Today in service with Russian army consists of several unique artillery systems. The most advanced and high-tech of them are such self-propelled guns as Nona and Khosta. More recently, the gun collection of the armed forces Russian Federation replenished with a new weapon: self-propelled unit"Phlox" surpassed its predecessors both in terms of the power of the ammunition, and in terms of range and accuracy of fire.

Who designed the Phlox self-propelled guns?

The Phlox self-propelled artillery mount, which combines all the advantages of guns, howitzers and mortars, was developed at the Burevestnik Central Research Institute, which is part of the Uralvagonzavod corporation in the city Nizhny Novgorod. At the heart of the creation of the new self-propelled guns, the designers used the wheeled chassis of the Ural, an all-wheel drive three-axle vehicle designed to carry a load of ten tons.

The Phlox self-propelled gun was presented at the Army 2016 forum, which took place in September on the territory of the Patriot Park of the Ministry of Defense near Moscow. More than 50 units were involved in the exhibition military equipment.

The novelty of the forum was the Phlox self-propelled gun. The photo below represents the features external design given

Why was the Phlox tool created?

Designing a new modified self-propelled guns, the developers took the idea of ​​"wheeled tanks". Russian engineers have created the Phlox mobile self-propelled artillery mount, which combines powerful weapons, high-quality armor protection and high mobility. This tool considered the first Russian self-propelled guns caliber 120 mm, which uses a car chassis (family "Ural"). The Phlox self-propelled gun belongs to a new class of weapons, which, according to experts, will later replace the old 120-caliber towed guns. Developers believe that this will significantly increase mobility artillery units army of the Russian Federation.

How does the latest Russian self-propelled unit work?

"Phlox" works on the principle of self-propelled guns, which are in service with military airborne and ground forces Oh.

Unlike their predecessors, "Nona" and "Khost", new installation can use both conventional artillery shells and mortar mines. This was made possible through the use of a wide vertical aiming angle, the range of which is from -2 to +80 degrees. Thus, the Russian self-propelled installation "Phlox" operates on the principle of a howitzer, which is characterized by a hinged trajectory. As a result new self-propelled guns capable of vertically throwing shells into enemy trenches at a distance not exceeding 10 km.

With direct fire, the Phlox self-propelled gun also showed nice results. Artillery firing from the new gun compares favorably with other self-propelled guns long range and accuracy.

Design feature of the new ACS

Like similar self-propelled artillery mounts, the 120 mm Phlox is equipped with a controlled autonomous weapon station. The new self-propelled guns differ from their predecessors in that this installed module is unified, due to which, during artillery firing from the Phlox, an increased accuracy of hits is observed and the load on the chassis is significantly reduced. The module is installed together with the Kord 12.7 mm machine gun. The design of the modified ACS includes:

  • trunk;
  • combined semi-automatic shutter;
  • cradle with a fence;
  • special devices that counteract kickbacks;
  • lifting sector mechanism.

After the completion of artillery firing from a modified self-propelled gun using a special drive controlled by vertical angles, the aiming is restored.

"Phlox" is able to transport the ammunition needed to carry out 80 shots. Of these, 28 units are on alert. For their placement, designers provide special operational stacking. Such a design is designed to improve the mobility of the ACS, and make the preparatory process and the firing itself automatic. All this was not able to provide obsolete towed self-propelled artillery installations. "Phlox" caliber 120 mm is fighting machine, which uses a completely new concept.

Truck "Ural" for artillery mount Phlox is a special armored variant. In addition, the machine contains a reinforced engine, the power of which exceeds three hundred horsepower.

Why do we need a recoil system in Phlox?

The problem of the unstable position of the gun on the wheeled platform is not new. You can solve it in two ways:

  • strengthen the main platform by increasing its mass, and thus turn the self-propelled guns into an armored personnel carrier;
  • use additional supports during firing.

This problem was solved when creating Phlox. Russian designers used a modern recoil system with an auxiliary hydraulic effect. During firing, mechanical energy is converted into thermal energy, which subsequently absorbs shocks and shocks. Thus, the entire load on the platform is significantly reduced.

What is 2A80 in the Phlox design?

The abbreviation 2A80 in the modernized self-propelled unit denotes an artillery gun that combines the advantages of howitzer guns and mortars. The caliber of the gun is 120 mm. For firing from this barrel, 120-mm mines and projectiles with ready-made rifling are used. An innovation in Phlox is the innovative cooling system that the 2A80 is equipped with. In this system, using a special indicator, you can monitor the maximum allowable level of barrel heating.

