Wood processing plants, sawmills and sawmills produce huge amounts of waste in the form of sawdust.

This waste then needs to be disposed of somehow, preferably at a profit.

There are a number of ways that you can use to get rid of wood chip products, receiving income or various benefits.

In this article we will talk about:

  • various methods of converting sawdust into popular products;
  • finances necessary for the production of a particular product;
  • the demand for products obtained from sawdust in various regions;
  • the approximate profitability of producing various products;
  • various conditions that must be met to produce certain products.

Sawdust, that is wood sawing waste used for:

  • manufacturing;
  • production of various building materials, for example;
  • growing mushrooms;
  • insulation of houses;
  • obtaining (biofuel) and suitable for use in pyrolysis gas.

You can read more about products made from sawdust in the article How sawdust is used.

How to choose a way to earn money

When choosing a sawdust disposal method for the purpose of making a profit it is necessary to focus on factors such as:

  • availability and characteristics of the material;
  • costs of delivering the material to the disposal site;
  • equipment and site preparation costs;
  • demand for certain products in your own and neighboring regions;
  • water and energy costs;
  • budget size;
  • taxes, permits and approvals;
  • shipping costs finished product to the place of sale;
  • volume of products produced.

After examining all the factors, you can determine which disposal method is acceptable in your situation.

Availability and material characteristics

Suitable for most types of processing sawing waste from clean and healthy wood, preferably without bark particles.

The easiest way to find such material is at sawmills where debarked logs are sawed and in carpentry shops or woodworking enterprises.

Despite the fact that sawdust is sawing waste, not all enterprises agree to give them away for free, especially if there is a high demand for sawdust in the region.

It is advisable to look for those enterprises whose management is trying get rid of it by any means from accumulated waste, in this case it will be possible to receive it for free, which will increase the profitability of the business for its disposal and processing.

At most sawmills, the waste contains a small amount of bark, so the characteristics of such material are somewhat worse than pure. However, even it is suitable for most types of processing, although the quality of the final product will also be slightly worse than when using pure raw materials.

Humidity is equally important., because for some processes sawdust needs to be dried, for others it needs to be moistened.

The closer the humidity of the feedstock is to that required for the production of a particular product, the less effort and energy resources will have to be spent to adjust it.

Read more about the characteristics of wood sawing waste in the article. If you want to learn more about where sawdust is obtained, then read this article.


The cost of the material consists not only of the payment that woodworking enterprises and sawmills ask for, but also from transport costs.

Material needed transport by truck or dump truck, which means paying for:

  • burnt fuel;
  • wasted equipment resource;
  • wasted driver time.

Even if you use your own personal truck, then in this case you cannot avoid spending. Least, you are wasting fuel and the life of the car and also spend personal time, which could be used for some other purpose.

Equipment and site preparation costs

For most types of sawdust processing it is necessary standard set of equipment:

  • Dryer;
  • humidifier;
  • press;
  • heat generator

The cost of such equipment depends on its:

  • productivity;
  • conditions;
  • age;
  • brand.

Therefore, at the initial stage of business development, they often take used low-performance equipment because it is inexpensive.

In addition, it is necessary free space, sufficient for installation of equipment, as well as storage of raw materials and finished products.

Highly desirable availability of good access roads and communications– water, light and gas. Even renting such a plot is not cheap, let alone purchasing it, so if there is a budget deficit you will have to sacrifice something by choosing a less expensive plot.

If there are no buildings on the site suitable for the production of the selected product, then they will have to be built, which also increases total costs to prepare the site, which means increases the payback period of investments into business.

If there is no light and gas, then you need an electric generator or power plant based on pyrolysis gas, which can be obtained from the same sawdust.

For production:

  • hardboard

It is advisable to take the line full cycle , which includes all the necessary devices. After all, when producing these materials, it is very important to follow the technology of each operation, which is difficult to do with uncoordinated equipment.

The main disadvantage of such lines is the high price, which starts from 10 million rubles for lines that provide minimal quality and productivity.

