Yulia Osovina
Consultation “Parents' newspaper as a form of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families”

New technologies are now being developed, new forms interaction between preschool educational institutions with families. One of these new ones forms - newspaper for parents. , but an important component interaction informing the family, And

A newspaper for parents will become an effective form of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families, If:

IN newspaper children’s statements, descriptions of pedagogical situations arising in the group and their analysis will be published;

Each issue will include advice from a psychologist, notes parents, recommendations from specialists working with children;

The preschool educational institution will have a person specifically responsible for preparation and graduation newspapers.

Target newspapers: do interesting experience education is the property of everyone and present it in such a way that the most indifferent parents I wanted to take part in the life of the group. It should also not be allowed to newspaper From issue to issue they talked about the same children. It's important to show parents the uniqueness of each child and his characteristics.

Release newspapers are not a simple matter, it requires certain journalistic skills. It is important to select facts that will be of interest to many parents and useful in raising children; should learn to present facts about such form, to information easily understood by anyone; good if newspaper illustrated with drawings and photographs, this makes it bright and attractive.

Thus, it can be argued that parent newspaper V modern form became a direct continuation of traditional parent corners. She is effective form of pedagogical information for parents.

For newspaper design for parents suggested survey:

Questionnaire for parents

Target: getting meaningful information about parents' expectations from the newspaper.

1. Should the release continue? newspapers?

2. What would you like to know from newspapers:

Peculiarities age development child;

Ways to influence a child in different situations;

Interesting incidents from the life of the group with the participation of your child;

Experience of others parents.

3. Would you like to participate in the episode? newspapers? In what capacity?

Write a note;

Type text, inform;

Reproduce newspaper;

Illustrate with drawings;

Bring photos.

The processed data showed that all parents consider it necessary to continue production newspapers:

80% parents would like in order to newspaper notes were always published about interesting cases with their child in the group, but this was accompanied by analysis and recommendations on what to do.

45% parents expressed a desire to participate in the release newspapers, share experiences of raising a child in family and assist technically in the preparation and release newspapers.

Thus newspaper for parents has become familiar and quite effective form of work.

The teaching staff of Preschool Educational Institution No. 218 has long been searching for new, effective forms of interaction with parents, interesting experience has been accumulated, a certain system has emerged interaction with parents, With family, the main condition of which is active participation parents in the pedagogical process.

Experience practical work shows that most parents who bring their child to kindergarten would like to receive help from teachers on raising their children, focused on educational problems and pedagogical needs parents.

Newspaper for parents is not the main thing, but an important component when interaction between parents and kindergarten . She is also a method of pedagogical informing the family, And form of interaction between teachers and parents, and a means of developing the creative abilities of educators.

Newspaper, How form of interaction with family, is also good because the element of “coercion” completely disappears here, about which psychologists speak with alarm, emphasizing that it is precisely this that repels parents, interferes with the perception of even interesting and significant information. You can read the newspaper, you can look at it, you can just not take it, but you can read and apply it in the practice of raising your own child, and even store it along with photographs in an album, as a history of the development of your son or daughter.

IN newspaper you can write a note about your baby, about the secrets of family pedagogy, you can take part in competitions that are announced from time to time, and all this is done voluntarily.

Popularity of our newspapers is due to the fact, that it always talks about children of a particular group, their actions, achievements, emerging problems, and the psychological and pedagogical commentary is presented in an accessible language, briefly, interestingly. In any case, this is what we strive for.

Release newspapers- quite labor-intensive work that requires certain preparation. IN preschool educational institution team No. 218 there are specialists who perform this work: teachers, psychologist, speech therapist and, of course, the head of the kindergarten.

There are quite a few young teachers in the team. The experience of elders and the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of young educators has a beneficial effect on professional activities of preschool educational institutions.

Target newspapers for parents:

* provide psychological and pedagogical informing parents;

* contribute formation of a new mentality of parents as educators and change their very essence interaction first with a kindergarten, and then with a school.

Organization of work on the release of each issue newspapers:

Teachers collect information on the topic of the issue: statements by children, descriptions of pedagogical situations that arose in the group, drawings by children

The psychologist observes, identifies individual characteristics of children that are significant for the topic discussed in the issue, selects materials possible for publication;

parents(if they want) write notes about their experience of family education, bring photographs of children if they are made digitally format, replicate the finished issue;

All other preschool specialists periodically prepare materials in accordance with the topic;

Then newspaper is being edited, computer layout is carried out, formatted, corrected, released.

Thus, it is possible state that's in orbit interaction all participants in the holistic pedagogical process: administration of the institution, teachers, parents, specialists in additional education, psychological and medical services.

All teachers working on the next issue newspapers, sincerely strive for social and professional competence, common interests, to strengthen ties with parents of pupils, they try to think through each issue both in terms of content and aesthetics newspapers to convey the necessary information to every reader.

Publications in our newspaper- not general theoretical reflections, but always an analysis of a specific pedagogical situation in a group or families of pupils, advice on what is appropriate to do in this case, recommendations on why it is necessary to include the child in this or that activity.

Size newspapers are small(A4 paper size) .

Almost every newspaper space is allocated to note parents who assisted the group in given month. The headings are named after differently: “Thank you very much!”, “Accept our thanks!”, “And what would we do without you!” - but the essence is the same or: give thanks parents, show them your gratitude for the good deed, convince everyone that the participation of mothers and fathers in the affairs of the group and kindergarten helps in raising children.

Of course, in our newspaper they are never branded with disgrace, no one has ever been nailed to the pillory. We have other goals. The main thing is to make an interesting experience of upbringing the property of everyone and present it in such a way that the most indifferent parents I wanted to do something similar.

If teachers wish, they can issue a group newspaper. It always depends on the age of the children and the problems of upbringing that are relevant for this period.

Subjects newspapers for parents junior groups

“Let’s go to kindergarten soon”. In this the newspaper is talking about, how to prepare a child for attending kindergarten, what the regime at home should be, when it is most convenient to bring the child to the group, for how long to leave it. Here is full information about teachers groups: name, patronymic, education, awards, reviews of graduates and their parents about teachers. The newspaper is delivered home, when there are already vouchers and we know who will definitely come to us.

“What is adaptation?”:The physiological mechanism of a child’s adaptation to new conditions is explained. Notes from teachers about the children's first successes are included. Opinions are published parents- whether their children are happy in the group, advice from a psychologist - how to make adaptation easier.