Ensuring the safety of the crew

Cabin self-propelled artillery "Floks" is a welded structure. In its manufacture, steel sheets with various thicknesses are used. A special armored casing is provided for the engine compartment. These warnings are designed to protect the crew of the self-propelled guns from explosive devices, the power of which does not exceed two kilograms. To protect the crew from attacks by a sabotage and reconnaissance group, a 12.7 mm Kord machine gun can be used in the design of the Phlox artillery mount. It is mounted on the cockpit and is not a regular weapon.

Why do we need a gun-computer system for Phlox?

The presence of advanced technologies is another feature of the new Russian artillery installation. The gun-computer complex makes it possible to remotely exchange information between team members located in the combat vehicle and in the control vehicle. With the help of this complex, the preparation of the initial data necessary for artillery shelling on an independently reconnoitered target, as well as on the target, information about which is issued by the battery control point, is carried out. The use of gun-computer systems has a positive effect on the adjustment of the installation, since it makes it possible to detect the first shot at the target. In the gun-computer complex, the developers provide for various modes. To control the pickup elements there is a memory, the operation of which does not depend on energy. The amount of memory can be information about thirty targets. All data is displayed on commander's monitors located in the cockpit of this self-propelled artillery mount. Due to the gun-computer complex in real time, it is possible to monitor the technical condition of the installation by controlling the drives, to perform horizontal or vertical aiming of the barrel.

In Phlox, everything is computerized. Data received from the target designator - rangefinder is also fed to the monitor in the cockpit. With the help of the topographical reference system, the crew can automatically determine the coordinates even when the ACS is moving. Having received all the data necessary for artillery fire, the Phlox self-propelled gun is ready to carry out artillery fire after 20 seconds.

Mobility of the modified Russian installation

According to military experts, today one of the main advantages of any artillery piece for combat operations is its high mobility.

This quality is much more relevant than even the quality of the armor itself. This is due to the fact that self-propelled guns are rarely used in direct fire attacks, which means that the need for powerful anti-tank armor is not so significant. In modern military conflicts involving self-propelled guns, artillery fire is fired from a distant closed firing position. This limits the contact of the ACS with the armor-piercing means of the enemy.

According to many experts, the Phlox gun is a timely and potentially in-demand military weapon for the Russian ground forces.

