Some animals are so mimmichny that your first reaction will rush to them and hug. Other animals can be so terrible that there will be one glance enough to understand - you need to keep your legs (even if they are not so dangerous for people). In the most terrible animals, there are also no identical features. Some beasts may look worthy of hugs, but we all know that they will ruin us into pieces at the first opportunity. And then there are monsters hiding in the shadows observing and waiting when we will not turn there. Ready you to this, or not, here are the 25 most terrible animals from which you should run!

25. Frn

The fact that Frilla is unique, or the husiel spider, so it is the fact that it is not really dangerous for people, but it looks so terrible that it's a silent one.

24. Poultry wagon Goliath


Poultry wagon Goliath is the biggest spider in the world. It can reach 30 cm. Only this fact should make you rush away from it. In addition, spiders of poisonous and can produce thin hairs that will leave on the skin tracks, itching for several days. Plus, Spider has fangs that can contact the elk skin.

23. African honey bee


Most people try to stay away if they see swarm bees in a place where there are, but African is a completely different breed. They are invasive and much more inclined to attack, especially in large quantities. If they consider you a threat, then they will pounce on you.

22. Giant African Snail



Fortunately, such land inhabitants, as we do not have to worry about Tiger fish Goliafe. However, if you have for some incomprehensible reason, the legs were knee-deep in the Congo River, you will want to run faster than wind when you see that this is a creature. These fish are fast, they have sharp teeth and they even feed on small crocodiles.

20. Crested Pavian


Crested Pavian can not be the largest animal, being the size of a small dog, but their fancy appearance and sharp teeth can make you think twice before approaching.

19. Lesula


Representatives of the newly discovered type of Lesul Primates look like olders in a monkey costume, which in itself is terrible enough to make you get up like the inserted on your way and go to the other side. They will most likely make the same thing, and you can pretend that nothing was.

18. Tiger


Tigers-beautiful and majestic creatures. They are also effective and predatory killers. According to Tigers of the World, between 1800 and 2009, 373,000 people were killed by tigers. And this is probably only those numbers that we know.

17. Kitrav


You should not joke with Kithograv. He has a frightening appearance back and eyes, saying "I want to kill you," so you don't need to be a genius to understand what is better to run if you meet it. Of course, usually there are no people in their menu. Mostly Kit-Mare eat fish and eels. Oh, yes, and small crocodiles!

16. Japanese giant hornet


The Japanese giant hornet will arrive at you and will not take prisoners, and since it corresponds to your palm in size, it would be reasonable to escape from him. It is believed that in Japan they kill 40 people annually.

15. Polar bear


They are very funny at the Children's Poster Coca-Cola, but this image is deceptive, these Arctic residents are aggressive, fierce and without thinking you will be frowning with your young. According to a study published in the Wildlife Society Bulletin Bulletin (Wildlife Society Bulletin), the cases of attacking people multiply.

14. Moli Lobster Caterpillar


If you did not feel trembling in my feet after saw Moli Lobster caterpillar, you brave the soul. As it should be expected, its appearance is forgotten to drive away predators than something else, but you should know that these caterpillars will be protected if necessary.

13. Green Anaconda


Look at the green anaconand and cry. This "hippo can grow up to 8 meters long and 30 cm wide. Anaconda hunt wild pigs, deer and even jaguars. No animal is theoretically too large for a snake to slowly compress it, climb and digest.

12. Mole-star


All you need to do is throw one look at the clock-stars, and you are aware of the question, are you alone on this planet. With giant claws and terribly looking nose, it is easily digging in the ground and, being practically blind, feels the road, touching everything around his nose.

11. Amazonian giant vest


Amazon Giant Sorry-Troops is the largest vestry in the world, reaching 30 or more centimeters. To top off to everything, this nightmare dancing on the ground is a powerful toxin that most animals can kill and seriously injure the person. They are also quite aggressive.

10. Lev.


Do we really need to convince you that the lions are terrible? You might think that they are harmless and avoid people, but only in Tanzania they can kill up to 100 people annually. Over the years, several lions of cannibals have appeared, which are led by a tendency to human flesh. They are fast, cunning and pursue prey as a serial killer. If you ever see lion in the wild, hope and pray that you can escape fast enough. Sad fact: you will not be able to do this.

9. Scorpio


A relative of spiders and ticks, Scorpio is a terrible reptile - a caterpillar, which you do not want to discover in your bed. First, because their appearance is terrible, and besides, because of their tail, body-metasoma, at the end of which there is a poisonous sting.

8. Stork Marabu


Stork Marabu does not give birth to children, he eats them. You were correctly heard. This bird is not exchanged on trifles. Natural padals, they eat everything in a row. Therefore, think twice before approaching one of them.

7. Gorilla


While the gorillas, as a rule, are peaceful and decently behave, if they provoke them, the situation can take an unpleasant turn. Gorillas are large, strong and relatively fast, so you never want to dance with one of them. If they ever grab you, they can bite off a big piece of your flesh or carry you as a rag doll.

