Psychological games for children up to school age

How to identify a leader?

"Do it once, do it twice."

The presenter says that on his command, all children must simultaneously do some action. On the command “do it once,” they raise their hands up and hold them until one of them says to lower their hands. At the leader’s command “do two,” the players begin to run around the chairs. When one of the players gives the command, they must sit down at the same time. Those children who gave commands to lower the chairs and sit down are most likely leaders, especially if it was the same person.

Who cares

This game is intended for children of primary school age.She will teach you to take the role of a leader seriously and responsibly.

Everyone is invited to order the leader to do something. After all the orders are spoken out loud, the players are told the rules of the game. They consist in the fact that each player himself must carry out his orders. If a child, when coming up with a task, did not care whether it was easy to complete, he will be more serious next time.

"We are going to walk"

A game intended for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren, will teach children to convince others, and not to impose their own opinion.

The presenter says: “We are going for a walk in the forest. Let everyone tell their neighbor on the right what they need to take with them, and explain why this particular thing will be needed on a forest walk.”

When the players take turns talking to their neighbor, the host announces who he will take for a walk and who he will not. He does it this way: if the player simply tells his neighbor what he needs to take, but cannot explain in detail the reason, he is not taken for a walk.

If the player tries to convince his neighbor of the need to take this or that object and comes up with incredible reasons and gives various arguments, he must definitely take it.

It is better if, while two people are talking, others will listen to them and draw conclusions for themselves. Then it is easier for those who were not taken for a walk to correct themselves later.

Search for "treasure"

The presenter takes some small thing and hides it in the room. All players except one must know where he hid this item. The point of the game is that one of the guys is in the dark about the location of the object. His task is to find this thing.

When he starts searching, the leader and other players begin to tell him where the object is with hints and tips. During the search, the seeker will definitely show some emotions, for example, impatience, joy, resentment, etc. The task of the presenter is to monitor these emotions and then evaluate them using a point system. The less emotion the player showed, the more points he will receive. And, accordingly, on the contrary, the more emotional the player was, the fewer points he receives.

To give the player more reasons to show his emotions, you can first send him with hints to search in one direction, and when the search drags on, let him know that the direction has been chosen incorrectly. Accordingly, the player will sooner or later show irritation, anger or resentment towards those who have been “leading him by the nose” for so long. This will be a kind of test of his ability to restrain his emotions.

Every player must pass this “test”. Of course, the object to be found must be hidden in different places each time. The game progresses in exactly the same way: one searches for a hidden object, and the others give him directions. As a result of the game, everyone gains a certain number of points. At the end of the game the results are summed up. The winner is the one with the most points.

“If you like it, then do it!”

Children stand in a circle, one of them shows any movement, saying the first words of the song “If you like it, then do it like this...”, the rest of the children repeat the movement, continuing the song: “If you like it, then show it to others, if you like it, then do it this way...” Then the next child shows his movement, and so on until the circle is completed.

"I'm throwing you the ball."

To relax and lift your spirits, you can offer a game with a ball. In a circle, everyone will throw the ball to each other, calling the name of the person to whom they are throwing it, and saying the words: “I am throwing you a flower (candy, elephant, etc.).” The one to whom the ball was thrown must respond with dignity.

"Broken phone"

Participants take turns passing proverbs to each other, which the presenter calls into the ears of those sitting at both ends. Then each of them reports a proverb that was transmitted to him from the other end.

There is no such person who can live forever without sin

Every untruth is a sin

You can't escape fate

Risk is a noble cause

If you make money, you will live without need

When money talks, truth is silent

And steal wisely - trouble cannot be avoided

Once you steal, you become a thief forever

Who is stronger is right

Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain

A smart lie is better than a stupid truth

If he ran away, he was right, but if he got caught, he was guilty.

Game "Understand Me"

At the same time, all participants pronounce their word loudly, and the driver repeats all the words that were heard.

Methodology " Your name»

Participants stand in a circle, and one, passing the ball to a neighbor, calls his full name. The task of others is to name, passing the ball around the circle, as many variations of his name as possible (for example, Katya, Katyusha, Katerina, Katenka, Katyushka, Ekaterina). The task is repeated for each participant. Then everyone shares how they felt when they heard their name.

Game "Freeze"

At the leader’s signal, all children should freeze in the position they were in at the moment of the signal. The one who moves loses: he is taken by the dragon or he is eliminated from the game.

Game "Repeat after me"

For any counting rhyme, the presenter rhythmically performs simple movements, for example, clapping his hands, knees, stomping his feet, nodding his head. The children repeat his movements. Unexpectedly for them, the leader changes the movement, and the one who did not notice this in time and did not change the movement is eliminated from the game.

Memory development in children

" Funny drawings."

The game is intended for preschool children and trains memory for the names of objects. On five sheets of paper you need to draw funny non-existent objects - fruits, vegetables, animals, etc. Each subject is invented unusual name. Then the children are shown the drawings and told the names of each of them, having previously been warned that they need to be remembered. Then the drawings are removed, and after a few seconds they are shown again, and the children guess their names. If you play with one child, then he will simply have to guess as many objects as possible. If there are several, arrange a competition, awarding one point for each item guessed or giving a reward. If the players are very small, you need to come up with a simpler name and make fewer cards with pictures.

Game “Describe from memory”

Presenter on a short time shows the doll to the children, and then they must answer questions from memory: what kind of hair the doll has, what kind of dress, what kind of eyes, whether there were bows, shoes, socks, whether she is standing or sitting, etc.

A game. "Find the picture"

The presenter shows the children a picture for a short time (counting to five), and then asks them to choose the one they were shown from a set of similar pictures.

Game "What has changed?"

The presenter places three to seven toys in front of the children and lets them look at them for a few seconds. Then he asks the children to turn away and swaps several toys. Turning and looking at the toys, the children must say what has changed.

Development of thinking in children

Game "Fourth wheel"

Each child is given 4 cards. It is necessary to cover with a white card the image that does not fit with the others.

Game "Collect a flower"

Each child is given a round card - the middle of the future flower (one - a dress, the second - an elephant, the third - a bee, etc.) - Then the game is played in the same way as in lotto: the leader hands out cards with the image various items. Each participant must collect a flower from cards, the petals of which depict objects related to the same concept (clothing, animals, insects, etc.).

Game "Sequential Pictures"

Stories in pictures are cut into separate cards and mixed. Children must arrange them in the correct sequence to make a meaningful story.

Development of creative abilities

Game "Magnetic Mosaic"

The game consists of various geometric shapes on a magnetic basis. Children compete to see who can put together the most different items from their set. These could be houses, cars, trains, tables, chairs, etc.

Game “What in the World Doesn’t Happen”

Children must invent and draw something that does not exist in the world. After the children tell about what they have drawn, they discuss whether it really does not occur in life.

Game "Wonderful Forest"

Several trees are drawn on a large sheet of paper and, in several other places, small vague figures and lines. Now you can start creating the forest. It is necessary to complete all unfinished images (each child completes his own figurine), turning them into anything: butterflies, birds, flowers, trees, people - and even into something that does not exist in reality: unprecedented plants, animals, aliens.

After finishing drawing, the children try to unravel each other's drawings and together make up a story about one of the inhabitants of the wonderful forest. You can also draw “Wonderful Sea*, “Wonderful Meadow”, “Wonderful Park”, etc. It is only important that the drawings include pre-prepared figures.

Communication games

Game "Newspaper"

A sheet of newspaper is placed on the floor. Four children must stand on it. Next, the newspaper is folded in half, and the children should again fit on it. The newspaper folds and shrinks until it can fit four children. (To do this, you need to hug, thus reducing the physical distance.)

Exercise "Current"

Children stand in a circle, holding hands, and pass the “current” around the circle (in a chain, one after another shaking the hand of the person standing on the right).

Game "Wish"

Children sit in a circle and, throwing a ball to each other, say good wishes.

Exercise “Tension-relaxation”

Children sit on the floor, bend their knees, chin to knees, hands hugging knees - tension. Relaxation is a free pose.

After the exercises have been completed, the children discuss what they felt and what their sensations were. For example, with tension: “I realized that if I clench, I feel unpleasant, I feel small, insignificant, prickly, I want to hit someone,” etc. With relaxation: “I realized that if I relax, I feel pleasant, warm, I’m in a good mood, I’m kind, I don’t want to offend anyone,” etc.

Children sit in a circle. Everyone covers their eyes with blindfolds. The presenter transfers several people. Then the one whom the leader touches with his hand says the words: “I am here.” Everyone must guess whose voice it is.

"Evaluate the action"

The presenter tells the children conflict situation. The situation is staged by the children, after which they, with the help of the facilitator, determine which norm of behavior was violated. Next, the sketch, which reflects one or another negative character trait of a particular child, should be repeated so that it shows a model of desirable behavior in the same situation. (In classes with children who are characterized by excessive shyness, selfishness, stubbornness, greed, pretense, cowardice, a tendency to sneak, etc., who know moral precepts, but do not follow them, the emphasis is on children’s emotional awareness negative traits of his character).

The psychological games discussed in this material will help form a child’s basic communication skills and develop his strong-willed and moral qualities.

In fact, any collective children's game serves the function of developing the child's communication skills with peers. The main task of an adult is to organize the game process so that the child learns to correctly use speech and non-speech means of communication, as well as interact with communication partners without showing aggression.

Great importance in the development of communication skills is given to story-based games, in which the child acquires and develops communication skills and gains social experience. Besides this, many story games contribute to the formation of moral and strong-willed qualities child. So, there are a number of games that will help develop a child’s good attitude towards others, teach him empathy, mutual assistance and mutual assistance. Games that contain elements of competition contribute to the formation of a child’s strong-willed qualities. These are mainly sports games.

Games to help children communicate

Katyushin's birthday

Age: 4 – 6 years.

Purpose of the game: development of verbal communication and listening skills.

Necessary equipment: doll.