“I myself!”: All the newspaper is dedicated“the crisis of three years”, the inevitable problems in the education of a person who has realized himself for the first time. It is emphasized how great it is to use this period to develop independence using the example of our children.

"Learning to play": Materials are arranged so that parents realized: play is not empty fun, but the most important activity for a child, and only in it can he fully develop. Recordings of our children’s games in the group and in family, tips are given on how to help a child master this activity.

Subjects newspapers for parents of the middle group:

Babies need your love. The meaning of this numbers: a child will grow up happy only in family where he is loved, but also parents no one will ever love as much as their child loves in the first years of life.

How different they are, our children! About the individual characteristics of our children.

Why? Children's questions as an indicator of children's intellectual activity. How to support this activity, how to answer children’s questions.

Guys and animals. How to introduce a child to nature, whether and under what conditions it is necessary to keep animals at home, what benefits does it give to the baby.

Subjects newspapers in the senior group:

We will speak correctly! An analysis of children’s first progress in speech correction is provided by a speech therapist; a few notes parents about family education, the group is new, we need to get to know each other; Tips for working with your child at home.

My family. The main sections in this newspaper: my ancestry; look at the family album; I have a brother. A refrain runs through all the notes thought: this is important for the moral development of the individual, and, at the same time, the child’s discussion of the identified problems develops his coherent speech, he is interested in talking about his relatives, he will try to overcome speech difficulties.

Hand - speech - thinking. The psychologist explains the connection between the various actions of the hand and the frontal lobes of the brain, which are in charge of thinking and speech. Educators and parents cite numerous games that develop fine motor skills, and, therefore, stimulate the development of thinking and speech.

Who am I? This newspaper about gender-role identification of preschool children, about the peculiarities of raising boys and girls.

Subjects newspapers preparatory groups:

Do you want to go to school? The main thing in this issue is to convince parents in the importance of children’s motivational readiness for school, show what kindergarten does for this and what it can do family.

Mathematics is not just about counting. Teachers analyze children’s readiness for school in mathematics, highlight problem areas, and offer options joint activities for assistance.

Which school should I send my child to? Almost the entire issue was given to the head teachers of nearby schools for the presentation of their first classes. Here's a warning psychologist: do not overload the child! Be attentive to his health, his emotional state.

Goodbye, kindergarten! Our parting words to graduates, thanks parents and children to kindergarten teachers.

Materials used:

1. Arnautova, E. P. Social and pedagogical practice family interactions and kindergarten in modern conditions E. P. Arnautova / Kindergarten from A to Z. – 2004. - No. 4.

2. Varyukhina, S. I. Origins of kindness / S. I. Varyukhina. – Minsk: 1987.

3. Kindergarten and family / Preparation. T. A. Markova, V. R. Nichaeva, L. V. Zagig, V. M. Ivanova [and others]; edited by T. A. Markova. – M.: Education, 1981.

4. Markova, T. A. Education of preschoolers in family / T. A. Markova. – M.: 1979.

5. Makhov, F. S. Who are we growing: Conversations about maternal and paternal education / F. S. Makhov. - M.: Profizdat, 1989.

6. Mukhina, V. Age psychology / V. Mukhina. – M.: 1998.

7. Usova, A. Education in kindergarten / A. Usova. - M.: 1970.

8. Publishing experience parent newspaper in MDOU.

Dear Parents!

No matter how long we live, we still constantly return to the experience of childhood -to life in a family: even a gray-haired veteran continues to refer to “what my mother taught me,” “what my father showed me,” “what I was taught at home.” It is interesting that people who have achieved success in life note the importance of what is given to the child by the parents.

“Years of miracles” is what researchers call the first five years of a child’s life. The emotional attitude towards life and people laid down at this time and the presence or absence of incentives for intellectual development leave an indelible mark on all subsequent behavior and way of thinking of a person. The ability to speak, listen, and use language are also among the things that a child living among people learns very early. And before he begins to read, he must sufficiently master language skills, the ability to listen and speak.

During these first years there will be very hectic days, and parents will wonder: “Where can I find time to teach anything else?!” But we should not forget that even an even, soothing tone in situations of broken knees, full of cones, irritation of adults can serve as the basis for the formation of personality, strengthen ties between children and parents and promote the developmentpositive attitude,ability to perceive what father and mother teach.

Expert advice

Try to remember one of the recent situations of disobedience or just a very memorable situation of this kind. Describe to yourself your emotions and actions at that time one by one. Now try to determine the main, predominant feeling that you experienced then (anger, resentment, despair, irritation, something else). There is a hypothesis according to which the reason for a child’s disobedience can be determined by the feeling that we experience. iii First reason: If you feel irritated, then the disobedience is most likely caused by a struggle for attention. If a child does not receive the right amount of attention that he so needs for normal development and well-being, then he finds his own way to get it - disobedience. Parents look up from their work every now and then and make comments. It cannot be said that this is so pleasant for the child, but attention is still received. Better this than nothing at all. ttt Second reason: Are you feeling angry? Then, most likely, the cause of disobedience is the struggle for self-affirmation against excessive parental care. It is especially difficult for children when their parents communicate with them mainly in the form of comments, concerns, and instructions. The child begins to rebel. He responds with stubbornness and contrary actions. The meaning of this behavior is to defend the right to decide one’s own affairs, to show that he is an individual. It doesn’t matter that his decision is sometimes not very successful, even wrong. But it’s yours, and that’s the main thing! ttt Third reason: If the parent's feeling is resentment, then the reason for disobedience is the desire for revenge. Children are often offended by their parents. For example: parents are more attentive to the youngest; parents separated; a stepfather appeared in the house; parents often quarrel, etc. There are many isolated reasons: a harsh remark, unfair punishment. In the depths of his soul, the child experiences protests, disobedience, and poor performance at school, but on the surface. The meaning of bad behavior: “You did me bad, let it be bad for you too!” ttt Fourth reason:The parent falls into the grip of a feeling of hopelessness, and sometimes despair - in this case, the reason for disobedience is the loss of faith in their own success. Having accumulated bitter experience of failures and criticism addressed to him, the child loses self-confidence, he develops low self-esteem. He may come to the conclusion: “there is no point in trying, nothing will work out anyway.” At the same time, by his external behavior he shows that he “doesn’t care,” “even if I’m bad, I’ll be bad.”

How to help a disobedient child (and yourself)?