6. Portuguese ship


Looking at the Portuguese boat, you probably say that this is jellyfish. But in fact, this animal consists of a colony of organisms. Despite this, from his tentacle can kill the animal and put an extremely painful wound to man.

5. Dresser Dragon


Dresser dragons are the largest, heavy and poisonous lizards in the world. They can also see 300 meters. So they will most likely see you earlier than you. By the time you see a dragon, it is definitely better to get away, or you will become its next dinner.

4. Black Mamba.


The color of the inner part of the mouth, the Black Mamba causes a certain fear of anyone who hears her name or sees it in real life. She is fast, smart and deadly. Two drops of poison of this snake can kill a person.

3. Crocodile Nila


Reaching lengths of 6 m, these insightful and carnivorous descendants of dinosaurs can boast a durable skin, sharp as a razor to teeth, and, unlike alligators, hunt people. Crocodiles living in Nile, are responsible for 300 attacks on people a year.

2. Ay-ah


Large eyes and long black fingers are enough enough to cause a real horror. But this does not end. He has sharp teeth, strong enough to chew concrete and one tiny, terrible finger, which he uses for fishing.

1. Bear Grizzly


Giant, evil and waving claws as if on his paws, the sharpest knives, the bear Grizzly is that a terrible animal, with whom you definitely do not want to meet in the forest. If you have seen the movie "Survivor", then you understand what we are talking about. Grizzlys can weigh up to 385.5 kg, and their maximum speed is 56.3 km / h. So good luck in running a rope.

Socials - Mammal from the detachment of insectivores, divided into two main types: Cuban squalus and Haitian. Comparatively large, relative to other types of insectivores, beast: its length is 32 centimeters, and the tail, on average, 25 cm, the mass of the animal is about 1 kilogram, the physique is dense.

Mushroom wolf. It dwells in South America. Long wolf legs - the result of evolution in matters of adaptation to the habitat, they help the animal to overcome obstacles in the form of high grass growing on the plains.

African cyvel - The only representative of the same kind. These animals in Africa are inhabited in Africa on open spaces with a high grass from Senegal to Somalia, the south of Namibia and in the eastern regions of South Africa. The sizes of the beast visually quite strongly increase when the cyvel raises the wool when the cyvel is excited. And she has a thick and long fur, especially on the back closer to the tail. Paws, muzzle and the end of the tail is absolutely black, most of the bodies are spotted.

MUSKRAT. An animal is quite well known, thanks to its sonorous name. Just a good photo.

Prohidna. This miracle of nature usually weighs up to 10 kg, although more large-sized individuals were noted. By the way, in length, the body of the prohokhid reaches 77 cm, and this is not counting their cute five-seven centimeter tails. Any description of this animal is based on a comparison with the eidny: the paws are alerts above, claws are more powerful. Another feature of the appearance of the prohhidna is spurs on the hind legs of males and the five-lattice of the hind limbs and the three-capability of the front.

Capibara. Semi-water mammal, the largest of modern rodents. He is the only representative of the Watervinel family (Hydrochoeridae). There is a dwarf variety of Hydrochoeerus Isthmius, sometimes it is considered as a separate type (small water supply).

SEA CUCUMBER. Holoturia. Sea cubes, sea cucumbers (Holothuridea), class of invertebrate animals of the type of needle-skinned. Types used in food are the common name "Trepang".

Pangolin. This post just could not do without it.

Hell Vampire. Mollusk. Despite its obvious similarity with the octopus and squid, this mollusk, scientists allocated vampyrphida to a separate detachment (Lat.), Because only it is inherent in the retractable sensitive beat-shaped filaments.

AARDVARK. In Africa, these mammals are called Aartvark, which means "Earthy Pig" in Russian. In fact, the pipe-born in appearance is very much reminded of a pig, only with an elongated muzzle. The ears of this amazing animal in their structure are very much similar to the hare. There is also a muscular tail, which is very similar to the tail of such an animal as a kangaroo.

Japanese giant salamander. Today, this is the largest amphibian, which can reach 160 cm long, weight up to 180 kg and can live up to 150 years, although the officially registered maximum age of the giant salamander is 55 years old.

Bearded Pig. In different sources, a bearded pig is divided into two or three subspecies. This is a curly bearded pig (SUS Barbatus Oi), which lives on the Malack Peninsula and Sumatra Island, Bourney Bearded Pig (Sus Barbatus Barbatus) and the Palava Bearded Pig, who live, judging by the name, on the island of Borneo and Palawan, as well as on Java , Kalimantane and small islands of the Indonesian archipelago in Southeast Asia.

Sumatran rhinoceros. Belong to the non-parunning animals of the family of rhinoceros. This type of rhinoceros is the smallest of the entire family. The length of the body of an adult individual of Sumatran rhino can reach 200 - 280 cm, and height in the withers can range from 100 to 150 cm. Such rhinos can weigh up to 1000 kg.