Progress of the game. The presenter shows the children a doll and invites everyone to come up with a story together about how the little girl Katya spends her birthday, what gifts she receives, which friends she invites to visit, etc. The adult begins the story with some simple phrase, for example: “As usual, the alarm clock rang at seven in the morning. Katya opened her eyes, yawned and looked out the window. There she saw...” Without completing the sentence, the presenter hands the doll to one of the children. The child who received “Katyushka” from his hands must continue the phrase and complete it. For example, he can say this: “There she saw a bird on a branch. The bird sang a funny song." After this, he passes the doll to the next player, and he also composes a continuation of the story: “Then the bird flew away, Katya got out of bed and went to wash herself.” And so on in a circle. As a result of common efforts, we get a real story about the girl Katya and her birthday.

Note. The game involves at least 5-6 people.


Age: 4 – 6 years

Purpose of the game: development of voluntary auditory attention.

Necessary equipment: toys and books that act as prizes.

Progress of the game. At one end of the room there is a driver (teacher or child), who quietly pronounces this or that word. The word must be said so quietly that the players feel the need to listen. At the other end of the room are children taking turns playing the role of echo. For each correctly repeated word, the player receives a prize token.

Broken phone

Age: 4 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: development of voluntary listening and verbal communication skills.

Progress of the game. Children sit on chairs located along the same line. The presenter says a short sentence in a whisper into the ear of the first player. The first player passes the phrase to the second player in the same way, etc. The last player says the phrase out loud. All players compare the result with the original. Then the next phrase is transmitted in the opposite direction - from the last player to the first.


Age: 36 years.

Purpose of the game: development of non-verbal (facial, tactile) communication skills.

Progress of the game. A driver is selected who depicts without words (gestures, facial expressions) any animal. The rest of the players must guess which animal the driver wished for.

Note. The game can also be used during individual lessons.

Teremok (role-playing game)

Age: 35 years.

Purpose of the game: development of verbal and non-verbal communication skills, voluntary listening.

Progress of the game. The leader helps (if necessary) the children assign roles. Someone will be a mouse, someone will be a frog, a hare, a hedgehog, a fox, a wolf, a bear. There may be several of each animal, but there is only one bear. The players stand in a round dance and begin to move in a circle with the words:

There is a teremok, teremok in the field,

He's not low, he's not high, he's not high,

Here, across the field, across the field, a mouse runs,

She stopped at the door and knocked.

At this time, all the children playing the role of mice run into the circle and say:

Who, who lives in the little house,

Who, who lives in a low place?

They depict, using gestures, facial expressions, and characteristic sounds, the animal whose role they are playing.

No one answers, and the “mice” remain in the circle. The round dance continues to move in a circle, saying the same words, but naming a different animal. Children playing the role of the named animal run out into the circle and ask:

Who, who lives in the little house,

Who, who lives in a low place?

They are answered by children already standing inside the circle.

I am a little mouse (representing an animal with gestures and facial expressions).

I am a frog, etc.

And, having received an answer, they invite you to live in the tower.

The game continues until there is only one “bear” left. A child playing the role of a bear walks around the inhabitants of the tower. To the question: “Who are you?” - he answers: “And I’m a bear - a trap for everyone.” At the same time, the children scatter to designated places (chairs that are inviolable for the “bear”). And the one who is caught by the “bear” now becomes the driver.

Little Engine (role-playing game)

Age: 4 – 6 years.

Purpose of the game: development of communication and speech skills.

Necessary equipment: pictures depicting houses, cities, etc.

Progress of the game. The presenter, together with the children, places chairs one after another, imitating train carriages. He helps (if necessary) children assign the roles of driver, assistant driver, conductor and passengers. When all preparations are completed, the presenter announces: “Boarding the fast train to the Vasilkovo station is on the first track.” Children take their places and act according to their roles during the game. The presenter's task is to monitor the correct execution of the roles by the players.

The game can be complicated, for example, by giving the “passengers” important tasks. Let them “gather information” about the cities where the train stops, their inhabitants and attractions. To do this, you need to lay out pre-prepared pictures throughout the room depicting buildings, schools, shops, fountains, people (mothers with children, schoolchildren, athletes, grandmothers, etc.), transport (trams, buses, trolleybuses, minibus taxis etc.). All passengers must be divided into groups: the first collects pictures of people, and then tells who lives in the city; the second - pictures with the sights of the city, and the third - pictures with images of transport.

A toy shop

Age: 4 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: development of verbal communication skills.

Necessary equipment: toys.

Progress of the game. A driver is selected to play the role of a seller. The remaining players are buyers. The buyer's task is to explain, without naming the item, what they would like to buy. And the seller’s task is to understand what the buyer wants to buy.

Seeing off and leaving

Age: 5 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: development of non-verbal communication skills.

Progress of the game. The game can be played both in a group and in pairs. One of the players is leaving, the other is seeing off. The players’ task is to convey some information to each other without the help of words, using only gestures and facial expressions.

Who did I become friends with?

Age: 35 years.

Purpose of the game: development of non-verbal communication skills.

Necessary equipment: box with holes to fit a child's hand.

Progress of the game. Participants put one hand into the holes of the box each. The hand of one child finds the hand of another child and carefully feels it; the players’ task is to remember the sensations. After this, the child must guess whose hand he touched in the box. Exchange of words or other speech signals is prohibited.

Note. At least 8 people participate in the game - according to the number of holes in the box.

Find out by the clap

Age: 5 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: development of non-verbal communication skills.

Progress of the game. A driver is selected who sits with his back to the players. Players first clap their hands once and say their name. The driver listens carefully and tries to remember who claps. Then the players continue to clap, but without saying their names. The driver must guess who made the clap.

Hands are beasts

Age: 24 years.

Purpose of the game: development of non-verbal communication, communication through touch.

Progress of the game. Children are randomly divided into pairs. At the command of the leader, the hand of one of the children turns into terrible beast(tiger, bear), then into an affectionate and gentle one (kitten, bunny), which walks along the neighbor’s back. The other person’s task is to guess the beast that is walking along his back.

Leo - bunny

Age: 24 years.

Purpose of the game: development of the child’s communicative sensitivity.

Progress of the game. The presenter invites the children to turn first into big and strong, then into small and weak animals (wolf - mouse, elephant - kitten, tiger - hedgehog) and talk about their feelings and sensations.

Big - small

Age: 24 years.

Purpose of the game

Progress of the game. Children take turns portraying either a mother or her baby in various animals (an elephant and a calf, a cat and a kitten), and then share their impressions.

Brave - Cowardly

Age: 24 years.

Purpose of the game: development of the child’s communicative sensitivity.

Games that develop the moral and volitional qualities of a child’s personality

Affectionate name

Age: 4 – 6 years.

Purpose of the game: help children understand their place in the world.

Necessary equipment: ball.

Progress of the game. Children sit in a circle. The presenter asks the children to remember what they are affectionately called at home. Then the presenter says: “Now we will throw the ball to each other. The one who has the ball in his hands must say one of his affectionate names. And one more thing - fill in the person who threw the ball to you, this is important. Then, when you all say your pet names in turn, the ball will go in the other direction. And you will need to throw the ball to the person who first threw it to you and say his affectionate name.”


Age: 34 years.

Purpose of the game: teach children to recognize feelings by facial expressions.

Necessary equipment: Pictures illustrating a variety of feelings.

Progress of the game. The presenter tells the children about feelings (joy, love, anger, fear, resentment, etc.). He then shows pictures of children experiencing different feelings and asks players to guess what feeling is shown and try to express it. After this, the presenter invites the children to depict feelings with their hands: joy - hands are jumping on the table, anger - hands are pushing, hitting each other, fear - hands are shaking, clenching into fists, etc.


Age: 4 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: teach children to recognize feelings by facial expressions, develop cooperation skills.

Necessary equipment: three dolls, theatrical makeup.

Progress of the game. Children are divided into three groups. Each group is given the task of depicting one or another feeling (joy, anger, fear) and makes up their doll accordingly. The presenter evaluates how accurate the result is.


Age: 4 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: teach children to recognize feelings by voice intonation.

Progress of the game. The presenter tells how a person’s feelings and his voice relate. He demonstrates this on specific example— says the same phrase with different intonations, imitating certain feelings. Then the presenter says a short sentence, for example, “I want to sleep.” The first participant repeats this sentence, expressing a preconceived feeling. The rest of the players guess what feeling the child intended.

Finish the sentence

Age: 4 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: Teach your child to understand the feelings of other people.

Progress of the game. The presenter says a proposal. For example, “Joy for dad is...”, “Hurt for mom is...”, “Pleasure for sister is...”, etc. Children must complete the sentences, demonstrating their understanding of other people’s feelings .

Flower of Friendship

Age: 34 years.

Purpose of the game: develop in the child respect for others.

Necessary equipment: chair, watering can (real or toy).

Progress of the game. Children sit in a circle. The host invites players to turn into beautiful flowers with whom they want to make friends. Each child conceives a flower that he would like to turn into. The leader places a chair in the center of the circle, on which all the children sit in turn. At first, the child imagines himself not as a big beautiful flower, but as a small seed - he draws his legs up, puts his hands on his knees and lowers his head. After this, the leader takes a watering can and “waters” the seed from it so that it grows faster. The child quickly reacts to the “flowing water” and “grows”, that is, he slowly straightens and stands up, raises his arms, tilts his head to the sides. When the “flower” straightens up, all the other children begin to jump around it and shout: “Flower, flower, let’s be friends!”

Have pity on the bear

Age: 35 years.

Purpose of the game: Teach children to empathize and sympathize with others.

Necessary equipment: toy - teddy bear.

Progress of the game. Children sit in a circle. The presenter introduces the bear to the children and says that the bear is upset, he feels bad, they need to show sympathy for him and express words of consolation.

A true friend

Age: 4 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: to form in children the concept of friendship and mutual respect.

