Recycling as a business is promising direction commercial activities, especially in demand in large populated areas. This type of commerce can be done by investing $1,000 or more in a startup, starting with the collection and delivery of recyclable materials and gradually developing the business to production full cycle. Paper, plastic, glass, organic and other waste can be recycled, depending on the demand in a particular market.

Project summary, analysis and industry features

You can organize a business for receiving recyclable materials using various waste materials. The main sources of recyclable materials are glass containers, plastic, paper, metal, organic waste. It is worth considering what waste can be collected and processed in a particular region, and what can be made from it. Glass is used to make new bottles and fertilizers, waste paper is used in production toilet paper, trays for eggs and other products from plastic waste making new ones plastic products.

The level of competition in this area is quite low, since equipment for a full production cycle requires quite large investments, and the amount of waste that can be recycled is growing every year.

It is useful to read what income it brings. Production technology, necessary equipment and opportunities for starting your own business at home.

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What you need to start a business

To launch a startup, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for recyclable materials (see), determine materials and processing technology, and sales channels for finished products. After this, you need to find a room for receiving raw materials that corresponds to the planned volume of processing. Beginning entrepreneurs can use their own non-residential premises for such purposes - a garage, barn, or rent it at a low price.

Raw materials for processing can also be collected independently, for example, from natural landfills. When starting your production, you need to find suppliers - those who collect waste paper, plastic or other waste.

The main stages of organizing the collection of recyclable materials as a business:

  • determination of the sector of work (materials that will need to be collected and delivered to large collection and processing points);
  • conducting negotiations with companies that process recyclable materials;
  • search for premises;
  • purchase of scales and presses (can be used);
  • buying or renting a truck (as an option, searching for a suitable transport company, which will carry out cargo transportation);
  • advertising - making a small sign at the entrance to the premises, printing advertisements that are posted around the area (preference - residential areas, schools, universities, food establishments). You can advertise in the local newspaper.

For stable collection of plastic or glass, separate garbage containers, having previously agreed on this with local utilities.

Production plan

When opening a business using recyclable materials without investment, you can find a small room for collection (first, the collected waste can be taken to large collection and recycling points, and after a more detailed study of the market and with the development of the company, you can open your own production). An important condition is to maintain optimal climatic parameters (for example, when collecting waste paper, the room should not be too humid).

It is necessary to equip the premises with scales and a press (compressed raw materials take up much less space in the warehouse and during transportation). To transport recyclables from the collection point to the next point, you will need a truck or car with a trailer.

To open a mini-factory for processing recyclable materials, an investment of at least $10,000 will be required. The room must be dry with water supply, drainage, and electricity. The staff will need to recruit about 20 people - 6-7 people per shift (if a 24-hour production cycle is organized). Workers must sort waste by type, load waste into a conveyor line, and ship finished products.

Economic indicators of business on recyclable materials

To assess the profitability and payback of a business, you need to compare the amount of investment with the amount of one-time and fixed costs. When organizing the collection and delivery of recyclable materials, investments will be required in registering an individual entrepreneur, renting premises, purchasing a press and scales, renting a car and advertising (within $2,000). When organizing a small production, an investment of $15,000-20,000 will be required for the purchase of shredders and other crushing and grinding equipment. With a business profitability of 25-40%, the payback of the project will be 18-24 months (depending on the volume of processing, the input cost of raw materials and prices for finished products). The main items of current costs are premises rental, wage workers, purchase of raw materials, utility bills and promotional expenses.

It is useful to read how profitable it is. Features of a commercial idea, list necessary equipment and an approximate calculation of the profitability of the project.

Details about how cost-effective it is and how to organize it.


Those who have a car with a trailer, a garage or other non-residential technical premises can start their own business with virtually no investment. At first, you can collect waste yourself or organize your own collection point, and later open a mini-factory for waste sorting and shredding different types recyclable materials and preparing them for further processing. Many types of finished products can be made from recycled recyclable materials, which are used in various fields.

Considering that, according to expert estimates, Russians throw away over 100 million tons of paper per year, and waste paper is accepted from $50 per ton, there is no doubt that this business is profitable. But let’s give specific figures: according to experts, the profitability of the waste paper collection business is from 30 to 50%: - you must agree, there is something to think about.

