It so happened that for most people, snakes are a real phobia that terrifies a person who has met even the most harmless and small snake. In fact, most snakes are not as dangerous as everyone makes them out to be, and more often than not, the animal will choose to run away in an uncomfortable situation. Many of these reptiles carry a deadly venom, but only a few species use it in an aggressive manner.

Snakes are one of the most ancient animals on our planet that were able to survive the cataclysms and preserve their appearance as it appeared 167 million years ago. If the smallest snakes rarely reach a length of 10 centimeters, then the most big snakes can really scare you with their size.

1 Reticulated Pythons

Reticulated pythons are known as the longest snakes on the planet. The length of some individuals can exceed 8 meters. Descriptions of reticulated pythons have been preserved in the literature, the length of which reached 10 meters.

it non-venomous snakes who prefer to strangle their prey before eating it. Given the size of this giant snake, it will not be difficult for her to kill a large animal. Science knows cases when such a python easily dealt with a pig weighing almost 60 kg.

In early 2017, the news spread around the world that a reticulated python in Indonesia had eaten a whole adult human. When the police managed to open the belly of a 7-meter snake, they found a missing man there, who had been looking for several days. The python simply could not crawl away from the scene of the "crime" and began to digest his victim in the nearest bushes.

2. Anacondas

The giant anaconda cannot boast of its impressive size in length, and is slightly inferior to the reticulated python in this. However, this is the most massive snake in the world; statements often appeared in the scientific community that the mass of anacondas found reached 200 kg.

In 1944, one of the researchers stated that he had found a giant anaconda in the jungles of Colombia, the length of which exceeded 11 meters, but although scientists did not refute these words, they questioned them. However, since then it has not been possible to meet a single specimen longer than 9 meters. Even with such a length, the snake can swallow prey that is several times larger.

Anaconda is a water boa. She swims and dives well, so it is difficult to notice her in the waters of the Amazon. This boa constrictor spends most of its life in the water, getting ashore only to bask in the sun and normalize the heat balance in its body. Female anacondas are much larger than males. Despite the fact that these snakes prefer not to attack such large prey as a person, it is still strongly not recommended to walk alone along the muddy shore of the Amazon, something can go wrong.

3. King cobra

It is difficult for a king cobra to compete with boas and anacondas, because the latter have such sizes due to the need to kill their prey without the use of poison. The cobra, on the other hand, feels great in this regard, it has magnificent poisonous glands that produce a strong poison.

The king cobra is the world's largest venomous snake. The average size of such an animal in nature is about 4 meters, but at the beginning of the 20th century a specimen lived in the London Zoo, the length of which was 5.7 meters.

Many people think that the cobra is the most venomous snake in the world, but this is not true. Undoubtedly, its poison is deadly to humans, but the king cobra takes not by force, but by quantity. The volume of poison injected in one bite is incredibly large. Cobras can be overly aggressive, but if you study their behavior, you can predict the movements of the snake and even manipulate it, which is what the famous “fakirs” from India use.

4. Dark tiger python

Another largest snake from the python family, which, according to some evidence, can reach a length of 7 meters. However, there are no officially registered individuals with such sizes, and the largest dark tiger python, whose length was measured, lived in Snake Park in Illinois, and its dimensions exceeded 5.7 meters.
Individuals that are found in nature rarely reach 5 meters, however, this is a very large snake, with which it is strongly not recommended to stay alone, such a meeting may not end in your favor. Python bites are very painful, although this snake does not have poison.

The world's largest snakes don't have to be venomous or life-threatening, but most modern people still fear them more than any other living beings on the planet. We all treat snakes differently: someone gets them as pets, someone sees the meaning of their life in them and associates with them professional activity, someone fears them more than death. The last category, regardless of age, courage and views on these creatures, includes most of inhabitants of our planet. Rest assured that everyone will feel a shiver in their body when they encounter the largest snake species by weight on the planet!

We invite you to take a look at the TOP 10, which contains the largest snakes in the world that can terrify even the most fearless with their size and appearance.