Progress of the game. The host asks the players: “Who a true friend children? The guys give their answers, saying that a friend can be a peer, a brother or sister, a dog, a cat, etc. Then the presenter invites the children to stand in a circle and talk about their friends who are among the players. First, one child comes to the center of the circle and says: “Sasha is my true friend, because...”. Next, the named player comes into the circle and says similar words in relation to the next player. This continues until all the children are in the circle.


Age: 35 years.

Purpose of the game: teach children to interact with each other, develop in them a sense of mutual assistance and justice.

Necessary equipment: small toy “turnip”.

Progress of the game. Children are invited to remember the fairy tale “Turnip”. The presenter helps the children (if necessary) assign roles. Next, the children, together with the presenter, act according to the scenario of the fairy tale.

The presenter says: “Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew very, very big. The grandfather began to pull the turnip out of the ground. He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out.” After this, the presenter asks the question: “What should grandfather do?” The children answer: “Call grandma!” The child, playing the role of grandfather, calls his grandmother. This continues until all the characters in the fairy tale are involved. When the turnip is pulled out of the garden, the presenter asks what to do with the turnip now. The children (or the presenter) offer to divide the turnip equally between all participants in the game.

Note. You can use a bag of sweets as a turnip.


Age: 5 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: Teach children to show attention and generosity towards others.

Progress of the game. In a group of children, a driver is selected - the intended birthday boy. The presenter invites the children to dream a little and choose a gift for the birthday boy. The gift can be anything, even unusual or fantastic. The driver listens carefully to the participants and then says what gift he would really like to receive.

Wind and sun

Age: 5 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: teach children to achieve their goals by gently influencing their partner, convincing him with affection rather than aggression, treating him with respect and attention.

Progress of the game. The presenter tells the children a parable based on Aesop's fable.

“Once upon a time, the Wind and the Sun argued which of them was stronger. To resolve the dispute, they decided to compete. And at this time a man was walking along the road. The wind said: “See how I now tear off the traveler’s cloak.” And he began to blow as hard as he could. But the harder the wind tried, the more the traveler wrapped himself in his cloak. The wind got angry and showered the man with rain and snow. And he continued to wrap himself up and curse the bad weather.

The sun, seeing that the wind was failing, came out from behind the clouds. It smiled and warmed the wet and frozen traveler. Feeling the warmth, the man himself took off his cloak and thanked the sun.

“You see,” the Sun said to the Wind, “you can achieve much more with affection and kindness than with anger and force.”

After the children have listened to the parable, they are invited to stand in a circle and hold hands. A driver is selected from among the players and is located in the center of the circle. The driver’s task is to get out of the circle. To do this, he must ask someone standing in the circle to let him out. If the driver managed to persuade one of the participants, then this participant takes the place of the driver, etc.


Age: 35 years.

Purpose of the game: develop mutual trust in children, instill in them a sense of mutual assistance.

Necessary equipment: any thick scarf or scarf.

Progress of the game. The game is played in pairs. In each pair, one of the participants is blindfolded. The other participant’s task is to guide a partner across a thin bridge (made from strips of paper) over an imaginary deep abyss. To make the task more difficult, you can create various obstacles in the players' path. For example, there may be missing links in the bridge, and then you need to either take a wide step or jump. Or let the vines hang low - then, when you pass, you will bend down to the ground or crawl.

Then the pairs change so that all participants play both the role of the leader and the follower.

The bad and the good

Age: 36 years.

Purpose of the game: teach children to see the difference between good and bad, to distinguish between positive and negative qualities character.

Progress of the game. Children are asked to remember what good and bad characters they have encountered in fairy tales. Then two “contrasting” heroes are selected (for example, a hare and a fox). Children must first name the character traits of a positive character and his characteristic actions, and then describe the character and behavior of a negative character. It is important that children determine which of a person’s qualities can be changed and which cannot.

Note. The older the children, the easier it is for an adult to shift the conversation from the characters to the players themselves, to help children analyze their positive and negative qualities. The goal is to develop self-criticism in children. However, it must be remembered that preschool children are not yet able to evaluate themselves objectively; they have inflated self-esteem, but this is normal.

Strength of will

Age: 5 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: develop willpower in children.

Progress of the game. The presenter tells a fairy tale about willpower: “A long time ago, two brothers lived in a distant state. They lived together and did everything together. Both brothers dreamed of becoming heroes. One brother thought that a real hero must be strong and brave. And he began to train strength and agility. Lifted heavy stones, climbed tall trees, swam in a cold mountain river. And the other brother decided that he had to be persistent and persistent. And he began to train his willpower. Often he wanted to quit hard work, but he didn’t give up halfway, he brought what he started to the end. Sometimes he wanted to eat a pie for breakfast, but he saved it for lunch. He learned to deny himself his desires.

Many years passed, the brothers became adults. One turned into a real strongman, he was rightfully considered the most strong man throughout the country. And the second brother developed his will, perseverance and tenacity. The brothers loved and respected each other very much. And when a terrible disaster came to the state, they decided to fight it together.

And this is what happened: out of nowhere, a huge winged Serpent attacked the country: it spewed fire from its mouth, set fire to houses and fields, killed people and animals, stole food and polluted the water in the river and wells. And then the first brother said to the second: “I must kill this Serpent so that he does not harm anyone else!” But the second brother objected: “You can’t do this, because you don’t know anything about him. Only knowing weakness enemy, you can kill him! The strong man didn't believe it words of wisdom brother, decided to act by force. And he went to where the Serpent settled.

"Hey, scary snake! Come out and fight with me!” - the strong man shouted. And the Serpent crawled out of the cave to meet him. Its transparent black wings spread across the sky, blocking the sun. His eyes sparkled wildly, like emeralds, and fire burst out of his mouth. Seeing the formidable beast, the young man felt fear growing in his heart, and, unable to bear it, he retreated from the Serpent. And the monster slowly rose above him, without taking his transparent eyes off the man. And then the Serpent flicked his tail, and instantly the strong brother turned into stone.

Having learned about this, the second brother decided to go out to fight the Serpent. However, before setting off, the young man turned to the wise old Frog for advice.

It took him a while to find her. He had to pass through three dangerous states before he got to the Frog. But the man was not afraid of anything, he wanted with all his heart to save his brother.

The first state was called “Wishlist”. Anyone who came here immediately had many desires: he wanted to receive delicious delicacies, beautiful clothes, expensive jewelry. But as soon as he said “I want”, he immediately turned into a “Wishlist” and remained forever in this state. The young man barely escaped this danger: he also had many different desires, but with the help of his willpower he overcame temptations and left the country unharmed.

The next danger awaited him in the state of “Tykov”. There lived people who were unable to work and unable to rest: they fussed all the time and distracted each other. And our traveler also wanted to pull the hands of passers-by, but he again used his willpower. And so he passed the second state.

In the third state, only “Yaks” lived. These people constantly shouted: “Me! I! Ask me” and didn’t want to listen to anyone except themselves. The young man needed all his willpower. And sometimes he even had to cover his mouth with his hand so that “I, I, I” wouldn’t jump out of him. This is how difficult it was for him to get to the wise Frog.

But finally he came to her. And the young man asked the Frog to tell him how to defeat the Snake. This is how the Frog answered him: “Only a person with a very strong will can defeat the Snake, but do not be afraid of this battle. After all, you left behind three dangerous tests, no state has detained you, which means your will is very strong. Feel free to go to the Serpent, he won’t be able to cope with you!” Our hero bowed to the Frog and went back.

The young man came to the Serpent’s lair and fearlessly challenged him to battle. The monster hissed, spread its huge wings and moved towards the brave man, but he was not afraid and remained standing in front of him straight and proud. The brother strained all his will and did not run. And then suddenly the Serpent shrank, began to shrink, to melt. It became smaller and smaller until it completely evaporated.

As soon as the Serpent disappeared, the stone again became a living person, the brother of our hero.

So strong will helped defeat evil."

♦ “Wishlist”. The presenter draws a letter known to the children in the air. The children are asked to guess this letter, but not to shout the answer right away, but, having overcome their desire to shout out, ahead of everyone else, wait for the leader’s command and whisper the answer.

♦ “Pokeweed.” Children are invited to sit on chairs and freeze. The leader slowly counts to ten, then lightly tickles everyone. Players need to remain still and not laugh. The one who fails the test becomes the driver.

♦ "Yaki". The presenter asks the children riddles and after each one he always asks if anyone knows the answer. The players’ task is to restrain themselves and not shout: “I know”; instead, they must wait for the leader’s sign and whisper the answer together.

Ocean is shaking

Age: 4 – 6 years.

Purpose of the game: development of conscious will and patience. Progress of the game. A driver is selected from among the players. The rest of the children stand at a distance of 1 m from each other. The driver turns his back to the players and says: “The sea is worried - once. The sea is worried - two. The sea is rough - three. Marine figure, freeze.” While the driver is talking, players can run and jump. But as soon as the word “freeze” is said, the children freeze in the poses of sea animals (fish, octopuses, corals). The driver turns to the players, walks between them, examines the figures and tries to make the frozen players laugh. If he succeeds (the player laughs or moves), then the child changes places with the driver and becomes the driver himself.


Age: 35 years.

Purpose of the game: development of the child’s volitional qualities.

Necessary equipment: Swedish staircase, bell.

Progress of the game. At the very top of the Swedish stairs there is a bell. Children are divided into two teams. The player on each team is a fireman who must climb the ladder to the very top and ring the bell. The team whose members complete the task first wins. The game begins at the command of the leader.

Ball Journey

Age: 35 years.

Purpose of the game: teach children to interact and play in a team.

Necessary equipment: balls.

Progress of the game. Players are divided into two teams and arranged in two columns. The first player on each team receives the ball. Then the presenter says: “Now our ball will go on a journey, and you guys will help it. At my signal, you will pass the ball to each other. If I say, "By plane," you'll send the ball flying over your heads; after the words “On a submarine,” you will begin to pass the ball to each other between your spread legs. And when I say “By the train,” the ball will go through the “side gate” (between the arm bent at the elbow and the body).

Homeless hare

Age: 4 - 6 years.