This business is especially attractive because you can start it simply - using your garage as a temporary warehouse. The big plus is that this business is not particularly location-specific, which means there is no need to spend money on special warehouse space (at least in the beginning). You also need to get a small truck or trailer. In fact, this will be the main starting capital.

As a rule, you will not need full-time staff at the initial stage - just notify maximum number acquaintances and strangers, working in organizations that throw away a lot of paper about how much you pay per ton.

Everyone determines the specific amount of payment independently, not forgetting, however, that your competitors are also trying to motivate these same people. Ideally, you should notify as soon as possible more people related to government agencies, schools, office centers and printing houses about their offer. If you manage to establish a fairly extensive network of paper suppliers, you will be provided with uninterrupted supplies of waste paper for a long time, since this business has virtually no seasonality.

However, even if you have regular suppliers, constantly inform others about your services. Experienced waste paper collectors recommend producing and placing information on waste collection on the sides of the vehicle and distributing Business Cards anyone who may be potentially useful in the future.

Don't forget about schoolchildren. And although the times of the Timurites are long gone, there will always be teenagers who want to earn extra money - and this, by the way, is a very powerful workforce. Among other things, schoolchildren can easily interview neighbors on the street and bring the collected newspapers in a wheelbarrow directly to the collection point.

So that you don’t have to set up a time and travel around all the areas where you have independent “partners” to collect found waste paper, it is worth organizing stationary points in each district of the city. These points could logically again be the garages of your “largest” assistants. Of course, in this case you will have to slightly increase the purchase price for this item. On the other hand, you do not invest money in renting premises and the salary of the receptionist.

And of course, it is necessary to notify residents of the area about the presence of a collection point. Usually, all you need to do is put up a few signs, and your “intelligence network” will do the rest.

Well, of course, accepted waste paper should be paid not per ton, but per kilogram (from 50 kopecks per kilogram).

At this stage, it is no longer possible to do without investing in weighing equipment. But by that time you will already have a constant profit, part of which you will invest in expanding the network of collection points.

As in any business, a novice entrepreneur will have to make the main efforts at the very beginning. And if he copes with the initial stage of creating an agent network and developing a regular clientele among commercial enterprises and government agencies, then his future in this business will be very bright. Because no matter how the situation in the economy develops, no matter how acute the economic crisis, in our bureaucratic state there has always been and will always be paper waste. This means that the business of collecting waste paper is almost eternal.

You can provide yourself with tax-free income and also save forested areas from cutting down. All that is needed to develop such a source of additional income is a small initial capital for the purchase of a truck or a trailer for a passenger car, for transportation of collected recyclables, as well as funds for the purchase of unnecessary paper products from the population.

Waste paper collection as a business- This is a great way to provide yourself with additional income free time or during a crisis period of unemployment. With proper organization and a skillful approach to business, you can get an annual income of 1.5 - 2 million rubles. This work does not require special equipment or qualified employees.

Depending on the starting capital, you can start developing the business alone, and in the future hire schoolchildren as assistants who want to earn extra money after classes. They will do all the work of organizing the notification of residents of residential buildings about the collection of waste paper, and loading it into the car.


First you need to develop business plan for waste paper as income-generating material. This is a fairly light and voluminous recyclable material that needs to be transported to your own warehouse by a vehicle with a carrying capacity of at least several cubic meters.

In this case, the weight of each cubic meter will not exceed 0.5 tons, which means a heavy-duty vehicle is not needed here. Suitable for such purposes the following types transport:

  • all-metal van;
  • Gazelle flatbed truck;
  • minibus;
  • station wagon;
  • car with trailer;

You also need to take into account the vehicle’s fuel consumption, for example, on trucks such as Kamaz, it will be unprofitable to travel 100 km to buy just a ton of waste paper, so a compact van or the same car with a trailer would be more appropriate here.

Warehouse space

For those who want to know, how to open a waste paper collection point, the following information will be of interest regarding the choice of storage space and its size.

Initially, you can use an ordinary garage as a storage room; also, an outbuilding in rural areas. Since renting a large premises is quite expensive, and the initial collection of recyclable materials will not cover such waste.

Determine the size of the room, very important question, since excess free footage will incur unnecessary waste, and too small size will not allow the waste paper business to develop properly. To do this, determine the area of ​​the city in which the collection work is carried out and the monthly volume of purchased recyclables.