10. Large water python (Apodora papuana) up to 22.5 kg

Large water python (Papuan olive python) is a unique snake that is sole representative genus Apodora. Papuan pythons feed on small mammals and medium-sized relatives, and their color has a characteristic olive tint, regardless of their habitat. With their average dimensions, these reptiles are no more than ordinary pythons, however, several record specimens (the largest of them had a body length of 4.78 meters and weighed more than 22.5 kilograms) allowed them to take last place in our ranking of the largest snakes in the world. The average copy of this species has a body length of 1.5 to 4 meters and weighs between 18-20 kilograms.

9. Anaconda Deschauensei (Eunectes deschauenseei) up to 30 kg

Anaconda Deschauenseya or "dark anaconda"- a giant reptile that lives most of its life under water or on its surface. An adult has a body up to two meters long and weighs up to 30 kilograms. Such proportions of her body not only surprise people, but also make this snake an ideal hunter with high muscle strength, reaction and speed. The voracity of the dark anaconda is surprising: it can eat everything that it comes across, from fish and turtles to chickens and piglets. A feature of this species of snake is that it was found exclusively on the territory of Bolivia, in swampy and sparsely populated regions, which is why almost nothing is known about the anaconda dechauensea.

8. Amethyst python (Morelia amethistina) up to 30 kg

amethyst pythons from Australia have become part of the list of the largest snakes in the world due to their amazing body size. According to unconfirmed reports, these snakes reach a length of 8.5 meters. The average representative of the genus grows up to 3.5-4 meters and weighs up to 30 kilograms. These snakes are not poisonous, but are excellent hunters, catching their prey at night, thanks to their quick reaction and powerful grip that leaves no chance for their victims. Unpretentiousness in nutrition and good tolerance for captivity make this snake an excellent pet that has attracted many fanciers. large reptiles around the world.

7. up to 40 kg

The list of the largest snakes in the world would be incomplete without an exotic yellow anaconda, which has a body length of 3 to 5 and above meters with a weight of up to 40 kilograms. Habitat - swamps and swamps South America. Due to the coloring corresponding to the place of residence, the yellow (Paraguayan) anacondas are perfect hunters who won't go hungry. The glands of the snake are not poisonous, which is why it has to twist around the victim, immobilizing it and making it impossible to breathe. Big sizes This type of snake allows them to hunt caimans, fish, turtles and even deer!

6. up to 45 kg

common boa constrictor is considered not only one of the longest snakes, but also takes the sixth line in the ranking with the largest snakes on the planet. We have all seen boas in pictures, movies or encyclopedias at least once in our lives. Deceptive appearance reptile does not negate the fact that she is the perfect killer, who has a unique technology of reprisals against her victim. Unlike most other members of its genus, common boa constrictor squeezes the victim and waits until he exhales all the air, after which he squeezes the chest even more to prevent re-breathing. In nature, there are recorded representatives of boas with a body length of up to 5.5 meters and a weight of up to 45 kg. The habitat of this snake extends throughout South and Central America.

5. Indian python (Python molurus) up to 52 kg

Indian python- big and beautiful snake. Its amazing bright coloration and longevity (up to 25 years) have made it a target for many smugglers and connoisseurs of the exotic, which is why the population of this species has plummeted in last years. In addition, there are rumors that snake skin has healing properties and can cure many diseases. Maximum weight these snakes reach 52 kilograms, and the longest individuals, according to eyewitnesses, reached a body length of up to 6 meters, which allows them to hunt not only small mammals, but even on small wild boar, jackals and other animals.

4. up to 55 kg

Against the backdrop of other largest snakes in the world, hieroglyphic (African) pythons they have a relatively small body length, but they surprise with their weight, which can reach 55 kilograms. main feature This weighty predator is full of versatility, thanks to which he is able to climb trees, hunt in daylight and in complete darkness, swim in the water, sit in ambush or catch up with prey, and hunt in any other conditions. Unlike most of the large snakes described in the rating, this python has an extremely aggressive character, and a direct collision with it for most people ended in death.