Purpose of the game: develop a sense of empathy in children, teach them mutual assistance and interaction.

Progress of the game. The host chooses a “hunter” and a “stray hare” from among the players. The remaining players form groups of 4-5 people: three or four, holding hands, form a house, and one player is located inside the house. At the presenter’s signal, the game begins: the “stray hare” runs away from the “hunter”, and the “hunter” tries to catch up with him. The “hare” can escape from the pursuer by running into any house, but then the player in the house is forced to leave it and become a “hare” himself. If the “hunter” catches up with the “hare”, then the players change roles. After some time, the presenter can interrupt the game and change players: children forming houses, the “hunter” and the “hares”.

"Music and Color"

The players sit in a semicircle. The presenter is located opposite. Children are given cardboard squares different colors and shades. The presenter plays some symphonic, orchestral or instrumental music for 2-3 minutes.

The players' task is to lift up a square painted in a color that, in their opinion, conveys the same mood as the music they hear. If one of the children raised a square that is sharply different in color from those raised by the others, the leader asks him to justify his opinion, and then continues the collective discussion.

The game will teach children to compare shades of color and paint of music and find connections and differences between them. At the end of the game, you can ask the children to talk about colors and answer questions like: what is this color, what does it look like, what music and instruments correspond to it?

"Clouds, white-maned horses»

A game to develop creative imagination.

For children of preschool and primary school age.

This game can be played among your family members. You should choose a warm sunny day, when there are many different clouds in the sky, quickly passing by. The players must lie on their backs and, looking at the sky, choose one cloud for themselves. Then everyone must describe their cloud: tell what it looks like, what color it has, who it is running away from (describe the rival cloud following it) and what mood it carries.

The one who writes the most picturesque story wins. To interest children, the leader (parent) must set an example first.

"Know the Hero"

For children of preschool and primary school age.

The presenter chooses any children's fairy tale with a fairly simple and clear plot as the basis for the game. For preschool children, you need to choose a fairy tale in which there are not many characters and the main characters are unambiguous, that is, they are positive or negative.

The participants of the game sit in one common circle. The presenter expressively reads the entire story aloud. After this, he asks the players to characterize each character (hero) of the fairy tale in turn, justifying their answer and supporting it with examples. The child should try to answer why he thinks so.

Then, when all opinions have been expressed, a general discussion can be held. The game is not intended to identify the winner; it is important to teach each child to adequately and correctly evaluate the actions of the heroes, because children can apply their knowledge to real people.

"Who wears glasses?"

For children of preschool and primary school age.

Children often worry if they have to wear glasses. This game is aimed at helping them get rid of this complex. It is advisable to prepare for the game in advance. To do this, you need to find photographs in magazines and newspapers of a variety of famous and not so famous people who wear glasses.

Also, for the game you need to pick up several pairs of glasses; you can use any - solar, for swimming, or just cut out of paper.

It is advisable that the presenter himself wears glasses. He invites the guys to try to choose glasses to their taste from those that are available. Each player puts on some glasses. The game is that first the presenter shows photographs famous people wearing glasses, then invites everyone to say something nice about their choice of glasses.

Participants in the game take turns expressing their opinions. It can be anything. We can say that wearing glasses is stylish, especially if they are beautiful and fashionable, or that wearing glasses is convenient, since everything is visible and dust does not get into your eyes. When everyone has spoken in this way, the presenter chooses the author of the most meaningful speech. There are no winners or losers in the game, but the smartest one can be rewarded with some kind of prize. For this game, you can take a Polaroid so that everyone can take a souvenir photo with glasses.

Let's sing

For children of preschool and primary school age.

You may not be a singer and may not have a good voice, but still not be shy about singing in the presence of friends or acquaintances. Singing not only improves your mood, but also develops your voice. And this is very useful quality, it will be useful both in lessons and in other cases. However, some children are embarrassed to sing. They are sure that they are doing it extremely poorly. And all because someone once told them that they wouldn’t succeed. This game helps get rid of this complex.

Everyone should sing any song they like: modern, romance, Russian folk. Or you can create one yourself. If he is shy and cannot sing in full voice, the leader’s task is to help him. In this case, he invites those present to sing this song in chorus. As a result, even the most timid guys will join in the general singing. There are no winners or losers in the game; everyone has the right to show their ability to sing.

Make up a fairy tale

For children of preschool and primary school age.

The presenter shows everyone a picture that can depict anything, from an apple to a person, and the players take turns writing a fairy tale about what is shown in the picture.

Who is more interesting?

For children of preschool and primary school age.

The game is aimed at developing the child’s creative imagination and his ability to establish logical connections.

The presenter pronounces any phrase with an unfinished thought, for example: “This morning I left the house...”. The second player immediately composes a continuation: “... and saw that a huge car was rushing towards me...” Each player adds his own phrase and the result should be a story or a fairy tale.

The presenter can give direction to this story at the beginning of the game, deciding on the outline of the plot. In this case, the players will select their phrases, but in accordance with the predetermined beginning and end of the plot, but an element of improvisation is not excluded.

The plot for a collective story can be either an ordinary story or fairy tale, a wonderful and fantastic story.

“What is bitter?”

For children of preschool and primary school age.

As many children as possible should play this game. The presenter asks questions: “What is red? Gorky? Scary? Funny? Soft?" The questions can be very diverse, and the answers must be meaningful.

The rules can be complicated: for example, by introducing time to think about the answer. Anyone who doesn’t figure it out in time leaves the game, and the one who gives the most answers wins. The leader’s words, with the help of which phrases are composed, can be the following: hard, liquid, rare, frequent, low, small, light, oblique, lively, full, even, light, dark, strong, strong...

For older children who study in primary school, you can complicate the task. Let them come up with not only phrases, but also sentences with these words. They must express a complete thought and be competently and interestingly composed.

"The Fairy's Apprentice"

For children of preschool and primary school age.

Even one child can play. With the help of his imagination, he imagines that he meets a fairy, who for some time becomes his patron and protector. The fairy gives the child magic wand(a thread, a needle, a ring... that is, whatever the child likes most of these items), so that with the help of this item one can call for help in a dangerous moment.

Further events depend on the child’s imagination, which offers various options and comes up with situations from which one can only get out with the help of a magic object. This could be a meeting with aliens, a formidable monster....

Interesting and entertaining stories invented by the child can be acted out, which develops not only imagination, but also acting abilities. The end of adventures (or misadventures), naturally, should be happy: good triumphs over evil. Roles in this game are not assigned to anyone in particular, that is, the child imagines himself as who he wants to be most.

You can play on the street, in a room, on a table, behind a screen... The only thing an adult can offer a child before a game is a plan according to which approximate events will develop, but an element of improvisation must be present in this game in any case, because only with With the help of a child's imagination, something can happen.

Rough plan:

1. Meeting of a child and a fairy.

2. The fairy takes the hero to a fabulous and amazing land.

3. Returning home.

This plan is conditional, you can change it in any direction.

"The elephant is angry"

For children of preschool and primary school age.

A presenter is selected. The rest of the kids should pretend how angry the most different people, fairy-tale heroes or animals. The presenter turns to each participant in the game: “Katya, show me how angry the elephant is?” Katya must portray how she imagines it. In this way, you can come up with a variety of stories - how an angry teacher, a student, an elephant, a cat, a mouse, etc. are angry. There are no winners or losers in the game. But the author of the most successful stories can be considered the winner.

Card index of psychological games.

A game for children is not only and not so much entertainment. For a child, play is the main activity. She helps him develop and learn the world. Therefore, parents and teachers often use psychological games for children in raising a child. We will share some of these games with you.
Psychological games for children can be aimed at developing memory, reaction, ingenuity, attention, imagination, and ear for music. They will help identify leaders in children's team, make friends and unite the team, overcome shyness and develop self-confidence. The advantage of psychological games for children is that the child will play with pleasure, without even suspecting that at that moment he is being raised. Let's look at some types of psychological games for children.

Psychological games for children. Memory development
"Funny drawings." The game is intended for children of primary school age and trains memory for the names of objects. On ten sheets of paper you need to draw funny non-existent objects - fruits, vegetables, animals, etc. Each item has an unusual name. Then the children are shown the drawings and told the names of each of them, having previously been warned that they need to be remembered. Then the drawings are removed, and after a few seconds they are shown again, and the children guess their names. If you play with one child, then he will simply have to guess as many objects as possible. If there are several, arrange a competition, awarding one point for each item guessed or giving a reward. If the players are very small, you need to come up with a simpler name and make fewer cards with pictures.

"Taster". This game for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren develops taste and visual memory. You can play it with a group of children, or you can play it alone with your child, then you will be the leader. The children are shown a basket with different fruits that they need to remember. Then they are asked to leave the room, and the presenter makes a salad from the fruits, finely chopping them and seasoning them with sour cream. You don’t need to use all the fruits, but hide the basket. Children try the salad, and then try to name those fruits that were not included in the salad, but were in the basket. You can play this game with vegetables too. It allows you to kill two birds with one stone: train your memory and feed your child healthy and delicious vegetables and fruits.

Psychological games for children. Development of thinking and imagination
"How to connect two words?" This game develops imagination and the ability to establish associative (semantic) connections. It is intended for children of middle school age. The referee-leader in this game is an adult. He names any two words, for example, “parsley” and “grandmother.” Children must explain how these words are related to each other. The options can be very different: grandma grows parsley on the windowsill; Grandma has curly hair like parsley, etc. For each option the player is awarded one point. You can additionally encourage interesting and unusual options, but they still should not be devoid of meaning and logic.

"Whose rainbow is brighter?" This game for children of primary and secondary school age not only develops imagination, but also helps them learn to give emotional coloring their statements and competently express thoughts in writing. Each child receives a piece of paper with a sentence written on it. This is the beginning of the story. Players need to complete the story themselves and use interrogative and exclamatory sentences - the more, the better. Starting sentences should be fairly simple (be sure to consider the age of the players), but they should contain an idea that can be easily developed.