Demand for finished products

The demand for finished products depends on many factors.

For example, in regions where the construction market is intensively developing, but people’s salaries are low, high demand for blocks made of wood concrete or sawdust concrete.

This demand is even higher in regions where there is no clay suitable for making bricks.

However, in regions with high salaries preference is given to more expensive materials, including monolithic concrete.

Demand for pressed sawdust, which can be used as a filler for cat and dog litter, is high only in big cities, where many people keep cats and dogs in ordinary apartments.

Wherein it is unrealistic to sell such goods in villages and small towns, because most owners of cats and dogs live in private homes, so dogs relieve their needs on the street or in the garden, which means that they don’t need dog or cat litter at home.

Fiberboard and particle boards, which are made from sawdust, are in demand both in regions with high activity in the construction sector and where furniture factories are located.

Fuel briquettes and pellets are in high demand only in those regions where there are many non-gas supply villages, but their residents can afford to buy automatic boilers. The cost of such a boiler exceeds 60 thousand rubles, which is much higher than the price of a wood-burning or gas heating device.

Also like this fuel type is in great demand in the EU, but they are only interested in stable supplies of large volumes (tens of cubic meters per week).

Sawdust can also be used to make soil for planting flowers, but such a product will be in demand only in large cities. Because residents of small towns and villages can go out into the yard and collect soil in a pot from the nearest lawn or garden.

Water and energy costs

Any production related to the processing of wood sawing waste, needs electricity, and often in other resources(water, gas, gasoline or diesel fuel).

After all, electricity and other energy resources are spent on:

  • operation of machine drive motors and ventilation;
  • heating the air in drying chambers;
  • heating the working surfaces of presses;
  • lighting;
  • heating;
  • preparing food for workers.

Regardless of the type of engine in a particular device, you will still have to spend money on energy. However electricity is much cheaper than gasoline or diesel fuel Therefore, all stationary machines, installations and processing lines are equipped with electric motors.

Costs should also include all the money you spend to obtain permission to connect to power lines or allocation of the required power.

If to the site where you plan to deploy a line for processing wood sawing waste, no electricity supplied, then you will have to spend money on its installation or install your own power plant.

If you decide to install your own power plant using a steam turbine, then good help will pyrolysis plant, working on sawdust. It releases pyrolysis gas, which can be used to produce steam, while you no need to purchase natural gas or other types of fuel.

Any of these methods requires quite serious financial investments, however, connecting to already installed networks is much cheaper than paying for electricity supply or building a power plant.

Connecting to water will also require investment, because even if water is supplied to the site, you need get permission to connect to it, as well as enter into an agreement for wastewater disposal.

In many regions of Russia, permission to connect water is not issued without such an agreement, citing the protection of nature from toxic discharges from enterprises.

Instead of a contract, and also when it is not possible to connect to the sewer, you can install a sewage treatment plant, which will be carefully checked by representatives of various regulatory authorities. However, such a treatment plant will cost much more than a disposal contract.

Budget size

To organize any business you need some kind of initial capital, for which you can purchase equipment and set up production. However, the budget of a person or organization cannot always withstand such a load, so something has to be sacrificed.

Can be purchased used equipment is ten times cheaper new. However, such equipment breaks down more often, and often produces products of somewhat worse quality.

You can take new equipment, but with less productivity. You can also take out a loan or lease equipment.

At minimum budget easiest way to set up mushroom growing, because all that is needed for this is a building in which bags of material will be hung and a steam generator necessary for disinfecting sawdust.

Another advantage of this disposal method is that after harvesting the sawdust turns into excellent fertilizer suitable for any soil.

Taxes, permits and approvals

When planning to produce any product, you need to obtain many different permits, licenses and patents, and also pay taxes in advance.

This is one of the features Russian legislation, according to which for many types of business tax is paid before profit is made.

The amount of the tax, as well as the list of required permits, licenses and other documents, depends on the region and the policy of regional authorities in this area.