3. up to 160 kg

Among the largest snakes in terms of weight reticulated python ranks third in the world. It is believed that this species is the heaviest and longest of all snakes living on the planet. This species is found in tropical forests and on mountain slopes, has a rather aggressive character. Life expectancy is 20 years. Reticulated pythons are loved by supporters of exotic pets. Much attention to snakes by smugglers causes significant damage to their population. Official records show specimens reaching 7.5 meters in length, but many residents of Southeast and South Asia claim to have seen reticulated pythons up to 12 meters.

2. up to 182 kg

Burmese python ranks second in the ranking and did not reach just a meter and a half to become the largest snake in the world. Notable Representatives of this species reached a length of 5.7 meters and weighed more than 180 kilograms. The habitat is mainly in South-East Asia, where pythons find refuge in lakes and swamps, in forests and meadows, and even in river valleys. Like most representatives of the largest snakes in the world, Burmese pythons have a special method of finding prey and hunting, which consists in the use of special receptors. It kills its snake prey with incredible muscular strength, allowing it to compress a heavy body around its victim, leaving no chance for it to slip out and run away.

1. Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus) up to 227 kg

Even the largest snakes in the world in the background gigantic green anaconda become harmless creatures! This reptile confidently wins the ranking thanks to individual specimens that (according to National Geographic magazine) have a body up to 9 meters long and weigh up to 227 kilograms. Incredible physique makes the green anaconda the most terrible predator for various birds, reptiles and mammals. It is a remarkable fact that there is only one creature that can cope with the anaconda - the spectacled caiman, however, this battle does not always bring victory to the crocodile. Impressive size, huge weight, the ability to hold your breath underwater and a frightening appearance prove that the green anaconda has rightfully received the title of the largest snake in the world by weight, of those currently living on the planet.

Titanoboa (Titanoboa cerrejonensis) over 1 ton

If we take into account the reptiles that have ever existed on Earth, then the largest in the world in terms of weight and length can be considered Titanoboa. it ancient view boas, extinct more than 58 million years ago. Presumably, they grew up to 13 meters and weighed more than 1 ton.

Any person, at least once, who has met a snake on his way, forever remembers this meeting, which cannot be pleasant. If even a harmless one can cause fear and panic, imagine what can happen when you meet a large snake! At this moment, you don’t think at all which is the largest snake on the planet, but, nevertheless, according to sources, the chances of dying from a snake bite are much less than from car accident. The world's largest snakes don't have to be venomous or life-threatening, but most modern people still fear them more than any other living creature on the planet. We all treat snakes differently: someone gets them as pets, someone sees the meaning of their life in them and associates professional activity with them, someone is more afraid of them than death. The last category, regardless of age, courage and views on these creatures, includes most of the inhabitants of our planet. Rest assured that everyone will feel a shiver in their body when they encounter the largest snake species by weight on the planet!

Is the most big snake that ever lived on earth. This representative of the order of reptiles lived on the planet in Paleogene period. which, as we remember from school course, flowed more than 60 million years ago. In length, this monster reached 15 meters, the weight was more than 10 centners, and the thickness could be up to 100 cm in girth. Fossilized remains were discovered in the state of South America - Colombia. Scientists have found that this species of snake lived in tropical forests at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, and this is what contributed to their growth, provided there was enough food, of course. If we analyze the snakes that now inhabit our planet, we can see that even now the most large species snakes live in humid and hot tropical climate. The Titanoboa is the only fossil found in South America and lived there between 65 and 55 million years BC. After eating, such a snake may not eat for many months, up to 1.5 years. After the dinosaurs died out, the titanoboa lived for about 10 million years. During this period she was the most big predator on the ground. On land, the titanoboa was very difficult to move at speed, so it did not pose any serious threat to animals capable of running. But in the water, the titanoboa was very, very dangerous. Now it is difficult to establish whether she ate crocodiles or alligators, but we can say with confidence that she was able to cope with them. Interestingly, a creature of this size in our climate would simply die. That is why this snake is so interesting in scientific circles. To maintain vital activity, a thirteen-meter reptile needs a temperature of 30-35 degrees. Apparently, sixty million years ago, this was the temperature that reigned on Earth.

