There are so many miracles in the living nature around us! Today we will tell a story about the most, much more fantastic than the most fantasy stories. So, watch, read and be surprised.

Australian bottle tree

These trees (their second name is Brachychiton rocky) grow in the east of the Australian continent. The trunk of such a tree really resembles the shape of a pot-bellied bottle. The plant reaches a height of 15 meters and can have a diameter of three meters. (website)

Australia is one of the driest places on our planet, and its vegetable world adapted to life in harsh conditions. For example, brachychitons accumulate moisture inside themselves, and that is why their trunks look like thick bottles and their branches grow very high.

Locals All parts of the bottle tree are used - from its roots to its seeds: the dark green succulent leaves are fed to livestock, and the roots and seeds of young plants are eaten. In addition, trees give people very sweet and tasty juice, which accumulates in special cavities in the upper part of the trunks.

In the dry Australian climate, the most important part of the brachychiton is the trunk - a living storage drinking water. It is skillfully extracted from bottle trees by local residents.

Huge sequoia Wawona Tree in the USA

The Wawona tree is a giant sequoiadendron that grew in the American Yosemite National Park and collapsed to the ground in 1969. under the weight of snow on its branches. The age of this giant, according to scientists, reached 2100 years. The sequoia had simply incredible dimensions: its height was 71.3 m, and the diameter of the base of the trunk was 7.9 m.

The drive through the tree was made in 1881. - in the place where lightning once struck. The resulting tunnel quickly became a tourist attraction. With the development of motor transport, photos of people driving through a tree in cars have become especially popular. The amazing tunnel was 2.1m wide, 2.7m high, 7.9m long!

After the sequoia fell, debate arose about what to do with it next. As a result, it was decided to leave Wavona in the same place: such a massive tree trunk can create its own, albeit small, ecosystem for many plants, as well as insects and small animals.

Interestingly, the Wawona Tree still attracts tourists; there is a sign next to it that says “Fallen Tree Tunnel.”

Cambodian tetrameles holoflora

These picturesque trees, reminiscent of oaks or ancient redwoods, grow on the territory of the Ta Prohm temple in Cambodia, giving the impression that people have not fully reclaimed this temple from the jungle. Merging with the towers and walls, they seem to flow around the buildings, hugging them with their roots and branches. It seems that stone and wood mutually penetrate, flow into each other, becoming one whole...

Hyperion in America

This name was given to the tallest (as of 2015) living tree on Earth. Hyperion is an evergreen sequoia native to California's Redwood National Park. The height of this tree is 115.61 m (again as of 2015), the volume is approximately 530 cubic meters, age - 700-800 years.

Every year Hyperion grows by 2.5 centimeters. Compared to others, very large trees this figure is not too high. This fact scientists explain that top part the trunk was damaged by woodpeckers, causing Hyperion's growth to slow down.

Typically, very tall trees grow in the central part of the valleys, where water is contained in the greatest number(for example, the first tree in terms of mass and volume on the planet is the General Sherman sequoia). Hyperion, in contrast, grows on a slope, which evokes even greater respect for this evergreen giant.

Crooked Forest in Poland

Not far from the Polish town of Gryfino is located in highest degree the extraordinary Crooked Forest, which was planted in 1930. The uniqueness of this forest is that about 400 of its trees have a 90-degree bend in their trunks at the base. In addition, all crooked pines are bent towards the north and do not grow to a standard height. Despite many versions about the reasons for this phenomenon, scientists today cannot unambiguously interpret the nature of the unique phenomenon...

African baobabs

Baobab, or Adansonia palmata, is the longest-living tree on Earth, which is why it is also called the tree of life. In fact, a plant whose “age” is from 5 to 10 thousand years certainly knows the secret of longevity!

Baobab has other names, one of them is “inverted tree.” Indeed, having dropped its leaves during the dry season, it looks as if some giant stuck the tree into the ground with its crown, and its roots were at the top.

The baobab tree has edible fruits that resemble small melons in shape. This is a favorite delicacy of monkeys, so the next name for the baobab is “monkey breadfruit”.