The most general answer to the question is not to react in the usual, stereotypical way, as a vicious circle is formed. The more an adult is dissatisfied, the bigger baby becomes convinced that his efforts have achieved their goal - and resumes them with new energy. tttttt Options for constructive behavior of an adult in different situations of disobedience: ttttt - If there is a struggle for attention, you need to give the child this positive attention. Come up with some joint activities - games, walks.
- If the source of conflict is the struggle for self-affirmation, then, on the contrary, you should reduce your involvement in the child’s affairs. It is very important for him to accumulate experience of his own decisions and even failures. What will most help you get rid of unnecessary pressure and dictate is understanding that a child’s stubbornness and self-will is just a form of plea that irritates you: “Let me live by my own mind.” And tttttt - When you feel offended, you need to ask yourself: what made the child inflict it on you? What kind of pain does he have? How have you offended or are you constantly offending him? Having understood the reason, we must, of course, try to correct it. tttttt - The most difficult situation from a desperate parent and a child who has lost faith in their abilities. You need to stop demanding “expected” behavior and minimize your expectations and complaints. Surely the child can do something, he has the ability to do something. Find the level of challenge available to him and start moving forward. Help, together look for a way out of the deadlock. At the same time, you cannot criticize the child! Look for any reason to praise him, celebrate any, even the smallest, success. Try to insure him and save him from major failures. You need to talk to teachers and make them your allies. You will see: the very first successes will inspire the child. and Tttt

AND I. Varga

Birthdays of October

Congratulations to all birthday people


Tasty and healthy!

Dear readers!

If you know recipes for delicious and healthy dishes– share them. All your recipes will be published in our newspaper.

Bon appetit!

Children's horoscope


Positive character:light, sociable, charming, elegant, with good taste, tactful, tolerant, non-conflict, capablefind a “golden mean” in everything, with a stable value system.

Negative character:indecisive, incapable of action in a situation of choice, cannot stand loneliness, noisy and fussy over trifles, giving a lot of advice, with unexpected mood swings.

Your little Libra child will present you with many surprises. Children born under the sign of Libra do not like loneliness. The presence of other people, even if they do not interact with him, calms the child. Your baby was already born an esthete. Toys should not be brightly colored, preferably pastel colors. He cannot stand stormy and gloomy music; it is better to let it be quiet, melodic. Your child cannot stand disharmony, and conflicts between parents have a particularly bad effect on him. Never quarrel in front of a child, do not raise your voice in his presence, he may get sick from this. Violence, shouting, spanking - all this has a bad effect on him, and he can become neurotic. A child may have unexpected mood swings: he was just laughing merrily, and now he is suddenly upset, gloomy and sad. Make sure your child doesn't go to bed upset. All problems must be resolved before the child goes to bed. Let him feel happy, then he nervous system He'll be fine and he can sleep peacefully. If your child will be in good mood, it will be easier for you to solve all other problems.

TV is not very useful to him. He doesn't know how to choose and watches everything. It is better not to turn on the TV at all in his presence. Your young child is receptive to knowledge, but gets tired quickly. This may hinder him when he becomes a schoolboy. The inability to make long-term efforts sometimes leads to the fact that he gives up the job he started without finishing it. You will have to specifically train your child so that he knows how to finish the work and strives for this. Unfortunately, children of this type do not particularly like sports. In this case, sports can be replaced with dancing. As your child grows up, get him interested in a sport that helps improve his body: bodybuilding, rhythmic or artistic gymnastics. The Libra child shows great interest in the arts, especially drawing and music. Art has a beneficial effect on these children; it calms and makes them happy. Girls love to dress up, boys may show interest in aeronautics. These children are also capable of mathematics. Despite the fact that the child is capable of almost anything, let him do art, and you watch him carefully, especially in teenage years, then over time it will be easier for you to decide with him what profession he will choose. Your child does not need punishment. It is enough to show him that he has upset you. The Libra child does not like to upset anyone, especially his parents. If you calmly explain to him that his actions are harming someone, he will never do it again. He finds it difficult to make decisions. Train him so he can do it. But do not offer him too difficult tasks, for example, choosing from three or four possibilities. Invite him to choose one of the two. The child is naturally sociable. He loves to bring numerous friends to his house and visit himself. Don't limit him, this is a necessity for him.ttttttttttttttttttt iiiiii Its overall viability is moderate. There may be kidney infections and Bladder. There may also be nervous disorders, as in all air signs (Aquarius, Gemini). Diseases often occur due to nervousness: digestive disorders, headaches, and back pain may occur. A beautiful external environment is also desirable for his health: soft pastel colors, quiet music; the food should also look beautiful.

№ 2



Issue 2

What to do if the child does not listen? To answer this question, you need to determine the reasons for his disobedience. Why is he acting this way? Why does it make us parents feel very unpleasant feelings? And do we always feel the same way if children don’t listen to us?

Mark – 10, 11.10.

Matvey – 11, 18.10.

Mikhail – 3, 13, 14.10

Nikita – 26.10.

Oleg – 3.10.

Pavel – 17.10.

Peter - 5, 6, 17, 18, 22.10.

Roman – 14.10.

Sergey – 8, 20.10.

Fedor – 2, 3, 5.10

Anna – 15.10.

Veronica – 17.10.

Irina – 1.10.

Maria – 11.10.

Polina – 20, 21.10.

Taisiya – 21.10.

Alexander – 11.10.

Alexey – 18.10.

Andrey – 4, 6, 15, 23, 30.10.

Anton – 11, 30.10.

Vladimir – 17.10.

Vladislav – 7.10.

Vyacheslav – 11.10.

Gregory – 13, 18.10.

Daniel – 4.10.

Dmitry – 4.10.

Denis – 16, 18.10.

Ivan –6, 9, 16, 28.10.

Igor – 2.10.

Ilya – 11.10.

Konstantin – 2.10.

Maxim – 22.10.

Dear parents!

If you need advice but don't have time, we offer you correspondence form communication with our specialists. Use our Helpline (located on the ground floor, near the main entrance), leave a note with your question and we will try to help you.

The manager, methodologist, psychologist, nurse, speech therapists, physical education instructor, social teacher, music directors.

We will also be grateful for your suggestions and

comments regarding the work of the kindergarten.

Let's cooperate in difficult, but interesting work on development,

education and training of our children!

Porridge "Friendship"

Millet – 70 gr. Butter – 50 gr.

Rice – 130 gr. Sugar and salt - to taste.

Milk – 0.5 l. Water – 150 ml.

Sort through the grains. Pour boiling water over millet for 20 minutes. (to remove bitterness), drain and rinse thoroughly with water.

Salt milk diluted with water, add sugar, bring to a boil. Add the cereal and cook until done.

Add before serving butter.

