Father: Arkady (Aron) Nakhimovich Abramovich Mother: Irina Vasilievna Mikhailenko Spouse: 1) Olga Yurievna Lysova
2) Irina Vyacheslavovna Malandina Children: sons: Arkady and Ilya
daughters: Anna, Sophia and Arina Awards:

Roman Arkadyevich Abramovich(born October 24, Saratov, RSFSR) - a major Russian businessman; former governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug;

Status scores


Taken into the family of his father's brother, Leib Abramovich, Roman spent a significant part of his youth in the city of Ukhta (Komi ASSR), where he worked as the head of the Pechorles work supply department at KomilesURS.

In the late 1980s - early 1990s, he was engaged in small business (production, then - intermediary and trading operations), later switching to oil trading activities. Later became close to Boris Berezovsky and family Russian President Boris Yeltsin. It is believed that it was thanks to these connections that Abramovich later managed to get ownership of the Sibneft oil company. (see below for more details).

Starting a business

In the late 1980s, he organized the Uyut cooperative, whose official activity was the production of toys from polymer materials. Abramovich's partners in Uyut, Yevgeny Shvidler and Valery Oif, subsequently formed the management team of Sibneft.

In the early 1990s, he was the founder of companies: JSC Mekong, IPP Firm Supertechnology-Shishmarev, CJSC Elita, CJSC Petroltrans, CJSC GID, NPR and many others.

In 1991-1993 Abramovich headed the small enterprise AVK, which was engaged in commercial and intermediary activities, including the resale of petroleum products. In 1992, the investigation found that Abramovich committed theft of 55 tanks with diesel fuel from the state-owned Ukhta oil refinery in the amount of about 4 million rubles (criminal case No. 79067 of the Moscow city prosecutor's office on embezzlement of state property on an especially large scale), the investigation issued a decision to place him in custody.

According to the materials of the investigation, the small enterprise "AVK", which was led by Abramovich, received this fuel under false documents. Subsequently, the damage caused to the state was allegedly compensated, the case was dismissed “due to the absence of corpus delicti”, and the prosecutor who initiated the case was fired.

Oil trader

Creation and privatization of Sibneft

It was at the beginning of 1995 that Abramovich, together with Berezovsky, began to implement joint project on the creation of a single vertically integrated oil company based on Noyabrskneftegaz and the Omsk Oil Refinery, which at that time were part of Rosneft. Viktor Gorodilov supported this idea, while Ivan Litskevich, CEO Omsk Oil Refinery, insisted on the creation of FIG.

August 19, 1995, swimming in the Irtysh, Ivan Litskevich dies. Five days later, on August 24, by decree of President Boris Yeltsin, the Siberian oil company", or "Sibneft". In September 1995, Pyotr Yanchev, the head of the Balkar-Trading company, which could compete with the privatization of Sibneft, was arrested and spent two years in prison.

The board of directors of Sibneft includes Viktor Gorodilov (president of the company), and. about. General Director of the Omsk Oil Refinery Konstantin Potapov and Governor Omsk region Leonid Polezhaev, whose son, Alexei, worked for Abramovich in the Moscow branch of Runicom S.A.

In 1995-1997 Abramovich and Berezovsky use the companies they created earlier to acquire Sibneft shares either directly or through subsidiaries in mortgage and investment competitions. The conditions of the tenders ensured that only participants affiliated with each other were allowed to participate in them, who bought shares at practically the starting price in the absence of any competition.

So in December 1995, 51% of the shares of Sibneft (2.3 million shares) were pledged to CJSC Neftyanaya financial company"under a government loan in the amount of $100.3 million (with a starting price of $100 million), and in April 1997 Financial Oil Corporation LLC bought them out for $110 million.

Big business, scandalous fame and access to the state level

In January - May 1998, the first unsuccessful attempt to create a united company Yuksi took place on the basis of the merger of Sibneft and Yukos, the completion of which was prevented by the ambitions of the owners.

According to some information, the beginning of the divergence of business and political interests Abramovich and Berezovsky, which subsequently ended in a break in relations.

In November 1998, the first mention of Abramovich appeared in the media (with for a long time even his photographs were missing) - the dismissed head of the Presidential Security Service, Alexander Korzhakov, called him the treasurer of President Yeltsin's inner circle (the so-called "family"). Information became public that Abramovich pays the expenses of the President's daughter Tatyana Dyachenko and her future husband Valentin Yumashev, was engaged in financing election campaign Yeltsin in 1996, lobbying for government appointments.