Africans widely use all parts of this giant, including making a tasty drink similar to lemonade from the pulp of its fruits, which is why they call the baobab, among other things, the “lemonade tree.”

Adansonia has one amazing feature: Over time, it becomes hollow inside. Local residents know this and use trees very in an original way. For example, the largest baobab on the planet grows in South Africa, on the Sunland farm. In 1933 The owner of the farm built a small cafe in a tree trunk that could accommodate two dozen people. There is still no end to visitors.

Africans set up food storage and even their own bedrooms in baobab trees. Sometimes, next to the road, you can see a tree with a door and a window - a haven for tired travelers. Residents of Zimbabwe went even further, setting up a bus station in the trunk of a mighty baobab tree, and in Botswana there is a baobab prison.

Tree of Life in Bahrain

This landscape evokes a sense of awe. A ten-meter mesquite tree grows alone in the sultry sandy desert, representing a symbol of love of life and fortitude, for almost 4 centuries! And scientists are still asking the question: where does this long-lived giant “get” water from, if the aquifers in this region located at a depth inaccessible to plants?

Be that as it may, the mesquite tree, having defied the harsh desert conditions of the scorching sun and 50-degree heat, wins this battle by an impressive victory.

The flora amazes with its diversity and beauty. For example, trees can be so unique that sometimes you can’t even believe that such a thing really exists.

This article will present unusual, unique species trees in the world.

In general, a huge variety of amazing trees grow on the Earth: fabulously beautiful, centuries-old, huge and very small, with unusual shapes of crowns and branches, and much more. etc. And all of them in themselves represent interesting facts that occur in nature.

Flowering and evergreen, dwarf and giant - these are all amazing trees. They are magnificent and attractive with their unusualness and fabulousness. Rainbow eucalyptus, swamp cypress, fire tree, majestic baobab, “dancing” pines, Japanese maples... There are a huge number of them, silently standing in one place for decades and even centuries.

Below are some interesting trees peace.

Fig tree and silk

Silk and fig trees grow on the ruins of Ta Prohm Temple (Cambodia). They attract numerous tourists with their unusual roots. They are large, long and are not hidden, as usual, in the ground, but entwine the ruins, for which they received the name “stone eaters.”

Looking at them, one can imagine the tentacles of giant octopuses sucking on the remains of the ancient temple. Today these plants are protected by UNESCO.


At first glance, this is an ordinary eucalyptus tree that has grown up to 75 meters. The trunk has a diameter of 2.4 meters. But there is something special about it. This rainbow eucalyptus, which is the only kind of this tree, growing in the northern hemisphere.

Looking at it, you can understand that this type It has an incredibly beautiful bark color. Young trees are usually bright green. But as the tree grows, the bark turns purple, orange, burgundy and blue colors, as a result of which vertical stripes are formed on the trunk, varying in width, length and shape.

In fact, the eucalyptus tree is the tallest tree in the world of all time, because in an 1872 report there is mention of a fallen tree that reached a height of at least about 150 meters. Modern eucalyptus trees do not grow higher than 101 meters.

oil tree

There are trees that can surprise even the most experienced botanist. For example, the oil tree (hanga), growing in the Philippine Islands. It is unique in that its fruits contain, one might say, pure oil.

In the Philippines in last years technology is being developed to use its fruits as a source of fuel for the engine.


This plant should definitely be included in the list of “ unusual trees peace." This is a baobab tree. He doesn't even have rings to determine his age.

There is one legend in Africa about the appearance of this tree. There was a quarrel between the baobab and God. The second, angry with the tree, tore it out of the ground and stuck it back upside down. This is how its bizarre shape arose.

This tree is not unusual for Africa, because it grows almost everywhere there. One of its species deserves special attention. The teapot baobab got its name thanks to its huge trunk, capable of holding a large number of water.

It should be noted that some trees of this species can be called real long-livers, because their age is 1200 years! Perhaps such a long life is explained precisely by the shape of the trunk and its contents. It can store water, the volume of which can reach 120,000 liters! This species is found only on the island of Madagascar.


Mahabodhi - Buddha tree. It was named after the Hindu traders who sold their goods sitting under this tree. The peculiarity of this tree is its aerial roots hanging from the branches to the ground.