Sugwesse Bear Kusset.. Wooden bag animal living in the upper tier of plain tropical forests. The fur of a bearish squeaker consists of a soft bleeding and coarse isge. The color hesitates from gray to brown, with a more light-colored belly and limbs and varies depending on the geographical subspecies and age of the animal. Grass, not covered with wool's tail is about half the length of the animal and performs the function of the fifth limb, which facilitates promotion in a thick tropical forest. Bear Couscus is the most primitive among all couscous, which preserves the primitive growth of the teeth and the characteristics of the structure of the skull.

Galago. Its large fluffy tail is clearly comparable to the Belichim. And the charming face and graceful movements, flexibility and ingratility, brightly reflect his feline. An amazing jumping, mobility, strength and incredible dexterity of this animal clearly show his nature of a funny cat and elusive protein. Of course, it would be where to use your talents, because the close cage for this very badly fit. But, if you give this animal a little freedom and sometimes allow him to walk around the apartment, then all his quirks and talents will be a reality. Many even compare it with Kangaroo.

WOMBAT. Without a photo of the Vombata, it is impossible to talk about strange and rare animals.

Amazonian dolphin. It is the largest river dolphin. Inia Geoffrensis, as his scientists call, reaches 2.5 meters in the length and mass of 2 centners. Light gray young individuals brighten with age. The body of the Amazonian dolphin is complete, with a thin tail and narrow muzzle. Round forehead, a bit of beak and small eyes - features of this type of dolphins. The Amazonian dolphin is found in the rivers and lakes of Latin America.

Fish Moon or Mall-Mall. This fish may have a length of more than three meters, and weigh about one and a half tons. The largest copy of the fish-moon was caught in New Hampshire, USA. His length was five and a half meters, there are no data on weight. In the form, the body of the fish resembles a disc, it was this feature that served as a reason for the Latin name. In the fish-moon, the skin has a greater thickness. It is elastic, and its surface is covered with small bone protrusions. Fish larvae of this species and young individuals floating in the usual way. Adults of large fish swim on the side, moving softly by fins. They seem to lie on the surface of the water, where they are very easy to notice and catch. However, many experts believe that only sick fish is swimming. As an argument, they lead the fact that the stomach of the caught on the surface of the fish is usually empty.

TASMANIAN DEVIL. Being the largest of modern predatory silent, this is an animal of black color with white spots on his chest and a sacrum, with a huge mouth and sharp teeth has a dense physique and a harsh temper, for which, actually, was called the devil. Publishing sinister cries, massive and clumsy Tasmansky Devil looks outdoorly resembles a little bear: the front paws are a little longer than the rear, big head, the face dulled.

Lori.. The characteristic feature of Lori is a large size of the eye, which can be born with dark circles, between the eye there is a white separation strip. Lori's muzzle can be compared with a clown mask. It is likely to explain the name of the animal: Loeris in translation means "clown".

GAVIAL. Of course, one of the representatives of the crocodile detachment. With the age of the muzzle of the Gavian becomes even longer. Due to the fact that the gavial feeds on fish, his teeth is long and sharp, located with a slight inclination for the convenience of eating.

OKAPI. Forest giraffe. Traveling through Central Africa, a journalist and researcher of Africa Henry Morton Wedley (1841-1904) has become more common with local aborigines. Having met the expedition, equipped with horses, Aboriginal Congo told the famous traveler that they had wild animals in the jungle, very similar to his horses. A lot of the actual Englishman was somewhat puzzled by this fact. After some negotiations in 1900, the British were finally able to acquire parts of the mysterious beast skins from the local population and send them to the Royal Zoological Society in London, where the unknown animal was given the name "Johnston's horse" (Equus Johnstoni), that is, identified it to the horsepower family . But what was their surprise when a year later managed to get a whole skin and two skulls of an unknown beast, and find that it looks more like a dwarf giraffe the time of the ice age. Only in 1909 it was possible to catch a live copy of Okap.

Valabi. Wood kangaroo. To the family of wood kangaroo - Wallaby (Dendrolagus) attribute 6 species. Of these, D. Inustus or Bear Wallaby, D. Matschiei or Vallaby Matchysch, who has subspecies D. Goodfellowi (Wallaby Goodfelloou), D. Dorianus - Wallabi Dorianus are inhabited by D. Inustus in New Guinea. D. Lumholtzi is found in the Australian Queensland - Wallaby Lumpolz (Bungary), D. Bennettianus - Wallaby Bennett, or Thaharin. The initial place of their habitat was New Guinea, but now Wallaby is found in Australia. Wood kangaroo live in rainforest mountain areas, at an altitude of 450 to 3000m. above sea level. The body size of the animal is 52-81 cm, the tail length from 42 to 93 cm. Wallabi weigh, depending on the type, from 7.7 to 10 kg male and from 6.7 to 8.9 kg. females.