Psychological games for children. Getting rid of complexes
"Our hairdresser" Some children have complexes about their hairstyle - they may not like the length of their hair or the color of their hair, the fact that their hair is curly or straight, while for others it’s the opposite. The game "our hairdresser" will help them get rid of this complex. It is better to play it with children of middle school age. The players are divided into pairs, each pair has a “client” and a “hairdresser”. The “hairdresser” must give the client an original hairstyle. To do this, you can use different elastic bands and hairpins, foams, gels, and mousses. But all products should be easily washed off with water. It is not recommended to use hairspray - it can get into your eyes, and its smell is not always pleasant. Scissors are prohibited - a bad haircut is difficult to fix. When all the hairstyles are ready, you can hold a competition of hairdressers and models and determine the most unusual hairstyle, or you can encourage each couple. Then the players in pairs change roles.

"Ability to behave in society." Often children's complexes, shyness and self-consciousness are associated with the fact that the child does not know how to behave correctly in a given situation, does not know the rules of good manners. This game for children of middle and high school age will help cope with this complex. The presenter (better if it is an adult) invites the children to dramatize different situations from Everyday life. What to do if you are invited to visit? Or vice versa, did guests come to you? After those interested have shown their skits, you can discuss them and decide what to do correctly.

Psychological games for children. How to identify a leader?
"Do it once, do it twice." Game for schoolchildren. The presenter says that on his command, all children must simultaneously do some action. On the command “do it once,” they raise the chairs up and hold them until one of them says to lower the chairs. At the leader’s command “do two,” the players begin to run around the chairs. When one of the players gives the command, they must sit down at the same time. Those children who gave commands to lower the chairs and sit down are most likely leaders, especially if it was the same person.

"Counting books." Game for teenagers. The players close their eyes and their task is to count to ten. It is necessary to count at random, i.e. one player cannot say two numbers in a row, you cannot negotiate. If two players speak at the same time, the game starts again. The leader is most likely the player who names the most numbers.

Psychological game for children “If you like it, then do it!”

Children stand in a circle, one of them shows any movement, saying the first words of the song “If you like it, then do it like this...”, the rest of the children repeat the movement, continuing the song: “If you like it, then show it to others, if you like it, then do it this way...” Then the next child shows his movement, and so on until the circle is completed.

Psychological game for children “I throw you a ball.”

To relax and lift your spirits, you can offer a game with a ball. In a circle, everyone will throw the ball to each other, calling the name of the person to whom they are throwing it, and saying the words: “I am throwing you a flower (candy, elephant, etc.).” The one to whom the ball was thrown must respond with dignity.

Psychological game for children “Broken phone”

Participants take turns passing proverbs to each other, which the presenter calls into the ears of those sitting at both ends. Then each of them reports a proverb that was transmitted to him from the other end.

There is no such person who can live forever without sin

Every untruth is a sin

You can't escape fate

Risk is a noble cause

If you make money, you will live without need

When money talks, truth is silent

And steal wisely - trouble cannot be avoided

Once you steal, you become a thief forever

Who is stronger is right

Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain

A smart lie is better than a stupid truth

If he ran away, he was right, but if he got caught, he was guilty.

Psychological game “Understand me”

At the same time, all participants pronounce their word loudly, and the driver repeats all the words that were heard.

Psychological game for children “Fair of Virtues”

Participants in the game each receive 2 sheets with the names “sell” and “buy.” The presenter suggests that on one sheet, under the inscription “I sell,” write all his shortcomings, which he would like to get rid of, and on the other sheet, under the inscription “buy,” write the advantages, which he lacks in communication. Then the sheets are attached to the chests of the game participants, and they become visitors to the “Fair”, begin to walk around and offer to buy (or sell) what they need. The game continues until everyone has gone through and read all the possible options for buying and selling the qualities required for him.

Psychological game for children “Name the emotion”

Passing the ball around, participants name the emotions that interfere with communication. Then the ball is passed to the other side and emotions are called that help communication. Emotions can be expressed in different ways - through movement, posture, facial expressions, gestures, intonation.

Method “Your name”

Participants stand in a circle, and one, passing the ball to a neighbor, calls his full name. The task of others is to name, passing the ball around the circle, as many variations of his name as possible (for example, Katya, Katyusha, Katerina, Katenka, Katyushka, Ekaterina). The task is repeated for each participant. Then everyone shares how they felt when they heard their name.

Game-exercise “Garbage Bin”

Children write their negative thoughts, unpleasant incidents, stories, situations on sheets of paper, crumple the sheets and throw them into a bucket (forgetting it forever).

Psychological game for children “BURIME”

It’s easy to write poetry, said the poet Tsvetik. The main thing is that there is meaning and rhyme. Everyone takes a sheet of paper and a pen and writes any line that comes to mind, even vaguely reminiscent of a poem in its rhythmic pattern. Next, all the pieces of paper are passed to one person in a circle and another line is written as a continuation of the previous line, preferably in rhyme, and so on. For an element of surprise, it is better to wrap the sheet in a tube, leaving only the last three lines visible. When all the sheets have gone through one, two or three circles, everyone takes the sheet that started and expressively recites it to the laughter of the audience.

Psychological game for children “FLY”

A game for concentration and testing it. Those who show poor attention and concentration are not accepted as astronauts. Everyone sits in a circle or at a table. Leader's instructions. Imagine a tic-tac-toe field, three by three squares. A fly sits in the center. We will move the fly one by one. There are only four moves: up, down, right, left. A mistake would be reversing: up and down, and the fly leaving the field. The task is to all together, in a circle, mentally move the fly, voicing your move and not making mistakes. If someone makes a mistake, reset and again the fly is in the center. You can enter penalty points for mistakes for the competitive element.

Volumetric fly. This is a more complex option, no longer available to everyone, but only to the most attentive. Imagine a three-dimensional field for playing tic-tac-toe - a three-by-three Rubik's cube. We add two more moves - to ourselves and from ourselves. It is important not to lose the fly, carefully monitor its movements and not make mistakes.

Psychological game for children “THREE”

There is one simple game to test your attention and concentration. Instructions. We will rhythmically count the natural numbers in a circle: one-two-three-four-five and so on. The difficulty is that according to the rules of the game, the number “3”, numbers ending in three, for example “13”, and numbers divisible by three, for example “6”, are not spoken, but clapping. An error is considered to be the error itself and the failure of the rhythm. If there is an error, everything is reset and starts over (“One”) from this participant in any direction in a circle.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the game, not all teams manage to reach at least twenty. If you reach thirty, this indicates good concentration. Simplification or complication of the game is possible by slowing down or speeding up the rhythm.

Psychological game for children “ZOO”

Game on acting. 7-8 people participate, everyone chooses any animal: sheep, horse, pig, cat, dog, crocodile, platypus, jackal in winter, deer in mating season etc. Further introduction: everyone in a circle expressively demonstrates to the others the characteristic movement of this animal. After this, in turn, you need to show first “yourself”, and then any other “animal” present. This “animal” gets a move, shows itself further than another animal. And so on. Then you can declare a “super zoo”. This is when all the animals are demonstrated in the most exaggerated and bright way! You can play right through. If you made a mistake in passing the move, you are out of the game.

Psychological exercise for children “THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA”

Only women participate in the game. You need to place stools (or chairs without upholstery) in a row according to the number of expected participants (preferably 3-4). A certain number of round caramels are placed on each stool (there are such candies, shaped like small koloboks), or buttons on the stem (preferably larger ones). For example, on the first stool - 3 candies, on the second - 2, on the third - 4. The top of the stools is covered with opaque plastic bags. The preparations are complete. Those interested are invited. They are seated on stools. The music turns on. Usually for this competition the song "Move Your Booty" is included. And so, while dancing while sitting on a stool, the participants must determine how many candies are under them. The one who does it faster and more correctly will win.

Psychological game for children “NEW YEAR TREE”

For the game you need: 1 stool or chair, 1 girl, a lot of clothespins. Clothespins are attached to the girl's dress, the girl is placed on a stool, 2 young men are selected from among the company (you can generally divide into 2 teams), who remove the clothespins from her blindfolded. The one who removes the last clothespin, or the one who has the most clothespins, takes the girl off the chair and kisses her as many times as there are clothespins. The game can be played in reverse, i.e. a guy stands on a stool.

Psychological game "Cacti grow in the desert."

Everyone stands in a circle, holds hands, walks and says:

“Cacti grow in the desert, cacti grow in the desert...” The leader stands in the center of the circle, sometimes turning. Suddenly, one of the players jumps out of the circle and shouts: “Oh!” He must do this in such a way that the presenter does not see him at this moment, and the players adjacent to him immediately clasp their hands. If the leader sees someone about to jump out, he touches him on the shoulder, and he remains in the general circle.

The presenter asks: “What’s wrong with you?”

The player comes up with any answer related to the cactus (for example: “I ate a cactus, but it is bitter” or “I stepped on a cactus”).

After this, the player returns back to the circle, and others can jump out. The most important condition is not to repeat yourself when answering the presenter’s question.

Those children who most often find themselves outside the circle are the most active and have greater leadership abilities.

Psychological game "Cubs on a walk"

It is useful to involve children of preschool and primary school age in such a game. It can be played in kindergarten or at a party in elementary school.

First, the presenter says: “You are all little bear cubs, you are walking through the meadow and picking sweet strawberries. One of you is the eldest, he watches over everyone else.”

Cheerful music plays, children walk around the room and pretend to be bear cubs - they waddle, pretend to pick berries, and sing songs.

At this time, the presenter selects one player and, when the music stops, announces that he is the eldest bear cub. His task (announced in advance) is to check as quickly as possible whether all the cubs are in place, that is, to touch the shoulder of each player.

After he makes sure that no one is lost, the game resumes, and after a few minutes the leader appoints another senior. The game continues until everyone has played this role. The one who completes this task the fastest is declared the fastest and oldest. Naturally, this will only work for those who act calmer and more organized than others. At the end of the game, the host explains why the winner was able to complete the task better than the rest. Allows children to learn to quickly respond to a task and organize their actions correctly. It can be carried out quite often, changing bear cubs to kittens, chickens, elephant calves, etc.