Stages of business development

First stage

Many companies develop their business by recycling waste paper; they set the price for collecting this recyclable material throughout the region, which means that you need to start developing your business by establishing contacts with representatives of such organizations. First you need to determine the following factors, affecting your own:

  • wholesale and retail prices for all brands of waste paper;
  • minimum and maximum volume of accepted products;
  • conditions for delivery of goods from a personal warehouse to the factory premises;
  • and most importantly, acceptable standards the level of contamination of recyclable materials with foreign substances or moisture content.

Second phase

The second stage can be considered the beginning of direct work. After choosing a vehicle, preparing a warehouse and concluding an agreement with a processing company, all that remains is to find a source of waste paper, these can be considered:

  • educational establishments;
  • accounting institutions;
  • offices;
  • mail;
  • the shops:
  • residential buildings;

such places can supply:

  • unused unbleached paper or its waste;
  • printed publications;
  • cardboard containers;
  • paper packaging bags;

many people will be happy to get rid of such garbage without any financial compensation. For example, they take up a huge amount of space in the premises, their disposal costs money, so an offer to get rid of unnecessary worries for free will be accepted. Educational establishments They also have similar archives that have been collecting tons of waste paper for years. A similar situation exists with stores; they, as a rule, receive goods in cardboard packaging, and then dispose of it in the nearest trash container.

Worth knowing! The average is $20.

Information advertising

Collection of waste paper as a business will bring in constantly growing income only if the work develops and covers new territories all the time, and for this it is necessary to inform people about your activities.

Nowadays, there are many paid and free ways advertising own business, it could be:

  • newspaper advertising;
  • notices posted at bus stops;
  • posting a note on the yellow pages;
  • creating a page in in social networks with the proposed waste paper removal services;
  • advertising on a local TV channel or radio station;

The larger the client base, the higher the profit and net income from the work done.

According to statistics, more than 100 million tons are thrown into garbage every year in Russia paper waste, if converted into monetary equivalent, the amount will be 8 billion dollars. How much of this money you can earn will depend only on own desire work.

♦ Capital investments: from 1,500,000 rubles.
♦ Payback: 12-48 months.

Organize business on recycled materials- This is a very promising direction for creating a source of income.

However, on this moment Not many entrepreneurs are engaged in it, and this also plays into their hands, because the current level of competition is average or even low.

At the same time, the threshold for entering the business is relatively accessible, and special knowledge and skills are not required.

It all depends on the thoughtful and competent organization of collection, and if you want to develop, setting up a workshop for processing waste and producing new products from them.

Who remembers Soviet times, will confirm that previously everyone was involved in collecting the same waste paper.

But years passed, production facilities were closed, and people’s mentality changed.

Collection and processing of raw materials for a long time were considered “dirty” and not the most worthy occupation.

However, thanks to the popularization of caring for environment, reusing resources is becoming fashionable.

Not only people themselves are ready to sort their garbage and bring it to collection points, even for free.

In addition, the state is ready to provide all possible support in the endeavors of those who deal with recyclable materials.

There comes an understanding that even 1 kg of recycled paper is a contribution already made to preserving the environmental situation.

And if you take the amount of work that one recycling collection point does, this is a huge benefit.

It is from this perspective that this business should be viewed: as a feasible contribution to improving the state of the environment.

And not just as a source of income.

Then work will bring joy and a sense of self-worth.

Recycling – a business with prospects

When drawing up a business plan, you should do this important step, as collecting information about the current market situation and forecasting the relevance of your business.

Let's look at how things stand with recyclable materials in Russia at the moment.

According to statistics, a resident of an average-sized town produces at least 400 kilograms of waste in one year.

And that's just one person!

If we divide all recyclable materials into separate categories, the distribution roughly looks like this:

As you can see from the diagram, the main categories of collected recyclables are paper and plastic.

Their collection is easy to organize, and the equipment for their processing is relatively affordable.

Collection points can be found in almost any city.

This is because the population actively uses these materials, and they are available in large quantities, store them conveniently and safely.

New products can be made from recycled paper and plastic waste.

How to open a recycling collection point?

“What you have to do is create a great product or service with the goal of changing the world. If you do this, you can become a legend."
Guy Kawasaki

The recycling collection business begins with finding suitable premises.