WOLVERINE. Moves quickly and deftly. An animal has an elongated muzzle, a large head, with rounded ears. The jaws are powerful, the teeth are sharp. Wolverine - "Bolshoiy" Beast, the feet are disproportionate about the body, but their dimensions allow you to freely move on deep snow cover. Each paw is huge and curved claws. Wolverine perfectly climbs on trees, has acute vision. Voice is similar to fox.

Fossa.. On the island of Madagascar, such animals have been preserved, which are not only in Africa itself, but in the rest of the world. One of the rarest animals is Fossa - the only representative of the genus CryptoProCTA and the largest predatory mammal that lives on Madagascar Island. The appearance of the phossi is slightly unusual: it is something average between Vitverra and a small puma. Sometimes the phosse is called Madagascar Lvom, since the ancestors of this animal were much larger and reached the size of the lion. The phossis has a squat, massive and slightly elongated torso, the length of which can reach up to 80 cm (on average it is 65-70 cm). Paws in the phossia are long, but thick enough, and the hind legs are above the front. The tail is often equal to the length of the body and comes to 65 cm.

Manul Approves this post and is present here only because it should be present. I know everything everyone.

Phenox. Steppe Lisitsa. It gives up a manul and present here at all. After all, everyone saw him.

Naked farmland puts Manul and the pencies of plusings in Karma and invites them to organize the club of the most brayan animals in RuNet.

Palm Thief. Representative of the old crustaceans. The habitat of which is the western part of the Pacific Ocean and the tropical islands of the Indian Ocean. This animal from a family of land crayfish is quite large for its species. The body of an adult individual reaches size up to 32 cm and weight up to 3-4 kg. For a long time it was mistakenly believed that he could even split coconuts that after eating. To date, scientists have proven to eat cancer can only with already split coconuts. They, being its main power source, and gave the name of the palm thief. Although it does not mind to enjoy other types of food - the fruits of Pandanus plants, organic substances from the soil and even to themselves like.

The name of this fish in Latin sounds too kind, because it is easier to call it Fish with a transparent head. She has a transparent head, through which she can see with his tubular eyes. Head, through which the fish is following the prey, helps protect the eyes. It was first discovered in 1939. It dwells at a much greater depth, so it was not fully studied. In particular, the principle of the fish was not completely understood. It was believed that she should experience very big difficulties in view of the fact that it can look extremely up. Only in 2009, the structure of the eye of this fish was fully studied. Apparently, when trying to study her earlier, the fish simply did not tolerate the change in pressure.

ECHIDNA. Well, that's all.

Small red panda. Today, a red pond in a natural habitat can only be found in the mountain bamboo forests of the Chinese provinces Yunnan and Sichuan, in the north of Burma, in Bhutan, Nepal and Northeast India.

Sifaka. Monkey indriety family. Comparatively new primates, opened only in 2004. Silky Sifaki in the eastern part of Madagascar is inhabited. The area is about 2.2 thousand square meters. km. The territory of distribution is limited in the north is the island by the Marojejy Massif district, and in the south comes to Anjanahari. Adults have the length of the body with a head from 45 to 55 cm, the tail is 45-51 cm. Weight 5-6.5 kg.

SLOTH. A very interesting kind of mammals, having a number of distinctive features that make it unlike any other existing look. It dwells mainly in Central and South America.

PLATYPUS. In principle, known to everyone. But this photo deserved attention ...

ANT-EATER. No one will not surprise anyone. But the frame is excellent ...

TARSIER. A slight mammal from adhesion of primates, a very specific appearance of which created around this small animal weighing up to one hundred sixty grams a few ominous halo. Thus, the indigenous population of Indonesia and the Philippine Islands associated the ridiculous appearance of long-standing with the tricks of evil spirits. However, many of our contemporaries, which are first seen long adoption in its native habitat, remain amazed by its non-standard appearance.

Margai. From "relatives" of these wild cats, the size and proportions of the body are distinguished, as well as lifestyle. So, for example, Margay is very similar to his closest relative - Ocelot, who, besides, is often often found in the same place where Margai dwells. It is easy to distinguish between these cats - Ocelot is noticeably larger, because it prefers to hunt on Earth, and Margay has longer paws and tail caused by life mainly on trees.

Or, jumper. It is found in the areas of the tidal zone and in areas like tropical swamps that are generated in the places of grilling of the mangrove tree. Particularly or other jumpers like to settle in places where fresh water is found with the sea. And although from a scientific point of view, these are fish, many perceive them as amphibians. Well, in some sense it is so.

Herbal Dracula. Bats ("SPHAERONYCteris toxophyllum" Lat.) This species dwells in the north of South America (the Amazon and Mountain River pool). These bats, oddly enough, are herbivores.

Wrought. The habitat of the venue extends to the stony regions of Africa, having a dry climate, mainly from the south side of the Sahara desert. In addition, the belts in a certain quantity live on Madagascar Island. Veslookavosts in the world there are more than forty species. The sizes of the belt are quite different and range from 12 to 70 centimeters in length. The entire body of the belt is covered with rectangular plates - scales, which cover the bone base of the reptile.