Beetroot-apple salad

Beets – 350 gr. Butter – 30 gr.

Apples – 200 Sugar – 10 gr. Salt - to taste.

Boil the beets and peel them. Grate the peeled beets and apples on a coarse grater. Mix everything. Add butter, sugar, salt. Simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Cabbage cutlets

White cabbage – 400 gr. Sugar – 6 gr.

Milk – 40 ml. Wheat crackers – 20 gr.

Semolina – 20 gr. Vegetable oil – 20 gr.

Egg – 1 pc. Sour cream.

Peel the cabbage, wash it, chop it, simmer in milk until tender. Pour semolina, mix well, add salt, sugar, egg. Form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs, fry on both sides

Until a crust forms.

Serve with sour cream or milk sauce.

You are your child's first and most important teachers. His first school - your home - will have a huge impact on what he considers important in life, on the formation of his value system. You can give your child two things for life: one is roots, and the other is wings.

Element - air . Patron planet - Venus. Color - blue-violet, indigo. Stone - opal, lapis lazuli. The main character trait isjudge fairly, improve.

So, the main efforts should be directed towards switching your negative emotions (irritation, anger, resentment, despair) into constructive actions.As in any other matter, you should not expect an immediate improvement in behavior from your child. In addition, it is important to know that the first time you try to change something, your child may escalate his bad behavior! Perhaps he will not immediately believe in the sincerity of your intentions, and will test you.




Non-state preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 17 Open Joint Stock Company

"Russian Railways"

The year 2009 flew by quickly; it was full of interesting events, activities and meetings for us.

And now very soon it’s 2010...

Why we love New Year? Because he gives hope for change every time. It invades our routine, interrupts the usual rhythm of established existence, beckons with its seductive smells of frosty snow and fresh pine needles, and calls us to drop everything, rush forward and build. new life, the way we have long dreamed of!

May it be New Year

B Christmas holiday

They will give you a feeling of magic!

Let the candle light warm the house,

Let the smell of fresh pine

It will be in it!

Let close friends be nearby,

Let her be happy

And the family is happy!

Let the house be a full cup,

Love and children will be in it!

Let there be joy, a lot of laughter,

Good luck shine, flowers of success!

Let life be decorated with happiness!

Have beautiful, kind, peaceful years!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

We wish you wonderful fun adventures,

New Year's magic, good luck and luck!

Try making our funny cards and souvenirs with your child. Moreover, for this you will need practically nothing except your own imagination and PVA glue. Perhaps a roll of that same paper that is in every home simply because it cannot not exist. Did you guess it? It's about about crafts from toilet paper.

You need to take a roll of toilet paper, tear it into “ribbons”, and tear it into small pieces. The advantages of working with this particular “subspecies” of paper. Firstly, it is soft (for crafts it is better to buy the softest, two- or three-layer), it tears easily (and therefore is accessible to the weakest fingers), and rolls into balls, sausages, and tubes. Perforation allows you to tear off rectangles of equal size without the help of scissors. And yet, there’s a lot of it, even if you don’t give a whole roll to a child to tear to pieces. And if necessary, you can wipe your nose with it (and this is in winter time not at all uncommon), without interrupting creativity.

It is better to make it from white paper, and then, if desired, it can be painted with gouache in any color. The result is wonderful Christmas trees, snowmen, winter trees, huts, and funny animals. Here are just a few ideas to help while away those long evenings.

Important tip: You can start making crafts only when the hands of mother and child are cleanly washed and wiped dry.

Advice: comment on ALL actions - yours and your child's. Count rectangles, balls, eyes, noses, logs. Be sure to praise your child after each completed stage of work. And don’t forget to come up with an interesting story about the craft you just made, or present it as a surprise to relatives or friends (whose reaction, of course, will be enthusiastic).

The child must see that his work is appreciated and brings joy!


Three ribbons make three “panicles”. We glue them onto a sheet of paper, starting from the bottom, covering the gluing area with the next “Christmas tree tier”. All that remains is to draw the snow, and the postcard is ready. Children enjoy drawing snow with a cotton swab, dipping it into white gouache.

Christmas trees come in different sizes and degrees of fluffiness. If desired, it can be decorated with multi-colored circles or foil balls. And if you invite friends to visit (or create several evenings in a row), you can make a real fairy-tale forest, placing a variety of inhabitants under the Christmas trees (for the younger ones these are stickers, older children can cut out characters from children’s magazines or draw them themselves).


We glue the balls one on top of the other, starting from the bottom, largest one. We roll small balls - “hands”. Glue on the sides.

Next, decorate it the way you want. Possible from corrugated paper make a bucket, hat or hair. Give a broom in your hands (a Chupa Chups stick, and on top a tiny broom, made according to the principle of one Christmas tree tier, only small).

The face can be drawn with felt-tip pens, paints, or a mouth, carrot nose and eyes can be glued on. And in the snowman’s other hand you can put a letter for Santa Claus (remember V. Suteev’s fairy tale “The Christmas Tree”?), and then all your wishes will definitely come true!


The roof can be made like a broom for a Christmas tree or simply glued on a pre-cut triangle. The house is ready. You can add a porch, carved trim or a door to it.

The number of logs, of course, may vary.

Experiment, the roll will not run out for a long time!

This is interesting

  1. 31th of December

New Year!!!

Evil forces have long been forgotten, but the Christmas tree is still a symbol New Year's holiday.


Children's horoscope


Positive character:active, open, sincere, cheerful, truthful, freedom-loving, friendly, fond of philosophizing, fair, brave, inquisitive, ambitious, leading, purposeful.

Negative character:superficial, impatient, straightforward, undiplomatic, tactless, nosy, noisy, reckless, selfish, loves to command and dispose, infantile.

From birth, your child is an extremely active, inquisitive and sociable creature. He will cry alone, but will sleep peacefully in a room full of guests, as he feels better in company. These children are usually clumsy and at the same time active, so they always walk around with bumps and bruises. This is not dangerous. Kiss him and everything will go away. Sagittarius is a fire sign, people born under these signs have a lot in common - increased energy, aptitude for leadership. Sagittarians have truly inexhaustible optimism and friendliness. They will actively look for friends, and if for some reason they fail, they will make new attempts. Sagittarius children are characterized by innate honesty and truthfulness. They often retain these qualities as adults. Sagittarius parents must remember that these children do not forgive lies to others, even if these are their own parents. At the same time, raising these children is easier than others, since the child does not know how to lie.