It will play the role of a warehouse and must meet the requirements:

  • the size of the room should depend on the volume of recyclables that you are going to store in it;
  • novice entrepreneurs who are short of start-up capital for a business can first rent or buy a garage; gradually, with increasing volumes, you can find a large warehouse, hangar;
  • the room should not be damp, especially if you collect waste paper;
  • remember that the premises will only be an intermediate point before being sent to major centers collection or processing, so do not rush to rent a large area;
  • in this business it does not play any role whether the warehouse is located in the center or outside the city; the latter option is even preferable, since rent is cheaper, target audience in residential areas there are more, and there are less traffic jams;
  • the warehouse must be equipped with scales and a press (a press will be needed to reduce the volume of collected recyclables and also to facilitate transportation);
  • Another necessary element for starting a business using recycled materials is truck(or a passenger car with a trailer).

If the above is present, you can safely proceed to opening a recycling collection point.

Set the cost per kilogram of a particular type of paper.

Start by notifying nearby schools and colleges.

It is worth posting notices near the collection point.

The larger the audience you can reach, the sooner you will start making a profit.

How to open a recycling plant?

Not every entrepreneur can afford to open a large recycling plant.

However, there are mini versions that are easy and convenient to transport.

This business idea is interesting because you can “travel” from landfill to landfill in different cities, selecting several hundred tons of necessary raw materials from each.

The compact version is also beneficial in terms of investment size.

To open a plant, which can fit into a container 4-5 meters long, an amount of around $100,000 is required.

Moreover, to connect it you only need water supply, sewerage and a source of electricity.

How many staff are needed to process recyclables?

A recycling plant requires hiring at least 24 people.

The figure is due to the fact that at least 7-8 employees must work in one shift, and there are three shifts in total.

Why not two, as is usually customary?

Because working at such a plant is hard work.

And production must function without stopping - this is the specification of this branch of business.

Employees' responsibilities include processing incoming recyclables.

They will select rejects, sort by type of waste, load garbage for recycling, and ship the final products.

Recycling collection as a business: what is used?

Collection of recyclable materials should be done thoughtfully.

First, decide what type of waste will be used and collected in your business.

There are several common categories.

Collection of glass containers

Perhaps this is the most popular destination in Russia.

True, it is associated mainly with negative associations - alcoholics, homeless people and disadvantaged people.

But, besides this, collecting and recycling glass containers is a useful and profitable business.

Broken glass is used to produce new bottles, which are not much inferior to those made from sand; sand can also be made directly from cullet, crushing it as much as possible.

Incredibly, these raw materials are even used in the fertilizer business - as “vessels” (small hollow granules are made)!

Dark glass is the most valuable, but any glass container is now accepted for recycling.

Waste paper

Previously, the collection of waste paper was put on stream, but gradually the activity of the population subsided.

Although the share of paper waste in waste is quite large, and if it is processed correctly, then as much as ¾ can be reused in production!

So far, the national figure does not exceed 12%.

This is a rather sad level, but it also highlights the potential of this area of ​​business.


Thanks to processing, plastic can be recycled into plastic again!

To do this, labels are removed from the collected products, cleaned of excess, crushed and steamed in a special cauldron.

This process allows the production of polymer flakes - flex.

From these raw materials it is already possible to manufacture new products.

How to organize a business using recyclable materials, see also in the video:

How quickly will waste paper recycling as a business pay off?

You can estimate the payback period for a business using recyclable materials based on both world and Russian prices:

  • writing paper – $760/ton (worldwide), 22,000 – 32,000 rubles (Russian);
  • cardboard - $850/ton (in the world), 18,000 - 26,000 rubles (in Russia).

To arrive at a business's potential net profit, costs must be subtracted from projected revenue.

Collection and processing of recyclable materials may include the following costs:

With such indicators, we can declare high business profitability - 25-55%.

Accordingly, over a period of 1-2 years, your investment will fully pay off.

Many are sure that business on recycled materials- This Goldmine, because resources lie literally under your feet.

This is only partly true.

Any entrepreneurial activity requires improvement of knowledge and skills.

You must invest not only money, but also a lot of effort and your time.

But how much benefit you can bring to your city or country!

After all, collecting and recycling waste is not only a way to generate income, but also concern for the environment.

It is this goal that you need to focus on first of all when running a business.

Recycling and acceptance of recyclable materials as a business is considered very promising. This requires a minimum of equipment, and earnings can amount to more than a million rubles with the right approach and thoughtful organization.