In my opinion, the modest.

Lilsk frog. Some animals were able to adapt to the data, at first glance, very difficult conditions and even learned to benefit from changing seasons. Here is an indigenous inhabitant of India a Lyl Frog (Nasikabatrachus Sahyadrensis), which as the species was recently recently - in 2003, uses the time of monsoons with benefit - to continue a kind.

Isopod. Giant wets of the isopod of about 30 cm long live at sea depths of about 1.6 km.

Sunny bear. The Malay Bear Biruang, or, as it is also called thanks to the characteristic color, sunny or honey bear, lives in India, Myanmar, as well as on the Islands Borneo, Java and Sumatra. It is quite great interest in both zoologists and wildlife lovers, since this species belongs to the most small, the most aggressive and most small representatives of the entire family of bearish. By the way, just threatening the small number of this kind and caused the biruang in the Red Book.
An adult sunshine has a very difficult character. However, quite a great interest in his person is caused by no place for his habitat, and not in nature, but a stunning appearance, which immediately strides in the eyes with any photo.

Tibetan Lisa. It is found in Tibet in the North-West India and Northern Nepal at large altitudes.

JELLYFISH. Just giant jellyfish.

Golden Tiger. It is so called tigers with a similar color. The reason for unusual color - "not worked" one of the genes. Consider like Albino ...

I-ah. Rownowy. Madagascar or Ai Ai Rowozka, mammal suburbs semograd; The only representative of the Rockelen family. Body length 40 cm, tail 60 cm. Head is large, the muzzle is short; Ears are large, leathery. Fluffy tail. Color wool from dark brown to black.

Guidak. Large bunthorn clam weighing up to one and a half kilograms. Western coast of the United States is found. From under the fine fragile sink guidak (approx. 20 cm long) protrudes "foot", which is three times more sink. The English name is Mollusk (Geoduck, Gweduck) appeared at the end of the XIX century, is derived from the name of these clams in the Niskaley Indian language (therefore pronounced Guidak) and means "deeply digging" - these clams are really quite deeply buried in the sand.

Summer Wolf. It is extinct chamber mammal and the only representative of the Tilacin family. This animal is also known entitled "Summer Tiger" and "Tasmansky Wolf". At the beginning of the Golocene and the end of Pleistocene, the Sumy Wolf met on the Australian mainland and the island of New Guinea. About 3000 years ago, displaced persons were delivered to the island of Dingo, as a result of which a sample wolf disappeared from this territory. In the XVIII-XIX centuries. Tasmania was considered the main habitat of the sample wolf, however, in the thirties of the XIX century, a massive extermination of the animal began, which was mistakenly considered the exterminator of homemade sheep. In addition, Tilacin attributed hunting for domestic birds and the extermination of the game that fell into the trap. Most of these legends turned out to be untold.

Stars. Insectivore mammal of mammals. Externally, the stars differs from the rest of the representatives of the family and from other small animals only to it in its characteristic stilment in the form of a socket or star from 22 soft fleshy movable bare rays. In size, blades for the front limbs, thick velvety fur (black or dark brown) looks like European Crow.

Opens a list of the worst animals "Fish-Gaduk". This is a deep-water predator, to meet which it is extremely rare, due to its specific habitat. Fish-violet does not tolerate sunlight, so during the day it is lowered to a depth of 3 km. A distinctive feature of this creature are fucked teeth, protruding far beyond the risk. Fift with Gadyuk, as a rule, small fish or other marine beings, inferior to it in size. However, due to the fact that deep-water is quite difficult to find prey, Fish-Gaduka can do without food for a long time.

This type of shark received its name thanks to the terrible, frightening appearance. Akula Goblin lives in almost all seas at a depth of 200 meters. These monsters feed not only with a variety of fish, but even with their, smaller, relatives. The Goblin Akula has 2 rows of teeth: one, of which is designed to capture production, and the second - directly for food disclosures.

Another terrible animal is a "naked excavation", which refers to the family of rolling rodents. They almost never appear on the ground surface. Guess where the excavator can only be worn on a thin peak and flying out of the hole in all sides of the sand. His name, excavations received due to the absence of wool both on the head and on the body. At naked farms, very weak vision, which they are more than compensated by acute sense of smell and fast movements. Food tubers, roots of trees and colors. However, animals living in captivity are glad to include fresh vegetables and fruits in their diet.

Long-legged sablesub

The long-legged sabersub is recognized as one of the most terrible marine predators, and although the size of an adult individual is only 15 centimeters, it does not interfere with the savube to damage the fear of all the inhabitants of the sea depths. Fangs Savebab can reach 7 centimeters, and this half of its length. It dwells this monster in the tropical waters at a depth of 700 meters, where it is easier for him to find a prey, which is required Savububa quite often because of an exorbitant appetite. Food is powered by absolutely all alive creatures that can catch in the ocean.