Transportation costs for delivering the finished product to the point of sale

In order to receive money for an item, it must first be deliver to the place of sale, which can be:

  • stock;
  • shop;
  • apartment.

Depending on the terms of the agreement with the intermediary (store) or the direct buyer, delivery costs may fall on both him and the manufacturer, which must be taken into account when organizing a business.

Even we're talking about O delivery of goods by our own transport, still needs to be taken into account costs for:

  • fuel;
  • car depreciation;
  • driver's salary.

Cost of finished products

Price finished products depends on many factors, but the main ones are:

  • demand in the region;
  • availability and accessibility of competing products;
  • shipping costs.

The higher the demand for goods in the region, the higher the price will be on him.

For example, in regions where most villages and villages are gasified, it is difficult to find a buyer for pellets, because a gas boiler is cheaper than an automatic pellet boiler, and gas is cheaper than pellets.

However, in regions where there is widespread Agriculture, but many villages are not gasified, the demand for pellets is high. After all, in such villages, farmers and their workers earn good money and can afford to buy an automatic boiler for 60–100 thousand rubles.

Despite the fact that pellets are noticeably more expensive than firewood, the ability to light the boiler not 3-4 times a day, but 1-2 times a week makes this fuel more attractive. Read more about selecting a boiler for heating with pressed sawdust in the form of briquettes or pellets.

Some the situation is different with fuel briquettes, because they can be used not only in automatic boilers, but in conventional heating devices that burn wood.

Same shape, higher heat capacity and longer time combustion makes briquettes preferred fuel for fireplaces than firewood, which determines the demand for them.

Construction materials based on wood sawing waste, the most in demand where delivery is difficult traditional materials, but people have money for construction. Therefore, in such regions, the cost of sawdust concrete or crossbow concrete blocks will be higher than in places where there are no difficulties with the supply of bricks or various building blocks.

The same applies to chipboards and fibreboards– the higher the demand for them and the less supply of these materials from other regions, the higher the price for them will be.

Profitability assessment

Before starting any business, it is necessary to evaluate its profitability.

For this carry out marketing research , which helps determine the demand for the finished product and the maximum price that can be obtained for it.

Then they add up all the expenses, including taxes and various permits, after which they subtract the expenses from the revenue and get the profitability of the business.

There is a high probability that the calculations will not be very accurate, because it is difficult to take into account various force majeure circumstances.

For example, employees of the State Fire Supervision may oblige you to install some special fire safety system at your enterprise, which is available only from one seller, and therefore costs significantly more than others.

Some regulatory organization will begin to conduct regular inspections for various reasons, and during the inspection it will be necessary to stop production.

Therefore, for a more accurate assessment of the profitability of the sawdust processing business It's advisable to talk to someone who has successfully done something similar.

What is affected by the volume of products produced?

The higher the volume manufactured products, the greater the total revenue from its sale.

In addition, the increase in the volume of manufactured products is associated with automation of production and a decrease in the share of low-skilled labor. manual labor, that leads to reducing the cost of producing goods in the long term.

That is why enterprises with the maximum volume of production can reduce costs finished goods, which makes their products more attractive to buyers.

In addition, a decrease in the share of low-skilled manual labor leads to increasing the quality of finished products, which, together with a reduction in price, makes the product even more in demand.

How to increase profitability

There is only two ways to increase business profitability:

  • increase in revenue;
  • cost reduction.

In order for revenue to increase, it is necessary either increase productivity(which is associated with large financial investments) and the sales volume of finished material, or sell it for more high price .

But the price depends on the demand for the product and the saturation of the market, so the manufacturer cannot influence it in any way, unless he finds a new place to sell his products, where the demand for it will be maximum, and he will be the only supplier.

That's why it is much easier to increase profits by reducing costs. For example, by installing a more advanced line for processing wood sawing waste.

In addition, you can save on transport costs, if you place production near the source of sawdust. For example, placing a machine for the production of wood concrete blocks next to a sawmill.