Sagittarians love noise. If you give him a drum, he will be very pleased, but you should not get irritated if you get tired of the noise. The older the child, the more he will be attracted to activities outside the home. He will love all sorts of games and entertainment in the fresh air. He will be attracted to sports, since competition and competition are always a tempting incentive for him. As a rule, these children love animals, so it may happen that their sports activities will be related to animals: dog training, pigeon competitions.

The older the child, the more difficult it is to keep him at home. It’s hard to sit down for lessons when the sun is shining and so many interesting things are happening in the yard, on the street. Perseverance is not typical for Sagittarius. You will have to show a lot of patience and ingenuity to teach your child order, cleanliness, and discipline. It is necessary to come up with something to make reading a book attractive for him. Sagittarius children love stories about knights, dragons and the rescue of beautiful princesses. It is better to alternate mental activities with physical activity, since restriction of movement is harmful for these children.

To console parents, we can say that these children can study well in adolescence and young adulthood, when they develop specific goal. For example, if a child decides to become a lawyer or a doctor, he will study those subjects that he needs to achieve his goal. Just in case, for future use, these children, as a rule, cannot learn the subject. However, please offer with early age games that train not only the body, but also the intellect. By the way, Sagittarians love logic games. If a child is a poor student, you can try to hurt his pride by mentioning, among other things, that his friends study well, but he apparently cannot do it. An older child may show interest in politics, then offer him newspapers and books to read. political theme, documentaries, journalism. Usually these children are brave. They are afraid of little; danger can only spur their pride. Sagittarians' health is usually good and their vitality is high. When they are still very small, it is necessary to monitor the temperature in the room. Like all fire signs, it is harmful for them to be cold or overheated. Babies don't like bathing. These children may have liver problems. Although the main problem is bruises, bumps, and sometimes a fracture.




Issue 4

First, decide whether your snowman will be an independent figure or the main character of the postcard.

For younger people, the second option is preferable, for those who are older, the first.

We tear off three parts of the future snowman from the roll, different sizes: three rectangles, five and seven. Crumple into balls. If the results are not very neat or even, then tear off another rectangle and wrap the resulting lump so that it turns out to be a ball. We glue all seams with PVA. Roll the already glued ball in your hands again - it will turn out smoother.

Prepare the base. This could be, for example, half a regular sheet of colored cardboard or a pre-tinted sheet of paper.

We tear off three identical ribbons from the roll - about 4-5 rectangles each. We fold each ribbon along the perforations, placing one rectangle on top of the other. We make vertical cuts, not cutting about 1-1.5 cm to the edge. We unfold the ribbon and begin to gather the uncut edge into an accordion. Then we simply tear off one of the strips, spread it with glue (preferably PVA) and twist the top into this strip.


Happy New Year to our moms and dads, grandparents. We wish them health and that all their dreams come true, because in the New Year, whatwhatever you want, that's alleverything will always happen, everything will always happen it's coming true!


There are snowflakes outside the window,

circling around in a round dance...

We wish everyone happiness,

With a cheerful

New Year!!!


Father Frost, Father Frost - brought a Christmas tree for the children!

We are waiting for the New Year and gifts! Happy New Year to our moms, dads, grandparents! We wish you happiness and health!!!


We wish our dear parents happiness, health, laughter, success, to live well and love each other and never get sick!

Patron planet - Jupiter. Blue color. Stone - amethyst, topaz, peridot. The main character trait isconfer and lead. inspect .

The huts turn out fabulous, but to make one you will have to be patient.

First, we tear off eight rectangles and roll them into “logs”: we wrap the pencil, roll it into a tube and glue the seam. Remove from the pencil and let it dry a little.

We prepare a background - a colored sheet of cardboard, a tinted sheet, or a finished picture of a forest where only a house is missing. We determine the place.

Glue three logs one after another. Then we cut two finished logs into three parts each and glue them on the sides of the “foundation” - in the middle we get a window. (You can glue any funny face there, even a photo of the child himself.) Glue the three remaining tubes on top.


We wish for the New Year that there will be no worries. May good luck, happiness, joy be with you along the way and a big bag of health, so as not to carry it away!


Soon our beloved Santa Claus will be with us!

May he also

he won’t forget, he’ll bring a cartload of gifts!


Our beloved parents, grandparents, and

brothers and sisters! Congratulations

Happy New Year! We wish you happiness, health and good gifts!


We wish our mothers

and fathers and grandmothers

and grandfathers, so that you are always healthy, smart, loved, strong, beautiful and the happiest in the New Year!


May the year be filled with happiness and joy to give!


May your hopes be fulfilled

The New Year will be successful,

To live and not be bored,

Songs to sing and dance!

In Ancient In Rus', the New Year was celebrated in March. When Christianity was adopted in Rus' at the end of the 10th century, the New Year began to be celebrated according to the Byzantine calendar - September 1. On the eve of 1700, Russian Tsar Peter I issued a decree for the New Year according to European custom - January 1 and invited all Muscovites to decorate their houses with pine and spruce branches.

Dear parents!

A crafts competition has been announced in kindergarten

"Beauty Christmas Tree".

We will be very glad to see your children's work

at the exhibition!


We wish you to laugh, dream and love!

May the year be filled with happiness and joy to give!

At 12 o'clock at night, Peter I went out onto Red Square with a torch in his hands and launched the first rocket into the sky. Fireworks began in honor of the New Year holiday. About three hundred years ago, people believed that by decorating a New Year tree, they were making evil forces kinder. https://accounts.google.com


To use the preview, create an account ( account) Google and log in: https://accounts.google.com


To use the preview, create a Google account and sign in:

Explanatory note.

Modern reforms carried out these days in the field of education in Russia are reflected in the field of activity of preschool educational institutions. The pedagogical process of a preschool institution becomes flexible, differentiated, aimed primarily at the interests of the child, on the one hand, on the other - teachers focus on cooperation and interaction with parents and nearby social institutions.

As you know, kindergarten is the first educational institution with which parents come into contact. (legal representatives) and where their systematic pedagogical education begins. From collaboration parents (legal representatives) and teachers depends further development child. And the level of pedagogical culture of parents depends on the quality of work of a preschool institution (legal representatives), and, consequently, the level of family education of children.

This work in kindergarten takes place in various forms: meetings, consultations, folders - movements, announcements, design of thematic stands, individual work And so on. Publishing a newspaper is a fairly labor-intensive job that requires large quantity time and some preparation.

Our newspaper is called "Funny fidgets" . There is a logo on the front page of the newspaper (company logo) newspapers, name, number and date of issue, congratulations on past or upcoming holidays, as well as the most important events of the preschool educational institution.