Madagascar rovonozka is an amazing creature relating to the instrument of primates; However, in appearance, they resemble a cat or protein more. The ruins of the row is about 3 kilograms, the maximum growth of about 45 centimeters, but the tail of the animal can reach up to 60 centimeters in length. A distinctive feature of all Madagascar rukonozkin is the third finger on the front paws, which is necessary for the beast for thickening thirst and eating food. Also, the tracks have tremendous ears-locators, thanks to which they are able to catch even the movement of larvae in the tree bark.

The European Fisharger or as it is called "Marine Damn" people - this is a predatory fish living on the seabed. Its name "Sea Damn" received because of his unpleasant species. But despite this, the fish is quite edible, very tasty, besides without bones. Especially popular she is in France. The length of the sea flank can reach up to 2 meters.

Fish-drop is one of the most amazing creatures that could only create nature. In its appearance, the fish-drop resembles a huge block of jelly with a sad look of small eyes and lowered lips. Drop dwells only in deep waters near Australia and Tasmania. This unique fish feeds with all the living beings that swim into its wide open mouth.

Fish-wolf, it is a "striped zadacht", lives in the districts of the North Atlantic in deep-water waters, but it is increasingly possible to meet in the cold seas of Russia. The lifespan of the rift is about 20 years, during which it can grow to 1.5 meters in length and score about 20 kilograms of weight. Fish-wolf is usually molluscs and crabs. There is a very aggressive ink, because of which she can bite the gazened fisherman or even attack his relative.

This sea monster is a representative of the gown-shaped fish, inhabit that in the waters of the World Ocean. The danger emanating from this being is poisonous spikes that can cause a considerable harm to man. The body of this creature, unlike other fish, is not covered with scales, but the growths, which makes it such a similar to the toad. The toad fish is masked on a sandy day and becomes almost imperceptible to others, thanks to which no hunting ends with failure.


Closes the list of the most terrible animals of the world "Idiakant". Deep-sea fish, which most often lives in tropical and temperate waters. The adult female can reach 50 centimeters in length, but males are an order of magnitude less: hardly grow up to 7 centimeters. The awesome kind of idiakant betray long fangy teeth sticking out of the mouth of the fish and do not give her mouth to her. Idiakant makes prey with the help of a special headflow, glowing in the dark.

The most terrible extinct animals video

The world of wild fauna is amazing. Inhabit its various representatives, many of which represent a real danger to humans. Poison, sharp claws, deadly teeth, huge speed, amazing ability to coherely actions - these are the weapons that the mother-nature has awarded their children. We offer to get acquainted with the top 10 of the most terrible animals of the Earth.

10th place - sharks

This killer fish is horrified by everyone who will accidentally meet with it in the open waters of the southern seas. She does not feel pain, never sleeps, and about 200 teeth in several rows are located in the mouth of the predator. The jaws of fish are so powerful that the adult white shark can eat them even steel bars.

Some species are able to develop speed up to 50 km / h and differ in the phenomenal ability to feel the blood for many kilometers, even if only one drop fell into the water.

9th place - wild boar

This is not just a dangerous predator with powerful fangs, ready to break into parts of a person, carelessly on its territory, but also the smartest animal. The average weight of an adult is sometimes reaches 200 kg, height in the withers - to a meter. They have so well developed sense of smell that they can somehow teach for 25 meters.

These predators are so dangerous that they even forced the rattle snakes Texas to behave quietly: cold-blooded creations often became a delicacy of boars attracted by the sounds published. Snakes understood this and stopped "thunder".

8th place - brown bear

Good-natured, the hero of folk fairy tales, refers to the number of worst animals. Just one blow of a powerful paw is able to break the bone of an adult man. Despite the fact that the animal rarely attacks the first, meeting with him can be the last day of life:

  • The wounded bear fearlessly attacks the hunter and can break it with his giant claws.
  • The nice, protecting the cub, is an embodiment of a furry rage.
  • Bear Shatun is a real daemon in an animal skins.

There are also cases of transformation of bears in cannibals.

7th place - Caboom

We will continue to get acquainted with the rating of the most terrible animals in the world. Australian cube - a poisonous resident of the warm seas, its toxin is able to deprive the life of the middle size of fish or mollusk. For a person, the tentacles of a beautiful creation are also dangerous - can cause heart failure, shock, why the victim is not able to get to the shore, and it is sinking. For this terrifying danger, the animal called the sea axis.

The lucky people who managed to escape, do not envy - for about a month they will suffer from severe pain, and communicating with jellyfish will forever remember the memory of themselves - a rough scar.

6th place - Wolves

We will continue to consider the photo of the wolf - predators, dangerous primarily by the fact that they live a pack, sometimes reaching 40 individuals. They are much smarter than dogs, respect the strength of character, so the leader becomes not the biggest or adult animal, and the most leaning and confident.