The most famous type of banyan (sacred ficus) is the Mahabodhi in Anuradhapura, native to Sri Lanka. According to stories, this tree was grown from a cutting of the plant under whose crowns Buddha achieved enlightenment (sixth century BC). It turns out that the banyan tree, planted BC (288), represents the oldest tree in the world, grown by a person with a famous exact date landings.

Thule tree

This plant belongs to the list of "most big trees world" because of its thickness. The diameter of the thickest tree in the world is 14 meters. To fully grasp it with outstretched arms, you need at least 30 people. And its height is not small - 40 meters, and its weight is 600 tons.

Tule grows in Mexico. Initially, the opinion of scientists was that this miracle of nature is the result of the fusion of several trunks. DNA analysis has proven that this cypress is a single organism.

Regarding the exact age, not everything is clear yet. Most likely, the tree is one of the oldest.

There is one more interesting point. If you look closely at the bark, you can see the silhouette of a person or animal in the patterns located on it (a similar interesting entertainment was invented by local residents).

giant sequoia

It is the largest tree in the world in terms of volume.

"General Sherman" grows (its height is 83 meters) in Sequoia National Park. Its volume is approximately 1,486 thousand cubic meters. meters, and weight - more than 6 thousand tons.

Presumably, it is 2300-2700 years old, and every year the sequoia gains the same amount of wood as a smaller plant of this species contains (18 meters in height).


Looks pretty funny conifer tree wollemia ( oldest tree in the world), concealing within itself ancient history. It is located in Australia.

The dinosaur-like tree is 200 million years old. Scientists found living Wollemia in 1994.

The location of the trees was carefully hidden in order to protect this species from complete destruction. There are only 100 copies left. Now such a tree can be seen in botanical gardens.

The tree of Life

There are a lot of long-lived trees, but this 400-year-old one is special, magnificent. It grows in a desert with virtually no water sources, and it's impressive.

The ancient mesquite tree is another natural wonder growing near Jebel Dukhan (two kilometers away), Bahrain.

Cashew tree Pirangi

It is impossible to imagine the trees of the world without one of the most majestic and beautiful trees.

This famous forest tree is located near the city of Natal in Brazil. It is 177 years old and this cashew covers almost 2 hectares of land. It was planted by a fisherman in 1888. Due to a genetic mutation, branches touching the ground for some reason begin to take root. This does not happen with other trees of this species.

As a result, the tree represents an entire forest, covering an area of ​​8,400 thousand square meters. meters. In general, it produces approximately 80,000 fruits per year.

Dancing Forest of Russia

In the Kaliningrad region in the Curonian Spit nature reserve (37th kilometer) there is one unique place. The pines growing here are strangely twisted, bent, and in some places twisted into rings.

Until now, scientists have not been able to explain what is happening here, that even the trees are dancing. Today there are many different theories: biological, geomagnetic, mystical.

In conclusion - an interesting but sad fact

There once was a Tenere tree, which was the loneliest of the desert trees.

This is a plant that grew in the Sahara Desert (Niger). The age of a single tree growing over a vast area (radius 400 km) was 300 years. Once upon a time there was a forest there, gradually destroyed by the winds and the desert. The last acacia had very long roots, which allowed it to feed on water from great depths.

In 1973 by a drunk driver unique tree Tenere was shot down, after which a metal monument dedicated to the Lonely Plant was erected at this place.

Today we want to bring to your attention the most unusual trees growing on our Earth. As you know, the most common plant on our planet that deserves a special place in our lives is a tree. There are more than 100,000 species of them growing on our land. Where and how a person uses it, but we pay attention to the trees around us only if they are somehow different from their neighbors, either in size, or in bizarre shapes or flowers and fruits.