Currently, another of the largest snakes in the world lives on our planet - this anaconda. Giant or Green. It is only 10 meters long, but its weight can be 220 kilograms. However, green anaconda it may well compete with the Asian python both in size and length. The largest living snake lives in New York, in the terrarium of the Zoological Society. She is about 9 meters tall and weighs 130 kilograms. But the most long length anaconda, which was recorded - 11 meters and 43 centimeters. It was measured in 1944 by a petroleum geologist who studied the jungles of Colombia and was looking for deposits of "black gold".

However, the main evidence, the body of the "queen of the anacondas", did not remain. According to the geologist, after stunning and measuring the snake came to its senses and crawled away. But the herpetological world still recognized the existence of a snake of this size. Since then, the length of almost 12 meters has been a universally recognized record. It was even entered into the Guinness Book of Records. In the 1930s, the zoological community announced a $1,000 reward for anyone who could prove the existence of an anaconda over 12.2 meters long. After that, former US President Theodore Roosevelt increased the prize to 6 thousand dollars, and reduced the size of the snake to 9.12 meters. Today, the payment has already grown to 50 thousand dollars, but still no one can get it. Therefore, a 9-meter copy from the New York terrarium, apparently, is the limit. This gives a trump card to supporters of the leadership of the Asian reticulated python. Although the only snake of the species, the length of which can be personally estimated, is one meter shorter than the anaconda from New York. The python lives in the Philadelphia Zoo.

However, it is worth noting that the remains were found in Egypt Giant African python who lived 55 million years ago. Part of the spine suggests that the snake had a length of 11 meters and 80 centimeters. Today, the average length of an ordinary anaconda is about 6 meters. And the cases of its growth up to nine meters are rare. The snake lives in the tropical forests of South America, in particular, in the quiet backwaters of the Amazon. There the Giant Anaconda searches for its prey and guards. It feeds on small and medium sized mammals. She pounces on the victim, covers her body with rings, after which she strangles and swallows whole. The anaconda digests food from several hours to several days. At this time, she does not eat anything, and also does not hunt. Just lies quietly in a half-asleep in a secluded place. And, despite numerous cinematic and folklore legends, the anaconda is not dangerous for an adult. Cases of snake attacks on people are rare. Hunters, as a rule, do not experience fear of meeting with anacondas. They destroy them in the same way that wolf farmers do so that the snakes do not exterminate the birds and livestock.

Anacondas live in remote places, so it is rather difficult to establish their numbers. However, it is already known that the re-population of this snake species is not a problem. Giant anacondas are ovoviviparous. The average snake litter is up to 40 newborns. In addition, they easily reproduce in natural environment, and in captivity. Females and males are not picky about the choice of a partner, it is enough just to get one into the visibility zone of the other. The largest snake on earth is not poisonous. She kills her prey by strangulation. And it does not release venom like other snakes. This is the main difference between the Giant Anaconda and the King Cobra - this is the largest poisonous snake in the world. She has the most a large number of poison.

The snake eater is translated from Latin name, which was awarded to the cobra by scientists who noticed her passion for eating other snakes, including extremely poisonous ones.

The largest poisonous reptile has one more name - Hamadryad. These creatures, growing throughout their lives (30 years), teem with rainforests India, Indonesia, Pakistan and the Philippines.

The longest snake of this species was caught in 1937 in Malaysia and transported to the London Zoo. Here it was measured, fixing the length, which amounted to 5.71 m, documented. It is said that specimens crawling in nature are even longer, although most adult cobras fit into the interval of 3-4 meters.

To my credit king cobra it should be noted that she is not the most poisonous and, moreover, quite patient: a person needs to be at the level of her eyes, and without making sudden movements, withstand her gaze. It is said that after a few minutes, the cobra calmly leaves the place of an unexpected meeting.



In the 1930s, a $1,000 reward was even announced for anyone who could prove the existence of an anaconda with a body over 12.2 meters. Then the premium increased to 6 thousand dollars, and the size of the snake decreased to some 9 meters and 12 centimeters. No one has ever received an award. By the way, today it is about 50 thousand dollars, so everyone who wants to get rich and enjoy the jungle can start searching.