These animals rarely attack people, but can break the poultry houses and sheepni. The greatest danger is in the period of spring, nonsense, when the cadence animals are capable of much to get food.

5th place - Piranha

So, at the equator of the rating of the most terrible animals, weathered fish, Piranhas, residents of distant Amazonia are located. These predators have powerful jaws, sharp teeth. Like sharks, they feel blood over hundreds of meters and ways in a matter of seconds to bones to grind a cow carcass. Like wolves, they are terrible only in a flock, the remaining one, Piranha will become a fearful.

With all its danger, these fish are very useful because they help to clean the bodies of dead or drowned animals, not allowing their decompositions.

4th place - Tigers

These beautiful predators are rightly considered deadly, since a meeting with them can turn around the tragedy. Most often, these noble animals prefer to stay from people at a distance and begin to represent the danger only being injured during safari. But there are tigers-cannibals who dismissed human meat and no longer want anything else. The case is known when the tigress accidentally killed a man defending the cub, and, having tasted his flesh, began to consciously hunt people. The number of its victims exceeded 400.

Animals are well seen in the dark, they have powerful claws and acute teeth, capable of developing high speed. In addition, they love water and are excellent swimmers.

3rd place - black widow

Poison poison is many times more dangerous than the rattle snakes, but many managed to survive only because it was quite a bit in the body.

2nd place - Scorpio

The poison is dangerous anyway: a small amount will cause severe pain, and the increased dose will lead to death in terrible flour. The bite of the animal can lead to the death of a person in just a few seconds. It is interesting that the larger the animal claws, especially the toxic poison.

1st place - Black Mamba

This is the worst animal on the planet:

  • Can develop speed up to 20 km / h, which is very good for snakes.
  • Separate individuals reaches up to 3 meters long.
  • About 9 thousand inhabitants of Africa dies annually from their deadly poison.

Interestingly, the protection against these terrible snakes can provide mangoshos - they deftly destroy Mamba.

Such is a ten of the most terrible, dangerous, deadly animals inhabiting the planet. They are beautiful in their own, but the meeting with any of them can turn the tragedy.

The animal world of the planet is extremely rich and divided into 5 kingdoms: the simplest, bacteria, mushrooms, animals and plants. Each kingdom, in turn, is divided into types, and the types are on classes. Currently there are about 2 million different fauna representatives. Among them are predatory and herbivores living on land and in water, large and small, rare and occurring everywhere, quick and very slow. There are also such copies that would gladly invite the director of horror films. Today we will present you the most ugly inhabitants of the planet. So, Meet: The most terrible animals in the world.

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This rare representative of the semolstery detachment and suburitudes of Lemurov, found only in Madagascar, rather even fun in his deformity. An unusual name (AI-ah) a tiny animal received thanks to the sounds that it issues, having hazardous. The overseas miracle lives in bamboo forests, on the trees, rarely going down to the ground. The length of the black and brown coated body of ah-ah is up to 42 cm, the weight is about 3 kg. Strange lemurs have subtle limbs with long fingers, sharp claws, fluffy tail and a large head with round eyes and bald ears. Rownowics - long-livers of the animal world, the duration of their life is 24-26 years. However, rare individuals live to this respectable age. At home, Ai-ah is considered a precursor of death and is ruthlessly exterminated by the local population. Today, this animal is on the verge of extinction.

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Such an unusual name is the creation belonging to the family of moles, it received for the tanging organs - 22 pink-tentacles from the skin, which are on the muzzle and resemble the star. An unusual animal inhabits in the eastern part of North America, in wet forests, meadows and swampy terrain. Animals do not fall into the winter hibernation, they are able to dive under water and dig holes with a length of up to 270 m. The mole has a small torso, the length of which is 12-15 cm, and the weight is 80 grams. The tail having a property to increase in diameter is not more than 8 mm, its stars uses as a fat storage. Oddly enough, these animals can be bolded to call the fastest predators. In just a second, a sensitive process-star can move up to 5 hunting objects. For eating mining from a tiny voracious cloth takes only a quarter of a second.

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Strange nickered monkeys relate to Martushkov's detachment and inhabit the Tropical Forests of Borneo Islands (Kalimantan). A comical and ugly look gives animal a huge meaty nose. Men's individuals are much more than that of female. The males use this sense of smell in the fight for the attention of the ladies of the heart. In addition, the outstanding nose of representatives of strong sex is poured with blood and increases in size when the monkey is annoyed or wants to scare the enemy.

Nosachi - rather large animals, the length of their body reaches 150 cm (taking into account the tail), and the weight is 24 kg. These representatives of Martushkov's squad will settle small groups off the coast of rivers. Amazing creatures are excellent swimmers capable of overcome under water more than 20 m. It is interesting that the Aborigines are often called these monkeys by the Dutch, since Borneo colonizers have the same large noses and large stomachs.