  • Dragon tree (Dracaenacinnabari) or more precisely Dracaena vermilion. It grows on the island of Socotra. Outwardly, this miracle of nature resembles an umbrella turned inside out with a green cap of foliage and a massive trunk. The height of an adult tree is 10 m. The dragon tree received this name because of its resinous red sap. Flowers appear on the tree during monsoon rains in the form of branched panicles.
  • Australian baobab - “Bottle tree” or Adansonia Gregorii, named for its external resemblance to glass containers- a bottle. Grows in the mountains of Namibia, it milky juice It is very poisonous; in ancient times, hunters lubricated their arrows with it. During the flowering period, beautiful pink-red flowers appear on the branches of the bottle tree.
  • The largest tree in the world grows in the "Giant Forest" National Park Sequoia, California, USA in the Sierra Nevada mountain range (SierraNevada, California). The height of the long-lived sequoia "General Sherman", according to various estimates about 2800 years, is 83 meters, the trunk girth is more than 24 meters, the crown circumference is approximately 33 meters. But the most interesting thing is that the tree is still growing and increases its trunk diameter by 1.5 cm per year. But in 2006, due to heavy snowfalls, one of the branches of the tree broke off, the diameter of which was about two meters and the length was more than 30 meters, but this incident did not in any way affect its status as “The Most big tree world" growing in our time. But the tallest tree growing here in California is the Hyperion tree, its height reaches 115.5 meters, thereby exceeding the height of the Statue of Liberty. These are the giants we have on our planet.
  • Madagascar baobab or Adansonia Grandidieri, a mighty tree about 80 meters high and about 25 meters in girth, grows on the island of Madagascar. Some baobab trees have been growing for over 1000 years. The even and smooth trunk of the baobab accumulates a large amount of water, so it easily tolerates drought. Although the white flowers of the baobab are short-lived when in bloom, once in bloom they last only a day, but they have received the attention of the treasury of Madagascar. On the 100-franc bill they are depicted, the flowers of the Madagascar baobab.
  • Baobab Sunland South Africa The tree located near Modjadjiskloof is hollow inside, so in 1933 it was equipped with a minibar for 15-20 seats. The tree itself is not tall, about 20 meters, but its age is simply impressive, it is more than 6000 years old.
  • Tree of Life, Bahrain. Among the large desert, one single green tree 9.75 meters high lives simply in extreme conditions for more than 400 years now. Local residents called this place the Garden of Eden; it is still not known exactly how the tree survives in these conditions; there is an assumption that its roots go deep into the ground, and from there they take life-giving moisture for growth and life. UNESCO has taken this Tree of Life under its protection, including it in the list of “World Heritage Sites”.
  • Rainbow eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta) with a beautiful multi-colored trunk is a tree that is also a long-liver of our planet and quite tall, sometimes growing up to 100 meters in height or more. The beautiful coloring of the bark comes from the constant peeling off of old strips of bark, exposing the bright light green, young bark. Over time, the bark hardens and dulls, becoming dark green, then blue and purple, and then changing from orange-red to crimson-brown. These are the constant transformations and updates that occur with the eucalyptus bark, constantly changing its appearance.
  • With extraordinary fruits that look like cannonballs in South America The Cannon Tree (Couroupitaguianensis) grows. The tree is very prolific, producing 200-300 kernels with a diameter of 15-25 centimeters. Favorite tree many subtropical botanical gardens, as it attracts with its original fruits that cling to almost the entire tree trunk. But coming close to it, and even more so standing under it, is dangerous; there is a risk of getting hit by a cannonball of impressive weight.
  • The Great Banyan or Ficus Bengali, this tree with the largest crown area, grows in the Indian Botanical Garden in the city of Khauri. Looking from the outside at this green miracle of nature, you will not immediately understand that in fact this is not a grove or a shady oak grove, but one tree. This beauty has another name: “Forest Tree”, since it has not one, but several thousand trunks at once. It is about 250 years old and occupies a fairly impressive area of ​​1.5 hectares and has 3,300 aerial roots.

Trees unusual shape from all over the world.

There are many in the world talented people, whose works cause delight, but still the best artist in the world is undoubtedly nature. She sometimes gives birth to such masterpieces, looking at which you freeze in admiration. This review contains photographs of trees whose real existence is difficult to believe.

1. Rainbow Eucalyptus

The smooth bark of the eucalyptus tree consists of many thin layers that have different colors and change throughout the life of the amazing tree.

2. Serrated cherry

The shiny red-brown surface of the trunk looks especially impressive in winter.