In December 1999, Abramovich became a State Duma deputy from the Chukotka constituency No. 223. A year later, he won gubernatorial elections in Chukotka, gaining over 90% of the vote, and resigns as a deputy. Abramovich brings his managers from Sibneft with him to Chukotka and invests significant funds of his own in improving the living conditions of local residents.

In 2000, Abramovich, together with Oleg Deripaska, created the Russian Aluminum company, and also became co-owners of Irkutskenergo, the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station and the RusPromAvto automotive holding (production of cars and trucks, buses and road construction equipment).

At the end of 2000, Abramovich bought out a block of ORT shares (42.5%) from Boris Berezovsky and resold them to Sberbank six months later. In the spring of 2001, Sibneft shareholders bought up a blocking stake in Aeroflot (26%).

In May 2001, the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia initiated several criminal cases against the management of Sibneft at the request of State Duma deputies on the basis of an act of the Accounts Chamber on violations during the privatization of Sibneft, but already in August 2001, the investigation was terminated due to the lack of corpus delicti.

In the summer of 2001, for the first time, Abramovich entered the list of the richest people according to Forbes magazine with a fortune of $ 14 billion.

In October 2001, it becomes officially known that the shareholders of Sibneft created the company Millhouse Capitalregistered in London and received management of all their assets. Shvidler, President of Sibneft, becomes Chairman of the Board of Directors of Millhouse.

In December 2002, Sibneft, together with TNK, acquired at an auction 74.95% of the shares of the Russian-Belarusian company Slavneft (earlier, Sibneft bought another 10% of the shares from Belarus) and subsequently divided its assets among themselves.

In the summer of 2003, Abramovich bought the Chelsea English football club, which was on the verge of ruin, paid off its debts and completed the team. expensive football players, which was widely reported in the media in Britain and in Russia, where he was accused of investing Russian money in foreign sports.

Starting from the second half of 2003, the Sibneft company was subjected to inspections by the Prosecutor General's Office regarding the legality of the acquisition in December 1995 of a stake in a number of companies - Noyabrskneftegazgeofizika, Noyabrskneftegaz, the Omsk Oil Refinery and Omsknefteprodukt, and in March 2004 the Ministry of Taxes and fees filed "Sibneft" tax claims for 2000-2001 in the amount of about one billion dollars. Later it became known that the size of the tax debt was reduced by more than three times by the tax authorities, and the debt itself has already been returned to the budget.

In 2003, there was another attempt to merge Sibneft and Yukos, which fails on the initiative of Abramovich after the arrest of Khodorkovsky and the presentation of multi-billion tax claims against Yukos.

During 2003-2005, Abramovich sold his stakes in Aeroflot, Russian Aluminum, Irkutskenergo and the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station, RusPromAvto - and, finally, Sibneft.

business conflicts

Private security

According to information released The Sunday Times, R. Abramovich's bodyguard reached 40 professional specialists on safety: in the UK there are about 20; a similar number accompanies him on voyages on his yachts, foreign travels and trips to Russia. Such a "private army" - about 8 times over size standard bodyguard unit and cost an estimated £1.2 million a year. According to the newspaper, the increase in security is due to fears of kidnapping.

Abramovich's security is under the control of a former officer SAS(British Army Special Forces) Mark Skipp ( Mark Skipp); a new London security firm was recently hired Fusion.

Personal vehicles

Abramovich has become the biggest spender in the world, he owns five luxury yachts in Western media they are called the "Abramovich Fleet" (Eng. Abramovich Navy) :