Besides, this type business will not just be an opportunity to make money on garbage, but also a project to save the environment. After all, recycling waste contributes to the conservation of forests as much as possible. And almost no special knowledge or financial investment is required.

Prospects and relevance

Organizing a business for collecting recyclable materials is considered quite profitable for several reasons:

  1. IN European countries About 80% of garbage is recycled; in our country this figure is only slightly more than 10%.
  2. This business niche is still almost unoccupied.
  3. By recycling various used materials, deforestation, extraction of valuable metals and other natural resources can be significantly reduced.
  4. The state in every possible way promotes the development of such businesses and provides many tax benefits and additional financing, which has obvious benefits for the beginning entrepreneur.

To begin with, it is enough to open a recycling collection point and conduct a competent advertising campaign. It is important to convey to the consciousness of our compatriots that handing over garbage is not a sign of poverty, but a contribution to preserving the earth’s resources and saving the environment.

It is worth noting that so far competition in this business segment is at a very low level. In almost every city you can organize income from recyclable materials without effort. And even special knowledge and no skills required. This is very interesting and promising idea for beginners.

Types of waste

It is worth clarifying what secondary raw materials are. This is almost all the used material that we throw in the trash, but it can be recycled. If sorted different kinds waste and hand it over to the appropriate collection points, then from there they will be sent back to plants and factories, where it will be possible to create various types of goods.

It is interesting to note that one average person throws out up to 400 kg of garbage per year. Most of from it is available for recycling. Obviously, the business of receiving and reselling waste will be very promising and profitable.

Let us briefly list the most popular types of recyclable materials today.

Car tires

According to statistics, about 950,000 tons of old and used tires are thrown away in Russia every year. Most of them are buried or burned. But with them it would be possible to get crumb rubber, which is several times cheaper than synthetic rubber. IN last years The demand for this type of material is growing rapidly.

But when collecting recyclable materials, you need to pay attention to ensure that the waste complies with GOST 8407-89. In this case, the tires are visually inspected and evaluated. They must be clean, with intact sides. Tires with spikes, made from mixed materials with metal or on rims are not accepted.


Ever since Soviet times, everyone remembers mass gatherings waste paper in schools, kindergartens and other institutions. Indeed, printed materials, notebooks, magazines and various documents are simply thrown away over time. And if properly processed, they can be reused, significantly reducing the consumption of fresh wood.

If you want to do business in, then pay attention to GOST 10700-97, which the accepted waste must comply with. Paper can be used to make various containers, corrugated cardboard packaging, linoleum, insulating materials, napkins, disposable medical underwear, etc.

When sorting this type of waste, one should distinguish between:

  • first class raw material – white high-quality writing paper;
  • the second – books, magazines, brochures and other printed materials;
  • the third is newspaper mass, posters, announcements.

Scrap metal

Divided into black and colored. This type of business using recyclable materials is considered the most profitable, but requires additional efforts to organize and slightly larger investments. So, in order to open a point for receiving such waste, you need to obtain a license and permit.

The activities of the enterprise will be regulated by the following Resolutions:

  1. On licensing of storage, procurement and processing No. 1287 of 2012.
  2. On the management of scrap and non-ferrous metal waste No. 370 of 2001.

When collecting material from the population or from organizations, it is necessary to draw up acceptance certificates and conduct preliminary control of waste for explosiveness and radioactivity. To do this, you will need to purchase specialized equipment.


Up to 65% pure metal can be recovered from old batteries and accumulators. Thanks to this, after processing them, manufacturers produce new products without spending Natural resources.

In this type of business, you will also need to obtain a license, since batteries belong to the third and fourth hazard classes. The operation of the enterprise will be regulated by separate federal laws No. 89-FZ and No. 99-FZ. When collecting old batteries, you need to neutralize them, that is, drain the electrolytes.

PET bottles

Various polymer wastes include many. It is worth noting that such material is almost completely recyclable. It is used to make disposable tableware, bags, packaging and much more.

There is a significant difference in the prices set for this type of recyclable materials: landfill waste goes to more, but cost significantly less than household ones. When receiving it, it is important to pay attention to their cleanliness and sort them according to the shade of plastic, as well as immediately remove labels and stickers from them.