Psychological game “Far, far away, in a dense forest...”

The game is for preschoolers. In this age leadership skills manifest themselves quite clearly, usually they are directly related to mental or physical superiority. With age, these qualities may disappear if they are not developed.

The players sit on chairs, close their eyes, and the presenter explains the rules: the phrase “far, far away, in a dense forest... who?” One of the players answers, for example: “little foxes.” If several answers are pronounced at the same time, the presenter does not accept them and repeats the phrase again. Sometimes it is difficult for the players to decide who should answer, but the leader should not interfere and let the children figure it out themselves.

When the only answer is received, the presenter says the following phrase: “Far, far away, in a dense forest, fox cubs... what are they doing?” Answers are accepted according to the same rules.

You can play this game for quite a long time until you get bored. Or - when the first phrase becomes long enough, you can start over. The only condition: all phrases must begin the same: “Far, far away, in a dense forest...”

It usually turns out that one or more players answer the most. It is worth paying attention to them - they are the ones who have the most developed leadership abilities.

Psychological game “Shipwreck”

The game is for children of preschool and school age.

The presenter announces: “We sailed on big ship, and he ran aground. Then he got up strong wind, the ship refloated, but the engine broke down. There are enough lifeboats, but the radio is damaged. What to do?"

The situation may be different, the main thing is that there are several ways out of it.

The kids discuss the current situation and consider all possible ways out of it. Some people offer one way out, others another. It is important to pay attention to who takes the most active part in the discussion and defends their opinion.

As a result of the discussion, the players tell the presenter their way out of the situation, and he tells them what came out of it. Naturally, the result must be successful. The presenter must not allow a “split” among the players, that is, the fact that one half of the children will choose one option, and the other half will choose another.

Psychological game "Fire brigade"

At the beginning of the game, a leader is chosen. The remaining players represent the “fire brigade”. The presenter must send them to put out the “fire”. Players must run, fuss and perform some stupid actions. The leader’s task is to be able to “gather” them and force them to “put out the fire.” As a result, each player gives his assessment of the leader’s behavior on a five-point scale.

Then the players change places - someone else becomes the leader. The game repeats itself. Next, each player again gives his assessment of the leader’s behavior. The game continues until each player is in the leader's place. The winner will be the one who received the most points.

Psychological game “Photographer”

Game for preschoolers.

At the beginning of the game, a leader is selected - the “photographer”. The presenter must take interesting “photos,” which means he must seat the rest of the guys at his discretion. The “Photographer” will have to act quickly and clearly. He can offer the role of a teacher to one of the participants in the game - therefore, he needs to take the appropriate pose. Someone can become a “policeman”, someone an “actress”, someone a “magician”.

Each player gives his or her assessment of the “photographer’s” actions on a five-point scale. Then the players change, and another one becomes the “photographer”. The game continues until all the guys have played the role of “photographer”. And to make the game even more interesting, you can take a Polaroid and take snapshots. The best “photographer”, accordingly, will have better quality photographs, which means he is better than others at ensuring that those around him fulfill his requirements, and is a leader.

Psychological game “I’m the best, and you?”

For preschool children.

All children should feel unity and receive a portion of encouragement and approval, and in an atmosphere of mutual perception and Have a good mood Children will forget about their fears and doubts at least for a while. The game is not designed for participation large number children (from 3 to 5).

One of the children is hoisted onto a chair amid universal cheers of approval, and for a while the dream of being on stage and receiving enthusiastic applause becomes a reality. The rest surround the chair in a tight ring and clap their hands.

Each of the players should visit this place of honor, and both those for whom applause is heard and those who applaud receive pleasure from the game.

Psychological game “Along the Main Street with an Orchestra”

For preschool children.

The game helps children get rid of negative emotions, as well as presenting yourself as an important orchestra conductor. This exercise not only invigorates, but also creates a feeling of cohesion. For the game, you will need a cassette with a recording of perky and cheerful music that children would like and evoke positive emotions in them.

All the children must remember the conductor and the movements that he performs in the orchestra pit. Everyone needs to stand together in a common circle, imagine themselves as conductors and “conduct” an imaginary orchestra. All parts of the body should be involved: arms, legs, shoulders, palms...

Psychological game "Gardener"

For children of preschool and primary school age; It is desirable that the number of participants be at least 10.

Choose a presenter. It often becomes an adult.

All children take color names for themselves. The leader begins the game by saying next text: “I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers, except ...”, and names one of the flowers chosen by the children. For example, “...except for the rose.” “Rose” should immediately respond: “Oh!” The presenter or one of the players asks: “What’s wrong with you?” “Rose” answers: “In love.” The same player or presenter asks: “With whom?” “Rose” answers, for example, “Into the violet.” “Violet” should immediately respond: “Oh!” etc. If you did not respond when you named your flower, or you yourself “fell in love” with someone who is not here, then you lose and the game starts over.

Psychological game “Nose, mouth...”

For preschool children. It teaches the ability to quickly react to a situation, develops their attention and the ability to quickly switch it from one subject to another.

Usually the leader is an adult. Sit facing the children, seating them in a semicircle. Start the game by saying: “Nose, nose, nose, nose...”. At the same time elongated index finger touch your nose. Children should do the same. Suddenly change the word: “Nose, nose, mouth...”, but you should not touch the mouth, but another part of the head, for example, the forehead or ear. The children's task is to touch the same part of the head as you, and not the one you named. The one who makes more than 3 mistakes leaves the game.

The winner is the player who remains in the game the longest.

Psychological game “Food Base”

For children of preschool and primary school age.

A presenter is selected. He will be the “director of the product base.” Another one is “store director.” The remaining players are “sellers”. The essence of the game is this: one “salesperson” comes to the “director of the food base” and asks him what products are available. The “base director” gives him a specific list, for example: “There is ice cream, Ostankino sausage, Salami sausage, smoked sausages, Dutch cheese, Indian tea, milk, butter, margarine.”

The “seller” must remember everything and pass it on to the “store director”. The difficulty is that you cannot write down the names of products, you can only remember them. At the same time, the presenters themselves may well write down what they said in order to check the players later. For each correctly named product, the player receives a point. Those who collect the most win.

Novoselova Natalya Vladimirovna

Psychological games and exercises with preschoolers

Psychological games for preschoolers

"Cacti grow in the desert"

Everyone stands in a circle, holds hands, walks and says:

“Cacti grow in the desert, cacti grow in the desert...” The leader stands in the center of the circle, sometimes turning. Suddenly, one of the players jumps out of the circle and shouts: “Oh!” He must do this in such a way that the presenter does not see him at this moment, and the players adjacent to him immediately clasp their hands. If the leader sees someone about to jump out, he touches him on the shoulder, and he remains in the general circle.

The presenter asks: “What’s wrong with you?”

The player comes up with any answer related to the cactus (for example: “I ate a cactus, but it is bitter” or “I stepped on a cactus”).

After this, the player returns back to the circle, and others can jump out. The most important condition is not to repeat yourself when answering the presenter’s question.

Those children who most often find themselves outside the circle are the most active and have greater leadership abilities.

"Teddy bears on a walk"

First, the presenter says: “You are all little bear cubs, you are walking through the meadow and picking sweet strawberries. One of you is the eldest, he watches over everyone else.”

Cheerful music plays, children walk around the room and pretend to be bear cubs - they waddle, pretend to pick berries, and sing songs.

At this time, the presenter selects one player and, when the music stops, announces that he is the eldest bear cub. His task (announced in advance) is to check as quickly as possible whether all the cubs are in place, that is, to touch the shoulder of each player.

After he makes sure that no one is lost, the game resumes, and after a few minutes the leader appoints another senior. The game continues until everyone has played this role. The one who completes this task the fastest is declared the fastest and oldest. Naturally, this will only work for those who act calmer and more organized than others. At the end of the game, the host explains why the winner was able to complete the task better than the rest.

The game “Teddy Bears for a Walk” allows children to learn how to quickly respond to a task and correctly organize their actions. It can be carried out quite often, changing bear cubs to kittens, chickens, elephant calves, etc.

"Far, far away, in a dense forest..."

The players sit on chairs, close their eyes, and the presenter explains the rules: the phrase “far, far away, in a dense forest... who?” One of the players answers, for example: “little foxes.” If several answers are pronounced at the same time, the presenter does not accept them and repeats the phrase again. Sometimes it is difficult for the players to decide who should answer, but the leader should not interfere and let the children figure it out themselves.

When the only answer is received, the presenter says the following phrase: “Far, far away, in a dense forest, fox cubs... what are they doing?” Answers are accepted according to the same rules.

You can play this game for quite a long time until you get bored. Or - when the first phrase becomes long enough, you can start over. The only condition: all phrases must begin the same: “Far, far away, in a dense forest...”

It usually turns out that one or more players answer the most. It is worth paying attention to them - they are the ones who have the most developed leadership abilities.


The presenter announces: “We were sailing on a large ship, and it ran aground. Then a strong wind arose, the ship refloated, but the engine broke down. There are enough lifeboats, but the radio is damaged. What to do?"

The situation may be different, the main thing is that there are several ways out of it.

The kids discuss the current situation and consider all possible ways out of it. Some people offer one way out, others another. It is important to pay attention to who takes the most active part in the discussion and defends their opinion.

As a result of the discussion, the players tell the presenter their way out of the situation, and he tells them what came out of it. Naturally, the result must be successful. The presenter must not allow a “split” among the players, that is, the fact that one half of the children will choose one option, and the other half will choose another.

"Fire brigade"

At the beginning of the game, a leader is chosen. The remaining players represent the “fire brigade”. The presenter must send them to put out the “fire”. Players must run, fuss and perform some stupid actions. The leader’s task is to be able to “gather” them and force them to “put out the fire.” As a result, each player gives his assessment of the leader’s behavior on a five-point scale.