  1. Abramovich's gubernatorial powers terminated
  2. Abramovich on the list of "The Worlds Billionaires - 2009" of Forbes magazine
  3. Mikhail Overchenko. Billionaires were blown away // Vedomosti, 03/12/2009, No. 43 (2313)
  4. There are almost twice as many dollar billionaires in Russia in a year www.rb.ru April 18, 2008
  5. "Newspaper. Ru", "Free and still rich", March 14, 2007
  6. Jason Beattie & Jonathan Prynn. Super-rich paying no income tax Evening Standard June 21, 2007
  7. Mark Hollingsworth and Russell Hotten. Abramovich transfers homes to himself Telegraph.co.uk 07/08/2007
  8. Abramovich wants to sell Chelsea. Sunday Times (January 18, 2009). - "Philip Beresford, who compiles The Sunday Times Rich List, conservatively estimates that Abramovich has lost £3 billion from his £11.7 billion fortune." Retrieved 18 January 2009.
  9. Sunday Times: Abramovich is going to sell London "Chelsea" NEWSru 18 January 2009.
  10. About the family of Arkady Abramovich
  11. http://www.svobodanews.ru/Article/2006/12/08/20061208192426750.html
  12. Unknown pages of the life of Roman Abramovich
  13. Gaznefteprom magazine "Oil and Gas Vertical"
  14. Sky News: Abramovich divorced his wife Lenta.ru
  15. Double reinsurance // Expert Online, March 14, 2007
  16. In defense of Daria // The Guardian, 17 September 2008
  17. http://lenta.ru/news/2008/10/12/abramovich/
  18. http://www.lenta.ru/news/2008/10/22/duma/
  19. Decision on initiation of criminal proceedings and Decision on taking into custody
  20. Empire of Chigirinsky RBC daily 03.11.06
  21. Berezovsky served Abramovich with a lawsuit after meeting him by chance in a NEWSru.com boutique on October 7, 2007
  22. Christopher Leake. Battle of the oligarchs… the amazing showdown between Roman Abramovich and his arch rival dailymail.co.uk October 6, 2007
  23. Abramovich's lawyers presented to the London court the history of his transactions with Mark Hollingsworth Berezovsky. Abramovich's 40-strong army Timeline July 8, 2007
  24. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/worldnews.html?in_article_id=565449&in_page_id=1811
  25. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4161/is_20040530/ai_n12893983


  • ABRAMOVICH Roman Arkadyevich Reference in the database labyrinth

A few years later, he becomes a deputy in the Chukotka district. Exactly one year later, in 2000, he was elected to the post of governor.

A little more time passes, and Roman Abramovich buys the Chelsea football club for himself and begins to earn a lot of money on it. In 2005, he decides to sell Sibneft shares for $13 billion, while at the same time considering leaving the post of governor. In 2008, Roman Abramovich leaves the post of governor by permission of Medvedev.

First steps to success

At first, Abramovich worked as a mechanic in the construction department. Then he was a stock broker for a while. And he did it, and he already then received good money. Abramovich was spinning as best he could and did not sit in one place. In the 90s, Roman created several firms dealing with consumer goods and intermediary activities.

big business

Being engaged in the sale of oil, Abramovich contacted Boris Berezovsky and together they create a Closed Joint-stock company"PK-Trust" Then Roman creates another dozen oil companies and eventually becomes the director of Sibneft. For this, he and his companions developed a whole strategy. This was Roman Abramovich's plan on how to get rich.

Roman Abramovich was the governor of Kamchatka. AT given time Roman has up to 20 billion dollars, not counting what he has. These are real estate, factories, a football club, several planes, helicopters, expensive cars, yachts, and even an island in the Caribbean. In general, Abramovich is well done. This is a person who achieved his goals and went through many difficulties that not everyone can handle.

The story of Roman Abramovich's military service

I recently heard a story about Roman Abramovich, I don’t know how true it is, but if it were true, then just great respect for Roman.

When Roman Abramovich served in the army, then he already laid the foundation for success and understood how the business was built. The demobilization approached, and according to tradition, the old-timers who retire must perform the “demobilization chord”. This is when demobilizations are given the hardest work, and before being fired, they must complete it. And so there were 3 of them and they were instructed to cut down a huge piece of forest, for short time. Of course, this is almost impossible to do. And only one soldier "realized" what needs to be done to get out of this situation. Roman Abramovich, walked around the local villages and found those people who need this forest, then turned to the officers that he needed a permit to cut down the forest, he managed to get a permit, which he sold to the locals.

Russian billionaire, owner football club Chelsea.

Out of the frying pan into the fire

If Roman Abramovich's ancestors had been told that their son would become a billionaire, they might have believed. And perhaps not. For them, life was by no means always the best.

Was born future oligarch October 24, 1966 in Saratov. It was to this city that Roman's maternal grandmother, Faina Borisovna Grutman, managed to evacuate from Ukraine in the first days of the Great Patriotic War. Roman's mother Irina was then three years old.