If previously the most popular thing was to accept whole bottles for reuse, today greater demand occurs on cullet. Unique shapes and custom glass products have become quite popular, but they are difficult to reuse. But from broken dishes you can create window frames, various decorative decorations, etc.

If there are certain factories in your region, for example, those producing beer, you can make good money on bottles of the appropriate shape. The focus of this type of business is largely determined by the specific demand in nearby industries.

Computer scrap

Please note that with the growth of the computer industry, various parts from this type of equipment are increasingly ending up in landfills. And such waste is in great demand.

When opening a collection point for recyclable materials, in this case, special licenses are required, and it is also advisable to register with the Assay Office, since some of the computer parts contain precious metals.

You can download it here for free as a sample.


Like any other type of business, an enterprise for receiving recyclable materials must be officially registered. To do this, it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur, which will require low costs and a minimal list of documents.

When choosing OKVED, it is important to pay attention to the type of waste that you will collect, since the code is different in each case. The most profitable tax system is considered to be a patent one. Make sure you have the appropriate licenses if you are going to deal with hazardous recyclables or scrap metal.

What will you need?

Depending on the chosen specifics, you need to decide on the required equipment. Organizing the collection of waste paper is considered the simplest and cheapest. To do this you only need to purchase:

  • scales;
  • press;
  • truck.

To save on initial costs, you can use used equipment.

But when choosing a warehouse, it is advisable to focus on the following criteria:

  1. Renting on the outskirts of the city will be much more profitable. And the regulatory services will look there less often.
  2. The proximity of residential areas most often turns out to be a strong advantage, since families often accumulate paper, computer parts, plastic bottles and other waste. And if you put ready-made containers for sorting waste in your yards, and also hang up advertisements about a nearby recycling collection point, then the material will be collected very quickly.
  3. The size of the warehouse must be sufficient to store recyclable materials and largely depends on its type.
  4. The room must be kept dry, especially if paper is to be kept there.
  5. With a limited amount of funds, you can start a business from your own garage and small volumes collected waste.
  6. For sorting at the collection point, it is advisable to allocate sufficient space for primary processing accepted recyclables.

Staff and suppliers

You can collect waste yourself, but it is very difficult, since you need to monitor different stages of work:

  • acceptance of recyclable materials;
  • advertising and search for regular suppliers;
  • sales organization.

Since this type of activity does not require special knowledge and professionalism, it is enough to hire ordinary workers. It is much more important to pay attention to constant relationships with suppliers of recyclable materials. All waste can come from different sources:

  1. Government agencies.
  2. The shops.
  3. Retail networks.
  4. Private population.
  5. Catering establishments.
  6. From wipers, etc.

Here, a lot depends on the chosen type of recyclable materials that you want to deal with.

Sales channels

No less important is the stage of finding clients, that is, to whom you will sell the collected material. You can focus on:

  • large plants and factories, industries that are interested in receiving certain waste for processing;
  • resellers.

In the first case, the requirements for cleanliness, sorting and storage of recyclable materials will be significantly higher and poor quality product the price may drop significantly. The second option involves a simpler and faster sale of the collected material at a low cost, regardless of quality.


You can make good money by buying and selling waste. The profitability of this type of business is estimated at 20-25% and within a year or two the entrepreneur reaches a net profit. It is much more promising and profitable to engage in processing immediately.

True, for this you will need to purchase enough expensive equipment– a full-fledged automated line. But the investment will quickly pay for itself, since finished goods it is sold easier and much more expensive than tons of recyclable materials.

For example, with modern high-quality recycling of waste paper using special equipment can be released:

  1. Office paper.
  2. Some Construction Materials, for example, for insulation.
  3. Fabrics.
  4. Accessories for cars.
  5. Disposable tableware.
  6. Personal hygiene products.
  7. Printing products.

Financial calculations

We will try to show in numbers the advantages of this type of business. The cheapest option is to collect and sell waste paper.

For example, if in a month you purchase about 20 tons of waste paper from the population at a cost of 500 rubles/t, and then resell it to factories or buyers for 2000 rubles/t, you will earn a net profit of 30 thousand rubles. This means you can recoup your investment in just six months.

If we talk about the organization processing plant, then the initial investment will be more significant - about 2 million rubles. They will return much later, but this type of business will be promising in the sense that finished products costs significantly more than any type of recyclable material.

Video: 7 business ideas for recycling recyclable materials.