In the family of "flower" names of self-propelled artillery mounts, another replenishment. The nomenclature of domestic self-propelled guns with beautiful names"Carnation", "Acacia", "Khosta" are proposed to be replenished with the Phlox firing system - a completely combat vehicle new concept, which has the capabilities of several types of artillery weapons at once and, moreover, mounted on the chassis of an armored truck with high cross-country ability. The very idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"wheeled tanks" in the world is not new. However, it is Russian engineers and designers who offer a unified model that combines powerful weapons, mobility, and confident armor protection. The first sample of the new firing system has already been exhibited at the Army-2016 International Military-Technical Forum currently taking place in the Moscow region. "Phlox" should become one of the brightest "flowers" of this kind of "exhibition of achievements" of the Russian armed forces and defense industry. Premiere in "Patriot" The fact that the 120-millimeter self-propelled artillery gun "Phlox" (as this installation is officially called) is exhibited in the Patriot park, "Zvezda" was informed by the head of the public relations department of the Scientific and Production Corporation "Uralvagonzavod" Yulia Kolmakova. According to her, the company presents 56 units of military equipment at the static exposition of the forum, including 37 full-scale samples and full-size mock-ups. – Among them are Uraltransmash JSC, Omsktransmash JSC, Burevestnik Central Research Institute JSC, Elektromashina JSC NPO, ChTZ-Uraltrak JSC and others. The total exhibition space leased by the corporation in an open area is 1,360 square meters. Nevertheless, the Phlox system was the first among the new products that attracted the attention of connoisseurs of military equipment. Although in fairness it should be noted that the enterprises that are part of the Uralvagonzavod structure this time presented a fairly wide range of original models. What is worth, for example, an 82-mm mortar or a mortar of 120 mm caliber mounted on the chassis of a RM 500 all-terrain vehicle (quad bike), placed on the platform of a UAZ Cargo truck (Patriot off-road vehicle). And yet the role of a kind of headliner of the exposition rightfully went to Phlox ". Moreover, on the eve of the exhibition, the Secretary of State - Deputy General Director of UVZ Alexei Zharich posted a photo of this self-propelled unit on his page in one of the social networks. The picture clearly shows the location of the gun (in the aft part of the chassis), the type of base is also easily recognizable - an all-wheel drive three-axle truck of the Ural-43206 type with a carrying capacity of more than ten tons. From some more detailed characteristics the author of the photo abstained. Weapon innovation In JSC "Central Research Institute" Burevestnik "the correspondent of" Zvezda "confirmed the fact of production self-propelled gun"Floks" on the basis of their enterprise, however, could not supplement the information that had already been previously announced on this occasion by the general director Georgy Zakamennykh. He, in particular, said that the main distinctive feature new self-propelled unit is its tool, which provides due to new constructive solutions reduced load on the chassis when fired and increased accuracy of fire. Stepping back, it is worth saying that it is this problem - the unstable position of the gun on the wheeled platform - that hinders the development of "wheeled tanks" in the West. The solution here is either to increase the mass of the main platform (by turning it into a full-fledged armored personnel carrier), or to use additional supports when firing from a stationary firing position. I must say that on the Phlox these issues are resolved more elegantly. Withstand increased loads when firing from a gun with such powerful caliber here it is possible due to the use of a modern recoil system with an auxiliary hydraulic effect. The mechanical energy of the shot is converted into thermal energy and serves to absorb shocks and shocks. As a result, shock loads on the gun carriage - a turntable mounted on the Ural chassis - are significantly softened. The Phlox's main caliber is the 2A80 gun - a unique combination of howitzer gun and mortar. The fire is carried out with 120-mm mines and shells with ready-made rifling. Interestingly, the gun is equipped innovation system cooling, and in addition, it uses an indicator that indicates the maximum allowable level of barrel heating. Separate words deserve the chassis of the artillery mount - the Ural car, made in a special armored version and equipped with a reinforced engine with a capacity of over 300 horsepower. The cabin here is welded, made of metal sheets of various thicknesses, and the engine compartment is equipped with its own armored casing. The manufacturer guarantees the safety of the crew even when an explosive device with a capacity of up to two kilograms of TNT is detonated. The Phlox crew will be able to repel attacks by sabotage and reconnaissance groups not only with standard weapons, but also with a 12.7-mm Kord machine gun mounted on the cab. In the ranks of "self-propelled guns" Placing a self-propelled artillery mount (and the Phlox to some extent fits this definition) on the wheelbase of a truck is really a new word in the domestic military-industrial complex. Only the Nona-SVK battalion self-propelled artillery gun, mounted on the chassis of the BTR-80 amphibious wheeled armored personnel carrier, comes to mind. Adopted in 1990, this self-propelled gun is a 120-mm rifled semi-automatic cannon-howitzer-mortar and the wheelbase of an armored personnel carrier . "Nona-SVK" is able to overcome trenches, trenches, water barriers on the move. In terms of the power of a high-explosive fragmentation projectile, its shot is comparable to the action of 152-mm ammunition. The closest modern models to Phlox can be considered the 120-mm Khosta self-propelled artillery gun and the Vena system of the same caliber. Both are caterpillar-mounted, both use a rifled semi-automatic cannon, both are produced at the production base of Motovilikhinskiye Zavody PJSC. At the same time, given that Vena is a relatively new self-propelled gun, there is every reason to believe that Phlox will take the most advanced technologies from it, including, for example, the use of a gun-computer complex. It allows you to exchange information between the combat vehicle and the control vehicle, prepare the initial data for firing at independently reconnoitered targets or according to information received from the battery control center. The system also adjusts the settings for firing at the notch of the first shot, controls the guidance elements in various modes, stores in memory (regardless of the presence or absence of energy) information about three dozen targets. All necessary information displayed on the commander's monitors, which are equipped with the cabin of the self-propelled guns "Phlox". With this system, you can monitor in real time technical condition complex, control the drives of the horizontal and vertical guidance of the gun. A laser target designator-rangefinder is also connected to the computer of the gun-computer complex, and the topographical reference system provides automatic determination of coordinates even when the vehicle is moving. The time for readiness to fire, due to the presence of the gun-computer complex, can be ... no more than 20 seconds from the moment the information is received about the goal! A priorityin mobility Most experts related to rocket and artillery topics agree that Phlox is a very timely and potentially in demand weapon modern ground forces. former boss artillery motorized rifle regiment 27th Guards motorized rifle division reserve lieutenant colonel Leonid Budzdorovenko admits: if his subordinates had such weapons, it would be much easier to resolve issues of fire support in the course of performing tasks in the North Caucasus. The officer calls the wheelbase the main advantage: the same Gvozdika, which was in the mid-1990s in service with artillery battalions of motorized rifle regiments, had a caterpillar drive and was difficult to maintain, limited in speed, and most importantly, had big weight, which often did not allow crossing some bridges in the same Chechnya. In addition, according to experts in the field of artillery, in modern combat such advantages of self-propelled guns as powerful armor. The use of self-propelled guns in an attack, direct fire is a rarity, therefore, the presence of protection against anti-tank weapons is no longer a necessity. Fire is most often fired from closed firing positions remote from the line of contact, where there is no contact with enemy armor-piercing weapons. As for protection against attacks, for example, on the march, regular car booking will do just fine here. It will protect against small arms fire and improvised explosive devices, and ATGMs, as a rule, are not taken into an ambush. water barriers. The Ural, whatever one may say, does not float, which means that it is still limited in mobility ... Nevertheless, Uralvagonzavod is counting on the new weapon to find its consumer. And it is far from accidental that the sample of a self-propelled gun presented in the "Patriot" is painted in a protective disguise to match the color of the desert. This is one of those places on the planet where the problem of water barriers is not worth it ...