Then the players change places - someone else becomes the leader. The game repeats itself. Next, each player again gives his assessment of the leader’s behavior. The game continues until each player is in the leader's place. The winner will be the one who received the most points.


At the beginning of the game, a leader is selected - a “photographer”. The presenter must take interesting “photos,” which means he must seat the rest of the guys at his discretion. The “Photographer” will have to act quickly and clearly. He can offer the role of a teacher to one of the participants in the game - therefore, he needs to take the appropriate pose. Someone can become a “policeman”, someone an “actress”, someone a “magician”.

Each player gives his or her assessment of the “photographer’s” actions on a five-point scale. Then the players change, and another one becomes the “photographer”. The game continues until all the guys have played the role of “photographer”. And to make the game even more interesting, you can take a Polaroid and take snapshots. The best “photographer”, accordingly, will have better quality photographs, which means he is better than others at ensuring that those around him fulfill his requirements, and is a leader.

“I’m the best, and you?”

All children should feel unity and receive a dose of encouragement and approval, and in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and good mood, children will forget about their fears and doubts for a while. The game is designed for the participation of not too many children (from 3 to 5).

One of the children is hoisted onto a chair amid universal cheers of approval, and for a while the dream of being on stage and receiving enthusiastic applause becomes a reality. The rest surround the chair in a tight ring and clap their hands.

Each of the players should visit this place of honor, and both those for whom applause is heard and those who applaud receive pleasure from the game.

"On Main Street with an Orchestra"

The game helps children get rid of negative emotions and also imagine themselves as an important orchestra conductor. This exercise not only invigorates, but also creates a feeling of cohesion. For the game, you will need a cassette with a recording of perky and cheerful music that children would like and evoke positive emotions in them.

All the children must remember the conductor and the movements that he performs in the orchestra pit. Everyone needs to stand together in a common circle, imagine themselves as conductors and “conduct” an imaginary orchestra. All parts of the body should be involved: arms, legs, shoulders, palms...


It is desirable that the number of participants be at least 10.

Choose a presenter. It often becomes an adult.

All children take color names for themselves. The presenter begins the game by saying the following text: “I was born a gardener, I got really angry, I’m tired of all the flowers, except ...”, and names one of the flowers chosen by the children. For example, “...except for the rose.” “Rose” should immediately respond: “Oh!” The presenter or one of the players asks: “What’s wrong with you?” “Rose” answers: “In love.” The same player or presenter asks: “With whom?” “Rose” answers, for example, “Into the violet.” “Violet” should immediately respond: “Oh!” etc. If you did not respond when you named your flower, or you yourself “fell in love” with someone who is not here, then you lose and the game starts over.

Nose, mouth...

Usually the leader is an adult. Sit facing the children, seating them in a semicircle. Start the game by saying: “Nose, nose, nose, nose...”. At the same time, touch your nose with your extended index finger. Children should do the same. Suddenly change the word: “Nose, nose, mouth...”, but you should not touch the mouth, but another part of the head, for example, the forehead or ear. The children's task is to touch the same part of the head as you, and not the one you named. The one who makes more than 3 mistakes leaves the game.

The winner is the player who remains in the game the longest.

"Product base"

A presenter is selected. He will be the “director of the product base.” Another one is a “store director.” The remaining players are “sellers”. The essence of the game is this: one “salesperson” comes to the “director of the food base” and asks him what products are available. The “base director” gives him a specific list, for example: “There is ice cream, Ostankino sausage, Salami sausage, smoked sausages, Dutch cheese, Indian tea, milk, butter, margarine.”

The “seller” must remember everything and pass it on to the “store director”. The difficulty is that you cannot write down the names of products, you can only remember them. At the same time, the presenters themselves may well write down what they said in order to check the players later. For each correctly named product, the player receives a point. Those who collect the most win.

"Music and Color"

The players sit in a semicircle. The presenter is located opposite. Children are given cardboard squares of different colors and shades. The presenter plays some symphonic, orchestral or instrumental music for 2-3 minutes.

The players' task is to lift up a square painted in a color that, in their opinion, conveys the same mood as the music they hear. If one of the children raised a square that is sharply different in color from those raised by the others, the leader asks him to justify his opinion, and then continues the collective discussion.

The game will teach children to compare shades of color and paint of music and find connections and differences between them. At the end of the game, you can ask the children to talk about colors and answer questions like: what is this color, what does it look like, what music and instruments correspond to it?

"Clouds, white-maned horses"

This game can be played among your family members. You should choose a warm sunny day, when there are many different clouds in the sky, quickly passing by. The players must lie on their backs and, looking at the sky, choose one cloud for themselves. Then everyone must describe their cloud: tell what it looks like, what color it has, who it is running away from (describe the rival cloud following it) and what mood it carries.

The one who writes the most picturesque story wins. To interest children, the leader (parent) must set an example first.

"Know the Hero"

The presenter chooses any children's fairy tale with a fairly simple and clear plot as the basis for the game. For preschool children, you need to choose a fairy tale in which there are not many characters and the main characters are unambiguous, that is, they are positive or negative.

The participants of the game sit in one common circle. The presenter expressively reads the entire story aloud. After this, he asks the players to characterize each character (hero) of the fairy tale in turn, justifying their answer and supporting it with examples. The child should try to answer why he thinks so.

Then, when all opinions have been expressed, a general discussion can be held. The game is not intended to identify the winner; it is important to teach each child to adequately and correctly evaluate the actions of the heroes, because children can apply their knowledge to real people.

"Who wears glasses?"

Children often worry if they have to wear glasses. This game is aimed at helping them get rid of this complex. It is advisable to prepare for the game in advance. To do this, you need to find photographs in magazines and newspapers of a variety of famous and not so famous people who wear glasses.

Also, for the game you need to pick up several pairs of glasses; you can use any - solar, for swimming, or just cut out of paper.

It is advisable that the presenter himself wears glasses. He invites the guys to try to choose glasses to their taste from those that are available. Each player puts on some glasses. The game is that first the presenter shows photographs of famous people wearing glasses, then invites everyone to say something good about the choice of glasses.

Participants in the game take turns expressing their opinions. It can be anything. We can say that wearing glasses is stylish, especially if they are beautiful and fashionable, or that wearing glasses is convenient, since everything is visible and dust does not get into the eyes. When everyone has spoken in this way, the presenter chooses the author of the most meaningful speech. There are no winners or losers in the game, but the smartest one can be rewarded with some kind of prize. For this game, you can take a Polaroid so that everyone can take a souvenir photo with glasses.

Let's sing

You may not be a singer and may not have a good voice, but still not be shy about singing in the presence of friends or acquaintances. Singing not only improves your mood, but also develops your voice. And this is a very useful quality, it will be useful both in lessons and in other cases. However, some children are embarrassed to sing. They are sure that they are doing it extremely poorly. And all because someone once told them that they wouldn’t succeed. This game helps to get rid of this complex.

Everyone should sing any song they like: modern, romance, Russian folk. Or you can create one yourself. If he is shy and cannot sing in full voice, the presenter’s task is to help him. In this case, he invites those present to sing this song in chorus. As a result, even the most timid guys will join in the general singing. There are no winners or losers in the game; everyone has the right to show their ability to sing.

Make up a fairy tale

The presenter shows everyone a picture that can depict anything, from an apple to a person, and the players take turns writing a fairy tale about what is shown in the picture.

Who is more interesting?

The game is aimed at developing the child’s creative imagination and his ability to establish logical connections.

The presenter pronounces any phrase with an unfinished thought, for example: “This morning I left the house...”. The second player immediately composes a continuation: “... and saw that a huge car was rushing towards me...” Each player adds his own phrase and the result should be a story or a fairy tale.

The presenter can give direction to this story at the beginning of the game, deciding on the outline of the plot. In this case, the players will select their phrases, but in accordance with the predetermined beginning and end of the plot, but an element of improvisation is not excluded.

The plot for a collective story can be either an ordinary story or a fairy tale, a wonderful and fantastic story.

“What is bitter?”

As many children as possible should play this game. The presenter asks questions: “What is red? Gorky? Scary? Funny? Soft?" The questions can be very diverse, and the answers must be meaningful.

The rules can be complicated: for example, by introducing time to think about the answer. Those who don’t figure it out in time leave the game, and the one who gives the most answers wins. The leader’s words, with the help of which phrases are composed, can be the following: hard, liquid, rare, frequent, low, small, light, oblique, lively, full, even, light, dark, strong, strong...

For older children who are in elementary school, you can make the task more difficult. Let them come up with not only phrases, but also sentences with these words. They must express a complete thought and be competently and interestingly composed.

"The Fairy's Apprentice"

Even one child can play. With the help of his imagination, he imagines that he meets a fairy, who for some time becomes his patron and protector. The fairy gives the child a magic wand (a thread, a needle, a ring... that is, whatever the child likes most of these items), so that with the help of this object one can call for help in a dangerous moment.

Further events depend on the imagination of the child, who offers various options and comes up with situations from which one can only get out with the help of a magic object. This could be a meeting with aliens, a formidable monster....

Interesting and entertaining stories invented by the child can be acted out, which develops not only imagination, but also acting abilities. The end of adventures (or misadventures), naturally, should be happy: good triumphs over evil. Roles in this game are not assigned to anyone in particular, that is, the child imagines himself as who he wants to be most.

You can play on the street, in a room, on a table, behind a screen... The only thing an adult can offer a child before a game is a plan according to which approximate events will develop, but an element of improvisation must be present in this game in any case, because only with With the help of a child's imagination, something can happen.

Sample plan:

1. Meeting of a child and a fairy.

2. The fairy takes the hero to a fabulous and amazing land.

3. Returning home.

This plan is conditional, you can change it in any direction.

"The elephant is angry"

A presenter is selected. The rest of the children must depict how angry various people, fairy-tale characters or animals are. The presenter turns to each participant in the game: “Katya, show me how angry the elephant is?” Katya must portray how she imagines it. In this way, you can come up with a variety of stories - how an angry teacher, a student, an elephant, a cat, a mouse, etc. are angry. There are no winners or losers in the game. But the author of the most successful stories can be considered the winner.