The publication is available to all parents (legal representatives), they can read the latest issue in the group while the child is getting dressed before going home, they can take the newspaper with them and study it at a convenient time, and also read the current issue in electronic form on the preschool educational institution’s website and on the teacher’s electronic page on the website nsportal. ru.

Thanks to this form of work with parents (legal representatives), it is possible to realize their right to participate in the life of the kindergarten, to provide them with the opportunity to learn more about their child, about the teachers working with children, about the developmental environment of the preschool educational institution, problems, successes, achievements.

In addition, teachers have real opportunity show the results of their work, share their work experience with colleagues and parents, which, undoubtedly, is an incentive for professional self-improvement and growth.

It is worth noting that such a non-traditional form of interaction with parents opens up positive prospects for the development and strengthening of the status of the group and the organization as a whole:

  • firstly, the institution will be most attractive to parents who are interested in receiving quality educational services, who are ready for constructive interaction with teachers, who are not indifferent to their children’s achievements and who are aware of the value of education.
  • secondly, it will make it possible to interest the employees of the preschool educational institution (actually working and getting a job in the preschool educational institution, and will form an understanding that they work in a unique kindergarten, different from the majority. This significantly contributes to the stability of the team and the development of a favorable socio-psychological climate.
  • thirdly, it will demonstrate to the social environment high quality services provided, social significance and value of the kindergarten’s work.

I. Project type:

By dominant activity: creative.

By duration: mid-term (January–June 2017).

By the nature of contacts: within the framework of the MBDOU, parents, children, preschool educational institution website, teacher’s website.

Problem: lack of awareness among parents about the activities of preschool educational institutions.

Goal: creation of a unified information space for preschool educational institutions.


  • Active introduction of information technologies into the practical activities of kindergartens
  • A unified and personal approach to the upbringing and development of a child
  • Getting to know the experience and achievements of participants in the educational process
  • Activation of creative activity of teachers
  • Interaction with parents


Among the tasks solved by the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is the integration of training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of the individual, family, and Society.

One of the requirements for psychological and pedagogical conditions is the requirement to provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the Organization is obliged to:

  • Inform parents (legal representatives) and the public regarding goals preschool education, common to the entire educational space Russian Federation, as well as about the Program, and not only to the family, but also to all interested parties involved in educational activities
  • ensure openness of preschool education
  • create conditions for parental participation (legal representatives) V educational activities
  • support parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and promoting their health
  • ensure the involvement of families in direct educational activities, including through the creation educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting family educational initiatives
  • create conditions for adults to search for and use materials that support the implementation of the Program, including in the information environment, as well as for discussion with parents (legal representatives) children issues related to the implementation of the Program.

Everyone knows that family and kindergarten constitute the main microenvironment for a child. Social experience gained by a preschooler in kindergarten and family, a child who is different in the family is an object of adoration, compliance and forgiveness, in kindergarten - an equal member social group. In this dissimilarity lies main meaning cooperation and interaction.

During the project implementation: a normative - legal framework in work on the project (Regulations on the newspaper (Appendix No. 1), which reflects general provisions, organizational and pedagogical requirements for the newspaper, the rights and obligations of publishers, and an order for the establishment was issued). The structural component of the newspaper is determined. An algorithm has been developed to prepare for each issue of a small-circulation newspaper "Funny fidgets" it includes:

  • Educators select materials that are possible for publication, descriptions of pedagogical situations that have arisen in the group, the achievements of children, they can present their experience of working with new technologies, and topics that are significant for discussion in the issue.
  • Creative team specialists periodically prepare materials in accordance with the theme of the issue.
  • Parents (legal representatives) write notes about their experiences in family education and bring interesting information.
  • The editorial board edits the newspaper, does computer layout, formats, and corrects.

Thus, it can be stated that all participants in the pedagogical process are involved: administration, teachers, specialists, parents (legal representatives), and this is one of the main conditions for using the project method.

The following sections were chosen for the newspaper: "Kaleidoscope of Events" , “For you, parents!” , "Pedagogical changes" , « Important events month" , "Expert Advice" And "Entertaining page for children" .

The authors of the materials are parents, teachers, and specialists. Materials include photographs, pedagogical examples and situations, questions for parents, advice and recommendations, children's reasoning and statements from interviews, announcements, results of competitions, gratitude and more.

Every issue of the newspaper (frequency 1 time per month) dedicated to one topic depending on the past season. Traditionally, the first page is devoted to the contents of the issue. Heading "For you, parents" includes questions of theory and practice, reflecting different aspects of the upbringing and development of children. Page "Kaleidoscope of Events" informs about significant or interesting events in the life of our institution, group: holidays, projects, competitions, etc.

"Pedagogical changes" dedicate parents to the activities of teachers in preschool educational institutions, about projects, about continuity with society, about critical issues, decided by the teaching staff.

Each issue of the newspaper contains a section "Thank you very much!" - gratitude to parents and social partners. The essence of the section: to thank the parents, show them your gratitude for a good deed, and convince everyone that the participation of fathers and mothers in the affairs of the group and kindergarten as a whole helps in raising children. Thank the social partners who care about the lives of children in kindergarten for their efforts to help create conditions for the development of children in preschool educational institutions.

The newspaper is distributed within the institution, to each age group by printing copies, which provides free access, the opportunity to take the issue home with you, and also at the request of parents for home reading and archive.

At the final stage of implementation of this project a creative group of teachers plans to collect information on the effectiveness of the newspaper for parents (legal representatives) in order to predict possible conditions, means and methods for its improvement.

As methods for studying the opinions of parents (legal representatives) about the newspaper, use questionnaires, individual conversations with parents.

II. Problem:

The modern family needs a variety of knowledge. The newspaper that we decided to create at the preschool educational institution should be a source feedback- exchange of experience and dialogue between parents, as well as being an important factor in the formation of a favorable opinion about the preschool institution.

We see one of the ways to solve this problem by creating an information publication for parents of preschool educational institutions in the form of a newspaper. The choice of this form is explained, first of all, by confidence in its effectiveness, as well as by the opening opportunity for bringing parents and teachers closer together around the interests and needs of the family itself, rapprochement based on awareness, involvement of family members in the life of the child in kindergarten, mutual responsibility of parents and teachers for making decisions that can improve the quality of educational services.

