Libra woman

Since the Libra woman has a naive mindset and believes in a wonderful fairy tale, a marriage can be completed in early age, but this can be extremely rare, since a woman of the Libra sign is not particularly eager to get married. Often such a marriage can fall apart. The husband that a Libra woman chooses must be ideal in all aspects. Her husband will be the center of her entire big universe. A woman is capable of devoting her entire life to such a man; she will be a wonderful friend, lover, and life assistant to him. If the first marriage ends unsuccessfully, the woman will withdraw into herself for a while, and then again wait for the prince from her pink fairy tale.

The next marriage may be more late age when Libra realizes the importance of marriage. Such a marriage is already capable of lasting a longer period, since a woman will lose her naive views on life with age.

Often in family relationships a woman remains faithful. But there is a high probability that she will be able to cheat on you if she finds a man who is more interesting than you. In addition, in the house of a Libra woman you will never hear swearing or loud screams.

Libra love relationships

Libra is often very popular opposite sex. Men can be crazy about such an easy-going, attractive, sweet and seductive girl. She can easily flirt and flirt with guys, driving them crazy.

However, if a man is of no interest to her, he can very easily forget him and abandon him, without regretting anything.

In her youth, a girl with this sign can be quite flighty and easily start affairs.

During the relationship, a woman will give all of herself, affection, tenderness, care and concern for her lover. Having started dating a guy, she will undoubtedly do a lot for him, but as soon as she discovers the fact that love has passed, without thinking about anything, she will turn around and leave.

Sexual relationships of Libra in family life

The Libra woman does not take sex very seriously. Sex is often something as usual for her, like eating; after intercourse, a woman may not even show that they just had an intimate relationship. With this attitude towards sex, a girl can completely surprise her lover.

Libra woman as a mother

Usually, most women of this sign dote on their children. I am ready to give everything for children. He will teach children the same characteristics as he and his father.

However, since professional activity may be related to children, then this woman will be quite skeptical about children, based on his professional experience. But, having given birth, she will forget about all her skeptical sentiments and raise wonderful person. Often he tries to show the children all the authority of the father, raising him in the eyes of the children. Children for this woman may even be in the background. At first, she will still have her beloved husband. But this does not at all prevent her from raising good children.

The common sign of Libra men and women has undeniable differences. Basically, two identical signs in two different genders can carry two completely different meanings.