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This bird belonging to the detachment of the new light vultures is a relic appearance whose age is not one million years. Since the time of the era of Pleistocene, these huge feathers inhabited the whole territory of North America. Currently, California Condor is the endangered representative of the Fauna world, in nature he is no longer found. In 1987, the last 22 birds were caught and directed for breeding in Los Angeles and San Diego Zoos.

California Condor - a real giant. The length of his body covered with black feathers is 125 cm, and the swing of huge wings is 3 meters. In flight, the Condor is able to develop speed up to 90 km / h using air flow to save forces. Depending on the mood of the bird, the skin of her bald head is capable of changing the color from bright pink to yellow.

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These marine mammals belong to the family of seals and are the largest representatives of 5 meters long. The weight of the adult male - 2.5 tons! In this case, the mass of only the skins is about 120 kg, and the fat layer is 665 kg. Females are three times smaller and lighter than males. A distinctive feature of male individuals is a big fleshy increase in the upper part of the muzzle, which is capable of increased to 28 cm. This kind of "trunk" is a resonator of reproducible sounds and attracts females during the gon.

In nature, there are 2 types of marine elephants, one of which lives in the northern hemisphere of the globe (the coast of Mexico and California), and the second - in South (Antarctica). Animals migrate to huge distances - up to 5 thousand kilometers.

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The next participant of the rating "The most terrible animals" is a shark-house. The only representative of the kind of Skapaninarchi lives in the ocean at a depth of about 1,000 m. For an awesome appearance, a beak long nose and the jaws nominating this shark are also called goblin. The ugly creature reaches a length of 3.7 meters and weighs about 210 kg. The skin of the skipinarin is almost transparent, and through it, the capillaries and blood vessels shine, which gives the fish an unusual pink color. There is no swimming bubble in the shark, its functions performs the liver, the dimensions of which are 25% of the total body weight.

The biology of this sea predator was studied very little. The first individual was found in 1897 at the Japanese shores. Since then, only 45 copies have been investigated.

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Amphibian received its name for an extraordinary purple smooth skin. This strange creature with a large, squat and almost round body of about 8 cm long, short, turned outwards and a tiny head with a pointed nose, resembling a pork stylus, was openly recently - in 2003. Nevertheless, his ancestors inhabited planet 180 million years ago! A purple frog is inhabited only in Western India on the territory, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 14 km2. All her life, amphibian spends in the holes underground at a depth of 1.2-3, 5 m, choosing to the surface only during monsoons - for 2 weeks, when the time of mating comes. Fancy Frog is listed in the Red Book, and it is also included in the official twenty "most ugly animals of the planets."

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Unlike the other bat refers to the detachment of manochable. Like all representatives of the family, the horseskone has a small size (5-7 cm). The scope of wide rounded wings - 33-42 cm. The hind limbs have extremely sharp claws, with which the animal is perfectly moving on the ceilings down the head. Along the horizontal surface, these mammals do not know how to walk. They feed insects (flies, grasshoppers, butterflies, mosquitoes) and their larvae.

From other relatives, the hillocks differ not only by their amazing appearance. As you know, bats are capable of echolocation, generating ultrasound and taking reflected echo. These animals can perceive sounds with a frequency of up to 100 thousand hertz. However, the method of creating and strengthening sounds from representatives of the family is different. So, the honeycomb bat empties impulses having a constant frequency. For this purpose, the animal uses nostrils, surrounded by cartilaginous growths, shape resembling horseshoe.

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Real nightmare for those who are afraid of mice and rats. The appearance of this creature located in the tops of the tops "the most terrible animals of the world" causes only disgust: a hairless torso with a length of about 10 cm, covered with folded skin, a keglet head and huge, protruding the incisors. This is a miracle of nature in East Africa, forming a colony underground.

Naked farm has several unique qualities. First, the mammal of cold blood. It can adjust the body temperature under the ambient temperature. Secondly, a small underground resident completely does not feel pain and is able to live without oxygen. But the most important thing is that farms live up to 30 years, while not old! Their body has a double protective mechanism that controls cell growth. Hairless kids are even resistant to cancer! Scientists of the whole world are engaged in the study of this incredible property, since the same genes are involved in the human body as a naked farmer.

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Nature clearly wanted to joke when it created this most ugly creature in the world. The amazing body structure makes a fish-drop in either one of the inhabitants of the sea. There is a disgusting creation in the ocean waters of Australia and Tasmania, at a depth of 1,200 m. On the body of this fish, the length of which is 70 cm, and the weight is 10 kg, there is no scales, and the tail and fins are very small. The body does not have a musculature and swimming bubble resembles a chattering mass, since the body of the fish produces gel jelly. An amazing creation is simply floating downstream or lies at the bottom, waiting for the open mouth in the open mouth.

Inimitable inhabitants of the ocean depths were dubbed the saddest fish on the planet. This was contributed to the round eyes, lowered corners of the mouth and a big nose, very similar to human. And it is not surprising that the fish-drop has long been heading world ratings "The most terrible animals".

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