Exercises for anger and aggression management training

Pebble in a shoe

Objectives: This game is a creative re-imagining of one of the rules of teamwork: “Bring problems to the forefront.” In this game we use a simple and understandable metaphor for children, with which they can communicate their difficulties as they arise. From time to time, it makes sense to play the Pebble in the Shoe game as a group ritual to encourage even the shyest children to talk about their worries and problems. Encourage children to spontaneously use the ritual phrase "There's a pebble in my shoe!" whenever they experience any difficulties, when something bothers them, when they are angry with someone, when they are offended, or for some other reason cannot concentrate their attention in the lesson.

Instructions: Please sit in one common circle. Can you tell me what happens when a pebble hits your shoe? Perhaps at first this pebble does not interfere much, and you leave everything as it is. It may even happen that you forget about an unpleasant pebble and go to bed, and in the morning you put on your shoe, forgetting to take the pebble out of it. But after a while you notice that your leg begins to hurt. In the end, this small pebble is already perceived as a fragment of an entire rock. Then you take off your shoes and shake him out of there. However, there may already be a wound on the leg, and a small problem becomes a big problem.

When we are angry, preoccupied or excited about something, at first it is perceived as a small pebble in a shoe. If we take care to get him out of there in time, then the leg will remain safe and sound, but if not, then problems may arise, and considerable ones. Therefore, it is always useful for both adults and children to talk about their problems as soon as they notice them. If you tell us: “I have a pebble in my shoe,” then we will all know that something is bothering you and we can talk about it. I want you to think carefully now if there is anything at the moment that would interfere with you. Say then: “I don’t have a pebble in my shoe,” or: “I have a pebble in my shoe. I don’t like that Maxim (Petya, Katya) laughs at my glasses.” Tell us what else depresses you.

Let the children experiment with these two phrases depending on their condition. Then discuss the individual "pebbles" that will be named.

Yes and no

Goals: This game, just like the previous one, is aimed at relieving the state of apathy and fatigue in children, at awakening them vitality. The great thing about this game is that it is a voice-only game. Therefore, the Yes and No game can be especially useful for those children who have not yet discovered their own voice as important way self-affirmation in life. A fake, playful argument refreshes the psychological climate in the class and, as a rule, relieves tension. When starting this game, keep in mind that there will be terrible noise and commotion in the classroom for a while.

Materials: Small bell.

Instructions: Take a moment to think about how your voice usually sounds. Rather quiet, rather loud, rather medium?

Now you will need to use the full power of your voice. Break into pairs and stand in front of each other. Now you will conduct an imaginary battle with words. Decide which of you will say the word “yes” and which will say the word “no”. Your entire argument will consist of just these two words. Then you will change them. You can start very quietly and gradually increase the volume until one of you decides it can't get any louder. Please listen to the bell I brought with me. When you hear it ringing, stop and take a few deep breaths. At the same time, pay attention to how pleasant it is to be in silence after such noise and din.

Learning to cooperate through games and exercises

Unexpected pictures

Goals: "Unexpected Pictures" is an example of great teamwork for young children. During this game they have the opportunity to see how each group member contributes to the overall picture.

Materials: Every child needs paper and wax crayons.

Instructions: Sit in one common circle. Take each of you a piece of paper and sign your name with reverse side. Then start drawing some picture. (2-3 minutes.)

At my command, stop drawing and pass the drawing you started to your neighbor on the left. Take the sheet that your neighbor on the right gives you and continue drawing the picture he started.

Give the children the opportunity to draw for another 2-3 minutes and ask them to pass their drawing to the person on their left again. IN large groups it will take a long time before all the drawings come full circle. In such cases, stop the exercise after 8-10 shifts or ask someone to pass the drawing on.

You can spice up the game musical accompaniment. As soon as the music stops, the children begin to exchange drawings. At the end of the exercise, each child receives the picture that he began to draw.

Exercise Analysis:

— Do you like the drawing you started drawing?

— Did you like finishing other people’s drawings?

—Which drawing do you like best?

—Are these drawings different from those you usually draw? How?


Goals: The whole group participates in this game at once. In it, children can actively use both their motor skills and their imagination and prudence.

Materials: One folding meter and two to three wooden blocks for each child. The task will be more difficult if the cubes are different sizes. Among them there should be several wooden cylinders.

Instructions: Take two cubes each and sit in a circle on the floor. Now all of you together will need to build one skyscraper. I'm very interested to know how high you can build it without it falling apart. One of you can start building by placing one cube on the floor in the center. Then the next one comes up and places his cube next to or on top. It's up to you when you add one of your cubes. At the same time, you can talk to each other and think together about what you will do next. I will count how many cubes you stack before the tower falls. Even if only one cube falls, you will have to start all over again. In addition, from time to time I will measure how high the tower has already risen.

From time to time, measure the height of the resulting skyscraper. It would be nice if you could comment on the children's actions and strategies. First of all, support everything that is aimed at children cooperating with each other.

Exercise Analysis:

— Did you like this game?

— Were you offended by anyone during the game?

Cardboard towers

Objectives: This is a very exciting game in which children try to independently establish interaction with each other in order to cope with a difficult task together. At the same time, they can create a really working team. There are two game options:

Non-verbal. In this case, children do not have the right to talk to each other during the task, but can only communicate without words.

Verbal. In this option, children can discuss the process of completing the task among themselves.

The non-verbal option has the advantage of making children more attentive. Perhaps this version of the game is more suitable for the first game, and after some time the game can be repeated in a verbal version.

Materials: For everyone small group You need 20 sheets of colored cardboard for labor lessons measuring 6 X 10 cm (each group has its own color of cardboard), in addition, each group needs to have one piece of tape.

Instructions: Divide into groups of six people. Each group must now build their own tower. To do this, you will receive 20 sheets of cardboard and a roll of tape. Please do not use anything else in your work. You have exactly 10 minutes to build a tower. And now very important point- please don’t talk to each other, find other ways to interact with each other.

Stop the game after exactly 10 minutes and ask each group to imagine their tower.

— Did your group have enough material?

— Would you like there to be more material? Less?

— How did your group work?

— Which of the children in your group started construction?

— Did you have a presenter?

— Did all the children participate in the game?

— What was the mood in your group?

— How did you feel while working?

— What was the most pleasant thing about your work?

- How did you understand each other?

— Are you satisfied with your work in the group?

— Were you a good team member?

-Were you angry with anyone?

-What would you do differently next time?

—Which tower do you like best?

—Are you satisfied with your team’s tower?

— What does working in such a team depend on?

Exercises to correct fears and anxiety

Exercise “Happy Fear”

Goal: correction of anxiety and fears.

The psychologist tells a fairy tale: “Once upon a time there was Fear. Everyone was afraid of him, and no one wanted to play with him. Fear alone became sad and boring, and he decided to go look for friends, but he didn’t find anyone, because everyone was afraid of him and was hiding from him. Fear was tired of scaring everyone, and he decided to become cheerful and funny. What should Fear do to make the children have fun?..." Children offer their own options.

Exercise “Cave of Fears”

Goal: differentiation of anxiety and fears, their primary stabilization.

Means: visual, expressive, verbal-communicative.

Shape: individual.

Age: senior preschool, junior school.


Sketch of the “cave of fears”.

Colored pencils (paints, felt-tip pens).

Progress of the lesson:

Part 1. Drawing

The child is offered a sketch of the “cave of fears” drawing for consideration. Then instructions are introduced on the fairy-tale content of the sketch and a focus on a figurative (objectified) image of fears. The instructions are given by the psychologist in free form.

Part 2. Conversation

When the drawing is completed, the child is asked to talk about the images depicted and emotional experiences during the drawing process.

Stimulating questions:

Who/what is this? Why is he/they scary? Who does he/they scare? How? When? Are you afraid of them/him? Why? Can he/they be defeated? How?

How did you feel when you were drawing? What did you remember? What were you thinking?

Why did you choose these colors and lines?

Part 3. Expressive pause

The child is asked to depict fears using pantomimic and facial means.

Game "Animals in a hole"

Age: for children 3-4 years old.

When you go to bed with your child with the light on, cover yourself with a blanket and say something like this: “You and I are little squirrels (bunnies, mice - whoever he likes best), we are lying in our cozy hole. It's dark and cold outside, it's raining, the wind howls, and here you and I are warm, quiet, cozy. And no one will come to us, we will not let anyone in. Our hole has thick walls; no one is afraid of us.” You should speak soothingly so that the child relaxes and gradually falls asleep.

In the morning, you can play how an evil wolf tried to get into the animals’ hole (the role of which can be periodically offered to the child), and the animals drove him away. In the evening, this option should be avoided so that the child does not become overexcited.

Game "Brave Scout"

Goal: correction of fears and anxiety.

Age: for children 5-8 years old.

You can play in a group, or you can play alone with an adult. It’s better to weave an episode about a brave scout into an expanded game of war, so that everything turns out more natural and interesting. At some point, the child (again, called by his real name) receives the task of going on reconnaissance at night. Weapons belonging to the enemy are laid out in a darkened room. The child must count everything and report to the commander. The commander awards him a medal for bravery.

Exercise “Getting rid of anxiety”

Goal: relieving anxiety, worry, preparing for an expected stressful situation.

Time required: 5-10 min.

Procedure: Relax and imagine that you are sitting on a wonderful green lawn on a clear sunny day... The sky is illuminated by a rainbow, and a particle of this radiance belongs to you... It is brighter than a thousand suns... Its rays gently and gently warm your head, penetrate into the body, spread throughout it, the whole of it is filled with cleansing healing light, in which your sorrows and anxieties, all negative thoughts and feelings, fears and assumptions dissolve. All unhealthy particles leave your body, turning into dark smoke, which is quickly dissipated by a gentle wind. You are freed from worries, you are cleansed, you are light and joyful!