The history of the paternal family was even more tragic. Nakhim (Nakhman) Leibovich and Toibe Stepanovna Abramovich lived in Belarus, but after the revolution they moved to neighboring Lithuania. But in 1940, Soviet power came there too. Just before the start of the war in the western border areas of the USSR, a "cleansing of the anti-Soviet, criminal and socially dangerous element" was carried out.

Families were sent to Siberia, many of the deportees died in the camps. Among them was Abramovich's father. Nakhim Leibovich died in 1942 in the NKVD camp in the settlement of Reshety. Krasnoyarsk Territory. However, the couple separated even earlier, during the deportation, the father and mother with the children ended up in different cars. Three sons - Leib, Abram and Aron (he preferred the Russified version of the name, Arkady) Toibe Stepanovna raised alone.

Later it turned out that nothing good family The Abramovichs would not have waited even if they managed to avoid the attention of the NKVD and stay in Lithuania. After the Nazis captured the Soviet republic during World War II, most of the Jews who lived there were exterminated. Also, families.

Orphan childhood

Roman Arkadyevich Abramovich was born on October 24, 1966 in Saratov, and at first it seemed that fate did not spoil him at all. Parents lived in Syktyvkar, but when the boy was one year old, his mother, Irina Vasilievna, nee Mikhailenko, died. And at four, Roma also lost his father - Arkady Nakhimovich, who worked in the economic council, tragically died as a result of an accident at a construction site.

The boy was taken in by his uncle, Leib Nakhimovich. He worked in Ukhta as the head of the Pechorles work supply department at KomilesURS. In Ukhta, Roman went to school, but did not study there for long. It was decided to send the boy to Moscow, to the second uncle, Abram.

Non-higher education

Roman Abramovich received a matriculation certificate in 1983, after graduating from Moscow secondary school No. 232. However, either his studies were not very interesting, or the results were not very impressive, but the young man returned to Ukhta and entered the industrial institute, the forestry department. The educational institution turned out to be popular among people who would succeed in business and musical culture in the future, for example, Andrei Derzhavin was Abramovich's classmate.

However, Roman was not fond of studying, and information about graduation educational institution no. It is only known that in 1984 Abramovich was drafted into the army. biennial military service in the Armed Forces of the USSR, he passed the Kharkov region, in training center Air defense of military unit No. 63148 stationed in Bogodukhov.

In the early 2000s, some media wrote that Roman Abramovich studied at the Gubkin Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas. There is no confirmation of this.

Rubber toys and oil trading

Meanwhile, serious changes were brewing in the USSR. In 1986, just when Abramovich was demobilized, perestroika had been going on in the country for a year. For a boy without certain occupations, but with good organizational skills, these changes were definitely for the better.

At 22, when many were just graduating from college, Roman Arkadyevich was already the head of the Uyut cooperative. The organization was engaged in the production of rubber toys. Samples were brought from business trips by his second wife, Irina. However, for his requests, the matter turned out to be certainly too small. He founded several more firms, was engaged in trading and intermediary operations, and then switched to trading in oil and oil products. However, useful contacts played a key role in the subsequent rise of the young entrepreneur.

In the Yeltsin family

Roman Abramovich started doing business together with Yevgeny Shvidler and distinguished himself in this by an enviable constancy - they still jointly own the investment company Millhouse Capital UK Ltd.

However, soon Abramovich had a much more promising partner. According to the media, in the early 1990s, Roman Arkadyevich met the brilliant Boris Berezovsky, and through him with the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, and his daughter Tatyana Dyachenko. Yeltsin was already ill then, and as they said, the decisions were actually made by Tatyana Borisovna and Valentin Yumashev, who became her husband.

It was not the first time for Roman Arkadyevich, an orphan, to become a native in a strange family. As they write, in fact, he became a native for the Yeltsin family. This meant bright prospects for building own business than Roman Arkadyevich took advantage of.

Forward to Sibneft

In 1993, Roman Arkadievich was engaged in the sale of oil to the Noyabrskneftegaz company. Together with Boris Berezovsky, he created the offshore company Runicom Ltd. It was registered in Gibraltar, and there were five in Europe subsidiaries. Abramovich headed the Moscow office. And in 1995, the partners began to implement another major project on the basis of the Omsk Oil Refinery and Noyabrskneftegaz, creating the Siberian Oil Company.