In addition, you can use not gas or electricity for heating, but the same sawdust, which will provide reduction in energy costs.

Another way to reduce costs is enter into an agreement with the buyer, under which he will export finished products at his own expense.

Wherein there is always a risk that excessive cost reductions will lead to a drop in production volumes or a decrease in demand for products, so such decisions must be approached carefully and carefully.

Advantages and disadvantages

We have created a table that includes the most popular types of business for processing wood sawing waste, as well as their advantages and disadvantages:

Type of business Necessary equipment Advantages Flaws
Production of wood concrete and sawdust concrete blocksVibrating machine and concrete mixerThe products are in demand only where budget housing is being built and the supply of bricks and blocks from other materials is difficult.
Production of chipboard, fibreboard, hardboardFull cycle lineAll types of material are in great demandVery large financial investments are required
Production of fuel pellets and briquettesGranulator or pressLow costs and quick start-up
Pressed sawdust for cat and dog litterPressLow costs and quick start-upThere are buyers only in large cities
Production of pyrolysis gasPyrolysis plantIt is difficult to find buyers for finished products
Obtaining biofuelsFull cycle lineThe finished product can be used for the needs of the enterpriseA very expensive license is required to sell
Growing mushroomsBags and steam generatorMinimum costs, demand throughout the country, as well as the ability to sell used material as good fertilizerLarge rooms with good ventilation and stable temperature are required
Production of organic insulationFull cycle lineEnvironmentally friendly materialVery dear line, difficulty finding buyers
Packing in bagsBagsDoes not require financial investmentAlmost no profit

Creating a business plan

A business plan will help use your own and borrowed funds correctly.

When compiling it, they carefully calculate all the costs necessary to create a business, as well as the expected profit, taking into account all the conditions.

When drawing up a business plan yourself there is a high probability of error, because it is necessary to know not only the production technology of a particular product, but also the peculiarities of Russian legislation and local conditions.

Therefore it's better entrust the preparation of this document to professionals.

There are many websites on the Internet offering business plan development services, so finding them is not difficult. However, we recommend that before concluding a contract, find reviews on the Internet about the selected site, and also contact those who have already used their services.

This will help you avoid being scammed by scammers, as well as drawing up a business plan by incompetent people.

Alternative views

Despite the fact that any business is aimed at making a profit, sawdust can be used without making direct profit. For example, you can use them heat a workshop or sawmill.

This will not lead to direct profit, but you will not only get rid of waste, but also you will seriously reduce costs for heating, which to some extent is also a profit.

Another way of alternative business is production of pyrolysis gas, because it can be used to power cars and tractors, as well as gas electric generators.

The calorific value of pyrolysis gas is almost half that of methane, propane or butane, so internal combustion engines running on it deliver 30–45% of maximum power.

Considering that in normal modes the motor rarely produces more than 10% power, pyrolysis gas ensures its normal operation. The use of gas generators on sawdust will lead to serious reduction in fuel costs.

Third alternative way applications – creation of biofuels. By Russian laws sell alcohol-containing liquids without a very expensive license it is prohibited, but no one bothers you to fill your company's cars with alcohol.

As a result of alcohol production, significant savings in fuel costs, which can also be attributed to profit.

Another way to use waste is creation of wood concrete and sawdust concrete blocks for the construction of new premises. After all, when expanding production, the main costs go to building materials, that is, bricks, cinder blocks, and so on.

Self-production of blocks will allow reduce costs for building materials by more than 2 times Moreover, such production does not require large financial investments. A vibrating machine for making blocks can be purchased for 10–15 thousand rubles, and the purchase of a concrete mixer will cost 5–15 thousand rubles.