3. Cotton tree

The trunk and branches of the tree are covered with very large prickly thorns.

4. Jaboticakba

An evergreen tree with cauliflory - the formation of fruits directly on the trunk and main branches.

5. Adenium - the ominous Desert Rose

All parts of the plant are poisonous, so much so that in ancient times arrowheads were impregnated with it.

6. Ceiba

It is one of the largest and tallest trees in the tropics of the Western Hemisphere.

7. Dragon tree (Dracaena dracaena)

Dracaena means “female dragon” in Greek.

8. Quiver tree (Aloe dichotomous)

In the past, the Bushmen and Hottentots used hollowed out tree branches as quivers for arrows.

9. Baobab (Adansonia palmata)

The amazing tree is not only the thickest in the world, but also has no growth rings.

10. Chilean pine (Araucaria chilean)

The tree has such hard and prickly leaves that birds do not land on its branches.

11. Twisted trees

Trees that defend their right to life.

12. Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia)

The name of the tree was given by a group of Mormon settlers who crossed the Mojave Desert in the mid-19th century.

13. Xanthorrhoea (Tree-grass)

These slow-growing trees are fire-resistant and live up to 600 years.

14. Bleeding Wood (African Teak)

The tree gets its name from the red-scarlet resin that begins to ooze at the slightest cut.

15. Manchineel tree

It is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most dangerous tree in the world - all parts of the plant are poisonous and deadly.

16. Spatodea campanulata (African tulip tree)

One of the most beautifully flowering trees in the world is included in the list of dangerous invasive species, the spread of which threatens biological diversity.

17. Quindioya wax palm

The tallest palm tree in the world is the national tree of Colombia.

18. Sequoia evergreen

The giant tree Hyperion with a height of 115.61 m is the most tall tree on the planet.

19. Ficus bengal

The Great Banyan tree, the tree with the largest crown area in the world, is located in the Indian Botanical Garden at Howrah.

20. Walking palm (Socrates bareroot)

These unusual palm trees move slowly along the ground, covering up to 20 meters per year.

21. Candle tree (Parmentiera edible)

The fruits of this tree contain great amount vegetable oils, which is why they are used as candles.

22. Virginia snowflower

Extraordinary beautiful tree originally from the USA.

Every day, going to work or just walking, we see a huge number of trees that have long bored us. Whether it is birch, oak or spruce, it doesn’t matter, since we meet these trees regularly and they cause us practically no interest. However, we should not forget that in addition to exotic fruits, plants and mushrooms, there are no less interesting trees in the world that can leave an impression for the rest of your life.

We present to your attention the five most unusual trees in the world.

Dracaena dracaena or simply the Dragon tree is tropical plant. It grows in Africa and also in Southeast Asia. The dragon tree has become widespread due to its unusual crown, which is divided into many branches, therefore it is often used as ornamental plant. No less interesting fact is a tree resin that has a dark red color. In ancient times it was believed that resin dragon tree has healing properties.

  • The dragon tree is a long-liver, as some trees are up to 9 thousand years old.


The baobab tree is distinguished by its trunk thickness, which can reach up to 8 meters in diameter, making it one of the thickest trees in the world. This tree has edible fruits that resemble a cucumber in appearance. The Baobab fruit is popular among monkeys, which is why the tree is sometimes called “monkey breadfruit”.


Perhaps best example All the greatness and beauty of such a tree as the cypress is Caddo Lake, which is located in the east of Texas. Two types of cypress trees grow on the territory of this lake: swamp and Arizona. Unlike cypresses growing on land, swamp and Arizona cypresses have leaves, not needles, which gives the lake additional beauty in the cold season, when the trees begin to shed their leaves.

It is worth noting that cypress is quite tall plant, since its length can reach fifty meters in height.


Surely many of you watched the wonderful film “Avatar”, which featured from time to time sacred tree“Aywa.” The most interesting is that Japanese wisteria could well be the prototype for this tree, since it resembles it to many. Wisteria has gained recognition among landscape designers due to its beautiful drooping flowers, so it is often used as an ornamental plant to decorate areas.

Unusual trees photo