The 120-mm self-propelled artillery gun 2S40 "Floks" on the Ural-4320VV (6x6) chassis was developed at the Central Research Institute Burevestnik JSC (part of the Uralvagonzavod concern). The self-propelled guns are designed to perform fire missions to destroy moving and stationary targets with mortar mines or artillery shells(including high-precision ones).

The combat weight of the vehicle is about 20 t. III class. The chassis protects against mines weighing up to 2 kg of TNT - detonation does not affect the performance of the engine, and a charge of 5 kg of TNT cannot disable the crew. To increase the cross-country ability, middle and rear differential locks are provided. The unit is equipped with a YaMZ-536 diesel engine with a capacity of 310 hp. The crew consists of an artillery crew (3 people) and a driver, who is located in a 5-seater armored cabin.

In the stern of the self-propelled guns, a turntable with a 120 mm caliber gun module is equipped. The rifled gun has ballistics and a bolt unified with the 2A80 gun. It can be used both as a howitzer and as a mortar, depending on the ammunition used. Shooting distance reaches 13 km high-explosive fragmentation projectile, 7.5 km high-explosive fragmentation mine, 10 kg - guided projectile. Shooting is fully automated through the use of an automatic loader, the rate of fire is 8 (OFS) or 10 (OFM) rounds per minute. There are 28 rounds in the AZ automated ammo rack, another 52 are in conventional stacks.

The 120-mm gun is equipped with a modern recoil system, which made it possible to abandon retractable supports. This solution, together with modern electronics, reduces the time to fire to 20 seconds and significantly increases efficiency. Pointing angles vertically from -5 to +80 degrees, horizontally - 35 degrees each. right and left. ACS "Floks" is equipped with a modern digital weapon-computer system, which is able to perform many tasks in automatic mode. These tasks include:

Transferring and receiving data between machines;

Processing of received information and data preparation for calculation of shooting parameters;

Correction of firing installation on the first shot;

Switching between different means of observation depending on the surrounding conditions;

Storage in memory up to 30 targets at the same time and switching between them.

The received and processed information in real time is continuously fed to the crew monitors in the cockpit, which allows you to quickly respond to the situation and monitor the status of all systems.

As an additional armament, the self-propelled unit is equipped with a remotely controlled weapon station with a 12.7 mm Kord machine gun and a combined sighting system(on the cab roof). The ACS is also equipped with a detection system laser irradiation and installation of smoke screens.

Photo © Vitaly Moiseev

The latest 120-mm Phlox artillery complex includes the capabilities of a cannon and a mortar using a base vehicle"Ural" with good cross-country performance. Previously, self-propelled guns of this caliber were not produced, which in the future will replace the already old guns of a similar plan. The development of this project was carried out by the Nizhny Novgorod Central Research Institute "Burevestnik". The photos were submitted on the social page Facebook networks UVZ Secretary of State Aleksey Zharich.

“The idea of ​​placing a 120mm weapon using the chassis of a car was a completely new solution for our military. In fact, this development is becoming a new class of weapons that will increase the mobility of the Russian army. The most important advantage of the new self-propelled guns was the 2A80 weapon unified on the bolt, when fired from which they were able to achieve a significant reduction in pressure on the support, ”shared his impressions CEO Georgy Zakamennykh.

