The 171st separate air assault battalion was formed in Feodosia December 4th, 2017

Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation reported that on December 2, 2017, in Feodosia in Crimea, a ceremony was held to present the Battle Banner to the newly formed 171st separate air assault battalion as part of the 7th Guards Airborne Mountain Assault Division. The battalion is the first military unit in the entire history of the Airborne Forces to be deployed on the territory of the Republic of Crimea.

At the ceremony of presenting the Battle Banner to the newly formed 171st separate air assault battalion as part of the 7th Guards Airborne Mountain Assault Division of the Russian Airborne Forces. Feodosia, 12/02/2017 (c) Sergey Aksenov /

The basis of the new division in as part of the Airborne Forces- an air assault battalion stationed in Crimea - will be residents of the republic. This was announced by the commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, after the ceremony of presenting the Battle Banner to the battalion command.

“The battalion will be staffed by 70% military personnel contract service and, of course, its core will be the residents of Crimea,” he said.

According to the commander of the Airborne Forces, the created unit is highly mobile; it is armed with wheeled armored vehicles, which are capable of operating in various directions using various types aviation.

The battalion is fully equipped and equipped with the most modern small arms and equipment that will allow him to complete his tasks not only in the Crimea, but also in other regions of Russia.

Airborne Forces Commander Andrei Serdyukov presented the battalion command with the Battle Banner and a certificate from the President of the Russian Federation.

The ceremony was attended by the head of Crimea Sergei Aksenov, the city leadership, representatives of the public, in particular, Afghan veterans, and townspeople.

At the ceremony of presenting the Battle Banner to the newly formed 171st separate air assault battalion as part of the 7th Guards Airborne Mountain Assault Division of the Russian Airborne Forces. Feodosia, 12/02/2017 (c) Sergey Aksenov /

The regular threats of the Kyiv revanchists to “return Crimea by force” seem to have had an effect. True, it is somewhat different than what the dreamers from Kyiv imagined. Russia’s response to aggressive attacks against one of its regions was the strengthening of garrisons in Crimea. Including the deployment of the most combat-ready and trained formations and military units, which, of course, includes the Airborne Forces.
The fact that the Airborne Forces will deploy a full-fledged airborne assault regiment on the peninsula was announced yesterday at a pre-holiday press conference (on August 2, the “winged infantry” celebrates its 86th anniversary) by the chief of staff - first deputy commander of the Airborne Forces, Hero of Russia, Lieutenant General Nikolai Ignatov. According to him, the formation of the unit will be preceded by the deployment of only one battalion. The entire regiment, according to its organizational structure and with a full set of weapons, will appear in Crimea in 2018-2019.
Warring division
The planned formation of an airborne assault regiment on the territory of Crimea was previously reported by the commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel General Hero of the Russian Federation Vladimir Shamanov. He clarified that the new unit will organizationally be part of the 7th Guards Airborne Assault (Mountain) Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov division, whose headquarters is stationed in Novorossiysk, and units and subunits in a number of southern regions of the country.
This is a special unit within the Airborne Forces. Its uniqueness is already in the name itself, because it is the only full-fledged division with “mountain” status. The main thing is that combat training is organized here in a special way, the emphasis in which is on preparation for performing tasks in mountainous and foothill terrain. In addition, the “seven” is undergoing practical testing the latest designs weapons and military equipment for airborne purposes, and the Raevskoye training ground, which is subordinate to the division, regularly becomes the site of large demonstration exercises, including in the presence of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

The personnel of the 7th Division, especially officers, have experience in performing combat missions. This and both Chechen companies, where Novorossiysk paratroopers stormed the high-mountain bases of militants in the Vedeno and Shatoi regions, and carried out peacekeeping service, and ensured the security of the Russian Khmeimim airbase in Syria. It is no coincidence that last year the formation was awarded the Order of Suvorov - an award for To the battle banner personally attached by the Minister of Defense, Army General, Hero of Russia Sergei Shoigu, who had specially flown to Novorossiysk. By the way, at the headquarters of the Airborne Forces and in other management structures of the Russian Ministry of Defense there are many people from the Novorossiysk formation. For example, the already mentioned Chief of Staff of the Airborne Forces, General Nikolai Ignatov, commanded the 7th Division in the early 2000s, including during the period of combat missions as part of the United Group of Troops (Forces) in the North Caucasus.
Dzhankoy - there is so much in this sound
The location of the future air assault regiment in Crimea has not yet been officially announced, but the small town of Dzhankoy in the north of the peninsula, about 90 kilometers from its capital, has already been named among the priority locations. Powers Airborne Forces already They performed tasks here as part of tactical groups: paratroopers from Ivanovo and Ulan-Ude were stationed here as reinforcement units.

The presence of the military in this region of Crimea is necessary. Dzhankoy is an important railway junction, as well as a concentration point for road transport flows, including those coming from Ukraine.
The gravity part of the North Crimean Canal also ends near Dzhankoy. Despite the fact that in 2014 the Kyiv authorities decided to stop supplying Dnieper water through it, approximately half the length of the canal is used to transfer water to eastern part peninsula from mountain reservoirs of the Belogorsk region. And in 2015, this part of the canal began to be used year-round: the canal bed is necessary for transportation drinking water from underground water intakes in the northeastern part of Crimea to the Kerch Peninsula.