Thematic forums

We have prepared links to several forums where various aspects of the sawdust disposal business are discussed. By reading the discussions on these forums you will get a lot additional information about different areas of business, its results and obstacles that have to be overcome:

In contact with

Sometimes money lies right under our feet, we just need to see it in time and properly master it. This is what savvy entrepreneurs do. As an example, let's take working with wood and waste from its processing - sawdust. In this article we will tell you what can be made from wood and sawdust

What can be made from wood - business ideas

Wood of various species is widespread in all regions of Russia, with the exception of certain arid places or areas with unfavorable conditions. climatic conditions. But even where the tree is not mined, it can be processed.

That is why the business related to wood is quite developed in Russia. Below we will consider the most relevant areas of production activity for small businesses and micro-enterprises.

It’s worth mentioning right away that wood means not only solid wood, but also panel materials (plywood, OSB, chipboard, etc.).

Production of furniture from chipboard

This is probably the most popular implementation of business ideas made of wood. If you want to sell in large retail networks, furniture stores, etc., then you will have to significantly invest in equipment, but with trained personnel there should be no problems (the complexity of the work is low).

Minimum necessary equipment(taking into account the available space for processing and storing materials/finished products):

  1. Sawing machine - from RUB 500,000 (used, without sheet feeding, two people required for maintenance).
  2. Edge maker (edge ​​banding machine) - about 200,000 rubles. (these are manual models without automatic part feeding, only for straight edges).
  3. Dust removal system (sawdust extractor) - about 70,000 rubles.

At first, with small volumes of orders and simple parts, the additive can be done manually with a drill; sharpening of saw blades can be done for a fee in the appropriate workshops.

Business ideas for beginners in the village and rural areas with minimal investment. Current ideas for small businesses in rural areas

In the future, you may need a CNC machine (to perform additives for hinges, fasteners, etc.), a computer with a licensed operating system and a program for cutting planning (minimizing material consumption and personnel actions), a printer (for printing order forms) and other auxiliary equipment.

You can find profitable ones on the market comprehensive solutions for equipping sawing shops, for example, used machines remaining after their replacement with more modern and technological ones.

Requirements for saw quality and equipment capabilities are determined by the intended audience (budget furniture and warehouse equipment made from chipboard do not require high precision and complexity of cuts, etc.).

Production of garden furniture

When using ready-made sawing material (timber, boards, etc.), you can avoid formatting machines. Edging equipment for the array is also not needed. Thus, you can save significantly on starting equipment.

For such a business with a tree (array), the following tool will be sufficient to begin with:

  1. Circular saw (from RUB 2,000).
  2. Drill/screwdriver (from RUB 1,200).
  3. Planer (from 1300 rub.).
  4. Belt sander (from RUB 2,000).
  5. Consumables, fasteners.

Of course, you need a spacious room and good workbenches (the latter can be made from solid wood with your own hands). If the furniture will be treated with paint or protective compounds, it is best to purchase a spray gun and a compressor to speed up the process.

The focus on sales should be on the retail buyer. The more original it will be appearance tables, benches, canopies, etc., the higher the demand will be.

Production of souvenirs and wooden crafts

Due to the small size of the products (which implies minimum costs raw materials) with a sufficiently high selling price (based on the ratio of the finished product to the cost of the materials expended and the production time of the craft), you can find the correct balance of costs and profit received, even with a small sales volume.

Where to start a taxi business?

At the initial stage, the entire range can be made with your own hands, and as supply volumes increase, you can gradually hire staff and bring production online.

Taking into account the initial investment, this is the most realistic business idea with minimal starting capital. The main problem is the sale of goods. To get stable demand, you need to analyze the market to see if there is a need for one or another type of crafts. You can bet on the opportunity distance selling(for example, via the Internet), if the souvenir market is poorly developed in your city/region.

The initial set of tools depends on the type of product, but with the right approach you can fit in 20-30 thousand rubles.