Some indicators of the system

The newest Phlox complex will be equipped with special protection in the form of combat module equipped with a machine gun large caliber"Kord". As a counter guided weapons a system is used that detects laser radiation and interferes with the opposing side.

This development can fire a cannon covering several kilometers, and a mortar is suitable for firing on hilly and highlands. Large ranges of pointing angles are provided, which will allow for aimed shots at a distance of 10 kilometers or at targets located just a hundred meters from the combat position.

The project was first shown at the international military-technical forum "Army-2016", held in the park "Patriot". In the same place, it became known that additional tasks performed by the complex:

  • transferring and receiving information between machines;
  • preparing data for calculating the exact shooting parameter;
  • various shooting adjustments;
  • switching between different means of guidance;
  • storing up to 30 targets in memory with the ability to switch between them.

Materials of the publication "Izvestia" were used.

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Burevestnik, a large Nizhny Novgorod artillery manufacturer, plans to increase its sales volumes by five times by 2020, up to 20 billion rubles. This enterprise intends to do this through the construction of two production buildings in which new types of weapons will be produced. Industry analysts call the company's plans ambitious and note that there have been cases of a sharp increase in production volumes against the backdrop of the implementation of the state arms development program until 2020, but they are rare. In this regard, experts warn that due to the worsening economic situation, a decrease in the volume of the state defense order is possible.

JSC Burevestnik Central Research Institute (part of the Uralvagonzavod corporation, manufactures artillery weapons) has begun construction of an assembly building, where it plans to produce new product samples. As Georgy Zakamennykh, General Director of the Central Research Institute, told reporters, we are talking about remote-controlled weapon platforms of a wide range and caliber, about a transport and loading machine for artillery complex"Coalition", 120 mm self-propelled artillery piece"Phlox", a number of mortar weapons for mobile units based on the UAZ Cargo car and ATVs. -Investments in the construction of the hull are estimated at 2.6 billion rubles, 60% of the investments will be budget financing under the federal target state program for the development of weapons until 2020, 40% - the company's own funds. The construction of the facility is scheduled to be completed in November 2017. The output of production at the design capacity is tentatively scheduled for 2018.

A new assembly building is being built as part of the large-scale investment project of Burevestnik. The first built production and procurement complex was officially opened yesterday. There is a warehouse on this site. finished products and components, a metal warehouse and the actual production. The volume of investments in this project amounted to 1.26 billion rubles.

With the introduction of two new sites, according to Georgy Zakamennykh, the company plans to increase its capacity and sales volumes by four to five times from the current 4.5 billion rubles. up to 20 billion rubles by 2020.

Deputy Director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies Konstantin Makienko believes that the plans of the Central Research Institute to increase the volume of sales by five times look very ambitious. “That is, production volumes should grow by 50% annually. The source of such growth, I believe, can only be the State Defense Order, exports clearly cannot provide such volumes. In general, there are separate precedents for such growth in the course of the implementation of the state arms development program. economic entities given, in particular in the field of air defense. But this is very difficult task from an organizational, personnel and any other point of view,” says Mr. Makienko. Independent expert on small arms Maxim Pyadushkin agrees that the company, apparently, is counting on an internal customer. “The state defense order has long overtaken the volume of deliveries of military products for export, although 10 years ago the situation was reversed and defense industry enterprises mainly lived off the supply of products abroad. Now the Russian military is buying all types of weapons, because nothing was bought in the 1990s and early 2000s and everyone lived on the Soviet stock, which was outdated. Therefore, the task was set to upgrade weapons by 70%. It can be assumed that due to the difficult economic conditions GOZa volumes will be adjusted, but it is unlikely that there will be a sharp reduction,” Maxim Pyadushkin believes.

Alexandra Vikulova

Central Research Institute Burevestnik was established in 1970 as the head enterprise for barreled artillery armament of the ground forces and navy. Since 2009, it has been part of the special equipment division of JSC Research and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod. According to SPARK, the company's revenue for 2014 amounted to 4.8 billion rubles, net profit - 437 million rubles.
Main investment projects have been implemented at the Central Research Institute Burevestnik since 2008. During this time, the institute has created a test bench base, a center for high-performance computing, mastered the production of 190-mm (inaccuracy, correct 100mm) ship gun mount and modernized machining production. The total investment in these projects amounted to 1.6 billion rubles.