Later, the Accounts Chamber, after checking the privatization of Sibneft, would consider it inefficient and inexpedient, but the train had already left, and by the age of 30, Abramovich was a member of the board of directors of JSC Noyabrskneftegaz and Sibneft, and headed the Moscow representative office of the company. Evgeny Shvidler became president.

By 2000, Abramovich's fortune was estimated at $1.4 billion. And in 2001 it became known that the shareholders of Sibneft created the investment company Millhouse Capital, which still manages all of Abramovich's assets.

Come out of the dusk

The media did not notice Abramovich for the time being - in Russia in the early 1990s there were much more colorful figures - Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Potanin, Khodorkovsky ... For the first time, journalists heard the name of Abramovich in 1998 from the dismissed head of the presidential security service Alexander Korzhakov.

He said that the entrepreneur, little known outside the political and business elite, is actually almost grey Cardinal under Tatyana Dyachenko that he funded the presidential campaign, pays the family's bills, and influences government appointments. Some near-Kremlin commentators called him already more influential than Berezovsky himself, who had a reputation for being almost all-powerful. Most importantly, Berezovsky himself thought so, BAB, as he was called by the first letters of his first name, patronymic and last name. Time has shown that he was wrong about this.

As the journalists found out later, by the end of the 1990s, there were disagreements between Abramovich and Berezovsky, which ended in a complete break in business and personal relations. It is believed that the “first bell” was the failed 1998 merger between Sibneft and Yukos, and the gap occurred a little later in 2000, when Berezovsky decided that everything was possible for him, spoke out against Vladimir Putin, who became president, and lost this fight .

Abramovich never spoke out against the government, and Putin was strictly called “you”. When journalists who managed to interview the billionaire (there are hardly a dozen of them) asked why, Roman Arkadyevich explained that Vladimir Vladimirovich was older than him.

Billionaire in politics

After "coming out of the shadows" Abramovich almost immediately went into politics. In 1999 he became an MP State Duma in the Chukotka single-mandate constituency No. 223. Roman Arkadievich was connected with Chukotka by business - it was there that firms affiliated with Sibneft were registered, which were engaged in the sale of oil and oil products.

In the Russian parliament, the billionaire deputy did not enter any of the factions, becoming a member of the committee on the problems of the North and Far East. But Abramovich did not manage to engage in lawmaking for a long time. In December 2000, he was elected governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Head of Chukotka

As Abramovich himself admitted later, he was motivated to run for governor by a desire to somehow change the difficult life of 50,000 residents of the Far East region. The billionaire invested his own funds in the development and improvement of the standard of living, so to some extent it was a very large act of charity.

It seems that Roman Arkadyevich regretted his impulse pretty soon. According to the media, several times he asked Putin to accept his resignation, but each time he was refused. Abramovich was freed from the burden of civil service only by Dmitry Medvedev, who became president. He terminated Abramovich's gubernatorial powers ahead of schedule, and in this case there is no doubt that the wording "according to own will' corresponds to the truth.

True, it was not possible to get rid of obligations to the region right away: Abramovich was quickly elected a deputy of the regional parliament, which Roman Arkadyevich headed for another five years. He left his post as council chairman in 2013.

The idea of ​​a social burden on big business was born already then, but Abramovich still stands out from the general background of entrepreneurs. They write that there was nothing personal in the interest of the billionaire in Chukotka, only business. However, the Abramovich era is still remembered in the region as Golden time a real miracle that is unlikely to happen again.

Football club in your pocket

In Russia at the turn of the 1990s and early 2000s, Abramovich became famous due to his proximity to power structures. But in the West, he became famous for an extravagant purchase that cost the billionaire £140 million. In the summer of 2003, Roman Abramovich became the owner of the Chelsea football club.

According to some reports, the billionaire would not have refused to acquire a club in his homeland, but this was not possible (they write that he liked CSKA, but the deal did not take place).

And then Abramovich favored the English sport. Chelsea were on the verge of ruin. The Russian billionaire by that time had settled in London, despite the governorship in the opposite end of the world. He paid off the club's debts, staffed it with expensive players, and eventually achieved the revival of the team. On May 10, 2012, Chelsea won the UEFA Champions League for the first time in their history. In 2016, Forbes valued the team at $1.66 billion.

Not the first among equals

It is interesting to note that although Abramovich enjoys far more fame than many of his colleagues in big business, he was the richest man in Russia for only three years. This title was provided to him by the sale of Sibneft shares. It happened in 2005, and the buyer was Gazprom. This deal brought Abramovich $13 billion.