The border status of Dzhankoy is also a constant cause for concern for Crimeans. It is here that one can most likely expect attacks from the Right Sector radicals (an organization banned in Russia) and Muslim extremists. In particular, in April of this year, Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Mustafa Dzhemilev and the leader of the Crimean Tatar radicals Lenur Islyamov announced the penetration of fighters of the so-called “suicide battalion” into Crimea through the Ukrainian border. Later, the peninsula authorities denied this information, noting that the sending of extremists was only intended.
Thus, Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Ruslan Balbek said that for a long time, near the Ukrainian-Crimean border (from the Ukrainian side) there were combat training more than three dozen Crimean Tatar radicals who intended to invade the peninsula to commit a provocation on May 18, when events dedicated to the anniversary of the deportation were held in Crimea Crimean Tatars. Fortunately, at the last moment the militants of Dzhemilev and Islyamov abandoned their plans, although they undoubtedly prepared for a “meeting” with them in Crimea.
No task is impossible
It will most likely be up to the personnel of the future air assault regiment to deal with such provocateurs. I must say that this is quite powerful combat unit- both in terms of organizational structure and the number of weapons and military equipment. Structurally, such airborne units, as a rule, consist of two air assault battalions and one parachute battalion, a self-propelled artillery battalion, anti-tank and anti-aircraft batteries, a reconnaissance company and other support units, including an engineer company, a communications company, and an airborne chemical defense unit. The armament of the airborne assault regiment is represented by airborne combat vehicles of various modifications, airborne armored personnel carriers, 120-mm self-propelled artillery mounts, and anti-tank systems.
The people in such units are also impeccably prepared. It is known that only recruits of category “A” - the most physically and morally prepared - are accepted for service in the Airborne Forces. Besides, in Airborne troops The program of recruiting formations and military units with contract servicemen is being most actively implemented. Selection for airborne service among future contract soldiers is the most biased. Finally, the officer cadres. For the most part, they are represented by graduates of the famous Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School: a forge of personnel for the “winged infantry”.
IN last years this university introduces the best practices in training future commanders airborne units. A special emphasis is placed on physical training: here the tone is set by the head of the school, Major General Anatoly Kontsevoy, an excellent athlete who leads the university team at all “Commander competitions” of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Stories about how a general runs a kilometer distance at the speed of a sprinter or goes out for sparring matches against the most trained hand-to-hand fighters of the RVVDKU are not myths, but reality. The idea of ​​​​the possible deployment of a new military unit in Dzhankoy is also positively perceived local residents. And the point here is not only about guaranteed security, about protection from attacks by provocateurs from neighboring Ukraine. It is expected that specialists will be able to find work in the regiment civilian personnel, and in addition, local men who meet the age and other requirements for the personnel of the Airborne Forces can get a contract here.
Borderline state It is possible that among the key tasks for the Dzhankoy “blue berets” will be the support of units and bodies border service FSB of Russia. Unfortunately, the proximity to Ukraine gives Russian border guards constant reasons for concern. Recently, the press service of the Crimean border department of the FSB of the Russian Federation issued a statement in which it complained about the boorish and shameless attitude of Ukrainian border guards towards persons crossing the border with Russia. Including to foreigners.
In particular, the department noted that recently a Turkish citizen who was planning to cross the border from Crimea was denied entry into Ukraine. The man crossed the car checkpoint with a foreign passport and a visa for a single visit to Russia. However, at the Ukrainian checkpoint “Kalanchak” he was turned back, prohibiting entry into Ukraine for three years at once. Russian border guards provided the Turk with a place to stay and food, after which he was given a priority entry visa and helped to return home.
Previously, the Ukrainian border service also did not allow a 66-year-old tourist from Germany returning home after visiting Crimea. This middle-aged man carried out a whole tour from St. Petersburg to Makhachkala, and Crimea was the end point of his route. The guest intended to cross the Russian-Ukrainian border and return to his homeland through Ukraine. Russian border guards warned the foreigner that his trip could be interrupted due to the decision of the Ukrainian side. However, the German continued his journey, hoping that this would not threaten the EU citizen. The fears of the Russian border guards were confirmed - the man was not allowed into Ukraine. But if only all worries were limited to the attacks of the Ukrainian border guards. Not long ago, information appeared about the deployment of Ukrainian troops in the Kherson region - almost on the border with Crimea. anti-aircraft missile systems. Former Verkhovna Rada deputy Alexey Zhuravko called this gesture “another provocation against Russia.” In addition, in April of this year, trains with military equipment. The same Alexey Zhuravko reported on at least fifty platforms. “Either Ukraine intends to attack Crimea, or wants to “boast about scrap metal,” the ex-deputy commented on this information then. Be that as it may, Russia is taking all measures to fend off any unfriendly steps from its neighbor.

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