Here is just a small list of ideas for souvenirs and crafts:

  1. Signs for baths/saunas
  2. Matryoshka dolls
  3. Wooden dishes, cutlery
  4. Photo frames
  5. Charms, talismans, decorative figurines
  6. Combs, hairpins, beads
  7. Seat mats
  8. Original pens, pencils
  9. Chests, boxes, knapsacks, caskets, etc.
  10. Cases for smartphones, tablets
  11. Garden paths
  12. Children's toys, cubes

What can be made from sawdust - business ideas

If you have access to large companies Those engaged in wood processing, it makes sense to think about selling their production waste - sawdust. The good thing about wood is that even waste can be used for production. various types products. We will consider various business ideas made from sawdust below.

Production of fuel from sawdust (briquettes, granules, pellets)

To start a business, you only need appropriate production equipment, sawdust and premises.

A granulation press will cost about 150 thousand rubles. (for example, MZLP 200, SKJ2, MP-5, etc.) or higher (individual ready-made high-performance lines reach a price of 3 million rubles or more).

Do-it-yourself small home business: ideas and tips for men

It will be easier to establish sales when interacting with sellers of long-burning solid fuel boilers. With small supply volumes, only local sales are possible without sending fuel to other regions, so the idea is not profitable locality, where solid fuel boilers are not used.

Production of sawdust blocks

Alternative building materials are increasingly in demand. Blocks made of concrete and sawdust are environmentally friendly, have low thermal conductivity, and can withstand heavy loads.

The production of such blocks in large volumes (for sale through networks of hardware stores, etc.) requires serious production capacity, which suggests a large start-up capital to launch a production line (from half a million rubles).

As part of private production (for local sale on the local construction market), you can start by purchasing a concrete mixer, a vibrating compactor and several dozen forms for pouring blocks. All this will cost about 50,000 rubles.

The estimated cost of the final block should not exceed the cost of other block building materials of the same volume available on the market (for example, gas silicate, polystyrene concrete, etc.).

Cat litter

To start such a business, virtually no investments are required, except for consumables for labels, packaging and advertising. Provided that the initial quality of sawdust suits you (by fraction).

Wood processing is associated with the production huge amount waste in the form of sawdust and shavings. Most of them accumulate in wood processing plants, logging sites, carpentry shops, sawmills, and furniture production.

Processing of sawdust is possible only if it was formed as a result of sawing clean and healthy wood, without particles of bark, metal shavings and other foreign inclusions. Then they can be used for the production of pellets, chipboard, in the production of paper and in hydrolysis production, in the agro-industrial complex as fertilizers. However, chips are also used to absorb fuels and lubricants or chemical compositions. For such sawdust, recycling is the only option.

Legislative regulation of sawdust recycling

Disposal of sawdust and shavings is regulated federal laws No. 89-FZ and No. 7-FZ. In accordance with these documents, the remains from cutting wood are classified as industrial waste, therefore they are subject to strict requirements for neutralization. To save environment, all enterprises whose activities involve the formation of sawdust must dispose of them properly.

This means that wood pulp cannot be transported to forest belts or landfills, or thrown into nearby ravines. In accordance with legislative acts, sawdust disposal can only be carried out by specialized companies that are licensed to do so. Special vehicles must arrive at woodworking industry enterprises on schedule and remove the generated waste. Next, sawdust and shavings are transported to the place of neutralization.

Why should you recycle wood chips?

At first glance, sawdust is an environmentally friendly material and cannot harm the environment. However, it should be borne in mind that it takes about 4 years for ordinary sawdust to decompose. Considering the volume of waste, it turns out that a huge area will be occupied by shavings, which will begin to fly over long distances when the wind blows. But it is not the only reason, according to which the legislation states the mandatory disposal of sawdust.

It should be taken into account that the wood chips are not always clean, because they can be obtained by sanding boards coated with varnish, and paint and varnish materials are classified as hazard class three.

In addition, sawdust is actively used at various enterprises to absorb fuels and lubricants. After they have been used to clean surfaces from petroleum products, the wood chips become hazardous to the environment. Firstly, they can easily catch fire, and, secondly, oiled sawdust, when released into the environment, will begin to emit toxic substances, after all fuels and lubricants belong to the second hazard class.