Apart from valuable papers Sibneft, Roman Arkadyevich, during 2003-2005, also got rid of other assets - stakes in Aeroflot, Russian Aluminum, Irkutskenergo, the Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Plant and RusPromAvto. According to the media, he did this to avoid possible political risks. Many of his colleagues in the “oligarchy,” as the political system in Russia under Yeltsin is sometimes called, had by then left the country, having lost most of their property.

Now in the list of the richest people in Russia, Abramovich is in 11th place. His fortune is estimated at 10,800 million dollars. He owns 31 percent of the shares of Evraz, 24 percent of the shares of Channel One, as well as a variety of real estate.

You can't forbid living beautifully

Abramovich does not deny himself attributes beautiful life. His art collection is estimated at a billion dollars. He owns exclusive cars, planes and helicopters, and Western journalists have nicknamed Abramovich's fleet of three luxury yachts.

The billionaire owns several mansions in different parts world, including a villa and a penthouse in the UK and a dacha in the Moscow region.

Abramovich's permanent residence is London. However, in 2016, according to Forbes journalists, the billionaire is a tax resident of Russia and spends at least 183 days a year in his native country, as required by law.

Recently, information appeared in the media that Abramovich had, but this information was denied.

Seven on the benches

Roman Abramovich does not like to talk about his personal life. The media constantly credits him high-profile novels, however, it is far from always possible for journalists to find out for sure.

Roman Abramovich was married three times. His first chosen one was Olga Yurievna Lysova. They lived together for several years, but Olga could not have children, and the orphan, who at that time had not yet become an oligarch, dreamed of a large family.

Abramovich fulfilled his dream with his second wife. Irina Vyacheslavovna Malandina worked as a flight attendant, and then gave birth to her husband five children - Anna, Arkady, Sophia, Arina and Ilya. Growing up Anna and Sophia are enviable and rich brides, Arkady works in the investment field, and he organized his own business while still a student - that is, it is difficult to call him a typical representative of the golden youth and playboys. He owns his own successful company, ARA Capital Limited. Some media write that Arkady managed to earn his own fortune without the help of his father. Arina and Ilya are still minors, they are 17 and 15 years old.

A divorce followed in 2007. The couple agreed amicably - Irina Vyacheslavovna, who in 1991 married an ordinary, albeit energetic young man, received £6 billion and real estate, including a castle in France.

Dasha Zhukova became a homemaker, socialite, entrepreneur and designer. They say that it was under her influence that the billionaire became interested in contemporary art. The couple had two children - son Aaron-Alexander and daughter Leah. In 2017, it became known that the couple broke up.

My home is my castle. About the country house near Moscow, Roman Abramovich, you can safely say so. Of all his real estate, this is perhaps the largest and safest. What is so amazing about it?

safe house

The roots of the history of this site go back to the distant Soviet past. The house was built first for one minister of defense, then another minister lived in it. The Gorbachevs were supposed to live on the neighboring site, but the wife did not like something there, and they never settled there. And then Boris Berezovsky united all this for himself. In 1998, Abramovich bought this residence for his family.

A four-meter fence makes you feel safe. And in case of an unexpected end of the world, the Ministry of Defense has already provided a bomb shelter.

There are also other immovable properties, and in different corners earth. Here are just a few of them.

Great Britain

Abramovich's mansion is located in a prestigious area of ​​London. In this house, he bought apartments in order to combine them. The result should be truly royal possessions.

The Russian oligarch also bought a fifteen-bedroom mansion on Kensington Palace Garden Street. In it, he also plans to make a restructuring. In the basement there will be a garage, a spa and a gym.


On the ski resort Aspen, Abramovich has his own ski chalet. Nearby is his two-level ranch Wildcat Ridge with a huge land plot. His distinguishing feature that the house is in seclusion on a hill. And from this site opens amazing view on the Rocky Mountains.

France, island of St. Barts

On the Caribbean coast, Abramovich has his own estate. He did not regret paying almost 90 million dollars for these lands.


On the French Riviera, Abramovich purchased the Chateau de la Croix in 2004. This mansion is designed in the Victorian style, but this did not stop Roman from making significant changes in it, and even placing a huge swimming pool on the roof.