III. Objective of the project:

Creation of a newspaper "Funny fidgets" to ensure the unity of pedagogical and family education at the preschool stage of development. Informing parents and employees of preschool educational institutions about the affairs, problems and leisure of adults and children, assisting parents in finding life guidelines, in raising children, instilling patriotism and a sense of love for their kindergarten, city, and homeland. Improving the quality of educational services, introducing modern technologies into the work system of preschool educational institutions.

Project objectives:

Inclusion of new information and communication forms of cooperation with the families of pupils. Providing parents and the public with a more complete picture of children's lives in kindergarten. Creating a favorable image preschool organization. Activating the desire of participants in the pedagogical process and public organizations in participation in the life of the kindergarten. Disseminating positive experiences working with children preschool age. Pedagogical education of parents.

IV. Project implementation stages:

Stage I – preparatory.

  1. Analysis of current work.
  2. Development of a newspaper project "Funny fidgets" .
  3. Preliminary information and advisory work with teachers, specialists, parents.
  4. Preparation of working material for the first issue of the publication.

Stage II is the main one.

  1. Creation of a logo, brand name for a newspaper. Formation of the structure of the publication.
  2. Correction of information and visual (photo) materials.
  3. Constructive work and publication of the first issue of the newspaper.

Stage III is the final stage.

  1. Placement of a printed version of the issue in parent corners and an electronic version on the website of the group teacher.
  2. Collection of information based on the results of the work done.

Stage IV - analytical.

  1. Analysis of the effectiveness of the work done.
  2. Conclusions.
  3. Encouraging active project participants.
  4. Collecting and preparing material for subsequent issues of the newspaper. Identification of the most pressing issues at the moment.

V. Project result:

As a result of the implementation of the project, the preschool educational institution will undoubtedly have a number of advantages:

  • the institution will be most attractive to parents who are interested in receiving quality educational services, who are ready for constructive interaction with teachers, who are not indifferent to the achievements of their children and who are aware of the value of education
  • will increase the interest of preschool educational institutions employees (actually working and getting a job in a preschool educational institution), an understanding will be formed that they work in a unique kindergarten, different from the majority. This significantly contributes to team stability and the development of a favorable socio-psychological climate
  • will be demonstrated to the social environment (including inspection bodies, expert commissions assessing the quality of the institution’s work) high quality of services provided, social significance and the value of kindergarten work.

Evaluation of the project results: It is obvious that after the completion of the project, the activities of the preschool educational institution to create a favorable image and search for new forms of work with parents and the public will not stop. Further activities will depend on the results of monitoring of employees, parents and children, as well as on those indicators that show any change in attitude towards the kindergarten. But the experience of intense activity in creating a positive image of the kindergarten and increasing its rating, which will be acquired during the implementation of the project, will, of course, be used in the future work of the preschool educational institution.


  1. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N.. Project activities preschoolers. A manual for teachers of preschool institutions. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008 – 112 pp.
  2. Kiseleva L.S., Danilina T.A., Lagoda T.S., Zuikova M.B. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution. A manual for managers and practical workers of preschool educational institutions. – M.: Arkti, 2003 - 96 pp.
  3. Morozova L.D. Pedagogical design in preschool educational institutions: from theory to practice. – M.: TC Sfera, 2010 - 128 pp. – (Appendix to the magazine "Management of preschool educational institution" ) .
  4. Urmina I.A., Danilina T.A. Innovation activities in preschool educational institutions: software and methodological support. – M.: Linka-Press, 2009 - 320 pp.

Today, new requirements are placed on preschool education. Including the nature and quality of relations between the preschool educational institution and the family. The Law “On Education” states that “parents are the first teachers of their children,” and “a network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family.” Fruitful work in raising a child is possible only in an atmosphere of cooperation, interaction and trust.

There are many forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families. This parent meetings, group and individual consultations, parent clubs, trainings, KVNs, round tables, workshops, joint leisure and holidays, etc. One of the interesting and effective forms of interaction, in our opinion, is the publication of a newspaper for parents. This is a way of psychological and pedagogical education of the family, information about the life of the kindergarten, and also a means of developing the creative abilities of teachers. The newspaper, as a form of interaction with the family, is also good because the element of “coercion” disappears here, which psychologists talk about with alarm, emphasizing that it is this that pushes parents away and interferes with the perception of interesting and significant information. You can look through the newspaper, you don’t have to take it, or you can read it and apply it in the practice of raising your own child. Information about what kind of intensive work is carried out with preschoolers in kindergarten changes the attitude of parents towards teachers and, in general, towards the work of preschool educational institutions. Often parents do not see the amount of work that is being done with their children. Many, especially in early age groups, are only interested in what and how their child ate, whether he slept well, and the teacher does not always have the opportunity to advise and answer parents’ questions, because children cannot be left unattended. Parents often don’t have time to read the information stands that are in each group, but you can take the newspaper with you and read it at home in a calm environment.

Our preschool educational institution has been publishing the kindergarten newspaper “Carousel” for four years now. A distinctive feature of our newspaper is that it talks about our students, their achievements and successes, their life in kindergarten and the life of the entire kindergarten. All material is accompanied by color photographs. The articles are written in accessible language, short and interesting.

Publishing a newspaper is quite a labor-intensive job that requires a lot of time and certain preparation. All participants in the pedagogical process are involved in this process: kindergarten administration, teachers, specialists (educational psychologist, speech therapist, physical education instructor, music director), medical workers and parents.

Work on the newspaper begins with identifying topics based on events taking place in the preschool educational institution and requests from parents. The next stage is the selection of information. Teachers collect poems and statements from children, select children’s works for the permanent column “Our Vernissage,” and compose a description of the most significant events, in their opinion. Experts highlight current issues at the moment. Parents are invited to write a note about their family education experience. Then the editorial board gathers, consisting of the editor-in-chief (head of the preschool educational institution), proofreader (deputy head of educational and educational institutions), art editor (educator-psychologist) and editors (the composition is determined by the main topic of the issue). The editorial board determines the main concept of the issue, selects the most interesting articles and photographic materials. And finally, the design and layout of the newspaper is carried out. Parents replicate the finished number.

Our creative team does not stand still. Over the three years the newspaper has been published, its format has changed. We are looking for something new to make it more interesting and relevant for parents. The name and motto remain unchanged.

At the initial stage, the newspaper “Karusel” had an informational character; it described the events taking place in the preschool educational institution. But parents want to know not only what happened, but also plans for the future. Thus, the “Announcement” section appeared in our newspaper, where we invite parents to planned events, holidays, and offer to take part in various promotions. All this contributes to the involvement of parents in the educational process.