It's actually fair to split the top spot between the anaconda and the Asian reticulated python.

According to unconfirmed reports, the record-breaking python that lived in one of the Japanese zoos in the 80s had a length of 12 meters 20 centimeters. However, officially the longest specimen listed in the Guinness Book of Records is considered to be a python caught back in 1912 on the island of Celebes (Sulawesi) in Indonesia. Its length was 9 meters 75 centimeters.

The largest reticulated python in captivity is a female Samantha, 7 meters 50 centimeters long, who was caught on an island in Borneo. She died in 2002 at the Bronx Zoo (New York). After her death, the laurels of the record holder passed to the python Fluffy, the pet of the herpetologist Bob Clark, who lived in the Columbus Zoo (Ohio, USA). Its length was 7.3 m, and its weight was about 135 kg. Fluffy died in 2010 at the age of 18 due to an internal tumor.

Lifetime photo of Fluffy

The average length of reticulated pythons is 4-8 meters.

Thus, the anaconda and the reticulated python to this day compete with each other for the right to be called the most long snakes on the ground.

The largest snakes on Earth are non-venomous. They kill their prey by strangulation, wrapping themselves around it in tight rings. Here it is worth mentioning the possible danger of these snakes to humans.

Giant snakes that attack brave travelers in the dense jungle and eat people are a favorite plot of many adventure stories. However, contrary to the fantasy of writers, the anaconda is not dangerous for an adult. Cases of attacks by giant snakes on people are rare and are usually caused by the fact that the snake did not calculate its strength or made a mistake in assessing the size of a person, seeing only part of his body under water. No specialist has seen a snake that could swallow prey weighing more than 60 kg. However, such snakes can pose a danger to children and adolescents; there are known cases of attacks of reticulated pythons on children with fatal. However, despite their giant size and aggressiveness reticulated pythons often kept in terrariums.

At present longest anaconda in the world is considered a snake that was donated to the New York Zoological Society. Nine meters and one hundred and thirty kilograms is the most dangerous combination of parameters. But a few years earlier, Colombian farmers stumbled upon an even larger specimen: the anaconda they caught reached almost twelve meters in length.

Cases of attacks on humans by anacondas are also rare. Georg Dahl, who explored the jungles of South America, wrote: “They asked me if I would dare to meet a boa constrictor in the forest. To this, I can sincerely answer that I have met them in the forest more than a dozen times, and, in my opinion, they are no more dangerous than amateur sausage. Boa constrictor and sausage are about equally aggressive. In order for the boa constrictor to begin to get angry, it is necessary to tease him strongly. He often expresses his displeasure with a loud hiss. And if you continue to bother the boa constrictor after that, he is able to bite you like an angry dog. And he will not immediately let you go with his thin, bent back teeth. (Anaconda belongs to the subfamily of boas; in the old literature, anacondas were also called water boas, since they lead an aquatic lifestyle).

It must be admitted that giant snakes suffer much more from human hands than people from them. First, in many countries they are eaten. Second, their skin beautiful patterns goes to the manufacture of shoes, as well as handbags and other haberdashery products.

AT different time travelers claimed that they saw with their own eyes or heard from eyewitnesses about snakes 30-40 meters long living in the Amazon. However, among those recognized as reliable, the maximum length is considered to be giant anaconda, measured by a Colombian geologist in 1944 who was exploring the Colombian jungle in search of oil deposits. He claimed that the specimen he discovered had a length 11 meters 43 centimeters. This specimen of the snake could not be saved: according to the researcher, the snake stunned by him, after measuring the growth, came to his senses and crawled away. Thus, no one else saw her. However, this result is officially recognized and listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Moreover, although the New York Zoological Society announced a prize of $ 1,000 back in the 30s of the 20th century to anyone who showed evidence of the existence of an anaconda over 12.2 meters long, the prize remained unclaimed. Later, ex-US President Theodore Roosevelt increased the prize to $6,000, and, on the contrary, reduced the required length of the snake to 9.12 meters. AT this moment the size of the award is $50,000, and the desired length is 10 meters, and the award is still waiting for its hero.