For which enterprises is sawdust recycling relevant?

  • Sawmills.
  • Timber felling.
  • Enterprises where oiled shavings are used.
  • Sawmills.
  • Construction organizations.
  • Carpentry shops.
  • Furniture manufacturing workshops.

Disposal of oiled sawdust in Moscow

Disposal of sawdust contaminated with flammable substances is one of the activities of our company. We neutralize them by burning them in a special oven. The powerful Volkan incinerator allows you to process any volume of waste in as soon as possible. Our company has its own special transport, so it can pick up sawdust and remove it from the territory at any time convenient for the client. After sawdust disposal is completed, we prepare everything Required documents and transfer them to the customer for reporting to government agencies.

The Waste Management Group of Companies will help you get rid of wood chips contaminated with oil industry waste in accordance with the law. We never take sawdust to landfills and always dispose of it correctly. To confirm the integrity of our work, we take photographs and videos of the neutralization process. We dispose of wood chips in an environmentally friendly manner.

But they can be processed and further used in many economic fields, for example, as fuel or an additive to building materials.

Fast, high-quality processing and disposal of sawdust in Moscow and the Moscow region is one of the services provided by our company. Specialists will remove waste from the territory of enterprises and ensure their further processing.

Advantages of sawdust processing

As a result of wood processing, a lot of sawdust remains. After processing they can be used as follows:

  • in the construction industry;
  • on livestock farms and farms;
  • production of soap, clay and plastic products;
  • packaging of canned foods, glassware and porcelain.

Thus, recycling sawdust is a very profitable and useful business.

Prices for removal and disposal of sawdust

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Chip disposal

Wood shavings are one of the main types of waste, along with sawdust, slabs and bark. Sawdust and shavings are processed and disposed of using special technologies. This is due to the fact that they may contain chemical and abrasive elements.

Very often, sawdust and shavings are processed and wood flour is obtained from them. It is used as a raw material for the production of molded products and also acts as a filler in adhesives and putties.

Disposal of sawdust at enterprises

Almost all wood processing enterprises are faced with the problem of waste disposal. Many plants and factories simply burn them, but this is fraught with the release of dangerous carbon monoxide.

An excellent solution is to recycle sawdust at an enterprise to make fuel briquettes from them. This process is carried out in several stages:

  • first of all, the waste is transported to the compaction site;
  • then dried in special chambers;
  • pressed into briquettes using special equipment.

The result is environmentally friendly raw materials that are safe for humans and pets. Briquettes are not inferior in quality to natural wood.

The service - processing, including sawdust in Moscow and the Moscow region, is carried out by our company after placing an order.

For this purpose, you need to call or leave an online application on the website.

We also deal with the disposal of other types of waste, ranging from industrial waste disposal.

Still have questions? We will be happy to answer them

Wood is construction material, which is used in almost all spheres of human life. In some cases, the consumption of this material is not entirely economical, resulting in the formation of a lot of unclaimed raw materials.

Many enterprises send about 50% of their wood there. Some entrepreneurs have realized that recycling waste as a business is quite a profitable business. In addition, it can be organized literally in a few months, unlike, for example, .

Types of fossil fuels

From crushed recycled materials from woodworking production, they make the following types fuel:

  1. Briquettes. They are obtained from wood waste. Since briquettes have a fairly high density, they maintain combustion for up to 8 hours. Such fuel does not emit carbon monoxide and at the same time creates stable heat in the room. After burning the briquette, only 1–7% of ash remains.
  2. Pellets look like granules. This fuel provides high calorific value.
These types of fuels are used in great demand, and not only in our country, but also abroad. Recycling wood waste- it is quite profitable and profitable business, which will provide you with a stable income.

Processing methods

Good profits can be made from briquetting wood waste and producing pellets. As a result of such processing, a cheap energy source is obtained, which is very popular among the population. In addition, this fuel does not pollute the environment. Small sawdust is used to make pellets, while larger wood chips are suitable for briquetting.