Daria Nikitina

Reading time: 2 minutes


It's funny, but even about the birthplace of Roman Abramovich, there are several versions at once. According to some sources, the baby, who was destined to become one of the richest people in Russia, was born in Saratov, according to others - in Saransk. On the third - in Syktyvkar. What place of birth is for certain, probably only Roman Arkadyevich himself knows, but he is clearly in no hurry to share his knowledge with the public.

A remarkable fact: already in the 1990s, when Abramovich was already a very rich man and, according to rumors, the personal banker of the Yeltsin "family", Russian media there were no contemporary photographs of him at that time. None of the paparazzi could capture this influential person on photographic film full face. The protection of Roman Arkadyevich in this regard worked no worse than the notorious "nine" of the FSB. The taboo on the image of Abramovich was lifted only in the years of the second presidential campaign Boris Yeltsin - only then did the world recognize this slightly unshaven man - the most authoritative Russian oligarch.

In this article:

Abramovich's early years: how was it?

Meanwhile, Abramovich made his way to the oligarchs - like many of his other colleagues in a successful Russian business- from the very bottom. Parents are ordinary citizens of the USSR: father is a supplier-builder in distant Syktyvkar, mother is a musician. Both died early when Roman was still a small child. And again, about the circumstances of this family tragedy, there are different versions None of them have been documented.

Roman was taken in by relatives, and after a while he and his grandmother moved to Moscow. Studied at high school at number 232, but, oddly enough, Abramovich does not appear on the list of her famous graduates. According to Lyudmila Prusenkova, the director of the school, this was done at the insistence of Roman Abramovich himself: he does not want to shine his past.

Where did young Roman go to study after school, again, no reliable information no. He is credited with being a student at various universities, but there are no documents on this subject in the archives of universities. One thing is known: Roman Abramovich was drafted into the army at the right age where he served in the platoon. Higher education the future oligarch received only after the army - a law degree from the Moscow State Law Academy. But even before that, Abramovich tried his hand at business. He organized with friends the cooperative "Uyut", where he was engaged in the production of children's toys. Subsequently, these partners of his went with Abramovich further in life and became his assistants when he headed Sibneft.

However, before that, there were various adventures in the life of the entrepreneur Abramovich, including not very pleasant ones. When he switched to oil in his business, he even managed to be under investigation, but then the charges against him were dropped.

Rise to big business

Take-off in the career of Roman Arkadyevich happened after he headed the representative office of the Swiss company Runikom. From here, Abramovich, who became a well-known businessman, smoothly planned chair of the head of the board of directors of Sibneft. And this was already a qualitatively different circle of acquaintances, including Boris Berezovsky.

Today, with Roman Abramovich primarily based in London, Millhouse manages his vast business operations. Among the numerous enterprises under the control of Abramovich are not only those related to oil, but also gold mining, pharmacological, mining ... Yes, what only today is not in the arsenal of the Russian oligarch, and not only at home, but throughout the world.

According to Forbes magazine in 2011 on the accounts of Roman Abramovich was 13.4 billion dollars, and he was ninth in the ranking of the richest Russians. But maybe he does not strive to be the first? If only because the instinct of self-preservation is developed in him, given that the current Russian authorities can be ruthless to the oligarchs who cross the line of obedience. Hence some of Abramovich's decisions: he resignedly sold, according to the insistence of the Kremlin, very tidbits of his property - stakes in Russian Aluminum, Sibneft, Aeroflot and some other companies. But he escaped persecution. Freedom is worth it.

present tense

Now Roman Abramovich has not only a business, but also the opportunity to engage in his favorite hobby, which includes football. Abramovich's property - the famous London club "Chelsea". To call it a business - the language does not turn. Bye Russian oligarch he mostly invests in Chelsea, the return in monetary terms is not visible, but he is very popular in the UK, which is also important.

In Russia, Abramovich is also tried on specific cases. He managed to visit the governor of Chukotka and even invested heavily in the development of this region. When the Kremlin asked him to leave this post, Roman Arkadyevich complied. But after some time, he was again in demand by the Chukchi people, who immediately realized that without Abramovich's money, the life of the Chukchi becomes completely bleak. Roman Arkadyevich agreed to run for deputies of the Chukotka Duma, where he was elected almost unanimously in 2008. And the newly elected deputies immediately made Abramovich the speaker, which provided the Chukchi people with further material support from the oligarch.