The average length of a giant (green) anaconda is 5-6 meters, individual instances reach 8-9 meters.

To date, the longest snake on Earth is the reticulated python, which lives in Asia.

According to unconfirmed reports, the record-breaking python that lived in one of the Japanese zoos in the 80s had a length of 12 meters 20 centimeters. However, officially the longest specimen listed in the Guinness Book of Records is considered to be a python caught back in 1912 on the island of Celebes (Sulawesi) in Indonesia. Its length was 9 meters 75 centimeters. The largest reticulated python in captivity is the female Samantha, 7 meters 50 centimeters who was caught on an island in Borneo. She died in 2002 at the Bronx Zoo (New York). After her death, the laurels of the record holder passed to the python Fluffy, the pet of the herpetologist Bob Clark, who lived in the Columbus Zoo (Ohio, USA). Its length was 7.3 m, and weight - about 135 kg. Fluffy died in 2010 at the age of 18 due to an internal tumor.

Lifetime photo of Fluffy

Average length of reticulated pythons - 4-8 meters.

Thus, the anaconda and the reticulated python still compete with each other for the right to be called the longest snakes on Earth.

The largest snakes on Earth are non-venomous. They kill their prey by strangulation, wrapping themselves around it in tight rings. Here it is worth mentioning the possible danger of these snakes to humans.

Giant snakes that attack brave travelers in the dense jungle and eat people are a favorite plot of many adventure stories. However, contrary to the fantasy of writers, the anaconda is not dangerous for an adult. Cases of attacks by giant snakes on people are rare and are usually caused by the fact that the snake did not calculate its strength or made a mistake in assessing the size of a person, seeing only part of his body under water. No specialist has seen a snake that could swallow prey weighing more than 60 kg. However, such snakes can pose a danger to children and adolescents; there are known cases of attacks of reticulated pythons on children with a fatal outcome. However, despite their gigantic size and aggressiveness, reticulated pythons are often kept in terrariums.

Cases of attacks on humans by anacondas are also rare. Georg Dahl, who explored the jungles of South America, wrote: “They asked me if I would dare to meet a boa constrictor in the forest. To this, I can sincerely answer that I have met them in the forest more than a dozen times, and, in my opinion, they are no more dangerous than amateur sausage. Boa constrictor and sausage are about equally aggressive. In order for the boa constrictor to begin to get angry, it is necessary to tease him strongly. He often expresses his displeasure with a loud hiss. And if you continue to bother the boa constrictor after that, he is able to bite you like an angry dog. And he will not immediately let you go with his thin, bent back teeth.(Anaconda belongs to the subfamily of boas; in the old literature, anacondas were also called water boas, since they lead an aquatic lifestyle).

It must be admitted that giant snakes suffer much more from human hands than people from them. First, in many countries they are eaten. Secondly, their skin with beautiful patterns is used to make shoes, as well as handbags and other haberdashery products.

hunting for anaconda

Many zoos around the world keep giant snakes and there they, as a rule, do not show any aggressiveness. Pythons living in the wild, reaching 6 m or more, can, of course, be dangerous to humans. However, when they are attacked or wanted to grab, they defend themselves by trying to bite, and almost never try to throw their rings on the enemy - they do this only with prey that they are about to eat.

The largest of poisonous snakes on Earth - the king cobra (hamadryad), which lives in Southeast Asia and India. The largest specimens of the king cobra reach 5.5 meters. The average size these snakes 3-4 meters.

By the way...

Measuring snakes is no easy task. Of course, the most exact result it will turn out if the snake is stretched to its full length. But for large snake such a posture is unnatural, and such a strong animal will never allow itself to be “unbent” for measurement. In a dead snake, the body becomes ossified, so it is even more difficult to make a measurement. As for the measurement of the removed skin, while it is fresh, it is possible to increase it by as much as 20%! And since snake skin is sold by the metre, snake hunters usually remember to follow this procedure.