Since our newspaper does not change its volume (8 pages), but we want to talk about everything, the “Calendar of Events” section has appeared, which presents photos and a brief description of past events.

Over the years of work, each teacher has accumulated large selection reasoning and statements of children on different topics. Many of them, we think, will be of interest to readers of our newspaper. Since modern parents communicate little with their children and sometimes cannot even imagine what thoughts are in the minds of their beloved kids. In the upcoming issues the section “Children about the main thing” will be published.

The newspaper becomes relevant and interesting for readers. Parents are looking forward to the new issue. A file of newspapers for three years is a kind of report on the life and work of the kindergarten, and over time it will become the history of the development of the institution.

Our experience shows that the newspaper as a form of interaction is an effective means of involving parents in participating in the educational process. As a result of this activity, parents develop an interest in how their child lives and a desire to take part in the life of the kindergarten. The result of our work was the active participation of parents in organizing and conducting thematic classes, holidays, leisure, health days, excursions, project activities. They gladly respond to requests from teachers to take part in landscaping the kindergarten territory, exhibitions, and competitions.

Attached is a sample of the newspaper “Carousel” from MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 of the combined type “Cheburashka”.

From the history of the creation of an informational and educational newspaper for parents

Explanatory note
Among the tasks solved by the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is the integration of training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of the individual, family, and Society.
One of the requirements for psychological and pedagogical conditions is the requirement to provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.
In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the Organization is obliged to:
- Inform parents (legal representatives) and the public regarding the goals of preschool education, common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation, as well as about the Program, and not only the family, but also all interested parties involved in educational activities;
- ensure openness of preschool education;
- create conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities;
- support parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their health;
-ensure the involvement of families in direct educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting the educational initiatives of the family;
- create conditions for adults to search for and use materials that ensure the implementation of the Program, including in the information environment, as well as to discuss with parents (legal representatives) of children issues related to the implementation of the Program.
Everyone knows that family and kindergarten constitute the main microenvironment for a child. The social experience gained by a preschooler in kindergarten and family, the child, different in the family, is an object of adoration, compliance and forgiveness, in kindergarten - an equal member of the social group. This dissimilarity lies the main meaning of cooperation and interaction.
In our educational organization (Preschool Educational Institution "Topolek" Municipal Educational Institution "Paspaulskaya Secondary School") we, teachers, use in our work different shapes working with parents:
projects, presentations of educational activities of preschool educational institutions;
frontal and individual surveys of parents, studying the problems of families of pupils; information booklets;
organization of Days open doors;
joint leisure activities;

Target: creating conditions for pedagogical comprehensive education of parents, ensuring the unity of public and family education.
The main tasks are the following:
1. Increasing the activity and responsibility of families of kindergarten students and involving them in cooperation in matters of child development.
2. Providing information and educational support for parents’ choice of directions in development and education through the development of a competent pedagogical position in relation to to your own child.
3. Promoting the creation of conditions for the development of the child’s abilities in various types of educational activities, ensuring continuity of preparation for the next educational stage ( schooling).
4. Increasing the level of competence of parents (interaction with them when selecting the content of materials for the newspaper).


1. The principle of humanization.“First love, then teach” is the rule for carrying out educational work with children.
2. The principle of democratization. The interests of parents are taken into account when selecting the content of newspaper materials.
3. The principle of cooperation. Includes close interaction with the families of pupils with the aim of a unified approach to the education and development of the child’s personality.
Authors of materials: teachers and parents. Materials include photographs, illustrations, information about the life of a preschool educational institution, tips and recommendations for raising children in a family, organizing leisure time, a healthy lifestyle, practical tasks and exercises for children, works of fiction for reading to children, children's reasoning and statements, etc.
The newspaper is distributed within the group by printing in several copies, as well as on the preschool website (in the section age group). Each parent has the right to publish their own material and the right to receive each issue of the newspaper in electronic form.
Currently, young families are busy with work, career growth. And, unfortunately, all these reasons crowd out communication with the child.
Our task– convince parents that their children need attention. Our newspaper is an additional source of information for parents. Everyone has a couple of free minutes to read “The Noise Maker” while their child is getting dressed.
The author of the material is obliged:
- provide truthful, reliable information with reference to sources;
- in controversial cases, present arguments reasonably.
The idea of ​​creating a newspaper came with time, back in 2013: at first there were leaflets that provided information about the group: the number of children, their ages, relationships in the team, what children do in free time. We tried to see something special in each child and found warm words. The leaflets were aimed at solving a very important goal: creating a good microclimate in the group and trusting relationships with parents. I really wanted to confirm in the minds of adults that their children are in good hands, they are loved, accepted for who they are. In the following leaflets, we talked about the successes of children in educational activities, reported on the work of clubs and celebrated the children who distinguished themselves. This made parents feel proud of their child. And the announced competitions and projects made it possible not only to involve parents in creative activity, but also raise their authority in the eyes of children.
We collected all the previously released leaflets into a file folder, added new material, and it became an information newspaper. All that was left was to come up with a name. It came naturally. In the beginning there was “Firefly” (after the name of the group), time passed, children and parents changed, the group changed. The name too. You won't find it in the dictionary. Parents and children, gathering near the newspaper, heatedly discussed the news, rejoiced at the successes and smiled genuinely. This is how the name “Noisemaker” appeared.
When we work on the next issue, we use it in our work modern technologies using the educational information space. Having received a different status, the newspaper became more interesting. It is bright and accompanied by color photographs. It reflects general garden activities and events that occur within the group. Of course, educators are editors-in-chief, photographers and correspondents. But parents also actively (on our initiative) began to publish their own wall newspapers. Everyone was given an algorithm for their production.
For example, recommendations for parents on designing a family newspaper:

The newspaper may include the following sections:

A fairy tale of your own composition on any topic.
- “Who goes where, and we’re off to the holiday” (come up with and draw a costume for the upcoming holiday, offer ideas for the holiday, etc.).
- A selection of riddles on a specific topic.
- Come up with your own section.
Sections in the newspaper can be changed and added!
Family newspapers reflect a creative and individual approach, they are made with love, and prove the interest and positive attitude of parents towards the work of the kindergarten, towards “their children living a full childhood”.
New columns have appeared in the newspaper:“Smile!”, “They work for you”, “Health page”, “Our successes”, “Home toy library”, “Additional about additional”. This event newspaper has acquired an informational and educational character. We continue to write about children, about their dreams, about various curiosities. This is always relevant. After all, children should be more important than anything else.