Waste recycling also allows you to use the bottom residue coniferous species wood This is the sediment that forms after cooking tree greens and bark. This substance is rich in vitamins, carotene and organic acids, which have a beneficial effect on people. From solid waste Cedar or pine trees can be used to make feed meal.

Making a business plan

Before you start opening a wood waste recycling business, we recommend that you draw up detailed business plan.

In a waste recycling business plan, the following points should be considered:

  1. Legal preparation of documents;
  2. Purchase of equipment;
  3. Renting premises;
  4. The technological process is fully described;
  5. Selecting employees to work at the enterprise;
  6. Calculation of expenses and profits;
  7. Plan for the future development of the enterprise (for example, entering a foreign market).


Before opening a wood waste processing business, you must register as a private entrepreneur or LLC, as well as obtain all the necessary documents. A license is not required for this type of activity.

Equipment selection

To open a business, you need to purchase equipment for processing wood waste. It includes:

  • Hammer crusher;
  • Chipper machine.

A chipper is needed to process large wood waste. The result is technological chips. After this it is processed into hammer crusher. The resulting raw materials are briquetted and used as fuel.

Wood waste is crushed in these units. With their help you can process large or small raw materials. It is passed through a special mesh, which is used to determine the size of the fraction. After this process, the chips are fed into the hopper of a pellet or briquetting press. If wet raw materials are used for the production of briquettes, the wood chips are pre-dried, after which they are made into pallets or briquettes.

Briquette production

A mini-plant for processing wood waste can be purchased for 1 million rubles.

To equip it you will need the following equipment:

  • Unit for drying and grinding waste;
  • Forming press for briquettes;
  • Devices for product packaging;
  • Warehouse equipment.

It is worth noting that processing wood waste into briquettes is a fairly simple production that does not require special knowledge and skills.

Pellet production

Buying a mini-plant for the production of pellets is a profitable purchase for any businessman. Considering that such fuel is used both in industrial and living conditions, you can understand that the demand for such products is quite high. The burning time of pellets and their calorific value largely depend on what raw materials were used for their manufacture. Most best option- this is sawdust.

The mini-plant is equipped with the following equipment:

  • Crushers;
  • Dryers;
  • Cooling equipment;
  • Granulator;
  • Packaging equipment.
  • Staff

For continuous operation of a mini-plant for processing wood chips, you will need 5 people:

  • 2 people load raw materials into the dryer;
  • 2 people pour dried raw materials into a press extruder;
  • 1 person is engaged in packaging of finished products.

As for special skills and training, this is not necessary. It is enough for one person to have technical education. The production shift should be 8 hours, with one hour allocated for equipment maintenance. For continuous production, three teams of workers will be needed.


The room in which wood waste will be processed into chips must have an area of ​​at least 120 square meters. meters. Ceiling height is 5 meters. Special requirements is not presented to the premises.

Except production workshop It is also necessary to equip warehouses for raw materials and finished products.

For general construction work you will have to spend:

  • Repair – $1800.
  • Living conditions for employees – $500.
  • Electrical wiring - $400.
  • Security and fire alarms – $500.
  • Ventilation - $600.


If the machines for processing wood waste work uninterruptedly, the enterprise’s profit for the month will be 882 thousand rubles. The investment will pay off in literally 3 months.

Working 8 hours a day with days off, you will make a profit of 267 thousand rubles per month. In this case, the briquetting line will pay for itself in 9 months.

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Let's sum it up

Fuel briquettes are the most economical and popular type of fuel. They can be made not only from wood waste, but also from sunflower husks, oat husks and any other agricultural raw materials. Fuel briquettes have excellent calorific value. It is almost the same as that of charcoal.

Nowadays, many people save on natural gas, so fuel briquettes are in great demand. They are in great demand on the market as gas prices are constantly rising. Nowadays, many small enterprises offer wood waste recycling services. Financial resources invested in production are returned in just a few months.